#short term rental cleaning company
springkleaning · 2 months
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Professional House Cleaning Services Phoenix - Spring Kleaning
At Spring Kleaning, we take the hassle out of keeping your home clean. Our house cleaning services in Phoenix are designed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Let our skilled team handle the dirty work so you can enjoy a pristine home without lifting a finger.
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wanderlustrentals · 9 days
Post-Construction Cleaning for New Rental Properties Just finished renovating or setting up a new rental? Before your first guest checks in, make sure the space is spotless with a professional post-construction cleaning. At Wanderlust Rentals, we specialize in post-renovation cleans that get your property ready for its first guests—and many more to come. 🔗 Book a service today
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blurredcolour · 1 year
The Witch of November
Summary: Jake and Bradley’s second deployment has you discovering a lot of things about yourself, including just how much the two men mean to you. Or When The Three Of You Realized What You Were.
Part of my Poly Hangster Universe. Read Part One - In Search Of Obliteration
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Jake “Seresin” Hangman x Female Reader [Hangster x Female Reader Polyamorous Relationship]
Warning: Angst, Mental Health Struggles, Nightmares, Lack of Appetite, Insomnia, Nail Biting, Stress-Induced Weight Loss, Anxiety, Unhealthy Coping Strategies, Difficult Discussions of Feelings, Rating – T.
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Credit: Paramount Pictures
Word Count: 5120
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The oldies playlist filled the quiet emptiness of the primary bedroom as you worked on folding the last of Bradley’s shirts into the storage tote. It was a poor replacement for the usual sounds of life that filled Jake and Bradley’s home, conversation, laughter, activity, but the songs from the 60s and 70s brought a continuity in their absence.
You smiled softly as you pulled another of his father’s tropical button-up shirts from the drawer, taking extra care as you folded the sleeves down the back, barely registering the song change to Gordon Lightfoot’s The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.
The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead When the skies of November turn gloomy With a load of iron ore twenty-six thousand tons more Than the Edmund Fitzgerald weighed empty That good ship and true was a bone to be chewed When the gales of November came early
It was difficult to fathom the next four months without them. They’d had two weeks’ notice – fourteen days to prepare you for the face that they were being deployed for sixteen weeks at sea. It was not their first deployment since your meeting at the liquor store. Not long after that dream-like night you had spent with them, followed by the sun-drenched afternoon spent with their squad in the sundress they had ordered via Postmates, their colleagues too polite to pry at their flimsy introduction of you as a ‘new neighbour’, they had left for ten days.
At the time you’d had no more than a superficial understanding of their profession. Of the peril in which they put themselves on a daily basis – even more so during missions. A few emails had been exchanged between the three of you then but before you even really had a chance to miss them, they had shown up with your apartment bearing take out. The outcome had been four orgasms and a noise complaint.
The ship was the pride of the American side Coming back from some mill in Wisconsin As the big freighters go, it was bigger than most With a crew and good captain well seasoned
This time, however, everything was different. Nearly six-months into your relationship – well, for starters you felt confident calling it that. Perhaps the three of you could have done a better job defining things, but they had given you a key to their house, and you had a toothbrush that lived in the cup with theirs in the ensuite bathroom. Spending most weekends, and the occasional weeknight there, you had successfully avoided another noise complaint and fallen into a very natural rhythm with them.
So, when their orders had arrived, it had been a rather rude awakening. An intrusion in the happy idyll your trio had built, but not altogether unexpected. You’d done a remarkable job convincing Jake, Bradley, and even yourself that you would be all right; that they had no reason to worry about you. And when they decided to once again use a property management company and put their home up for short term rental in their absence? You’d also convinced them to save some money and let you take that on for them.
After all, you had a key and the time, it would be no issue for you to finish packing their things away into the garage and then stop in to clean between rentals. Concluding some terms with a couple of steel firms When they left fully loaded for Cleveland And later that night when the ship's bell rang Could it be the north wind they'd been feeling The wind in the wires made a tattle-tale sound And a wave broke over the railing And every man knew, as the captain did too ‘Twas the witch of November come stealing
You snapped the lid shut on the tote, grabbing your phone and tucking it into your pocket, letting the song continue to play as you carried the last load down the stairs and into the garage. Sliding the box into place, your eyes scanned over the stacks of totes and racks of garment bags – two lives tidily packed away, on hold.
The words of the song, now slightly muffled by the fabric of your pants yet still audible, began to register in your brain and you pulled your phone from your pocket to hear them better. Unbidden, the images sung by the folk singer of a horrific storm began to flood your mind. A helpless ship filled with mortal men dwarfed by the fury of nature.
Two men, who meant a great deal more to you than you had the nerve to put into words as they wolfed down their breakfast that morning, in a vast ocean. How easily they could not return – swept aside by a cruel wave, attacked by a wrathful nation, or eliminated by something so utterly mundane as human error. How easily you could be putting their things away for the very last time.
The unwelcome thoughts tore through your consciousness and had you stumbling back into the door frame that connected the garage to the rest of the house, gasping for breath as tears blurred your vision. The sheer cruelty of your mind, parading the worst possible outcomes through your brain in vivid detail, had you pressing a hand to the centre of your chest, trying to calm your racing heart. You felt sick and acutely alone in a house that was suddenly much too spacious, listening to a song that was far too gloomy.
“Good god, get a grip girl.” You snarled tearfully at yourself before barking a laugh that even you would have to admit rang hollow against the concrete floor.
Shaking your head viciously to clear the morbid thoughts of peril at sea from your head, as though it were an etch-a-sketch needing to be reset, you turned your rush of desperate energy toward skipping the last of the song. Inhaling deeply through your nose as the much more upbeat Surfin’ USA by the Beach Boys took over.
“Better…It’s just day one…. You’ve got this…” You wiped at a few rogue tears that had stolen down your cheeks before doing one last check that everything was stored properly, locking up the garage and heading back into the house to finish cleaning.
One hour – and many deliberate song choices – later, you finished mopping your way out of the house, turning off the lights as you went. Setting up a door code for the guests set the arrive the next day, you headed home near ten, finding it surprisingly easily to fall asleep. The dawn came late and the breakfast had to wait When the gales of November came slashing When afternoon came it was freezing rain In the face of a hurricane west wind When suppertime came, the old cook came on deck saying “Fellas, it's too rough to feed ya” At seven PM a main hatchway caved in, he said “Fellas, it's been good to know ya”
The problem reared its head once more in the inky blackness of the night, rain and saltwater lashing your face, stinging your eyes. You could hear Jake and Bradley screaming for you, their voices carried on the wind from opposite directions, impossible to pinpoint no matter how you twisted your body this way and that.
Something unseen collided forcefully with your body, plunging you into a dark, icy sea. You clawed futilely through the water, unable to discern up from down, left from right, as your lungs began to burn with the need for breath.
You thrashed yourself awake from your nightmare, fumbling with the switch on your bedside lamp, desperate for light to dispel the murk of the freezing water, movements still filled with the frenetic energy of a drowning victim. At last, the incandescent bulb clicked on, flooding the room with warm light, reminding you that you were in your bed…. safe….
But Jake and Bradley…. heaven only knew where they were. You hugged your knees to your chest and choked out a sob, feeling just as useless as you had in your dream. They could be screaming your name right now and there was absolutely nothing you could do to help them. In your weakened state, you were utterly defenseless against the onslaught of tears, so you simply turned your head to smother your ragged sobs into the plush of your pillow – not wanting to risk a noise complaint over this of all things.
The captain wired in he had water coming in And the good ship and crew was in peril And later that night when his lights went out of sight Came the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Terror and theoretical grief and something that you still stubbornly refused to name despite all evidence to its confirmation wrung every last tear from your body until your eyelids were swollen and heavy with irritation. Pulling your exhausted frame from the tangle of sheets and sodden pillows, you trudged to the bathroom to rinse your face, wincing at the person staring back at you in the mirror.
You had done such a good job of convincing Jake and Bradley, of convincing yourself, that you would be all right in their absence, that this sudden burden of anxiety and gut-wrenching fear felt like a betrayal to your own self. You were an adult. You understood what it meant to date a Navy man. Yet here you were, crying your eyes out about things you had absolutely no control over. Over things you were proud of your boys for doing.
So whatever selfish childishness had suddenly possessed you, it had to be quashed with brutal efficiency. It would be wildly unfair for either of them to even sense that you were struggling and the simplest solution to that was you just had to stop it right now. Despite the ruthless glare you were delivering yourself in the glass of the bathroom mirror, however, that traitorous body of yours had somehow found the wherewithal to produce fresh tears to send rolling down your hot cheeks.
“Fuck…” you croaked, sinking your face into your hands.
Does anyone know where the love of God goes When the waves turn the minutes to hours
Three weeks, two days, and five hours. Despite sending them an email every day, you did not hear from Jake or Bradley for three weeks, two days, and five hours after they left you at their house that morning. It was more than enough time for your nightmare to bloom into full grown neurosis.
Stern pep-talks in the mirror were a non-starter, so you began addressing the inevitable sleep issues with melatonin gummies. And when those produced nearly every side-effect on the bottle? Over-the-counter pain killers. The terror still managed to find you, however, even in your chemically enhanced sleep, and a set of dark circles took root beneath your eyes. Your make-up kit expanded, and your routine became longer to hide them.
You threw yourself into your job, desperately trying to fill every waking moment with activity, treading water above the yawning darkness of dread that lay just below the surface. Between overtime hours and managing Jake and Bradley’s house as a rental – cleaning between renters and being on call for any issues that may pop up – you had little time for socializing. Which suited you just fine, because you knew those who cared about you would see through your thinly veiled disguise of make-up and busyness and you were most certainly not ready for a real conversation about what was going on.
You were idly nipping at a hangnail on your index finger as you reviewed a client’s file when your phone buzzed with an email notification and you gasped audibly when their names popped up, making your co-worker shoot you an inquisitive glance.
“Sorry…” You whispered with a wince, scooping the phone off your desk and diving into your email app to read through their joint reply four times before finally exhaling in relief.
They were well. They were tired, but they were alive and missed you and appreciated your emails. You hugged your phone to your chest, not caring how dramatic it might look to your already suspicious colleague, a few tears of joy gathering along your lower lashes.
The searchers all say they'd have made Whitefish Bay If they'd put fifteen more miles behind her They might have split up or they might have capsized They may have broke deep and took water
The relief that one email brought was short-lived, affording one, maybe two good nights of sleep before you were plunged back into your cycle of agony. Your stomach grew averse to, and disinterested in, all food save your favourite ice cream, and after throwing out your fourth meal-prepped lunch you surrendered to its demands and proceeded to subsist entirely upon cartons of that.
You lost weight. Everyone seemed eager to tell you how good you looked as a result of it, which only seemed to twist the knife that had taken up residence between your ribs a little tighter. The circles beneath your eyes grew darker and your make-up kit expanded yet again. With all that you were juggling, you somehow failed to notice that you had chewed your nails raw – a self-soothing technique thoroughly acknowledged by the scientific community, but an action you remained blind to.
There were more email replies, with the promise of some possible phone connectivity in the coming weeks, but you were entirely immune to joy now…feeling not unlike a hollowed-out shell of yourself, filled with the black and white static of a television station that lost its signal.
And all that remains is the faces and the names Of the wives and the sons and the daughters
You were fighting with the first corner of the fitted sheet on the primary bed, the bed the three of you usually shared, when your phone started ringing with an unknown number. Releasing the stubborn fabric, you let the elastic spring back into place, mattress frustratingly bare as you picked up.
“Hello?” You answered, expecting it to be the couple slated to arrive tomorrow afternoon.
“Pretty girl, holy shit it’s so good to hear your voice.” Rooster’s rasped statement hit you like a physical blow to the chest, and you stumbled to a seat on the bed.
“Bradley?” Your voice waivered pathetically and you cleared your throat painfully. “Hey! Hey, it’s so lovely to hear yours.” You continued in a much sunnier, confident tone, scouring the tears from your eyes roughly with the heel of your palm.
He sighed your name warmly, but you did not miss the exhaustion that coloured his tone.
“Fuck, I am so sorry it’s taken this long to be able to call, I swear to god I’ve never been on communications blackout this long before. Everything ok?”
“Just great, well…I miss you both so much, but the rentals are running smoothly and work’s going fine, and the weather never changes here so I don’t have any complaints.” You were sure to smile, just like they taught you at work, so the happy tone would carry through the phone line. “You guys doing all right?”
“We are, you perfect woman, we are. Jake’s right here, falling asleep against the wall. Let me pass him the phone.”
There was some muffled scrambling against the receiver before Jake drawled your name, sounding even more exhausted than Bradley.
“Hey Jake, how’re you doing? You showing them all who’s the best?” You forced a grin, hoping to give him extra encouragement by stroking his ego.
“You know it, pretty girl. Me ‘n Rooster here are kicking all their asses…You promise to be extra desperate for us when we get home?”
You mustered a giggle for him, extremely thankful it was only a phone call so you could keep your expressions to yourself.
“You know it, Hungman…”
“Jesus Christ, I miss you…”
“Three weeks, Jake…” Not that you were counting, or anything.
“I can barely keep my eyes open pretty girl, I’m so sorry, I can’t wait to see you.”
“It’s ok Jake, please go get some rest, ok? I’ll see you soon.”
He murmured his goodbyes before Rooster came back on the line.
“Hey pretty girl, I’m not much longer for this world either.”
“I really appreciate you two taking the time to call me. I’ll see you both in three weeks.”
“Three weeks…” He sighed heavily. “I’ll try and email you our docking time and text you when we’re in the car ok?”
You had offered, initially, to drive them. To drop them off and pick them up, but the process for obtaining a pass was a lengthy one and though, none of you admitted it out loud, would have involved defining your relationship on paper. And so, they had departed in Jake’s pick-up truck, which was still waiting for them on base.
“Do what you can, have a good sleep, Bradley.”
“Night, pretty girl.”
You both stayed on the line a moment, listening to one another breathe, before he finally disconnected the call and you dissolved into tears as you sank onto the rug beside the bed.
Lake Huron rolls, Superior sings In the rooms of her ice water mansion Old Michigan steams like a young man's dreams The islands and bays are for sportsmen
With the final rental checked out, you had a week to put their house back together before Jake and Bradley returned home. You had been careful to write down where things had come from so that you could return them to their rightful place. You took to sleeping at their home so that when the inevitable nightmares or overthinking arrived, three am companions you had grown so very accustomed to over the past four months, you could simply roll out of bed and continue unpacking for them.
True to his word, Bradley managed to email you, letting you know they would be returning that Sunday morning. By Saturday noon, the house was in order, and you made a trip to the grocery store to stock their fridge so they could take it easy their first few days back. You made a special trip to their favourite bakery for some treats, as well, and when you ran out of things to do you went out and walked the beach. Your body was a sharp contrast of fatigue and nervous energy, everything inside you was screaming out for rest but your mind would simply not allow it to.
Your melatonin gummies only afforded you three hours of sleep that night, leaving you pacing about the house like a zombie until the last of it cleared your system. You showered and put on your makeup, carefully ensuring the dark circles were covered. You put on one of their favourite dresses, hoping they wouldn’t notice that it was a little looser on you than before. Or perhaps, like everyone else, they would applaud your new figure.
Setting up the coffee, you held-off starting the brew cycle, waiting for the text to arrive from Bradley that they were on their way home from the base, wanting it to be as fresh as possible. You nearly jumped out of your skin as your phone vibrated with the notification, sliding off your seat at the island and pressing start button before doing one last circuit of the house, unable to sit down.
You were just setting out their favourite mugs on the stone countertop when you heard the engine of Jake’s truck pull into the driveway, rushing to open the front door. Bradley was halfway up the walk when you yanked it open, covering the last of the distance in two long strides before bending his knees to hoist you up into a bone-crushing hug. You squealed as in his excitement, or perhaps his misjudgement of your weight, you shot up higher than expected. Jake laughing brightly as he jogged over, wrapping his arms around both of you tightly as Bradley set your feet back on the concrete walkway.
Nestling your face between their bodies, you inhaled deeply, fingers curling into the fabric of their clothing as you savoured the fact that they were present, they were real, they were alive. Jake shifted back and hooked a finger beneath your chin, coaxing your face up. You smiled at him tremulously, blinking back tears as he leaned in to press his lips to yours firmly. Sighing deeply into the kiss, your fingers sought Bradley’s curls, sinking your fingers into his hair affectionately as he patiently waited his turn, his hands running along your sides, massaging your hip, your butt.
Gasping against Jake’s lips as Rooster’s hand gave a particularly greedy squeeze, you pulled back to press your lips to his, a shiver rolling through your entire body at the feel of his facial hair against your upper lip.
“You wore our favourite dress, pretty girl…” You heard Jake murmur against your shoulder, his fingers toying with the hem. “Mmmm we should get you inside before the neighbours get jealous.”
Reluctantly, you allowed them to pull back and gather their things from the truck, leading them inside.
“That coffee smells amazing…” Jake sighed, setting his bag down at the foot of the stairs.
“Let me grab you a cup.” You nodded and quickly moved into the kitchen, filling Jake’s mug and setting it down to reach for Bradley’s.
In your haste to be of service to them, you had misjudged the edge of the counter, the coffee cup wobbling precipitously before tumbling over to smash on the tile, splashing hot liquid and broken ceramic in all directions.
“Fuck!” The curse flew from your lips, and you quickly set the coffee pot back onto the element before bending down to pick up the sharp shards with your bare hands, thoroughly irritated with the mess you had made of the freshly cleaned floor. Not to mention the fact that you had just destroyed Jake’s favourite mug. “Shit, shit, shit…” You hissed, collecting pieces of crockery in your palm, sniffling in a stubborn attempt to hold back your tears.
A pair of arms wrapped around your waist and hauled you back against a strong, broad chest.
“Careful pretty girl, you’re going to hurt yourself…” Bradley’s gravelly voice filled your ears, and you opened your mouth to protest that you were just fine when an ugly sob tore from your throat.
You slapped your free hand over your mouth, mortified, biting down hard on the inside of your cheek in an attempt to stop any more of those from escaping. You felt Bradley tense behind you and saw one half of the look he shared with Jake reflected on the blonde’s face through the stubborn stream of tears in your eyes.
“Ok pretty girl, it’s ok, just a mug all right?” He drawled, carefully taking the broken shards from your hand and setting them on the counter.
“Why don’t you go upstairs with Jake while I take care of this, and we’ll have coffee in bed hmmm?” Rooster soothed and you managed a nod, not really meeting Jake’s eyes, but you could see the furrow of concern on his brow as he pulled you close, tucking you against his side. He led you up the stairs, hand on the small of your back, and into the ensuite bathroom.
“Let’s get you cleaned up hmmm?”
You sniffled and blinked at his words, glancing at the mirror and wincing at the state of your makeup. You grabbed your toiletries bag, opening it up to find your remover wipes, but before you had a chance to get started, he had set you on the counter between the double sinks, your back pressed against the mirror. One broad hand came to rest on your knee, his thumb rubbing warm, soothing circles on your skin as he pulled out the bottle of melatonin first. Then the painkillers. Followed by the eye drops to help with your dry eyes from the constant crying. These items he lined up on the counter one at a time, his face unreadable. And farther below Lake Ontario Takes in what Lake Erie can send her And the iron boats go as the mariners all know With the gales of November remembered
At last Jake produced the make-up removing wipes and turned to you with a gentle, patient expression as he carefully removed the layers of makeup you had become accustomed to painting on every morning to hide the ravages of the nighttime hours on your face. By the time he had cleaned it all off, your eyelids fluttered open to see Bradley leaning in the doorway quietly watching you.
You had spent more time unclothed with the pair of them than anyone in your life and yet you had never felt so naked in their presence before. You tried to avoid their eyes, to focus on your hands in your lap, but Jake caught your chin with his thumb and forefinger, raising your gaze once more to meet his. There was unconcealed concern there, now, and you watched his adam’s apple bob with a pronounced swallow.
“What’s going on, pretty girl…” He tacked your name onto the end of his question, adding a level of seriousness to the moment that had you squirming slightly and Bradley walking over to lean against the countertop beside you.
It was your turn to swallow painfully, groping for words to express just what the hell was going on, before you let out a huff.
“I’m ruining it…” You slumped back against the mirror in defeat, earning a raised eyebrow from each man. “You’re finally home for the first time in months and I’m ruining it…god I have no idea what I’m doing…” You scrubbed a hand down your tired face, dark circles beneath your eyes laid bare by Jake’s handiwork, and began to gnaw on your thumbnail thoughtfully.
There was another look shared between the pair of them, but this time you could see the concern shared in their gazes. There was an element of knowing something held in that look. Something they weren’t saying aloud. It irked you, made you even more annoyed with yourself for being so broken that you couldn’t even welcome them home properly.
“I’m supposed to be having amazing reunion sex with you both right now to make up for the fact that you’ve been gone, and I can’t stop crying…” you wiped at your face angrily before Jake caught your hand in his, lacing your fingers together and squeezing gently.
“You think we would ignore the fact that you’re not ok just because we want you, pretty girl?” He gently kissed away a fresh tear as it stole down your cheek.
Your eyes flitted over towards Bradley as he brushed away another tear on your opposite cheek with the backs of his fingers, treating you with more kindness than you had shown yourself in weeks.
“Please…what’s going on…” He rasped, voice roughened further by emotion, his brow furrowed.
In a musty old hall in Detroit they prayed In the Maritime Sailors' Cathedral The church bell chimed ‘til it rang twenty-nine times For each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald
You glanced between the pair of them, filled with trepidation, but quite honestly holding back these words had not served you in the least, so perhaps releasing them might at the very least provide some relief.
“My dumb ass has gone and fallen in love with two men with one of the most dangerous jobs in the world and I have no idea what I’m doing…” You exhaled in surrender, eyeing their faces intently to see how they might react as a hurricane of butterflies erupted in your stomach.
There was silence for a moment, and your worried that you had been too cryptic or too forward, until a flicker of hope dawned as smiles began to tug at their lips. You gasped as they both leaned forward at the same time, aiming for the opposite corners of your lips. It was awkward and claustrophobic and yet it felt so incredibly right to share a kiss between the three of you simultaneously. Sliding your arms around their necks, you held them close as they clung to you so tightly you felt as though they might have a decent chance of fusing your broken pieces back together.
“I love you, too.” Bradley whispered against your cheek, making you shiver in delight as Jake murmured your name adoringly.
“Love you both.” He grinned, not to be outdone.
“I’m really…sorry that I’m such a mess, please don’t…blame yourselves I…”
Bradley shook his head firmly.
“But we are to blame. At the very least, partially. We left you alone for the first time by yourself with nothing…pretty girl, will you ever forgive us?”
“Of course I forgive you!” You said quickly, kissing him firmly and wiping at a few of his tears that had slipped from the corners of his eyes.
“You were far too convincing, I promise to be a lot more skeptical in the future.” Jake teased but shook his head, assuming a more serious expression. “You’re our partner and we’re going to do a much better job of this going forward, ok?”
You gave him a watery smile and hauled him in for a firm kiss of agreement. They ushered you into your pajamas and the three of you curled up in bed, Bradley and Jake enjoying their coffee and baked goods with you sandwiched tightly between them as they regaled you with stories of their travels. Warm, safe, and contented, you found your eyelids drooping heavily. Jake’s hand rubbing soothing circles on your back and Bradley’s fingers tracing the features of your face were not making it any easier to stay awake.
“Sleep…” One or both of them whispered, and you made a soft noise of protest but were otherwise helpless against the rising tide of exhaustion.
You awoke to a bedroom painted in the hues of sunset, snuggled tightly into Bradley’s chest, the scent of pizza filling the air.
“That smells good…” You sighed drowsily.
“You hungry, pretty girl?” Jake drawled, the bed dipping and jostling as he walked closer on his knees, carrying pizza boxes over as you slowly sat up, nodding as a jaw-cracking yawn took over your body. “Good, let’s get some meat back on your bones.” The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee Superior, they said, never gives up her dead When the gales of November come early
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With The Three of Us Masterlist
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brian-in-finance · 10 months
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Saluting the behind the scenes talent making movie magic
Rob Youngson is a unit stills photographer for film and television. He's captured images for Belfast, A Haunting in Venice, The Great Escaper, Heanstopper St and Atlanta S3. He also shoots stills for posters. 'An effective still image has to communicate a lot in a single moment. An onlooker should know the tone, the genre and who stars in the production within a few seconds. It should leave them with a question: what happens? The answer to which is always, to go and see the film. It's the visual equivalent of a hook in pop music.'
How would you describe your job in simple terms?
I work with the cast and crew to capture striking still images during filming - without being a distraction or affecting the schedule.
I work with the publicist to ensure I get the images needed to publicise the film. I also capture behind-the-scenes images, which highlight the collaborative process and anything unique about the production. I may work with the props department to take period-accurate portraits for set dressing.
I've also consulted actors on how to use old-fashioned prop cameras convincingly.
How did you get into set photography?
I trained and worked as a theatre lighting designer while photographing bands on the side. Then I discovered that this job existed through an article in Nikon Owner magazine.
It was an interview with Kimberley French (Brokeback Mountain, The Revenant). I knew straight away I had to do this. So I went to work at one of the rental companies that hires cameras and lenses to productions.
I cleaned the kit, loaded the trucks and got to know people in the industry. used any leave to work on short films and then went freelance. Early on, I assisted an established unit stills photographer on some studio shoots. He then recommended me for a job he couldn't take and that put my work in front of the right people to get hired again.
What's the biggest misconception about your job?
That still images are screen grabs from the film. This is a widespread misconception, even within the industry. It doesn't work for two reasons. The technical reason is that the common shooting frame rate of 24fps doesn't freeze motion enough for those screen grabs to be printed at billboard size.
The second and most important reason is artistic; what works well for a moving image doesn't necessarily make a strong still photograph. Another misconception is that actors are difficult to work with. They are usually lovely. Actors have to step into a vulnerable place while surrounded by noise and crew and kit. They have to keep going to that place again and again for different camera angles. Part of what makes a good unit stills photographer is respect for the acting process. Sometimes my job is knowing when to step away and allow the actors space to work.
What's been the most memorable moment on a film set?
Watching Judi Dench and Kenneth Branagh make each other laugh on day one of shooting Belfast. We had all been in lockdown for so long, it felt like a new beginning. It felt like photographing love and hope and friendship.
What's the worst thing about your job?
Missing time with my family because I'm working away. Sometimes standing in a field on a night shoot, in February, in the snow, I start to question it. Those moments can feel tough. But a lot of the crew are in that same situation with you. Working on good scripts with nice people makes the time away from home, the long hours and driving, a lot easier.
What's the best thing about your job?
Knowing that my images help stories to find an audience. Stories that take years of hard work and hundreds of people to get told. On set, the best thing is being witness to incredible acting, from both legends and up-and-coming talent. Seeing what the Heartstopper cast are doing for LGBTQA* representation right now is special. I'm also currently working with two incredible young actors. I am so excited for more people to discover their storytelling potential.
If someone wants to do your job, what's the best route in?
Get on to set any way you can, in any role. Take photos across all genres of photography. Welcome honest feedback on your work. Don't sweat the kit you haven't got. You'll get hired for your eye and how well you get on with people, not what's in your bag. The necessity to work on low/no-budget jobs early in your career is a barrier to many, especially as a lot of opportunities centre around expensive cities. Screenskills and BAFTA have resources for helping bridge that gap - seek those out. Go and see as much art and as many films as you can.
Remember… (most memorable moment on a film set) Watching Judi Dench and Kenneth Branagh make each other laugh on day one of shooting Belfast. We had all been in lockdown for so long, it felt like a new beginning. It felt like photographing love and hope and friendship. — Rob Youngson
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nycnomad · 2 years
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We’re in Florida now! We drove from Charleston on New Year’s Day to stay at one of the two condos we have here as investment properties/short term rentals. 
You may remember that I’m usually horrified any time we stop by, because we have a property management company, but god bless them, they’re just not as eagle-eyed as I want them to be. I always find random marks on the wall that I would’ve cleaned off, or a lightbulb is out, or a lampshade is randomly smashed on one side in a way that’s completely baffling. But this time, everything was GOOD! The beachy tchotchkes weren’t exactly spread out around the place like I’d like them, but hey, at least they weren’t stolen. (Nothing to test your faith in humanity like renting out your home.)
We blocked off a week for ourselves at first, but it turns out the building is painting everyone’s balconies, and all of them have to be closed off for at least the next month. We wouldn’t really want to rent to anyone when they’re not allowed out on the balcony, so it looks like we’re here for a while! It’s driving me mad that I can’t go out and soak up the sun a few times a day while I try to avoid work, so instead I just stand with my face pressed up against the glass and stare at the guys painting the balconies as they go by on their ropes. 
We’ve been going for a walk every day at sunset, and it’s been in the high 60s or low 70s, so I’ll sometimes just wear my swimsuit and get LOOKS from all of the old people in their jackets and hats. That’s summertime weather, baby! 🌞
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Tell me your confessions (baby what's your worst?)
Based off the idea with the same title in this post. Suggestive NSFW content
Wei Ying was used to the high life. He was, after all, a world-renowned engineer, CEO of an up-and-coming company promoting green nuclear energy that had seen more more progress in one year or so than half the sector as a whole. The tall glass buildings and the shiny black Rolls Royce and Lamborghini cars were nothing new to him. He was used to the Rolexes shining in ambient lighting of posh offices and the city landscapes from the 20th floor up.
It hadn't always been like that, no. Wei Ying did indeed start from the bottom up, and the upgrade from crappy rentals to penthouses was startling to say the least. Moving from retail to nuclear engineering and then business definitely took some getting used to - but with some guidance and resources from sponsors who believed in his dream, Wei Ying managed to fulfill his career dreams in less time than he expected to.
The world of rich people was still fascinating to him. Business lunches, dinners and conferences in tropical places, contracts signed over cocktails and bumping shoulders with the 1% - he had a bit of an anthropological fascination with it all. If he'd had the time, he would have researched into it. Rich people lived in a surprisingly ritualized world, despite the money offering them an obscene degree of freedom to do whatever, including breaking the law or changing it.
But by far the most interesting person he'd met was the second son of the Lan family and vice-CEO of their solar energy provision company, The Cloud Recesses Inc, Lan Wangji. Lan Zhan. He appeared cold, calm and collected every time Wei Ying saw him and spoke to him, a mysterious air about him and his seemingly unbreakable composure. But Wei Ying liked taking things apart. And he took it as a challenge to do the same to the steely-faced man.
Of course, perseveringly, he succeeded. And about a week or two ago, during a charity gala, he managed to finally get under Lan Wangji's skin and even have him drink despite his sworn interdiction to alcohol. Wei Ying was delighted to find out why exactly Lan Zhan didn't drink much, and if he looked hard enough, he could still find the bitemarks Lan Zhan left on him that night even so many days later.
After that, he was sent a contract. A draft contract. To be more specific, a BDSM draft contract.
Wei Ying had been hornily mulling over it since.
Lan Wangji walked into his office at 8 am sharp, his assistant already having printed out the day's scheduled meetings and various objectives to be fulfilled for the short term. Coffee awaited him in its usual spot, the far right corner of his desk, two shots of espresso and precisely half a teaspoon of brown sugar in a reusable white cup.
Top of the page, a private, urgent meeting with -
"Mr. Wei has arrived." Lan Wangji's assistant announced after a brief knock to his office's mahogany door. "Should I send him in?"
"No. Bring him to Meeting Room 3."
"Of course. Should I bring any specific paperwork?"
"No, I will handle it."
"Anything else I could do for you?"
"Yes, clear out the rest of my day. I will be busy."
There was a brief look of disbelief on the woman's face, but she didn't protest further than a sigh. "I will let you know when everything is ready."
Lan Wangji hadn't expected to feel such a rush of arousal the moment he walked into the meeting room. It was a smaller one, fit for, at most, 8-10 people, with a long, glass table in the center, comfortable chairs, a video projector and several cabinets for document storage. Natural light invaded the space through tall, clean windows displaying a beautiful, city landscape, precisely 23 floors up from the ground.
Lan Wangji didn't know why he paid attention to these details - especially considering how much more interesting his guest was. Wei Ying had taken a seat at one end of the table, studying what Lan Wangji could only presume was their prospective contract, sipping from a cup of steaming coffee.
He wore a black suit, very-well tailored to his body, and a red silk shirt underneath, with three buttons undone, revealing slender collarbones and the lines of his neck, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed his coffee. His hair was down, unbound, and Lan Wangji really wanted to mess it up, pull on it and...
Wei Ying cleared his throat, a smirk on his lips as he confidently leaned back in his chair. "You seem distracted, Mr. Lan."
The way Lan Wangji's eyes darkened with desire had Wei Ying cross his legs.
"Have a seat. I hope I didn't show up too early."
Lan Wangji sat at the other end of the table and laid his own draft of the contract down. "I have been looking forward to meeting you again."
Wei Ying smiled, seductive. "I apologize if I made you wait, I had to do..." and he uncrossed his legs, "...research."
Lan Wangji followed the movement keenly, grateful for the transparent table. "Research?"
Wei Ying chuckled, the sound deep and rich. "Yes. You are quite full of surprises, Mr. Lan. I had to thoroughly prepare myself for this meeting."
There was a double entendre there that made Lan Wangji swallow. Hard.
"Well, then." Wei Ying straightened his posture, his sleeves riding up to reveal a shiny watch and it was the glint of it that drew Wangji's attention towards Wei Ying's hands. He was wearing rings - and his fingers looked even more slender and attractive than he remembered and Wangji was already imagining where he'd want them, rings and all. "Shall we begin?"
Lan Wangji flipped the first page of the contract in response.
"I don't have anything to protest against for the first 20 points of the contract." A smile, "We seem to be quite compatible in our... tastes."
Wei Ying was enjoying this way too much. Lan Zhan would have to punish him for it.
"I'm fine with the safe word system, as well, however, there is something I'd like to add."
"Of course."
"We need a signal for when I can't..." and Wei Ying lifted his eyes from the paper, locking his gaze with Lan Zhan's, "...use my mouth. You will gag me at some point, won't you?"
It sounded more like a challenge than anything.
"What did you have in mind?"
"Three taps on whatever part of you I can reach."
"Alright. I will add that to the contract."
Wei Ying flipped another page of the contract and leaned back in his chair, picking up the papers and a pen. "Let's talk hard limits."
"Very well."
"Cross out everything under the impact play section and add it here. No spanking, no paddles or floggers, and definitely no whips."
Lan Wangji could barely conceal his disappointment as he crossed out the section. Wei Ying rose an eyebrow. "Don't look at me like that, I'm not looking to relive my childhood trauma while you fuck me."
Lan Wangji opened his mouth to say something but decided against it. That was something to unpack at a later time, perhaps.
"Also, no knife or blood play for the same reasons, and no filming either. There is no guarantee the wrong thing doesn't end up in the wrong hands."
"I would never-"
"I trust you. But it's technology I don't trust. Everything is hackable, I know from experience."
Yet another interesting thing to look into, Lan Wangji figured. He would have to ask Wei Ying one day what that meant.
Lan Wangji sifted further through the contract, "What's the pain level you're willing to endure? From 1-10?"
"Eight and a half." Wei Ying could only smile at Lan Wangji's surprised expression.
"Precision is my livelihood, Mr. Lan."
Wei Ying put the papers down and decided to shimmy out of his blazer. Lan Wangji couldn't even bother to pretend he wasn't looking.
"To be fair, there's quite a lot of stuff I haven't tried yet in that contract of yours, so I may have to add hard limits in the future."
"I will update the contract accordingly. Anything else?"
Wei Ying rested his chin on his palm, smiling teasingly, "Is drunk sex negotiable? I'd like to do that more often, even if the contract says not to."
"Consent is questionable under the influence."
"I don't think there was anything questionable last time."
Lan Wangji sighed, ran a hand through his hair. "...I will think about it."
"Good boy."
"Wei Ying."
He only laughed. "You're fun to tease."
"The privacy clauses?"
"All good. I'm also fine with the mention of our relationship possibly evolving in the future. I think we'd make quite the pair."
All the teasing was making Lan Wangji's already fragile self control snap. "Will you sign the contract already?"
Wei Ying glided his pen across the paper, leaving his signature with a flourish. "Impatient."
"Excited." Lan Wangji sharply corrected, and Wei Ying could only laugh again the moment the other nearly sprang from his chair to sign as well and pull Wei Ying in a breathtaking kiss.
It was only the need for air that had them break apart, Lan Wangji's mouth descending towards Wei Ying's neck and collarbones.
"Don't you have important things to do today, Mr. Lan?"
"Yes." And he almost ripped Wei Ying's shirt apart, a few buttons flying loose as he ravenously sought more skin. "I'm doing them."
A laugh bubbled into a moan, or two, or a hundred.
If the meeting room was occupied for more than two hours, nobody commented on it. Not even Lan Xichen, who had to hold the monthly board meeting in the ceremony hall, and make a believable excuse as to why his brother wasn't in attendance, though he'd been seen walking into the building. Alas.
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alightinthelantern · 1 year
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Tudor City is an apartment complex located on the southern edge of Turtle Bay, on the East Side of Manhattan in New York City, near Turtle Bay's border with Murray Hill. Designed and developed by the Fred F. French Company, it lies on a low cliff, which is east of Second Avenue between 40th and 43rd Streets and overlooks First Avenue. Construction commenced in 1926, making it the first residential skyscraper complex in the world. Tudor City was one of the first, largest, and most important examples of a planned middle-class residential community in New York City. It is named for its Tudor Revival architecture. The complex is a New York City designated landmark district and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The 13-building complex consists of 11 housing cooperatives, one rental apartment building, and one short-term hotel; these buildings collectively house 5,000 people. Most of Tudor City's buildings are arranged around 41st and 43rd Streets, which slope upward east of Second Avenue; the eastern ends of the two streets are connected by Tudor City Place, which crosses over 42nd Street. Two parks flank 42nd Street, and there was once an 18-hole miniature golf course in the southern park. The buildings generally contain stone, brick, and terracotta facades, as well as ornate Tudor-style details. The Fred F. French Company advertised Tudor City heavily, erecting large signs on the roofs of two buildings on 42nd Street, which could be seen from blocks away.
Before Tudor City was constructed, tenements and slums dominated the area. Following the development of the nearby Grand Central Terminal and office buildings during the early 20th century, Fred F. French began planning a residential enclave in Midtown Manhattan. French announced plans for Tudor City in December 1925, and the first 12 structures were completed in phases between October 1927 and late 1930. The section of 42nd Street through Tudor City was widened in the 1950s with the construction of the nearby United Nations headquarters. The final building in the complex, 2 Tudor City Place, was finished in 1956, and the French Company sold the Hotel Tudor in 1963. Harry Helmsley bought most of the remaining buildings in 1970 and resold them in 1984 to Philip Pilevsky and Francis J. Greenburger, who converted most of these structures to co-op apartments.
The complex contains 12 apartment buildings, named Prospect Tower, Tudor Tower, Windsor Tower, Woodstock Tower, Hatfield House, the Manor, the Hermitage, the Cloister, Essex House, Haddon Hall, and Hardwicke Hall; it also includes a hotel, the Hotel Tudor. Woodstock Tower, in the center of the complex, is the tallest tower of the group, and was originally topped by a flèche, a gothic spire. Tudor City's original shops included three restaurants (providing room service for a fee), grocery, liquor, and drug stores, a barber shop, and beauty parlor. Services included a post office, indoor playground, private nursery, maids, laundry and valet service, private guards, garage, a furniture repair and rug cleaning service, and a radio engineer who would repair and connect aerials. Residents published their own magazine, and there were also organizations such as a camera club. The enclave also contained such amenities as an ice-skating rink and tennis courts, in addition to a library, babysitting service, and bowling alley. Prospect Tower and Tudor Tower both contained two rooftop decks, while the Manor contained another roof deck; there was also a water playground for children.
Due to their distinctive architectural style, Tudor City has been heavily featured in television in film. Appearances include The Godfather Part III, Scarface, Taxi Driver, and Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy.
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hoststarter · 1 year
Discover Hassle-Free Airbnb Property Management with HostStarter in Dallas
Are you a property owner in Dallas looking to capitalize on the booming short-term rental market? Managing an Airbnb property can be a time-consuming endeavor, requiring meticulous attention to detail and constant guest interaction. That's where HostStarter comes in. As a full-service Airbnb property management company, HostStarter offers comprehensive solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of Dallas property owners. Let's explore how HostStarter can help you maximize your rental income while enjoying a hassle-free hosting experience.Professional Property Management:
Managing an Airbnb property involves numerous tasks, from listing optimization and guest communication to handling reservations and ensuring a smooth check-in process. HostStarter's team of experienced professionals takes care of every aspect of property management, allowing you to sit back and relax. They handle the day-to-day operations, including listing creation, pricing optimization, guest screening, and round-the-clock guest support. With HostStarter, you can rest assured that your property is in capable hands.Dynamic Pricing Strategy:
Pricing your Airbnb property correctly is crucial for attracting guests while maximizing your rental income. HostStarter utilizes advanced algorithms and market data analysis to implement a dynamic pricing strategy tailored to Dallas's ever-changing market trends. By continuously monitoring supply and demand, seasonal fluctuations, and local events, they ensure that your property is competitively priced, helping you achieve optimal occupancy rates and revenue.Guest Communication and Support:
Prompt and effective communication with guests is essential for delivering a memorable hosting experience. HostStarter's dedicated team handles all guest inquiries, ensuring timely responses and personalized interactions. From pre-booking inquiries to post-stay reviews, they maintain clear and consistent communication, addressing any concerns or requests promptly. With HostStarter managing guest communication, you can focus on other aspects of your life while maintaining satisfied guests.Streamlined Cleaning and Maintenance:
Maintaining a clean and well-maintained property is vital for positive guest experiences and glowing reviews. HostStarter offers professional cleaning services tailored specifically to Airbnb properties. Their trusted cleaning partners ensure that your property is thoroughly cleaned and prepared for each guest's arrival. In addition, HostStarter coordinates any necessary maintenance and repairs, ensuring that your property remains in excellent condition throughout the year.Marketing and Listing Optimization:
Having a captivating and optimized listing is crucial for standing out in the competitive Dallas market. HostStarter's team of experts utilizes their industry knowledge and expertise to create compelling property listings. They emphasize your property's unique features and attractions, highlighting its value to potential guests. By employing professional photography, engaging descriptions, and strategic keyword placement, HostStarter helps maximize your property's visibility and attract more bookings.
Partnering with HostStarter for your Dallas Airbnb property management needs ensures that you can enjoy the benefits of short-term rentals without the hassle of day-to-day operations. With their professional property management services, dynamic pricing strategies, efficient guest communication, streamlined cleaning and maintenance, and optimized marketing, HostStarter is committed to maximizing your rental income while providing exceptional guest experiences. Discover the peace of mind that comes with full-service Airbnb property management and visit HostStarter's website at www.hoststarter.net to learn more. Take the first step toward a rewarding and stress-free hosting experience with HostStarter today!
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dadsonlaundry · 2 days
Maximize Efficiency and Savings with Commercial Laundry Machine Rental
In today’s fast-paced business environment, maintaining operational efficiency is crucial for success. For businesses in the hospitality, healthcare, and other sectors requiring extensive laundry services, investing in commercial laundry machines can be a significant financial burden.
This is where commercial laundry machine rental comes into play, offering an attractive alternative that combines flexibility, affordability, and efficiency.
Understanding Commercial Laundry Machine Rental
Commercial laundry machine rental allows businesses to lease high-quality washing machines and dryers without the upfront costs associated with purchasing. This model is ideal for establishments that experience fluctuating laundry demands or those that prefer to maintain a flexible financial structure.
By renting, businesses can access the latest technologies, reduce maintenance costs, and ensure their laundry operations run smoothly. If you are looking for a commercial laundry machine rental then you may visit this website https://dadsonlaundry.com/.
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Benefits of Renting Over Buying
Cost-Effectiveness: Purchasing commercial laundry machines involves a substantial initial investment, which can strain budgets, especially for small to mid-sized businesses. Renting eliminates this upfront cost, allowing businesses to allocate their resources more effectively.
Access to Advanced Technology: The laundry industry is constantly evolving, with new machines featuring advanced technologies that improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Rental agreements often allow businesses to upgrade their equipment periodically, ensuring they always have access to the latest innovations without the need for major capital expenditure.
Maintenance and Support: Most rental agreements include maintenance and support services, meaning that if a machine malfunctions, the rental company will handle repairs. This minimizes downtime and ensures that businesses can maintain consistent service levels, which is essential in sectors where laundry turnaround times are critical.
Flexibility: Rental agreements can be tailored to suit specific business needs, whether that means short-term rentals during peak seasons or long-term leases for ongoing operations. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for businesses experiencing seasonal fluctuations in laundry volume.
Scalability: As businesses grow, so do their laundry needs. Commercial laundry machine rental makes it easy to scale operations up or down. Whether you need to add more machines for a busy season or reduce capacity during quieter periods, adjusting your rental agreement is straightforward.
Who Can Benefit from Rental Services?
Various industries can reap the rewards of commercial laundry machine rental. Hotels and resorts often require a reliable laundry service to keep linens and uniforms fresh. Hospitals and nursing homes need to manage large volumes of laundry while adhering to strict hygiene standards. Additionally, gyms and fitness centers also benefit from renting machines to maintain clean towels and workout gear for their members. You can browse this website if you are looking for a commercial laundry machine rental.
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Choosing the Right Rental Provider
Selecting the right rental provider is essential for maximizing the benefits of commercial laundry machine rental. Look for companies with a strong reputation, excellent customer service, and a wide range of equipment options. It’s also crucial to understand the terms of the rental agreement, including maintenance support, upgrade options, and any hidden fees.
In conclusion, commercial laundry machine rental offers a practical solution for businesses looking to streamline their operations while managing costs effectively. By opting for rental services, companies can enhance efficiency, reduce maintenance worries, and adapt quickly to changing needs—all vital components for thriving in a competitive landscape.
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vivekbsworld · 3 days
Car Hire in Calicut: A Complete Guide
Calicut (also known as Kozhikode), located along the Malabar Coast of Kerala, is a vibrant city full of culture, history, and natural beauty. Whether you’re visiting for business or leisure, hiring a car in Calicut can make your travel experience smooth and convenient. This guide covers everything you need to know about car hire Calicut, from the best services to tips for a hassle-free experience.
Why Hire a Car in Calicut?
While Calicut offers local transportation options like buses, autorickshaws, and taxis, renting a car provides unparalleled flexibility. Whether you’re visiting nearby attractions like Kappad Beach, the Beypore Shipyard, or heading to the serene hills of Wayanad, having your own vehicle ensures that you can explore the region on your own schedule.
Types of Cars Available for Hire in Calicut
Depending on your travel plans, Calicut offers various car options to suit different needs:
Compact Cars: Ideal for short city trips and budget-conscious travelers.
Examples: Maruti Swift, Hyundai i10.
Sedans: More comfortable for long drives and slightly larger groups.
Examples: Honda City, Toyota Etios.
SUVs: Perfect for family trips or if you’re heading to hilly areas like Wayanad.
Examples: Toyota Innova, Hyundai Creta.
Luxury Cars: For travelers looking for comfort and style, premium cars are also available.
Examples: Mercedes-Benz, BMW.
Self-Drive vs. Chauffeur-Driven: Depending on your comfort level, you can opt for self-drive vehicles or hire a chauffeur-driven car if you prefer relaxing while someone else handles the roads.
Popular Car Hire Services in Calicut
Here are some popular car rental options available in Calicut:
1. Zoomcar
Type: Self-drive
Fleet: Offers a wide range of vehicles from compact hatchbacks to SUVs.
Features: Hourly, daily, and weekly rentals, app-based booking, and door-step delivery.
Price Range: Starting from ₹1,200/day for hatchbacks.
2. Myles
Type: Self-drive
Fleet: Offers compact cars, sedans, and SUVs.
Features: Easy online booking, flexible rental periods, and well-maintained cars.
Price Range: ₹1,500–₹6,000/day, depending on the car type.
3. Savaari
Type: Chauffeur-driven
Fleet: Wide variety of cars from economy to luxury models.
Features: Inter-city and intra-city rentals, professional chauffeurs, and clean cars.
Price Range: ₹2,000–₹5,000/day for sedans or SUVs.
4. Local Car Rental Agencies
Many local agencies in Calicut offer competitive rates for car rentals, with both self-drive and chauffeur-driven options. They often provide more flexibility in terms of negotiation and may include packages for long-term rentals.
How to Rent a Car in Calicut
Documentation Required:
A valid driving license (for self-drive rentals).
Government ID proof (such as Aadhaar, Passport, or Voter ID).
For foreign tourists, an International Driving Permit (IDP) may be required.
Booking Process:
Online: Platforms like Zoomcar, Myles, and Savaari allow easy online booking through their apps or websites.
Walk-In: You can visit local agencies in person and negotiate terms.
Phone Booking: Most rental companies offer phone reservations, where you can confirm availability, pricing, and vehicle type.
Pricing and Inclusions:
The rental price depends on the type of car, duration, and any additional features (like GPS, child seats, etc.).
Look out for extra charges like fuel policy (some rentals require you to refuel before return), security deposit, and mileage limits.
Tips for Car Hire in Calicut
Plan Ahead: If you’re visiting during peak tourist seasons (October to March), it’s advisable to book your car in advance.
Inspect the Car: Before driving off, thoroughly inspect the car for any damage or issues. Take photos if necessary and inform the rental company to avoid disputes later.
Understand the Fuel Policy: Clarify whether the car comes with a full tank and needs to be refueled before return.
Know the Traffic Rules: Be mindful of Kerala’s road traffic rules. While Calicut’s roads are generally well-maintained, traffic can be heavy during peak hours.
Navigation: It’s recommended to use GPS or offline maps, as certain areas may have weak mobile networks.
Must-Visit Places in and Around Calicut by Car
Once you’ve rented your car, here are some great places to explore:
Kappad Beach: Located 16 km from the city, this historic beach is where Vasco da Gama first landed in India in 1498.
Beypore: Just 10 km from Calicut, it’s famous for its shipbuilding industry and scenic coastal views.
Thusharagiri Waterfalls: A perfect getaway for nature lovers, this stunning waterfall is about 50 km from the city.
Wayanad: If you’re up for a longer drive (around 85 km), Wayanad offers breathtaking views of tea plantations, waterfalls, and wildlife sanctuaries.
Hiring a car in Calicut is a great way to enjoy the city’s rich culture and natural beauty, while also allowing you the freedom to explore surrounding areas. Whether you’re opting for a self-drive car for adventure or a chauffeur-driven vehicle for relaxation, there are plenty of options available to suit your needs.
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“Your Guide to Renting Event-Friendly Portable Bathrooms”
When hosting an event, whether it's a wedding, festival, or construction site gathering, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is restroom facilities. No one wants to deal with long lines or unsightly portable toilets that ruin the overall experience. Thankfully, there’s a solution: event-friendly portable bathrooms! This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about renting portable toilets for your upcoming event. From understanding portable toilet rental options to managing costs and ensuring cleanliness, we’ve got you covered.
Understanding Your Needs: Why Rent Portable Bathrooms? The Importance of Clean Restroom Facilities
When planning an event, guests' comfort is paramount. Nobody enjoys attending an event where inadequate restroom facilities Construction dumpster rental New Hampshire are available. Clean and accessible restrooms not only enhance guest satisfaction but also reflect the host's commitment to providing a quality experience.
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Different Types of Events Requiring Portable Bathrooms Weddings: A romantic setting deserves elegant facilities. Festivals: Thousands of attendees require numerous accessible units. Construction Sites: Workers need convenient access throughout the day. Parties: Family gatherings or birthdays can benefit from extra facilities. Benefits of Renting Portable Toilets Convenience: Easy access for guests without long walks. Variety: Different styles cater to different events—luxury options for upscale gatherings and standard options for more casual affairs. Cost-effective: Renting can be cheaper than building permanent restrooms. Your Guide to Renting Event-Friendly Portable Bathrooms Portable Toilet Rental Options Available Standard vs. Luxury Porta Potty Rental
While standard porta potties are functional and budget-friendly, luxury options offer additional features like flushing toilets, sinks, and climate control—ideal for upscale events such as weddings.
Affordable Porta Potty Rental Solutions
Many companies cater to various budgets. Researching multiple providers can help you find the best deal without compromising quality.
Temporary Toilet Rental for Short-term Events
If your event is brief (like a one-day festival), temporary rentals provide just what you need without any long-term commitment.
How to Choose the Right Porta Potty Rental Services? Factors to Consider When Selecting a Service Provider Reputation: Look at customer reviews and testimonials. Variety of Options: Ensure they offer different types suited for your needs. Cleanliness Standards: Ask about their cleaning procedures between rentals. Porta Potty Delivery and Pickup Services
A reliable rental company will provide timely delivery and pickup services—ensuring that your restroom facilities are set up before guests arrive and removed promptly af
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springkleaning · 2 months
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Affordable Residential Cleaners in Phoenix | Spring Kleaning
Are you looking for top-tier residential cleaners in Phoenix to spruce up your home this spring? Look no further than Spring Kleaning! Our expert team is committed to delivering exceptional cleaning services tailored to your needs. Say goodbye to dust, dirt, and grime, and hello to a fresh, spotless home with Spring Kleaning.
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wanderlustrentals · 9 days
How to Prepare Your Rental for a Last-Minute Guest Last-minute bookings are great for maximizing occupancy, but they can be stressful for hosts if the property isn’t ready. A reliable cleaning service can ensure that your property is always prepared for a quick turnaround. At Wanderlust Rentals, we offer flexible scheduling to meet the demands of short-term rentals, even for last-minute stays. 🔗 Find out more
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bespokestay · 4 days
Understanding the Complexity of Airbnb Management
Running an Airbnb property involves much more than just setting a nightly rate and responding to booking inquiries. It’s a multi-faceted process that includes optimizing pricing, ensuring guest satisfaction, handling maintenance, and staying compliant with local regulations. For property owners who have other responsibilities or prefer not to deal with these details, managing an Airbnb can quickly become overwhelming.
The Benefits of Professional Management
Professional Airbnb management services are designed to tackle these challenges and make running a short-term rental as smooth as possible. Here’s how they help:
Pricing Optimization: One of the most critical aspects of managing an Airbnb is setting the right price. Professional managers use advanced data analytics to determine the optimal price for your property based on factors such as market trends, seasonality, and local demand. This data-driven approach helps maximize your rental income and ensure you get the best possible return on your investment.
Guest Communication and Support: Excellent guest service is key to positive reviews and repeat bookings. Professional managers handle all aspects of guest communication, from initial inquiries to providing detailed check-in and check-out instructions. They are available around the clock to address any issues or questions guests might have, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.
Property Maintenance: Keeping your property in top condition is essential for attracting and retaining guests. Professional management services coordinate regular cleaning and maintenance, and they address any repair needs promptly. They work with a network of trusted cleaners and maintenance professionals to ensure your property remains in excellent shape, reducing the risk of guest complaints and negative reviews.
Marketing and Branding: Effective marketing can make a huge difference in how quickly your property gets booked. Professional managers create eye-catching listings with high-quality photos and compelling descriptions. They also manage your online presence, handle guest reviews, and implement marketing strategies to increase your property’s visibility and appeal.
Compliance Management: Local regulations for short-term rentals can be complex and vary greatly by location. Professional managers stay up-to-date with these regulations and ensure your property complies with all relevant laws and ordinances. This helps you avoid legal issues and fines, providing peace of mind that your property is operating within the law.
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Choosing the Right Management Company
Selecting the right Airbnb management company is crucial for your rental’s success. Here are some factors to consider:
Experience: Look for a company with a proven track record in managing Airbnb properties. Experienced managers will have a deep understanding of what works and what doesn’t, which can greatly benefit your property.
Services Offered: Ensure the company provides a comprehensive range of services that meet your needs. From pricing and guest support to property maintenance and marketing, the right management company should offer everything necessary to manage your property effectively.
Communication: Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. Choose a company that is responsive and transparent and keeps you informed about your property’s performance and any issues that arise.
Technology: A good management company uses modern technology to streamline operations. This includes booking systems, property management tools, and data analytics to help optimize your rental’s performance.
In the competitive world of Airbnb, having professional management is no longer just an option but a necessity. By entrusting your property to a reputable company like Bespoke Stay, you can enjoy the rewards of a well-managed rental without the hassle. Let the experts handle the complexities of Airbnb management while you focus on what matters most to you.
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wilkuma · 5 days
Choosing the Right Vacation Rental Property Management Company in Massachusetts
In the vibrant landscape of Massachusetts tourism, vacation rentals have become a popular choice for travelers seeking unique and comfortable accommodations. However, managing a vacation rental can be challenging, which is why many property owners turn to a vacation rental property management company Massachusetts. These specialized firms provide essential services that streamline operations and enhance guest experiences, making them invaluable for property owners.
One of the main advantages of working withshort term rental management companies in Massachusetts is their expertise in marketing and guest relations. These companies understand the nuances of the local market and leverage multiple online platforms, such as Airbnb and Vrbo, to maximize visibility and bookings. They employ strategic pricing techniques to ensure that properties are competitively priced while still yielding high returns. This marketing acumen is critical in attracting a steady flow of guests throughout the year.
Furthermore, avacation rental property management company in Massachusetts handles all aspects of guest communication. From responding to inquiries promptly to managing reservations, these companies ensure that guests receive excellent service from the moment they express interest in booking. A positive guest experience often translates to favorable reviews, which are crucial for building a property’s reputation and driving future bookings.
Cleaning and maintenance are also paramount in the world of vacation rentals. Short term rental management companies Massachusetts coordinate thorough cleaning services between guest stays, ensuring that properties are spotless and welcoming. Regular maintenance checks are part of their service offerings, helping to identify and resolve any potential issues before they affect the guest experience. This proactive approach not only maintains the property’s value but also enhances guest satisfaction.
In addition to operational management, these companies assist property owners in navigating local regulations governing short-term rentals. Massachusetts has specific laws that vary by municipality, and compliance can be daunting for individual owners. A knowledgeable management company can help ensure that properties meet all legal requirements, protecting owners from fines and enhancing the credibility of their rentals.
In conclusion, choosing avacation rental property management company in Massachusetts or a short term rental management company in Massachusetts can significantly improve the success of vacation rental investments. With their expertise in marketing, guest relations, cleaning, and compliance, these companies provide a comprehensive solution for property owners. By partnering with a professional management team, owners can enjoy the benefits of their investment without the complexities of day-to-day operations, allowing them to focus on what matters most—providing a memorable experience for their guests.
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The Benefits of Floor Scrubber Rental vs. Floor Scrubber for Sale
Maintaining clean floors in commercial and industrial settings is crucial for hygiene, safety, and overall aesthetics. One of the most effective tools for this task is a floor scrubber. Whether you’re considering a floor scrubber rental or looking to purchase one outright, understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each option can help you make an informed decision.
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Advantages of Floor Scrubber Rental
Cost-Effective Solution Renting a floor scrubber can be significantly more affordable than purchasing one, especially for short-term projects. Businesses that need a scrubber for a specific event or seasonal cleaning can save money by opting for a rental.
Access to the Latest Technology Floor scrubber rental services often provide access to the latest models equipped with advanced features. This allows businesses to utilize state-of-the-art equipment without the long-term commitment of buying.
No Maintenance Hassles When you rent a floor scrubber, maintenance and repairs are typically the responsibility of the rental company. This can alleviate the burden on your staff and ensure that you always have a functioning machine.
Flexibility Renting allows you to choose the specific type of scrubber that suits your needs for any given job. Whether you require a compact model for tight spaces or a larger unit for expansive areas, rentals offer the flexibility to meet varied cleaning requirements.
The Case for Buying a Floor Scrubber for Sale
Long-Term Investment For businesses that require regular floor cleaning, purchasing a floor scrubber can be a wise long-term investment. Owning the equipment can reduce costs over time compared to frequent rentals.
Consistent Availability Having a floor scrubber on hand ensures that you can clean whenever necessary. You won’t need to schedule rentals or worry about availability during peak cleaning seasons.
Customization and Familiarity Owning a floor scrubber allows you to customize it according to your specific needs. Over time, your staff can become familiar with the equipment, leading to more efficient cleaning processes.
Potential for Resale If your needs change, a purchased floor scrubber can often be resold, recouping some of your initial investment. This can be an advantage compared to renting, where you have no asset to sell.
Choosing the Right Option for Your Business
Ultimately, the decision between floor scrubber rental and purchasing a floor scrubber for sale depends on your business’s unique circumstances. Consider factors such as the frequency of use, budget, and maintenance capabilities. For businesses that clean floors regularly, investing in a scrubber may be worthwhile. However, for those with sporadic cleaning needs, rentals can provide the flexibility and cost savings required.
Whether you opt for a floor scrubber rental or choose to buy a floor scrubber for sale, both options have their own set of advantages. Evaluate your cleaning needs carefully to make the best choice for your business. For more information on floor scrubbers and rental options, visit wisconsinscrubandsweep.com.
For further info, visit our site.
Commercial rental Scrubbing Machine
Commercial Floor Scrubber For Rent
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