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peachdoxie · 9 years ago
Happy birthday friend! Thank you for being AMAZING!!! Have a great day!
Thank you Shorty! I am glad to be amazing ;)
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welcometoberk · 10 years ago
Happy birthday! Welcome to adtul hell
Thank you! I shall enjoy my stay :)
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sweetmoonbeam17 · 10 years ago
replied to your
I ask this because I'm not familiar with the...
Imagine Nat telling him to watch his back but she has to sign to him bc she’s too far away
Hahahaa yess 
yeah like I feel like they still have time to canonically add this in... maybe. @  the russo brothers save all our fucked over characters from the wreckage of AOU
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dragonsofberk · 10 years ago
i found them here: http://awesomedl.ru/dragons-race-to-the-edge-season-3/
i go down to the bottom to the Watch Online and click on the vidto link! It’s only the first 3 though. 
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ahhhlec · 10 years ago
Tw: Olaf If only people would be kind enough to do this for minions
hahaha i wish that would extend to the real world too
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bentclaw · 10 years ago
shortylego replied to your video:Tickles.
Small little bean
The smallest.
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welcometoberk · 10 years ago
Know any Ashley's?
There was an Ashley in my karate class when I was in 5th grade. I didn’t know her for that long though. She got transferred to the adult class when she turned 13 and I think she dropped out maybe a few months later. She was pretty cool though. 
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dreamsoffools · 10 years ago
Happy birthday dear!
Thhhank you hun!
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if-wishes-were-dragons · 10 years ago
Tagged by razzlepazzledoodot
Repost this & tag ten people you want to get to know better: jellybeanjeans, lenleg, stratoc, berks-dragon-trainer, and shortylego,
Name: Carolina
Nicknames: Carol, Caro
Birthday: October 13
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Favorite color: light blue
Time and date at current moment: March 29, 1:37 PM
Average hours of sleep: 6 one weekdays and 10+ on weekends
Lucky Number: 3, I like 3, 3s are good
Last thing I googled: do I even google things anymore? It was probably something to do with verb tenses.
First word that comes to mind: linguistics (guess who should be studying for her test on Tuesday?)
One place that makes me happy: SoCal beach
How many blankets I sleep under: two (nights are starting to get cold)
Favorite fictional character: Haymitch, Stoick, Shifu, Kakashi, John, Snape (Prototype of a favorite character: Tough, mentor-like guy who is a softie on the inside (well at least on my head he’s a softie))
Book: The Great Gatsby
Animation: How to Train Your Dragon, Kung Fu Panda
TV show: Sherlock, The Big Bang Theory (I don’t even watch tv anymore)
Favorite Beverage: coke zero
Favorite Food: Lasagna
Last movie I’ve seen in cinemas: Mockingjay pt 1
Dream Holiday: Iceland, or all of Europe
Dream Wedding: One where I can be a princess
Dream Job: Translator
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httyd-civil-war-memorial · 10 years ago
Reports from shortylego
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erasaure · 10 years ago
Tagged by berserkdragon
name my 10 favourite TV shows! Awesome! (they might not be in any particular order)
im so horrible at this, i dont even watch tv anymore. oh well xP
Dragons Riders/Defenders of Berk
Gravity falls
the food channel
the history channel
the nature channel
What Would You Do?
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sapinelle · 10 years ago
MY FRIEND CARL. MY FRIEND CARL FROM UNIVERSITY (wow, I can't believe this haha)
We met last year and we took classes together. We spent a whole weekend in the library last winter around christmas time to complete this INSANE project
ahh. Carl. buddy
He actually texted me the other day and all it said was "i see you". I didnt see him though haha. I never notice stuff
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if-wishes-were-dragons · 10 years ago
I was tagged by kaijudontlike Put your iPod on shuffle and answer this. Once you’re done, tag people! :)
1. Title of the first song you land on describes how you die
Swallowed in the Sea (Coldplay) Well, quite inspirational, but it's a tad bit sad.
2. Second song will describe your love life. what is it?
It's Raining Men (The Weather Girls)- If it's raining men why don't I have a freaking boyfriend!
3. Third song will be playing at your wedding. what is it?
Best of you (Foo Fighter)- While I love the song I wouldn't pick it for my wedding, my choice would be something more like an orchestra.
4. add “in my pants” to the title of the 4th song you land on!
Welcome to the Black Parade… in my pants? (My Chemical Romance)- Well, well, well. This is strange, but overly funny
5. 5th song will be playing at your funeral. What is it?
42 (Coldplay)- That's really cool :)
6. 6th song is your theme song. What is it?
Stars (Les Misérables Soundtrack)- So I'm basically searching for a guy everywhere, weird...
7. 7th song will play when you think of someone you love. What is it?
Take you There (Sean Kingston)- Whut??
8. Add “with a shovel and a screwdriver” to the title of your 8th song!
Pokerface… with a shovel and a screwdriver (Lady Gaga)- Sounds like a new type of murder
9. 9th song will describe your week. What is it?
Death and All His Friends (Coldplay)- Okay, I guess I can live with that.
10. 10th song will play when you miss someone. What is it?
Maybe (Sick Puppies)- That fits, and it's kind of cute
Okay, now the tags :D I tag stratoc, shortylego, razzlepazzledoodot, and lenleg
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demigod-of-berk · 11 years ago
Tumblr media
Since I'm like really lazy and i don't want to put together a huge queue, I just thought that I'd make a follow forever, that way you can have someone filling my absence for when I go to college this week and there's that whole orientation thing.
bolded are mutuals
italics has a message
avannak | briannathestrange | cerezsis | charmingviking | chase-the-wind | clockworkchick | completelytwitterpated 
dreamberks | dreamwurks | dyannehs | frosty-viking | frozen-astrid | graphrofberk
havekittensatthedisco | howtotrainyourhiccup | icelandiceel | ilyone | istolethelightning | khalrhaegal 
meggannn | minuiko | my-messy-curls | pleasantlyaddicted | randomnessosityism | rise-of-the-fandoms 
sherlockkhomies | shortylego | singing-supper | sleepinginblues | smallnico 
talking-fishbone |  thebrookeofdragons  | thecottonproject  | themarauderbandit | the-singer-of-apollo  | timebenderss | uponagraydawn | viria 
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