#shouldn´t forget the maid
juliasdowntonstuff · 6 months
New drabble - We're all right… aren't we, Robert? pt. 1
This newest drabble is inspired by my Downton watch with Dad. At some point during S3 he asked if Cora ever found out about Robert and the maid and I couldn't really answer. All we get are hints, so I thought I would make up a little backstory using some scenes we got on the show. This is part one of two and as always, there's a sneak peek under the dividing line :)
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Silence followed her departure. Complete, deafening silence.
What had he done?
He stood there. Unmoving. A tall and dark figure in the small room — motionless as realisation began to sink in.
What had he done? What had he just said to her? And more importantly — why had he said it, all of it? What had he done?
Because it was all a lie, it was not at all what he wanted. He did not want her, and most certainly not with every fibre of his being. He did not want her like he had said. And he knew he would not cherish the words she had said to him in hushed tones.
Robert needed to hear those words, desperately. Especially in recent weeks. He had been feeling as if he was losing sight of who he was, losing his standing, his purpose and his family all at once.
He needed those words. But he did not need to hear them from her. They should only be spoken softly, the sound enveloping him as he got lost in the warm familiarity of the gentle American lilt in her voice. Cora was who he needed to hear these words from, not her. Not the maid. Cherishing the words said by her would only remind him of everything that happened before, of the kisses. It would remind him of that moment it happened, of that entire evening and everything that had transpired. It would only serve as a painful reminder of this gigantic lapse of judgment that had led to him taking her into the dressing room in the first place.
Now, merely seconds after she had left, he already wanted nothing more than to forget about it. About all of it. He wanted to forget what he had said and especially what he had done. He wanted to forget everything that had happened in the last few weeks and months. He wanted to forget these damned kisses. He wanted to forget about her.
He quickly glanced over at the uncomfortable single bed that stood in the middle of the small dressing room he rarely ever slept in. This was his room, but it was not really. It hadn't been for decades. His room was her room. She was his everything. Looking at the made-up bed reminded him why he had come to this room in the first place. His wife was sick, lying in her bed in the room next door. And he had been seconds away from betraying her.
He was disgusted. Disgusted by himself and what he had almost done — or already done. And he could not stand to be in this room, the room it had happened in, for even just another second.
Tying his black embellished dressing gown tighter around himself, Robert quickly fled the room and all but ran down the stairs and into the library. With any luck, not that he deserved it, someone had refilled the decanter of whiskey. Carson certainly would have been so attentive, but the trusty butler had become a victim of the same illness that had stretched its fingers out for his wife. Maybe Molesley had? No, that man was even worse off than Carson was last he saw him.
He threw open the heavy door to the library, not letting the large and quite heavy plank of wood keep him from his destination. The last remains of the dying fire from earlier in the night flickering in the hearth were bathing the otherwise dark room in the faintest of warm, orange hues. He did not even bother turning on the lights, the faint glow was enough for him to make out the table and the glass bottles he was targeting.
Much to his dismay, the decanter with his favourite whiskey on the small side table was almost empty when he picked it up. With a dissatisfied grunt, he downed the last of it before setting the glass down much more forcefully than he should have.
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amindofstone · 4 years
One and only
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a/n: For better reading keep in mind that the words in italic are Bellas (readers) train of thoughts.
Member: Monsta X, Yoo Kihyun
Genre: Royal AU
Info: I genuinely apologize for grammar or spelling mistakes. English is not my mother tongue and I´m trying to improve. So please have mercy.
Words: 1572
Warnings: mention of violence (getting whipped), forbidden love?
!!! The text is made by me and is therefore mine but the picture used is not. Please do not steal my work or idea(s). Credit me if used !!!
Panic was written all over her face when she saw who stood in front of her door. Her body froze and her mind was blank. With a racing heart and big eyes she was looking into the ones of the person standing in the empty corridor. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. She wanted to slam the door at his face and lock herself up but her body didn´t listen to her. How could it listen when her brain was not working anymore? Like a statue she was standing there. All she did was look into the chocolate brown eyes of the man in front of her. A man she shouldn´t be able to see in person. “Good evening. Am I disturbing you?”
The moment Bella heard the voice of the man standing in front of her, reality hit her and she instantly fell on her knees. “Sir!” Panic took over her heart and mind. Although it was a warm autumn night she started to tremble from head to toe. What if someone sees me with him? “Please don´t. Stand up.”, and again the man spoke softly to her. “Please don´t speak to me. Sir, please. Please leave.”
Her vision slowly started to get blurry while the emotions she always tried to burry deep inside of her, bit by bit made their way back out only to take over her heart again. They threatened to take over her mind, heart and soul all over again. Sir Kihyun knelt down on one knee to take her hands and make her stand up but she winced back. Her eyes that were fixed to the ground were fighting with the tears that threatened to fall down while the royal in front of her wanted nothing else than just to hold her. “May I come in please?”, he carefully spoke to her again with the hope to have her in his arms again. The hope and wish to have her in his arms never left him and gave him strength day by day. Hope that made him finish all of his duties as fast as he could just so he could come and spend a few hours with the person he always longed for.
“You are not allowed to be in this quarter nor are you allowed to be with me. I don´t want you to get in trouble. Please leave. I beg you.”, Like every other night she tried to get rid of him but nothing helped. There is absolutely nothing she tried but no matter what it was she always failed.
She tried not to open the door for him and locked it but got nowhere with it. He did left that night but came the next with spare keys. He knocked on the door and asked for permission to enter but when she didn´t gave him an answer he entered and held her in his arms while she cried again.
She even changed her room with other maids but he eventually managed to find her one night. She tried to threaten him with leaving the palace but that got her also nowhere because he knew that she wouldn´t leave her younger sister behind and all alone.
“No, it´s alright. Nothing is going to happen. No one will hurt you or your sister. I give you my word.”
Hearing him say those words sadden her even more. She knew that nothing will happen to her or her sister. And even if something would happen to her she wouldn´t mind. What worried her is not her own safety but rather that of the man in front of her who was the king’s nephew. Whose father was not only loved by the king as his brother but also as his wisest counselor.
She will never forget the day the young royal got carried into the health quarter. She remembers his pained face and the tears in his eyes he tried to hold back. He was suffering but she didn’t know what was going on until his oldest brother ripped his shirt into two and revealed his back. Traces of whips could be seen on his entire back. Some were new wounds some were old. And those that were on the way to heal were opened all over again. When she looked up to his face she saw nothing else than pride. “It´s alright. It will heal.”
The memories haunted her until today while she always wondered how it was always him that suffered that pain. Why is he always the one that has to take the punishments and not she? All in all it was her to whom he always came. “Bella, I beg you please let me come in. Allow me to hold you.”
With that he tried to take her hands again and make her stand up but she backed off again. He shouldn´t be here. What should I do? “Please I beg you, love. May I enter? Please.”
She hesitated but nodded. He took her hands and made her stand up. Although she wasn´t sure if she was doing the right thing she stepped aside so he could enter properly. A relived sigh left him before he entered Bella’s room and closed the door. Compared to the other maid’s rooms hers was quite bigger since she was nursing at the palace hospital and had a higher status. But it still was a simple room that only had the important furniture’s and no decorations except of the many flowers she takes care of. And still absolutely not comparably with the chambers of the royal family or their counselors. Bella was still more than happy with what she had and never could ask for more. She had everything her heart could ask for. A wardrobe, desk, dresser, mirror and a bed that was big enough for her to share with her sister when she comes over to sleep with her.
Kihyun slowly came closer to embrace her in a comforting hug. When he stood in front of her he stopped in his tracks just to wait and see if she back offs again. But she didn´t and let him hug her while he inhaled her scent and buried his face on her neck. “You came from the ball. Why did you leave your date for the night behind? I´m not sure but I don´t think that this is really gentleman like.” Kihyun broke the hug with a short laughter and took his jacket off. Bella reached for it and wanted to take it from him but he pushed her hands away and let it fall to the ground. “It´s just a piece of clothing so let it be.” Kihyun took her face in his hands and looked her straight in the eyes. “My date for tonight was my beloved sister and my mother. They told me that they will watch my back so I can come see you. Do you really think that I would take some random woman to the ball? Do you really think that I would take a woman to the ball I don´t know and never looked at? And on top of that spend the entire evening with? No, my love. To me you are the only woman that suits me and forever will. I love you and only you. You are the only one I see no matter where I look. Bella, I love so much from the bottom of my heart. I´ll do anything for you. Please I beg you believe me when I say that I love you. I can´t live without you. I really love you to the point it hurts me. It feels like my heart is bleeding while my soul is in the process of dying. But that death is just not coming closer. My soul is stuck in that circle of pain although it tries to get out. But sadly it´s too weak so it is forced to suffer.”
The tears that threatened to fall the moment she saw him standing in front of her door now made their way out. One tear after another fell and nothing could stop them. Her heart was aching and her mind was searching for a way to end the pain but was failing miserably like any other time. Bella felt numb. She didn´t know what to do anymore so she just stood there and cried again. She felt weak and useless. Empty and pathetic. But what could she do? She was just a maid in the palace that was lucky to be loved by a royal but the most dumbest to fall for her lover. How pathetic of me to fall for a royal. “Please don´t cry. I can´t bear seeing you cry. My heart is not able to handle more pain.”
A tender kiss was placed on her lips while her body was softly pressed against his. A soft kiss followed by a soft hug with the fear of her getting hurt if he does not take care of his actions. Bella broke the kiss and pushed him slowly a way. She couldn´t look up to his eyes as much as she wanted to. She wanted to be hold and kissed by him more and longer but she knew that the more she allowed him the more she would fall for him. She couldn´t bear neither the pain nor the heartbreak. They needed to stop.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Not a princess au
N/A: slightly based on Magnus bride with the exception that Ariel is not Chise. Chise is too depressed.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @tieflingteeth @niuniente
In her childhood´s memories, among the smells of sweet pies and other desserts, are the stories her grandmother used to share-everyone coming together near the matriarchy as she often flashes a pearl white smile- and Ariel can recall many of her stories.
And one that stood up the most was the small tale of poor and miserable faes. “Granny” Ariel greets her granny who just closed the window-muttering how the winter finally arrives- and hugs the smaller girl. “Tell me a story, please!” and dramatically begs with her doe eyes. Her granny compliance.
“Ok, ok…since you asked so nicely” she puts the girl in her lap and tells the old story. “Once upon a time…there´s a lovely woman. A fae as only a fae could reach such beauty” she chuckles as Ariel is trying to imagine a pretty fae. “and it was a beauty the Gods offer to her. Beauty is a gift for a fae. And such beauty was meant to marry the Fae prince, a prince from the light court, you know, the typical handsome fae prince” and Ariel is trying to imagine such a handsome man.
“However, the lovely fae falls for another, see, faes can love…but is a rarity in itself, so rare that maybe she wasn´t in love…maybe it was something else” granny tiptoe on the terms. Ariel rolls her eyes and mentions it was lust (it was lust, granny, I get it) “anyway, she decides to e with the mortal…faes must love tragedy stories and their own arrogance because such beauty thought she wouldn´t face the consequences”
“But she did…”
“Oh, Ariel…she did. The prince wasn´t very happy with his bride wanting to marry a human…and patience sometimes can be forsaken in the fae world…so, he put a curse on her” and granny´s eyes turn dark. “after sending some friends to visit this poor human. It doesn´t matter if he was innocent…faes can be cruel and the mortal begs for death in the end…not sure if it was answered”
“Poor silly mortal”
“And the beauty fae …is cursed. She can´t touch anyone or anything ever again” Her granny concludes as Ariel keeps imaging the fate of such poor and foolish fae.
“And her family move away and never talk about it?” Ariel asked. Now, that´s a good question.
“Her brethren were exiled of the court and are freely walking among humans…an exiled fae is common. But a fae who has a cursed relative is as rare as a fae loving a human…bad omen! An extremely bad omen will follow them until the end” and Ariel is hang up on those words.
“And the Gods did nothing?”
“Pretty much”
“What bastards!”
“We´re Jewish…we can say that” and winks in the conspiracy. Granny chuckles at this. And the Granny elects herself to be an accomplice. The rocking chair remains a completely unmoving-a paradox for Ariel only- and the tale continues.
“Now, you must be worried…what this means to humans? Exiled faes are dangerous and they will do anything to get your name…faes don´t play fair and exiled faes can break even more rules” The granny continues.
“And …if they have a cursed relative…they have no reason to play nice either” Ariel nods sagely and granny suggests to never give her name until you have absolutely sure the person won´t use against you. _________________________________________________________________________________________
The city is flocking with several mutants and humans. No festival is on the horizon, but, the higher spirits, sometimes, don´t need a holiday to commemorate. Ariel is one of the few people taking the scene with suspicious eyes. As her friend, Bobby is guiding her far away from the number of people.
They´re reaching a yellow path-yellow. Not golden- as Bobby is promising something wonderful down the road. Bobby is chatting away- too freely. Too used to his own voice- while Ariel is merely taking his words still careful. In a moment, Ariel sighs and suspends her moves and utters a few words- with her hand on her pocket- “you know, you can stop acting…I know you´re not him, fae” and she can feel the tomfoolery smile often associated with Bobby is gone.
“How did you notice it?” the tone is more feminine now. Still wearing Bobby´s face with one big difference. The eyes are golden now. Ariel didn´t reach closer of the fae- still, keep a safe distance- and responds.
“You flirt with me and other ladies…Bobby is gay” no apologizes was given nor was expected. The fae snaps her fingers and hissed something. “I forget to see this detail, well, it doesn´t matter…you´ll come with me” is order and Ariel can only frown her expression.
“Why? Why should I willingly go to a trap?”
And the fae offers a cruel smile to Ariel. “If you don´t value your friends´ life. We can keep Jubilation Lee” cold runs through her blood now. Ariel still has her hand in the pocket and has no choice in following the fae.
Faes don´t lie. In the promising space-a pocket dimension stops being a novelty when you live in a world where magic is so convenient- and hanging above on a cage. There is Jubilation Lee.
“Ariel!” she cries. “They trick me. She´s a shapeshifter…I thought…I thought she was Wolverine…I thought she was Laura…” and Ariel can see why Jubilation would fall for this trick. Crushes are a favorite weapon faes like to use against mortals.
Laura, she thought, would be happy to know her crush is not onesided…after she kills the faes.
And Ariel had enough. Taking a knife out of her pocket and twisting her arms- twisting her arms- puts the knife, an iron knife as the blue fae can feel, on her neck. “Bad choice, let Jubs go and you´ll still have a head above your neck!” is a thinly veiled threat. No, is a promise.
Ariel almost gasps as she feels a cold metal. Her does eyes manage to side back enough so the vision of this new welcomer is clear. An azzure man with crimson eyes- a red scar on his right eye- and is holding the sword firmly.
“Let go of the knife and you´ll still have a head above your neck” no one seems to acknowledge the fact those words are being parroted into Ariel´s face.
Flight or fight kicks in. Faes don´t lie…but can deceive.
“And why I would do this?” she tries again. Smirking as the knife stays- grimacing as the sword did too- “so I can watch you torture my friend? pass”
“We don´t want to torture anyone” the azzure man begins. Not the warmest line. “We´re here to make a trade” and she could show more interest if the sword wasn´t so well-positioned and so near her neck.
Ariel looks up to see Jubilation Lee. Ariel has no choice but to listen to their terms. “You work for me and I´ll burn her name out of our memories” and Ariel exhales as she slowly takes the knife away from the azzure lady´s neck.
“Swear by your real name?” Ariel counter-asked.
“Swear by my name” he responds. The azzure lady burns the name, only after Ariel agrees with the terms. “What should I call you?”
“Nightcrawler,” he said somewhat proud.
“Oh, worm?”
“Uhm, not a princess” his eyes travel to his mother- he called her mother when the deal was made- and then tries again. “Kurt”
“So not like a princess” _______________________________________________________________________________________
Looking up at the cottage. Is not the most luxurious place Ariel has ever seen- and to be fair, she didn´t saw many either- however, is not ugly by design.  Ariel could enjoy the architecture in peace if this situation wasn´t so bizarre.
Her hands are quivering ever so slightly. Faes can be deviants. Faes can do unimaginable things and faes value human life as much one would value poop.
Kurt only took one good look at her to know what´s on her mind. “I only need someone to clean my house. Just that” and yes, her hands stop quivering and her eyes take his form completely incredulous.
“Uhm, you could have used the Craiglist” Ariel suggested in a teasing way. “Pretty sure is not that expensive and it is not as complex as using my friend as bait” she states still incredulous.
“What´s a craigslist?” either he´s joking or he has no idea what is a craigslist. Ariel decides for her sake to not press the issue. For now.
She sighs and then inquiries again. “I´ve read many fairytales, and I know there´s always a forbidden room I mustn´t enter or else” she mock an ominous voice here. In front of a fae with crimson eyes. “so, which room I mustn´t waltz at night” she crosses her arms waiting.
“The last door on the second floor. You shouldn´t enter there” Kurt begins. Ariel grins, there´re always secret or forbidden doors humans can´t cross.
“And if I waltz there…” she pries.
And Kurt´s face is a bit too close to Ariel. “Katzchen, what reason could you have to want to join into my bed at night?” and tsked “not what a normal princess would say”
Ariel´s face is heating up. “Sir, how dare make any suggestion…I´m a decent lady” and raise an eyebrow at his last comment. “and princesses are too boring for little old me” ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Friendships among mutants are hard, at least, for Bobby Drake it was. Maybe, it was his immaturity and his silly pranks that prove hard to others to rely on him-Scott said so once. Pranks are nice, but, you need to know when to stop- therefore, the few friends Bobby has…the Iceman tries to be as much of a good friend as possible.
Shaking and swallowing aren´t signals to be ashamed. Not being behind Jubilation Lee. Bobby is not ashamed of anything nor afraid. Jubilation rings the doorbell and Ariel is the one to answer and Bobby-never one to be subtle- breath in utter relief- the two ladies ignore this scene.
“Hey, we come here to see you…” Jubilation tries to put her cheerful facade, but, she´s still feeling guilty. “We´re trying to find a way to take you out…There are many lawyers for cases like this…and Jean even promised to help” Jubilation completes.
“Guys, I´m fine…I´m just his maid here, nothing salacious is happening here” Ariel promised. “Are you alright?”  this question can be direct to Jubilee or Bobby.
“You´re living with a fae…and you ask if we´re fine? Ariel…” Jubilee shakes her head. A change in the subject is in order now.
“How did you found me?”
“Bobby here” she points to the Ice-mutant. “slept with the higher-ups in the Inhuman court and they´re happy to give your location…sadly, they can only do this…for now” she lost bits of enthusiasm.
Iceman decides to break the silence. ��Ariel, do you know who this fae is?”
“A fae with red eyes?” is a lucky guess if you ask Ariel.
“No, he´s an exiled fae…and exiled faes are the worst…remember the story about exiled faes? The most famous one is about a pretty fae that should have married another prince fae but well…she had cold feet and well…” he looks awkward now. “no one gets a happy ending”
And this story sounds familiar. ________________________________________________________________________________________
“Uhm, are you sure, handsome?” Ariel reacted to that request as any normal person would. “I´m not the best cooker and I think there´re many on Craiglist who would love to work for a fae with crimson eyes” her tone is teasing. Kurt is not commenting on this.
“Well, unless you´re a princess and you can´t do this chore” and he smiles. No, more like sneers and Ariel has mixed feelings about this. Either Kurt loves princesses or he hates them-the image of him being rejected by a princess plays in her mind- and she notices how he´s expecting a reaction from his words.
“Why this obsession with me being a princess? I told you before, no blue blood in my family” The Prydes lived well, but, no one would look at them and think they´re nobility.
“Every woman wants to be a princess” and adds. “the gods said so”
“Gods are dicks” is her intelligent response. For a moment, Ariel thought he would get angry-faes worship some deities here and there- and maybe Kurt will take offense to her words.
Instead, he smiles too pleased. “They´re. Can you cook?”
And in her mind, Ariel made a delicious meal worthy of a king, of course, in reality, the food is badly burned and too salty. Kurt can´t take a bite and neither does Ariel.
“Yeah…not a princess” he agrees and snaps his fingers as decent food appears at the table.
“You can…you can made food but still needs a maid to clean your house?”
“Why am I here then?”
“Your food is getting cold”
“Curse you and your delicious magic food”
How long is Ariel working for this strange exiled fae? hard to know, hard to care. Lately, Ariel is taking each detail of the cottage and from the owner as much she can. For example, the sour azzure man likes to be in his study room, doing gods know what, but often leaves at some time to the woods, and Ariel is left wondering what he does there.
In the study room, she has permission to clean-she blushes as the insinuation of his room and Ariel entering still plays in her mind- when she can notice two things: first and foremost, the room is immaculate. And second, there´s a painting a lovely woman with auburn hair and white streak.
Ariel comes closer and inspects the painting. The name Rogue is written bellow. She almost touches it. Almost. “That´s my sister” his voice draws in and Ariel is too used now. “I had a sister once…” and Ariel can nod in sympathize.
His eyes bore into Ariel. “Aren´t you thinking anything weird about me and my sister…”
“No, you big dummy, you look just like I do when I mentioned my granny…she passed away…she used to tell me stories” Ariel reveals this piece of information.
“Oh, is that….because I´m a fae…mortals seem to think I´ve no sense of family or love” and is the softest tone she ever listens to him responding. “family and faes are different from humans, so, of course, my family is different from the others faes…”
“Is just you and your mother now?”
“Yes, just me and my mother…she didn´t take Rogue´s demise so well…no one did” and he adds looking at her. “she was supposed to marry this prince but Rogue refused and the Gods” Ariel can see him gritting his teeth. Showcasing his fangs. “decide to punish her”
“Gods are jerks”
“Yes, they´re…and you´re not a princess”
“I´ll try not to cry on my pillow tonight. I promise” ________________________________________________________________________________________
Kurt found Ariel doing the laundry-Kurt did help as she berates him saying his hand wouldn´t fall if he did his share- when rubbing his neck Kurt makes a strange request. “Would you like to see my sister?” and Ariel never heard of a tombstone for faes, then again, it doesn´t matter.  "of course…should I bring something?“
Kurt shakes his head.
The walking didn´t take more than 5 minutes. And soon, Ariel is looking at the statue of Rogue-maybe that´s how faes pay respect-and Kurt is the one to break the silence in a weak tone. So different from the first day.
“That´s my sister. She´s blessed with beauty to marry a prince fae. The Gods thought it would be funny to make her fall in love with a mortal…and it would be hilarious to punish her…” and taking a deep breath he adds. “she´s not dead…she´s cursed. The statue is my sister”
Ariel looks at the statue and back to Kurt. “And that´s why I´m here? to break this curse?” inquires back Ariel not seeing how she, of all people, could do this. She has no magic and as she proves time and time again. Not a princess.
“The Gods have a strange sense of humor. Only the tears of a lady that refused any form of being a princess can save my sister. Your tears can restore her life…you more than once rejected the life of a princess” Kurt answers.
“My tears?” she gazes up to the statue and then re-direct her attention to Kurt. “ok, tell me something sad, Kurt, make me cry and I´ll try to save your sister”
Kurt blinks as his mouth opens freely. “I was married once…my wife was devoured as a part of a sick joke” Ariel holds his hand -is really soft like velvet- and he carries on. “my biological father abused my mother in some form…I never asked for details and she´ll never give it to me…I was in more wars than you can imagine…and I miss my sister. My family is smaller and strange, but, is my family and I missed them” and her tears fall right after this admission. Slowly but surely.
Rogue blinks her eyes. Rogue is no longer a statue. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Being turned into a stone and then being brought back to life is a feeling only Rogue can fully understand. Mystique is trying to console as much as she can- Kurt too. The two azzure aren´t very affable, but, are trying- and Rogue asked about the mortal she was forced to love. “he´s no longer alive…I promised” and Rogue takes his word.
He could trap Ariel, couldn´t he? She made no demands nor deals when she cries to save his sister. He could make her stay here forever. “Be careful when doing deals with faes…you´re free to go”
“I´m free…that´s great, and that´s great your sister is back…look” she then whispers as she is about to reveal a secret. “next time, if you really need a maid…use Craiglist and not try to blackmail anyone to help you” Ariel teases him but her eyes have some seriousness to it.
“I´ll try…” is the best he can promise to her.
“Good, and if you want to visit me or if you want me to visit you…no need to tricks…just shows up and say hi, ok?”
“That I can do it”
She´s not a princess by any means and yet, she´s far more interesting than one.
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tenderlypalecoffee · 5 years
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Vampire au
N/A: An sort of mix of Dracula and Hellsing here. Kurt D is too cool to not be both. Also, this is an AU so mutants are here walking and talking and still going on the same social norms as the humans, now, I´d not know all the details on the Victorians social cues...so, I´ll make things up, but, hey, those are fucked up times so...yeah.
@djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
Victorian England is a period that is inspiring many writers to write romance, even though, ironically, most of the romances about ladies seeking marriages comes from nobles men.
Romance is a mechanism and hardly is a matter of the heart. Kitty "Ariel" Pryde can testify how Victorian England can be devoid of colour and full of rules.
In fact, the only excitement is when a new neighbour moves to the two storey house in front of Kitty Pryde, the house is pretty old, always give a haunting impression and many jokes the ghost of the past live there waiting for the master to return. Of course, is just a silly legend.
But, someone living in this old house is enough to make many people gossip. Rumour has it and is a very reliable source, a count of Bavaria is coming to stay the season in England and many women are interested in this aspect.
Yet, Ariel(as many like to call her) likes to point out no one knows anything about this man or if he´s really going to live here, and she has to admit is really boring have to gossip about a possible non-existent person.
"Better stick with my books then, at least, I´d know there´s a character there" Ariel is on the balcony of her house, the young woman is blessed to be born in a good and open mind family(many wanted Kitty to marry when she hit 14 but her family manages to dodge this situation until she´s older enough)  a long-suffering sigh escape her lips "alas, I know, soon enough, I´ll have to marry, I wish something more exciting would happen, more exciting then a new neighbour"
Absently her eyes travel to the old house and watch a pair of scarlet eyes in the window. A man with azure fur and a grimace as visiting card caught her doe eyes and the woman suddenly forget her old book, who is now laying on the ground, the old house has really a master after all.
The scarlet eyes have no pupil or iris and Ariel didn´t feel time pass down, until, her mother put her hand on her shoulder telling is dinner time, and when Ariel looks back, the scarlet eyes are gone.
Jean Grey is the daughter of a wealthy family, in fact, is safe to say the Grey are so wealth to the point only the Royal family can rival, so, this makes Jean a very suitable wife to be and many, many men try to gain her affections.
Warren Warrington is the chosen one. A young bachelor who is following the decor of the engagement with all the letters, to the point, Jean and Waren, can´t see each other alone.
The Greys once hearing that the Count is in town and living so close of them, decide to throw a party in his honour, as the costume goes, of course, and Kitty Pryde has to admit, she´s too curious to see the Count.
("No one ever saw him, said he´s too ugly" "I heard he´s too handsome" "Too old, bet he has no hair in his head and wears one of those wigs" )
The man arrives, much later, when the full moon is shining in the sky without any cloud, wearing fine clothes, a smirk on his face and his eyes, still scarlet as she remembers. No pupil, no iris, and wearing a new type of glasses, one called googles, that give an orange mix with his scarlet eyes.
The man is terribly late, and the Greys show displeasure in this fact, even if he´s a noble, however, his snarl like a smile is enough to prevent the count to be scowled.
"Guten Nicht, Am I late for the party?" the count looks with a bit of mock to the surroundings. Women were separated in one corner and men in another and all are wearing far too many clothes.
Kitty, in her own little space, saw how the count´s mouth twitch upward in a mock fashion, but, maybe the others didn´t saw or care, and many mothers went to the Count to introduce him to their daughters, and, without any regards to proper education or social norms, the count just refutes saying he´s not feeling well.
"I´m a bit hungry" Kitty heard him speak with his Bavarian accent, the south Bavarian tone, and notices how the man´s teeth seem too sharp, but, her muses aren´t that important. "I´m afraid, I need to drink something, is there´s any good Bloody Mary?"
"Bloody Mary?" Kitty asked now gaining his attention and the fury of many mothers wanting to marry their daughters. Is a bit uncommon to drink Bloody Mary at this hour?  And, the guests already dinner, so, why the count is hungry? Didn´t he eat? "I´m afraid Lord Williams already drink all the Bloody Mary" Kitty speaks in a light tone and she is not lying here "but, I think there´s wine here..."
"Wine?" the count is pondering for a moment "yes, that would be gut" and then he introduces himself amused by everyone´s reaction, if the foreign man wants to be the eccentric one, Kitty can join in the harmless prank. The man kissed her hand and this didn´t go unnoticed.
"Ladies, we´ll be the scandalous thing to drink wine, fret not, I´ll return the good count Darkholme in one piece" Kitty promised to the old ladies and Kurt Darkholme is far too amused.
"You shouldn´t kiss woman´s hands like that" Kitty lightly chastised as they are drinking good wine. "be prepared for tomorrow thousands of old ladies suddenly visit your house to talk about their daughter, oh, what surprised they are single" Kitty jokes and knows very well she´s breaking a protocol here, yet, she´s not caring. Later, her mother and father may chastise more seriously(but, this has to be the only time something fun happens in the Grey´s parties)
"You, English folks, are very funny to me, I´m here to have a nice vacation and I think I've got a nice place" Kurt speaks smirking and showing his teeth, they are really sharp. Kitty shakes her head. "by the way, can you tell me more about the fine people in this party? You seem to be a very reasonable person"
"Thank you, Is a cross I have to carry." she jokes and gives a small sum up of who is who. "And look, I must warn you right away, Jean Grey is engaged to Lord Warrington and this is their celebration party" she explained in the best she could, but, she must have failed as Kurt starts laughing pretty hard, almost dropping his goblet.
Kitty, not wanting to be too defiant or gain attention, put her finger on his lips, this makes the laughter ceased, while, his scarlet eyes are amused. Kitty´s finger has no glove, nothing and is touching his cold lips.
"Oh, this is a party? Oh, I´ve much to learn" Kurt Darkholme states once Kitty takes her finger from his lips.
"Yes, you´d! And, why are you here? count Darkholme?" Kitty asked the man, still gazing at his scarlet eyes.
"I´m here to have fun, Katzchen, and please, don´t call me Count Darkholme, I´m not that old" there´s a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth again. "Can I ask a question?" the woman nods "are you here with somebody?"
"A husband?" Kitty asked again and shakes her head. Piotr is giving strong hints to want to be her husband and Kitty is giving strong replies of how she feels about that. A big NO. _______________________________________________________________
The men in the corner have enough of their private conversation and take Kurt Darkholme to their side to enjoy a nice chat as a man do. Cigars were distributed and talk about God were offered and Kurt gives a smile for all of them.
Bobby Drake or as he prefers to be called, Lord Williams(Is a name his father gave to him as he inherited the big house of the family), seems very upset the good wine is over and makes some comments about the person who steals it. "Count Darkholme, that woman has no right, I tell you, no right to take my wine" and the man is getting mad and madder. "I´ll teach that woman a lesson"
Count Darkholme only smiles. "Is life worth losing for wine?"
And Lord Williams, not minding the smiles of Count Darkholme nor the other men rolling their eyes at this childish act, replied. "Of course, is worth even die for good wine"
The party is over and people are going home, no one saw Count Darkholme´s carriage, yet, the man is no longer in the house. No one saw Lord Williams either, but, the man must be drinking with colleagues or with one of his girlfriends.
Next morning, one of the maids of the Grey household, spit Lord Williams dead in the wine cellar, attacked as an animal would and left to rotten in next to the finest wine. This news is a hot topic in the city. Along with Count Darkholme.
Rebellion comes in many forms, and, clearly Ariel most be the most rebel person in London as she often is reading even though, according to the social norms, is not respectable for a woman to read.
In fact, Kitty Pryde often is seen in the library with a good book in her hand and a hairpin in the other, you see, men think a woman should have the basic education, but, shouldn´t be here in the library. This is a place for men.
Kitty notices she´s going to be late, again, thanks to a good book. So, she is walking calmly with her pin in hand as men don´t always are that respectful to a woman who reads.
"Miss Pryde?" the male voice of the Count jolts the woman, but, she feels at ease, Kurt Darkholme never seems to mind how "rebel" Ariel is. "Strolling under the moonlight?" Darkholme asked showing his teeth and makes quips how the night is beautiful.
"Oh, no, not really, I was lost to time thanks to this book" she points the green cover book with a smile" and you?"
"The night is too beautiful to stay inside" and his smile seems far too feral to be humane, but, Kitty is fascinated by his scarlet eyes, it may be her silly impression, but, her eyes seem to get an even deeper shade of red. "But, I´d think I owe you an apology" Kitty is confused and Kurt continues, "you told me thousands of mothers would come to my house to make me meet their daughters...I didn´t believe in you. I´m sorry"
Kitty laughs amused. She remembers faintly, how a woman of her position isn´t allowed to laugh like that in front of a man, yet, Kitty is not caring at all.
"Don´t think too poorly of those mothers, Kurt" she speaks once she got her laughter over. And now, a sad smile creeps on her face "we, woman, live in a very cruel world, this is what we have been taught to do and is hard to think outside the proverbial box."
"Well, you seem to think outside the box, Katzchen" the man replied amused and offers to escort her home. The conversation about gender continues and Kitty notices how Kurt seems to enjoy making fun of the situation.
"In Bavaria is different?" she asked already seeing her house from the distance.
"You can say that," Kurt replied amused. Once, Kitty is greeted by her maid save and sound, Kurt adds swiftly "Save and sound, Katzchen, now, be careful next time, there are many strange things happening in this city and I don´t want nothing bad to happen to you" and with that the man politely retrieves himself.
The maid guides Kitty to the dining room, where Cameron Pryde, is talking in a hushed tone with his wife and now with his only daughter. "Normally, I would share this information with you, as is very delicate, but, I believe you two must know" and Cameron takes no time in giving the bad news "Fred Dukes is murder"
"Well, I hardly think anyone will miss him, the man was creepy and eat anything that he could take his hands on" Terry Pryde replied and Kitty knows stories of cannibalism involving Fred aka Blop.
"Yes, but...the curious part is that a shark eats the flesh of the already dead Fred, after an investigation, turns out someone drink the blood of the man and then feed to the shark, the one Dr Loius is studying, if the poor man wasn´t in another state people would suspect him"
"Well, I never like this Dr...bring a shark here? Is a silly notion" Terry replied again and Kitty mentions, once her mother stops ranting about how Dr Louis is a bad man, how many there are many stories of people with less blood than they should be.
"I´m afraid, Kitten, this is also real, the police has no idea on what to do, several women have been found drained of their own blood" and Cameron comment on the first case and Ariel somehow remembers the first day Kurt Darkholme arrives a woman lost her blood.
Jean Grey is now anaemic. Is news that many, many people are talking about with a genuine obsession. Her fiance is trying to find a cure, and no one seems to understand how a healthy woman is almost on the verge of death, well, they don´t seem to care for that aspect very much.
"A party?" Kurt Darkholme asked as once again they are walking together, more to gossip about, and more to talk about among them. A secret jokes among friends. "Oh, like that joyful party?" the snide is visible on his face and Kitty cracks a smile.
"No, think something extravagant, now add more 10x the extravagance, those are the engagement parties, the one you went to was a mere meeting, you see, the Grey´s parties are so amazing that even the royals show up and people even make their appointment with the seamstress to get something to upper hold the party" Kitty explained with a dull expression, even her dear mother is in this fever, having the seamstress stress out for a perfect dress to Kitty. Something pink is quickly charted away and is promptly refused by Kitty. She prefers blue over pink.
"Oh, another dull party then" Kurt´s own dull face mirrors Kitty and it makes his red scar even more visible. "And how is this Jean Grey?"
"Oh" Kitty rolls her eyes "she´s the perfect example of woman, in fact, she´s not scandalous as me, her fashion is on point and never would wear something so forbidden" she jokes earning a chuckle from Kurt Darkholme. "See, Jean Grey would never show her neck as I do. What a virtuous woman"
"In comparison, your neck is much more lovely than hers"
"Thank you, my good Count, at least, you have good taste"
Jean Grey´s health is restored thanks to the miracle of blood donation, however, Jean Grey is a bit different and has been seen with many men and woman in her chambers. Has been using different outfits, far too revealing and has acting strange.
Before Jean Grey would blush and smile at the mention of motherhood for her, now, she recoils in horror and there´s a witness that saw a woman too similar to Jean murdering a baby.
Warren is gathering a group to help to unravel what´s happening, and to everyone´s shock, he asked Kitty Pryde for help too. Jean and Kitty aren´t closet friends in the slightest, but, in Warren´s mind, Kitty´s is discreet and good with people, and maybe, Jean could have confided something with the brunette.
They meet Jean Grey, she was in a crypt of her family, drinking the blood of a child and being half naked, not an appealing image to anyone. Especially as her teeth are now fangs and her eyes are dark as her soul.
"A vampire?!" Warren speaks in fear and tries to fight the woman he once loved, but, Jean replied sweetly. "Warren, my sweet angel boy, I´ve never loved you. And now, I´m free" and Jean Grey drains his blood.
Guns were shot as Jean Grey and no success, however, the sun is setting and the first rays of the sun are enough to make Jean Grey hurls in pain and slowly turns into dust.
No party at the Greys ever again.
"At least, the vampire is dead," one of them said, but, Kitty knows the history is not over.
Kitty arrives in the old house, the residence of Kurt Darkholme, and is greeted by the man drinking sangria aka Bloody Mary. A smile plays on his face and Kitty is gazing at his scarlet eyes again, not as red as they were in the past.
"Jean Grey is a vampire" she speaks not minding the protocols and never will.
"I know" is his reply.
"Many people have been killed and had their blood drained"
"I know" again, is his only reply.
"And...are you a vampire too?"
"Yes," Kurt Darkholme does not deny.
"Are you going to hurt me?"
"No" he replied again.
"Why are you here?"
"Honestly? To have laughter at people, your social norms are a joke for me, but, meeting you makes the experience better, Katzchen, I want to ask something and only you can answer that" Kurt Darkholme then replied in a soft tone with a Bavarian accent far too strong to be ignored "do you want to come with me? I can´t force you"
"Didn´t you ask this for Jean as well?" there´s a hint of jealousy in her tone.
"No, Jean was an accident, I drink her blood, but, she didn´t drink mine, so, she was never a real vampire, in fact, the whole experience only wake what she repressed for so long. To turn someone into a vampire the first vampire needs to share the blood, is almost like a marriage, but, with blood"
Kitty closes her eyes and asked. "It will hurt?" and this is a question that answers almost everything.
The Prydes are surprised and happy when Kitty reveals to engage with Kurt Darkholme. Even if the engagement was too soon, it does not bother them, a year from now, Kitty Pryde will be Mrs Darkholme and the Prydes are so happy that their daughter will be a countess. No questions will be made.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Lovecraft au (a debt paid)
N/A: This is an idea spread thanks to a really shitty manga from the MangaToon and god...why make the Male lead an asshole? I don´t get it. This idea will be used on Lovecraft au as well.
Mary Albignac is the second daughter of the great Albignac. Her dirty blonde is often seeing in the twin braid style as her petite form is often noticeable as she wears a man´s outfit to play in the royal garden.
She has a sister Josephine or as Mary likes to call, Jose, who is her total opposite, having such bright curly red hair and unlike Mary´s tan skin, Jose´s is so pale as a porcelain doll and her boy is well fit. A real hourglass that makes many men crazy.
In fact, this whole mess Mary is into is because of Jose´s prettiness. Her grandfather Arthur Albignac is their father figure(their parents passed away during a rebellion) and Mary never meets such kinder man as Arthur, her dear grandfather.
"Your sister was supposed to marry Anthony Westbride...but as you know, Josephine has a total repulsion for this man...And she runaway, to be honest, Mary, I´ll not make much effort to bring her back, whatever she is...I know for a fact she´s safer" Her grandfather said and wink at Mary and the young woman knows that her sister´s escape gets help. Communication with her older sister was made in codes and Mary is in the fencing as her sister did leave without saying a word...but she´s safe from that man.
But, you see, Anthony Westbride is a man that is clearly obsessed over Josephine. Mary did recall an episode where the man brought thousands of flowers to her sister with the word marry me. Jose did get freak out and so did Mary.
And of course, Anthony Westbride didn´t accept the "story" that Josephine just run away. And won´t stop until Josephine is his and his alone. "We made a deal!" he said violently to Arthur never minding Mary who was in the room as well. "My family help your family in the time of need, you have a blood oath that I would get Josephine´s hand"
Mary steps back and she thought how this man is raving lunatic. Josephine...once, and only once, show to little Mary what she really thinks of this man and raving lunatic is kinder comparing what she said.
"Well, Josephine is out somewhere, either you null the blood oath or spends the rest of your life chasing after a woman that wants you so much that she vanishes from Earth"
"I WILL. I´ll have her. It does not matter if I have to go search for her to all the Earth and kill each people it comes my way, I´ll have Josephine!" yes, a raving lunatic and Mary remembers all the stories, all her favourite stories where the hero makes a noble sacrifice.
"The blood oath never states you have to marry my sister. I´m her sister and I...accept the wedding" Her grandfather is not happy with this decision.
"Who are you?" the man asked rudely and if it wasn´t by the bodyguards and assassins near Anthony...he would receive a nice black eye for starts.
_____________________________________ The wedding was awful in her opinion. Anthony keeps looking to see if Jose will show up. Nothing and Mary is happy. Well, as much the situation can allows.
"We´ll get a divorce as soon I found Jose" Anthony promised and without any ceremony drop Mary on the couch. "you´ll sleep here. Don´t bother me"
And thus begin the exciting live as Mrs Westbride. She thought sarcastically.
_______________________________________________________ "Mary, you really shouldn´t have done that" Arthur admolishes soflty in the communicator as they talk quickly once Anthony is out of the house, Josephine is there as well and she´s not happy by the situation.
"You...dumb little" she´s crying "he´s a monster. Did he hurt you? I´m looking about marriages on blood oath and within a year you can legally ask for a divorce. Mary, did he hurt you?"
She shakes her head but her sad eyes show a different story. "Silly Mary, the outfits you´re wearing ...is not your thing...did he force you to wear it"
She bites her lips. She wants to confess everything, but, she´s here to save her sister. She can be strong.
"I just wanted to try something new, and don´t worry, I´m fine, within a year we´ll see each other"
___________________________________________ Lately, Mary is feeling very sick. Dizzy and often forget what she did. And Mary was never a sick person, so, she starts a diary to understand what´s going on.
Once making tabs on the common element of all her dizziness and lack of memory is when she eats the soup that the maid often offers to Mary in such kind way.
"What´s in the soup?" Mary asked feeling so sick.
"Potatoes, carrots and oh, Mr Westbride´s secret ingredient"
And once the maid shows the ingredient in her total naivety. Mary got even paler.
"The master wanted you to feel better, is what he told me, so, he often put an extra dose of the special ingredient for you"
Mary cast a truth spell on the maid this entire time and well, she can be assured that this maid is not trying to kill her.
"Take me to the hospital NOW"
________________________________________ Turns out Mary was so sick because of the Tickle, a poison very dangerous, it looks like a every day herb, except for the smell and thankfully, Mary knows enough to know about this little detail.
Mary had to get a stomach to cleanse and it wasn´t a nice experience.
"Why?" she asked with a broken voice thanks to the surgery.
"So you won´t get ideas to sleep with me, no one but Josephine can carry the name of my family"
"Get out here. Get out. Nurse. Doctors. HELP" she´s hysterical and sadly for her, everyone sides with the husband saying the wife must feeling some side effect and ask to check if she´s alright. No one notices the husband leaving.
The search for Josephine goes on.
Now, Mary is in the caravan of the necromancer. A silent rule this caravan and Mary is not feeling very confident in this plan. She does not dare to speak first as necromancers are often dramatic and petty.
"Ah, a cute lady" a voice emerges from the shadow and greets Mary. And the woman now knows how the demon really looks like to be afraid of this blue man. "What I can do for you?"
"I want a confirmation, is it true Tickle...can lead to infertility?"
"You didn´t come here just to talk about homework, right?" Kurt asked but since he´s in such good mood he indulges for free "there´s 45% that this poison can indeed affect the chances of a person get pregnat...why?"
And now Kurt is surprised by a crying Mary, she dries her tears and tells her story, which to be fair, even the evil necromancer is appalled by what Anthony did.
"I...came here for a job to you, I want revenge and I have this" she take out a pearls necklace, very expensive and one of the last items she had from her mother "I want you to kill him. I´d not care about how...I just want this to end, for real, even when this torture ends he will go after my sister ...and we´ll never have a moment of peace" she offers the necklace and to her surprise, Kurt didn´t take the necklace.
"For this case, I´ll do for free, Miss" and since he´s Kurt the man even hint if Mary would like to sleep with him, but, Mary being too innocent or pretending to be didn't get the message.
Anthony is in his garden wondering where his Josephine may be when suddenly, the woman shows up. As beautiful as he remembers. "Josephine, my love, you came, marry me. Let make you my wife"
"Come closer" Josephine replies and Anthony did the same and Josephine stab him in the heart. In his last moments of life, Anthony sees his beloved Josephine shaping to a blue man with a cruel smile. "Bye Anthony, you´d have micro dick energy"
With the assassination of Anthony, the marriage was finally over. Mary can go home. Her grandfather is happy to see her and Josephine hugs her little sister.
While she loves to be home, she can´t help by thinking that...what she happened scarred her deeply. A man like Anthony can only be overcome because exist men like Kurt Wagner.
"I did a deal with the devil...Am I still innocent?"
Mary is no longer the same woman as before and at the same time, Mary has no idea what kind of woman she is.
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