#should I get an Ijichi tattoo
tariah23 · 4 months
Ijichi uwueeeewwww
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thee-horny-thicky · 4 months
Which of yours fics are your fav? Because I can say with absolute certainty that FES is mine. Savior was okay. And confessions has a lot of potential. I need to read the one with Geto / reader visit Japan and link up with Gojo.
This is so hard to answer, because each fic I write holds a piece of my heart. However, after careful deliberation, I sorted through my 43 fics and selected those I'm fondest of, in no particular order. For anyone interested, I included the links, and their bio :)
The Exchange Student Series (Suguru/Reader. Incomplete)
Take the role of a foreign exchange student who had the misfortune of catching Geto Suguru's attention.
Honey, I'm Home! (Satoru/Reader. Will be expanded)
After being trapped in the prison realm for so long, Gojo is in dire need of release. What better way to do that than paying a visit to his favorite girl?
The Sacrifice (Sukuna/Reader. Will be Expanded)
After stealing, the village priests select you to be sacrificed to an elusive forest beast to avoid his wrath.
Surprise! (SatoSugu/Reader. Complete, but I may do another chapter)
Your boyfriend of a year decided a trip to Tokyo would be the perfect anniversary present. He missed his hometown, and you always wanted to visit. However, he failed to mention that the two of you would be staying with his stunning best friend. He also failed to mention that the two of them liked to share.
Hide & Go Get It (SatoSugu/Reader. Complete)
Satoru and Suguru show you how to play hide and go get it, taking your virginity in the process
Orange Juice and Milk (Francis Mosses/Reader. Incomplete)
You're a lonely housewife, neglected by your workaholic husband, and you're 90% sure he's cheating. As your frustration builds and you grow disillusioned with your marriage, you come up with a way for some relief; Francis Mosses, the neighborhood milkman.
Oh no, he's hot! (Nanami/Reader. Complete)
After Haruta Shigemo was killed, you should've been terrified of the blond giant who set his sights on you. But instead, all you could focus on was how hot he was.
Pretty Young Thing (Gojo/Nanami/Ijichi/Reader. Complete)
Gojo forces Nanami to go to a hostess club with him and quickly becomes captivated by a particularly pretty young thing. Unfortunately, Gojo also has his sights on her. Who will she choose? You decide!
Castaway (Gyutaro/Reader. Complete)
When you become stranded in the middle of the ocean, a merman by the name of Gyutaro takes a liking to you.
Shower Time Comfort (Shoko/Reader. Complete)
After Gojo is cut down, you and Shoko seek comfort within each other.
Mr. Steal Yo' Girl (Dark!Gojo/Reader. Complete)
After beating Sukuna into submission, Gojo decided to rub salt into the wound by claiming the ‘King of Curses’ woman.
Tattoos and Tenderness (Sukuna/Reader. Complete)
While taking you to Pound Town, Sukuna evaluates his feelings for you.
Bunnies and Vices (Bunny!Izuku/Reader. Incomplete)
When you stumble across an injured green rabbit, you just thought you had a little too much to drink and took it home with you. But when the rabbit remains green, you realize you might’ve bit off more than you could chew. And when the rabbit turned into a man, you knew that you were way in over your head.
But, hey, at least he’s cute.
A Little Demonstration (Lucifer Morningstar/Reader. Will be Expanded)
When you ask Lucifer how he exactly took both of Adam's wives, he decides to give you a little demonstration
Blood and Breeding (Doppelganger!Francis Mosses/Reader. Complete, but it may be expanded)
When a Francis appears covered in 'scarlet milk,' you're unsure if you should be scared or horny. He makes that choice for you.
Update Edging (Nanami/Reader. Complete)
While his computer updates, Nanami calls you into his office for a little fun.
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ek-atherine · 2 months
Ink Manifestation (Satoru Gojo x Reader): Chapter Nine
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The day had finally arrived—it was December 24th, the day of war. As always, I stayed with Satoru. I had a habit of sticking by his side during fights, especially after his near-death experience years ago. He never seemed to mind, though; in fact, I think he encouraged it. After the trauma we endured, it was hard for us to stay away from each other.
We watched as the curses from Suguru's religious group began to gather toward us.
“Try to keep the destruction of buildings and infrastructure to a minimum,” Yaga instructed. “There’s a chance some civilians still haven’t evacuated. If you find any, get them out of here.”
I wasn’t really listening to Yaga. An uneasy feeling gnawed at me. It wasn’t about the battle itself; I could handle that. It was something more.
“(Y/n)! Are you listening?” Yaga yelled, but I was lost in thought.
“Don’t you find it weird?” I asked, still distracted.
“About what?” Satoru asked, turning his attention to me.
“Suguru. He’s one of the flashiest, cockiest showoffs I know—next to Satoru,” I said, glancing at Satoru.
“Hey!” Satoru yelled, offended.
I ignored him and continued, “And yet he’s not on the front lines? I haven’t seen a hint that he’s even here.”
Satoru frowned, considering my words. “You’re right. It’s not like him to stay hidden.”
Ijichi then comes running up to Satoru and me clearly in a nervous rush. “Ijichi, what is it?” I asked concerned.
“I know this isn’t really the best time, but I thought you should know.” Ijichi explained. “It’s about the investigation into Yuta that Gojo requested earlier.”
Ijichi explains his findings making Satoru and I gasp in shock. We needed to act quickly. 
“Panda, Toge!” Satoru called out to the two. They hum in response turning to Satoru and I approaching them. Satoru grabbed the two by the cuffs of their necks dragging them over to an open spot. 
“Gojo is sending you both back to Jujutsu High right now.” I explained to the two quickly. “Geto is there, he has to be.”
Satoru does his thing to send the two back to the school quickly. 
“I’m sorry to confuse and bombard you two like this but Maki and Yuta might both die.” I said as quickly as I could. The two gasp in shock. 
“We’ll join you after, protect the two of them.” Satoru explained, and with that he sent the two away. 
I sensed someone else closing in on me—a sorcerer whose cursed energy felt formidable, though not as strong as mine. A man stepped forward, tall and muscular, with a fierce determination in his eyes. 
His broad shoulders and muscular frame were a testament to his strength, honed through years of relentless training and countless battles. He had a chiseled face, marked by a few scars that hinted at his violent past, and sharp, calculating eyes that missed nothing on the battlefield.
His hair was a wild mane of dark brown, tied back loosely, allowing a few rebellious strands to fall into his face. A tribal tattoo snaked down the left side of his neck, a symbol of his allegiance to Suguru Geto’s cause and his rejection of the traditional sorcerer’s path.
The man wore a sleeveless, black combat vest that accentuated his powerful arms. Strapped to his back was his signature weapon: a massive cursed ax, its blade etched with runes that glowed faintly with malevolent energy.
Next to him was another man, his skin is a deep brown, and his features are sharp, with a strong jawline and intense, dark eyes that convey both intelligence and determination. His primary weapon is a length of enchanted rope, made from a special blend of cursed materials. 
“Let us introduce ourselves,” the dark-skinned man said, removing his rope from his belt. “We are Kaito and Miguel, your opponents.”
“Sorry, but we’re in a hurry,” Satoru said, ripping off his blindfold from his eyes.
Kaito swung a massive cursed ax at me, the blade crackling with malevolent energy. I dodged easily, my movements fluid and graceful. “You’re wasting your time, Kaito,” I said, my voice steady.
“More like you’re wasting yours, doll,” he growled, launching another powerful strike.
I deflected his attack with a swift motion, my katana—a blade infused with my cursed ink—meeting his ax with a resounding clash. The impact sent a shockwave through the ground, but I stood my ground, unfazed.
Kaito's eyes narrowed, frustration evident in his expression. He adjusted his grip on the axe, preparing for another attack. "You've got some skill, I'll give you that," he admitted grudgingly. “Geto did say how talented you are.”
I smirked at his comment, nice to know my old friend still talked about me. “And that was years ago. Think about what I can do now.”
With that, I disappeared from his sight, my body shimmering and dissolving into ink. I flowed through the battlefield as a liquid shadow, unseen and undetected. Kaito’s eyes widened in shock as I reappeared behind him, solidifying back into my human form.
Before he could react, my ink gathered in my hands, forming into a hard gauntlet. I used it to punch him in the back, sending him flying into a building. I walked slowly up to where he landed, looking down at my hand, the gauntlet now gone.
“Damn, I broke a nail,” I muttered in annoyance. “I liked this set too.”
Kaito groaned, trying to push himself up from the rubble. “You…you’ve got a lot a confidence if you’re worrying about your nails right now,” he growled, struggling to stand.
I tilted my head, a wry smile playing on my lips. “That is one thing I get from hanging out with those two so much, guess I started talking like them.” 
He lunged at me with a roar, his axe swinging wildly. I sidestepped with ease, my movements fluid and precise. Summoning my ink, I formed it into a blade and countered his attack, the clash of our weapons echoing through the air.
Kaito’s attacks grew more frantic, and his desperation was evident. I could see the weariness in his eyes, the realization that he was outmatched. With a swift and final strike, my katana sliced through the air with lethal precision. He fell to his knees, the fight draining out of him.
“You... how?” Kaito gasped, blood seeping from his wounds. My ink dispersed back into my body as I looked down at the injured man. He collapsed, unconscious, and I turned my attention to looking for Satoru. I didn’t have to look for long, as he suddenly teleported right next to me, causing me to scream out in shock.
“Christ, Satoru! How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?” I yelled at him, my heart racing.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he said, chuckling at my freaked-out state. His laughter was infectious, and despite my irritation, I found myself smiling.
“Did you finish up with Miguel?” I asked, trying to regain my composure.
“Of course,” Satoru replied, still grinning. “He wasn’t much of a challenge. How about you? Kaito gave you any trouble?”
“Not really,” I said, glancing back at the unconscious Kaito. “He put up a fight, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Now we need to get back to the school, and make sure the kids are okay.”
Satoru nodded in agreement, offering me his hand. I took it, and in an instant, he teleported us back to the school. The scene that greeted us was chaotic but reassuring—our students had held their own against the onslaught of curses.
“It’s in shambles, but they fought well,” I remarked, scanning the area before turning to Satoru. “But before we check on them, we need to deal with Suguru.”
We found him not far away, leaning against a wall, his arm missing and looking weaker than I had ever seen him before. His smirk as he saw us was as infuriating as ever.
“You two are late as usual,” Suguru remarked, his voice filled with defiance even in his weakened state. He slid down the wall to sit on the ground, his posture defiant despite his injuries. “To think, you two would be the ones here at my end. Are you going to make sure my family is safe?”
“Every last one of them managed to escape to safety,”  I assured Suguru, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside. “The ones in Kyoto, they were under your command?”
“Yes, they all were. I’m a kind person, unlike you two.” Suguru replied weakly, his defiance still flickering through his exhaustion. “You sent those two assuming I’d defeat them, didn’t you? To set Okkotsu off.”
“We trusted you’d be yourself,” Satoru explained calmly. “Trusted that a man as principled as you wouldn’t kill off young sorcerers without a reason.”
Suguru weakly chuckled. “You wanna talk about trust? I didn’t think I had any of that left in me, after everything I’ve been through. Return this for me, will you?” He tossed Yuta’s student ID card over to Satoru. 
“Was the elementary school your doing too?”  I asked sharply, unable to hide my disbelief.
“It was,” Suguru admitted quietly.
I shook my head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you.”
“Tell me, do you have any last words?” Satoru asked, his voice soft yet tinged with finality.
“No matter what anyone tells you, I hate those monkeys,” Suguru said weakly. “But I never held any hatred for those in Jujutsu High School. I just couldn’t wear a heartfelt smile while living in this world.”
My eyes welled up with tears as I listened to him, watching Suguru fade before us. I had thought my friend was dead long ago, as this Suguru was not the best friend I once knew. I fought to hold back my tears, not wanting either of the boys to see my weakness.
“(Y/n),” Satoru said seriously, drawing my attention. His expression told me he was going to end Suguru’s suffering, a decision I understood all too well.
“I thought you were dead for a long time, Suguru. But now that we’re here, I need to say what I should’ve said all those years ago, back at that cafe,” I spoke softly, my voice wavering with emotion. Suguru smiled softly, a glimmer of my old friend shining through the weariness.
“You’re my best friend, Suguru. You were my brother. I loved you,” I finally confessed, a tear sliding down my cheek.
I turned away before Suguru could respond. I didn’t know which version of him lingered in those final moments, and I didn’t want to hear something that would only deepen the pain. Letting Satoru handle the rest, I walked away, leaving behind the echoes of a friendship now lost to the ravages of time and circumstance.
As I walked away, leaving Suguru to his fate with Satoru, my mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Memories of our past friendship with Suguru clashed with the harsh reality of his recent actions. Satoru's footsteps echoed behind me, and I knew he would join me soon.
After a few moments, Satoru caught up with me. His usual playful demeanor was subdued, replaced by a solemn expression that mirrored my own turmoil. He didn’t say anything at first, allowing the weight of what had transpired to settle between us.
“(Y/n),” Satoru finally spoke, his voice gentle yet tinged with sadness. “I’m sorry you had to go through this. Suguru… he wasn’t the same person we knew.”
I nodded silently, unable to find the words to express the complexity of my feelings. “I know,” was all I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry, too.”
Satoru held me close, his embrace a comforting anchor amidst the turmoil of emotions. I buried my face in his chest, tears flowing freely now, releasing the pent-up grief and confusion I had held inside. His arms around me felt warm and reassuring, a familiar strength that I leaned into without hesitation. We comforted each other through, allowing us both to fully feel what we were feeling. 
We stood there for a while, comforted by each other's presence. Slowly, I felt the tightness in my chest ease, though the sadness remained. Satoru pulled back slightly, his hands still resting on my shoulders, his eyes searching mine with a tender intensity.
“(Y/n),” he began, his voice steady but filled with an emotion that went beyond mere comfort. “There’s something I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time.”
My heart skipped a beat as I looked up at him, seeing the vulnerability in his eyes. The words hung in the air between us, and for a moment, the weight of everything else faded.
“I’ve always been here for you,” Satoru continued, his gaze unwavering. “But it’s more than just being there. I care about you deeply, and it’s something I’ve felt for a long time.”
Before I could respond, Satoru leaned in, his lips capturing mine in a gentle, yet earnest kiss. The contact was brief but electrifying, filled with a sincerity that spoke volumes. As he pulled away, his forehead rested against mine, his breath warm against my skin.
“I didn’t want to wait any longer,” he said softly, his eyes locking onto mine with a depth of feeling that left me breathless. “And Suguru ruined it the first time I tried to do this.”
I was too overwhelmed to respond immediately, my mind swirling with the realization of his confession. The kiss had been unexpected, but it had also been the catalyst for a deeper understanding of our bond. I finally chuckled, feeling my face burn red. 
“Well it's about time, dammit,” I said, my laughter bubbling up uncontrollably. “Of course, this is when you would do it.”
Satoru’s serious expression melted into a warm, relieved smile, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and affection. “You know me. Always finding the most dramatic moments.”
I wiped away a stray tear from my cheek, still giggling softly. “You really have the worst timing, you know that?”
Satoru grinned, his hand gently brushing my cheek. “But at least I finally got it right.”
Our laughter and shared smiles were a bittersweet comfort in the midst of the chaos.
We hurried back to the school, and I immediately sprinted toward the students, my worry manifesting in frantic checks for injuries.
“Oh my god, oh my god, thank god you four are okay!” I exclaimed, my hands moving rapidly over them. “God, that plan was stupid!” My words tumbled out quickly as I inspected them, relieved to see that they mostly seemed fine.
Satoru followed behind, casually clapping for Yuta. “Congratulations. You managed to break the curse,” he said, nodding towards the girl with brown hair who now stood in place of the curse.
“(Y/n)-sensei! There’s some weirdo behind you! Who are you?” Panda called out, causing the other students to look at Satoru with confusion. They had never seen him without his mask and with his hair down.
Satoru sighed, clearly annoyed, and muttered, “I’m your good-looking teacher, Satoru Gojo.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at his grumbling. 
As the group began to process the end of the curse and the aftermath of the battle, (Y/n) took a moment to reflect on the events that had transpired. The relief of Yuta’s success and the gradual return to normalcy were overshadowed by the lingering effects of the day’s horrors. 
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nixcwen · 2 years
➳ fallen for him | ryoumen sukuna
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temporary madness (until it isn’t); a series: part 1, part 2, part 3
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“Get away from me, please.”
You were roaming the halls of Tokyo Jujutsu High to connect with the head manager and one of your friends, Kiyotaka Ijichi. As a manager, you weren’t supposed to go on the battlefield, however, keeping curses inside the school premises is now bound to show its consequences. Unfortunately, you’re going to be the example. Out of all the people that could have crossed paths with him, you were chosen. Just how terrible could your luck be?
“Who are you to tell me what to do, human? I’m the King of Curses, don’t you have any fear?”
“Maybe I should, with your hands wrapped around my throat like this-“ you held his wrist with a gentle touch, trying to calm your erratic heart, debating whether it was for fear of your life or this man before you- “but you’re quite distracting, do you have your tattoos to intimidate or to be attractive?”
If you were going to die, at least it was at the hands of a handsome curse, not those disgusting ones. And, you were even able to touch him when not many are able to. Albeit not through fighting like his usual opponents would, nevertheless, it was an achievement being a manager and all.
It was the first, only, and probably last time you would be able to lay a hand on the King of Curses so you mustered all the courage you have left. It was not surprising to feel his other hand immediately gripping the palm you placed on his chest—that is why you continued—you traced the tattoo up towards his collarbone, inching slowly to his shoulder.
“You’re too brave for your own good, naive if you think you could get away from me.” His nails also sank deeper to the skin of your neck, making you wince. At this point, you’d call yourself crazy rather than brave as you brushed your thumb to his forehead.
You were not born strong but you were intelligent, that is how you know that there is no hope of escaping his grasp. What use is there to resist other than getting a gruesome death?
“I know I can’t, I’m very much aware of my capabilities. I’m just trying to make the most out of my remaining seconds.”
Despite his hold on your hand, you continued to trace the black markings down to his nose, to his cheek, until your eyes were caught by his lips. Soon, you found yourself tracing its outline. Immersed in his striking visuals, you weren’t able to notice how his grip has already loosened.
Finally, your thumb stopped its tracks at the middle of his bottom lip. You rubbed it absent-mindedly. Should you have taken Satoru’s offer to date? Maybe you wouldn’t have ended up attracted to a curse at the last second of your life. Well, at the very least, you have found your type.
“Be thankful, it looks like I’ll be sparing your life, human,” his grip on your throat was gone, the contact you had left was his hand on your fist boldly placed on his bottom lip, “this isn’t the last time we’ll meet.”
Baffled, you asked him, “Hm, what do you mean?”
“Continue caressing me next time-“ when you thought you weren’t going to be surprised anymore, your heart along with your body jolted as the attractive curse bit your thumb, soothing it with a borderline suggestive kitten lick afterwards- “interesting human.”
Before you were able to comprehend anything, a thud echoed around the empty hallway, Gojo’s voice following suit, calling your name.
What a handsome curse he was. Have you fallen for him?
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My first Jujutsu Kaisen piece! I fell for Sukuna, now, I’m gonna write for him. Unfortunately, there are a few fluff works about him. I know he isn’t exactly for softness that is why he may be hard to write for but I’m gonna be a bitch and write something for him. Just the right amount of serene moments with the King of Curses is not entirely impossible (at least, I believe, hehe).
Let me know your thoughts through the reply or reblog! 💖
Sincerely, Nixxy ♡
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e-jaegerenthusiast · 3 years
I am on my knees angie sama PLEASE write a smut with toji/nanami au as mafia🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
how about i give you both, baby?
compelling venom
mafia boss!nanami x f!reader, bodyguard!toji x f!reader
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nanami art -> @ shinner_cxi toji art -> @ alamortarin
warnings/tw; smut, drugging, knife play, gun play, slight blood play, bondage (rope), bondage (chains), choking, foot job if you really squint, edging, overstimulation, cream pie, mouth fucking...ec
summary; you’re a spy trying to get information on a certain mafia group’s deals. to what levels do they take you?
w.c; 9.3k
you swayed your hips to the rhythm of the song playing in your room as you touched up on your makeup, singing the lyrics softly “i’m gonna fight ‘em all” you looked at your reflection in the mirror, hair up into a neat bun as your hair stick pierced through it, your eyes sharp with black eyeliner and lips red with lipstick.
golden thin chain stuck to your neck and the red dress sticking to your body, showing all your curves in the right ways. “a seven nation army couldn’t hold me back” you smirked to yourself as you fixed the straps of your black heels and started walking outside, you sat in the limo that your boss had sent.
checking if you had the knives strapped to your thigh under your short dress, small packet of sodium pentothal in your heels, and microchip in your earring.
the limo came to a halt, before you could get out, the driver with square shaped glasses caught your attention with his nervous voice, “m’lady..” your head snapping towards him with a raised brow, he handed you a black mask, littered with glittering black jewels all around it, “it’s a masquerade event.”
you chuckled as you grabbed the mask, “what a madman, a masquerade in a casino? is he serious?” ijichi chrugged, “not to mention ryoumen forgot to tell me this— ugh whatever, thank you, ijichi.” you brought your index and middle finger to your eyes and flickered it at him before putting the mask on and getting out of the limousine.
the chilly breeze hit your bare thighs as you made your way to the entrance of the casino. the gaurds at the door gave you a raise of their eyebrows, you pulled out a maroon colored card and handed it to one of them, with a nod of his head he opened the large door for you and handed you the card.
loud music and chatter of people filled your ears as you entered the dim-lit casino, the lights of the slot machines and the dance floor lighting the area up with their vibrant colors. you shook your head, this is not a time to get distracted. you need to focus.
as per usual, you were given a lot of information before beginning your operation. the mafia group you were assigned with was an extremely large and dangerous one, not only because they were of russian origin but also because their leader was the most calm, yet sharp man. he barely showed his face anywhere, all you knew was that you should be looking for a blonde, Kento Nanami.
they were called the ‘barkhatnye kobra’ in russian, meaning ‘velvet cobras’. you were told that the matching cobra snake tattoos their group has could be of help when looking for the man. however, you doubted he would have his tattoo were it could easily be seen, he was known as a sharp man for a reason.
squinting your eyes beneath the black mask, you searched the room for any hints of blonde hair, not just any blonde hair, he would definitely be dressed fancier than others, bodyguards would also be following him around everywhere.
a smile snuck onto your lips as you saw a blonde haired man, a bodyguard next to him as he seemed to be talking to a few elderly men. he had a black mask on, his dirty blonde hair falling to his forhead. black and white tuxedo hugging his large form.
you press down on your earring, whispering into your hand, “i think i found him,” walking over to his table, the click of your heels being drowned in the noise and music around you. he shots you a look, excusing himself from talking as he gets to the other side of the table where you stand. you raise a brow, had he know who you are? was he many steps ahead of you?
he bows down and takes your hand in his, pressing a lingering kiss onto it, “m’lady,” you blink repeatedly, was this really the infamous velvet cobras’ leader? his voice was so—whiny. you pulled your hand away from his grasp, “do i know you, mister?” he gave you a grin, leaning against the table with his elbow, “everybody knows me, sweetie.” he said, pride filling his voice.
you covered your mouth with the back of your hand, not wanting your laugh to be seen by him as he stumbled back onto a woman holding a drink behind him, spilling the drink the she was holding all over the floor and himself. he let out a frustrated groan, turning around, “what the hell?! can you not see i’m standing here you brainless thot!?”
the woman gasped, before you could even blink, her hand had connected with his cheek, giving him a firm slap as everyone around them looked at the interaction, some whispering and some covering their mouths. the woman stormed off, leaving the dirty blonde a frowning mess.
“you’ll pay for this! how dare you slap a zen’in?! me, naoya of all!” you shook your head, if you knew he wasn’t the one you were looking for, you were definitely confident now. you turned on your heels and walked away before he could notice, being too occupied looking down at his ruined tuxedo and muttering curses to himself.
you pressed down on your ear again, whispering, “false alarm, need to look for him again.” a deep groan could be heard from the other side, “come on now, have you gotten rusty with your work, y/n?” you ignored his voice, obvious he was your boss, he could get cocky sometimes. 
your eyes began scanning the room again, you would see blondes here and there but none of them would catch your eye. your eyes wandered upwards, the casino had a second floor. you could barely see the second floor, but you could see the railings of it, a tall big guy was leaning against them, his arms hanging off as he rested his elbows on the railing. jet black hair fell to his forehead, broad shoulders with biceps too large for his own good, hooded dark eyes behind the matte black phantom mask that covered half of his face, and a sharp jawline. a black button-up shirt was hugging his large form, he looked like a fucking gorilla in size. you gulped, he moved his head to the side, as if hearing someone call for him, the veins of his neck flexing with the action. his neck. the head of a snake could be seen creeping it’s way onto his neck, ending right below his ear from under his shirt. bingo. you smiled, mentally patting yourself on the back.
you swiftly moved along the crowd of people infront of the staircase, trying to make your way up before you bumped into a firm chest, “i’m sorry sir i—“ your eyes were met with the same man that was standing across the railings seconds ago, a scar on the side of his lips could be seen now as you looked up at him.
he raised a brow, “going somewhere, madam?” you nibbled on the inside of your cheeks, you had to think quick. “yes, i was going to meet someone upstairs, they told me to.” he crossed his arms, the muscle of his arms flexing against the tight black shirt he was wearing, “and who is that? upstairs is highly restricted for maroon card guests.”
your eyes scanned his face, he was serious, there was no messing with this guy. “naoya, uhm yeah. naoya..zen’in.” the side of his mouth formed up into a smirk, his scar getting bigger if that was even possible. “zen’in huh? naoya invited you upstairs?” you took a breath in, “yes. yes he did, he told me to get up there and he would follow me shortly.”
“I have to check something, stay here.” he looked you up and down with a smug expression, heading up the stairs again. your time was limited, you had to think quick if you wanted to win. you turned around, your eyes scanning the room as to scan your options and your thoughts, until you saw a waitress with a tray of drinks.
making your way over to her, you gave her a makeshift sweet smile, “hey? can I please have the whole tray?” the tray had four drinks on it, she looked at you returning the smile “oh! of course but, wouldn’t you want me to bring it for you ma’am?” you held your arms out to grab the tray from her, “no thank you, I’ll take it myself.” with a nod of her head she gave the tray to you.
you walked over to a corner, standing next to a slot machine. you put the tray on a small table next to you, leaning down to pretend to fix the straps of your heels, brining out a small packet of the drug you had hid in them earlier, truth serum. with a flick of your wrist, the powder fell into one of the glasses of champagne. smiling, you grabbed the tray and made your way to the other side of the room again.
you looked around yourself, looking for a certain annoying man. as if he had read your mind, the dirty blonde’s gaze was already on you from across the room. you smiled, forcing back a gag, as you beckoned for him with your head to follow you, making your way back to the staircase again.
as if on cue, the big guy showed up too, making his way down the stairs as he looked at you with furrowed brows, his gaze going behind you. you turned around, seeing naoya as he made no move to help you with the tray you were holding, instead leaning forward to grab a glass of champagne from it, chugging it as he put the glass back on the tray.
you scoffed, did he grab the right drink? or was his luck that bad to grab the one bad one out of the four? naoya licked his lips, looking between you and the velvet haired man, “fushiguro, how have you been? how’s the new group going? you happier there, fucker?” you raised your brows, looking at fushiguro.
fushiguro just rolled his eyes, grabbing the tray of drinks from your hand, and going up the stairs, “follow me then, doll. don’t let that scumbag come up though.” you looked back at naoya at the same time as the deep voice yelled from up the stairs, “you know the fucking rules zen’in! step up here and you’re dog meat.”
you gave a nervous laugh to naoya, tapping his shoulders as you made your way up stairs, giving him a salute with your fingers. “another time then, zen’in.” you followed the handsome bodyguard upstairs, leaving naoya dumbfounded, the man wondering what the fuck just happened.
you followed behind the man with big broad shoulders with steady steps, he guided you through the groups of people that were upstairs. they all looked either posh, or outright dangerous. this is where you could see him, if fushiguro wasn’t already taking you to him.
you were getting nervous, what if they did something to you? that’s when you remembered, pressing on your ear once and whispering “going in.” fushiguro was a sharp bodyguard, he turned around, raising a brow, “what’d you say, doll?”
you gave a chaste smile, “I said uhm, where are we going?”
you knew if something happened to you, if you weren’t heard of by the next 3 hours, your boss would do something. so you took a deep breath and forced all the anxious thoughts to go away.
he gave you a smirk, “well if you wanted to really see that zen’in bastard I don’t think you would have followed me would you? so don’t play innocent, doll. ‘kay?” he turned around and started walking again before you could answer him.
you arrived at a dark wooden door, he opened it for you, motioning for you to go in, you took a step forward, looking around the room. it was brightly lit, which made you squint your eyes slightly, expensive furniture decorated the room, silk golden curtains being pushed aside as the city’s view could be seen, being background to the form of a man.
he was blonde. standing facing towards the large window as it covered the whole wall, both of his hands resided in his pockets, you could make out a white button-up shirt hugging his back, even his presence was intimidating. you could hear your own pulse banging in your ears and yet, he somehow seemed calm, that was never a good thing.
his smooth voice filled the air, almost making you flinch “did you bring the beautiful lady, fushiguro?” you stilled, looking next to you at the large man, humming in response to his boss as he set the tray of drinks on the small table in the middle of the room.
he finally turned around, his dark orbs locking with yours immediately, yet half his face was hidden under a phantom mask similar to his bodyguards, the only difference being that it was golden. you could barely see half of his lips and one side of his cheek, sharp cheekbone standing out. straight blonde locks were styled up, a strand or two falling to his forehead. he didn’t even look blonde, it was a color you couldn’t put your finger on, it looked— angelic, even for a devil like him.
his hands went to the back of his head, triceps flexing, your eyes involuntarily went to his stomach, being disappointed when his shirt didn’t ride up, when his skin didn’t show because the shirt was already tucked in his pants.
when you looked back up, his mask was long gone. his nose upward as he fixed his eyebrows with the tip of his fingers, both cheekbones now showing for you to stare at, thin yet soft looking lips fully shown. he hummed as he looked you up and down, his eyes lingering on your bare legs and your cleavage.
he brought his hand forward, holding it infront of you as you grabbed it. he pulled you towards himself slowly, walking back until he was pressed up against the small table, you standing directly infront of him. “keep your eyes on me, and take your mask off.” his smooth voice seemed to startle you everytime he spoke.
you stared up at him, trying to figure out which color his eyes were— but before you could decipher, with a squeeze of your hand in his, you were brought back to reality. using both your hands, you untied the knot behind the back of your head easily, no hair in the way as it was all in a neat bun. you kept your eyes on his just as he asked, not wanting to take your chances.
he let out a deep breath, the aroma of him making you dizzy, he smelt like leather. your eyes were diverted to fushiguro behind him, rummaging with something. but before you could get a look, icy slender fingers gripped your jaw, forcing your gaze back onto him, “uh uh uh, what’d I tell you? are you not good at taking orders, sweetheart?”
you swallowed, giving a nervous smile. he stared at your face, running his fingers on the underside of your chin, until he startled you again with his voice before his movements, “right, shall we have a taste of the drinks you brought for us then? since the waitresses obviously aren’t doing their job?”
he wraps his long fingers around one of the champagne glasses, holding it out to you. the liquid fizzing inside. champagne shouldn’t be fizzing this far into getting it. he definitely had fushiguro put something it. shit—
he smiles at you as you grab it, he brings his own glass and clings it with yours, “you serve me a drink I serve you one too, it’s only fair hm?” his eyes burning on your skin as you take a sip of the champagne.
the burn of his eyes is the last thing you remember seeing, the cling of the glasses and the sound of his smooth voice the last thing you heard. you felt like you were dead, yet you could hear everything going on around you, but you weren’t aware of it, couldn’t make anything of it, couldn’t register it fully.
you slowly opened your eyes, your vision blurry as you blinked a few times, looking up as you tried to move your hands, the tight ropes above your head not letting you. you looked down again, you were still wearing your dress, thankfully. it wouldn’t be like the calculated man to be a rapist, even if he was a killer or a dealer.
you sighed, looking around the room, it was cold and dark, the walls made of metal— it looked like a basement, maybe a workshop? lots of tools everywhere, thought you couldn’t exactly see what they were from where you were sitting on a chair.
your legs were both untied, you moved them around a bit, your dress shifting up your leg and showing your bare thighs, your knives were gone. they thigh strap was gone— he took it. dropping your head down, you sighed in defeat, your eyes lighting up with an idea, but before you could move another muscle, you could hear the creak of the metal door infront of you.
your body tensed, hands ready to attack even though they were restrained. Nanami walked in, fushiguro walking in after him, standing by the door as nanami took a chair, placing it infront of you backwards, sitting with his legs on each side, his chin resting on his arms as he inspected you, your eyes looking at him with a furious look. 
the silence was threatening, until the flick of a lighter coming from fushiguro could be heard, his steps getting closer as he put a cigarette between nanami’s lips, bringing the lighter under it to light it up for him before he went to stand next to the door again. nanami took a puff, blowing the smoke in your face as your nose scrunched up.
he looked down at your bare thighs, your dress no longer covering them from your previous shifting around, “coming to my event, with knives around your thighs, for me.” he looked back up at your face, but your gaze was no longer on him, looking at his bodyguard instead.
nanami’s voice was like a guidance to you, a guidance you didn’t want to follow yet seemed to everytime, “don’t look at him,” your gaze came back to him, a stoic expression on his face, “why ‘you looking at him? he’s not gonna help you,” your breaths were uneven as you kept your eyes on his face, the way the cigarette looked sinful between his lips, “look at me, there you go.”
you looked up at your tied hands, moving your arms a bit and then looking back at him, as if to plead without using words, oh but nanami was a man of words, he loved playing with them. he took a last puff of his cigarette before he threw it on the floor, stomping on it as he stood up from his chair, his hands starting to unbutton his white shirt. “toji, get out would you?”
you felt nauseous as toji left the room, giving you a wink on his way out. maybe it was because of the fear, or the thrill of what he would do to you. he didn’t seem like a man that hurts women, even if he’s a ruthless mafia leader. but then again, you could be wrong about all your speculations. oh he was gonna hurt you alright, just not in the way it had crossed your mind.
he opened the last button of his shirt, but he didn’t take it off. you stared at him, several scars seem to litter his chest, some being hidden under a large tattoo. you squinted your eyes, it was a cobra. you could see it’s fangs and tongue peeking out his shirt.
he took slow steps towards you, as if sizing you up like a leopard, and you were the bambi. he kicked away the chair he sat on previously, making you flinch. he leaned his head towards you, his brows furrowed as you looked at him, gaze unmoving. his face was only about an inch away from you now, his aroma hitting you with every breath he took.
“what? can’t take your eyes away from me now? what are you looking for? a cobra?” he moved one side of his shirt, revealing more of the tattoo, it covered his whole shoulder, possible even his bicep. “you found it now, it’s me.” his voice rose goosebumps on your skin, your thighs pressing together.
his gaze went down to your thighs, the muscles barely hiding your black underwear. you gasped as you felt a long finger tugging at the waistband of them, right against your hip. “were you tasked to sleep with me? hm?” you shook your head, and his touch was gone as soon as it had been there.
he walked to the small table in the corner of the room, his shirt completely falling down as he touched some things on the table. his back muscles contracting, he didn’t seem to have any scars there, only smooth skin that you couldn’t stop staring at.
he looked at you from over his shoulder, the side of his lips raising a little. he made his way over to you, grabbing a hold of your throat and wrapping his slender fingers around your neck, yet not adding any pressure.
he had a tight grip, tilting his head and observing you as you trembled slightly. he brought something in front of your face, “lay your eyes on this, bambi.” you looked at the object, it was one of the small daggers in your thigh strap from before.
he swinged it infront of your face, “is this what you were gonna paint my blood in?” you opened your mouth to speak, yet his thumb went over your lips, pressing down softly as he shushed you. “did i say you could spe—“ you cut him off, biting his thumb as he hissed in pain.
he pulled his hand back, observing it with furrowed brows before he tutted. moving closer to you again, he slowly ran the blade along the skin of your thighs. making you tense up, closing your eyes. “you really shouldn’t have done that.”
he circled the blade around your knee, his other hand next to your head on the wall, helping him lean above you. “don’t you know,” he ran the blade back up your leg, getting closer to your inner thighs. “there are always consequences for our actions?”
something flashed in his eyes as you kept your gaze on them, and a second later, you felt something push into you from over your underwear, touching your clit through the fabric. you saw his arm move before he did it, your eyes closed, letting out a scream. he had stabbed you there, you were sure of it, then why was the stinging pain not coming?
you opened your eyes, panic filling your features and your body shaking as you slowly looked down at yourself, you were prepared to see blood, a lot of it. and as your eyes fixed between your own thighs, you did see blood. yet it wasn’t yours.
the handle of the dagger was pressed into your clit through your underwear, yet the blade was in between nanami’s palms. blood dripped from in between his fingers down to your inner thighs, raising goosebumps on your skin with each drop.
you looked up at him with tears brimming in your eyes, the panic washing away as you knew you weren’t hurt. his features were unmoving, his eyes dark as he watched you closely, it was as if the stinging in his palm wasn’t even phasing him, the pain nothing compared to all the scars he has had to endure on his body throughout his dangerous life.
he tilted his head again, a small smirk residing on his lips, “you didn’t think that low of me did you?” his smooth voice made you sigh, or was it you breathing again? you couldn’t tell as your head tilted back, hitting the wall, your arms flexing from the pain of staying above your head for so long.
you looked back at him again as he completely stood up, throwing the dagger on the tray atop the table, grabbing a bottle of liquid and showering his injured palm with it, hissing slightly and wrapping piece of cloth around it.
he looked back at you, moving closer again. his gaze went down to your bloody thighs, “tsk tsk, look at you,” you blinked, shifting your thighs uncomfortably. “got blood all over yourself and your boss’ palm, what a ruthless little thing.”
you felt your blood boiling, you could feel your pulse all over your body, even down there. this shouldn’t be turning you on as much as it is. blood is something sinful, something dirty, something agonizing and terrifying. yet why was it turning you on so much? was it the color? or all those words itself?
you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath before you opened them again, shouting at him at the top of your lungs as you tried to replace arousal with anger. “you’re not my damn boss! what the fuck are you doing? let me fucking go!”
he seemed to be taken aback by your sudden outburst, raising his brows before he chuckled darkly, “yeah? then who is it? c’mon, give me his name.” smart bastard.
you groaned, shaking your tied hands above your head, “I’ll be killed if i tell you! i’m just a damn pawn in this game of drugs and murder.” you attempted at manipulating him, making your voice tremble on purpose, tears gathering up in your eyes as you tried your best at your act.
he leaned down again, his hand going down to grab at your thigh, getting blood on the healthy palm, “a pawn huh? a pawn doesn’t have thigh straps with daggers attached to them around her pretty little thighs,”
he moved his hand up slightly, his pinky barely touching your clothed center, “and plus,” his face moved closer to you, looking in your eyes “who said I won’t kill you instead?” his breath hit your face from him being so close, making you dizzy, how did his breath smell like leather? what the fuck?
here he was, threatening your life, yet you were fawning over his smell. a smug smirk came onto your features, your fake tears now nowhere to be found as you spoke in a low voice, “you wouldn’t.”
his face got closer to yours, your noses touching as your breath caught in your throat, but before you could close the distance, you were met with his neck, his lips brushing your ear as you could smell all of him.
he whispered against the shell of your ear, making you tremble visibly, “there are a lot of ways to actually kill a person without killing them, doll.” before you could react, your underwear was rolled to the side, your thighs opening up involuntarily as two of his long fingers pressed against your now bare clit.
you bit down on your bottom lip as you trembled, he left little kisses on the back of your ear, slowly moving down your neck, nibbling and biting, leaving red marks that would eventually turn purple. he never stopped the slow circulating motions on your clit as he marked all over your neck, soft pants leaving your lips.
he gave a small bite to your collarbone, his voice teasing as he spoke, “you don’t have to necessarily take their life to kill them,” he bit down again, his fingers slightly speeding up on your clit. “you can humiliate them,” he sucked on the skin above your dress, right above your chest. “you can give them everything,”
his fingers on your clit moved down to your hole, the pad of one of them slightly entering you as your thighs shook in pleasure, your moan was cut short as he pulled away completely, his fingers gone from your cunt, his smooth lips from above your chest. “and take it from them.” he gave you a teasing smirk as he stood before you.
you groaned pathetically, moving your arms and legs like a child deprived from some candy. he chuckled, the muscles of his abs slightly contracting as you stared at them with a watering mouth.
he took his two fingers that were on you previously, and sucked them in his mouth, humming as he did so. your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you closed them, sighing out of frustration. yet you could hear some shuffling on the metallic tray.
you opened your eyes, looking down at his torso while he shuffled with the back of his pants, the sight of his bulge was soon taken away from your sight as his hand wrapped around your throat, making you look up at him with doe eyes.
“you know what another way is to kill someone?” his eyes searched your face, expecting an answer to which you defeatingly shook your head. you could hear the clinging of a gun, you tried to look at where the noise was coming from but his hand kept a firm grip on your throat, limiting your gaze to his features only, his slightly furrowed brows, the few strands of angelic blonde hair falling to his damp forhead, the sight of his buttom lip caught between his teeth. he was probably threatening your life and yet, why did he look so good doing it?
you made a bold move, leaning towards him and smashing your lips against his. his lips were smooth, and they tasted like heaven. like sin, like a burning fire that traveled all throughout your body. his grip on your throat tightened, and he welcomed your wet tongue into his mouth, but he was still not kissing you back properly, his mouth only slightly moving so you could move your lips against him.
he grunted, biting down on your bottom lip while pulling you back by your throat, his eyes closed as you took the sight of his face in again. crimson covered his lips, to which you were confused by until you figured it out to be from your red lipstick. you had left a mark on him, no matter how insignificant, no matter how small. you had his lips covered with something of yours, and it made you feel proud all over.
he opened his eyes, grip still on your throat. he wiped his lips with the back of his hand, and that’s when you saw the gun he was holding. your eyes widened, he could feel you swallow beneath his palm. with a sadistic smirk, he ran the barrel of the gun down your collarbone, tracing it as he brought it down to your chest.
your heart was beating fast, your eyes shutting and opening repeatedly, he could feel your pulse quicken beneath his fingers as he traced your nipples with the barrel of his gun. you whimpered, the hardening buds of your chest hurting with the soft movements he made with the tip of the gun. your hands were shaking above your head, something that didn’t go unnoticed by him. he pressed his knee down on to your thighs, your legs opening for him like his property.
he could feel the heat coming from your cunt, dampening the fabric of his pants as he pressed his knee onto your cunt, “this is turning you on, yeah?” his voice was like satin to your ears, so stimulating in the best and worst ways possible. you shuddered and grinded your hips on to his knee in response, earning a deep chuckle from him as he pressed the gun under your chest, right above your fast beating heart.
he spoke to you in a low tone, his voice bouncing off the metal walls and going straight to your core, “you see, another way to kill a person without killing them,” he pressed his knee further into you, a soft moan filling his ear with the action. “is to drive them crazy between two emotions.”
with that, he pressed the gun further into your chest, it was painful, but it was soon overthrown by the stinging feeling of his hands tightening around you throat, stopping your intake of breath as your eyes widened and tears fell down your cheeks. he moved his knee against your clit simultaneously, your whimpers switching between pleasure and fear.
it was pathetic. he made you look pathetic under him, like putty in his hands, completely under his control and at his mercy. while you didn’t know whether to be scared for your life, or enjoy the little pleasure that he was giving you, making you get high on it. making you crave more.
he loosened his grip on your throat slightly, giving you permission to breathe. “if you tell me who your boss is,” he stopped pressing the gun into your chest, taking his hand that was around your throat before, and traveling it down your body, resting it on your clit and rubbing slowly. “i’ll make you cum.”
he continued for a few seconds before pulling his hand away, his fingers coated in your glistening arousal. he pressed the gun into your chest again as you whimpered, “if not, well let’s just say your pretty little heart will be the only thing getting penetrated tonight, yeah?” he said with a dry chuckle.
you gave him a lazy smile, looking straight into his dark, narrowed eyes as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer with the action. “kento nanami” you whispered, his face only millimeters away from yours. “that’s my boss’ name.”
you could feel his thick bulge pressing into you, yet you couldn’t tell if the wetness was from you, or was it him that was leaking precum by now. you grinded yourself onto his erection, his breath getting caught in his throat as his eyes scrunched shut, and when you pressed a wet kiss on his collarbone, that’s when he snapped.
 he grunted, thrusting his hips into you once, making you cry out loud before pulling away completely, leaving you a panting, crying, wet mess on the chair. he threw his white shirt over his shoulders, giving you a scoff as he left the room quickly. what was up with him?
 you took a few seconds to control your breathing, then quickly took out the hair stick in your bun with your still tied hands, your silky hair falling onto your shoulders. if you excluded all the throbbing pain in your muscles, you were lucky that he had tied your hands above your head, giving you easy access to your last resort.
you began moving the hair stick in your hands, the sharp edges of the convenient little thing tearing at the rope little by little. after a while, the rope finally tore completely, finally freeing both your aching wrists.
you were a mess as you got up, rubbing your wrists with your hands in an attempt to soothe the swollen skin, nanami’s blood on your thighs, panties to the side. you fixed your dress as you walked on wobbly feet, holding the sharp hair stick behind you as you made a turn to get out of the room.
your relief was cut short when you bumped into a firm chest, deja vu hit you as you looked up, this was the second time you were bumping into his large chest tonight. this time however, instead of an annoyed look, his features turned into a teasing smirk, moving towards you like a black panther.
you moved back into the room with slow steps, your back hitting the wall and the sharp hair stick you were holding falling down to the ground with a cling that filled the room. his gaze went down, chuckling as he put on of his hands beside your head on the wall, “think you could escape did you, doll?”
you closed your eyes, thinking of your chances against him, you couldn’t do anything. he could defeat you in a heartbeat, you were defeated already. you opened your eyes as you felt a big hand trace your thigh, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at it, “why are you covered in blood?”
“n-nanami, uhm, his h-hand..” you stuttered, he gave you a dry chuckle, the sound raising goosebumps on your skin. his gaze moved to your neck, his hand moving up your body to trace your collarbone with the rough pads of his fingers. “he got you all marked up too, hm?”
his voice was deep, congruent to his large physique that towered over you. his eyes searched your face, and before you could process what was happening, you were being manhandled by him, yelping as you were thrown over his shoulder in an instant and you closed your eyes, your gaze being on the ground behind him as he moved.
it didn’t take long for him to take you to his destination, you couldn’t hear anything on the way, except the single slap that was landed to your ass being close to his face. then you could hear the sound of a door being opened, closed, and then locked.
he put you down, taking in your surroundings as fast you could, it was another room similar to the one you were previously held in, only this one was fancier in a way. you felt his tight grip on your arm as he pulled you towards a small bed, throwing you onto it as he got above you.
you thought he was going to force himself on you, use your body like a ragdoll, yet you were wrong as you heard clinging noises above your head, opening your eyes that had closed before from your nerves wrecking your whole body. he had big chains in his hands, the sound of them rattling together as he wrapped one around both of your wrists, you didn’t protest the slightest, staring at him as he secured your hands, looking down at you with a raise of his brows.
“you’re into all of this aren’t you? you freaky little thing. why aren’t you trying to stop me, huh?” his voice surged through you as he moved your chained hands above your head, making sure they’re locked around your wrists before dropping them from his hold. he kept speaking to you as he took more chain from the side of the bed, “or maybe you just know you don’t stand a chance against me doll, yeah? mhm.”
you looked down at him with teary eyes, he was wrapping the long chain around your torso, dragging the remains and wrapping it around one of your thighs. he was doing this for his own desires at this point, all the excessive chain was definitely not necessary.
your thoughts were running wild as he was above you, towering over you as he check the chains again, and that’s when you realized why nanami left the room. he wasn’t looking to get his dick wet, he was professional, so he handled things in a professional way. yet toji, he seemed like the guy who would let his own desires distract him. so you would use his hotheaded self to get your way.
you gave out a low whimper, moving one of your legs and setting it on his large thigh as he kneeled above you. he raised his thin brows, watching your actions closely. you started moving your foot up his thigh, and pushed down on his crotch, you could feel him already start to harden beneath the touch of your foot.
he chuckled darkly, grabbing a hold of your foot as he held a tight grip on it, “you dirty slut, you didn’t get boss’ cock did you?” you shook your head eagerly, biting down on your bottom lip, “so now you want mine?”
the smell of musk and whiskey hit your nose as he got closer to you, still having a firm grip on your ankle. you were frustrated, it’s like your own plan was being ruined by you. you moved your hands above your head, the chains rattling as you squirmed beneath him. trying to get any reaction out of the man.
he gave you a slap on your thigh and you whimpered, “fucking behave.” he hissed as he looked up at your face, tears threatening to fall as your eyes looked up at him with innocence swirling in them, and he knew one thing. he wanted to fucking ruin you.
he dropped your leg back onto the bed, both of his large hands moving to open your thighs, ruined panties being showed to him as he smirked. you closed your eyes, you could hear the rattling of some chains, paying it no mind until you felt cold metal on your hot core.
you screamed, thighs going to close but his broad shoulders didn’t let you. you looked down at him, his head was in between your thighs, only inches away from where you were aching to be touched, you could see the chain on your panties, he had gotten a loose end of the ones wrapped around your waist and brought it down to tease you.
the scar accross his lips only widened as he smirked, running the cold chain up and down your clit in taunting motions as you squirmed and whimpered. he brought his mouth closer, your panties were moved to the side as you could feel his hot breath on you, yet he made no further moves, pausing even the coldness of the chain.
hot tears were rolling down your cheeks as you pleaded with a small voice, “please, p-please— toji-“
he took his lips between his teeth, “please what, doll?”
you groaned “please— just.. do anything-“ he chuckled, moving the cold chain back onto you, and rubbing slow circles with it on your clit, you squirmed, thighs wanting to close so bad— to get any relief but he wouldn’t let you.
you looked down at him, his face was so close to you, if he were to stick out his tongue, it would touch you easily. you needed it, you needed a warm, hot contrast to the cold chain sending shivers up your body.
you cried as his tongue came down between your folds, vibrating as he hummed around your wetness. you thought you were hallucinating at first, not being able to tell the difference between the coldness of the chain or the hotness of his tongue, but you were sure of it as he looked up at you, his long tongue sticking out of his mouth as your juices coated it, a small silver dot could be seen in the middle of the muscle.
he had a tongue piercing, damn bastard. so that’s why his tongue felt cold against you too, he gave you his signature smirk as he dived down again, tongue lapping around the wetness coming out of your hole, the chain in his big hands still moving and rubbing against your swollen clit.
you shook as his tongue entered you, long and warm, yet the piercing was cold against your insides. you clenched down on his tongue as he chuckled against you, the vibration being the last thing to drive you wild and onto your impending orgasm.
he let you chase your high as his tongue didn’t stop for a second, lapping inside of you and moving until you were squirming away from him, a sharp tug of the chain on your clit stopped your movement, the chains tightening around your torso and threatening to squish you. “i’m not fucking done eating yet, be a good fucking girl and stay still okay? maybe then i’ll let you have my cock, not that you can fucking take it with this tight cunt.”
his words were filthy as he licked you up again, your body shaking and yet getting impossibly more wet from his dirty talking. after what seemed like hours of torturing and overstimulated you, he finally stopped, only to start with something else, even more agonizing.
you could hear the shuffling of a belt as he took off his pants, he moved up your body in an instant, thick thighs resting beside each side of your breasts under your arms easily since they were chained above your head. your gaze went to look at him, but his rough hand held your jaw, covering almost half of your face as he forced you to look up at him.
you almost gasped, he looked sinful from this angle, his jawline being so prominent, his eyes dark as he looked down at you, his raven hair falling down his forhead. his black shirt was gone too now, big pecs making your mouth water, you could swear they were bigger than your boobs. the tail of his cobra tattoo covering one side of his chest and shoulder fully. his cobra tattoo, oh god you still needed to get information from him somehow. the cocaine deals.
he chuckled, “done staring, doll? like what you see?” you eagerly nodded your head in his hand, all thoughts thrown out the window as he tapped twice on your cheek with his fingers that resided there, “open up for me.” your brows furrowed as you kept your gaze on him, opening your mouth slowly.
he grinned, the scar on his lip looking so delicious as he did so. his big thumb swirled around you lips, before slowly urging it into your mouth as he hummed. you wrapped your tongue around his thumb, sucking in slow motions as you hummed around it in the same tone he was. god it was big, if this was just his thumb—
he took his thumb out slowly, keeping it on your bottom lip as he leaned his head forwards, his dark eyes complimenting his dark hair that fanned around his ears. he kept your mouth open with his thumb on your lip, collecting some spit around his lips as it fell down on your tongue.
he closed your jaw with his hand, you were practically his ragdoll at this point. “swallow.” he almost growled, and you did, showing your tongue to him as evidence after you did so. he hummed, “atta girl.”
his hand never released your jaw, his other hand went down to his boxers, slowly pulling out his throbbing cock as he sighed. you kept your gaze on his face, frankly too scared to look down and see his size. his eyes were focused on his own hand working up and down, you could hear the wet sound of it.
his gaze came onto your face, his dark eyes sparkling as he chuckled, motioning his head down to urge you to look, and you finally did. your jaw quite literally agape as you let out an indescribable noise, eyes wide as you took him in. 
you shivered, his cock was fucking monsterous. his own big hand that covered half of your face, covered a little more than his whole length as he had it wrapped around himself. precum was dribbling down his shaft and onto your collarbone, the tip of it red and angry as he laughed at your reaction.
he brought it to your lips, panting slightly “think you can take it?” you looked up at him, his eyes filled with amusement as you shook your head rapidly. “too bad then, doll. you’re gonna have to.” with that, he shoved it into your mouth, your tongue wrapping around his thick head, your jaw already aching.
he groaned as he fucked your mouth, gags filling the room as he thrusted deeper in your throat with every move of his hips, you looked up at him, and oh boy was he a sight for sore eyes. his mouth open as he grunted, nose scrunched as he focused on his own pleasure. that’s when you knew toji fushiguro was much more cock-driven than his patient boss.
his eyes rolled back into his head as he fucked your throat, pulling back after feeling your tears wet his hand that was still holding your cheek. you coughed, struggling to keep your breath. he hummed, snickering at you as he fisted himself, “how about we try a different hole? maybe she can take me better, yeah?”
you shook visibly as he moved down your body, positioning himself between you as he grabbed your ankle and put one of your legs over his shoulder, your inner thighs aching with the act as you whimpered. but there was no other way he would fit between your legs, he was fucking huge, so you needed to stretch your legs.
he held a firm grip on your other leg, folding it so it was against your chest. he slipped his tip in between your folds, groaning as he did. “look how fucking wet your are again, you liked me using your mouth, doll?” his gaze went back to your cunt again, snickering as he watched you barely clench around the tip of his cock. “you don’t even need to fucking talk, your pussy answers for you.” he chuckled.
he looked at you, tears rolling down your face as your nails dug into your own palm, your eyes squeezed shut as your tried to not fall apart before him. he tapped your ankle with his hands that resided there, making you open your eyes. “look at me. yeah keep those doe eyes on me ‘kay?”
he hissed as he thrusted his hips, his cock stretching you open painfully. you moaned, squirming to try to get away from him, yet obviously failing with the tight grips he had around your ankle and on your thigh.
he fucked into you, hard, hissing and groaning with each thrust. he would pull out slow, just to go back in before you could even breathe. he grunted, “look at you, stuffed full of my cock. better not think of escaping anymore, yeah?”
god it was so painful, but you loved it. it compelled you, as if he was a snake biting you. you were high off his venom. fucked dumb under him as you came way too soon, clenching around his girth as tears rolled down your cheeks.
“i—i c-can’t please— too- too much... nnghh—!” he chuckled at you, moving closer as he buried his face in your neck, his hot breaths so addicting on your pulse point. “come on, one more for me. i know you can, pretty girl.”
his thumb that was in your mouth only minutes ago came to your cheek, wiping away your tears that had welled up in your eyes. the action caught you by surprise, and you clenched around him as you came again, moaning his name over and over as if you were lovers. as if this man wasn’t the same one you needed to get information from. as if he wasn’t your enemy.
his musky smell was captivating as he groaned, biting down on your neck and fucking into you with a last harsh thrust that made you shudder before you could feel him paint your insides with thick, hot ropes of his cum.
“good girl, took me so well.” he said as his face was still buried in your neck, coming down from his high. you shook your arms above your head, making the chains rattle. he pulled his head back, looking at you with raised brows. you leaned forward, pushing your lips to his and pressing a soft kiss to the scar that resided there.
there was a confused look on his face when you pulled back, you giggled, “been wanting to do that..” he gave you a soft smile and shook his head, and you almost felt bad for the thing you were about to do. “can you please let me go pee? i really need to pee.. y’know— after all that..“
he pondered for a moment, before moving off of you and putting his boxers back on, he looked down at you, faltering his movements before grabbing something from the back pocket of his discarded pants, and before you could realize, he had taken a picture of you.
your eyes widened, and he chuckled darkly as he began taking the chains off of you, “that’s incase your pretty little head gets any ideas. remember i have a picture of you in chains, your body red and hickeys all over you, meanwhile my cum leaks out of you.. ‘kay?”
you shuddered as he whispered the last part, purposely having his crotch close to your face as he unchained your hands above your head. you got up, his cum was leaking down your thighs, your red dress now ruined and barely covering any skin of your thighs.
your legs shook and you almost fell on your face but you felt his big hands go around your waist, helping you up as he smirked. you swatted his arm away and began walking out of the room, you waited at the door for a few seconds, making sure he wouldn’t follow you.
you began running on shaky legs, bare feet as you tried to find your way around the dark hallways of wherever you were. you found a door that had a shining exit sign atop it, you ran towards it, pushing it open.
you paused, the gravel making your feet ache beneath you, you took a deep breath. the sky was painted a deep purple, the sun only minutes away from rising, you were about to fucking bawl your eyes out with no plan and nowhere to go.
until you saw headlights of a car, it was getting closer to you. oh no, they were gonna kill you whoever they were. you shook as you heard a familiar voice behind you, “didn’t i tell you not to fucking try anything?!” he shouted.
you had no options, you would either get caught by toji and probably tortured to death, or you could take your chances and get in the random car. you couldn’t think straight, your body moving for you as you ran to the car that was now very close to you.
you hopped in the back seat, squeezing your eyes shut as you shouted, not even being brave enough to face your own demise yet “please! please just drive!”
you heard a chuckle, no— two. you opened your eyes as you could feel the car moving again, looking out the window before looking at the driver— or his passenger.
you could see slender fingers showing the peace sign out of the passenger’s window, turning back to look at toji who was left behind, was he smirking? why was he smirking? did he not take the peace sign as a ‘fuck you’?
you finally looked forward, looking at the passenger seat first, whom the slender fingers belonged to. soft, icy white hair came down to his forhead, light blue eyes looking back at you, bue tinted sunglasses resting on his upturnt nose which also held a small nose piercing. wide grin accross his face, lips that seemed to shine even in the darkness of the car.
he was wearing a long, red leather coat, black turtle neck under it, long silver chain hanging on his chest, two rings interlocked in it. he sucked on a lolipop as he spoke with a cheerful voice, “done staring, buttercup?” 
you were pulled out of your trance, he chuckled as you looked up at his eyes, his gaze as if piercing your soul. “i’m gojo satoru, satoru for you.” he winked.
a deep voice made you look to your left, ah of course, the driver. he had long black hair gathered in a loose bun atop his head, dark eyes looking at you from the car mirror, a silver piercing decorated his thin brow, his voice deep as he looked back and forth between the road and the mirror, “hey, geto suguru.”
you swallowed, you could only hope they were good men, yet that hope was crushed in your chest as you saw ‘suguru’ bring a cigarette to his mouth, a reptile tattoo covering the top of his knuckles.
© all content belongs to e-jeagerenthusiast, do not repost or copy any of my work
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softinkshadows · 3 years
battlefield encounters (gojo, nanami, geto, sukuna) (part 3)
Some short vignettes of jjk men x female reader imagined scenarios, where reader meets them for the first time in the middle of a fight (all taking place within the same world and timeline of the manga/anime, although as parallel storylines). Geto Suguru “You disgust me.” His voice is hot against your ear as his strong hands slam you against the wall, nails digging into your flesh. “What is a filthy human like you doing here at this hour?” You try to turn and speak, but your face is pressed hard to the crushed stone wall, and you can feel a thin trickle of blood dripping down the side of your cheek. On most days, Geto would not even deign to touch a human trespasser, preferring to unleash one of his low-level curses on them instead. But today, he is in the mood to get his hands dirty. 10 hours ago, you had received a tip-off at the agency that some nefarious dealings might be underway at a temple on the outskirts of Chiba prefecture. Some suspicious deaths and probable connection to the Star Religious group, the report had said. Now, it is night, and here you are unceremoniously pinned to the outer façade of the main temple by a stranger, your hands held behind your back, agonisingly out of reach from the gun on your holster. “Talk.” His tone is sharp and dominant. A rough grip twists your head to the side, allowing you to finally catch your breath. Lessons from your years of training begin to swarm your mind. Play dumb. “I-I’m a fellow devotee,” you stutter nervously, praying whoever is behind you won’t notice the gun at your belt, and quietly thanking the gods that you wore a long coat to hide it today. “I’m a new joiner, and I heard from a friend inside that there were night sessions as well.” You are spun around, back to the wall. Your hands, still caught in the vice-like hold of his pale arms, are starting to feel bruised. A man with long black hair stands inches away from you, dark locks falling over his face, his flowing robes brushing up against your thighs. His black eyes are terrifyingly cold, piercing, and you catch them glancing to the wound on your head. For a moment, he looks pleased. A shudder runs through you. “A devotee, hmm?” he murmurs thoughtfully, though his eyes never leave yours. There’s something about his gaze, the way he’s holding you, that suddenly fills you with vertigo, as if you’ve tumbled off the edge of the universe and found yourself on its flip side, a darker, frightening world that no one should ever have to encounter. You feel your guise slipping away. Oh god, he knows. Your body tenses. His fingers now stroke the inside of your palms, running them lightly across your heavily calloused skin, the scars from all the combat you’ve faced throughout your time at the agency. The hands of an experienced fighter. His mouth turns up in a slight smirk. “You’re not a very good liar.” ---- Ryomen Sukuna “Hurry up, Itadori,” you yell over your shoulder, scaling the large stone boulders dotting the forest path, moving deeper into the trees. The sun is setting, and the way downhill will be getting dark. But the pink-haired brat is still at the clearing, gawking loudly and admiring the cityscape of Tokyo from the viewing point. So much for babysitting a small-town bumpkin, you groan inwardly, pausing to wait for him. The day before, Gojo had called in a favour. As always, that smart-mouthed ass didn’t bother to give much information. The boy known as Sukuna’s vessel was recovering from a fight with some “patchwork curse,” and both him and Nanami would be busy with jobs the next day, so “would you please look after him, being the independent ‘window’ that jujutsu society doesn’t know about, and oh, by the way everyone thinks he’s dead!” Bewildered, you didn’t have much of a choice but to accept, given how Gojo had been helping to keep your identity under wraps for the last few years. Thus resulting in you having to entertain the boy with a low-key sightseeing tour of Tokyo. “Sorry Y/N-san!” Finally, you hear Itadori’s light footsteps approach from a distance. He catches up with you easily, his physical prowess allowing him to leap from boulder to boulder with ease, even in the growing darkness. You don’t hear the chant that follows next, and neither does Itadori. “Enchain.” The forest grows cold. You feel the cursed energy leaking out from behind you like a frothing pit, curling and extending its tendrils towards your feet. The hairs on the back of your neck stand frigid. You turn around fast, knowing that the person in front of you is no longer the annoyingly cheerful brat you spent the afternoon taking care of. Why now? “Sukuna,” you hiss, moving into a defensive stance. This is a troublesome scenario. In the worst case… your eyes flit to the set of bronze cursed rings on your fingers. You may even have to use it. Not even Gojo, bearer of the Six Eyes, knew about that. He emerges from the shadows into the faint moonlight, torso bared, revealing the black tattoos running across his body. He stretches his arms as if they have stiffened from a long slumber. Now he’s awake and ready. The glint in his eye unsettles you. “I’ve been meaning to have a chat with you,” Sukuna says. His voice is flippant, though edged with curiosity. Like a king seated on his throne casting a second glance beneath him out of amusement. “To what do I owe this honour?” you scoff sarcastically, gritting your teeth. Then, sharp pain courses through you, and the air is knocked out of your lungs. You feel yourself crashing through tree bark, the wood splintering and scraping your skin. When you come to on your knees, slightly dazed and mouth tasting of blood, you realize Sukuna is already standing over you. A strong hand grabs you by the throat, lifting your body off the ground. “Now, I don’t have much time.” You can feel the pressure building in your chest, as you grasp the thick hands around your neck. In most cases, you’d have kicked your way out by now, but Sukuna’s cursed energy is so immense it paralyzes you, especially in your current state. He continues. “Gojo Satoru thinks you’re just a non-sorcerer who can see curses, but that’s not the case, isn’t it?” He rams your body against the tree, making you gasp in pain and cough from his hold earlier. Blood trickles over your eyelids. He leans close to you, nose almost touching, eyes boring into yours. His left hand remains closed over your throat. His right grabs your left hand forcefully, raising it close to his face. “This…” he smirks, pressing so hard on the cursed rings on your fingers that you wince, “has a pretty interesting ability, after all.” Your eyes widen, then narrow in irritation. Shit. Of all the people who could know about this, it has to be him. Then again it makes sense, given how long the king of curses has been around. He strokes your cheek with a finger, making you grimace. You feel his punishing fingers about to pull the rings loose. Your heart hammers wildly. “Show me my dear,” he whispers slowly, “what you’re hiding.” ---- Notes: The Sukuna portion makes some references to the binding vow made between him and Itadori Yuuji. A ‘window’, like Ijichi-san, refers to non-sorcerers at Jujutsu Tech who can see curses and help to report curse sightings/missions. Hope you guys liked this one and hope it tingled your imaginations~~ --- Taglist (っ˘ω˘ς ) : @encrytpta @wilddreamer98
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megumisbimbo · 4 years
- Four -
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megumi fushiguro x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst
summary: (y/n) was nothing special. A human being who had no idea that curses walked the same earth they walked. But then they locked eyes with Megumi Fushiguro. Can Fushiguro focus on the task ahead or will he be distracted by the king of curses and his new love interest?
series masterlist
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©️ @megumisbimbo — all rights reserved. Please do not repost, modify or translate my work. Reblogs and likes appreciated!
Credit for the main storyline and characters goes to Gege Akutami.
tags: @xreemie @kitkozume @noyakura @vanilnya20​��@tobi--o​
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the songs are indicated throughout the story at certain points!
songs used:
put your records on - ritt momney
who dat boy - tyler the creator
goodbye - billie eilish
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— put your records on - ritt momney —
(y/n) pov:
It was early in the morning when you were woken up by the sound of rustling. You turn and see Fushiguro frantically getting himself together.
“New mission?” You ask, voice deep and scratchy.
“It was a bit of an emergency, sorry I can’t stay today. But the rest of the sashimi is in the fridge.”
“I’ll be fine Megumi, I promise. You shouldn’t worry so much you’ll get wrinkles.” You say, causing him to let out a small chuckle.
“Are you ready to leave yet?” You ask
“No not yet.”
“Then can I play with Kou?”
Megumi gives you a puzzled glare.
“Your white dog. I named it Kou! Isn’t it cute!?”
“You shouldn’t get so attached to them you know.”
“Yes yes I know. Now can I play with it?!”
Megumi smiles and summons his white dog, who he noticed has taken a special liking to you. As much as he knew it would be a bad idea for you to get so attached to his shikigami, he couldn’t help but feel all warm inside when he saw you laughing. He finished getting ready and him and his white dog make their way out the door bidding you goodbye. You stare out the window again, noticing that you tend to do that often. Well you didn’t want to sit around all day bored as hell, so you decide to watch a movie on Megumi’s television and finish the sushi from the day before.
Megumi pov:
They looked so cute playing with my divine dog, how could I say no to that face.
“Snap out of it Megumi.” Nobara says waving her hand in front of my face.
“Were you even paying attention?”
“Of course I was.” I respond, slightly irritated.
“Thinking about (y/n) again?”
“WHA- WHY- WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT??” I say, startled by her question.
“I don’t know. Just a hunch I guess.”
Itadori walks outside and greets us with a smile. Reminds me of their smile...stop it Megumi you’re going insane.
Ijichi-san’s black car rolls up beside us and we step into the backseat. He drives us to the Juvenile Detention Center in West Tokyo. We step out of the car and walk towards building two.
“Our windows confirmed a curse womb approximately three hours ago. Five inmates are currently trapped inside along with the curse. Curse wombs that grow and change shape can be expected to become a curse close to that of a special grade. You are not to engage.”
I know that a curse of special grade ranking should be dealt with by a special grade sorcerer. Where is Gojo-sensei?
“Satoru is currently on a business trip.”
Of course.
A woman comes running towards us, stopped by the gate guards.
“Is Tadashi...my son. Is my son ok?!?”
I turn and see Itadori’s face turn pale. He needs to stop letting his feelings get involved.
“We cannot disclose any more information at this point.” One of the guards explains.
“Fushiguro, Kugisaki. We have to save him.” Itadori says.
“Of course.”
Ijichi-san lowers the curtain and I summon Kou.
“If it gets close, Ko-... my dog will let us know.”
“Let’s do this.”
— who dat boy - tyler the creator—
We walk into the building and are immediately caught off guard. The whole place is a maze. I turn around looking for the entrance.
“Damn. Where’s the door?”
Kugisaki and Itadori panic but I explain that Kou would be able to sniff it’s way out, since it remembered the scent of the entrance.
“You’re so reliable Fushiguro.” Itadori says with a smile, a familiar glint in his eyes.
He reacts the same way (y/n) does. They really must be close.
We walk deeper into the maze and find the work yard where the curse had first been seen. A mangled up body lay across from us. Itadori walks up to the body and pulls on the shirt he was wearing.
Tadashi Okazaki
“Is it that woman’s son?” Kugisaki asks.
“We’re bringing this body back. His face isn’t that messed up. She won’t be satisfied if we just tell her that her son is dead.” Itadori responds.
I grab onto his uniform and pull him away from the victim.
“Leave him. We have to confirm that the other two are dead.” I say, knowing exactly who this man is.
“Everytime we look back the path is different. How’re we gonna get back here?” Itadori responds.
“I said leave him. I never said we were coming back. He’s not even worth saving alive, why would I save his dead body.”
Itadori grabs onto the collar of my jacket.
“What’re you talking about?” He says, anger laced in his tone.
“This is a juvenile detention center. I read about what he did to get in here. He was driving without a license and hit a girl who was walking home from school, and that was the second infraction. I know you want to save everyone, so they can die a natural death, but who’s to say that someone you save won’t kill someone else in the future?”
Itadori looks at me with a blank stare. Anger festers within him. I can feel his energy shifting.
I...can’t answer that.
Kugisaki’s voice tears us away from each others stare.
“Knock it off you two! This isn’t the time or-“
Her body being sucked into a hole on the ground cuts her sentence off. We both stare blankly at the spot where she was standing.
No way.
“There’s no way...my divine dog would have-“
I turn around and see Kou’s head sticking out of the wall. Completely dead. My heart sinks. (y/n).
I turn towards Itadori, fear building up inside me.
“Run! We’ll find Kugisaki after we get away-“
My words are cut off by the immense amount of cursed energy I suddenly feel beside us. The special grade.
I can’t move. Neither can Itadori...I think.
Itadori suddenly swings his slaughter demon upwards in hopes of at least wounding the special grade. It proves absolutely futile when both the slaughter demon and his hand fly through the air landing a few feet away from us. I look back at Itadori and find his arm gushing with blood.
We’ve lost.
“Fushiguro. Run. Find Kugisaki. Let me know when you get out of here.”
“I’m not leaving you behind!”
My heart sinks as I see Itadori’s pleading smile. I know he’s strong, but he’ll die if I leave him with this curse.
I nod and find my will to move. I run as fast as I can through the building desperately searching for Kugisaki, my black divine dog leading the way. I finally reach her and, using my frog shikigami, pull her away from the curse that was holding her. We both manage to escape from the building. I drop her off with Ijichi-san, and my divine dog lets out a howl, signaling our escape.
Please let him make it out.
Ijichi-san explains that he’ll take Kugisaki to a doctor, and insists that I come along with him. I refuse and opt to wait for Itadori outside the building. I ask him if he could do his best to bring a sorcerer higher than a grade one when he returns. Although it isn’t likely he will, he agrees and drives away with Kugisaki safely tucked in the backseat.
I wait for what feels like ages. Suddenly, I notice the expanded dormitory has disappeared, which means the special grade curse has died.
Now if Itadori would just come back.
My thoughts are interrupted by a familiar sinister voice.
“If it’s about him, he’s not coming back.”
My whole body tenses up at the sound of that demon’s voice.
“Don’t worry, I’m in a good mood right now. Let’s talk.”
Where’s Itadori? He should have switched back by now.
“He seems to be having some trouble, but it’s only a matter of time before he’ll switch back. So I thought about what I could do in the meantime.” Sukuna says, an evil grin creeping across his face.
I watch as Sukuna buries his fist inside Itadori’s chest and rips out his heart. My eyes widen as I watch him hold Itadori’s still beating heart in his hand.
“I’m taking this brat hostage!”
He can live without the heart but...Itadori can’t. He’ll die if he switches back.
“Itadori will come back, even if his death is the result...that’s just the type of person he is.” I say, my heart racing.
“You think too highly of him. Just a while ago he was so scared while on the verge of death. He was a mess you know. Talking about (y/n) and why he’s sorry and how he’ll miss them. How pathetic.”
(y/n). Dammit.
My mind is racing as I stare at Itadori’s body, covered with tattoos and gushing red hot blood.
I’ll try and make him restore Itadori’s heart before he comes back by convincing him that he can’t win with a heartless body. I have to. But is that even possible? For someone who couldn’t even move in front of a special grade curse. Doesn’t matter. I’ll do it.
“I’m finally outside, Let’s make use of this space!”
I quickly summon Nue to fight Sukuna. Although I’m using my shikigami, I’ll fight him myself as well. I think I manage to land a blow, but it’s quickly blocked.
“Put some more curse behind your blows!” Sukuna says before punching me in the face.
I summon my Serpent and with the help of Nue, I manage to restrain Sukuna.
“Don’t give him a chance!” I yell to my shikigami, hoping that I’d be able to hold him long enough to land a critical blow.
I watch in shock as Sukuna rips my Serpent apart, freeing himself. Without a second to think, I find him grabbing onto the back of my shirt, flinging me into the air. He follows me up into the sky and hits me hard against the back of my head. I fly aimlessly through the air, but Nue scoops me into its wings and softens the blow of the landing. I turn and pet it’s head.
Nue is at its limit. I have to undo the spell before it’s destroyed. I carelessly used my shikigami and now my Serpent and Kou are both destroyed.
Sukuna lands in front of me.
“Your shikigami use shadow as a medium, don’t they?” He asks.
“So what?”
“Hmmm, you don’t get it do you?
I give him a questioning look, still disoriented from the beating I just received.
“What a waste of talent...in any case, I’m not going to heal the brat. He’s not even worth fighting for.”
“Well I save people...unfairly.”
I let out all of my curse, allowing the blue tinted energy to flow through and around me.
“You’re going to get fired up now? That’s good! Well then. Entertain me Fushiguro Megumi!!”
I begin reciting a chant usually done by shinto priests that is believed to summon the dead. Also known as “The ten sacred treasures.” My thoughts are spinning, disorienting me more.
(y/n). What would they think of me? How could I face them if I lose Itadori.
— goodbye - billie eilish —
I stop, realizing the only way to win is to pull Itadori out of his own head, no matter the cost.
“Itadori, I know you can hear me. I didn’t have any logical reason to save you and (y/n) back then. Even if it was dangerous, even if they are a liability, I couldn’t watch good people die. I had some doubts but... ultimately I made a selfish choice driven by my emotions. But that’s fine. So to answer your question...I saved you because...because I’m not a hero. I’m a sorcerer. I never regretted saving you two. Not even once.”
The tattoos on his body begin to fade, and Itadori’s face resurfaces.
“I see...You’re smart Fushiguro and I think the way you live your truth is right. But I don’t think I’m wrong either.”
Itadori’s chest gushes blood and his body becomes limp.
“Ah, it’s almost time for me... Kugisaki and Gojo-sensei...I guess I don’t have to worry about them anymore. Live a long life Fushiguro, and tell (y/n)...I...love....the-“
His body hits the ground creating a puddle of blood. Tears form in my onyx eyes.
I have to go home to (y/n)...what will I tell them. I’m sorry (y/n). I couldn’t save him.
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bxnseki-archive · 7 years
// stole this OC questions sheet from here! super fun ya’ll should do it :’0
if you want to do it pls do i want. to kno abt ur ocs. you dont need to do all 100 bc i sure af didn’t
1. What is your OC’s name? Kimiko Ijichi 2. What is your OC’s gender? DFAB - Cis - she/her 3. What is your OC’s sexual orientation? Demi-asexual! 4. How old are they? I typically rp her as 16, but I like to imagine her in her late teens or early 20s 5. What species are they- human, animal, alien, robot, none of the above? Human 6. What is their family like? Do they have one? Yes!  She’s an only child with a mother and father.  Gengyo is a very loving and passionate father, though tends to be neurotic, paranoid, and spoils his daughter to no end.  Ritsuko is also a loving mother who puts compassion for others as a first priority, but has been struggling with her dysthymia and thus has been a less enthusiastic parent in Kimiko’s life.  More info on Gengyo here, and more info on Ritsuko here! 7. Who is their best friend? Why? Her designated best friend was and forever will be Isaki Matsuna.  Kimiko refuses to refer to anyone else as a best friend.  Isaki had been with Kimiko since early elementary school.  Her typical form of expressing affection was through taunting, and while that did seem odd to Kimiko, Isaki truly did care for and look out for her.  They were complete foils of each other; ultimately, they were perfect contrasts. 8. Do they have a partner/significant other? Why are they together/not together? Zak & I are working on a ship, but we have yet to really rp the start of it -- so no. 9. What is their most prized possession? Why is it so important? A ribbon from a beginner’s level riding competition!  It was the only competition she rode in, and she only got 7th place (they gave ribbons to all the competitors), but Isaki was there to train her, to cheer for her and put it in a really fancy frame.  The framed ribbon is nailed right above her desk at home! 10. Do they prefer to be warm or cold? She prefers to be chilly. 11. If they could only eat one food for the rest of their life, what would it be? No way would she settle for this. 12. Is there anything they’d like to change about themselves physically? She really wishes she had long hair like Isaki’s.  Down to the butt.  But she would never be able to manage it. 13. Who is the most important person in their life? Isaki was and always will be her inspiration; but from someone who is living, her father!  Although he’s eccentric, he’s the light of her life, as is she to him! 14. Are they a cat person? A dog person? An okapi person? Birds!!  She’d love to have an African gray parrot when she retires!  Calm, friendly cats seem like nice companions, too. 15. What sort of books do they like to read (if they like to read)? Mystery, thriller, crime, autobiographies and memoirs, and books on psychology mainly.  She doesn’t strictly stay with these genres, though. 16. What’s their favorite thing to do on a rainy weekend? Turn on the news channel or turn on the radio and listen to the police scanner.  Arrange her blossoms from her flower pressing into little designs to frame.  Study, ofc.  And go shopping. 17. Where were they born? Hiroo, Shibuya 18. Where do they want to live? She wouldn’t mind staying in Japan, but doesn’t need to stick with where she’s living now (Ikebukuro).  She does prefer big cities, though. 19. Do they have a job? As a student, no.  But during college she’d probably get a part time job as a waitress or something before getting her internship.  Then she’d intern at a therapy facility only to start work as a psychologist & therapist.  Slowly but surely, she’d move her way on to more difficult, struggling people involved with touchy cases.  But that wouldn’t be until she’s in her mid-30s. 20. If they could work anywhere, where would it be? Chicago.  A big city full of crime. 21. Do they use any sort of weapon? If not, what would they want if they could have one? When she starts to work as a criminal psychologist with rather dangerous people, authorities would prompt her to keep a taser on her.
22. Do they have any sort of special power/what power would they want? Nope.  Wouldn’t want any.
23. What’s their fashion sense? Form-fitting comfy young hipster librarian with pastels.
24. What do they think of snakes? Interesting, but keep them away from her or so help me God.
25. What is their biggest pet peeve? Regarding someone as a bad person for mistakes they have made in the past.
26. What is their greatest fear? Not being recognized for her work in her department, and that she won’t be able to help any of her clients or the police force.
27. Do they have any sort of disability, disorder, or health issue? I am thinking about her having dysthymia like her mom, or some other form of depression, since trauma can be “passed down” and she’s gone through a lot.  Still trying to figure out where and how that’d fit though.  She’s also lactose intolerant if that qualifies here.
28. Who is the person they hate the most in their life? She tries not to hate, and she doesn’t truly hate anyone, but her ex-boyfriend Hoitsu Mifune is someone she really, truly, strongly dislikes.
29. Is there anyone they want to be more like? Isaki.  She was always super cheerful, fun-loving, spontaneous, and very go with the flow.
31. Their home is on fire- what do they do? Get out of there according to the fire escape plan she and her family have practiced.
32. Do they like children? Yes!!  While rowdy ones tend to annoy her a bit, she still likes them all the same!
33. Would they rather take a short cut or take the scenic route? Depends on where she’s going.  If it’s a lazy day with no plans, scenic route always.
34. What’s their strongest belief? If you don’t care for others, you’re not human; you’re a monster.
35. What’s their opinion on lying? It can come in handy from time to time, so long as it’s not meant to harm anyone.
38. Which family member are they closest to, if any? Her father as of lately.
39. Do they ever want to get married and/or have kids? YES. YES. YES. YES. yes.
40. What was the hardest decision they ever had to make in their life? Going to see Isaki’s father in the hospital while he was on his death bed.
41. What was the happiest day of their life? Not sure.
43. How did they meet their last/current/future significant other? Or their best friend, if non-applicable? She met Isaki in elementary school when they were partnered up together to do a report.  They were inseparable after that.  After Isaki’s death, Kimiko met Hoitsu when she was 15 through a teammate on the tennis team.  They were together for nine months before she ended it.
44. If they were a class in a fantasy RPG, what class would it be? Probably a cleric.
45. Do they have any birthmarks or scars that they’re embarrassed by? She does have some birthmarks running up her legs and some on her chest, but she’s not embarrassed by them.
46. What’s their favorite color? Lavender
47. Do they have any piercings or tattoos? Do they want any/any more? Her ears are pierced, but that’s it.  She’s content with that.
48. Have they ever tried drugs or alcohol? Nope!
49. Are they an idealist or a realist? Idealist
50. Are they more introverted or extroverted? Extroverted!
51. What is their main goal in life? To become a criminal psychologist.
52. What are they willing to sacrifice to accomplish that goal? Her time, her well being, her friends.
53. Would they ever kill somebody (what would they consider a justifiable reason to kill someone?) Nope!  Not at all.
54. Have they ever kissed someone? Do they want to? She kissed Hoitsu a few times, though he was uninterested by it.  She likes romance, so I guess she wants to?
55. Have they always been comfortable with their sexual/gender identity, or is it something they’ve struggled with? No, she doesn’t even know she is demi-asexual.  She just thinks she’s uninterested because she isn’t ready to be sexually intrigued by someone.  Which is technically true.
56. Do they have any special ability or marking that sets them apart from others of their species/race? Why is it so remarkable or strange? Nnno?
58. If they had a Tumblr, what would they blog about? TBFH. she’d probably be either a studyblr or post about psychology and self care.
59. Any kinks or fetishes? Rich-Looking People.
60. If they only had one day left to live, what would they do? Say her goodbyes to her friends and family, then cry.
61. If they found a wallet with the equivalence of 200 dollars in it, what would they do? Find the ID and report it to the police to be given back.
62. If they live in a world without magic/without mainstream magic, do they believe in magic? Excluding Kiyo, no she doesn’t believe in it.
63. If they could have any pet ever, what would it be? AFRICAN GRAY PARROT. PLEASE.
64. Who is the person they admire most? Why? Isaki; go back to #7 and #29
65. Do they think they are attractive? Yes!
66. What is their biggest regret? Not asking for Isaki and her family to stay home the night of the crash.
67. What would they do for a klondike bar? she’d kill a man
68. The most important person in their life has been bitten by a zombie/whatever qualifies as a zombie in their world. Do they put them out of their misery, or try to find an alternative? Find an alternative.  If it resulted in having to kill her father, then she’d kill herself afterwards.
69. Is there anyone in their life they just can’t say no to? Why? Her mother; she knows she’s struggling with a lot of things and can’t seem to balance all she needs to, so she wants to help her in any way possible.
70. Are they more math, science, or art oriented? Science!
71. Is there anything they like that would be considered geeky in their world? Forensics??? Maybe?  Just knowing and spewing weird trivia about it?
72. Did they/would they leap at the call to adventure, or were they/would they have to be dragged along? If asked, she’d happily tag along, so long as safety is guaranteed.
73. Do they think there is more to life than whatever they are doing right now? Oh yeah.
75. What’s their most positive trait? She’s utterly compassionate.
76. What’s their fatal flaw? She’s utterly compassionate -- to the point where she needs to baby those who are struggling, which in turn sacrifices her well being and ultimately doesn’t help those she’s caring for.  Savior complex tbh.
77. What do their friends/family/teammates find most annoying about them? She’s loud, most jokes go over her head, she’s blunt, and she probably is nosy about their lives.  She just has to know if they need her.
78. What are their biggest strengths? She knows how to remain calm and rational during a panicked event; compassionate; ambitious; does her best not to be judgmental.
79. What are their weaknesses? She has a savior complex; very invasive about personal lives; self-sacrificial; depressed; spoiled.  Fun fun.
80. What is most memorable about their appearance? Uhh either her height or her eyebrows?
82. Do they dwell on the past, or live in the moment? OH BOY.  She preaches about living in the moment, and accepting and learning from the past to progress in The Now.  BUT.  She dwells.
83. Why is their main goal so important to them? What set them on that path? Becoming a criminal psychologist interested her at the age of nine; it was said to be an exciting job that paid very well.  But after Isaki’s death and evidence to show that she was involved with drug use/dealing and underage gambling, Kimiko changed her mindset.  She now wants to become one since she knows criminals are still people.  She wants to help them in any way she can, to help them lead healthy lives again.
84. Do they believe that people are inherently good? YES. She’s adamant about it.
87. Is there any other fictional character you would compare them too, personality or appearance-wise? tbh I did start to design her with traits from Ishimaru and Kirigiri.  So I guess them?
89. What sort of music do they/would they like? Pop!  Soft pop about romance is typically what she listens to when she’s doing her work.
90. What do they consider the worst evil in the world? Abuse, cruelty and neglect to children, as that traumatizes them and sets them up for a difficult life, only to repeat the abuse to their children.
91. What’s the closest they’ve been to dying (or, if they’re already dead, how did they die)? She attempted suicide soon after Isaki’s father died in the hospital, as he was the last of her immediate family who was living.  She attempted by hanging, but her knot was lousy and undid itself.
93. Do they like their name? Is there any name they’d rather have? She does!  Ijichi is a name rather well-known since her father’s family has an attorneys practice starting with her great grandfather Ijichi.
94. What is the significance of their name? Kimiko ( 君子 ) means “noble child”; Ijichi ( 伊地知 ) I cannot find the meaning of for the life of me. Italy, earth, knowledge? idk
95. Have they ever been bullied? Have they ever bullied anyone? There’s always bullying in the school yard; she’s never been horribly bullied, nor worried too much about it.  Isaki was the one who would usually torment others, so Kimiko was just her henchman.
96. Are they a light or heavy sleeper? Average?
97. What do they dream about when they sleep? idk, random things. Dreams are weird.
98. Do they prefer an urban or a rural setting, or something else? She does like rural settings to stay at for a while, but ultimately she’s a big fan of urban settings.
99. Is there any moment or event that they feel defines their life and who they are now? Isaki’s death.
100. Why is this character important? To you, and/or to their world? Oh man.  When I get an idea for an OC, it’s always in a short spurt, so pretty much all my OCs are really under-developed.  But for whatever reason, I stuck with developing Kimiko.  RPing her also helped SO MUCH in terms of figuring out why she is the way she is and adding new traits and perspectives to her. idk.  I just love her a lot and I’m glad my pals here like her as much as they do. ;;;
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