#shout out to everyone else with a skewed sleep schedule and also to the normal people in other timezones
griefabyss69 · 8 days
Patterns in the Ivy
Written for @steddiesmuttyseptember
[ AO3 ]
Week Three: Rough, Lingerie, Aftercare, Sneaking Around | WC: 6K | Rated: E | CW: Public sex, implied/referenced drug usage (weed), Eddie is a drug dealer, mentions of Steve's parents being terrible
Steve needs something to help him as he tries not to drown under all of his assignments. It turns out the guy who used to be Hawkin's pot dealer ended up at the same college as him, and he's hotter than ever.
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"How'd you guess the color?" he asks, stepping in close, reaching out to run his fingers over the ribbon. It feels nice, he hopes he gets to keep it later.
Eddie's eyebrows raise and one of those like, sun-over-the-horizon, illuminating-all-of-the-darkness smiles creeps onto his face and Steve has to kiss him and kiss him again until the violent urge to mash their faces together passes.
"You said it was the same as your favorite sweater," Eddie says. "I was worried I got it wrong, but I had a good excuse ready."
Steve laughs, sliding his hands up Eddie's chest while he can.
"Let's hear it, stud," he says with a stupid wink.
Eddie looks utterly pleased.
"Limited supply at the craft store," he says. "So I just got what I thought you'd like."
"Cute, believable," Steve muses, giving in and kissing him again. "It'd work on me."
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queer-cosette · 5 years
Fred Jones Defence Squad
OK people here are only accepting 2002 movie Fred as canon and completely ignoring every other incarnation of him and to this I say NAE! That’s not my Fred. My Fred is Mystery Inc Fred. My Fred
adored his friends and loved reminding everyone that he just found it so awesome they were friends
blamed himself for something he had no control over because it got someone he cared about hurt
constantly went out of his way to try and impress his father even though his father barely noticed and was a pretty shitty parent
encouraged his friends to do things he thought would make them happy
accidentally flirted with every other person because he was just so darn nice
completely freaked out and blamed himself for Daphne being kidnapped by the Man-Crab even though it wasn’t his fault
chose Daphne’s happiness over going to the prom with a date because he cared so much about their friendship
decided that if it was a choice between being manly or having feelings then he would choose feelings
respected Daphne when he thought she might not share his feelings and told her that even though he wouldn’t stop her from moving on, he wasn’t going to deny that he had feelings for her
admittedly had quite a dumb plan to try and solve his friends’ argument but still tried
gave Shaggy love advice despite having no idea how relationships work but just really wanted to cheer up his friend
got involved with a frat he had no interest in because he wanted to impress his father
did get jealous when Daphne chose to hang out with some other guys but in the end realised and admitted that it was her choice and not his business
got ridiculously happy when she chose him over Odnarb and freaking shouted about how happy and excited he was in a very echoey canyon
“I don’t need Aphrodite’s spell to care about you Daph” um reassuring his girl in the sweetest way possible that his feelings remained true even when he was under a love spell???
had the choice between escaping a deadly trap and living or waiting to die with Daphne who couldn’t escape and chose to free himself and then go back for her because there was no way he was letting Danny Darrow kill one of his friends just to make a point
repeatedly cared more about his friends than his own safety
was so darn excited to meet his hero, this boy is too precious
made a deal with his father that he would give up mystery solving if he couldn’t catch the ‘ghost’ haunting their house
OK the schedule he made Daphne was a bit obsessive but he stopped as soon as she told him that she felt he was being too controlling and also immediately apologised
got invested in planning their engagement party (breaking the male stereotype!!!)
and that was just season 1!!! In season 2
he had so much faith that Daphne would show up to help them that his trap failed
“How long have you guys been standing there?” “Don’t try that. You know the concept of time confuses me.” JESUS CHILD
he attempted to be romantic and attentive because he thought it would make Daphne happy
decided to get therapy. It was his idea. Like, he was living alone with no parents and his friends had their own problems so it was probably his own idea.
continued to treat his friend with respect even after she rejected him because their friendship was more important to him than a romantic relationship (low bar but a lot of guys fail to reach this one even in fiction)
stopped pursuing a relationship with her when she firmly told him no and decided to be content with their friendship (he doesn’t ever bring it up again until she hints that she wants a relationship too)
wanted to give his parents the benefit of the doubt even while planning to double-cross them - right to the end he kept hoping they wouldn’t double-cross him even though he knew it would happen, and kept hoping he wouldn’t have to double-cross them himself
anyone else remember that time he tried to give Sheriff love advice? it was hilarious
but no he actually gave good love advice to Rick Spartan. it was such a sweet moment.
“Doctor Spartan? Call Marian. Call your wife and tell her you love her. And if she feels the same way, do everything in your power to keep her.”
That was such a sweet moment
Also when he got back together with Daphne? literally such a fan fiction moment, the kind of thing you guys go nuts for
“Fred Jones, are you feeling OK?” “Not yet.” *takes her hand* “There. I feel better now.”
He forgave his fake father for all the shit he pulled. Fred Jones Sr probably didn’t deserve forgiveness, but Fred decided he forgave him because in spite of his failings, the Mayor was still the only real father he’d ever known. And since we know that in the time we’ve been with the gang, the Mayor was a pretty shit father, it��s really tragic when you realise that either Fred’s sense of what a good parent is is skewed because at least Mayor Jones never tried to kill him, or Jones really was a good dad at the beginning but became cold and distant as he slowly got more corrupted by the curse.
Also his friendship with Velma is hilarious throughout the whole series. She makes sarcastic comments and he doesn’t understand them. But they’re bros.
“Something’s wrong with my dad. Every day for two weeks now he runs screaming down the hall and ends up sleeping in the yard. Is that normal?” “For your dad? Probably.”
“Nice fur-bib.” “Wait. Rye sense of humour, tinged with a hint of disdain and superiority... Velma?!”
“What is that weirdo doing with her hands?!” “He’s holding them, Fred. It’s what boyfriends do with girlfriends.”
Anyway, during the finale? he offered to go down to give Pericles the fourth key so his friends wouldn’t get hurt.
like, Pericles had his Nazi robots down there. The danger was very very real. It wasn’t just a dude in a mask. Going down there alone meant he would probably be killed as soon as Pericles had the key.
But the gang ultimately realised they were most powerful when they stuck together. They all just love and care about each other so freaking much.
Anyway I’m willing to fight to the death to defend Freddie. Because he’s a precious boy who just wants to build traps to catch criminals with his friends.
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