cbmchannel · 2 months
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Shoghi - Gang Gang https://www.curteboamusica.info/2024/07/shoghi-gang-gang.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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himsagarvlogs · 2 years
Pls subscribe my channel HIMSAGAR VLOGS💐🙏
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clearholidaysindia · 2 days
Tara Devi Temple (Shoghi) Tourist Spot in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Tara Devi Temple (Shoghi), nestled atop the scenic Tara Devi Mountain in Himachal Pradesh, is a beautiful and peaceful destination for travelers seeking spiritual solace and stunning natural views. Located around 11 kilometers from Shimla, this temple dedicated to Goddess Tara Devi sits at an elevation of 7,200 feet, offering breathtaking panoramas of the surrounding hills and valleys. Many visitors are drawn here not only for its religious significance but also for the peaceful environment and the refreshing mountain air. Offbeat places near Tara Devi Temple (Shoghi) add to the charm, making it an ideal destination for those looking to explore hidden gems near Shimla.
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For those exploring the places to visit near Tara Devi Temple (Shoghi) one must include the charming town of Shoghi itself. This small, quiet town is surrounded by lush greenery and is perfect for nature walks and picnics. The Kalka-Shimla railway, a UNESCO World Heritage site, passes through this town, providing scenic rides through the hills. Additionally, visitors can explore the nearby Jakhoo Temple, which is dedicated to Lord Hanuman and offers a panoramic view of Shimla from its hilltop location.
Another notable destination among the places to visit near Tara Devi Temple (Shoghi) is Chadwick Falls. This picturesque waterfall is nestled within a dense forest, making it a peaceful spot for relaxation and photography. The serene atmosphere here is ideal for those looking to unwind amidst nature's beauty. The combination of spiritual sites like Tara Devi Temple and natural attractions nearby ensures that travelers experience the best of Shimla’s tranquility and scenic charm.
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tripcounselors · 17 days
Romantic Places of Himachal Pradesh
Shoghi, a charming mountain town 13 kilometres from Shimla, has beautiful views and a rich plant and animal population, making it a great winter vacation. Shimla attracts many visitors, yet Shoghi's tranquilly and peculiar beauty remain unexplored.
Snow lovers in the Himachal hills flock to Kufri near Shimla. The location receives a lot of snow in winter due to its height, making it a romantic getaway for couples. Kufri, Himachal Pradesh, is a popular couple's vacation. It's a terrific place to visit near Shimla if you've been there and want something fresh. You must seek Nag Temple blessings as newlyweds.
Chail is known for its world-record cricket ground and Chail Palace, a luxurious heritage hotel in pine and deodar woods. It is a peaceful retreat near Shimla. Discover Himalayan animals at the Chail animals Sanctuary, a must-see in Chail. The Himalayan Black Bear, Rhesus Macaques, and common Langurs inhabit this sanctuary.
Please visit our website Trip Counselors for more information.
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poligraf · 1 month
World unity is the goal towards which a harassed humanity is striving.
— Shoghi Effendi
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yes-palakgoyal · 1 year
New Year Packages in Shoghi – New Year Celebration in Shoghi
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Find the best options for New Year Celebration in Shoghi. As the year comes to an end, families and friends plan to celebrate it with a grand carousel. Shoghi offers New Year Packages 2024, and have a memorable experience. For a memorable New Year Celebration 2024, come here and explore the town with the locals for an enchanting travel experience. The unspoiled and untouched Hill station near Delhi is worth spending your valuable time. 
For More Info, visit our website or call us at 8130781111/ 8826291111
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notasfilosoficas · 1 year
“El mundo de la humanidad tiene dos alas: una es la mujer y la otra es el hombre. Hasta que ambas alas no se hayan desarrollado igualmente, el pájaro no podrá volar. [.. ] Hasta que el mundo de la mujer no llegue a ser igual al mundo del hombre en la adquisición de virtudes y perfecciones, no se podrá alcanzar el éxito y la prosperidad como debiera ser“
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Abbás Effendi, conocido como Abdu’l-Bahá, fue un líder religioso nacido en Teherán en mayo de 1844, nombrado comendador de la Orden del Imperio Británico y cofundador junto con su padre del bahaísmo.
Durante su juventud adquirió cierta influencia del babismo un movimiento religioso que se consolidó en Persia de 1844 a 1852 y del que su padre era un miembro prominente.
Bahá Allah  padre de Abbàs Effendi, escindió el babismo en dos sectas al morir su fundador el religioso persa Bab, quien fue ejecutado en Tabriz en 1850.
Bahá Allah fue encarcelado por declararse defensor de la fé del Bab.
La aprehensión de Bahá Allah, marcó fuertemente la niñez de Abbàs y su familia, pues significó para ellos una vida condenada a la miseria y al desprecio como consecuencia. 
Durante algunos años el padre de Abbás es liberado y obligado a permanecer en el exilio y es en ese tiempo durante el año 1853 que Abbás y su padre emprenden el viaje obligado hacia Bagdad, y es durante ese viaje Abbás entra en contacto con textos babistas y el Corán.
En 1863, Bahá'u'lláh padre de Abbás es expulsado y movido a Constantinopla hoy Estambul, y mas tarde, ya como jefe segundo del bahaísmo, son expulsados a Edirne en Turquía y a Akka en la ahora Israel.
Es la gente de Akka quienes les ofrecen apoyo y les permiten rondar libremente las ciudades vecinas.
Al morir su padre, surgen conflictos con su hermano y Abbás viaja a Europa, Egipto y a los Estados Unidos para proclamar las enseñanzas de su padre e impulsar el desarrollo de las escasas comunidades que habían surgido en esas localidades.
Al adoptar el liderazgo del grupo religioso, Abbás adopta el nombre de Abdu’l-Bahá que significa “Sirviente de la Gloria”.
Abdu’l-Bahá dedicó su ministerio al avance de la Fé de su padre, y a la promoción de los ideales de paz y unidad, alentó el establecimiento de instituciones bahaís locales y guió las iniciativas educativas, sociales y económicas.
Muchas de sus conferencias fueron grabadas y publicadas en libros bajo los títulos de “la Sabiduría de Abdu’l-Bahá” y “La promulgación de La Paz universal”, mismas que sirvieron de base para la promulgación y consolidación de la comunidad mundial bahaí.
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial Abdu’l-Bahá fue galardonado con la Orden del Imperio Británico por sus esfuerzos por disminuir la hambruna que sufría Palestina por medio de la repartición de su propio almacenamiento de grano.
En 1872, Abdu’l-Bahá se casa y tiene 5 hijos y 4 hijas de las cuales la mayor, se convertiría en la madre del futuro heredero de Abdu’l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi.
Abdu’l-Bahá muere en noviembre de 1921, y sus restos descansan en las faldas del Monte Carmelo, en el santuario de Babi. En su testamento es en donde nombra a su nieto Shoghi Effendi como el guardian mundial de la fe Bahaí.
Fuente: Wikipedia, biografiasyvidas.com, bahai.org
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alln64games · 3 months
AI Shoghi 3
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JP release: 18th December 1998
PAL release: N/A
NA release: N/A
Developer: i4 Corporation
Publisher: ASCII
N64 Magazine Score: N/A
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The AI Shogi series had yearly releases from 1996 to 1998, each one being on a different platform: the 3DO, PlayStation and then N64. This one has one welcome feature that the previous N64 Shogi games didn’t, and that’s showing the moves each piece can make. It didn’t help me much for actually playing, as I still couldn’t quite tell how my opponents pieces would move.
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This shogi game is very basic, though. The biggest visual thing is that you can change the background, and you can choose to play against player 2 or the CPU. The only additional feature is that you can edit the starting position of each piece, so I was able to play a match where my opponent only had pawns. I managed to get a stalemate which, unlike chess, meant that I won.
Remake or Remaster?
Clubhouse Games on Switch does the job.
Official Ways to get the game
There’s no official way to play AI Shogi 3
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santmat · 1 year
A History of Vegetarianism and Veganism in the World Religions - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast
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A rarely discussed amazing history of vegetarianism and even veganism in the great world religions and philosophies:
Akhenaten the "Heretic" Egyptian Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, who ruled for 17 years;
Hebrew Bible, First Book of Moses: Genesis;
Yoga Shastra, a sutra or scripture of Jainism;
Bhagavad Gita of Krishna;
Srimad Bhagavatam;
The Laws of Manu, a kind of "Hindu Torah" or Book of Laws;
Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans;
Porphyry, a 3rd century AD Neo-Platonist philosopher;
The Vegetarian Prayer of Thanksgiving in the Epilogue of Asclepius of the Corpus Hermeticum, and the same prayer again, as it also turns up in the Nag Hammadi Library of Egypt, the Gnostic Gospels;
Early Church “Heresy Hunters” that used to require meat-eating on Sundays as a way to discover who the veg Gnostics were in their midst;
Philo of Alexandria's description of veg meals at a Jewish Therapeutae monastic community in Alexandria perhaps related to the Essenes;
The Bahai Faith: Baha’u’llah, ‘Abdu’l-Baha, and Shoghi Effendi -- prophecies of a vegan future of humanity;
Vegetarianism in Islam: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Rabia of Basra, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen and the Sufis;
John the Baptist, who ate locust bean (carob) flour, not locusts -- BEANS NOT BUGS;
And… blessed are the textual variants: the Mystery of the Missing Veg Saying of Jesus found in Luke 21: 34 of the Evangelion Da-Mepharreshe -- the Old Syriac-Aramaic manuscript of the New Testament Gospels but is no longer present in Greek manuscripts.
A History of Vegetarianism and Veganism in the World Religions - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Listen and/or Download @ https://traffic.libsyn.com/spiritualawakeningradio/A_History_of_Vegetarianism_and_Veganism_in_the_World_Religions.mp3
@ Libsyn With Show Notes: https://SpiritualAwakeningRadio.libsyn.com/a-history-of-vegetarianism-and-veganism-in-the-world-religions
@ Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-history-of-vegetarianism-and-veganism/id1477577384?i=1000629169272
@ Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/4XwU3Ar82IX09T1P05Afhs
@ Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5saWJzeW4uY29tLzIwNzIzNi9yc3M/episode/YjdlMWU1MzQtMmFhOC00NTU5LWE2ODItN2E2YjM4MzU1MGFj?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjI76GdiciBAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami, James Bean Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts Sant Mat Radhasoami A Satsang Without Walls https://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com
Spiritual Awakening Radio (and Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts) with James Bean, heard on various community, public radio stations and the web, explores the world of spirituality, comparative religion, world scriptures and other books, East and West, God, meditation, out of body or near death experiences (inner space), the vegan diet and other ahimsa ethics -- education for a more peaceful planet.
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saplingsoul · 2 years
Suffering is both a reminder and a guide. It stimulates us better to adapt ourselves to our environmental conditions, and thus leads the way to self-improvement. In every suffering one can find a meaning and a wisdom. But it is not always easy to find the secret of that wisdom. It is sometimes only when all our suffering has passed that we become aware of its usefulness.
Shoghi Effendi
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womanlifefreedom · 2 years
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Illustration of a young schoolgirl in profile. She wears a uniform and carries a knapsack. Over her head, she wears a white headscarf and over this, a black gas mask. The sky behind is black while teal tinged waves swirl in the air. Artwork is attributed to Sara Shoghi.
Source: Twitter/Alireza Ghorbani
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lightofhome · 2 years
If only the friends could realize it, the glory of our Faith is not that people with unique abilities do the work of the Cause, but that it is done by the sacrifice of loving and devoted souls who arise selflessly to undertake work they feel themselves incompetent, sometimes, to achieve. God works through them and endows them with gifts they did not dream they could ever possess. - Shoghi Effendi
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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World Religion Day  
World Religion Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in January every year, and is a reminder of the need for harmony and understanding between religions and faith systems. On this day, communities of different faiths have the opportunity to get together and listen to each other, as well as celebrate the differences and commonalities that the delicate intermingling of culture and religion brings. There are approximately 4,200 religions around the world. While many people live their lives without religion, faith in a higher being or power works for the majority of people. Whatever the reasons, we are all for the idea of people being unified despite differences, and celebrating them.
History of World Religion Day
The first official observance of World Religion Day (as it is known today), was in 1950, but the concept began a few years prior to that. In Portland, Maine, the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’í Faith hosted a talk in Eastland Park Hotel in October 1947, culminating in the decision to observe an annual event, then known as World Peace Through World Religion. By 1949, the event began to be observed in other parts of the U.S. and grew more popular. By 1950, it came to be known as World Religion Day. On this day, at various different locations, many authors, educators, and philosophers are invited to speak on world religions and the importance of establishing and maintaining harmony between them. It’s a great forum for learning more about other religions and cultures too, and a chance to intermingle socially with people of different faiths and worldviews.
Since this concept was the brainchild of people from the Bahá’í Faith, it is worth exploring what this faith is and tracing its historical roots. As a religion, Bahá’í first emerged in Persia (modern-day Iran), in the 1800s. There are three core principles of this faith — unity of God, unity of religion, and unity of all mankind. It is a monotheistic faith, believing in a single god, and that the spiritual aspects of all religions in this world stem from this single god. Another central tenet is the belief in the innate equality of all human beings. Thus, all humans have the same rights and responsibilities. If you look at it, the Bahá’í Faith is an all-encompassing one that recognizes the commonalities between all religions, so Baháʼí believes that all faiths have common spiritual goals too, especially since religions are ever-evolving.
World Religion Day  timeline
1800s The Baha`i Faith is Established
In Persia, around 1844, the Bahá'í Faith is established by a mix of people from Christian, Jewish, and Zoroastrian religious roots.
1949 World Peace Through World Religion
The first event takes place in Portland, Maine, to establish the foundation of World Religion Day.
1950 World Religion Day is First Observed
As World Peace Through World Religion begins to spread across the U.S., the celebration morphs into World Religion Day.
1957 Bahá'í Leadership Passes on to a Group
Rather than passing on from individual to individual, the death of Shoghi Effendi leads to the faith leadership passing to the Universal House of Justice.
World Religion Day FAQs
How many religions are there in the world?
Many scholars estimate that there are approximately 4,200 different active religions in the world today.
How many countries celebrate World Religion Day?
World Religion Day is currently celebrated in over 80 countries around the globe.
Which religion has the most adherents?
Christianity tops the list, with a whopping 2,3 billion. Next comes Islam with 1,8 billion. Third on the list are those unaffiliated with any particular religion, at 1,2 billion.
How to Observe World Religion Day
Attend an interfaith event
Engage with other religions
Try out a different religious experience
Many different organizations hold interfaith events on this day, where people can get together and hear about the beliefs and philosophies held by others of different faiths. These events are great spaces for eminent speakers, writers, and spiritual leaders to share openly about what they subscribe to, and why.
World Religion Day provides the perfect opportunity for people to step out of their individual bubbles and engage with the beliefs and spiritual ideologies of others. It’s about dialogue and the freedom to both express and listen; most importantly, it’s a time to learn from each other. This day reminds us that religion does not have to be a taboo subject, and everyone has a unique story to tell.
Religion is often inextricably linked with culture, so why not experience the best of both by attending a religious event of some sort, outside of your own? Whether it is going to a mosque or temple, or celebrating a religious festival you are not familiar with, it’s a great way to make inroads into different community groups and build relationships.
5 Facts About World Religions You May Not Know
You name it, there’s a patron saint for it
Wicca is not an ancient religion
Mormons have limited beverage options
The “Qur’an” mentions Jesus more than Muhammad
Hindus can also be atheists
In Catholicism, there is a patron saint for nearly everything, including coffee, beekeepers, and headaches.
Though it sounds like it would be ancient, considering its roots in European fertility cults, Wicca was introduced in the 1950s.
Mormons are forbidden from drinking beverages like tea, coffee, or alcohol; soda, however, seems to be okay.
Though this is not a popularity contest, the “Qur’an” apparently mentions Jesus Christ five times more than Muhammad.
While Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, it is also possible to be a practicing Hindu and an atheist — the moral and ethical code remains the same.
Why World Religion Day is Important
It purports to unite people
Interfaith harmony
A chance to experience something different
We love any day that seeks to bring people together, irrespective of differences, and this day fits the bill exactly. Whatever one’s religious beliefs and culture, the longing for acceptance and unity will be a fundamentally human one that unites us already.
World Religion Day offers people across the globe a chance to get to know others of different religions better, and seeks to foster a better understanding of religious differences through peaceful means such as dialogue.
The various interfaith and religious events organized by communities around the world are an exciting opportunity and opening for people to immerse themselves in spiritual experiences different from what they know. And so much of it is cultural that we see it as a win-win.
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reshusingh · 2 years
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Shoghi, Himachal
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ramanvilla1 · 10 days
Homestay in Shimla: Your Cozy Home Away from Home
Shimla, the beautiful and famous hill station tourist spot, located in the snow-clad regions of Himalayas, is one of the favourite tourist spots to visit for people seeking calmness and peace. However, there are some key attractions that one gets to discover when they are residing in a homestay; attractions such as Shimla well known for colonial style buildings, lively Mall Road and splendid view of mountains. A best homestay in shimla provides the best of the city along with the nicest of the locals that you could ever meet. 
Why to Go for a Homely Stay in Shimla? 
While it is true that hotels have a lot of qualities, homestays offer a friendly ambiance that is rarely found in hotels. Here are some reasons why staying in a homestay in Shimla can enhance your travel experience:
Local Experience: Why homestays: You could meet the locals, and this is always an added advantage to your stay. It is possible to communicate with hosts and get to know the traditions of Shimla, as well as engage in children’s activities. 
Authentic Cuisine: Most of the homestay accommodation provide traditional meals which are prepared using organic produce from local farms. You can enjoy especially the Himachal cuisine that is not available in other restaurants which are common. 
Peaceful Environment: Homestays are also known for not being set in crowded areas as are hotels; rather they offer a serene place for one to be and or relax. 
Personalized Service: The hosts will for sure do almost everything just to make you feel as comfortable as possible. You are given close attention making your stay as comfortable as well as memorable as possible.
Best Homestays in Shimla 
When it comes to the best homestays in Shimla, several options stand out for their exceptional hospitality, comfort, and stunning locations:When it comes to the best homestays in Shimla, several options stand out for their exceptional hospitality, comfort, and stunning locations: 
Raman Villa Homestay Located away from the hustle-bustle of the city in a village environment, Raman Villa is one place where tourists can have a home-like environment and have a look at the mountains. The hosts are always jovial and welcoming and the rooms are very big and very neat. The house is well furnished and is a homestay that has all the touch of a modern home yet has antique architecture and structure typical of Himachal. Guests can get to taste home cooked meals and have a nice time in a well designed garden compound. 
The Corner House Located at the Walking Distance to the Mall Road, The Corner House is one of the most sought after homestay for the tourists in Shimla. Calm and comfortable rooms with the homely atmosphere create a special atmosphere for families and couples. The hosts are friendly, and the food that is offered at the place is good, making the environment of the place more attractive. 
Aamod at Shoghi Located at a mere 13-km drive from Shimla, Aamod at Shoghi Holiday retreat gives you a homely touch with luxury. Located in a very quiet forested location this homestay is ideal for those who love nature. These are wooden cottages, equipped with modern facilities and services and thus it is one of the best homestays near shimla. Such features as nature walks, trekking and a bonfire to keep people warm makes the experience better. 
For this homestay that is located in the outskirts of the city where people can feel relaxed and calm, people can make use of the Sukh Dham Homestay. It is situated in Mashobra Valley with a beautiful garden, well furnished room and all modern amenities and homely atmosphere. The hosts also ensure that customers are well taken care of, providing them with all the comforts of their own home. 
Centrally located in a place surrounded with apple orchards, the Apple House is an exclusive homestay in Shimla. This homestay features large and clean rooms, friendly resident hosts and great home cooked food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most of the people visiting the place are thrilled by the natural beauty of the place and the closeness of the park to other amenities.
Staying in a homestays in Shimla provides a more authentic and enriching experience compared to regular hotels. Whether you choose the charming Raman Villa, the conveniently located Corner House, or the nature-surrounded Aamod at Shogi, you are sure to have a memorable stay filled with warmth and comfort. For those looking to experience Shimla like a local, a homestay is the perfect choice.
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addstory · 17 days
Jak bahaizm, który narodził się w Iranie, zmienia światopogląd?
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Bahaizm to globalny ruch, który zmienia postrzeganie wiary. Pojawiający się w czasach zmian bahaizm połączył tradycje duchowe, pragnienie jedności oraz głęboki szacunek dla edukacji i nauki. Kwestie dotyczące pokojowego współistnienia, edukacji i harmonii znajdują się w sercu tej religii, przyciągając wyznawców na całym świecie.
Pochodzenie i historia religii
Bahaizm powstał w Persji w połowie XIX wieku, w czasie, gdy społeczeństwo przechodziło znaczące zmiany pod wpływem postępu naukowego. Religia powstała dzięki Baha'u'llahowi, który był związany z ezoterycznym ruchem szyickim, krytykującym surowość i dogmatyzm oficjalnego duchowieństwa. Baha'u'llah, którego prawdziwe imię brzmiało Mirza Hussein Ali, urodził się w 1817 roku w Teheranie w rodzinie szlacheckiej, gdzie jego ojciec służył jako minister pod rządami szacha.
W tym samym czasie w perskim mieście Shiraz urodził się Sayyid Ali Muhammad Sirazi. W 1844 roku ogłosił się nosicielem boskiego przesłania, zapowiadając rychłe przybycie nowego „Mahdiego”, który zbawi świat. Przyjął imię Bab, oznaczające „drzwi” i wkrótce jego idee przyciągnęły wielu zwolenników.
Bab został jednak oskarżony o apostazję i stracony w 1850 roku. W 1852 r. Mirza Hussein Ali, który był uczniem Baba, został aresztowany i uwięziony w Teheranie. Kilka lat później, w 1863 roku, ogłosił się prorokiem przepowiedzianym przez Bába i przyjął imię Baha'u'lláh, co tłumaczy się jako „Chwała Boga”. Następnie został wygnany do Saint-Jean-d'Acre w osmańskiej Palestynie, gdzie stworzył większość swoich pism, które stały się fundamentem wiary bahaickiej.
Droga do pokoju poprzez nauki
Podstawowym nauczaniem Baha'u'llaha jest głoszenie jedności Boga i jedności religii, ponieważ cała ludzkość jest jedną wielką rodziną. Jego nauki podkreślają, że wszystkie religie dążą do tego samego - pokoju i jedności na ziemi. Różnice między nimi wynikają z historycznych, kulturowych, ekonomicznych i społecznych okoliczności, w których powstały.
Każdy z Bożych posłańców, czy to Mojżesz, Mahomet, Jezus czy Budda, przyczynił się do rozwoju cywilizacji na określonym etapie, przygotowując drogę dla następnego. Wiara Bahá'í, ostatnia z religii monoteistycznych, kontynuuje tę sekwencję. Baha'u'llah zmarł w 1892 roku w St Jean d'Acre, gdzie został pochowany. Przed śmiercią nakazał, aby szczątki jego nauczyciela, Bába, zostały przeniesione na zbocza góry Karmel, około dwudziestu kilometrów od Saint-Jean-d'Acre. Ponowny pochówek szczątków Bába miał miejsce w 1909 roku.
Po śmierci Bahá'u'lláha, jego najstarszy syn 'Abdu'l-Bahá został jego następcą i aktywnie promował nauki bahaickie na Zachodzie. Abdu'l-Baha został pochowany w Hajfie, w Izraelu, obok miejsca pochówku Bába. Po nim, jego wnuk Shoghi Effendi, znany jako „Strażnik” Wiary Bahá'í, został przywódcą Bahá'í, ale nie miał potomków. Od tego czasu przywództwo wspólnoty bahaickiej przeszło na Powszechny Dom Sprawiedliwości, który składa się z dziewięciu wybranych członków i jest najwyższym organem zarządzającym bahaitów. Na całym świecie jest od 5 do 7 milionów wyznawców bahaizmu, mieszkających w ponad 200 krajach. Wiara bahaicka pozostaje jednak zakazana w Iranie, gdzie jej wyznawcy są prześladowani.
Główna wartość
Edukacja jest podstawową wartością w religii bahaickiej. Według słów Baha'u'llaha, każda osoba jest „jak kopalnia pełna klejnotów o wielkiej wartości”. Tylko poprzez edukację skarby te mogą zostać odblokowane, a ludzkość może wykorzystać je dla dobra. W bahaizmie religia i nauka są postrzegane jako dwa uzupełniające się systemy, które przyczyniają się do postępu cywilizacji. Aby osiągnąć powszechny pokój, ważne jest, aby od najmłodszych lat uczyć dzieci tolerancji, altruizmu i szacunku dla różnic. Edukacja powinna być dostępna dla każdego, niezależnie od płci, a jeśli rodzina nie może sobie pozwolić na wysłanie wszystkich dzieci do szkoły, pierwszeństwo powinny mieć dziewczynki.
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Serce bahaickiego świata
Hajfa, gdzie spoczywają szczątki Bába i Abdu'l-Bahy, „sług Bahá'u'lláha”, jest najważniejszym miejscem pielgrzymek bahaitów z całego świata. Miasto służy również jako światowe centrum wszystkich bahaickich instytucji. Pomysł zlokalizowania centrum administracyjnego na Górze Karmel został zasugerowany przez samego Bahá'u'lláha, a jego syn 'Abdu'l-Bahá urzeczywistnił go w 1908 roku.
Po ustanowieniu państwa Izrael, Shoghi Effendi rozszerzył wpływy bahaickie w Hajfie poprzez nabycie ziemi wokół mauzoleum Bába. Stworzono tu wspaniały ogród, oferujący wspaniałe widoki na miasto. Miejsce to zostało wpisane na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO w 2008 roku. Należy zauważyć, że bahaici zabraniają prozelityzmu na całym świecie, a w Izraelu ich zasady są szczególnie surowe. Na przykład około 700 bahaitów pracujących w Izraelu w instytucjach swojej religii nie może zapraszać miejscowych na swoje spotkania modlitewne.
Wiara bez rytuałów i ceremonii
W religii bahaickiej nie ma praktycznie żadnych rytuałów. Modlitwa jest sprawą ściśle prywatną, z wyjątkiem pogrzebów, kiedy jedna z modlitw jest odmawiana na głos przez jednego z obecnych. W przeciwnym razie każdy modli się tam, gdzie czuje się komfortowo, o dowolnej porze i w dowolnej formie. Nie ma specjalnych miejsc do modlitwy, ani kazań, kapłanów, formalnych ceremonii czy tekstów.
Chociaż pisma Baha'u'llaha są uważane za ważne źródło wiedzy, bahaici mogą również odwoływać się do innych świętych tekstów, takich jak Biblia, Ewangelie, Koran i inne. Bahaizm nie posiada rytuałów inicjacyjnych dla noworodków lub konwertytów. Zostanie bahaitą jest całkowicie osobistą decyzją, wymagającą jedynie wiary w Boga i przesłanie Bahá'u'lláha. Jeśli chodzi o małżeństwo, nie ma żadnych skomplikowanych ceremonii - wszystko, co jest wymagane, to wypowiedzenie jednej konkretnej frazy. Jedynym znaczącym rytuałem jest coroczny post trwający 19 dni, co odpowiada jednemu miesiącowi w kalendarzu bahaickim. Post rozpoczyna się 2 marca i obejmuje powstrzymanie się od jedzenia i picia wody od wschodu do zachodu słońca.
Bahaizm, choć młody według standardów historycznych, udowodnił już swoją zdolność do inspirowania i jednoczenia ludzi na całym świecie. Jego wyznawcy dążą do zbudowania społeczeństwa, w którym wartości pokoju, sprawiedliwości i edukacji zajmują centralne miejsce. Bahaizm przypomina, że prawdziwy postęp jest możliwy tylko dzięki jedności i wzajemnemu zrozumieniu.
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