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jonjon41girl Ā· 4 years ago
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ā€œThe Spirit of the Lord says that in living in the moment you have not lost My momentum in your life. I am your Father and ours is a business of purpose and destiny. You will find that this year is a year of a great come back. Nothing that I have set in motion will be lost. What looks like loss in your life will prove to be great gain because I am the God of ā€˜Come Backā€™. Though it looks like the path is a path of depletion things will turn and what seemed to be lost will come back again. I am birthing the fruit of generations and the plans of men will not thwart my path of life. I am the God of redemption and the price has been paid for mercy and for grace.ā€ Ted Hanson https://ted4you.com/2020/12/07/the-god-of-come-back/ #comebackyear #2021 #wordfromGod #Fathersays #purpose #authentic #findidentity #indentityinchrist #leadyourlife #identityfinder #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus https://www.instagram.com/p/CIgOV2RlaK8/?igshid=3adp0pjuv4vm
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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Trust is built on telling the truth, not telling people what they want to hear. Simon Sinek This is a very hard lesson to learn. I have been learning this lesson intensely the last few years, and I have paid a huge price to learn it. I was not telling people in my life the truth I was trying to keep people in my life happy instead. I do like the person in the mirror a lot more these days and the people in my life now are embracing truth rather then the fiction of what we think we want. #becomeyourbestself #findidentity #indentityinchrist #leadyourlife #identityfinder #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #findwhatinspiresyou #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #becomeanewperson #trust #truthishard https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSCA8SF3uI/?igshid=mna4pnrx84xa
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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ā€Sometimes, you have to be the lion, so you can be the lamb that you are.ā€ Dave Chappelleā€™s mom Man does this home some days. There are many things in play to try to stop you from being your true self. You have to be that lion to protect others and fight off those things from a place of being loved and loving. This is what will bring a breakthrough. Receive the Lion and the Lamb and be the lion and the lamb. #becomeyourbestself #findidentity #indentityinchrist #leadyourlife #identityfinder #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #findwhatinspiresyou #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #becomeanewperson #becomewhatyouwanttoattract #becominganewcreation #identity #becomewhatyouwouldfollow #wouldyoulikeyou #lion #lambthatyouare https://www.instagram.com/p/CErdumdlDso/?igshid=1b4bmdynautse
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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Feeling hated or abandoned? Here is what Jesus said to his disciples about being hated because of their love for Him. ā€œBut donā€™t worry. My grace will never desert you or depart from your life. And by standing firm with patient endurance you will find your soulsā€™ deliverance.ā€ā€ ā€­ā€­Lukeā€¬ ā€­21:18-19ā€¬ ā€­TPTā€¬ā€¬ https://www.bible.com/1849/luk.21.18-19.tpt #becomeyourbestself #findidentity #indentityinchrist #leadyourlife #identityfinder #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #findwhatinspiresyou #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #becomeanewperson #becomewhatyouwanttoattract #becominganewcreation #identity #becomewhatyouwouldfollow #luke12 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDtml-hlY9q/?igshid=yu5atfiejx6z
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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To be authentic is to be at peace with your imperfections. You are made in the image of God. It is good for your soul to embrace your uniqueness. #becomeyourbestself #findidentity #indentityinchrist #leadyourlife #identityfinder #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #findwhatinspiresyou #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #becomeanewperson #becomewhatyouwanttoattract #becominganewcreation #identity #becomewhatyouwouldfollow #wouldyoulikeyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CDeJ5tPlj4M/?igshid=jfxdi3knhl15
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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Good leaders are hard to come by so you should become one. Quotes by Simon Sinek. #becomeyourbestself #findidentity #indentityinchrist #leadyourlife #identityfinder #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #findwhatinspiresyou #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #becomeanewperson #becomewhatyouwanttoattract #becominganewcreation #identity #becomewhatyouwouldfollow #wouldyoulikeyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CDSSWtAlupI/?igshid=i40e8bopma64
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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Trust, this is what is really happening right now. Where does your trust lie? This awaking is so you can adjust where needed in where you place your trust. #trust #questiontoponder #inspirationalquestions #becomeyourbestself #indentityinchrist #leadyourlife #identityfinder #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #findwhatinspiresyou #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #becomeanewperson #trustingod #becominganewcreation #identity #becomewhatyouwouldfollow #wouldyoulikeyou (at Boulevard Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_48rC5lJGw/?igshid=1vjkzapgnbi9s
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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What was the last thing you did that made you feel alive and fulfilled? Name that moment. In that moment you were probably living from your true identity. There is a way to live that way most of the time. #questiontoponder #inspirationalquestions #becomeyourbestself #trueidentity #livefulfilled #leadyourlife #inpiredbyme #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #findwhatinspiresyou #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #becomeanewperson #becomewhatyouwanttoattract #becominganewcreation #inspiredbyuou #becomewhatyouwouldfollow #wouldyoulikeyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B7wRTdYFuRX/?igshid=4tsh3ktmunex
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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When is the last time you felt truly connected to Jesus? I am not just talking about knowing something about Him or a religion. I am not even talking about only hearing His voice. I am talking about a face to face experience where you canā€™t look at life the same anymore. Life has all the same stuff it had before but you feel solid and at peace with Jesus and even yourself. This space is where you find your true self. You can only find your true identity when you are face to face with Jesus. #questiontoponder #inspirationalquestions #becomeyourbestself #facetoface #facetofacetransformation #facingjesus #jesusistheway #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #findwhatinspiresyou #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #becomeanewperson #becomewhatyouwanttoattract #becominganewcreation #inspiredbyuou #becomewhatyouwouldfollow #wouldyoulikeyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B7tdmMyliJl/?igshid=1f1ve7c5dvnpt
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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If we know what we want people to say at your funeral, you can build your life with intention. Most of us live life and hope for the best. Better yet if you know what your Heavenly Father wants to say with your life, you can build your life with Him. #questiontoponder #inspirationalquestions #becomeyourbestself #findidentity #indentityinchrist #leadyourlife #identityfinder #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #findwhatinspiresyou #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #lifemessage #becomewhatyouwanttoattract #becominganewcreation #identity #becomewhatyouwouldfollow #wouldyoulikeyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B7r_7wyFcsq/?igshid=mqknaupxvdmm
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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What is your identity? How do you find your identity? Who would know your identity? Most of us let life or others tell us our identity. Only the One who had us in mind before we were even born can tell us this. #questiontoponder #inspirationalquestions #becomeyourbestself #findidentity #indentityinchrist #leadyourlife #identityfinder #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #findwhatinspiresyou #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #becomeanewperson #becomewhatyouwanttoattract #becominganewcreation #identity #becomewhatyouwouldfollow #wouldyoulikeyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jnvB4FMwe/?igshid=16sbkb0fdg6ou
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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Finding our purpose in bringing heaven to earth changes everything. #questiontoponder #inspirationalquestions #becomeyourbestself #leadbyexample #leadyourself #leadyourlife #inpiredbyme #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #findwhatinspiresyou #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #becomeanewperson #becomewhatyouwanttoattract #becominganewcreation #inspiredbyuou #becomewhatyouwouldfollow #wouldyoulikeyou @simonsinek https://www.instagram.com/p/B7eHSZjl-Uv/?igshid=1gwrp0xdl7atc
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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What is your lane? What is your calling? What is your purpose? No matter how you word it, I hear many people talking about this but very few real solutions in finding it. What is a sure way of finding your lane? If you donā€™t know, stay connected here and you will find out how. #questiontoponder #inspirationalquestions #becomeyourbestself #yourlane #findyourlane #findyourownlane #findingpurpose #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #calling #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #becomeanewperson #becomewhatyouwanttoattract #becominganewcreation #inspiredbyuou #becomewhatyouwouldfollow #wouldyoulikeyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B7b9pBfFCdZ/?igshid=wfcgfn6v5dgn
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jonjon41girl Ā· 5 years ago
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Become the person you are inspired by. Become that person you hoped someone would be for you. Jesus was and is an inspiration we want to be like. #questiontoponder #inspirationalquestions #becomeyourbestself #leadbyexample #leadyourself #leadyourlife #inpiredbyme #inspirationtoall #inpirational #becomeabetteryou #betteryourself #jesusinspiration #jesusinspired #inspiredbyjesus #becominglikechrist #becomemorelikejesus #showmeyourtrueself #belikejesus #findwhatinspiresyou #findyourself #findingmyself #findinginsight #lookinginsidemyself #looknofurther #becomeanewperson #becomewhatyouwanttoattract #becominganewcreation #inspiredbyuou #becomewhatyouwouldfollow #wouldyoulikeyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Y39SqFEHe/?igshid=1v4s7uyz69lsi
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