#shrimpus ramblings
nerdsdaycomic · 6 years
EP. 58 Back in the Saddle
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OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH SNAP!!! We back out here after a little bit of time recharging the old batteries building up that buffer and showing those holidays whose boss. I know you missed us and we missed you, so without further rambling let’s get right back into it and start up Part 2 of The Valley of the Vampyre
The boys are right back to their old tricks. Robbing corpse’s, asking questions, and just generally not knowing what is going on around them at any moment. That being said with H.P.C’s investigative acumen and the addition of the long valley lived Shrimpus they are newly focused and ready to flex and bust out of this place.
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shrimpussins · 2 months
there is like two i/ttogorou thoughts in my head. A most likely bit out of character g/orou who uses his miss h/ina identiy to feed/give i/tto even more food and to encourage him to eat more. To make that stomach even rounder, and everything else to be frank. And a second one that is probably a bit more in character for g/orou where simply i/ttos terrible eating habits run off the general a bit and he starts getting more plushed himself. Hell maybe he purposfuly does it as he wants to get as big/bulky as I/tto.
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shrimpussins · 3 months
My I/tto Feedee!Hc post was more just me devolping the hcs I have for him spefically being a feedee in the feederism Kink but I do actually want to genuinally explain why I think at least a bit off chub on I/tto's body actually makes a lot of sense for his character even in a non-kink context Firstly, a lot of strong men don't have deyhyrdated six pack abs. This is because their main focus is strength, not definition. I feel like I/tto would be the same, his main focus is on being stronger, not exactly getting 6-packs. So at the very least, he would have a bit of chub on his stomach for that reason
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Secondly, sorta going for the first one, I/tto calls himself the sumo wrestling king and seems to genuinally enjoy wrestling. Now...if you know sumo wrestlers you know that they aren't skinny in the slightest. No abs in sight here folks. Mostly just Fat and Muscle.
Lastly to the most important to me, is secuirty. I/tto for *a lot* of his childhood was just scrapping for food, as he was pretty much an orphan up until g/ranny o/ni adopted him. Because of this, I feel like I/tto would take comfort him him gaining weight/being chubbier ect ect. He would feel like hes finally in a somewhat stable situation unlike his childhood. He would feel a bit happy being able to eat food, even if he doesn't even have the mora for it sometimes. He at least can rely on being able to eat things like roasted lavender melon. Or worst comes to worse he at least has the prison food. I think he be glad that he is able to eat food and not have to fully worry about when his next meal comes in. I feel like him gaining weight is finally a sign of him being secure, that he has his gang and his g/ranny o/ni. Literally the trope of a character gaining weight to signify that they are happy.
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shrimpussins · 3 months
Rare E/imiko thoughts but could you imagine Y/ae M/iko being like "E/i you have to make up for 500 years of quality time." E/i not being able to cook, but still wanting to treat her girlfriend decides that she will hire a chief to cook for her and Y/ae, so they can have some nice quality time eating together. Y/ae is pretty please by this happily eating with their dinner dates. However, E/i notices an effect these dinner dates are having on Y/ae...partically making her a bit plumper. Her body getting a bit softer, her clothes fitting tighter. Not that this bothers her of course...she is just a bit curious because her own body doesn't allow for her to gain much weight. So she gently cusps/explore M/iko body. She also starts gently feeding her doing their dates. Y/ae miko personally loves this as she loves being pampered like this.
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shrimpussins · 2 months
Chubby i/tto
*stares at the sunsent, yearning*
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shrimpussins · 2 months
Also thinking of a huge I/tto still working out while understanding he aint getting skinnier or losing weight.
Imagine him still lifting weights. In my mind his enhanced oni strength means he has to be....a bit creative with it choosing to lift things like heavy ass boulders or tree trunks. That is how he "works outs"/ trains. Of course his stomach and tits jiggle a bit with this movenent. It gets worse when he attempts to do things like jumping jacks or a small jog (does not get as far with those things admittedly)
He probably askes members of the gang to "Punch him in the stomach to see that his core is still strong even if its under layers of fat" which causes ripples amongs his stomach.
This workout is best done with a nice fulfilling meal afterwords.
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shrimpussins · 9 days
Something something i/tto being the a/rataki g/ang trashcan as he eats all the leftovers or something idk man
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shrimpussins · 17 days
Back here again to say i love the idea of slowly "domesticating" I/tto and him gaining weight because of it
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shrimpussins · 1 month
No thoughts other than I/tto getting a bit of a starter belly after getting spoiled by a/yato
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shrimpussins · 2 months
very minature k/avetham thoughts but what as their relatonship improves they both slowly mutually gain together. As a sign that they are finally getting more comfortable together. Hell maybe a small bit indulgent but what if they start intentionally gaining weight together. As they start trusting and loving eachother again and start apperacting/praising the others bodies.
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shrimpussins · 2 months
Thinking of i/tto being a "Eat a huge meal for every victory" type of guy
Just won an onikubo beetle after loosing 99 times. A nice meal is in order with the victory snacks he wins off of children.
Won a street fight (which he wins most of the time anyways?) he needs a meal to Re energize himself!
Didn't go to prison for one whole week. Well that requires a celebratory feast.
Sure some people might say that not every single one of these require a big meal but to I/tto there is no better way of celebrating then having a nice full stomach with some songs to sing for boot. When I/tto says the best flavor is the sweet taste of victory he means it.
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shrimpussins · 3 months
One side of my brain says ex-jock I/tto who appears at a highschool reunion looking oh so pleasantly plump as his previous teamates look at him in shock and the other says ex theater kid I/tto who tries wearing an old costume in order to find it does not fit the same way it use to.
Both can somehow exist in same timeline my mind
I/tto can be the theater kid and the jock in highschool like he was ment to be.
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shrimpussins · 3 months
I/tto would be the type of guy to wear all his clothings until it completly breaks. Mostly because clothing is *expensive* or at least what he likes to get is. Therefore there is often times were the straps on his body are heavily cutting into his skin, fitting around 30 pounds ago as his "shirt" and jacket fits tightly around his arms looking it can burst off. His belt buckle pokes into his stomach and it hurts a bit. His once baggy pants look painted on him. But until it rips competly off him and he physically cant wear it anymore then I/tto is keeping these clothes! and dont you dare try and suggest he should simply get a less expensive style. He wants to look cool no matter how big his body has gotten.
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shrimpussins · 3 months
I actually want to write a fanfic expanding on the kistune ramen eating competition that I/tto had with y/ae m/iko.
Not even expanding on it with a kink lense i think it just be cool to write as an exploration of i/tto's character. Which is why I want to write a non kinky verison first to give to friends and ao3 n then maybe if i feel like it add some kink stuff later to it post on here.
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shrimpussins · 2 months
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all I am imaging right now is me making out with I/tto as i also play with his chubby belly
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shrimpussins · 2 months
Sorry for not posting often for the past couple of days I got zapped by a cold thats kicking my ass 😮‍💨
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