#shrimp is expensive as fuck over here tho
apollos-olives · 8 months
tbh i would kill people over chinese coconut shrimp.
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gabzlovesu · 3 years
here’s what happened...
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we celebrated valentine's day on saturday because i wasn't sure what my schedule for monday was gonna look like — nursing school doesn't stop for nobody yall and i can't afford to get behind. i had to study for an exam on sunday and the restaurant wasn't gonna be open that day, so we settled for the latest reservation we could get at char on saturday, which was 12:00.
ok say boom, friday night i washed my hair and prepped it for my wig and stuff, but ya girl was in distress because i didn't finish until like 1 or 2 in the morning and my hair was still a little damp. so i'm like, i'll just get up in the morning to put it on.
saturday morning i get up at 8 and to lay my wig — almost burning myself in the process — and do my makeup. and look...i'm no pro but i did wtf i had to do! i was on crunch time with only 3 hours to get ready and i mf did that! i literally did not get dressed up until the last minute and i was scared that we weren't going to make our brunch reservation. here's my otufit ig, i literally don't know how to take pictures so don't say nothing:
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i tell him to pull up to my dorm because i'm getting dressed and it will only take a few minutes to get myself together and the resturant was just down the street. AS SOON AS I GET DRESSED I REALIZE I DON'T HAVE MY WINTER COAT! but being the bad bitch that i am i was just gonna suck it up and go out in the 30 degree weather and just grab my coat from the car. that would be fine right? NOPE! i fucking forgot that my sister took the car to work that morning so i wouldn't be able to get my jacket. when my bf pulled up i literally sprinted to the car with his gift in my arms looking like a skank 😭 but yall would do it too for a check!
we made it in time, we get our table with no wait at all. cool. and i just know people are staring at me for being dressed like this when its freezing outside, idgaf tho and they need to worry about they food. we had the stupid chocolate milk debate at the table lmaooooo. anyways, i got the shrimp and grits and he got the chicken and biscuits (ya know some real southern shit purrr). now exaplain to me why my shit was expensive and i got like a cup of grits and 5 pieces of shrimp and this man had hella food for less. i was cheated yall, but he did share some of his food with me hehe 🥰 we got desert also, which was alright but the options were limited and i'm a picky eater lol. here's my food:
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he takes me back to my place so i can change into some comfy clothes and clean up my room before i go to his apartment. and we made a quick stop by walgreens on the way to his place.... iykyk.
so we walk up the stairs and he like pauses before he opens the door, and i'm just like, you good bro?? BUT IT TURNS OUT HE HAD ROSE PETALS LEADING TO HIS ROOM WHERE THEY WERE ALL OVER THE FLOOR AND ON THE BED IN A HEART SHAPE WITH CHOCOLATES AND A BIG SQUISHMALLOW!!! he knows i loves squishmallows, they're so cutee aaghhhhh. he also said that he will take me to get a mani pedi wenever i want; he didn't want to make an appointment in advance because he knows nursing school has my schedule all fucked up. then he opened my gift which was a basket full of candy, a card, the new pokemon game that he wanted so bad, and a nike gift card.
and ummm this is the nsfw part so go away if your not 18+ or you don't want to read it. so we started making out and shit and my clothes just disappeared like idk what happened yall 🤷🏽‍♀️ he at my coochie, as he should, and then broke my back while folding me in half like a lawn chair. there were some slipups, like a rose petal got stuck in my butt crack and i didn't even know lmfao, and i said "you gonna fuck me like a slut?" and he didn't respond how i wanted him too and i was embarazzed (he's so vanilla yall, we're working on that tho). then this man said — and i quote— "squirt all over my dick" EXCUSE ME??!!! WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT BECAUSE I AINT NEVER HEARD YOU SAY THAT BEFORE OMGGGGG...but i did it tho sskksks.
when we were finish we really just laid around and had a chill day after that, we don't have to be doing much to enjoy each other's company. i watched him play the pokemon game for a little bit before watching tiktoks on my phone. eventually he fell asleep (that coochie knocked him out 😮‍💨) i was fighting off sleep but i stayed up to study a little for my exam. we eventually went on a food run with his friends that night an then went to sleep. i did unfortunately loose my BRAND FREAKING NEW set of lashes that i had put on that day :(
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norristheundying · 4 years
Here are the answers for Vi:
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? – Outside the city, exploring caverns. Vi used to work at an animal reservation site, which was a much preferable environment than their abusive household.
Is there any reason why? – Vi loves animals, plus it was a sanctuary for them too.
If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? – In one of the poorer district of Zuian’s capital city.
Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? – Yes, their best friend, Piers uwu
What does home mean to them? – A place of freedom with company they feel safe around.
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? - Dried mushroom jerky, sour jelly, crispy shrimps. Basically anything with interesting texture and taste.
Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? – Probably some very unhealthy cheap snack their mum used to buy her kids to cheer them up. It reminds them of happier times.
Favourite meal to make? – Mushroom stew.
Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen? – Vi used to cook a lot for their family from scraps, and they learned how to make good dishes from leftovers / what was available. For them this was mostly a chore, but after their sister was born they tried to make it more „fun” for her, so she would eat the dull meals with more appetite.
🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? – Some hidden nook nobody would look for.
Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? – Both at home and at the military they have a small box full of trinkets and souvenirs they like to look through alone, or with their siblings / friends.
Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone? – Not really.
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? – Oh yes! Vi is very touched starved and enjoy receiving hugs. Other way around they like to make sure first the other person is comfortable with hugs, and if so then they like to give big hugs.
What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? – They are very expressive; they like to hang around their friends and family (not the dad bc fuck him), smile a lot, give hugs, make silly jokes, give compliments, lift up others’ spirit, take part in activities the others would enjoy. For strangers they simply smile, just have a vibrant energy, and speak politely.
Overall what are they like with receiving affection from others? – They love it! Can’t get enough.
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? – Vi is very observant; they like to see other people happy or content in everyday situations, find little joys in the dull routines. Other than that, THEY LOVE WORMS. If they are outside in the caverns, they are always on the lookout for critters (which is not hard to find, considering it’s their job to maintain the monster and beast population).
What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them? Every worm is a treasure. Seeing their loved ones happy makes them happy as well. Also geodes are pretty cool.
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them - Devy, I let you fill in the blank from Piers’ POV.
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? – Since medicine is really expensive, they didn’t always get appropriate treatment, so they just suffered through the illness until they got better, or forced to be bed bound with a bad fever, in which case medical treatment was a must. Possibly going to suffer from sequela in the near future, like other Zuians! Huzzah for health care!
Who cares for them and in what ways? – At home either their mother or brother. In the military any illnesses are treated immediately and responsibly to prevent the outbreak of epidemic, so medical wards are always accessible.
Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? – It’s a weird feeling for them to be doted on, but they don’t mind. They listen to their caretaker and don’t make a fuss whatever they’re told to do (either to stay in bed and take meds, or to just “man up”).
Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need? – Yes! Whenever someone just gets a bruise, Vi is already there with a kiddie band-aid and healing kiss.
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? – They are very good at non-verbal communication; with reassuring gestures, a smile, giving or lending small objects (ie. reserving their dessert for a friend, giving away their last blunt).
What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech? – Vi generally has the “must be protected” vibe, so people with a spine will always stand up for them and be kind to them.
🌳 What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? – Hug Piers, hug Sparkles, smoke a blunt.
Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? – Anything about worms.
A hobby? – Learning more about worms, duh. Tending to Sparkles is a good spare time activity. They also like to collect geodes or mushrooms.
Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed? – Vi would definitely enjoy a good bubble bath, it’s a luxury they can’t enjoy at home.
🌲 How deeply does your OC feel? – Very deeply. Vi is quite emotional, but hides any hurtful feelings thanks to domestic abuse.
Are they typically empathetic or do they have a hard time connecting with others in this way? - Vi is very empathetic and a good judge of character. That helps them show compassion towards those who need emotional support, or steer clear from assholes.
What are they like when offering support and comfort to someone they care for? – A bit timid and uncertain, but if the person allows then they would hug them, listen to what they have to say, let them tell about their worries, then ensure them with kind words.
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone? – If a loved one is around, they would cuddle with them to feel safe. If they’re alone, they would just silently cry.
🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of! – Piers (their bff who makes them feel loved), their friends (Vi values friendship), worms (funky little dirt eaters), Sparkles (it’s a slug! and it’s cute!), siblings and mother (Vi just wants the best for them), geodes and quartzite (because they look pretty!), mild drugs (yea).
🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? – For their own research they would sketch anatomical drawings. If it’s a personal journal, probably some silly doodles of others and the environment (mostly worms).
What kind of things are written in there?  - Their notebook would be very messy, full of side notes written in a fast almost undecipherable way, but with massive amount of information. A journal would be about the highlights of their daily life.
Could you give an example of a nice entry? – “Got detention again for pranking the Cap’. I feel a little bad but I’ve gotta admit, it was pretty funny. Like, the whole soufflé just exploded!! Even the neighboring table got dirty! Anyway, it wasn’t that bad. We had to scrub plates and stuff. Had a fun time spraying each other with water! I think we will get another detention for drenching the kitchen tho.”
🌼 Who are this character’s friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner? – The infamous wimp squad is their found family, and they’ve known each other for hmm three or five years now? I don’t remember what I established. And of course they met in the army, each one of them are from different divisions. Kinda in love a with Piers, but I’m not going to say more!!
Questions for You!
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why? – Vi had only one trait when I created them: a weird fascination with worms. And I wasn’t sure they would end up a creepy weirdo or something else, but eventually they became a sweet, lovable weirdo instead.
☄️ Does this OC deserve better treatment from you? Do you make them suffer just a little bit too much? Be nice to them! – I never treat my characters kindly (:
🌠 On a scale of 1 - 10 how Baby is your OC? BONUS when asking this question rate the OC yourself as see if the reply matches up!! – 10/10 big baby energy.
💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why? – Losing Piers :)
(I’ll answer the questions for Hwan another time because I’m pooped right now.)
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coloremoving · 6 years
LBC Episode 9 Review leggo~
Hmmm where should I start? It's currently 3+am in my country, I need to sleep 😴 but.. There's so much going on in Episode 9, I really want to talk about it so here goes.
I watched Episode 9 live then I quickly watch the Line TV version and to my surprise, the episode was already subbed?! 😱 Seriously, a huge thank you to JayBL for taking her time to sub for us hungry inter fans.
Now on to the first part - LOL Can again is being a whiny kid but how he kept rubbing his lips off cause of the kiss with Tin is seriously cute. And then you have Tin that snickered and said that Can finally shut up. Bro, you gonna need to keep doing that cause Can for sure ain't gonna shut up even if you guys are together. But that scene of Tin and Pete in their classroom.. I seriously want to slap Tin ugh. I salute Pete for defending Ae cause Tin needs to get through his head that not all people are bad, especially our Ae (and maybe Can). Now I really want to know what happened to Tin that got him like this. Oh, Pete being pissed at Tin was such a great scene to see. We rarely see Pete in such feeling, it's so satisfying to see so lol. But am I the only one that notice the slight change of Tin's face when he saw how pissed Pete is? Anyone? No? Nevermind. Anyway, Pond being nosy again and asked Pete whether they have sex or not and then you have Ping smacking his head. Man, I kept replaying that scene. Pond deserved that 😂 And then Chompoo came! I was wondering where did she go lol (I know some people, or is it majority? Don't like her but I heard she's a good person so I don't really mind her) And we have Pond being mischievous by saying that he wants to help Pete and make sure he gets Ae before Chompoo does lol. Then we have Pete meeting Ae but out of the sudden, Tin appeared?? I felt it was random. But it's a good thing cause Pond get to be mischievous again and try to make Ae jealous lol. You see that smirk Pond have? I LOVE IT.
Now move on to Part 2 - I'm not sure whether is it true that Pond is organising a porn party or he's just trying to force Ae to sleep at Pete's apartment so that they can do 'it'. If it's the latter, gotta salute Pond for being the captain of AePete haha. And we saw how he slipped in the condoms into Ae's bag and then start messaging. To those who've read the novel spoiler, he's actually messaging Pete to let him know that Ae is coming. I seriously love Pond here haha. And we finally get to see our cutie Good again! I seriously miss him. Our P'No being clueless of Can (again) lol but really, Can need to stop being 'annoying' if he tone down, I would have really like him. (Sorry not sorry) Ae finally came to Pete's apartment and being a sweet boyfriend, bought lots of food for both of them. Notice how their height difference aren't that big during that scene? 😂 Pond's plan worked cause you have Ae asking Pete if he really see Tin as his friend only. "He's a friend. I only have a feeling for you. Otherwise, I wouldn't.." Yeah, Pete. What do you mean 'you wouldn't'? 😏 But did you guys saw that Ae still have not taken off his sneakers? My asian ass is feeling irked about it lol and Pete isn't wearing any shoes (and talking about this, in Episode 8 when they checked out the apartment, they're walking with their shoes on and I'm like NO) Ooo Pete being a cutie after his shower and he updated his status in facebook after looking at Ae fondly sighhhh 😍. I was wondering why in facebook his name is Peach then I remember they have other names beside their nickname lol. Wait, it seems we have a slight uncut version in this part two? Cause I remember for sure there was no scene of Ae saying that he's hard live 😏 But what have you done, Ae? You stood up Pete again and then you see Pete being pouty. Sooo cute! 😚
FINALLY, THE LONG AWAITED SCENE IS HERE! Ae asking Pete if he's mad at him. Well, obviously duh. I really like how Pete was whiny about it and express that he too wants to have sex with Ae but Ae always stood him up lol. "I even cleaned it for you." "Because if it's you, I don't mind the pain." Fuck Pete, please stop being so cute (and being a 'salad' lol) ughh. NO WONDER THE CUT SCENE FOR PART THREE WAS SO WEIRD AND FUNNY. LIKE, I JUST NEED TO BLINK A FEW TIMES AND THE SCENE IS DONE SO IM LIKE??? BUT FCK, THE UNCUT SCENE WAS SO HOT. IT WAS SO UNEXPECTED FOR ME. I do wish they showed how Pete was undressed bUT THAT'S OKAY. THERE'S SO MUCH GOING ON. I WASN'T EXPECTING A LOT OF KISSING?? I MEAN I'M EXPECTING SEXY TIME LIKE LOTS OF GROPING ETC SO YEAH, EXCUSE MY DIRTY MIND. AND DID YOU GUYS HEAR THE NOISE THEY MADE WHEN THEY KISSED??? ASDFGHJKL 😍 AND THEN WHEN AE STOP KISSING PETE AND LOOKED AT HIM, PETE JUST CHASE AE TO KISS HIM AGAIN I'M- /DEAD. AND THEN AE. FREAKING. KISS. PETE'S. CHEST ?!?! AHHHHHHH !!!! AND THEY KISSED AGAIN IM GOING CRAZY I CAN'T STOP PAUSING AND REWATCHING IT AND THEN SQUEAL ABOUT IT AND THEN KEEP REPEATING THE CYCLE ASDFGHJKL 😍😍😍 BUT I NEED TO SAID THIS. WRONG CHOICE OF SONGS TO USE DURING THE SCENE?? LIKE, I FELT IT DOESN'T MATCH THE MOOD IN MY OPINION. Anyway, of course we can't forget the sweet scene after that. How Ae kissed Pete's cheek twice, Pete still feeling shy and Ae spooned Pete while they sleep sighh can I have a relationship as sweet as them? But seriously tho. You can't just gave us a hot and sweet scene and then slap us with a sad TumTar scene. I honestly ended up not interested in them cause I'm still going crazy about AePete (no offense) But poor Tar. Even years after that tragedy, he's still pretty scarred.
Finally it's the last part of Episode 9!
"He helps you to eat shrimp, so you have to do all the assignments for him this semester." "Anyhow, what kind of shrimps you are having? Why is it so expensive?" HAHAHAHHA PING PLEASE. EVEN IF AE DIDN'T EXPLAIN, HE KIND OF GETS IT LOL. CAN IS STILL NOT OVER THE KISS HAHAHAHAHAH POOR CAN And then Good suddenly can speak slightly faster than his usual slow way of speaking? LOL But fck, I guess he's thinking too much about the kiss scene that when he got hit on his head by a ball, he got a nosebleed lol And now everybody teased him about it 😂 Can must be so interested in Tin that he pulled Pete along with him just to ask whether Tin is gay or not lol and then he got tongue-tied explaining why he asked such questions lol. Anyway, THE PREVIEW FOR NEXT EPISODE. THE BATHTUB SCENE. AHHH!!! IT WAS NOT INCLUDED WHEN I WATCH IT LIVE SO THAT MEANS.. 😏😏😏 Now, another week of waiting for the next episode. AHHHH IM GOING CRAZY. I WANT TO REWATCH BUT IT'S TIME TO SLEEP SO GOODBYE 😘
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ted-hyung · 7 years
nielwink hitman au (I enjoy your writing a lot!! honestly it doesnt have to be hitman au but nielwink is all I need)
anon-sshi i, forthe love of god, am too mild for hitman!au. here, have a 2.5k fluffy bodyguard!auinstead.
feat. another thug!daehwi, lame bodyguards, jihoon being a teenager, a girl group member, glorified age AND size-difference, all the good stuffs for sunday. plz comment, likes, and reblogs, tell your friends about my fics etc ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ
also tagging le queen @6ungjin tell me whachu think imma on a roll.
one of the newbodyguards looks like a big dog. no. an overgrownpuppy. oh my god, jihoon thinks, ashe hides a grin behind his hands and steals another glance at the man who isso, so big and wide. his glaring ash blonde hair further convinces jihoon thathe’s a… samoyed puppy? or maybe a golden retriever? ugh, especially when hesmiles and his eyes disappear like he just demonstrated over somethingjisung-hyung says. the apples of his chubby cheeks aren’t helping his cute appearance at all! he doesn’t looklike a bodyguard no matter how much black attires he’s wearing from head totoe! jihoon is weak for cute things!
“bro, controlyourself,” daehwi hisses from his left. he’s speaking without moving his lips,a talent that he’s mastered for variety show appearances but actually comes inhandy at situations like these. everyone’s been picking up his talent andchecking out girl group members are easier nowadays god bless lee daehwi andthe entire k-pop industry.
“what the fuck?”jihoon hisses back, coughing a little to cover up his never-ending grin andmostly his portrayed image as this aegyo machine who’s just oh so pure and innocent—not the foul-mouthed prettyboy he really is.
“you’repractically vibrating,” daehwi says while pretending to look down to his phone.“he’s cute, i know. i want to hug him too. but seriously control yourself.don’t scare him away on his first day.”
“shut up itagged him first.”
“no, you’renot.”
on his right,jinyoung hisses at them as he opens a bag of potato chips loudly, “guys,please. just share him, we still have dongho-hyung, remember?”
daehwi hums,acknowledging his slip. dongho-hyung is their favorite bodyguard who’scurrently on leave due to sickness—lies,they know he got knocked over by a horde of fangirls with folding chairs andexpensive cameras when they were at incheon airport last week—thus the reasonwhy management is hiring two new bodyguards in the name of kang daniel(jihoon’s, thank you very much), and im youngmin, a smiley but tall and just aswide, if not wider, man with red hairand huge hands.
now, don’t getthem teenage boys wrong. living the lush life of being an idol can be lonely;they stutter when they try to talk to any girl groups and they can’t reallymake friends with another boy group since they’re still new, the still need toestablish a solid fanbase before worrying about befriending their literal‘rivals’. they—jihoon, daehwi, jinyoung, samuel, and euiwoong aka boy’sgeneration, the nation’s hottest idol to date—are all lucky to have a superhilarious manager-hyung slash talkative uncle who takes a good care of him.jisung-hyung was once a trainee who got denied his chance to debut thrice, andvowed to be a good manager to every groups he’s managed and he did. boy’sgeneration saw with their own eyes how red velvet girl group members, yes, the red velvet from sm entertainment,always flock around jisung-hyung like he’s their mama bird every time theyhappen to run into each other in music shows recording because he was theirmanager for a long, long time before he got transferred to manage boy’sgeneration.
anyway, besidesjisung-hyung, they also have kind-hearted stylist noonas and hairstylist noonasto talk to in between hectic schedules. choreographer-hyungs and don’t forgetcafeteria staffs.
and then there’sdongho-hyung and his team.
real men in suits with muscles, notjisung-hyung and his bb cream compact but don’t tell jisung-hyung that or elsethey will be denied late night sneaky snacks.
okay, so! realmen! because dongho-hyung is menacingwith the sides of his head shaved and cool tattoos, lots of them! he doesn’tshave and doesn’t moisturize at night! euiwoong once looked him up on naversearch and found that he had black belt in taekwondo and got an honorable medalfrom the navy because he helped rescuing a north korean refugee from drowningat the yellow sea. wow, right? daehwieven talks about him a lot on interviews, saying that he aspires to be as manly as one of boy’s generationbodyguards so please wait for me blooming as a real man a little bit longer,guys, saranghae~
daehwimonopolizes dongho-hyung all by himself whenever they have a vacation, sittingnext to him in the plane and clinging to dongho-hyung’s thick arms as they tryto swim across beastly fangirls waiting for them at the airport. dongho-hyunghas three people with him, all looking like they can kill with their gaze butis actually a sap. there’s wonshik-hyung who talks too fast, gets confused bywhat he says, and teasing him is boy’s generation favorite pastime. next, theyhave taekwoon-hyung; the quietest, the scariest, but also the sweetest when itcomes to tending any of boy’s generation needs. he’s got a soft spot forjinyoung who blurts out random nonsense at times that never fails to crack himup, and jinyoung even introduced taekwoon-hyung to his cousin-noona. the lastone in the bodyguard team is shinwoo-hyung, an actual bear personified. he’ssquishy and wide, sleeps a lot, and lets samuel and euiwoong braid his longhair.
jihoon is closeto all of them, but he wants one just for himself. kang daniel seems like agood candidate because im youngmin looks like he’ll be strict despite hisoverall soft-looking appearance.
ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ
nothing majorhappens.
daniel-hyung, asit turns out, is a dork. he’s a big fan of harry potter the series and he anddaehwi are bonding over their favorite book; harry potter and the goblet offire. he speaks english too, and if jihoon is a lesser man—boy—he would havehidden all of daehwi’s shoe lifts because daehwi’s been looking so smug afterhe talks to daniel-hyung about finding nemo or other american stuffs jihoondoesn’t really care. youngmin-hyung, true to his prediction, is the gentlestand smartest and prefers to tutor them instead of fully doing their mathhomework (shinwoo-hyung did it before but their grades didn’t actuallyskyrocketed ha ha ha).
jihoon is bored.
he’s recording apopular eating show alone today as a special guest alongside a girl groupmember who made jihoon’s heart skipped a beat the first time he got a good lookof her smooth, long legs clad only in a pair of pastel pink colored tennisskirt. she’s super nice, not overly friendly or even touchy with boyish cutblack hair and orange tinted lips, but jihoon can’t afford to be comfortablewith an opposite gender now. probably not ever until they’re years into keepingboy’s generation relevant.
jisung-hyungcan’t go with him because the rest of the members are filming an openingsegment for their newest variety show, boy’sgeneration 101, that jihoon had filmed prior this schedule. daniel-hyunggot assigned to accompany him instead and he’s being chummy with the girl’smanager-noona, both standing underneath the shade of the years old oak treejust across the road, looking like a movie star with a simple black polo shirtand black bermuda pants. jihoon notices that daniel-hyung’s calves are just assmooth as the girl’s and he chokes on a quiet laughter.
jihoon yelps,and the girl apologizes for startling him.
“no no, it’sokay,” jihoon splutters, standing up from the plastic chair he’s sitting. he’sjust barely a couple of inches taller than her and it’s making him sad. “hi.hello.”
the girl,ahreum, smiles and it’s not a flirty kind of smile. jihoon hopes he doesn’thave a chili stuck in between his teeth or something when smiles back at her.
ahreum says,“the PD-nim told me we’ll be back filming in ten minutes.”
“right, whew. ican’t wait to have the dessert to be honest,” jihoon nods, thanking the godsthat his stutter isn’t as severe as samuel that foolish maknae. “um. what wasyour favorite dish?”
“i loveeverything,” ahreum giggles, “i just love seafood so much. you’re allergic toshrimps, right?”
they’re filming,you guess it right, in busan. it’s dongho, daniel, and youngmin-hyung’shometown. jihoon is not even a big fan of seafood but at least he could enjoyeverything else that wasn’t shrimp. the dessert is some unique flavor, homemadeice cream. jihoon loves sweets and he’s going to eat a lot because jisung-hyungis not here with him to watch his sugar intake. the agency told him to lose acouple of weights because he looks bloated lately. it’s the goddamn chocolatebars jihoon bought on impulse the last time he got his paycheck. tch.
“are youthirsty?” ahreum asks, “let’s go to 7-11 just down the road. i’ll treat youcola.”
as much asjihoon loves cola, he can’t have it due to his sugar diet. “can i have pocarisweat instead?”
ahreum nods,smiling. she’s pretty. “anything you want.”
jihoon tellshimself not to blush like a pre-pubescent boy. “um, wait here. i have to telldaniel-hyung,” he says, putting his hands in the pockets of his sponsored denimshorts.
ahreum looksover to where her manager and daniel-hyung are still talking, and comments,“your bodyguard, right? he’s really handsome.”
jihoon, in lieuof snorting in annoyance, blurts out, “he’s a dork tho.”
yeah, well.
daniel-hyung iscrossing his arms on his chest; they’re bulging heavily unlike jihoon’stwig-like ones. he doesn’t wear any makeup but his skin is flawless and jihoonenvies him for sweating freely, while he has to be careful not to smear his bbcream away whenever he dabs his sweat with tissues. daniel-hyung smiles whenjihoon approaches near, and the manager-noona greets him politely.
“ahreum and iare going to the 7-11,” jihoon says, “do you want something, hyung?”
daniel-hyung’sanswer is immediate, “i’ll go with you.”
jihoon frowns.“it’s just down the road,” he waves a hand to the general direction of theroad, even though truthfully he hasn’t seen a 7-11 near the dessert house.
daniel-hyungtilts his head, a very cute habit that makes him look more and more like anovergrown puppy. if only he’s not being annoying right now, jihoon would havebeen squealing. in his head.
but he’s beingannoying right now.
“right,whatever.” jihoon mumbles and makes a u-turn, and he hears a loud horn ananosecond before he realizes he’s being held back by daniel-hyung’s strong andheavy arms. someone curses out loud but jihoon’s ears are ringing with howdeafening his heartbeats are. he wasn’t looking and he almost got hit by aspeeding motorcycle, all because he thought daniel-hyung, who saved his life,was being annoying for wanting to go to 7-11 with him and ahreum.
daniel-hyungsmells like baby powder.
“jihoon! are youokay?!” that’s ahreum, eyes as big as saucers as she runs towards him but notbefore looking both ways for any vehicles. jihoon gets a glance of the eatingshow crew in a various state of shock, and daniel-hyung is still holding him upwith gentle hands because jihoon doesn’t think he can stand upright without ahelp anyway.
“ahjusshi, is heokay?” ahreum asks, addressing daniel-hyung formally. weirdly. daniel-hyung is only twenty seven years old, exactly tenyears older than jihoon but his birthday is on december. he’s an oppa, really,not ahjusshi.
did jihoon tellyou already that daniel-hyung smells like baby powder? because he really does.
“he’s alright,he’s fine,” daniel-hyung sighs, softly, like he doesn’t want to spook jihoonmore if he speaks in a normal tone. “jihoon-ah? can you hear me?” he asks,carefully maneuvering jihoon in his arms, cupping jihoon’s face with his gentlehands that smells like milk. probably his hand cream.
jihoon blinks atthe question, and a tear falls.
ahreum makes adistressed sound as daniel-hyung envelopes him in a hug. he’s so warm, sogenerous with how he strokes jihoon’s hair to reassure him that he’s stillhere, safe and sound. jihoon wraps his arms around daniel-hyung’s torso, nailsdigging onto the fabric and the thickness of daniel-hyung’s skin, vaguelyrecalling whispers from ahreum and her manager-unnie and soon enough the PD-nim’sconsolation that they will hold the filming until jihoon recovers from hisshock. jihoon wants to go home. he wants to curl up on his bed with hisfavorite polar bear plushy and a bar of dark chocolate cadbury. he wants toerase his makeup and sleep with a clay mask he got from his fans. but mostimportantly, he doesn’t want daniel-hyung to let him go.
ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ
nothing majorhappens after that.
it takes jihoonapproximately a week and a half to get back to his old self, to get over thehumiliation of his own childish view of life that almost cost him his life or aleg or worse; his face. daniel-hyungnever brings up the issue and he seems to pay more attention to jihoon eversince. he volunteers to accompany jihoon on his next personal schedule and he’salways the first to reply to jihoon’s question on their group chat, actuallycoming over with a bag of cheetos when jihoon jokingly asked for it, summerthunderstorm be damned.
he looks like awet, overgrown puppy as he shows up on the front door and jihoon pouts, whiningand pulling him inside where it’s warm and jisung-hyung just cooked spaghettiand kimchi soup.
“i’m sorry!”jihoon squeals as he runs to his room to get towels. euiwoong is eyeing himfrom the top bunk, one earphone dangling as he monitors their latest music bankperformance like a good leader he is.
“are you talkingto me?” euiwoong asks.
“no,daniel-hyung is here. he brought cheetos!”
“what the…”euiwoong sits up. “cheetos that you asked on group chat? and what are youdoing?”
“towels! can iborrow yours? i’ll laundry it tomorrow.”
“bottom shelf.”
jihoon grabs twowhite towels embroidered in his and euiwoong’s initials—the perks of livingwith four other boys and one adult in one apartment, they can’t risk sharinggerms thus the territorial towels—and runs back to the front door wheredaniel-hyung is laughing at something jisung-hyung says.
“yah, thisbrat!” jisung-hyung scolds jihoon, but he’s helping daniel-hyung pattinghimself dry. “and you! you didn’t think to use any umbrella or what?”
“i was alreadyout,” daniel-hyung sniffs, concentrating on his hair. “thanks, jihoon-ah.”
jihoon nods,tongue-tied mostly because he was just joking about craving cheetos yet herethey are.
jisung-hyungclaps his hands. “oh, right! how was the date?”
daniel-hyunglaughs and tells them that she ditched him. jisung-hyung gasps, scandalized,and proceeds to rant about how dare she to passover someone as hot as kang daniel! and daniel-hyung laughs again, hiswhole body shaking with the mirth.
what was that?
why did jihoon’sheart skip a beat at the sight? is he for real?he’s seen daniel-hyung laughs multiple times before! why now, park jihoon, why?!
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