#show paltes
yourfangirl420 · 8 months
Wait the every witch way fandom isn't dead?
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umbreoncomplex · 7 months
Dean was on the couch and he was wathcing a tv show about pie. It was about cookin apple pie, pumpkin pie, pudding pie, blueberry pie, cherry pie, key lime pie, pecan pie, chicken pot pie, lemon pie, boston creme pie,and banana cremme pie. "Ooh babyy" he licked his lips as they took the pie out of the oven. Then somebody pooped up behind him.
"dnaE" they asked. he recognized the vioce. Iit was the gay angel man.
"Hello cas" he turned to him very quickly and turned the tv off. "you didnt see that. i wasnt watch anuthing. i Swear."
"Don'ut swear dena, it's not very ladylike."
"cas you are such a chuckleface."
"whats in ytour hands cas?"
"i made you a pie. Look Deanie i worked very hard. i even caught my tie on fire," he glanced down at the half burnt tie and then it turned brand new again because of hjis homosexual powers
"thats not pie," dean frowned loudly. The angle's eyebrows lifted sadlike
"yes it is i worked hard"
"no look at it." the anelg looked at the flat piece of dough in his hands. a single apple slice rested in the middle of it and it wasnt even cooked.
"how did you manage to catch it on fire did you even put it into the oven ya dumb snot?" deanie weenies eyebrows went together andf his princess eyes widened to the size of paltes and his lips puckered.
"whats an oven dean?"
"how did you catch on fire?"
"i dont know i just did i was cutting the apple and all of a sudden something was smoking"
"you stupid butt come here and let me checku for burns"
"i am okey dokey" the anal promised him. dean shook his had "no you shit stick come here" he hugged him exTREMEly tightly. "you smell like fire."
"i was in purgastory."
"baby boy" he slapped his back in a loving, painful, way
"ouch danie" cas frowned again. dean gasped darmatically
"DID I HJURT OUOU?"?" he shouted in his face. The anelg stared into his green rapunzel eyes. "I ALWAYS HURT EVERYONE I LOVE NOT YOU TOO CAS I DON'T NEED THAT." cas continued to stare and then his eyes turned blue.
"Are you going to eat the pie or not you little shit"
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what camera angel
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in dead space you play in third person one of the man resons of the game being in therd peronis the lo9cashon of the player health in the game i have found this to be a grat way to intagrt heath in to game, by adding the helath of the player to the back of the player i is alway in the center of the screen whare the playuer would have bloked that part of the screen by doing this the game has cut doun on unssed screen space well.
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this game is also therd person but it uses a more tradisheal UI for the player helth, despit chnaging the locashon of the helath i find that using therd peron is still ued well in this game. i am inspied by how the us of therd peron makes fiting eser as it gives the player a cahns to see there sartouding making them more awer of the fight at hand.
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the imig ubove shows game play of palts vas zobies, the imig dipasly how therd perso can be utalied to show the player what is hapaning around them. un like dead space it use the same UI. but the therd peson pespective has one down sid and that is if you go in a small room i it is inposaball to wee what is going on behing the player model as it takes up most of the screen, plants vs zobes fixed this by makinbg the map big.
i dont think this cama will work for my second idea but fore my first idea i would make the game seem more open for the player.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
PALT show combines six holiday movies into one comedy - Port Arthur News
PALT show combines six holiday movies into one comedy – Port Arthur News
PALT show combines six holiday movies into one comedy Published 12:22 am Tuesday, November 22, 2022 On Nov. 25-27 and again Dec. 2-4, The Port Arthur Little Theatre will be performing ”The Holiday Channel Christmas Movie Wonderthon.” (Courtesy photo) Calling all Hallmark Channel Christmas movie lovers: The Port Arthur Little Theatre soon will have everything you’re craving at one time. On Nov.…
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mynumberplates · 3 years
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4D Gel Number Plates from Mxnt Plates 
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gontagokuhara · 5 years
is anyone watching the politician bexause its the best show ever made
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 3 years
Stars - Nico Di Angelo
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Pairing: Nico Di Angelo x reader
Warnings: OOC!Nico
Wordcount: 1863
Summary: When Nico is down, Y/N is right there to check up on him.
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The son of Hades had always been struggling with his emotions. It wasn't particularly one feeling, he just wasn't used to express them. He usually walked around camp like he didn't care about anything. The same, stone cold expression was always on his face. The only time he seemed to show any emotions was when he got hurt and the only thing he showed was pain. Pain and anger. It did put some concern into the Y/G/P girl. She was good at reading people but Nico was always something she had struggled with. He never let someone in or let himself come close to anyone. One day she decided to talk to him. She usually wasn't the one to talk to people she didn't know very well but Nico got to be an exception. He had hid in the Hades cabin all day, skipped every meal, nothing but silence came form cabin 13.
Y/N was good friends with Will Solace and used to help him out in the infirmary when she got time. She had just left to get some food for Will and herself when she saw the dark door swing up and the dark haired boy walked out. He was wearing his usual black jeans, a black t-shirt and since it was summer, a black and white flanell covered his shoulders and arms. She smiled a gentle smile when he met her gaze. Y/N started walking towards the pavilion and Nico turned around to walk away. His destination seemed to be the deep forest.  She just shrugged it off and got herself some food. She placed a salad on the plate for Will and headed back to the infirmary where Will was waiting.
"Thank you, N/N, a salad was really what I needed right now," he smiled and placed a tomato in his mouth. You nodded and smiled but didn't say anything more. When Will had finished his food he got up and placed the plate away before going back to work. She sat on one of the beds, not doing much.
"Hey, Y/N, what's up with you today? I something wrong? You're awfully quiet," Will looked up from his work, the golden locks fell into his eyes but he didn't seem to care. She shrugged her shoulders before answering.
"I guess I just have a lot on my mind today, I'm worried about Nico," she said, careful with her words.
"What about Nico? Is he sick again?" Will asked worried. Will and Nico were close friends and he too cared for the quiet boy.
"I don't know really, he's been hiding away a lot recently and he've skipped a few meals. I've placed a few plates outside his door the other days and they're always gone when I walk past the next time. I don't know if he actually eats them though," Y/N answered truthfully and pulled a few strands of hair behind her ear. Will nodded and gave a cup of nectar to the patient he was taking care of at the moment. A Demeter kid who had ended up tangling herself in her own palts and passed out from the lack of oxygen. She had hit her head pretty bad but Will said she would be fine.
"Have you talked to him?" Will wondered, and the girl looked up in surprise. Will knew she didn't like talking to people she barley knew, but he had also told her that she'll have to. Or else she'll never get to know someone new. She also knew that he was very well right. She sighed and shook her head at his question. "Maybe you should," he said and placed away a can of green pills.
"Maybe... But I don't even know the guy! Isn't it better if you do it?" She told him and he stopped in his actions to look at her.
"You know what I've said. Come on, go talk to him. I'm soon done here anyways so I'll make it on my own. It'll be good for you," he told her with a comforting smile. She let out a sight, why couldn't she tell him no. She was to kind for her own good, too easily persuaded. Will waved her away and she shook her head at her friend but walked out in the sunshine.
I swear, this shit is going to be my end. No I'm not talking about Percy or Jason, not even mosters. These stupid shit called feelings are destroying me. I have bottled it all up and now I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I mean, I guess I could talk to Will about it but he's busy in the infirmary. Annabeth would probably also work but she have a lot to do around camp so I don't want to disturb her. Hazel had gone back to Camp Jupiter a few days ago and that made this even worse. She had a clue of what was going on inse my head but now she's on the other side of the country.
The trees compact air and many noises from animals and other creatures eventually became too much and I headed back inside the comfort of my own cabin. The bed being the only useful thing in the whole room I laid down there, staring up at the ceiling. It was enchanted by a daughter of Hecate during the building of this damn cabin and now the cosmos was playing in the flat roof. It was kind of relaxing though, it was nice too look at the stars and planets that were shattered all over the galaxy. It got my mind of things and it was definitely useful when my brain decided to pull and all nighter; which happened quite usually. Too often for my liking but people complained either way, didn't they. If I didn't sleep much I'm unhealthy and lazy because I'm not in the mood to do something. When it actually happened that I slept for longer than 8 hours I'm still lazy because I'm sleeping. So Thalia can sleep for 6 years and nobody bats an eye but I sleep for 16 hours and suddenly I'm depressed. Well I can't say I'm not depressed but it's definitely not because I sleep.
A knock on the door broke through the silence and made me turn towards it. I mumbled a come in, expecting it to be Percy or Will. The door swung open without a sound and I threw a glance at it when it hit me that it was neither Percy or Will standing out there. It was a girl with H/L H/C hair put up in a messy braid that hung over her shoulder. A pair of gentle, E/C eyes met mine and a sweet smile was resting comfortably on her pink lips. A few freckles was put over her nose and cheeks and in her hand she was holding a plate of cut up fruit and a glass of bubble water. I sat up and looked at her, maybe she was that friend that Will usually talked about. The one helping him out in the infirmary.
"Can I come in?" she asked and looked at me. I nodded and she shut the door with her foot and walked in. The plate with fruit she put on the table along with the glass of water. I could sense the smell of pomegranate and I smiled a little. At least she knew what I liked.
"I... I don't really know how to do this, I usually don't talk with people that I don't know very well. But my name's Y/N, i'm a daughter of Y/G/P. Will said you maybe knew about me," she stated and looked at me. She wasn't afraid or shy, just a bit uncomfortable with the fact that she was talking to an almost complete stranger. I nodded at her and replied.
"Yeah, Will have talked about you. He seem to appreciate you a lot," I smiled thinking of all the times he'd come to talk being exhausted after a day in the infirmary and every time he'd told me that 'he'd probably hadn't made it to the end of the day without her help'. "I'm Nico, but I guess that you already know that."
"Yeah, I know that. Will have told me a bit about you. He's the reason I'm here. I'm way too easily persuaded and I think Will have taken advantaged of that," she answered. "I'm not the one to talk to random people, no offence, but I don't really know you. I brought you a plate fruit, I've noticed you've skipped a few meals. I've left some food on your doorstep but I haven't figured out if you've actually eaten it or not," she laughed and brushed a few loose strands of hair from her face.
"That was you?" I asked surprised. She nodded. "Yeah, it was." I smiled at her sweet gesture and gestured for her to sit down on the bed beside me. Carefully as if she was afraid she'd break something she sat down and placed her head on my shoulder. The simple gesture shocked me but I carefully placed my head on hers. She took my hand in hers and played with it in her lap.
"I want to trust you, and I want you to trust me too. It'll be hard, at least in the beginning. But I think we'll make it work, don't you think so?" she looked up at me and I nodded smiling.
"I hope so, at least I'm willing to try and I'll make sure to do the best of it," I told her and she smiled. Then her eyes went big when she saw the ceiling. The stars reflected in her eyes and I smiled at the sight. She was beautiful, there was no denying it. I pulled her up on the bed beside me and we layed down facing the stars. Her hand was still holding mine but I don't think she realized it. She was busy taking in every little star, every little moon and planet in the magical cosmos that were put above us. I never realized how beautiful it actually was until I saw her appreciate it this much. Just then I felt something I hadn't felt for long. It was a pity Hazel wasn't here, I needed to talk to her. But maybe, in a while after we've goten to know each other and gained trust I can talk to her about it. Because it's not very nice to talk about other people behind their backs. Even if we're talking about love. But for now I gotta stay satisfied with what I have. And right now that's a new found friend and the stars. But that's more than enough for me.
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skyfire85 · 4 years
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-The sole remaining M6A1 Seiran at the NASM Udvar Hazy Center after an 11 year restoration. | Photo: Karsten Palt
Flightline: 53 - Aichi M6A1 Seiran
Capitalizing on the successful raid on Pearl Harbor, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Combined Fleet, proposed a fleet of large submarine aircraft carriers to attack the continental US.
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-I-401 underway, date unknown. | Photo: IJN
Work on the I-400-class submarine, the largest sub constructed until the ballistic missile submarines of the 1960's, began in 1943, though the planned fleet of 18 was scaled back to nine, then five as the war turned against the Japanese. The leviathan subs had a watertight tube which could hold three airplanes, as well as torpedo tubes and a deck gun. Each plane would be rolled out, rigged for flight and launched via a compressed air catapult. In the end, only three were completed, and only the first two, I-400 and I-401 were launched before the war’s end. The US captured all three subs, though I-402 was sunk off Fukue Island to prevent the USSR from also inspecting the sub. I-400 and I-401 were sailed to Hawaii for further study, though they were eventually sunk in 1946, again to keep them out of Soviet hands.
Aichi Kokuki KK was tapped to build the new torpedo/dive bomber, which would be launched from the subs, attack the targets, then return to the sub’s position, which would then surface and retrieve the crew before sinking the planes. Initially planning to adapt the D4Y1 (Judy) dive bombers Aichi was building under license, eventually a clean-sheet design was needed as the modifications would be too extensive.
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-Orthographic view of the M6A1. | Illustration: Kaboldy
The final design was a low-wing monoplane with pontoons.The plane featured a crew of two and was armed with an 850kg torpedo or bomb, as well as 13mm machine gun on a flexible mount for self defense. The plane was powered by a license-built copy of the Daimler-Benz DB 601 V12 engine, which provided a cruise speed of 296km/h and a range of 1,188km.
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-Scan of a model kit instructions showing the extensive folding required to fit the M6A1 into its hangar. | Screenshot: Tamiya Model Co.
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-Cutaway model of the I-400 submarine showing the folded M6A1s. | Photo: Pintrest
In order to cut down on prep time, the aircraft, given the designation M6A and called the Seiran (lit. “storm from the clear sky”) would be launched from a cold start, with oil and water preheated separately and pumped into the engine prior to catapult, an idea borrowed from the Nazis, who developed it for their incomplete aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin. The first Seiran flew in 1943, and production started in 1944. Two trainers, designated M6A1-K Nanzan (“South Mountain”) were constructed, with hand-cranked landing gear replacing the floats.
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-One of the two M6A1-K , designated “Jake” by the US. | Photo: Unkown
The M6A1 were organized into the Shinryuu Tokubetsukougeki-tai (“God-Dragon Special Attack Squad”), and commenced training to attack the locks on the Panama Canal, which would cut American supply lines. The plan was for the I-400 and I-401 to be joined by two smaller subs, the I-13 and I-14, which would be modified to carry two Seirans each, and attack the Gatun locks on the Atlantic side, as this would maximize the damage. Crews trained on a full-scale wooden mockup of the locks, with training concluded on 20 June 1945. The aircraft were painted with false US markings and the subs were set to sail when the Allies captured Okinawa.
The loss of Okinawa resulted in the attack on Panama being canceled, and the sub’s target was changed to Ulithi atoll, where the US Navy was massing in preparation for attacks on the Home islands. The Seirans would be tasked with making Kamikaze runs on the Allied ships. The I-400 and -401 would then sail for Hong Kong to take on additional aircraft to continue raiding Allied warships. The Emperor ordered surrender before the attacks could commence, and the M6As, without wings or tails, were catapulted into the ocean in accordance with orders to disarm.
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-The Smithsonian’s Seiran undergoing restoration in 1998. | Photo: Brandon W. Smith
One Seiran was surrendered to US forces by Lt Kazuo Akatsuka of the Imperial Japanese Navy, who ferried it from Fukuyama to Yokosuka. After examining the airplane, the Navy placed it in storage, and eventually donated it to the Smithsonian in 1962. Restoration work on the Seiran began in June 1989 and was completed in February 2000, when it was placed on display at the Air & Space Museum. The M6A was moved to the Udvar-Hazy Center, where it remains today.
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-Color orthograph of the M6A1, showing the wings and tail folded. | Graphic: Pintrest
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wprefers · 3 years
Useful WordPress Keyboard shortcuts for Mac and Windows
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WordPress keyboard shortcuts allow you to keep your hands on the keyboard rather than moving them away to mouse, click, drag & drop, and so on. Furthermore, keyboard shortcuts allow you to save time without sacrificing your ability to pick text, apply formatting, undo-redo, insert a block, or even rate your comment section.
Above all, this will save a significant amount of time for blog authors and editors who spend a significant amount of time writing, maintaining, and editing blogs. After all, we're all busy people with a variety of tasks to complete each day.
Many WordPress newbies will utilize their mouse to reach the editor's formatting and style features. WordPress keyboard shortcuts, on the other hand, allow you to quickly get your hands on the keyboard and modify your posts. After that, you'll be able to text more quickly and save your work to WordPress. You can also keep your hands on the keyboard while selecting a format and measuring texts.
Furthermore, one of the best things about using WordPress shortcuts is that they work the same way in the WordPress content editor as they do in Microsoft Word.
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Not Yet Knight ~ 1
      “My lady, the horns are blasting!” Scream a young teen boy as he raced into the back rooms of the building. “Someone’s requesting shelter; I think it’s the Kings Own or the Riders.”
        “The Riders never announce their approach.” A woman’s voice called out from under a pile of blankets on a tarnished cot. Slowly she made herself visible, moving to straighten her wholly tunic and leggings to look more proper. “Send the reply and take two others to go and bring them in. I will help start the preparations.”
        “Yes’am,” grinning he turned to run.
        “And Palt,” She called out.
        “Yes Lady Cae?” Leaning back in the door way.
        “Send back a count of their number as soon as you get there.” Sternly Cae’s crisp amber eyes started intently into face, “First thing when you get there, the total number.”
        “Yes’am” Sheepish he answered before running off to do his errands.
        Quickly, she grabbed her tall wooden staff and walked towards the main section of the building. The return call telling their guest they were welcome had sent other who lived with in her boundaries into a flurry of activity. Very few of residents were adults; mostly they were children and teens as young as a few months to the age of sixteen. Both boys as girls worked to set up the stables designed to be expanded in case of guests or emergences against the far wall of the fort under the watchful eye of the head groomsmen. The old temple was transformed from classrooms into bunks by the oldest girls while they kept an eye on the infants.
Cook Lynette had some children working hard in the kitchen, filling pots of water to boil, washing dishes, and peeling vegetables. Walking from the main building to the adjacent corridor, Cae admired Roran’s infirmary as he refreshed the spells as those he was training checked the empty beds for any dirt or evidence of old illness.  He smiled and nodded to her as she passed by walking into the largest meeting room. The cleaning of this room as a daily chore, the large walnut wood table shone with a faded sheen.
        The sound of Palt’s horn drew her from the room to listen. The signal was clear, unmistakable, and sickening to her ears. Taking several deep breathes she readied herself for the flood of excited panic that would be overcoming her people.
        “My Lady!” Called Arton, current head of the stables. “Did I really just hear the right? 100 men and royalty?”
        “That’s what I heard,” She took another long breathe and looked at the eager young man. “Double out stable length and send Arah to come find me.”
        Without replying he ran smiling like a fool to obey. Not much later Arah’s blonde hair could be seen fighting its braid as she ran to Cae.
        “You heard the call?” Cae questioned to nodding young woman. “We will need to move the Youngers to the classrooms and make their rooms appropriate for such honored guests.”
        “All three rooms?” Arah’s eyes growing large as she tried to process moving 27 youngsters into two small rooms with no help.
        “Gather any who can be spared to help you on my order.” Smiling, Cae sent her away.
        As the last of the stable was secured into place, Cae heard the call to the walls. Her guards, armed boys and girls, stood at attention waiting for her permission to open the gates to their guests. Chain mail glistened through the trees as they approached. Roran soon stood beside her in his mage robes assuring her that it was indeed their majesties and the Third Company of the King’s Own. Palt rode with them, the image of loyal servant, blowing the request to open the gate. The old gates squealed at the pressure of being opened wide for such a large group as Cae descended the steps from the wall. Within a few moments, King Jonathan of Conte, Queen Thayet, and Lord Raul handed off there mounts to those who was in their charge as walking towards her.
        Smiling, Cae knelt on one knee in the mud before them.
        Palt spoke, bowing to their majesties, “May I present our leader, Caetry, keeper of Salen.”
        “Please stand,” King Jonathan’s voice was a pleasant tenor as he spoke to her. “We are very thankful for your hospitality.”
        “We are honored to serve you your majesties.” Keeping her head down as she rose, she looked out of the corner of her vision she could not help but be swayed by their majestic looks alone to like them.
        “Buri had told me about this little gem the last time we had come this way,” Thayet smiled curiously at the woman in front of her. “Do you have any students who are ready for the riders?”
        “Three who wish to join the riders and four determined to join the King’s Own your highness,” stealing a glance, Cae added shaking her head, “I’m convinced they are just trying to cost me our entire savings so they can accomplish all their visions of grandeur but I will not hold them back.”
        “Lady Caetry!” A tall man of bazir descent called out as he rushed towards them. Bowing hastily he swooped her up in a hug before the amused royals. “I have saved up coin so I may adopt one of the next batch! Whom shall I take?”
        “Matre,” Raul smiled, surprised at this reserved man’s show of eager affection. “Are you leaving the company? What’s this about adopting?”
        “Forgive me my Lord,” This time he bowed properly to them, his bright smile a contrast to his dark skin, “Lady Cae raised me and several others of the Own and Riders. She works hard to make sure those in her care are protected, fed, and trained for many different tasks. Several of us agreed when we were accepted into the Own that we would save money out of what we earn to help pay for those who were to come after us.”
        “Excuse, Majesties, but shall we go into the mess hall? Matre I will introduce you to the next batch later.” Curtsying Cae turned sharp eyes towards Matre, which he ignored, before leading the way. “My students will show your men to the stables and rest areas, My Lord Raoul.”
Opening the door she allowed their majesties guest to be greeted by the group of the Kings Own who were already resting within at the long tables. Raul leaned against the door frame near her as she watched them carefully before turning to him, “Something to say my Lord?”
        “Buri told me to tell you if she find out you’ve been skipping meals again she’ll beat you,” Grinning as Cae nodded knowingly as he added, “you know you’ll have to answer for that Lady comment don’t you?”
        “Don’t worry about me, my Lord,” Grinning over she shoulder at his friendly black eyes. “I have my tale to tell when they ask and if Buri is planning on beating me… well, I may never have to tell it.”
        “It isn’t wise to lie to their Majesties,” Concern overcame his features as he watched her playful grin. “Jon is well enough as Kings go but he can tell if you are truly lying to him.
        “They will prefer the lie to the truth, my friend. I can promise you that with ease.” Cae’s smile turned sad before she walked away to check on the younger tenants. The Hall of Children was abuzz with life and noise as anyone too young for work played, learned, and listened to stories. To her joy, one of the nine year old girls was practicing bowing and curtsies with the eager group of four and five year olds.  If it was any other monarch she would have laughed off there shenanigans as pointless but with these? They had a reputation of loving and showing kindness to children.
        Smiling Caetry went and spoke with the older girls, saw the arrangements they had mad for everyone to sleep, and checked what food they had stored up. All but the last task was satisfactory, Cae knew she was going to have to send out some of her older children to work. The fields needed tending but that could wait until sunrise tomorrow.     
“My Lady?” Arah called down the corridor, interrupting Caetry’s concentration on the calculations she was working on. To her surprise Arah was holding a limp toddler in her arms.  “My Lady, there majesties are requesting a word with you and Torni won’t wake up.”
        “Give’er here,” Cae took the small child on her hip knowing she was not used to this many people and so much noise. “Torni, sweet one, you are ok. Wake up now.” Feeling Torni’s back with her hand she realized that she was much too warm. Remembering the fever that had already taken two infants panic crashed over her as she calmly fought to keep the fear out of her voice, “Arah, will you go get Master Roran? Quick as you can?”
        The younger woman left through the mess hall at a run. Walking up to the edges of the make shift throne room, worry overcame her features for the child in her arms. Everything about how Torni was behaving was wrong. The almost two year old only twitched in her mothers’ arms as Cae was torn between going to the throne and taking the child to the infirmary herself. Roran was taking far too long and their Majesties had taken notice of her. Keeping an eye on the door, Cae watched as Raul bent to speak quietly with the King and Queen before nodding permission for her silent plea. She ran as fast as she could with the little ones still body.
        “Roran!” She bellowed, finding Arah sobbing as she banged against the think, locked door. Caetry was no longer afraid of waking the still child.
        “What?” The mage yelled at his leader, his gift radiating around him, clothes drenched in sweat. “I was in the middle of assisting with a surgery! What in the god’s names is so import…ant?” Reaching out his hand, he felt Torni’s head as his anger faded into sorrow.
        “She is gone, Roran,” Cae whispered coldly, blue-black power radiating from around her. “I called for you half a bell ago and you did not come and we lost another one.” Gulping she looked up into his overly bright eyes. “We lost mine.”
        “Cae, Cae I’m sorry,” reaching to touch her arm her was thrown into the open doorway by her dark gift. Taking deep breaths she forced herself to have control and her power faded. She noticed the healer Roran had been assisting, Sir Nealen or Neal, frowning at the child in her arms. Holding out his arms Roran couldn’t meet her disappointed eyes as he spoke, “I will prepare her for burial… my Lady.”
        Cae hesitated looking down at her mini self. Same nearly black hair, amber eyes, and mouth always prepared to smile.
        “My Lady,” Arah whispered as tears flood her cheeks. “Their Majesties are still waiting for you and I have to… I have to tell the others about Torni… that the Black God sings her lullabies.”
        “I envy him.” Trying on a smile, Cae failed, although she didn’t dare to cry. “I will go before their Majesties and return to kiss her good night.” Without another word she walked all the way to the door of the mess hall. Standing there for a moment she summoned in her mind the person she wanted them to see: calm, respected, in control. Carefully she forced herself to smile and refreshed the image of her clothing for them to see; only those who knew her well would not be fooled by such a weak mask. Pushing through the door several hopeful glances sought her face only for her to look down in avoidance.
        “Caetry, are you ready to speak with their majesties or do you need to stay with the little one?” Speaking quietly Raoul hunched down closer to her head as he offered her his hand.
        “I am ready to meet with their majesties, My Lord.” Placing a trembling hand on his, she added in a whisper, “The Black God cares for her now as he cares for all those we’ve lost this fall.”
        Startled Raul’s brows pulled close together as he led her to curtsy before the monarchs. Speaking loudly he address them, “May I present Caetry, Leader of this Fort and Keeper of Orphans?”
        “Trainer of the Queen’s Rider and the King’s Own,” The King replied smiling as if he sat on his golden throne and not a worn out stuffed chair. Handsome as he is, he could make any area appear as a place. “Her Majesty and I thank you, Caetry, for your hospitality.”
        “It is an honor to serve you, your Majesties,” She bowed once again, smiling as she fought to acknowledge the queens’ beauty instead of her own sorrow.
“Commander Buri mentioned that if we were to ever come here you would have a request of us,” Words fell easily from the queens ruby lips. “You have showed his Majesty, myself, and many of our people kindness. What would you request of us?”
        “Commander Buri is far too kind for thinking of me to you, Majesty,” Smiling, she force away her angry tears, she wanted her daughter back but not even the king could or should do that. Instead she spoke the answer that Buri would have expected from her. “I would be honored if those in my care may assist your people while there are here. Any advice that can be given them before they begin their training for the Riders and the Own would be greatly appreciated by us all.”
        “Knight Commander,” The king turned towards Raul speaking in a drowl, royal way. “I would imagine you could assist in seeing this request fulfilled?”
        “Of course, your Majesty,” He bowed before tilting his head like an innocent child. “I could meet with those closest to joining the Own? If you have what is required I may be able to take them sooner.”
        The tempest of emotions raged inside her as she kept her face calm and kind. He doesn’t know that I lost my child and he is asking to take my others, he has no idea of my pain, I must be in control. “You are all kindness my Lord, we currently have the ability to send two of the four.”
        “How long do you think until you’d be able to send the other two?” Baiting her with a grin to match Raul’s the King chimed in.
        “After the harvest I will have enough for the third,” Cae’s pleasant façade slipped with her concentration. “If I spoke to Baron Cooper and Lady Alanna, they may be willing to sponsor a student again and allow me to pay them back throughout the year, your Highness.”
        “George and Alanna have sponsored your students before?” Surprise was plain on Raul’s handsome face.
        “They have only sponsored my Riders so far my Lord, but they may be willing to trade work,” grinning at the knight, Cae turned back to their Majesties. “Excuse me, please, your majesties. Your and my lord’s rooms are prepared if you would care to rest before supper.”
        “Thank you, Cae,” Her Majesty gracefully set her hand on her husband’s arm as he went to question her further. Thayet’s lavender gown fluttered like butterflies as she walked up to kiss Cae’s cheek and whispered. “We can finish this discussion later. Is the little one you took out earlier well?”
        “She is well in the Black god’s care, highness,” Dropping her mask for just a moment that the queen could see her sadness before pulling in pack into place with a smile.  With a curtsy she pulled away and looked down until the twins, Arah and Arton, had led then back towards their chambers.
        The men of the Own greeted her with smiles, thanks, and offers to help anywhere needed. Her own people waited huddled away from the new comers, mourning. It wasn’t until Cae had joined them that Matre noticed the crowd and pulled the others who had been raised there to hear the news. She lied to them of course, telling them that she hadn’t realized the severity of the illness and had taken Torni to Roran too late for him to call her back.  
Cae allowed them a few minutes of apologies and prayers before she sent her people back to work reminding them that harvest would begin in the morning. The men of the own asked others which tasks to begin. Cae was pulled to the door as Cook pressed a dark crimson rose bud into her hand before she too returned to work.  All of those who belonged to Salen help overbright eyes as she nodded each to go back to work. Everyone who saw her put a fist by their heart and bowed, a sign of respect and mourning. ‘Our sorrow for your sorrow,’ they whispered.
        Holding the rose carefully in her hand, Cae walked into Roran’s domain. Nodding to the healers and those in training who were working she went into the small morgue where her little girl lay as if she was sleeping peacefully. Someone had followed her into the room but she didn’t turn to look as she brushed through the child’s hair with her fingers. Drops slipped from her eyes as Cae bent down to kiss her forehead.  Gently she placed her little arms to hold the rose across her chest like the princess in her favorite stories. A light hand rested on her shoulder, to her surprise, Cae looked up into the face of the Queen of Tortall.
        “She looks a lot like you,” Thayet whispered, smiling sadly at the sad young mother. “The black god takes wonderful care of our little ones.”
        “The Black god sings her lullabies,” Cae’s sad smile did not deceive the queen but she had to be strong. Desperate to change the subject she looked back to the busy room, “It seems that quite a few of your people are injured.”
        “They were a group scouting the area; we came to rescue them from the bandits.” Frowning towards where the injured were cared for, “Thanks to your people, we lost none to the Black god’s mercy.”
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vortexphotonics · 4 years
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The vortex lens, which is also known as a spiral phase plate or a vortex phase plate, transforms an incident Gaussian laser beam profile to a doughnut shaped beam profile or so colled optical vortex. Most important properties of a vortex lens are: accordance to the wavelength, topological charge and amout of steps. Our vortex lenses show a very small deviation from the theoretical height (usually ± 2nm), which leads to a high correspondence with the applicable laser wavelength. The topological charge effects the orbital momentum of the resulting doughnut beam. We cover topological charges in a range of 1 to 16 (higher topological charches are also possible). A higher amount of steps of a vortex lens result in a darker center region of the doughnut beam, this parameter is crucial for several applications of the vortex lens, such as STED and optical manipulations. Our vortex lenses posess 64 steps and we plan to build stepless spiral phase paltes in near future.
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phgq · 4 years
Suspected Dawlah Islamiya terrorist group member falls in QC
#PHnews: Suspected Dawlah Islamiya terrorist group member falls in QC
MANILA – A suspected member of terrorist group Dawlah Islamiya was arrested in Quezon City over the weekend, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief, Gen. Camilo Cascolan said Monday.
Cascolan identified the suspect as Kevin Madrinan, also known as "Ibrahim Abdullah Madrinan" and "Ibrahim Khalil Al-Garaba".
Operatives of the PNP Intelligence Group and Quezon City Police District arrested Madrinan on the corner of Atherton and Burbank Streets in North Fairview at around 4:50 p.m. on Sept. 19.
Confiscated from Madrinan were cal. 45 pistol with a high-capacity magazine, a hand grenade and three pieces of PHP1,000 bills.
Background investigation showed that Madrinan is a Balik-Islam convert who is the contact person and liaison in Luzon of Dawlah Islamiya members from Maguindanao province whose leaders are Esmael Abdulmalik alias Abu Turaife and Salahuddin Hasan alias Abu Salman, and those from Sulu under Mundi Sawadjaan.
Madrinan is responsible for the recruitment of Balik-Islam converts and facilitated their travel to Mindanao for training and jihad exposure.
Cascolan said Madrinan claimed to be the Luzon liaison of Dawlah Islamiya after the arrest of Datu Omar Palte alias Allan Palty in Quezon City on Jan. 1.
Madrinan has links with Yusuf Macoto of Cavite and Muhammad Paras of Bulacan. He remained in Luzon when Macoto and Paras join Dawlah Islamiya forces in the Mawai siege in 2017.
Macoto and Paras died in the Marawi City battle.
Cascolan assured the public of police continued efforts against domestic threat groups.
The National Joint Peace and Security Coordinating Center, he said, will convene on Sept. 23 to sign a joint directive that would set the guidelines in evaluating the effectiveness of internal security operations in support of the national thrust to end local communist armed conflict, and declaration of dismantled guerrilla fronts.
The meeting will be co-presided with Armed Forces of the Philippines chief-of-staff, Gen. Gilbert Gapay.
Expected to attend are Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana; Interior Secretary Eduardo Año; National Security Adviser, Secretary Hermogenes Esperon; and National Intelligence Coordinating Agency Director-General Alex Paul Monteagudo. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Suspected Dawlah Islamiya terrorist group member falls in QC." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1116049 (accessed September 21, 2020 at 07:20PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Suspected Dawlah Islamiya terrorist group member falls in QC." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1116049 (archived).
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familymusicnarts · 6 years
Review:  Dickens’s Davy Copperfield at Imagination Stage
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The dynamic cast of Dickens's Davy Copperfield at Imagination Stage, including (l-r) Jessica Lauren Ball, Emily Kester, Sophie Schulman and David Schlumpf. Photo by Margot Schulman.
I am consistently impressed by the innovative spirit of Imagination Stage’s technical crews and casts. Now with two young audience shows in repertory, it is even more a treat to witness how the dynamic actors adapt to their multiple roles, and the set and props help tell the story, in this case two very different ones indeed.  See my earlier review of Anatole: Mouse Magnifique in repertory with Davy until March 23.
Dickens’s Davy Copperfield  now at Imagination Stage through the end of March, is simply triumphant.  A world premiere musical about growing up in a staunch, and not too forgiving Victorian age, it is as fresh as any show based on childrens’ stories of today. Though unlike lets say Elephant and Piggie, We are In a Play, this one is based on what is described as famed novelist Charles Dickens’ most autobiographical book, a life not full of silly misunderstandings, but of grit and survival in a big, bad, yet transformative world.
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(l-r) Jaysen Wright and Sophie Schulman in a scene from Davy’s early happier childhood in Dickens's Davy Copperfield at Imagination Stage. Photo by Margot Schulman.
Sound like too much for your young theatergoer?  Not at all!  As if lifted from the pages of the latest graphic novel, Writer and Director Janet Stanford employs farcical sketches to illustrate what might otherwise be a confusing plot to follow, and lending a kind of briskness to the action kids would not find in reading the original tome.  Brilliantly utilizing the set’s balcony, the characters re-enact past events and inject a little levity at just the right moments.  While down below a simply sparkling Sophie Schulman as the courageous Davy, dressed in jean jacket and trousers, brings the audience along on his journey, realizing only when it comes to its end, how meaningful all the elements of the story are.  A great lesson for kids about appreciating the love you’ve got, as the two who accompanied me voiced they learned.
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(l-r) Emily Kester as the housekeeper, and Alexandra Palting, who very admirably portrays Davy’s conflicted mother, in Dickens's Davy Copperfield at Imagination Stage. Photo by Margot Schulman.
All the performances imbue a resiliency as strong as the main character, truly top rated with a  moving and memorable musical score to sink their teeth into.  Standout numbers are the beautiful opening and closing harmonies of “I’m Going Home,” and  the intricate ensemble piece at the bottling factory where Davy is forced to work before he walks over 50 miles to find his home with his aunt, who had once forsaken his male gender.  The themes the music evokes are like the message I imagine both this version and David Copperfield was written to illuminate, about the too often cruel rhythms of life we all endure, and the inner strength and confidence one individual musters to find his own song.
Dickens’s Davy Copperfield runs through the end of March at Imagination Stage on Auburn Avenue in Bethesda.  The show is close to 90 minutes and has one intermission.  There are some scenes which depict cruelty to children.  The Book is by Janet Stanford, freely adapted from David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Director: Janet Stanford. Music and Lyrics by Timothy Guillot.
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rustedservos · 8 years
once upon a dream
Ratchet had been asleep for once, curled up and feeling hollow on his berth. His frame twitched with the deep need to find something to help with this pain. His spark hurt, aching and throbbing in his chestplate, his field tight and constricting against his frame, but he was asleep. His optics burned as his processor whirled, when the soft scuff of a pede from the doorway awoke him ( but, honestly, was he really asleep?).
He turned, blinking bleary optics at the white frame hunched and uncertain in his doorway. Drift had frozen, plating flared before slicking down against his frame as his dim blue optics were locked onto Ratchet’s own.
“Drift?” Ratchet called out softly, breaking the silence with his sleep husked voice. He watched as Drift’s frame sagged in on itself, drawing in and away from Ratchet.
“I apologize. I….” Drift said, optics flicking to the floor before glancing back at the medic, field pulsing with uncertainty and nervousness as he edged further and further back towards the door.
“I will go.” He said, before Ratchet sighed, dragging his aching frame out of the uncomfortable, cold berth and standing before the speedster. His exhaustion drained into his pedes as he reached out, catching Drift by his wrist, his field almost crashing over the both of them, awash with affection and a subtle, thready pulse of need and stay and safe.
“Can’t sleep either, can you?” Ratchet rumbled, gently tugging the suddenly limp and unresistant Drift towards his frame. The speedster was light on his pedes, optics flicking between the red hand caught around his wrist and the others own washed out optics. His faceplates were drawn as he finally was drawn close enough to accidentally brush against Ratchet’s frame if he wanted. Ratchet released the others wrist, hand twitching with the desire to touch the white swordmech before him. He sighed, rubbing a hand over his faceplates, turning back towards the berth, his back now to Drift as he looked down at the rumpled blanket.
“Ratchet….”Drift whispered, a heat at Ratchet’s back increasing as soft, careful hands wrapped around the others waist cautiously, a faint tremble exposing his inner thoughts. Ratchet gently cupped a hand over the others own, rubbing the others plating with his thumb as his affection turned into something more, a desire to show Drift how much he meant to him. He turned in Drift’s grip, gently holding onto the others plating to keep him there as he maneuvered him towards the berth.
“Do you trust me, Drift?” He murmured softly, optics brightening as the speedster’s vents picked up, glancing behind him at the berth before looking at the gentle, cautious way the hands on his plating were placed.
“Always.” The other mech breathed softly, optics dimming as Ratchet withdrew his touch.
“I want to show you something.” Ratchet said, gently reaching for Drift again with his field and his hands. His optics were bright and clear as he peered into the others faceplates.
“I need your permission to touch you, Drift. I need to hear you say it.” He said, wanting to make sure that everything was completely consented to. Drift’s smile was soft as it bloomed on the others faceplates, his own field reaching out to tangle gently with the medic’s own, shy hands reaching back out for the others plating.
“Yes, Ratchet, always. Please show me.” He said, a small pulse of curiosity tingling in his field with the awe and admiration for the medic before him.
Ratchet gently laid the other mech on the berth, his field caressing the others plating as much as his hands started to. He gently crawled onto the berth himself, cautious to not touch the others plating and to give him plenty of space, so he didnt feel crowded, forced into this position. His hands trailed softly over the others gleaming plating, a soft sigh of awe that this mech, this beautiful, younger mech, would trust his aching hands to touch him like this.
“So beautiful.” He said softly, optics trailing over the temptation of the speeder in his berth, his spark spinning faster in its casing as his engine rumbled. Drift’s vents hitched at the soft trail, hands reaching for Ratchet’s own plating which he didnt deny, gently nuzzling into the touch on his faceplates. He kissed the others white hands softly, a small pulse of arousal tinging his field before he drew it back, closer to his chestplates. Yes, having Drift this close was arousing, but he wasnt doing this for a quick frag. This was to show his appreciation for the other, for his frame and his company.
“Ratchet….”Drift whispered, and damn if that didnt just spike straight through Ratchet’s spark. His fingers continued their soft trail, reaching into joints he knew were sore from past experience, gently massaging wires and checking lubrication levels, cleaning out grit and grime with a cloth he had pulled from subspace when Drift touched the berth. Drift’s own engine rumbled and whined at the attention, his optics brightening as arousal tinged his own field, tangling deeply with Ratchet’s own. He continued his soft treatment of the others joints, occasionally feathering kisses over the freshly cleaned plating. This was what he had craved, closeness without the draining task of interfacing, the contact without the burning arousal. The others own hands curled and gently tugged, wanting the medic closer to him, to try to wash him in his own affection.
“I want to worship at your altar.” Ratchet rumbled, warmth wrapping through his frame as comfort and a soft sense of companionship was laid over their frames like a blanket. Drift drew Ratchet down over his frame with greedy fingers, drawing him into a soft, unheated kiss. Ratchet optics drifted closed as Drift maneuvered him to lay down beside him, curling closer and enjoying the contact of each others plating brushing against one another. Ratchet’s frame sagged into the others hold, his own arm snaking across the others thinner waste as recharge washed over him like a blanket. He leaned forward to kiss Drift one last time on the forehelm…..
….and awoke alone, clutching onto his blanket as if it was the speedster. Despair washed through his field as he realized his own processor tricked him into thinking Drift was here, into thinking Drift would willingly crawl into his own berth. His hands lifted, crushing into his burning, exhausted optics as his frame seized, field so tight against his palting that he felt as if it should be crushing him. Pain would be a welcome distraction from this empty, hollow, crushing weight in his spark chamber. He muted his vocalizer as his frame jerked with the strength of his silenced sobs, tears dripping down his faceplates before tumbling forward in a steady stream.
This was not his first Drift dream, and would not be his last one.
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shinestage-blog · 7 years
Sendrin Beer Festival truss
www.shinetruss.com Sendrin Beer Festival truss With an area of 3000 square meters, Sendrin Beer Festibal use bolt truss with palte to make its main structure. And its backdrop is used customized truss design, which show Shinestage's ability in designing large-scale project. Read the full article
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The big thing in Luleå during winter is riding the ice with fat bikes. It´s where my trails are and what i enjoy the most myself. So off course we were heading out at sea. The best ride is the 28 kilometer snowmobile trail out to Brändöskär, the old fishing outpost at the edge of the archipelago. Here is where you can find the pack ice and have nothing but sea and Finland on the other side. I did this ride last year with Kevin and since then i´ve been out there with the bike a couple of times, it is one awesome ride straight out on the sea.
triple fat lean
We packed our stuff and bikes, since we were staying in a cabin, mainly food and gear so pretty light bikepacking, that is good cos the weather decided to vote against us. Damp weather and fog makes the trails soft and the lighter the bike the better.
The ride goes via Hindersön, a big island with some year around citizens and a great restaurant and hostel. This time of year they´re just open for the public during weekends. So we had lunch at their outdoor benches. The Irishmen always do peak shots when they  conquered a summit. But since the sea is pretty flat we did island shots instead. Works just as fine.
After a quick stop and some food in our bellys we head out to the outer rims of the archipelago. The fog is getting thicker and the sight is very limited. But since were following a trail there is no way we´re getting lost. As we pedal along the trails are getting softer by the minute but we´re still making good speed. It is so lovely out here and it´s really a shame the fog is messing the views up. But it is also pretty cool to be surrounded by nothing, every thing is all white and you feel pretty small.
Soon we´re arriving at Brändöskär, it is always a strange feeling to come here by bike. The last time i visited i came by ferry with Jess and the kids. The cabin we stay in is the same as me and Kevin had last year. They are simple but very clean and comes fully equipped with gas stove and all the kitchen accessories.
  We ditched our gear and went down to the outside to check for pack ice, but it was kind of thin ice so we just went out a few hundred  meters. Still pretty cool surroundings out here…
We headed back to the cabin and got some wood from the wood shed and an hour later the cabin was all warm and cozy.  I decided to  fry the very northern specialty fried Palt with bacon and lingonberrys for dinner. It´s always a gamble to get local stuff to foreigners, but it was very appreciated.
After eating and emptying our hip flasks getting to sleep was the least of our problems. When we got up the next morning weather looked pretty okay. But there was a heavy wind from the southwest and after a while the fog started to roll in again. But even worse, the thermometer showed +6 and that makes for wet trails and rough pedaling. Fortunately the wind direction was to our favor and we had tailwind all the way back to Jopikgården at Hindersön. Gotta love riding with the lucky Irish, tailwinds and when we got to the restaurant they were open. Not to the public but for a private conference, and because they´re awesome the made us burgers and coffee for lunch.   Thanks a lot for that guys. ❤
Once again we headed out, the last 12 kilometers was hard head wind and a super wet ice road. It was pretty hard work but going on a plowed road made it lot easier.
A few days earlier i was contacted by Randi Gitz. Randi is a Television journalist and she overheard i was going out with a couple of Irish lads on the sea. She wanted to meet up with us on the ice to make an interview. Check out this LINK for the interview.
Pretty tired and pretty wet we got back to the car. Once again very lucky to get the hard wind and super wet conditions at the very end of the ride. Would have been very hard and cold if we got this wet at the beginning of the trip.
  Next up… The ore trail recon ride.
The Emerald Fat Bike Connection Part two -Archipelago Adventures The big thing in Luleå during winter is riding the ice with fat bikes. It´s where my trails are and what i enjoy the most myself.
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