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shovvteeth · 5 years ago
@showamity​ || Someone needs to stop us with all these AUs
The world is a harsh place and Robyn is well adjusted to the bitterness and abuse that coils around it, suffocating people at it’s boot; people like herself and, at one point in time, the people of Mantle that she had tries to valiantly to aid and save.
But like all lawbreakers and all who turn their tide to swim against the stream, repercussions were only so far behind; a steady gain to retribution for actions that one would hardly call crimes.
Robyn Hill’s came in the form of another wealthy lord; another rich prick that took and took and took. Hubris was her undoing, breaking into his castle home and taking all she could carry within her grasp.
Gems, valuables, money, food-- Anything the people beneath his heel deserved, she aimed to take.
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Fate had cruel plans in mind, indeed, and where Jacques Schnee grasped power beyond that of mortal holdings, Robyn did not know. Magicks were whispered in hushed tones at night; witches and wizards scorned and burned at stake, avoided and feared but they... were never real in Robyn’s mind. Not until it seized her form and robbed her of much more than just her pride.
From land to sea, the woman’s form was violently changed. Legs fused, skin to scales and a painful transition, air gasped and spluttered in as her form was tossed into the enclosed gulf at the heart of this kingdom; castle overlooking a steep cliffs edge. A dam and gate at the far end of the large gulf saw Robyn trapped, caged like the beast she was warping into.
 The water was cold and harsh but it’s depth and darkness comforting as the years bled together, as Robyn explored every inch of this new and extravagant jail cell. There was one exit and despite her form spanning close to eleven feet in length, she had not the power to break solid stone nor climb over the dam to freedom. 
So therein a tale of the lake monster was spun, a beast as large as a whale that could sink boats-- A large and sharp dorsal fin, grey scales and slitted purple hues; Claws and fangs washing ashore and the rumors of unearthly glowing seen on the darkest of nights.
But such were just tales in the eyes of the children scared at night by their parents spinning stories of warnings.
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huntrcsses · 5 years ago
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“In the end, you get what you deserve.”
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metalpetals-a · 5 years ago
"Just so you know, you're too young to date my sister so." cancelled, illegal, grounds for arrest.
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“ I’m already under arrest!  So I’m going to hold your sister’s hand on the way into custody and you can’t STOP ME! ”
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philotimon · 5 years ago
Dad, inside voices.
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cursedburden · 5 years ago
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@showamity​:  "Qrow." her words are matched with a narrowed look, now ripped jacket folded under her arm. "Care to explain to me what happened to my coat? I tried asking Robyn but she ran off screaming 'not my fault, Qrow did it.' So-- ?"
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“She snitched on me, didn’t she. Okay, Ice Queen, want the real truth?” He asked as he folds his arms, clearly unhappy with Robyn. “Robyn wanted to wear your coat, and she got stuck. Me, being the caring friend I am, tried to help her take it off, and well... you can see the damage. So blame her, not me.”
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vereiisen · 5 years ago
"Mother!" Robyn crosses the space between them, "I demand your consent to elope with the charming lesbian huntress that is Robyn Hill!" The wig slips as Robyn slides in for a tight, short hug before power walking back. "I must now bid you adieu! I have important scowl-y business to attend to and teenager to make cry!"
“ Have fun,  dear, ”  Willow comments idly,  flipping to the next page of her book.  She doesn’t seem to be paying one ounce of attention.  “ Please,  do try to avoid the teenagers that arrived with your sister.  They seem... ”  Her eyebrows raise slightly as she searches for the word.  “ ...hm,  unstable. ”
However,  there’s just the ghostly twitch at the corners of her mouth of the smile she’s so good at suppressing. 
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glypheborn · 5 years ago
@showamity​ / sc.
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“every day - every day, i have pushed myself harder, and harder, for what i want. and what i wanted, was to get stronger, and better. and when i felt like i couldn’t keep going? i pushed harder.”
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artificialrebirth · 5 years ago
“the floor is genuine love and affection”
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time to levitate away from his commitment & trust issues
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atlaswinter · 5 years ago
❝ welcome to my twisted mind. ❞ ;))
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“It’s like looking into a funhouse mirror, isn’t it?”
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corviidaecorvus · 5 years ago
"Qrow! I find you scruffy and generally unpleasant! You smell and I do not appreciate you in my pristine porcelain company!" Robyn has wrinkled her nose, attempting some poor semblance of 'disgust' though it lasts only a second before she's cackling.
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Oh, now this was amusing. He couldn’t hold back the snicker that fell from his lips as the vigilante tried to impersonate Winter. He tried to play along with some semblance of seriousness, but that wasn’t going to happen.
“Your words wound me, madam,” he gasped dramatically, a hand moving to his chest before he too began cackling.
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seethewcrld · 5 years ago
❝ he protecc, but he also attac. ❞ @ marrow
Super Cereal - Accepting! - @showamity
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“Isn’t that kind of my job?” Marrow tilted his head and looked at the other before looking to the side. “You make it sound so.... simple?”
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huntrcsses · 5 years ago
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“I had hoped the leader of the Atlesian military and one of its foremost politicians would be above this kind of pranking.”
Now she’s wet, she has a sticker on her head for some reason, and her ears hurt from hearing Robyn screech as she ran off.
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metalpetals-a · 5 years ago
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send for a rooby text | accepting !! - ACCIDENTAL TEXT
@showamity​ said : $
[ sent:  Winter ]  ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;;;;;3  [ sent:  Winter ]  UM [ sent:  Winter ]  Hi Winter! This is Ruby Rose [ sent:  Winter ]  From team rwby? Weiss’s partner? Hi again [ sent:  Winter ]  I meant to send this to Weiss. Your sister Weiss. Not you. Sorry! W names, not used to having a lot of that haha!  [ sent:  Winter ]  Sorry again! 
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philotimon · 5 years ago
"Father! I demand your love and affections and a cookie!" Robyn has a white wig on and Winter's clothing that is,,, a little too short in the legs.
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          At first, he just stares. Is that… Robyn Hill ? In Winter’s clothes ? Imitating her accent ? ( And poorly, he has to add. ) The sight is so ridiculous, a small snort escapes him before he can stop it, but he quickly schools his face into something more… appropriate.
          ❝ Of course, dear. Would you like chocolate or vanilla ? ❞
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cursedburden · 5 years ago
@showamity​ liked for a starter
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“Ice Queen... what the hell are you doing? Didn’t you hear what James is planning, we need to do something to smack sense into that man, before I actually impale him myself.”
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wintersrapier · 5 years ago
Robyn has a white wig on and ill-fitting Specialist attire. "Sister. Come, we have special... Schnee business that involve sitting in contempt and throwing darts at our dear fathers face." She has a deadpan expression though the corners of Robyn's lips threaten a grin as her hand pats the other's face. "Also. I love you, I think?"
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There’s a scrutinizing gaze upon her face. If ‘Winter’ looks closely, there’s a playful gleam in Weiss’s eyes. Though her face scrunches up at the face patting. Yup, that’s almost suitable to how awkward they can be with affection.
“While you need to work on the love part, dear sister… where are the darts?”
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