#should’ve peiced that together soon man
koolaidashley · 1 year
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Casey bet Donnie 20 dollars and a smooch he couldn’t pick him up….ohh I bet he feels a fool now! (He’s loving every second of this)
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ohpuckthat · 4 years
Taken Your Picture... (Brock Boeser)
Requested by Anon... Sorry it took so long :/
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Got one of you and me, tequila on the beach, that one just stays on my dash
As he drove to the arena once again, the picture she had tacked down in the car caught his attention, bringing him back to that day. It was the off season and he had surprised her with a trip to Mexico, wanting to live on the beach for as long as possible. They were sat on the beach under a huge umbrella, drinks in hand. He had his phone out and was taking as many pictures of her as she would let him. Quite a few of them had her hand either covering her face or the camera but he did sneak a few. As the sun set and the drinks were downed, he slowly got up and held his hand out to her, pulling her up as she grabbed it. 
“Are we heading back up already?” She asked, a pout on her face. 
“Not yet. I just want a picture with you.” He said, his hands making their way onto her hips. 
“And how are you going to take it?” She asked, sass present in her voice. 
Just as he was about to answer, someone walked by. Brock held one finger towards her and slowly made his way over to the man, asking him if he could take a picture of the couple. Brock passed the man his phone and made his way back to her, throwing his arm around her waist again, both smiling at the lens. The man passed Brock his phone, Brock thanking him before making his way back to her to look through them. She took his phone out of his hands and looked closer to one picture. 
“I really like this one. We should print it when were back home.” She said, turning the phone towards him, her hand on his chest. 
“That’s something we can do.” 
A couple in my phone with not a lot on, that you thought I had to have
The boys were away again on a road trip and she was sat, cocooned in countless blankets on the couch, waiting for the game to start. She knew Brock was feeling a little tense, she could tell by the way he was playing but she also knew what would help him destress. She watched until the end of the game before making her way to their shared bedroom, grabbing one of her many lingerie peices. She made her way to their bed and taking a few pictures. 
Hey baby. Good game tonight. Let me know when you’re back at the hotel <3
He got the slightly cryptic text when they were on their way back, quickly answering.
We’re just heading out now. Are you okay? 
I’m great. Just let me know when you’re alone ;)
He laughed at the thought of his girlfriend’s antics and hoped that the journey back would be short. When he finally got into his hotel room, he locked himself in the bathroom and texted her back. She sent through the photos, knowing he would greatly appreciate them all. He spent a good amount of the night in that bathroom, hiding away from his team as he enjoyed the pictures she had sent. 
But the one I didn't get is the one I don't wanna forget
Summer was always her favourite time. She had Brock all to herself for a little while before he was swept up into the hockey world once again. The first summer they were together, they found an amazing house for rent with a beautiful wrap around porch and she fell in love with it the first time she saw it. They had rented it whenever they could, hoping one day to buy one just like it. Brock had made sure that all of his attention was on his girl whenever they were together. That last summer was like a dream, most mornings spent in bed, cuddled together. Most evenings were spent on the porch, drinks in hand while they swayed back and forth on the large porch swing. 
With just over a week left before they would have to return to reality, they found themselves on that porch swing, drinks in hand as she relaxed under his arm. She was wearing her favourite pair of jeans, and one of his sweaters, just having come back from a day full of adventure. As they swung, she played with the frayed thread, thinking about how lucky she was. Every time she thought about Brock, she thought about the future. She had never felt that way before. Most of her relationships ended within the first few months, never getting to the point of thinking about houses, or marriage, or kids. With Brock, she thought about it all. 
“What’s going on in there?” Brock asked, resting his head on hers.
“Just thinking.” She whispered back, moving her free hand from her jeans to his hand. 
“You... Us.” 
“Me?” He asked, chuckling slightly. 
“Well since you’re a part of us, yeah.” She felt him shift from under her, moving to face her, her smile taking over her face. “What’s going on in there?” 
“Just thinking.” He joked before pulling her back into him, never wanting to forget this moment. 
I should've taken your picture...
He knew he shoudn’t have gone there. He knew she was going to be there and he didn’t want to ruin her night. Their last conversation still echoing in his head. 
“I get that you have a job that takes up all of your time for half of the year, but I thought that we would have the summer to ourselves like we have in the past.” 
“Babe, I can’t just say no. The whole team is going.”
“They get your undivided attention for over half the year.” 
“I’m sorry. I have to go. We’ll still have our summer when I get back, promise.”
He should have known that when she didn’t answer, she wouldn’t be there when he got back. As soon as he walked back into the home they had started together, he knew. He knew she didn’t want to talk to him, let alone see him, but he needed to see her, at least one more time. Going through the photo album she had made, thinking about all the memories they had, he knew he wanted to make more with her. 
He weaved through the crowd, looking for her. It didn’t take long before he found her, surrounded by her friends as they crowded around her. He stood there for a moment, hoping to find the courage to actually approach her but everything went out the window when he met her eyes. She immediately tensed when she saw him, anger, hurt, and a tinge of happiness all flowed through her brain, not knowing exactly how to feel. She quickly glanced away, excusing herself from her friends before walking up to the man she had loved. They stood in silence for a while, neither knowing exactly what to say before she finally broke it. 
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Following on.
So, following on, we get back from holiday, and tell everyone our plans that we would like to get married quite soon, and so be it. Fast forward a couple of weeks, after the summer, and my friend needed to do a pregnancy test. I thought, why not, I’ll just do one two to make sure, not that I am. We took the test together, and too my realisation, there staring back at me, was a very faint positive pregnancy test. I showed my friend, and for some reason she didn’t believe that it was true. “ oh it’s probably just an evap line. You’re not pregnant don’t worry.” So, I felt very sceptical. Waited for my period.. 5 DAYS LATE! Definitely pregnant. I’m 19, turning 20! What am I going to do, was the only thought that was running through my mind, along with what will my mum say!! When I finally told my mum that I was late, she kind of just shrugged off the fact I’ve told her I’m a week late. Then when I broke down into tears, saying that I could be pregnant, she reassured me with “ what are you crying for, it’s not like you’re young, your Nearly 20, with a lovely fiancé, getting married soon and will be in your own house, why are you so upset”. To me, this was shocking. I still feel like a 15 year old. So that night we buy a pregnancy test and we do it the following morning. I asked my mum, who was in the bathroom what does it say, PREGNANT 1-2 weeks! She came out of the bathroom smiling, running into my sisters bedroom to let her in on the news. This reaction definitely wasn’t what I thought it would be. My dad on the other hand was very disappointed. My husband was on his way, to a very shitty month on exercise. So he received the news via a phone call. He was over the moon, but I just couldn’t be at this point. My life wasn’t together. I was in uni, trying to make something of myself. This changed so much.
Due to being pregnant, we decided to move our wedding forward. I thought to myself, this is a once in a life time thing, I’m going to have a good wedding, in a church, in a beautiful weddding dress, with all my family and friends. We planned our wedding, with the help of my mum, in about 6 weeks. 7/11/2015. That week, was the busiest week of our lives, but the best. So, I was 13 weeks pregnant at this point. A few days before my wedding was my scan. The most nerve wracking thing ever. More so than walking down the aisle. Sat in the waiting room, I couldn’t stop shivering. It’s so exciting but so daunting at the same time. You have no idea what’s going on in your belly, how your baby is etc. Thankfully, he was perfectly fine and healthy. Such an overwhelming experience. Obviously I cried. How was this little bean inside me. It’s amazing. Bean is the name our baby for the whole of pregnancy then. the next day or two, we got married. Me and my bridesmaids and my mum all had our hair done in the salon in the morning. The morning was actually so hectic ( men have it so easy🙄). We had a McDonald’s breakfast - highlight to the morning! Who doesn’t love a McDonald’s? So that was eaten during having my make up done. There was a crisis with my dress, mum was trying to get both parts of the dress to meet at the back, crushing my ribs in the process. Little did I know what she was doing. Other than telling me it doesn’t fit! In a panic, someone else took over, and then we realised it didn’t meet together at the back. It needed a gap. Once that was sorted, we all headed to the church. I kept matt waiting, of course!! He actually told me after, that when he was stood at the aisle, he didn’t think I was coming because the pianist made an action as if to say “ it’s cancelled”. I thought this was so sweet, but felt for him. The wedding was beautiful, however being pregnancy, I was exhausted and couldn’t wait to get out of my dress. The room looked beautiful, and it was so lovely to announce to all our family and friends together that we were expecting our first child. The day flew by! The evening was brilliant. However the camera man kept getting arsey. Matt was intoxicated prettt quickly, I was slightly envious! When we got back to the hotel, we opened all our presents and cards on the bed. Matt was supposed to run the jacuzzi, but being drunk didn’t put the plug in! It was a brilliant night, with all our loved ones. Seeing my mum and dad so proud, made me feel overjoyed.
Fast forward a day or two, and I had my driving test. Thank the Lord, I passed! ( second time) it was exactly the same test as my first somehow. So was a peice of cake. I’m lucky I did pass, because we moved into our house a week after this, which is in the middle of nowhere practically. I love our house. It’s so spacious. And it being our first place we’ve lived together I’ll always love it. The first few months in our house were amazing but also hard. It didn’t meet up to “ expectations” that you have, when you move in with someone else. The fairy tale. The couples you seeing living together in the movies. It didn’t match this. Also, being heavily pregnant, not doing anything with my days only sleeping, and eating my way to being the size of a house, was a bit boring. ( I now, realise that I should’ve made the most of this opportunity!!).. it was lovely though, seeing my husband everyday. However I found it difficult being away from all my family.
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