#shrimpy saturday
lexissketches · 7 months
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...and what a Saturday it is!
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mxwhore · 1 year
one of the shrimp born in my tank :)
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The wonders of the man made structure
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somespicyshrimp · 2 years
when you have eliminated all which is shrimpossible, then whatever remains, however shrimprobable, must be the truth
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Floyd's child self: Baby Goldfishie~ Let's play~.
Riddle's child self: I need to study. I'm trying to learn Combinatory.
Floyd's child self: ...
Floyd's child self: You heard that, Shrimpy?
MC: *holding their head between their hands* Uh, yes.
Riddle's child self: ...
Riddle's child self: *closes his book* Do you not like it when I study?
MC: Oh no- I really like seeing you study, Riddle! I just don't understand why would you do it for five hours straight.
Riddle's child self: That's part of my mother's strict routine...
Leona's child self: Wow. Your life sucks.
MC: Leona.
Leona's child self: *yawns*
MC: Anyway, Riddle? We have our own rules in this dorm. You get to do your daily activities during weekdays and relaxation on weekends. It's a Saturday today, would it be alright if you set aside that book so we could go out and play and eat sweets too?
Riddle's child self: *nods*
MC: Thank you so much, Riddle.
Leona's child self: You just don't want to get stressed seeing him study Math.
MC: You don't have to point the obvious, Leona.
Floyd's child self: Shrimpy is not a fan of Math~.
MC: Yeah, yeah. No need to rub that on my face.
Riddle's child self: *laughs*
Malleus: It's been a while, child of man.
MC: Yeah. *sigh* How are you, Malleus?
Malleus: *smiles* I'm fine. Though I'm busy planning for our wedding.
MC: ...
MC: Are you still holding on to that promise?
Malleus: Why, yes. It's the little child of man's wish.
MC: ...
MC: Y'know, taking care of a bunch of kids which are literally our schoolmates is making me think twice about tying the knot.
Malleus: You will no longer be indecisive if you will get to know my child self as well.
MC: ...
MC: I don't mind. I'm actually curious what you were like when you were a child.
Malleus: Adorable.
Lilia: *appears out of nowhere* And cranky.
Malleus: *frowns* Lilia.
Azul's child self: *staring at MC*
MC: Hm? What is it, Azul?
Azul's child self: The twins and I are going home tomorrow.
MC: ...
MC: Oh.
Azul's child self: I'm going to miss you. *smiles brightly*
MC: Same. *hugs him*
Azul's child self: I won't let anybody to bully me.
MC: Hm-hm. That's right. Since you are a really smart and talented person.
Floyd's child self: Hey! I want a hug from Shrimpy too!
Jade's child self: Please don't mind if I do as well.
MC: Come here, you troublemakers. *cuddles the three of them*
Leona's child self: *watching them* Haa... At last.
Riddle's child self: Why?
Leona's child self: Those three are noisy. Finally, some peace in this house.
Riddle's child self: ...
Riddle's child self: You are a jealous kid.
Leona's child self: Huh? Who are you calling "jealous"?
Riddle's child self: *giggles*
Leona's child self: Hmph.
*In another dimension*
The servant: *screams* HIS HIGHNESS IS MISSING!!!
Lilia: What?!
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Criminally Smooth (Floyd Leech x Yuu)
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Floyd might have a concussion, but that doesn't mean he can't recognize true love when he sees it, and that halo the bisexual lighting of this cop car is giving you makes him think he might have a chance.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, based off a meme I saw and the song Bonnie and Clyde by Dutch Melrose. Vaguely modern au, hints of a mafia au? Yuu and Floyd are implied to be adults and full of bad decisions. More fic can be found on my masterlist.
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“Hey baby, what's your name?” Floyd's teeth are sharp and his smile is weirdly wide, like he's trying to display his mouth for you. “You come here often? I swear I've seen ya somewhere before…” You take a deep breath trying to ground yourself, the metal of the handcuffs should be painful enough to do the trick but the ridiculousness of Floyd asking that question when you're both going to jail is overriding the discomfort.
“We've met before, yeah.” You grumble trying to shift to get a bit more comfortable as Floyd's eyes get wide as saucers in a way that would be cute if that meeting hadn't been him shaking you down for “interfering” with Azul’s business model.
“Really?” He sounds so happy, and tries to move his hands to do who knows what but gets stopped by the cuffs, which wipes away the facade of kindness as he glares down at them. “Well I must have introduced myself-”
“You did yeah.” You try to cut off whatever it is he has to say and try not to die of embarrassment when it doesn't stop him from babbling.
“I've got your number then right?” Floyd begins wiggling to reach for his back pocket and glares when Officer Clover tells him to knock it off. “You're just so fucking pretty please tell me that wasn't just a dream and I got your number.” Are you even talking to the same person?
“I don't think so?” He whines, whines! When you say that and looks up at you like a kicked puppy. “We uh. We weren't. Didn't get much of a chance to talk.” You shouldn't be flustered by this. Shouldn't be thinking that it's sort of cute how he presses up against the bars separating you in the back of the cruiser to try and get as close to you as possible.
“Aww well let me do it again please?” You nod and try not to fluster when he brings back the dreamy smile places his cuffed hands against the bars. “I'm Floyd, sorry I totaled your car, baby.” It wasn't your car but you know better to say that in something rigged for audio. “You free this Saturday? I wanna make it up to you and I know a real great place-”
“I don't think either of you are going to be free this weekend,” Officer Clover isn't even hiding how much he's enjoying this you really wish you could get away with punching him “sorry Floyd.”
“Ignore Sea Turtle, oh hey I don't know your name do I?” Surprisingly Floyd isn't annoyed at all, he's still keeping his mouth wide and gets even more excited when you begin to subconsciously mimic him. “C'mon what's your name pretty?”
“It's Yuu but you kept calling me-”
“LITTLE SHRIMPY!!!” He shouts so loud Officer Clover slams on the brakes out of shock, Floyd laughs as he tumbles around and you try to brace against the wall. “Dawww ya should have just led with that baby, I wouldn't have rammed ya. Not with a car anyway.” The police cruiser lurches again as you feel the tires hit something, slamming Floyd against the door and tumbling you towards the floor. He bites down on the metal of his cuffs making sure to keep eye contact with you as he chews through the metal, winking like he's putting on some sort of show and not at all surprised or afraid that your ride is spiraling out of control. “Remember, Saturday ok? And don't worry about dressing nice I'll take care of it ♡” His door flies open as Officer Clover scrambles for his radio and Floyd jumps out of the tank into an awaiting vehicle laughing the entire time, yelling a few choice expletives at the police commissioner as he goes. You curl yourself into a tiny ball and chew on the inside of your cheek as you try to process what just happened over the angry squaking you hear on the radio.
There's no way a judge is letting you make bail after this.
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twstfanblog · 1 year
*~Period Drama~*
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A/N: This was a funny idea I had and Now I'm gonna do another series with my Yuu OC. Note that I write most of the cast in a platonic sense with my OC because that's how their story formed. I'm fully open to doing requests with characters in a romantic sense. Word Count: 4.7K Warnings: Period mentions, allusions to sexual assault (They are assumed, nothing actually happens), She/They OC Pronouns Pairings: Azul/Reader (Poly), Jamil/Reader (Poly) Enjoy! Start (Here), Part 2 (Octavinelle), Part 3 (Heartslabyul), Part 4 (Savanaclaw), Part 4.5 (Diasomnia pt.1), Part 5 (Diasomnia pt2), Part 6 (Pomefiore)
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Yuu was forgetting something, she knew she was. But sitting in her pjs on a Saturday morning, an over-filled bowl of sugary cereal in hand, she couldn't be bothered to really care.
It was shaping up to be a good day too. None of the staff needed her help with anything, her friends all had their club meetings, and the kitchen was stocked with easy-to-grab snacks for Grim. the cat monster himself had even started his homework on Friday night with minimal fighting. Literally, nothing could be wrong, but she still felt uneasy. They woke up feeling weary and oddly bloated.
With an inquisitive expression, she taps her spoon against her bowl. They really hoped they weren't going to spend all day in a strange sense of deja vu…
Then she sneezed and everything made sense. Yuu blinks, moving back to pull the seam of their pj pants, looking down as they groan, "Ah, shit…"
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Azul loved Saturdays, they were his biggest money-maker days. Students came to the Mostro Lounge either to get a head start on homework, grab a drink after practice or clubs, or merely have a freshly cooked meal. It also was the day he had most of his workforce available so he could spare the time to walk around campus or catch up on his own paperwork.
But, what he's trying to do was gather his courage and think up a plausible enough reason for him to go visit his date-mate. Not that he usually needed one, they were very vocal about how he was always a welcomed presence in their company.
But, Yuu had been…easily irked? Prickly? Upset. Yuu had been upset for most of the week but anyone who questioned their mood was quickly shot down. The prefect would then tensely state they weren’t mad and then questioned why people thought they were mad. Sure they had a very intense resting bitch face but who didn't at Night Raven? (He's fairly certain you needed to either be handsome or have the most terrifying resting bitch face to be admitted to this school).
So he wasn't too pressed about his date-mate's mood until Floyd said something. He had come into the back office pouting of all things, saying 'Shrimpy smelled off'. They had also punched him when the eel merman attempted to pick them up, which wasn't normal.
Jade handled his twin, trying to cull Floyd’s decreasing mood, while Azul opened a few text chats to ask if anyone had caused Yuu reason to want to kill someone. The genuine confusion and concern that answered back only made him more uneasy.
Now, on a sunny Saturday, Azul made the long journey toward Ramshackle. With an obscure board game tucked under his arm and a bag of exclusive gummy candy in hand, he was on a mission to improve his dear pearl’s mood.
Or he was until he was suddenly being dragged down the dirt road in a different direction. He yelped and shouted, trying to angle himself to see what was pulling him through the mud and sticks. The answer was Sam’s shadows, the black willowy wisps quickly yanking him into the shop and setting him on his feet. Azul looks down at his outfit, scowling at seeing the dirt and grass stains. Sevens, did he rip his slacks?
“Lil fish.”
Azul jolts, eyes wide and semi-fearful at Sam’s echoing tone. The man stood behind the counter, a number of medical supplies laying across the surface as his nails gripped at the wood. Sam’s eyes were wide, pupils pinprick as his amethyst orbs almost glowed under all the shadows. Speaking of shadows…Azul looks around the shop, feeling actual fear stir in him. The shadows were everywhere, zipping through the aisles, slithering in and out of the back room, and some were even racing out of the shop, “Uh…Yes, Sam? H-how can I be of assistance?” He didn’t stutter, he refuses to admit he stuttered.
“Do you know what a pad is?”
“Like…Like a notepad or-”
“NO!” Sam slams his fist onto the counter, the lights of the near-endless shop flickering wildly at the force of it. He rests his face in his hands, paying no mind to his makeup and hat that fell to the counter. Looking up, his intense stare was replaced with one of desperation, “You’re killing me here, kid. Look, if you know what a damn pad is, just tell me where to get one! I know you and the lil pup talk!”
“I swear, I have no clue what you’re talking about, sir.” Sevens, had Azul ever felt scared of Sam? He didn’t like this, why was his fellow businessman so frazzled? What kind of pad was he talking about? Why couldn’t he find it and assumed Azul would know where and what the damn thing was?
Sam groans, hands running furiously through purple-tinted lock braids. With a snap of his fingers, the wisps all stop. Either quickly entering the shop or bleeding into the shadows to hide once more, “Look just…Go see the prefect. They called me asking for sanitation pads? That’s the business name they told me anyway…That and just…a lot of pain potions.”
Azul clicked out of his confusion, growing nervous at the potions request, “I…wait are they hurt? Shouldn’t they be in the infirmary?”
“I suggested that, but they insisted they didn’t need to go, just the potions. I’m sending them over soon, Crewel is due to deliver my order in an hour or two. I’ll send him over after ya once he gets here.” Sam grumbles under his breath as Azul rushes out of the store. ‘Primadonna dog hates when I call him while he’s brewing…’
Azul pulls his phone from his pocket, sending a text to both Jade and Floyd. Yuu was in pain, they had requested something called a ‘sanitation pad’? Whatever those were. By the name he could only guess they were used for cleaning of some kind. He sent the twins a message to meet him at Ramshackle ASAP, potentially 119 status. Yuu had always joked about the Octavinelle trio being the first ones they’d call if they needed to hide a body. But, it seemed when it came time for them to actually make the call, the poor thing must have been overwhelmed. He could only think they had done it in self-defense, but the cause didn’t matter. There wasn’t going to be a body in a few hours.
Halfway through the woods to Ramshackle, he hears other footsteps hurrying to catch him. Looking over his shoulder, he raises an eyebrow at the extra amount of people, “Why are they here?”
Ace, Deuce, and Jamil all kept a quick jog behind Floyd and Jade’s long-legged walk. Floyd rolled his eyes, pointing behind him with his thumb, “I was at practice. Crabby and Sea Snake saw the text and wanna help lil Shrimpy too…”
Deuce raises a hand, "I saw them leaving the gym on my way to track practice. Yuu's my classmate and friend, it's only right I help them."
Jamil hisses under his breath, side-eyeing Azul as he sped up to walk beside him, “Plus, they’re my date-mate too, asshole…”
Rolling his eyes, Azul sighed, waving Jamil’s attitude off, “Yes, yes. We can meet with Draconia later about our timeshare lover's crimes. But for now, we need to go and assist them with the dead body I’m sure is on their property.”
Ace sighs, relaxing more as he leans back, arms folding behind his head, “Yuu finally did it, huh?”
“I mean…They can only threaten to murder someone so many times before they’d snap…” Deuce pipes up, rubbing the back of his head, almost dreading getting blood on his uniform again.
Floyd giggled, “I can’t wait to see who Shrimpy squeezed~. I bet they made it real messy!”
“Hmm…I wouldn’t put it past Yuu to kill someone via strangulation. But their MO seems to lean more toward bludgeoning.” Jade smiles to the group, eyes closing in barely hidden glee, “If anything clean up will at least be interesting if we’re just dealing with some blood splatter and a puddle!”
 Ace and Deuce wince, watching Floyd, Azul, and Jamil simply nod at Jade’s examination.
The mood was instantly broken once they came into view of Ramshakle. Floyd and Jade tensed, their smiles dropping off their faces before racing toward the dorm as two teal-colored blurs. Azul shouted, only to choke on his tongue at the smell. Blood. His nose wasn’t anywhere as sensitive as Floyd's or Jade’s but even at this distance, he could smell the sharp iron smell. He jogged to catch up with his dormmates, his expression of panic causing the other three to speed up as well.
All he could smell was Yuu’s blood. Sharp and salty, but spiced and sweet because of their diet. A hint of some type of alien fragrance that no one could place and Yuu couldn’t name mixing it all together perfectly. And that was all he was smelling, not even a hint of another person’s blood.
When the rest of the group had made it to the front porch, Floyd was pounding on the door, eyebrows creased while Jade searched the bushes for the hidden key, “Shrimpy! Open up! Shrimpy!”
Jade’s fingers had just grazed the false rock when the door’s locks clicked open. Floyd swung the door so hard it nearly sent Grim into the hallway wall. The feline monster kept to the ground, eyes wide and teary with fear, “Yuu’s bleeding all over everything and they won’t tell me why!”
Deuce was the only one who had the mindset to scoop Grim into his arms, the rest of them instantly rushing up the stairs toward Yuu’s bedroom. The sound of their footsteps pounding on the floor echoing in the house, each of them calling out in panicked voices. Azul could only grow increasingly worried, the scent of blood growing stronger and stronger.
Jade slams the door open, Ace instantly diving into the bed and startling Yuu awake.
“The-The fuck- hello?”
Ace cupped their face, using what medical lessons Riddle had drilled into his head to see if they had a visible injury, “Yuu! Can you hear me? We were calling you all the way downstairs- Ay!” He tumbles off the bed when Yuu shoves him aside, dark eyes glaring down at the redhead.
“Yeah, I was sleeping. Why are all of you in my house?”
“We smelled blood shrimpy!” Floyd kneeled onto the bed, sniffing around trying to find the main source of blood. Ignoring or nipping at Yuu’s hands trying to shove his face away from her body.
Azul stepped forward, eyes roaming in barely concealed haste, “Sam sent me over. He was worried by a request you had called him about? It’s sent him positively spiraling.”
Yuu raises an eyebrow, having given up on getting Floyd off their bed and wrapping an arm around him instead, “Yeah I was about to ask. Octobaby, what truck did you get dragged behind and did you at least get the license plate?”
Whatever positive flow of atmosphere that was building ended, Floyd grasping the duvet covering them and pulling, “Shrimpy, where are you bleeding-”
A single tug was all it took for Yuu’s bottom half to be flashed. They all look in stunned silence. Fresh red blood on a series of towels under them, a smear on the inside of their bare legs. Yuu shouts but none of them respond, minds spiraling at what could have possibly happened.
“Floyd! By the Seven, I’m not wearing any pants!” Yuu snatches the blanket back, draping it over their legs with a huff. They turn to Floyd only to have their face gripped harshly. Floyd stared at them with a dead expression, his single golden eye almost glowing with the force of his anger, “Floyd?”
“Floyd.” Jade’s hands come into view, pulling Floyd’s grip off of their face and his brother off the bed. Jade was no better, a pleasant smile on his face but eyes wide and void of any emotion, “It’ll do no good to pressure them into telling us. Let us let our two professionals deal with this. The two of us can brainstorm methods of...disposing of the unsavory culprit once we have a name or description.”
Yuu watched them slowly leave the room. Floyd just barely letting Jade pull him along as his expression started to finally morph into a look of anger. His fists clenched as he gritted his teeth, body so tense his movements were more shaky than his normal loose glide.
Looking beside them, Yuu catches eyes with Ace and Deuce. Ace quickly turned away, a hand covering his mouth as a single tear slid down his cheek and his shoulders shook. Deuce was no better, gripping Grim in his arms as he hiccuped softly with just barely contained sobs. He looked like he was fighting back the urge to go into 'delinquent mode'.
Jamil finally moves, a hand on each of Ace's and Deuce's shoulders, guiding them to the door. Softly pushing them out too once Jade had managed to pull Floyd out of the room, “Let us talk to them…We’ll…we’re gonna figure this out…”
Yuu watches stunned as Azul walks toward them as though he was approaching a wounded animal; softly, with just a hint of fear and pity, “Azul…What’s-?”
“It’s ok.” Jamil closed the door, still facing it so Yuu wasn’t sure if he was saying it to them or mumbling to himself, “It's…It’s ok, you’re gonna be fine…”
Azul had finally reached them and they could clearly see the unshed tears in his eyes, “It’s not your fault. This is not your fault, do you hear me?” He ran his fingers through their hair, his other hand gently cupping against her cheek as his thumb shakingly caressed their skin. He opens his mouth, closing his eyes while he sighs a shuddering sob. Gathering his wits again he opens his eyes, a fiery determination glowing in them, “We’re here for you, my pearl.”
“Wha…?” Yuu could only wrap their arms around Azul, the merman diving to embrace her in what had to be the most protective hold he could do with just his two arms. It felt safe and sturdy, like a cool blanket was wrapped around their body. While it was welcomed, Yuu only grew more confused feeling a wet spot start to form on their shoulder where Azul’s face had snuggled into, “I’m…very confused…”
If Azul wasn’t holding them, they would have jumped off the bed. Jamil stood right next to them with a blank expression. His face pulled into a mask of neutrality, but his eyes were steely, an ice-cold fire in them waiting to find a victim.
“Who. You can tell me, you can trust me. We’ll handle everything, you won't even have to look at the bastard unless you want to beat him to death yourself.” He kneels on the bed, his hand moving to touch her covered thigh before retreating, a pinched expression breaking his mask before it was back in place, “You have to tell us who did this to you, hayati.”
Did what to them?
Yuu stared at Jamil, blinking when he finally had to look away to bite his lip. He looked to be holding back tears, fully turning around to put his face in his hands to mutter under his breath. ‘How could he let this happen? Why couldn’t he have just one thing with nothing to ruin it?’ a teary sob of ‘Do they not trust him?’
“My pearl?” Azul pulls his face away from their shoulder, sniffling before he removes his glasses briefly to wipe his tears, “Do you…Would you like me to draw you a bath? This can’t be comfortable-”
“Azul!” Jamil whipped around, glaring at the merman, sparing them a worried glance before turning back to Azul and whispering heatedly, “They can’t take a bath until they get checked, you moron!”
“What’s there to check Jamil!? We can all clearly see what happened! Why put them through the extra…extra poking and defilement when we know what happened!?”
“Because we need evidence!”
“What we need is a name! Or a description! I’m not even going to entertain the idea of bringing this to a court. We have plenty of manpower on campus to bury whoever did this 12 times over.”
“Excuse me, what the fuck are you guys talking about?” Yuu spoke up, eyes glancing between the two of them, “Because if you mean the bleeding, that’s pretty standard at this point.” Maybe they just…forgot they had a vagina? Boys normally didn’t react well to period talk in the first place, but this was an all-boy school and Yuu was more non-gendered than female-gendered. Maybe they just honestly forgot.
But, what they said had only made things worse, both Azul and Jamil looking at them in absolute horror. Standard. This was normal. This had happened multiple times already.
Azul starts to openly sob, wrapping himself around them in a way to keep everything else away, nuzzling his head into her neck and whimpering out apologies. Jamil covered his mouth, a look that Yuu could only call devastation on his face before he stood from the bed to pace the room. Mutters grew in volume and speed before Yuu finally realized what they thought had happened.
“Oh. OH!” They quickly pull Azul from their neck, hands pressed to both his cheeks to keep him looking into their eyes, “Sevens! Guys no! That isn’t what this is, I promise! No one hurt me like that!”
“You expect us to believe that!?” Jamil turns on them, eyes wild and red with held-back tears. He gestures to the bed, alluding to the mess of blood under the covers, “What else could this possibly be!? Why are you trying to defend them!?”
“Jamil, I’m on my period!” Yuu looked back at Azul once her words seemed to hit Jamil, “It’s just my period. No one hurt me. I’m…well, not fine. Periods are a bitch. But not that…I swear it wasn’t that.”
No one made a sound past Azul’s labored breathing, the merman’s expression slowly morphing from one of despair into confusion. Once his breathing was finally under control, he pulled Yuu’s hands from his face, a single brow raised, “Your…your period?”
“Yeah…It’s just my period.”
Jamil pulls a face, eyes looking down as his brain worked to understand what Yuu was saying, “...Like the punctuation?”
Yuu frowned, turning to Jamil, “Don’t you act fucking dumb with me.” They press a kiss to Azul’s forehead, letting him slump against their chest, not seeing the gears turning in his head, “You and your sister are basically the same petty soul shared between two bodies. You know what a period is Jamil.”
The two mages catch eyes across the room, both…so painfully confused. Azul takes his time to finally untangle from Yuu, giving a small smile and patting hesitantly at the blanket, “O-okay…A period…right?”
At Yuu’s annoyed nod, Jamil sniffs, checking that he hadn’t cried before looking over to the door, “And…Najma will know. You’re sure she will?”
“I mean basically every girl gets a period so I would think so Jamil…”
The two boys share another look, communicating in a way Yuu hadn’t learned to do with them yet before they turn back to them with those soft, weak smiles. Azul caresses their face again, saying they should go back to sleep and that someone will bring up something to eat later on. It was slow, they clearly didn’t want to leave, but they both closed the door behind them. They share another look in the hallway, nodding before moving to regroup with the others.
The contained chaos they walk in on was almost comical if the reason wasn’t so mortifying. Jade had a hand gripped on each of Floyd’s shoulders while they took up the loveseat, whispering to the taller eel as he held him back. The whispers growing in intensity as his eyes widened in manic glee every time Floyd growled and moved to pull out of his brother’s hold. Ace was leaning against the wall, anger clear on his face as his nails bit into his forearms. He was the only one who looked up when they walked into the room. Deuce sat on the couch, curled around who they could only think was Grim, his shoulders shaking with barely contained cries.
Ace speaks up first, calling everyone else’s attention to their entry, “Well? Who’s the bastard we’re hunting down?”
Jamil and Azul pause, Jamil looking to the side and sighing, “They say nothing happened-”
“They’re lying!” Grim cries from Deuce’s arms. 
The spade Heartslabyul soldier sniffles, raising his head to look from over the couch, “Grim said they’ve been bleeding since this morning. From before he woke up…”
Jamil pulled out his phone, already dialing his sister, “They said Najma would know what’s going on…They were…so sure nothing…happened…”
Ace opened his mouth to yell only to be cut off at the sound of Najma picking up the line on speakerphone.
“Jamil? What’s wrong, you never call me?”
“...” Jamil gulped, gripping his phone before speaking, “Najma, I need you to be completely honest with me. Swear on your life levels of seriousness. Do you know what a period is?”
“...Like the punctuation?”
Azul bit his lip, a hand moving to cover his mouth and start to pace around the room. He walks closer to Jade and Floyd to explain, the two eels listening to his quick words in clear confusion.
“I…Najma, something happened. Is it…normal to…” He let out another sigh, almost wishing it would take his soul with it, “Is it normal to bleed…out of your vagina?”
The beat of silence almost gave Jamil hope. Maybe it was some super secret girl thing that no male was allowed to ever know about. Maybe everyone in the room would have to be killed once Najma confirmed its existence. He knows he would at least prefer that over the alternative.
“Jamil, what the fuck? No!? No, that's not normal!? Jamil who do you know that’s bleeding out of their-”
“Don’t have time, I’ll call you back once this is all settled.” He’s never hung a phone up so fast. It quickly rings again, but he just declines Najma’s call and silences his phone. Now looking around, everyone else in the room is just as confused if not more so than he and Azul were.
“...What?” Jade tilts his head to the same degree his brother does while they both study Jamil, each trying to find…something in the conversation they just heard.
Azul spoke up, leaning his elbow against the fireplace, a hand coming up to rub at his temple, “They said they were simply on their period and that this was normal. They were also very certain Najma would confirm this sentiment, claiming it was a natural thing girls did.”
Deuce sat in thought, his brain working overtime to try and piece together the information they had, “Maybe…Uh…Wait, I can ask my mom!”
“What is your mom gonna know, Deuce!?” Ace hissed, more frustrated than actually angry.
“I don’t know, she’s like...an older girl? Maybe she knows more about it than Najma would?”
“...” Jade looks toward Azul with a shrug, “It’s another source of information. We’re literally going in blind with this.” He looks down in worry, feeling Floyd relax in his arms. His brother wasn’t calm by any means, more so his mood had finally reached so low that his homicidal urges couldn’t properly latch onto it. He just kept Floyd in his arms, holding his taller brother under his arms as though he was a cat.
Deuce pulls out his phone with one hand, the other keeping a grip on Grim as the monster whines. It only took a very rings before the phone was answered again.
“Hi, Deuce! I was just about to send you a text. I found this new cafe and they make the cutest parfaits-”
“Mom, that’s cool. Send me a picture later but. Um…I got a really weird and private question to ask you-”
“Deuce, we talked about this sweetie. There’s nothing wrong with liking certain things-”
“NOT THAT, NOT THAT!” He blushes, quickly cupping his phone away from view of the others. He whispers his question into the receiver, waiting with bated breath when the other line was quiet.
“Sweetie. Am I on speaker?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“That isn’t…that isn’t something that should be happening. Is this…Deuce, is this about your friend Yuu?” At the affirmative, she continued, “I know you said they weren’t from around…anywhere really. But you boys need to tell your teachers about this. Whoever told them this was normal lied to them.”
The nervousness returns, everyone sharing a look, Deuce thanking his mom before hanging up the phone. Pass the stray sigh or muffled rambles no one spoke, each one of them was scared to voice their theories. Everything easily pointed toward…assault. But Yuu was such a level of certain that it was hard to deny the doubt that grew at the idea. There were magical ways of getting the truth out of people, they had Jade and Jamil, so it wouldn't be hard. But none of them wanted to break the trust Yuu had given to them. Not to mention the small chance that something did happen, and forcing Yuu to recount the horrible situation was cruel even by Night Raven standards if they were trying to actively suppress it. 
It seemed like they sat in silence for hours before they all heard the front door slam open, footsteps quickly stepping through the hall before a signature black and white coat filled the doorway. Crewel stood with one hand on his hip, the other impatiently tapping his crop against his leg.
“Ok, what’s going on? I’ve had students running around terrified from Sam’s shadows. I go to see Sam to ask about it and he informs me that he sent you runts to check on my puppy.” Crewel looks around the room, his frown turning into a scowl before he schools his expression again, “And there's no sign of my puppy in this pack of dogs, so what’s happened?”
After a prolonged silence, Ace groaned, deciding to bite the bullet since no one else wanted to, “Yuu’s bleeding from…from their vag and won't tell us why.”
“...” Crewel stepped to the side, light gray eyes seeming to look past all of them while he used his crop to point down the hall, “Get out.”
“Get. Out.”
The scramble they did out of the room was like a pack of dogs released into the wild, each of them refusing to meet the glacier-level stare of their teacher as they ran past. They didn’t leave Ramshackle property, choosing to instead stand outside and wait to be fully dismissed.
Crewel took the stairs two at a time, flinging Yuu’s bedroom door open. The sound of it slamming into the wall made Yuu groan in protest. He walks to the bed and sits, a hand instantly brushing their bangs back to alert them to his presence. He couldn't tell through his gloves, but they had seemed flushed, “Puppy? Puppy, talk to me. What's happening? I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
Yuu hums, just barely getting back to sleep before Crewel woke them up again. A hand pressed to their lower stomach and grumbled, “Hmmmm….Period…” “...Pup. What’s a period, explain it to me.” He keeps his hand in their hair, petting in a way to soothe both of them if needed. Period, Yuu clearly wasn’t talking about punctuation. All his mind could reach then was that period was speaking of a state of time. Meaning this was something that happened on some type of schedule.
Groaning, Yuu sits up, letting her head rest against Crewel’s shoulder, “Period, monthly bleed and all that. It’s girl stuff, you know biology, Crewel…”
Taking her in his arms, Crewel rubs at their back. Monthly…It’s at times Crewel is made painfully aware of how lacking he and the rest of Night Raven College were in knowledge about Yuu’s biology. “Yuu…That’s not a thing in Twisted Wonderland.” He can feel the moment they tense up, letting them pull back to look at him.
Yuu stares at their pseudo-father, eyes searching for some sign of the past hour being nothing but a really bad joke. Seeing none, they feel a cold realization hit, “Oh…Well, this is gonna be a real interesting time…”
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Just me thinking abt how every dorm could probably give you something fo match with their dorm (cough cough, they want to convince you to go with them unlike the other dorms—)
Heartslabyul gives you a checkered heart clip to wear on whatever you want
SavanaClaw gives a colorful necklace (similar to the one on Leona’s neck and Ruggie’s shirt)
Octavinelle gives a shell keychain to you
Scarabia gives you gold colored bracelets
Pomefiore gives a crown pin to pin on your uniform
Ignihyde gives you a watch with their color scheme
And Diasomnia gives you briar rose earrings
All of them just matching those items with you while also competing for your favored dorm
honestly i think it'd be like
because you received something from all seven dorms, you decided to spend each day of the week for each of the dorms.
on monday, you'd go with your heartslabyul friends. you opted to pin the clip on your blazer collar and kept it secured there for the rest of the day. riddle nodded to you, and he took it upon himself to fix your outfit if he ever deemed it 'unkempt'. no, it's not an excuse for him to be closer to you, obviously it's because your collar is a little crooked and you didn't notice that.
tuesday was with savanaclaw. you turned the colourful bead necklace into a bracelet, wrapping it around your non-dominant wrist. leona that fucking cat (affectionately) was smug as hell when he saw you with the necklace (now turned makeshift bracelet) he personally gave you.
octavinelle was wednesday. you didn't usually bring ramshackle's key in your pockets, so the keychain was attached to the side of your belt. floyd took great pleasure in picking you up and carrying you to places, "'cause lil' shrimpy will get lost in the sea of minnows without this big ol' eel!" or something along the line. jade only follow behind you two with a chuckle.
thursday quickly came by. kalim encouraged you to wear scarabia's gold bracelets that he gave you. how could you deny him, when he was asking you with such a bright smile on his face? he was dragging you around campus by the way, jamil walked behind the both of you and sighed like a tired disappointed parent he was lmao.
friday rolled by. pomefiore dorm leader vil himself handed you the crown pin. he also asked you to accompany him on a leisure stroll with rook and epel, and at the end of the day, he even bent down to give your forehead a lil smooch. his lipstick might be smudged, but your confused flustered face was entertaining enough for him to ignore it. be grateful for that potato.
idia had ortho pull you to an unused classroom on saturday, only to hand you a watch in ignihyde's colour scheme, dorm logo and all. idia himself might not want to go outside, so it's either ortho who dragged you around campus, or you all holed up in idia's room to play video games or binge anime.
diasomnia held you hostage (/lh) on sunday. well, malleus already gifted you the earrings on your late night rendezvous right after you came back from ignihyde. he invited you to the dorm the next morning, and kinda just keep you there for the rest of the day. lilia had the time of his life jumpscaring you the moment you got pass the gates, though.
taglist🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @axvwriter @siren-serenity @identity-theft-101 @ang33333333l @leonistic @twistwonderlanddevotee @savanaclaw1996 @red-viewe @bun-lapin @cookiesandbiscuits @loser-jpg @moonlit-midnight @minimallyminnie @dove-da-birb @silvers-numberonefan @thehollowwriter @jaylleoo14
reblogs are appreciated!
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coralinnii · 1 year
2.7K Followers Writing Event
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~A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~
In celebration of reaching 2.7K followers, I opened my request box for 27 hours and received a plethora of ideas from wonderful shrimpies~
Hopefully, before the end of 2023, I will commit to accomplishing these requests
Note: any requests that came after 10am Saturday September 30th will unfortunately be ignored.
Villain/ess au: Ace and Deuce Love Triangle
Long-Distance Relationship with Him over the Holidays (Riddle, Ruggie, Vil, Epel)
Twisted Halloween continuation: Kalim and Sebek
Younger sibling!reader Visiting Him (Azul, Floyd, Jade)
Beach Date with Him (Neige, Ruggie, Lilia, Jamil)
Reader S/O who Sings Under their Breath (Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Rook)
Finally Meeting his Mate (Leona)
Reader S/O who Makes Handmade Gifts (Vil, Rook, Malleus)
Villain/ess au: Silver and Sebek
Reader S/O who Eats Anything (Jamil)
Forgetting your Jacket and Wearing Someone Else's (Leona, Riddle, Cater, Ace)
Helping Fem!reader Going Through Periods (Ruggie, Deuce, Trey, Cater)
Gentle Giant Reader S/O (Malleus, Azul, Jade, Floyd)
Helping You Through a Bad Breakup (Cater, Ace, Deuce, Epel)
TWST Boys with Venti!reader (Leona, Vil, Malleus, Lilia)
Realizing His Feelings after Rejecting You (Idia, Kalim, Azul, Riddle)
His Favourite Way to Hold You (Ace, Jamil)
Culture Shock Meeting Your Family
Waking Up with True Love’s Kiss
Seeing You Wearing His Favourite Shirt
TWST Boys as Husbands
He Thinks You Don’t Know You’re Courting Him…But You Are
Twisted Halloween continuation: Lilia
Reader S/O with a Chatty Parrot
TWST Boys with a Crush
Fem!reader Who’s Comfortable with Touch but Distant with Him
Reader S/O who Seems Flirty but Actually a Hopeless Romantic
He Overheard Your Crush on Him and Your Wishes “Just tell me we’re dating”
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chatsukimi · 2 years
Friends to lovers. gamer!reader, highschool!reader, canon-compliant
'Oh, we're just teammates.'
You've been repeating this phrase ever since you arrived in Miyagi with Kenma. His team arrived to play a practice match against Karasuno, and you and Kenma's gaming competition has its last round scheduled at eight.
'Why do people think that we're...?' you mumble.
Kenma scowls, turning his back on the boy with a yellow mohawk. 'Yamamoto, stop bothering Y/N.'
Kenma’s judgmental stare stops Yamamoto on his track. You pad behind Kenma, returning to the bedroom. Everyone else eats downstairs. You hear the faint cackle of Kuroo's laugh seep through the floorboards.
'Y/N, do you want to go to a gaming convention when we get back?' Kenma tosses the words out, a lock of hair in his side profile.
'Sure, when is it?'
'January,' he says.
Oh. You nod, thinking in your head, you didn't think you'd be friends for that long.
Since a five am at an internet café, this boy with wondrous yellow eyes has snaked into your life. Now you can't imagine a Saturday morning anywhere but sprawled on one futon against the wall, your head leaned on his shoulder, playing a video game. His shallow breaths hit your cheek as he settles his hand on your side. It barely touches your hip.
This room is filled with futons, empty apart from the two of you. The motel located beside Karasuno hosts not only the Nekoma team, but, looking out the window, runaway Karasuno children too. An orange haired kid and his friend like to ask Kuroo for volleyball advice at random intervals.
When you finish your game, you say, 'it's been five months after we first played together.'
'It hasn't been that long,' he ponders.
'Not that long.' You relax and set the video game down. 'Feels like it.'
He scrunches his eyebrows together. 'What do you mean?'
'No, I don't mean it like that.’ But you did. ‘We live in the same city, we're both in second second year and all... We'll probably be teammates for a lot longer.'
He pulls you closer.
'You're an idiot if you think we're just teammates.' His eyes wandering across the room to you, he says, 'we're friends, dumbass.'
It's enough.
'You're the dumbass.'
'Am not.'
'Are.' You gulp, taking in his face, imprinting every detail in your memory. If this were a dream, you'd wake up soon. 'You are the biggest idiot I know.'
To tell you the truth, Kenma is good at figuring out others' feelings. Surrounded by Kuroo's friends, he's never needed to work hard at it. Weekdays, holidays, they were spent buried in his online world, hanging around afterschool at most. But when it comes to you?
His heartbeat stutters.
Daylight blows in through the curtains.
'Am not,' he says, without any venom.
You're leaning against the vending machine when you meet the Karasuno boys. First comes Hinata. That boy beside him, Kageyama, is a piece of work.
'You're Kenma's girlfriend, right?' Hinata says.
You swear you hear Kageyama whisper '... setter...', but leave it with a benefit of a doubt.
'That's right, shrimpy.' Here comes the rooster-head. 'Ah, young love.'
As though to make a point, Kuroo leans against your shoulder.
Kageyama whispers, 'boke, Hinata, boke' but you're whirring around to chastise Kuroo when Hinata caws.
'Wah, Y/N! Why haven't I talked to you sooner? Kenma's never told me.' You fight off a wince. 'You're always standing with him. I've seen you a few times, sometimes after matches. You play video games with him, don't you?'
How do you say to a little kid, 'I'm sorry but your whole life's been a lie'? That's what you feel like, facing Hinata's frighteningly casual grin. How could anyone correct him of anything? You'll lock Kuroo out of the bus when this thing blows over.
'We're playing in the same gaming competition,' you say. 'That's why I'm here. Our final round is tomorrow.'
All that your relationship is built on is a game. A game, and certain persistence in keeping up the front.
'Kuroo,' Kenma warns, rising from his seat. 'I'm getting my phone from the gym.'
That's to say, don't try anything with you.
Kuroo hands over some keys, smiling. He had indeed locked the phone in the supply closet so Kenma wouldn't play that and not volleyball.
'Poor kitten,' Kuroo coos. When Kenma's out of sight, he sighs, palm on his chin. 'Ah, young love.'
You pick up your phone. Kuroo studies you for a long moment, before even he begins conversing with a teammate. Zipping up your jacket, you force yourself to ignore, ignore, ignore them.
When Kenma returns, phone in hand, his face is unreadable. He sits before his dinner, pausing before he speaks.
'I ran into Kageyama. We're dating?'
He… what?
'Come on, I would never think that.' The words slip out before you can help yourself. 'We're only friends.’
‘Oh, he was confused?’ Kenma scrutinises you.
‘We’re only friends, acquaintances,’ you add, ‘like you said.’
Something ugly twists in your gut. You’re losing the feeling of the floor under your sneaker-clad feet. You pray the silence continues for as long as it takes the situation to disappear.
Because Kenma shouldn't be pushing his chair back. Screech. He should be brushing this subject off, or cracking whatever jokes due to friends in these circumstances.
Because it is six fifty and, 'sorry. I need to charge my phone.'
He is exiting the dining room.
‘Hey, Kenma!' Kuroo calls after him, to no avail.
When Kenma chooses something, he commits completely.
Losing your appetite, you push the bowl of rice on the table away. Your breathing grows more and more distressed until the glare of the lights overhead forms a headache at your temples. The coach has gone for drinks with the other coaches. So far, no one has noticed Kenma's disappearance. He vanishes often.
'What happened? Messed things up?'
‘Just- stop.' You bow your head . 'It's only an hour before the final round.'
Kuroo attempts to relieve the situation. 'Anyone can tell what's between you two is not platonic.' He puts a calming hand on your back, but you swipe him off- even though you wish someone's hug would swallow you whole.
'Then what is it?'
You take a deep breath. You straighten your back.
'Yeah... yeah, that's the problem. I'm not good at this.' A smile wavers over your face. Bitter. 'Wouldn't it be better if this was just some game?'
You pay attention to Kuroo’s conversation with Yaku, the noise droning like static. Like waiting for an old game to load when it’s already been disbanded.
At seven, you step out for some fresh air.
The moon glistens over the countryside. Kenma sits on a plastic stool. You face his back. He keeps still- perhaps he hasn’t noticed.
He tenses. No phone rests in his hands.
'What I said earlier...'
‘No, it’s fine. I was overreacting.’
You watch him fidget as he’s always done when nervous, picking at his nails.
'There's a different world online. I know you know that,’ you dare to begin. Your ears burn.
You focus on counting the stars above you, thousands of them, instead of meeting his eye. Regardless, when you reach count ten, you lower your gaze with intent to see. Whether or not his reaction be good or bad.
You continue, 'but I feel like I'll fail you. I don't want to mess up reality and destroy everything in there.'
He cards through his dyed yellow hair, then stops. ‘We’re playing our last round in an hour. Don’t worry.’ He wants to say, I'm not someone you should love out of pity.
You drag another chair over to his side.
‘That’s not what I mean.’
He opened your eyes to a world beyond gaming. He was the one to lug you out of an internet cafe to here, Miyagi. He made you feel things you’d be contrived to let go now. And letting it fade is to let it go. You would never feel the tips of fingers on your palm again. Lights dapple the village under the hill.
It is seven-o-five.
You stay.
‘I don’t play with you just because of games,’ Kenma says. He looks absent-minded, hesitating, before the exhale. ‘It’s more than that.
‘And not because we’re friends either.
‘We are, but- it’s hard to explain. Each time I pass one level, I want to get to the next. I would like to be with you forever.’
'So,' you offer, understanding what is meant by the phrase, the commitment it accompanies, 'come on, let's play.'
It is morning in Spring at the internet cafe. Falling cherry blossoms litter the path there, flush against concrete. It is the even footfalls matched with casual hands in one’s pockets, and the hair tied back how you recommended it. The bell dings. It is chaos and beauty and more.
He sits down.
‘Kodzuken the streamer, huh?’ He’ll never grow sick of eliciting your little smile.
He says, ‘I had to try it out.’
The promise is kept.
Here is part i and part ii if you would like to read the beginning and middle of the story :)
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catinasink · 5 months
I have a field trip Saturday and it’s a group of ten (including me) - six of the people I’m friends with
But they all have like someone they’re closest too in the group and we’re going to a theme park
I don’t have anyone I can count on to choose me
mm i see
uhh what about shrimpy?
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khoipyan · 2 years
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just relax, but not with me.
gn!reader x jade, floyd who promises they have the perfect face mask for them. unfortunately…
(this is sfw btw as sus as the desc. sounds💀)
warnings; just the tweels being misleading and chaotic as ever.
notes; 2nd post on my new acc after accidentally deleting it, yay… after arguing with helix (@sk2lton) about toothpaste, we finally had a conversation about face masks and how the tweels would… 😇 you can either read the fic first, or read our conversations on vaer blog!
notes2; implied romantic relationship (if you wanna see it as platonic though, i’m not stopping you)
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jade leech
you’re sitting down in a chair, wondering why jade texted you and what he needed so urgently. the texts looked a bit like this:
you: jade? what did u need? and why are you texting me on at 2:34 am on a saturday… 💀
jade: Ah, well. I was trying out a new face mask recipe and I’d love for you to come over and try it.
you: it was this urgent that u couldn’t wait until i woke up….????????../><??
jade: Please? :(((((
jade: Thank you, dear :) I will be awaiting your arrival.
so here you are, sitting in a chair in the dark. that is, until jade turns on a lamp in his room.
he has a brush in his right hand, and a container of… face mask in his right. you’re VERY unsure whether or not to trust him..
“jade… what is that?” you’re extremely concerned. the ‘face mask’ looks… questionable.
he smiles at you, “it’s the new face mask i’ve fabricated. there’s no turning back now, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
you want to turn back. something in his tone of voice was telling you to run away, but you couldn’t figure out what it was. well, you only live once!
“alright, just get it over with.”
you’ve never seen jade so pleased in his life.
“so? was it to your liking?”
everything had finally been over, and that whole experience was pretty relaxing. your skin even feels nicer and moisturized, too!
you closed your eyes in relaxation, “that was pretty nice. jade, can i know what you put in the face mask now?”
“ah, right. i shall tell you now, seeing you went along with this.” jade bent down next to your ear and whispered the ingredients in his lovely face mask.
and he had a few seconds of pleasure watching as your face went from happy-go-lucky to absolutely HORRIFIED.
jade grinned, showing off all of his sharp teeth. “oh? what’s wrong? you’re looking paler than usual, prefect.”
“i… you—! you put—… ahh.. GAH! i knew i should’ve have trusted you, you—!”
you can be as upset with him as you want (although you weren’t really, just grossed out)! but you already put the face mask on your face.
and what exactly did he put in the face mask? well, that’s for your imagination to figure out.
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floyd leech
“i’m so glad you’re here, shrimpy!”
“why does your face mask look so… red?” you stare at the bowl on the counter. it’s not a gentle, rose red. no no no! it’s more of a… ‘riddle’s hair’ coloured red.
“ehh? are you doubting me?” floyd pouts, “i convinced you to come all the way here and you came here to doubt me?”
you really didn’t know if you should’ve told him the truth, “of course not! i’m not here to doubt you at all! i just hope you didn’t put anything weird in it. i know jade would have put weird things in it if i was sitting here with him…”
“well you aren’t sitting here with jade. so just trust me!” he has the brush close to your face, already having lots of the red mysterious face mask on it.
here it goes...
“i didn’t! all i did was put a few spicy things in it and grind, like… hmmm, chili peppers. and other spicy stuff! you look so funny when you’re running around screaming, ahaha!” at this point, floyd’s laughing at your suffering for his own amusement. how cruel.
it’s not like this would do anything major to your skin, but you just hoped your face didn’t stain red at the very least. this was totally unfair though!
you had gotten most of it off your face by the time you were done scrubbing it off with water, but your face still tingled. floyd still hadn’t finished laughing at you, but you were about to make him stop.
you took the bowl and threw it at his face.
“little shrimp… that wasn’t very nice of you! that hurt. and my skin feels weird now.”
crossing your arms, you sighed. “should have thought of that before you decided to put the face mask on me! i was just giving you a taste of your own medicine. hmph!”
floyd beamed, satisfied with todays result. “hehe. i would do it all over again if i could.”
you couldn’t help but also smile. as painful as it was, you had to admit it was pretty fun.
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— due to be edited at anytime —
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yuus-sentient-teddy · 2 years
"Yuu-Yuu hurt." Part 2
Part 1 | Part 3
The teddy bear finds Malleus in the greenhouse with Jade, a rock sitting on the table with mushrooms growing on the surface. Malleus pauses in the middle of his explanation upon spotting it. "Oh, hello, [teddy's name]. What brings you here?"
"[Teddy's name] needs help. Yuu-Yuu feel bad," it says.
Malleus frowns. "What seems to be troubling them?"
"[Teddy's name] doesn't know." The answer astonishes Malleus and Jade, but the matter is put aside to come up with a way to cheer Yuu up.
"Ah, Malleus, do you remember the mushrooms you showed me at our last meeting?"
"The ones that can improve one's mood if properly prepared? Of course."
"Would you be able to show me how to prepare them? They may make a great gift for Yuu, and I have a recipe in mind that the mushrooms may go well with."
Later that night, Yuu is gifted with a delicious plate of mushroom pasta.
Floyd is on bar shift at the Mostro Lounge. He's pleasantly surprised to see the teddy bear, which is standing on the counter since the stool is too low for it to see him properly. He stares quizzically at the teddy bear when it tells him about Yuu.
"Jade said that you came to him and sea slug-senpai about the same thing. I seriously don't get what you're worried about. Little shrimpy was more bubbly than usual when I saw them."
The teddy bear puts a paw on its muzzle, thinking.
"Go see Azul about this. I don't feel like deciphering anything right now."
Azul is puzzled at the teddy bear's words, having seen Yuu earlier that day too. But the teddy bear doesn't leave empty handed.
"Give this to them. They'll know what to do," Azul says, handing a folded slip of paper. "By the way, would you happen to be available this Saturday?"
"First mushroom pasta from Tsunotarou and Jade, and now a therapist recommendation from Azul," Yuu says, staring down at Azul's pretty penmanship. They look over at their teddy bear, who is sitting next to them on the couch, and gives a small smile. "You don't have to do all this, you know. I'm not going through anything bad, and if I was, I would tell someone about it. You know that."
The teddy bears nods, but then waddles over and hugs them. They hug it back. "Thanks, [teddy's name]."
"Did it get someone to give you something again?" Grim had entered the room. He perks up at a thought and hurries over. "Is it food?" he asks excitedly, jumping onto the couch.
"Nope, not this time. Just a recommendation for a therapist."
"Huh?!" He leans forward to look at the teddy bear. "Are you still on about Yuu being hurt? I'm pretty sure with all the attention they're getting, they'd be cheered up already."
"[Teddy's name] trying to help."
Grim sighs. "Who knew you were so stubborn? Buuuuuut, if you're still worrying about them, why don't you ask Trey or Jamil to make something for them? Maybe something with tuna--"
"Grim, no!"
"They feel bad, but they're not regretful of anything nor are upset," Vil quietly says to himself. He sighs. "I'm afraid I may not be able to help with something like this. Although, it does worry me that Yuu is keeping something well hidden from you and Grim."
"Could it be that they exude a bad presence?" Rook suggests. "You, little protector, are sensitive to Trickster's emotions as well as others' emotions. You do not hesitate to put a comforting paw on a sad student's hand or leg or hug Trickster when something is bothering them. You also have the peculiar ability of knowing Trickster's physical well-being and come running to them when they get injured."
Rook smiles when the teddy bear's eyes glimmer with hope (in his eyes, at least). "By these observations, it would make sense for you to also be sensitive to the atmosphere surrounding them. Would that be correct?"
"YES!" The teddy bear nods fervently.
"Careful! You're going to fall over," Vil says, reaching out a hand to steady the teddy bear.
"A bad presence surrounding them. . ." Lilia had paused in his search for something that had fallen under his bed.
He sits up and looks around the room. "Hmm. . . Sebek mentioned that you had been going around campus asking for help on cheering up Yuu, but it seems you found the real reason. I may have the solution for your problem. Just give me some time to get everything prepared."
"Scan complete. There's no physical distress or imbalance in their system," Ortho reports.
"I cannot believe that after getting Lilia's help, it still thinks there's a problem," Sebek remarks, shaking his head. "Has it no faith in him?"
"I don't think that's the case. I'm just surprised that this has been going on for three weeks," Jack says.
Yuu shrugs helplessly. "Well, it's just worried about my well-being. I'm sure that after Ortho tells it I'm fine, it will relax."
". . . Somehow, I doubt that."
"My scans are almost always accurate, though. Idia makes sure my equipment is up to date and I'd know if something is wrong with any of them," Ortho says.
"Erm, sorry, I didn't mean it that way. It's just. . ."
It is then that Kalim and Jamil approach the group, giving a greeting. "You guys seem a little distressed. Is everything all right?" Kalim then asks.
"My teddy bear has been trying to get everyone to cheer me up or help me even though I'm not sad or hurt," Yuu explains.
"Grim did come up to me the other day asking for food to cheer you up. I guess he wasn't lying," Jamil says.
"He did what?! Dang it, I told him no." Yuu huffs. "Anyway, it's recently been thinking that I have a bad presence, so it got Lilia to do a ritual. We just had Ortho do a scan on me, and I think it should calm down after hearing that I'm healthy."
"What about your aura? Those aren't connected to anything physical, and I know someone who specializes in aura detection and healing," Kalim offers.
"I tried scanning for that too, but nothing's come up," Ortho says. "It's the same for curses and other magical debuffs. There's nothing."
"That's strange."
"Perhaps not. It might mean that Lilia's ritual has been effective after all," Sebek boasts.
"I can understand it being protective over you, but there's no reason for you to be targeted for anything. You're as ordinary as they come, if you overlook being from another world," Jamil says.
"Thanks. I really hope it calms down after this. I don't want it to trouble other people," Yuu says.
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trentonsimblr · 2 years
👀 💤 🔞 🏄 for shrimpy once again bc I officially declare it to be Shirtless Shrimpy Saturday (or Sunday if that's when u get to it)
Shirtless Shrimpy Saturday coming right up!
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Still accepting OC outfit asks -> HERE
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toby-determined · 10 months
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Day 12: Background NPC - Amanda Determined
“Come ooooon, Toby,” Amanda whined. “You used to be cool! Now you got your desk job and suddenly you forgot how.” 
“Thanks,” he snorted looking up at her from over his laptop, but the rhythmic tapping of his fingers over the keys didn’t stop. “I’m sorry, but I can’t go.”
She groaned, louder and from the gut this time. 
“Why don’t you just go alone?” 
Normally, she would have. Going places alone was an obstacle she had long overcome, much to their mother’s displeasure. But this was different. 
“I’ve already got the ticket,” she told him. Though she knew that wasn’t the only reason, it was just the only one she was willing to confess to. 
“You can sell it.”
“I can’t be bothered to do all that.” 
He shook his head, “I’m sorry your friends bailed on you.” 
“Me, too. And now my brother, my own flesh and blood, my bosom buddy, my ride or die, is also forsaking me. This is exactly why you can’t trust anyone these days,” she sighed to follow her over dramatic performance. 
This time when Toby looked up his fingers had stopped their typing. Amanda forced herself not to smile, knowing she’d gotten the hook in. Now all she had to do was reel him in and she was home free. 
“What day is it again?” 
“Saturday,” she replied. “Starts at 9.” 
“That’s so late.” 
“It is not,” she countered. “It’ll be done by 11, we’ll be home before 12!” 
“That’s only if traffic isn’t-”
“It won’t be. It's their first tour and it’s at a bar, Toby, there’ll be 100 people there, if even that.”
His mouth squished to one side, eyes flickering to his screen and her face. She pressed her palms together and laced her fingers, squeezing. Her lower lip stuck out and she did her best puppy dog eyes. It was always a crowd winner, and while Toby was less susceptible to it than others, it seemed to do the trick as he let out a sigh and leaned back in his chair. 
“Yes!” she said with a little fist pump. “I knew you’d come around.” 
“But-!” he said, sitting up again and holding up his index finger. “I have a deadline by Sunday. So, that means I’ve got to finish this tonight so I can edit it tomorrow before we go.” 
“Got it,” Amanda was up and on her feet, heading toward the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow! And wear something that’s not what you’re wearing now.” 
“What’s wrong with this?” he asked, looking down at himself. 
Ever since he’d graduated from uni and got the job at the newspaper all he had been wearing was the same get up. A white button down, black tire, and dark trousers with dark shoes. It did it’s job to make him look like nobody, a regular Clark Kent if Superman was a shrimpy little fucker who landed in Australia rather than the US of A, but it wasn’t something you wore to a concert. 
Toby was not the older brother that Amanda had been sold in various movies and television shows. He wasn’t cool and he wasn’t aloof. Her friends didn’t get crushes on him. He didn’t wear a leather jacket, he didn’t tell her who she should and shouldn’t go out with, he didn’t try to control her, and it never felt like he was the golden child who was favored by their parents who could do no wrong. He was what he was, which was a weirdo that she happened to be related to.  
Amanda let her brother be for the remainder of the night and all Saturday morning. She kept her phone on her at all times until he called to tell her that he had finished and sent in his little article. 
She picked him up later that day, laying on the horn until he came scrambling out. He tore open the passenger door and grabbed her arm to pull it off the steering wheel. He’d lost his balance on the curb, foot slipping down and making his body fall into the seat. She cracked up, pony tail hitting against the headrest. She hadn’t been able to see through her tears as he righted himself and got into the car, slamming the door shut after him.
“Will you go?” he asked, sinking down into the seat to peek out from the window. “The neighbors are going to hate me now.” 
The drive to get there was a bit of a task, traffic in the city was always a fucking nightmare, and parking was even worse. But they’d found a spot that Amanda had whipped into before the fucking pick-up could steal it from her. They walked over to the building that was around the block, Amanda pulling the tickets from her purse to get them in the door with little purple paper wristbands. She had to help Toby get his on, having to stand off to the side as they hunched over his wrist. 
Then they were in.
“There is way more than 100 people here,” she pretended she did not hear Toby say as she walked them over to the stage area. It was standing room, obviously, and everyone that was there was mostly crowded up by the front or trying to get a drink order in before the set started. She could feel her boots sticking to the floor as they kicked through plastic bottles and wadded up napkins. 
“How much did you pay for this?” he asked. 
“What does it matter to you? It’s not your money,” she replied, staking their claim on a spot by the wall. She liked having at least one side of her not surrounded by strangers who could potentially be fucking annoying. 
The opening band was fine. They weren’t something that she would seek out again on her own but were entertaining for the moment, the anticipation building up in her stomach. Toby, as she suspected he would be, was sort of the perfect companion. He was quiet when he needed to be and talked when she needed him to, like asking if she wanted water or a drink and bringing them just in time for the actual show to begin. 
It was great. The crowd was a little annoying with their lack of noise control when the band was trying to talk, and at one point someone had to be dragged out the front door when he’d taken a tumble, but other than that, it had been great. The music wasn’t a disappointment live and the girls on stage knew how to put on a show. Amanda was pleasantly toasted by the end of the set, shouting along with everyone else as they asked for an encore. And then the second encore. 
It was over far too soon, honestly. She wanted to live in that moment forever but knew she had to go home at some point. 
She hadn’t even noticed Toby had disappeared during the second encore until he reappeared at her side from behind a couple that were swaying together to the sound of the crowd shuffling into a line for merch. Ugh, she had wanted a shirt but she didn’t want to wait in-
“You still like to wear mediums instead of smalls, don’t you?” Toby asked, holding up a shirt. She blinked then grinned, snatching it from him to shove over her head. Amanda breathed in the absolutely disgusting smell of the room one last time before deflating. 
“Alright,” she sighed. “Let’s go.”
They started out the front door and when she went to go in the direction of her car, Toby caught her by saying her name. She stopped, turning to look at him, thinking maybe he’d forgotten his wallet or something at the table. 
“Where’re you going?” 
Amanda frowned. “The car?”
“...but…don’t you want to meet the band?” 
“What? No, they aren’t even doing a meet and greet.”
Toby snorted. “Come on.”
She did not follow him until he got too far without looking back at her for her to not jog after him. They walked down the street until there was a break in the buildings and they turned down the little alleyway that opened up on a back lot. Presumably where employees of the establishments put their cars and where deliveries came to drop off. There were a few cars there and toward the back was a large bus and truck behind it. 
An open door, stuck that way by a piece of wood sitting at the bottom, had people coming in and out of it. They were dressed in black, pushing black boxes on wheels with silver linings and buckles over to the truck to sit in neat rows. There were other random assortment of bags and boxes sitting in the lot by the car. 
Her eyes widened when she realized what it was and she turned to look at Toby. He was not looking at her though and she blinked at the person walking beside her. She fucking hated when people did this, because after the first 1,000 times it just became a grating joke that made her want to shout No, you’re not fucking original!!! at anyone who said it, but Toby looked…determined. 
She faltered, falling a step behind him when he didn’t stop as they got closer. Amanda figured they were just going to hang out by the bus. There was already a little crowd of people who weren’t doing anything but standing and talking by the nose of the bus, on the side with the door. She clocked their wrists, the purple bands. That’s where they belonged, surely. 
But Toby just kept going. Passed the crowd, passed the boxes, until someone cut in front of him.
“Uh uh,” said the guy. He was security, judging by the thick arms and chiseled jaw. 
“Oh, sorry there, mate!” Toby smiled up at the guy, who towered over both of them. They were both short, gifted by their mother’s genes. “We’re here for Bridget. We’re the cousins.” 
“Who?” asked the security guy. 
Toby made a face, then looked at Amanda like he was confused, too. She was pretty sure she was the most fucking confused out all three of them. He turned back, “Um, Bridget…she plays the drums?” 
“I thought her name was Taylor.” 
“For the opening band,” Toby said, like he was correcting the guy.
Aaaand Amanda had finally caught on to what her brother was trying to do here. She felt sick. It wasn’t that lying was a no-no to her, but she wasn’t big on being embarrassed, avoided it at all costs if she could, that's why she had built up her confidence to be an unmovable object and ability to not give a fuck an unstoppable force. It wasn’t easy to rattle her but the prospect of getting kicked out of the parking lot by this bands crew after trying to lie their way in, with a bunch of fellow fans to bare witness, after having a perfectly good night and knowing the walk of shame passed that crowd would fucking ruin it, she hated this. She hated her brother for doing this to her. Since when did he do shit like this? Or talk like this? Why hadn’t he told her he was going to do this? If she had known she wouldn’t have fucking followed him, she would have left his dumb ass here and driven home.  
She blinked. Suddenly there was someone else there dressed in all black. A woman, with a hoodie and cargo pants, she had a belt with clips and various things attached to it, too. 
“Yeah, no, that’s right,” she said, like she was confirming a question that had been asked of her. Her eyes found Amanda’s for a moment, then looked down to her shirt, before she returned to the conversation that was happening between Toby and the security guard. Amanda tuned back in, too. 
“-ust ask her. She said we were supposed to meet her back here. I mean, it’s fine if not, but I just don’t want her to think we didn’t come.” 
The security guard seemed to consider this, then he glanced to the woman who shrugged. She turned around, going back inside, narrowly avoiding someone who was carrying out a guitar case. Amanda’s eyes followed them as they brought it over to the bus, the doors opening to let them on. When they disappeared inside she refocused and found herself looking at the crowd of fans. They were all looking at her. Amanda quickly whipped back around. 
It took a few minutes. Some very painful minutes, though they did allow Amanda time to think about the ways she could kill her brother. 
“Hey, Garrett!” 
The security guard turned, Amanda leaned to see around his hulking mass to find the woman from before. She was leaning into the doorway, only her shoulders and up were visible as she was trying to stay out of the way of the people moving things still. And, seriously, it was a small ass venue? How much shit could they be carrying out of the place? 
“They’re good,” she said with a nod and thumbs up before disappearing. 
Amanda could not fucking believe it. The security guard led them over to the door, just letting them walk right inside. 
They ducked out of the way of a guy rolling one of those boxes, giving Amanda time to dig her nails into Toby’s arm and ask, “What the fuck! We’re not anyone’s cousins!” 
“Technically we do have-”
“Shut the fuck up,” she hissed before they both kept walking down the hall. “You know what I mean, you idiot! That wasn’t even a good lie! She’s going to know we aren’t-”
“No, she isn’t,” he assured her. “She doesn’t know what we look like.” 
“Does she even have cousins coming?” 
“Yeah, but we’ll be gone by the time they get here.” 
“How do you-”
“Come on,” he cut her off, leading her into a room. The walls and ceiling were covered with stickers. There was couches along the right and back walls. The left had a table with a bunch of snacks on it, and the front by the door sat a large mirror with bright lights. The table below it had a few little bags that Amanda recognized to be for make-up and toiletries. She had one herself, though not as cute as the ones sitting, opened and spilled out on the table. 
The band was in this room, all of them lounging on the various couches with food and water, talking excitedly to one another, before one of them noticed the two of them standing there. 
Amanda blushed furiously, eyes darting to Toby, waiting to see what he’d do. 
“Hi! Layne told me it’d be a good time?” 
“Uh…” said Cierra, the bass player. “...for what?” 
“The interview!” Toby said. He smiled and gestured to Amanda, who could only wave at the girls at this point. They all glanced at one another, waiting to see if the other knew something they didn’t. When no one seemed to know what was going on, they all looked back to Toby. His smile dimmed a little and then he tried again. He bumbled about to pat at his pockets, starting with his jacket and then his pants until was pulling out his stupid newspaper card to show them, “Uh, sorry, I…I’m from a local paper? The Yowie Mail. We contacted your manager and she said you’d all agreed to do an interview with a fan from the area. She just let us in.” 
“Did she tell you?” Frankie, the singer, asked their drum player, Dawn, who only shrugged and shook her head. No one else confirmed nor denied. 
“Oh, I’m- I’m so sorry,” Toby said, he looked at Amanda then back to the band, “We can wait while you confirm if you’d like?” 
“Yeah, uh- oh, hey! Layne!” Frankie stood, waving a hand. In the door, the woman from the back door stopped again, hand on the door frame pulling her back into view. “Did you just let these guys in?” 
“What?” the woman asked, then looked to Toby and Amanda. Toby smiled and waved at her. And she nodded, “Oh, yeah.” 
“Oh. Okay,” Frankie said. “Did-”
“Sorry, I need to- hey! Don! Don’t lift that!” she shouted and then was gone. 
Amanda looked back to the band, who seemed to be holding a silent conversation with one another as to whether or not they were going to do this. After a moment, they all looked over at Toby and Amanda. “Okay! We have a while before we can leave anyway. Come and sit!” 
And they did. 
It was actually pretty cool after Amanda managed to get over the hump of the initial awkwardness and mind fuck that had gotten them in the door. She kept waiting for the manager or the security guard to come in, pick them up, and toss them out on their asses. But they never did. Amanda got to ask all the questions she could think of, which was hard to do on the spot, but Toby stepped in when she had stuttered too much. It hadn’t taken her long to get comfortable, though. She wasn’t the kind of person who sat in the formal pleasantries, she liked conversations. 
Pretty soon the interview fell away into a hangout session and then Toby was standing and saying they’d better be on their way. Amanda hadn’t wanted to leave, had started to protest, but then saw the meaningful look on his face. Oop. Yep. Gotta go. 
She waved goodbye to the girls. 
“Wait!” Frankie said. “Can we sign something for you or anything?” 
“Oh,” Amanda blinked. “I don’t have…”
“What about your shirt?” Toby suggested. 
“Ooo! Yeah!” the band cooed in agreement. 
All the girls got up, using a marker that was on one of the tables for labeling the drink cups, and one by one signed a spot on the shirt. She thanked them, even getting a hug from Frankie, and then left with Toby. Out the back, passed the little group of fans, out the alley, and back onto the street until they got to the car. 
She sat in her seat for a minute before asking, again, “What the fuck?” 
“Jeez, it’s already 1:30?” Toby replied, leaning his seat back a little. “I’m getting too old to stay up this late anymore.” 
“Toby! Shut the fuck up about the time!” she said, punching him in the shoulder. He flinched away. 
“What the fuck was that?” 
“I thought you wanted to meet the band!” 
“I-! I mean-!” her mouth worked to get all her thoughts that were smashing together but couldn’t get them to be coherent until she closed her eyes and took a breath. “Okay, I am going to ask a question and you’re going to answer it.”
“How the fuck did you know who Bridget was and that she had cousins?” 
“I’d gone to get you that drink after her band played,” Toby said. “And she was next to me, talking to the bar manager about how her cousins were coming and if they did before the show was done, to tell them to come see her. Then, when I was getting your shirt, she was asking if they’d seen them and they said no. So then she said to tell them to come around to the back. I figured, since they didn’t make it to the show, they probably weren’t coming at all.” 
“You figured,” she repeated then shook that off. “Okay. So, then, the manager? How did you know her name?” 
“I didn’t,” shrugged Toby. “Just got the drummer’s from-”
“No, no! I mean the band’s manager.”
“The security guard,” he said, looking at her funny. “He’d said it when we were talking to him?” 
“Oh,” Amanda frowned. It must have been when she was freaking the fuck out. “How did you know the interview thing would work? Like, what if she’d actually stuck around for them to ask about it?” 
“I didn’t. Just sorta hoped she’d be too busy dealing with the bad hired help to pay us much mind.”
“Fuck,” she sighed, finally sitting back in her seat to absorb all of this. “Fuck.” 
“Did you not want to meet them?”
“No, I-! That was great,” she said, smiling to herself as she remembered bits of the conversation. “It was really nice. I just…how the fuck did you learn to lie so well? You can barely keep a straight face when you tell mum that dad didn’t eat her leftovers.” 
“That’s different. That’s mum. And this was for you. Plus, now I have a story to pitch to my editor on Monday.” 
“About the band! I have to make sure they see an article with their interview, don’t I?” 
Amanda looked over at him. He was slumped against the door, arms crossed over his chest. He sort of reminded her of their dad when he got to the couch, out like a light as soon as he turned on the tv after a long day of work. 
“Right,” she smiled and then patted his shoulder. 
“Ow,” he whined.  Yeah, Toby wasn’t the typical older brother, but he was her brother.
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Jade gathers information for azul? Do you think he'd ever disguise himself as an infobroker to his enemies, promising to give them all the info of azuls and octavinnles weakness they could possibly ask for, for the right price of course~, only to just completely make shit up on the spot and send them on a wild goose chase? Azuls just counting money in the background while his dumbass(affectionate) twin is just ranting about the pretty shrimpy that he just spent 10 minutes with in a cop car and he swears he's gonna meet this Saturday and jades like, "yes yes good for you floyd, anyways I told them our hideout was in the sewers :)"
"What are we Jade? Ninja turtles?"
"... I mean would you like the be?"
"I have costumes ready to go! I can even commission weapons if you would so like-"
Jade is the misinformation king, but he rarely goes out and spreads it himself face to face. When he does it is usually to do silly things like that so he can tease Azul and Floyd about something like which ninja Turtles he thinks they'd all be. Floyd hates it because he doesn't want to be a Turtle and Azul says he hates it because it's childish and NOT BECAUSE he is mad that Jade said he'd be Donatello. (He's mad because Jade said he'd be Donatello)
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sunspray-peak · 1 year
Ch. 30: A Gaping Hole in the Brain
During the preceding evening’s festivities, Achilles had persuaded Alex to join him for his daily, early morning jogs.
“I’m still recovering from pneumonia, mind you,” he said, one leg outstretched against the bus stop bench where they had agreed to meet. “So if you kick my ass, just know that’s why.”
“That’s why, ok, got it.” A crusty pine needle speared Achilles straight in the forehead, and he jerked up from his stretch just in time to dodge another before Alex surrendered the rest of his pointy ammunition to the ground, crushing the abandoned pine needles under the sole of some old, well-worn sneakers. He leaned against the frame of the bus stop, arms now crossed below a smirk. “Not because you, I don’t know, are a shrimpy little man compared to me. I could beat you up.”
“Stop bullying me, I’m telling my dad.”
Achilles typically focused on endurance over speed, and had mapped out a 7 mile route that he had more or less followed since he’d originally plotted it way back in the Spring. That being said, he wasn’t slow—the whole thing typically took him a little over an hour.
But was he pushing himself a wee bit faster today, though? Maybe.
Even so, at this new pace, Alex had seemingly failed to break a sweat (to Achilles’ vague annoyance), even as they trudged uphill.
At least, until they reached the mountains. Achilles noticed his friend’s lips had pressed themselves together in a tight little frown here, and Alex had dropped rather significantly in pace as sudden beads of sweat began to run down from his temples. Even so, the former swim star didn’t complain. Had simply tightened the red bandana around his forehead and continued to hike on up the gravelly mountain path.
It was (to his more-than-vague annoyance) ultimately Achilles who had to call it, the faster-than-usual pace becoming too much for him, even as Alex began to lag a little behind after stumbling over a rock-strewn pothole. They paused for a water break beside a funky little raccoon statue carved into the rockside.
“Argh, I think I scraped my ankle.” Alex was kneeling down to re-tie his shoe (or perhaps he, like Achilles, liked wiping away his sweat in privacy). “Freaking Lewis is supposed to make sure the paths are all, like, clear…”
Unlike Alex, it took Achilles a few moments to fully catch his breath (which may have explained his overly-aggressive retort, dug up from his childhood). “Aw, poor baby.” Taking a page from Alex’s book, he bent down to pick up a crunchy Fall leaf and hurled it at Alex. It missed. “Want me to kiss it, will that make you feel better?”
“Yeah, yeah, shrimp man—look, I’m bleeding—” Achilles did indeed kneel down to look, with Alex taking advantage of his closer examination to aim a kick at his face. And perhaps a lighthearted scuffle would’ve erupted (that Achilles undoubtedly would’ve lost), if not for Abigail, who had emerged from over the hill with with a stunning, sky blue sword in her hands.
The two joggers waved. And for a second, Abigail seemed to panic, moving to dive behind a tree that only just barely hid her from view. But when Alex said, “What’s up, Abby?” she tiptoed out from behind the trunk and, with a cagey glance at her surroundings, sprinted past Robin and Demetrius’ home and up the path to meet them.
Straightening from her usual slouch, she began to declare with a flourish of both hands, “Greetings, adventurers—”
“What on earth have you got that for?”
Abigail glanced at the sword in her hand as if just noticing it was there, her lips parting in faux surprise just before she attempted to hide it behind her back. “Oh. Oh! Whhaaat, this old thing…”
“I’ve seen old swords, Abby—thanks to you, actually—don’t try to pass that off as one.” Achilles nodded at the lustrous hilt. Definitely no specks of rust here.
Smelling a secret, Alex grinned for the first time since they had reached the mountains and held out a hand so he could take a closer look at the sword. “We’re all friends here. Come on, we won’t tell.”  
Abigail gave the surrounding trees another furtive glance. She stomped her feet, a little tantrum, almost, and smacked her skull with a fist. “Oooooo, and I was literally just thinking to myself, ‘you better not run into anyone, Abigail.’ Had a bit of a late morning… ooooh, but I guess it’s ok if it’s just you two…”
She took a step closer and said in a low tone, “I’ve got a lesson with Marlon today. At the Adventurer’s Guild. Been training with him ever since you had that accident in the mines back in the Spring…” With a twist of her lips, she shot Achilles a guilty look. “Freaking out was a bad look. If I want to be an adventurer, I’ve got to be more prepared, haven’t I?”
“So you’ve been learning how to sword fight? That’s so cool! Achilles you used to do this sorta stuff, right?” Alex gave the blue sword an experimental swing before handing it back. “Hey, why’s it got to be secret, though?”
“We-ell…” Abigail chewed on her lip—Achilles had suspected from the beginning there was more to the story. Now it was only a matter of whether she’d reveal it. If it had just been the lessons, Abigail surely would’ve told the whole town.
“I’ve been going into the mines.”
At these words, Achilles’ stomach plummeted. Alex similarly had a dismayed reaction, grabbing Abigail’s arm and declaring,“Abby, no.”
“Well that’s, like, the whole point of the training, isn’t it? Like I’m not just going to sit around and cut down weeds. I’m going to be the first person in living history to get to the bottom!”
“The mines are dangerous, there’s… spirits and… shit.” At these words, Achilles suddenly remembered his conversation with Corvus the shadow brute from the Summer at Sunspray Peak—the memory had hit him like a truck, how could he have forgotten something like that?
And then, just as suddenly, he lost it—or, at least, lost most of it. The memory was gone, but it had left a perceptible, gaping hole in his brain. He knew there was something he was trying to remember, that couldn’t feel more obvious, but what it was… it was just on the tip of his tongue… had slipped away like a dream…
“Obviously they’re dangerous. Again, that’s the whole point of why I’m training. Duh? Now promise you won’t tell anyone, okay?” With a wicked waggle of her eyebrows (which led Achilles to believe there was even more going on than she was letting on), Abigail shook off Alex’s hand and sauntered away, whistling a tune as she traipsed past them, arms spread wide like wings. “When the wind picks up like this… you can just taste adventure in the air!”
“We’ve got to tell Pierre,” Alex said, as soon as Abigail had disappeared from earshot.
Achilles, however, was still in a slight funk, struggling to remember what it was that had jolted his brain just seconds before. “Mmm… she made us promise…”
“No, she told us to promise, and then she walked away all fancy without waiting for an answer. We didn’t promise a dang thing.”
“It explains all the cuts I guess… and the bruises and burns…” Achilles murmured. Hadn’t someone last season said Abigail had been looking stronger, too?
“What do you mean? What are you talking about?”
Achilles slowly turned to meet Alex’s gaze, though his eyes remained somewhat unfocused. “What do you know about the mines?”
“Man, are you okay? What is happening right now—”
“What do you know about the mines?”
“I- uh… I don’t know, not much? This right here is about the closest I ever go.” He tapped the raccoon statue with his knuckles. “I told you right? The mines and stuff make me nauseous. I don’t like them. There’s just something… repellent about it all.”
For some reason, Alex’s use of a three syllable word brought Achilles back to earth. “Repellent?”
“Yeah, I don’t know. It smells like bad luck. Or something. Makes me feel sick. I stay away.”
“Intriguing, I think your grandma used those same words when I was asking her about spirits last season…”
Alex shrugged. The two began to make their way down the trail, the bounce in Alex’s step returning with each step away from the mountainside. “Might be a family thing. I don’t know, whenever I get close, I just always feel like something… bad is going to happen.
“Or might just have something to do with my mom. I don’t think it bothered me as much when I was a kid, I used to hang around here a bit more. But I was with Sam and Seb, goofing off around here when she died. Felt kinda sick around here ever since… Eh, actually I dunno, I guess I kinda felt that way about the mines even before she passed… you really don’t feel anything?”
Achilles shook his head. “Nothing like that. Although sometimes when I run by, I feel like I can almost hear… something…” But hear what, exactly?
They had reached the carpenter’s shop.
“We can change the route if you want,” Achilles said, glancing back at the mountain path they had just walked down. “We don’t have to get near the mines.”
“Oh. Sure. I mean, if that’s okay with you, that’d be great—”
“I know it’s really just because you can’t stand being slower than me when we run uphill—”
“—oh fat chance, you shrimpy weather boy, I’ll race you to Lewis’ right now—hey, that’s cheating, I didn’t say go—”
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