fcxrcin · 3 months
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"Let's see, I usually go for something light and fluffy. It's airy when you bite into it and it's not heavy. You know what I mean?" She gestures to one of the pastries, "Like eating something heavy is going to make you feel sluggish and, well, heavy."
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shuttersnaps · 11 months
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#SHUTTERSNAPS. beauty captured, immortalised!
ind. sel. mutuals and 20+ only TODD SNAP from pkmn. carrd in pinned. like ( ♥ ) or reblog ( ↺ ) this post and i'll check you out!
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lacklustres · 10 months
WHERE TO FIND ME ! — aka. oddity has too many blogs
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@lacklustres — larry (scarvio) — MUSE LEVEL: low-to-medium.
@redchaind — cyrus (dppt / bdsp) — MUSE LEVEL: low.
@unrival — leon (swsh) — MUSE LEVEL: high.
@oaksome — gary oak (semi-ani based, timeskip) — MUSE LEVEL: high.
@venerates — trio of pkmn ocs — MUSE LEVEL: high.
@entraps — gale dekarios (bg3 canon character input into pkmn) — MUSE LEVEL: medium.
@shuttersnaps — todd (snap) — MUSE LEVEL: low.
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keep in mind the muse levels will oscillate depending on a variety of factors; this is contemporary as of the 16th of nov. if we're mutuals, you're welcome to ask privately for my discord !
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bondedtrauma · 2 years
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             ❝   oh  ,  uhm  --  excuse me  ?    ❞    she    taps    the    girl    on   the    shoulder    ,    a    soft    smile    forming    in    an    attempt    to    encourage    her    awkward    greeting    .    ❝    you came in here last week looking for a book  ,  right  . . .  ??  it finally came in  !  i’ve been holding it in the back for you  .  would you still like it  ?    ❞
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            @shuttersnapped​    /     ❤ ‘ d .
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shutter-snap · 3 years
“ Over the last few days, Todd has probably noticed the strange figure tailing him from afar. Not doing anything in particular; just watching, observing. How strange. Surely they aren't doing anything nefarious, though! :) ”  -- from @valsharesses​ !
To the initial irritation of some of his friends, Todd is no stranger to following Pokemon-- and any humans they might be with-- in order to get the shots he needs. He is not familiar, however, with the sensation of being followed in turn; it’s taken him a while to notice that one particular stranger seems to keep showing up wherever he goes, and longer still to realize that that’s due to more than just coincidence.
Curiosity has completely overtaken him, and after taking a few (subtle) pictures of his tail, Todd finally decides to confront them. He’s not mad-- it’d be rather hypocritical of him to be-- but he does want to find out what about him has caught this person’s attention.
“Hey,” he says, waving as he approaches the figure. Their large black cloak catches his eye immediately, but when he gets close enough to notice more about the person themself, including the way their ears extend deep into the shadows of their hood, he’s surprised to realize that he’s never seen anyone quite like them before. They must be from some other world... that’s so cool!
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“I’ve seen you following me around recently.” He’s blunt, but his tone is light and friendly. “I’m Todd. Is there something I can do for you?”
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rxsurgcnt · 3 years
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“Todd,” She calls for his attention when she sees him taking pictures of what looks to be some little critters. They look like bugs, but she’s never seen those kind before. Anyway, she gestures for him to come closer as she pulls out a framed picture, “I finally finished it up.” A painting of the view from Fibonacci ward. She hopes that he enjoys the water painting art.
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corvidconniver · 3 years
@shutter-snap liked.
VIII. //     “can i help you?” comes the irritated question from between grit teeth.  something in this park has set the detective on edge, and he banks on the idea of some idiot with a camera traipsing around as good a source of ire as any.  goro sits ramrod straight, glowering down the other young man with every ounce of intimidating energy in his being, to the point where loki actually slips up from his shadow, tiny wisps of blue flame coalescing around the eyesore of a figure.
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memoraium · 3 years
the view certainly was worth the excited chatter she’d heard before making her way up here. though she’d declined to dance amongst the clouds ( quite literally, as it turned out ), xion was content to lean over the edge of the castle’s battlement and admire the view of the city from up so high. even if she wasn’t particularly excited about being in the city she could still admire the view, she supposed.
she is so absorbed in the scene below her ( it reminded her of the clocktower, how high she was and how small everything else seemed, how insignificant ) that she doesn’t notice that she’s joined by someone until she hears the CLICK of a camera. it startles her out of her reverie and she instinctively covers her face, forgetting momentarily that she not only doesn’t have one at the moment but that she’s also wearing a full face mask.
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❝ ah, sorry! ❞ she says after a moment, realizing that the camera was not pointed at her at all, but rather at a nearby creature that she can’t name. ❝ force of habit... ! ❞ she bows slightly in apology. eager to avert the attention from her blunder, she stammers, ❝ do you, uh, usually take photos of creatures? ❞
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don’t mind her, she’s camera shy @shutter-snap​
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rocketkojiro · 3 years
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❝      Does   taking   pictures   of   pokemon   really   make   you   happy?   Is   that   really   a   lucrative   career?   Or   do   you   do   it   because   you   enjoy   it?   Do   you   sell   them   as...prints?   For   companies   to   use?      ❞
@shutter-snap​  || starter call
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ibaaraa · 3 years
@shutter-snap ♥’d for a starter!
While a part of her wanted to spend more time exploring the city, today she finds in a more familiar location: on an aimless stroll by the edge of a forest. She wasn’t sure what brought her here; maybe it was a on a whim, to spend some time alone in nature. Or perhaps longing for the aimless, peaceful days she had in Gensokyo...
Regardless of the reason, if she even had one, she was here now: so she might as well make the best of it! 
And thus, Koishi spends the next few hours wandering through the trees, watching the wildlife as they go by their lives, and occasionally stopping to observe the fauna. For once, since arriving here, her mind feels at peace. Being occupied in the nothingness, however, she isn’t paying attention to her surroundings at all and oh-! 
With a tiny yelp, she trips over a branch, tumbles into the bushes and rolls right across! A flurry of leaves and flowers scatter into the wind in her wake and she hears the scuttering of something ( a small animal perhaps? ) fleeing. Eventually, she looks up to see a figure... a person? 
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A silly grin is on her face despite the fall, herself being quite amused by her predicament. “Did I interrupt something?”
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minxiebutt · 6 years
Happy birthday, Mike!
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“So this is love?”
Look, they’re cute together, alright?! Not really much else to add here, I’ve just had this idea in my head for a bit (✿◠‿◠)
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endlesscacophony · 2 years
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@shuttersnapped​ said: 'hey, ashe ??'  ryan's quiet as she sits next to him, voice sounding about as tired as she feels these days.  the war has taken a toll on them all, of that she has no doubt.  'do you ever think about what you're gonna do when the war's over ??'  there's a beat of pause as she fiddles with the string on her bow.  'i mean, it's gotta end sometime, right ??'
War had indeed taken it’s toll on everyone, it was apparent in the morale of the entirety of Garreg Mach, of all of those who marched into battle with them. The people, while invigorated with the apparent revival of Dimitri, were still growing weary with everything going on, with the current bleak outlook. Ashe tried to do everything he could, tried to cook meals that were warm and comforting, ones that were reminiscent of his own home and hopefully would remind others of theirs as well.
But a cooked meal with sparing rations were not always comforting when faced with the horrors they dealt with every day.
“Ryan, hey -” One such meal and it’s clean up had just been concluded when his fellow archer and comrade in arms sat beside him, her usual glittering demeanor was even dampened by everything going on. Her question though, caused him to pause, to think and possibly dream of a future beyond this war, beyond the terrors that it wrought.
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“Head back to Gaspard territory,” He raised a fist to tap at his chin in thought, “Join my brother and sister in the manor and resume position over the territory, I’d suppose. Being the eldest heir of Lord Lonato, adopted or otherwise, would mean that they are currently without a lord.” Never a title Ashe thought he would ever gain, the loss of Christophe and Lonato came so quickly it was never something he stopped to consider.
Regardless, he waved a hand, “That’s if they’d even allow someone like me in a position like that,” His laugh was half hearted at best, he knew his position of a commoner all too well, surely he would meet friction if he were to just take the position with no say to the contrary.
Looking to her now, Ashe placed his hand on her shoulder in a reassuring manor, his smile growing warm, more genuine, more caring as he nodded at her, “One day we’ll see the end of this war, we just have to believe it and keep working every day to make it so.” It’s as Lonato always said and as he often read in the fanciful knight stories about Loog and his allies, there was no use in hope if there was no action backing it up. They would stop this, one day.
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“But what about you? Where would you be off to after all of this?”
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shutter-snap · 3 years
A slight wince is Todd’s only apology as he slams open Barry’s door with far more force than is strictly necessary; his friend might lack the cultural context needed to fully understand Todd’s excitement over his latest discovery, but the photographer is sure that Barry will at least be intrigued enough by the new shots to forget all about being startled by this forceful and unannounced entrance.
“I’ve got big news,” he explains, his Pokemon Report already in hand. He's a little out of breath from booking it to Barry’s so soon after editing and printing, but he seems too full of energy to care. Even the sight of the other man’s lab coat and the brief thought that he might have interrupted something important isn’t enough to slow Todd down; his friend will want to see this, he’s sure of it. It’s the culmination of his report, the sort of startling, magnificent find that just can’t wait.
“There’s a Pokemon here that’s really, really rare. I captured it once before, but honestly, I never thought I’d see it again after that-- I can’t believe it’s just been hanging out in the city!”
He lays out the photo binder, flipping to a new section filled with photographs of a light pink creature with large, bright blue eyes. The creature floats effortlessly in the air, framed by a soft sunset glow that appears almost ethereal where it touches the Pokemon.
Todd half-glances up for a moment as Barry settles in beside him to take a look. The white flash of his friend’s coat and the familiar, triumphant feeling of returning to the lab with the sort of photo that no one else has ever gotten before-- that no one else could ever get-- makes nostalgia settle heavy and warm in his chest.
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“So what do you think, Professor?”
@redlichbluelich​ !
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rxsurgcnt · 3 years
“You look nice,” Hopefully she hasn’t startled him when approaching silently beside him. She’s been watching the crowd, but she briefly spares Todd a glance, smiling with her eyes before those same gaze are back on the crowd. 
“How are you feeling?”
She feels it’s been a moment since she last saw Todd. The last time....THE last time she saw him, he had so many questions. He had been worried for her when he should have been worried for himself after that interaction. When she had gotten that text she knew he was targeted. 
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She’s still sorry for putting him in danger like that. 
“Are you staying safe?”
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bondedtrauma · 2 years
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            the blue lions were royal suck - ups.    she    never    cared    for    dimitri    ,    nor   his    followers    .    she    couldn’t    imagine    how    someone    would    end    up    in    such    a    class    ━━      while    sekiko    didn’t    often    say    it    ,    she    was    very    glad    she    was    placed    with    the    black    eagles    .    edelgard    and    herself    remain    the    closest    compared    to    the    rest    of    her    peers    .    she    raises    a    brow   as    the    girl    sits    down    before    her    .    sekiko    scans    her    appearance    ,    and    then    the    food    upon    her    plate    .    it’s   practically    unrecognizable    .    sekiko    ,    who    doesn’t    look    to     others    ,    is    actually    worrying    about   the    girl’s    health    .    ❝    is it  . . .  alive  ?    ❞   she    asks    ,    pointing    her    fork    at    the    dish    .    ❝    which cook did you piss off  ?    ❞
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              @shuttersnapped​    /   ilu.
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