#should have called this place sooner but my mother kept bringing up this one guy looking for someone to work at a vegetable stand
elwolfen · 17 days
Right, evening and afternoon are different. God I'm so nervous!
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Never Stopped Loving You
A/N: My friend Fives from discord edited this for me. So big thank you to him. Annamae nickname it Anna and will be used mostly.
The Uranium Plant Mission was over and the team had a month before they all had to report back to North Island. Jake only had one thing on his mind, home. He missed his family. Jake’s dad picked him up from the airport. Jake had been dying to drive his old truck again, which he and his dad fixed up before he left. The moment Jake walked into his childhood home his little sister came running up to hug him. “Jakey!”, she said as she was starting to cry. “Hi, sis,” Jake said, hugging her back. Jake's mom came out of the kitchen and exclaimed, “we didn’t think you were coming back to us, Jake!” “I didn’t think I was either,” he said, starting to get choked up. His mom walked over and hugged him and that's when Jake broke, crying in his mom's arms. Most people that knew Jake back in high school knew he was a mama’s boy. “It’s okay Jake, let it out,” his mom said, rubbing his back. “You did good, kid.” His dad said, patting his back. Sure Jake had saved two brothers on his team, but Jake felt like he didn’t do any good. Jake thought he could have done more or should have been in the sky sooner than he was. “Jake, what happened?” His mom finally asked. “I can’t say, but we almost lost two of my guys on the team,” Jake said, almost stuttering over his words.“Oh, Jake.” She said looking at him, “go upstairs and wash up for dinner and if you want to talk after we can,” his mom said smiling at him. Jake did as told and went upstairs also taking his bag to his old room. Jake stopped in the doorway and looked at all the belt buckles he had won from bull riding back in high school and middle school. He stopped at a photo of him and a girl. The girl had beautiful blonde waves in her hair and was wearing his hat. Jake smiled remembering that day very well. 
“Jake, come on!” The girl said, looking back at him. “I’m coming, the fair will still be there.” Jake laughed at her. “I know but I'm excited!” The girl said. “Annamae, you will be the death of me,” Jake said laughingly. “No, I won’t,” she said, grabbing his cowboy hat off of his bed and putting it on her head. Jake shook his head at the memory knowing that he could never get the girl back. Jake washed up for dinner and looked at himself in the mirror, before heading back downstairs to the dining room to eat with his family. 
Halfway through dinner his sister got a call from someone. “Macy, you're not going out with your friends tonight. Your brother is home.” Jake's mother said, looking at the girl. “I know I told them that,” Macy said looking at their mom. “I can’t go, it's a school night and my brother is back in town,” Macy said before hanging up the phone. Later in the night Jake grabbed the keys to his car and went to a bar in town. Jake didn’t expect to see Annamae working at the bar. Jake walked up to the bar and waited to be noticed. “What can I get for you?” The familiar southern accent hit his ears. Jake's mind went blank upon hearing it, “I’ll take a whiskey on the rocks.” 
“One Whiskey on the Rock coming up.” The girl said. Jake sat down at the bar and took his hat off placing it on his knee, Jake kept thinking back to the mission. The drink was set in front of him
“So what brings you to town.” The girl asked. “I’m on a month of leave from the Navy until I have to report back,” Jake said looking at his drink. “You have family here?” The girl asked. “Yeah, I grew up here,” Jake said.“I know you did, I was surprised to see you walk through those doors. Your mom told me about that goodbye.” Annamae said. “Yeah, it was pretty serious.” Jake said still not looking up at the girl he was still in love with. “Nice seeing you Jake,” Annamae said before walking away from Jake. Jake had two more Whiskeys on The Rocks before paying and heading home. What Jake didn’t know was that he would be seeing Annamae a lot more than he thought.
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little-diable · 4 years
Kids again - Dean Winchester (smut)
Inspired by Sam Smiths new song “kids again”. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Dean and the reader have been friends since they were toddlers, but as she leaves for college, Dean cuts all ties with her, but fate doesn’t work that way, now does it? 
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Can’t believe I still avoid the East side Even though I know that you don't live there now
“Dean, stop,“ her giggles echoed through the house, running away from Dean, careful not to tumble over his toys, stumbling straight into her mom’s arms. “There you are, you little monster,“ her mom picked her up, tugging her five year old daughter against her chest, hand placed on the back of her scalp, inhaling the sweet scent of (y/n)s shampoo.
He pouted, arms hanging loosely by his side, holding onto the wooden car. „Does she already have to leave?” His wide eyes made (y/n)s mother chuckle, crouching down, grasping his little hand. “She’ll be back before you notice,“ he’d hate seeing her leave for the night, but the excitement of driving to school with (y/n) and her mom in the early morning hours filled the little boy with joy.
Lately you're the only thing on my mind And I can't stop myself on drivin' by your house
(Y/n) clung onto his arms, desperately trying to sober herself up, they had been celebrating his sixteenth birthday together, sneaking off with some booze, sitting on his roof as they kept talking about their past, their future, their hopes and dreams. “Happy Birthday Dean,“ (y/n) giggled, eyes focused on him, blinking a few times, barely noticing how he creeped closer.
Before she could move away from him, Dean had pressed his lips against hers, stealing (y/n)s first kiss. She wanted to push him away, to scold him, for taking away something so special from her, but the butterflies in her belly were enough to shut her up. “Happy Birthday indeed,“ he nibbled on her swollen lower lip, hands exploring her sides, pulling her onto his lap.
The way he sucked on her neck coaxed a moan out of her, unconsciously grinding herself against the centre of his trousers. It seemed like Dean wouldn’t only steal her first kiss that night, no, he’d also be the first to explore her body, to show her what it meant to be appreciated and loved, something he would never be able to say out loud.
Every time I hear our song it kind of hurts me still Even after all this time, I kinda miss you still I'm wondering
“Shut up,“ Dean chuckled, grasping her wrist, pulling her against his chest, swaying to Ricky Nelson’s “lonesome town”, the song they called their own. “Can’t believe that you’re truly leaving for college,“ he rasped out, chin placed on top of her head, tightly holding onto her, as if she’d vanish from his sight any moment. They were surrounded by moving boxes, standing in the middle of her room, the room they had spent too many nights to count in together, from the first day they had met, almost twelve years ago.
She hummed against his chest. „You will visit me, won’t you?” Her heart was clenching, wondering if she should truly leave him and Sammy behind. “Of course I will.“
And don't it make you sad That we'll never be kids again?
But no, Dean hadn’t visited her, seeing her leave had hurted him too much, so the older Winchester brother decided to cut all ties with her, trying to forget about the girl he had fallen in love with years ago. And as much as it did hurt, (y/n) had to accept the sober truth, not once would she mention his name, not once would she listen to her mother talk about the two Winchester boys she hadn’t seen in years. 
Somehow along the way it got easier, her heart wouldn’t break in two as she’d think about him, a small smile would tug on her lips every time she’d think about their time together, all the memories they had made. Deep down she knew that their paths would cross again, one day, perhaps rather sooner than later.
“(Y/l/n)?” She had the phone placed between her ear and her shoulder, working around in her kitchen, preparing herself some dinner. “(Y/n)?” The voice made her freeze, eyebrows furrowed together, wetting her lips ere she cleared her throat.
„Sammy?” God, how much she had missed his voice, the younger Winchester brother and her always had shared a special bond. “I need your help, (y/n).“
It took him a while to explain their profession to (y/n), the problem of Dean returning as a demon and finally finding back to his true self, confused and shaken up. “He needs you (y/n),“ Sam exhaled, praying that she’d give in and make her way towards the bunker, finally reunited with the boys she hadn’t seen in years.
On the drive there she kept wondering, if she was doing the right thing, if she should truly go there, most likely getting her heart broken once again. But the slight chance of seeing him again, after years of waiting, seemed too good to be true, she had to do it, either way.
Really wish I didn't know you so well Wouldn't be so hard to leave the past behind
Sam was waiting in front of the bunker, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, wrapping his arms around her as she walked up to him. “I missed you,“ (y/n) mumbled against his skin, tightly holding onto his shirt, admiring how much he had changed, he looked so grown up, a somber feeling washed upon her.
“You haven’t changed one bit,“ the deep voice made her shiver, letting go of Sam as she crashed into Dean’s arms. „Don‘t be an ass Winchester.“ His chuckle rumbled through him, he picked her up, twirling her around, eyes finding hers. Sam awkwardly stared at them, clearing his throat. „Uhm, I’ll leave you guys alone.“ Making his way down the road, to the nearest bar.
She followed Dean inside, shrugging off her coat, trying to find the right words, she desperately wanted to ask him, why he had vanished just like that, leaving their friendship behind, almost like it had never existed. But all her thoughts seemed to leave her as Dean pressed his lips against hers, kissing her for the first time in years. “I’m sorry,“ he mumbled against her lips, towering above her, hands placed on her hips, thumb wandering underneath her shirt, tracing her skin.
It took her a few moments to catch her breath, hands placed on his chest. „There’s a lot we should talk about.“ The words made him groan, his typical smirk tugged on his lips. „We‘ll have enough time to talk.“ ean nibbled on her neck, pulling (y/n) into his lap as he sat down on one of the kitchen chairs, he wouldn’t miss this opportunity, not after years of dreaming about and aching for her.
He had ripped her shirt over her head, lips instantly attached to her cleavage, hands undoing her trousers, fingertips teasing the outlines of her panties. “Fuck, I missed this,“ Dean rasped out, she rose from his lap, shrugging off her jeans, dropping to her knees, unzipping Deans trousers, grasping his hard lenght.
Tell me how you live without it Did somebody change your world And now you don't look back?
Dean had almost forgotten how perfectly her hands would fit around him, stroking him like she had been doing on different occasions, just before she’d leave him and Sammy behind. His head rolled back, eyes squeezed shut, lips parted, hands grasping her hair. She couldn’t take her eyes off the gorgeous man in front of her, pressed one last kiss to his tip before she moved away from him.
She found her way back onto his lap, wet folds pressed against his length. „You sure?” He groaned, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to stop himself, if he’d give in and fuck her right there and then. (Y/n) nodded her head, placing her hands on his shoulders, sinking down on his length.
(Y/n) pressed her forehead against the crook of his neck, balancing her weight on her toes, moaning his name, she had almost forgotten how big he was, deliciously stretching her. No other man had ever managed to bring that heavenly feeling upon her, every time somebody else would touch her, her mind would wander back to Dean.
“God, you’re still so tight,“ Dean growled, hips meeting hers, thrusting deeper into her heat. „Missed you,“ she whimpered, tightening her hold on his shoulders. Dean pulled her in for a kiss, tugging on her roots. „I missed you too.“
And now you don't look back Cause we'll never be kids again No, we'll never be kids again
He kept holding her gaze, lips parted, moans spilling from his lips, getting pulled back into the emotions he had kept hidden away for years. He wouldn’t be one to voice out his love for her, Dean wasn’t one for sappy shit, but oh, he’d do his best to prove his love to her for the rest of his life, not letting go of her ever again.
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capitainelevi · 3 years
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For @pufferssss, happy late birthday!! ❤️
Waiting for sunrise
Words: 2968
The first and last time Levi visits Petra`s grave.
Levi arranged his cravat again, self-conscious at the thought of visiting her for the first time. He stood frozen in place, with a bouquet of orange lilies in his hand. Her favorite flowers. Just a mere coincidence, not an effort on his part, of course. He never imagined he would visit her here so early on. Staring at the newly carved headstone, he tried to set aside the nagging thought that the earth underneath it only held an empty coffin.
What should he say to her?
“Your dad came to see me after the mission, and I had to tell him that I don`t even have a body to bring back home to him”?
“I failed in getting justice for you and the guys”?
“I miss your tea”?
The only words he could spurt out were “Hi, Ral.”
He groaned at his awkwardness and settled on presenting her with the flowers he chose for her. He could feel his hands getting sweaty from anxiousness, much to his confusion. He had nothing to be nervous about. It was just Petra in front of him. His subordinate. Petra, who fought by his side for years. Who swore to devote her life to him. Just his Petra.
Levi sat on the ground next to the gravestone, unconcerned about the dirt he would have to clean out of his clothes at the end of the day. “I hope you can hear me, wherever you are. I like to think you`re listening.” He never spent much time concerning himself with death and the life that supposedly followed it, but ever since losing them as well, he found himself wishing they were happy. He knew that those brats would be wasting the rest they earned to look over him, no matter how much he objected.
“I hope you like the spot I chose for you. It`s sunny, but you also get some shade from the tree. I thought you`d like listening to birds singing." On their free days, he could always spot Petra with a book on her lap, under the shade of the oak tree in their yard. He never dared to bother her, worried he would disturb the angelic aura of the image, content with being fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of it. He never dared get so close to the sun.
"I`m going to bring some flowers we can plant next time I visit. I know you had a green thumb.” Levi omitted in letting her know it only took a month for the plant in his office that she cared for years to wither away in his care. Or maybe it just knew Petra would never be back.
Levi closed his eyes, lulled to sleep by the quietness around him and the feeling of the afternoon sky on his skin, considering if someone would bother him if he moved to the tree trunk to nap. He craved some peace.
“I`m sorry I didn`t get to come earlier. You missed a real shit show in Sina.” He took a glance at his wounded leg and sighed. “It`s not as bad as it looks, no need to mother me.”
Without raising his eyes from the ground in front of him, Levi admitted to her in a hoarse voice- “I kept calling out orders for you, and Erwin had to remind me that you`re not here anymore. Like I could ever fucking forget.”
Despite the emptiness in his chest, he went on- “Eren misses you. I really wish you could help me manage that brat. You always knew what to say to him. Hange misses you. I… everyone misses you.” They left a hole behind that he doubted he would ever patch.
Levi cleaned off some dust from her headstone before promising her he would be back as soon as he could.
As promised, the second time Levi visited her, he got her some daisies to plant next to her resting place. After wiping his hands clean on a rag, Levi sat down against the tree trunk to admire his work. He was sure Petra would be proud of the progress he made regarding gardening. He had even gotten a new plant to replace the one on his desk.
“Tch, not talkative today, are we? That`s alright, you know I always talk a lot.”
Visiting her calmed his restless spirit. His anxiety over the plan, his worry over Erwin`s wellbeing, his longing to have his old squad by his side again, they were all pilling up for the last few days. Levi found himself losing even more sleep lately. But he would never tell her that since it would most likely end in another one of her scoldings.
“You`re missing it, the final push. The brat`s finally going to do it, he`s going to seal the Wall.” Levi hoped that they would be able to carry out the mission. That his squad`s sacrifice to keep Eren alive would not have been in vain.
“You`re not being fair, are you? You already know what we will find in the basement, and yet you keep it all to yourself. Tch, be like that.” Would it all be worth it? The pain, the countless sacrifices, and the lives lost along the way? He wished Petra could answer that for him.
He never wanted to upset her, but Petra always encouraged him to let others help him carry the burden. Levi took a deep breath before speaking again- “I think Eren misses you. He`s been going on about how he wants to visit you again. Bring you flowers. To help me maintain this place clean." Levi rolled his eyes again and the memory. "Like I would ever need his help with that.”
Levi took the ribbon out of his pocket and started fiddling with it, ignoring the slight pang of guilt at how he came into its possession.
“I hope you won`t mind I took that.” The first night he spent without them, Levi found himself roaming the empty corridors of the castle. When his steps took him in front of Petra`s door, the urge to hold on to something physical to remember her overtook his sense of shame. He was aware that her belongings would go back to her parents in the next few days, but he hoped the red ribbon Petra used to tie her hair with would not be missed.
“I took your patch at first. I was going to keep it in my breast pocket. To have a reminder of your sacrifice. But when I saw that kid eaten up by guilt, I knew what I had to do. I knew what you would have wanted me to do with it.” He had no regrets about that. It was the perfect way to honor the kindest soldier the Survey Corps ever had.
When the light began to fade, Levi got up from his spot and left without saying another word to Petra. He did not want to say goodbye to her. Levi felt no need for it since death could be in his cards the next day. And he could get to see her again sooner than he thought.
The third time Levi visited her, it was not with a flower bouquet in his hand but with a bottle of cheap alcohol he found on Moblit`s desk. That night, Levi allowed grief to consume him.
"Erwin died. But I have a feeling you know that already, don`t you?" Levi wiped his nose with the back on his hand, too absorbed in his anger to even care about the disgusting habit.
"Are you mad at him? Are you mad that he chose to sacrifice your life?"
But only silence greeted him.
"Are you mad that I didn`t even question it?"
No answer again. The rage burning inside him overtook him, and Levi smashed the bottle against the headstone.
"Shit. I`m sorry, I shouldn`t have done that." Levi crouched down and collected the pieces of the bottle into his handkerchief. The grief, the anger, and now the shame for denigrating her place of rest were eating him alive.
"We found out the truth, you know? It`s a shitty world out there, Ral. But I have a feeling not even that would have cut off your wings."
Levi found himself craving touch. Her touch. And for the first time in his life, he felt the need to be comforted. He smiled to himself bitterly. How cruel must the deity who created him be for making him desire the impossible?
The fourth time Levi visited her, he brought a special gift for her. A small, odd thing that Armin called seashell.
“We saw the sea today. Just a big old pile of saltwater. But you would have loved it.”
Seeing the brats play in the water with carefree smiles on their face made him yearn for a glimpse of amber hair in the picture. He missed them all dearly.
“I would have to pull you out of it by the collar of your shirt, I bet.” For as devoted and strict as she was, Petra always seemed to cause him distress. Not that he minded it, of course. Levi found himself wishing to hear her timid knocks on his door again, even in the middle of the night. He longed for those times, where she shyly approached him after needing his help in whatever problem she found herself stuck in again.
While that was not his intention when he first came to her, his heart was heavy with words he never said to her. "The world hates us, Ral." He could never imagine how someone would ever detest someone as kind as Petra just for the blood running in her veins. But if he had to be true to himself, a part of him hated Petra as well.
"Maybe I hate you too."
Petra broke his promises to him, after all. Two years ago, when death was imminent on an expedition, and Petra put down her swords in acceptance, Levi fought with her. He made her promise she would make it to the end. That she would be by his side the day they kill the last titan.
"Do you remember your promises to me? Such bullshit. Never thought you were a liar, Petra."
But Levi knew she would have never left him had she had a choice. That she would have fought for even just a second more by his side. But it never dulled the pain of losing her.
With a heavy heart, Levi said his goodbye for the evening, guilty for blaming her for things out of her control.
The fifth time Levi visited her, it was snowing outside.
It was always a wonder how someone radiating light and warmth could be a winter child. But Levi was sure he memorized the date right. It was an important one for him, after all. Levi fought to make sure he had enough time to get ready for celebrating her birthday. She deserved nothing more than a perfect day. Hange had been more than understanding, the wound left by losing Moblit still fresh in their heart.
Levi put the bouquet of twenty-two golden roses on the frozen ground. “Happy birthday. Twenty-two, huh? You`re turning into an old woman, Ral.” The irony of his words made a slight pang of guilt rise in his chest. The passing of time would never touch her again.
“I have your favorite”- he said, lightly shaking the box containing a small vanilla cake. Sugar was a rarity, but getting a cake was an unspoken rule in his squad. Their lives were too short to worry about the money. The first thing Levi noticed about Petra was the faint flower smell emanating from her. The first thing after setting his eyes on her clean nails, of course. On her first birthday that they celebrated as a squad, Levi gifted Petra a bottle of scented body lotion. And some high-quality cleaning rags, of course. But she did not pay attention to that. She and the rest of the Survey Corps never knew how to appreciate the finer things in life. But Levi did not miss the way her face lit up when he noticed something she enjoyed.
“I could never understand your sweet tooth, but today, I`m going to have a slice of cake.” Levi always refrained from indulging in this vice. Having grown unaccustomed to sugar, the idea of sweetness was unappealing to him. He always felt bad for disappointing her each year when she sat in front of him, with a small piece of cake she had cut for him. “Or two slices. Two is more appropriate anyway. If I get cavities, it`s on your ass.”
The ground was too cold for him to sit down on, and Levi made a mental note to build a small bench close to her headstone. He opened the box and eyed the cake wearily, considering if he should change his mind. He took a small bite of the cake, and he almost choked on it. “Oi, this is so damn sweet. How the fuck could you eat so much of it?” But it did not stop him from finishing his slice.
Levi expected to find some flowers lying in the snow or at least some tracks leading up to her grave.
“Does your old man still come around? I`ve never crossed paths with him since the expedition.” Sometimes, when he closed his eyes at night, he could still recall Mr. Ral`s pained expression when he realized there was no one left for him to wait for.
“Maybe it`s for the best. I bet he doesn`t want to see me again.” To see the face of the man who was supposed to protect his daughter. The face of the man his daughter wanted to devote her life to. The man who could not even bring him a body home to bury.
“I`m a shit. Ruining your birthday with talk like this.” Levi was never good at this. In his spot, Eld would have teased Petra about her first expedition. Tell her how now that she was a big girl, she ought to refrain from soiling herself again. Petra would turn red from embarrassment and elbow Eld in the ribs. Gunther would point out that despite their age, they are still children. And proceed with teasing Petra himself. Oluo would try to defend Petra`s honor to gain her attention, which would make him the target instead. Levi gave a small smile at the thoughts. He missed them dearly, more than he would ever care to admit.
Levi crouched down and cleared the layer of snow covering her headstone. He ran his finger alongside the letters of her name, wishing he would have had more opportunities to write it down.
“Happy birthday again, brat.”
The last time he visited her, Levi had company. Gabi and Falco did not give it another thought before offering to help him see her again before they would all leave for a new life. A better life, he hoped. But without her by his side, it was never going to be perfect. Gabi set down the flowers before they gave him privacy. While they never asked him about who she was, they knew Levi must have cared for her a great deal.
"Hi, brat. It`s been a while."
He had so much to say to her, and yet, he did not know where to start. A part of him expected to join her during the last battle, but fate always had something new in store for him. Levi was uncertain if it was luck by his side or a curse to watch everyone he ever cared about die. But life was looking brighter, and Levi promised himself he would never lose anyone again.
"Are Hange and Erwin with you now? How about the guys?" He wished for nothing more than to be there by their side. But Levi knew they would never forgive him if he did not try to live the remainder of his life to the fullest. And for them, he would try.
"Does Oluo still bite his tongue? Did he try to flirt with you again? Is Eld still teasing you? Does Gunther still treat you as a little sister?" Levi chuckled at the memory of their antics. He learned the hard way that he never appreciated them enough before he lost them.
"I hope there is an afterlife. I hope it`s peaceful. You all deserve it. Such a shitty end..." He closed his eyes and sighed at the words coming out of his mouth. "I`m sorry, I didn`t mean it. But you already knew that. I was always an open book to you."
Levi felt guilty for leaving the home they bled for behind, but if he were truthful, it had not felt like home to him for years. With no one left by his side, nothing was keeping him in Paradise anymore. While neither of them voiced it out, he had dreamed of a future with Petra by his side. And for her, he would try to live a long and happy life. Before he got to be with her.
"I`m sorry... for the future I never got to offer you. The one you deserved. I`m sorry for the house I never got to build for us, for the vows we never got to take, for the brats that will never play in my backyard." Levi knew Petra would encourage him to find love, but he never would again. He could never imagine a future by someone else`s side.
Levi glanced back at her grave for one last time before he set out for the remainder of his life- "I`ll see you soon. Wait for me."
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starshine583 · 4 years
New Girl on the Block (3)
(Hey guys! finally got around to posting chapter three of this! There’s a second, mini series connected to this that’s called Journal Entries. You don’t have to read it to understand the plot, but I felt like it would be fun to write so enjoy it if you like!)
Ch. 1 / Ch. 2 / Ch. 4
Chapter 3: There’s a First Time for Everything
Adrien tapped his pencil against his notebook paper and nestled his cheek into his open palm with a sigh. It’s been a little over a week since Marinette exchanged schools, and he’s yet to talk with her about it. He tried visiting her the day Ms. Bustier informed them of the transfer, but Marinette wasn’t home. Naturally, he tried again the next day and actually managed to catch her, but then she ran off. Ran off! Adrien still couldn’t believe it. Why would she run from him? 
“Dude, you okay?” Nino asked, giving him a light nudge.
Adrien straightened slightly. “Ah, yeah, just.. Just thinking.”
Alya scoffed behind him. “Don’t tell me you’re still moping about Marinette.” 
Needless to say, the class didn’t exactly share Adrien’s sentiment about Marinette’s leaving. With all of Lila’s stories circling around, they were overjoyed that the “bully” was gone. Alya was low-key furious, ranting about “injustices” and “letting Marinette run from the consequences of her actions”, but other than that, everyone was pleased with the outcome.
Everyone except Adrien.
Adrien knew better. The class may think that they’re better off without the bluenette, but he knew for certain that they were all going to drown without her. Marinette organized the budgets, supplied the goods for bake sales, signed off all of the paperwork for their trips- she even made dresses for the girls on special occasions. They needed her. That’s why he had to get her back. If only he could find time out of his packed schedule to visit her again..
“Alright, everyone, settle down.” Ms. Bustier spoke up. “The results for the new class president are in.”
Adrien sunk further into his seat. Ah, yes. The new class president, another reason Marinette should have stayed. With her gone, they had to make an impromptu election. Chloe, of course, ran again, but Lila decided to run as well. With the class’ obvious loyalty towards Lila, it’s a wonder Ms. Bustier didn’t announce the brunette as the president right there and save everyone the trouble.
Ms. Bustier pulled out a small card with the results and cleared her throat. “With a near-unanimous vote, the new class president will be Lila Rossi.”
The class cheered, and Lila gasped as if she hadn’t expected this to happen.
“Thank you all so much!” She beamed.
Alya slung her arm around Lila’s shoulders. “You deserve it, girl.”
Chloe scoffed from her seat and crossed her arms, but no one acknowledged the show of disdain. They were too busy congratulating their beloved Lila.
“Congratulations Lila. You can visit Marinette after school to get the paperwork from her.” Ms. Bustier said, setting her cards aside.
Adrien straightened. Someone had to go visit Marinette? “I’ll do it!”
The classroom paused at the outburst.
“Oh, Adrien you don’t have to do that for me.” Lila remarked with a grateful tone.
“Oh, no, it’s my pleasure.” Adrien was quick to reply.
A hint of annoyance flicked across Lila’s features, but it quickly vanished when Alya said, “Yeah, Lila, you shouldn’t have to suffer through that.”
A smile forced its way onto the Italian girl’s lips. “Thanks, but I think it’s only right that I meet with her in person. Class president to Class president and all.”
Alya frowned. “Well, at least let me go with you. I don’t want her trying to pull anything.”
“Oh, Alya,” Lila sighed, patting the red-head’s hand, “It’s just a small visit. I’m sure Marinette and I can be civil about this.”
Alya reluctantly agreed, but if anyone had actually been paying attention, they might have seen Lila’s smirk.
The soft rhythm of Felix and Allegra’s instruments floated around the music room as they played. Marinette never imagined the violin and the flute sounding well together, but the way Felix and Allegra harmonized had her swaying back and forth with the melody. It was a lovely song, and she couldn’t help closing her eyes to fully relish the masterpiece. 
Her eyes snapped open a second later, though, as her entire body jolted from the large calamity of piano keys that was suddenly pounded on by Claude. Felix startled as well, his violin flying off key, and Allegra nearly dropped her flute. 
“Again, Claude?” Allegra sighed, placing her hands on her hips.
Claude leaned back on the piano stool with his palms and flashed them an innocent smile. “What? I was only helping.”
Marinette held back a smile, but Felix wasn’t amused.
“I told you to stop doing that.” He scolded with a scowl. “You’re going to get our music room privileges revoked!”
“Good. You guys practice too much, anyway.” 
Allegra gave Claude a flat look. “We need to practice if we’re going to get better.”
“But you already sound great.” 
“Because we practice.” Felix replied pointedly.
Marinette subtly nodded in agreement. She didn’t want to get directly involved in their arguments, as that never seemed to go well.
Claude huffed a sigh and rolled his eyes. “Fine. Whatever. Waste your time on endless practice. I’m gonna do something more productive with my time.”
Felix narrowed his eyes. “Like what?”
Claude turned to lay across the piano bench while throwing Marinette a smile. “Like making croissants! We’re still coming to your house, right?”
Marinette returned his smile, secretly relieved that he didn’t ask her to do something outrageous like going to chase pigeons around the park while on roller blades. (Yes, that’s happened several times in the past week, and yes, each time she’s said no.) 
“Yeah, but you guys are coming over tomorrow.” She told him. 
He pumped a fist into the air. “Yes! I can’t wait!!”
“Neither can I.” Allegra admitted. “Your parents sound splendid.”
Marinette’s smile widened. “I’m sure you’ll all get along great.”
“Yes, I’m sure.. If we can practice enough to go straight to your house after classes tomorrow.” Felix remarked, shooting Claude another look.
Claude tisked, waving a hand at him. “Yeah, yeah. Get back to your music already.”
Allegra gave a short laugh, sarcastically stating, “Oh, thank you so much. I was wondering when you would give us permission to play.”
“I know, I’m such a generous person.” Claude joked back.
Allegra playfully rolled her eyes and held up her flute to resume playing. Felix followed along, and Marinette went back to swaying as their song continued. 
The familiar ring of the customer bell brought a smile to Marinette’s lips as she opened the bakery door. 
Her mother, Sabine, looked up from the cashier desk with a warm smile. “Marinette! How was music practice?”
“It was wonderful, Maman. Felix and Allegra play beautifully.” Marinette answered as she walked inside. She set her bag next to the counter and gave her mother a quick peck on the cheek. “Is everything ready for them to come over tomorrow?”
Sabine nodded. “Tom’s got the ingredients and tables ready for when they get here. He’s so excited to meet them, and so am I.”
Marinette chuckled. “They’re excited to meet you guys too.”
Sabine’s smile widened at the comment, but then her expression darkened as she said, “Hopefully they’re not two-faced and backstabbing like your previous classmates.”
Marinette gasped. “Mom!” 
“Well, it’s true!” Sabine replied defensively.
It was true, but that didn’t mean Marinette was any less surprised to hear her maman talk that way. Of course, Sabine did tend to speak her mind when Marinette’s feelings were involved. 
Before she could respond, the doorbell rang again, signaling a new customer’s arrival. Marinette turned with her mother to offer them a greeting, but stopped short when she saw exactly who the new customer was.
Lila Rossi stood in the doorway, a smug smirk on her lips as she eyed Marinette up and down. “I see you’re doing well.”
Sabine was in front of Marinette in the blink of an eye. “You are not welcome in this bakery. Leave immediately before I call the cops.”
A look of feigned hurt crossed the Italian girl’s expression. “How rude! I only came here per Mme Bustier’s request. I have to get the formal papers from our previous class president.”
Marinette narrowed her eyes, stepping around Sabine with crossed arms. “I suppose you’re the new class president then?”
Lila’s smile returned, sharp and triumphant. “By a near-unanimous vote. Alya is still the deputy though, since she practically begged me to let her help.”
Marinette’s lips tightened into a thin line. That sounded about right. “How nice for you. You two really do deserve each other.”
When Lila first came around, Marinette had been torn and heartbroken about her friends abandoning her for a stranger. It didn’t help that Adrien kept assuring her that everything would be fine, that they didn’t mean what they said. He gave her false hope, and it made it all the harder to find the courage to leave. 
Now, she’s realized how toxic her old environment had become, and though it still hurt her to think about it, Marinette knew she couldn’t let them affect her anymore.
Lila faltered at Marinette’s uncaring tone. “Uh.. right. Where are those papers again?”
“Up in my room.” Marinette moved towards the stairs, bringing Sabine back behind the counter as she did. “I’ll go get them now.”
“Good.” Lila said, sounding satisfied. “I’ll be waiting outside, but don’t take your time. I’m supposed to go meet Alya and the girls for a girl’s night out.” 
Marinette rolled her eyes at the obvious jab, but continued up the stairs anyway. The sooner she got the papers, the sooner that lying leech could leave.
She swiftly ran up to her room and gathered the papers to stuff them into the large, blue binder she’d been given only two semesters ago. It sunk into her arms as she picked it up, and the sheer weight of the packed binder made her smile as she brought it back outside, especially when she saw Lila’s panicked expression.
“Um.. What is that?” The brunette asked, pointed at the binder.
“Oh, this?” Marinette replied innocently. “This is just the binder that holds all the formal papers you need. Being class president takes a lot of work you know.”
Lila nearly toppled over when Marinette dropped the binder into her arms. 
“That’s allergies, budgets, complaints, schedules, and trips!” Marinette told her with a grin. “But don’t forget to give Mme Bustier and Principle Damocles the proper reports each semester.”
Lila shot her a scowl, but quickly recovered, slipping on a smile of her own. “No need to be petty, Marinette. It’s fine to admit you’re breaking inside. Losing all your friends can be a hard thing to go through.”
Marinette’s grin faded slightly, knowing that Lila was right. She’d lost everything. All of her childhood friends, her crush, her fun teachers, anything she used to hold dear.
But maybe that was a good thing.
“Have fun sorting through the binder.” She said, spinning on her heel and walking inside. She had better things to do than listen to someone who had to lie just to get people to like them. 
The bakery door closed behind her, and Marinette saw Lila leave out of the corner of her eye, taking the painful memories with her.
Friday afternoon. 4:45pm.
Felix stared at the bakery door, unsure how to proceed. The group had originally agreed to walk straight to Marinette’s house after school, but they changed the plan last minute to come back at five, an hour after school ended. It gave Marinette’s parents time to finish up the preparations, and the rest of the group time to drop off their school bags at their homes. 
Felix, as usual, arrived at the Dupain-Cheng’s early, but now he was doubting his actions. On one hand, he would get to meet the Dupain-Cheng’s without the chaos that the trio tended to bring. It would be a nice way for him to get a quick impression of the family over-all. 
On the other hand, he’s at Marinette’s house before the time she specifically told them to come, which could be considered rude in some cases. Should he go inside or wait in a nearby cafe?
After a few more minutes of debating, Felix stepped forward and knocked on the door. If they really needed him to wait until five, he would apologize and come back in ten minutes. The opportunity to meet the Dupain-Cheng’s on a one-on-one basis was too good to pass up.
It only took a moment for the door to open, and a short, asain woman greeted him with a sweet smile. “Hello! I’m assuming you’re one of Marinette’s friends from school?” 
Felix nodded, noting her raven hair that matched Marinette’s perfectly. “Yes, ma’am. I’m Felix.”
He stiffened slightly when she reached forward to take his hand in both of hers. “It’s great to finally meet you! Marinette has told us so much about you all.” 
A small smile passed his lips. For some reason, that knowledge gave him a satisfied feeling. Assuming that the talk was good, that is. “She’s talked a lot about you as well. I’m assuming you’re Mme Dupain-Cheng?”
The woman waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, please, call me Sabine.”
‘Sabine’ showed him inside, where baked goods lined the walls in glass cases. Claude was going to lose his mind when he got here. The overwhelming scent of vanilla and cinnamon alone was going to be enough to make the brunette’s mouth water.
“This is my husband, Tom.” Sabine introduced, gesturing to a tall, burly man at the cashier desk. “Tom, this is one of Marinette’s friends, Felix.”
Felix would be lying if he said he wasn’t intimidated by the man. His head almost grazed the ceiling as he approached them, making Sabine look like a dwarf in comparison. Felix felt like a dwarf in comparison.
Tom offered a wide, hearty grin, though that didn’t help Felix’s unease. “Ah, Felix! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!”
The man scooped Felix up into a bear hug, squeezing him tightly to his chest. Felix would have replied to his greeting had he been able to breathe. 
“Oh, Papa!”
Felix glanced over Tom’s shoulder- he’d been raised that high -and saw Marinette standing in another doorway behind the cashier counter, a slight cringe in her expression.
“Papa, put poor Felix down before he passes out from lack of oxygen!” She insisted, walking forward to tug on her father’s arm.
“Oh that’s.. That’s a bit of an exaggeration, don’t you think?” Felix wheezed as Tom set him down. 
Marinette’s hands hovered around him for a moment, then she nervously clasped them together. “I-I’m so sorry, I should have warned you. I thought I was going to be down here when you guys arrived.”
Felix shook his head and bent over slightly to catch his breath. “No, no, you’re fine. They actually remind me of my own mother. She’s a rather adamant hugger herself.”
A relieved smile came to Marinette’s lips. “Really? I didn’t think anyone could be as ‘homely’ as my parents.”
Felix chuckled, but the customer bell jingled again before he could reply. Claude sauntered inside a second later, his arms spread as wide as his grin. 
“We’re here~!” The brunette sang, looking around the shop. His gaze found Felix’s flat one almost immediately.
“Hey!” Claude gasped, pointing accusingly at Felix. “He beat us here!”
Allegra stepped out from behind Claude, wearing a curious expression. That quickly changed to knowing smirk, though, as she shot him a playfully scolding look. “Why, Felix! I’m surprised at you! You should know more than anyone how rude it is to arrive at someone’s house early.”
Felix grimaced at the reminder of his bad manners and quickly turned to apologize.
“Oh don’t be silly!” Sabine said before he could get a word out. “Any friends of Marinette are friends of ours. You guys are welcome here anytime.”
Claude lit up at the sentiment. “I’m gonna be here a lot then.”
Allan popped out from behind Claude and Allegra. “Thank you for hosting us, M. and Mme Dupain-Cheng.”
Felix held back a smirk. He’d wondered when Allan would show himself.
“Please, call us Tom and Sabine.” Tom replied in a casual, yet booming voice. It highly contradicted his wife and daughter, who tended to speak in soft tones. “Follow me. I’ll show you where the kitchen is.”
The group was led into a room in the back where three islands stood in the center, each equally parted from each other. A large counter lined the wall to the left as well, and two, large ovens sat on each end of said counter.
“Do you guys want to start from scratch or start with pre-made dough?” Tom asked.
“Oh! Scratch! I want to be able to make these at home!” Claude answered eagerly. 
Tom smiled. “Alright! Scratch it is. Everyone take the needed ingredients on the counter.”
The group took a moment to pass around the items, then they separated to find a counter. Allan took the first counter with Tom, and Allegra and Claude stole the last counter, leaving the middle counter for Marinette and Felix. 
“I’m glad you guys got to come.” Marinette commented as they aligned their ingredients on the shared countertop.
Felix nodded. “I think Claude’s going to get a sugar-crash before we leave.”
Marinette snorted. “With all of those baked goods in the other room? I’d be surprised if he makes it to supper.”
Felix spared her a glance. “Are we staying for supper?”
Marinette paused, having to think out her answer. She must not have noticed the implication when she said it. “Uh.. I mean.. I wouldn’t mind. Do you guys want to stay for supper?”
Felix shrugged, though the idea sounded perfect. It would give him more time to understand the Dupain-Cheng’s lifestyle. “I’m sure Allegra and Claude will be ecstatic over the news. I’d have to contact my mother about the change in schedule, though.”
“Oh, were you planning something with her tonight?” Marinette asked, worry lacing her tone. “You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
“No, I want to.” Felix hastily amended. “I simply need to tell my mother that I won’t be home for supper tonight. We always have a family dinner when everyone is available.”
“And you won’t miss it?”
“Well, it sounds like it’s a special occasion, but everyone’s available more often than you’d expect.” 
Marinette tilted her head up and mouthed an ‘oh’. “I’ll tell Maman that you’re staying, then. She was sort of planning supper for all of you anyway.”
Felix smiled. Given the daily croissants that the group’s received since their first lunch with Marinette, that didn’t surprise him. Mme Sabine had proven to be an extremely kind and charitable person, much like her daughter.
Tom, once his own ingredients were in order, regained the room’s attention and began showing them how to make the croissants. Because he was in the front, it was easy to see how the ingredients were supposed to be thrown in and follow along. That said, Felix found himself extremely grateful to have Marinette as a partner. Her little tips on how to mix the dough helped him immensely, especially since she told him when his mixing was sufficient.
“Alright,” Tom sighed as he set his bowl to the side, “Now that the dough is done, we’re going to start the hard part. Everyone needs to get some flour so we can start rolling the dough and folding it. Marinette, if you would.”
Marinette sprang from her place next to Felix and crossed the room to a cabinet. She pulled it open and grabbed a large bag of flour that appeared to be at least a fourth full, then carried it to the long counter against the wall and set it down with a huff. 
“Here’s the flour that you all are going to be using.” Tom explained. “That should be plenty, but if you need more-”
A light knock on the doorframe ahead of them caused Tom to trail off. Felix glanced at the door to see Mme Sabine standing there, holding a sheepish smile.
“Tom, dear. I know you’re busy, but could you help me with this customer real quick?” She asked politely. “They’re being.. difficult.”
Felix noted the sharpness of her smile, along with the iron grip she had on the doorframe. It appeared that the sweet, loving mother also had a temperance, though he didn’t blame her. Customers had a tendency to be massive pains for retail workers. (That included himself on a few shameful occasions.)
M. Tom’s nervous smile said it all as he joined his wife at the door. “Oh, of course. Uh.. children, just- just keep doing what you’re doing. Marinette will show you how to roll the dough if necessary.”
The parents left the room, causing the rest of the group to turn to Marinette for instruction.
Marinette, who had returned to Felix’s side by that point, shrank slightly at the sudden attention. “Oh, uhm.. Do any of you know how to fold dough?”
A short laugh came from Allegra in the back. “Mari, I’m quite certain that none of us have even touched uncooked food before.”
“That’s the price you pay for being rich.” Allan agreed, putting a hand to his chest and shaking his head with feigned grief. 
Felix opted not to comment. His mother rather enjoyed cooking, much to their butler’s dismay. She often cooked their family meals, and every now and then, Felix found himself helping. “It’s a necessary skill.” she would tell him. “Your future wife will thank me and so will you.”
Why his mother assumed he would be able to tolerate anyone long enough to marry them was beyond him.
“Oh, how horrible for you.” Marinette retorted with a playful eye roll. “I guess I’ll show you how to fold dough then. For your sakes.”
“We are forever grateful.” Claude joked.
Marinette laughed and scooped up her bowl, bringing it to the front with Allan for all of them to see. 
“Now, everyone needs to get some flour. We’ll start with Claude and Allegra getting some. That way, the flour will work its way to the front by the time we’re done.” She instructed.
Felix nodded. That sounded like a reasonable plan.
Claude walked over to grab the bag as told and hauled it back to his and Allegra’s table. “How much are we going to need?”
“Oh, not much.” Marinette answered. “You only need some on the table and some on the dou- Claude, wait!”
Claude tipped the bag of flour upwards, expecting it to slide smoothly onto the table. Instead, the flimsy ingredient smacked into the table in a large clump, causing white dust to explode into the air. Felix scrunched up his nose in annoyance. How were they supposed to mix that? How easily did it spread? He knew he should have worn something less formal. (Oh, who was he kidding? Felix didn’t have anything less formal.)
An apologetic whimper came from Marinette, as if any of this was her fault. Claude and Allegra quickly fell into a coughing fit as Claude dropped the flour bag onto the ground. Of course, dropping the bag only threw more dust into the air. 
The two attempted to wave the dust away, but it only partly worked. When the dust did finally clear, though, Claude and Allegra were left with a small pile of flour on their table. The rest of the flour was either in the air or draped across their clothes and hair.
“Wow.” Felix stated dryly. “I’m impressed. You actually managed to wait until M. Tom left before making a complete mess of yourselves and the room.”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it u-” Claude’s retort was cut off by another coughing fit, but Allegra continued it for him.
“I don’t see you rolling out your dough in a perfectly clean and pristine manner.”
“That’s because you used up the rest of the flour.” Felix shot back.
Marinette gasped. “Is it really all gone?”
Claude and Allegra, suddenly dawning a sheepish expression, looked down at the bag that was still on the floor. Claude reached down to pick it up, but, as if the situation weren’t bad enough already, he grabbed the wrong end and pulled it up upside down. 
The last bits of flour trickled to the floor, spreading across the brunette’s legs.
“...Yeah. It’s all-” He let out another cough “-gone.”
Allan’s eyes widened, a mixture of admiration and mortification swirling onto his features. “How did you waste an entire bag of flour on one spill?”
“You’d be surprised.” Marinette muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
“We can reimburse you.” Allegra was quick to offer. “How much did the flour cost? Do you take checks?”
A light chuckle fell from Marinette’s lips. “No, no, that’s not necessary. I’ve.. actually done worse.”
Claude’s eyes bulged out of his head. “You’ve done worse?”
Felix thought over the many falls that Marinette had had over the past week. Her clumsiness certainly made it possible to have more extreme accidents. 
“What do we do now that the flour is gone?” He asked, trying to get the group back on track. The sooner they finished baking the croissants, the sooner he could examine the rest of Marinette’s house instead of sitting in the kitchen. The Dupain-Chengs appeared to be a lively, fun-loving family, but he’d only gotten a small taste of their life, only seen the tip of the iceberg. Felix wanted to absorb as many details as possible before leaving. 
Marinette straightened. “Oh! There’s actually more flour in the back! I’ll go get it.”
Before Felix could offer any assistance- his curiosity piqued about where they might store more food -the ravenette had already left the room, disappearing through another doorway in the back. 
A moment later, she returned, another large bag of flour in her hands. This time, however, the bag was full. Felix vaguely wondered how heavy the bags must weigh for her to be wobbling over with one so easily. Wasn’t flour supposed to be heavy?
“Here’s a fresh bag of flo-ou-ah!” Marinette’s words jumbled into jargon when her foot caught on her ankle. Her body lunged forward from the momentum, and Felix stepped up to catch her on reflex.
Bad idea. 
Due to the weight of the flour bag yanking her downwards, Marinette crashed into Felix’s and dragged him to the floor with her. His back hit the floor with a painful *thud*, immediately sucking all of the air from his lungs. 
Of course, the flour bag popped open upon impact, sending more white dust directly into his face. Between the weight of Marinette and the flour, along with his aching lungs and the suffocating dust, Felix was convinced that he was about to die right then and there on the bakery floor. 
Felix Culpa: tragically taken from this world by a bag of flour and a clumsy classmate. What a way to go.
“Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Felix. Are you okay??” Marinette asked frantically, pushing herself off of him. 
Felix coughed out a weak response with what little oxygen he had. Even without Marinette, the flour bag pressed into his chest like a block of concrete. How had she been carrying this without breaking a sweat earlier?
Marinette hauled the bag off of him, and Felix sucked in a deep breath despite the flour still cluttering the atmosphere. All he needed right now was some sweet, blessed air. Infected or no.
It wasn’t until he regained enough of his senses to push himself up into a sitting position that he heard Claude’s howling laughter.
“Oh, man!” The brunette cackled. “And you thought we were bad! Look at you, Fe! You’re a ghost!”
Felix glanced down at his clothes, which were indeed covered in white. He could even feel the weight of the flour in his hair. How long was this going to take to wash out? Was he going to have to buy new clothes before going home?
A snort brought his gaze upwards, where Marinette stood with the bag of flour. She had a hand on her mouth- holding the bag of flour with one hand -and a barely contained smile on her lips that she was obviously trying to hide. 
That’s when Felix knew that he must be looking ridiculous. 
“At least I wasn’t the one to cause the mess.” Felix grumbled in response to Claude. He reached up to start brushing some of the flour out of his hair, finding a bit of comfort in the fact that Marinette was white with flour as well. It might have been irksome if she had escaped her fall unscathed while he appeared to be a freshly made snowman.
“I am. So sorry.” Marinette apologized again, this time offering him her hand to help him up.
Felix took it, his bafflement towards her uncanny amount of strength only growing as she managed to pull him up with one arm and keep the bag of flour steady in her other arm.
“It’s..” not your fault. Was what he was about to say, except that would be a lie. It was entirely her fault.
“It’s fine.” He said instead. “It’s just clothes.”
“Wow~” Allegra sang, immediately latching onto Felix’s nerves. “‘It’s just clothes’? That’s a first.”
“Remember that time Felix threatened to sue us for enough money to buy a new wardrobe if we ‘got so much as one drop of food on his vest’?” Allan chimed in.
Embarrassment coiled around Felix’s stomach, though he wasn’t sure why. That designer outfit was expensive! And the trio was acting especially chaotic that day. Who knows what might have happened had he not put his foot down when they started joking about a food fight.
Felix whipped around to Allan to explain that exact reasoning, but something caught his attention, causing him to pause. Allan was still at the front of the room, the farthest position from the chaos that had just ensued. Aside from the stray dust still fluttering around the room, the man was completely untouched as far as flour was concerned. 
“Marinette,” He said, catching the girl’s eye, “I do believe that Allan hasn’t gotten his flour yet.”
Marinette’s gaze flicked to Allan, then to the bag, and Felix prayed that he assessed her correctly. Because if Allan didn’t get flour on him this instant, Felix might be tempted to do something foolish. Like attempting to throw a bag of flour that was, without a doubt, too heavy for him to even lift on his own.
The barest hints of amusement lit up Marinette’s features. “You know what? I think you’re right.”
Felix smiled, feeling a devilish satisfaction. Yes!
Allan took a step back, suddenly looking very concerned. 
“Woah, w-wait a second, guys.” He squeaked, holding up his hands as Marinette inched forward. “L-Let’s talk about this!”
“One of us. One of us.” Claude began chanting behind them. “One of us! One of us!”
Allegra joined in, and, in the spirit of things, Felix joined in as well, if only to push Marinette further towards his goal.
Allan bumped into his assigned counter while trying to put useless distance between himself and Marinette. “Please, no! It’s rare that I come out of these things unscathed!”
Marinette’s grin was downright predatory as she held up the bag of flour. “I can’t imagine why.”
Allan’s scream was the last thing Felix heard before Marinette swung the flour bag forward. 
The entire room erupted into uncontrollable laughter as Allan coughed out at least half the bag. He was now stark white from head to toe, and Felix couldn’t be prouder. It served him right for poking the bear.
Allan hung his head in defeat, a bit of flour falling off of his head from the action. This only made the group laugh harder. Claude started to say something about the “set being complete”, but before he could finish-
“What is going on?!” 
M. Tom reappeared in the doorway, his eyes wide and puzzled as he stared at the flour-covered room. 
Felix froze. Right. They were supposed to be baking with Marinette’s parents. 
Marinette set the flour bag down immediately. “I’m sorry, Papa, this is all my fault.”
“No, that’s not fair!” Claude protested. “Allegra and I spilled the flour bag first!”
“So she had to go get more!” Allegra continued the explanation.
“I’m the one who told her to throw the fresh flour at Allan.” Felix added. If anyone was to get in trouble, it should certainly be him. He was the only one who actually spilled the flour on purpose. Marinette didn’t deserve to take the blame for his petty actions.
M. Tom furrowed at the near-simultaneous remarks, but then let out a hearty laugh.
“I see you’ve all gotten into the baking spirit!” He declared. “Now who wants to learn how to actually fold dough?”
Felix blinked. He’d expected the man to be at least a little upset. Did this sort of thing happen often? Or was Marinette’s father simply that forgiving? M. Tom did refer to the mess as ‘the baking spirit’.. Whatever that means.
“Yeah we do!” Claude shouted enthusiastically, taking Felix from his thoughts.
“Great! Let’s start with putting the flour on the table.” Tom smiled, going back to his original spot next to Allan.
Felix followed the notion, going back to his original spot as well. He tried brushing more of the flour off of his vest, but, as expected, it didn’t help much. He was probably going to get more flour on him during the folding process anyway.
“Don’t worry.” Marinette whispered as she reclaimed her spot next to him. “I’ll let you guys wash up in the bathroom after this. If you want to, that is.”
Felix nodded. “I would be eternally grateful.” 
Marinette giggled. “..So did you really threaten to sue them over your clothes?”
Felix paused his kneading long enough to sigh. Freaking Allan. That idiot deserved every speck of flour dust that he had on him.
Tag List:  @artbyknigit @athena452 @nickristus-dreamer @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @arsaem @abrx2002 @neakco @pawsitivelymiraculous @too0bsessedformyowngood @nathleigh @lusicing @officiallydarkgeek @all-mights-asscheeks @tbehartoo @woe-is-me0 @raeuberprinzessin @lazuli-11 @miss-chaos27 @trippingovermyfeet @sadpotatoondrugs @ladybug-182
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mandoalorian · 4 years
I Believe In Love [Maxwell Lord x F!Reader] — Four: Lies
Summary: When you find your calling to leave Themyscira, you venture out to the World of Man with intentions of helping and healing a very specific person's relationship with his son. You've heard his voice before, but only in dreams. You've felt his pain and anguish and you've never been able to relate to anything more. But things don't come easy for you, and they certainly don't come easy for him either. [This series contains spoilers for WW84 and is my interpretation of what happens after the movie ends].
Warnings: brief mention of blood, allusions to an abusive household/family, mention of child custody battle, 80s typical misogyny, cursing.
Word count: 5,200>
I Believe In Love Masterlist
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He'd lied. You read the name over and over again, the crumpled letter shaking in your hands. Lorenzano. Lorenzano. Lorenzano. He wasn't Max Lord, he was Maxwell Lorenzano and you had no idea how he could lie to you - or better yet, why he would lie to you? There was a reason for everything. You might’ve been new to the world of man, and you might not yet understand their conditions and way of life, but it didn’t change the fact that this hurt. He was your first friend - your first real friend who wasn’t a child. He accepted you into his home, and he even believed you when you told him who you are. You had opened up about being a literal goddess from the secret haven Themyscira, and he hadn’t even told you his real name.
And then, your visions of him… memories and dreams… they hit you one by one. Now you could finally put a face to the voice that had been haunting you. He was the child you saw when you had fallen asleep in Black Gold Cooperative, the child who was getting bullied for the clothes he wore, and his shoes. You felt foolish not realising it sooner. The image of ‘Little Lorenzano’ getting tormented perfectly paralleled the way Alistair had gotten cornered in the park earlier today. Your heart ached for them both.
Max Lord was clearly putting on a brave face in front of you. But now that you knew who he really was, you knew that he was deeply hurting, and he needed your help. He might not realise it, but this is why you were here. You’d come to the world of man to fulfil your duty as the Goddess of Home and Hearth for a reason and Zeus had deliberately connected you with Alistair and Maxwell. This was your purpose. They were your purpose.
You smoothed out the letter to the best of your ability, deciding that if you were to help him, you should probably read it. You had hope that it would help you understand things and allow you to piece together the puzzle. You glanced back at the speckles of his blood in the sink, and the smashed vase on the floor. Whatever was in this letter had clearly angered him.
I, Theodore Thomas IV, share a bond with Miss Grey and recognise that she is a caring and devoted mother. We are in full belief that Alistair Lorenzano would be better off, in the care of his biological mother.
A bond. You were quickly able to identify that Julianna Grey was the mother of Alistiar, although the bond between she and Theodore Thomas IV had not yet become clear to you. Your heart would usually find warmth in the revelation that Julianna was, in fact a ‘caring and devoted’ mother, but instead it grew cold. As the goddess of home and hearth, you could sense the lie in his words. You wanted to believe that Julianna was a good mother, but your intuition said otherwise. These were your powers - and there was no way you were wrong about this. Despite the immediate concern you had for Allistair, you pushed the feeling to the back of your brain and forced yourself to continue reading the letter.
Mr Maxwell Lorenzano and Miss Julianna Grey divorced on the seventh month of 1980 after being married for two years. Miss Grey notes that their relationship was strained since the beginning, with Mr Lorenzano too preoccupied with his career to focus on his family.
Marriage - Max and Julianna were married. It was something you had read about back on Themyscira when you had spent time educating yourself on the ‘way of man’. Marriage was, supposedly, a sacred ritual that joined together the spirits of two people in the name of love. And love was the fundamental principle that would create a family. At the core of a family, was love, and that was the most important thing. Your eyes flicked back up the final sentence of the first paragraph; “We are in full belief that Alistair Lorenzano would be better off, in the care of his biological mother.” You couldn’t help but shake your head profusely. These people wanted to take Alistair away from Max? There was no way. Theodore may think that Julianna deserves Alisitair, but it was never going to be about ‘deserve’. It could only be about love. And you knew for certain that Maxwell loved Alistair with his whole heart.
I have known Miss Grey since 1980, after working on her and Mr Lorenzano’s divorce case. As not only her partner, but also a trusted lawyer of our capitol’s legal enforcement, I can whole-heartedly ensure that sole custody of Alistair Lorenzano must be granted to Miss Julianna Grey.
Divorce was something you weren’t so familiar with, and you figured it should be something you ask Maxwell about at a later date. It was at this moment you learned that Theodore was Julianna’s partner, lover, even. No wonder he thought so highly of her. There was no question about it. You knew you had to pay Julianna and Theodore a visit to see for yourself. You had to see the truth.
Please find us at the District Columbia Court, D.C., in one week from the date stated on the letter. If you make no effort to show and fight your case, you will be banished from seeing Alistair until he turns eighteen years of age.
Banishment? The thought of splitting up Max and Alistair filled you with the most excruciating pain. You couldn’t let this happen. You wouldn’t let this happen.
So Theodore was Ted and Maxwell was Max. If you had known that names in the world of man could fluctuate so much, maybe you wouldn’t have gotten mad so mad at Max for lying about his name. After catching the address on the envelope, you engrained it in your memory and carefully folded up the letter and placed it in the pocket of the Maxwell’s pinstripe shirt that he had given you to wear. Now you just had to figure out a way to get to the address on the letter.
You spent some time sweeping up the shattered glass on the floor, and cleaned up the sink before padding back into the living room and sliding your feet back into your gladiator sandals, buckling them up. You even picked up the lasso of truth and tied it around your waist so it acted like a makeshift belt on you. There was no way you were going to leave it behind. You took another look at the photo frame that was on the small table next to the couch and picked it up. You smiled as you felt the exact same love that Maxwell felt when he was in the photo, holding baby Alistair. Just looking at the family portrait filled you with so much joy. You knew that Max’s love for his son was genuine.
Turning the frame over, you opened it up and took the glossy polaroid out, placing it in the same pocket of your shirt. You loved the photo and you wanted to take it wherever you went. 
It was cold outside, and the sky was a deep shade of blue. There was definitely a draft, and you wondered if you should’ve changed back into your Amazonian warrior gear. The oversized shirt that Maxwell had given you, as well as the gladiator sandals, didn’t really provide you with the greatest amount of warmth. You weren’t even wearing anything on your legs.
A small old lady with a zimmer frame was walking down the street. “Oh wow!” she exclaimed, looking you up and down, presumably judging your outfit of choice. “You have very nice legs, but aren’t you cold?”
You looked down at your legs, noticing the goose pimples, and nodded in confirmation. “Yes, but I’ll be okay. Do you think you could help me with something?” you asked curiously, watching as she raised her eyebrows.
“Me? Help you? What could little old me-”
You took the letter out of your pocket and pointed to the address. “How do I get here?”
She adjusted her glasses and squinted. “Thomas Family Lawyers,” she read out loud, before turning back to you. “Honey, this law firm is on the other side of Georgetown. You best call a cabbie, especially this late in the evening.”
“A cabbie?” you asked, shivering in the cold. “I’m sorry… I’m not from round here.” you shrugged helplessly.
“Let me help you.” the old lady said, reaching into her purse and bringing out an enormous 1984 brick-like cell phone. The contraption shocked you, and you even wondered how she had fit it in her bag. She pulled out the antenna and began to dial a number. “Hi, could I get a pre-paid taxi to Thomas Family Law Firm, Georgetown? Thank you,” She put the phone back in her purse and offered you a smile. “A cab won’t be long. I’m Mrs Stagg, by the way. Might I enquire… why are you going to a family law firm when you’re not even from the area?”
“To help a friend.” you returned the smile.
“Does your friend live in this neighbourhood?” 
“He does. Um… his name is Max Lord?” you explained but the way it left your lips made it sound more like a question. Lord? Lorenzano? What difference did it make?
“Ah,” was the small sound that emitted from Mrs Stagg’s throat. “Max Lord, the oil guy. My son Simon is- was an investor for Maxwell’s company. From what I heard, the company is bust. A joke. Max Lord has been scamming the entire nation for years.”
“Scamming?” you asked, confused. “I don’t understand.”
“Black Gold Cooperative have shares in oil fields all around the world, only, the oil fields have completely dried up, you know - with the Cold War and all. But he kept going… kept making those silly infomercials and selling his dream. ‘Anything you want, you can have it.’ or something like that.” Mrs Stagg scoffed, shaking her head incredulously. You recognised the quote from when you had seen him all suited up on the television. 
“I don’t… I don’t understand. Why would he lie to the whole country?” you beckoned further, despite the conversation bringing you some uncomfort. Max had seemed like a genuinely good guy and a loving father up until this point. 
“For money, I suppose. That’s all it’s ever about with folk like him. Money. I chastise my son for it too. He’s the CEO of Stagg Industries and the only reason I could live in such a beautiful neighbourhood like this one. He bought my home here,” she beamed proudly. “But, I don’t know much about Max Lord. Don’t really see him around on the streets either. He must be cooped up in his office most of the time. Hey, you’re his friend. Maybe you should ask him why he’s nothing but a low-life conman.” 
Her words stung, and they weren’t even about you. You were completely lost for words, and surprised that she had so much hate in her heart for Max. Granted, if he was rivals with her son, it would make sense, but she did raise many questions that concerned you greatly. When the taxi pulled up, she paid the driver and helped you into the passenger seat. “I don’t know Max Lord,” she whispered from the other side of the car door. “But please darling, be careful.” She warned you before the cabbie whisked you away.
Your concept of time was slightly askew, but you figured the journey to the law firm lasted twice as long as the journey from Black Gold to Max’s home. You looked out the window taking in the stunning city at night. The buildings were all lit up and reflected against the windows, creating a glitter in your eye. There was nothing like this on Themyscira. No tall skyscrapers, no enormous shopping malls or company buildings. D.C. was booming, and it was beautiful. The journey allowed you to process Mrs Stagg’s words and think even more about Max. Clearly, both Julianna and Theodore had their reasons not to like Maxwell, and now, so did Mrs Stagg and her son Simon. You had to speak to Max and confront him. You knew there was more to him than what meets the eye.
Thomas Family Lawyer’s was a big building, not as big as Black Gold Cooperative, but it was still big. Just as you went through the revolving doors (which you had now grown accustomed to, due to your time spent and Max’s office) a group of girls began to file out. Whilst Raquel had been somewhat confused by your presence, these girls shot you the most evil of stares.
“Do you know what time it is? Office hours are closed. Why are you here?” One girl with sleek black hair spat coldly. You practically winced at the malice in her voice.
“Oh, I’m here to see Theodore Thomas?” you said slowly, nervously biting your lip.
“Who are you?” quizzed the same ebony haired girl.
“I’m a friend of Max Lord.” was the only thing you could come out with. Maxwell had warned you to refrain from identifying yourself as the ‘goddess of home and hearth’ in front of the public. He told you that people won’t believe him like he does, and that they’ll think you’re crazy. You had no choice but to believe him.
“Max Lord!” a red haired girl gasped, and a shorter blonde girl slapped her hand over the redhead’s mouth. “Sorry,” the redhead muffled as the blonde girl removed her hand. “He’s just so sexy.”
“But you know we’re not supposed to like him.” The blonde girl hissed.
“Huh?” you asked, knotting your eyebrows together. “Not supposed to?”
The ebony haired girl let out a longing groan. “Will the both of you just shut up?” she grimaced, glaring at the other two girls before looking back at you with that same mean stare. “Turn left, his office is the big one at the bottom of the corridor. You’re lucky he’s working late tonight.” 
“Yeah, on his girlfriend’s case.” The redhead said weakly.
“Can you not keep your mouth shut?” Snapped the black haired girl. “Why would you say that in front of this hobo stranger when she’s just said she’s Max Lord’s friend. She doesn’t need to know that Mr Thomas is working on the custody case! It’s a wonder he hasn’t fired you yet for being so stupid.”
You had zoned out of the pointless conversation about mid-way through anyway. Those girls were nothing but rude to each other anyway. You slipped past them and down the corridor until you reached two double doors, not hesitating for a second to open them up.
There, with his head buried down into a pile of papers, was a dark haired man in a tight fitted suit. He abruptly looked up when you had entered his office, his mustache wavering in bewilderment as he took in the appearance of a girl who was wearing nothing but an oversized button up shirt and brown strapped gladiator sandals. “C-can I help you?” he gulped, relishing the sight of his body like it was the sweetest view he’d ever come across. You crossed your bare legs together awkwardly, feeling slightly vulnerable by the way he was staring at you. 
“Are you Theodore Thomas IV?” you asked.
“I am.” the dark haired man confirmed, shuffling around in his leather seat.
You nodded, turning around to close the double doors behind you and walking over to his desk. You took out the crumpled up letter that had been addressed to Maxwell Lorenzano and slid it over the expensive oak wood. “What is this?” you questioned. Theodore took out his reading glasses before analysing it.
“Where did you get this letter?”
“Max Lord is my friend.” you gulped, folding your arms over your chest. “And this letter…”
“You mean Maxwell Lorenzano?” Theodore scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Listen, I’m not here to discuss that low-life loser, okay? I have more pressing matters to deal with.”
“So do I.” you persisted. “This letter…”
“Unless you’re his lawyer, and I doubt you are,” he snarled, looking at you up and down with the utmost disdain. “I will not be discussing the letter with you. Friend or not, it’s confidential.”
“I’m here to help him.” you gritted out, unable to believe the anger that dripped from your own tongue. It was true, you were angry. You were angry at the way everyone was so against Maxwell Lord, and you were angry at the fact the reason remained so unclear. Every new person you met didn’t like him, and you just wanted to know why.
Your words did pique the curiosity of Theodore, however. He raised an eyebrow and leaned over his desk, his gaze not breaking from you once. “Help him? You mean, you’ll be representing him in court?” You weren’t sure what that meant, but you nodded your head. If this was the only way you could get information out of Theodore Thomas IV, then so be it. “Do you even have any legal experience?”
“What? No. I told you, I’m just his friend.”
Theodore let out a boisterous laugh, the level of volume making you flinch. “Shit, he can’t even afford his own lawyer. I didn’t realise it was that bad,” he assumed. “Excuse me for one second.” he pointed a finger and dialled a number on the telephone.
Meanwhile, Maxwell was Julianna’s home. When Alistair heard his dad’s voice, he came running downstairs to greet him. “Daddy!” he called excitedly, running into his father’s arms. “You came back!” Maxwell picked up Alistair and spun him around, pressing a loving kiss to his son’s forehead.
“What do you want Maxwell?” Julianna sighed, tapping her foot impatiently against the marble floor of the lobby.
“To talk,” Max answered, placing Alistair back down on the floor. “Just us two. Uh- is Ted here?”
“Lucky for you he’s working late at the firm. Working on our damn case,” Julianna shook her head before turning to face her son. “Alistair, go to your room.” she commanded.
“But I want to see daddy!” Alistair cried, tears pricking his dark brown eyes.
“He can stay.” Maxwell negotiated but the comment was completely lost on Julianna.
“Go. To. Your. Room.” Julianna barked angrily, which sent a frightened Alistair running back to his bedroom.
“Shit Julianna, he’s just a kid. No need to talk to him like that.” Maxwell frowned, his ex-wife’s tone reminding him of his own father’s.
“Now Maxwell, I know you’re not giving me parenting advice, are you?” she asked sarcastically. Maxwell noted how bitter she had become, or perhaps, how bitter she always was. “I’m assuming you’re here to talk about the case. Try and change my mind. Well, you can’t.”
“Julianna, I know things have been rough between us since the divorce but I just want what’s best for Alistair. I love him so much.” Maxwell revealed.
“Bullshit!” Julianna scowled. “All you do, Max, is speak bullshit. You want what’s best for him? You’ll allow me and Ted to have full custody of Alistair. You’re a shit father and you know it.”
“I know- I know I’m messed up. I mean, I’ve messed up in the past but, something happened. Something inside me woke up and I’m ready to step up Julianna. I’ve changed, please just believe me. I love Ali-”
“You don’t deserve him,” Julianna growled. “You know what Maxwell? You’re nothing but a deadbeat. Just like your father was.”
Maxwell felt his face turn red with rage at his ex-wife's comment. He clenched his fists so hard his knuckles had even turned white. “I am nothing like my father!” Maxwell yelled defensively as the anger bubbled within him. He wanted to cry. Every time a memory of his own abusive father came up, it made Max want to curl up into a whole and cry. It broke him.
Before Julianna could reply, the phone on the wall began to ring. Julianna answered it.
“Hey, Julie?” Theodore was on the line, still laughing from his talk with you. “Baby, you won’t believe this.”
“What is it?” Julianna asked hesitantly, twirling the wire of the phone around her finger.
“Some girl- some half naked girl is here- in my office claiming to be a friend of Maxwell,” Theodore spluttered. You frowned at his tone of voice as he talked about you, right in front of you. Julianna turned to Maxwell in bewilderment, who was just standing there and had no idea what was going on. “She’s saying she’s going to represent him during the custody trial.”
“What?” Julianna spat. “Who the fuck is she?”
“I don’t know! Never seen her in my life. Pretty little thing though, I guessed maybe he’s fucking her? Not sure. She says she’s living with him.”
“Living-” Julianna couldn’t help but repeat her boyfriend’s words. “Teddy, Maxwell is here. Right now. Can you come home and… bring her with you? I want to have words with her.”
“Got it. See you soon sweetie.” Theodore finished before hanging up the phone.
Julianna turned to Max. “That was Theodore. He says some half naked girl has shown up to his office claiming to be a friend of yours.”
Maxwell’s eyes went comically wide as his greatest fears became realised. “What? No, no- there’s no way. That’s impossible. I told her to stay at home- how the hell did she get to Thomas Family Lawyer’s?”
“You’re asking me?” Julianna gasped in disbelief. “Who the hell is she, Max?”
Max was so confused and shocked, he couldn’t even find words. If you had found your way to Theodore’s office, that meant you had read the letter. It also meant that you knew his name. And finally, it meant that you had completely invaded your privacy. Part of Maxwell was mad, but an even bigger part of him was confused as to how you ended up on the other side of Georgetown in the office of his ex-wife’s current boyfriend. You weren’t even from round here, hell, you’d only gotten into a car for the first time today. Julianna and Theodore weren’t the only ones who had a thousand questions. Maxwell did too.
When you arrived at the Thomas family home, you looked at it with complete adoration, just like how you looked at Maxwell’s home. It was extensive in size, with beautiful pillars and adorned with flowers on every corner. Maxwell and Julianna were waiting for you and Ted in the dining room. Ted hung up his suit jacket on the coat peg in the lobby and you slowly followed him into the dining room. Unlike Maxwell’s home, which was covered with photographs of Alistair, you couldn’t spot a single picture of the bright eyed child in any of the rooms you passed. You wondered why.
When you entered the room, Julianna’s and Maxwell’s jaws both dropped in unison. “She’s wearing your shirt!” Julianna screeched, pointing her finger accusingly at you. 
“Yeah? So fucking what?” Maxwell shot back. “I didn’t realise you can police my wardrobe now!”
Your gaze flicked between Maxwell and Julianna who were already arguing with each other. "Can we settle down?" Theodore intervened, placing his briefcase down on the table.
Maxwell turned to you and took a deep breath. "Why- why didn't you put on some clothes before you left the house?" he sighed, closing his eyes as he tried to keep his composure.
"I- I didn't have any clothes and. I didn't know if it was normal to dress like this in the world of man." you admitted sheepishly, feeling embarrassed that you'd made a fool of yourself and seemingly Maxwell too.
"The world of what?" Julianna scrunched up her nose. "She has no clothes? Maxwell, where did you pick this whore up?"
You stiffened up at her harsh words and Maxwell's dark eyes snapped open. "Don't call her that," he warned. "She's… different. Look, I can't explain now but-"
Julianna turned to Theodore. "I want her out of my house. She's a fucking prostitute."
"She's not a prostitute," Maxwell sighed, running his fingers through his dark blonde hair as the stress engulfed him. "She's just a friend."
"I want her out." Julianna reiterated, her voice like venom.
"I- I can wait by the car," you told Maxwell timidly. He didn't reply, instead just putting his head in his hands. You turned to Julianna and Theodore. "I apologise for any intrusion I may have brought upon you both." you said before walking away.
Even before you got to the front door, you'd heard them start fighting again. Maxwell wasn't yelling, but Julianna was so loud and accusing. You couldn't help but feel like she brought around such a toxic environment.
As you leaned against Maxwell's car, you looked up at the upstairs window. It was illuminated, signifying that the light was on. It was so cold and you couldn't help but sigh as you waited for your friend to return and take you home— if he still liked you, that is. After everything that had gone on, you wouldn't be surprised if he just left you on a street corner to fend for yourself. 
You were delighted when you saw Alistair in the illuminated window. He poked his head around the curtains, smiling and waving immediately when he saw you. You grinned back, thankful to see the sweet boy and to know that he was okay. The smile on his face dropped and although you couldn't hear what was going on back in the house, you could tell by his expression that there was something wrong. Alistair disappeared from the curtains and you began to untie the lasso of Hestia from your waist. Swinging the rope around in the air, you attached it to Alistair's balcony and swung yourself up to the third storey of the Thomas family home. You quietly tapped on his window. After only a few seconds Alistair returned and let you in.
You clambered back into the house, finding yourself in the little boys bedroom. "Hey Alistair, how you doing?" you smiled, kneeling down and giving your friend a hug.
"I'm good, I'm so glad to see you again!" Alistair confessed with a toothy grin. "How did you get up here?" Alistair asked curiously, stepping out onto the balcony and looking at the long way down from where you had been standing by his father's car.
You gulped. "Can you keep a secret?" you whispered. Alistair nodded enthusiastically. "Okay." you showed Alistair your lasso, and he watched it with bright eyes as it glowed gold. If you could trust Max, you knew for a fact you could certainly trust Alistair. After all, they were your purpose. They were the reason you had found yourself in the world of man.
"Whoa, what is it?" Alistair asked, pointing his finger hesitantly, as if he wanted to touch it but not sure if it would hurt him.
"It's magical," you revealed. "My mother Hestia gave me it. It lets people see the truth, and speak the truth. It knows when you're lying."
"...And it helps you climb up really tall buildings? Like Spiderman?" Alistair asked with wide eyes.
You giggled. "Yes."
"Can I try?" Alistair beckoned further.
"Maybe one day," you promised him. "It can be difficult to learn, but I'd love to teach you." 
You and Alistair both gasped as you listened in on what was going downstairs. You heard footsteps, and it sounded like Max was leaving. You rose to your feet and approached the window again, unravelling your lasso. "Hey, I have to go now. Listen, you can't tell Julianna or Ted that I was up here, okay? I don't think they like me."
"Oh, they don't like anyone who's associated with daddy." Alistair frowned, but nodded understandingly. "Are you going home with daddy?"
"I hope so." you replied, because there was really no way of telling where you stood with Maxwell at this point in time.
"Good," Alistair beamed, and in that moment, you recognised his smile to be the spitting double of his father's. "Because I like it when you're around daddy. He's not as miserable."
You tilted your head but had no time to question Alistair because you heard the front door open. Swinging back on your lasso, you attached it to the branch of a tree and dropped back down to the front of the porch where Maxwell's car was parked. Wrapping your lasso back around your waist, you pretended like you hadn't moved from the car— like you had been waiting for him this entire time.
"Good night!" Maxwell called but earned no response, only the slam of the front door. He sighed deeply and slumped his shoulders in defeat before turning to face you. His lips were curled into a frown and he shook his head as he approached you, sliding past you and unlocking the car door. "Get in." he told you, to which you obliged and slipped into the passenger seat.
Maxwell dropped his head to the wheel of the car in frustration. He wanted to scream. Cry. Yell. Curse. He hated this. He hated having to fight for what was already his. He needed Alistair— his life would be empty without his son. There was no question about it. And unfortunately for Max, he was beginning to lose all hope.
"Are you okay?" You asked, feeling as though the question was a stupid one considering the disheveled look on Maxwell's face. You placed a hand on his back with full intention to be comforting. He didn't reply. After a few seconds of silence, you heard his sobs. You heard his whimpers and chokes. "Oh Max." you whispered quietly, rubbing his back.
"I can't— I can't fucking do this," Maxwell cried, tears dripping down his cheeks and falling onto the steering wheel. "They're right— what they say about me— they're all right. I'm a monster."
You winced, shaking your head at his comment. "You are not a monster." you assured him.
"You don't even know me," Maxwell huffed before glaring at you, the tears still falling. "You're just— you're just some random girl who came into my life at the wrong fucking time and— I don't even know why you're here. Why are you here?" He said your name like it was poison and the desperation in his voice was enough to make your heart ache.
You swallowed. "When I found out your name, your real name, I knew for certain… Zeus brought me to you and Alistair for a reason. Everything is so clear now. Max, I'm here to help you."
"I'm screwed— we’re screwed. It's pointless. There's nothing we can do. We can't go up against them. Julianna is a fucking psycho and Ted is one of the best family lawyers in the state—"
"And I'm the daughter of Zeus and Hestia. I'm the Goddess of Home and Hearth and I will not let them rip you away from Alistair." you promised with pure determination in your voice. The change of your tone was enough to make Maxwell stop crying and look up to you like you were his saviour. His angel. And despite everything that happened, despite the feeling of complete hopelessness, he believed you.
The war began now.
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snarkwrites · 3 years
ssw | juice ortiz ; when he can't go any deeper | m
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Okay so here's the thing.. This is a bit of a glimpse into the future / what if for a fic I'm about to start writing.. well, re-writing. Despite me knowing jack fuckall about strip clubs / exotic dancing / how to describe someone giving or getting a lapdance or pole work, I got the idea to have Hazel working two nights a week in a club, idk why.. Anyway.. The idea wouldn't leave me alone so here we are, loves.
Also.. I'm no longer just dipping my toes in the filth pool anymore. I went all in with this, oops rip. If anyone wants me to actually write the fic I have in mind for this... Pls.. I beg.. LMK.
taken from either [ HERE ] or [ HERE ] give or take. It could be one or the other or a mix of both at my own choosing.
kiss me up against the wall // moan my name as you come // when he can't go any deeper. - those were all the inspiration / prompts for this.
Fandom / Character:
Sons Of Anarchy / Juice Ortiz x Teller Morrow!OFC, Hazel
Fics Hazel can be found in:
** the one I've used her in is being discontinued to do a rewrite.**
No minors, full stop. There is NSFW / adult content ahead. If you're underage, this was not meant for you -nor should you be reading this. If you choose to stick around after my warnings, this is strictly a you thing and it's not my problem or fault.
If you choose to go on and read this, these are the things present you need to be aware of: stripper!ofc - I admit.. I really am not too sure on how strip clubs operate, so.. if I'm wrong, sorry. lap dancing. thigh riding. body fluids tw. unprotected sex. That's pretty much it.
Other Stuff:
I swear I wanted to melt into the floor when I happened to glance out in the crowd and see Juice Ortiz sitting in the back with his eyes glued to the stage. I froze where I stood behind the curtain peering out and for a good five seconds, I heavily contemplated just bolting out the back door of the club.
But if I did that, I’d be out of the killer tips I’ve been told I could get dancing at this place. I wouldn’t have an outlet to express myself freely, either.
,, I had to know this would happen sooner or later. Charming is a small town and the guys from Samcro do come to this club. Even taking the audition and showing up tonight was me, taking a huge risk… So I had to know this would’ve happened at some point if I actually get the gig.” the thought came and I took three deep breaths. The hope was that I’d center myself.
Spoiler alert… it did not happen.
But I did catch sight of a brunette wig. And I convinced myself that between the wig and the dim lighting and the fact that Juice was so far away from the front of the club where I’d be dancing on the stage, he wouldn’t figure it out.
I’d just finished putting on the wig when the club owner cleared his throat and nodded to the curtains in front of me. “You’re up, kid. Do this right and Tuesdays and Thursdays are yours. Fuck it up and you can forget ever getting a chance to try again.”
I scoffed at him for a second or two but he stared me down, humorless.
My favorite Motley Crue song began to play and I stepped through the curtain. Out onto the stage and just as I did, I happened to see that prick AJ Weston and the guy who bought one of the shops downtown making their way to the table right in front of me.
My stomach dropped.
Those cold and emotionless eyes locked on me and he smirked. Nodding to me and leaning in to the shop owner. His best buddy or whatever. I don’t try and keep up with whose pissed off my father day by day, so I didn’t exactly know names.
All I did know was that for whatever reason, my mother’s scared to death of AJ Weston. She thinks she hides it, but she doesn’t. And my mother is not a woman who scares easily.
Suddenly, my biggest worry wasn’t Juice sitting in the back of the club anymore. It was the prick sitting right in front of the stage. I strutted out on the stage, not bothering to make eye contact with AJ Weston, no matter how hard I could feel him staring at me, willing me to do so. I tore off the cropped leather jacket I wore over my favorite red lace bra and after twirling it in the air a time or two, I tossed it onto the stage, hitting the floor. Writhing. Arching my back and crawling around, whipping my hair around to the song playing. I kept away from the center of the stage because I did not want to lock eyes with AJ Weston. I literally had zero desire.
The crowd was starting to get into it. I started to feel that rush like I used to feel when I danced in Las Vegas. I completely forgot about AJ Weston, thankfully. And what started off as a bumpy dance got smoother. Even more so when I found myself searching the crowd. Finding Juice in the back and locking eyes with him. That seemed to cut out a lot of my nervousness.
My hands drifted down my body, and I caught myself pretending they weren’t my hands but Juice’s. Just the thought of him feeling me up, his hands pinning my hands over my head. Pressing into me. The way he’d feel strained against those baggy jeans when he bucked against me in the heat of the moment. I used my dirty mind to fuel the dance. Letting my hands wander down to the waistband of my leather pants, working them down.
The crowd was really getting vocal now. They usually do when the clothing starts to actually come off. My stomach fluttered nervously when I locked eyes with Juice in the back of the club and I actually saw the way what I was doing on stage was affecting him.
He sat up a little straighter in his seat. Spread his legs a little. Squirming around. He nursed a glass of whiskey and his eyes wandered up and down my body slowly. When I hit the floor and started to writhe around, my back arching and my ass up in the air, he bit his lip. Watching intently. Rubbing his chin in thought.
Out towards the front of the club, right in front of me, I heard AJ swearing. Laughing out loud. I wanted to strangle the asshole, especially when he really got started with all his stupid filthy commentary as if he were mocking me, as if he were somehow better than this place even though he was willingly sitting here, of his own volition… But I went back to blocking him out. Focusing all my attention on Juice all over again instead.
Imagining what I’d do if I truly had half the nerve. What I’d let him do to me if I weren’t so damn afraid of falling in love with a Samcro man.
Because if I were going to love one, I’d choose him. Hands down. If I were ever to settle, I’d want to settle with Juice Ortiz.
My song was nearing an end. My dance was slowing down. I made my way up the pole again, grinding it as I inched up it. Slowly. Seductively as I could... Eyes locked on Juice the entire time as I flipped myself upside down and started to wind around the pole, spinning slowly with my arm outstretched as the other arm gripped the pole to hold myself. And just before the official end of my song, I dropped to the ground, crawling away from the pole. Towards the front of the stage, bolder. Getting closer in the hopes I could at least get a little better look at Juice’s face because I was dying to see the expression on it right now.
I smirked in his direction and gave a teasing wink as I pulled myself off the floor and slunk towards the red velvet curtain separating the back of the club from the front.
“Stormy Knight, ladies and gentlemen. If anyone wants the VIP experience, find Vinnie.” the announcer called out over the rowdy crowd. I was just about to reach for the doorknob on the door that lead into the dressing room when a throat cleared behind me.
“Not bad, kid. If you can bring that every single Tuesday and Thursday, gigs yours.” the club owner was standing there, smirking. He almost looked like he felt bad for doubting me in the first place. He added casually, “Had three guys come to me about VIP dances. I usually leave all that to my girls to work out. That’s extra dough in your pocket, makes no difference to me. I know half of ya have extra mouths to feed.”
I eyed him, my mouth falling open.
“Three guys? Like.. altogether?”
“No, no.. Two were together. One was by himself. Belonged to one of the MCs. Just do me a favor and at least attempt to obey club rules, kid. Don’t go gettin knocked up on the clock.” the man laughed and I took a deep breath.
At best, I figured that the biker in question was probably one of the Mayans I’d seen sitting towards the middle of the club.
I was pretty damn sure I knew exactly who the two men were and after mulling it over because it seemed as if my new boss was awaiting a decision from me, I decided I wanted no part of the risk of having to give AJ Weston and his slimy friend a private show.
“I’ll take the biker tonight, man. I’m not feelin up to a three way.”
The owner nodded and mused thoughtfully, “Good idea, kid.. That one guy out of the two of ‘em looked like his elevator didn’t go all the way to the top floor. I’ll go get your biker and bring him back. You got room 3. That was Gina’s old room.” before walking away, disappearing out into the front of the club again.
“Please god… at least let it be the J.D Pardo look alike if it’s one of the Mayans.” I muttered to myself, not daring to get my hopes up that it’d be Juice.
A throat cleared from behind me. I nearly shit myself when I heard Tig Trager mumble with a laugh, “Okay Ortiz. Go get your girl.” before walking away. I did not dare turn around until I knew Tig was long gone.
“Stormy, huh? That’s one hell of a name, baby girl.” he mused aloud.
I turned around slowly. Found myself body to body with him. He was staring down at me intently, licking his lips. Chuckling as he shook his head and leaned in a little closer to whisper, “Does daddy know you dance, Hazelynn? Because if he’d been here… Seen all that…” he fanned himself and gave me a teasing smirk.
My mouth dropped open.
“How? How’d you know?” I stammered out.
“I saw your car parked outside… Life pro tip, princess.. If you wanna keep this a secret, I’d suggest parking around back. Or catching a ride. Because your car? Kind of hard to forget.” Juice’s hand settled on my hip and he pulled me just a little closer. His eyes dipped down, settling on my lips, a quiet groan coming when his intent stare made me lick my lips and fidget a little.. Melting against him a little before I could stop myself from doing it. Giving a sheepish laugh as I glanced up at him.
“Your secret’s safe with me. Relax.” he chuckled. He must have felt how tense my body was as I pressed against him. I let out a shaky breath. Parts of me wanted to ask the logical question, if he came here a lot, but also, at the same time parts of me definitely didn’t want to know. Those parts of me knew that if I did ask and he said he did, I’d get just a little jealous. Because it already happened whenever I’d see him at the bar and he’d have Croweaters flocking to him.
“Guess I owe you a VIP.” I teased gently, nodding towards the door with the gold star and the black number 3 painted on it. I reached down, grabbing hold of his hand, starting to lead him in the direction of the room.
“If you don’t wanna do this…” Juice frowned slightly and acted like he was going to walk away, but I stopped him. Made him look at me.
“It’s fine. It’s part of the job.” I gave him a reassuring smile as I opened the door to the room, stepping inside. Letting him step inside.
He closed the door behind him and we found ourselves body to body all over again. He muttered quietly, “Confession… I saw that Weston asshole and his idiot friend talking to the owner about a VIP dance with you so I went over and offered more money.”
Between the goofy little shit eating grin he gave me as he said it and the fact that he did that because he knows the guy creeps me right the fuck out, I was blown away. Before I could stop myself, I rose to tiptoe, gently pressing my lips against the corner of his mouth. “You’re an actual angel come to Earth, sir. You have definitely earned that dance.” I muttered softly as I pulled back to look up at him.
He bit his lip and my eyes followed the movement helplessly.
If I thought I was making myself wet on stage with my own dirty imagination, it was nothing compared to how wet I got when I locked eyes with him and realized that he was fully aware that I’d been staring at his mouth like a proper idiot.
I stepped close to him again and placed my palm on the front of his cutte, gently shoving him so that he settled in the chair right behind him.
Right away, his hands went to my hips. I lowered my hands, pushing his hands back down as I shook my head. “No touching. Club rules, Juice.”
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, sorry.” he gave an awkward laugh and I giggled softly. Sinking down into his lap slowly.
Maybe I was slightly exaggerating out in the hallway when I told him I could do this and made it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. The second I settled in his lap and started to grind against it, I could feel myself dripping just a little more. I rose up slightly and he sucked in a breath. His knuckles went white with the way he was gripping the arms of the chair. His eyes were absolutely glued to me and I smirked. Teasing a little. Acting as if I’d take off the cropped leather jacket over my bra only to pull it back up.
The third time I did this, he growled quietly. Bucked himself against me. When I whimpered and grinded myself down harder against his lap, he muttered in a heated whisper, “You feel what you’re doing to me right now, baby girl?”
Oh. I felt it alright. The way he strained at his jeans, cock still twitching and growing harder and harder. The little friction I was allowing myself wasn’t enough. My cunt was throbbing and I was getting so wet that I was pretty sure when I finished giving him his lapdance the poor guy was going to have a wet spot on his jeans.
“Mhm.” I answered in a daze, leaning in so that my lips brushed against the shell of his ear and my tits rubbed right against him. He whimpered and bucked into me all over again and when I slipped out of his lap, he frowned. I hit my knees, parting his legs. Staring up at him from where I kneeled on the floor and he shifted in his seat, gripping the arms of the chair tighter when I started to rise up. Swaying my hips side to side. Leaning in. Rubbing against him as much as I could get away with. Oh, I was definitely using this little VIP dance he paid for as an excuse to do as much touching and teasing as I thought I could get away with.
All those urges to touch him I normally kept at bay were finally being allowed free reign and it felt so good.
I settled on his lap again. He let out a long and shaky breath and we locked eyes. He was staring at me like he wanted to ask me something or he wanted to say something but he wasn’t sure how.
“What’s up?” I asked quietly.
“Nothin, it’s nothin.” he said it quickly. Too quick. I gripped his cutte and pulled him in closer. My mouth inching dangerously close to his as I muttered against it, “Whatever you want to say, say it. Trust me. I can handle it.”
“Okay, you asked for it.” he muttered. After a second or two of staring at his lap, he looked up at me again and asked quietly, “Did you wanna dance for me?”
“I got the owner to come get you, didn’t I?” my heart was beating faster. I thought it’d jump right out of my chest. I did my best to play as cool and casual as I could but every single part of me wanted to tell him that dancing was not all I wanted to do for him.
“I know that… what I mean is.. Forget it.” he went quiet. Looked down again and I gripped his jaw, making him look up at my face. “Eyes up here, Ortiz.” I teased gently, my smile falling away when I saw the serious and somber look in his eyes. I scooted away a little, an attempt to give him some space. Settling myself over his thigh instead of fully positioned on his lap as I had been.
“Talk to me.” the words left my mouth in a whimper as I pressed myself right against his thigh, rocking my throbbing sex back and forth over it. Getting wetter and wetter with each second that passed. And the ache. Oh god, the ache. I was on the brink of frustrated tears. And I couldn’t break down, I couldn’t act anything less than totally professional, because this was my night job and I was on the clock but God.. did I ever want to.
He spread his legs wider and took a deep breath. Trying not to touch me, but I could tell with the way he kept raising his hands only to put them back down on the arm rests of the velvet covered chair he sat in that he wanted nothing more than to do that very thing.
And the thought of those hands on me had me flooded in a split second. If there was any doubt before that I’d leave a wet spot behind on his jeans at the end of this dance, there wasn’t going to be by the time it was over.
Anticipation and desire had my stomach coiled tightly. I wanted, more than anything, to be able to pick up with this back home… Behind closed doors. Just him and I.
But I knew that tonight was most likely just going to be an awkward little secret. Kept between two friends. And it bothered me, because I wanted so much more than that but I was afraid to cross lines and let myself have that… I doubted it was even an option anyway because I just didn’t think Juice even saw me like that.
Sure, we flirted now and then, but nothing ever came of it.
God, did I want it to.
This heavy tension seemed to settle in all around us and I picked up on it. Juice groaned quietly, and after he nearly broke the no touch rule again and very nearly reached out to grab hold of my ass and rock me against his thigh faster, I leaned in.. Pressed against him as I continued to grind against his leg and muttered against his ear, “Most guys put their arms behind their head… Til they’re used to not being allowed to touch.. They get verbal too…” my words hitching in my throat, rushing out over each other breathlessly.
He raised his hands, locking them behind his head. Sprawling back against the chair. It seemed to help ease the tension built in his body too, because I felt him sort of melting into the chair a little and I smiled.
“C’mon.. Tell me what you want me to do.” I coaxed, fixing my eyes on him and biting my lip when I immediately found myself getting sucked far too deep into his gaze.
“Touch yourself.” he muttered. Raising up a little. Leaning forward. “Touch yourself for me, baby girl… Like you were when you were dancin out front.”
I let my hands wander.
They were shaking slightly and I just hoped to God that it wasn’t noticed.
Juice took a few shaky breaths and bucked a little in the seat. “Come closer.. Get on my lap.”
I moved so that I was straddling his lap and the way his cock strained against his jeans and I tried to stop myself, but as I started to rock myself back and forth over it, I whimpered quietly. My breath caught in my throat a time or two and my heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to beat out of my chest.
“I normally don’t buy dances if I come here.” he muttered quietly, shattering through my own current internal struggle.
Knowing this relaxed me a little. It was obvious he didn’t just going off the way he acted, but.. I still wondered. Some guys like to pretend it’s their first lap dance because it gets them going.
I’m not here to judge anyone.
I mean.. I have a good paying day job as a legal assistant and here I am.. Dancing two nights a week whenever I can find a club to take me just so I have some form of release.. Just so I can feel intimacy that for whatever reason, I tend to deny myself in reality.
I almost asked him why, but I remembered what he told me out in the hallway about outbidding AJ because he knew the guy scared me. And I stopped myself, even though parts of me hoped there was more to it than that.
My hands moved over my chest and I rocked myself over him faster. My breath catching in my throat as I felt myself rushing straight into an orgasm I’d been trying like hell to hold back the whole time we’d been in the VIP room.
I could feel my body burning up under his gaze and he leaned in again. Muttered breathlessly against my ear, “If you’re nervous..”
“It’s fine.” I pretended to brush it off. I acted as chill about doing this for him as I possibly could.
“Turn away.. I wanna watch you movin from behind, baby girl.” he muttered. The request caught me by surprise a little, but I kind of realized that he was doing it more for me than for himself.
I did what he asked, turning in his lap so that I faced away. My eyes caught his in the reflection of the mirrored wall in front of us. As I started to rock my ass over his bulge, he growled quietly. Bucking himself up into me. Biting his lip as he did it three more times. Muttered in a lust filled daze “Fuck yeah, baby girl.. Work that ass.”
Just the way he said it had me dripping all over again.
“Faster.” he panted, bucking himself up into me all over again. Harder.
I tried not to, but I found myself imagining that he was taking me from behind. A fist full of my hair and my tits pressed right against the mirrored wall in front of us. And I rocked myself back and forth over his cock, pressing down even harder. Moving even faster. Almost close to a blinding orgasm.
“Fuck.” I swore quietly.
Juice sat up in the chair. Pressing his chest into my back. Muttering against my ear, “ Did you wanna dance for me like this?”
“Juice, I told you already.” my head fell back and my eyes fluttered open and shut. I squeezed my tits and rolled my hips faster. My breath came in short pants because I was so close to an orgasm that I was throbbing. He was leaning in again to whisper. “What I mean is if this wasn’t your job.. And it was just me and you… Would you wanna..” he rocked himself against me all over again. Harder. With more urgency as he swore under his breath and muttered that if I kept it up, he was going to come all over himself.
“ Turn around facin me.” he panted, his lips brushing against my ear and sending a shiver rushing through me. I turned back around in his lap to face him. Raising up a little. Teasing him by putting my tits at level with his mouth. Squeezing them together before lowering my hand. Toying with the waistband of my leather pants. Teasing him like I’d take them off.
“ Tease.” he pouted up at me.
“ That’s kind of what you’re paying me for right now, Juice.” I gave a soft laugh as I tucked a finger beneath his chin. Pulling his mouth dangerously close to mine. He licked his lips in anticipation and when he did, his tongue brushed right against my mouth. I whimpered helplessly.
And I just barely kept myself from exploding.
“You’re tensin up on me, Haze… Somethin wrong?” Juice asked quietly.
Looking at me as if he were bracing himself for something bad to be said.
By this point, I was so caught up in the moment, in the way it felt to grind myself against his cock and get out all these long denied urges to touch him to my hearts content.. It slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it.
“Honestly? I’m a breath away from coming and this never.. Ever… happens to me when I’m givin a private dance.” my words came in a breathless rush and as soon as I realized what I’d just said, I lost my groove for a second or two. Slowing down. Trying to pull myself together.
Hoping to God that I didn’t just make things awkward for him and I in the future because I’d rather have him as a friend than not have him at all.
His mouth opened and closed and his hands gripped the arm rests again. Tighter.
“Do you know how hard it is for me? Feelin you dancin on my cock like this? Knowin I.. Knowin that this is probably as close as I’m ever gonna get? Fuck… If I were ever lucky enough to have you all to myself, baby girl...”
His words caught me by surprise. My heart fluttered a little and I swallowed hard. Going still in his lap just to stare at him.
The lights getting brighter and the music in the room going quiet had both of us jumping apart. I realized that probably meant my time in the room was done and before I could give myself a chance to back out, I slipped off his lap and held out my hand to him.
“ C’mon.”
He eyed my hand and took hold of it, standing. I practically drug him out of the room and then down the hall. Out the door and into the back lot behind the club. Once the door was shut behind us, I started to pace in front of him. Just trying to put it all together.
Torn between continuing to fight what I felt for him and caving in.
When he stepped in front of me and placed his hands on my upper arms, staring down into my eyes intently, something in me snapped and before I could stop myself, I had his back pressed against the door of the building. My hands caught his, holding them over his head as I rose up slightly and crashed my mouth against his mouth.
Devouring. Hungry.
At first, he didn’t really react. But when the shock cleared and he realized what I was doing, he came alive. I melted against him and he growled into my mouth, deepening the kiss. Teeth latching onto my bottom lip and tugging until I felt it starting to bruise. I let his hands go and they were all over me. Settling on my ass. Rocking me up against him and making me whimper and dig my fingers into his shoulders. I couldn’t melt into him any more if I tried. I was so exhausted from trying to hold back in more ways than one at this point that my filter was totally shot. I rocked myself against him clumsily, a begging and needy whine filling the space between our mouths as the kiss broke when I just couldn’t hold it back.
“Do you know why I almost got off giving you a lap dance? Do you know what you do to me, Juice? I.. I tried so hard not to fall for you and yet.. Here I am.”
He blinked in shock. For a few seconds we stared at each other, panting for our next breath. Neither of us saying a word.
Then he bent and scooped me up. Started to carry me towards the end of the alley where he’d parked his Dyna Glide.
I didn’t do or say anything to try to stop him. I didn’t want to.
I’m so tired of keeping him at arms length. I’m tired of fighting the way I feel.
He sat me on the back of his bike and I grabbed hold of the front of his vest, pulling him down. Pulling his mouth down against mine all over again because I just.. I was needy. I craved him on this level I couldn’t even begin to get my head around.
His bike came to a stop in front of his apartment building and he got off. Scooping me up all over again. Stopping just outside the doors leading into the building to grope and kiss me. Letting his lips stray down the side of my neck. Sucking a mark deep into my skin. I clung to him and begged breathlessly, “Juice, please..”
Neither of us was really stopping to think. I didn’t want to.
I wanted him.
More importantly, I wanted to be with him. And tonight just proved to me that I couldn’t fight it anymore.
The whole time he was trying to unlock his apartment door, he kept fumbling with the keys. Rutting right against me. Stopping to kiss or touch me. When he finally got it unlocked, he stepped through the door and stepped over to the couch. Tossing me down onto it gently. Following close behind. Pressing himself down into me and snapping his hips against mine, making me whimper. My whimper echoing off the walls of the quiet room. I reached down between us, tugging at the hem of his white t shirt and he rose up, pulling off his vest and tossing it at a chair nearby. Then pulling his shirt off and tossing it too. It settled on the floor in front of the chair. Then he was pulling me up. Tearing my bra away and tossing it out into the room. My hands lowered, tugging at the waistband of his jeans and he bit his lip. Gazing at me for a second or two with this look of lust and adoration in his eyes. Savoring the moment and what was about to happen.
Because it’s been building for a while, apparently. I just focused so damn hard on keeping myself from caving in and letting myself have what I wanted, with him, that somehow, I missed all the signs.
“Baby, c’mon.” I begged.
The term of endearment slipped out.
He gave me that little smirk. Rubbed his chin in thought as he let his eyes wander.
He worked his way down my body, using his body to part my legs. He worked my leather pants down my legs and I kicked them free at my ankles.
His fingers caught in the thin strap of my panties and they came away with a quiet tear. I tried to get him out of his pants again and he lowered my hands. Slipping off the sofa. I watched intently as he teased me, pouting about it. Begging.
I needed him buried inside me. Fucking me. Slow. Deep. All night long.
His pants fell to his ankles and he kicked off his boots and then kicked his pants free from his legs. When he dropped his boxers, I swallowed hard as my eyes settled on the way his cock stood at attention once it was free from fabric. He was pressing himself down into me all over again.
His mouth roaming over my tits. Tongue teasing my nipples as my back arched away from the sofa and I rocked myself against him. His free hand settled between us, circling his thick cock. Teasing it between my folds and making me shiver and cling to him. Try to rock myself against him urgently.
And then he buried his cock inside me. Shallow at first. Going still to let me adjust to him. I felt like I was being split in two and the feeling had me whining. Nipping at his chest, at any patch of skin I could get my mouth on just so I could muffle the way I wanted to scream his name at the top of my lungs.
I rocked into him clumsily and he growled quietly. His hands going down to my hips. Holding them still as he started to pound me harder. Deeper. So deep he couldn’t go any deeper. When he bottomed out, I dragged my nails down his back.
“Not yet, baby girl. C’mon, hold out just a little longer for me.” Juice coaxed breathlessly as his hips crashed against me with a bruising pace. I begged for release, on the verge of tears. The more I begged, the more he’d slow down. Stop to kiss me or leave marks on me. Torture.
Slow, steady and deep torture.
“You gonna moan my name when you cum?” he questioned, slamming his cock deep into my womb. Going still and capturing my mouth in a deep and passionate kiss. “ God. You’re so.” he panted, snapping his hips against mine, cock pistoning in and out of me with steady deep thrusts, “So fuckin wet I can barely stay in. Fuck. Shit. Shiiiit, baby girl. I wanna cum so bad.”
“Juice! Ah, -ah fuck. Right there.” my back arched away from the couch and my orgasm ripped through me, leaving me weak and dazed, clinging to him as I tried desperately to keep up with his pace, spent. Dripping. My walls vising his cock and clenched around it. Tears flooding my eyes because holy fuck, all I’ve wanted for the entire time was to finally be allowed to let go.
Juice stared down at me from above, a soft gaze. He caught a tear as it made a black trail down my cheek. Chuckling quietly. Going still to pepper kisses soft against my mouth and then trail them down the front of my throat. When he started to move again, he muttered against my lips softly, “It’s okay, baby girl. I got you. I’m right here.” as he pistoned in and out, the wet sloshing sounds accompanying each thrust he made seeming to make him move just a little faster. His hands were all over me and all I could really do was lie there, pinned beneath him. Whimpering his name as I tried to come down from the high. Stare up at him softly as my mind spun, replaying every single thing that led us here, to this exact moment.
“Oh fuck. Fuck baby girl. You want it?” his hips stammered, smashing against mine in a bruising pace and his words were swallowed by another hungry kiss and I nodded. Just when I thought he couldn’t get any deeper, he did. Striking against my throbbing g-spot a time or two and growling, biting. Locking his lips against my neck and sucking yet another big,deep mark into soft flesh. The warmth of his release flooded me, making me whimper. Overfilling me, because I could feel the excess slowly leak down. Puddle beneath me on the sofa.. I bucked my hips against him greedily trying to take it all because I wanted it. I needed it. I craved him so badly I couldn’t have put it to words if I tried. He leaned into me heavily, panting for his next breath. Spent. A fine sheen of sweat gathered on our bodies. I grabbed hold of his face and pulled his mouth against mine. Our foreheads pressed together and he muttered quietly, “Mine?”
“Yours.” it shocked me when the word bubbled out. It shocked me because a, I was saying it and b, I meant it. With everything in me. As soon as I said it, he gave me a soft and lazy grin. Pressing his lips to my forehead. He collapsed onto the couch settling behind me. Pulling me on top of him.
Quiet little soft kisses. Caressing my face as he stared up at me and caught sight of one of the bigger marks he left on my throat, grimacing as he chuckled about it quietly.
“Fuck me. Baby, that was amazing...” I groaned out in a daze, making him laugh and gaze up at me. “Give me an hour, babe.” he teased…
“Careful. I might take you up on that.” I teased back, melting against his body. Letting his arms wrap around me and hold me tight.
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katie-writes24 · 4 years
Another Life, Another Adventure
Pairing: Lee Scoresby x reader
Warnings: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2!!!! Language, angst, violence, too many flashbacks, suggestive material, fluff (shockingly) hurt/sad shit, and buckle your seatbelts because this shit is a rollercoaster that just goes DOWN!
Ahaha, we are coping this way, 3.2k words baby. I’ve never written a story so fast! But yeah, lemme know if you want to be tagged! PLEASE give feedback, it’s greatly appreciated and I need assurance that my writing isn’t shit because I’m desperate. So....anyway, good luck? Because yall already know where this is heading, but I’m not going to put it in the warnings because ya know, SPOILERS?
There was no point in arguing, not with the magisterium on their tail, not with Lee’s injured foot, and not with Lyra in need of safety. Jopari even tried countering, insisting that there had to be another way. Y/N couldn’t say that she disagreed. After all the blinding chaos they’ve escaped, there had to be another way around this. 
“I’ve made my choice,” Lee huffed, giving a stern look at Jopari. “You’re it. Now find the bearer.”
Y/N and the shaman shared a look. They both knew of the promise he made with Lee, and they both knew how important it was for Lyra to be protected. 
“You’re a good man.”
“Just remember your promise. I love that little girl like a daughter.” Lee fumbled with his shotgun, loading the bullets and talking fast. 
“I remember. You have my word. I’ll make sure she’s protected by the knife.” 
“That’s all I need to know…” He stuck his hand out and firmly shook Jopari’s hand, both nodding, both knowing of the rough journey ahead. As the shaman stood up, he hesitated and it caused Lee to look up at him before looking at her with a raised brow. 
Y/N took a deep inhale before nodding for him to go along. 
“You’re out of your mind if you think-”
“Y/N, go!” He gripped her arm and it only made her push back. 
“No, no! You listen to me!” Soft hands held his face in a firm grip. Y/N was close and made sure to hold eye contact. “You forget what I said at the start of this? We’re a package, which means I go where you go. I didn’t leave my home in Texas just to get all the way here and leave you, Lee!”
The day he approached her with the proposition of going back to find Iroek was still fresh in her mind. Y/N had seen the aeronaut be ambitious before, but the determination in his eyes was unstoppable that day. Since then they were up in that balloon for weeks, months with each other. 
“You want me to come along?”
“I could use the company.”
“And what will people say when they see you with a leash on a so-called ‘townswhore,’ hmm?”
“Darling, since when have I ever cared what others think? I ain’t a Prince Charming myself.”
Though neither of them could predict that that small journey would lead to something much bigger and more complicated than expected, they still didn’t leave each other’s side. Not when Iroek refused to talk, not when Lord Faa made snarky comments on how helpful someone with Y/N’s type of occupation could actually be, and not when they were separated from Lyra. 
Lee squeezed her wrist and bowed his head. Y/N took that as he had given up arguing, and she turned to look at Jopari staring in discomfort. Hester and Owen hunched over each other, having their own way to keep each other safe. They all probably made quite the scene. 
“Don’t worry about us. Just...go protect Lyra, please?” Y/N waved him away with a nod, and soon Jopari was out of sight, leaving them with a soft goodbye.
How they caught up so quickly, they’ll never figure out, but bullets kept flying back and forth. Only minutes later Lee turned back to Y/N, holding up his pistol and sighing, “I’m out.”
“Let’s move, then, c’mon.” She held out her hand and pulled him up, watching Lee set down his hat and leave behind yet another meaningful piece to him. 
Guards were still yelling, voices getting only closer. They trudged through the forest, Hester and Owen leading the way. However it was only a matter of time before Lee couldn’t bear to walk on his damaged bone any longer. Y/N felt her entire body shaking, loading up her gun with her last round of ammo before listening to what Lee was saying. 
“Remember the games we used to play when we were little?” He glanced at Hester as he shifted.
“The Alamo.”
Feeling her stare on him, Lee turned to Y/N, chuckling, “The Alamo. Taking turns being Danes in French.”
“They’re still coming,” Owen stepped down from his perched stance on the rock, burrowing into Y/N’s side. 
“How many bullets do we have left?” He was breathing harder, and it did nothing to help Y/N’s nerves. It was like a clock ticking in her head. It was a gut feeling, this was all so much different then when they would get into a natural bar fight, or even when she had to watch Lee get abused from the magisterium and Coulter. When she looked at Owen, she knew he felt it, too.
“About thirty,” Hester drew her ears back in fear, while Lee only nodded determinedly. His eyes met Y/N’s and she cleared her throat.
“I got one round left,” She whispered. Lee reached down and squeezed her hand before sighing.
“Well, let’s make every single last one count then,” With that he cocked his gun and turned to shoot, Y/N doing the same.
On each side of the stump they took their stance, like a routine, both shooting at their respective sides. Hester helped by calling out where to aim, and Owen did his best to do the same. 
“I’m running out!” Y/N hated to admit it, but when she ran out that only meant for one shooter, and who knows how good that could go.
“Me too,” Lee kept firing.
“Don’t think about that!” Owen chirped.
“What should we think about?” She almost missed one, her hands wouldn’t stop shaking.
“Think about anything. Think about bacon. Just keep shooting!” Hester spoke before returning to yell where to shoot at next. 
“And who are you?”
“Y/N L/N, we’re sort of a package. I go where he goes.”
“And what, exactly, do you bring to the table Miss L/N?”
“I might not be able to fly, but I’m a pretty good shot.”
Y/N was overwhelmed, between the gunfire and the yelling and her heart beating fast and the dangerous thoughts in her head, she wasn’t going fast enough. Even with her limited count, she was going slower than Lee. One guard was on the top, and just as she was about to shoot, he fired to her left. 
“Y/N, go high!” Owen called, yet it was a little late.
The sharp clip shot right next to her, and with Lee doubling over only meant one thing. 
“Lee!” Y/N yelled all while shooting at the man behind the boulder. She crouched behind the stump and felt her eyes grow. 
“It’s nothing big! A bullet clipped your scalp, but no great damage!” Hester urged, voice shaky. He held onto the top of his head as blood ran down the side. There was no sugar coating how bad this was getting. Y/N only had one bullet left, using it to shoot the guy who was only coming closer. 
“Did you count how many fell?” He was taking his time, why was he taking his time? Tears welled up in Y/N’s eyes as she listened to shots fire all around her, watching Owen tremble at each round. 
“This is my fault isn’t it?” Hester whined. 
“How’d ya figure?” 
“I’ve always stopped you both before.” 
“You always pushed us,” Lee locked the gun and looked at his daemon with concern. It made Owen flap his wings in a protective manner, even though he stopped being able to fly straight a while ago. 
“Only when there’s an adventure on the way-”
“Hester,” Lee huffed softly. “There were always adventures.”
Y/N bit down on her lip as she agreed; there always was an adventure. 
“You know, if you were going to start trouble, you could’ve at least finished it!”
“Well who said I haven’t yet? You know I love a good chase, doll.”
It was like a film before her eyes; from the moment the two first met there was always a thrill, whether it be them on the run or her own feelings for the aeronaut. Her mother once told her that Y/N would find a good husband in a local bookkeeper, that way she would live a simple life, stay far from any danger. It was almost laughable how much danger she had been put through since meeting Lee. 
“I totally understand now,” Y/N shook her head in admiration. “Living this life up in the stars...it’s beautiful.”
“You’d think it would grow old, but it’s a different picture every night.”
She looked back at Lee, smirking. “I’d love to see it.”
“So stay.”
From her first steps into the balloon, Y/N found it comforting. The small home Lee had made for himself up in the sky had quickly grown on her, just like the man himself. 
“You’ll find a change of mind sooner or later.”
“What little faith you have of me. And how dare you try to insinuate how I should feel-”
“I’m not insinuating anything, I’m just...I’ve got jobs, I’ve got places to go and I can’t settle just yet.”
“Then I’ll follow you.”
“Now why would you want to do that?”
“If you want me to leave so badly, then say so. But I finally found a life that excites me and I don’t plan on giving that up.”
And even after the years of knowing one another, and the months of traveling together, those feelings were never labeled. Although two beds turned to one, and outsiders' judgment was unique, neither Lee or Y/N dared fixed it. Lyra even asked about the travelers status, and while being one rambunctious and curious girl, she luckily got distracted easily as Y/N pushed the subject away.
The two have been through hell and back, each seeing the other at their weakest while never being one to judge. They both had too many faults, there was no judgement to be made to the other. Maybe that’s what made them so similar. Maybe that’s why they were so drawn to each other.
Her dangerous acts she was thinking of were as equally dangerous as losing focus, as she felt a sudden pain strike her right below her collarbone. Owen cried out and they both fell to the ground. It took her a moment to recover from the shock, but she eventually reached down to feel the damage, a knowing liquid already flooding out slowly.
The aeronaut swallowed at her broken voice, watching the blood escape from her wound. The distraction only caused him to lose aim, and he lost his balance as a bullet hit his shoulder. He fell onto his back, letting out pants and huffs. 
“C’mon, tough guy, too old for a fight?”
“Let me catch my breath, will ya?”
“You can tap out. I won’t hold it against you.”
“Maybe, I was just thinking of other activities,” He towered over her as his eyes grew dark. Y/N swallowed before chuckling.
“Like what?”
Lee pushed a strand of hair behind her ear before leaning down and taking the lobe into his mouth. She rested her hands on his chest as her head fell onto his shoulder. As his lips dragged up the shell of her ear, his hands took her own and slowly brought them down to his belt. Just as Y/N was about to unbuckle the fabric, her arm was twisted behind her. Her chest fell down onto the railing before her and she winced. 
“Word of advice: never get distracted when it comes to your life.”
Call it the wrong time and place, but as Y/N stared into his brown eyes, she found herself reminiscing. She was always bad at holding eye contact, it made her feel so small. Yet, every time she looked into these orbs she felt safe, she felt warm. She wished she looked into his eyes more....
But the look he was giving her now...it was endearing.
It was almost like he was doing the same as her, taking it all in one last time.
“Lee,” Hester gasped out. “The clout pine. Maybe you could call her to this world.”
Of course, Serafina said that she would help, that she would be here. As Lee struggled with removing it from his pocket, Y/N let out a whimper as the pain moved to her shoulder. The aeronaut glanced at the noise and frowned.
“Serafina Pekkala, I beg you,” A bullet rang from behind them as Lee raised his hand to the sky. “Come help us.”
Owen moved into her chest and Y/N wrapped him up into her arms as she found his soft feathers comforting. 
“Think that’s enough?”
“Let’s hope it is…” Y/N coughed. She tried moving into a seated position, but only managed to scoot up a couple inches. Lee stared at her carefully, wanting to reach out and help her, do anything he could to stop the bleeding, to make her comfortable, make her feel safe. But he wasn’t doing so good himself, having three bullets already break his flesh. He scooted back and took hold of his gun. Just as he was raising it up, another fire went off, Lee falling back again, this time with a bullet into his chest.
Y/N had seen lots of things in her life; she was fortunate enough to travel the world, she’d seen great sights she could’ve never dreamed of seeing before. She watched her mother slowly become sicker and sicker, saw her friends be dragged away from her, watched someone she cared for greatly fall right out of her arms to the ground below. 
Despite all the crazy, disastrous things she’d seen before, nothing could compare to this. Nothing could compare to her seeing her lover in agony, so helpless. He lost all the light in his eyes, his brow was furrowed, and for once in his life his guard was down.
“Lee, it’s okay.” But he kept resisting, he kept denying that there was no more fight left in him.
“I have to do it for Lyra-”
“Jopari made his promise, Lee,” Y/N reached out her hand, lowering his gun. “We did what we could.”
He shook his head, releasing a shaky breath and taking her hand in his. 
Whether he liked it or not, they reached the point of no return. 
“Y’know ever since I met you I’ve lived on the edge?” Y/N let out a wet chuckle. 
“Is it really necessary?”
“Can’t run around these parts without learning how to shoot, kid.”
“Well, that could only mean that there’s danger ahead.”
“What? You scared of a little danger? Where’s the fun in that?”
“It’s...it’s not bad, I actually grew to love it. All those times we shared together, all those times I had to save your ass, all the times you saved mine.”
“You’re gonna end up dead one day if you keep runnin’ around so recklessly, dumbass.”
“Ah, that’s why I keep you around, ain’t it?”
“What I said before,” She winced as she leaned closer to him. “About leaving my home in Texas. Turns out i never left my home...I found it.”
“I was worried about you.”
“I was just out for a walk, Lee, nothing to worry about. I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.”
“No, Y/N, not around here. Just...if I lose you, I’ll never forgive myself, alright? Like you said, we’re a package now.”
“You changed me for the better...look at all the shit we did, you let me touch the sky, Lee,” A tear ran down her cheek. She could see Hester moving closer to Owen out of the corner of her eye.
“How hard could being an aeronaut be, anyways?”
“Ha, it’s cute that you think it’s an easy job.”
“All I ever see ya do is fiddle with knobs.”
“Those knobs get us safely to land. Would you rather we just keep floating all day and night?”
“I wouldn’t mind it...it’s lovely up here.”
“How far we flew…” Lee cupped her face, his own eyes growing wet. There were so many emotions running through his mind that he couldn’t put into words, and that scared him. He could literally feel his last breaths coming and he wouldn’t be able to tell Y/N how he felt.
“Why don’t you care?”
“Why should I? Does it look like I have such a high reputation? Y/N, I would never leave you. And screw what anyone else thinks.”
“I’ve...never had anyone push it away like it doesn’t matter before?”
“People could think we were swingers for all I care. Not going to change what I think about you, darling.”
“Exactly, look at us,” Her hands stopped shaking, gripping his wrists with one hand. “Lee, I wouldn’t replace this for the world, good and bad.”
“S’not enough though, is it? Love? Doesn’t mean you won’t hurt her? Doesn’t mean she’s safe with you, it doesn’t work that way.”
“What could you possibly know about love, Mr. Scoresby? You don’t have children, no wife, just a narrow-minded whore, yearning for an escape.” Ms. Coulter crept towards him like a predator. All Y/N could do was helplessly watch from the corner of the room. 
“You’re wrong...because I love Lyra.”
Lee mustered all the strength he could to move forward to capture her lips. 
They both put everything they could into that one kiss, their final kiss. 
“I’ve never felt so safe before…”
“Well, I’m glad I make you feel safe, sweetheart.”
“Do you...does this change anything for us? What does this mean, exactly?”
“...It doesn’t have to change anything, really.” Lee wrapped his arms around her naked body and kissed her forehead. Y/N wasn’t ready for things to change then.
Lee pushed and pushed, hoping whatever God was out there that he was able to mold his feelings into Y/N. She deserved to know, she deserved to be loved. She was loved. He felt her pressing her lips harder, and warm air traveled into his mouth, making him pull back gasping.
“Don’t do that, don’t you go before I do!” He sobbed, reaching out for her one last time and instead feeling his demon nuzzle into his free hand. 
“I love you…” She whispered, giving him a small smile as she pulled Owen closer to her body. 
“We did good,” Owen interrupted before closing his eyes.
“We’re a-helping Lyra…” Hester whimpered, looking at Lee for a response, a confirmation, anything. Instead all she saw were tears coming out of his eyes, blood seeping from his head and taking a deep breath.
His mouth wouldn’t move, it felt like his lungs were shattering. His body was shrinking and everything inside him felt tighter. His final cue was here, yet nothing was escaping. His brain was vibrating, ironically. His entire being was going into panic mode and the last final seconds were starting to count down. His mind was screaming at him to say the words, say something to her, something meaningful. Something that would make her know that she wasn’t just traveling with a known theft, that he wanted her to come along for a reason. That he wanted to build a home with her, build a family with her. Wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her until she knew that everyone who crossed their path was wrong about them. They weren’t just a thieving aeronaut and a townswhore, but two people in love.
His eyes started to droop shut, and when he opened them again, Owen was gone, just flurries of white particles floating before him.
Lee stared into lifeless orbs in front of him, feeling Hester’s cold body drift away from his own. 
“Yes, Lyra?”
“You travel with Mr. Scoresby?”
“I do, yes.”
“What’s he like?”
“He’s...typical, really. At least for me. But he knows what he’s doing. He’s full of determination, though he might come off as a self-righteous smartass when you first meet him. But he’s a good man. So devoted, and surprisingly, he’s pretty funny. But don’t tell him I said that! Lee takes risks, and is so....he’s open. He may not let it show often, but he really does care for you. Just like he cares about what happens to these missing children, and what happens after this. In the mornings, he sings these songs, and I know he does it to annoy me. But it’s actually...it’s nice waking up like that. He keeps me on my toes when I’m down, or stressed. He’s strong, and I’ve never met anyone like him before. You know, he actually took me out of my shell? Because he could see right through me, and knew that I had this desire to get out of Texas and have...a story to tell, you know? One worth the time. I’ll never understand it, but Lee can read me better than anyone I know…”
“Do you love Mr.Scoresby?”
“Love..love is a strong word, Lyra.”
“He loves you. I can tell.”
Y/N looked to see the aeronaut talking to Hester, small smile on his face, eyes wide as he spoke. He matched her stare eventually, and waved a hand. She chuckled and waved back.
“No, no it’s not like that, Lyra. He doesn’t love me…”
Let me know if you want to be tagged!! :’)
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Heartless - pt. 9
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You didn’t know where you were. You didn’t even know who you were at the moment when you finally started to realise dirt under your nails and fingers. Questions and memories came rushing back, piece my piece- like a slow puzzle. 
You opened your eyes, feeling a stabbing pain in your eyes but as soon as you did open your eyes, you saw a pair of shiny, pointy shoes in front of you. 
“James?” you asked weakly, feeling your stomach twist inside of you. It felt like there was a constant press on it, causing it’s insides to come up your throat. 
You haven’t felt good. Everything hurt and all you wanted to do was lay there and fall back asleep- then you remembered; you already did that before, didn’t you? Woke up for a moment, before falling back into darkness from so much pain. It was a constant cycle of suffering. 
You pressed your ear on the ground and let your eyelids close again. You could almost see your wand in the distant, the core of it only. The second half of your wand must be somewhere in the woods, broken from the road down. 
You felt the figure in front of you move, kneel down to you... feel the tip of his wand press on your neck. “Are you in pain, child?” he asked but his voice felt cold- like a breeze in the winter- and it sounded like a hiss, echoing in your ears. 
The tip of his wand travelled up your neck to your jaw, your cheek where it removed some of your hair. You let out a whimper, tears falling down your cheeks because you couldn’t move and you couldn’t feel anything but pain. Everything hurt so much to the point you didn’t know what to do. You thought of James and your family. You thought of Marcus and Sirius.... You left everybody behind, arguing with them, leaving them because you were upset and now you might die from pain and nobody is here to save you. You’d die alone. 
“Yes.” you cried, letting your lips tremble.... your voice catch in your last breaths. 
“Do you want me to save you?” he asked, his voice forever imprinted in your head. 
“Yes.” you said without any other thought, without any doubts. You want to be saved. You don’t want to die like this. 
The man’s lips twitched in a pleasing smirk as he took his wand away and placed his hand on top of your cheek. For some odd reason, it felt warm. It was warm and soft. His touch sent tingles through your body- a safe, comforting feeling. 
“I save you, (y/n) and you’ll be in debt to me.” he kept caressing your cheek as you let out sobs- sobs of pain, whimpers of loneliness, breaths of death. “Shh. I’ll save you.” he kept brushing his hand over your cheek. “You just sleep...” 
And his voice suddenly changed it’s tone into softness and tenderness, guiding you into a peaceful sleep. 
James woke up and after another horrible night of nightmares and twisted dreams. His stomach was like a hole- he felt it and he knew that it was because of you...
He wanted to worry but he was so furious at you. It was as if his gut was telling him one thing but his angry, prideful mind was doing the opposite. He woke up alone. Sirius wasn’t in his bed and the light was barely visible in the sky. He mustn’t had slept as well. 
With his thoughts on you- on your fight, your words- everything. 
‘ I cried every bloody night for a year because I hated my life and YOU WEREN’T THERE! YOU WEREN’T THERE JAMES BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO SELFISH BEING YOU!’ 
He shut his eyes and squeezed it, trying to brush those thoughts away. 
He opened his eyes again, this time softly and not as fast as he shut them. He could feel something spiking his eyes, something travelling up his throat as he continued to see your face just before you left- when you threw those pills at him. How could he forget that? But you were with Nina and you were safe. You had to be safe. 
He sat on the edge of the bed and put his bare feet on the rug. He dug his toes in the softness of it, clawing the rug as if it’s the only good thing in his life right now. 
Today was the third day since you were gone. He missed you. He missed the presence of you. It was as if half of him was empty because of you and that half started to spread into a whole. He threw his head into his palms, rubbing his hands up and down his face, down his hair. He ruffled them and looked to the side, finding his eyes on the framed photo of the two of you. 
“You’re just everywhere but not here.” he said, reaching up for the photo and looking at the two of you as happy children. “You have to be stubborn.. stubborn and dramatic...” he kept looking at your smile, where the front baby tooth was missing. He smiled at the thought of you, of the small utopia that formed in his head when the memories of your childhood came rushing back but then realised the reality of everything and stopped smiling. He rubbed his thumbs against the frame of the photo and put it face down on the bed. 
He stood up and made his way downstairs, where everybody was sitting in silence. 
There really was something missing in this family. It showed pretty clearly that everybody needed you here. There was a unique energy you brought to this house. There was a cup of coffee in your mother’s hands. She kept holding on to it and looking through the window as if you were about to come. 
And James knew that she missed you dearly after three days spent at Nina’s. He felt as if she resented him because of your argument. He felt as if his own mother couldn’t look at him because he chased you away. For three whole days. 
But when he appeared, she looked at him softly and smiled. “Morning, honey.” 
“Morning, mum.” he came to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 
He rarely did that but since he knew that she was worried about you, he thought she needed it. 
He didn’t want to ask if maybe you called or wrote them a letter. He was afraid to do so becuase he didn’t know how they would react... 
“I think I’ll call Nina to check up on her.” he said and walked to the phone. He typed in the number and waited for the phone to ring. One, two, three times, maybe the fourth time he really wanted to give up but there was a sound of a laughing voice. 
It sort of gave him relief. Good, Nina was laughing, which meant you were laughing too. 
“Hey, Nina. It’s James.”
“James?” she laughed in disbelief on the other side of the phone line. “What brings you to call?”
“I- uh. I wanted to check up on (y/n).” he spoke softly, remorsefuly.
“(Y/n)?” there was a questioning tone in her voice, causing James’ heart rate to rise up. “What do you mean to check up on her?”
“Well, isn’t she with you?” 
“No. Should she be?”
“Nina, it’s not funny. She said she’s going to your place.”
“Did the two of you have a row?” she asked. “Again?”
“You’re acting as if you don’t know.”
“I don’t, James. Honestly, I just came home from Cuba last night.”
“(y/n) knew this. She probably went to Marcus’ place anyway.”
“Yeah... probably.” James said doubtfully, glancing at his family, who all of them watched him with eyes as wide as a house elf. All they were missing was a pair of long ears. 
“And James?” 
“Marcus is a great guy. You shouldn’t be against their relationship. They’re actually quite adorable together.” she giggled meanwhile James felt his eyebrows furrow.
“Well, it was probably what the fight was about. She finally told you about them? She said she would on Friday.”
“She said she had a date with him? Nothing about a relationship.” he started to get frustrated. 
“Oh...” was all that came from the other side of the phone. 
“How long was that relationship, Nina?” he asked impatiently.
“I think I said enough.”
“Nina!” he warned her and only heard a sigh in return.
“A few weeks... months maybe. Almost whole summer.” 
“What?” James said in disbelief. “And she didn’t tell me?” 
“Why would she James? You never cared.”
“Why does everybody keep saying that?”
“James... you just stopped hanging around all of a sudden. You found your own group of friends in Hogwarts but we always kept in contact. Marcus really cared for her. He cared for all of us when you left.” 
“We were kids, Nina.”
“Yeah, but we were friends. Friends don’t leave and you did a shitty thing by leaving us- especially for Marcus. The two of you were best friends. He was broken when you didn’t even call. ” 
“I’m sorry, Nina. I didn’t know...”
“Sorry doesn’t take it with us, James. You had a life before Hogwarts. You had friends before those friends.” she started to get agitated, as if she was holding this for a long time. “I don’t know where, (y/n) but I wouldn’t blame her for leaving you. You were always an asshole to her. I think she’s at Marcus’ but how would you know when you never bothered to call him.” 
“Nina, I-”
“Goodbye, James.” she cut him off and threw the phone down. 
James kept the phone up to his ear. Nina really didn’t hold back, did she? 
He leaned on the wall, holding the phone in his hand as the line was cut. He took a deep breath in and felt a lump in his throat. He wanted to cry. Merlin, he would just want to curl up into a ball and cry. 
Did he really do you so much wrong? 
He looked at the phone and straightened his posture, taking a deep angry breath in and calling Marcus. He couldn’t believe he could still remember their house number- after so many years, Marcus’ house number just got stuck in his head. 
He picked up sooner than Nina did. Two rings.
“Hey, Markisha.” he put on a big smile, trying to lighten the mood and not make Marcus as upset as he did with Nina. “It’s James.”
“James?” there was a surprised tone in his voice. “Haven’t heard from you in a long time, mate. Except the time I called (y/n).”
“For a date?” James asked on purpose, knowing what he knows now. 
“Uh- yeah.” Marcus cleared his throat but tried to keep his cool.
“Heard the two of you were a thing- how did the first date go?” 
“Not good, if I’m honest with you mate.” Marcus took a deep breath in. “Got into our first massive fight.” 
“Makes two of us.” James added as a comment, then let his brain process the words again. “What was the fight about?”
“Your best mate, Sirius as I recall.” there was a bit of jealousy in his tone as James glanced at Sirius, then felt an uncomfortable feeling wash over him.
“She told you what happened?”
“She wanted to be honest with me. She promised it wouldn’t happen again but I was too pissed off.”
“But she’s with you, isn’t she?”
Marcus on the other line laughed with his usual voice that let James remember all those childhood days spent together. Guilt after guilt... “It’d be a miracle if she would after we said those nasty things to one another.” 
“Marcus...” James trailed off, feeling paranoia enter his stomach, fill that empty hole that he had. “... she’s not home for three days.”
There was silence on the other line for quite a long time. It let James wander if he threw the phone on him. 
“Yeah, I’m here.” he let out  breath. “What do you mean she wasn’t home in three days?”
“As in she said she was going to Nina’s place-”
“Nina was in Cuba.”
“I know that now. I thought she went to you.”
“She’s not with me, James!” Marcus snapped on the other side.
“Thanks for the clarification, Marcus!” James started to get furious as well. 
“What the fuck did you do, James?! What did you tell her?!”
“Me!? You’re the one she got in the-”
“But we figure it out, James! You don’t. You never apologise to her, you just piss her off and belittle her- you’re never there for her! You’ve always caused her nothing but pain!”
“Why is everybody on her side all the time!?”
“Because you’re the one that always fucks up and she’s the one that always ends up cleaning after you!”
“That isn’t true!”
“You’re a liar, James! Now, excuse me as I go look for her!”
“Marcus!” James tried to shout back but the line was already dead. 
James threw the phone into the wall and wanted to storm off to his room. He would if it wasn’t for his father, who grabbed his arm tightly and looked sternly into James’ eyes.
“What is it, boy?”
“She’s not at Nina’s. And she’ not at Marcus’.” he said, avoiding his mother’s gaze, ignoring her gasp. 
“Then where is she?” your father asked.
James shuffled his feet, took a few deep breaths until the guilt overflowed his body. He looked up at his father with shame in his eyes, just before he answered: “I don’t know, dad. I don’t know.”
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Eye of the Storm 5
Warnings: nonconsensual sex (series)
This is dark!Thor and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a new servant at the palace of Asgard but the job isn’t so easy as you thought.
Note: We get lots of Loki being Loki in this chapter! Again, you can direct any complaints to @lokislastlove​, I will only be accepting love!
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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That night's reprieve was shorter than any. You didn't sleep much as every time you closed your eyes, the scene of Thor and the noblewoman returned to you. You tossed next to Melora as you tried desperately to forget. Tried to deny that you would wake for yet another day of torture.
You couldn't help but blame yourself. Perhaps if you had accepted the flowers as a kindness, he'd not have been so gruff. If you had kept your mouth shut and not thought to reprimand a king. A king!
You woke, dressed, went to the kitchen, slowly ascended the stairs, and came to stand before the royal chambers. You were almost too tired to be afraid. It was a sort of overwrought numbness. You looked down at the lidded tray and back to the doors, You turned and knocked with your elbow.
That an answer came was unexpected and that it was not Thor's voice was more so. The left door was pulled open from within and Prince Loki greeted you with silent derision. He lithely backed away as you paid him his title and crossed to the table.
"Shall I fetch another serving for yourself, your highness?" You asked as you placed the tray down. "I can--"
"Do not trouble yourself, I only seek a brief audience with my brother... once he chooses to privilege me with his presence." He went to the velvet armchair and sat, hooking one leg over the other as he bent his arm casually and examined his nails. "He did say he would soon but seems to have had little sleep."
You were silent and you assumed your usual stance by the wall, patiently awaiting whatever the day, and Thor, had in store for you.
"Immaculate," Loki mused as he considered the room. "You are much more diligent than the last."
"Your highness," You accepted meekly.
"Though I must assume my brother does not make it a small task," He slithered. "As with anything."
"I only strive to do my job to the best of my ability." You said.
He snicked and uncrossed his legs, stretching them before him.
"You would make an admirable diplomat," He remarked. "I must admit I do not find it so simple to lie on my brother's behalf."
"I do not--"
"Oh, don't you worry," He smirked. "I will not betray your detest to the king. Our little secret."
You pressed your lips together and bent your head. Loki sat in cool silence and the wait seemed interminable until finally you heard movement from the other room.
"Maid," Thor's deep voice called, thick and groggy. "Maid."
You glanced at Loki before rushing forward. You swept into the bedchamber as Thor stared into the tall cabinet where several tunics hung. He shook his head and stretched his thick arms over his head. His golden hair was matted and his eyes sleepy.
"Ugh, I don't care what you choose but I haven't the mind for frocks today," He grumbled as he backed away and drank what was left in the wine bottle from the night before. 
He sniffed and paced the chamber as you searched for a pair of trousers to go with the deep blue tunic you drew from its hook. You turned back and approached him hesitantly. He was entirely naked and unashamed.
He pulled on his undershorts and yawned. He turned back to you and stared expectantly. You blinked and set down his tunic before unfolding his trousers. You bent and held them as he stepped into them like a child. You stood and pulled them up, tightly tying the laces at the top.
"My brother still waiting?" He asked as he took the tunic from you.
"Yes, my king," You answered as he pulled the blue fabric over his head.
"Mmm, he does insist on bothering me at the most inconvenient of times," Thor grumbled and sat to pull on a pair of sock.
He kicked his feet out and you took the cue wordlessly. You shoved his boots on and tied them up. He stood again and pulled his armour over the tunic and offered no help as you reached to clasp his cape into place. He combed his hair out with the horsehair brushed and checked himself in the mirror.
"Sweet maid, you will be grateful for me once you've witnessed my brother's repugnance," He waved you to the door. "Let us hope he makes it brief."
You followed him into his receiving chamber and Loki barely acknowledged either of you. Thor sat at the table and flicked you away as you went to uncover the tray, doing it himself.
"What brings you so early?" Thor asked sharply. "Surely this could wait until after I break fast."
"This has waited long enough and you do continued to evade me," Loki countered smoothly. "So, short of intruding on your nightly escapades, waking you seemed the preferable option."
"Or not at all?" Thor stabbed a hank of pig. "I told you to do as you please. I will do my part when the woman arrives."
"I do only require your approval to do so. I must arrange her quarters for her arrival. Since I've claimed mother's former chambers and you've the king's rightful abode, I did think it would be fitting to have your wife close in your former lodgings."
"Very well, though your own abandoned chambers might be as fitting." Thor huffed.
"You've not met the woman, you cannot be so quick to despise her." Loki warned.
"I have. A few centuries ago when she came to insult our own mother's skirts, do you not recall?"
"We've all changed since then." Loki argued. "Even you brother and I think another change is past due. One woman is a lot more manageable than a dozen."
"I've heard all your reasons before, brother, and I've accepted the betrothal, you can cease your lectures," Thor scowled. "The chambers are hers. Do with them as you must."
"You are ever gracious," Loki taunted and stood, "I do require another favour."
"Shall I cut off my own finger then?" Thor sneered.
"I will need help in the preparations." Loki raised his chin as he looked around. "Your chambermaid does seem quite efficient and would save me the trouble of venturing to the lower levels to seek out one competent enough to follow orders."
"My maid?" Thor gulped down his mouthful. "Haven't you your own servant to--"
"Bradin is busy with the litany of other chores upon my list," Loki interjected. "It would only be for the day. I promise she will be back polishing your boots by the evening."
Thor exhaled and took a few more bites before he answered.
"Very well," He shrugged, "Suppose she's of very little use meandering around here."
"Surely she'll have enough to do when she returns," Loki preened. "Now if you don't mind, we should begin sooner than later. We've only a week before your betrothed's arrival and little enough done."
You looked to Thor and his expression startled you. He nodded and his fork scraped against the plate.
"Oh, much work indeed, brother," Thor said. "And I expect it done."
Loki laughed to himself and approached the doors. He opened one and turned back to gesture you along with him.
"If you would, my brother can look after himself for the day."
Loki was almost gloating as he led you through the corridors to the set of chambers that had housed Thor before Odin's death. They were spacious and airy as they opened over the courtyard and smelled of the lavender planted below. The prince walked the perimeter, only a few pieces of furniture remained.
"Lady Calla is highly refined," Loki began, "I expect quite decisive. I imagine whatever we choose will not measure to her expectations but we will nonetheless present her the richest Asgard has to offer. My task is to get her here and married, beyond that I am not concerned if she dislikes the drapes."
You were silent as he paced.
"First we should air out the dust and sweep. Rather, you," He said. "I am expecting a few arrivals at noon, a few things to fill a space."
"Yes, your highness, I will go fetch a broom--"
"In the next room I've gathered all you should need to sweep and shine from ceiling to floor." He said. "I hope you don't mind if I remain. I shall try to stay out of your way."
"As you wish," You went into the next room and took the broom from the corner. 
You returned to the lounge and began to sweep silently as the prince stood at the window. All was quiet but the bristles upon the stone.
"My brother is not easy to serve. Always difficult to please." He began. "I am sure you know it by now and yet you handle him well enough."
"I do my duty," You replied.
"A,h but often it is not good enough for him," Loki quipped. "You might ask his last if she were not so quickly banished from the palace. She was a mouse, never did more than appease him. Perhaps too much. And then not enough."
"I would not dare to steal, your highness," You focused on your work as you spoke.
"Steal, is that what he told you?" Loki wondered. "Oh, well it does make him sound justified, does it not?"
You were quiet and kept on, confused.
"My brother tires easily of his toys, you must know it. His lies make it less known." Loki explained. "But rumours persist and it did make it difficult enough to secure him a wife. He has yet to accept he is no longer a prince."
Again, you had no answer. Even at his prodding, it would be remiss to speak ill of any noble, let alone the king.
"Calla will have quite the task upon her hands. My brother has ever struggled to hold his focus. To think, if he should have to adhere to one, said individual would suffer greatly I suspect." Loki scoffed. "Not that I ever think he should show such restraint."
You did not look up as you turned to face Loki and swept up the dirt into a single pile.
"He is not one to be spurned or spoken back to, I suspect he favours you for that. He treats you well, does he?" You took the pan and bent to gather up the pile. 
Your heart clutched. You'd not only spoken against Thor, you'd as good as thrown a gift in his face.
"He treats me as any servant should be," You answered as you stood. "And servants should not complain."
"You are humble, even for your bearing, and tolerant, perhaps to a fault," He commented. "I do not forget that night. Why should he make you listen to his debauchery?"
You said nothing and dumped the pan in the pail in the corner.
"And why should he take you away to the clifftop so early in the morning?" Loki asked. "Though he did return in quite a sour mood."
You went into the bedroom and Loki slowly followed as you began to sweep once more.
"I ask of genuine concern," Loki said. "Not to shame or remand. You may tell me if he has violated you."
"So that I can be banished too?" You asked then cringed at your own impertinence. "My apologies--"
"I must admit I am selfish in my interest. I hope that his union should be peaceable enough. I needn't some dalliance with a servant getting in the way of my tireless work." Loki leaned on the back of the only chair. "So if you tell me the truth, I might be able to help both of us because despite your stubborn reticence, I can see you do not welcome whatever game he plays."
You frowned and did not cease your sweeping. It was the only thing keeping you from fleeing in embarrassment.
"He has not touched me." You said. "He only lays with those women he welcomes at night. I serve him his wine and tidy his chambers."
"Has he threatened to touch you? To do more?"
"No," Not overtly, you added in your head. "His interest seems to be more for his lovers than his servant."
Loki nodded and considered your answer. He squinted and pushed himself away from the chair.
"Naturally," He said evenly. "Why should he worry for more than his own desires?"
You once more grabbed the pan and added the dust to the rest. You shoved aside the broom and grabbed the second bucket. You went to the bath chamber and filled it with water before returning to the bedroom. Loki sat in the window ledge, a long leg bent within the frame as he watched the outside and rested his chin on his knuckles.
“I am trying to help. Calla will not take the same keen interest as her soon-to-husband and no woman wants another so entwined in her marriage.” He spoke coolly. 
“How could you help me? I don’t need your warning, I already know what the king is capable of. He’s made that plain.” You stopped as you dipped the mop head in the bucket. “Your highness.”
His lashes flicked down as he thought. He opened his hand as he lifted his head and examined his lined palm.
“If I may offer advice then, you might be better to hold that tongue around my brother. It will only get you in trouble.” Loki said. “And I do hope that advice is timely, for your sake.”
He peered back through the window and you sloshed water onto the floor and began to swab. You focused on scrubbing the stone and paid little heed to Loki when he finally stood and carefully tiptoed through the door. When you got to the receiving chamber he was gone altogether and you were thankful for the solace. 
You finished and took a cloth to wipe the remaining surfaces and the mantle along the wall. You did what you could for the barren space and the door interrupted your last tweaks.
Loki reappeared, followed by several attendants and servants. Several began to pull out the remaining furniture as others entered with new pieces. You watched the sudden flurry of activity as the prince commanded his workers. He was precise and spoke to a clerk who took notes of his suggestions; a cloth for the table, a statuette here, perhaps a vase for some fresh flowers... 
Another man appeared, this one in better clothing than the servants. His quilted jacket suggested he was a fine merchant and the large chest carried by his assistant assured you. He helped place the shallow case on the table after greeting the prince with a deep bow. The lid was drawn open as you stood forgotten against the wall.
“Ahem,” Loki peeked over at you and flicked two fingers for you to approach. The chest was filled with baubles of every size; stones set in silver, gold, and bronze. “It is always better to have a woman’s touch, even if she is but a maid.”
You swallowed as you crinkled your brow and stared at the wares. Loki played with a teardrop pearls and lifted the long necklace.
“What do you think?” He held it up to you. “Gaudy, isn’t it?”
You shrugged and glanced between the necklace in his hand and the rest of the array.
“I don’t know much of jewelry, your highness.” You said.
“Yes, but you do have a sharp eye. An attention for detail,” He placed the pearl necklace back. “Sapphire?” He lifted another bracelet to present to you. “My brother needs a gift to present his bride and well, as with everything else, he will not give me a decisive answer. I heard she is fond of rubies but let us not be obvious.”
“Am I not here to clean?”
“That lip.” He tutted. “Tell me you don’t speak thus to my brother.”
“Apologies for my oversight. I do usually show the appropriate regard for my superiors.” You uttered.
“Ooh, that’s it. That’s what he likes.” Loki smiled. “So proper, so gentle.”
You held your tongue, something which used to come easily but now you found the arrogance of both royal brothers was pushing you to your limits.
“Oh, a celestial diamond,” Loki plucked up a large glowing stone attached to a braided white gold chain. “Fittingly extravagant for both my brother and his new wife, don’t you think?”
“It is very beautiful, your highness,” You said. 
“Mmm, very beautiful,” He rolled it between his fingers. “And expensive. Can you even fathom the cost? You’d not spend as much in your entire life on merely eating; on existing.”
“As I said, I haven’t much knowledge on stones.”
“Let us see how it should look,” He purred.
He unclasped the chain and you were surprised as he reached around your neck. You flinched but let him secure the necklace, afraid to damage it should you pull away. He let the heavy diamond fall and it rested just above your bosom. He tilted his head as he admired it and you drew your brows together.
“Striking,” He said. “It almost makes your eyes look alight. Or perhaps your eyes do bring light to the diamond.”
“Both, your highness,” The merchant intoned. “It is said the stone does enhance the beauty of its wearer and yet its wearer does lend their own in turn.”
“Certainly,” Loki agreed. “Even a maid.” He touched the stone again, his long fingers brushing the fabric on your chest. “This will be the one and I will a pair of ruby pins for the wedding gift I owe the happy couple.”
“Yes, your highness,” The merchant grinned.
“Leave the bill with my clerk, Bradin, he is here somewhere. Can’t miss him, he’s missing an ear so speak loudly,” Loki advised.
The prince came close and unclasped the necklace. He handed it back to the jeweler who searched his chest for the second purchase. Loki turned back to you, his eyes bemused as they searched you.
“I’m still trying to figure my brother out after all these years,” He said as he reached to straighten the belt of your apron, a gesture which had you rigid on your feet. “But I’m not sure I can ever do so. I do wish you luck in your own endeavour.”
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 7
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers (best friend) Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 1780
Warnings: Slow Start, Language, Tiny bit of Fluff
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change
Hi again, so yesterday definitely didn’t go plan at all, I was caught up in way too much work and by the time I’d finished it all it was 4 in the morning and I had to get up at 6 for college. My apologies for the lack of a chapter yesterday, hopefully this was worth the wait though :) Enjoy Everyone!
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Readers POV
It was sometime in the early morning when Becca same flying into my room, I could feel my mood change from one of complete and utter boredom to one of happiness, I swear down this little girl could manage to make the grim reaper smile. Her black hair bounced behind her as she hurried to climb up the bed, instantly crushing me with a tight hug, “Y/n! I missed you so much! I’m sorry for not coming sooner but Mama and Papa said you needed more time to rest” her bright eyes glossed over as she rushed out her apology.
I actually felt my heart clench at her words, which to be honest was a bit concerning, her little face scrunched up into a frown and I instantly pulled her into a hug, “Sweetie there’s nothing you need to say sorry for, if anything I should be saying sorry for leaving you for so long with those silly boys! I can’t imagine how bad they must have smelled! Oh, my lord I’m feeling faint even thinkin’ about it!”. Instantly the frown on her little face vanished, her giggles echoed in my ear as she fell backwards onto the bed clutching her stomach, my smile was almost wide as Bucky’s ego. Almost.
Once she’d managed to calm down enough, Becca crawled back up the bed and climbed under the covers before cuddling up next to me, my arm instantly wound around the younger girl as I placed a small kiss on her hair and in that moment, I felt at ease, finally complete as the little girl cuddled further into my side.
Mrs Barnes POV (Surprise!)
A gentle smile spread across my face as I watched my girls, both excitedly chatting back and forth about their favourite things, the half-completed scarf forgotten to me as my mind wandered to the talk George and myself had last night. Both of us agreed that we would never be able to pay y/n back for protecting our boys, but we both noticed one particular trait about her, she tended to protect everyone but herself. It was almost as if she valued everyone else’s life above her own, it made me worry about what she’s had to have gone through to value herself at such a low rate, maybe it’s my motherly side coming out but there’s this constant urge to protect her. The knowledge of her not having a family weighed heavily on both my soul and my heart, even thinking about it broke my heart, and that’s when George and I made our decision. We wanted her to be apart of our family, protect her in the same way she tried to protect both our family and our boys, after everything the poor girls been through it’s the very least we could do.
After a while I noticed the room was unusually silent, my head turned towards the girls and my eyes were met with a sight that made me want to weep with joy, both of them had fallen asleep, Y/n’s arms were wound around Becca protectively as the younger girl cuddled closer to y/n’s side. I kept my gaze on the girls, committing the moment to my memory as my heart swelled with delight, a wide smile played on my lips as I picked up the scarf started to work on it determined to give y/n a welcoming gift.
Time Skip
Steve’s POV
“Yeah sure Buck, like I actually believe that!” Bucky was goin’ on about he fought off 10 guys at once in school today, the way he was tellin’ it had me in stiches as he claimed he “knocked em down with the strength of the devil” before finishing the fight with fireworks goin’ off behind him. “I’m bein’ serious Stevie! You shoulda seen their faces when I pulled out my sword and started chasing em…how much of this you belivin’?” he finally stopped his rambling when he glanced at my face, completely blank as I looked at him with my eyebrows raised.
Seconds of silence passed, “You can’t letta a guy be dramatic for one second?!”, I’ll admit I didn’t expect him to fall to the floor and start waving his arms and legs about while cryin’ about me bein’ a spoil sport, but I’d be lyin’ if I said I wasn’t funny. I was doubled over with laughter, nearly crying as I joined Buck on the floor, the pair of us struggling to breath from laughing so hard.
The sound of a door opening along with an exasperated sigh made us both shut up immediately, glancing up I was met with the sight of Mama Barnes, a small smile on her face as she looked at the both of us expectedly, waitin’ for us to get off the floor. “Normally I would ask both of you what on the name of earth you were doin’ on the floor, but I’ve seen you do some stupider things so at this point I’m not surprised”. Buck shared a look with me before facing his mama, a sheepish grin on his face as he tried to explain why we were acting dumb, Mama just shook her head at us and ushered us inside y/n’s room, tellin’ us to keep quiet.
3rd Person POV
Both boys entered the room, softly shutting the door behind them as they turned around, neither expecting to see the sight before them, Bucky and Steve’s younger sister was curled up next to y/n, both girls had a relaxed, peaceful expression on their faces. The blankets were wrapped around them both, the younger of the two using the older girls chest as a pillow shifting slightly as the older pulled her closer to her side, unconsciously wrapping both the blanket and her arms around her in a bid to keep her warm.
Soft smiles graced the lips of both boys, watching the two girls as they slept peacefully, the blonde-haired boy noticing the older girl shiver a tiny bit from the change in temperature, as quietly as possible he made his way towards them. Carefully, he unwrapped a small part of the blanket from the younger girl and repositioned it over the two of them equally, tucking the edges into the bed frame before glancing behind him at his friend.
The boy with the brown hair hadn’t moved an inch, his entire body refusing to move in case the sight in front of him suddenly disappeared. His blue eyes never left the face of the older girl, taking in her immense beauty was enough to stun him for hours, his gaze roamed over her face in a leisurely way, absorbing how perfect she looked when sleeping. Any attempt to gain his attention failed, his mind too clouded with the image of her, a soft warm feeling settled in his heart, growing stronger with every second he stared at her.
Once the blonde-haired boy realised that he wasn’t gaining the attention of his friend anytime soon, he followed his friends line of sight, letting out a small chuckle as he turned his head towards the boy’s mother, sharing a small knowing smile as she watched her son from the corner of her eye.
Time Skip
Readers POV
The veil of sleep slowly cleared from my mind, hushed voices grabbed my attention as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, my eyes made contact with Mr and Mrs Barnes, the sound of the lads doing somethin’ stupid filled the background. Both of the parents smiled at me, I wanted to sit up but Becca was still asleep, and I couldn’t find it in my heart to disturb her from sleep, “Y/n, sweetheart, the doctor came in while you girls were sleeping, he said that you’ll be able to leave tomorrow after a few more check ups and tests, and we wanted to ask you somethin’.” I felt my head tilt to the side in confusion, maybe it was about the medical bills, I mean a stunt like this couldn’t have been cheap…
“Sweetie, we were wondering if you’d like to join our family, there is nothing in this world we could offer or do to thank you for protecting our family, so we only ask that you let us return the favour and protect you.”
I could feel my jaw drop to the floor, my eyes watered with tears as I nodded my head frantically and pulled them both into a hug, crying into Mrs Barnes’s chest while thanking her over and over again. The bed dipped even more as two more pairs of arms joined the hug, the hole in my soul left as I came to the realisation that I finally had a family to call my own, a sudden shout of excitement broke us all out of the hug as Becca tackled my side, knocking me flat out on my back.
“I FINALLY HAVE A SISTER! YAY! MAMA I HAVE A SISTER!” Becca’s joyful cries made us all laugh, quickly clambering off me she started running ‘round the room, only stoppin’ to do the odd celebration dance. A tap on shoulder distracted me from Becca’s antics, “So how’s it feels to be apart of the Barnes Clan?” Steve’s face met mine with a joyful smile, I not so subtly rolled my eyes at him before bumping my shoulder with his, “Thought I joined the clan the minute your friend over there carried my ass to the front door”.
Steve let out a small snicker as Bucky’s head shot up as he playfully glared at the pair of us, choosing to make his way over while his parents were distracted with Becca, “What was that Doll? From what I remembered I oh so bravely carried you to my home while you pelted with punches and cute little threats” excuse me, CUTE ?! there is nothing cute about me threatening to rip your soul outta your body Barnes!
A cocky smirk appeared on his lips as I narrowed my eyes at him, “you do realise that you’re now stuck with me now Barnes? If I was you I’d be sleeping with one eye open” outta the corner of my eye I saw Steve bring a hand up to his face and cover it while shaking his head, since when did that bugger get sassy?! Instead of taking my threat seriously, Bucky smiles as his puts his arm around me with a shit-eating grin on his face, “You know you love me doll, heck how could ya not look at this face!” now it was my turn to facepalm.
What the hell did I just agree to?!
Things have finally started looking up for the reader! Thanks for Reading :)
Rose xx
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deantransgressions2 · 4 years
13x04 the big empty
23 transgressions. sigh.
#1: he was momentarily giving sam the silent treatment for no valid reason considering sam did nothing wrong.
time tag: 2:05
#2: name calling. and just being rude for no fucking reason
sam: “what you, uh, working on?”
dean: “dead guy in madison. police say it was a home invasion, but neighbor claims that she saw the vic’s dead wife leave the crime scene.”
sam: “let’s check it out.”
dean: “what, you ready to ditch damien? what do you wanna do? leave him in a ring of holy oil with some netflix and a frozen pizza?”
time tag: 2:09
#3: more name calling
dean: “uh, hell, no. what, “adventures in babysitting” the antichrist? no, thank you”
time tag: 2:25
#4: dean gave up on mary. AND kept trying to convince sam that lucifer killed mary even though SAM actually knows lucifer and dean does not. 
dean: “yeah, it is, actually. you wanna know why? because as long as he’s here, he’s not out there doing god knows what. so what, does this mean that your plan for bringing mom back isn’t working? ‘cause i’ll say it again....mom’s dead, sam. lucifer ripped out her freakin’ heart. now, the sooner you can wrap your head around that, the sooner we can all move on.”
time tag: 2:40
#5: an infant should not have to put effort into convincing a full grown man to not murder him. sam should not have to protect an infant from his abusive brother
jack: “dean can’t even look at me. he wants to kill me.” sam: “i won’t let that happen. listen, if there’s one thing that dean respects, it’s effort. so come along. help us out. let’s go be the good guys.”
time tag: 6:02
#6: jack attempted to open his car door to join sam and dean. dean forcefully slammed it back in his face and told him to stay put. 
time tag: 7:15
#7: he verbally assaulted an infant for not following instructions.....
dean: “hey! i told you to wait in the car. what the hell are you doing?” jack: “i’m trying to help out.” dean: “how is this helping out?”
time tag: 7:53
#8: made fun of jack for trying to help out
time tag: 8:08
#9: ordered jack to dig up the grave so he didn’t have to. sam said what we were all thinking:
dean: “all right, well, you said you wanted to help, so, uh… dig.”
sam: “dean, what’s up with all the orders? you’re starting to sound like dad.”
dean: “that a bad thing?”
sam: “i’m just saying his...his drill sergeant act worked with you… but it didn’t work with me. and that’s not the way we’re gonna get through to jack.”
dean: “look, you wanted the kid here, he’s here. all right? but I’m not gonna hold his hand and tuck him in at night. pass. i’m not gonna be his mother, and neither are you. and the kid can dig, so i’ll give him that.”
time tag: 8:49
#10: ordered jack to get food for all of them. sam told dean that he was treating jack like an “intern” and he wasn’t wrong!
time tag: 12:20
#11: not really a funny joke. like he’s a 40 year old man maybe he should grow up and stop talking shit about therapist and.....go fucking see one himself.
dean: “hmm. shrinks. snake oil for the mind.”
sam: “or how healthy people deal.”
dean: “yeah? all right, let’s see how good old, uh, gloria was dealing. here you go. “and now that i’ve achieved catharsis, i can truly see the program works.” the program? come on, i mean, she’s one kool-aid away from jonestown.”
time tag: 12:42
#12: the blatant verbal abuse...trivializing everything jack does or says...who the fuck seriously stans canon dean. if u do get help.
time tag: 13:19
#13: he had onions on his hotdog. so not only is he a child abuser, he ALSO smells like onions. makes everything he does this episode so much worse if that’s even possible
time tag: 13:38
#14: any form of ordering or demanding aggressively is a form of verbal abuse. name calling is also a form of abuse. here are two instances, both within the same scene:
receptionist: “oh, i’m sorry. you caught us right at the end of our day. maybe tomorrow.”
dean: “no, today’s good. like right now.”
dean: “listen, mr. spock, you speak when i tell you to speak, okay?”
jack: “yes.”
dean: “good.”
time tag: 14:32
#15: dean was curt towards the therapist, who he just met and had treated him with nothing but kindness. 
time tag: 15:31
#16: insinuated that journaling is for girls/women. 
mia: “dean? you journal?”
dean: “ever since i was a little girl.”
time tag: 16:00
#17: insinuated that actually sam is the one that needs help, not him. denial and projection. you hate to see it. 
time tag: 16:32
#18: gaslighting, name calling, undermining, and diverting the conversation to find issues with sam instead of himself.
dean: “all right, this is a safe place, right, doc? okay. my brother’s delusional…”
sam: “dean.”
dean: “you said you wanted to give this a shot, right? here we go. he won’t even admit that mom’s dead. won’t even admit it.”
sam: “stop.”
dean: “because if he admits it, then it’s real. if it’s real, then he has to deal with it, and he can’t handle that.”
time tag: 16:42
#19: sigh. 
mia: “you just upset your brother so much, he had to leave the room. and jack? look at him. he’s terrified of you.”
dean: “nah. no, we’re simpatico. right, kid?”
jack: “we’re simpatico.” mia: “convincing.”
time tag: 19:02
#20: jack is trying to get through to dean and convince him that he can be useful. jack just wants dean to like him. and with abusers, being liked/respected and being viewed as an object can be a fine line. 
time tag: 25:50
#21: dean conditioning jack to seek validation from him. 
jack: “hey.” dean: “hey. you did good today, jack.”
time tag: 39:35
#22: “acting like a dick” is a massive fucking understatement. also, dean now only sees the value of jack’s life because he finally deems him useful. but, sam saw value in jack’s life simply because jack was a child and deserved a life. cas saw value in jack’s life before he was even born. sam and cas are the only two valid people in jack’s life 
dean: “listen, man, back at, uh, mia’s, i was out of line. i’m sorry for being a… a dick lately.”
sam: “thanks.” dean: “and maybe you’re right, about the kid. i mean, he tries. i’ll give him that. and he tapped his powers, saved our ass, so that’s a win.”
time tag: 39:56
#23: dean was verbally abusing his brother for doing something he actually wanted him to do (believing mary was alive)... hmm. 
time tag: 40:45
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S/O Has An Anxiety Attack
Genre: Fluff, Comfort
Character: Daichi
Warning: Anxiety symptoms
A/n: I hope you enjoy this! I really have a soft spot for people who suffer from anxiety and or depression, mainly because I myself have severe anxiety and depression and I want nothing more than to want to protect everyone feeling down.
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If Daichi could rip out his heart from his chest and give it to you, he would've done that the day you agreed to be his girlfriend. You were the epitome of happiness and radiance, you brought out the side of him he didn't know existed. He felt young when he was around you, he felt his age, as if all the burdens and responsibilities that came with his position all washed away. Daichi had never seen you feeling anything but happiness. Even when you were quiet, you had a content expression on your face, a gentle smile playing at your lips. You would always hop around and interact so youthfully with everyone round that as far as Daichi could observe, there was not a single person who disliked you. Even that stingy Tsukishima was powerless before your charm. "Daichi, babe can you pass me the mirin from the top cabinet?" you ask your boyfriend, pointing at the top shelf of the pantry cabinet. It was a cold winter night, and the two of you were in your house making dinner while your mom and dad were away on a trip. He handed you the bottle and wrapped his arms around your waist, placing his chin on your shoulder, watching you stir the ingredients in the pot. "What time did they say they were gonna come back?" he asked. You looked at the wall clock and blinked, "They should be home by now," you say, feeling just a tiny bit worried. "I should call them." Daichi took the ladle from your hand and continued stirring as you reach for your mobile phone. You tapped on your mom's contact and pressed the phone to your ear. With every ring, your heart grew more and more anxious until your mother finally picked up, "Hello?" you breathed a sigh of relief as soon as you heard her voice. "Mom, where are you? You guys have me worried sick!" You hear crackling on the other side, "Sorry sweetie, it started snowing, and the roads are kinda slippery, so we're driving slow. It's gonna take us a while. You should eat dinner and go to bed." You gasp, "It's snowing?! Get off the road then! You shouldn't be driving in this weather!" "Your voice is cutting up. We'll see you at home," with that your mom hung up. "Mom? Mom!" you called into the receiver, but she had already hung up. Your hands began to tremble, and your vision got blurry with tears, you were starting to feel anxious for your parents' safety. Within seconds, Daichi was by your side. "Y/n? what's wrong? Is everything okay?" "It's snowing, and my parents are on the road," your voice trembles with every word. "Daichi, I'm worried!" you whimper. His heart dropped to his stomach when he saw how distraught you were. You were whimpering and trembling, your breathing was ragged, and tears were streaming down your face, your face was dreadfully pale. This was the first time he had seen you like this, he gently placed his hands on your shoulders, "Y/n, it's gonna be okay. Your dad is an awesome driver, they'll get home safe. I promise," he kept on rambling reassurances but to no avail. Your condition kept getting worse, Daichi had to hold you up, otherwise, you'd sink to the floor. "Y/n tell me what to do?" he begged. "I want to help, make you feel better." "The-" you took several deep breaths so you could speak. "The cabinet in my bathroom," you begin. "Look for the bottle w-with (your prescribed medication formula) written on it. Brin-bring me that." Daichi swallows and nods, he sits you on the couch and runs to your bathroom, he locates the medication and runs back into the kitchen to get you a glass of water. He puts the tablet on your hand, you place it in your mouth and helps you drink water to swallow it. Soon, you start to calm down. Daichi was sat beside you, brows furrowed with worry, as he rubbed soothing circles on your back. "You good?" he asks. You nod in reply, "But I'm still worried..." He hugged you close, "Everything will be fine. Your parents will be fine," he reassures you. "I'm sorry for worrying you like that," you apologise. Daichi pulls back and looks down at you, "Y/n, don't apologise. In fact, I should be the one apologising to you. If only I had known what to do, I could've helped you sooner..." he says, guilt evident in his eyes. You smile up at him, "At least you didn't run away." He gives you a sweet look, "How could I ever run away from you." He leans forward and captures your lips in a sweet and loving kiss, you sigh through your nostrils, wrapping your arms around his neck. Speaking of nostrils, you sniff, still tangling your lips with his. You immediately pull back. "D-did you turn off the stove?" you ask. Daichi stares at you wide-eyed, "Shit!" the two of you immediately scramble to your feet and rush into the kitchen. The stew you were cooking had completely burnt black, Daichi immediately turned off the heat and quite literally hurled the pot into the sink and turned the water on. The pot sizzled as steam rose up, you stepped on a chair to turn off the fire alarm. The two of you stared owlishly at each other, "So..." Daichi begins. "What's for dinner?"
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thewayshedreamed · 4 years
Operation Ghost Leopard— Lysaedion AU
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Thank you for the prompt, Non! I really enjoyed writing this one— it’s the first Lysaedion I’ve ever written and the first Throne of Glass fic I’m publishing. Gotta love a prompt that pushes you!
Prompt: Can u write a Lysaedion fic 🙃 Sorry to send u so many prompts lol I’m feeling inspired but don’t feel like writing haha
Hope you guys enjoy! Feedback is always welcome, especially being that I haven’t written these two before!
Lysandra turned her head over, fluffed the loose waves, and flipped them back over as she stood up. She adjusted her cleavage in her low-cut ballgown and pulled the fabric down her hips a little to make sure it was as smooth as possible. Exhaling a long breath, she righted her shoulders and walked from the bathroom to the gala ballroom.
Her gown was a beautiful, rich emerald green that hugged her curves and made her eyes sparkle in the low light of the room. She was attending said gala as part of her current mission, which required her to play the part she most resented. People often commented on her beauty, with her bright green eyes, dark brown hair, generous curves, and full lips. She was flattered by the compliments in her younger years, before she realized her beauty was slowly becoming her identity.
She grew exceedingly tired of the assumptions she so often encountered when meeting new people. She was treated as shallow, vapid, and for whatever reason, less intelligent than those around her. She was by no means ungrateful for her blessings; she knew there were many women who would kill for them. Nevertheless, she couldn’t help feeling underwhelmed by the assignments Arobynn tossed her way, wishing for a little more substance in her work.
She looked down toward her cleavage, making sure the microphone that was sewn into the neckline of her dress was intact and well-hidden. Tern had done a formidable job hiding it within the fabric, but she felt as though he’d felt the need to “adjust it” a few too many times tonight. She was grateful to be out of his company for the time being.
Lysandra scanned the room for her target. She straightened her spine, lifted her chin, and made her way over to a waiter holding a tray of champagne. She smiled to him sweetly as he handed her drink over, thanking him for serving her. She surveyed the room over the lip of her glass, praying to the gods that she would see that head of golden hair. The sooner she located him, the sooner she could start building her rapport with him, and the faster this night would move.
Aedion Ashryver was anything but an easy target. Not only was he nobility, but he had extensive experience in battle and security, requiring an especially clever agent to complete this mission. When Arobynn had briefed her (along with Tern and the others), he had instructed her quite firmly to complete this mission by any means necessary.
Historically, that had always included bringing men home, whether it be to serve as a companion for the evening or offer her body to them. Lysandra wouldn’t claim that the thought didn’t repulse her each and every time, but her work was not for the feint of heart. Besides, she owed an incredible debt to the man she worked for, and it would be some time before she felt entitled to any sort of opinions on the matter. The consequences of those opinions were too grave to consider.
She knew she was in this position to tempt the young prince away from his post, allowing the rest of the men to move in on Aelin Ashryver Galathynius. His reputation as the party prince and his willingness to sleep with most were no doubt the reasons Lysandra had been selected for this mission. If anyone was going to stand in the way, it would be Aedion, who loved his cousin so fiercely that he wouldn’t hesitate to employ any skill in his repertoire to ensure her safety.
Arobynn and his men needed as many barriers eliminated as possible in their quest for the princess; a ploy to ensure the royals knew of his reach and influence in the area. Additionally, it was no small secret that he carried great affection for Aelin, and he believed she owed it to him to entertain the potential of a relationship after all they had been through.
That thought alone made Lysandra want to punch him in the throat. The nerve. The entitlement. As if the princess were indeed property.
She huffed a breath, still scanning the massive room for Aedion. She meant to walk forward, hoping to make a loop about the room, before a deep voice interrupted her.
“I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you, miss.”
Lysandra turned her head sharply and had to look up to peer into the face of her greeter. Her green eyes fell on ones of bright turquoise with a ring of gold; Ashryver eyes through and through. She scanned his face, observing how he had his golden hair swept into a low bun at the back of his head. If she truly had to complete this mission by any means necessary, she decided she could be much worse off than the beautiful man next to her.
She plastered her most dazzling smile on her face as she answered him. “I don’t believe you have,” she said, extending her hand to him. “Olivia.”
His mouth quirked up at one of the corners, amusement sparkling in his eyes. He took her hand in his, bowing slightly to place a chaste kiss to the back of it.
“Aedion. It’s lovely to meet you, Olivia.” He smiled, and she swore her heart skipped a beat. “Care to join me for a drink?”
“I would love that.”
About an hour later, they were each several drinks in, having settled at a table near the dance floor. Lysandra had just finished laughing at something Aedion had said moments before, and when she looked back to him, she felt like she wanted to pretend... pretend that she wasn’t an agent hired to sabotage the security of this party. That her participation didn’t effectively ruin any chance that she would ever get to have a genuine night like this with the young prince. He had been nothing but a gentleman the entire evening, and to top it off, he was charming and had a fantastic sense of humor... two things not common in the men she so often spent her time with. She was interrupted from her thoughts, once again, by that intoxicating voice.
“Olivia, would you dance with me?”
“Oh, I’m no dancer. But I appreciate the offer, Prince.”
He chuckled at her. “I told you to stop calling me that. It feels too proper. Please, call me Aedion.”
“Are your intentions with me improper, Aedion?” she asked. She didn’t know what had made her so bold so quickly, but she had a suspicion that it had to do with thoroughly enjoying his company.
She hoped she hadn’t crossed the line too quickly, but she was immediately comforted when he threw his head back and laughed.
“Maybe. I haven’t decided yet.”
Something in the words made her toes curl, and she had to shake her head slightly to refocus. He stood, holding his hand toward her.
“Seriously, let’s dance. I promise to lead, and I’ll even let you stand on my feet if you’re that bad off. Trust me.” The way he said the last two words made her stomach sink as if it were filled with lead. Guilt had never struck her on a mission before tonight.
He led her to the dance floor, lifting her hand in the air to spin her once, before gripping her waist with his other hand. She kept her one hand in his and rested the other on his shoulder. He guided her through a waltz, coaching her as needed. She found that he was an excellent teacher, and before long, they were gliding across the floor together.
“You’re a great dancer,” she said. She looked up into his face to find him already looking at her.
“Surprised?” he asked, taking that opportunity to pivot and spin them quickly a couple of times to the rhythm of the music before returning to their original steps.
She laughed, delighting in the way he led her so seamlessly across the dance floor. He wore a matching smile, and she found herself trying to commit it to memory.
“Honestly? A little. I didn’t exactly expect a former General to be so light on his feet.”
He gave her a sheepish smile, not missing a single step as he answered. “Ah. Well, neither the military, nor the war itself, saved me from the years of cotillion.” He ended with a grimace.
“You don’t seem too enthused about that,” she laughed. It was quickly drowned out but the popping of the speakers near the stage, startling her toward.
He steadier her, and she righted herself quickly. “Teenage Aedion was an absolute nightmare regarding cotillion, but my mother was relentless. All comes with the territory, I suppose.” He led them into another couple of swift turns, and as they did so, the damned speakers popped for a second time.
Lysandra jumped despite her effort not to, earning a low chuckle from Aedion. “It’s okay, Liv. Just noise interference.” Even so, he pulled her a little closer to him.
Gods, he was so fucking nice.
Just as quickly as she had the thought, she felt inclined to take it back. His hand started to slide up her waist as they moved, dangerously close to the underside of her breast. She supposed he’d earned his reputation from somewhere, and she was about to experience it.
“What do you say you and me get out of here for a little while? I could use a break from the noise,” he purred.
By any means necessary.
She held her breath, but he pulled his hand away slightly before he placed it on her ribs just below her collarbone, covering the neckline of her gown on that side of her body. He leaned his head close to her opposite ear, her breathing more and more shallow as he moved.
She cursed her heart for beating so intensely, knowing he could feel it due to the placement of his hand. She managed to keep her face somewhat neutral, not daring to look at him. She gave a brisk nod before he continued.
“Tern should have invested in better equipment. Your mic isn’t playing nice with the sound system, Lysandra.”
She stumbled slightly, but she corrected herself quickly, hoping no one noticed. He spoke again quickly.
“Give them the signal,” he instructed, as he brushed his lips over hers.
It took her a second to realize his meaning. Give them the signal that we’re going to find somewhere to enjoy each other.
Understanding dawned on her then— he was playing into his known reputation, looking like the promiscuous prince who couldn’t keep from feeling her up on the dance floor, all the while covering her mic to shield his words from listening ears. Her anger washed over her upon her realization that he was absolutely capitalizing on this knowledge. He obviously knew she wasn’t at the gala for leisure, and he also knew who she worked for if he knew her name. For a man who had seemed every bit the gentleman tonight, she couldn’t believe he was taking advantage of this situation to have his way with her. And to instruct her so arrogantly to give the signal, confident in what he knew. It had her blood boiling in seconds.
Despite her growing anger, she obliged. She ran the lapels of his tuxedo jacket between her index and middle fingers before placing a kiss to his cheek and grabbing his hand. This communicated to Tern and the others what she had planned next, so at least she didn’t have to worry about their eyes on her for a while. If she didn’t return within thirty minutes, they would go looking for her, but that still gave her plenty of time to hand the prince his ass.
Once they emerged from the ballroom, Aedion shifted forward, pulling her hand-in-hand behind him. He walked briskly down the hall, scanning all around them for any witnesses. The coast looked clear for the most part. Lysandra wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing as it applied to her.
They approached a women’s private restroom, and he pulled her swiftly inside. He locked the door behind him, gripped her by the waist, and turned her so that her back was against it. His eyes roamed her body, paying particular attention the assets exposed by her low neckline and his higher vantage point. She was still bristling with anger, and it irritated her that she flushed under his gaze.
He ran his nose along her temple, across her cheek, and then up and down the side of her own. She lifted her chin, shoulders squared, unwilling to back down after his odd power move on the dance floor. He offered a sideways smile, and she hated that it made her heart flip all the same.
“We only have a few minutes, Liv,” he murmured.
Liv? He already called me Lysandra.
“What are you waiting for?” she challenged.
He broke into a full grin at that, eyes glancing at her scarlet lips. His gaze darkened as it dropped past her mouth, landing on the neckline of her gown yet again. His hands came up, his calloused fingers running along it back and forth. She thought he aimed to tease her, but suddenly, he had gripped her gown on each side of her sternum and yanked. The gown ripped open down the middle, and any plans she had to seem collected vanished. She gaped at him, utterly speechless.
Rather than groping her chest, he rubbed the layers of fabric between his left thumb and fingers. Once he landed on what he was looking for, he fished her microphone out from between the layers, disposing of it in the sink and turning on the water. She watched as it danced under the stream, seeming as chaotic as her heartbeat and the thoughts running through her head.
“What the hell was that?” she whispered roughly.
He angled away from her as he shrugged off his jacket. He spoke, but his words weren’t meant for her.
“Come in, Whitethorn.”
A few seconds of silence.
“Have the wolves engaged the others?”
He was unbuttoning his white dress shirt. Once he got four of the buttons loose, he gripped it between his shoulders with one of his large hands and pulled it over his head.
“I’ll keep you posted on our location. Notify me once Salvaterre is in position.”
His attention turned to Lysandra again, keeping his gaze locked above her neck.
“Take off your dress and put this on,” he ordered, throwing his white shirt toward her.
“You’re not serious.”
“Look, I’ll turn around, but we don’t have a lot of time,” he said impatiently as he pulled his belt from their loops around his waist.
She did as he said, letting the ripped gown fall to the floor. She eased the massive shirt over her head and was enveloped in his scent. She didn’t hate it.
“It’s on. Now will you tell me what the fuck is going on?”
He shoved his belt toward her, and when she offered him a confused look in return, he elaborated.
“Don’t women do something with these to make a dress or something? Put it around your waist. I’ll roll up your sleeves.”
He worked around her efficiently, despite her frequent movements to wrap the belt around her. She pulled it tight, wrapping the excess around itself and tucking it under.
“You still haven’t told me anything, Aedion.”
He pulled the elastic from his hair, letting his long, golden locks fall to his shoulders. She couldn’t help but give him a once over. The fact that he was now in nothing but his slacks, a plain white v-neck stretched tightly across his shoulders, and his hair hanging freely was quite distracting, to say the least.
“I’m on a bit of a mission myself. The twins are working the room near your colleagues to serve as a distraction and to buy us some time. Being that they won’t look for us for another 20 minutes or so, we should be okay. But you’re not exactly easy to sneak out of an event in a tight green dress and looking... like you do,” he explained. He handed the elastic to her, prompting her to pull up her long locks.
“You were quite clever out there. With the mic and all that,” she deadpanned. “I should have known you were up to something.” She pulled her hair into a messy bun and regarded him as he shoved his bow tie into his tuxedo jacket.
“Last I checked, people didn’t earn high ranks in the military or high-profile security positions by looks alone,” he joked. He turned to look her over, running a hand through his hair.
“Gods, you couldn’t be plain if you tried,” he remarked under his breath.
She tried not to blush under his praise, but her body had already betrayed her. His eyes fell to her mouth, and she felt her body heat under his appreciative gaze yet again. He brought his hand up to cup her cheek, his thumb resting on her bottom lip. She was holding her breath, but his next words brought her abruptly back to the present.
“Lick my thumb.”
She blinked up at him and pulled her head back slightly. “I’m sorry, what?”
He rolled his eyes, daring to look exasperated. “I’m going to wipe off your lipstick. We’re meant to be sneaking out after a quick romp in the bathroom.”
“Please don’t say romp. And, no.”
“Fine,” he said and made to move his thumb toward his own mouth. He was too close and his scent was all over her. She couldn’t think straight.
“Wait! Stop,” she gripped his hand and brought his thumb between her lips. She watched as his pupils dilated, but he shifted his focus to his task as if he was completely unaffected. He ran his thumb over her bottom lip, then her top lip, and he spent a little additional time cleaning things up around her Cupid’s bow. She hated the heat that rushed through her at his touch.
He cocked his head as he finished, and she realized it must be because he was receiving some type of communication.
“10-4. We’re on our way,” he responded.
“Why should I go anywhere with you? They’re going to look for me. I can’t just leave. What the hell is this about?” The words poured from her, one statement after the next, all rapid fire. She almost mentioned that he was playing right into her own mission by leaving the princess vulnerable, but she knew it was unwise.
He scooped her gown from the floor and shoved it into the large trashcan in the bathroom.
“I need you to trust me, okay?” The earnestness in his expression broke her heart. “They can come looking for you. They won’t find you, and you’re officially under the protection of the royal family of Terrasen, anyway. They can’t hurt you.” He threw his vest and jacket over his arm, gripping her hand as he opened the door.
He flipped off the light, leading her down the dim hall near the ballroom. They slipped into one of the side doors, and he placed her between himself and the wall as they walked the perimeter of the gala. He walked quickly, his long legs making it nearly impossible for Lysandra to keep up with him without stumbling. She observed the twins holding court near her colleagues, and she dipped her head in the hopes that they wouldn’t see her. She hadn’t made the conscious decision to do so, and she realized then that she was more onboard with this exit than she’d been willing to admit. They approached the doors toward the front of the ballroom, and he shifted her in front of him so that her form would be blocked by his large frame from anyone inside the event.
They made it through the lobby in seconds, and he gripped her hand to guide her toward a large, black SUV. She skidded to a halt, feeling compelled to warn him of the threats to his cousin.
“They’ll look for Aelin,” she breathed.
He pulled her slightly to continue walking, speaking in a hushed tone. “The princess will be fine. We have to keep moving.”
Guilt poured through her, but she couldn’t bring herself to explain everything to him. She wouldn’t have the time, anyway. They approached the SUV, and he pulled the door open roughly, ushering her inside as quickly as she could move. He hauled himself inside after her, speaking lowly.
“Target secured. You may retreat.” She realized he was talking to the twins inside. A dark, intimidating man sat in the driver’s seat, and Lysandra assumed he must be “Salvaterre”. He pulled forward, easing them away from the building, but hitting the gas urgently once they turned onto the highway.
A large, tattooed hand reach from the seat behind them, making her jump in surprise. The hand gripped Aedion’s shoulder, giving it a slight shake. “Well done, brother,” he praised.
“Are one of you going to tell me what the hell is going on? Since Ashryver here seems unwilling to do so?” she demanded, impatience tickling her spine.
None of the men spoke, but she felt the smooth caress of breath over her ear. She turned, and a pair of turquoise eyes identical to Aedion’s locked with her own. The princess of Terrasen looked at her, her chin resting on her folded arms over the back of the seat.
“Evening, Lys. It’s been too long,” Aelin cooed.
“Aelin,” she said as a greeting. She didn’t have anything else to add.
“Maybe I could offer some insight,” she remarked, eyes scanning Lysandra’s face but never showing any signs of discomfort at the tension.
“And why would you be able to do that?” she seethed.
“I’m the one that asked them to find you.”
Let me know what y’all think!
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maybe-a-fangurl · 4 years
The Moon and the Sun (Zuko x Reader) part 3
Hey guys so here’s part three!! I know we don’t get to see Zuko in this part but we do get to learn a lot about Y/N which is exciting. But as always just ask to be added to the taglist, requests are open, and I hope you have a fantastic day!!!
Part 1  Part 2 Part 4
“Y/N, are you okay?” Katara asked as she sat down beside you on Appa’s saddle. “You haven’t talked that much since we left the North Pole, and you haven’t eaten or slept much either. We’re worried about you.”
“I’m just shaken up is all.” You said as you looked down at your hands, trying to stop tears from coming to your eyes as you thought about everything that happened in the North. It had been a few weeks but every time you let your mind wonder, you were back in the North, surrounded by fire as Zuko stood over you with his hand raised. Your dreams, well nightmares if you were being honest, took everything that happened and made it into something that would cause you to wake up crying and gasping for air.
“Do you want to talk about it? I know you haven’t wanted to but maybe you should.” She said, and you just bit your lip as you thought about where you would even start. “If you don’t want to its fine, I know that we haven’t really know each other that long, but if you do I’m here to listen.”
“I do want to talk.” You said as you looked up at her, her face immediately softened as she looked at the tears that were already filling your eyes and your lip that was starting to quiver. “I just don’t know where to even start.”
“You know, I still don’t know a lot about you, well how you ended up in the fire nation since you obviously aren’t from there. And how you ended up with Zuko.” Katara said with a small smile on her face, a smile that made you think of your mom and instantly you felt more comfortable than you had since you had been banished, you felt almost safe. “How about you start there?”
“I was from the Southern Water Tribe actually, I don’t know much about my real parents because I was a baby when I was taken to the Fire Nation. My fire nation parents had just lost their child a few months prior and my dad was a general and he happened to find me after they did a raid on one of the smaller villages. He said that I had been left behind, that there was no one in sight and when he seen me he knew that he couldn’t just leave me there. So, he was able to sneak me back into the Fire Nation and claimed that my mom died during birth and my dad died in battle and his dying wish was that he took care of me, no one questioned it of course. My mom was really close friends with Zuko’s mom, and my dad was high in the military, so we lived on the palace grounds. They never expected me to be a water bender, but when they realized I was they didn’t try to keep me from water bending, they wanted me to learn and to embrace that side of myself, so they found water scrolls and I taught myself. Zuko and his mom knew about my bending though, his mom helped us keep it a secret from her husband and the Fire Lord, she even found me scrolls and Zuko and I would spar sometimes when no one was around.” You said, your eyes were on your hands the whole time. “When Zuko was banished, I was also banished because I had revealed my water bending to heal him. His dad killed my parents for bringing me into the Nation and for letting me train in water bending, but somehow Azula was able to convince him to just banish me. So, I left with Zuko and I traveled around with him searching for The Avatar and then chased you guys around for a while.”
“Your parents sound like they were good people, and I understand what it’s like to lose someone you love to the fire nation, they took my mother from me.” Katara said and you could see the pain in her eyes as she said that.
“They were. And I’m sorry about your mother, but I know that she would have been proud of who you’ve become.” You said as you gave her a small smile, which she returned.
“Thank you.” She said as she glanced down at her hands for a moment before looking back up at you. “I was going to ask you about what happened after I was knocked out, but I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, I know you were pretty shaken up.”

“Once you were knocked out I tried to get him to stop, but he wouldn’t. We fought for a while before I turned the ground to ice and he surrounded us in a ring of fire. We fought for a while, but he knocked me down and I tried to get up, but I was only able to get on my knees when he stepped in front of me. I thought he was going to burn me, I even told him to do it, but he said that he couldn’t, not to me. And then he left me in there and I panicked, and I couldn’t do anything to get myself out. Do you remember when I said that he promised not to use his bending on me because I was scared of fire?” You asked, and she nodded, letting you know to continue. You took a breath as you looked down at your hands again. “The reason why I was scared of fire so much was because I got burned really bad when we were kids. I was sparring with Azula, and of course we didn’t use bending because she didn’t know I was a bender, but she wanted to make things interesting, so she put a ring of fire around us. We sparred for a while but eventually I lost my balance and fell back, Azula tried to catch me once she realized I would fall into the fire, but it was too late. My whole back is a huge scar because of it, after that happened I was terrified of fire and Zuko made that promise to me. I was so shaken up because not only did he break the promise of not to use his bending on me, but he also did the one things that made him promise that in the first place.”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize that was why you were so upset when I found you.” She said as she took your hand in hers and gave you a reassuring smile. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to get you out sooner.”
“It’s okay, I should have been able to get myself out of that, but I was just in my head.” You said as you looked up at her. “But I needed that to break me down, because I’m stronger now because of it.”
“I don’t have a good feeling about this.” You said to them as you were standing on the platform waiting to trade the baby for King Bumi. You knew that the baby was Mai’s brother, you seen her with him the first night that you were here, and she came after you. She didn’t recognize you then because it was dark and you made sure to hide your face, but you knew now she would recognize you.
“It’ll be okay.” Sokka said as he gave you a small smile, you just nodded as you turned to where they were supposed to be coming from. Everything had been pretty crazy since you got to Omashu, and you knew that things were about to get worse when you seen three figures walking up the steps, three very familiar figures. You stepped behind Sokka as soon as you seen them and Katara sent you a confused glance, but you just ignored it as you closed your eyes, knowing for sure that this wasn’t going to end well.
“Hi, everybody!” Bumi yelled and you could hear the sound of them lowering him.
“You brought my brother?” Mai asked, and you just kept your eyes closed as you tried to calm your breathing.  
“He’s here, we’re ready to trade.” Aang said and you opened your eyes to look at the ground.
“I’m sorry but a thought just occurred to me.” You heard someone say and you would recognize that voice anywhere. It was Azula. “Do you mind?”
“Of course not Princess Azula.” Mai said to her and without looking you knew that Azula would have her signature smirk on her face.
“We’re trading a two-year-old for a King, a powerful earth bending King, it just doesn’t seem like a fair trade. Does it?” Azula said and you closed your eyes as you thought about what was about to happen. You knew that by now Azula was probably one of the best fire benders in the entire Fire Nation, and Mai and Ty Lee were both very capable of holding their own. You not only had to protect yourselves, but you had to protect the baby as well, and you knew that Azula would do whatever was necessary to get what she wants, even if that meant putting the baby in danger. And because of this, you were at a disadvantage.
“You’re right, the deals off.” Mai said after a pause, and you took in a deep breath. Part of you wanted to be shocked that Mai had just given up the chance at getting her brother back, but you knew that she wouldn’t go against what Azula had to say, she feared Azula more than she feared what would happen to her brother if they called the deal off.
“Whoa! See you all later!” Bumi yelled as they started to lift him back up.
“Bumi!” Aang yelled as he took off running.
“Aang stop!” You yelled but it was too late. You watched as Azula sent fire towards him and he jumped into the air and onto his glider.
“Y/N?” You heard Ty Lee say and you turned to see the girls were all looking at you. Azula looked away from Aang at you but as his head piece fell off she looked back up and realized who he was. She sent you one more glance, hesitating for a moment before running after Aang.
“We’ve gotta get the baby out of here!” Katara yelled as she stepped in front of you and Sokka.
“Way ahead of you.” Sokka said as he started to blow the whistle for Appa. He started to run towards the edge of the platform, but he was knocked down and you watched as Ty Lee jumped up and started to run towards him. You quickly bended water to grab her ankle and knock her down at you tried to go after Sokka. But once you were at the edge of the platform you heard Katara let out grunt and you turned to see Ty Lee hitting her, blocking her bending.
“Stop!” You yelled as you ran over to them, getting your water out as you stepped in front of Katara.
“I thought you left with Zuko.” Ty Lee said as she looked at you shocked.
“You two break up?” Mai said in a sarcastic tone as she sent you a glare.
“I did leave with him, but I had a change of heart.” You said, ignoring Mai’s comment as you brought the water in front of you, ready to defend Katara and yourself if you needed to. 

“You’re a traitor.” Mai said as she glared at you and brought a knife to her hand. “How could you betray us?”
“I didn’t want to, but the Fire Nation isn’t on the right side of the war. We don’t have to fight, we can all just walk away.” You said as you looked at the two of them, their features softened for a second before they glanced back at Katara.
“No, we can’t.” Mai said as she tightened her grip on the knife, ready to throw it. You just focused on the water in your hand as you got ready to fight. You knew that you would need to freeze Ty Lee to the ground and somehow freeze Mai’s hands but your thoughts were cut short as Sokka’s boomerang knocked Mai’s knife out of her hand. A smile came to your face as you looked to see Sokka riding on Appa, who landed and with one move of his tail sent the two of them flying off of the platform.
“Come on!” Sokka said, you quickly helped Katara up onto Appa before bringing all of the water back into her pouch and yours.
“You know them?” Katara asked as Appa started to fly in the direction that Aang went.
“They were my friends, I grew up with them.” You said as you looked over to where they were thrown off, and you couldn’t help but hope that they were okay.
“There’s Aang!” Katara said as she pointed to the mail systems.
“We can catch him.” Sokka said as he turned Appa towards where Aang was. You seen Azula behind him and a steady stream of blue flames was being sent his way. You watched as Aang and Bumi were thrown through the air and onto another mail shoot, but Bumi was able to stop Azula from following them. You stood up on Appa’s back and watched her as Appa flew away, you knew that was not the last time you would see Azula.
Once you got Aang he explained how Bumi surrendered and needed to stay and then went on to say that you all needed to continue your journey to find him an earth bending master. But of course, all of that had to wait until after you returned the baby to Mai’s family. Once you were all back at the camp site Aang decided that it would be best for him to go alone, which you all did not agree with, but he would not change his mind on going alone. So, that left you at the camp site with Sokka and Katara. You were sitting a little bit away from the group, thinking of everything that had happened that day when your thoughts were interrupted by Sokka.  
“What’s up?” Sokka asked as he came and sat beside you.
“What do you mean?” You asked as you raised an eyebrow at him, confused on what he meant by the question.
“You’ve been acting weird since earlier, just wanted to make sure you were good.” He said with a small smile.
“It’s just hard seeing them, I haven’t seen them in three years and I guess I just thought the next time we seen each other it would be under different circumstances.” You said as you let out a sigh. “I don’t want to fight them, but I don’t have a choice.”
“I get that you don’t want to fight them, but they chose their side, and you chose yours.” He said, and you just shook your head as you looked up at the night sky.
“But that’s the thing, they didn’t really have a choice in what side they chose.” You said as you kept your eyes on the sky.
“Of course they did, they could have left like you did if they wanted to.” He said but you just let out a sigh as you looked over at him to see he was looking at you confused by what you meant.  
“Sokka, if the water tribe had started a war and your father was leading it and told you it was the right thing to do. Would you believe him and stay on his side?” You asked as you looked at him. You knew that Sokka would never understand what it was like being in the fire nation, but you could at least try to give him an idea.
“Yes, but my dad is a good person.” He said without a second thought. “If he started a war it would be for the right reasons.”
“But what if he wasn’t, what if he was really just killing a bunch of people for no reason, but he told you it was for the right reasons and that people are going to die at war. What if you had been raised your whole life in schools that told you only half of the story, and that half made it sound justified and fair. If you never seen the real pain and suffering that the war was causing, you were only told lies about it being for the best.” You said, and you watched as he processed the words you were saying. “In history class when we were taught about how the Air Nomads were wiped out, they made it sound like a fair fight. They told us it was an actual battle, not that they ambushed and overwhelmed the nomads, using the comet to kill everyone and everything in sight.”
“Really? They just cover everything up?” He asked in shock as he looked at you and when you nodded he just looked down at his hands. “I guess if I were put in that situation I would stay loyal to my father and nation as well.”
“I think anyone would have. I changed sides because my circumstances were different, I was never really a part of the Nation and when I was banished with Zuko my parents were killed so I had no other reason to be loyal to the Fire Nation other than Zuko. And after traveling the world and seeing what the Fire Nation really was, I realized that even if Zuko was able to go back that I wouldn’t have went back with him.” You said and Sokka looked back up at you, shocked that you really wouldn’t have went back with Zuko. “But Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee they don’t have a choice to leave. They’ve never seen the real pain behind the war and they are so blinded by their parents that they wouldn’t even know it if they seen it.”
“If we wouldn’t have asked you to join us after what happened at the North, where would you have gone?” He asked, and you just let out a sigh as you looked back up at the sky.
“I was actually going to go to Ba Sing Se, but then I thought Zuko was dead and I knew I had to warn the North if I could, and I wanted to get even with Zhao.” You said as you kept your eyes on the stars. “But after everything that happened in the North, I was going to go to the South and see if maybe there was a chance that my parents were still alive. But after you guys asked me to come with you, I knew that it would have to wait.” “Do you know anything about your real parents?” Sokka asked and you just shook your head as you looked back over at him.
“All I know is that Y/N is the name they gave me, when my dad found me it was embroidered on my blanket and they wanted to at least give me that small piece of home.” You said, and you could practically see the wheels in his head turning.
“I’ll help you find your parents.” Sokka said as a smile came to his face, and you just looked at him with a hopeful smile.
“Really?” You asked as you looked at him, searching his face for any sign that he was lying.
“Yeah, I promise.” He said with a small nod.
“Thank you Sokka.” You said as you pulled him into a hug, the smile on your face only growing at the thought of maybe finding your real parents. You may not have known Sokka or Katara for that long, but you felt a bond with them, sure you felt a bond with Aang as well, but it was different with Sokka and Katara. It was like you had known them your whole life, and even in the few weeks you had spent together they were already starting to become like family.
Part 4
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finalgilmoregirl · 4 years
lost love part two (loki laufeyson x reader, steve rogers x reader)
summary: after loki breaks your heart, you find your heart belongs with steve. loki learns to accept what he lost when he sees how happy you are.
warnings: none! the smallest amount of angst but mainly wholesome fluff :)
a/n: i haven’t quite learned how to use links yet so if you wish to read part one, check out my blog!! i haven’t written that many fics so it should be easy to find. also sorry for any mistakes. i hope you enjoy!
recap : It was around a month later that he saw you and Steve kiss for the first time. He had just returned from a mission with Bucky, a fairly easy one that had him home within hours but he could tell you missed him nonetheless. After kissing him, you pulled him up the stairs, giggling and asking him about the mission.
Loki felt sharp pangs of jealousy. He knew he shouldn’t have. He broke your heart. He led you on and started seeing someone else. It was stupid of him to assume you’d wait for him, and now he’d have to pay the price.
Things between you and Steve were going great. He was sweet and attentive and funny and everything you could ask for in a boyfriend. You couldn’t believe it took you so long to realize your feelings towards him but thinking of this only reminded you of the reason you two ended up together in the first place.
You wouldn’t necessarily thank him for being the reason you and Steve started dating, because his actions that led up to your realization caused you pain. He was the reason you didn’t trust Steve at first.
When Steve told you how he felt a week after the night you shared talking after the party, you thought it was a trick. That somehow Steve and Loki were working together and this was just another plot to break your heart again. You even went as far as thinking that Loki turned into Steve just to mess with you.
“Are you serious?” you asked, staring at Steve with almost no emotion.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Steve countered. He was confused as to why you doubted him, until he remembered how Loki going after another woman effected you. He’d not only seen you drink your sorrows away from the party he pulled you away from. But he also noticed the way you looked at Loki days following that, almost longingly at first but then you’d shake your head and join a conversation with someone else. It was almost as if he could hear the voices in your head telling you to move on.
Steve had no problem with going slow and doing everything he could to show you he actually had feelings for you, which helped you get over Loki quicker that you thought you would’ve. And soon enough, you were his girlfriend, Which Loki loathed to see. He couldn’t help but glare as they cuddled in the common room, or scoff as he spotted their held hands during meetings. Of course you noticed his reactions to these things, and it annoyed you.
He had no right to be upset, you thought. Hell, he was still seeing the woman from the party.
You saw her a few more times after that, and as you got a good look at her, you couldn’t blame Loki all that much. She was beautiful and not only that, but seemed incredibly smart and clever from the small talk you had one morning, both being the first awake. You guessed she spent the night, which you felt made the interaction between the two of you uncomfortable at first, until she smiled and introduced herself so confidently. Her name was Helena, fitting for someone who looked at graceful as she did. You greeted her back and you realized then that she had no previous knowledge of you and Loki’s short lived relationship (if you could even call it that).
After the small amount of time you spent with her that morning, you already didn’t feel any resentment or hurt that Loki had created in your heart. Although that didn’t give his actions an excuse, you didn’t plan to hold a grudge, especially when you were now happily seeing Steve Rogers.
You knew you were bound to have to talk to Loki sooner or later, what with him being a part of the team now. The two of you were asked to go to a meeting downtown, one of the more boring tasks of being an Avenger. The two of you agreed, and were sent off to go attend said meeting in a few hours. Steve offered to go instead, not wanting you to feel uncomfortable in having to be alone with Loki. You held his face in your hands and assured him you’d be fine. And with a kiss on the nose you were on your way.
The car ride to the meeting was filled with awkward tension. You volunteered to drive as a way to distract yourself and not have to look at him. You still peeked at every other red light, noticing how he kept his eyes looking through the tinted window. You let out a small sigh and continued to drive after the light turned green. Yeah, you thought, what he did was pretty messed up. But you were both in respective relationships now and it seemed pointless to ignore or hide from each other. You were friends before, and it’s not as if what happens still effected you, so why couldn’t you be friends again?
So you decided to break the silence. You cleared your throat, and from the corner of your eye you saw his head slightly turn towards you. “She seems nice.” You said. Loki furrowed his eyebrows and after noticing his slightly confused face, you continued. “Your girlfriend. She seems really nice.” He was shocked to hear you speak so sincerely on his new lover. He thought the next time you two would speak it would follow with a slap on the face. He opened his mouth to speak but didn’t know what to say. What do you say to that? “She is. I’m glad you like her.” he said quietly. You sensed his nervousness and knew you’d be the one leading the conversation after that.
“You know” you started. “I’m not mad at you anymore. I hope you know that.” He turned to fully look at you and frowned at your words. “You should be.” he voiced. “There’s no excuse for the way i treated you. Or rather, discarded you.” It was easy to spot the guilt in his voice and you hate to say it but it felt nice to know he was really sorry for what he did.
“I know there isn’t. But I’m happy and if you’re happy then I don’t see why we can’t be friends again. If not then at least be able to be in the same room together without wanting to rip our hair out because of the stress we go through to not acknowledge each other. What you did was wrong, yes, but it eventually led to me and Steve ending up together which, I’m honestly grateful for.” you confessed.
He was glad to know you were happy, which lifted the guilt from his shoulders just a little. “Of course.” He said with a smile. “It brings me joy to know you are content with the Captain. And if you’ll have me, I’d be honored to continue our friendship.” You gave him a nod and a smile before he resumed talking. “As for Helena, I’m not sure. I feel for her similarly to what I felt for you, however when she is around me, I feel my stomach turn and when I’m not around I feel a blanket of despondency wash over me and I’m not quite sure why.” he said. He sounded genuinely worried about why he was feeling such a way and you couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh. He tilted his head, perplexed. “What’s so funny?” he asked, almost demanding a reason to why you found humor in his distress.
“You love her!” You said through your giggles. Loki was baffled. “No I don’t.” he retorted, to which you replied a loud “Yes you do!! You literally just described what feeling love is like!” He scoffed. He knew what love was, or at least his version of it, which to him was possessiveness and passion and attention. It’s what he felt with you. But maybe that wasn’t love. Maybe he just liked the attention you gave him. Maybe it was the way you smiled at him or the rush being so close to you gave his body. But that wasn’t love, he realized. That was just longing. He longed for you but he loved Helena.
You took his silence and a sign that your work was done. You weren’t right often but you knew you were definitely right about this. You parked the car outside of the building and turned your head to look at him. He was staring straight ahead now, once again deep in thought. “Hey.” you said, grabbing his attention. He snapped out of his daydream and turned to you too. He seemed worried, maybe even scared. You knew he didn’t experience love much growing up, his mother being the only one that seemed to care. So it was understandable for him to be frightened by the thought of feeling it for another person. You looked down at his hand. Even from where it rested on his knee, you were able to spot the way it shook. You hesitated a bit before grabbing it, which at first made him tense but relaxed when you gave it a gentle squeeze.
“I know love can be a little frightening.” you whispered. “But you deserve it Loki.” His eyes softened at this, and he let out a breath that he felt he was holding for ages.
“Thank you darling. As do you.” You smiled at him and the use of the old pet name and let out a happy sigh, because he was right. You did deserve it.
heyy!! i know this was shorter compared to part one but i’m honestly really happy with how i wrapped things up. let me know what you guys think and leave a request with what you’d like to see!! :)
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