#shura x saga
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capristormcloud · 1 month ago
Me: this Saga x Shura fanfic is too complicated for me to write now, let's start a simple PWP.
Me: there's only one bed and there's hurt/comfort and they're stuck in a snowy cabin and maybe go to a hot spring, SURELY we'll get some action quickly.
Me: *staring at 18 pages of 2 idiots either awkwardly talking to each other or awkwardly NOT talking to each other and having embarrassing sex dreams but getting absolutely NOWHERE* ;_;
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capristormcloud · 2 years ago
Thank you for this great piece @midostree-art ! I was inspired by this YCH for my current favourite Saint Seiya pairing, aka, Gold idiots with crushes they have no clue how to pursue.
I like to imagine that Shura had a massive crush on Saga before the whole Pope thing. To me it fits in well with the fact that Shura played along with the whole Saga-as-Pope ploy, going so far as to kill another Gold Saint without stopping to question it. He was definitely blinded by something when these events unfolded, and admiration for/loyalty to Saga seems like a good motivation.
As for Saga... I'm sure the Lemur didn't give him much freedom re: what he felt for other people and/or what he could do about it. But possibly, in a rare moment, he felt something for Shura too...
Anyhow yeah I always end up shipping rarepairs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(obviously I mentally adjust canon ages somewhat, because... well, Kurumada's ages for the Gold Saints are bonkers)
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Shura and Saga YCH commission for @capristormcloud Thank you! ✨
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vanisketches · 6 months ago
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Girls & girls & girls...
The process video will come out another hour!
Reblogs > Likes
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ladyanakim · 1 month ago
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Nació en Larissa, Grecia, junto a su hermano gemelo: Kanon.
Nació el 30 de mayo de 1958.
Saga es mayor que Kanon por cinco minutos.
Era hijo de un abogado y de una ama de Casa.
Su nombre real es : Alexander Onassis "Saga".
Fue Bautizado como "Saga" por Shion de Aries.
Su madre murió en el parto.
Su padre murió en un accidente Aéreo, un mes antes de su nacimiento.
Es diestro.
Es bisexual.
Tiene un lunar en su dedo índice.
Veía a Shion de Aries como un padre, y aunque no quería matarlo, sus celos y su ira pudieron más.
Saber leer y escribir en cinco idiomas: Francés, Alemán, Italiano, Griego, Latin.
Estaba estudiado Español e Sueco, para conocer más a Shura y Afrodita.
Cuido durante unos años a Camus de Acuario, Shaka de Virgo y Mü de Aries, cuando estos llegado a Santuario, a la edad de tres años.
No se le da bien la cocina, aunque no cocina mal.
Su comida favorita es el Gyros y Crossaint.
Su bebida favorita es el Vodka.
Tenía un gran aprecio por Aioros de Sagitario, lo veía como su hermano menor.
Adora Aioria y a Milo, por lo que cuando mato a Aioros, se sintió terrible por Aioria, por que le habia quitado a su hermano mayor.
Fue el primer amigo de Camus de Acuario y Shura de Capricornio.
Tuvo un breve crush con una de las doncellas que lo ayudaba en su templo.
Ama a Kanon, pero le molestaba que fuera tan descuidado.
adoraba pasear con Kanon por el Santuario, cuando no tenía entrenamiento.
Su libro favorito es la vuelta a mundo en 80 días.
Le gusta tocar el Violín y el piano.
Estudio en el Santuario, teniendo una educación excelente.
Su materia favorita era las ciencias y las matemáticas.
Veía a Afrodita de Piscis, Death mask de Cáncer y Shura de Capricornio como sus hermanos menores.
Sí estaba enamorado de Camus desde que ambos era niños de 7 y 15 años.
Tuvo una relación extraña con Camus, ya que era de amor, deseo y celos entremezclados.
Amo muchísimo a Camus, tanto que lo envío a entrenar a Siberia, para que Ares no abusada de él cuando era un preadolescente.
Ver a Hyoga y Isaac como sus hijos adoptivos.
Siempre se reprocho por hacerle caso a Ares y matar a Aioros.
Cuando Hades le ofreció vida temporal, para obtener la cabeza de Athena, fingió aceptar la propuesta para entregar la armadura de Athena a lado de Shura y Camus.
Aprecia a Milo de Escorpio y Aldebaran de Tauro pero se pone celoso, cuando Milo se acerca a Camus de más.
Su mejor amigo fue Aioros de Sagitario.
Tiene remordimientos por que mato a Su padre adoptivo Shion de Aries y manipulo a Shura de Capricornio, Afrodita de Piscis y Dm de Cáncer.
Aprecia a Shaka de Virgo y Mü de Aries como hermanos menores.
Veía a Dohko de Libra como un tío.
Ama a Kanon a pensar de pelearse con él, lo respeta como hermano.
Si viviera fuera Blink y VIP.
su canción favorita es : Amor eterno.
Su película favorita es : La vida es bella y la lista de Schindler.❤️‍🔥
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straykidsnerd255 · 2 years ago
Hi I just want you to know that I love all your headcanons. How would all the classic gold Saints (ft. Kanon) react to their s/o having a Erza scarlet past (The tower of heaven past as a child)? Thank you in advance.
Of course! Unfortunately, I won’t do all 13 in one request. I will split it and do 4 right now. If you would like to request a pt 2 you are more than welcome to request a part 2. I have learned I get burned out faster when I do more than 3-4 characters at a time.
When he found you, you were covered in old scars and wounds. 
He brought you back to the Sanctuary and helped tend to your wounds. 
Saga was an inquisitive man and wanted to know what had happened to you but he wouldn’t push you. Not when you looked so terrified.
One day, you opened up and told him everything about your past. 
Saga was beyond pissed.
Finding out they were all dead and gone made him feel better.
You and Kanon have been dating for 3 years now and he has never learned about your past. 
When you finally told him about your past, he was angry. Beyond pissed. 
He wanted to find this tower of heaven and rip it to shreds. 
You told him that it was no longer there and that it was torn down when the last of the people in charge died. 
After you told him everything, Kanon refused to let you leave his side. 
He made sure to tell you how much he loved you and how much you meant to him. You were so grateful to Kanon. 
You and Shaka have been dating for less than 2 years when you told him about your past. 
That was the first time you had seen his eyes. 
He was pissed. He could see the bruises and scars all along your body when you were changing shirts. 
“This tower doesn’t exist anymore right?” He asked.
You reassured him that the tower no longer existed and that the people that had hurt you were no longer alive.
You finally felt comfortable telling Shura about your past. However, you didn’t expect him to react like he did.
He was currently plotting revenge but you stopped him by telling him that the tower was gone and everyone that had forced you and others to build it was gone as well. 
Shura, knowing that it would bring up unwanted memories, asked if he could see the scars and wounds that you had been given.
You showed him the wounds, even though your heart was pounding in your chest and you were reminded of the pain you suffered. 
His hands ran over the markings that littered your back. He was gentle and when one made your body jump, he would lean down and kiss it. 
“You are safe now. Nothing like this will happen to you again.”
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theshiki · 2 years ago
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A mí me gusta shippear a Aioros con Saga o Shura, pero en mi búsqueda de fics de ellos o dónde Aioros tenga algo de protagonismo es curioso que con quienes más lo emparejan son estos tres. Supongo que es porque tiene más interacción con ellos que con otros. Los pocos fics que vi que no fueran con estas parejas fueron con Hades, Hypnos, Zeus y Aiacos.
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floaromaxtowns · 3 months ago
StS x Pokemon AU brainstorming stuff
Now I'll have to publicly share some flow of thoughts rambles, I've been accumulating for an year now.
Bless @ectogusher for listening to my rambles, and @doodlingwren for busting my door open to finally share what I got.
Excuse me as I talk in my notes as if these things were like a guide/romhack shit
All under read more bc it gets long c:
Here's the main skeleton of this whole deal-
Sanctuary = Its own region. No new fakemons, but it's a sizeable piece of land that has gathered up a wide variety of various species found across the globe. This worldwide thing also influences the type of trainers and people from all over the world going there. If we were to touch on the subject of game mechanics: There would be most of them (Mega evolutions, terastalise, Dynamax even Paradox pokemon forms) further showing how mysterious and mythical this region is.
PC - Seiya / Shoko Rivals - Seiya -> The other bronze boys / Shoko ->The other saintias
With Ikki being the Silver-esque type of rival, meanwhile Shiryu/Hyoga/Shun all follow the same line of friendly rival archetype. I still haven't thought that far on the Shoko route.
Other prominent NPCs:
Professor Shion: Former gym leader, he was once offered the champion title but refused it. Claiming that his passion was in research and studies, rather than the battlefield. Due to stepping down from battles, his friendship/relationship with Dohko has strained over time. Shion is the one who brought Mu to Sanctuary down the line.
Schoolkid Kiki: Catching Tutorial NPC. He can be usually found at the Pokemon School in Mu's city. He will inherit Mu's mantle down the line. The pokemon he uses in the tutorial is a Noibat;
League Chairwoman Saori Kido - With Julien Solo and Hades coming in as other seemingly "investors" on the project
Gym leaders: Most of these guys' aces aren't fully evolved, bc they chose to keep them like that. Yadda yadda friendship boosting their favorites.
Mu: Sinnoh - Dragon - Dragonair
Aldebaran: Hoenn - Ground - Rhydon
Saga/Kanon: Alola - Water - Gyarados (Saga)/Kingdra (Kanon)
Deathmask: Kalos - Dark - Murkrow
Aiolia: Sanctuary (native) - Electric - Electabuzz
Shaka: Kanto - Psychic - Alakazam
Dohko: Johto - Fighting - Mienshao
Milo: Unova - Bug - Volcarona
Elite fours:
Aiolos: Sanctuary - Fire - Charizard
Shura: Galar - Steel - Metagross
Camus: Sinnoh - Ice - ? (Either Froslass or Glaceon)
Aphrodite: Paldea - Poison - Roserade
Champion - ??? (the plot twist is that: the PC wouldn't fight the 3rd gym leader, bc Saga was pretending to be the champion. When he really wasn't chosen or appointed to that position)
Evil organisations: They definetely do exist, and they are obviously tied to the aforementioned Julien and Hades figures. But I still haven't thought that far.
Worldbuilding notes:
Muvians are similar to draconids (introduced in ORAS), a small tribe that originates from Sinnoh and has some deep connections and bonds to dragon types. Which means, any muvian = dragon type specialist or in the very least owns one. Muvians are also meant to have a foot in aura sensitivity (see characters like Lucario, Riley, etc.);
Sanctuary's League has a rampant corruption problem, as seen by what I mentioned about Saga. The two evil organisations are basically being pitched against one another, as smokescreen for the real problem. Their current champ is this sort of "elusive" figure. There hasn't been a proper champion in a long time. And yet, according to paperwork and the system, it states that the role is currently filled by someone. Anyone that isn't tied to Saga's schemes is left in the shadows, even those that allegedly should be the closest to him (Aiolos for SURE has no clue of what's going on. He's probably hiding or declared missing in action during the events, and only shows up when the time comes to challenge the E4).
There's a small timeline:
ND folks (a good few years into the past) -> Classic folks -> Omega folks (+20 years into the future)
In ND's setting we see how odd and hapharzadly the League was instated in the region. Which sets up the perfect grounds for Saga to exploit down the line;
Shion and Dohko are recently turned gym leader here. Mu comes onto the picture a good few years after ND's events; In a way, since Tenma would be the PC here and Alone his rival. It could be the Red vs Blue type of ordeal.
In Omega we'd see how the League is trying to remedy its reputation & amend for Saga's schemes, with an entirely new set of gym leaders and League members. + Former league members can still be found and fought in the post game, Silver/Gold style.
Individual notes:
Mu - Obligatory pokemon Aldemu food
Mu used to own a Gible and Alde once owned a Trapinch, at some point they traded pokemon. So now, Alde has a Garchomp in his personal team and Mu has a Flygon;
Mu's battle team against young trainers has a Swablu, which is used as a messenger to carry mail exchanges between him and Alde;
Mu LOVES pokemon dolls and has a huge collection of it. In the post-game: PC can find Mu and Alde on a date at the region's big mall, with them looking at a shop's display window. Mu gets mad at PC for ruining his date, but would give out his pokegear number;
Aldebaran -
Aldebaran gym's city is also where the pokemon day-care can be found. He may not run it, but he often helps out the elderly couple currently in charge of it;
In the post-game: After adding Mu's re-match call number. Alde can ba found on the route between his and Mu's towns, he was on his way to take a meal for him, and he also shares with PC that they bought the doll in the end
Saga/Kanon -
PC doesn't really get to fight for the 3rd gym badge. Rather, it's simply handed out by Kanon, who approaches them to talk about how the leader hasn't been seen in so long;
Saga's "fall from grace" comes from a humiliating match against Aiolos, originally fighting for the E4 member promotion which he lost. Despite the clear type advantage;
It's left implied that these two were meant to be gym leaders, the matches would have been double battles.
Deathmask -
DM gym's city houses a Game corner (Casino) and a contest hall. First sighting of an E4 member is Aphrodite, who introduces PC to them;
DM is a sore loser AND has no qualms with cheating against his challengers, if it means he gets to maintain his "streak". In the battle against PC he would use an overleveled Crawdaunt;
In the post-game: PC will get a hint from Shaka's radio talkshow mentioning DM's whereabouts, in the city's underground game corner;
DM's strength is everything philosophy = DM's entire personal team consists of very strong dark types with some form of 4x weakness;
DM is well in kahoots with Saga's schemes;
Aiolia - TBA I haven't thought anything for him c':
Shaka -
Shaka gym's city is meant to be the largest and the most advanced one (Saffron and Goldenrod cities style), it has the region's largest shop for expensive and important items. It also has a radio tower, which broadcasts various programs (professor talk, loterry ticket, poke flute, etc), Shaka hosts a talk show where he commentates on PC's progress, all while actively putting down/poking fun at his defeated colleagues. Under specific time slots, he will have a guest join him, which will be an exchange between the various league's members. But the most important one is where he will be joined by the region's "champion";
Shaka is a fan-favorite across several trainers in the region, with many NPCs commentating how much they love tuning in to hear him talk & so on;
Shaka is also well known for his psychci prowess (Sabrina style);
Shaka is also deeply involved in Saga's schemes;
Dohko -
Dohko gym's city also houses the pokéathlon. With Dohko going undefeated in all the challenges, until PC comes along;
Post-game: to get Dohko's number for rematches. PC has to visit Shion after obtaining a certain number of species then, take a mail key item to Dohko. And THEN they get Dohko's number. it's a love letter, an invitation for some tea at noon
Milo - TBA I haven't thought anything for him c':
And "unfortunately", that's all I got x)
I suppose this is a lot better than trying to find all my notes scattered around all over the place. Hope it makes sense or that in the very least, it's fun to read through.
RN I focused on the classic folks bc it's the one I've been working and thinking of for the longest time.
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tiny-garl · 11 months ago
MANGÁS Manga Haul 2021 Primeiras compras 2024 [First manga haul 2024] Mangá com brilho na capa 🎵 Mangá página colorida 🎵
ORIGINAIS [ORIGINALS] CdZ e seus spoilers Mu trocando o Kiki por outra criança Cavaleiros de Ouro na terapia [filtro tiktok]
ÁUDIOS TIKTOK [TIKTOK SOUNDS] Susto Kurumada criando Hyoga
SÉRIE CLÁSSICA [CLASSIC ANIME] CdZ e seus spoilers [og] Susto 🎵 Kurumada criando Hyoga 🎵
ALMA DE OURO [SOUL OF GOLD] Mu trocando o Kiki por outra criança [og]
THE LOST CANVAS Mangá página colorida 🎵 Mangá com brilho na capa 🎵
SHIRYU 🐉 CdZ e seus spoilers
HYOGA 🦢 Susto 🎵 Shun x Hyoga na Casa de Libra 🎵 Camus mãe do Hyoga 🎵
SHUN ⛓🔗 Shun x Hyoga na Casa de Libra 🎵
IKKI 🐦 Shun x Hyoga na Casa de Libra 🎵 Ikki salvando o dia 🎵 Ikki no seu dia mais tolerante 🎵
MU Mu na Saga de Hades 🎵 Mu se encostarem no Kiki 🎵
ALDEBARAN Cavaleiros de Ouro na terapia [og/filtro]
SAGA Kanon ☠ Athena 🎵 Saga/Camus/Shura 'essas p0rras desses carangueijos' 🎵 Saga no seu dia menos perturbado 🎵
KANON Cavaleiros de Ouro na terapia [og/filtro]
MÁSCARA DA MORTE [Death Mask] Cavaleiros de Ouro na terapia [og/filtro] Mu na Saga de Hades 🎵
AIOLIA Cavaleiros de Ouro na terapia [og/filtro]
SHAKA Shaka & Taylor Swift 🎵
DOHKO [Mestre Ancião] Cavaleiros de Ouro na terapia [og/filtro]
MILO Cavaleiros de Ouro na terapia [og/filtro] Camus e Milo 🎵
AIOLOS Cavaleiros de Ouro na terapia [og/filtro]
SHURA Cavaleiros de Ouro na terapia [og/filtro] Saga/Camus/Shura 'essas p0rras desses carangueijos' 🎵
CAMUS Eu defendendo as M do Camus em SoG 🎵 Camus e Milo 🎵 Saga/Camus/Shura 'essas p0rras desses carangueijos' 🎵 Camus mãe do Hyoga 🎵
AFRODITE Cavaleiros de Ouro na terapia [og/filtro] Mu na Saga de Hades 🎵
SHION Cavaleiros de Ouro na terapia [og/filtro] Mu na Saga de Hades 🎵
Julian Solo invejoso [og]
O Coxão do Zodíaco [og]
Shun chorando 🎵
Mangá página colorida 🎵
Painéis favoritos TLC #1
Hades e Poseidon 🔥🔥 🎵
Mu se encostarem no Kiki 🎵
Não temos Cavaleiros de Ouro 🎵
Feira do Livro UNESP 2024
Shun como Hades 🔥 🎵
Cavaleiros de Ouro na terapia [og/filtro]
Seiya vs Aldebaran 🎵
Eu criança tentando andar de olho fechado que nem o Shaka [og]
Ikki & Shun (Hades) 🎵
Memórias favoritas 🎵 [geral]
Mangá com brilho na capa 🎵
Coleção CdZ 🎵
Kanon ☠ Athena 🎵
Kanon melhor que Saga? 🎵
Shun 'I cry but I'm so productive' 🎵
Kanon como Mestre do Santuário [og]
Hades 🥵🔥 🎵
Time de futebol que eles seriam torcedores
Kanon & Poseidon 🎵
Ikki e Kanon [Poseidon] 🎵
Ikki salvando o dia 🎵
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meadowsw33t · 3 years ago
Renegade Gang
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Grab your partners cuz we're gonna dance the night away! Saga is with Shion but I'm debating which age Shion will be. Also take a good look at this because I'm about to royally screw up the coloring! I'm going to experiment with markers so why not draw something I'm super proud of just to destroy it??
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pinkhairandribbons · 5 years ago
How he would have sex with you – Classic Saint Seiya & The Lost Canvas
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Aries Mu
Mu is not the kind of person who would too extravagant things in bed. So, he would love to have you on his body, so he can feel all your skin, heart beating and breath. He would press you more on his chest during his climax, kissing your mouth deeply and passionately. With his hands, he would stroke your back and, when needed, move a lock of hair from you face, to have a better look at your pleased expression.
Aries Shion
Shion as well would be true to himself and would choose a simple but intimate position to make love with you. He loves to caress your cheek and kiss your forehead while making love with you, showing how much tenderness there is in your relation. He prefers to stay underneath you, so he could tighten your waist and back as he wants when he is coming, being able to watch you feeling the same at the same time.
Gemini Saga
The Gemini Gold Saint would be an attentive lover but, at the same time, also a little dominating. He would not hesitate to pick you up and have you as he pleases, showing his passion and his strength, but his genuine affection as well. He would kiss you deeply while his hands would gently squeezing your thighs and your back.
Gemini Aspros
Aspros also is the kind of men who want to be in control. So, he loves the feeling of you holding to his own tensed body, and craves for the emotions that only your legs wrapped around his waist can give to him. With one hand he would tighten your ass, while with the other he would hold the back of your head and watch you coming in his arms.
Virgo Shaka
The weaving and expansion of energy. Translated, having sex with the Virgo Gold Saint would be more a spiritual experience than an erotic act. He would hold you in his arms, safe inside you, and would deeply feel the moment the two of you are sharing. You would go with this flow of emotions, savouring the depth of your love, feeling like time has stopped.
Virgo Asmita
Asmita loves the feeling of your bodies skin to skin, the sensation conjured up by the warm of your most intimate part holding his own. You would indulge in his embrace as well, knowing that, with his hands wandering all over you body and with his slow pace, the Gold Saint of the sixth Temple can see right through you and your heart.
Libra Dohko
With no fear in expressing his feelings, Dohko would take you to his bed and start loving you in a very genuine way. He would let you laying under his toned body and, placed himself between your legs, would throw kisses all over your chest and stomach. When he feels he's reaching his climax, he would finally sink in your warm arms, kissing your trembling lips.
Scorpio Milo
Milo would not be able to control himself around you, and would probably pick you up and make you fall on the mattress with your spread legs. He would excite stroking your legs from the ankles to your thighs, leaning forward to kiss your stomach and breast. He loves as you fingers lightly touch his lower abdomen and trace his body until they can place a soft caress on his neck.
Scorpio Kardia
The view of your body on his bed and the warmth coming from your intimate core, would be enough to ignite the passion of the Scorpio Gold Saint. Kardia would be on you in a matter of second and would sink himself into you spreading your legs. He would not be too gentle, but he would not hurt you either. Conscious of the privileged point of view, he would devote himself to your pleasure, in order to admire your content smile.
Sagittarius Aiolos
Caring and tender, Aiolos would be the sweetest lover you could ever have in your bed. He would gently kneel behind you and, caressing your arms, breast and stomach, he would love you til you come before him. At the same time, he would enjoy the feeling of your fingers in his hair and your warm skin against his colder one.
Sagittarius Sisyphus
Sisyphus would gently take you in his arms, stroking you back with a soft touch, the same he would use handling a precious fragile china. He likes having you in front of him because of the sensation of your body nestling into his chest. This make you feel so protected and loved and consents to you both to experience the deepest intimacy.
Capricorn Shura
The Gold Saint of the tenth Temple would go for a simple and genuine position to show you how much he loves you. He would prefer to stand behind you, shielding you from everything which is not one of you two. He loves when you tilt the head on his shoulder, his hands on your chest and your hips, to keep your body tight against his own.
Capricorn El Cid
El Cid would be as well one of those men who wants to be in charge in every situation, also he prefers to stay steady on his feet with you in front of him, protected in his arms. He would kiss your shoulders making you shiver with his warm breath. His skilled hands would caress every inch of your skin, lingering on your soft chest. Your hands stroking his hair would encourage him to open up and express all his love for you.
Aquarius Camus
Despite his cold exterior, Camus would be quite passional while making love. He prefers to stay over you, since he really appreciate the view of your breast moving during your intercourse. He would support your waist effortlessly, reaching easily your lips with his mouth as well when he feels he needs more physical contact prior his climax.
Aquarius Degel
Degel's priority would be your pleasure of course but, at the same time, he would claim pleasure for himself as well. So, he would choose a position consenting him to have the perfect view of your body shivering with pleasure. He would help you coming with all his devotion, kneeling on your warm stomach and kissing you sensible skin.
Pisces Aphrodite
Aphrodite can feel pure satisfaction just looking at your coming expression. So, he would prefer a sex position which consents him to see your face all the time. He would hold to your waist, giving kisses to your breast and neck, whispering your name. At his climax, he would lastly sink his face in your chest, to hear your heart beating.
Pisces Albafica
After having overcome his blood related fears, Albafica would be a very tender lover. He would relax under your touch, feeling you hands caressing his shoulders and neck. He would as well try his best to please you and would share the exact same emotions just by looking at you reaching your climax.
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🌸 Thank you for reading 🌸
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rla1994 · 5 years ago
Surprise story!
Sanctuary was surprisingly calm. Mu was calmly walking to Athena's temple, Kiki running ahead of him.
"Master Mu! Hurry up or we're going to be late!"
Mu hummed, not pointing out that they already were. They passed through Pisces and finally they were at the doors of the last temple.
Double layers of walls and they could still hear all the noise from inside.
When Mu opened the doors the party was in full swing. Saints, Marinas and Specters alike were relaxing with a drink in their hands.
A bar and buffet tables occupied the right side of the room. Aldebaran was behind the bar along with Io, serving the drinks. He had also, with the help of Shura, Angelo, Kanon and a few others, prepared the food for the evening.
The left side had been made into a relaxing area. Sofas and couches were pushed against the wall, away from the music form the dancefloor that stood in the middle of the room.
Mu walked to the bar. He smiled at his old friend and neighbour while he ordered drinks for himself and Kiki. He gave his student his drink and watched as the young boy ran towards the opposite side of the room where Seiya and the other bronzes sat.
"Penny for your thoughts?" A deep rumbling voice said.
Aldebaran was smiling at him, drying a glass.
"I can't believe it's already been three years since we came back. It all seems so recent."
He could still vividly remember their resurrection, how Aiolia jumped into his brother's arms the moment he woke, how Kiki had done the same to him and he to his own master, Shion, how how Milo and Camus had embraced each other uncaring of their audience.
"I know. It feels like yesterday when we were fighting against the Specters and the Marinas. And look today, here we are celebrating together!" He laughed, openly expressing his happiness for the situation.
Although, tha Atlantian believed the bull's own partner was the main reason of that happiness.
Indeed not even four months after coming back, Aldebaran and Shaina started dating. Mu smiled as he thought of his fellow gold saints reactions upon hearing the news.
Aphrodite had nearly fainted. Shura, Camus and Angelo had frozen, not moving for 10 minutes. Milo and Aiolia had looked shocked and puzzled, repeatedly blinking and opening and closing their mouths. Aiolos, Saga and Shaka had simply congratulated the couple and wished them best.
In the end, they worked well together. Shaina's brash and unforgiving attitude helped the kind and gentle bull to gain self confidence while Aldebaran helped the Amazon relax and take a more gentle approach to life.
They weren't the only couple in the Sanctuary. Mu could spy a few of them as he looked around the room.
Saga and Aiolos were talking with Baian and Sorrento. They had restarted their relationship after the whole Aiolos dying and all that. They were happy together and if Shion was to be believed had been before.
Camus was enjoying a drink with Isaak and Hyoga, sitting on one of the many couches while Milo was going wild on the dancefloor.
Shion and Dokho were sharing old memories together with Saori who had regained some of her memories of her previous incarnations as Athena.
The Leo saint was fussing over a heavily pregnant Marin. They had finally gotten together and were expecting their first child. A little daughter, she was going to be very spoiled with eleven uncles.
There were others who were on their way to becoming a couple. Like Aphrodite who had not even 2 months ago confessed to Sorrento. From what Kanon had said, Sorrento had blushed a dark crimson before stuttering his, thankfully positive, answer.
Speaking of the Sea dragon, he was currently 'hiding' behind a column with a certain blond wyvern. It wasn't hard to guess what they were doing but alas, Mu couldn't blame them for their happiness.
An alarm suddenly rang notifying everyone that the time was nearly there and that it was time to step outside.
Everyone went out and waited for Athena, Hades and Poseidon to give a little speech before finally waiting for the last few seconds.
He felt two arms embrace him from behind.
He turned around.
He leaned up and brushed his lips against the other's.
As multiple shouts of 'Happy New Year' rang around him, Mu enjoy his first kiss of the year as many other couples did.
He pulled back and whispered.
"Happy new year, Angelo."
Happy New Year!!! Everyone!!!
I wanted to give you a soft little piece to begin this new year and decade! Omg!
I can't believe it. Time just flew by.
I'll see you again soon!
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capristormcloud · 3 months ago
To all of you Saint Seiya artists getting a load of likes all of a sudden... sorry? I only come on here once in a while (it's not my main) and hadn't been since April! It was great to catch up and fangirl!
Anyhow I've queued a bunch of your art for my... uh... 22 followers. lol.
In the meantime I'm trying to write Saga x Shura which is My Ship (probably the only person here who ships it oh well) and... uh... let's say these boys take a whole load of manoeuvering until anything actually happens.
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sukoru-chan · 7 years ago
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luxusartsus · 2 years ago
Decided to some little shipping game.
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Ship That I Loved At First Sight
I don't know how to explain, I just love them so much, maybe it's their similar age and matching zodiacs, but they are my babies. Fight me if you don't like them!
Ship That I Initially Didn't Like
HyoShun, it's not like I was "ew, what a disgusting ship", but I found it to be quite overrated. It's still not my Top 3 ship, but I grew very fond of it
Ship That I Never Liked
The original was ship that I no longer like, but I don't have it in StS, I'm still faithful to all my ships. But I do have ships that I hate, the Top 1 being Shura x Camus for two reasons: one, they don't have chemistry or any interesting interaction to spark a wish to ship them in me. Two, if I had to choose someone to have some close relationship with Shura, it would be either Deathmask, Aphrodite, Aiolia, or even Saga or Aiolos, but Camus, really?
Favorite Popular Ship
Maybe Mu x Aldebaran is not that popular as Mu x Shaka (what is a shame, Mu and Aldebaran have a lot more chemistry for me), but I still think that this ship is quite popular, so I'm putting this one here.
Favorite Rarepair
Okay, it may be weird that I don't like Shura x Camus, but like Deathmask x Camus, but the reason is because Shura x Camus is forced as hell, mainly in SoG, where they are constantly trying to make us believe that they had some sort of friendship and that's why they were fighting, but guess what, they never had it in first place, so this conflict (and ship) falls flat. But with Deathmask x Camus, even tho they never interacted too, we got a moment of Camus mentioning Deathmask when the "Dark Trio" was heading to Cancer Temple, and this was... interesting. Plus, they would have much more chemistry with each other, Deathmask trying to make Camus be more lively and energetic, while Camus would teach Deathmask to be more calm and collected.
Controversial Ship
Tbh, I don't have it. The closest that I can think about is Hypnos x Thanatos, just to clarify, I don't ship them, but if I had to believe that some incestuous ship would happen, it would be between them because we know how Greek Gods are like with their relatives. But I won't say that I don't have the idea of Hypnos being the sub top, while Thanatos is a dom bottom 😶.
Ship That I Want To Become Canon The Most
Well, even tho I love Trash Trio, I can't deny that I see them more like just best friends (who may fuck sometimes, but still best friends), but Aiolia x Shura is actually really cute. The drama, dynamics, relationship that this couple would have is so juicy. SoG may have give us terrible, horrible ships (Shura x Camus, again; Aiolia x Lyfia; Deathmask x Helena; Dohko x Aldebaran), but Shura x Aiolia isn't one of those, I would dare to say that it's the best ship that SoG gave to us along with Deathmask x Aphrodite.
Comfort Ship
Again, Trash Trio, nothing new here.
Ship That Deserves More Attention
Ikki x Pandora actually is one of the few best straight couples from Saint Seiya. Ignoring the fact that Ikki smacked Pandora on the face, but this was because she was getting on his way to save Shun, so it's slightly understandable, what made me ship them is their final interaction: Pandora finally vents her problems to someone and trust on Ikki to avenge her real family, that Hades, Hypnos and Thanatos destroyed, in turn, we see that Ikki actually empathized with her, this short scene managed to be better developing some sort of romance (what wasn't even the focus) than a lot of love stories from media nowadays. Sadly it's overshadowed with some other ships like Ikki x Esmeralda, dude got infatuated with a girl who was identical to his younger brother, what is... ew, and Pandora x Radamanthys, poor Pandora, she deserves better than Radamanthys, I hate this bitch.
First OTP
That's easy, it was Seiya x Shun. Those two spend a lot more time together than with the other Bronzies, so it's easy for me to ship. I personaly like it more than Seiya x Shiryu or Shun x Hyoga, not saying that those two ships are bad, I like them and if you like them it's fine.
Current OTP
It has to be Saga x Aiolos, while Shion and Dohko where the kid Goldies granddads, Saga and Aiolos where their mother and father, respectively (Kanon was the uncle). I'm actually glad how popular this ship is, and pretty sure that Kurumada ships them too, otherwise all their gay interactions in Episode Zero wouldn't been happened in first place.
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ladyanakim · 1 month ago
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Nació el 7 de febrero de 1966 por lo que actualmente tuviera 59 años.
Habla 5 idiomas Francés (lengua materna), Griego, Alemán, Latin y Español.
Es Ambidiestro.
Su mejor amigo es Shura de capricornio.
Tiene un gran aprecio por Aioria de Leo y por Milo de escorpión.
Su primer amigo en Grecia fue Saga de Geminis.
Saga le enseño el idioma Griego y el Latin.
Su primera experiencia intima fue con Saga de Geminis, Cuando este Ursupaba el puesto de patriarca.
Siempre tuvo dudas de quien era el patriarca, por el comportamiento tan extraño de este.
Escribe poesías, componer canciones, le gusta el Helado de chocolate.
Tocar guitarra y Piano.
Tiene un club de lectura con Shaka de Virgo y Mü de aries a los que aprecia mucho.
Le gusta las películas de terror e históricas.
Es bisexual con inclinación hacia los hombres.
Es el más inteligente de su generación.
Nunca juzgo a Mü por irse de Santuario.
Le gusta el fútbol, su equipo favorito es Lyon de Francia y Barcelona de España.
Ver a Hyoga e Isaac como sus hijos.
Tuvo una relación sexual y romántica con Saga de Geminis y Shura de Capricornio.
Entreno el siberia desde 1970 hasta 1973 cuando fue caballero dorado.
Apreciaba a Shion de Aries como un padre.
Le gusta el mango y la manzana verde.
Le gusta el invierno y los días lluviosos.
Es Blink (parpadeo), le gusta BLACKPINK.
su primer amor fue Shura de Capricornio.
Él jamás traicionó a Athena en Asgrad todo fue un plan orquestado por Él para saber que planeaba los Dioses Guerreros.
Odia el helado de Fresa.
Su comida favorita es Crossaint con jamón, el ratatouille, los macarrons,Musaka,Pastiso.
Le gusta leer libros históricos y astrologicos.
Es descendiente de Degel de Acuario, atraves de una media hermana de este.
Cuando murió se descubrió que Camus no estaba a favor de la rebelión de Saga.
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villainsletter · 2 years ago
Characters that I write about. This list can update from time to time.
Personagens que eu escrevo, a lista pode atualizar de vez em quando.
Fandom List/Lista de Fandom
Request rules and blog rules/ Regras de pedidos e regras do blog
Alucard Carmilla Drácula Hector Isaac Sypha Belnades Trevor Belmont
Boku no Hero Academia
Atsuhiro Sako/ Mr. Compress Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye Nemuri Kayama/Midnight Rumi  Usagiyama/Mirko Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King
Bungou Stray Dogs
Akiko Yosano Ango Sakaguchi Arthur Rimbaud Chuya Nakahara Doppo Kunikida Edgar Alan Poe F. Scott Fitzgerald Fyodor Dostoevsky Howard Lovecraft Ivan Goncharov Katai Tayama Koyo Ozaki Louisa May Alcott Mark Twain Nathaniel Hawthorne Nikolai Gogol Osamu Dazai Ranpo Edogawa Sakunosuke Oda Sigma T.J. Eckleburg Tatsuhiko Shibusawa
Death Note
L Light Yagami Misa Amane Naomi Misora Raye Penber Touta Matsuda
Asahi Azumane (Time Skip) Daichi Sawamura (Time Skip) Ittetsu Takeda Keishin Ukai Manabu Naoi Taoki Anabara
Alucard Seras Victoria Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
Hunter X Hunter
Chrollo Lucifer Franklin Bordeau Feitan Portor Illumi Zoldyck Jed Kastro Kite Knov Kurapika Kurta Leorio Paradinight Machi Komacine Omokage Pakunoda Pariston Hill Phinks Magcub Sadaso Sedokan Shaiapouf Shalnark Shizuku Murasaki Shura Uvogin Wing
JoJo's Bizarre Advetures  
Part 1
Bruford Dio Brando Erina Pendleton Jonathan Joestar Robert E.O. Speedwagon Straizo
Part 2
Caesar A. Zeppeli Esidisi Joseph Joestar Kars Lisa Lisa Suzi Q. Wammu
 Part 3
DIO Hol Horse Holy Kujo Jean Pierre Polnareff Mariah Muhammad Avdol Steely Dan Telence T. D’ Arby  
Part 4
Akira Otoishi Jotaro Kujo Kira Yoshikage Mikitaka Hazekura Rohan Kishibe Shinobu Kawajiri Terunosuke Miyamoto Tomoko Higashikata Tonio Trussardi
Part 5
Bruno Bucciarati Diavolo Formaggio Ghiaccio Guido Mista Illuso Leone Abbachio Melone Prosciutto Risotto Nero Scolippi Vinegar Doppio
Part 6
Enrico Pucci Ermes Costello Gwess Johngalli A. Jolyne Kujo Narciso Anasui Weather Report
Asuma Sarutobi Chojuro Deidara Ebisu Genma Shiranui Hidan Iruka Umino Kabuto Yakushi Kakashi Hatake Kimimaru  Konan Mizuki Naruto Uzumaki  (Boruto Era) Orochimaru Sasuke Uchiha Tsunade Zetsu
Sailor Moon
Souichi Tomoe
Shingeki no Kyojin
Armin Arlet Bertholdt  Hoover Erwin Smith Hange Zoë Jean Kirschtein Levi Ackerman Marco Bodt Miche”Mike” Zacharius Sasha Braus 
Soul Eater
Franken Stein
Count  Drácula Jonathan Harker  Lucy Westenra Mina Harker
Victor Frankstein
Fallen Saga
Ariane Alter Cameron Briel Daniel Grigori Roland Sparks
The Phantom of The Opera
Christine Daaé
Visconde Raoul de Chagny
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Basil Hallward
Dorian Gray
The Scarlet Letter
Arthur Dimmesdale
Hester Prynne
The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde
Beatrix Emery
Dr. Henry Jekyll
Edward Hyde
Twilight Saga
Alice Cullen
Dr. Carlisle Cullen
Jasper Hale
Comics/ HQ
DC Universe
Bane Bruce Wayne/ The Batman Clark Kent/ Superman Corinthian Death Desire Dick Grayson/ Nightwing Edward Nygma/ Nashton/ Riddler Harleen Quinzel/ Harley Quinn Jason Todd/ Red Hood Jervis Tetch/  Mad Hatter Johanna Constantine John Constantine Jonathan Crane/ Scarecrow Kate Kane/ Batwoman Koriand’r/ Starfire Lucifer Morningstar Morpheus/ Dream Oswald Cobblepot/ Penguin Pamela Isley/ Poison Ivy Selina Kyle/ Catwoman Victor Fries/ Mr.Freeze Zatanna Zatara  
Marvel Comics Universe
Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier Bruce Banner/ Hulk Carol Danvers/Capitan Marvel Charles Xavier/ Professor Xavier Clint Barton/ Hawkeye Durig Eddie Brock Elektra Eric Brooks/ Blade Erik Killmonger Erik Magnus/ Magneto Gamora Hella Odinsdottir Jake/Steven/Mark Grant/Moon Knight Jane Foster/Lady Thor Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk Kang Karen Page Kate Bishop/Hawkeye Kürt Wagner/ Nightcrawler Layla El-Faouly Logan/ Wolverine Loki Laufeyson Makkari Mantis Matt Murdock/ Daredevil Maya Lopez/ Echo Monica Rambeau / Spectrum Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow Neena Thurman/ Domino Ororo Munroe/ Storm Peter Parker/Spider-man Peter Parker/Spider- Noir Peter Quill Pietro Maximoff Raven Darkholme/ Mystique Remy LeBieau/ Gambit Sam Wilson/ Capitain America Scott Lang/ Ant-Man Shang-Chi Steve Rogers/ Capitan America Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange Sylvie Laufeydottir Thena Thor Odinson Tony Stark / Iron-man Valkyrie Venom Vision Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet Witch Wade Wilson/ Deadpool  
Bram Stoker's Drácula
Count Dracula Jonathan Harker Lucy Westenra Mina Harker  
Ghostface Sidney Prescot
The Boy
Brahms Heelshire
Greta Evans
The Phantom of the Opera
Christine Daaé Erik Visconde Raoul de Chagny
Scott Speedman
Van Helsing
Anna Valerious Aleera Count Drácula Gabriel Van Helsing  
Doctor Who
Doctor (9th-12th ) Rose Tyler
Midnight Mass
Erin Greene Father Paul Hill Riley Flynn Sheriff Hassan
Sherlock (BBC)
James Moriarty John Watson Mary Morstan Sherlock Holmes
Arcanjo Gabriel Castiel Charlie Bradbury Crowley Dean Winchester Lucifer Sam Winchester
The Boys
Annie January/ Starlight Billy Butcher Earving/Black Noir Frenchie/Serge Hughie Campbell Kimiko Margaret Shaw/Queen Maeve Mother’s Milk/ MM 
Tumblr Sexyman
You can ask me any Tumblr sexy Person
Video Games
Detroit Become Human
Connor Gavin Reed Hank Anderson Kara Luther Markus RK900  
Five Nights At Freddy's
Phone Guy
Purple Guy
Genshin Impact
Albedo Arataki Itto Baizhu Beidou Capitano Cyno Diluc Dottore Eula Jean Kaeya Kamisato Ayato Kequing Kujou Sara Lisa Ningguang Pantalone Rosaria Sangonomiya Kokomi Shenhe Shogun Raiden Tartaglia Tighnari Thoma Xiao Yae Miko Yelan Zhongli
John Doe
John Doe
Persona 5 Royal
Dr. Takuto Maruki Goro Akechi
Resident Evil
Ada Wong Alcina Dimitrescu Carlos Oliveira Karl Heisenberg Leon S. Kennedy
Twisted Wonderland
Carter Diamond Dire Crowley Divus Crewel Idia Shroud Leona Kingscholar Rook Hunt Sam Trey Clover Vil Shoenheit
Thank You Very Very Much!
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