#shoutout to my mama yall
lunarbroadcast · 7 months
rewatched the episodes where vox appears in with my mom and so far she loves the show
she somehow made a headcanon about him without realizing it soo here it is!
She said that he looks like an old man due to his vest which made her say that he definitely owns succulents or small plants in his office
antis DNI please :D
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iikatsukii · 2 years
When the clock resets.
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synopsis: you’re brought back to life, unsure as to why eywa has given you another chance but as you return “home” things aren't quite the same. . 
pairings: sully family x daughter/sister!reader, neteyam x twin!reader, neytiri x daughter! reader, jake x daughter!reader
warnings: um tbh none except minor cursing, running away, passing out, mentions of malnourishment due to you being dead but yk. oh and ao’nung being a mama’s boy.
word count: 6,064
a/n: THIS IS PART 2 OF TOO LATE!!!! unfortunately there is no red text this time but guys i am still not done with this series because i have a request for if the reader survived the first part. but i will be moving back over to illicit love for a little bit because i didn't even expect this story to blow up like i did. like yall i was just sad and here yall are feeding off my trauma. but its okay yall are my little angst hungry babies. :) (also huge fucking shoutout to @eywas-heir for giving me this idea for pt. 2. go give them kisses for me and say i sent you :d)
taglist: @hai-kbai @ssc7514 @sillydog3-4-5 @hyunskz @innersuitcasehairdoscissors @rairaielv @freeauthordeputyartisan-blog @mel119g @ksata @artyom09 @marcswife21 @innersuitcasehairdoscissors @andyfromku
(if youre name has a strike through it that means i wasnt able to tag you im so sorry guys i tried)
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waking up felt extremely weird. you felt like you had taken the longest, heaviest nap ever. slowly opening your eyes to adjust to the light, you take in your surroundings.
you're in a shallow hole, you noticed as you looked around, and there was dirt around you. you look up at what you would think was the sky and see something else that you remember seeing before. you see the leaf covering that the omatikaya place over their passed-away loved ones. you usually see these leaf coverings from the outside. this caused a slight panic to settle in your chest?
why are you here? did you die? what the hell is going on?
you reached your arm up, still feeling weak from not moving your joints in you don't even know how long. you slowly press against the leaf covering, pushing it away from the hole and exposing the sun to your eyes. you shielded yourself before you felt a shadow standing over your form. it was mo'at. the tsahik of the omatikaya clan.
"tsahik?" it was the first word you said, and it caused mo'at to press a hand to her mouth in shock as tears sprang to her eyes. her granddaughter, who had passed away two years ago, was looking up to her from her grave that she had pushed open herself. the tsahik didn't understand. how could the great mother take you away for two years and let their family mourn and grieve your death just to send you back to them two years later?
this made no sense.
"come with me, my child," was the only thing mo'at said as she reached out to grab your hand. she intertwined your fingers, wanting to hold her granddaughter as close as possible, fearing losing you again. she helped you out of the hole slowly as you still had to get used to moving your arms and legs around again. 
"ma tsahik?" you asked the older woman standing before you. "what happened to me?"
she didn't turn to look at you as she said in a hushed, almost hurt, tone of voice, "you died two years ago," you were left speechless. you didn't know what to say, so you didn't say anything. you tried to think back on what happened before you woke up from your 'nap,' but you couldn't remember anything. no matter how hard, no memories or thoughts came to your head.
"do not try to work your brain so hard trying to find answers that will come to you, my child. you'll hurt yourself." the tsahik jokes.
you looked up at her, seeing the slight smile on her face but missing the faint trace of tears in her eyes. you let out a small laugh at her joke.
"hey! i may not remember anything from before, but i know i was not stupid before i died." you laughed along, but this caused the tsahik to stop in her tracks, turning to you.
"say that again." she said, grabbing hold of your shoulders, her face painted with worry. 
"i was not dumb before i died?" you said, confused at her sudden actions.
"no, child! the other thing you said."
"oh, that i do not remember anything from before i died?" your words were cautious because you didn't know if what you were saying was offensive. 
"we must get you back to the camps." was all she said as she turned, grabbing your hand, but this time she walked with urgency. her pace was hard to keep up with due to your aching body, but you somehow managed. 
once you started to enter your native territory, you felt eyes everywhere. everyone was looking at you. you get it; you died and came back, but did everyone have to stare at you like that? it wasn't like you were the olo'eyktans daughter before you died. 
mo'at brought you to the center of the high grounds camp, and everyone gathered around to see what announcement their tsahik had for them. 
she didn't have some big speech planned. she just held your hand and said to the clan's people. 
"the great-mother has returned my granddaughter!" everyone was cheering and happy. this confused the sully family. the past two years after your death have been hard. the natives completely annihilated every rda soldier, lab, and scientist in sight. it was an unexpected, coordinated attack between the forest na'vi, the ice na'vi, and, surprisingly, even the ash na'vi. due to transportation, the water na'vi couldn't make it to fight the war, but they were able to send over some of their finest healers. 
let's just say no ships are coming to pandora ever again. jake made sure to send a message to the humans back on earth that if they ever sent one of their own to his planet again, he would single-handedly rip them each limb from limb. that was a promise, not a threat. humans had not gotten a chance to respond to jake's words. right after he delivered his messages, he pulled the pin of a grenade and walked out of the ship, it and the rest of the camp's base exploding behind them. although they didn't get to respond, they sure did receive the message, and earth now no longer had an avatar program. as the na'vi walked away from the war, they were victorious once and for all. 
neytiri was quietly braiding her youngest daughter's hair when she heard the cheers and celebration of the clan outside her home. and then that's when her three older children came running into their hut, screaming and crying, speaking simultaneously. it sounded as if they were speaking gibberish. 
"hey, hey kids calm down. what is going on?" jake asked his children, who looked like they were in distress. he was sitting in the home's living area, sharpening his blade as he had nothing else to do. 
"Y/N HAS RETURNED." it was kiri who got the words out first. 
neytiri, jake, and tuk all froze. there was no way. the great mother had taken you right in front of their eyes. you have been gone for two years; it can't be. neytiri had visited your grave just last night. there you lay, closed-eyed and lifeless in front of her, but as she walked out of her home and into the center of the clan's gathering there, you stood. you looked skinny and malnourished, but you were standing, breathing, alive. 
neytiri couldn't believe her eyes. she thought she was dreaming as she approached you slowly. she held your face in her hands, and as soon as she felt your skin against her own, she broke down in tears, engulfing you in the tightest hug you had ever felt. 
"ow." you said when she squeezed a bit too hard. this caused the woman to release you quickly, as she had forgotten how fragile you were right now. 
"ma ite, you have returned to me, oh great mother, you have answered my prayers. thank you, thank you, thank you," she said as she pulled you into a hug again, this time softer, as if she was afraid that if she held you too rough, you would break in her arms. 
you, on the other hand, were nervous. granddaughter? ite? what is going on right now? there's no way you're the tsahik's granddaughter. you couldn't imagine what your mother would be like as a person, let alone any of your family. all you knew was that you were from the forest, but maybe eywa brought you back to the wrong part of the forest? you couldn't even look at the woman before you and pinpoint a resemblance. you had four fingers; some of her children had five, and you weren't like them. only one other child had four tingers, and you noticed it was the eldest son. 
when you made eye contact with him, his eyes softened. neteyam hadn't looked into his twin's eyes in ages. he missed you like no other. yeah, neytiri had it hard losing her first daughter, but neteyam had his twin's life ripped from her body right in front of his eyes. at that moment, it was almost like he felt the bullets go through his chest as well. that's how great the pain of losing you felt. but looking at you now, he felt like his heart was whole again. but there was this look in your eye. you looked different. not physically. you looked at neteyam differently. almost like you didn't recognize him.
mo'at had hoped that seeing your home and your family would cause your memories to come flooding back, but the look on your face was not giving her that impression. 
"i am sorry if i am ruining a happy moment…." you spoke up, causing everyone to immediately silence themselves so they wouldn't miss a word you said. but you didn't say anything that caused any happiness or joy in anyone. instead, your words scared everyone.
"–but i do not know who you guys are. i am not the tsahik's granddaughter and miss, i am not your daughter. i am sorry but i think you have things confused. please excuse me." you pulled yourself away from the woman who claimed to be your mother, but she tightened her grip on your hands.
"ma y/n, what do you mean? you do not remember me? i am your mother, your sa'nu. you are ma ite, my sweet girl." neytiri was taken aback. this isn't right, you're supposed to come back, and then everything goes back to normal. but the great mother has returned you with no memories at all. to you, neytiri was just a stranger claiming to be your mother.  
the next person to approach you was the olo'eyktan himself. you couldn't bring yourself to look him in the eyes because of how his vast form intimidated you.
"itetsyip. maybe if you come home and see some of your things then you'll remember." he said, placing his hand on your back and walking you in the direction of what you assumed was their home. you quickly remove yourself from the two adults who had you in their arms. 
"i am sorry but i am not your daughter. i do not want to enter your home to look at whatever things you think are mine. just because i have no memory of my family does not mean you get to take me away from them. the great mother may have returned me to my body with no memories but that does not mean you get to put whatever you want in my head, trying to get me to believe you. i only just returned. do you not understand how overwhelming this is?" you were scared. everything was happening so fast. 
you just found out that you had been dead for two years, and now these people are trying to push this life in you that you know god and well that wasn't yours. you don't know who these people are, and they were making absurd accusations. maybe you really were in the wrong part of the forest.
"y/n stop joking around. do you not remember us? you are neteyam's twin sister for crying out loud. how can you be cruel enough to pull a joke like this? have we not suffered enough?" lo'ak was fed up with this whole situation. you were his sister, dammit. how could you not remember that? neteyam is your twin. you, tuk, and kiri were sisters. they're standing right in front of you, just begging you to run into their arms so they can embrace you.
you looked at the teenage boy oddly. like he had three heads. he doesn't know what he's talking about. these people are so pushy and demanding; you can't come from a family like this. you thought about it, and you knew they would be able to catch you if you tried to make a break for it, but you didn't want to be here anymore. 
lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice the family's eldest son walking up to you. he gently grabbed your shoulders, looking directly into your eyes that were identical to his. 
"you could not have forgotten about your twin brother have you, sister?" his words were soft. they sounded broken like he was hurting inside. from what? you don't know, but this isn't your problem to deal with. these people obviously lost somebody, but it is not you. you are not from here. so you hatched a plan in your head. 
"maybe i just need to walk around the forest and re-familiarize myself. it–" you choked on your words, not even wanting to say it.
"it could help me regain my memories. and then we can be a family again, yeah?" you look into the boy's eyes, noticing them shining a bit brighter. you gave him hope. 
that wasn't your intention. you just wanted to leave, so to make yourself 100x more believable, you hugged him. with all the strength you had in your body, which wasn't much. 
everyone was shocked. even neteyam, but he didn't want to lose this moment, so he hugged you back tight, so you could feel his love but not too tight because of how weak you are. you pulled back from the hug, bowing slightly to everyone before you walked in the direction that you and the tsahik came from so you wouldn't seem lost. you looked back before you could fully disappear into the trees. eyes meeting those of the people who claimed to be your family. looking at them, you didn't even see where you would fit in. they already looked whole. so you managed a small fake smile, sent them a small wave, and continued your trek through the forest, trying to get as far away from the omatikaya people as possible.
by the time they realize you're gone, you'll already be way too far for them to find you. you wandered around, wondering why the great-mother returned you like this? did you not deserve to keep your memories?
almost as if she heard your question, the great mother flashed an image in your head. it was different shades of forest green, with indigo spots placed randomly around its body, looking almost like flowers. its wings were majestic, but you couldn't pinpoint what you had seen until it landed right in front of you, keeping you from walking off a cliff you hadn't even realized you were walking towards. 
you couldn't believe that after two years of being gone, your ikran, syulang, was still alive. you named her syulang because, yes, of course, she looks like she's covered in flowers, but unlike other ikrans, syu was quiet, elegant, almost undetectable in the air. you would never hear her flying anywhere, and nobody knew why. the air would run smoothly over her wings, completely muting the sound of the wind rushing by in comparison to the usual loud, noisy ikrans that everyone else had tamed. syulang was delicate, like a flower.  "syu! hi girl, oh my goodness you’re alive." you said as you created your tsaheylu with her for the first time in years. it felt like the first time all over again, except without the part where she tried to kill you. syulang was happy to see you as well, nuzzling into you. "syulang, we have to go. right now. come on girl, take me home." when you said this, syulang made a noise of confusion but allowed you to mount her anyways. the two of you took off into the night, the eclipse making it too dark for anyone to notice that an ikran was out flying. not like they would hear syulang anyways.
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it's been hours. you still hadn't come back from the forest, and the sullys were getting worried. everyone was tense and stressed until kiri spoke up. 
"she ran away," the teenage girl hadn't even realized it was herself who had spoken. she looked up and made eye contact with everyone in her family, repeating herself.
"she ran away, and she is not going to come back." tears sprung to her eyes as she just wanted her sister to return home. it was like eywa was dangling the most precious thing to them right in their faces, and every time they reached out, she snatched it away. 
"she would not do that. she said she was just going on a walk. kiri have some faith in her. sure she did not remember us but she would not have hugged me if she was just gonna run away. she said she would come home." neteyam argued. he didn't want to believe that you had left them again, but that's what it was starting to seem like. 
"we will check the ikrans. if hers is still there, then she's around here somewhere. we can go out and look for her." syulang had not left your family's ikran nest since the day you had passed. she was too depressed to do anything with her hunter being dead. the sullys made sure to take care of her for you, knowing you wouldn't want syu to suffer like you did. honestly, syulang was the closest thing the sullys had to you after you died. they'd take turns taking care of her at night, bringing tuk every now and then so she could see syulang too. 
the walk to the family ikran nest was full of arguing. kiri said that neteyam and lo'ak had to come to their senses and realize that you were gone again. the boys refused to believe that you would leave again, but as they approached the ikran nest, seeing syulang's corner abandoned gave them the answer they fought over. 
you had left.
"i told you she left. i mean for eywa's sake you guys bombarded her as soon as she got here!" kiri yelled at her family. she knew this was just displaced anger and that she didn't really mean it, but she was tired of holding her tongue. 
"don’t you dare say we bombarded her! she is my twin who died in front of me! eywa forgive me for wanting to hug her after she's been dead for two years!" neteyam yelled back at kiri; this just caused a huge family argument to break out.
tuk, who was standing to the side watching her family fall apart, couldn't help but cry. she just wanted her family to go back to normal. "stop fighting…" it came out as a whisper, her family arguing so loud that they hadn't even heard her. so she decided to make them hear her.
"STOP FIGHTING!!" everyones' heads snapped at the youngest sully child. little tuk had just raised her voice at them for the first time ever.
"give me a break! we are all hurt okay?! us, y/n, grandma, the clan? everyone is sad! we did bombard her! she has not been here for two years. we should have let her settle in first. i get it. you guys miss her. so do i, but ma sa'nu when you talked to her she looked so confused and scared. and nete, when she was hugging you her eyes were so empty. she looked so lost. we scared her away. we had a chance to make things normal again, to be a family again and all you guys could do was be selfish and think about yourselves!! i just miss her. i want her to come back, i–" tuk couldn't even finish what she was saying as her sobs overcame her. neytiri scooped up her youngest daughter, cradling her in her arms, trying to soothe her harsh cries.
tuk had just lectured their entire family, and nobody could be mad at her because she was right. neytiri realized that she had been pushy. jake and lo'ak, too, but it wasn't because they were trying to scare you. they just missed you so much they couldn't contain themselves. they had been selfish, putting their feelings over yours once again. it was the same way they lost you last time, and now, who knows where you went or when you left. the family just remained in their ikrans nest that night, needing all the warmth they could get as they all just held each other and cried.
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you didn't think you could fly any longer. it had already been a few days, and you didn't see the forest anymore. you already didn't have a lot of energy due to you being dead for two years, but it didn't help that you left with absolutely no supplies to survive on your own. everything was starting to look the same. you felt like you were going in circles, seeing the same islands over and over. the ocean water was beautiful, you had to admit, but right now, all you could think about was if it would cushion your fall if you fell off your ikran. you knew it was only moments before you passed out from exhaustion.
the world started to spin as if it wasn't already, your vision was in and out, and you felt sleepy. you were exhausted and couldn't fly another second. as your body completely shut down, you fell off your ikran and into the waters below you, your tsaheylu disconnecting in the process.
had it not been for the hunters out at three brothers rock, you would have died. they noticed your ikran flying in the direction of their mainland, assuming you were a visitor and that they would meet you when they got back to the island, but they knew something was wrong when they noticed your form plummeting from the extreme height, completely motionless. 
they only took a few minutes to have you on the rock. they were nervous about doing cpr on you because you looked to be a teenager.
"ao'nung, come over here!" the hunter in charge called over the olo'eyktans son.
"what is it?" he said, noticing the tension in the air. he looked down, seeing you unconscious on the ground. his eyes widened. where had you come from? pushing that question aside, ao'nung took in your appearance, noticing how thin and weak you looked. he didn't know what it was, but it stirred something in him. you reminded him of his little sister, tsireya. if this was her, he would want one of the hunters to save her, so he put one arm under your shoulders and another under your leg and slid into the water, calling out to his ilu. 
"i'm bringing her to my mother immediately. she looks weak. i don't even know if she'll live, but i have to try." he said before taking off as fast as he could to the mainland. he noticed above him your ikran was flying at the same pace as him, probably too worried to leave your side.
when ao'nung got home holding an unconscious forest na'vi, he received a lot of weird glances from the clan's people, but he didn't care. he rushed home, looking for his mother.
pushing the flap open to see his mother had just put the last of her herbs away, ao'nung called out to his mom. 
"sa'nu! help! i– she needs help. please." hearing her son in distress, ronal was quick to give him her attention. instructing to lay the girl on the floor, she reminded herself to ask him where he had found her, but right now, she prioritized saving your life. she tried a healing remedy that would've usually worked, but you remained motionless. ronal put her ear to your chest, your heart was beating, but it was very faint. she knew only one thing she could do now, and it was the riskiest healing remedy known by all tsahiks. it has a minimal success rate but has healed some of the deadliest injuries known to eywa.  
once the remedy was made entirely, ronal told ao'nung to get out and find his father and sister before coming back. the boy nodded, walking out to find his sister. 
when he spotted tsireya riding on the ilus with her friends, he called her over. tsireya noticed her brother looked a bit more anxious than usual, so she excused herself and walked over. 
"brother what is wro– oh!" ao'nung pulled his little sister into the tightest hug he could muster. she remained shocked as her brother wasn't really one for physical affection at all unless it was from his mother. 
"please just– don't die on me, okay? at least not anytime soon. promise me, okay?" he said, pulling back and grabbing her shoulders as he looked into his sister's eyes. she just nodded and walked alongside her brother, wondering what on earth had him shaken up like this. 
upon retrieving his father, ao'nung returned with his father and his sister in tow. when they entered the tent, you were in ronal's arms, crying your heart out. the woman just looked up to her family, shushing them as she continued to provide you comfort. hearing your cries throughout their home hurt their hearts. you cried like you were hurt like you had experienced grave pain, and it was coming back to haunt you. 
from this moment on, the family decided they would take you in. they didn't know who or where you were from, but they wanted to heal you of this pain. their hearts hurt hearing how much pain your heart had to endure. there's a reason why eywa brought you to them, and they were not about to let you go.
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you had been living amongst the metkayina clan for about half a year now. you weren't even recognizable from when you had arrived at the clan. when you got here, you were thin as a twig, you never had the energy to do anything, and you cried yourself to sleep every night. now, you had filled out your form, even gaining a bit of muscle from adapting to the metkayina ways. you had also completed your iknimaya, which meant you were allowed to get a tattoo. you choose to get two. the pain was well worth it, though, because once your leg sleeve and arm tattoo were complete, you couldn't have been happier. 
you finally felt like your life was worth living again. you no longer cried yourself to sleep; instead, you snuck out with your brother and sister, going to the small island where all the young na'vi hang out. you were finally happy. the great mother had brought you home. she had returned you to your family. 
the only odd thing was your dreams recently. you dreamed of the forest, of nantangs, woodsprites, and ikrans. things that have nothing to do with the metkayina. it was weird. you felt like eywa was trying to shove memories in your brain, but you were so at peace with your life that you disregarded it, too caught up, in reality, to be bothered by silly dreams. 
you loved life on the beaches, in the sand, underwater, just taking in the beauty of awat'alu as you sat on a rock. at the same time, you watched ao'nung, tsireya, and rotxo playing on their ilus in the water. they were splashing each other, just taking time to be the teenagers they knew they'll never be again. you were about to cannonball in the water to join them when you all heard the horns of the clan being blown, announcing new arrivals. 
you all stopped what you were doing, looking toward the screeches you heard. you knew that sound, that was bob, jake's ikran.
wait a minute… what?
whos jake?
‘jake sully’ said a voice in your head. you recognized it as she had spoken to you once before, but you couldn't remember where. 
why is this name coming to your head right now? you felt your wrist being grabbed by your sister, tsireya. she dragged you to the beaches of your clan's home, where everyone else had gathered. you stood behind your father, tonowari, as you continued to think about the name that came to your head. who is jake sully, and why did you just remember his name? 
"my children, ao'nung, tsireya, and–" tonowari paused, looking to his side at his children, realizing one was missing, until he turned around and realized you were just hiding behind him. 
"–and my youngest, y/n, will teach your children the ways of our home, so you do not suffer the burden of being useless here," tonowari stepped aside, pushing you in front of him, so the family who had arrived could see you. 
you looked up to make eye contact with the first person you spotted.
"tuktuk." the words were quiet from your mouth. the little girl, who had her head tucked into her mother's neck, perked up when she heard the nickname you used to call her.
"kiri, cut it out. that is not funny!" tuk said, looking at her sister, offended she would play a sick joke on her like that after they had just left their home. 
jake and neytiri decided to move their family from the omatikaya clan, deciding that being there reminded them too much of you. it hurt to continue to live on the soil that you died on. so they up and moved their whole family elsewhere, flying towards warmer air and gorgeous waters. they fully expected to be able to find uturu with jake being toruk makto and their war being over. what they hadn't expected to see was their dead runaway daughter standing amongst a sea of teal na'vi.
slowly walking towards the family, tonowari called out to you, but ronal placed her hand on her mate's chest, telling him to shut up and watch what was happening.
"tuktuk," you repeated as you walked towards the girl. when tuk realized that the voice was coming from in front of her and not behind her, she turned her head around, her yellow eyes meeting yours. 
"y/n!!" tuk practically dropped herself from her moms' arms, running up to you. 
you met her halfway, falling to your knees, pulling your little sister into a hug, her face in your neck as you supported her head. as you looked at each one of them, their names, faces, and memories came back. you remembered everything. 
"and you're neteyam, and lo'ak and kiri!" when your siblings heard you say their names, it was like a switch in them flipped. within seconds they were all in the sand hugging you and tuk, crying because you finally remembered them. 
you pulled back from the hug, looking at the two people who hadn't joined the hug yet. 
"sempu," you said, reaching your hand out to jake. he didn't even try to conceal his tears as he allowed himself to join his children in their hug. 
your mother still stood there in awe. neytiri was scared. she was the reason you left last time and didn't want to scare you away again, so she just stood with tears rolling down her face, not knowing what to do. for the first time in her life, neytiri didn't know what to do. 
you could see the hesitation in her eyes. but you were confused as to why. neytiri was the only one who treated you right before you died… so why is she the last to come to you.
"mom?" you called out to her, but she didn't move. did she not want you anymore? has she gotten used to the family without you? 
you tried once more, refusing to lose your family again. "sa'nu, please." a tear rolled down your cheek, looking into your mother's eyes. you saw all the hurt and stress, everything she had to endure while you were gone. 
hearing you call her sa'nu was the last push neytiri needed before she fell to her knees and joined her family's embrace. you have returned. you returned to your family, and you were safe. everyone pulled back from you, taking in your appearance. you had matured a lot since the last time they saw you. you and neteyam were about the same height now, but your muscles surpassed his due to all the swimming you do. 
you noticed that he had noticed too, and you just nudged his shoulder with your own, "do not worry, twin, i will teach you everything you will need to know. maybe you will grow up to be big and strong like me," you teased your twin. neteyam rolled his eyes, laughing along with you. 
"woah! y/n, you have a tattoo?" lo'ak asked as he looked at your left leg. you just laughed at his silly question. of course, that's the first thing he asks you. 
"she has two! there's one on this arm as well," kiri said, holding out your right arm so they could see the tattoo that you had there as well. 
"no fair, mom, i want a tattoo." tuk said, whining to her mother. neytiri laughed at her daughter's statement and just pet her head, moving her braids out her face. "maybe when you're older, tuk," she said.
"babygirl," your father grabbed your attention. "i just want you to know that we are all so sorry for how we treated you before you past–" you cut your father off, shaking your head. 
"it is in the past. the great mother may have returned my memories but it is me who gets to choose which ones to remember. i want to leave the past behind me. i have found a new home here. new peace. a found family who loves me dearly. i don't want you guys to feel like you have to atone to anything. eywa has given us a new start, so i think we should welcome it with open arms instead of trying to mend that has already been healed," you really had matured in your time away from the sullys. 
they all looked at one another. if that was what you wanted, they would be sure to leave the past in the past so they can embrace the chance to make things right with you. 
you stood, the rest of the sullys following. you walked back over to tonowari and ronal, pulling them into a hug. 
"just because my memories have returned does not mean that you are not my family anymore. you have all helped and healed me from wounds that i did not know i had so i can only thank you, sempu, sa'nu. you guys are my found family and i would not trade you for the world." smiling up at your other parents. Wow, this is gonna get confusing, but you were more than excited to have two families. 
you looked over and pulled ao'nung and tsireya into the hug as well. "you guys, too, thank you so much," you said to your siblings. they couldn't do anything but hug you back. you may not be their biological blood, but they could care less. you are now one of their people. ronal and tonowari will always see you as their daughter, and ao'nung and tsireya will always see you as their sister. you will always be family to them. 
you and tsireya decided to guide the sully family to their new home, as ronal had allowed them to stay. you noticed that lo'ak was eying your sister up quite a bit and decided that you would tease him about it later. you were just happy to finally feel at peace. you finally had the family, the life you had dreamed of. 
you couldn't do anything except thank eywa for all the good she brought into your life. 
‘you're welcome, my child.’ it was the same voice that you heard earlier. when you realized that she was responding to your thanks, if you finally clicked whose voice you were hearing. 
it was eywa.
she was with you. she had always been. throughout this journey, she made sure to stick by your side. that was something that you couldn't be more grateful for. 
‘be free my child, allow nothing from here on out to hold you back. you are meant to live a happy life, and now you are able to do so.’
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pit babe ep 6 stray thoughts
- its been a moment hasnt it
-oh.... babe believes in him.... its engraved with his name.... the way babe looks at him i might hav to punch my puter
- does babe just have no powers left or does he still have some... also thinking about the implications he could lose the thing that makes him special and no one will notice- like the implications could be so good for him or horrific
- charlie and dean should have banded together to block babe and then they both could have raced
- shoutout to whoever was actually racing those cars cause they sure are driving
- i think winner and dean should take out their frustrations on eachother- in whichever way feels most authentic to them in the moment
- does dean have a power
- on one: way with babe: 🥺
- has anyone done charliebabe as the autism creature yet has this been done yet
- oh wait its the sign apalogy scene SCREAM
- oooo is this the car sex scene 👀
- no it was in fact th sweetest scene
- hitting you with love confession, mpreg, bitching?, and mama papa back back. i knew what i signed up for tho good for them
- "mama wants to know if papa has devloped anything". okay.
- oh?
- i need to do atrocious things to that man pt 3
- the way soundtrack poppin off. yall know i love me a piano ballad
- northsonic!! UNPROVOKED?!?!?!?? like the whole tray too!?!??!? tf those screwdrivers ever do to dean??!?!
- man fuck dean for that abolutely uncalled for he shouldve been pushing winner against a wall about it
- alan like NOT in MY garage!
- "im angry at old people who like to annnoy me" what’s the actual age difference and please can it not be that much cause this is so funny
- babe really seems so happy now
- SCREAM the way jeff grabs babe and starts experiancing the agonies and babe is there like: okayyyyyy
- way over here like let me make sure everyone else is feeling miserable and awkward too
- northsonic are so real my little clowns
- jeff continuing to move throught the world like a prey animal
- interesting the way is mad that babe changed when babe seems so much happier now...
- way be like im planting seeds of doubt, im affecting your subconsious
- this way speech kinda making my insides hurt like why would he say that in front of me ouch ouch ouch also the song!!!
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texasbama · 4 months
I showed my mama the video of Ryan Kenny and Oliver giving me (but not really) a shoutout and she was like “are yall besties now?” and then 2 seconds later goes “Buck’s actor is British?!”😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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i have been on a real skyrim kick lately so here r some of my favorite things about the game:
•the frantic eating of any and all food you have in ur inventory when u ran out of health potions
•the dark brotherhood being basically a bunch of edgy nerds lmao love the quest line love the faction but. u have to admit that they r edgelords
•mods where the only premise is that it has pretty ladies with big honkers (looking @ u deadly wenches)
•the fact you can put off killing the literally world eater alduin himself for fishing. sorry cant save the world, trying to catch fish </3
• INIGO ! god i love that mod so much and i love inigo hes such a great follower i swear on my mama love that funky cat man
•the soundtrack that never misses
•THE NIGHTINGALE ARMOR OMFG. i wore that armor so much when i was first playing on the ps3 and i will probably wear again when i obtain it again lmao
•the fact that alchemy and enchanting can be so easily exploited. i have never personally used either but watching various youtubers (thespiffingbrit, ymfah, etc) exploiting the hell out of it is just gold
•the fact that there is a literally race of lizard ppl. shoutout to all my argonian mains yall r the real ones
• KHAJITS ! ! !
•the fact there r literal katana like weapons in the game ? ? pop off blades live ur life
• DRAGONS MANN god no one talks about the dragons in a game about dragons. anyway love them funky lizards
•sheogarth! i will swear by this man for all of my days i loved his oblivion questline so much and while the skyrim quest is. . lacking to say the very least, i am glad he was in the game even for a little while :)
•the orcish strongholds. i just find them so neat. orcs in generally are very cool
•the cannibal cult n the fact that u can become a cannibal in game.
the end. i am sure there are more but. i cannot think of more lol <3
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
I’m not ready for 5.12 reaction dump:
Holy shit I’m not ready yall
The flash backs and the ocean scene as the opener, they’re not fucking around wow
I’m actually really glad they’re showing her getting help after the ocean. I knew that we’d see Maddie in the hospital from the stills and BTS but I was hesitant to believe it was for this
Idk the nurse’s name but I love her motivating Maddie here ����
Oh god the emails I’m not ok 😭
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The way they’re weaving the past in to this ep, wow *insert jenna marbles fuck around gif*
Chim calling Hen 🤍
Although him mentioning what Buck told him only reaffirms Kristen believing they handled their shit off screen, which is just bad story telling on their part tbh. If you can’t figure out how to wrap up a story line and keep defaulting to off screen then maybe you’re not a good writer. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Albert!!! 😍
“Trashed yet?”… uhhhh 💀
Shoutout MLB lockout for pushing the season back and giving Chim some extra time to crash with Eli
Jee-Yun looking unimpressed with what he’s feeding her is such a mood lol
Low key this show is obsessed with “the universe”, but also low key I maaaay have also used “the universe” metaphor in a fic so I’m no better
Everyone needs a friend like Eli 🤍
Y’all fighting while he’s doing the prayer and now they’re giving them a sound track? WTF 😂
Chim back in action
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So I remember nothing from the promo on what accident brought Maddie and Chim together but now I’m wondering if it isn’t Kiera driving drunk and crashing into the crowd 😶
a FUCKIN axe ???!!!!!
Wasn’t far off but damn that’s rough
JFC the tension in this scene, neither believing they’re seeing the other and the anticipated “found her” moment being like that for Chim… wow
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Oh bby no you can’t drop that like that oh no no no 😭 the heartbreak on Chim’s face JFC 😭😭😭😭
Christ these two are such good actors
Jee is so big now omgggg
Oh, Maddie 🥺
Just looked at the trending on Twitter and saw 911 was at 2 which I think was higher than last week. Maybe. Idk it’s been a wild week lol
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This paralleling Eddie and Bucks “fixing it” conversation is 🤌🏻
I just remembered the promo scene of Maddie and Jee visiting Bucks apartment with the boxes. They’re really gonna leave that as a cliffy, aren’t they lmao
I swear to god if she’s said this is something she did for Buck I’ll riot
Parenting Madney I’m crying
I guess the bright side of that is they can expand on it
Eddie with a walkie talkie 😏 also is that Karen on my screen ??!!!
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15/10 I missed so Madney so much ahhhh
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jcurszn · 4 years
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Thanks for stepping into TheShadeRoom, I'm a big fan! I’ve been watching your page lately, and I just wanna start off by asking how that’s been going? Any new developments or things we should expect to see in the near future?❜
Nau’jour smiled licking over his lips as the reporter began speaking,  nodding his head before responding. “Shiiit, it’s going good. If you been on my page like you say then you can see for ya’ self how I’m rockin’. You can expect to see mo’ releases from the Edwards family, you digg? We got the whole industry tryna’ lock in wit’ us for drip.” 
❛Sounds interesting, we’ll make sure we’re tuned in! Now, you know what the people wanna know. How’s that love life? You single and ready to mingle, taken or what? You think we’ll see any love interests/conflicts on the show? Maybe got a lil’ heart eyes for anyone on the cast so far?❜
The male allowed a chuckle to escape his lips before he parted his lips to speak. “Ahh man, my love life be crazy. Shit, half the time ion’ even know what’s goin’ on but I am single though. You might catch a lil’ action, I’m a flirt.. gets me in trouble sometimes.” He replied shrugging his shoulders as a sly smirk crept onto his features.
❛Oop, okay! I see you doing your thing, sounds juicy. Speaking of relationships, what’s the worst break up a situation that you’ve had? Were they crazy as hell and toxic or are you the crazy one?❜
“I- you know what? Believe it or not I’ve been called toxic like twice. Can you believe that? I honestly think that word is thrown away too much cause if you ask me, I’m a sweetheart and we all know black men don’t cheat. Shoutout to K Camp fa’ that new anthem he just put out. I think my craziest breakup was this shorty I was dating in high school, dawg she busted the windows of my first whip and errthang.” 
❛Yikes! I don’t know how you made it through that situationship. Stronger than me, I’ll tell you that. Now, what’s the craziest rumor you’ve ever heard about yourself? ‘Cause I’ve seen a lot of crazy ones, if I do say so myself.❜
“I’m sayin’, ion’ even know how I got through that myself. I was young as hell dealing with a older shorty and she wasn’t playing no games wit’ a nigga. I lowkey thought she was gon’ try to kill me at one point.” He said with a smile shrugging some. “I think the craziest rumor I’ve heard so far was that I had two secret baby mamas.”
❛Really?! I actually kind of believed that one, you look like the type...kidding! Since we’re here, some of the fans were actually wondering what happened with you and choppa. Any hard feelings?❜
“Nah, hell nah ain’t no beef on my end. Ion’ know what homie got goin’ but I just be chillin’ I got my money, he got his chain. I’m cool, end of discussion. Wish you wouldn’t have asked me that though, niggas always tryna make sum’n outta’ nothing.” 
❛I feel you, I feel you. Well, you know regardless, TheShadeRoom had your back. Before I let you go about your business, one last question. What’s one song to describe the energy/vibes you’re bringing to this season of Atlanta’s Elite?❜  
“I know, I know. That’s why I fuck wit’ yall at the shaderoom. Imma’ have to say Project Dreams by Roddy Ricch. That’s lowkey my lil’ anthem too nowadays I feel like it describes my lifestyle perfectly. But aye, stay tuned I got some shit fa’ yall this season fasho.”
❛Oh, that’s how you coming? I see you! We’ll we’re definitely rooting for you on this side, and we can’t wait to see you do your thing. Enjoy your night.❜ @aehqs​ @tsrhq​
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romefm · 5 years
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what’s   poppeeeeeenguh   AURGH   !   this   was   meant   to   be   posted   a   century   and   a   half   ago   ,   but   due   to   some   ...   unforseen   (   read   :   i   was   given   a   edible   by   thou   who   shalt..   not..   be   named   ?   clearly   i   skipped   all   of   my   shakespeare   english   classes   )   circumstances   ,   it   was   delayed   .   but   i’m   here   now   to   deliver   u   this   steaming   pile   of   degenerate   fratboy   douchebag   on   this   fine   saturday   morning   (   shoutout   to   chloe   in   australia   idk   what   month   ur   in   much   less   what   time   of   day   it   is   so   bear   with   me   SKJFJKD   )   .
⋆ ╰  another  year  at  hollingsworth  ,  another  year  of  the  big  six  rivalry  .  i  hear  that  ROMAN PIERCE  is  ensuring PI KAPPA EPSILON  gets  a  solid  pledge  class  and  stays  at  the  top  of  the  ranks  .  oh  ,  you’re  not  familiar  with  HIM ?  ROME is  the  GREGG SULKIN look  alike  from  ATLANTA  ,  GEORGIA.  apart  of  PC  ‘16  ,  he  is  majoring  in  PSYCHOLOGY and  has  plans  to  PURSUE A CAREER IN THE NFL  after  undergrad  .  it  makes  sense  they  pledged  their  house  ,  their  ADEPT  &  MAGNETIC  attributes  make  them  perfect  matches  .  however  ,  their  IMPETUOUS   &  SALACIOUS  attributes  keep  their  name  alive  on  greek  rank  .  if  you  don’t  catch  them  dancing  to  MOUNT EVEREST - LABRINTH  at  a  fraternity  band  party  this  year  ,  you’ll  be  sure  to  catch  them  nursing  their  morning  hangover  at  THE PIKE HOUSE.  cheers  to  another  wild  semester !
𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊 : roman gabriel pierce 
𝖆𝖌𝖊 : twenty - one
𝖉𝖔𝖇 : june 15th , 1998
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 / 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖘 : he / him 
𝖘𝖊𝖝𝖚𝖆𝖑 & 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 : bisexual , but definitely more on the low low . he’s only ever been seen publicly with girls .
𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙: 6‘1″  🤡
𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊: having graduated from the title of white man’s wh*re , he is now cordially referred to as the white man’s beefcake . he treats gym sessions like a therapy visit , clocking in at a friendly 200 lbs . like all gym rats w/o a personality , he keeps his hair short on the sides n longer on top , a la this look . he has a scar running along the inside of his right arm from when he broke it , and another that splits his left eyebrow from his eighteenth birthday 
𝖔𝖈𝖈𝖚𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 : resident waste of space , quarterback for the hollingsworth mumbles , least favorite son of the year recipient 1998 - 2019 . 
𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖔𝖜𝖓 : atlanta , georgia .
second son of hall of fame ex falcons qb , miles pierce , and entrepreneur and daughter of a famed manhattan - based art collector , amélie pierce -- rome’s future was pretty non - negotiable since day one . as soon as they could stumble around enough to pass for walking , miles had his sons enrolled in as many football programs as he legally could . 
when rome was young , he loved it . the attention , the praise he received for his quickness despite being one of the smallest kids on the field . plus , going to his father’s games and being recognized as miles pierce’s kids was also fun . soon came time for the inevitable retirement on the heel of a downward - trending career , and after that things ... changed .
suddenly , it was less praise and more demands . earlier practices , with his father making rome and his brother run drills until they were sick . suddenly , things that were previously good weren’t good enough , despite how much better his sons continued to be . 
as anyone with half a brain could guess , these pressures eventually began to take their toll . with interests in anything else repressed by his father’s insistence that football is and always will be the most important thing in life , rome began to emulate his father’s aggressive attitude , first bringing it to the field and then , more notably , to his personal life . failed relationships , fights at school , sneaking home late absolutely blitzed out of his mind -- none of the behaviors were healthy , but they were enough to take the weight of his father’s hands off of his shoulders , if only for a moment . until papa helicopter parent found out , that is . 
tw abuse : despite his sons catering to his every will , miles’ incessant anger began to worsen , and soon a lot of the verbal abuse had started to become physical , too . sure , rome knew that it was wrong , but he also thought that maybe if he’d been better in the game last night , or worked harder at practice , maybe he’d stop . 
he made varsity his freshman year of high school and took his team to the state championships , expecting his dad to finally approve of something he’d done . instead , he came home to the news that his mother was leaving -- that his parents were splitting up and that this had been a long time combing . safe to say this mama’s boy ass bitch was devastated. 
tw death : his dad only sunk deeper into his madness , but all that anyone else could see is that rome was throwing further , moving faster , and making better plays . a non - football related injury left him with a broken arm , and it was on the way home from the hospital that his father received the call that his ex - wife had taken her own life . devastated part ii , coming soon to a theater near you !
tw drugs , alcohol , general debauchery : the partying worsened . rome had entered a phase in his life where he was looking for something -- anything to completely wipe his mind of any and all thoughts . the drugs , the alcohol , it was all a coping mechanism , but it definitely wasn’t a healthy one . soon , his brother left for college thousands of miles away , and rome found out that that fifth of rum goes down a lot easier after doing a few lines beforehand . 
he chose to go to college in georgia not because he wanted to , but because his dad knew that hollingsworth was a great school for scouting attention and that rome wasn’t never too far away to yell at SKDFKJ . in his midst of an extended bender compounded by having training now twice a day everyday on top of college courses , he decided to join pike -- and he absolutely loves it . 
he chose to major in psych because he wants to understand why his dad hates him so much SKJFJKS dumb b*tch . 
also last summer he may or may not have allegedly accidentally wrapped his masterati around a telephone pole and gotten a dui . in reality , it was his brother , but roman told him to gtfo and he’d take the fall because his bro finally managed to escape his dad and rome didn’t want him to suffer the same fate . it made headlines , but his dad pulled approximately 6 billion strings to get him conditionally reinstated to the team .
spent the summer before his junior year chillin in rehab , but he relapsed shortly after . consistency is key here , kids. 
still bender - adjacent , but he’s kept it more lowkey because the nfl draft is coming in HOT . 
he really .............. kinda sux , objectively SFDKJSDFJK
he has so , so much pent up frustration and anger directed at his father and himself that it manifests in some pretty shitty behaviors . 
he’s definitely controlling ( as a consequence of having v v little control over his own life ) , and he’ll manipulate any situation he deems worthy of his effort just to assure that he isn’t in any state of vulnerability . 
i know yall get it , he vapes , but he’s definitely the kind of guy to try to keep the party running til 5 am and get pissed when people tell him that maybe he should stop .
he will provoke anyone and anything ( even inanimate objects ) if found in a self - destructive enough mood . 
has a notoriously short temper , but what kind of gym rat doesn’t .
manages to still attain a 4.0 ( and in his words , psych is easy ) , so that’s another thing that makes it difficult for him to understand that his lifestyle is ... per se ... problematique . 
10000% has sent a plethora of  u up ? texts
kinda gets a little .. hm .. sad sometimes but that’s only after everyone bails from the party n he’s left alone in a dirty ass frat house SDKFSDJK
definitely an irredeemable trash bag and pls don’t think of him any other way 
is definitely fiercely loyal to the 2.5 people who can tolerate him . 
currently in an uber ride to hell , but 10/10 hit the option so that his uber driver can’t talk to him 🤡
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sweetheartjeongguk · 6 years
BTS LA Day 4 Concert Experience
hey guys !! so i had the amazing opportunity to see bts again this year at the staples center and it was so amazing i wanted to cry every time they opened their mouths. 
so i decided to make a little recap of some stuff that happened (even though you can probably see and find fancams and other posts about it lol) i’ll add in some tips as well to other armys who are attending to the other concerts and/or trying for tickets next time! 
so i live about three hours away from LA so i actually got up at 4 AM (having only slept for two hours) and got ready (did my hair, makeup, EVERYTHING). i feel so thankful and guilty for making my dad wake up super early to drive me to LA at 7 AM, but he was a trooper. he didn’t even eat anything before we left so i felt extra guilty, so shoutout to the best dad in the world :(
we arrived around 9 AM and the lines were already long af even though it officially opened at 10 AM. i was like damn armeries whats good? i spent about two hours in the line + an extra 30 minutes in the queue going up to the actual booth to get stuff. i only bought the lightstick and a tae fan which was the other one left! i think i got the last one hehe
after that, i waited in the cool air of my car before lining up for an hour and half and then entering the building. i had some overpriced mcdonalds and then proceeded to wait until 5 PM to go to my seat since i had to charge my phone to take photos and videos.
now onto the concert itself - i’ll put in pretty random stuff bc my laptops dying and i cant think of everything at the top of my head. SO here are some of my favorite things 
- we all sang along to the music videos that played on the screens before the boys came on. [!] fun fact for anyone attending to the other concerts, they perform idol right after the fake love mv plays on the screen!
- they all came out glowing like the melanin kings they are and sang their hearts out for us! 
- the vcr clips were so adorable and im calling it now - if they use any of the sample music in the vcr in future bts songs, i called it first.
- our crowd was so fricking loud but my phone makes everything so quiet but at least i can hear the performance so that’s all that matters
- fanchants were also crazy too! i was a lil disappointed again when yoongi stoppd singing to let us sing along but it was obvious that we were not confident in the lyrics again so then he just picked it back up. but we made up for it by screaming and supporting him very loudly! 
- i would have to say my bias wreckers for the night were namjoon and hoseok because HOLY SHIT HIP THRUSTS AND ALL THAT JAZZ AND DISRESPECTFUL SMIRKS LIKE WAHHHHH
- jin’s high note in epiphany was the greatest blessing i ever received in my life. i hope all of you get to experience it for yourselves
- jimin fell (not hard, more like a stumble) during anpanman and he was smiling so cutely when he jumped back into the choreo. yoongi was even laughing at him
- everyone screeched so hard when there were ab shots from jimin and jungkook and i nearly died as well
- outro tear slaps so hard in person i wanted to cry
- their ments were so cute !!!! when jins voice cracked, i snorted so hard snot came out my nose so thanks for that, kim seokjin. also he was wheeling his arm around so hard during one song and i thought he was gonna smack someone in the head with the army bomb in his head
- taehyungs dancing and vocals in singularity -- zoo wee mama! also, the vcr for him was so beautiful! if they dont make that the singularity remix, im planning an event
- all solo performances were amazing and armys did their best hyping up every single one of them!!! since i was there, i can tell you from experience how it went so dont always assume from others !! 
- when namjoon said we were bts’ answer, i almost cried bc this man just says such beautiful things and i know its hard to express himself fully in english since hes obvs korean born and raised but he manages to hit everyones thoughts and feelings in one-go
- jungkook and hoseok did some aegyo during their ments and i wanted to DIE it was so cute , i bet yall saw the fancams already so i wont go into more detail
- yoongi stopped during his ment bc we kept screaming loudly for him and he smiled so WIDE it was the cutest thing i’ve ever seen in the world and i swear i fell in love with him again 
i may or may not add more or talk about it some more but ill leave it at that! enjoy the rest of the love yourself tour and come talk to me about it!! :) 
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*Grabs shotgun* If you like PETA and support it GET THE FUCK OFF MY BLOG.
Here is why
1.Highly vulgar and innapropriate games, They made a game AS A RIP-OFF OF COOKING MAMA, A FANBASE THAT HAS MOSTLY CHILDREN AND THEY HAVE BLOOD AND AS BONUSES/PRIZES If you've played the games/watched someone play it say it with me 1.. 2.. 3.. ANIMAL ABUSE.
2.They made a Lie about Milk being linked to autisim, you get autisim (possibly) when you are born. (By possibly I mean there is a chance you get autisim when you are born. Shoutout to all my Autistic followers! You are still surviving THE ENDLESS AMMOUNT OF LIES PEOPLE MAKE about yall!)
3.Their community from what I've seen is horrible
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detoxdolan · 7 years
Another Late Tag
🎀Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people some of your faves.
I am aware that this is hella long and hella late, but I appreciate being tagged in these things and I love learning about all you lovely people in the fandom.
Last: 1. Drink - H2O bro 2. Phone call - I got a phone call from an unknown number while I was at work, so I called back and a random lady with a British accent answered and said she never called me??? 🤔 3. Text message - I’m currently absent from a game, so one of my teammates is filling me in on all the tea I’m missing. Apparently there’s beef between teams. 👀 4. Song you listened to - Praise You by Fatboy Slim (it was in a playlist, let me live.) 😂 5. Time you cried - uhhh Monday (today is Wednesday). So basically two days ago. 😅
Ever: 6. Dated someone twice? - Yes haha 7. Kissed someone and regretted it - Definitely.  8. Been cheated on - stealing this quote from @spiffydolan​ 👉 “technically yes, but really no” 9. Lost someone special - Yes 😳 10. Been depressed - ..Yes. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - haha never 😁😁
3 Favorite colours: 12. Neutrals - Black, white, and beige  13. Blue!!! 14. Trendy Colours - so your basic olive green, millennial pink, maroon etc etc 
In the last year (2017) have you: 15. Made new friends - I made this account in December and made so many friends on here that I’m so grateful for every day 😭AND THAT’S JUST ON TUMBLR. I feel like I branched out a lot this year and met so many cool ppl. 2017 was a good year.  16. Fallen out of love - Yes..and tbh it’s one of the worst feelings ever.  17. Laughed until you cried - not something I do often, but I think so. 18. Found out someone was talking about you - haha all the time #TalkShitGetHit 19. Met someone who changed you - Yes.  20. Found out who your friends are - “When people show you their true colours, believe them.” 👉 I feel like we all know the truth about who people are and its just a matter of whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not. There are a lot of people in my life that I know shouldn’t be here but I don’t have the heart to let go of just yet..it’s a work in progress.  21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - uhhhhh probably LOL
General: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - tbh, I tried to do a facebook cleanse and remove anyone I didn’t associate with in real life but that lasted for like 2 seconds LMAO 23. Do you have any pets - I have a weenie dog 😊 24. Do you want to change your name - I don’t quite like my name, but I don’t think anything else would match me???  25. What did you do for your last birthday - I went to a club with my 2 best friends and we ran into some friends and celebrated all together. Then I had a intimate little dinner with all my closest friends and family. OH I also cut all my hair off - so I guess there’s that 😂😂 Best birthday I’ve had so far. 26. What time did you wake up today - 7:45 am, even though my alarm was set for 8:45 🙄 27. What were you doing at midnight last night - Sleeping, most likely. Or finishing up a FaceTime sesh with @silly-silly-fangirl​  28. What is something you can’t wait for - Everything and anything involving @silly-silly-fangirl​ #Toronto2k18 30. What are you listening to right now - Teen Rocket by Tigers Jaw (against my better judgement, this is for a music challenge)  31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - I..don’t think so? 32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - Haha a lot of things. Uhh lets see: My boss, my friends, negative ppl EVERYWHERE 33. Most visited website - Probably Tumblr or YouTube 34. Hair color - Chestnut Brown. I know this because when I used to colour pictures as a kid with pencil crayon, I would use the Chestnut Brown pencil crayon for my hair. 😂😂 35. Long or short hair -  In the aforementioned birthday question, I cut all my hair off, but its growing back.                                                                                          36. Do you have a crush on someone - Lol I have like..a crush for every occasion. I have a work crush, a school crush, a basketball crush..literally a crush for every place I go.                                                                                   37. What do you like about yourself - Turning Pain into Power, Positivity, and Patience. 4 P’s 🙏
38. Want any piercings? - I was thinking about getting my seconds because literally everyone has so many badass piercings and I dont (my parents would kill me). 39. Blood type - B positive! I got tested at a lil set up at my school for blood donation. DONATE BLOOD YALL!!!! Seriously, you could save like 3 lives from that ish.  40. Nicknames - Ni, Nina, Nitts/Mama Nitts (why), Nids, NiNi, T, Nitty, Littya etc etc 41. Relationship status - Single and satisfied ✌️ 42. Zodiac - Leo ♌ 43. Pronouns - she/her 44. Favorite TV shows - Jane the Virgin, How To Get Away With Murder, Riverdale (these are just recents)  45. Tattoos - Honey....would u put a bumper sticker on a bentley  46. Right or left handed - righty is tighty  ✌️ ✌️ 47. Ever had surgery - I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed, but I wasn’t put to sleep. I had local anesthetic and I was awake for the whole thing, IT WAS FUCKING BRUTAL I cried the whole time the dental assistant had to wipe my tears throughout the procedure lmao  48. Piercings - I have a tongue ring 😜🤘 49. Sport - Cheerleading 🎀 50. Vacation - Tryna reach NOLA for Mardi Gras next year you already knowwww @spiffydolan​ 🎉🎉 51. Trainers - wut
More general: 52. Eating - either way too much or not enough and no in between 53. Drinking - Water. Always water. I got some free coconut water at work though, so I mean that was pretty cool. 54. I’m about to watch - Riverdale? idk I got a lot of shows to catch up on. 55. Waiting for - My new apartment to be ready! 🤗 56. Want - mostly just a bunch of household things for my new place. But also, want @silly-silly-fangirl​ to come visit me in Toronto :( 57. Get married - Yeah, maybe. I gotta find someone to like me first 😅 58. Career - I’ve lowkey always wanted to be a teacher and my entire life has basically been me avoiding becoming a teacher soooo yeah lmao. Right now I’m on the track to Midwifery but I’m? chaning my mind?? idk. 
Which is better: 59. Hugs or kisses - I wanna say hugs cause I feel like you can’t kiss everyone. But the people you can kiss...damn.  60. Lips or eyes - eyes 61. Shorter or taller - I’m not one of those cute, dainty, short girls. I’m 5′6, so taller would be appreciated  😅 62. Older or younger - older 63. Nice arms or stomach - I have neither so 💁 64. Hookup or relationship - Relationship? idk I’m kinda living the single life rn and I’m just chilling so I wouldn’t mind a casual thing here or there BUT WHO HAS THE TIME 65. Troublemaker or hesitant - I’m the best mix of both 😏
Have you ever: 66. Kissed a stranger - Yes 🙈 67. Drank hard liquor - Yes 68. Lost glasses - Probably 69. Turned someone down - Yes 😪 70. Sex on first date - Not...yet? 71. Broken someones heart - Yes  72. Had your heart broken - Yes 😞 73. Been arrested - Nope 😇 74. Cried when someone died - Yes 💔 75. Fallen for a friend - Not a close friend, but yeah.
Do you believe in: 76. Yourself - I do 😌 77. Miracles - Absolutely 78. Love at first sight - Maybe not? Probably more like a significant encounter typa vibe
79. Santa Claus - haha no 80. Kiss on a first date - To be proper, no. Butttt there are def exceptions. 81. Angels - YES 
Other: 82. Best friend’s name - In the great words of Mindy Kaling “Best friend is a tier, not a person.” Butttt @silly-silly-fangirl​ (If u couldn’t already tell) is one of my favorite people on this planet atm. 83. ‎Eye color - Brown? I wanna say hazel, but the twins literally INVENTED hazel w their eye colour and I cannot compete. 84. Favorite movie - Hardest question ever...I always say Zorro 85. ‎Favorite actor - Leonardo DiCaprio? Viola Davis? Robert DeNiro??
Thank you so so much to @spiffydolan for the tag. U da best. 💜💜
Gonna tag some of my favorite blogs at the moment. If you’ve already been tagged/want to sit out of this tag, consider this a shoutout! Thanks for being awesome 😊 @ethandolanakae-tee-wee-tee @laneswervingdolan @pandasaremyspritanimal @broncodolan @silly-silly-fangirl @coconutethan @dolanwaffles
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creacherkeeper · 7 years
8, 18, 28, 35, 38
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
okay this is from jemma’s chapter of the adoption au holiday fic 
“What do you think is going to happen?”
Jemma blows out a shaky breath. “We’ll be overwhelming, and you’ll get tired of us. Or you’ll realize you don’t want kids. Or we’ll do something bad, and you won’t be able to forgive us. Or you won’t be able to keep affording us. Or you’ll find other kids that you like better. Or …” Jemma’s fists clench on the table. “Or I won’t be good enough, and you’ll see it, and you won’t want me anymore.”
And there’s the heart of the problem, May realizes. “Jemma.” May waits for Jemma to meet her gaze before she continues. “The only person I’m asking you to be is you. And that’s plenty ‘good enough’ for me.”
“It shouldn’t be,” Jemma shoots back, suddenly looking angry, which takes May aback. “I’m insensitive, and not very kind. I’m too angry. I’m competitive. I say all the answers in class and make the other children feel bad. I don’t allow things to make me happy the way they should. I’m damaged.” Tears spring to Jemma’s eyes. “I don’t even know how Fitz puts up with me, and he’s my best friend.”
May takes a moment to figure out how to phrase what she’s going to say. She knows she has to say this right, has to make it count, because this is obviously something that’s been bothering Jemma for a while, and it must’ve taken a lot for her to admit all of it. “Everyone is going to have negative qualities, Jemma,” she starts carefully, “that’s just part of being human. We can’t escape that. We can always work towards bettering ourselves, but no one is going to be perfect. The reason that people love us anyway is because the good they see in us outweighs the bad. Despite the bad things, we find reasons to love each other, and celebrate each other, and want each other in our lives. And despite what you see as bad things, Fitz and I love you, because we think you’re amazing. Because the good things about you shine so bright, that the bad doesn’t even bother us. We’ll take them, as long as we can have you in our lives.”
Jemma’s lips twist, tears threatening to spill over in her eyes.
May leans forward. “And who ever told you that you’re not kind?”
bit of a long snippet whoops :P i just like this scene for the character building. i love writing jemma and exploring jemma’s head and it was fun getting to do this in an au as well, where she’s the same and different all at once. and obv i love mama may so any chance to explore her being a good parent is aces to me 
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
i actually dont when im writing fic! i did use an outline when i was writing my novel but for fics i p much just wing it. i have an idea of how it’ll go in my head and it may or may not go that way in the end. i dont really write anything long enough to justify an outline though? longest was flower fic and i did not have an outline for that (i also thought it was going to be like 3k though) 
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
well obv @imperfectlychaotic is my favorite aos writer and im not just saying that because she’s my girlfriend and i have to. she was the reason i started writing fic for this fandom in the first place and i’ve constantly been trying to live up to the sheer amount of heart and rhythm her fics have. writing goals 
@agentcalliope has been improving in leaps and bounds in her writing and every new fic shows it. each new one i read im like ‘no wait this one is my new favorite’ but then she writes another one and im like ‘NO WAIT’. she gets bonus points because she writes a lot of brotps that im super into like daisyfitz 
and honestly i havent really been reading a lot of fic lately but whenever im having a bad day i go and read @b00k-freak‘s stuff and it always makes me feel better. its just so sweet and loving and i really need to catch up but i always hoard them for a bad day so i can read a bunch at once. mama may to the max 
there are honestly so many amazing writers in the aos fandom though like yall are 110% better than the actual writers and dont you forget it 
35. Would you ever kill off a canon character?
oh gosh. you know, probably not, unless i had something really good planned? im all about hurt/comfort but the most important part of that is the comfort. i wouldnt write something like that unless i was like doing an in depth exploration of mourning or something. i probably wouldnt though. i like angst, but thats just straight up sad 
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
any review that quotes the reviewer’s favorite lines is guaranteed to make my day. when the person runs out of space in the review and has to make another comment i am 100% jumping up and down and running around the house. but shoutout to @buskidsburgade for being my biggest adoption au cheerleader and always leaving great and insightful reviews on it !!
thank you :D 
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