#otp: cora x river
hendrixwrites · 7 years
“i wasn’t flirting, i was being friendly.”
“You were being a little too friendly. You gave her the wrong impression. Maybe you weren’t flirting with her but she was definitely flirting with you.” Cora crossed her arms stubbornly, her eyes throwing daggers at the waitress that practically threw herself at River. “I mean, keep it in your pants, honestly..” 
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hendrixwrites · 7 years
“i need time to think about us.”
“Yeah, of course. I completely get that.” She pressed her lips together to a smile, nodding. It was a lot to spring on him at once. And she could’ve phrased it better, she knew that too. They had been friends for years and he was going on tour with his band tomorrow. Timing wasn’t great. Cora had been trying to tell him, confess her feelings if you will, for weeks now but she’d always chickened out for one or the other reason. He was leaving tomorrow and she knew that if she didn’t risk it and tell him about her feelings for him, she never would. He had to know, she couldn’t keep it in any longer. “Take all the time you need.” 
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