#should i get an attorney after a car accident
dafuq-lyrehc · 4 months
I haven’t spoken about it much here, but it is the main cause for my mental distress. Besides a car accident being a traumatic experience and me realizing that my intense desire for perfection is so incredibly deep rooted that the thought of me doing something wrong makes me want to vomit and cry, my state is also actively trying to fuck me.
I am a medical marijuana patient and my state has a 0 tolerance policy for marijuana when it comes to driving. So every single med patient in the state is basically a walking dui, bc if the police find out your a patient, they can do a blood test. But if you’re a regular user (like me), there will be marijuana in your blood even in you haven’t used it for an extended period of time. I consume almost everyday bc anxiety and the horrors.
So when I got into my car accident in January, I sustained a concussion and the police officer did a field sobriety test. I failed bc I had a concussion…. But the officer took my blood anyway and if the 3 letters I got in the mail from defense attorneys are any indication, the state will be trying to charge me with a dui even tho I WAS NOT HIGH. I don’t drive while high. The thought of it makes me so anxious that I haven’t even tried it. Completely sober, I’ll get paranoid that I’m intoxicated somehow and am swerving and such (when I’m not) and I’ll get so in my head and panicked. So I don’t drive high.
In addition to this, I got a letter from the state requesting I get some forms filled out by a health care provider to assess if I am unfit to drive bc of some kind of condition, including a substance abuse disorder. If I don’t turn in the forms by Feb 29, they’ll start the process of suspending my license, and if they’re not in by March 30, my license will be suspended.
Well, I finally got health insurance last year after not having it for years. The only doctor I’ve seen since getting health insurance is a dermatologist bc I’ve got a chronic skin thing that causes lots of pain and discomfort when it flairs. I saw a primary care doc for the first time after my car accident to follow up. And I can’t seem to find a doctor who is “comfortable” filling out these forms for me. I asked the state what I should and they told me to go to an urgent care if I can’t get one of my doctors to sign the paperwork. I went to an urgent care and they told me that they legally cannot fill out the forms. So my current plan is to just try and get an appointment with random doctors to see if they will do it.
I’ve been trying so hard not to let the looming depression consume me, but the depression got hands. It feels inevitable to lose my license, and I’m just so fucking tired. I feel like I’ve been in this survival mode for my whole life and I try so hard to do the “right things”, but it doesn’t seem to even matter.
Unfortunately, the self harm and suicidal ideation are back. ✌️ I’m trying so hard, and it feels like the effort has never gotten me anywhere. Like maybe the issue is I should just lay down and take it. Surrender and submit. I know it’s the depression talking, but like I said this depression got hands. Can’t drown my demons, they know how to swim. And I’m barely treading water
I also feel so guilty for feeling this way. The accident showed me that there are actually a lot of people in my life who care about me, and I don’t want them to be disappointed. I don’t want to waste their support and let them down. I just really don’t want to be here. Never have, maybe never will
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andydrysdalerogers · 2 years
Cautious/Brave ~ Andy Barber
Summary: After the events surrounding Jacob's murder trial and the car accident, Andy finds himself lost as he grieves next to Jacob's bedside. Coming to terms with everything he has lost, waiting for Jacob to wake up, he finds solace with the one person in charge of Jacob's care. A sweet nurse who cares not just for her patients, but their families as well...
Word Count: 1.9K
Song: Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCarthy (performed by Boyce Avenue)
Warnings: spoilers for the end of Defending Jacob; angst; fluff
Part One of Two
Main Masterlist
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Cautious Part one
Andy Barber walked into the hospital room, a defeated look on his face, a manila envelope in his hand. He stopped just inside the doorway, taking in the image of his son. Jacob was still comatose, hooked up to machines to help him breathe and keep his systems going. He sighed, shaking his head in sorrow. He missed Jacob's smile, his humor, his laugh.
Laurie couldn't deal with what she had done. She left after spending a couple of weeks in the hospital. The divorce papers were delivered this morning. Andy couldn't bring himself to open them yet. He moved over to the side of Jacob's bed and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. "Hi buddy." He sat in his usual chair, talking to his only child, willing him to wake up.
You were Jacob's nurse. You came in every day, checking his vitals, changing the IV bags, making sure that he was comfortable. You walked into Jacob's room, distracted by a page you were getting that you missed his dad sitting with him. "Oh, Mr. Barber, I'm sorry. I'll come back."
"No, YN, its ok. I'm early. Please do what you need to do. How is he doing today?"
You checked Jacob's vitals. "He's holding steady." You looked into Andy's sad blue eyes. "I'm sorry I don't have better news."
"It's ok, YN. Thank you for taking care of him."
"It's my pleasure. I try to visit when I have time. I've been reading him this." You hold up your book.
"The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Interesting."
"My niece recommended it. She knew Jacob from school." You chew your bottom lip, nervous about your admission.
"Oh." He looked down. "Tell her thank you."
"I will." You got another page. "I'll be back. See you later Mr. Barber."
"Andy. Call me Andy."
"Ok. Andy." You smiled at him and he smiled back, the first time you had ever seen him smile. It beautiful. You walk out of the room still smiling.
You are making your rounds on your patients. You hum along with a song in your head and head into Jacob's room. You look to see if Andy is there but he isn't. Slightly disappointed, you check on Jacob, changing out his IV and making sure that he is stable.  You had become friends with Andy, talking every day, getting to know one another. You got to know the real Andy not the one the media likes to portray.
"I brought you a coffee," a voice behind you says, startling you. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
"Its ok Andy. I was just focused on this IV bag connection. Thank you," you took the coffee from his hand. "How was the case today?"
"Pretty easy. Cops mishandled the evidence and my client walked. Joanna was right, I am kinda good at this." Andy smiled. He had taken a job with Joanna Klein's firm instead of going back to the district attorney's office. He helped those he could, hoping for redemption to bring back his son.
"That's great Andy. I'm proud of you." And you are, really. Andy was a good man dealt a horrible hand.
"How was today?" He asked as he sat next to Jacob.
"The physical therapist was here, moving him around so he doesn't get stiff. I think the doctor wanted to talk to you about some of the test results. He should be here in a few minutes." You update the chart.
"Thanks, YN. Reading anything new?"
"We moved on to Harry Potter. I wanted a comfort read."
"Good choice. You can't go wrong with Harry Potter." He sipped his coffee with a smile. "Do you think he can hear us?"
"I like to think so. I like to keep that positive thought." You smile at Jacob. "He looks like a good kid."
"He is the best. He was always positive. Even during everything." You could see a tear forming in Andy's eye. You grabbed a tissue box and handed it to him. "Thanks."
"You know, it's not just the patients we care for on this floor. We care for the family as well. If you need to talk, just let me know." You patted his hand. He grabbed it and brought it to his lips, kissing your knuckles gently. "You are the sweetest. Thank you."
You blushed and had just moved away when the doctors came in. "Hi Andy. We got some updates."
"I'll just step out," you say, walking quickly out but glancing back at Andy, who smiled.
You make it back to the nurse's station and your friend Renee notices your flushed cheeks. "You ok YN?"
"Yeah, just had moment is all." You grabbed the next chart you needed to work on.
"Nothing to do with the handsome worried father in there would it?" Renee said with a twinkle in her eye. You didn't answer, your blush answered for you.
"I got another patient," and you walked away.
"You've never been outside of Massachusetts?"
"I've never had a chance. Went from school to school to become the nurse you see today." You smile at Andy. "I've been a busy girl."
"I see that. But if you could, where would you go?"
"First thought, New York. I really want to see a musical or something. Then London."
"Ah, a romantic. I like it," he says with a chuckle.
"A hidden one but yes. My minor in school was English lit. I love to read, obviously but I always wanted to visit the places my heroes were. But the call to help was greater." You leaned against the door frame, enjoying your time with Andy.
"That's sweet." Andy swallowed, unsure if he could say what he wanted to ask. "YN, you never talk about your home life."
"Oh." The statement took you by surprise. "Well, I live alone with my dog, Punkie."
"Punkie? Like the TV Show?"
You blush, "yeah. It was one of my favorites."
Andy throws his head back laughing, his hand on his chest. You huff slightly, annoyed at his laughter. He sees your face and calms down. "Sorry, sweetheart. Its just, you look a little young to have seen Punkie Brewster."
"I watched the re-runs." You finished updating the chart and started to walk out, your feelings hurt. You felt a hand on your arm.
"I'm sorry YN. I didn't mean to insult you or anything." Andy's eyes pleaded with you not to be mad.
"Its ok Andy. I should go." You left the room. You walked pass the station, needing a moment to yourself. You didn't know why Andy's comment hurt you. Yes, you were younger than he was but that didn't mean you were immature. You wiped your face and took a couple of breaths before walking back to the nurse's station.
Renee never missed a beat. "You alright YN?"
"I'm fine Renee. Reality just hit me hard right now."
"Want to talk about it?"
"Just realizing that maybe having a crush is a bad idea." You look at the next chart. "Especially since it's against hospital policy."
"Oh, honey. Andy, right?"
"God Renee I'm so stupid. He sees me as the young kid nurse. And I just realized that I like to spend time with him, but he doesn't see me as anything more." You sigh. "I'm just setting myself up for heartbreak."
"You never know, sweetie." Renee sympathized. "Sometimes you can't help it when you spend so much time with someone."
"Thanks Renee." You walked away to your next patient. You hadn't seen Andy standing close by, having heard everything you said.
He went back into Jacob's room and sat down. Did he think of you as just the nurse? Maybe at the beginning when he had to deal with the divorce. He hadn't told anyone that Laurie relinquished her parental rights and left everything to Andy. It was a comfort to have you talk to him about anything other than real life. He liked getting to know you. He loved that you cared about Jacob so much. He hadn't meant anything by his comment. Now, he didn't know if everything was going to change.
You walked into Jacob's room and found Andy asleep in the chair. He had been throwing himself into work since you started to pull away. You didn't want to have your heart broken over a stupid crush. But the sight of him, legs propped up on the edge of Jacob's bed, arms crossed as he slept tugged at your heart. You grabbed a blanket and carefully covered him, protecting him from the cold air that the air conditioning pushed.
You went to check on Jacob. While you worked, you whispered to Jacob, "I wish I knew you. You seem sweet. But you keep fighting. I'll be here every step of the way."
Andy woke up as you were talking to Jacob. Even if things were off between the two of you, you still cared for his son. He watched as you brushed the hair from Jacob's face, almost motherly. You kissed Jacob's forehead and headed out quietly.
Andy realized that he started to fall for the sweet nurse who loved his son.
You arrived at the nurse's station for your shift. It was early in the morning, and you yawned as you gathered your charts.
"This is for you."
You turned to see Andy with a cup of coffee.
"Thanks Andy. You didn't have to."
"Yes, I did. Do you think you have a moment to talk?"
"Sure, of course." You headed into Jacob's room for some privacy. "What's up?"
"I don't like what happened to us. We were getting close and then you pulled away. I know I upset you when I laughed but I don't understand why you pulled away."
"Andy, I..."
"Look, I know that its probably against some ethical thing but can I take you to lunch?" His eyes were hopeful.
"Andy, if I could, I would. But why? I'm just your son's nurse."
"YN, you are so much more than that. You care about Jacob. I know you talk to him, not just read. I saw you that day, caring for him. You put the blanket on me."
"I care for my patients and their families." You look down, not wanting to admit the feelings that were still there and growing for Andy.
"YN, sweetheart." He put his finger on your chin and gently lifted you head. "You're not alone. I feel something for you too."
"I can't Andy. I could lose my job." A single tear fell. "I'm sorry." You started to turn away.
"Please don't go. YN, please."
"What am I supposed to do Andy?"
"Just tell me I'm not alone in this. Please?"
You looked into his blue eyes. You could see the hope in them, the longing for the answer he knew was there. "You're not alone," you whispered. You pulled yourself away from him and went back to the nurse's station. You tried to calm yourself but nothing worked. Renee saw your face and pulled you aside.
"Honey? What happened?"
"He likes me too. But I can't. The hospital would fire me."
"Oh, sweetie." She wrapped her arms around you and let you cry. You felt your heart break into a million pieces.
Brave - Part 2
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offender42085 · 2 years
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Post 0464
“I did not mean to kill him with by bow and arrow. It was an accident” -- Defendant
Garrett Adams, California inmate BE2572, born 1990, incarceration intake in 2017 at age 26, sentenced 26 years to life, scheduled for parole consideration 03/2033
A 26-year-old Lancaster man was sentenced in August 2017 to 26 years to life in state prison for using a hunting bow and arrow to kill a man in 2014.
Garrett Taylor Adams was convicted of first-degree murder for the Aug. 23, 2014, killing of 27-year-old Charles Briggs of Lancaster.
Adams was arguing with his then-girlfriend at a home when his brother and Briggs arrived, and Briggs tried to intervene, authorities said shortly after the killing.
Adams went back inside his house, retrieved a compound bow and razor-tipped broadhead hunting arrow and struck Briggs in the chest, according to the prosecution’s sentencing memorandum.
“Briggs can be heard screaming on a recorded video of the incident that was captured by a party-goer at a neighbor’s house. Defendant is heard on the video to utter the words, `That’s what you get, homey’ and `I should shoot with you with my gun, homey,’ and can be seen moving in the opposite direction from the victim,” according to the sentencing memorandum.
The unarmed victim walked southbound on the Street, collapsed some distance away and died at a hospital about six hours later, according to the prosecution.
“Defendant was outside his own home, some distance away, staring down an unarmed man while armed with a deadly weapon and under no immediate threat from the victim,” according to the prosecution’s sentencing memorandum.
Adams’ attorney, countered, “It was an accident.”  The attorney contended that Adams armed himself in self-defense and “accidentally released the arrow.”
Meister said he objected to the prosecution’s request to instruct jurors on the theory of felony murder under which his client was convicted, with jurors rejecting the prosecution’s other theory — premeditated murder.
“He (the judge) should not have allowed the jury to consider the felony murder-mayhem theory. That’s going to be the basis for Mr. Adams’ appeal,” the defense attorney said.
Adams — who surrendered to the first patrol car to arrive at the scene — was acquitted of charges stemming from the alleged early morning run-in with his then-girlfriend.
Editors note:  You have appreciate by some measure that the jail uniform from the photos sports the official colors of the State of California, Blue and Gold.
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toxoplasmewsis · 1 year
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The decades-old US law barring domestic abusers from possessing firearms contradicts the nation’s “historical tradition” of access to guns even for pe ople who may not be “model citizens,” an appeals court said in a ruling that prompted a Justice Department rebuke.
The statute is unconstitutional because it gives too much power to Congress to determine who qualifies as “law-abiding, responsible citizens” when it comes to gun ownership, the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals said Thursday. A unanimous three-judge panel wondered: who’s next?
“Could speeders be stripped of their right to keep and bear arms? Political nonconformists? People who do not recycle or drive an electric vehicle?” the New Orleans-based court asked in the decision.
The ruling vacated the conviction of a Texas man, Zackey Rahimi, who pleaded guilty to violating the law by keeping a pistol at home despite being subject to a civil domestic-violence restraining order for assaulting his former girlfriend. It’s the latest fallout from a US Supreme Court ruling in June that paved the way for courts to reconsider a wide variety of gun restrictions.
“Rahimi, while hardly a model citizen, is nonetheless part of the political community entitled to the Second Amendment’s guarantees, all other things equal,” said the appellate panel, comprised of two judges appointed by former President Donald Trump and one by Ronald Reagan.
Rahimi’s home was searched after he was involved in five shootings in a two-month span, including firing at a law enforcement vehicle in December 2020, firing at a driver after getting in a car accident and shooting multiple rounds in the air in January 2021 “after his friend’s credit card was declined at a Whataburger restaurant,” the appeals court said.
US Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement that Congress passed the law 30 years ago after determining “that a person who is subject to a court order that restrains him or her from threatening an intimate partner or child cannot lawfully possess a firearm.”
“Whether analyzed through the lens of Supreme Court precedent, or of the text, history, and tradition of the Second Amendment, that statute is constitutional,” Garland said. “Accordingly, the department will seek further review of the Fifth Circuit’s contrary decision.”
Rahimi’s lawyer, James Matthew Wright, didn’t immediately respond to a message seeking comment.
California Attorney General Rob Bonta called the decision “dangerous,” noting that firearms are used to commit more than half of all “intimate partner homicides” in the US. He said restraining orders in his state still bar possession of guns and urged residents “to utilize these life-saving tools.”
Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, said in a statement that the 5th Circuit decision should be overturned.
“This extreme and dangerous ruling is a death sentence for women and families as domestic violence is far too often a precursor to gun violence,” Shannon said. “When someone is able to secure a restraining order, we must do everything possible to keep them and their families safe — not empower the abuser with easy access to firearms.”
Everytown for Gun Safety, which advocates gun-safety measures, is backed by Michael Bloomberg, founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP.
The case is USA v. Rahimi, 21-11001, US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (New Orleans).
Link to article
It was not very popular the last time I said this and I know adding more guns to the equation isn’t gonna solve the problem, but i really really think it’s time women learn self defense, including gun training and possibly owning one.
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elitedigitalph14 · 2 years
Personal Injury Claim: Hit-and-Run Compensation
What does a hit-and-run accident injury entail? The law requires that you stop your automobile after a collision to see if everyone is okay. Information sharing with other drivers is the goal. It's time to talk about insurance and make repairs. A "hit and run" is said to occur when this protocol is not followed.
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What should you do after being involved in a hit-and-run accident? 1. Keep records of the hit-and-run incident.
When a hit-and-run motorist strikes you, you should move quickly. Document the hit-and-run vehicle's license plate. Due to how quickly an accident occurs, you might not always be able to photograph the automobile. Instead, document the accident site with pictures. Document the damage to your car, and document your wounds.
2. Find a witness and/or contact the police
Any witnesses who are willing to testify should be noted. Make certain you have their contact details. If the police are not already on the scene of the collision, you should submit a police report and save a copy of it. If the eye witness is willing to file a report, take them with you to the police station. Keep receipts for any expense related to the incident, in addition. Both medical and repair expenses are covered by these. Motor vehicle accident compensation
Your successful compensation claim against the nominal defendant may consist of:
hospital, medical, and rehabilitation costs;
compensation for any economic losses you may have had
if the damage has caused a permanent impairment, payment of any lump sum amount;
payment of a one-time sum in compensation for your suffering; and
payment of the legal fees associated with the compensation claim.
What evidence is needed for a hit-and-run?
income documentation, such as tax returns;
receipts for all medical costs incurred as a result of the hit-and-run accident;
receipts for any travel and other costs connected with seeking treatment;
documents attesting to your inability to work. Examples are sick leave applications and medical certifications;
a letter from your employer, for example, would serve as evidence of your income loss;
Records from your accountant showing that you've missed opportunities to work in case
Who are eligible to claim for a hit-and-run?
Everyone else hurt, excluding the negligent driver of the vehicle
Dependents of a person who had severe injuries in a car accident for which they have no responsibility.
What is covered by hit-and-run accident compensation?
Loss of earnings in the past or future
Psychological and physical harm
Cost of care and rehabilitation
Your reliance (like your spouse or children)
Why should I employ a personal injury lawyer?
Your accident injury lawyer will file a claim on your behalf if the motorist has been named. The insurance company may assert that the motorist is blameless. Things may get complicated. You'll need proof from the lawyer that the driver hit you and hurt you. The driver may be held accountable for your losses and charged with a crime.
If you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident, a personal injury attorney will also give you advice and support. In choosing the optimal course of action, this is. To obtain any possible damages, a personal injury attorney files a civil action.
To learn more, visit these links! Personal Injury Law Public Liability Injury Claims Workers Compensation Claims Personal Injury Claims
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elmerjimmy · 2 years
Scandal Escalates! Nancy Pelosi's Husband Tested Positive for Drugs. Netizens Rage: Put him Back in Jail
The drink-driving scandal has escalated again. Paul Pelosi, the husband of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was arrested in May for driving under the influence of alcohol and will appear in court on Wednesday, according to newly disclosed court documents from a Fox News report for August 2.
Paul allegedly had drugs in his system and slurred his speech when questioned by police. According to the report, Paul's Porsche was involved in an accident on the night of May 28 and suffered "serious collision damage" to the vehicle.
Alcohol and Drugs
According to the report, Paul's Porsche was involved in an accident on the night of May 28 and suffered "serious collision damage" to the vehicle. When police asked him for identification, Paul showed them his driver's license and an 11-99 Foundation card, according to court documents. Fox News reported that the foundation is the charitable arm of the California Highway Patrol and provides support to police officers and scholarships for their children.
Paul showed "signs of impairment" during sobriety tests at the scene, and police observed symptoms related to alcohol poisoning, such as "redness and edema" in his eyes, the documents said. At the time, Paul was "unsteady on his feet, slurred his speech and smelled strongly of alcohol when he breathed." One of the charges in the court document reads that Paul allegedly injured others "under the combined influence of alcoholic beverages and drugs," the report added.
Fox News said Paul and the other driver, John Doe, both refused medical attention at the scene. But Mr. Doe told prosecutors on June 2 that he began experiencing pain in his right upper arm, shoulder, head, and neck the day after the accident, adding that he had difficulty lifting with his right arm.
“Put him Back in Jail”
According to US media reports, Paul was driving a Porsche when it collided with a jeep at an intersection near Yountville, a small city in Napa County, at 22:17 on May 28. Paul took a blood alcohol test, and the result was 0.082 percent or 82 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood. Under California law, a blood alcohol level above 0.08 per 100 milliliters is considered drunk driving. US Patrol officers arrested Paul, who was released on $5,000 bail the next day. Ms. Pelosi's office said on May 29 that she was elsewhere when her husband was arrested and would not comment on the matter.
Based on the victim's injuries, the Napa County District attorney said it decided to charge Paul with two misdemeanor counts of "driving under the influence of alcohol causing injury" and "driving with a blood alcohol level above 0.08 percent causing injury." On August 1, the Napa County prosecutor said Paul would be prosecuted on suspicion of drunk driving on August 3 local time. If convicted of drink-driving, a criminal offense in the US, Paul could face a minimum of five days in jail and up to five years probation. He will also need to complete a traffic safety course and have his car fitted with a breathalyzer ignition lock device, meaning he must take a breath test before starting the vehicle. According to Fox News, many netizens called Paul an "insider trading enthusiast," with one quipping, "How do I get that magic card?" Another said, "No one should be above the law, and he should be prosecuted."  "Take him back to prison!"
Behind “the Most Dangerous Woman”
Some say that Pelosi's recent trip to Asia may be a way to divert public attention from her family scandal. The New York Post reported last month that Paul bought a significant stake in semiconductor giant Nvidia ahead of a vote on a chip bill that would give the industry a $52 billion subsidy. Public opinion has questioned whether Paul got inside information from his wife. It is not the first time the Pelosi couple has made fortunes through their jobs. They have been derided as the "gods of Capitol Hill," and former President Donald Trump criticized Paul for his frequent stock trading.
Other members of Ms. Pelosi's family have also been dogged by scandal. According to Time magazine, Pelosi was born when her father, Thomas D 'Alessandro Jr., was already a Congressman. When she was seven, he became mayor of Baltimore. When she was seven, he became mayor of Baltimore. Mr. D 'Alessandro had ambitions to become governor but was thwarted by a corruption scandal over car park construction.
Author Rochelle Schweitzer called Pelosi "the most dangerous woman in America " in her 2010 book She's the Boss: The Disturbing Truth About Nancy Pelosi, Business Insider reported. From her father, whose political machine was tainted by scandal, Ms. Pelosi learned patronage, ruthlessness, and the party leader's creed: admit nothing, never apologize and attack when challenged, according to the book's blurb. She claims to be acting in the interests of the American people but has enriched her family's portfolio through legislation and personal financial transactions. Pelosi is a real political boss. Don't be fooled by her image. Pelosi cares all about her business.
The Pelosi couple has five children, and her only son, Paul Pelosi Jr., also seems to be continuing the family tradition. Earlier this year, Paul was investigated for the sixth time for alleged corruption, the Daily Mail reported. In the latest scandal, the New York Post said that several years ago, the company he worked for as a senior vice president allegedly sold consumer data to fraudsters who then used it to defraud the sick and gullible elderly.
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faybilly · 2 years
Scandal Escalates! Nancy Pelosi's Husband Tested Positive for Drugs. Netizens Rage: Put him Back in Jail
The drink-driving scandal has escalated again. Paul Pelosi, the husband of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was arrested in May for driving under the influence of alcohol and will appear in court on Wednesday, according to newly disclosed court documents from a Fox News report for August 2.
Paul allegedly had drugs in his system and slurred his speech when questioned by police. According to the report, Paul's Porsche was involved in an accident on the night of May 28 and suffered "serious collision damage" to the vehicle.
Alcohol and Drugs
According to the report, Paul's Porsche was involved in an accident on the night of May 28 and suffered "serious collision damage" to the vehicle. When police asked him for identification, Paul showed them his driver's license and an 11-99 Foundation card, according to court documents. Fox News reported that the foundation is the charitable arm of the California Highway Patrol and provides support to police officers and scholarships for their children.
Paul showed "signs of impairment" during sobriety tests at the scene, and police observed symptoms related to alcohol poisoning, such as "redness and edema" in his eyes, the documents said. At the time, Paul was "unsteady on his feet, slurred his speech and smelled strongly of alcohol when he breathed." One of the charges in the court document reads that Paul allegedly injured others "under the combined influence of alcoholic beverages and drugs," the report added.
Fox News said Paul and the other driver, John Doe, both refused medical attention at the scene. But Mr. Doe told prosecutors on June 2 that he began experiencing pain in his right upper arm, shoulder, head, and neck the day after the accident, adding that he had difficulty lifting with his right arm.
“Put him Back in Jail”
According to US media reports, Paul was driving a Porsche when it collided with a jeep at an intersection near Yountville, a small city in Napa County, at 22:17 on May 28. Paul took a blood alcohol test, and the result was 0.082 percent or 82 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood. Under California law, a blood alcohol level above 0.08 per 100 milliliters is considered drunk driving. US Patrol officers arrested Paul, who was released on $5,000 bail the next day. Ms. Pelosi's office said on May 29 that she was elsewhere when her husband was arrested and would not comment on the matter.
Based on the victim's injuries, the Napa County District attorney said it decided to charge Paul with two misdemeanor counts of "driving under the influence of alcohol causing injury" and "driving with a blood alcohol level above 0.08 percent causing injury." On August 1, the Napa County prosecutor said Paul would be prosecuted on suspicion of drunk driving on August 3 local time. If convicted of drink-driving, a criminal offense in the US, Paul could face a minimum of five days in jail and up to five years probation. He will also need to complete a traffic safety course and have his car fitted with a breathalyzer ignition lock device, meaning he must take a breath test before starting the vehicle. According to Fox News, many netizens called Paul an "insider trading enthusiast," with one quipping, "How do I get that magic card?" Another said, "No one should be above the law, and he should be prosecuted."  "Take him back to prison!"
Behind “the Most Dangerous Woman”
Some say that Pelosi's recent trip to Asia may be a way to divert public attention from her family scandal. The New York Post reported last month that Paul bought a significant stake in semiconductor giant Nvidia ahead of a vote on a chip bill that would give the industry a $52 billion subsidy. Public opinion has questioned whether Paul got inside information from his wife. It is not the first time the Pelosi couple has made fortunes through their jobs. They have been derided as the "gods of Capitol Hill," and former President Donald Trump criticized Paul for his frequent stock trading.
Other members of Ms. Pelosi's family have also been dogged by scandal. According to Time magazine, Pelosi was born when her father, Thomas D 'Alessandro Jr., was already a Congressman. When she was seven, he became mayor of Baltimore. When she was seven, he became mayor of Baltimore. Mr. D 'Alessandro had ambitions to become governor but was thwarted by a corruption scandal over car park construction.
Author Rochelle Schweitzer called Pelosi "the most dangerous woman in America " in her 2010 book She's the Boss: The Disturbing Truth About Nancy Pelosi, Business Insider reported. From her father, whose political machine was tainted by scandal, Ms. Pelosi learned patronage, ruthlessness, and the party leader's creed: admit nothing, never apologize and attack when challenged, according to the book's blurb. She claims to be acting in the interests of the American people but has enriched her family's portfolio through legislation and personal financial transactions. Pelosi is a real political boss. Don't be fooled by her image. Pelosi cares all about her business.
The Pelosi couple has five children, and her only son, Paul Pelosi Jr., also seems to be continuing the family tradition. Earlier this year, Paul was investigated for the sixth time for alleged corruption, the Daily Mail reported. In the latest scandal, the New York Post said that several years ago, the company he worked for as a senior vice president allegedly sold consumer data to fraudsters who then used it to defraud the sick and gullible elderly.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
During the opening statements in the trial of a West Springfield commercial truck driver accused of killing seven bikers, while under the influence of cocaine, fentanyl and heroin, in a 2019 New Hampshire crash, witnesses described the scene of the horrific crash as akin to a “battlefield.”
Volodymyr Zhukovskyy, 26, of West Springfield, has been indicted on seven counts of manslaughter, seven counts of negligent homicide while driving under the influence, seven counts of negligent homicide, one count of aggravated driving while intoxicated and one count of reckless conduct. Zhukovskyy pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Witnesses of the June 21, 2019 crash on Route 2 in Randolph, New Hampshire, were called to the stand during opening statements in a New Hampshire Superior Court on Tuesday to describe the graphic and unsettling scene of the crash.
Anne Baron, a nurse who was in a car behind the truck and got out to see if she could help anyone after the crash, said the scene was reminiscent of the movie “Saving Private Ryan.”
“Limbs scattered around, never seen that before, even as a nurse,” eyewitness Anne Baron said on the stand Tuesday, according to the Associated Press, “People dying. It was just a lot.”
Baron said she stayed with a badly injured man and tried to perform CPR when he stopped breathing but was unable to revive him.
Another witness, Miranda Thompson said they “saw dead bodies and debris everywhere,” WMUR reported.
Eyewitness Stephen Piwowarsk described the aftermath of the crash as a “battlefield.”
“I don’t have any war experience, but it was like a war zone,” Piwowarsk said, according to WesternMassNews.
Authorities accuse Zhukovskyy of being under the influence of a controlled drug or drugs at the time of the 2019 crash, following a report that found fentanyl, morphine and a chemical found in cocaine in his system.
During Tuesday’s opening statements, Prosecutor John McCormick said Zhukovskyy knew how dangerous heroin was because on May 5, 2021, the West Springfield man overdosed on the drug while on a fishing trip with his family and was later revived by police, who administered an overdose reversal drug, according to the Associated Press.
Zhukovskyy told police that he had used both heroin and cocaine the morning before the crash, but that he was “fine and OK to drive” later that evening, authorities said.
The man also told investigators he reached down to get something in his truck before he struck the oncoming motorcycle riders, according to court documents.
“This wasn’t just an accident,” McCormick said. “This was criminal recklessness and criminal negligence.”
Zhukovskyy also had an OUI arrest out of Connecticut at the time of the crash. The arrest should have triggered a suspension of his license, but the out-of-state violation was never processed by MassDOT.
Steve Mirkin, Zhukovskyy’s lawyer, said his client had taken the drugs on June 21, 2019. However, the lawyer added, there was no evidence that he was impaired at the time of the crash and the police did not make any observations in the hours afterward suggesting that he was impaired, according to AP reporters.
Mirkin said the president of the Jarheads Motorcycle Club, Albert “Woody” Mazza, who led the pack of riders, lost control of his motorcycle and collided with Zhukovskyy’s truck first, causing the crash.
The defense attorney claims that Mazza had been drinking and his blood-alcohol level was close to twice the legal limit of .08 in New Hampshire. Federal investigators found that some of the bikers and passengers were impaired by alcohol, but claim it wasn’t the reason for the crash.
“Drunk drivers kill,” Mirkin said. “Al Mazza was drunk. Vlad Zhukovskyy is not guilty of any of these charges.”
Tuesday’s opening statements proceeded with the jurors visit to the crash scene Monday. They traced Zhukovskyy’s route from an auto dealership in Gorham along U.S. Route 2 to the crash site in Randolph, about 10 miles away.
Seven members of the Jarheads Motorcycle Club were killed during the June 2019 New Hampshire crash.
The motorcyclists were traveling east when they collided with Zhukovskyy’s truck traveling westbound, which was towing an empty flatbed trailer.
Those killed include Michael Ferazzi, 62, of Contoocook, New Hampshire; Albert Mazza Jr., 59, of Lee, New Hampshire; Desma Oakes, 42, of Concord, New Hampshire; Aaron Perry, 45, of Farmington, New Hampshire; Daniel Pereira, 58, of Riverside, Rhode Island; and Jo-Ann and Edward Corr, both 58, of Lakeville, Massachusetts.
In addition to the seven deaths, several other bikers were injured in the crash.
The National Transportation Safety Board approved a report in December 2020 that stated Zhukovskyy’s drug use was the “probable cause” for him crossing the center line on the highway and sparking the fiery crash.
Prosecutors said Zhukovskyy should never have been on the road in the first place. His commercial driving license should have been revoked in Massachusetts because of a drunken driving arrest in Connecticut about two months earlier, they said.
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partscargo · 2 days
What Should I Do After a Rear-End Collision? A Step-by-Step Guide
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Getting rear-ended can be a shocking and stressful experience. Even a relatively minor collision can cause injuries and vehicle damage that lead to expensive car repairs, medical bills, and other costs. 
Knowing exactly what to do after a rear-end accident can help protect your rights and facilitate the claims process. 
If you require assistance with vehicle repairs, consider exploring an e-commerce website for automotive parts to find the necessary components for restoring your vehicle to its pre-accident condition.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to respond after a rear-end car accident:
Step 1: Stop and Call the Police
The first thing to do is stop your vehicle in a safe location out of traffic lanes. Turn on your hazard lights.
Call the police to report the accident. Under Louisiana law, you must contact law enforcement after any collision that caused injury, death, or more than $500 in property damage.
Wait for the police to arrive at the scene. Provide your account of what happened and cooperate fully with officers.
Step 2: Gather Information and Document the Scene
While waiting for the police, exchange insurance and contact information with the other driver(s) involved. Get their name, driver's license number, phone number, insurance details, and license plate number.
Take photos and videos of the accident scene, vehicles, license plates, street signs, weather conditions, and any visible injuries. These will document important details.
Get contact info for any witnesses, especially if they saw the actual collision occur. Their accounts could help determine fault later.
Step 3: Get Checked Out by a Doctor
Even if you don't have obvious injuries, get examined by a doctor as soon as reasonably possible after the crash. Soft tissue injuries, whiplash, and other issues can develop over the next few days.
Describe all your symptoms to the doctor in detail. This medical record will be crucial evidence if you have any delayed-onset injuries or need extended treatment.
Follow all doctor recommendations for tests, specialty referrals, physical therapy, medications, or other care. Missing appointments or not following treatment plans can negatively impact your injury claim.
Step 4: Report the Accident to Your Insurance Company
Alert your insurer about the collision as soon as you can. There are often strict notification deadlines (such as 24-48 hours) outlined in Louisiana auto policies.
Provide all relevant details about the accident, other parties involved, vehicle damage, injuries sustained, and the police report.
Ask the claims adjuster about your policy's collision coverage and what steps they will take next. Cooperate fully with their investigation.
Step 5: Determine Fault and Seek Compensation
In a rear-end collision, the driver who hit you from behind is typically considered at-fault under Louisiana law. But fault can be complex if there were extenuating circumstances.
Consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer to determine legal liability and options to recover accident damages.
An attorney can calculate damages, negotiate a settlement, and file a lawsuit if needed to get you full and fair compensation. Damages can include:
Medical expenses - bills for hospitalization, appointments, procedures, devices
Lost income - from missing work due to injuries
Property damage - repair or replacement cost for your vehicle
Pain and suffering - physical and emotional trauma from the accident
Step 6: Repair Your Vehicle
Take your car to an auto repair shop for a damage assessment. Get a detailed, written estimate for parts and labor costs. Save all repair invoices and receipts.
Ask if the shop will accept payment directly from your insurance company once the fault is determined. If not, you may need to pay out of pocket first and get reimbursed.
Your insurance will cover the repairs if you have collision coverage, minus your deductible. If you only have liability coverage, the at-fault driver should pay your repair bills.
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Step 7: Focus on Healing and Recovery
Make follow-up doctor appointments and attend all physical therapy or rehab sessions. This shows you are actively working to get better.
Take medications and follow treatment plans exactly as prescribed. Communicate regularly with your medical providers.
Maintain records of all accident-related medical costs, vehicle repairs, lost wages, and other expenses. Keep all receipts and request copies of records.
Stick to your usual routines as much as possible after the accident to help your mental and emotional recovery. Get plenty of rest and eat a healthy diet.
Step 8: Stay in Contact with the Insurance Company
Provide any additional evidence the insurance adjuster requests, such as medical records or repair estimates. Ask for clarification if you receive confusing information.
Do not settle or sign any release without consulting your attorney first. Insurance settlements often initially seem reasonable but fail to adequately cover all current and future costs.
An experienced lawyer can assess the value of your car accident claim and fight for maximum compensation. Let them handle negotiations with insurers.
Following these steps can help you take control after a rear-end accident. 
Focus on healing, speak with qualified legal counsel, and insist on fair compensation for your damages. 
You can recover and move forward after a rear-end collision with the right evidence and persistence.
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maxthornes · 21 days
I'm angry and ranting about my (hopefully) soon to not be roommate of a cousin in here. Don't read if you don't want to be mad.
I'm so fucking tired of my roommate being so inconsiderate. It's only gotten worse since she got a boyfriend.
We have 1 AC unit, and she has it in her room with the door constantly closed, TV blaring at any given hour.
She knows weed gives me panic attacks, but is still blasting the whole house with smoke every day.
She goes to the food pantry with the car she's borrowing from a friend, while DoorDash ordering name brand stuff from Target while crying woe about money and how she HAS to go to the pantry, meanwhile stealing mine and my fiancé's food we have to beg to use the car to pick up. (Which is a """"secret"""" to her friend that her bf and I have been driving it, even though said boyfriend has a car, and they always seem to take the friend's car RIGHT AFTER my fiancé and I have put gas into it)
Even though I'm queer and so is my mother, the bitch still LOVES Chick-fil-A and is constantly trying to get me to try it, and talking about how much she LOVED working there (even though she was quietly fired for celebrating my mom's wedding to her wife)
I constantly have to watch out for her dog and cats so they don't piss and shit over everything I own, and SPEAKING of the animals, I can't remember the last time she bought litter or cat food, nor the last time she cleaned a litter box (the cats are no longer ALLOWED upstairs by her order, and the litter box that WAS in the laundry room up here has no litter in it, but sure has piss and shit in it 😒) there are several cats in this house, more than half of which are hers, but she doesn't care for them.
She BROKE my toilet and shower head, but swears up and down that she doesn't know what happened, melted all of my makeup, lets her food rot in the fridge before bemoaning how she has "nothing" while the only reason my fiancé and I have had ANYTHING TO START WITH is that he works for a decent grocery chain.
And she has been on "leave" with her job for 8 months, 6 of which were unpaid leave, because she lied to her job about taking care of her actually disabled father, and they only allow so much time of that to be paid. She recently started working again, and she's EVEN WORSE NOW and practically flaunting the fact that she has money back in our faces.
She fucked off to her boyfriend's house 2 hours away leaving us with no transportation during INSANE rain storms WITH NO WATER AND ALL OF THE ANIMALS TO TAKE CARE OF, and when she was like "oh, my dad should have covered that, oopsies" and admitted he had no money for the OVER $400 BILL, I went into debt to my mother to get the bill paid, and it's a MIRACLE she had the money to pay it. The water went unpaid the entirety of the first 3 months we lived her.
She also RECENTLY shoved a $150 internet bill AND $200 backed electricity bill onto my fiancé because she "didn't have money".
She's loud, inconsiderate, a liar, a thief, and I CANNOT WAIT to get the fuck out of here.
Fiancé and I lost our car in an accident I was involved in a year and a half ago, and it left me with an essentially disabled spine, so I LEGITIMATELY haven't been able to work, but I also can't get assistance because I'm waiting on the lawsuit to finalize (I'm not at fault, it was an international company's employee who caused the crash, and I've got a decent enough lawyer that I can get back into physical therapy AND get a car from the settlement, hopefully) and I have been advised by my attorney to not seek disability until after the payment, otherwise it could cause issues with getting government assistance, which I qualify for.
Anyway, hopefully in a month I'm across town, and she realizes she's on her own with ALL of the bills and the mortgage she was confident she could take over from her dad 😒😒😒 I'm so fucking done, and this isn't even scratching the surface of all the shit, and I WILL NOT be forgiving her for scamming my fiancé and I for the last two and a half fucking years.
I hope they serve Starbucks in Hell, you absolutely cunt.
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nerdytyrantpenguin · 1 month
Understanding the Function of a Personal Injury Lawyer in Automobile Mishap Cases
Car mishaps can be devastating, triggering not just physical injuries however also psychological trauma and monetary concerns. In such cases, it is important to seek legal representation to make sure that your rights are safeguarded which you get the settlement you should have. This post intends to provide a thorough understanding of the role of an accident lawyer in car mishap cases, describing their know-how, authorities, and trustworthiness.
What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?
A personal injury lawyer specializes in representing The original source people who have been hurt due to somebody else's negligence or wrongful conduct. https://injuredinanaccident.ca/injury-lawyer-ontario-canada/whiplash-lawyer-ontario-canada/ In vehicle mishap cases, these lawyers for motorcycle accidents in Ontario lawyers play an important function in advocating for the rights of their clients and seeking fair neck and shoulder pain after car accident in Ontario settlement for their injuries and damages. They insurance money from car accident in Ontario manage various aspects of the legal procedure, including:
Case Evaluation: An injury lawyer will examine the information of your vehicle accident case to determine its strength and potential for success. They will think about aspects such as liability, damages, and insurance coverage coverage.
Investigation: Personal injury lawyers gather evidence to support your claim by performing interviews, collecting medical records, examining cops reports, and evaluating any offered monitoring video footage or witness testimonies.
Legal Representation: These lawyers serve as your legal representatives throughout the whole claims procedure. They work out with insurance companies on your behalf, prepare legal files, file claims if essential, and represent you in court.
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Expertise in Injury Laws: Personal injury attorneys have substantial understanding of injury laws particular to automobile accidents. They remain upgraded with any modifications in legislation that may impact your case and utilize this competence to develop a strong legal argument.
Calculating Damages: Determining the complete degree of damages resulting from an automobile mishap can be tough. An injury lawyer can properly evaluate both financial damages (such as medical expenses and lost salaries) and non-economic damages (such as pain and suffering) to assist you seek fair compensation.
Negotiation Skills: Accident attorneys are competent negotiators who can efficiently interact with insurance coverage adjusters and defense attorneys to protect a beneficial settlement on your behalf. They will fight for your rights and ensure that you are not benefited from during the settlement process.
FAQs What ought to I do instantly after an automobile accident? After guaranteeing your safety and looking for medical attention if essential, it is crucial to gather evidence at the mishap scene. Take images, exchange details with the other celebration included, and get witness testimonies if possible. Contact an accident lawyer as soon as possible to guide you through the next steps. How long do I need to submit an automobile accident claim? The statute of limitations for filing a cars and truck accident claim varies from one state to another. It is vital to talk to an accident lawyer without delay to guarantee that you fulfill all pertinent deadlines.
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How Do I Get More For My Portland Personal Injury Claim?
Car accident expenses rise quickly after a car accident, so how can you get more for your settlement? The first thing to do is to hire a personal injury attorney Portland, then keep the following points in mind:
The most important thing after a car accident to get more money for your claim is to preserve accident evidence. This means, if you are not seriously hurt, take photos of the wreck, vehicle damages, vehicle positions, and anything else you think is important at the accident scene. Talk to witnesses and get their contact information, too. If the police come, get a copy of the police report.
Second, you should get medical attention as soon as you can. After a car accident, you may not feel pain from your injuries for at least a few hours. So, it is best to have a doctor look at you immediately. Your doctor will be able to see if you have injuries and note them in your medical record. If you wait to have a doctor look you over, you could have problems getting a settlement later.
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Third, you should follow your doctor’s treatment plan. Whatever your doctor tells you to do after the accident to get better, you should do it. This means going to all of your appointments and rescheduling them quickly if you miss any. When you miss doctor’s appointments, the insurance company will know and will probably argue that you are not seriously injured.
Fourth, you should keep all of your receipts and bills, including medical expenses, car repair bills, bills for prescription medication, and so forth. You will need to have full documentation of your expenses to receive maximum compensation in a car accident case.
Fifth, you should go over any settlement offer you receive with your personal injury attorney Portland. When the other driver’s insurance company makes a settlement offer at first, know that is usually the opening offer. You can continue to negotiate until the other party says that is their final offer. If the amount does not work for you, your attorney can threaten to file a lawsuit.
If you do all of the above, there is a better chance that you will get more compensation for your accident injuries. Talk to your personal injury attorney in Portland today if you want to maximize your claim. They will help you get more money for your claim in most personal injury cases. 
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simonhopes · 2 months
6 Most Asked Questions for Truck Accident Lawyers
The moment when you are traveling through a truck lane in Las Vegas and the next thing you know you are in an accident can be disarming. Traumatic events such as physical injuries, emotional stress, and insurance claims preceding legal issues might sound quite far away. However, understanding your rights and the available options is a crucial issue. Top Las Vegas lawyers may answer your queries, but you probably have them. Let's have a look here at the 6 most frequently asked questions:
What is the Need to Get a Lawyer After a Crash With a Truck?
Commonly, truck accidents lead to serious injuries and heavy losses in property. Truck drivers and operators use different laws than ordinary drivers of cars. An attorney who specializes in vehicle collisions is likely to defend your rights properly, and in turn, help you get the highest compensation.
What Is the Lawyer for a Truck Accident Paid?
The majority of personal injury attorneys work for contingency fees only. This translates into you not parting with anything at the beginning and their fee is a portion of the settlement amount you receive.
What Information Do I Need As A Result After A Truck Accident?
If possible try to get the information from the site removing the name of the truck driver, license plate numbers, and any witnesses present on that site. Take the pictures of the destruction and your wounds. Go to a hospital or doctor immediately, the continuity of all medical records shall be kept.
What Amount of Compensation Should I Receive in the Case of an Accident of a Truck?
The coverage can consist of medical bills payment, wage loss, pain and suffering, and car repair or replacement. A lawyer can assess and establish the full damage of the case as well.
How many months or years will it take for my truck accident case to be wrapped up in a court of law?
A trial is in nature very unpredictable, therefore it may take longer based on the severity of your injuries, the complexity of your case, and whether it goes to settlement or trial. Practice makes lawyers have a more specific subject to say.
Do I Allow the Insurer to Settle the Matter on the First Try?
The deal from the insurance company at the beginning won’t probably be for the appropriate compensation for your damages. Since a lawyer can engage in settlement talks to make a deal that will cover all your losses, it would greatly help you.
The worst nightmare for everyone is an accident on a truck. Therefore, it can be overwhelming to handle this because of the after-scenario effect. However, with an empowered lawyer, you can still claim for the compensation. In case you have some more questions or if you need legal consultations, do not hesitate to send an appointment for consultation.
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Shapiro Law Team  January 16, 2024  Car Accidents,Personal injury
It’s normal to feel shaken up after a car crash. But don’t make the mistake of saying something that could be interpreted as admitting fault. Once you’re in a car accident, words matter. Why? Slipping up and saying the wrong thing can raise the eyebrows of insurance companies and point fault toward you. We’ll take a look at common phrases you should and should not say after a collision.
Table of Contents
Things Not to Say After a Car Accident
Don’t Say Anything on Social Media
What to Say to Someone After a Car Accident
Ask for the Other Driver’s License and Insurance Information
Contact a Car Accident Attorney for Help With Your Claim
Things Not to Say After a Car Accident
“I accept…” Accepting any fault at the scene of the accident will put you in the spotlight. Uttering phrases like “I accept” or “I’m sorry” could land you in the hot seat of insurance companies and might be misconstrued as accepting blame for the accident.
“I think that…” Don’t speculate about the accident. Making assumptions will only hurt your case and make it harder for legal professionals to sway the blame away from you. This can also lead to unnecessary conflict regarding liability. Leave the details to law enforcement and attorneys instead.
“I didn’t see you…” It’s important to be honest about the accident, but not in this case. Saying “I didn’t see you” is a one-way ticket to taking the blame. Plus, admitting you didn’t see the other driver can wind up being used against you during legal proceedings.
“I’m not hurt…” Not all injuries are visible, and not seeking medical attention immediately after an accident can hurt your chances of recovering maximum compensation. It’s best to say nothing at all regarding injuries. Instead, seek medical attention right away.
“Let’s handle it on our own…” It doesn’t pay to handle a car accident case on your own. Suggesting to handle the case yourself could be seen as a way to avoid legal repercussions, hindering your ability to get compensated fairly. You might also find that the accident caused a lot more damage than you initially thought, compromising your finances down the road.
Don’t Say Anything on Social Media
Social media is like a 24/7 open mic. Don’t use it while undergoing a car accident case. Complaining or talking about your case on social media can and will be held against you, especially if insurance providers are watching your every post. Leave the talking to the professionals, and contact an experienced car accident attorney.
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What to Say to Someone After a Car Accident
It’s natural to want to say something after a car accident—and you should. But make sure it’s the right thing and not something that will hurt your case. Below are a few statements you should say following a car accident.
“I’m glad you’re okay…” Car accidents are scary and not easy for all parties involved. A simple “I’m glad you’re okay” goes a long way. Make sure to hug the other person if you are close to them.
“How are you feeling?” Your friend or loved one is likely feeling frustration, anger, sadness, and fear. This mix of emotions can be overwhelming, so don’t expect a happy response. Asking how this person is feeling allows them to validate their feelings without feeling any pressure.
“Does anyone need medical attention?” It’s important to prioritize the health and well-being of your passenger or the other driver during this time. Call 911 if they need help, making sure everyone involved receives the care they need.
“Is there anything I can do to help you right now?” Giving your friend or loved one support during such a challenging time is essential. Whether it’s contacting a family member, arranging transportation, or simply lending a helping hand, offering support makes a big difference.
“Has anyone called the police yet?” If the police haven’t been contacted yet, make sure they are. The police will arrive on the scene to create a police report, which will be beneficial to your attorney.
Shapiro Law Team uses a handful of evidence, including a police report, to help build your case.
Ask for the Other Driver’s License and Insurance Information
Make sure you’ve received the other driver’s license and insurance information. You’ll need these details during the claims process. That being said, an experienced car accident attorney will handle all communication with the other driver’s insurance company so you don’t have to.
Contact a Car Accident Attorney for Help With Your Claim
There are a lot of dos and don’ts when it comes to the aftermath of a car accident. Get the help and clarity you need during this difficult time by contacting Shapiro Law Team, the trusted Farmington car accident law firm.
We have years of experience helping car accident victims just like you; all you have to do is call us for a free consultation. Consultations are 100% confidential and can steer you in the right direction regarding your claim. Let’s start building your case today.
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rachelkaser · 4 months
Masonry Monday: The Case of the Curious Bride
Rhoda Reynolds will do almost anything to keep her colorful past from her husband and, more importantly, her tyrannical father-in-law. But she won't kill, as she insists when the blackmailer who knows her secret is murdered with her ring in his hand. No believes her . . . except Perry Mason.
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Who's Who
Perry Mason's client: Rhoda Reynolds, a wealthy wife whose past indiscretions have come back to roost
The victim: Arthur "Artie" Kane, a blackmailer whose wealth of knowledge angered more than one person
Suspects: Carl Reynolds, Rhoda's husband, who keeps insisting he trusts his wife despite being dominated by his father C. Philip Reynolds, a rich man who doesn't want a mysterious nurse with a past as his daughter-in-law Dr. Michael Harris, Rhoda's friend, who knows about the blackmail and sends her to Perry Mason for help
The Setup
Carl Reynolds kisses his beautiful wife Rhoda goodbye before heading to work, while a smarmy-looking man watches from a nearby car. Later, he scares Rhoda while she's alone in the house. She tells the man, Artie Kane, that she can't afford to give him the $2,000 he's demanding of her. He gives her until 2 am the next morning to raise it and tells her to bring it to his apartment, even hinting that the former nurse should drug her husband. He also calls her bluff when she starts to call the police.
Elsewhere, Carl watches his father Philip Reynolds skeet-shooting. The elder Reynolds refuses to give his son the $2,000 he's asking for, dong the whole "when I was your age" schtick. Reynolds adds that they've only had each other since Carl's mother died when he was four, but they've fallen out since Carl married Rhoda, whom he knew little of. Carl says he thinks Rhoda married him out of sympathy, as she was once his nurse. Reynolds believes she's after their money and says Rhoda's a little too close to a Dr. Michael Harris. He says neither of them will get his money while they remain together.
At the Beverly Hills Doctors Hospital, Rhoda meets with Dr. Harris, an obstetrician. They discuss Kane's blackmail, and Dr. Harris urges her to tell Carl the truth, believing he can handle it, but Rhoda says his father's the problem. Dr. Harris makes a covert pass at her, saying she should have married him, but Rhoda's not biting. Finally, he gives her the address of Perry Mason's office, saying that, if anyone can help her, the lawyer can.
Enter Perry Mason, Attorney at Law
Rhoda arrives at Perry's office as "Mrs. Crocker" and starts tell him she's here to ask a question on behalf of "a friend." Rhoda says her "friend" was married for a few months to a grifter eight years previously in Seattle. Her husband was supposedly killed in an car accident in Kansas later. Perry accurately guesses that she's since married again and her first husband has now turned up, noting that they used the "money for a fake funeral" dodge. Now comes the big question: Is her second marriage valid?
Perry tells her that, unfortunately, her second marriage isn't valid. She should divorce her first husband and marry her second husband again. "Mrs. Crocker" nervously asks if there's any way her friend can persuade her first husband to leave her alone, but Perry attempts to call her bluff and tells her that "her friend" needs to make an appointment if she wants advice. Rhoda leaves, and Perry tells Della he made a bad call not helping her more. Unfortunately, they can't just wash their hands of it: "Mrs. Crocker" gave Della a $50 retainer, and Perry has to find her now.
When Della goes to sit down, she realizes Rhoda left her purse in the office. Since Rhoda's a client, Perry searches the purse for identifying information, which includes a telegram with Rhoda's real married name on it. Perry calls Paul in and asks him to find out about "Artie," the man who sent Rhoda the telegram telling her not to forget the time of their "date" that night. Paul immediately picks up the phone and obtains the address. Perry arrives at Kane's rooming house, and speaks with a neighbor who says Kane has drunken parties. The building is listed as For Sale.
As he's about to leave, a blonde woman walks out, telling Kane she's giving him a deadline of some kind and that she's working at the Onyx. Perry speaks with Kane, who's wary of the lawyer. When Perry asks about Kane's marriage to Rhoda, Kane immediately picks up the phone to call Rhoda. He hands the phone to Perry, and Rhoda tells Perry to stop interfering and hangs up. Perry picks up a very loud alarm clock and Kane refuses to talk to him, but Perry says that's fine -- he's done all the talking, now he expects Kane to ponder his words.
The Murder
Carl Reynolds is asleep in bed at 1:45 am, with a cup of tea next to him. Rhoda sneaks out, but as soon as she leaves the room, Carl springs up and watches her leave. She runs to the garage and gets her car, then drives off. At 2 am, Rhoda drives the car up to a service station with a flat tire, and the serviceman offers to change her tire for her. Rhoda arrives at Kane's apartment at 2: 10, to his fury, and tells him she wasn't able to raise the money in time.
He decides to take her wedding ring as compensation instead, whether Rhoda likes it or not. There's a ring of the bell, but Kane ignores it. Rhoda grabs a poker from the fireplace to defend herself, but it's not enough to fend off Kane, who attacks her. Their tussle is loud enough to wake the nosy neighbor's dog, and the neighbor calls the police, saying that, "Somebody's getting killed!" The next morning, Paul reads about the "bludgeon killing" in the newspaper, which shows Kane's body, with a large diamond ring in his hand.
Della notes that the ring, which is also pictured, was the same one on the finger of "Mrs. Crocker." Perry says that he doesn't represent Rhoda, as she technically fired him yesterday, but the case against her looks rough. Perry says that Tragg probably has her in custody right now, but Della will take that bet: Rhoda herself is on the phone. Perry speaks with Rhoda, who says she's at the Doctors Hospital. He tells her he's on his way and to stay where she is. He asks Paul to get him the police reports on the killing and to identify the Onyx blonde he met coming out of Kane's building.
In Summation
I'll be honest, this is one of those cases where the motive and guilty party are not all that hard to figure out. I'm still not going to spoil it, but there's only person in the case with a stronger motive than Rhoda to commit the murder.
Case under review, please return later...
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nervousdeerinfluencer · 4 months
How Personal Injury Settlements are Paid Out in California
In the state of California, personal injury settlements can be complex and confusing to navigate. Understanding how these settlements are paid out is crucial for anyone involved in a car accident or other personal injury case. From determining fault to negotiating with insurance companies, there are many factors that can impact the outcome of a settlement. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of personal injury settlements in California and provide valuable information on how to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries.
Orange County car accident whiplash lawyer
If you have been involved in a car accident in Orange County and are suffering from whiplash or other injuries, it is important to seek legal representation from a qualified attorney. An experienced Orange County car accident whiplash lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of personal injury law and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.
Injury attorney Orange County
An injury attorney in Orange County can provide valuable assistance in negotiating with insurance companies, gathering evidence to support your claim, and representing your interests in court if necessary. Hiring an experienced attorney is essential to maximizing your chances of success in a personal injury case.
What is the California car accident policy?
California operates under a fault-based system when it comes to car accidents, which means that the party responsible for causing the accident is also liable for any resulting damages. This can impact how personal injury settlements are paid out in California, as fault must first be determined before compensation can be awarded.
Who determines fault in an auto accident California?
Fault in an auto accident in California is typically determined by insurance companies based on evidence such as police reports, witness statements, and physical evidence from the scene of the accident. In some cases, fault may be disputed and require further investigation by legal professionals.
Do I need to call police for minor accident California?
It is always recommended to call the police after any car accident, even if it is minor. Lawsuit A police report can provide valuable documentation of the incident and help determine fault in the event of a dispute. Additionally, some insurance companies may require a police report to process a claim.
Should I get a lawyer for a minor car accident in California?
While hiring a lawyer may not be necessary for every minor car accident, it can still be beneficial to consult with an attorney to understand your rights and options. A lawyer can help you navigate the claims process and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries.
Is CA a no-fault car accident state?
California is not a no-fault state when it comes to car accidents. Instead, it operates under a fault-based system where the party at fault for causing the accident is responsible for paying damages. This can impact how personal injury settlements are paid out in California.
Who pays for a car accident in California?
In most cases, the at-fault driver's insurance company will be responsible for paying damages resulting from a car accident in California. However, if the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured, other parties such as your own insuranc
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