cinkimberly-archive · 7 years
⚘⚘ send this to ten bloggers you think are amazing. spread the love. ( ノ ꒪▿꒪)ノ*
     this made my whole ass day thank u bby !! right back at u !!
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hendrixwrites · 7 years
“i wasn’t flirting, i was being friendly.”
“You were being a little too friendly. You gave her the wrong impression. Maybe you weren’t flirting with her but she was definitely flirting with you.” Cora crossed her arms stubbornly, her eyes throwing daggers at the waitress that practically threw herself at River. “I mean, keep it in your pants, honestly..” 
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stwrryniight-a · 7 years
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2017 certamente fora para mim um ano de diversas descobertas, entre elas o paraíso que é a tag 1x1 e rp br, que como todos os mais belos lugares do mundo possui seus desastres naturais, permanecendo belos após um caos temporário. Pude desfrutar do prazer que muitas pessoas já obtiveram: a felicidade de conhecer pessoas incríveis, obrigada a todas que fizeram parte de meu ano, trazendo um pouco mais de alegria a ele, queria agradecer a cada uma dessas pessoas individualmente, mas, seriam muitas!
Em especial, gostaria de agradecer a @berensaats​ & @voguerps​, minhas primeiras partners, ambas possuem um cantinho reservado no meu coração, obrigada por me receberem tão bem na tag, sou muito grata a vocês por tudo.
À vocês @luvlore​, @amaterasuu​ & @stcrbabe​, que me amodeiam, gostaria de dedicar essa pequena parte exclusivamente, saibam que sua amizade foi algo essencial para meu amo, obrigada por compartilharem os meus melhores e piores momentos, estarem comigo durante toda a caminhada fora definitivamente de suma importância, desejo a maior felicidade do mundo à vocês, e que venham muitos e muitos anos a mais.
all my perfect partners: @ladymcdnight, @fcrnweh, @zinones, @corajcnes, @targaryenplots, @lullyandher1x1, @asgardisdead, @ipariswrites, @nahshedidnot, @devourcss, @darlingwritess​, @strakia1x1​, @anchorsplots​, @yas-suo​, @trustmethisonce​ & @threstiny​.
mutuals that would like to know better in 2018: @tyrionslannister, @apollofrps, @undesirablenumberone, @rvmeestrijd, @dirtyhvbits, @moonyplots, @favalien, @dreamerpixie, @kazzwrites, @stylesplots, @pixierexie, @nineslegacy, @shookmyshadows, @rose1x1, @suokplots, @jojorphs, @pennyplots, @sabshutup, @capituwrites, @irisplots, @stevieharringtcn, @lolatxlks, @deancru, &  @irainbowhood.
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freesiateas · 7 years
( ✉ → sms ) even when i’m durnk ic ant sotp thinking about oyu / adex
[addie →] even when i’m durnk ic ant sotp thinking about oyu
[alex →] addie… you can’t
[alex →] i’m with someone else. you know i’m with someone else. 
[alex →]  i want to be friends but you make this so hard
[alex →] do you need someone to pick you up? i’ll be there in five
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saltslug · 7 years
Milo cass
Who’s more likely to find who wearing their clothes?: i feel like they trade a lotWho enunciates hand holding?: MILO, HE JUST WANTS TO FEEL CLOSEWho likes having their hair washed by who?: milo likes washing cass’ hairWho likes to slow dance?:milo it makes him feel closeMuse that’s more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap?: cass Muse that does all the cuddling in a blanket fort?: miloWho hogs most of the covers at night?: neitherMuse who nuzzles the others shoulder to get them to give them a head rub?: cassHow do they share a desert? Two forks or one?: two forks and a lot of laughsWho gets jealous more easily?: neitherWho gets angered more easily? cass??How do they go to sleep at night?: they spoon most of the time and alternate who’s big spoon for whoever is feeling most depressed Who gets the most shoulder rubs?: they get an equal ammountWhat are there arguments/fights like? How often do they fight?: they bicker, but not a lot its rlly not that deepWho is more likely to throw things in fights?: neither, i think sadness is their primary emotionHow do they make it up to each other/apologize after an argument? right after it happens both come back with a big ol sorryDo they have nicknames for each other?: he will call her by her full name sometimes when he is calling her beautiful cuz he thinks the name is just as beautiful as herCaring for each other while ill, how does the other muse go about it?: lots of cuddling and soupWho’s more likely to be patching the others wound?: idk?????Muse that says ‘I told you so’, after they come home from the beach and other muse is burnt to a crisp while whining how bad it hurts for not listening and putting on sunblock after the other muse repeatedly told them they’d get burnt?: i mean milo hates the beach sooooo likeYour otp has a newborn baby, who gets up in the middle of the night when he/she cries?: i dont think they gonna have kidsYour muse’s of the otp reaction to finding the others crying about something? And how do they make them feel better?: he prolly cries too but holds her hand and kisses it and just tells her everything will be okay and he holdWhat would they be like as parents?: never gonna happenWhat would they have been like as childhood sweethearts? tbh just as depressedWho enunciates taking a bath together?: cass, i mean she is ronnie’s sisterWho likes who playing with their hair?: cass plays with milo’s hair its so funThe place they mostly likely accidentally fall asleep together?: milo’s house on the couch
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musepirations · 7 years
⚘⚘ send this to ten bloggers you think are amazing. spread the love. ( ノ ꒪▿꒪)ノ*
❞ HI DARLING !! Awwww this is too sweet, thank you so, so much !! You’re amazing !! Xoxo
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hendrixwrites · 7 years
here u go!!
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hendrixwrites · 7 years
“i need time to think about us.”
“Yeah, of course. I completely get that.” She pressed her lips together to a smile, nodding. It was a lot to spring on him at once. And she could’ve phrased it better, she knew that too. They had been friends for years and he was going on tour with his band tomorrow. Timing wasn’t great. Cora had been trying to tell him, confess her feelings if you will, for weeks now but she’d always chickened out for one or the other reason. He was leaving tomorrow and she knew that if she didn’t risk it and tell him about her feelings for him, she never would. He had to know, she couldn’t keep it in any longer. “Take all the time you need.” 
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