#shout-out to the picnic crew for going on this journey with me
gallawitchxx · 2 years
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yesterday, i took a workshop on plant magic & so please have this wild metaphor for anal fingering LOL. this line of dialogue is so so hot, jesus & so is this seasonally appropriate fic by @crossmydna, where ian fingers & fucks a skirt-wearing tumblr!mickey at a costume party. woooo!
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day 24: "you take my fingers so well, don't you?" for kinktober 2022 by @gallavichthings
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His rim is so pink, like a blooming perennial that you want to pluck out of the ground and use for divination.
He loves me, he loves me not.
You pet softly, moving around petal by petal, loving the dribble of whimpers and whines that follow your touch.
He loves me.
When you can no longer resist, you plunge your pointer finger deep into that pit of pollen. He clenches and groans, and you soothe him with gentle shushes and a swirl of your digit.
Next comes two. Then, three with ease.
“You take my fingers so well, don’t you?”
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ineloqueent · 4 years
the whole of the moon
Platonic!Queen x Reader
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cannot remember where this gif is from. if it’s yours, drop me a line!
synopsis: a late-night shopping trip goes awry...
warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking
word count: 1.8k
a/n: happy birthday, dearest vi ( @doing-albri​ )!! i hope you have a wonderful day, because you deserve it. i’m sorry this is so short; i’ve been terribly busy, for whole months, it seems. but i’ve done my best, and i hope you’ll enjoy it. inspired by this song <3
“Just like old times,” said Roger happily, cranking up the music and beginning to tap his fingers on the steering wheel.
Brian immediately grimaced, and reached over to turn the volume down again.
“Hey!” Roger smacked Brian’s hand away from the knob, and you laughed, from your place between John and Freddie in the backseat.
Brian turned his head to wink at you.
“Some of us need our hearing to be able to play, Rog,” he said.
John wrinkled his nose, flexing his fingers as he shifted a ring from his pointer to his pinky, and back again. “You’ve still got yours left?”
Brian looked confused. “Yeah..?”
“Oh,” said John, with an air of sarcasm, “that’s right. You’re the one who talked our ears off yesterday.”
Now Brian looked miffed. “Just because you don’t understand zodiacal light, doesn’t mean it’s uninteresting.”
Deacy rolled his eyes.
“No offense, darling,” Freddie sighed, “but if you say one more word about science before we’ve finished this champagne-run, I’m going to climb over the console and strangle you.”
Roger guffawed, and John grinned so broadly one would’ve thought him a small child on  Christmas morning.
“Fine,” said Brian, miffed. “I won’t talk at all.”
“Good riddance,” Roger muttered, and Brian crossed his arms.
“Why did I agree to going with you all, again?”
You leaned forward to tug on one of his curls, and Brian whirled, startled, pushing his fingers into his hair. He relaxed when he saw it was only you. “To be the voice of reason, of course,” you told him.
He smiled. “You’re not wrong.”
Roger grumbled, “Don’t boost his ego, sweetheart.”
“Too late,” said Freddie. “He’s going to start talking about time dilation any moment now.”
“Time dilation?” Brian asked. “Hadn’t even thought of that. But if you really want to know—”
A collective groan rose from the other three, and you laughed again.
You loved this.
You loved them.
You loved travelling the world with your four best friends, watching them live their dreams, and getting to be a part of that reality, the reality no one could ever have thought would take on such a life of its own.
Tour life could be hectic at times, but you wouldn’t have given it up for the world.
Not when you arrived in a ramshackle town where the nicest place in sight was the funeral home, not when your legs felt tired enough to give out from beneath you, as you stood watching the show from the wings, for the umpteenth night in a row.
Because when John decided to put on a record, he always asked for your opinion, and picking Roger’s outfit was as much your job as it was his, and when Brian and Freddie played to the crowd as though they were old friends, it was like you held the world in the palm of your hand.
Even if the four of them argued constantly.
As the van suddenly swerved, and the three of you in the back clung to each other in terror, Brian said crossly, “Jesus, Roger, watch the road!”
“I am!” protested the drummer, and Brian grumbled a response in the negative.
“You absolutely are not,” said Freddie, hanging onto the headrest of Brian’s seat. “And I refuse to die in the middle of nowhere, thank you very much, so you can keep your eyes forward if you want to still be in the band by tomorrow night.”
Roger rolled his eyes, and made a blah blah blah gesture with his hand. But he was clearly not as adept at multitasking as he thought, because a moment later, Deacy cried,
“Watch out for that deer!”
“Yes, Roger, slow down,” said Brian warningly. “I swear I will murder you in cold blood if you kill that deer.”
“What deer?” Roger squinted. “I don’t see a— DEER!”
He swerved so violently this time that your seatbelt dug into your skin, and you pushed against the seatbacks to keep from falling forward.
The van hurtled off the side of the road, but Roger had somehow managed to slow the vehicle significantly before the swerve, and so the off-road trip would have been only a momentary pause in your journey into town.
Had it not been for the barbed wire lying in the grass.
The tyres of the van had surely seen better days, after so many miles on the road, and you felt the moment all four of them punctured.
Roger gripped the steering wheel for dear life, and Brian, struggling to combat inertia, had both hands on the dashboard, one knee against the console and other against the door, whilst Freddie still clung to the headrest, and John pushed at the back of Roger’s seat. You, stranded in the middle, failed to maintain any sort of position.
The van ploughed forward like a tidal wave, into the field by the road, then sank abruptly to a stop with a whumph, when the last of its momentum had been wasted.
There was a silence as you looked around the car, at Roger’s tousled hair and Brian’s wide eyes, Freddie’s gritted teeth and John’s crooked collar.
Then the shouting started.
“Roger you moron!”
“How the hell did you not see that coming?!”
“I’ve told you, I need to get my eyes checked!”
“Well, kindly do it before you kill us all!”
“I’ve seen 90-year-old women drive better than you do!”
“Fuck off, Brian! If you hadn’t—”
“We’re never going to get that champagne!”
You all turned to Freddie.
“Really,” you said, “you’re thinking about Moët et Chandon right now?”
Freddie shrugged. “Seems we’d all be in better humour if we’d had the option to have a glass before we left.”
“Or maybe,” Brian drawled, “we’d all be dead, because Roger can barely drive when he’s sober.”
Roger was fuming, bright red in the face with a will to speak but no adequate words to suit, and he looked as though if he stayed silent for a moment longer, he would try to throw a punch at Brian.
Brian, to his credit, folded his arms and raised an eyebrow, and stared Roger down.
Laughter broke the silence, and you all turned to find John completely beside himself with amusement.
He did not stop laughing until he was wiping tears from his eyes, and by then, you had begun smiling too.
“What,” barked Roger.
Deacy shook his head, his soft hair flying about his face. “Don’t any of you see how funny this is?”
“Funny..?” asked Brian cautiously.
“Well,” said Deacy, “are any of you hurt?”
You looked around, tallied the appearances of everyone in your head.
“No,” you replied.
“Okay, then listen: we ran out of champagne, so, despite the fact that it was half-past eleven at night, we all piled into a sort of run-down van, without security, without crew, and set off to buy a bottle of champagne. We’d been driving for all of five minutes before we started arguing the first time, and half an hour into the trip, Roger drives us off the side of a road after Brian finishes rambling about science—”
“Astrophysics, actually—”
“—and all four tyres puncture,” John went on. “And now, we’re in the middle of nowhere.”
There was a pause.
But despite everything, John was right. This really was funny.
You started to laugh as well, and Deacy grinned at you until both Freddie and Brian were smiling, and the corner of Roger’s mouth tugged upward as his colour faded.
Brian sighed, running a hand through his unruly curls. “So, now what?”
“Spare tyres?” you suggested.
“About that…” Roger mumbled.
“Oh, dear god,” Freddie said, dropping his head to his hands.
John laughed again, and Brian made a noncommittal noise.
“So we walk,” you said.
Freddie shook his head. “I am not walking on the side of a road in the middle of the night.”
Roger wrinkled his nose too. “Bloody insects,” he muttered, “get in your hair.”
“And Brian’s stretched his hamstring again,” said Deacy. You glanced over at Brian, who winced apologetically. He wasn’t one to complain, though; you’d all but forgotten his incapacity.
“Which just leaves just you and me,” Deacy nodded to you.
“I dunno, Deacs,” you made a face. “Freddie’s onto something, about not walking on the side of a deserted road in the pitch black. And,” you continued, before John could object, “you’re not going on your own. We’ll simply have to wait until morning.”
Everyone seemed lost in thought.
“Right,” Brian said, “that’s it.” He pulled on the handle of the passenger door, and it clicked open. “We’re sleeping under the stars.”
“Not this again!” Roger cried, but Brian reprimanded him.
“I think you’ve said enough for the time being, Rog.”
The heavy door slammed behind Brian, and you could hear the boot being opened.
“He’s right, you know,” John remarked, in a rare display of solidarity with the guitarist.
Roger only sniffed.
A few seconds later, Brian knocked on Freddie’s window.
“Come on, then!” he said, smilingly. “I’m only sorry none of us brought our instruments.”
Deacy widened his eyes at you. “Thank god for that.”
You laughed and pushed him lightly, toward his door, and when he’d hopped out, you followed.
You rounded the car with John, to find Brian already staring up at the sky, as Freddie and Roger joined you as well.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Brian murmured.
You turned your face to the sky, and saw what he meant.
There was no light pollution here, no skyscrapers or tall houses to obstruct the view, and the world above stretched on endlessly, a plethora of life above your heads. It was so very bright, and yet so very far away. It was indeed beautiful.
You breathed the night air, and nodded.
“I found a picnic blanket,” Brian added, holding it up, “and apparently, Crystal keeps a chocolate stash, so we’ve got that too.” He then sank into the grass, stretching out his long legs, entirely without regard for the light blue suit he wore, and Freddie looked on in distaste.
“That’s no way to treat perfectly good fashion, darling. Now, if it’d been that horrible knitted sweater of yours, and those old, tatty velvet trousers, I’d have said otherwise, but that there is a perfectly good—”
“Sit down, Freddie,” you said, and Freddie closed his mouth and sat. You made your way over to Brian, who had now reclined completely, his fingers winding absently in the pale grass.
Soon, you were all sprawled in the field, which, funnily enough, was peppered with moonflowers, and you sighed, utterly at ease with the peacefulness of the scene around you: your family, the sky, the stars, and the whole of the moon. It shone radiantly this night, full and subtly tinged with orange, warmth softening the usual coldness of its light.
“Spare some of that chocolate?” John whispered from beside you.
You nudged Brian, who passed over the wrapped sweets, which you then handed to John.
Roger was placated by the sharing of the chocolate, and Freddie seemed perfectly content to laze about in a manner similar to that of one of his many cats. The latter fell asleep within minutes, having stolen Roger’s jacket.
It wasn’t long before only you and Brian remained awake, gazing up at the stardust which spilled from the heavens, and the world was quiet.
Brian shifted slightly, and you turned your head to find him looking at you.
A soft smile touched his lips, and his cheeks were rosy in the blue-dark.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he said.
You could not help but smile back, because your heart was as full as it had ever been.
“I’m glad I’m here too,” you whispered.
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laceymorganwrites · 5 years
The story of the sad Chapter 9
Word Count: 1,863
Pairing: Ban x reader
Warnings: swearing
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The other sins joined up with you again, interrupting your moment.
You all went back to the Boar Hat to chat and spend the evening together.
It was nice being together again, even if it wasn´t the whole crew.
But as Meliodas told you, you were on a mission to gather everyone again and you couldn´t be more excited.
The next stop on your journey was the lost city of Necropolis, you hoped to find King there, something Elaine wasn´t too happy about.
“I´d like to stay here if that´s okay...” she mumbled.
She still felt betrayed after her brother left her, which was understandable.
You gently put your hand on her shoulder and smiled at her.
“You don´t have to come with us, but if he´s joining us again, you´ll have to face him either way” you knew too well how it felt like not wanting to see a person who broke your trust and was once dear to you, but it was inevitable.
Elaine sighed, hanging her head low.
“I guess you´re right, I´m just not ready to see him yet...” she mumbled defeated.
“I know, and that´s okay. But we´re all here for you, we will never force you into anything you    don´t want to do” you pulled her close and hugged her.
She was quick to hug back and thanked you.
“Well, if you´re by my side I have nothing to fear!” she grinned, making you chuckle.
“If your brother´s and asshole, I won´t hesitate to beat the shit out of him” you announced.
“I´d like that very much!” she said way too cheery, making you laugh.
You got a weird feeling from this place, it was all abandoned.
Still Meliodas was as cheery as always, saying you should gather intel and run the bar.
“How are we supposed to gather intel when no one´s around?” you groaned, not looking forward to serving non existent customers.
Well, at least you got to work together with Ban.
And maybe you´d get some extra food from him.
If you thought about it longer it didn´t seem too bad after all.
You and Ban all alone, with nobody to disturb you.
You blushed just at the mere thought of it.
“What´ya thinkin about?” Ban came up behind you, pulling you close by your waist.
“N-nothing!” you exclaimed, he just smirked.
“So, we´re gonna run this place alone tonight, huh?” there was something seductive in his voice, something intimate.
You nodded and rested your head on his chest.
“Looks like it” you smiled.
Ban returned your smile.
Diane tried to attract customers to the Boar Hat, but nobody came.
“I don´t think we´ll make any customers today… let´s go somewhere else, shall we?” Ban suggested.
“Yeah, you´re probably right, I doubt anyone will come here” you answered.
You walked around town a bit and you slowly reached out to grab his hand.
He immediately squeezed it gently and smiled at you, warmth spreading in his chest.
After a while yous aw a little passed out girl and ran to her help.
She was clearly underweight and pale.
She looked sickly.
Soon her brother came around the corner, carrying a pitchfork as a weapon.
He shouted at you to get away from his sister.
Ban asked if he was making sure she ate enough but the little boy charged at him, sticking the pitchfork in his chest.
“You better think about who´s man you just hurt” you lowly hummed in a threatening voice.
Ban chuckled, placing his arm around you.
“I´m fine, what´s a little brat like him gonna do to your man, huh?” he smiled, teasing you for his new nickname.
“We should get her some food...” you suggested, trying to make your blush go away.
The boy felt sorry and apologized for his sin.
Ban just sighed, stating a real sin is something you could never atone for, when King appeared out of nowhere and pushed his Chastiefol through Ban´s chest.
So he still blamed Ban for the death of his sister…
You were about to punch the fairy when Ban asked who he was.
He was just hopeless.
You went back to the others to refrain something bad from happening while they had their eunion.
“Meliodas! Come with me real quick! King´s trying to kill Ban” you ran into the captain and grabbed his arm, pulling him behind you.
“He´ll be fine” Meliodas said nonchalantly.
Yet he still interrupted the fighting.
Meliodas asked why you two skipped work and Ban responded that King started the fight.
You just sighed helplessly as Diane strolled up, asking what was going on.
She was the first to point out it was indeed King and showed her happiness.
King didn´t react at all and floated away.
As promised you returned to the Boar Hat with the children and Ban prepared a meal for them.
You sat on the counter of the bar, watching him cook, he was humming a tune in the kitchen.
You smiled to yourself, you still couldn´t believe he liked you back.
He came up to you with another plate of food.
“What´re you smiling about? You seem really happy today” he smiled softly and held the fork filled with food in front of your face.
You blushed at his intent and giggled.
“Nothing in particular” you answered, you wanted to save the truth for a more intimate moment.
Besides, maybe it was too soon fr such romantic statements.
“Open up” Ban told you, smirking.
You did as you were told and Ban fed you, making your heart pound in your chest.
That much about it being too soon to be romantic.
“It´s really good!” you giggled and the kids agreed.
Meliodas wiggled his eyebrows at you and you mouthed: ´Shut up!´.
The kids started talking about Necropolis and how they wanted to go there.
You frowned, now that you found King there was no reason to go to that place, why would little children want to go there? What could their intention be?
The children told you about the whereabouts of the city and how you got there, as well as that King wanted to go there.
Apparently it was the place where the dead went, you could only reach it when you shared memories with the dead.
It made sense why King wanted to go there, he still thought Elaine was dead, when she was standing right next to you.
Diane was sad about King leaving without reacting or even looking at her.
You could understand her all too well, but then again, King wasn´t one who was vocal about his crush. Which was pretty odd since it was so obvious.
“Okay, so what do we do? I don´t think any of us got dead people anymore, now that Elaine´s back. So how do we stop King and get him back to join us?” you sighed frustrated, if he entered the Necropolis thinking of Elaine, you didn´t know if he´d ever return.
“I say we go after him” Meliodas chimed in and you nodded.
“Yeah I think that step is pretty necessary… the real question is if Elaine will come with us” you looked at her with your best pleading puppy dog eyes until she finally gave in.
“I don´t know what to say to him, (Y/N)… I can´t just pretend that everything´s fine because I´m so angry about him leaving, but then again I miss him so much even though he hurt me” Elaine told you about her struggles.
You pulled her in close and sighed.
“I know, I know, but consider this: if we get him back now you´re reunited with your brother and get to be angry at him the rest of his life” you smirked, hoping to get through to the slightly evil and sadistic side of Elaine.
And the nod she gave you showed you that there indeed was one.
“Alright! Let´s go stop your brother from going to the afterlife!” you chirped and you and the rest were on your way.
When you arrived you found yourselves surrounded by beautiful flowers and King stood in the middle of them.
This place would be perfect for picnics, you thought.
“King! Don´t you dare go there!” you warned him, making him turn around.
Elaine´s heart was pounding in her chest, she was conflicted.
On the one hand she terribly missed her brother, but she could never forgive him for back then.
When he saw Elaine, her heart sank to her knees.
He was flying over to her and started crying out of joy and relief.
“Elaine! I´m so glad to see you! How are you alive?” King didn´t understand the whole circumstance, he was like a lost child.
“Not thanks to you” Elaine coldly responded, it was to protect herself. She didn´t want to forgive King yet, she didn´t want to be happy to see him but it was so hard for her.
Oh how she wished to embrace him in a hug, to be brother and sister again but how could she when he left her for the humans who were the reason for so many deaths of their own?
“I know and I´m sorry, Elaine. If I could turn back time I would. I didn´t know how terrible humans were, but I will never forget the gruesome things they did to us. I know you can´t forgive me right now, but I promise to be there for you for the rest of my life, I promise to protect you! And I hope that some time in the future we can move on from the past” King apologized deeply and Elaine couldn´t hold her tears in any longer.
She hugged her brother and sobbed into his chest while she stated how much of an idiot he was.
But the reunion didn´t last as long as the siblings wanted.
Soon a holy knight, Guila, was after you and a fight ensued.
You could´ve ended it way sooner with your sword, but it still was lost somewhere in Britannia.
She had annoying magic but you could blind her with your ark so that her aim was off.
It took a while but with combined effort you were able to take her out.
Meliodas tied her to some tree before you all sat down and ate something while catching up.
Ban casually put you in his lap and nuzzled his face in your neck, making you blush and your heart race.
You could really get used to this, you wouldn´t ever get tired of this warmth that Ban gave you.
Somehow the topic of sacred treasures came up and you and Diane had to admit that you lost yours.
“Mine might be in Camelot though! If that tramp wasn´t lying…” you grumbled.
“What tramp?” Ban asked.
“That holy knight that was in her underwear when we got you out of prison” you mentioned.
“Oh, that might´ve been me...” he admitted and you turned around abruptly.
“What the hell?” you yelled.
“I needed something to wear” he defended himself.
So the next part of your journey was to find your sacred treasures… that might take a while, you thought.
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dngrdyke · 5 years
Kid Valentine Part 1
"Drive, drive, drive!" Faggot shouted as he jumped onto the bike. Dyke revved the engine and sped away, spitting dust into the face of the Scarecrow behind them.
"Motherfuckers!" she screamed, pointing her gun behind her and steering with one hand. She glanced back and took three shots in quick succession.
"Shit! You got her, Dee!" Faggot whooped.
Dyke grinned and put her gun away. She leaned down and sped up across the plains. They'd been chased by that unit since leaving a pile of dead Dracs at an abandoned store at the edge of Bat City.
Dyke had wanted cigarettes.
And it wasn't even her fault they were in that mess, anyway! Faggot had decided to be loud as shit and use his bat to try break open the tobacco cabinet. All he did was make a huge clanging noise and summon all the Dracs in the area.
Good news: they got outta there alive and with Dyke's cigarettes.
Bad news: Blind sent a Scarecrow.
They only ever sent Scarecrows after the iconic rebels. The Killjoys themselves.
"Shit," she muttered.
"Whatcha say?"
"What now?"
"Fuckin' Blind think we're Killjoys."
Dyke was not a Killjoy. Sure, she knew 'em. She was on pretty good terms with them, even. But damn it if she'd be lumped in with pretty-boy Poison and his dumbass crew. He didn't care about staying alive. He'd be more than happy to become a martyr, have the rest of the outlaws rally around his dead body and unite against the oppressive force that was Blind. And, don't get her wrong, Dyke sure wished she didn't have to run at the slightest sign of trouble. But that's what you had to do to stay alive. Those were the danger days. You played by your own rules, and if they said run, then you ran.
"What're we gonna do 'bout it? I don't like Scarecrows!"
"Shit, Fag, there's only one thing to do," Dyke said, pulling a hairpin turn in the other direction. "We gotta talk to the Killjoys."
"How's that gonna help?"
She took a cigarette out of the inside pocket on her denim jacket and stuck it in the side of her mouth.
"I dunno," she said out of the other side. "I guess we're gonna have to figure that out."
They rode for hours across the desert, passing barely anyone, save for the radiation addicts strewn out on the ground.
"Where are we going?" Faggot asked after a while. His voice cracked which snapped Dyke out of her thoughts.
"Shit, you're parched." She slowed to a stop and killed the engine. "Picnic break, kid."
Faggot hopped off the bike and Dyke kicked down the stand.
She drew another cigarette and lit it, taking a drag before speaking again.
"You, my friend, need a goddamn soda."
He scrunched up his nose but said nothing. Beggars couldn't be choosers.
Dyke popped open the back part of the bike seat. In it was four cans of soda, some Twinkies and a can of dog food. For extreme emergencies only.
She tossed Faggot a Twinkie and a soda.
"Eat up, kid. If we're gonna make it to the Meetup before sundown we gotta keep going."
"What is the Meetup?" Faggot asked and shoved the Twinkie in his mouth.
Dyke sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.
"Me and Poison- years ago, now- promised each other that if ever anything happened, we would go to this one place. In that place is a stash of fireworks. Either of us see the fireworks, we haul ass to the Meetup, and fuck the consequences."
"So, you're sayin'," he said, taking a glug of soda, "that this Scarecrow is enough to get you to talk to Poison again?"
She took a drag and kicked the ground, watching as the dust swirled around her shoe and made their neon pink even more faded and dirty.
She blew the smoke up and out through her hair. Fuckin' Poison stealing her hair.
"Is it enough to get you to apologise to Kobra and Ghoul for beating them up?"
Dyke glared at him. "They painted my bike. Nobody touches my baby but me."
"I ride your bike."
"Yeah, but that's different. You're with me when you're riding. And you don't spray paint it bright pink."
Faggot chugged his soda and crushed the can by swinging his bat over his head and bringing it down on it. He threw it to Dyke, who caught it and put it in the compartment under the seat. She finished her cigarette and stubbed it out under her foot as Faggot stood up.
"How much longer?" he asked.
"As long as it takes. You wanna take out the radio and listen to Doctor D while we drive?"
His face lit up. Dyke never listened to the radio while she drove, unless she was in a really good mood or really nervous. And she wasn't the most talkative of people, either, which meant a lot of long silences with nothing but the bike to listen to. Faggot found himself falling asleep once or twice and had to jerk awake before he fell off. But that was only on super-long journeys.
"You mean it?"
"Sure do, kid. We can get some more supplies when we find the Killjoys, too, so neither of us'll have to eat the dog food."
He grinned and grabbed the radio before hopping back on the bike. Dyke smiled to herself. He was a good kid.
They rode again until the sun began to set and Dyke asked Faggot to turn down the radio.
"I gotta concentrate. Gotta remember where this place is."
Eventually she stopped the bike and, with a satisfied "ha!", she grabbed a bush by the roots and pulled.
It came out of the ground easily to reveal a padlocked metal box inside a plastic bag. The box itself had an X on it and a tiny spider insignia in its corner.
"Thank Destroya it's still here," Dyke said and blew a kiss to the sky. She reached into her top and drew out a key on a string.
"Have you had that the whole time?"
"How in the hell have I never noticed it?"
"I keep my secrets secret."
She picked up the box and took it out of the bag. Sliding the key into the lock and turning, it popped opened with a small click. Dyke stuffed the key back down her collar and flipped the lid open.
The box was packed with fireworks and flares of all colours and sizes.
"Each one means something different. That one there," she said, pointing at a red flare with a skull drawn on it, "means that the other got ghosted and the location of the box has been passed on to the person we trust the most. For me, it's you. For Poison... I dunno. Maybe Kobra. He's like a brother to him. It doesn't matter, anyways, 'cause I ain't dead yet. There used to be two of 'em, but after Carla..." She trailed off. She'd had to light the flare.
She pushed some fireworks gently out of the way.
"This one," Dyke continued, pointing at a blue rocket, "means we're in deep shit."
"So let's set it up, then."
She nodded and took it out before closing and padlocking the box. She put it back in the bag and into its hole before placing the bush back over it and patting down the surrounding dirt.
"Watch carefully, kid. When I get ghosted, you're gonna have to do this."
She stabbed the stick of the rocket into the ground a few times to make a small hole, and wiggled it around to make sure it was secure. She nodded to herself and took out her lighter.
"Faggot, you're gonna wanna get back. Real far."
Slowly and carefully with all the precision of an open heart surgeon, Dyke crouched down by the fuse and flicked the lighter. It caught immediately and she stood up and ran.
"Faggot! What are you doing? GO!" she screamed.
He seemed to catch on then and followed her, feet pounding on the hard ground.
A screaming sound filled the night and a spray of white and blue sparks preceded a loud clap.
"That'll give the desert something to talk about. C'mon. Let's get to the Meetup."
"You mean this isn't it?"
"Nah, it's a few minutes ride towards the moon."
"Oddly specific," Faggot said with a furrowed eyebrow.
"That was a joke, kid," Dyke laughed. "We go ten minutes east 'til we get to the abandoned Analogue trench."
"This is why I make the jokes," he grumbled. "That wasn't even funny."
"Lighten up, kid. We've a price on our head!" She started walking back to the bike before stopping and looking back at him.
"Race ya!"
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chikoriita · 6 years
Reconnecting in Radiant Garden
Read on AO3.org
Life had been quiet recently. No Heartless invasions, no Nobodies running around, and no Keyblades destroying the place. How dull, thought Leon as he monitored the town’s defenses. Cid was off-world, probably at Disney Castle visiting Chip and Dale. Merlin, that crazy old wizard, disappeared months ago to go on a “secret mission.” Yuffie and Aerith enjoyed the quiet that fell over Radiant Garden. Yuffie, as the youngest of their motley crew, took time for the first time in more than a decade just to explore their world. Growing up under the starry night of Traverse Town, Yuffie thrived in the beautiful sunlight of Radiant Garden. She was little more than a child when they were exiled by Maleficent. Meanwhile, Aerith took care of the townspeople as per usual. No one turned away affectionate Aerith, not even the Castle inhabitants.
The Castle. Leon still was unsure what to make of Ansem the Wise and his reformed apprentices. Ienzo, Aeleus, and Dilan took responsibility for the labyrinth of laboratories in the basement. He gladly signed over that task to Ienzo. There was enough to deal with all those months ago: the aftermath of the Heartless battle, resettlement from off-world residents, and more. Leon did not need to worry about the skeletons in the basement. Then again, what did he have to do now?
A small break was exactly what he needed. He pushed away from the computer station, determined to find out what they were up to at the Castle. He hesitated to bring the Gunblade with him; after all, it was peacetime. No one reported any Heartless or Nobodies on-world since the battle. Still, those at the Castle were former Nobodies and traitors. Ansem the Wise may have forgiven them, but for all Leon knew, there was a long con. Gunblade at his side, he made his way to Town Square.
Leon admired all of the work the Committee had put into restoring their world. Backed by Scrooge McDuck’s munny, the town looked better than ever. They reinstalled the Fountain Court and replanted the flowers in the gardens. Aerith spearheaded the project; it was like her child. Leon made sure to order the flowers to her liking. After all these years of taking care of them, he rarely denied the girls anything they wanted. If Aerith wanted pink flowers to decorate Town Square, then she would get them. Leon smiled as the wind blew some of the petals his way. It was oddly windy for such a mild day. More petals hit his face as he got closer to the square.
What is going on there? Leon thought. Were there any petals left on the flowers at this rate? He broke into a run to investigate when he saw a Gummi ship lift off and fly away. Who landed a Gummi in the middle of the town square? Wait, wasn’t that Sora’s Gummi ship? Sora! He glanced to the right and saw Aeleus and Dilan staring at the sky.
“Hey!” He called over to the perpetually frowning guards at the Castle Gate. “Was that Sora? Did he need something?” Leon tried to keep the worry out of his voice. Sora, Donald, and Goofy never returned to Radiant Garden after they stopped the Master Control Program. He knew they could take care of themselves, but ever since their first meeting in Traverse Town, Leon considered them part of his family, same as Aerith and Yuffie.
Dilan shook his head. “No, that was Riku. He was escorting Namine to a gathering of the Guardians.”
Leon tried to piece together this information. “Riku? But why-”
“Leon!” A deep voice called from the top of the steps. The three turned to see Ansem the Wise standing there. “Come. There is much to tell you.” There was a solemn tone in his voice, and deep down, Leon recognized the coming of bad news.
Leon barely recognized the study that Tifa destroyed months ago. All of the diagrams and studies of the heart were gone, yet there was still a spirit of disarray. Researchers must not change that much.
“Why have you brought me here, your Lordship?” Leon asked.
“Hah. I am not deserving of that title after all these years, young man. Nonetheless, I know all about you, Squall Leonhart.” Though they returned Radiant Garden to the splendor years past, he never returned to the name of his boyhood. He hid behind Leon all these years, but the man he grew into accepted it as his true identity.
“The King told you?” King Mickey was not one to tell tales usually.
He laughed at the thought. “The King did not need to tell me anything. I found out through Sora.”
Leon did not respond nor did he need to. Ansem continued his explanation. “I, along with Naminé and Riku, pieced together Sora’s memories. You must remember that time; the time when everyone remembered Sora all at once. That was due to our meddling.”
“I know enough of this part of the story. Explain why Riku was in Sora’s Gummi ship.” He felt uneasy. Ansem the Wise was stalling, and he needed to know why.
“There was a great battle. Seven Guardians of Light versus thirteen Seekers of Darkness. Their battle was used to once again open Kingdom Hearts. During the battle, one of the Guardians fell; Sora took it upon himself to save her heart.”
Sora would do that. He had done that for Kairi before… Leon felt his blood flow away from his face. Kairi.
“Kairi fell?” The somber look on the sage king’s face confirmed his belief.
“Sora embarked on a journey alone to find Kairi’s heart; we had no idea where he or his heart could be. Not until Naminé woke up hours ago. We prepared her replica body in case Kairi’s heart made the connection and returned Naminé’s heart to the vessel. Her awakening is proof that Sora succeeded in his mission.” The smile on his face did not reach his eyes.
“But?” Leon asked quietly. All of this information overloaded his heart. Why had he not been there for Sora? After everything he had done for Leon, his family, and the worlds, Sora did not once reach out for him.
“King Mickey informed me, privately, that there were consequences to Sora’s bravery. The power of awakening a lost heart is one that drags the lightest heart into the darkest abyss. He fears-” Ansem’s voice choked. “He fears that though Sora saved Kairi, we might have lost him to the abyss.”
No. “No! Sora’s too strong for that!” Leon shouted, standing up from his seat.
“I believe that as well, but neither you nor I are Keyblade wielders, let alone a Master like the King. Riku believes that Sora and Kairi will return to Destiny Islands and gathered the Guardians of Light there. Hopefully, the King is wrong.” The two men shared a look. King Mickey was rarely wrong about such an important matter.
Leon sat on one of the walls in Town Square, waiting for the sun to set, and he tried to process all he learned earlier. While they enjoyed peace here in Radiant Garden, Sora and his friends once again risked their lives for the worlds. He closed his eyes and thought back to his first meeting with Sora. The confusion of seeing such a powerful weapon in the hands of a child segued into a real friendship with the boy.
“Leon, you don’t have to sleep in the middle of town anymore! You have a house now,” Yuffie teased him out of his reverie. He opened his eyes to find Yuffie and Aerith carrying a picnic basket.
“Did you forget we had plans?” Aerith asked gently. When he didn’t answer, she frowned. “Are you okay Squall?” She placed a hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eye.
Should he burden them with the pain? He pondered for a second when a sharp pain stabbed his heart. Yuffie gasped and clutched her chest. Aerith followed suit.
“What’s happening?” Yuffie panted. “This hurt…”
“A light has faded from the plane,” Aerith gasped. “Why does it hurt so much?”
Leon had to explain it to them, but all he could say was, “Sora…” Tears welled in his eyes. He remembered the last time he cried; it was the day Cid loaded the three youths onto the Gummi ship for Traverse Town. Leon lost his home that day, but today he lost his friend.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Lucifer Season 5 Ending Explained
This article contains spoilers for the Lucifer season 5 finale.
During the final episode of Lucifer season 5, “A Chance at a Happy Ending”, Michael (Tom Ellis) arrives at Lux with an offer for Lucifer (also Tom Ellis). The loss of Dan Espinoza (Kevin Alejandro) still fresh in his mind, Lucifer lashes out at Michael when he suggests that Lucifer could get his old job back as the Hell’s king, but having assembled the Flaming Sword and with the angels on his side, it appears that Michael will be victorious in his efforts to rule Heaven.
Michael tries force Lucifer’s hand, saying that Chloe’s guilt over Dan’s death – which Michael ordered his men to carry out – means that she will go to Hell, too. If Lucifer wants to be with Chloe forever he’ll agree to return to Hell to keep her company. Michael says this is Lucifer’s chance for a happy ending, but Lucifer certainly isn’t about to go down without a fight.
He meets with Chloe and admits he’s been going about his quest to be God all wrong. The thought of Dan in Hell and Chloe set to join him as soon as her fragile mortal heart stops beating has helped Lucifer understand that the situation is much more complex than he realized. After Chloe explains to Lucifer that she can’t simply stop feeling guilt over Dan’s death, her guilt is compounded when she discovers that Dan’s soul is now suffering in Hell.
Remiel arrives and interrupts the heart-breaking scene but dies almost immediately. Chloe and Lucifer realize from examining Remi’s wounds that Michael hasn’t yet constructed the Flaming Sword. He is still missing at least one piece: Amenadiel’s necklace, which includes the key that locks Azrael’s Blade and the Medallion of Life together to create the Flaming Sword – the most powerful weapon in the universe. Lucifer tracks the necklace to TJ the fence, but Michael snags it.
What Was Lucifer’s Plan to Fight Michael?
The episode is chock-full of thoughts from various characters about standing up after a fall, and accepting death while fighting for the greater good even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice, and we see Chloe and Lucifer both accept this journey in the Season 5 finale.
When Lucifer tries to reason with the angels on Michael’s side, he is virtually unsuccessful. Michael suspects that the angel vote might have to be unanimous to install himself on the throne, and a fight breaks out between Lucifer’s crew and Michael’s angel cohort. Even with Mazikeen, Amenadiel, Chloe, Eve, Zadkiel and a whole bunch of newly Hell-sent souls from a crashed prison transport on his side, Lucifer can’t quite beat Michael. After all, Michael has the Flaming Sword, which is capable of killing Lucifer and anyone else that stands in his way.
But Lucifer and Chloe have a plan. While Lucifer fights Michael, Chloe will dart into the fight and rip the key from the sword, disabling it and giving Lucifer a chance to steal it. Meanwhile, Lucifer picks up Azrael’s blade, only to see her suddenly appear at his side. With Lucifer distracted for a brief moment, Michael runs Chloe through with Zadkiel’s staff, killing her.
Mazikeen snaps, and a war breaks out between the angels and demons.
How Did Chloe Come Back to Life?
As Chloe lies dying in his arms, she tells Lucifer that they all made an individual choice to be in the fight one way or another, and knows that she isn’t really responsible for Dan’s death.
As Chloe no longer feels guilty about Dan, her soul ascends to Heaven when she dies at the hands of Michael. Naturally, Michael feels very smug about this turn of events, because he knows that Lucifer can’t follow Chloe to Heaven or he’ll die. Those were the terms of Lucifer’s original banishment, and the Devil understands this when he decides to sacrifice himself to bring her back.
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Lucifer: What Happened to Tricia Helfer’s Charlotte and the Goddess?
By Kirsten Howard
Lucifer Season 5: Devilish First Footage From Musical Episode Revealed
By Kirsten Howard
In Heaven, Chloe is enjoying an idyllic picnic with her dead father when Lucifer crashes into the scene. He hasn’t died instantly because he’s still wearing Lilith’s ring, which grants the wearer immortality. Lucifer also discovers that when a person finally faces their guilt in Hell, they can ascend.
Chloe is reluctant to escape Heaven and her father’s comforting presence at first, but her death would leave her young daughter Trixie an orphan. Meanwhile, Lilith’s ring is running out of power and Lucifer must make the choice to save Chloe by giving it to her. He places the ring on her engagement finger.
Wait, did these two just get engaged?!
Lucifer tells Chloe he loves her, and her soul returns to her body, resurrecting the Detective back on Earth. As for Lucifer? That appears to be the end of him.
How Did Lucifer Return From Heaven?
Of course, Lucifer isn’t dead because a sixth and final season of this show was ordered by Netflix at the last minute, forcing the showrunners to undo their planned ending for the series. Perhaps this is how it all would have ended had Lucifer not been revived one final time, but here we are.
Chloe fights Michael wearing Lilith’s ring. She is still holding the key, which gives her increased strength, so she is suddenly more than a match for Michael. As she debates slitting Michael’s throat for his actions against them, Chloe hears a familiar voice shout “Detective!”
It’s Lucifer, and he’s very much not dead. Chloe gives Lucifer Azrael’s Blade, and he wields the Flaming Sword against Michael. Their fight was supposed to be “to the death” but Lucifer decides to slice Michael’s wings off instead.
“I’ve learned everyone deserves a second chance,” Lucifer tells Michael, adding “even me.” It appears that Lucifer has been given one, but he doesn’t know how exactly it was granted, or by whom. The angels and demons understand, however, that Lucifer has won the war, and they all kneel to him – including Michael.
Lucifer lifts the Flaming Sword aloft hesitantly. “Oh my me!” he exclaims.
Is Lucifer God Now?
It certainly appears that Lucifer has now been accepted as the new ruler of the universe by angels and demons alike, but we should remember that we haven’t yet seen any proof that Lucifer is now all-powerful. God may have retired, leaving his successor to take over, but we won’t find out until season 6 what kind of powers Lucifer will have over Hell, Heaven and Earth.
If Lucifer has indeed become God, will he make some big changes in the way things are run? Will he be able to rescue Dan’s soul from Hell? And will he still want to help Chloe and Ella solve murder cases in Los Angeles? Feels like he might be a little bit too busy for all that now, although we can’t imagine Lucifer not creating at least a little downtime for a few piano numbers at Lux in season 6.
We’ll find out the answers to these questions and more when the series returns with its final block of episodes. Lucifer Season 6 hasn’t set a release date on Netflix yet, but it’s definitely incoming. When it finally arrives, it will be time to say goodbye to Lucifer for good.
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tomhardydotorg · 7 years
I first saw Woodstock running across a turnpike we were turning onto late one dark night in Peachtree Georgia Atlanta. Whilst we were shooting Lawless. He was a stray. 11 weeks old. Oh No we thought. Quickly Go get that dog not even sure it was a dog. Actually.  We stopped the car. It was pitch black literally. I used my phone to light the road in case a car came round the turnpike and couldn't see me. And malletted me. And I tried to cover some ground but he was fast.  I watched this thing Running towards the highway in the pitch black making good speed towards the cars and lorries and I remember seeing what were its floppy ears bouncing towards the traffic. That dogs had it I thought. I couldn't make out how big it was what breed it was? Nothing  just those two ears flapping away above a frantic bundle. Hurtling away from us towards impending doom that was for certain. Whatever it was had no road sense and was tearing away. I panicked a little because I couldn't help it had no name to shout and now it was close to the freeway. I put my fingers to my mouth and I whistled. Loud as I could. The whistle pierced the black. And It stopped the dog dead in its tracks. Then it turned and set eyes on me in one swift movement the ears about faced and the dog decided to run straight at me in the darkness all flashes of teeth and snarling And shrieking. Fuck this I thought that's not a fkn dog. What am I doing. It ran straight at me and hit me around the legs I couldn't see but I could hear the distress and I reached down thinking I'm going to get bitten. It was so noisy shrieking. I snatched out expecting to feel teeth and grabbed a fist full of soft neck fur lifted what was actually an incredibly light weight up to my face and shone my phone at it. It was a very small bundle literally sagging from its neck fur with two big brown eyes staring straight into mine. Terrified and utterly quiet. When I got back to the car and sat in my seat he lay on my shoulder and fell asleep. And snored clearly he'd been through a lot. And now the ordeal was seemingly over enough for him to relax. Jessica asked me was he a girl or a boy. Its a boy I said. How do you know. Erm... I can feel his Woodstock. great !!! let's call him Woodstock!!! And so it was. He was covered in dogshit. Now so was I. And we rode and We took him straight to the pet store to clean him up and buy him well things.., lots of things things dogs need and we walked the aisles the three of us letting him Choose toys and his lead and his collar. I'll Never forget that night. It was wonderful. One minute he was almost dead next terrified. Then picked up by strangers then after He had a power nap in the car, the next he's walking with his bandy leg John Wayne strut under the strip lighted aisles of this massive pet store happy and playful. He wore a red bandana that night and from then on and drank religiously from the toilet throughout the night despite having a few bowls of water in the apartment he was every inch a survivor.  He wasnt house broken it didn't matter we were outdoors mostly and He ate through trailer doors and made many friends and Pnut had him on the lead off set and He became our onset dog  I will always be eternally grateful to Georgia. It gave me the greatest of joys of being a dog owner  And the bestest of friends after Max had passed Woody arrived He was 11 weeks old approx. The first morning we had him. He ate a turd and we chased him to drop it but he gobbled it down because he must have thought we wanted to eat it. So he ate it as fast as he could. We just wanted him to eat some real food. He now had plenty. But there was a survivor in him. That was clear he had had to eat what he could and from then on it was clear he had food issues. But he would never go hungry again. His nickname was Yamaduki. Because he literally yammed down a duki. So Woodstock Yamaduki was his full name. Woody Thomas later Woody two shoes and Wu for short. Woody came back to the Uk after Jess's parents kindly looked after him to avoid quarantine they house trained him. He had my tshirt from Warrior. I picked him up from them in California when I shot Dark Knight and thanked them. He hadn't forgotten me and despite the tireless efforts and hard work that Jessica's Mum and husband had put into Woody he heard my whistle again and turned and ran at me and didn't look back. I felt for them but secretly I was very happy that my friend and I were reconnected.  We all had a picnic we jumped into a lake Woody too and then it was clear Woody couldn't swim and I hauled his ass out of the lake. Dragging him out the shit a second time cemented a pattern. I have hauled him out of rivers and ponds on many occasion since that day such was his love to chase ducks. Especially the Thames. his rabies titer had cleared he spent a week in quarantine and he became a Londoner. He was an Angel. And he was my best friend. We went through so much together. Charlotte worked tirelessly with him to get him through a rough case of separation anxiety. He loved her like his Mum. And when she was pregnant he gaurded her fiercely. He has been on many sets. Met many crews. Photo shoots premieres made many many friends he was #73 most influential animal in TIME magazine. He beat JAWS. Something we all thought was brilliant. He's been in peaky blinders. Legend everyone who met him loved him. He didn't have a bad bone in his body. All he knew was love. I don't normally speak out about family and friends but this is an unusual circumstance. Woody affected so many people in his own right so with great respect to his autonomy and as a familiar friendly face to many of you, it is with great great sadness a heavy heart that I inform you that after a very hard and short 6 month battle with an aggressive polymyostisis Woody passed away, two days ago. He was only Age 6. He was Far too young to leave us and We at home are devastated by his loss I am ultimately grateful for his loyal companionship and love and it is of some great comfort that he is no longer suffering. Above all I am completely gutted. the world for me was a better place with him in it and by my side. To the bestest friend ever. To me and to a family who loved him beyond words and whom he loved without doubt more than I have ever known. Woody was the bestest of journey companions we ever could dream of having. Our souls intertwined forever. A friend told me He was special bro, a shining example of man's best friend. He burnt very very bright and, those that burn very bright sometimes burn half as long. Thankyou Woody for choosing to find us. We will love you and be with you and you with us forever. Never ever ever forgotten. Your Boy tom xxx I love you beyond words. To the moon and back again and again to Infinity and beyond. Run with Max now and the Angels. I will see you when I get there. With all of me I love you. Always Thankyou for Your love beautiful boy.
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roosterteethinserts · 7 years
Proposal (Smut)
AN; It’s been awhile, babes. Here’s the next one! Enjoy!
Pairing-Ryan x Reader
Word Count-2365
Warnings-Fluffiness, proposal, smut warnings, kissing
Summary-Y/N goes on a mission that Ryan gives Y/N that leads to Ryan proposing, and happy smut ensues. 
The day was like any other day in which Fake AH caused mayhem throughout Los Santos. Michael and Gavin were doing drag racing; Geoff and Jack were negotiating deals with our allies; Ray and Jeremy were both doing stupid bets in downtown Los Santos. Ryan, on the other hand, was mysteriously hidden under my radar when I woke up from my much needed sleep after coming back from an intel mission with Meg. Yawning as I sat up, I blinked to clear my vision. The minimalist bedroom greeted me as I looked around the room, checking the time to see that it was early enough in the day for me to do some of my chores that needed to get done but later than lunch time. Reminding myself about eating food, my stomach growled from not eating since dinner last night at the elite's gala. I then forced myself out of bed to take a shower then get ready for the day. Once I was decent enough to go outside, I walked to the kitchen to get some food before I go. My eyes spotted a bakery box from my favorite one, and a written note on it from Ryan. The box contained my favorite pastries, which I took one out and instantly started eating. I sat down on one of the stools for the breakfast bar and started to read to the note. It read, 'Y/N, I hope you've slept well and you had some fun with Meg last night. I know how you feel about doing those missions.' A small smile found itself on my face at the adorable message as I read the last of it, 'I have a personal mission for you! When you're ready, go to the place we first met. Don't worry, I won't spill my drink onto your clothes.-Ry' I laughed at the memory; Ryan and I met almost a year ago due to us crashing into each other at the entrance of my favorite cafe. He spilled his coffee into my blouse and we were together ever since. It was ironic because I met his crew because of Meg that night. We were both pretty famous models that also worked in the underground scenes as spies, mostly getting paid for information that others needed or the occasional assassin. I left my apartment and headed towards the cafe, letter in hand. It didn't take long since it was close by. I walked up to the barista, who widened her eyes when she locked eyes with me. "Y/N?" I nodded my head, a polite smile on my face. She handed me a coffee cup, "This is for you. Good luck." I thanked her and gave her some money for a tip since she denied my money to pay for the drink. I noticed the post-it-note attached to it, 'Go to the place where we first kissed.-Ry.' Blushing, my mind went to to the pier near our apartment. It was the end of the night's sunset and we sat under the pier because it was raining. We kissed on our third date and it felt amazing, even if the crappy weather tried to ruin it. A post-it note was stuck on one of the poles that dug into the beach's sand to support the pier. I felt suspicious of this situation. How did Ryan find the time to do this? Is he watching me? I grabbed the note and read it, 'Go to the place where we confessed our feelings for each other.- Ry' My favorite spot in the city, a rooftop that overlooked both the beach and the view of the city in one sweep. We both hung out there after a month of dating and we talked about everything we could imagine, while we were in our midst of discussion whether we believe soulmates were real, he confessed his feelings. I then told him that I felt the same, and we've been together ever since. I sighed, feeling a bit like a dog chasing a ball they wouldn't be able to get. The day was quickly passing and I wanted nothing more than to buy some new clothes for the coming season since mine usually get ruined or out of style. I knew that there must've been at least one or two left. The rooftop had a picnic basket of my favorite wine and a note attached to it, "This is the last one, I promise. Come meet me at the place where we spend our days planning the rest of our lives together, my queen.-Ry" I smiled at the note, relieved it's coming to an end. I was wondering what was going on and why Ryan wanted me to go on this adventure. I went to the Fake AH headquarters, where we mostly do plans of important missions and heists which is why he said 'we plan the rest of our lives' since the missions are very dangerous, seeing the lads briefly in the main living room. They shouted at me to go upstairs, which I was already doing. Gavin seemed too excited for his usual self, but I brushed it off and climbed the stairs so I can go to the rooftop of the base, where the main conference room was. I opened the door to reveal Ryan cleanly dressed surrounded by candles and roses. I widened my eyes, taking in the view as much as I can. Walking in, I felt a bit confused but my mind told me exactly what I thought would happen. This looked like a romance movie that I couldn't believe what was happening. Ryan smiled,"I'm glad you followed the notes." I rolled my eyes, "I had no other choice. What is this about, Ry?" I stepped closer, eyebrow raised as he nervously adjusted his weight on his feet. He grabbed something out of his pocket. He said, "Y/N, I think this is the next step in our relationship and honestly, I'm both nervous and excited to be able to do this with a wonderful person like you. I can't believe that I've met you, let alone somehow trick you into loving me." He kneeled, opening the box to reveal an engagement ring that was beautiful. Ryan finished, "If you'd let me, I would want to spend the rest of our lives together. So, would you marry me?" I grinned, violently nodding my head, unable to speak out of surprise and happiness. The most adorable smile grew on his face and he stood to kiss me. I kissed back, putting my hands in his blonde hair. When we broke apart, he slipped the ring on my ring finger. I inspected it, the ring is simple but it's still so pretty to look at. I raised an eyebrow at Ryan, "How did you plan this all out?" He laughed sheepishly, "Well, it took some planning, but I got some help from the boys. I thought it'd be fun...did you not like it?" I shook my head, "I just would've liked to know what was going on." He smiled and cupped my face softly. I stared into his blue eyes, feeling too much love for this giant dork. We kissed, the gentleness slowly turning into a rough one. His hands left my face and started roaming my body, soon ending their journey to land on my ass, groping it which made me moan. "Ryan, please." He laughed, getting his shirt off, and soon getting mine. The grins we had while we were stripping made us laugh because we were too happy in this moment. We were drunk in love and it was intoxicating. His hands roamed my body once I was down to just my undergarments. I realized that we were in the conference room and someone could walk in on us. I shrugged it off, not really caring in this moment. Ryan laid me down on the table, moving a couple of candles on the way. The cool table made me shiver. I sat up, wanting to make him feel good instead of him making me feel good. He laughed, asking me to lay back down. I pouted, "It's not all about me, you know." He rolled his eyes, "I want to make you feel good, babe. You can pay me back later." I sighed, agreeing. I laid back, and his lips found their spot on my neck instantly. It felt nice to have him make a hickey even though I'd probably complain about it later. Moaning, I urged him to start going lower to where I really wanted him. A small smirk found itself on his face as he lowered himself down my body, planting kisses on their way to my breasts. He took the bra off and replaced the fabric with his hands, massaging and taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking and rolling the perky bud around his tongue. I arched my back, groaning at the amount of pleasure I felt. He switched after a minute or so, the wetness that was on the abandoned nipple causing it to harden even more. Once he was done, he peppered kisses down my stomach and ending just above my panty line. I squirmed, feeling ticklish and also a bit impatient. Soft groans left my lips as his fingers wrapped around my panties, gently pulling them down. I realized that he was still dressed, except the lack of his shirt. I pouted, trying to get his pants off which made him laugh at my attempts. "Babe, patience. I want to make you happy." I shook my head, "It's not fair if you're not naked." He rolled his eyes as he unbuttoned his pants and let them drop to the ground. His underwear went after it quickly. Satisfied, I pulled him closer to me. He leaned down to capture my lips in a gentle kiss. Fingers found themselves caressing where I needed him most, causing me to moan in the kiss. We parted and I felt Ryan's soft smile on the tip of my lips. Once he was satisfied, a finger pushed itself into my heat, pumping slowly. Another one was added after a couple minutes. His thumb circled softly onto my clit, creating an electrifying experience that caused my back to arch closer to him. Building up tension, Ryan enjoyed everything that was going on. I felt the pit of my stomach start to tighten up due to the pleasure filling my body. Ryan seemed to notice this, and tried his best to get me off. It took a few good strokes, but eventually the knot in my stomach released. My back arched involuntarily and my eyes closed, moaning.
Once I cooled down, I noticed that Ryan was softly smiling at me. I raised an eyebrow, questioning him.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
Ryan shrugged, "You're just beautiful, is all."
I felt my heart flutter as I hit his shoulder. He laughed which made me smile. His lips found mine again and he laid me back gown gently, peppering kisses around my neck.
He asked me through the kisses, "Are you sure you want this?"
I laughed, "We've been through this before. Of course. I was the one that demanded your clothes off."
I felt happy that he always asked for consent. Ryan was the true definition of a southern gentleman, but always tried to not show it to the boys. He even put on a condom before he went further.
My trance was cut short by Ryan's fingers finding their place on my hips, one on my hip and the other guiding his dick into my heat. He slid in, lightly stroking until I gave him to cue to continue. Once I nodded my head, he picked up speed.
Sounds coming from the both of us filled the room. Our hands collided when we both went to rub circles in my clit. Laughs ensued, and Ryan's pace faltered slightly. I slapped his hand out of the way so I could do it. He just rolled his eyes, picking up the speed.
He groaned a few seconds later, "I'm not gonna last long, babe."
I smiled, "Just come then. I got off already."
Learning this knowledge, I pressed harder on my clit, producing even more pleasure. I was close, but not as close as Ryan is. He slowed down a bit to try and match with me, but that would never work. I smirked to myself and clenched around him. He groaned from the attack.
"You are going to pay for this."
His eyes filled with mischief. My hand was grabbed to be taken away from my clit to be replaced with his. He roughly pressed, making me arch my back. He kept his pace of quickly pumping himself in and out of me.  
I moaned, "Ryan, please."
I quickly came undone at his actions, involuntarily clenching around him. It felt amazing to come. Ryan groaned a minute or so after, coming into the condom that he was using. Silence filled the room as we tried to catch our breaths and relax a bit.
He pulled out carefully, taking the condom off and cleaning himself up. He put his clothes on and tried to make it look like he didn't just have sex with me. Once I was cooled down, I put my clothes on. Of course my hair was messy, but luckily I was able to put it up into a messy bun so I made it look like it was supposed to be like that. We were both ready within a few minutes.
Ryan kissed me and smiled, "I love you, Mrs.Haywood."
I smiled softly, "And I love you, Mr.Haywood."
We left the room after blowing out all of the candles, hand in hand and smiles on our faces. We didn't see anyone on our way to the room we both had in the base so we can shower and change so no one can tell that we had sex. Today certainly was an eventful day and it hasn't even ended.
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sgtcarrasco69 · 7 years
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Poster's Note: It is with great sadness and immeasurable heartbreak that i post this video and message from Tom https://youtu.be/-buMRduwOU4 I first saw Woodstock running across a turnpike we were turning onto late one dark night in Peachtree Georgia Atlanta. Whilst we were shooting Lawless. He was a stray. 11 weeks old. Oh No we thought. Quickly Go get that dog not even sure it was a dog. Actually. We stopped the car. It was pitch black literally. I used my phone to light the road in case a car came round the turnpike and couldn't see me. And malletted me. And I tried to cover some ground but he was fast. I watched this thing Running towards the highway in the pitch black making good speed towards the cars and lorries and I remember seeing what were its floppy ears bouncing towards the traffic. That dogs had it I thought. I couldn't make out how big it was what breed it was? Nothing just those two ears flapping away above a frantic bundle. Hurtling away from us towards impending doom that was for certain. Whatever it was had no road sense and was tearing away. I panicked a little because I couldn't help it had no name to shout and now it was close to the freeway. I put my fingers to my mouth and I whistled. Loud as I could. The whistle pierced the black. And It stopped the dog dead in its tracks. Then it turned and set eyes on me in one swift movement the ears about faced and the dog decided to run straight at me in the darkness all flashes of teeth and snarling And shrieking. Fuck this I thought that's not a fkn dog. What am I doing. It ran straight at me and hit me around the legs I couldn't see but I could hear the distress and I reached down thinking I'm going to get bitten. It was so noisy shrieking. I snatched out expecting to feel teeth and grabbed a fist full of soft neck fur lifted what was actually an incredibly light weight up to my face and shone my phone at it. It was a very small bundle literally sagging from its neck fur with two big brown eyes staring straight into mine. Terrified and utterly quiet. When I got back to the car and sat in my seat he lay on my shoulder and fell asleep. And snored clearly he'd been through a lot. And now the ordeal was seemingly over enough for him to relax. Jessica asked me was he a girl or a boy. Its a boy I said. How do you know. Erm... I can feel his Woodstock. great !!! let's call him Woodstock!!! And so it was. He was covered in dogshit. Now so was I. And we rode and We took him straight to the pet store to clean him up and buy him well things.., lots of things things dogs need and we walked the aisles the three of us letting him Choose toys and his lead and his collar. I'll Never forget that night. It was wonderful. One minute he was almost dead next terrified. Then picked up by strangers then after He had a power nap in the car, the next he's walking with his bandy leg John Wayne strut under the strip lighted aisles of this massive pet store happy and playful. He wore a red bandana that night and from then on and drank religiously from the toilet throughout the night despite having a few bowls of water in the apartment he was every inch a survivor. He wasnt house broken it didn't matter we were outdoors mostly and He ate through trailer doors and made many friends and Pnut had him on the lead off set and He became our onset dog I will always be eternally grateful to Georgia. It gave me the greatest of joys of being a dog owner And the bestest of friends after Max had passed Woody arrived He was 11 weeks old approx. The first morning we had him. He ate a turd and we chased him to drop it but he gobbled it down because he must have thought we wanted to eat it. So he ate it as fast as he could. We just wanted him to eat some real food. He now had plenty. But there was a survivor in him. That was clear he had had to eat what he could and from then on it was clear he had food issues. But he would never go hungry again. His nickname was Yamaduki. Because he literally yammed down a duki. So Woodstock Yamaduki was his full name. Woody Thomas later Woody two shoes and Wu for short. Woody came back to the Uk after Jess's parents kindly looked after him to avoid quarantine they house trained him. He had my tshirt from Warrior. I picked him up from them in California when I shot Dark Knight and thanked them. He hadn't forgotten me and despite the tireless efforts and hard work that Jessica's Mum and husband had put into Woody he heard my whistle again and turned and ran at me and didn't look back. I felt for them but secretly I was very happy that my friend and I were reconnected. We all had a picnic we jumped into a lake Woody too and then it was clear Woody couldn't swim and I hauled his ass out of the lake. Dragging him out the shit a second time cemented a pattern. I have hauled him out of rivers and ponds on many occasion since that day such was his love to chase ducks. Especially the Thames. his rabies titer had cleared he spent a week in quarantine and he became a Londoner. He was an Angel. And he was my best friend. We went through so much together. Charlotte worked tirelessly with him to get him through a rough case of separation anxiety. He loved her like his Mum. And when she was pregnant he gaurded her fiercely. He has been on many sets. Met many crews. Photo shoots premieres made many many friends he was #73 most influential animal in TIME magazine. He beat JAWS. Something we all thought was brilliant. He's been in peaky blinders. Legend everyone who met him loved him. He didn't have a bad bone in his body. All he knew was love. I don't normally speak out about family and friends but this is an unusual circumstance. Woody affected so many people in his own right so with great respect to his autonomy and as a familiar friendly face to many of you, it is with great great sadness a heavy heart that I inform you that after a very hard and short 6 month battle with an aggressive polymyostisis Woody passed away, two days ago. He was only Age 6. He was Far too young to leave us and We at home are devastated by his loss I am ultimately grateful for his loyal companionship and love and it is of some great comfort that he is no longer suffering. Above all I am completely gutted. the world for me was a better place with him in it and by my side. To the bestest friend ever. To me and to a family who loved him beyond words and whom he loved without doubt more than I have ever known. Woody was the bestest of journey companions we ever could dream of having. Our souls intertwined forever. A friend told me He was special bro, a shining example of man's best friend. He burnt very very bright and, those that burn very bright sometimes burn half as long. Thankyou Woody for choosing to find us. We will love you and be with you and you with us forever. Never ever ever forgotten. Your Boy tom xxx I love you beyond words. To the moon and back again and again to Infinity and beyond. Run with Max now and the Angels. I will see you when I get there. With all of me I love you. Always Thankyou for Your love beautiful boy.
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Storm Brian didn't stop my coast to coast cycling holiday with my family
Micki Beck is a writer, cyclist, sailor, wife and mum from Cornwall
We could have happily kept going - so roll on next October half term
I found the emotional effort of ensuring everyone else was happy, warm, dry and fed as great a challenge as the physical effort
Micki Beck is a writer, cyclist, sailor, wife and mum from Cornwall.
She and her family love to explore by boat and bicycle. Last October they cycled the Devon Coast to Coast route into the headwinds of Storm Brian with their daughters (Ella, 1, in a trailer and Holly, 4, on a bike with a trail gaiter). 
In this blog, Micki tells us about her experiences pedalling for four fun-packed days from Barnstable to Plymouth.
As time passes the years merge into a pool of memories, some vivid, some distant. The small things fade but it seems the adventures stay vibrant and clear, and the greater the effort the more firmly they’re fixed in the memory.
Life has a sneaky habbit of zipping by in a whirl of daily routine- the school run, food shopping, cleaning, cooking, work, on and on it goes. School also imposes unfortunate restrictions on the freedom to nip off on an adventure.
To stem that flow and mark the years with milestones of fun we’ve pledged to plan a variety of annual family antics, and October half-term is biking week. My husband Tim and I are keen (but to be honest pretty out of practice) mountain bikers. Our aspirations are to someday do some longer off-road camping rides with the girls. 
The potential for cold, wet autumnal days in October steered our planning to look for a gentler introduction to bike touring for the two little ones. Living near Plymouth, the Devon Coast to Coast seemed like a great option, with the added bonus of starting with a train ride and cycling home. 
The kit for a family cycling adventure
We carried all our kit in panniers- rear for me, front and rear for Tim. As the forecast was dire, we double bagged everything in ziplock bags and bin-liners. We packed the panniers so that everything we’d need during the day was in one place and we wouldn’t have to open the other bags in the rain. 
Tim, in a moment of last-minute inspiration, bought a shower cap to cover Holly’s helmet and some clear safety glasses that kept the rain and wind out of her eyes. In combination with wellies, waterproof dungarees, coat, gloves, buff, hood and helmet our little trooper stayed warm and dry. 
Ella had the relative luxury of the trailer. As it was previously untested we coated it in many a layer of waterproofing spray. In another moment of last-minute genius by Tim, we added the buggy rain cover over the whole trailer and Ella stayed perfectly dry, albeit a little steamy at times.
Bad weather beckoned 
Scrolling through a news feed the night before we set-off brought word of an unwelcome addition to our party- Brian, Storm Brian that is! The Dawlish train line was closed due to high winds and it looked unlikely we’d even make it to the start in Barnstaple.
But with a new day brought new hope. The rain continued but the trains were running, and we loaded our three bikes, a trailer and two kids. 
Transferring our load between trains and platforms was a real logistical operation. Thankfully the helping hands of fellow passengers and the wonderful station staff made light work of it.
Travelling’s a wonderful way to prove the generosity of human nature and this trip proved no exception.
The full route of the coast to coast starts in Ilfracombe. Not wanting to bite off more than we could chew we joined the trail heading south where the train line ends in Barnstaple. In short, skipping the first section. 
The first day of our adventure 
As we discharged from the train at Barnstaple, the glimmers of sun lasted long enough to get our rig on the road before the force of Brian hit us.  
The flat open expanse of the Taw estuary left us exposed to the battering headwinds. They slowed us to a snail’s pace and shocked our legs into a burning, turning cycle of effort.
Our smaller crew picked the pit stops along our ride, of which there were many as we all got used to life on the road. The playground at Fremington proved excellent shelter for our first picnic lunch. 
Ella vocally announced another stop was required near Bideford. She shouted full volume to get out of
the trailer until we happened upon a pub serving cream teas in front of a roaring fire.
Spirits revived, the wooded Torridge valley gave a welcome respite from the wind.
It’s a great long traffic-free stretch, in fact it was pretty people free too as most sensible folk appeared to have made a drier plan for the half term. Aside from dodging the odd fallen branch on the path, Storm Brian did little to halt progress.
After a few navigational consultations, we turned off the track a little past Great Torrington. We cursed tired legs and heavy loads, but every puff and push were worth it for our overnight stop. We had reached our first stop-off at the Week Manor, where we were hosted by the lovely Lucy. 
After the initial surprise that we hadn’t cancelled, we were greeted with wonderfully warming hospitality. It was wonderful to see and hear the enthusiasm and support for our silly venture. Praise and respect from people outside the family brings a new level of pride and confidence in little ones and it’s great to see them glow with their achievements. It was the best possible way to end a long and at times challenging day.
The rest of the journey 
Another day, another round of wind and rain. Restored from our comfortable night's rest, we hit the Devon hills, rolling up and down the quiet lanes as we approached the edge of the moor.
The weighty tow behind each bike challenged our untrained legs and put us out of our comfort zone. We kept the distances short enough to be manageable and enjoyable.
The girls settled into life on the road quickly. Ella happily playing, snoozing and watching the world go by from her fug-filled trailer. Holly kept entertained by her electric horn (emitting an eclectic assortment of noises, from sirens to belly dancing music, neighing to buzzing bees). 
By day three, Storm Brian was starting to fade. His feisty forcefulness diminished, leaving just a tail of soggy showers in his wake. The Granite way started our third leg with a refreshingly flat cruise.
There’s nothing like having two ticking time-bombs on the back with fuses of unknown length to keep the legs going. A bit of a balance is needed between pressing on while the going’s good but still making time to stop, explore and enjoy the sights on the way.
After the first day settling into the routine both girls amazed us with their stamina, patience and perseverance. We made sure they were dry, warm and well fed which proved enough to keep spirits up and the wheels rolling.
Sightseeing along the way​
A castle is always excellent entertainment for the little ones, and the Saxon fortifications at Lydford were met with suitable enthusiasm.
The cake at the National Trust café nearby was met with equal enthusiasm on what was the most leisurely day of the trip.
The rolling lanes past the iconic church in South Brent delivered us to Tavistock in time to see the ducks on the canal and rumble on the playground before pub dinner- a winner all round.
The home stretch 
Our last day started with a full English breakfast in the pub that set us up for the home run to Plymouth. Knowing this bit of trail well, we were surprised to find the up-hill to Yelverton easier than we remembered. Those three days on steep Devon lanes had obviously had some beneficial effect. We cruised down the Plym Valley, free-wheels clicking satisfyingly as our legs rested.
Our legs may have arrived in Plymouth rested, but our minds were unprepared for the shock of returning to civilisation. 
After the tranquil beauty of four days of off-road riding, deserted lanes, wooded valleys and open moorland, landing into the urban rush of Plymouth hit our senses for six. 
I love my cycle commute into Plymouth for work, but I can’t say that the last five miles home through the busy streets with tired legs and kids in tow after days of peaceful solitude was a pleasant experience.
We made it home without incident and what a feeling of achievement as we crossed the Tamar Bridge back into Cornwall, our journey complete. We did about 110 miles in total over four days and definitely achieved our aim of an amazing family adventure with memories that will last a lifetime. 
Onto future adventures
I found the emotional effort of ensuring everyone else was happy, warm, dry and fed as great a challenge as the physical effort. But that’s a part of adventuring with a family and brings its own rewards.
The people we met were a total highlight of the trip, cycle touring gives an instant conversation starter and opens a world of kindness. I hope people know the value of their kindness that shapes us and our futures.
We could have happily kept going - so roll on next October half term. Hopefully, the adventures will grow with the years and one day Holly and Ella will be encouraging us to keep up as they set the route over hill and dale.
Find out more about challenge rides on the National Cycle Network 
Young people
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