#shojo oneshot
mangachi · 2 months
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kuuyandere · 9 months
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pwacifistxo · 6 months
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“After the rain” ✮ — Teru minamoto → toliet bound hanako-kun. f!reader
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༘⋆ it’s pouring outside, maybe you should go for a walk .ᐟ
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⋆ He’s so addicted to the way you touch him. He’ll never let you go (teruuu omgomg)
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Grey clouds, slippery pavements and endless rain…
— The classroom was empty, it was dead silent in Kamone high. Oh right, it was evening by now and you were still here alone. Sighing heavily you lifted your head from the desk your hair ruffled and messy.
Your e/c eyes flickered towards the window beside you, the faint sound of raindrops hitting the empty pavements and grey clouds drifting slowly over the skies making a gloomy atmosphere. “It’s still raining..” you muttered to yourself your words trailing of.
Before you knew it, the sudden urge to leave overwhelmed you and you grabbed your things and rushed out of the classroom your footsteps echoing as you ran through the lone hallways your hair flowing gracefully behind you, keep running is what you thought to yourself.
Run until you can’t feel your legs anymore, run until you were gasping for breath. Run until you practically couldn’t anymore. So that’s what you did, until you made it to the back door that read ‘emergency exit’ and opened it stepping out to the outside world.
You take a deep breath in… and a deep breath out. Inhaling the fresh, earthy scent of the rain. You loved rain, it was so peaceful in many ways. Matter of a fact you somehow always found yourself waking up alone in a classroom whenever it did rain then you’d feel an odd sense of comfort for a short moment and then that familiar eerie feeling that something is going to get you if you stay longer than needed. So you run, all the time.
You looked around, making sense of your surroundings as you took small steps almost cautiously. Surprisingly, the world seemed to be abandoned except a few random people walking by every now and then.
All the school kids went home long ago. You should be home by now, your parents would get worried. Right? Maybe.
The cool feeling of droplets sliding down your soft skin made you relax and your shoulders drop. You took a left around a corner and began walking, you were walking just to walk not to go home.
It didn’t feel right to go home right now. Not when the rain is still going. Yes, you would wait until after the rain. Then you would go back.
The rain is coming down hard, so hard it kind of hurt a little so you walked faster until you were speed walking trying to get to somewhere.
You can see the water pooling on the ground, reflecting the streetlights in a shimmering distorted way. Your shoes splashed in the clear puddles.
It’s difficult to see and you have to squint to make out the shapes of the buildings around you. The world seemed transformed by the rain everything softened and blurred around the edges, it clung to the leaves like tiny jewels, a soft tapping that seemed to soothe your soul.
Bump .ᐟ
Shit— you didn’t notice the person in front of you. Your vision was hazy as you tripped on the ground feeling your uniform get soaked from the puddle of water. This was so embarrassing.
Warm arms wrapped under your arms lifting you up to stand on your feet your head turning up to meet their gaze, eyes widening at the sight. He wore his usual black zip up jacket and the distinctive red and yellow bracelet curled around his right wrist. His hair was drenched and clinging on his skin. His exorcist tool in a sheath hanging from his belt.
‪‪ .𖥔 ݁ ˖
‪‪ .𖥔 ݁ ˖
‪‪ .𖥔 ݁ ˖
Your eyes instinctively shut as you felt a split pain on your head. The person had flicked you, your hand reached up rubbing your forehead as you instantly recognised them and a slight pout formed on your supple lips.
“what did i tell you about oversleeping at school, love?” The figure said looking down at you with a slight frown painted on his pretty features. His pale hands reaching up to gently brush the strands of your hair out of your face and fix your uniform for you, buttoning up your ruffled shirt that was slightly wet.
“no oversleeping at school..” I mumbled stubbornly averting his gaze. For some reason it always felt wrong whenever you didn’t listen to him, you hated when you couldn’t make him proud.
“and?” He said impatiently raising an eyebrow as his hand continued stroking your hair.
“c’mon pretty don’t waste my time.” He cut you off the same frown still on his face as his eyes followed your every movement.
“to call.” You said simply your gaze drifting over to the floor now as you gently kicked your feet on the pavement to distract yourself from his intense attention on you.
“To call?—“ He repeated again knowing there were more words missing from your sentence.
“—to call when I’m having trouble sleeping.” You finally finished your sentence speaking a bit faster like you wanted this to be over with. But you spoke again. “I should’ve listened— I—“ He didn’t interrupt you when you spoke now, knowing that you were trying to spill your feelings at the moment.
“‘m sorry teru..” Your voiced cracked slightly, your eyes trailing back to meet his. He noticed your pupils growing dull hinting that you didn’t feel good lately. As you began muttering random things trying to make up for breaking his promise—
“—Shh, shh.” Teru hushed you placing a finger on your lips that slowly trailed down and fiddled with your lower lip.
You instantly stayed silent when he shushed you not saying a word like he told you. You noticed his lips curling up into a warm smile.
“mm, your so beautiful, even like this.” His blue eyes trailed over your face noticing the slight bags under your eyes and the messy state you were in.
His arms snaked around your waist pulling you closer as he hugged you engulfing you in his warm body. His hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. “Don’t say anything if you don’t want to.”
Just by his touch you instantly latched onto him your hands wrapping around him and your face buried in his shoulder.
Teru leaned down pressing his plush lips on your neck for a long while before pulling back and pecking your skin a few times. “stay over..” He whispered his breath tickling your neck. “sleep at my house tonight, it’s Friday..”
“Alright...” You replied but you felt safe again for the first time in a while holding him tighter as he squeezed you a little staying in this position for a long moment. He slowly rocked you side to side.
Afterwards, he pulled back and held your hand in his. Slowly, you turned your head looking around and realising the rain had stopped.
You hadn’t noticed the entire time. Since you were so lost in your conversation with your boyfriend, Teru. But it didn’t matter anymore, at least you got to stay out until after the rain. — ❤︎₊ ⊹
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꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ — ˗ˋˏ He walked you back to his house, telling you about his day as he swung your hands back and forth. ˎˊ˗
༘⋆ Thank you for reading, since tumblr deleted my sanzu fic that I spent 3 hours on I decided to write a new shorter one <3 (give me my fic back.)
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(my babies awhhh :D)
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kursed-arcana · 9 months
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
what if i wrote angst with no happiness?
what then :)
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mylovelychibi · 1 year
March Release #5
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Hi fellow readers! Today will be our 5th release for this month and we hope you guys enjoy reading the release 🎉 🎉 Visit the link on the bio to read the latest release of the group ❤
Also, if you appreciate reading the releases, Consider making a donation to our group to help cover our monthly costs for maintaining our website and purchasing raws. To donate, kindly visit our websites http://www.chibimanga.info/ or http://www.cmreader.info/ and click the “DONATE” button. Any amount you could Donate, would be really appreciated ❤ ❤ ----------------------------------------- Support our group thru Ko-fi ❤ https://ko-fi.com/chibimanga
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ayamethemangarabbit · 6 months
I made a written version of my manga🌸⛸️
Hope y’all like it!😊
Go for it, Minami-chan!
I’ve always loved skating.
The rink air felt cold against my face, blowing my worries away. When I skate, I can finally be myself. No one’s watching me, and when they do, it’s not me they’re watching, it’s my skating.
I smiled, entering a spin - until I was jolted out of my thoughts by a sudden mouthful of hair.
“Ack!” I recoiled. I stopped and tied my strawberry blonde hair into a ponytail. My aunt says the colour reminds her of hakuto mochi. My aunt hates hakuto mochi.
Hearing some noise, I looked out the window. I saw a group of other kids outside, all of them talking and laughing, sharing snacks and hot cocoa. To me it looked perfect, like something I could never have. I’ve always dreamed of friends, but I don’t think I’ll ever have any. Afterall, you can’t make friends if you never talk.
The next day was a disaster from the moment I woke up.
I blinked awake, and sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.My alarm clock blinked urgently at me.
Oh no. I can’t be that late already.
I half ran, half stumbled down the hall, and practically fell down the stairs. Grabbing my shoes and a piece of toast I sprinted out the door and off to school. I wasn’t technically late, in fact I was probably on time, but that was the problem. I always like to arrive at school half an hour early because by the time school starts, there’s always a large crowd of students milling about in the corridor. I could bump into someone! Trip! Make a fool out of myself! Or I'd have to talk to people which almost never goes well.
Oh God.
A wall of other kids blocked the entrance to the building. They were all talking, laughing or yelling at each other. Hopefully I could just squeeze my way through without being noticed. Suddenly, just as my confidence rose, the ground slipped beneath my shoes and I crashed into the crowd of students. School supplies flew out of my bag, littering the ground around me with notebooks, and pencils - and the toast I was eating flew out of my mouth.
No, no, no, NO!
People stared and pointed. I could feel judgment radiating from their eyes, as if the walls of people were closing in on me. I felt nauseous. My face burned and my ears rang. Everything moved in slow motion, each second felt like a hundred. I knew most people were probably just looking at me, but it felt like they were stabbing my soul with invisible spears.
“Hey,” a voice came from behind me, “you okay?”
A familiar looking girl stood behind me. She had short brown hair, a red scarf, and surprisingly, didn’t feel hostile or stabby at all.
She stooped down and started to help collect my stuff.
“You really don’t have to do that!” I whispered.
“Yeah, Kyouka, you really don't,” said another girl standing behind her. “The rest of us are heading to class, you’ll be really late if you stay here,” she sniffed.
“Oh you guys go ahead, I can catch up!”
Kyouka’s friends shrugged, each of them giving me a disdainful look. As if I was a dead rat lying at their feet.
“I’m sorry, you don’t have to stay, you should go catch up with them. I think there’s still some time left!” I said.
“It’s really not a big deal!” she smiled. “I think I’ve seen you before. You’re Minako Kaname, right?”
“Um-I-I’m so sorry- it’s Minami,” I stammered, desperately trying not to sound rude.
“Why are you apologizing? I’m the one who got your name wrong. Sorry about that, by the way.” She laughed a little, but it didn’t seem like she was laughing at me.
“I’m Kyouka Takahashi. It’s nice to meet you!” she beamed, putting out her hand.
“I’m Minami Kaname,” I said, shaking her hand rather awkwardly.
“I know!” laughed Kyouka.
I hastily added, “But you don’t have to remember it! No! People have called me Mimi, Madoka, Minori, honestly Minako isn’t even that bad! It’s pretty close to the original actually and if it’s easier to remember, then that’s FINE! I really don’t want to be a bother. I am so, SO sorry!”
“Oh my gosh you’re not a bother! I offered to help you, also are you sure you’re okay?”
That startled me. Most people don’t really want to know how I’m doing, so they never ask. But did Kyouka really want to know or was she just being polite?
“Um, I-” The bell rang, saving me from having to answer. Putting the last slip of paper into my backpack, I stood up.
“Thank you so much for helping me! Have a good day! Bye!” I sprinted across the cobblestones toward the stout brick building.
“See you around, Kaname-chan!” Kyouka called after me before turning around and walking off.
I thought about Kyouka later that day. Most people aren’t like her. They would usually laugh and walk away, but she stayed to help.
I hope it wasn’t too much trouble to help me. Afterall, she was late for class because of me.
But she seemed really kind. It didn’t feel like she was laughing at me. Maybe I could talk to her again. Maybe then I could finally have a friend. Maybe-
“Kaname!” her teacher called.
Shoot! I wasn’t paying attention.
“Um, thirty-six?” I answered.
“This is English class.”
I saw Kyouka in the hall the next morning.
Should I say something?
Then I saw her friends. They were all chatting together and having fun.
She looks busy, so I probably shouldn't disturb her.
This continued for several days. I would arrive at school, spot Kyouka, get too scared to talk to her, and walk away.
It had already been a week, but I just couldn’t find a good time or place to talk to her. Her friends were always around her. I wasn’t really scared of Kyouka, but her friends? They terrified me.
Maybe I’m just not cut out for friends.
I had to focus on my skating a bit more anyway, especially since I had a competition that Saturday. If only I was as confident at making friends as I was on the ice.
Suddenly I got an idea.
If the way I could best express myself was through skating, then that’s exactly what I would do.
The next day, I arrived at school with a box of Pocky and a pack of post-it notes in my bag. Just as class was about to finish, I took out the post-its and wrote an invitation to my competition to Kyouka. At the end of the day, I slipped the note and the box of Pocky sticks into Kyouka’s cubby on the way to school. Even if she didn’t come to my competition, she would at least enjoy the treats.
The day of the competition I was terrified. Not of skating - never of skating. I was terrified about whether or not Kyouka had shown up, what she thought of the note, the possibility that instead of becoming friends with Kyouka, I had just pushed her away.
“Minami Kaname.” a voice came over the loudspeakers.
Okay, I can do this!
I stepped onto the ice. The familiar cold air of the rink and the swooshing sound of my skate blades immediately calmed my nerves.
My solo was going well, I hadn’t missed any of the jumps and didn’t fumble on any of the spins like I’d been afraid of. But when entering my spiral sequence, I was a bit uneasy. The momentum I’d gathered too much, I couldn’t slow down in time for the turn! I swerved away from the wall just as I was about to crash.
That probably lost me most of my points.
Nearing the end of my solo, I skated to the center of the rink, looked up at the audience and swooped into a bow. I’d managed to carve the words “want to be friends?” into the ice during my performance.
Crap! I messed up on the r!
Kyouka hopefully wouldn’t read that as “want to be fiends?”.
I looked back up at the audience, hoping to see Kyouka’s face in the crowd. But she wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
I hope I didn’t scare her away… she probably thinks I’m really weird now. Ugh, why did I have to do that! It was a stupid idea anyway.
Leaving the arena I felt defeated, hollow. My plan, which I really believed in, had failed. Either Kyouka never showed up, or she was so weirded out by me that she ran away.
“Hey!” came a familiar voice. “Where are you going?”
I turned around and was shocked to see Kyouka standing behind me.
“Takahashi!” I exclaimed in surprise. “I thought you left.”
“I wanted to meet you outside the rink but you weren’t there, also, call me Kyouka! I want to be friends with you!”
I was stunned.
“W-what?” I stuttered. “You do?”
“Yeah,” Kyouka said, “I wanted to talk to you before, but just could never find a good time or place. You seemed really quiet, so I didn’t want to freak you out or scare you away. I guess that seems a little silly now that I say it out loud”
She chuckled a little.
“That’s what I was worried about!” I exclaimed and we both burst out laughing at ourselves.
“Wanna hang out at the park tomorrow?” asked Kyouka.
“Really? That’d be awesome! I could bring hot cocoa!”
“Great,” smiled Kyouka, “I’ll bring snacks!”
We both smiled as we walked out of the building, before parting ways at the street.
I waited near the center of the park the next day with hot cocoa, just like we’d agreed on. Snow was falling, weighing down the branches of the cherry trees and blanketing the ground.
Kyouka was already running a little late. As the minutes passed, I started to worry that Kyouka wasn’t going to show up. There was still that tiny part of me that was scared that maybe she had just been polite yesterday, and didn’t actually want to be friends.
Suddenly, Kyouka’s vice rang out across the park, “Minamiii!” she called.
I turned to see her running up the path towards me, a box of treats in hand.
“Sorry for being so late,” she smiled, “there was a long line at the mochi shop.”
She opened the box and retrieved a piece of mochi.
“I wanted to get this kind cause your hair colour kinda looks like hakuto mochi. I love hakuto mochi!”
We sat on a bench for a while, eating mochi and drinking hot chocolate. What I thought would always just be something watched from a distance finally became real for me.
I’m so happy to have a friend.
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cullustudio · 2 years
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雨のランデブー|Rainy Day Rendezvous
A short 8-page oneshot manga I did for class. Two students meet up after practice one day to shortly celebrate one of their birthdays.
Read from right to left.
The rest of the manga is under the read more.
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lisa-russell · 7 months
UPDATE: *Dies in awe*
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"Learn the rules like a Pro, so you can break them like an Artist"-Pablo Picasso
"There is no line between an Author and an Artist" - ???
If your like me and love reading, listening and seeing fanart,music and stories all based around Splatoon...well look no futher!
IF ya wanna see a bunch of amusing and comedic, like memes or mini comics collected from all just #sploonies. (I also have links too some of my own stuff lol)
Do me a favor and reblog this! or...atleast share it! More inkfolk who see thia the better!
# splatsville sploonies if yah wanna see all dah memes ive reblogged from tumblr!
I reaaaad alllooot. So these are what I get when the game ain't enough. I made this lil list from myself and others. Authors who have taken their time to let us dive into their inky tales or love, danger,action,fluff and... the risqué.
Yah your reading right. Over 377 songs. Remixes, Fanmade, Originals and so much more!
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Ya, 9 links up but they lead too some really good fan comics. I consider small panels one and full series. Feel free teh let me know or suggest some!
This a rather interesting Reddit Post about how music effects Inklings and Octolings!
An A.I Assistant thoughts(?) On Octo Expansion sanitizing and dah memverse cure...
A lil blog on how agents cannon lore wise have such neat lil details about em!
Marina made a love letter by making a Shojo Manga Oneshot.
Some Dedf1sh, Acht stuff!
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leafmindscape · 1 year
I read 73 pages worth of gojohime tags on AO3. I didn't read all the stories under the tag but hooooo boi the spicy, the angsty and the fluffy ones are the best!
Tengen's vessel Utahime? Very sad. Ready your tissue. Beach time in Okinawa? Gojo trauma territory. Utahime releasing Gojo from the Prison Realm with the Ouroboros Technique in all miko regalia and all night kagura workout? You go queen! The arranged marriage fic before "Every Piece of You" was published? Utahime's grandma and Shoko are the best wingwomen. Utahime's CT can make Infinity useless? Tragic because people born with the CT destined to be either friend or enemy of Shojo Eyes users. I like the "let's marry at 30's", lot's of comedy or dead students. Hanahakied Utahime? Gojo running around to find the bastard who made her fall in love, himself.
For the spicy ones? 11k+ words in oneshots, lot's of kinks. Either one is more experienced than the other(none or less) But I love best where they get stuck in a tether by a curse because Hoe-jo Slutoru was being dumb and wanted to hear the Siren Technique. Or they are secretly married but not enough chapters unfortunately. A/B/O verse, I rarely read them but it drags into YutaMaki territory. Those two are also cute.
Secret admirer trope? Oh the flowers and the gifts because Gojo is an idiot. Or Gojo as drunk Utahime's designated chaperone. Fruits Basket au? YASSS for Catoru our doll face persian cat. Parental Gojohime to Fushiguro siblings? Lot's of feels. They are basically a couple without being a couple. Megumi playing Twinkle Twinkle Stars to Gojohime child? Adorable.
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mangachi · 2 years
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kuuyandere · 5 months
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k-vanity · 5 months
Not Your Shoujo Love Story
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“Love is not limited by time or distance. It transcends all boundaries and exists eternally.” — Chihiro Ogino (Spirited Away)
Love can be quirky and wonderful or dark and gloomy... but isn't it more interesting when it's drawn or animated? It's that time of year again where love is in the air, but this time in 2D! K-Vanity would like to introduce our newest event for Cupid's day: Not Your Shoujo Love Story!
This event will be based on your favorite animes and mangas dealing with romance.
Event Details: You must create a story or a work of visual art based off of shojo animes or mangas. Some examples are:
Maid-sama Fruits Basket Your Name NANA Kamisama Kiss My Happy Marriage Whisper Of The Heart Snow White With The Red Hair Paradise Kiss
You are not limited to the animes or mangas listed above and it also does not have to be 100% accurate to the material. Just make sure you reference it somewhere in your description.
You must be a member of the network to participate in the event.
Must be anime or manga related.
For writers, the drabbles/oneshots can be fluff, angst, smut or a combination of either. It has to be at least 500 words.
For visual artists, the anime/manga must be included in your work (where its in the caption or in the gif/gfx/edit itself).
No need to sign up. Use our tag #klovestory along with the net tag #kvanity when posting your work.
Regular rules and regulations from the net apply to this event
Event Timeline:
Posting Period: Feb 1-29
Masterlist will be posted March 10th, 2024
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kursed-arcana · 1 year
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Hiii it's the webtoon girl!! Here with some recommendations!!
If you're into a soft fluffy romance then I suggest:
1.)Maybe meant to be ( summary - Jia Han is a freelancer who is tired of her parents nagging her to get married and move out, She then runs into a childhood friend, Mincheol Jin, who is in a similar situation as her so she proposes to marry him to solve their problems. Then shenanigans ensue)
2.)My Giant Nerd Boyfriend (This is my favourite) (Summary- It's a oneshot story featuring a couple with a height difference, each chapter is stand-alone ish )
3.)Not so shojo love story (Summary - Romance super fan Rei Chan is ready for her first boyfriend and she knows who it will be, Hansum, the most popular boy in class. But her plans get derailed when the most popular girl in class declares herself a rival for..... Rei's heart?!!!)
If you like drama, political and regal stuff I suggest,
1.)The Remarried Empress (This isn't my favourite but it was a very enjoyable read, and it's a very popular webtoon) (Summary - Navier is a perfect Empress of the Eastern Empire and her life is perfect until one day her Husband brings home his mistress and demands a divorce. In a shocking twist, Navier remarries another Emperor and retains her title. But how did everything unfold?)
2.)Twilight poem ( Soru is a princess born form illegitimacy and is able to see ghosts even though she is completely blind. Spru gets married to a general because they need each other, she needs his protection and he needs her special magic powers. However, Soru is more special than anyone initially thought) (TW: Violence)
If you want you can also read the Webtoons that Hybe makes for their groups like The star seekers, Crimson Heart, 7Fates:Chakho, Dark Moon: Blood Alter, Dark Moon: Grey City, etc (Their summaries are too long so just check em out on Webtoon lol)
If you are into horror or crime stories I recommend:
1.) My deepest secret (This gets a little dark towards the end so if you think it may trigger you don't read it) (Summary- Emma has the most handsome, loving boyfriend, Elios. But is Elios really that perfect? What's his secret?) ( TW: Yandere themes, abuse, Violence)
2.) The Guy Upstairs ( I don't know if it gets dark in the future since it's fairly new but read with caution as it's more crime oriented) (Summary - Rozy finds her upstairs neighbour a little too... odd... ) (TW: Potential psychopath, Violence)
And if you want a more unique story and don't mind gratuitous Violence I recommend, (Also warning, it is a dark story and has certain morally bankrupt themes so give it a skip if you don't like stuff like this since I am not sure about your tastes I am recommending everything that I found interesting)
Get Schooled ( Summary - Hwajin Na's teaching techniques are pretty violent for someone who works in the ministry of education . That being said, when normal punishments don't work on even the worst of bullies, there is no better man for the job. Sometimes you can't get a good education until those bullies are taught a lesson) (TW: Alot of violence, abuse, graphic descriptions of potentially triggering topics such as depression and suicide)
Yess thank you so much for the recs!!!!
Okay I just got the app and i’m gonna read My Giant Nerd Boyfriend!! I’ll let you know how it goes 🤭💗💗
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mylovelychibi · 1 year
May Release #2
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Hi fellow readers! Today will be our 2nd release for this month and we hope you guys enjoy reading the release 🎉 🎉 Visit the link on the bio to read the latest release of the group ❤
Also, if you appreciate reading the releases, Consider making a donation to our group to help cover our monthly costs for maintaining our website and purchasing raws. To donate, kindly visit our websites http://www.chibimanga.info/ or http://www.cmreader.info/ and click the “DONATE” button. Any amount you could Donate, would be really appreciated ❤ ❤ ----------------------------------------- Support our group thru Ko-fi ❤ https://ko-fi.com/chibimanga
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