gabbyp09 · 1 year
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kanroji-san · 1 year
Hades: In 10 years, I guarantee, I will be Y/n's second husband~
Zeus:...What will happen to her first spouse?
Hades:...Nothing you can prove
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rukia-writes · 1 year
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ciciyup · 3 months
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Yandere! Poseidon X fem! Human reader headcanons.
cw: Dark themes, toxicity, kidnapping, forced marriage, possessiveness, abuse, angst, little nsfw.
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Poseidon didn't like humans, he hated them. They were liars, hypocrites, violent, they destroyed everything they touched. Everything about them was wrong. There were plagues and he didn't care in the least about their fate.
He hated it when mortals threw trash on the beach, the water was covered in dirt, the sand was full of bags, groceries and more things where you could barely walk. Those filthy mortals dared to dirty their mares without thinking about the consequences, they were disgusting.
Sometimes, when the beach was empty, he would come to the surface and look around. He would look at the cleanest sand, he would look at the clearest water, he would look at you. She was just another ordinary mortal woman, but for some reason he would see you in the mornings recognizing the trash in the sand until the place was cleaner, he would see you in the afternoons swimming alone in the sea; Your hair floated in the water and shone in the sunlight, your white dress clung to your body as you entered the water, leaving your figure shining, your eyes closed calmly as you felt the touch of the sea.
Why were you doing all that? Why take the time? Even after you left and left everything clean, someone would come and dirty it again, then you were there the next day cleaning up again.
Poseidon watched you closely, he wanted to see what kind of person you were, and the more he did, the more he felt attracted to you. He felt disgust, him feeling attracted to an inferior being? He didn't even dare to repeat the question out loud.
I watched your wide, open eyes as he stood before you, he was nothing but cold and self-centered when he spoke to you, and yet you treated him with such kindness and sweetness. You tried to soften your heart with your words and actions, you wanted to see his soft side, not his hard shell. Poseidon never let you see him, he never showed it to anyone and he wouldn't for a mere mortal, but there were little things, always sitting close to you while he talked to you, paying attention to your words, looking intently at every detail of your face, that was how he showed it.
However, Poseidon had much darker feelings than he had ever shown you. He felt an incredible need for possession as soon as he saw you talking to someone else, he felt his chest squeeze when your dress was lifted by the strong wind revealing more than your legs, he felt a strong need to take you and take you with him so that you would never see the disgusting beings of your kind again.
He offered you everything. He offered you the whole world. He offered you trips around the world, the brightest jewels, the most luxurious clothes, immortality, all if you stayed by his side and you simply rejected him. You didn't love him, you didn't want to be with someone who was so cold. Fuck love. Poseidon hated you. He hated the fact that he was rejected by a mortal, a leech, a being inferior to him.
From there any trace of pity in him disappeared completely, if at any moment you thought of the slightest possibility of him coming out a little soft for you you quickly dismiss it. Is that what you wanted?
He takes you by force, pushing your body into the sand and lifting your dress, fucking you hard as the waves crashed against the rocks and the seagulls flew above you. There was not a sign of pleasure on his face, he was like a stone. He did not sigh, he did not gasp, he did not moan, he did not say a word, he only watched as your face contorted and your body writhed beneath him, hearing your weak pleas for mercy and your low sobs when he finishes and withdraws from you without feeling even a shred of pity for you.
Living with Poseidon is not easy, as he is determined to force you to stay in his home without the possibility of going out even for fresh air. His hand doesn't shake at all, are you complaining? You don't have any rights or opinions anymore, he's the one who will decide for you, so behave if you don't want to suffer the consequences.
You don't want to escape, oh, you really don't, the first and last time you tried he broke your legs. The exhaustion and resentment you feel towards him won't stop him from taking you, he'll force you to be intimate with him in every way. He doesn't care how you feel, it's all about his pleasure. You must do what he wants, just make sure to please him and don't make him angry, he'll manipulate you either mentally or physically when he doesn't get what he wants.
He wants to have you with him all the time, but at the same time it bothers him when you stick so close to him, he takes you to meetings with other gods ready to kill anyone who sees you in a different light, but at the same time he humiliates you and complains to his brother Hades about how annoying it can be to be married to a mortal.
He's not interested in other women, he couldn't care less whether they want him or not, yet he does nothing when some goddess comes near him nor does he make any effort to separate her, whether he's with you or not.
The deities were hypocrites, always hiding in the dark, always looking you up and down when you came, always mumbling around you, always having something to say about why one of the most powerful gods had married a mortal, didn't he hate them? Then the deities fall silent when they know he's there, but they speak again when it's just you.
The goddesses always look at you with disdain, they had everything and you were a poor little ant, why didn't he choose them? They make sure to let you know out loud how lucky you are. How lucky to be the chosen one. How lucky to be married to the God of the sea, one of the most powerful gods. How lucky.
Even after the sea was at your feet, the ring glistening on your ring finger, your bitter lips tasting ambrosia, his piercing eyes on you the whole time, he didn't give back everything he stole from you. Everything you once had seemed so far away because now the only future you had was with Poseidon, until the end.
Him is so cold. But that's how the tyrant of the seas was, you had to get used to it, right? Because now you were his wife, the woman who would be with him for hundreds of millions of years, and he expected you to play the role.
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madame-helen · 5 months
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manga-and-stuff · 7 days
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Source: Girls’ Last Tour Shojo Shumatsu Ryoko 少女終末旅行
by Tsukumizu
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Jack's wearing a school prefect uniform (white and has that fabric thing around his arm). And you see that bag filled with snacks(?) that he's holding? HE CONFISCATED THEM AS CONTRABANDS.
And he's not actually making a sad face. HE'S EYEING ON BUDDHA
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And Buddha thought he's slick by having Zerofuku holding some 😭😭
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earlgreylatte · 1 year
Your Throne
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Nsfw content ahead, minors DNI
Qin Shi Huang
Insatiable. Utterly insatiable.
Insatiable in his conquest and climb for power, as would expected of the first king.
But also as insatiable when you have to pull his head up from between your legs after what feels like hours he’s gone without taking a breath. The crazy bastard only kissed your hand, lips smeared with your fluids, before diving back in.
And insatiable even as you’re seated on his chest, his arms locked around your thighs urging you further up while you remain stubborn, trying to ignore your own desires, hoping he didn’t notice your arousal dripping down your thigh.
Judging from his self-satisfied expression, you perish the thought.
He only watches you with amused eyes, but you could see the darkened desire clear within them.
“The only way is forward, no turning back or remaining still for you, I’m afraid,” Your lover smirks, somehow still radiating authority from even below you.
You could only whine, as he pinches the meat at your thigh while his other hand rubs small circles dangerously high up as you try to swat at his cheeky hands.
“I think you’ve actually lost it this time,” You remark, doing your best to ignore his ministrations.
“How so, dearest?” His lips melt into an indulgent smile, fingers flexing over your thighs.
“You’re going to break your neck and have to explain this to everyone. Doubt you’ll be so smug then,” You reply, bring a hand to trace over his lips idly.
“Hah, do you have so little faith in my strength?” He laughs before nipping your finger, watching as you yank it back with a noise of indignation, “Besides that would be an injury any warrior would carry with pride!”
“H-hey,” You try to protest but your words quickly turn into a yelp after you receive a smack to your bottom.
“Enough stalling,” His voice pitches clear and heavy, catching your attention as it has with so many other loyal followers. Qin’s eyes directly looking into yours cutting off any complaint you could make with nothing but his own sheer intensity.
“Let me taste you already…Would you be so cruel to deprive a starving man of his meal?”
How could a gaze have you so enamoured and so submissive at once?
“It’s time to claim your throne, my empress.”
I hope I can get better at writing smut, this is the first time I’ve ever written something explicit lol
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blueblossomrose · 7 months
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call-me-nineki · 9 months
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Idk it was funnier in my head 💀 Context here
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kanroji-san · 1 year
Buddha:*creeping behind you to scare you*
Y/n, loudly: I hope no one is about to attack me from behind because I'm thinking about making cookies later~
Buddha:*Freezes and ponders*...
Buddha: ...what kind?
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roguerambles · 1 year
A Nymph and A Spartan
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Record of Ragnarök - Leonidas x Female Reader
Warnings - 18+Only. Adult Situations.
Okay, so credit for this idea goes to an anon on @rukia-writes blog, which I have been graciously allowed to use, so I hope you don't mind because we need more sexy Leonidas stories, damn it--
"We shouldn't be in here!"
"Oh, Aurai, stop worrying."
"Start worrying, Stellia! Lord Apollo would be furious if he knew we were here--"
"We are here for Lord Apollo, remember--?"
You huffed slightly as your fellow nymphs bickered between themselves, tucked behind you as you crouched together in the small, wooded area the three of you had snuck into. The whole thing had been Stellia's idea. "We should understand who Lord Apollo is facing!" She had insisted, while Aurai had been indignant at the thought Apollo required any kind of advantage to best a mere human. You had tagged along simply to keep them out of trouble.
"We're going to get caught if you two do not pipe down--" You tried to shush them, only for Stellia to suddenly grasp your arm, pointing just past the treeline.
You followed her gesture with an aggrieved sigh - you were missing a perfectly good bath for this - and turned to face the direction she was pointing, half expecting--
Shirtless men.
Tall, shirtless, filled with muscle, Spartan men.
"Oh Fates--" Aurai squeaked, clasping a hand over her mouth, a deep flush filling her cheeks. "We...we should leave!"
"No." You replied, remaining rooted to the spot. The Spartans seemed to be training, judging by the dummies and weapons scattered about. You had never actually been to Sparta in its glory, but if the towering specimens of manhood in front of you, bodies built like exquisitely carved statues made flesh and blood were the norm, you severely regretted it.
The three of you remained huddled together, blatantly gawking at every contracting muscle - if any of the Spartans looked up they probably would have spotted you. "Which...um..." Stellia found her voice first, although her eyes remained glued to the back of a particularly strapping fellow practicing with bow and arrow. "...which one do you think is facing Lord Apollo...?"
"Who cares?" You said back vaguely. Stellia hummed as though in agreement, and you both fell silent once more. The archer released his arrow, hitting the target with a loud thunk.
Aurai grasped your hand, sounding flustered. "We...we should--"
"What are you doing in here?" A deep, masculine voice boomed behind you.
Stellia and Aurai both shrieked in alarm, grabbing onto your sides as you spun around. Your gaze landed on a broad expanse of abdomen, warm fleshed carved expertly into solid, defined muscle. Scar tissue bumped against smooth planes of skin, and your eyes trailed upwards over broad pectoral muscles, full and large, sharply defined collarbones, a somewhat scruffy beard dusting over a handsome jawline, full lips turned down in a severe frown--
"I don't care for repeating myself." King Leonidas of Sparta said, his voice rumbling darkly like thunder. The sound probably should have made you shiver with fear, instead of...something else. "What are you three doing in here?"
You opened your mouth to reply - to say something - but your mind had become quite unhelpful in anything but hyper focusing on every inch of the naked torso directly in front of you. He folded his arms - the movement causing the thick, powerful muscles of his biceps to swell indecently, his frown growing deeper as he glared down at you impatiently.
Fates, he was gorgeous--
"You three attend Lord Apollo, do you not?" A woman's voice, firm and measured as a steel blade, spoke from behind Leonidas's massive frame. Lady Brunhilde stepped around him, her cool gaze running over you and your companions. "You should not be in here. I am afraid I must escort you outside."
Leonidas's frown became a snarl, a vicious flash of teeth. "You serve that preening bastard?" Aurai squeaked out something that may have been some manner of defence, but she looked far too flustered to form proper words. Stellia was still staring at Leonidas, jaw hanging open slightly.
You knew you should have been offended at such an insult to your Lord, but you instead tilted your head upwards, meeting the furious fire in Leonidas's eyes. You slowly rose to your feet, the human man towering over you still, feeling the weight of his men's eyes on your back, having apparently noticed the commotion.
"My apologies." You said finally, reaching out to softly brush your palm against Leonidas's abdomen, the muscles flexing unconsciously under your touch. You peered up at him through your lashes, smiling as his eyebrows twitched slightly upwards in a brief flash of surprise. "We were just going."
Leonidas watched as your slowly brushed past him, nodding politely to Lady Brunhilde who regarded you with a raised brow and somewhat bemused smile. You followed the Valkyrie outside, Stellia and Aurai darting after you, feeling Leonidas's gaze burning against your back.
"Please, do not tell Lord Apollo--" Aurai pleaded at Brunhilde, who barely glanced over her shoulder.
"I care little about your personal relationships with your master. I won't say anything."
You smiled brightly at Brunhilde as she delivered you back to Apollo's rooms, and you could have sworn you saw a glimmer of amusement in the Valkyrie's eyes as she walked away.
You were not sure exactly how time worked in the Valhalla Arena.
You had considered asking Brunhilde, but you doubted she had particular interest in educating you on the subject, and you had a more pressing matter you wished to address.
Lord Apollo had barely noticed your absence, and last you had seen him he was in the baths with your fellow nymphs. Aurai and Stellia had settled in, but you had made your excuses and left, although you doubted anyone besides them had seen you leave Lord Apollo's rooms.
Normally you would have been bothered by Apollo's lack of attention, although it was hardly unusual. The God's affections were fickle and tempestuous as the weather, but he never failed to attract flocks of admirers regardless.
Why should he have all the fun?
It did not take long to find Leonidas's quarters, even less to sneak your way in. Dark had fallen over the area in a seeming imitation of night, and you could hear men laughing and hear fire crackling somewhere further within.
You peered through the gloom, trying to decide where exactly to go, when arms circled around your waist, and you found yourself pulled flush against a broad, muscled chest. "You Gods never learn, do you?" Leonidas's growled lowly in your ear, the sound washing over you like a wave, making you shiver softly. "You just do whatever you want, don't you?"
You laughed slightly, the heat of Leonidas's body searing through your clothes, making your breath quicken. You reached down to trail your fingers along his forearm, nails coming to lightly dig into the solid muscle of his bicep. "I certainly hope so."
Leonidas scoffed, a short, booming laugh falling from his lips, the sound vibrating deep in his strong chest. "What makes you think I'm interested in what you have to offer, God?"
You chuckled, pushing your hips back against his. Your rear brushed against something hard and hot and large and you couldn't suppress the shiver of excitement that ran up your spine, nor the jolt of desire that shot through your belly as Leonidas groaned softly at your movements. "I don't think that's a weapon hidden down there."
Leonidas shook slightly, his chin dropping to your shoulder, the scruff of his beard rubbing against the skin of your shoulder. You bit your lip, picturing the sensation of it rubbing against other areas and your heart quickened as Leonidas's large, rough palms slowly slid up your arms, long fingers brushing at the fabric of your loose dress.
"...may I?" He murmured in your ear, voice low and heavy with the growing embers of desire. You shivered in anticipation, and reached up to gently grasp his hands, your fingers sliding over his to guide them slowly downwards, pulling your gown with them.
Your dress pooled at your feet, and you felt a certain smugness as you felt Leonidas stiffen at your back, the slightest sharp inhale of breath. You turned to press your chest flush against his, a thrill shooting through you as you caught the darkening of his eyes, the hungry way they roamed over you.
"...that bastard won't get mad you are here?" Leonidas asked after a moment, his tongue darting out to wet his lower lip.
"Does it matter if he does?" You trailed your fingers down his abdomen, grabbing at the waistband of his pants. "He might be dead tomorrow."
Leonidas looked surprised, before tossing his head back, a deep roar of laughter spilling from him. His broad shoulders shook for a few moments, before he returned his gaze to you, a genuinely amused grin forming on his face.
"You're a woman after my own heart, nymph."
You felt heat in your cheeks at his words, the surprising warmth in his expression, and you shrugged lightly, pulling his waistband downwards, exposing the deliciously defined v-shape in his hips. You bit your lower lip hard, the pulse of lust deep in your belly almost making your knees shake. "It's not just your heart I'm after."
Leonidas's grin turned wolfish, and he ducked down, his arm wrapping around your hip. You yelped as you were suddenly hoisted onto his shoulder. Leonidas shook out of his pants, carelessly kicking them aside as he began striding in a direction you sincerely hoped there was a bed.
"I might be after something else of yours, too."
"Seriously, where were you yesterday? You never came back!"
"Stellia, will you stop--"
The crowd was already stirring with excitement, and you watched with some trepidation as Heimdall began to announce the Ninth Round of Ragnarök. You remained quiet as Stellia continued to prod you, while Aurai nervously toyed with her hands.
Apollo entered the arena, golden and resplendent as always, and your fellow nymphs dissolved into excited squeals and cheers. You clapped softly, your gaze drifting towards the opposing doors.
Leonidas strode into the Arena, tall and proud as any warrior king should be. His eyes were firmly on Apollo, his handsome, scarred face forming an angry sneer. His gaze drifted briefly over Apollo's head, however, landing on you amongst the crowd. Apollo's head slowly turned, an expression of confusion clouding his lovely features.
You smiled, uncaring of who saw you, lifted your fingers to your lips, and blew a kiss in Leonidas's direction.
Leonidas's eyebrows rose, but you could see the pleased smirk on his face as he lifted a large hand, clenching his fist as though to catch your kiss in his hand.
Apollo looked stunned, his jaw dropping open, briefly losing all composure and grace as he gawked in total disbelief at the display he had just witnessed in front of him.
"What was that?!" Aurai yelped loudly, looking at you as though you had sprang a second head.
"You harlot." Stellia grabbed your hand, pulling you towards her eagerly, eyes bright. "Tell me everything!"
"Have you lost your mind?!" Another nymph yelled, while the one beside her peered down at Leonidas thoughtfully.
"I mean...he is rather dashing--"
"Forget that, he's hot."
"Oh, I was hoping someone would say it, it's been driving me mad--"
You couldn't fight the smile forming on your face as Apollo's expression turned sour, turning back to face Leonidas, who looked delightfully smug, tossing a wild grin your way.
Fates, you wanted him to win.
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paper-materialz · 10 months
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Anubis from Record of Ragnarok ch 84
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i-bakkhos · 4 months
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scales0fjustice · 10 months
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There was so many likes on my last sketch of Hades, so...🤭
After all, it's not just his back that's handsome
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malleusthehammer · 1 year
Hi! Can you please do a Qin Shi Huang and Lu Bu with a female s/o that plays the Guzheng/Zither.
Guzheng looks like this, it was made in the Qin dynasty by a general. It’s had 21 strings and you use nails that are made out off plastic, resin, tortoiseshell, or ivory to pluck the strings. The strings are made out of steel strings flat wound with nylon.
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This is the song that she plays, it’s a hard song to master too. Feel free to ignore if it is too much, thank you!
DUDE THIS ASK IS SO COOL?! I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG FOR ME TO GET TO IT!! Again, i am a sucker for Qin so he will be written for!!! I hope you enjoy this!!
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Qui Shi Huang and Lu Bu with a reader that plays the Guzheng/Zither. Warnings: None! Type: Drabbles!
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You didn't play often, you found it a bit extra when you played. Knowing it was such a hard instrument to play, you hated the attention it gave you when you played it. Qin knew this, but he adores it so much when you play. He'll often try and say he had a bad day, or that he needs a stress reliver. And of course, you can't say no to this man. Since he had coaxed you into playing for him, he made sure you both were secluded and comfy.
He plopped down on the shared bed, the pitcher of wine crowding the table next to bed. You set the guzheng up, sitting on the bench that accompanied it. You took a deep breath before popping your fingers and placing them gently on the strings. Your eyes closed as your fingers danced across the strings. The melody filled the spacious room, Qin's fingers tapped along his thigh with it.
Your fingers moved on their own, plucking the strings and sending beautiful music out in the air. Once you had finished, you sighed contently. Soft clapping filled the silence as you turned on the bench to face your husband. His smile was never wider as he clapped. Almost like a proud father, he stood from the bed, holding his arms out to you.
"That was lovely, Dear! You'll play more often for me?"
He gently caressed your hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it.
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Lu Bu never really knew you played. He knew you had hobbies and stuff, but never really paid that close attention. When he would go train for extended periods, you'd stay home and practice. Same when he would watch the legions of people that followed him train. One day he been gone for a while with his horse, so you took the time to set up the guzheng outside. It was a beautiful day afterall.
You had no clue when your husband would be back, his schedule was too erratic in your opinion. But you knew he was safe, that's why you married him in the first place. Well, first it was his personality. The way he held himself so high made you admire him. If he was by himself, you knew no one would even dare to challenge him.
As you finished setting up the instrument, you were quick to sit down in the bright grass Infront of it. You bit your lip and closed your eyes. A strong gust of breath left our lungs as you opened your eyes again. Your fingers pranced over the strings like tiny ballerinas, sending beautiful melodies into the sky. You lost yourself in the music, moving your hands across the instrument delicately.
Little did you know that Lu Bu and his general, Chen Gong were on the way back. Lu Bu was picking his teeth with his pinky and Chen talked on and on about something that the champion didn't care for. The noise of the guzheng reached the ears of the men, a smirk appeared on Lu Bu's face. They approached the yard you were playing in, watching you from afar. The Champion put his hands on his hips, taking a deep breath in with a smile.
"Ahaha! That's my wife/husband right there!"
HJUYGJUYG okay i am SO SO SOS SO sorry for the wait!! i really hope you enjoyed it and thank you for putting some new music in my playlist lmao THE GUZHENG IS SO MAJESTIC I WANNA EAT IT!!!
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