#shoutout to any poor fool who went out of their way to read the entire thing I know it was a lot-
dooodle-bug · 3 years
Headcanon list for my pmtok ocs
uhhh haha not to be Cringe, but I really wanted to be self indulgent and drop some headcanons for my beloved sonas ocs so here ya go!
Explorer Koopa:
-She/her pronouns
-Her actual name is "Jia" apparently nobody calls her that-
-Spawns after Streamer Cleared in every location somewhere doin something chill like walking around or hanging. The only exception to this is Hot Foot Crater and Origami Castle, which she Does Not go to for obvious reasons-
-When you talk to her, she says something like "Oh hey Mario I'm just chillin around btw did you know that [insert fun fact relevant to current location]??" also, like other NPCs, she repeats the messages as NPCs do
-Talking to her is completely optional and something players would probably only do when Backtracking or just to read the funny dialogue, but after talking to her in EVERY location at least once, she is most pleased by your pursuit of knowledge and trivia and rewards you with the "Kurious Koopa" Trophy, which is necessary for 100% game completion.
-But other than that she just doesn't do much but hang around as any other ordinary NPC-
-In terms of backstory, upon first meeting her, she introduces herself by stating how she is a college student travelling about for research and interest in learning more about this funny world, wanting to ramble about fun facts to anyone who's interested in listening and that's about it-
-To be a bit more in depth, she actually goes to the same college that Professor Toad works at! She takes a ton of minors (Prof's class coincidentally being one of them), but I think she'd major in biology or history or something-
-Interestingly, despite being a Koopa, she really doesn't have much affliction with Bowser's army, for no reason in particular other than she just. Wasn't into working for him, choosing to instead Pursue for Knowledge bc why tf not-
-Childhood and junk was. Pretty Normal for a koopa, nothing too wild or wacky-
-Uhh she's roughly in her early to mid 20s and has been attending that college for roughly 2-ish years-
-Now, personality wise, she's quite softspoken and shy, typically keeping to herself and her studies, however, when discussing any of her interests, she immediately gets super-duper excitable and energetic, going on about all this trivia and stuff she knows regarding the topic-
-Despite being rather shy, she is well-meaning, wanting to help out and Educate the world-
Sticky Note
-They/them pronouns
-Guardian of the Peach Streamer, an optional, non canon streamer present as a DLC.
-Referred to as "Sticky Note" instead of "Post-It" due to the fact that post-it is probably a copyrighted label I probably couldn't use legally- Also Sticky Note just works as a Generalized term.
-Is a pretty big cube, being about 14 feet tall.
-While I don't completely have an idea for their zone down, I can imagine it being some sort of mountainous, rocky location. Speaking of which, you gotta Ascend the mountain to the top peak where the streamer resides. Regardless, I'll need to work out the details at a later date.
-Sticky's personality can be summarized as "the kid who hates everyone and does the entire group project out of spite".
-They take on the personality of some sort of Guardian, peace-keeper, or better yet, Detective as they, in their mind, defeand the world by solving problems, cleaning up the messes, and giving those No-Good bad guys what they deserve.
-In reality, they have a backwards way of thinking, actually being the amoral one who is bossy, judgemental, and single minded, blinded by their annoyance of everyone.
-Theyre also quite nitpicky, quickly casting judgement the moment you fuck up, even a little.
-in terms of gimmick and battle strategy, they use their post it's to close you into a lil "prison". They cover the tiles with notes, making them unrecognizable and thus, unusable (however they can be washed away with the water vellumental). Their other moves compose of body slamming, using their post it's to sorta toss you around and all that good stuff.
Aaannndd that's about all I have! Thank you to whomever took time to read the entire thing, I appreciate it! Like usual, feel free to ask any questions!
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mojofun · 4 years
Remus Lupin and the Half-Assed Attempt at Flirting (Remus Lupin x OC)
Hello y’all. This is a new entry for a new writing challenge I’m participating in. It was launched by @iliveiloveiwrite and I want to give them a shoutout not only for hitting 500 but also for the wonderful prompts! Thank you :) The prompt for this story was “This is the part where you ask me out an I say yes”. I took inspiration from the scene in the Half-Blood Prince (as evidenced by the title) when Slughorn makes them prepare the Daught of Living Death in class. I decided to write about Remus Lupin because there are many stories about Sirius flirting and also about James importuning Lily (I love that couple ;) ) so I though I should study Remus’ behaviour in this hostile environment. That said, I hope you enjoy the story :)
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Gif not mine, credits to @ministryofmagiclondon​
<<Good morning, class>> Professor Slughorn chimed, letting his gaze skim over the students in the potions room, some awake some half-asleep <<Today we are going to host a little competition>>
James nudged Sirius, who awoke with a start
<<Uh? What’s up, Prongs?>>
<<Shush you two>> Remus rebuked, making his friends roll their eyes
<<Goody two-shoes>>
The taller male just huffed. Slughorn went on with his explanation, holding up a  small vial of a clear potion in his hands
<<Does any of you know what this is?>>
A girl in the corner raised her hand
<<Felix Felicis, professor. Commonly known as liquid luck>>
<<Correct, Miss L/N. Ten points to H/N>>
The female gave a small smile; she worried at her lip and looked down, blushing slightly.
Sirius’s elbow in his side jolted Remus out of the trance he’d fallen in, and he turned to find the black-haired Marauder looking at him with a shark-like grin
<<You like her>>
Remus’ breath hitched, but he managed to make it sound like a snort
<<Excuse me?>>
<<You stared at her for a full minute after she gave the right answer>>
<<You have hearts in your eyes, Moony>> James joined
<<Shut up you two! Just shut up >> He turned away from both his friends, but he could feel their idiotic smirks. As if that weren’t enough, they began teasing him 
<<Remus and Y/N, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S->>
With a quick non-verbal spell, the tallest of the three made the contents of a nearby cauldron pour all over Sirius and James
<<Ah! What the hell?>> They spluttered
<<Mr Black, Mr Potter, is there a problem?>>
<<They simply made the cauldron tip over, Professor>> Remus replied for them
<<Oh. Well, they will get changed after this lesson.
It’s probably going to be messy>>
<<Yes, professor. Thank you>>
That said, Slughorn went back to his explanation. Sirius and James sent him venomous glares, but he ignored them.
Especially when he heard Y/N giggle.
He snapped his head in her direction and caught her looking at him, covering her mouths to tune her chuckles down; as soon as their eyes met she abruptly looked away, but it was enough for the boy to smile like a fool.
He’d been crushing on her for a very long time. What was there not to like? She was pretty, clever, kind and feisty, if the time she ripped Bellatrix a new one in the Great Hall was anything to judge by.
The mere memory had him laughing, so he bit his lip, but the chuckles didn’t stop. Y/N had stepped in to defend some first-years she’d been buying and, as a result, the entire Hall got to witness Sirius’s deranged cousin flee the Hall with a fully-fledged Medusa updo.
In one word, it had been glorious. The only downside to it was that it made him fall even more for her.
Why was that a bad thing, some might have asked.
Because the feelings were one-sided, Remus would have answered with a sigh.
His flirting was limited to staring at her from across the room and hope that someday, somehow, she would look at him and approach him.
But that was a whole new level of magic, something he did not believe was feasible even if he was a wizard.
Perhaps it was for the best, he mused sadly. After all, how could a monster like him be with a beautiful and wonderful woman like Y/N? No, he wouldn’t ruin her like that.
Thus Remus had resigned himself to throwing longing glances at her from under the strands of hair that fell in his face, hoping to never get caught -the fact that his best friends knew already was an unwelcome turn of events, but he trusted them with his life…
Not so much with his crush though
<<Good. Let’s make the pairs now>>
Just like that, the poor boy realised he’d missed the whole explanation of what he was supposed to do. What did they have to team up for?
<<Black, you’re with McKinnon>>
Sirius unsheathed his best playboy smile and strutted toward Marlene, who greeted him with a cackle
<<Potter, you’ll work with Evans>>
<<No!>> The redhead exclaimed, unable to stop herself.
The whole room fell silent and Lily blushed, looking away
<<I’m sorry professor>>
<<It’s alright, Miss Evans>> Slughorn reassured, then turned toward other students just when James was approaching his new potions partner
<<Oh come on Evans, we are a winning team: our potion will be perfect>> <<Yes, Potter>>
<<Just so I can slip it in your pumpkin juice at breakfast>> The redhead hissed, making the brunette balk
<<Lupin, you’re with L/N>>
Those were the last words Remus heard; after that, all his ears picked up was the thrumming of his heartbeat with every step Y/N took in his direction.
He stared at her, taking in her smile and the twinkle in her eyes.
Was he staring too much? Probably
<<Uhm, Remus?>>
Impressive, how much effort a single word can take
<<So, we’re working together. Let’s go to that table, since it’s free>>
He nodded numbly, following her without another word.
<<Now we need to add the powdered root of asphodel>> Y/N read, skimming the scribbles on the book while stirring the fuming contents of the cauldron. Remus instantly gathered the ingredient and selected the correct dosage, pouring it in and glancing at the manual
<<This is the part where we use the infusion of wormwood and valerian sprigs, right?>> He asked, pointing at the next paragraph.
The girl nodded, not losing her concentration.
A few moments of silence went by, during which the only disturbance were the constant lame pickup lines that James foisted on Lily, who endured in the name of her education.
Remus swore he could see her mouth an unforgivable or two, but he had his own problems to tend to and couldn’t save Prongs at the moment.
Then along came a flying Sopophorous bean.
Before he understood what was happening, the boy had reached out to catch the stray legume. Problem was, so had Y/N.
The girl’s smaller fingers grabbed it, while his bigger hand wrapped around hers, and the whole world stood still.
They stared into each other’s eyes, mouth agape and breath cut short. He could have sworn he saw her bite her lip at some point, and her cheeks were at least two shades darker than before…
Probably the potion’s fumes, he decided; after all her hair was all poofy now, but she still looked adorable…
<<Sorry to interrupt your Yule Ball practice, but Marley and I need that bean>> Sirius’ voice jolted them both out of their reverie. He had appeared out of thin air and was looking at the couple with a shark-like grin that Remus suddenly had the urge to wipe off
<<I could just take yours and leave you two to… Whatever it is you’re doing>> The black-haired Marauder cackled.
That gave his friend the courage to finally pull away, giving back the bean with a  huff
<<We are working, Sirius. Unlike you>>
<<Oh, Remus. You wound me>>
<<Don’t tempt me>> The taller boy grunted
<<I wouldn’t dream of it>> The shorter one chirped, barely restraining his laughter <<Oh and, by the way; this is the part where you ask her out>>
The world froze again.
Remus could feel Y/N’s eyes on him, but he did not dare turn around. He simply prayed she would simply chalk it up as Sirius’ umpteenth inopportune remark
<<Sloth brain>>
<<I couldn’t agree more, Y/N>> He growled, glaring at his friend
<<I meant we need sloth brain now>>
<<Oh, right. That, and the juice of the flyi- sopophorous bean>> Moony recited in a single breath <<Am I forgetting something?>>
<<Asking her out>> Padfoot tried again. The other boy ignored him
<<Wormwood, of course; we need wormwood too>>
His partner nodded, avoiding his gaze. Sirius chuckled and walked away after retrieving his bean
<<For the last time, Potter, I will NEVER go out with you!>> Lily’s voice resounded in the classroom, leading to an embarrassing silence during which all eyes were on her and James.
For the first time in years, Remus was grateful for the Gryffindor’s tactlessness.
Despite any awkwardness, their potion turned out to be the best. Slughorn complimented both of them and awarded fifty points to their houses.
All in all, it wasn’t a complete disaster.
What worried Remus was that Y/N had disappeared as soon as the class was dismissed.
He was currently sitting in the common room with his friends -luckily they were the only ones there- while James complained of his love life to Peter and Sirius pointed out where he had gone wrong with his flirting during potions. As if there was a need to explain that
<<I don’t get it, Padfoot! I tried everything!>>
<<Well, pal, I can tell you not to be like Moony>>
<<What did I do now?>> Remus groaned
<<It was more what you didn’t do>> His companion corrected <<I offered you the occasion of a lifetime on a silver platter and you threw it away!>>
<<It would have been useless, Pads; she doesn’t like me that way>>
<<She does, pal. You just don’t see it>>
<<How can you be so sure?>> The poor boy exploded, vexed beyond belief.
As an answer, he received another Joker-like smirk
<<Well, let’s ask her, shall we?>>
<<Oh no, no way; you’re not going to look for Y/N now>>
<<I don’t need to; she’s right behind you>>
Remus froze in place.
He sent prayers to whatever deity was listening to him that Padfoot was only kidding but, for some reason, it didn’t sound like a prank.
It took him a lot of willpower to simply move his legs and turn around; when he did, just as his friend had said, his eyes met his crush’s E/C irises, and he jumped back when he realised how close she was
<<Y- Y/N>> He stammered <<What- What are you doing here?>>
The way her expression changed to a sad frown worried him
<<I… I came to ask you something… But I see I’m unwanted here… I’ll just go>>
And she did, while he was still stuck there. Luckily, his friends were there for him -in their peculiar way, of course.
A swat to the head broke him out of his trance
<<Ouch! What the hell, Prongs?>>
<<You’ll thank me later; go after her!>>
<<Don’t make me kick your arse, Moony>> Joined Sirius <<Go after her, you fool>>
<<Oh. Right>>
That was the fastest he’d ever run
Winded and slightly dizzy, he managed to stop her in the corridors before she returned to the H/N common room. Her expression was less than forthcoming, but he’d work around that
<<How much of that did you hear?>>
<<Just you telling Sirius that he shouldn’t go look for me>>
<<That’s… Better>>
<<It’s ok, Remus, I get it. You don’t want to see m->>
<<No no no no, Y/N, you absolutely don’t get it. We were talking about me asking you out>>
<<Oh. Really?>>
<<Yes, really; serio->> He abruptly stopped talking, trying to find a synonym while the girl laughed
<<The thing is, Y/N, I… I don’t know how to do this>>
She giggled
<<Not to be rude, but following James and Sirius’s advice isn’t very wise>>
They laughed some more, together
<<I know that: Lily’s reaction taught me enough. What should I do, then?>>
<<Mind if I give you an input?>>
<<Go on>>
<<This is the part where you ask me out>>
<<Just like that?>>
Y/N rolled her eyes
<<You don’t need a fancy getup or a knight-in-shining-armour gesture to do this>>
<<I just thought that maybe, I don’t know… Flowers would be a good idea… Or chocolate>>
<<There, you see? You do know what to do. Anyway, we’ll work with what we have here.
Go on>>
<<Y/N L/N, will you go out with me?>>
The female squealed, making him blush and chortle
<<This is the part where I say yes>>
Remus’s grin stretched impossibly wide; so did hers.
Then, something unexpected happened: he pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist
<<Ah! Remus, what are you doing?>>
<<This is a new part I just came up with>> He murmured, his lips mere inches from hers <<Any objection?>>
Hurt flashed in his eyes, and he relented his grip a little
<<Which one?>>
<<That you haven’t done it already>> She teased, wiping away all his worries.
With a laugh, Remus’s lips met hers and they kissed, holding onto each other for dear life.
It was a wonderful kiss, even if it was the first for both of them.
When they pulled away, they both tried to catch their breaths
<<Wow. Remus Lupin, you definitely know more than it seems>>
________________ Extra_______________
<<How did it go?>>
Of course, Moony knew they would give him the third degree when he went back to his room, but he did not care. He simply leaned against the door, smiling dumbly
<<Did you ask her?>>
He nodded
<<And she said yes?>>
Another nod
<<Wait a second>> Sirius jumped in <<Something’s off…>>
The black-haired Marauder walked toward his companion, examining his lovestruck expression with narrow eyes.
Then, he gasped
<<You kissed her!>>
James and Peter gasped too. The taller boy only nodded
<<Unbelievable. Who knew you had it in you?>>
<<What can I say… Except this: James, be like Moony>> Remus teased.
Sirius face-palmed
<<I created a monster>>
<<It was here all along; you just didn’t see it>>
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thevoilinauttheory · 5 years
Never-Ending Survey | Maximiloix
Tagged by @elegie-de-sang! Thank you so much, and thank you for your patience! It’s been a while since I got this orz
Tagging: uhh... anyone who has wanted to do this and hasn’t! Please! Do! It! And tag me! I want to see all of your lovely characters!
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FULL NAME: Maximiloix Soleil Voilinaut
NICKNAME: (Hates all of his nicknames) Max [by most], Maxie [by Caromont].
AGE:  109
BIRTHDAY: 28th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
LANGUAGE/S: Common, Old Ishgardian, Old Sharlayan, Dragonspeak (to a degree, his pronunciation is horrible), Sign Language; in the process of teaching himself Far Eastern languages and dialects; is familiar with Ilsabardian words and terms, unable to speak the language fluently.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  It’s complicated. Legally, he’s single.
HOME TOWN / AREA:  Ishgard, Coerthas
CURRENT HOME:  Mist, Limsa Lominsa
PROFESSION: Teacher, Aetherologist, Historian
HAIR: Unnaturally white with hints of brown. Base of neck length, kind of wavy. Very well groomed and taken care of.
EYES: One is a whitish-silver, the other is a light teal. Almond shaped, with constant bags under them.
FACE: Squared, angular jaw. High cheekbones. 
LIPS: Kinda average for his face shape and size, always wears lipstick.
COMPLEXION: Tanned from outdoor work, usually on the paler side.
BLEMISHES: Aside from the bags under his eyes, he has very few visible blemishes.
SCARS: A lot. Mostly covering his chest and back. The most noticeable ones are the thin scar along his cheek, and a nasty deformation on his right arm.
TATTOOS: Geometrical patterns are tattooed around his entire body, everywhere except his face, to help him cast magic easier and more efficiently.
HEIGHT:  7′4′‘
WEIGHT: ~200lbs. 
BUILD: Lanky and frail looking. He has muscle due to his time as a logger and Templar, but he is lacking in physical strength with his old age.
FEATURES: Long and well kept fingernails, well-groomed. All other prominent features have already been stated.
ALLERGIES: Deathly allergic to mushrooms.
USUAL HAIR STYLE:  Well washed and maintained, looks very soft. It is usually kept loose. On rare occasions, it will be tied back to keep it from getting in his face while he works.
USUAL FACE LOOK :  Annoyed, irritated, and angry.
USUAL CLOTHING:  Does not have much of a closet - or he does, and he prefers to wear the same thing everyday. Garishly long white robes, tight black pants, black high-heeled boots, and a black eyepatch.
FEAR/S: Drowning, being buried alive, being alone, being forgotten, losing his friends and family, powerlessness.
ASPIRATION/S:  To correct his many mistakes, and hopefully become on good terms with his family. Or at least speaking terms.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Protective, inquisitive, friend to the poor man. He *does* know how to have fun, I swear.
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  Almost constantly annoyed or irritated at something; power-hungry; selfish; will not hesitate to throw anyone under him when it comes to gaining new power and knowledge.
TEMPERAMENT:  Choleric / Melancholic
SOUL TYPE/S:  16% Educator / 15% Thinker / 12% Leader
ANIMAL/S: Falcon.
VICE HABIT/S: Alcoholism, Self-Martyrdom
FAITH: Halone, apparently. 
GHOSTS?: Believes in them to a degree.
AFTERLIFE?: Kind of?
REINCARNATION?: A more plausible and sensible option after death.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Absolutely loathes people of noble birth, unless proven themselves to *not* be assholes. Stays on the side of the poor man, and will fight for their rights.
EDUCATION LEVEL:  While he doesn’t know everything, he does know a lot for someone who’s education level is “I learned how to read”. There were no schools for him to attend as a child, so he learned through experience, traveling, and reading.
FATHER :  Adelnard Voilinaut
MOTHER :  Genevieve Voilinaut
SIBLINGS :  He is the eldest of 9 - here’s a list.
EXTENDED FAMILY: He has a lot of children and extended family members, and here’s a list as well!
NAME MEANING/S: Based off the Common, Eorzean, name, Maximillion - which means “Greatest Rival”. (Also I just used the random name generator and went “what a cool ass name” until I learned how to pronounce it.)
BOOK:  Will never admit it, but thoroughly enjoys raunchy romance novels. Good luck finding his collection.
DEITY: Halone.
HOLIDAY:  The Starlight Celebration. It gives him a reason to (begrudgingly - to keep up appearances) give gifts to people.
MONTH: Likely the 6th Umbral Moon (December)- not only the month of his favorite holiday and season; but it was the month he met Caromont as well.
SEASON:  Winter.
PLACE: Says Ishgard, but really wherever his family and friends are.
WEATHER: Loves snow, maybe not blizzards, but definitely show showers.
SOUND / S: Silence, tea kettle boiling, pages of books flipping.
SCENT / S:  Coerthan cedar; Dravanian Lilies; Furymint.
TASTE / S:  Furymint, black tea - lots of salt.
FEEL / S:  Wool and mink. Sanded down and polished wood; cold stone.
ANIMAL / S:  Likes animals, will not own any. Falcons are his favorite.
NUMBER: 3,582. Specific, but there’s a reason behind it.
COLORS: White, blue, gold.
TALENTS: Magic and all things magical in nature; the ability to learn new things quickly. 
BAD AT: Focusing on anything that is not studying or interesting to him; cooking; can’t swim; bad at dealing with people - even worse if the person is upset. 
TURN ONS: Major turn ons include having his hair pulled on, and being embarrassed in public or in front of others. He is attracted to intelligence and someone he can lean on; being attractive is a plus.
TURN OFFS: Needy, or greedy for his attention. Displays low intelligence in situations that do not call for it. Sexually, does not like preforming oral - does not like mouth stuff, whatsoever.
HOBBIES: Reading, teaching, studying new things, traveling/adventuring.
TROPES: Jerk with a Heart of Gold; Big Ego, Hidden Depths; Villain with Good Publicity
“He is not yours to burn - get out, GET OUT!”
“I have not felt such exhilaration in years…”
“I am not stupid, I am mad. You were a fool to trust me in the first place.”
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  It would probably be one of those villain origin stories, either of his life growing up; or it would be him slowly going mad - like my Memories!AU. It would be very dark, definitely an R movie, maybe even something horror-esque. As for titles? /shrug I’m no good with those.
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 : Definitely piano, organ, and harpsichord based. Maybe a little violin and cello. Something soft and somewhat haunting.
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 : Ha... ha... I don’t want to admit that it gave me a reason to be mean to people lmao. I’m generally a super nice person, a people pleaser, and a rug that everyone walks over. Max’s character was supposed to reflect a couple of things - if I handled my guilt worse than I have irl, and if he were the sarcastic, rude, bastard I have no heart to be.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :  ^^ The above. Max was originally supposed to be young, naive, clumsy, and an anxiety ridden mess; and for the love of god, do not get me started on his original design. He became the opposite of those things, and Lothaire took up the mantle of his original personality.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 :  Max is an absolute fucking asshat that can’t let things be. Let dead things be dead, kind of thing. Can’t move on. He will definitely step on his friends and family if it meant gaining more power.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :   The guilt of believing that we are the cause of the death to a loved one. I’m pretty sure I handled it better. We also have a lot of internalized rage.
Q7 :   How does  your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :   lmao, he probably hates me. I *am* the source of all of his angst and anger, tbh. His life has been a mess and it is literally all my fault.
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?        
A8 :   Caromont, Shango, and Amarice - definitely. All three are people who push his ability to be a better person.
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse ?        
A9 :  Max is one of those characters that everyday is inspiration for him - it’s just finding the motivation to write. He’s not necessarily my longest running XIV character, but he is certainly one of my favorites to RP. 
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete ?          
A10 : A while - I lost motivation, forgot it was in my drafts, then got it done during my entire shift at work lmao.
A big ol’ shoutout to @shangomango​ and @amarice-sovald​ for their characters and helping shape Max into what he is today.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
The 19 Most Hype Moments from EVERY Dragon Ball Movie
Dragon Ball is that special kind of thing that transcends anime fandom itself--there are folks who don't even like anime or manga by and large, and yet they love Dragon Ball. You can sing "Cha-La Head Cha-La" at karaoke and people sing along, you can start shouting "KA... ME..." into a crowd and let them finish the rest--Dragon Ball's popularity is on a whole 'nother level.
  Of course, with that level of popularity you're going to get anime-original content, and in Dragon Ball's case we didn't get too many in the way of filler episodes... we got movies. Dragon Ball Super: Broly, which released last month in Japan to ludicrous box office numbers, is arriving in the US tomorrow, and is the twentieth theatrical Dragon Ball release.
  Kinda crazy, huh? Personally, I've always had more of an attachment to Dragon Ball's movies compared to the TV anime (I'm a "read the manga" kinda guy), so I wanted to go back and look through each and every one of the past nineteen Dragon Ball movies and pick out my single most hype, most "HOLY CRAP" moment or scene in each one... and who got the most robbed, for good measure.
  1. Curse of the Blood Rubies
  Most Hype Moment: Goku vs Bongo
The first few Dragon Ball movies are sorta-retellings of the main story, so in Curse of the Blood Rubies we get Goku meeting Bulma, Yamcha trying to rob them, Master Roshi and Oolong being... themselves... and new villain King Gurumes and his goons in place of Pilaf, Mai, and Shu. The movie had been building up Gurumes' right-hand man, Bongo, so Goku legit having a flying staff fight with him while Bulma tries to evade an entire air force is pretty great stuff. Still, shoutout to Yamcha's not-showdown with Pasta.
  Who Got Robbed? Technically, Goku did, right at the beginning of the movie! Honestly, I don't think anybody got robbed in this--early Dragon Ball was really good at making sure everybody got to do something even if it wasn't related to the action, and Curse of the Blood Rubies lets the whole cast shine.
  2. Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle
  Most Hype Moment: Goku and Krillin, the perfect tag team
With the goal of "training under Master Roshi" driving them, Goku and Krillin team up to take on all of main villain Lucifer's henchmen at once, and it's pretty damn cool. It turns into a running fight and they get overwhelmed later, but then they get to team up again to fight Lucifer himself (and Yamcha gets to take on Lucifer's top guy!), just solidifying what a great team these two are.
  Who Got Robbed? Again--nobody!
Everybody gets to do something, and nobody feels like they're there just to take up space. It's kinda nice, while it lasts. Honestly, if there's one character the movie doesn't have enough of, it's Lunch, since everything she does is awesome and more of her wouldn't hurt.
  3. Mystical Adventure
  Most Hype Moment: Akira Toriyama's two most popular creations team up to murder a man
Tao Pai Pai's kind of an evil jerk, and in this quasi-retelling of another stretch of Dragon Ball proper, he publicly and brutally murders Bora before beating up Goku and blasting him out over the horizon. Tracking Goku and a Dragon Ball, their fight ends up in Dr. Slump's Penguin Village, where Goku gets an assist from little robot girl Arale and they literally blow Tao up with his own missiles. Solid runner-up moment: Tenshinhan being a hero and using a beautifully-animated Kikoho on the Crane Hermit.
  Who Got Robbed? Nobody, really?
Although the argument could be made for Yamcha--he was doing well in the tournament! It seemed like he was getting a push! He did pretty awesome things in the last two movies--but really, much like Krillin later on, his job is to job.
  4. Dead Zone
Most Hype Moment: Goku vs Ginger and Nicky
Time for that first timeskip! There's just a whole lot of cool action in Dead Zone--Piccolo winding up a punch in slow motion for what feels like a full minute before totally murdering Sansho, Kami's laser eyes, and the final 2v1 where Goku and Piccolo team up against Garlic Jr. But the real star of this movie is Goku taking on two of Garlic's henchmen--Ginger and Nicky--with some slick weapons choreography wrapped up with a great Kamehameha.
  Who Got Robbed? Chi-Chi
Yeah, I guess I could say Krillin since, y'know, he gets peed on and then gets half a building dropped on him, but let's keep this interesting. When Garlic Jr's minions show up to kidnap Gohan, Chi-Chi squares up and reminds us that yes, she is in fact a world-class martial artist who just happens to hang with freaks and aliens, and gets one-shotted by Ginger's forcefield. It's okay, we all still know who commands the strongest, fight-hungriest being in the universe.
  5. The World's Strongest
This is a Z movie where Master Roshi--MASTER ROSHI--gets two awesome fights, Piccolo is a good guy who becomes a mind-controlled bad guy and goes back to being a good guy, and while Goku definitely gets the last hit, everybody has to work together to keep Dr. Wheelo off him! But this right here, this one shot where everybody lines up to charge Dr. Wheelo... this is the good stuff.
  Who Got Robbed? Krillin literally adds nothing
In his past three movie appearances, Krillin has guts--he charges into fights, stands his ground to protect people, and even gets a few cool moments of his own. But in The World's Strongest, he's diving for cover, regularly getting slapped around, and the only actually-helpful thing he does is prevent Bulma from getting blown away at the end. Oh well, he'll redeem himself--no really, he totally does.
  6. The Tree of Might
  Most Hype Moment: Goku wipes out Turles' henchmen
On the one hand, it's a little annoying when you bring most of the good guys to a fight, and Goku's the only one to actually do anything. On the other, it's so freaking cool to watch, and Goku styles on all these fools in the most dynamic, satisfying way possible.
  Who Got Robbed? The whole gang shows up, fails to make a dent in Turles' henchmen
Y'know how "wait for Goku" is the all-too-accurate joke of this series? It's in full force here--the Z Fighters come out in force, everybody has a unique opponent to fight, and everybody gets absolutely demolished by Turles' goons. Piccolo's smart enough to show up later--all he needs to do is show up, fight Turles himself to buy Goku some time, get blown up, and collect his paycheck.
  7. Lord Slug
  Most Hype Moment: Piccolo offers a helping hand... to Hell
Hoo boy, do villains die bad in this movie, or what? Goku blows Medamatcha to pieces, and then bounces Angila's mouth-beam back where it came from, decapitating him, but I think the worst one goes to poor Wings here. Wings tries to fight Piccolo, but gets thrown around, beaten up, kicked while he's down, and then he offers a hand (and a job) to Piccolo. Piccolo reaches down, then opens his hand up and executes him. It's awesome enough to get everybody watching to go "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" but also kind of a war crime, so you're feeling uncomfortable about it afterward. Still, really awesome.
  Who Got Robbed? The audience
I think I've talked about this before, and it only partially has to do with Gohan's stupid whistling song. See, the Japanese title for this movie is 超サイヤ人だ孫悟空--Son Goku, the Super Saiyan, but Goku doesn't really go Super Saiyan in this movie. And, y'see, him kinda-sorta-not-really "going Super Saiyan" doesn't actually do anything against titular bad guy Lord Slug other than shift the momentum in his favor--there's a weird Piccolo/Goku not-quite-fusion and Goku blows Slug away with a Spirit Bomb. So yeah. I... might have some repressed childhood issues due to this movie lying to me.
  8. Cooler's Revenge
  Most Hype Moment: Salza and Piccolo reenact the ending of Die Hard
Goku finally became a Super Saiyan in a movie, for real! Cooler is defeated, blasted into the sun! The world is safe again, right? Not exactly--Cooler's top henchman Salza is still alive, and even though he's pretty beat up, he has more than enough left in the tank for OH NEVER MIND Piccolo just killed him from off-screen. Thanks, dude!
  Who Got Robbed? Honestly? Nobody
Krillin puts up a decent-enough fight even if he doesn't take out any of the henchmen--he basically heads up the plan to locate and heal the wounded Goku. Same goes for Gohan--nobody really does nothing in this movie and they all contribute to the final victory, so good job, team!
  9. The Return of Cooler
  Most Hype Moment: Vegeta's constant, awesome assists
Flying in with a huge head kick? Helping to take down Metal Cooler? That final, desperate ki blast that gives Goku the second he needs to land the final blow? Vegeta's a huge help in this movie!
  Who Got Robbed? Vegeta constantly, awesomely getting shut down
Well, for about half the time. That huge head kick? Metal Cooler gave just as good as he got. Big Bang Attack? Vegeta got kicked in the junk, then got his face grabbed and almost blown off. For every cool thing Vegeta does, he immediately gets knocked back down a peg. This won't become a routine or anything, right?
  10. Super Android 13!
  Most Hype Moment: Trunks vs Android 14
The Japanese title of this movie is 極限バトル!!三大超サイヤ人--Extreme Battle!! The Three Great Super Saiyans and HO DAMN does it live up to that. Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks (in his first movie appearance!) are each given an Android to fight, and Trunks takes his opponent out in the coolest fashion possible--charging toward him, slashing with his sword, staying in this pose until the dude flies in half and explodes, and only sheathing his sword afterward. So cool.
  Who Got Robbed? Piccolo
After getting beaten up real bad in Tree of Might, Piccolo went on a huge upswing for the next three movies, constantly taking out henchmen, saving the rest of the Z Fighters, and participating in one of the final battles! So we've built up some expectations for Piccolo at this point, meaning it's disappointing when he shows up late (after Vegeta!), barely scratches the final boss, and really only helps by momentarily serving as a punching bag.
  Yes, I realize the easy joke is to talk about how Android 13 full-force punches Son Goku in the Son Gonads, but I'm a professional.
  11. Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan
  Most Hype Moment: Broly no-sells a point-blank Kamehameha
An unspoken rule of Dragon Ball is that the slower you say "Ka... me... ha... me... HA," the stronger the attack is. After getting thrown through multiple buildings and surviving the explanation of Broly's super dumb backstory, Goku decides to finish things with his signature move. He spends a while charging it up, too, while Broly slowly walks towards him... and then Goku lets loose, firing a Turtle Destruction Wave point-blank into Broly's Dwayne Johnson-esque pecs. Even after the massive explosion, Broly is unperturbed and grabs the dumbstruck Goku by the face. The movie's nice enough to not show us what happens next.
  Who Got Robbed? Vegeta doesn't even last 30 seconds
I could change this to "Vegeta literally does everything wrong in this movie," but this stands out the most--after preening, posturing, bitching, moaning, and finally freaking the f**k out, Vegeta finally decides to join in the melee after Piccolo yells at him. How long does the Prince of Saiyans last against Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan?
  29 seconds. Next time you rewatch this movie, count 'em. Also, after that, he spends like five minutes complaining about how he's not going to lend his energy to Goku so they can just beat Broly and go home. That was pretty annoying, too.
  12. Bojack Unbound
  Most Hype Moment: Gohan snaps
There's always a point in a Dragon Ball movie where the hero(es) figure out some clever-yet-simple method of beating the exhibition-match bad guy, and it usually involves borrowing energy from friends (or Goku's only-really-effective-in-movies Spirit Bomb, so... same thing). But this time, Gohan goes Super Saiyan 2, like he did against Cell, and it's chilling. Most of Dragon Ball's cast have a body count thanks to the movies, but Gohan tears Bojack's minions apart with his bare hands, and it falls into that "horrific, but awesome" bucket that Dragon Ball sometimes dips into.
  Who Got Robbed? Piccolo
Did you know that this is the last time Piccolo shows up in a Dragon Ball movie until Battle of Gods? Maybe they were running out of things to do with him, but basically he shows up, saves Gohan, and promptly gets blown away by Bojack. He saw which way the wind was blowing and decided to take a break.
  13. Broly - Second Coming
  Most Hype Moment: The Son Family Kamehameha
Oh hey, we're finally into Dragon Ball's other timeskip! Goku's very dead at this point, but he shows up to join Gohan and Goten for that great father-sons activity called "it's not murder if it's self-defense and it comes at the end of a really cool martial arts battle." No really, it's really cool--the somehow-still-alive Broly leaps up onto a spire of rock and throws a huge energy ball down at Gohan, intending to finish him off. Gohan fires off a Kamehameha, and is joined by his little brother Goten. The two of them are just barely hanging on, and their pleas for help become a wish to the Dragon Balls (collected earlier in the movie!) and Goku shows up to help. With a brief distraction from Trunks, the Son family shoots Broly into the sun and his heart explodes! DID YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS A CHILDREN'S MOVIE
  Who Got Robbed? Piccolo again
Looks like I was wrong in the Bojack writeup! Gohan's in trouble--he's unconscious and about to sink into lava! Suddenly, silently, Piccolo shows up, swoops down, saves Gohan--his awesome flute theme plays, and Gohan is safe. But it turns out that Piccolo couldn't be bothered to show up in the first of several Broly sequels--it's actually just Krillin, dressing up like Piccolo for laughs and getting unceremoniously dumpstered by Broly, also for laughs!
  14. Bio-Broly
  Most Hype Moment: HE JUST WON'T GO DOWN
On a rewatch, Bio-Broly ended up being awesome mostly for how insane the odds are stacked against our heroes. Nobody's a top-tier fighter (we have Trunks, Goten, 18, and Krillin), but everybody keeps taking gnarly hits, getting up, giving it another go, getting knocked back down, and then getting up for another round. They only really get a break when Trunks pours toxic goop all over Broly, giving them a chance to save people from, uh... the overflowing toxic goop.
  Who Got Robbed? Everybody who avoided this because people (like me) said it was the worst Dragon Ball movie
That's Return of Cooler. Give this one a shot--it legit feels more like original Dragon Ball despite being, y'know... a Broly movie. It's nice to be proven wrong sometimes.
  15. Fusion Reborn
  Most Hype Moment: Super Saiyan 3 isn't enough?!
Okay so, Goku's stuck fighting big, adorable first-form Janemba while Pikkon's off trying to free Hell's bureaucracy. Goku turns Super Saiyan 3 and absolutely pummels Janemba... to the point that it transforms into a sleek, mean-looking red-and-purple badass. A sleek, mean-looking red-and-purple badass who can evenly fight with a Super Saiyan 3! Backed by some beautiful animation, the new and scary Janemba lays into Goku and puts him on the run.
  Who Got Robbed? Sorry Gohan, guess you're not the protagonist any more
On any other day, "Gohan fighting Frieza" sounds like a cool thing, right? Well, with Hell frozen over, a whole bunch of former DB villains show up, and Gohan, along with Videl, Goten, and Trunks, get to play cleanup on Earth while Goku and Vegeta do the real work. At least Gotenks re-kills a bunch of Nazis.
  16. Wrath of the Dragon
  Most Hype Moment: When the dust settles
Wrath of the Dragon is a constantly-escalating ride where you think there's a straightforward solution--Tapion sealing the monstrous Hildegarn in his magic flute--but when that falls through, the gang's gotta do what they do best and use some good old-fashioned action violence on the giant monster. This all culminates in Goku going Super Saiyan 3 and using this crazy-ass golden Dragon Fist attack that we never see anywhere else (maybe GT?), and as the dust settles, the clouds part, and you see a victorious Goku standing amidst the rubble with his fist held high... it's almost a spiritual experience.
  Who Got Robbed? Gohan definitely isn't the protagonist any more
So Wrath of the Dragon is supposed to take place shortly after Kid Buu is defeated, meaning this is Ultimate Gohan/Mystic Gohan/whatever he's still in high school so he's not "Adult" Gohan, meaning that you think he'd at least help out against Hildegarn. He does not, barely participating in the fight and getting knocked out almost immediately.
  17. The Path to Power
  Most Hype Moment: Goku wipes out the Red Ribbon Army
Released to celebrate the series' 10th anniversary, The Path to Power is a super-gorgeous loose retelling of the early part of Dragon Ball, going from Goku meeting Bulma to the assault on Red Ribbon HQ, connecting it all with meeting Master Roshi for the first time. Everybody gets kidnapped, so Goku rushes to save them... and takes on an entire army in the process. From an aerial chase to a rough fight against tanks and foot soldiers, to the final, emotional showdown with Commander Black, the entire movie builds up to this and doesn't disappoint.
  Who Got Robbed? Nobody, it's an original Dragon Ball movie
Although there is an argument to be made that we got robbed, because I would have loved more Dragon Ball movies like this, but instead, we took a long break from DB...
  18. Battle of Gods
  Most Hype Moment: Goku rushes Beerus only in regular Super Saiyan form
Even the mighty Super Saiyan God form isn't enough to stop the God of Destruction, but Goku's riding this high until the very end. "Only" turning Super Saiyan 1, Goku goes toe-to-toe with Beerus, dragging the fight out into the upper atmosphere and getting whooped--but it's awesome the entire time, especially with FLOW's "Hero" playing in the background.
  Who Got Robbed? Videl
Remember how cool Videl was? How she was Gohan's fiery other half, loved to train, wanted nothing more than to learn how to do all the cool superhuman shit? Remember how she charged Broly head-on, then came back for more? Yeah, all that's in the past now.
  19. Resurrection F
"Krillin, Tenshinhan, and Master Roshi all get awesome moments in a Dragon Ball movie." Yes, Mystical Adventure came out in 1988, but what if I told you that I was describing a Dragon Ball movie from 2015?! While the headline fights definitely go to Goku and Vegeta, Resurrection F remembers that Dragon Ball has a whole supporting cast, and puts them to good use fighting Frieza's army.
  Who Got Robbed? Vegeta, but it's okay this time
This is the one time that Vegeta gets robbed in a Dragon Ball movie and it doesn't feel wrong--it's legitimately part of the story because Vegeta plays with his food and doesn't immediately finish Frieza off. Getting a re-do thanks to Whis' literal deus ex machina button, Goku flies in and killsteals Frieza from right under Vegeta's nose, saving everyone from the real enemy of Dragon Ball: Vegeta's ego.
  And that's all of 'em! Dragon Ball Super: Broly hits US theaters tomorrow, so let's all go see what the most hype moment is... and who gets robbed (my money's on Vegeta)!
  What about you--what are your most hype moments from the Dragon Ball movies? Who do you think got robbed? Sound off in the comments and share your takes!
Nate Ming is the Features Editor for Crunchyroll News and creator of the long-running Fanart Friday column. You can follow him on Twitter at @NateMing. Check out his comic, Shaw City Strikers!
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