#short_trem memory
rosaland44 · 3 years
Gravityfalls : A rewind loop summary
Set when the Stan twins were seventeen after Stanley was kicked out and Ford graduation .
It was their graduation or at least Ford’s and Stanley wasn't going to mess his brother graduation even if his brother didn't want to see him there it was okay Stanley plan was to go watch his brother graduate wearing a Hoodie or a Disguise to hide identity he will see his brother graduate from a distance without being caught and then he will leave .
That was his plan simple and easy three steps plan what he didn’t expect is while he was driving to the said graduation is his car crashing into a truck and rolling down to the bottom of a hill he was injured so badly that he expected himself to die right away .
Luckily for him ambulance has arrived while he was passed out and took him to the nearest hospital.
As for Ford at his graduation a sense of dread wash over him like there’s something wrong or something bad happened and he doesn't know what is it ? But what could possibly have gone wrong he is graduating high school and soon going to college there is nothing going wrong now right ?
The graduation went on smoothly but the feeling of dread was still there growing stronger each second he tried to push it down and have a nice graduation he didn’t know what caused that feeling until he got home with both his parents and watched the news that his father love to watch so much that he found out what was the feeling about .
There at the news was scene of horrible accident a car crashed into a truck while the reporters were trying to explain the accident his heart stopped beating when they showed the state of the car it was crushed , broken beyond Repair but what caught his eye was the sing on the car it had the name Stanlymbl on it .
But it couldn't be he couldn't believe it until the reporters said Stanley name and in his name was shown in big bold letters and where he's at which hospital he was in with that information set in front of them the pines family went to the hospital Stanley was in as fast as they can .
When they got there they asked about Stanley and which room he was in when they reached there Stanley was there lying in bed looking so close to death When the doctor responsible to watch over Stanley arrived to report them with Stanley condition shocked them and strike them at same time .
What the doctor said about Stanley is :
He is lucky that he made it that he still alive that Stanley was in a coma and there a huge chance he won't wake up and if he did he will suffer from memory loss and properly have a short _term memory for the rest of his life
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