#shoe cover dispenser
dolphyaustralia · 2 years
An automatic soap dispenser is a must-have for every personal or commercial washroom as they help in maintaining the hygiene of the washroom and the well-being of its users. In the present era, where harmful bacteria are everywhere, staying cautious about our hygiene is a must. But, the risk may double up when we use commercial or public washrooms especially. This is why we need a smart washroom where everything is automatic and we may hardly have to touch them. The Automatic soap dispensers similarly don't require any human operation with the machine to work.
This may not look like a lot something very necessary, but indeed it is essential equipment for every washroom that is germ-free and not contaminated as the automatic soap dispensers help in creating a more safe and more hygienic environment for every washroom. Installing a good quality soap dispenser can be a wise choice for either personal or commercial washrooms by lessening the rate of exchange of germs and diseases from one person to another. They efficiently function and are very easy to install.
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kooktrash · 2 years
fighting heart | jeon jungkook au
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summary: never living a life of luxury, Jungkook does what he has to do to make ends-meet. right now that means fighting in underground clubs, getting beat black and blue until he wins. he knows there’s a better life out there for him but he never let himself think about it. until you came along and suddenly a weight is being lifted off his shoulders letting you through his guarded walls. you’re everything he needed and you make him want to fight for more.
warnings: 15k words. smut. angst. boxer!jk x curvy,f!reader. violence [fight scenes]. mentions of blöod. rich y/n. degradation of y/n [a few times] but not by jk. mentions of wounds. y/n got some mommy milkers lowkey. big hips that jk likes t—. unprotected. fingering. handjob. missionary. sweet. y/n is whipped but Jk is whippeder. jin is kinda sketchy kinda not. tw: harmful language, physical violence, anatomical injuries. illegal fight club. gambling.
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No where he went could he find silence. Rattling cages, loud chants and even bottles breaking. The room he was currently in was poorly lit. And he could barely see the damage that has been done. The room was in hues of green with dirty white tile showers and sinks with rust on them. The ground was covered in stains of old blood that didn’t wash away from the polished cement. Hanging above his head were fluorescent making hissing noises like the glass would soon burst into flames and shatter across the floor. They were flickering too, he could see them clearly through the dirty mirror he was staring at himself through.
He was a mess himself and he had no clue where to start. His hair was drenched in sweaty locks sticking to his face in strange whimsical lines. There was blood dripping down over his brow piercing somewhere on his hair line but he couldn’t see it clearly yet. There was a large red mark on his rib cages but other than those couple injuries he considered himself pretty clean.
The water pressure from the faucet was poor and when he first turned it on the water had a brown tint to it. He let it run over his wet rag squeezing out the excess before cleaning the blood and sweat off his face. He leaned forward and splashed water onto his face and rubbed some into his hair to at least rinse his sweaty hair a little bit. From behind him he could hear the swinging doors part ways as someone walked in with a huge grin on their face. He waved a stack of papers in his hand smacking it against the palm of his other hand, business suit and shoes sticking out from this room like a sore thumb. His hair was slipped back in a nice style and he looked better than Jungkook did at the moment.
“You killed it out there,” Kim Seokjin said as he leaned against the counter on the wall, staring at Jungkook’s back and the red mark on his side, “He got a few hits in it seems.” As he said that he moved to stand again walking over to the ice machine next to the broken paper towel dispenser. He took the big ziploc bags off the machine and began putting ice into one of the bags. He took plastic wrap with him as he walked over to Jungkook and motioned for the guy to lift his arm.
“Don’t worry kid, your cut is good today,” Jin said, pressing the ice bag to Jungkook’s injured side before bringing the wrap over it and pulling it around his torso to hold the bag down. Jungkook just looked at the drop of blood still leaking from the cut on his forehead making him reach out for his rag again. The sink had a new stain of blood on it from where his rag had been running under the water. He looked at Jin through the mirror, “How much?”
Jin smiled, “Little more than a grand but I got a few more investors out there looking to see another fight. You’ll get there once you focus fully on training.”
“I’m not a fighter,” Jungkook grumbled as he turned quickly once Jin finished up. There was a small limp to his step as he walked to his gym bag looking for clothes to change into. Jin shook his head in disbelief, “Not a fighter? Then tell me what I just watched tonight.”
“I told you this already. I’m not interested in doing anything more than a couple fights here and there,” Jungkook said putting on a worn out, oversized gray t-shirt. Jin groaned in frustration, “I don’t get why you’re so against it. You can make much more money if we go big. You’ll be rich you know? I can already see your fights on pay-per-view. Just think about the money, that’s why you’re doing this aren’t you? Think about your family.”
“I am thinking about my family, that’s why I’m saying no,” Jungkook told him, changing into some black sweats and throwing a hoodie on. The bag of ice was slowly melting but at this point he didn’t care about how ridiculous he looked, “They’d kill me if they knew I was fighting again, I’m sorry man, but no.”
He took his cut of the money from Jin, slipping his hood over his head and hoisting his gym bag on his shoulder, “Call me.”
His leg ached making his entire walk out of the underground club to his car all the more slow. His car lights blinked as it unlocked and he chucked his bag in the backseat finally getting in and starting the engine. Jungkook’s neighborhood was far from being nice but it’s location close to busy streets made night life more active. He got to his apartment shortly after, sirens going off just outside his window where he could see flashing lights and the tops of old buildings.
Despite how late it was, and his need to be alone he couldn’t have that. Not when his phone began ringing. He winced, reaching into his pocket and taking it out. Once he saw the caller ID he debated ignoring it. Now isn’t the time for it when he’s got a pretty girl in his bed telling him you don’t want to go home. But he answered anyway, “Hello?”
“Hi honey, I know it’s late but um,” his mother stuttered, he could practically picture her fidgeting, “We’re behind on rent again. I wouldn’t be coming to you if I didn’t need to.”
Jungkook didn’t say anything, it was the same thing over and over every single time. He was in his bathroom now, pressing his phone to his ear, “When is it due?”
“Well it was due a couple days ago—“ “And what happened to what I sent you the other day?” Jungkook asked.
“Your father needed it for a, well, uh, I can’t remember but you’re my son, you’re more reliable than anyone else,” his mother said, making him roll his eyes. “So why’d you wait till now to tell me? Should I call your landlord and see how long it’s been overdue?”
“Yah, don’t be like that,” his mother begged, “You’re supposed to help your parents. That’s why you moved wasn’t it? Why are you even up so late? What have you been doing? Who were you with? Were you fighti—“
“I’m hanging up. I’ll send the money in the morning,” with a tired sigh he ended the call wincing once more when he reached up for the handle to his medicine cabinet.
His small rectangular window was his only source of light in the bathroom as he rummaged through his medicine cabinet but his first aid kit was empty. With a tired grunt he closed it back up and left looking around for his things pulling the melted ice bag away that was now just a puddle of water. He grabbed his wallet and keys before leaving his apartment once more, this time by foot.
After a five minute walk he found himself in front of a familiar convenience store and he went in, immediately going to the medical section. He probably shouldn’t be walking around with so much money on him but it was too late to worry about that.
“Oh my god hurry up, I’m literally scared for my life,” A girl squealed a couple aisles down and Jungkook tried to ignore her, “We should’ve just gotten it delivered.”
“And if they didn’t have what I wanted?” Another voice piped in, slightly more bearable than the previous one but with the same tone, “Besides everyone can hear you, y’know?” As if he’d been the one spoken to he looked up from under his hood, eyes softening for a fraction of a second as they met your stare. He was the first to look away once he caught his reflection on the fridge doors behind you filled with alcohol. There was a line of red down his forehead again and it made him duck down under the aisle top and look for what he needed.
“I don’t care who hears me, just get a bottle and let’s go. Jimin’s waiting,” The high pitched voice spoke again and Jungkook found a box of wound closure band-aids, pain killers, and icy/hot patches. You rolled your eyes at her looking over to the guy in the hoodie again, there was a red stain on his forehead that you noticed right away. A little after Jungkook found himself standing behind you in line. He didn’t expect to find such a sight in front of him. You were in a hot pink mini skirt and a white blouse that matched your heels. Your legs weren’t super long but your thighs were wider and so were your hips. It made the fabric of your skirt hug your curves in the best way possible.
You and your friend finished up with the cashier and he found himself twisting a lock of hair over the bleeding cut on his forehead to hide it. He could feel your eyes follow him for a moment as you left at that and he moved forward to the counter.
That night he healed his wounds in his studio apartment under the moonlight while you got in the back of a Porsche for a night drinking.
There was a stiffness in the air, like all the poise and class was just an act that was hard to maintain. At least that’s what Jungkook thought because as he looked around not a single person seemed to be what they tried so hard to appear. Now, he’ll admit he’s probably the most out of place here but that didn’t mean he couldn’t notice things. For instance, his partner wore an expensive suit with a shiny Rolex that demanded the attention of everyone in the room. Yet he still seemed gentle, far from intimidating which is what he’s so poorly tried to portray. A hand landed on his shoulder blade giving him a little shake as the man spoke, “Lighten up Jungkook, this is for you. You made me good money last week. Think of this as a sign of my appreciation.”
“Is that what this is?” Jungkook asked looking around the lounge room with expensive alcohol in crystal glasses and 100,000$ leather seats. He started to fix the cuff of his black button-up as he looked around some more. The men in here were either his age or way older, all in designer suits and watches. All the women were young, beautiful, lavished.
Just like the one who crossed his line of sight in a black, shimmery dress that was barely around mid-thigh. A silver, diamond charm bracelet on the wrist that matched every piece of jewelry on your body—from what he can see. You were far across from him, somewhere off with a group he couldn’t see well and the dim light applying a glow to you in particular. And yet he recognized you right away as the person from the store last night.
“I’ve treated you to dinner, I figured I might as well treat you to drinks too,” Seokjin said looking up from his phone just as Jungkook’s eyes snapped back to him, no longer focusing on the stranger. He released a sigh, “Alright, I want to talk about business. There’s another match this weekend. Two fights and a couple grand in your pocket. It’s short notice and you need time to recover but I was hoping to convince you.”
“Against who?” Jungkook asked tipping his glass of scotch back before placing it down on the small glass table between them two. Jin gave a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, “Some new kid and Park Seungmin. What do you say? Do I get it set?”
“Ask me again after a few drinks,” Jungkook said. Music played behind them but not nearly as loud as a regular night club’s and there was a faint smell of cigar. He hardly paid attention to whatever other small talk the two of them made, he was too tired to say anything on his own. He hadn’t even wanted to come out with Jin at first. It’s not that he didn’t like the guy. He did. The problem was that he could not understand why Jin would want to be a part of the kind of life Jungkook has involved himself in. Kim Seokjin came from money, the good kind of money.
It meant he’s never had to worry about food in his stomach or if the electricity would be cut off. He’s never lied about christmas presents he never recieved or about not having lunch money. He’s grown in gated communities and trips abroad for the holidays. There’s no reason for him to be making dirty money just because he could. Jungkook didn’t hate him, he just couldn’t never fully trust that Jin had his best interest in mind. All he knows is that he’s the only one Jungkook can go to at the moment and he’s going to see how far he can get. The downside was that Jin wanted him to go the professional route. He wants to mentor him and get him in more official rings that could be broadcasted. His boxing was good, Jin saw potential so he badgered Jungkook about it nonstop. He didn’t listen though, he was fine fixing cars and had no intention in being a professional fighter.
If he had paid more attention to Seokjin instead of the marks on his hands he might have noticed the way Jin casually looked around the lounge room. He seemed stuck on someone behind him, brows furrowed together in concentration before his eyes relaxed momentarily. He looked back to Jungkook, “I’ll be right back. I think I see someone I know.”
Jungkook didn’t bother responding, merely waving him off as he looked down at his phone. The money he just earned from his last match was enough to send to his parents but he still needs more for rent and utilities. His job won’t pay him till the day after rent is due and he can’t ask for another extension. If he wants to cover the rest he’ll have to do the fights Jin asked of him. He’s still a little sore from the last fight but if he tries to get back on training he should be fine.
“Look at all the space we have, just take a seat,” Jin said finally making Jungkook look up as three people were filing into the booth. He noticed right away when you were making your way into the rounded booth pretty much inching closer to him. He’ll admit, up close you’re even more beautiful than he thought when he looked at you from afar. Now he can see your features better than he had at the store. What are the chances that he ran into a random stranger twice? And one he thought about on his walk home from the store as a short distraction?
You didn’t shy away from looking him over as you finally sat down just a few inches away from him. Jin flashed him a smile, “Jungkook these are some friends of mine. This is Taehyung, Jia and Y/n. Everyone meet Jungkook.”
Jin didn’t give much time for introductions when he waved over a server and ordered more drinks for the table. Jungkook took his chance to get a look at you again and for the first time that night, your eyes met his. He was the first to crack even the smallest hint of a smile. You had a pretty face, your cheeks slightly rounded but your eyes were what drew him in. He likes the curve of your waist and the way your thighs look soft to the touch. Your dress had been a little higher from the back than the front and he understood why. You were so physically attractive to him. You had wider hips and a slight tummy pouch. The top of your dress was easily filled out by your chest which spilled slightly from the top. Your collarbone still seemed to protrude and a diamond necklace with your name engraved rested prettily on it. Y/n, he remembers the girl next to you saying it the other night.
“So what are you guys doing here? Don’t you have better places to drink at on a Saturday?” Jin asked once drinks came and Jungkook looked over to where the conversation was. Taehyung gave a shrug of his shoulders looking to his two friends, “Just wanted to get a few good drinks in before going out. Are you two free? Want to come with?”
Jin shared a look with Jungkook, “Yeah? Let some stress out.” He wasn’t sure though, he’s already over exerted himself being out with Jin but at the same time now that it’s been brought up he wouldn’t mind. There was a shift on his side and suddenly you were leaning forward to look at his face.
“I agree, if you’re stressed then maybe you should come have drinks with us,” you said with a bright smile. That convinced him way too easily and before he knew it, he was leaving with the rest of you to a club. He stood behind you in line and when you were all inside he was at the bar right there with you.
“You look familiar,” you said bluntly turning away from the bar counter to look at him while your drinks were made. It caught him off guard at first before saying, “You do too.” Your smile was softer now but just as pretty and you batted your lashes, “I know where I’ve seen you.”
“Where?” Jungkook wanted to see if you actually did recognize him or if he just looked familiar to someone else you’ve seen. You pointed a finger at him, “The store. You were dressed all emo and stuff.”
“I was just wearing dark colors,” What you said made him smile a little before adding in, “But yes, I recognize you too. You were wearing pink.”
“Oh you even remember what i had been wearing? Was it because you liked it or because you liked me?”
“Can I say both?” Jungkook said with a lighter tone now. He found you attractive, alluring even, despite your snobbish tone. Your eyes narrowed in interest and you let your eyes travel from the faded scar on his forehead to the belt holding his jeans up. He was attractive in a way you couldn’t explain. An absolutely beautiful intimidating man.“I thought I knew all of Jinnie’s friends, how come I don’t know you?” You asked taking your drinks from the bartender.
He gave a small shrug, “I wouldn’t say we’re close, more like acquaintances. How do you know him?”
“Family friends.” “All of you?” You gave a nod of your head taking a sip from your drink just as he did. You looked down at the hand he had on the bar too. It was covered in ink and rings on his pretty fingers but the more you looked the more you saw. It included red knuckles with faded purple and brown marks like bruises. Jungkook noticed right away where your attention had drifted and he opted for moving his hand off and keeping it to his side.
“Can I be honest with you?” He asked suddenly trying to draw attention away from his hand and also speak some truth at the moment, “I think you’re beautiful.”
So he found himself closer to you later on in the night. His hand had even made itself to your hips as you sat on the stool scooted close to his. The two of you had completely forgotten about the group you were supposed to be with but they didn’t even attempt to intervene. If anyone seemed hesitant it was only Taehyung and Jin just brushed his worries away. He knew you well and you liked the fun, he knew Jungkook needed some fun even if it’s just for one night.
Later on in the night the two of you disappeared into a cab. He was more hesitant than you were to initiate any sort of intimate contact. Even inside the club he only had an arm around you and when he offered to take you home he was only hoping to spend a little more time with you before asking for your number. He didn’t expect for you to be on him in the back of the cab. Your lips were on his and he was kissing back eagerly, uncaring for the way the cab driver looked back at you.
“Just one address or two?” The driver asked as you pressed a kiss against Jungkook’s jaw leaving him breathless. His hand was on your curved back keeping you close as he barely had a chance to look over to the driver. You beat him to it when you pulled away for a quick second to mutter, “One address,” and went back to kissing him. He wasn’t complaining, he hasn’t done this in a while.
With work and all the matches he’s been in on top of training, he doesn’t have much time to go out and meet people who weren’t drunk placing bets on him. Even the women at the fights were drunk, a little more sleazy, not as clean and definitely didn’t have skin as soft as yours. His other hand found it’s way to your thigh, fingernails digging into the plump skin and he wanted to do more than just touch with his hands.
Jungkook’s not sure how it happened but they ended up at his place instead of yours, maybe because it was closer to the club or maybe because he gave it to the man first. Either way it was too late to argue about it when you were already urging him to get out. He quickly paid for the cab and was helping you, kissing you one last time as the cab drove off. He smiled sweetly, “You sure you’re okay with this?”
“Okay with what?” You asked wrapping your arms around his mid section leaning into him when his arms went around your waist. He cleared his throat looking down at you slightly more concerned now, “With this, with me…”
You smiled, “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.” You’re not even asking questions. Not about his bruises or cuts or red knuckles, “Besides, I like you so are you going to take me upstairs or am I just gonna stay out here.” Jungkook took your hand now dragging you behind him inside his building trying not to get your expression. He didn’t want to see how you’d feel about his clearly run down apartment. Even this late at night there were a few tenants just sitting around on the stairs. He moved you in front of him staying close behind you to avoid you being stared at by some creep from the back. Once you were in his dark apartment it was immediate.
You didn’t even look around the place, letting him lead you to creaky twin sized bed he called his own and kissed him roughly, hands pulling at his shirt immediately as he made himself comfortable sitting next to you. You were on your knees looking taller than him deepening the kiss with your tongue now and he was gladly kissing back just as hard. His hands found their way to your legs, squeezing once again at your meaty thighs that pressed against each other with no gap between. The fullness of your figure was so damn tempting and it had his fingers inching under your short dress.
When you didn’t seem to object to his touch he went ahead and let his hands circle around your hips to the back where he could feel a very small pair of panties covering very little. Like your thighs, your butt was squishy making his fingers sink into it as he felt you up and it had him groaning into your mouth in want. His mouth trailed down your jaw, sucking gently against your neck as his hands continued feeling you up, your dress already up and around your wide hips as he played with your underwear. A finger slipped under it holding it out as he let his hand feel underneath.
A breath caught in Jungkook’s throat when your hand was pressing against his thigh now, long nail barely grazing his leg moving closer and closer to his growing member. You seemed just as impatient as he did and it made him wonder how long it’s been for you too. He doubts it’s been as long as him. You took him by surprise when you started unbuttoning his jeans with one hand and with ease and he was helping you move them out of your way. Following your lead when your hand began to palm him over his briefs, he did the same.
You moaned softly into his mouth as his hand pressed against your slicked heat from behind with his arm around your waist pressing you into his side. His head was aligned with your heavy chest and when he leaned it against the silky fabric, he could feel the softness of your breasts. His free hand couldn’t stop himself from reaching up and feeling you better. You wore a thin, flimsy bralette that hadn’t even been enough to conceal your nipples throughout the night but it made it easier for him to feel you better. The weight of your breasts was heavy in his hand, flesh spilling between his large fingers and you were so damn soft, everywhere. It made him want to sink into you, press his face between them and just feel your warmth.
Your breath hitches as he circles your clit, sending small shocks throughout your body. He moved your underwear out of the way, revealing your perfect cunt to his fingers with no barrier. Just as your hand snuck under his briefs, his middle finger was running between your folds, slowly letting more into your tight snatch. Even down between your legs were you soft, just as plump and warm. Your hand held his cock now, almost fully hard and with a gentle stroke you felt him hardening even more. Finally his long finger sinks in just as the strap of your dress slipped off your shoulders exposing more of your breasts to him. Without thinking he tugged your bra down making your tits bulge out from on top even more, “You’re so damn beautiful.”
He was being honest as he kissed the plump flesh feeling it bounce along his tongue and he just wanted to take a nipple into his mouth and suck. You didn’t answer verbally but he could physically feel the light squeeze of his cock on an upstroke and he was groaning around your nipple. His face was still rubbing against your breasts as his middle finger pumped in and out of your wet cunt lathering it in more slick and he took the chance to sink another finger in. You gasp, your tits bouncing against his face and he let them rub over his face while simultaneously hitting that spongy pleasure spot in your tight walls, stroking it everytime his fingers sank back in. You were still on your knees on his bed and he was still holding you against his side as you jerked off his cock but he wanted more.
Fingers still inside your pussy, he began to stand not moving your hand off his dick as he lightly pushed you back to lie down. His hand left your folds from behind and slipped it between your thighs again from the front. His pace quickens, and he uses his weight to hold you down, twirling your thick buds with his tongue. You breathed heavily feeling the twitch of his member when your thumb ran over the slit in his tip over and over again.
Without thinking, and probably too rough, his hands were leaving your breasts and pussy to pull at the fabric of your dress. It’s been teasing him all night and he needed it gone, so that’s what he did. The fabric was no match for the rough yank he did on it making it tear open and he was harsh with the way he yanked it off your body groaning at the sight.
He stood taking his jeans and shirt off as you undid your bra kicking it off exposing large breasts to his hungry eyes. His hands run down your middle, the soft chub on your ribs and stomach sinking his finger in and he was staring down at you with awe, “You’re so beautiful.”
“You already said that, I want to know what you’ll do to show it to me,” you teased wiggling your hips when his hand went to pinch at them, squeezing and groaning at the feel. He could feel a bit of your hip bone but it was mostly covered in plumpness that made his mouth water. Your hips were good for squeezing and he wanted to take you. Suddenly, realization hit him like a truck.
“I—I don’t have a condom.”
“I’m on the pill,” you said already reaching between your bodies at his hard clock begging for attention, “As long as you’re clean and pull out.” He gave a brief nod of his head capturing your lips with his as you lined his dick up with your heat and did the honor of taking him. You moaned into each others mouth as he stopped at the ring of nerves that needed a bit more stretching. You were tight, he felt all the soft walls of your cunt squeeze his thick member as he sank in with a groan, squishing against you, breasts against his chest.
“Oh God,” you moaned against his lips at the first real thrust of his cock into your wet pussy and his hand was sliding down to grip your ass while the other was on your breasts. He squeezed both in time with a second thrust, still testing the waters before doing it again, quicker and rougher now.
His head rested against your neck, moaning your name softly, “So fucking beautiful, all of you, fuck Y/n.”
“You feel so fucking good,” he growled into your skin leaning down to take a fat tit into his mouth matching each lick of your nipple with a rough thrust. Suddenly he’s lifting himself up, hands leaving your sides to press against the bed on either side of your head. He looked down at your naked body licking his lips, slowly bringing his hips back before slamming into you with force that had your tits jiggling and his lips parted at the sight, doing it again so it could happen once more.
Jungkook lets out a long exhale as you continue to cry out his name making him work his lean hips, thrusting in and out of you with purpose.
“Jungkook,” you moaned, hands holding his sides as he fucks you, tight abdominal muscles flexing along with the veins leading to his dick all the way from his navel. The position only lasted a moment before he was laying his full weight on you again wanting to feel you pressed against him, body shaking along his.
“I’m so close,” you groaned when he gripped your ass, not being gentle in the way he squeezed, shaking it a bit and using it to fuck your pussy back into his cock, “Let me cum.”
“Fuck,” he slams himself into you feeling his entire body shudder but he was holding off, “Cum, fuck, cream my cock right now.”
“Oh God,” he groaned against your skin when you did just that, fingers curling as your release hit moaning beautifully into his ear and his body shook slightly. He was gentle but quick in the way he pulled out of you, your orgasm wavering as your slick leaked out of your folds. His cock was on your pubic bone now, spurts of creamy semen spilling onto you, covering you in his cum. His hand was on your knee for support but it was no use.
He was dead weight on top of you, but you don’t mind—you brush your fingers through his hair, giggling when you feel his soft lips kiss your breast, “You’re amazing.”
You felt his breathing begin to get uneven and you wrapped a leg around him continuing the brush of your fingers, caressing him since he seemed to need it. You held him in your arms as he clung to you. Now, you’ll admit, at this time you’d start getting your clothes again and find your things to leave. Maybe you would’ve already had a scheduled Uber but you weren’t doing any of that—and it wasn’t because he tore your dress in half. “You made me feel so good,” you whispered softly into his ear and it made him hum in appreciation, eyes shut slightly. He never realized how much tension he’d been holding onto without release until now that you held him.
You were naked and sticky, even sweaty, but that didn’t stop you two from snuggling after sex, his gentle lips leaving soft kisses along your neck tiredly as his eyes shut in relaxation. Like that, you both let sleep take over and you were warm in each other’s arms.
The sun shined brightly against your sleeping face. You squeezed your eyes shut some more but it did little to keep the light away. You decided to move, roll over and hide your face in one of your many pillows but as you tried to, you nearly fell. A yelp escaped your lips, face inches away from the floor as two arms caught you by the waist. Jungkook was half asleep but alert as he looked over your tired form. You fell back onto the twin sized bed pressed against Jungkook’s chest staring at your surroundings.
In better light and a clearer head you had a better chance to look around his apartment. It was smaller than you pictured when you were lying underneath him. You just didn’t realize it was this small. You’re not sure if you’ve ever been to a place that looked like this. His bedroom, kitchen and living room all in one space with ripped wallpaper and broken cabinets. Jungkook seemed to stiffen under you when he noticed where your mind was going.
Last night was… how should he put it without sounding so dramatic? He just felt very appreciated and not just his body but also the things he had to say. You paid very close attention to what he felt and it was more than anyone has in a while. Sure, the fighting gets him attention but not for anything good. It was abuse and exploitation. That made him hate himself but what he experienced last night was lively. He wouldn’t mind getting this feeling because of you again except you couldn’t be any more opposite and that’s what had him skeptical.
“You okay?” He asked suddenly, nervous because you have yet to say anything after your abrupt awakening and he’s itching to know what you think. His shabby apartment looked even worse than he imagined. You just gave a single nod and that made him anxious now, sliding a little out from under you trying not to pay attention to the way you were both still naked. He released a quiet sigh, “If you want to go home now, it’s okay, you can tell me.”
It was morning anyway, he’s not sure what he would expect differently. You seemed to snap out of your own thoughts turning as best as you could to lay on your stomach over him. He looked down at you with an expression you could only read as dejected, sullen or tired even. Your chest rests on his chest as you look up at him, “And what if I don’t want to go home yet?”
Jungkook couldn’t hide the look of surprise on his face when you ran your hand over his chest turning to look at him, “How about a shower together?”
You stared at the man in front of you expressionless, or well, you were trying to be. He, on the other hand, was open with you. A knowing smile on his face with brows raised in amusement. He was even leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest, head tilted to the right just slightly waiting for you to speak.
“You’re starting to creep me out,” You said with a roll of your eyes as you looked over the roof, city life thriving about sixty stories below you. Jin cleared his throat, “I was wondering if you had anything to say to me.”
“About?” You asked as the waitress came back with your food. You were seated across from Jin at some high end restaurant for lunch. It sat on the roof of some luxury hotel and it’s where you two decided to meet between your classes. You had a feeling you knew what this was about but you weren’t about to give in. A day and a half was spent in Jungkook’s presence. You didn’t even go to class the following day, instead you stayed in his apartment and did absolutely nothing.
“You’re a vixen, y’know? You sank your claws into Jungkook and got him, I applaud you,” Jin said making you roll your eyes again. “What are you talking about? You’ve got a crush on him or something?”
“I’m just saying, I’ve been trying to get that guy to let loose but all he does is push every chance away,” Jin told you as he picked at his plate. Your eyes narrowed leaning forward against the table, “How do you two know each other, anyway? He didn’t really say.”
Jin sneered, “Of course he didn’t. He doesn’t like it.”
“Doesn’t like what? No, don’t tell me,” you shook your head. You wanted to know because you were definitely interested. But was it your business? Jin smacked his tongue, “It’s nothing serious.”
“I’m his manager of sorts, but also an investor?” Jin said with a shrug taking a big bite, “He’s a boxer, like in the ring with glo—“
“I obviously know what a boxer is,” you said clearly annoyed with your older friend who just chuckled knowing he was getting under your skin. You were curious now, “Besides, what does it matter to you? You work in a law firm.”
Jin groaned as if he had a reason to be annoyed with you when clearly he didn’t, “I’ve got a few interests, alright? Sketchy? Maybe, but it is exciting. I met him a year ago when I was watching a boxing match. He was new and he was good, a lot of strength and control. I just have this idea that he can make it big and I can get him there. It’ll be a give and take. I already make good money off his fights from my cut and imagine what a bigger audience can do?”
“So what you’re saying is Jungkook… he makes money from boxing?” You asked and he just shook his head no. “No, well kinda? His family has a lot of debt—“
“Stop, stop talking,” you covered your ears suddenly, “I don’t want to hear about his private stuff unless it’s from him. I get it. You kinda work together?”
Jin rolled his eyes, “Yes but that’s not what I wanted to talk about. I want to know what transpired you to go with him the other night. I didn’t peg muscular, tatted, brooding men as your type.”
“I didn’t either,” you said honestly, “But I don’t know. I saw him one time before that at a store and he had been bleeding from his forehead. I think that’s why I was curious at first.”
“And now?” Jin asked making your brows furrow. “What do you mean now?”
He sighed, “I mean are you curious still? Jungkook is a good guy, great guy even but it wouldn’t work Y/n. Your parents would kill you if they found out you were seeing a guy like him. He’s not… he hasn’t had the same privileges as you and it just wouldn’t look good. He’s a great kid but he’s got real struggles that you wouldn’t understand.”
“Hypocrite much?” You asked with a tilt of your head, “Like you would understand those struggles more than me? Are you going to tell him this too or just me because I don’t think Jungkook would appreciate it.”
“Jungkook’s smart, I’m sure he understands why it wouldn’t work. You’ve been to his place I assume, you had some thoughts on it I know. But at the end of the day, I’m loyal to you as a friend more than Jungkook. I’ve known you since you were five and I’m looking out for your best interest.”
“I don’t need you to Jinnie,” you rolled your eyes as you pushed your finished plate away. He let the topic drop with a reluctant sigh. He really did appreciate Jungkook as a person and even as a friend of sort but at the end of the day… what they had never went beyond business. The dinner the other night was to discuss another tournament, what happened after was a spur of the moment. He had respect for Jungkook for what the kid has been through but that’s what makes him wary. He’s seen how mad he can get, how little he actually has to support himself and how battered his life was. You wouldn’t fit in anywhere and Jin cares about you too much to let you fall for someone like him.
“Besides, I’m seeing him later after class,” you said brightly. Jin couldn’t argue with you anymore, he just wanted you to know what he thought. He knew Jungkook was a good guy, he just didn’t think he was right for you. Suddenly you flashed him a bright smile, big puppy dog eyes and a bat of your lashes, “You’re treating me to lunch right?”
“You probably have more money than me Hotel Heiress,” Jin said with a scowl but you didn’t let up. Your bottom lip curling down, “But you invited me.”
“Aish,” he rolled his eyes at you as he took his wallet out, “You’re so annoying.” “Thank you Jinnie, you’re the best.”
He took you back to campus after lunch and you went to your last couple of classes. Taehyung waited for you outside your last class, “Jia and I want to go shopping, you coming?”
“No, Jungkook is waiting for me outside,” you told him reading over Jungkook’s text telling you where he was. Taehyung’s brows furrowed, “Jungkook? The guy from the other night? Don’t tell me you’re seeing him again.”
“Fine I won’t tell you.” “Y/n I’m serious, I don’t know him but the other night something seemed of—Y/n!”
“Bye!” You sang as you saw Jungkook’s black, tinted car. He was outside waiting for you and a smile spread across his face. He pulled you in for a hug, “Aren't you cold?”
“Shivering,” you said with trembling teeth and he helped you into his car ignoring the rise of your skirt. Once he was inside he kicked the heat up, “So where do we go?”
He was nervous. He hasn’t seen you in a couple days and now that it’s the weekend he’s not sure what he should do. Is this a date? Do you even want to date him? You didn’t ask him anything over the time you were at his place but he could tell you wanted to. Would you run away when you found out the extent of his struggles? You bit your bottom lip in thought, humming as you tried to think of something, “Lets go to my place.”
So he followed the directions to the other side of the city where he’d dropped you off just days ago. He only got to look at the outside of the skyscraper hotel with your last name displayed in metal letters under the hotel’s name. The inside was gorgeous, marble everywhere with white clay walls and curved edges that gave the hotel a seamless image. Even the furniture was the color of the walls and the only pop of colors were deep green and shades of brown. He let you drag him into the elevator where you pushed for the top floor putting your key in to unlock the floor and he traveled the hundred stories up.
The second the elevator to your floor opened Jungkook’s breath hitched. He didn’t realize you had the entire floor to yourself until he walked in and saw the various doors to different amenities all just for you ranging from private gym to an entire room larger than his apartment dedicated to shoes and handbags. You walked down the hall to the main living space and he continued to look around. Large kitchen, large windows that looked over the skyline with a pool on the balcony.
“So this is your place?” He asked obviously as you went to your bedroom which, once again, was bigger than his apartment with a king sized bed and canopy. You gave a quick nod of your head disappearing into your closet to change into something warmer, “18th birthday present.”
He was too nervous to even sit on your bed but you came out all joyous jumping on him and tackling him down on it. Immediately, a jolt of pain shot up his side making him wince and you jumped to get off his lap. His hands gripped your waist keeping you in place and your brows furrowed in concern. You reached for his shirt when he held your wrist to stop you but you pulled it up anyway. Jungkook’s face heated when you stared at the faded bruise on his side. It was worse than it was when you two had sex, it was more brown now with yellow around the edges since it was old.
Your finger just barely brushed over it enough that it didn’t hurt but he still flinched at the contact making you frown as you straddle his groin, “You were fighting?”
His eyes widened at first but relaxed when he realized who would’ve told you. Maybe you were closer with Jin than he thought. Lord knows he only sees Jin when it comes to the business they’ve involved themselves with. You, on the other hand, were at Jin’s societal level and probably saw him at galas and fashion shows. So Jin told you about the fighting and you still let him into your home? Without another word you shimmied off his lap and he could feel his heart drop. Maybe you were rethinking things. Maybe you saw that it was a bad idea to get involved with him and now you’re backing out. He wouldn’t blame you after seeing the way you lived compared to him. He expected you to kick him out, not to lean down and press a soft kiss on his ribs, “Did you at least win?”
Jungkook gave a slight nod of his head in response and you smiled moving to lay on the bed now right next to him. You sat your head up on your palm looking over to him, “Do you like boxing?” He shook his head honestly and it made you frown, “So why do it then?”
He was quiet for a moment, “I’m good at it and it’s easy money.” “This is easy money?” you pointed to his bruise but before he could answer you were backtracking, “I mean… I’m just trying to understand but you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to.”
Jungkook couldn’t help but lean forward to press a gentle kiss on your lips before wrapping an arm around your waist pulling you into his side, “Why are you so perfect? Aren’t you a little scared? I’m not a good guy.”
“Why? Because you beat the shit out of people for money? Oh yeah you’re such a thug,” you rolled your eyes, “Besides, I’m not perfect, I’m actually a spoiled bitch.” He laughed along with you snuggling in your bed despite the sun still being out.
“To answer your question from earlier, the only reason why I do this is to help out my parents. They’d kill me if they found out but they’ve got a lot of debt and I want to help them how I can. I dropped out of school my final year and I went straight to work,” Jungkook began to open up, “I didn’t want to leave school but we needed the money so I had to get to work. There weren’t many options where I’m from so I packed up my shit and came here.”
“Wasn’t that hard?” You asked cutely and he could see it in your eyes that even if you didn’t understand, you wanted to. He nodded, “Yeah, I slept on a lot of couches at first. I couldn’t get a good job since I didn’t have a diploma but I started working as a mechanic and was able to get the place I’m at now for cheap if I fix maintenance problems myself.”
“I met this guy who told me he knew how I could make quick money and it was just supposed to be a one time thing but I can’t support myself and my parents with just the car shop.”
“And Jin wants you to be a legitimate boxer? Like one of those lightweight champion fighters?” You asked making him crack a smile as you laid on his chest. He began to play with your hair, “Yeah and I just don’t get it. I’m not going to get far. I don’t how to play by all the rules. I don’t think it’s worth the risk. For now I’m fine working at the auto shop.
“But, you don’t want to see if it actually works out?” You asked curiously, “And would you want to work as a mechanic forever?”
“I’m not thinking about forever, I’m thinking about the present and what gets me by. When I get a chance to live comfortably then I’ll look at the bigger picture but I still don’t think it would be boxing.” He was honest and a little blunt but he didn’t mean to sound that way. He was just being realistic. He knows he’s living paycheck to paycheck and still coming up short but it’s what he needs to do right now. He can’t dedicate himself to a career where he doesn’t get paid frequently unless he trains and devotes all his time.
You didn’t say anything for a moment and it made him wonder if he made you uncomfortable. It’s not that he thinks you had it easy growing up but clearly you’ve grown up with a totally different mindset and endless possibilities. After a while before he could backtrack you spoke, “I see what you’re saying, sorry,” you mumbled and he seemed to squeeze you in his hold. He shook his head no though you couldn’t see him, “Don’t apologize. You were just curious.”
‘So can I go to see you?” You weren’t even done saying what you wanted to say when Jungkook was muttering a few ‘no’s’ making you turn to face him now still laying on him. You went to move back and his arm stayed loose around you but let you move, “Why not?”
“Because it gets really ugly and it’s dangerous. It’s not something I want the girl I’m into to see,” he said mixing in a confession and putting it out there for you to understand what he’s on. He absolutely had no desire to get close to anyone romantically but now that he has, he’s really interested. He finds you attractive but it wasn’t just that. You seemed to listen to him and though you could, you don’t judge him— or at least he didn’t hink you do. You looked at him with an annoyed expression but it was playful, “But I want to see you.”
You didn’t directly say you were into him but you did lean in for a kiss letting his lips meet yours softly. You released a soft moan when his arm tightened back around you turning his body slightly to kiss you better. The two of you pulled apart but his hand was still cupping your face gently and he looked down at you. You opened your mouth to say something but he immediately shut you up with another kiss before pulling away again, “So pl—“ Then another kiss on your lips and you couldn’t help but laugh when he did it again quickly now, “Please let me wa—okay!—“ kiss after kiss on your lips so you wouldn’t keep talking about seeing him fight.
He wouldn’t let you.
Or so he thought. Jungkook held your hand tightly as he led you through the thick crowd watching the fight from before. You looked around anxiously now. It was louder than you imagined, dirtier, rougher. It reeked of alcohol and dirty money. You could feel the stares on you when you walked past and though it made you uncomfortable, you felt a little better with Jungkook there.
He sensed your unease because he pulled you closer until his arm could wrap around your waist, pressing his face against yours to whisper in your ear, “You still okay?”
“Mhm,” you nodded leaning in to give him a quick kiss as he smiled, “Alright, I gotta get ready.”
“Jungkook! My man, you’re late,” a guy with a huge grin on his face approached. You ignored the way he seemed to look at your figure but Jungkook was pulling you closer to his side than before. Jungkook just smiled, “Things came up.”
“I see that,” the guy’s eyes stopped at your legs, then your hips, and chest, “I’m Hoseok by the way.”
“Y/n,” you answered in a snobby tone as you glared back at him. He was way too open with staring you down when Jungkook was there. Jungkook thought the same and it had him pulling you along, “I’ll be out in a bit.”
It was still strange to see you in the locker room with him. The same grimy room he was in last time when he was beaten pretty bad and still came out on top. You tried to hide your disgust but he could see it in the way you avoided touching anything. Jungkook cleared his throat, “I can take you back to the car, if you want.”
“Why would I want to leave?” You asked moving closer to him as he attempted to wrap his fists up by himself. Jin should be here soon to help him with that but until then you’ll just watch him get ready. He looked over to you, in your skirt and sweater making him even more nervous. He asked you to dress down, not because he didn’t love seeing your pretty outfits, but because he didn’t want anyone to get any ideas with you. He’d hate to hop out of the ring so people wouldn’t come at his girlfriend. It still feels weird to say that. Never did he imagine he’d get swept up so quickly and yet here you were, absolutely breathtaking and sweet.
His breath hitched so suddenly, your arms wrapped around his exposed torso in a back hug pressing a kiss to his shoulder plate. He turned his head to look back at you and you took the opportunity to kiss him on the lips.
“Sneaky little snake Y/n.”
You pulled away with a roll of your eyes. Jungkook looked to the swinging doors as Jin walked in. Jin glared at you, “What are you doing here? And why are you dressed like you’re going to a summer Christmas party?”
“I’m covering up,” you said only answering his last question as you let go of Jungkook to give Jin a spin, “Don’t I look pretty?”
“You always do,” Jin said with a shrug as Jungkook’s eyes narrowed in his direction at that comment. He still has to get used to the fact you’re very close with Jin. Tame his jealousy and be less serious all the time. His friend seemed to be thinking the same since he rolled his eyes, “Don’t look at me like that. Why’d you bring Y/n to a place like this?”
“Because I asked,” you said when Jin stepped up to help Jungkook put his gloves on. He scoffed, “And Jungkook is fine just doing whatever you ask?”
When Jungkook didn’t say anything Jin released an annoyed huff of breath as he finished up with the wrappings. Jungkook wasn’t paying attention to anyone but you as he lifted his gloved hands to reach for you. Jin looked between you two muttering something under his breath as he walked out the door giving you two a minute. Jungkook put the gloves on your hips as you moved between his legs looking down at him from where he was sitting on the bench. Your arms rested on his shoulders as he looked up at you with rounded eyes. He leaned forward resting his forehead on your chest, “I’m happy you’re here tonight.”
“Really? I thought you told me no,” you said playfully and he looked up again, still resting on you, squeezing you even closer to him. “But it’s nice to have someone there for me.”
You didn’t know what to say so instead your hands slid up from his shoulders to his face and you leaned down to meet his lips. He kissed back immediately, trying to touch you more but his gloves didn’t let him. It was short and sweet only interrupted when Jin opened the door back up.
He looked to you, “Come on, we’ll find somewhere to be, let Jungkook concentrate before the fight. He’s going up against a new guy first.”
Jungkook gave you a kiss goodbye and you told him good luck and left. You stood with Jin at the closest seats to the ring and he was trying to let you know what might happen tonight.
“So there’s two fights for him. The first will probably be the easiest but if he’s too worn out in the second he might not win. Now, he’s got a winning streak and a lot of people don’t like that so they’ll be fighting dirty tonight,” Jin told you honestly, “A lot of people are mad they’re losing money to him and there’s very few rules here. There’s a couple illegal moves but a lot of it is free game so beware he could get seriously hurt. Hence why I want him to go the professional route but he won’t, his family doesn’t want him fighting. If anyone talks to you don’t even entertain it, alright?”
“Yes dad,” you said, though you were definitely feeling anxious now. Music was loud but yelling was louder. It reeked of sweat, alcohol, blood. It was dirty and crowded and you could feel people looking at you. There were very few females here and they all glared at you too. Jungkook told you to not even bring your purse but you still felt like you needed to keep your possession close.
When Jungkook came out in just a pair of boxing shorts and shoes, mouth guard in looking like a completely different man than the one you kissed just moments ago, you saw him in a new light. Reality was hitting you that he was very much an intimidating man. When he passed you by he didn’t shy away from going to you for a good luck kiss before jumping over rope to get into the ring. When he kissed you it only made more heads turn.
You didn’t pay much attention to what the ref[?] was saying because it was so overwhelmingly loud in here. Practically overstimulating you and suddenly you weren’t so thrilled being here. Jungkook looked scary but so damn attractive, jumping from foot to foot getting his blood pumping as the other guy came in. He was roughly the same size as Jungkook, just less muscle. “You’re in for a show,” a voice spoke as someone plopped down next to you. You looked over to Hoseok who now sat on your left while Jin sat on your right.
“How much?” Jin asked him and they leaned over you to discuss betting amounts. When the bell rang you paid your full attention to the scene before you. Since this wasn’t such a professional fight there were less rounds to go through and the first knockout was a win. Only three rounds and he needed to score high on two to win.
The first round wasn’t a clear win. Jungkook did the first hit making the guy stumble back and you understood why everyone was so energetic. This was nerve wracking and everyone shouting for the one they wanted to win was getting to you. It was during the second round when things began to heat up. This time the other guy did the first hit, a hard fist to Jungkook’s bruised side but he didn’t even flinch. He delivered a harsh blow to the guy’s jaw giving him an uppercut that sent him stumbling against the ropes.
His body slipped to the floor, blood dripping from his mouth and your hands clasped together as the referee counted the seconds for knockout. The guy attempted to get back up but only kept slipping down on the floor. When the whistle blew the round was given to Jungkook. You clapped happily now making him look over to you with a small smile. He was already drenched in sweat, long hair stuck around his face and clearly out of breath. Jin got up with a bottled water and towel taking it to Jungkook as they talked about something you couldn’t here.
“What do you think so far?” Hoseok asked you as the third round started and your eyes locked in on the fight. You have a shy shrug, “It’s… new.”
Hoseok chuckled, “I bet it is, you’re the only one I’ve ever seen wear Cartier here. Better to take it off before someone else sees it.” You nodded but you didn’t take it off in case you’d lose it. Instead you hid it under your sweater now. The third round was quicker, it took one blow for the guy to fall and laughter rose around you.
By the end of the fight, Jin was hurrying you up to the locker room assigned to Jungkook again. Jungkook was already at the sink examining the damage but when he saw you he hid his bruised side. You didn’t even have to say anything when he was reaching for you, “You okay? Is this too much? I’ll have Jin take you to the car, did anyone say anything to you? I’m sorry, this is probably jus—“
You shut him up with a kiss, his body immediately relaxing into it as his head tilted to the side to deepen it with his tongue. Jin audibly gagged behind you, “I miss Jungkook when he was depressed. Now all you two do is eat each other’s faces off. How you feeling Kook?”
“Good, nothing major,” Jungkook cleared his throat awkwardly when Jin passed him an ice bag. The break till the next fight was really short. The guy he would be going up against had already fought his contender when Jungkook arrived. Once they have their fight and marks are tallied they’ll know who wins. If he wins he’ll be able to pay off some of his loans before the loan sharks come knocking on his door again. He’ll send money for his parent’s bills. He’ll pay his car payment, utilities, buy groceries, and take you out on a date. It won’t be as nice as you’re probably used to but hopefully he can do something. He’ll show you that even if he doesn’t have the kind of money you do, he’ll do anything for you to see how strongly he feels.
Having a support system in the audience cheering him on was motivation to win and he promises he’ll win for you. You wanted to watch him fight so he’ll give it his all.
You got back to your seats once the warning for the next fight came. Jin clutched your hand, “You’re holding up better than I thought. You’re usually more high maintenance. You don’t even like going to the gym because it makes you sweat.”
“But sweat looks so good on Jungkook,” you answered looking at Jungkook, “Now shut up. The fights about to start.”
“You think this guy’s got a chance against Seungmin?”
“Nah, he’s not that focused tonight. Probably because his bitch is in the crowd.”
Your brows furrowed at who was talking about you. Jin shook his head when you tried to turn and look, “Just ignore it.”
The first round started heavy. Jungkook’s opponent threw the first blow right in his face. His head whipped back as he was hit in the nose and you visibly winced. Jungkook didn’t feel too much pain from it, probably due to adrenaline, but it made his eyes water and blur for a second giving the guy a chance to hit him in the gut.
The crowd was going crazy around you as Jungkook delivered three hits in but his body collapsed to the floor. The guy had hit the back of Jungkook’s head that had him stumbling down on the floor in pain. You gripped Jin’s arm, “Isn’t that illegal?” He only shook his head, “Not here.”
You waited to see if he’d get up but he couldn’t lift his head. Your leg was bouncing anxiously and before you knew it, the round ended with a knock out. Jin got up immediately going to Jungkook’s aid and he looked worse for wear. The round was given to the other guy and before you could even think you were walking to the rope. Jin was wiping blood off Jungkook’s face grabbing the back of his head checking for blood.
“He’s got a heavy hand,” Jungkook panted out of breath feeling his ears drum. Jin held his head, “Block your fucking head Jungkook. He’s playing extra dirty, he’s going to keep going for it if you’re already injured.”
“Jungkook,” you said softly making him turn, finally noticing you and suddenly he was sitting up on the stool. He sniffled, “Yes baby? Are you okay? I promise I’m fine, if it’s too much don’t look—“
“Fighter’s ready!”
Jin gave Jungkook a kiss on his forehead, “Two rounds. You gotta win this and then you get a pay grade. Alright?” Jin led you back to your seat before you could even talk to Jungkook more but maybe it was for the better.
Jungkook was tired, worn out from the last round and the fight before. His opponent at least had resting time after his fight since Jungkook’s fight was after. Jungkook didn’t get as long of a break before he was thrown into the last fight. He stood in position for the bell to ring but the guy across from him was jittery.
A smirk on his face as he looked over the audience before he snickered, “Brought your toy along? I like her, might just take her from you.”
Jungkook tried to ignore it, jaw tense as he reeled in his anger. The guy was a shit talker, he wanted to get in Jungkook’s head but he won’t let him. He just wants Jungkook to lose focus but he won’t. The second the bell rang Jungkook gave the first hit, getting Seungmin right in the stomach before giving him another hit on the side of his head.
You watched anxiously, Jungkook seemed to have felt better enough to fight back stronger. Hoseok looked over to you, “The kid’s got it, he’ll win.”
You’re not worried about him winning. You’re worried about how hurt he’ll be after and you understand now why Jungkook didn’t want you here. He was strong, he could fight and hold his own but watching him get beat black and blue was heartbreaking. But you couldn’t look away. You were at the edge of your seat, there was blood dripping down Jungkook’s eyes painting it red but he kept fighting, he stayed on his feet even when he was backed into a corner. He blocked his head with gloves and when Seungmin least expected it he punched his nose then jaw. The opponent’s body whipped with the force of the hit and though he tried grabbing rope, he crashed to the floor.
Jungkook was jumping from foot to foot keeping himself moving as the ref counted down to knockout and he released a breath. He sat on the stool in the corner of the ring tipping his head back staring up at the hanging lightbulb over them. They’re tie. This last round will declare the winner of this fight and it has to be him. He can get a few hundred and though most will go to bills he swears he’s going to try and take you out.
Jin was in front of him again, this time he pressed an Enswell to the cut above his brow, “Last round, it’s yours man, I can feel it. You’re faster, you’ve got more coordination. How’s your eye?”
“Hurts like a bitch,” Jungkook confessed through his mouth guard. He turned to look for you but stopped, wincing when Jin wiped the blood away. The cold metal against his skin was numbing the pain but he could still feel his eye swelling, “How’s Y/n?”
“Fine, focus on your opponent not your girlfriend,” Jin said harshly but he only meant it out of concern. He wanted Jungkook to be focused so he wouldn’t get so roughed up in the last round.
Now it was the last round. He shifted his mouth guard to fit better as he stared at Seungmin. He watched his head turn to look at you, eyes wandering up the expanse of your legs to your skirt. His words were mumbled due to the guard but he could understand him clearly, “Yeah, I’ll take her as my prize. She’ll look good as my bitch, bet she’s got a fat ass t—“
Jungkook shoved him, the crowd growing louder as the ref blew the whistle, pulling them apart. The guy only laughed glaring at Jungkook, “Look real nice with her legs spread just for me. She tight?”
The whistle blew.
The first throw Jungkook took didn’t land, it was too blinded by rage that Seungmin touched him first backing him up into the corner again with his larger build, “Bet she likes to fuck dirty with that body.”
Jungkook struggled, moving too quick to cause real damage and block his eye at the same time. Seungmin kept going, “You think she’ll put up a bigger fight than you? I like the figh—“
His breath was knocked out of his body when Jungkook threw a direct punch to his diaphragm making him stumble back. As he clutched his chest Jungkook took the opportunity to hit where his kidney should be, bringing the guy down to his knees in pain.
You were on your feet with everyone else cheering Jungkook on unbeknownst to what was being said about you. Though Seungmin was down, anytime he tried to get up Jungkook would stop him. With an uppercut, Jungkook punched right at Seungmin’s ear sending a ring down his ear drums and he fell to his side.
But Jungkook didn’t stop. The gloves made it hard for him to really get his hands on him but he wasn’t done. He didn’t even care about the round. He cared about beating the fuck out of this piece of shit for talking about you, so he did. He got over the guy, straddling his curled position as Seungmin blocked his own head from being hit. There were no rules outside of no weapons, and no weighted gloves so he wasn’t stopping until he was dragged off of him.
“Jungkook!” Jin called out when Jungkook brought a fist back and hit over the man’s hands getting as much of his head as he could. He raised another arm to do it again as the whistle blew.
He delivered another blow feeling the bounce of the mat, the ref saying he won since it was a knockout but he wasn’t done.
Just as he was ready to give him another hit he was being yanked off but he wanted more. He wanted the guy bloody and bruised for the way he talked about you. He lurched forward to do it but strong arms held him back, two people telling him to stop. The ref raised Jungkook, “The winner! There, you’re done with the fighting!”
He had to be dragged out of the ring by Hoseok and Jin. He could barely see out of his eye and the crowd half cheered half booed, “Where’s Y/n?”
He was feeling dizzy, drained and tired. Jin sat him down on the bench and you went to get ice. You wanted to cry though you had no reason to. He just looked so scary out there but also, he was clearly beat. You had to collect yourself instead of let your emotions show. You’re the one who begged him to let you see him fight. You passed the bag to Jin feeling like you needed to catch your breath. Jin let you sit next to Jungkook who seemed too far into his own world to pay attention.
He was hot, his body was on fire and he was breathing heavy, leg bouncing as he thought back to what Seungmin had been saying. The fucking disrespect. Even if you weren’t his girlfriend, how could Seungmin say things like that and expect Jungkook to not react? He wanted to fight him again, it was all he could think about.
“Take the keys,” Jin told you and you did. Hoseok came in shortly after, “I’ve got the cut. Seungmin’s mad, cussing at everyone saying it’s cheating.”
“Says who?” Jin scoffed making Hoseok shrug, “No one. Jungkook won, everyone could see Seungmin was instigating and now he’s mad he got his ass handed to him.”
He chuckled as Jin took Jungkook’s gloves off and the mouth guard fell to the floor. Jungkook grabbed a t-shirt ignoring his wounds as he stood suddenly. He grabbed his things and like confused idiots you all rushed after him.
The place was still bustling with drunk energy and Seungmin’s voice was heard over it all.
“Take him out the ring and I’ll fucking beat him.”
You stayed a little behind as Jin tried grabbing at Jungkook but he just pushed him off.
“I call rematch and I’ll take the money and his bitc—“
Okay, well now you knew what he had been telling Jungkook. Jungkook turned Seungmin around but before the guy could react, a hard fist was colliding with his nose. Screams erupted, some urging the fight, some calling security. This entire time Jungkook had been silent with only a deadly look in his eyes. You gasped loudly when the guy threw Jungkook off trying to get on top of him but Jungkook wasn’t letting him. His fists weren’t stopping and they were covered in blood now.
“Jungkook!” You didn’t know what else to do. You couldn’t just go in and stop the fight like an idiot but you didn’t want Jungkook to do something he’ll regret. Jin seemed to be thinking the same because he did try and get Jungkook off only to be shoved aside.
Suddenly, security was there, picking Jungkook up with an arm around his neck locking him in. He fought against the hold once Seungmin was sitting up spitting out blood but Hoseok cut in. You didn’t know he was the one in charge of it all but it made sense now.
“Enough!” He yelled out, “If you’re not inside that ring you’re not fucking fighting or your asses are done!”
You walked to Jungkook practically feeling the heat radiating off him but you tried being gentle as he fought against the security still, “Hey, Jungkook.”
He couldn’t even look at you, eyes set on the guy and before he could stop himself he was lunging for him again catching security off guard and accidentally releasing him. Seungmin fell into a group of people when Jungkook did it again. You covered your eyes blocking out the yelling as they tried getting him off.
This time security wasn’t so nice, picking Jungkook up and throwing him on the ground making him gasp for air from his injuries. You immediately went to him, “Stop, please, can you please just stop.”
You didn’t notice you were crying as Jin helped Jungkook up and silently dragged him out. Jungkook was mad even as you made it outside.
“I fucking told you not to come!” Jungkook yelled, “I told you Y/n.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” you apologized, making Jin shove Jungkook into the passenger seat. “Stop acting fucking crazy or I’m leaving your ass here and taking Y/n home.”
You had the keys with you, hurrying to start the car so the two of you could leave but Jin was at Jungkook’s window. You rolled it down for him and the look on Jin’s face was saddened.
“Hoseok took half the cut for fighting outside the ring.”
“What?” Jungkook asked sitting up in his seat. Jin just nodded, “Took it, man I told you not to act out.”
Jungkook took the amount that was in Jin’s hands counting it up before cursing. It wasn’t nearly enough, not for everything. It wasn’t even enough to pay his family’s bills. When Jin pulled back you took the opportunity to drive but you didn’t take him to his place.
You were struggling when you pulled into the parking spot in the hotel parking garage and dragged him out. The garage was connected to the side of the hotel so you took him in the elevator as far as you could go and went up. As long as you avoided the lobby nobody would no how badly your boyfriend was beat.
He was silent now, all the pain finally hitting him at once and he felt hopeless. All that was for nothing. He won but at what cost? He let his emotions get the best of him and he yelled at you. Fuck, why did he do that? He couldn’t even apologize, it’s like his mouth had been sewn shut and look at this. You’re having to drag him yourself because he can’t walk himself. How pathetic.
When you got to a floor you found a cleaner and called to her as you got onto the right elevator hiding Jungkook against the wall, “Take a first aid kit to my room.” Everyone knew who you were and you couldn’t risk Jungkook being seen and your father being notified. The woman just nodded, running off already and you went to your floor. Jungkook didn’t say anything about coming to your place instead of his. He would’ve if he wasn’t trying to faint.
It didn’t take long for the first aid kit to get to your place and he followed you in.
He didn’t feel too awful but he was embarrassed. He didn’t even want you looking at him. His eye is practically swollen shut but thankfully it wasn’t the side with the piercing on it. He could still feel some blood on it but he had to force himself to ignore it as he followed you to your bathroom. You were bent over running the water in your overly large bath tub. You directed him to sit on the marble side of it and he did as told. You reached out to pull his shirt up but he stopped you.
“I can do it,” he mumbled looking down, “I’m fine.” You tried getting him to look and he wouldn’t but when you lifted his head he turned away making you frown, “You sure?”
“I don’t want you seeing me like this,” his voice was raspy, “Fuck I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry for yelling at you earlier.”
“It’s okay,” you said, holding his face gently, “But look at me, please.” It took him a second but when he did you released a sigh. You had a warm wet cloth as you began cleaning his eye area, “I’m here.”
He looked at you close to tears. “You don’t have to do everything alone. I want to take care of you too,” you said, making him sniffle. He shook his head, “I always do it alone, it's okay.”
“It’s not,” you said once he was finally undressed. You checked the water and poured some bath salts in and urged him to get in. He was naked in front of you but you couldn’t look at him, he didn’t want you to see all the pain he went through even if he says it’s not that bad. You sat on the edge of the tub waiting for him to get in and he did so shyly. As he sank into the warm water he looked back at you, “I shouldn’t have yelled at you in the car. I’m sorry you had to see me like that, okay? If you don’t want to be with me because of it I wo—“
“You won’t what? Stop me?” You asked cupping water in your hands and letting it run over his body, “So if I tell you right now that I don’t want you, you’ll just leave without a fight? You must not like me that much.”
“I love you,” he blurted out, happy that he was facing the wall instead of you but he would rather have you in here with him, “That’s why I wouldn’t stop you from leaving me. I’m not good enough for you.”
“Says who?”
“Y/n be serious, please,” Jungkook released a sigh turning to look at you. Now that he’s more cleaned up his wounds don’t look so bad but his eye was still swollen and his knuckles were bloody, “Look at me. Look at what I did tonight and where I live an—“
“I am looking,” you told him with your hands in his hair wetting it, “And tonight made me realize that I’m in love with you. I don’t care about where you live, I don’t care about any of that.”
“But I do,” he said when you started tugging your skirt and sweater off. Yes, he wanted you in his arms in this tub big enough to fit four people, but he didn’t want to just think about himself. He wanted you to know that he understands how different you two are and if tonight scared you, he understands why. He was a monster.
“Why?” You asked, sinking in across from him, “Why do you care about that stuff if I don’t?”
“Because it’s not enough for you. I want to give you so much of myself. I want to treat you the way you deserve to be treated and I can’t,” Jungkook said honestly, voice cracking here and there, “I’m not good enough, I fight to make money and look what happens. I can’t control myself, I yelled at you for no fucking reason and I hate myself so much.”
“Because you yelled at me or because you don’t think you’re enough?” You asked cautiously, making him shake his head no but he didn’t even know what he wanted to say. Yeah, he strongly disliked himself. He worked his ass off and it was never enough. He never had enough money, enough food, enough restraint, stability, or love.
You were careful when you leaned forward placing a soft kiss to his jaw, “I know you didn’t mean to snap. I know your buttons were pushed. I know you were stressed out and I don’t blame you at all. If I did I wouldn’t have you here with me. I don’t know how much more direct I have to be for you to see that I care about you so fucking much.”
“I don’t care about money, or yelling or any of that shit, I care about you and how you make me feel so safe because I know my strong boyfriend will beat the shit out of anyone who talks about me,” you said making your tone lighter at the end and he almost cracked a smile. He would never let anyone treat you any sort of way. That’s true.
His sore hands were holding your waist now underwater trying to pull you onto his lap. Though he’s been hit a few times in the gut, the place he was most hit was his face. His lip was pulled between his teeth, “My fighting scared you.”
“No, it didn’t,” you confessed, “What scared me is knowing that guy could do pretty much anything to you and it wouldn’t be breaking the rules.”
“I know,” he said, agreeing with you. It was getting extremely dangerous. If he gets hit in the head any more times he’ll get punch drunk before he’s 26. It’s not the fighting that’s the problem it’s where he’s doing it that is, “But as embarrassing as it is to confess to you, I need the money.”
“I understand baby, I’m not saying anything about that,” you told him honestly, running your fingers through his hair, “But it doesn’t have to be this way.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying I agree with Jin,” you told him making his brows furrow as much as they could. “If fighting is what you’re good at and you want to fight then go ahead. It shouldn’t matter what anyone thinks unless they’re here caring for you instead of putting more stress on your shoulders. I know your family doesn’t like you fighting and honestly, after tonight, I didn’t like seeing that but it’s not because I don’t support you.”
“It’s because I do, that I want you to have better opportunities in a safer, more regulated environment and not some dingy ass fight club,” you told him with a kiss to his shoulder blade, “So I think you should think about going professional. Jin and I have good connections everywhere and with the right training you can get really far. But if you really don’t want to then I won’t ask anymore.”
“You think I can do it? How am I gonna have time to train when I’ve got to make money,” Jungkook asked, suddenly thinking about it. You were a lot more convincing than Jin but maybe it’s because you’re so loving—and naked in his arms.
“I’ll help you with mon—“ “No,” and he was unconvinced, “I’m not taking handouts. I’m sorry baby but not from you. You’re my girlfriend, you’re not supposed to have to let me borrow money. I want to be able to take you out and spoil you and I can’t if—“
“It’s not a hand out, it’s your girlfriend wanting to do things for you because she really loves you and wants you to be at a point in your life when you’re not stressing over every little thing,” you told him. He shook his head, still unconvinced. He can’t. He can’t. He loves you too much to put his worries on your shoulders. You pressed a kiss to his collarbone, “Besides I’m not saying you won’t be able to do it on your own, I know you can.”
“What I’m saying is that you don’t have to do it alone, and if it’s not money that you want help with that’s fine but don’t shut me out because you’re scared of relying on someone else. You’re too used to being the one dealing with your problems and everyone else’s. I want to be the one you have in your corner.”
“So I should go pro?” You nodded making his eyes dart around in thought, “I’ll still be fighting but I know now it’s because I like it.”
“Yes but you’ll be doing it as safe as can be, I don’t want you to go into a fight like this again and the guy do anything he can to get you down,” you told him and he looked up at you.
“I am… I am asking for your help,” he struggled to get the words out but he did, “Because I don’t want to keep living the way I am, barely surviving and having to do dangerous things to get by. The reason why I never considered it is because I wouldn’t have the time or the money or even the support but I have you now.”
“You do,” you smiled, “And even if it doesn’t work—it will—but if it doesn’t, I’m still going to be here supporting everything you do.”
“I love you,” he blurted out looking in your eyes, “So fucking much and I’ve never felt like this for anyone else. I’m just sorry you have to see me like this.”
“Shhh,” you pressed your lips to his, “I love you too.”
You gave him a chaste kiss, “But we need you training on defense asap.” His brows furrowed as you continued, “I’m serious, you’re a good fighter but when it comes to blocking hits you suck.”
The two of you laughed lightly at that. It was true. He was a street fighter only using his fists to fight but when it comes to defending himself he’s not so quick. Hence why his face is usually the most damaged. His fingers sunk into your sides, “You gonna be my new trainer, baby?”
“Maybe, I know my way around a fight.” “Mmm, you’re gonna have to show me some moves but not in the ring.”
Your eyes rolled playfully, “Not tonight, you’re probably tired after your rounds.”
“I could still go for another round or two.”
“Are we still talking about fighting?”
request 1
request 2
request 3
taglist: @nikkiordonez12 @blushblossomsblog @fandems @whosaero @purpleunicorn051 @rerefundslocals @shaybts-blog @hobiseightbracelet @beautifulsunghoon @piscesbunnny @bitemejjk @jeonjcngkook
a/n oooo not a boxer jk. still debating how I feel about the fic but it was fun to write
no part two but I will accept requests for drabbles of the fic
also, my blog now has a tipping option to support my writing :) I obv am not expecting any sort of payment but just added it
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luveline · 1 year
Hi Jade! I wanted to request something with Prince Steve and his soulmate. I feel like we’ve started to see them warm up to each other but maybe we could see reader start to meet Steve’s friends and see that she’s got more people standing behind her? Like maybe Robin and Eddie teasing Steve about something embarrassing in front of her or I know she hasn’t shown up yet but I could totally see Nancy as like a lady in waiting/tutor to teach her all about proper manners but in the process she spills all these stories about Steve growing up?
thank you for requesting ♡ prince steve au fem, 1k
A knock at the door, an impatient huff. "Are you ready yet?" 
"Come in, Steve." 
He wedges into your rooms, a basket in his hands. "Why are you on the floor?" 
"Can't tie my stupid shoes," you complain, dropping your hands down, knee pulled up, too warm for all the fuss. 
Steve nearly drops the basket, he's that enthusiastic to help you out. He kneels by your feet and takes the laces of your shoes into his hands, pulling them tight, his eyebrows pinched tighter. "That okay?" he asks, pausing his loop. 
"Yeah. Thank you." 
"They didn't teach you how to tie your shoes back home? We need outreach immediately." 
You laugh and lay back on the plush rug behind you. "It's the weird eyelets. You royals do everything weird. Like picnicking." 
"So many points. These aren't eyelets, they're lace hooks. You're pretty much as royal as I am, or you will be in a matter of days. And," —he finishes tying your boot, pulling the other toward him with a small laugh— "Robin wanted a picnic. She's not royal. None of your points make any sense." 
"You'll be a wretched husband." 
Steve takes your hands and pulls you up into a sitting position. He doesn't let them go, transferring both into one so he has a hand free to straighten up your cardigan. "And you'll be a cherished wife." 
Steve pulls you onto your feet. Together, you walk through the selenite halls of the palace to the prince's private gardens, where a gazebo the colour of the sky stands shading refreshments from the eager sun. Helping themselves to the hors d'oeuvres are a tall Eddie and a shorter partner in crime, Robin. Nancy lays out in the grass next to who you assume to be her boyfriend, a handsome guy with two books in his hands, still closed. He squints in the sun, waving as you and Steve approach. 
"Hey!" he greets. "You're late."
"Don't get up," Steve jokes, waving back at him and Nancy, who's barely lifted her head. "Not like I'm anyone important." 
"Very, very hard to find you important when you're wearing shorts," Eddie says. 
Steve shrugs. "She likes them." 
You realise belatedly and with horror that you're she. How does he know you like his nice shorts? Either way, his indifference so long as you like them makes you flush, leaving his side in search of a cold drink to drown yourself in.
"Did you bring the bat?" Steve asks Jonathan behind you. 
"Hey, babe," Eddie says, offering you a glass cup set with pressed flowers in the sides, "you okay?" 
"Is that lemonade?" you ask, pointing at one of the small water dispensers. Their glass shells shine with condensation, more ice cubes than liquid inside. It's a cloudy white with blood orange slices cut and garnishing the top, their juice seeping downward slowly. 
"Sure is. Prince Stevie's favourite, as always. Don't know where the sudden love for oranges came from, do you?" 
You've had a love for them since you got here and tried them for the first time. Oranges are expensive, and so the palace kitchen has them in abundance. Steve clearly noticed. "Wouldn't you know?" you ask. "Don't you choose his meals?" 
"As if. I'm a glorified cleaning boy," Eddie says. He scoops a bagel covered in cream cheese and fresh cut salmon from a silver tray and takes a big bite. "Just stick around for the food." 
"They won't let him back into the engineers workshop on account of his bad manners, he'll be a dishwasher forever," Robin says grandly, rounding the table to stand on your other side. 
"Says you, lady's maid." 
Robin was supposed to be a lady's maid. Sick gig, good pay, she had all the grades and none of the decorum, but Steve wouldn't let them get rid of her, and after an intense training program that taught her to wield a titanium blade longer than her arm as an extension of it, she was instated as his personal guard instead. They're all job hoppers —Nancy started as a lady's maid but now apprentices as a royal tutor, and her boyfriend worked for the palace's news room but now works under the sous chef. 
You did anything you could to stay alive, and now your full time job is princess, so. You're not judging. 
"What's Nancy's boyfriends name?" you whisper. "Jon?" 
"Jonathan. I don't think anybody calls him Jon," Robin whispers back. 
"She's lying. His name is Gordon." Eddie glares at Robin. "She's trying to trip you up." 
A smack erupts through the air, chased by Steve's pleased whoop. "Yes! Baby, did you see that?" 
"I'm not trying to trip you up," Robin says, "don't listen." 
"She totally is." 
"Baby?" Steve calls, yards away in the bluegrass, a bat held at his side. "Guys, stop harassing her. Jesus." 
"We're not harassing her, Stevie, slow your roll. This is a common social phenomenon called teasing, maybe you've heard of it? You do it with friends," Eddie says, nudging your arm. 
Friends, you think. Steve's looking at you, waiting for confirmation that you're alright. "I didn't see it, Steve. Do it again!" 
Steve immediately jogs backwards, goading Jonathan into pitching another ball. He has a good arm, the ball soaring just right for Steve to curl back and send it wide across the green grass of the garden. It hits a long banner across the way, smack dab on its painted target as he'd aimed for, falling practically on top of the first. 
It's an impressive arc. You clap your hands together and cheer, though the rules of this game escape you. You think it's supposed to be darts without sharp points, but you're more concerned with the lines of Steve's bicep as he rests the bat on his shoulder, his triumphant sun-kissed smile.
"Did you see that one, baby?" Robin asks. 
"He's so impressive, isn't he?" Eddie adds, grinning. 
Steve throws them the bird, his cheeks pink. 
"That's an example of what not to do in a formal setting," Nancy says, her skirt moving like water as she puts her face in her hand, her elbow on her knee. 
"You're getting good at this tutoring stuff," Jonathan says. 
Steve meanders your way to beg a consolation hug (he puts his arm across your shoulder, muttering about mean friends and their unjust jokes). "They're the worst," he mutters, his hair brushing your ear, goosebumps erupting down your arms. 
"I think they're nice," you say. 
He hums in your ear. "You would. Wretched wife." 
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
A continuation of the childhood sweethearts first kiss fic...
Eddie is 10 when he get his first kiss. A lot of people wouldn't consider it a real first, It's a dry press of chapped lips, chaste and sweet, but it remains the best kiss he's ever had, the one that means the most.
It's the summer before he moves to Hawkins--spending the school break with his Uncle Wayne--before he's known to the town as a loser weirdo freak, and he makes a friend. A boy golden bright as the sun, who steals Eddie's heart at first glance and keeps taking it again and again and again--not by force, but by his pure kindness, by his surprisingly wicked sense of humor, by the joyful way he experiences the world.
They run through the woods of Hawkins, ride bikes until the streetlights glow, swim until they fall asleep on a pool lounger, spend their nights in a tent in the wide Harrington backyard. He's not known around town yet, so the parents don't hate him, call him trash, fear for their child's reputation. He's just a boy still, his faded clothes and worn tennis shoes can be blamed on northing more than the consequences of a summer spent outdoors. Though, maybe it's just that Mr. and Mrs. Harrington aren't around enough to notice.
On his last night before he returns home to his parents, they make a fort in Steve's bedroom, find all the blankets and pillows in the house, create a cozy structure just big enough for two. They share all their secrets, their hopes and dreams, and as night becomes morning, Steve whispers, "Eddie...can I kiss you?"
Yes is the only possible answer he can give, and as Steve's mouth touches his, Eddie knows he will never love anyone else, not for as long as he lives, not if they never even see each other again.
He belongs to Steve Harrington, body and soul.
Eddie moves to Hawkins a year later. His first day of school, two months into the semester, he sees Steve in the hallway. Eddie's whole face lights up as he sees his friend, but--Steve's eyes slide right past him. He sees Eddie, no doubt about it, but there's no light of recognition, no excitement, no joyful reunion.
After a few years he accepts that Steve will never acknowledge him. He almost succeeds in not letting it bother him, and it's for that reason that it doesn't break his heart when Steve falls for Nancy Wheeler. It doesn't kill him to see Steve's beaten face after his fight with Jonathan Byers. It doesn't keep him up at night, watching Steve lose all his other friends. He doesn't hate jocks and rant on cafeteria tabletops just in the hope that Steve will look his way.
Everything changes after Nancy and Steve break-up and Hargrove beats the shit out of him. Whatever high school social cachet Steve still has disappears overnight, but dethroned King Steve still doesn't notice Eddie. He's made his peace with it. Moved on. He's an adult now, basically. He's going to graduate high school and move to the big city and he'll meet so many guys and never ever think about Steve Harrington ever again.
He's smoking a cigarette in the little-used bathroom up by the auditorium. His eyes are half-closed, imagining shapes in the tendrils of smoke.
The door bangs open, shocking him upright, the cigarette falling to the floor.
Steve Harrington stumbles inside, hands covering his face, blood pouring through his fingers.
"Steve!" Eddie yelps, can't help it when there's blood, when Steve is hurt.
Like always, he doesn't even bother to look at Eddie. It shouldn't shred his heart to pieces but Eddie's always been weak for Steve.
"What happened?" He asks, even though he knows he shouldn't care.
"Doesn't matter," Steve answers. He's standing at the sink, blood splattering the white porcelain red.
Acting against each one of his sharply honed instincts, Eddie rushes to the nearest paper towel dispenser, ripping half the roll off.
"Move your hands. Relax your head." He's surprised when Steve does as he says.
Eddie uses the paper towels to staunch the flow, pinches at the bridge of Steve's nose with his thumb and index finger. "How do you not know how to fix a bloody nose?" he mutters.
"I know how," Steve argues. "I just--" he pauses, swallows hard. "Why are you helping me?"
He doesn't know how to answer this question. He shouldn't be helping Steve.
"I don't know."
They don't talk again, not until the bleeding stops, and then Steve says, "It was Hagan, the motherfucker. He shoved me into a locker and I didn't have time to get my hands up."
"He's a dick," Eddie agrees. "It's not broken, though."
Steve shrugs. They fall silent again, neither moving. "Thanks," he says. He doesn't look at Eddie.
"Would have done it for anyone."
Those hazel eyes stay fixed to the linoleum as Steve nods. Eddie doesn't know what to do next. If he should leave or press for more that he shouldn't want.
But then Steve lets out a gulping kind of sob, is falling against Eddie's chest, and Eddie wraps his arms around him, holds him so tight even he can't breathe.
"Oh, Stevie," he whispers, and without really thinking, he pulls them into the nearest stall, shutting the door behind him.
Between his cries Steve repeats, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Eddie can't tell him that it's okay, so he combs his fingers through Steve's hair and holds him, fighting off his own tears.
Eventually the sobs stop and the tears dry up, but Steve doesn't break their embrace.
"I shouldn't have ignored you, Eddie," Steve says into the quiet. "You didn't deserve it."
"Why did you?" Thinks it's his right to an explanation, after everything.
"I wrote to you. After you left. Was gonna visit Wayne and get your address, but then my dad found them. He said, 'boys don't write letters,' and ripped them up. He told me if you ever showed up in Hawkins again we weren't allowed to be friends. The next week he'd signed me up for every available sports league in town.
"I was so excited when I saw you at school, Eds. I couldn't believe you were here. I panicked, though, and decided to pretend like I didn't recognize you. It was easy, not having to decide what to do, so I just...kept doing it. I wanted my dad to be proud of me."
"I'm sorry he did that to you, Stevie. For what it's worth, I would've loved to get those letters. I would've written back."
Steve laughs a little. "I know. I'm so sorry I hurt you. I've regretted it every day, but I had no idea how to make it right."
Eddie shouldn't want more. He knows that he's lucky they've even had this moment, but he always needs to push.
"You could try now," he says.
"To make it right. You could try now."
A smile illuminates Steve's perfect face. "You mean it?"
Steve's hand slips against Eddie's cheek, moving up to card through his hair. His thoughts scatter like fractures of light, as Steve touches him in a way he only imagined in the midnight depths of his wildest fantasies.
Their second kiss is just as soft and sweet as the first, their lips coming together in a gentle press.
They separate, and his fingers immediately go to his mouth. "You--did you--" He squeezes his eyes shut, takes a few deep breaths. "You can't kiss me like that unless you mean it, Steve. You can't just--"
"I meant it. I meant every second. I never stopped missing you. I hated that I made it impossible to be your friend. It's been eating me up for years. I want to make it right."
"I need time," he says. His voice trembles. " I want that too, Steve, but after everything, I need to know I can trust you."
Steve nods and gives him a small smile. "I'll do anything, Eds."
They hangout almost everyday, and Eddie finds that, underneath all that King Steve bullshit, he's still the boy Eddie fell head over heels for at 10, golden and bright and so lovely. Still mean, still funny, still owns Eddie's heart.
Steve doesn't kiss him again, and that's for the best no matter how much Eddie longs for it.
A little over a month later, Steve invites Eddie to his house again.
He follows Steve up to his bedroom--just as terribly plaid, just as empty of things that made it Steve's--except there's a pillow fort built against the bed.
"What's this?" Eddie raises an eyebrow and stifles a smile.
Steve rolls his eyes. "You know what. C'mon, get in."
They're a little too big for a fort now, but they squish inside, limbs tangling until they end up in a giggling heap.
"A fort, Stevie?" Eddie asks once he can talk again.
Steve's smile is soft. "These last few weeks have been the best of my life. You're my best friend. And I was just wondering--" he falters here for the first time, breath stuttering. "Can I kiss you?"
Sparks erupt in Eddie's chest, his smile so big that it hurts. What a fool he was, to think he would ever stop loving Steve Harrington.
"Please," he answers.
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madhatterbri · 8 months
Hangman shower scene 😌
Drip splash water drip splash splash drip water 💦
Splish Splash | Hangman A.P.
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Summary: You decide to hit the showers after an AEW show. 18+.
Author's Note: Normally, I delete the ask so I can make it neater, but the sound effects made me laugh. Please don't rag on me for the last line. I didn't know how to finish it. Don't judge me. Lol.
Pure fiction.
"I'm covered in sweat. I'm going to take a quick shower," you announced innocently enough in the hotel suite. The arena hosting the AEW Dynamite/ Rampage was lacking in the air conditioning department. You stayed to support Adam, but it made you feel grimy. Adam hummed in response. He left his suitcase on the ground and sat on the bed to remove his shoes.
Removing the sweaty clothes felt like a dream come true for you. They were piled in a heap on the floor. You walked into the walk-in shower and turned the water on. The warm water felt heavenly against your back. Your fingers rubbed your neck.
Through the glass, you could see your cowboy's bare body. He opened the door and walked into the shower. He stood before you with a loofah in hand.
"Such a good girl. Stayed to support her man," he praised you much to your delight. The wet loofah rubbing against your right side. His lips met yours. He led you so your back was against the tile wall. You shivered at the cold tile and shifted uncomfortably. "Don't worry. It'll be worth it,"
He lathered the loofah in soap from the dispenser on the wall. The thin fabric met your neck. Small bubbles ran down your body. You sighed happily, allowing him to pamper you. The loofah rubbed down to your chest next. His lips met your neck. Soft bites and kisses distract you from the devilish man.
His left hand gripped your inner thigh. You spread your legs, expecting him to wash your thighs. He kissed your lips. His tongue licked your bottom lip. You opened your mouth and allowed his tongue to slip in. The distraction worked because your eyes suddenly widened, feeling a vibration between your legs. You moaned against his lips, and he pulled away. A smirk plastered on his handsome face.
Your dazed mind started to process what took place. A buzzing sound filled the bathroom. There was a vibrator in the loofah. You gasped. "Adam?"
"It's okay, babe. Hold on to me if you need," he assured you. Adam dropped to his knees and lifted your leg over his shoulder. The vibrator hit the right spot making you see stars. His other hand grabbed your waist to keep you still. One of your hands found his shoulder to keep you still. Your other hand pulled his curly locks. He hissed in pain yet continued his torture on you.
Much to your dismay, he dropped the loofah to the floor after warning him that you were close. You whined and let go of him. He placed your leg back down. He kissed his way up your body before reaching your lips. Your lust-filled eyes stared into his.
"I need you," he whispered roughly against your lips. Adam helped you wrap your legs around his waist. You slid down on him painfully slow as he filled you up. One last grunt from him signaled you were seated on him. Your arms wrapped around his neck. Your head lolled to the side as your thrusts met each other.
He praised you making you blush. Adam kissed you with sloppy kisses. Each thrust felt better than the last. The pressure in your stomach coiled tightly. "Don't stop, Adam. I'm so close,"
A few more thrusts and you were done. The coil in your stomach snapped as your orgasm washed over you. Your toes curled as your eyes fluttered. He gripped your hips and pulled you down roughly as his orgasm hit. Adam remained still except for the kisses on your neck and cheek. More praises from him made you feel on cloud 9. He helped you down and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. The two of you trying to catch your breath.
He led you back to the warm water coming from the shower head. Your back rested against his chest. His arms wrapped around you. More of his soft kisses were placed on your neck and shoulder. This main event was the best you ever experienced.
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helianthus-exilis · 17 days
Irrlicht: Chapter 1
Published on AO3
Authored by AsteraceaeBlue (Helianthus-exilis)
For @miabicicletta with decadent 1980s Dana Scully vibes and love
Down the dry gullies of the mountain stream
I calmly wend my way
Every river will reach the sea
Every sorrow, too, will reach its grave
~ Franz Schubert
Martha’s Vineyard, 1983
Saturday, June 25th, 7:15PM
Crimson droplets stained the chipped white porcelain of the sink, turning pink as they were caught up in the swirl of the water cascading from the rusty faucet. She watched the mini whirlpool of color disappear down the drain. It would have been mesmerizing, beautiful even, if she didn’t know exactly what it meant. If it wasn’t so fucking sad. Watching part of her life skip away down the drain, her heart pounded out a rhythm that seemed to match the thud of the bass from the band playing on the other side of the bathroom door. Some local group, busting out covers of Creedence Clearwater and Van Morrison, amongst others. 
When the pointillism of blood finally stopped, she reached over to the paper towel dispenser and grabbed a few, running them under the water before pressing the wad to her nose, wiping away the evidence of her frailty. Her hands trembled and the towels were rough and smelled like damp cardboard. She shoved the balled up mess into the garbage can next to the sink and washed her hands. She looked in the mirror; a little pink, like she’d only blown her nose. That’s all anyone else would see or think.
Dana Scully reached behind her back and tightened the strings of the black waitressing apron wrapped around her waist, smoothing out the front and adjusting the black tee shirt with Gill’s Grill, Steak & Seafood printed in white. A giant harpoon underscored the words, driving home the nautical theme, as though every restaurant on the Vineyard didn’t have something to do with boats and fish and shells. She was just happy the dark color hid so much when it came to stains. She redid her ponytail, taming fluffy copper flyaways, pinched her cheeks to pop some color back into them, and turned to push her way out the door.
The sound of the band hit her full force, jolting her back to the present. A small crowd had gathered in front of the stage at the far end of the bar, swaying with pints of beer to “Bad Moon Rising.”
It was about as close as the Transatlantic set got to Woodstock.
When her roommate from Maryland offered to set her up with a summer job on the Vineyard, Dana was hesitant. She pictured a lot of boat shoes and Jackie Kennedy types and wasn’t sure she’d be able to stand it. Luckily, Gill’s had a nice balance of the upper crust and the working man who supplied them with their main courses. The latter tended to be bar flies; fishermen who were after a cold beer at the end of a long day of sun and fighting fishing nets. Having grown up in San Diego Navy housing and Annapolis Harbor, Dana had a soft spot for the salty workers. She felt better with them around.
She caught Erica’s eye from across the dining room as her roommate finished taking drink orders from her table. Waiting by the drink station, Dana fiddled with straws and neatened stacks of soda cups that didn’t need neatening.
Erica walked up to her, grabbing a tray from the pile and loading up cups with Pepsi and water.
“Thanks,” Dana said, helping her fill the drinks.
“Hey, no problem,” Erica assured her. “You feeling better?”
“Yeah. I think I just, um, ate something that didn’t agree with me.”
“Okay,” Erica said, looking at her sideways. “If you need to go back to the house, you can. I can cover you.”
“No, no,” Dana insisted, shaking her head. “I’m fine now.”
“M’kay,” Erica said with a smile. She hoisted the tray of drinks onto one hand and winked. “I got this. You can get their food. I’m predicting cheeseburgers cooked to a hockey puck and fish and chips they’ll think is too fishy.”
Dana smiled and watched her walk back to the table, her blonde perm barely contained in a braid. Bright and athletic, Erica was at Maryland on a volleyball scholarship and majoring in history. She had an inherent discipline that reminded Dana of her father. It was a good presence to have as she navigated the chaos of physics and pre-med. It kept her going in some of her hardest moments, when she was ready to say it was all too much. Erica would be there, waiting to tell her a ridiculous story from practice, or drag her out for a jog, or remind her that college degrees last longer than boyfriends (wink wink). Even if she had no idea what, exactly, Dana was struggling with, she was there to help keep the faith.
Dana took a quick breath and pulled her order pad from her apron pocket.
Sure enough, the fish and chips tasted too fishy.
An hour and a half later, she scraped the uneaten clumps of the dinner into the trash in the bustling kitchen, wondering how anyone could waste so much food. Her parents would never have put up with it, still didn’t put up with it even though three of their four children were grown and out of the house. Granted, the punishment had shifted from smacked bottoms to looks of judgment, but the implications were equally strong - you don’t take basic comforts for granted.
Apparently, her fellow waitress Janie was having the same struggle with her own customers that night. The tall brunette stormed into the kitchen holding a plate brimming with a juicy steak, baked potato, and vegetable medley.
“Sonny!” she fumed, tossing the plate onto the busy window. “Table three claims they asked for medium and they have their panties in a twist that this is not medium. It’s too pink.”
The middle aged line cook who’d been at the helm of Gill’s kitchen for the better part of a decade loomed over the pass-through and looked like he was about to spit onto the dinner. He placed a beefy hand on the edge of the porcelain and spun it around to glare at the steak.
“It’s fucking perfect,” he snarled, chewing on a toothpick that was only a placeholder for the cigarette that was waiting for him on his break. “You wanna ask them to come back here and show me how to cook a fucking medium steak?”
“You want I should do that?” Janie snapped back, hand going to her cocked hip. “Just toss it under the goddamn broiler for thirty seconds, send it to hell, if they burn their mouth they won’t complain anymore.”
Sonny grabbed the edge of the plate and turned towards the line with a look that could murder. She was the only one in the entire place who could talk to Sonny like that and not end up in the dumpster out back. Janie huffed loudly and crossed her arms as she collapsed against the wall.
“I can’t believe I took this job again this year,” she griped, snapping bubble gum between her teeth, talking to no one in particular. Dana listened out of courtesy more than anything as she finished clearing her dishes before adding them to the busser’s tub. “One more year. One more goddamn year and I’ll be done with cosmetology and then I’m done with these idiots.”
Whether she was referring to customers or coworkers, Dana wasn’t sure and she didn’t find out. Erica opened the back door, returning from her garbage run, a smile on her face. She clocked Janie immediately.
“Hey Janie!” she called out, eyebrows raised with a twinkle in her eye. “Spooky’s back!”
“Shit, really?” Janie panicked, suddenly checking her bustline and her hair.
Dana watched her with confusion.
“Who’s Spooky?” she asked.
“Local boy,” Erica told her as she meandered over, leaning on the wall next to Janie. “Janie’s had a crush on him since they were kids. But then, she’s had a crush on every boy on this island since she was a kid.”
Janie elbowed her.
“He’s a fucking catch,” she insisted.
“You just like anyone who comes with a little drama.”
“I don’t care what he comes with, only who,” Janie replied, innuendo dripping from her mouth. She hiked her black suede skirt up a few inches. “Where is he?”
“Where else? Lurking around the field out back with a flashlight.”
Janie hustled towards the backdoor without so much as a thank you.
“Hey, Jesus, at least take some trash out with you!” Erica called after her.
The door slammed shut. Dana looked at Erica.
“Spooky?” she said with a dubious expression.
“Fox Mulder. Can you believe his parents did that to him? I’d just about die if I had to walk around with a name like that.”
“What’s his deal?” Dana asked, unable to stay her curiosity.
“He’s kind of the local intrigue,” Erica said. “Family has money. Dad has some high level government job and there’s always black cars coming and going from the house. He just got back from college - England.”
Dana rolled her eyes. For a traveling Navy brat of a Captain, none of that impressed her all that much. 
“That’s it?” she said.
Erica glanced around, looking like she was making sure no one was listening, though it was unnecessary. The kitchen staff couldn't care less about their conversation. She leaned in a little.
“His kid sister was kidnapped when he was, like, thirteen. They never found her.”
Dana’s breath caught in her throat. Her hands tingled and she forced herself to breathe.
“Why, um, why do you call him Spooky?” she asked, desperately trying to sound casual.
Erica smiled.
“Ever seen The Twilight Zone?”
“Ladies, you gonna stand there and chit chat all night or you wanna serve people food at some point?” Sonny yelled from the line, shoving plates into the window. He slammed his palm on the bell. “Pickup!”
Gill’s Grill, 10:23PM
After pocketing decent tips and finishing her side work as the last of the patrons drifted out the door, Dana said goodnight to everyone. She slipped out the side door, heading for her dusty hand-me-down Ford wagon. It was parked in the corner of the lot in front of a stand of bushes and overlooking a coastal meadow that dipped towards the ocean. Dana breathed deeply, filling her lungs with the scent of salt air that she could practically taste, refreshing her mind after the inundation of stuffy kitchen fumes and dining room smoke. 
Circling around to the front of her car, she leaned against the hood and rested for a moment, taking the weight off her sneakered feet. 
Her legs ached, probably more than they should at the ripe age of nineteen.
Her mother hadn’t wanted her to work that summer. She was so worried about her health, insisting that the best thing for Dana to do was come home and rest between years of study. But Dana knew the financial strain her education was putting on the Captain, and with Charlie coming up right behind her for college she saw no choice other than to roll up her sleeves and earn some money. Besides, she was doing relatively well that summer. She had more energy. She barely knew she was sick most days, until the tingling began in the bridge of her nose. 
She stared out into the darkness, the lights from the parking lot providing a curtain of security as she listened to the sound of other workers getting into their cars and leaving for the night, the crickets singing in the grass of the meadow, and the radio playing Motown in the kitchen as the busboys finished their cleanup.
A beam of light caught her eye off in the distance. It bounced along, sweeping this way and that over the meadow, the trees and bushes, moving parallel to the parking lot. She realized it was a flashlight. The person holding it slowed and stopped not fifty feet from her, aiming the light down at a forty-five degree angle towards the ground. Squinting, relieved of the shifting beam of light, she could just make out the shadow of a person standing in the field of summer grass beyond the lot. As her eyes adjusted, the shadow sharpened to reveal a young man, tall and lanky. Brown shaggy hair spilled back as his face tipped up, his serious eyes staring upwards at the stars. The image made her sad in a way she couldn’t articulate. She looked away, feeling as though she’d intruded on an incredibly private moment.
Quietly, she pulled the keys out of her purse and pushed away from the hood of the car, walking towards the driver’s side. She gently opened the door, then paused, her hand stilling on the metal frame. Feeling horribly voyeuristic, she took one last look at the man standing in the dark, gazing upwards with a lost expression. For one fleeting second, she thought about going to him to see if she could help. But help with what? What could she possibly say? She didn’t even know him.
Dana slipped into the worn leather seat and started the car, keeping the headlights off until she’d turned the wagon in the opposite direction of Fox ‘Spooky’ Mulder.
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coolskeleton59 · 6 months
Alright, so whats on this "Sanitation" floor?
[* You look around.]
[* You are in a reasonably sized lobby-esque room, looking completely clean and polished- in complete contrast to where you just were. There are multiple posters hanging around reminding employees that they need to wash their hands and wear gloves, shoe covers, and face coverings at all times before entering the main section of the floor.]
[* Up ahead on the opposite wall is a sterilization chamber that you'll need to walk through to access the rest of the floor. The aforementioned gloves, shoe covers, and face masks are dispensed directly in front of the sterilization chamber.]
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sparklepocalypse · 8 months
if you have more KHIX tidbits I am frothing at the mouth soooooooooo
Well, you're in luck, because it's...
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Additional thanks to @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @wordsofhoneydew, @getmehighonmagic, @tailsbeth-writes, @affectionatelyrs, and @kiwiana-writes for the tags! Today's Big Giant AU (KHIX) snippet occurs after Alex and Henry have dispensed with their traditional early-in-the-timeline enmity for reasons, but before anything spicy happens.
Alex leaves the yellow Oval and stalks back toward the residence, feeling very uneasy about the plan of action that’s being concocted. He’s not a performing monkey, and despite all previous presumptions to the contrary, he’s pretty sure Henry isn’t either. Honestly, it feels a little like they’re insulting the intelligence of the general populace by keeping up the charade. As he approaches his bedroom door, Alex sends off a quick message. PR campaign from Hell is still on, he types, and then lets himself into his room. Shaan told me, is the almost immediate response. Maybe they’ll clone me so that I can work on fabricating a farcical friendship while continuing with all my other obligations. Nice alliteration, Your Majesty, Alex returns, but don’t worry — the storytelling is my assignment. Just need you to rubber-stamp whatever crazy stories I concoct. What sorts of crazy stories? Should I be frightened? Henry asks. Alex ambles into his closet to remove his shoes and jacket. Mom vetoed the matching lower back tattoos, he says, so I’m back to square 1. Well, that’s a relief, Henry says. The “typing…” indicator flashes a few times. Because I’d hate to have to cover the one I have up. The indicator flashes again. Alex laughs hard enough that he almost drops his phone. As he’s walking back into the bedroom, Henry adds, Kidding, I don’t have any tattoos. Wouldn’t be proper, with a cheeky emoji appended.
Tag is open as always! Tag yoself if you want to play along.
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afreakingdork · 1 year
Weak Spot - Chapter 16
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes, Xenophobia, Fear, Intimidation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Love, AFAB Reader, Vaginal Sex, Sex Rough, Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Teasing, Scent Kink, Sexual Tension, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Slice of Life, POV Second Person, Reader-Insert
Synopsis:  Though it hadn't come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
WARNING: This chapter contains mind break, extreme fear, and non-con elements. Minors DNI!
Please keep yourself safe and know this is not the norm for this fic.
“Are you ready?” If he were any other version of himself, you might have imagined Donnie would be jumping up and down with glee. Instead, that particular feature played only in his eyes as he evaluated you.
“Yes.” You considered doing some light stretches, but instead scuffed your old tennis shoe soles against the ground. Your whole outfit was a menagerie of pieces that you’d agreed were dispensable and it left you feeling a little grubby.
“The safe word?” He reached out and plucked something from your shoulder before flicking it away. You had a feeling there was nothing there as his excited energy was palpable. He could hardly keep his hands to himself.
“Gargoyle.” You nodded appropriately.
“The terms?” He stepped closer.
You looked up at him with a confident smile. “You have within the time it takes for me to get to your apartment to catch me. Pretty much anything is fair game in the chase outside of bodily harm and illegal acts. If I beat you back then you have to do what I want, within reason, and the reverse is true if you get me.”
He hummed as if a delicious meal had been laid out before him.
Though he’d offhandedly made a comment about the spontaneity of the chase effecting the scent. He’d jumped at the chance to set up parameters with his usual inquisitive excitement. Anything with rules was an experiment in the making and he loved to push the boundaries of science. There were a ton of other caveats that had been discussed in the prior weeks, but it would have taken note cards to remember all the little details. Even today’s date had been one of many tentative selections that seemed to hinge on any number of factors that you had lost sight of. The bare minimum explanation you gave covered enough and Donnie was obviously satisfied with that answer. You still weren’t exactly sure where you landed on the chase as a whole yet, but his overall zeal was intoxicating.
You also weren’t too upset about the intense amount of attention he’d been paying you.
It wasn’t as if you hadn’t been on the receiving end before, but this was the first time you got to accommodate an active role. He had been asking questions at all hours of the day. He didn’t seem to need immediate responses, but it was obviously taking up a majority of his thoughts and he need to get his ideas out as soon as they came to him. From the content, your safety had been his highest priority. If you even hesitated for a moment, he’d either immediately abandon whatever idea or shift to reframe it. It was why you felt especially secure considering how much you didn’t know.
For as many questions as he asked, you had a sense that many of them were red herrings. There were some things so outlandish that they had to be attempts to throw you off. His fatal flaw had coincidentally come with his lengthy planning period. It had given you time to become adept at answering plainly even when asked a fraudulent question. It had been further enforced when you pinged the self-satisfied aura he’d come away with after supposedly tricking you. For all his complexities, he was equally simple in many ways. The dichotomy was adorable and was the secondary reason you let the unknowns slide.
For as often as he liked minimizing his existence, he also loved putting on a show. You assumed he wanted to keep a certain air of mystic since he’d lost the full option for surprise He was probably tampering with the scent like some kind of perfumer.
You rolled your neck and, when you came out of it, he was watching you with a growing smile. “What’s up?”
“One last thing and arguably the most important.” He reached forward and his fingers tickled the underside of your chip. He cupped your jaw and held your face with an intense tenderness that you weren’t expecting. You then glimpsed one last shine of his smile before he leaned forward to place his forehead to yours. “Thank you.” 
Had you gotten one of those before?
It was your turn to keep your excitement bottled up for decorum’s sake.
He was about to chase you after all.
Needing to stay strong for the course ahead, you settled on putting your hands over his. “Of course.”
He gave you a little squeeze and then released you. He checked his watch and nodded his head with what you assumed was the second hand. “You have a 10 minute head start.”
You nodded and waved to him despite what was about to happen. He took it in lazily and you turned to head down the road. To you, the starting point had seemed arbitrary, but you doubted that was the same for Donnie.  You made it about a block away before you chanced a look back. He was gone from his spot, but you expected as much. You had been wrestling over the head start for the past few days. Initially, you figured you’d try to put as much distance between you and him as possible, but as the date approached, you started to realize how futile that would be. The glimpses of his strength you had seen were mindboggling and you had a hunch that they were all held back versions of what he was actually capable of.
Your best indication had been the night this had all started. He’d been able to disappear in a locked room in the blink of an eye. He’d moved silently only until he wanted to be heard. He’d then manifested with that same speed all while moving objects around.
How were you supposed to compete with that?
You decided you weren’t.
Walking leisurely and stuffing your hands in your pockets, you surveyed the street. There wasn’t an exact path agreed upon and you’d chosen to take the most open road. It meant pedestrians. It meant well lit streets. It meant that someone would notice if you disappeared from plain sight and would certainly call the police. If that happened, it would be an immediate loss on his part. He was crafty without question, but you were curious how he’d try to circumvent that.
Crossing a road and taking a corner, you made up the rest of your time getting to the busier thoroughfare. There were people milling about, lights in windows, and a car here and there. You looked upon them with a smirk and strolled among them. From your pocket you checked your phone and found the time frame had officially started. Replacing the device, you moved to comb the street. So far, there wasn’t anything out of place, but you also weren’t exactly sure what you were looking for. Nothing seemed out of the realm of possibility for him and that started you out on a sort of edge.
Tempering it, you reminded yourself of the structure of horror movies. Suspense needed to be built up in the unwitting protagonist. As far as you knew, Donnie hadn’t tried to bridge his movie knowledge gap. References thrown at him were still left with him waiting for you to explain so you hoped he didn’t knew little about this trope. His only comment about suspense was what you were exactly about to avoid. You wouldn’t ignore the building fear. You’d take in whatever happened and remind yourself each time that it was Donnie doing this.
There was no way he’d hurt you.
Smiling at that, you swiveled on another scan. Approaching an alley, you readied yourself in case a can rolled out or some kind of noise tried to startle you. When nothing did, you almost frowned. It was possible that something like that was too obvious. It was another train of thought you’d been caught on. Acts of service were Donnie’s primary love language, but they ranged from small to big. It seemed dependent on how much impact the move would have. With this, it could go either way, which left it all the more confusing.
Would he stretch it out as long as possible?
Was he just trying to win?
Wasn’t the goal to scare you?
Envisioning displays both large and small, you were caught on which would be preferred. A group of people laughed across the street and you regarded them with a turn of your head. So far it seemed like nothing more than a peaceful night. The total path meant approximately 30 minutes to your destination and you’d already shaved a nice chunk of time off that. You supposed trying to anticipate every contingency was more his style than yours. You only needed to worry about your reaction and getting to his apartment.
With a renewed pep in your step, you crossed another street. You did so with a light jog and a false sense of confidence that you clocked immediately. You couldn’t have that so as you came up the curb, you attempted to beat the air out of the thing. You were socking a mental punching bag when the hum of a streetlight seemed particularly loud. You slowed to look at it and it was hypnotizing in a way. You only broke away when the gleam started to sting and the buzz chased you like tinnitus. You brought a hand up to your ear and rubbed the drum from the outside. The sound abated and when you lowered your hands, you felt the shift.
Turning slowly, you saw that there was no longer anyone out on the road. Even the group of people who should still have been within sight, weren’t on the stoop they’d been leaning against. Moving to look the other direction, no more cars passed. The street was utterly devoid of life. You could almost imagine a cartoon tumble weed rolling through. It was enough to walk you straight off the sidewalk and into the road.
As far as you could see both ways, there were no cars. Even the ones you swore were parked on the sides of the road had vanished. You knew for a fact you hadn’t heard any engines start. Despite your wonder, you’d been on high alert. You’d been scanning for even the slightest anomaly.
He was strong, but there was no way he could make cars disappear.
Your heart beat picked up slightly and you reminded yourself of the mantra.
It was Donnie.
He wouldn’t hurt you.
Heading back to the sidewalk, you picked up the pace. It was to make up for the time you’d lost exploring. There was no other reason. Another hissing streetlight passed and you glanced past it to the apartments looming overhead.
They were dark.
That had you come to an abrupt halt.
This was New York City.
There was no way someone wasn’t awake.
Doing a vicious double take, the entire line of buildings all stood as black husks of their usual glory. Spinning around, the side of the street you were on was painted in a similar shade. For every single window, not a single glow came through.
You were running.
It wasn’t out of fear, but because you’d clearly walked into something. Donnie had created some kind of simulation. Your sneakers screeched as you came to a halt.
You reached up and scrubbed at your head.
There had been something about that streetlamp so maybe he’d taken the time to drop of VR headset on you. Finding nothing but your own hair, you searched your body. Outside of the chase, he’d definitely said something about never giving you anything without your knowledge. You wondered if that applied here as you searched for any indication that you’d been shot with a dart. Again you search came up with nothing and you raced back through your memories.
What had you done prior to this?
You’d gone to work.
You’d eaten a lunch you packed.
You’d gone home.
You’d washed up.
You’d changed.
You’d ate a light dinner.
You’d gone to meet Donnie.
Could he have tampered with any of that?
Finding nothing you scanned the street again. It was the same ghostly version of itself and you went to check the back of your neck. Smooth skin and bone underneath was all you could feel.
How had he done this?
Returning to the formula of movies, you came to holograms. That was technology well within his wheelhouse and you shot over to the nearest building. You slammed a hand against the brick and didn’t dismiss any projection. Looking up at all the darkened glass, you took several long steps down the road while keeping your hand steady. You still didn’t hit anything and glowered.
It was Donnie.
He wouldn’t hurt you.
Moving out towards the road, you extended a hand as you walked in case you hit a cloaked parked car. You made it an entire block without touching a single thing.
That was a complete impossibility.
There were always cars.
Glancing again to see that the towers overhead were still dark, reeled your hand in.
He had to be watching.
This had been about scent, hadn’t it?
He was close by or would be making sure he could be.
In another rapid pivot, you scanned for cameras.
The first you caught was on the corner near a closed bodega. It’s little white hood was turned all the way in on itself. It had been purposefully turned away from the road it was meant to look upon.
Frowning deeply, your eyes jumped for the next one. You pinged a dark globe that surely held surveillance of some kind. You had to cross the street and didn’t bother looking both ways. As you closed in on the bauble, you caught how matte it was. It took some maneuvering to make the streetlight bounce off of it, but you saw the distinct hurried swipes of black paint.
It had been blacked out.
Heart nearly racing out of your chest, your gaze flew to the rooftops. Across the street was clear and you had to walk back into the road to check your side. It was also clear, but you tracked slowly to catch even the slightest movement. Seeing none, you wobbled overtop a pot hole. It wasn’t too large to warrant city intervention, so you took a few steps back to stare at it.
How was any of this possible?
The only time they’d closed down roads like this was for some kind of filming and even that would require a budget studios rarely paid these days.
Your eyes widened.
Donatello had been known to throw around strange amounts of cash.
Smothering the drum in your chest, you looked up and down the length of road. The only thing that explanation didn’t cover was speed at which things had changed, but you supposed with enough money anything was possible. Quelled, you set your features and hoped he saw. You given into some minor agitation, but you’d found a way out. Feeling more determined, you lifted your head and set your sights on the sidewalk. You lifted your foot and in your first step, you heard a loud noise that bordered on a crunch.
Looking down the street you’d come from, you noticed it was especially dark as far back as could see. Squinting, you barely avoided the pothole as you took a few tentative steps to get a better look. That sound echoed again and this time you watched as a streetlight went out far down the road.
You backpedalled and your foot caught the divot in the ground.
In rapid succession as if to catch up with your fall, several lights all extinguished right until the moment your ass hit the road.
Though still a ways down, you could now see there was a clear line where the inky blackness reached.
It had you scrambling to your feet.
Another lamp went out.
You would have to turn away to run. You couldn’t afford to fall again.
It was more of a clack as the next streetlight went dark.
The noise didn’t sound like destruction.
It also definitely didn’t sound like flipping a switch.
It was like they were being blinked out of existence.
The sound chased you as you belted down the road. It was nearly on your heels as you saw the first corner and took it. He would have had to think this through. He couldn’t just buy the entire city. No one had enough money for that. He would have purchased sections that led to his apartment.
That left you with a choice.
You could play into his horrifying plan by taking his path and the horrors he’d paved along it or you could forge a totally new one and not give him the satisfaction.
There was also something about how it got you further from your destination, but you’d already long given up on trying to outrun him. You just needed to avoid being caught. You needed to surround yourself with people again. You needed light. There was an explosion of trash cans out of an alley and you skidded to a stop in a way that made you fumble to your knees .
You stared owlishly at the trash that smoldered in the road.  
There was a sound behind you.
Putting your hands to the ground to stabilize yourself, you turned around.
The entire street you had just come from was pitch black.
Another sound echoed from where you had once been facing.
Dread strangled you and you knew exactly what would be waiting for you if you looked.
Unable to stop it, your head made the move and darkness stretched out in front of you.
Looking up, you stared as the only streetlight still active loomed overhead.
He’d even planned for this.
With the tatters your dignity was in, you shakily got to your feet.
You were standing in the dead center of a glowing oasis.
There was always the safe word.
You could call this all off.
Leaving the bask to lower your head, you took a long breath.
It was Donnie.
He wouldn’t hurt you.
You headed over to the burning trash. The smell assaulted your senses, but you shoved it aside to  visually pick through it. There was a pole that seemed to be the remnants of a curtain rod and you picked it up. You then examined the flaming pieces and violently skewered several burning blobs until they formed a torch. You could have easily just used your phone for light, but you hoped this imagery of you not shying away from whatever nonsense he had cooked up would get him.
Even the littlest bit.
You marched out of the light and as soon as you stepped in the darkness, it clicked off.
Your field of vision shrank to the circle the torch afforded you.
You held it at attention as you moved back onto the road you had once been taking. It looked identical though now the flickering light of your source caste odd wobbling shadows amongst the brick.
You didn’t like that.
Ignoring it as it was of your own design, you marched down the sidewalk. You ignored the phantoms lapping at the walls and focused solely on your destination.
It couldn’t be much further now.
You passed a fire escape and heard an odd whistle. Not pausing to indulge it, you heard it pick up. It wasn’t until you felt the first tickles against your arm did you realize what it was. Dropping the torch behind your body a little too late, an absurd gust of wind rushed around you and extinguished the fire in a suck of oxygen. You could smell the smoke billowing off of it more than you could see it. Dropping the thing to the ground in a clatter, you went for your phone. The smooth of your pocket chased your hand and you felt the pinpricks of tears on your eyes.
You couldn’t have misplaced it.
Scouring all your pockets, you found them all empty and sank to the ground.
Could it have happened when you fell?
Which time?
You didn’t hear a phone fall.
That was a pretty distinct noise.
Your eyes widened and in doing so you could only make out vague shapes in the dark.
Had he been so close that he lifted it off of you?
On cue you heard your ringtone go off.
It sounded like it was right behind you.
Spinning around, there was nothing there and the sound was gone.
The sound was so pathetic coming off your lips.
You stumbled backwards until your back bit a building.
Had he been ghosting you the whole time?
Moving easily just out of sight with that speed of his?
You resisted the urge to look back and forth. You had a semi-circle of impaired vision and your periphery was good enough.
You saw the faint lines where the sidewalk dropped off, the pole of a darkened street lamp, and the brickwork faintly across the street.
You couldn’t even hear your heartbeat any more.
Your breathing was far too labored.
Against your will, your vision trended upward. You barely saw the glimmer of stars, but that was to be expected with the city’s air pollution. What wasn’t was the lack of moon.
Had he gone so far as to pick the new lunar cycle?
It was Donnie.
You ran.
It was a full tilt run that nearly threw you off your feet as you started.
A sound scraped behind you; almost like a huge metal weight dragging across the road.
You couldn’t look back.
It grew louder until it the distinct sound of splitting rubble joined it.
Your legs were pumping so hard that your knees screamed at the force.
It sounded as if the entire road was being torn open.
It was deafening.
There was no time.
It was so close.
You had to keep moving.
You screwed your eyes shut as your speed caused the wind to sting.
The earth itself was splitting open behind you.
You tried to scream, but the sound refused to reach your ears.
You flew over a curb and across another road.
As soon as you landed back on the sidewalk the sound stopped.
All sound stopped.
How long had it been since you’d even heard the meandering sounds of the city?
Stumbling on limbs that hadn’t been put through this kind of exertion in years, you wheezed.
It all threatened to swallow you up.
Your lip quivered as you turned around.
The road was fine.
There was no rubble.
As far back as you could see it was an average street.
You threatened to tip over as you gawked.
You could see quite a ways.
The streetlamps were on.
You flounderd out into the road and a car horn blared.
Reeling, you tripped backwards and landed, hard, on the concrete.
“You okay?”
Shaking and trying to still enough so your vision wasn’t blurred, you looked overhead to find a teenager staring at you with concern.
You knew if you reached out to touch him that he would probably think you were insane.
You probably were.
“J-just… d-distracted… is all…” Your hands quaked and you forced them to the ground. You could sense the kid hover nearby as you got to your feet and immediately had to cling to a mailbox to keep yourself upright. “Tired.”
He gave an unconvinced nod.
You shook your head and stood a little straighter. “I’m just spooked. I’m… alright.”
“Uh, alright. If you’re sure.” He seemed to study you or a second longer before continuing on his way.
You watched him for a long time.
Everything seemed totally normal.
You pushed off the mailbox and took a few tentative steps. Your legs held and from the look of the buildings, you were about 10 minutes away from Donnie’s apartment. You flinched at a mild ruckus that came to you as two people shouted about their relationship status somewhere down the road.
You were dizzy.
You forced your legs to keep propelling you forward.
What had and hadn’t happened?
Running back your memories, you idly passed an alley. Something cold lapped at your arm and you scrubbed at it absentmindedly. It had a thick scaled weight to it and you jumped. There was nothing there, but the mouth of the inlet. You stared into the dark and somehow not even the light of the street could permeate it.
This was bad.
You took a step back and, as soon as your foot hit the pavement, the darkness was around you.
Your fists white knuckled and your spine went rigid.
You weren’t in the alley.
You were still staring at it.
Against every sane thought, you turned to look down the street.
Everything was gone.
All the people you had just seen.
The lights.
The cars.
It was back to the hellscape.
Your eyes burned with tears.
Your voice sounded hoarse.
Hadn’t you just screamed the one time?
You turned your attention to the alley.
It was still untouched by illumination.
Something wrapped around your leg and you were airborne.
This time you could hear the scream it pulled from you.
You rose up at least two stories by your leg alone and your hip threatened to pop out of socket.
You clambered to get ahold of anything when the ground was suddenly rushing back to you.
You threw your arms up to block the fall when you stopped short.
Your weight settled and you were up on all fours in an instant.
You had been simply laying on the ground.
You screamed.
As loud as you could with every ounce of oxygen in your body.
The edges of your vision blacked out at the force and you curled into yourself on the ground.
As you regained the tatters of your sanity, you sobbed.
No tears came but your staggered breaths echoed in your ears. You flexed your finger tips into the concrete. Under your pads the uneven surface felt worn and dirty. You clawed at it and raised your head up. In the alley two circles of light stared back at you.
You could feel the color drain from your skin.
They looked almost like eyes and you numbly rocked back until you were sitting on your heels.
You couldn’t look away as they grew closer.
The way they bobbed made it seem like someone was taking steps.
Someone very tall.
They narrowed in on you and you could only hopelessly stare back.
The brightness burned your corneas.  
They stopped right at the mouth of the alley.
You opened your mouth as if to speak when the color suddenly clicked over to purple.
It was the last thing you saw something wrapped around your head.
You went to grab at it and found your arms pinned to your sides.
In several rotations you were turned until you felt yourself pressed up against someone. It wasn’t until you tried to pull back that you realized the spin had coiled you up in a snake-like wrap. You sputtered and felt hot breath against your ear as the cloth around your eyes was tied off tightly.
“Caught you.”
The pitch was all wrong.
It didn’t make any sense.
That wasn’t Donnie.
Your stomach bottomed out.
That had been the furthest thought from your mind.
You hadn’t considered that someone else could interfere.
Someone else.
You wanted to vomit.
That would deter them, right?
You tried to summon bile, but you were in motion again.
The blindfold meant your bearings were off as your feet hadn’t been on the floor in who knows how long.
Nothing made sense.
“I’ll have my way with you.”
It was wrong.
It was so wrong.
You couldn’t place that damn voice.
You tried to yell at it, but those heavy vines coiled around your throat. Instead of manipulating you they seemed to simply be writing over your body. You tried to suck in a breath and felt the way scaled surface hooked on your clothes. You hissed as there was a tear somewhere and you only identified in when the chilled metal lapped at your waist.
The wrap fell away from your neck and you desperately tried to regain your bruised voice.
More tearing occurred and you were being spun around again.
Brick bit into your face and the entirety of a wall pressed flush with your body.
Still being jostled, its rough surface chipped nicks into your flesh.
You were nearly naked when you were finally dropped to your feet.
The coils left your arms and you immediately lashed out.
The first strike connected with raw metal.
On contact, you felt the rush of hot fluids from your now blooded knuckles.
The second slap hit something blocky.
It was a shape unmistakable to your hand, but not one you’d ever encountered.
Finally mustering a fist, the last punch connected it with a face.
It was smooth.
No snout.
Not Donnie.
You’d only known it to be a face from the way the person heaved against the strike.
Like someone who’d been punched in the mouth.
You wanted to do more damage when something got hold of the back of your head.
It felt nothing like the tridactyl hands you knew.
Not Donnie.
You found a noise came from you and you went to chase it.
It was smothered as you were again slammed into the wall.
Your jaw was pressed out of place by that dagger-like nails digging viciously into your scalp.
You cried out a single garbled syllable that the figure seemed to momentarily stop at.
They then pressed forth and you felt your hips leave the wall.
You didn’t need specificity for the next thing out of your mouth.
“No!” You hiccupped on the word and dragged it out in agony.
The pressure intensified against your head as your legs were kicked apart.
You fought against the move in a desperate attempt to close them when those terrible coils wound around your legs.
You shrieked and just barely caught the sound of fabric shifting.
You went dead silent at the sound.
You knew what it meant.
Everything started back up in a instant.
Curses came off your lips until a triangle point entered your mouth.
It tasted like steel and you choked on it as it bit into your inner cheek.
Something slotted at your entrance and screeched.
You writhed desperately and felt how it slid easily against you.
There was no way you were wet from this.
What was it?
Not Donnie.
You fought as it pushed into you and felt your will draining away at the thickness.
Even that wasn’t right.
None of it was.
Tears burned into your blindfold until the fabric could hold no more.
It then wrung like a rag against the wall and caused a cascade that comingled with snot dripping from your nose into your mouth.
It was dark.
It felt like you opened your eyes and you were sat in a black room.
It was dark as far as you could see, but there were definitely walls.
Looking down, you found a spiraled pit of black sand. It tickled at your toes and you stepped forward. You sank with each subsequent step. As it reached your waist it grew more difficult to move so you reached down. Scooping up a handful, you watched how the granules refused to stick to your skin.
Even this place was all wrong.
You scooped more and more until you were digging down around your legs. The sand moved away from you as if repelled which made you chase it all the more. Craning over, you dug until you felt what should have been the ground. Your hand instead kept going and you were sucked straight through.
Appearing on the other side as if gravity reversed, you were in a room of all white.
In contrast, it appeared more like a void as you saw no boundary lines.
Pure unadulterated fear filled you as you sensed something behind you.
You spun around with your fists at the ready and froze at the sight: a towering figure of undulating black mist sat staring at you with perfectly rounded white eyes.
You tried to move; to strike the formless blob.
You found yourself trapped and staring at how the smoke wafted off of it in upward clouds that lost opacity.
There were screams there.
The mist was screaming.
It sounded like your voice.
You felt yourself falling.
You were seated.
Something had a grip on your arm and was shaking you.
You weren’t sure if you were fighting back against it, but you imagined you were.
“Y/N, please! Can you hear me?”
A whine escaped you and you felt a balled fist break free from a blanket.
You were swaddled.
You used it to strike a rock hard chest.
“Y/N, listen. I need you to open your eyes.”
You shook your head.
You had a blindfold on.
There were tears again.
They were flowing freely down your cheeks.
“It’s Donatello. I need you to open your eyes. I need you to see that. I’m here. You’re in an alley.”
You continued to struggle, but slowed.
Was that right?
You couldn’t feel anything through the thick cotton tightly wrapped around you.
You pushed away from the voice as far as you could.
There was an arm that stopped you.
You were being held.
You tensed and slowly felt the muscles in your face relax.
They had been tight for so long it burned.
Your eyes came next.
There was no cloth.
How long had it been gone?
You tried to open them but a tacky substance made the move difficult.
You had to psychically peel your lids apart.
The sensation was terrible.
Bleary darkness crept in and you seized up at it.
“Hey. Hey! I’m here. It’s me. You need to look.”
You peered through the tiniest slit.
Donatello was hovering over you, his features bleeding with panic.
You blinked and the sticky goo caused a hitch, but you got your eyes open again. This time you saw past him to a dark sky and a clipping of a brick rooftop.
“I’m here. You’re in an alley. You’re safe.” He leaned forward and basal terror shot through you.
He immediately backed off and your heart ached despite its incongruent beating.
You wanted to cry.
Would that make the gummy feeling go away?
“Hi.” One of his hands did a swipe of your face. “Hey.” His other did something similar and you wondered what he was wiping away. “You’re okay.”
Your face immediately contorted up around a well of tears.
You caught only a glimpse of the horror on Donnie’s face before you broke down.
You could feel how dramatic it was, but could do nothing to stop it.
You wailed loudly and felt him gather you up to him.
You fought him blindly long enough to free both your limbs to cling to him.
Cradling you close, you sank into his chest. You weren’t sure for how long, but by your headache you must have cried for a long time. You came out of it in a slow tapering and it carried a clarity along with it. Feeling a hollow shell, but at least incrementally like your usual self, you brought your head up. A handkerchief appeared to the left of Donnie’s head and you did not have the mental facilities to figure out how that had happened. He plucked it from the air and, instead of giving it to you, he wiped at your face, staring with your left eye.
The tenderness he exerted was a soothing balm on your otherwise stunted emotional state. The cloth came away and he adjusted it. You watched blearily as you noticed the marks that stained it. You must have been pretty dirty which explained the sticky feeling. You weren’t exactly sure when it’d happened, but so much had gotten away from you at this point you still weren’t truly sure this was even real. He brushed your right eye before wrapping the hankie around your nose. You took over from there and gave a blow.
Gathering as much snot as you could, you caught the very thinly veiled disgust on Donnie’s face. It brought a faint smile to your face that you hid within the cloth. Exhaustion was eating away at you and you shifted against the tightly wrapped blanket. Earlier, it probably served a greater purpose, but now it felt restrictive. One of Donnie’s hands landed on your knee and caught the unfurling edge.
“It’s covering you up.”
That made sense, but everything that had happened felt like a far flung memory. Still, you focused on your body and with it felt the tatters of clothes left. A clipping of snake-like coils came too, but you abandoned the thought as soon as they reared. Focusing on the now, you tried to locate the most pressing matter that needed to be dealt with. “I want to go home.” There was a shattered quality to your voice as you looked up at Donnie.
He was immediately caught by your gaze in a fearful way. He then shifted and seemed to be tapping on something behind your head. “I’ll summon the car, it’ll just take-”
You shook your head and pressed a hand to his plastron to stop him.
He froze up in wait.
“Your home.” You clarified before ducking into his chest. You no longer had the energy for embarrassment, but you had pictured his apartment when you said the phrase.
What did that mean?
It didn’t matter, everything was jumbled anyway.
Something seemed to click for him and you could feel the determination wafting off of him. “In that case…”
He rose up with you bundled in his arms. Another other time and you might have protested to walk. Right now, that seemed like too much of a chore.
Everything did.
You curled your face into his neck. “Now.”
Even with you pressed to him, he cradled you impossibly closer until he tipped his head down to whisper in your ear. “Hold on.”
Your arms were technically free, but you couldn’t manage getting them around his neck. Instead you settled for tucking your hands against his plastron before everything shifted into motion. The sharp air current meant you were moving at an insane speed, but it barely registered in your overtaxed senses. You winced into Donnie’s throat and tried to shut out all errant sensations that weren’t him.
He kept the jostling to a minimum and you only allowed yourself to feel once a door was opened. Set to a speed walk, you peered over his shoulder to find you were in his apartment building. It didn’t look like the lobby, but you snuggled back into your cocoon. There was a momentary pause at a door and you heard no keys jingle as it opened. You were vaguely aware he hadn’t even needed to juggle you to get the threshold open, but all curiosity dissipated as you were carefully deposited on the couch. He then knelt on one knee in front of you and was the picture of concern.
“What do you need?”
You weren’t sure so you shook your head.
Donnie did not appear content with this answer and stood. “I’m going to make some tea and run you..” He looked you over. “A shower would be preferable with the grime, but baths have soothing connotations...”
“Bath.” You agreed and idly wondered at how filthy you were.
Donnie padded off to the kitchen and you heard several sounds that didn’t seem like putting a kettle on. There was a metallic nature that you shrank away from so you focused the dirt splotches on your blanket. Having the time to examine the thing in the artificial light of the apartment, you smoothed a hand over its pale purple surface. It had the density of a down comforter, but you hadn’t seen anything like this in his apartment. You wondered how he had such a bulky thing on hand when you caught a glimpse of yours. Your palms were near black and you saw a faint reel of how many times you’d placed them on the ground. Grimacing, you unfurled the blanket burrito to stand.
Immediately regretting the decision, the colder outside air leaked in and lapped at your bare skin. Of your shirt, all that was left was the collar and one sleeve that hung on for dear life. The rest was gone along with your undergarments. Down below, the waistband on your pants still sat on your hips, but they had been split in twain. You couldn’t even call the fabric left shorts and you only had one tennis shoe left with a blackened sock poked with holes on the other foot.
 Donnie caught wind of your discomfort and headed over as you loosely tented the blanket back around you. He hovered nearby and you plopped back down on the couch, defeated. He lowered to a knee to get a glimpse of your downtrodden face.
“How do I know what’s real?” You tried your damndest to keep your voice even.
He seemed to think before reaching out to brush your cheek. “This is real.”
He’s said that before.
Hadn’t he?
You wanted to believe him. “Is it?”
His brows knit and there was a beep from the kitchen. He grumbled something under his breath before departing. Keeping your gaze glued to the floor, you listened as water was poured into two different receptacles. Something digital beeped as you assumed a timer was set before he reappeared in your sight line.
You turned away from him.
He made a move to take your hand, but stopped short. You imagined he probably didn’t want to touch you considering how dirty you were and tucked the appendage into the blanket. He rose and departed before you heard another rush of water. When he came back, he took his spot on the floor and gently coaxed you into revealing your limbs. He then carefully took your hand and used a damp wash cloth to gently work away the grime. There was something soothing about his methodical process and he was just able to reveal your skin when the alarm went off. He took the rag with him and returned with two mugs.
He passed you yours and you cradled it. The scented steam wafted into your face and you basked in it. There was a dip as he sat beside you on the couch and after taking tiny sips, you eventually tipped to lean a head on his arm. For once you wished he was a little shorter so you could manage his shoulder and get his head on top of yours. You settled for the tea which warmed your insides. The feeling paired with the blanket built up a coziness that had your lids drooping. You were only scarcely aware when Donnie persuaded you to release your mug into his possession.
“What was that?”
“My own blend.” His voice traveled to the kitchen.
You had a dozen questions and at least one sarcastic remark to that but you landed on only a hum.
“It’s to help me sleep.” He seemed like he was was coming back, but bypassed the couch entirely.
You sort of wanted to follow him, but settled on peering over the back of the couch.
He quickly disappeared behind the partition and you heard a water being run from the bathroom. Pressures seemed to be adjusted before he came back and leaned against the dividing wall. “I prioritized a soothing herbal blend with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties along with my own flavor preferences.”
You gave a nod and wished you could translate how happy you were that he’d expanded on the topic all on his own.
It was still a fraction of how overjoyed you should have been.
He mulled something over before disappearing again.
The flow of water shifted and you imagined it must have come up to temp. The tub was presumably filling and you’d have to get to your feet soon. The thought of the how dark the water was daunted you and you didn’t sense when Donnie had returned to your side. You jumped at him with wide eyes and he seemed pain in contrast. He urged you to stand and you did so leaning heavily into him to instead focus on keeping the blanket up. He walked you over to the door of the bathroom before splitting away to stand in front of you.
You had an awareness of how sad your eyes looked as you watched him.
It was enforced as he seemed unable to hold your gaze. He silently reached out and pinched a little of the comforter’s fabric.
Knowing you needed to shed it, shame filled you from the toes up as you let the dirty thing fall to the floor.
Whatever he saw in your fully exposed frame he didn’t seem to like because he stopped. You watched one of his hands fist and realized the other wasn’t in view. Searching, you found it near his chest with scissors in hand. A chill ran up your spine and you hated the way you leaned away from the sight of the metal.
He seemed aware and moved them out of your sight before stepping close. “Look at me.”
Reluctantly, you lifted your head.
He gave you a nod before dropping his gaze.
You tried to close your eyes, but he stopped as soon as you did. Sensing he wouldn’t continue unless you watched him, you forced your lids up. A overflowing warmth was waiting for you and you took it with a slow blink. Finding the interaction assuring, he moved forward. You felt him pull your collar away from your neck before cutting it free. The scissors were especially sharp as they sliced though the fabric, but the sound was grating. He moved to snip the sleeve next and your throat burned as the fabric fell away. He then hooked a beltloop to avoid brushing your skin and this time the sound of the cut felt like it was ripping your ears open. You held out until the fabric could not and collapsed into him.
You had never felt more pathetic in your life.
He held you for a moment before you were hoisted up. His hands seemed clear of the scissors and you were grateful for it. In a turn, he somehow discarded your socks and shoe. The bathtub was nearing a good fill point as you caught sight of it. He balanced you on a knee as he turned off the water. He then held you hand as you toed in. As expected, a dirty aura appeared as soon as your foot dipped down into the steaming embrace. You ignored it and tried to focus on the warmth instead. You were soon submerged and you watched as the water rose to a dangerous level. Donnie’s hand ducked into the water and you watched as a wobbly version of his arm fiddled with the stopper.
The loud gurgling of the measured drainage didn’t startle you, but brought with it a sort of clarity. Your eyes widened as you saw the water seep into his wraps. Following the appendage back to its host, you realized he was shirtless. From his knelt position, there was a pooling of black fabric around his hips. You identified it as some sort of jumpsuit that he had undone and let lie slack around his waist. You leaned a little over the lip of the tub and found his feet bare. You hadn’t gotten a close look at them yet and studied the two toes you could see.
His hand came up and he flicked the water away from it. “How’s that?”
As if caught doing something bad, you tucked back into yourself where you were holding your legs up to your chest. It meant only your head, shoulders, and knees broke the surface of the water. You gave a small nod and he reached behind him to grab something. He returned with a loofa that you knew to be regular sized, but looked mini under his large palms. He wet it before adding some soap. He then sudsed it up and delicately brought it to your shoulders all while checking with you. You gave another nod for him to continue and he began to carefully scrub at your skin.
“What happened?”
He seemed ready for the question and continued his task without missing a beat. “To say I made a mistake would be a grave understatement.”
You pressed your cheek to one of your knees to watch him.
He took up the new real estate this revealed on your back with a wary wash. “I made a series of mistakes that I can’t make up for.”
He slowed and you brought your head up. He shifted positions which allowed him to more comfortably clean your far shoulder.
“The first was the repugnant extremes I went to.” He stopped to rinse the loofa and renew the soap.
You offered him your arm.
“I didn’t stalk you. I terrorized you.” His snout crinkled. “Traumatized.”
You couldn’t disagree and glimpsed how murky the water was getting.
You had to look away from the darkness.
“When I caught you-”
You snapped your head to him.
“-my next error was that I hadn’t realize the extent of this.”
You opened your mouth and looked away as your breathing sped up.
“I relied on you to tell me the safe word. I saw the look in your eye. I noticed how you fought back, but I thought you’d-” He bit down on the sentence with a click of his teeth.
You crouched down until your mouth dipped below the water’s surface.
“I listened. I waited again and again for you to say it. You said so many other things. I even heeded the amount of syllables. Straining to hear if it even sounded close to ‘gargoyle;’ I was going to stop. I…” His voice teetered on shattering.
You squeezed your eyes shut.
“I should have stopped it then. I’m a fool.” The resolute desperation painted his depreciation in a foreboding light.
Having to come up for air, you forced it to stay even.
“I only realized that you had long lost the ability to speak it around the time that I grasped it wasn’t the only thing I’d lost.” His hand went limp and fell into the tub.
You peeked at him.
“I forced myself on you.” His teeth gnashed. He looked away before he returned with steeled features.
“It… was… you?”
“There is a laundry list of things that I will never be able to come back from, but this?” The hollow bite of his words only emphasized the sheen to his eyes.
“But it was you. Like actually you?” You shifted and the water in the tub sloshed angrily. “There wasn’t anyone else?”
He looked at you as if you were insane. “It was me.”
“Why didn’t it-?” The memories assaulted you and you went stiff under the weight of them. You forced yourself to sift and despite the many oddities, you placed Donnie’s image behind each of them. The pieces still didn’t quite fit, but they no longer looked as daunting. It raised a thousand more questions, but it solved the one that plagued you the most.   
Tears welled up in your eyes.
You had to grab him.
You didn’t care that you were wet or the that your arm streaked with dirty water as you shot towards him. He caught you half out of tub in surprise and immediately shifted the balance so you were back in it. You were crying again and you tugged on his neck mercilessly.
“Y-Y/N!?” He had to submerge one of his arms to hold himself upright.
“It was you!”
“I don’t understand why that is something to commemorate.” His other arm dipped into the water and found your lower back. It arched you into him to bring your face away from his chest so he could examine you. “If anything it’s a conviction.”  
 You shook your head, little tears breaking free from your cheeks. “I thought…” You suddenly felt very stupid and shirked against it. “I thought… I was convinced someone else had…”
There was a loud thud that must have been his palm against the tub. You searched for it as the vibration shook your body before bringing your gaze back to his face. You found a burning rage barely offset there. “No one else is allowed to lay a single finger on you-” He seemed to remember himself and looked away with a hiss that you assumed was him blowing the steam away. “-without… your consent… of course.”
You softened and in doing so a new little horde of tears escaped. You tugged on his neck. “I was scared.”
He forced himself to look at you.
“Out of my mind, but I was more upset at the thought that someone else had-”
“It was me.” He clarified with that same angry edge.
You nodded a sort of smile bringing your cheeks up. “I’m glad.”
A deep frown etched itself into his face. “I would advise against that considering the circumstances.”
“If I had realized-” You grimaced as the humiliation of your failure started to take a formidable shape. “-I knew what was going to happen, but I still let myself get wrapped up in it. If I had just realized it was you, then it wouldn’t…shouldn’t have been so…”
You shoved past the reproach in his voice. “If we try again-”
“No. Never.” He hardened his gaze. “I will never subject you to that again.”
“But you-”
“-have lost complete interest in the concept. It repulses me now, in fact.”
Your lips pursed in a bare pout and he bumped his forehead against yours. You nuzzled your nose against his snout and he calmed incrementally.
There was little you could do with his mind made up.
“How did you-?” The way the streetlamps went out ghosted through your mind and you squeezed Donnie a little tighter. “-do that?”
“Can you shower?” He reached back and pulled your arm wreath out from over his head.
You paired your pout with a beginnings of a glare. “Donnie.”
His arms retracted from the bathwater and he toweled them off as he leaned back.
“We can discuss other matters once your clean.”
“I know enough that when you say it like that then you’re going to avoid the subject!”
“It would be…” He didn’t hesitate at the thought, but instead it seemed as if he didn’t have the vocabulary to voice it. “…impossible to elaborate on without explaining at least a hundred other principles first.”
You bobbed with a shock that he’d revealed that much.
“Which are also things that humans aren’t supposed to have knowledge of.”
Your lips parted.
He pointed up.
You traced his finger and realized he was emphasizing the shower head. “Yeah. I think I’ve got it.”
“I’m going to wait nearby. You can decide whether that’ll be in here or just outside the door.”
You ran a hand along the sludgy bottom of the tub until you found the stopper. “In here.”
You saw him nod in your periphery and he flipped the sink tap.
You pulled the stopper and that incessant gurgling started as the tub drained. You stood with a hand to the wall and found your limbs far less shaky than they had once been. Donnie then ushered you to the side as he fiddled with the shower knobs. It came to life with a flicker and he ran a hand under it before waving you under as he departed. The curtain clattered closed on its rungs and you stepped under the perfectly tempered spray.
“Are your wraps okay?”
“They’re not waterproof, but they won’t be damaged by it.”
You glimpsed a row of bottles at your new height and identified all your shower usual products. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the shampoo.
“I’ll change them in a moment.”
“Sure.” Working up a lather, you resisted the urge to peek. You instead focused on getting through the laborious process of getting clean. It took you at least two shampoos and so many passes with the loofa that it actually unraveled. You nearly laughed at the thing, but it had at least done its job before laying its life down in the line of duty. Rinsing one last time, you went for the knob. “I’m done!”
Pulling the curtain back, you found him waiting with an outstretched towel strung between his arms. You tilted your head at him cutely before stepping towards him. He wrapped you up and pulled you close. You smiled up at him until he pulled away with the cotton securely fastened around you. He then draped another towel carefully over your head. “I think I can manage drying myself off.”
He gave a languid nod before taking a few steps back.
You were about to shoo him away when you caught that he had changed. He was still barefoot, but he had clearly washed up. He had new, dry wraps wound around his arms and neck. His chest was still bare, but a pair of black joggers sat lethally low on his hips. You squashed the indecent thoughts that came up considering the night you’d had. You could not be trusted so you scrubbed the towel over your face. When you were dry enough you padded out to find several options laid out for you on the bed. You picked a pair of underwear and reviewed a pair of pajamas. You vaguely remembered giving them to him under the original stipulations of the night. It felt like a lifetime ago. He’d also set out the t-shirt he’d once let you wear and you picked that.
Dressed, you glimpsed him at the kitchen sink and headed towards him. There was the faint scent of citrus in the air and you found the couch was clear from what surely should have been some kind of dirty fallout. You wondered when he’d had enough time to give the place what seemed to be a deep clean.
“Are you hungry?”
You shook your head and felt the pull of the bed. You gave up on joining him and retreated the distance back to it with a face plant. It was soft under your body and you quickly rolled over onto your back. Donnie appeared over head and crawled up beside to overlook you.
“Are you okay?” You reached for him.
He lowered himself to you. “That should be the least of your concerns.”
“I didn’t see any bruises.”
“Psychological trauma can be far more damaging.”
You cupped his cheek. “Sure, I’m probably gonna be recovering from this for awhile, but I don’t see you any differently.”
“Not only should that be impossible, but it is concerning you do not.”
“I knew what I signed up for.”
“You admitted you didn’t.” He frowned.
You desperately wanted to kiss it away, but he had a sort of resolve. You rose up in an attempt to meet him. He didn’t pull away, but turned his head. You pecked the corner of his lips.
“Y/N, I acknowledge I have made light of the dangers you’ve been in prior, but I need you to listen.”
You swiped your thumb over his cheek. “I hear you.”
“What happened tonight was egregious. It cannot be undone or mended.”
You thought about it before giving a small nod.
“It would be best if in the morning you-”
You pressed your thumb into his lips. “That’s not going to happen.”
“I don’t hear you walking away.”
You watched him fight to keep his gaze on you.
“It has to be me because you can’t bring yourself to be the one to do it, right?”
His features dropped and there was a desperate quality to his eyes.
“I’m choosing to stay. I’ve heard and seen how upset you are. You swore to me this wouldn’t happen again, remember?.”
He reached up to cover your hand with his own. You took note of the shake that was there.
“I’m in it.” You pulled him down and this time he came easily. “I’m in this with you, for as long as you’ll have me.”
With the first kiss you meant to seal your resolve.
The second you couldn’t account for as he chased you with an amount of adoration that neither of you were prepared for.
I love you.
You had the bury the revelation by kissing him a third time.
When you came away you almost said it aloud.
The grip you had on it was far too weak and you lay there with your mouth open in preparation to release it.
It was too soon.
You were still mixed up from the day.
There had been so many emotions.
You needed to wait to see if this one would stick.
“I can guarantee that tonight won’t happen again, but there are a thousand things I can’t prevent.”
He was also busy fighting his own battles.
He didn’t need anything on top of that.
“Then we’ll take them one at a time.”
He gave a frustrated huff and buried his face into the bedding beside your head. It brought his shoulder up to your face and you gave it a soothing rub.
He said something into the mattress you couldn’t hear.
You smiled and leaned your head against his.
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erissaacorn · 1 year
[Glamrock Baby AU]
Note: This AU is under development and some things may change in the future. I also apologize for any mistakes or awkward phrasing; English is not my first language.
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As described by Fazbear’s Entertainment:
“She can sing, she can dance, she knows all the mathematical formulas, she can even make ice cream.”
“This young and awesome rock star has a bright future ahead of her. She’s cool, popular, and always dependable. Having difficulties with your homework? No fear, Big Sis Baby is here! Learn, play, and watch her ridiculously epic performances on stage! And don’t forget to purchase her new Baby’s specials! Delicious dairy delights are waiting for you.”
Animatronic descriptions:
Glamrock or Daycare Baby is a 4’4 feet or 1.32 meters tall animatronic with a middle schooler’s proportions. She has bright red hair modeled as curly pigtails and bangs reminiscent of melting ice cream. The upside down cones on top of her head supports the idea. The cones stay in place with the help of a cone-holder, which increases her height by a few centimeters. Her eyes are light blue and have a subtle glow which gets more noticeable the darker it gets. There are two markings on her face, one of a pink heart and another one of a yellow star. She has a small red nose and her mouth can open and close, although it is always curved upwards into a smile. There are noticeable sections on her face despite them not being able to be opened without tools. She wears a sleeveless light blue shirt which shows her stomach where there is a stomach hatch that can be opened. The shirt has a white collar and a pink heart on the left side. She also has a tie with a waffle cone pattern. Her stomach hatch is in the shape of an upside down heart. Her skirt is 80’s patterns inspired with three main colors of red, yellow and blue, and three accent colors of brow, white and purple. She wears white socks and red shoes which vaguely resemble clown shoes. There is a star at the back of each shoe. Her “backpack” is dark blue and has a holder for her microphone, which is also a recorder and speaker, that is shaped like a cone ice cream.
Functionality and role:
-Baby’s backpack is actually an ice cream machine which can be removed. It and the microphone amongst other things can be controlled by Baby if there is a pink heart symbol on them. This is a technology unique to Baby although it shares similarities with Bluetooth, so it is called Sweet-tooth. Once attached, liquid poured into Baby’s mouth is transported into the ice cream machine which is of course turned into ice cream. Then, it is dispensed through a tube into Baby’s stomach where there is a “scooper” meant to hold the ice cream. After that, she opens her hatch and places the ice cream into a cone. This mechanic is only a fun gimmick and is not used for any real monetary purposes. The cost of said gimmick is more than made up for by actual dessert sales and school supplies sales that she heavily promotes.
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[A poster of Glamrock Baby advertising school supplies]
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[A standee of Glamrock Baby advertising dairy]
-She was conceived by Fazbear’s Entertainment as a way to clear Circus Baby’s image as well as cover up the tragedy with Elizabeth Afton. Instead of being 7 feet tall, she is just 4’4 feet, no where near big enough to fit a child inside. There is also no face plates or scary claw hiding in her stomach.
-She is one of the re-newed Funtime animatronics which are used in the daycare. If there was a ranking system, they would be under Sun and Moon. Although, Baby also has some command over the new Funtimes.
Other lore bits:
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[A poster or standee of Glamrock Baby advertising her show]
-Her Daycare stage is located right outside the slide entrance into the daycare. She has her own elevator that she can take to go down there.
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[A wall painting of Glamrock Baby encouraging kids to stay in school]
-She is popular amongst young kids, mostly because she solves their homework but there are other reasons as well. For example, she is an older sister figure for toddlers, young enough to be relatable and just old enough to be cool and not intimidating.
-She is close with Sun, often helping him in the daycare. They enjoy playing hide and seek with the kids, which is when her microphone comes in handy. She uses it to distract them and stir them in another direction. However, she is not very fond of Moon and is a bit scared of him. Sometimes, he mistakes her for a human child.
-In the storyline, she plays an ally role towards Gregory, helping him distract other animatronics and find solutions. This part is still in development so I don’t have much here yet.
-She can be considered possessed by a spirit. However, the spirit is not aggressive. She knows of the existence of said spirit and can actually communicate with it. You probably all know who it is but let’s just play pretend.
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judithan-xing · 23 days
so, in order to know more about Neo we must first discuss what the hell The Grim is. Originally The Grim was a story that me and my highschool best friend were co-writing. We had shared ocs and would draw them interacting and doing dumb shit. The "plot" of The Grim was supposed to be a fun serialized story about different paranormal investigative cases, except that it wasn't bunk paranormal stuff it was like real actual horrors. Like vampires, zombies, and most notable of all; SCPs. I was REALLY into SCP when I was a sophomore (when we came up with these ocs) and as such I thought it would be rly fun to make a series that has the tone of a goofy slice of life anime/manga but it covers more serious stuff like monster slaying and abstract horror.
Now, to explain Neo; he is the push of the push/pull dynamic protag duo. Originally I had his plot be that he's simply a pyromancer that can regenerate, which like, that's cool. But also since I wrote his plot when I was like ?? 14?? it's not done with any care and he has a 'psychotic break' which causes him to like, attack Harly but they still work together and are chill??? I dont know. It's rly old and I gotta rework it now that I'm not going for Maximum Edge TM.
For his new plot, I'm thinking of making his power be something along the lines of extreme energy generation. He can heal exceptionally fast but if he stores up too much energy he can literally just. Combust. Like a phoenix. As a result if he doesn't want to deal with Explosion Time he has to find a way to become extremely injured extremely fast, and this results in weird knife eroticism between him and Denev. They are in love. Denev will deny it, but they are so in love.
Also for some reason his original get-up was like, short shorts, no shoes, and him n Denev had these ugly ass matching hats???? I still have no idea why. Maybe it was the idea that like, theyre detectives they gotta wear detective-y things. Now they just have opposite-monochrome matching coats which I feel looks much nicer.
please enjoy these old ass 2012 sketches of Neo, since I don't think I had drawn him a single time between then and now.
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Anyway, Neo is quite literally the Hot Pink Bitch Named Breakfast of the squad and is very much a landmine of emotions being like, in a fun and sexy way teehee!
I FORGOT TO MENTION; his hair is pink because one of the first cases him and Denev take on is for a vending machine that dispenses strange oddities and one of the things he got was jelly beans that permanently changed his natural hair color to pink. He is originally a brunette. Haunting, I know.
I love the idea that scps are real and worth investigating but overwhelming they're Just Inconvenient.
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Surviving Playtime: Chapter 2
Trigger warnings for workplace violence
Chapter 2 – Do Not Engage With Hostile Individuals
12:15 PM
Playtime Theater – Employee Breakroom
Sound and light swam into Sam's senses as they woke, along with the very strong scent of blood. There was a light squeezing feeling around his chest, and his legs were dangling. This feeling was familiar; Dad had picked him up and was holding him while he slept. The hiss of a running faucet could be heard as Sam tried to lift his head up. There was a painful pressing feeling just inside his eyeballs that kept his vision from focusing, and the dull ache from the wound in his left shoulder. Sam turned his head to see Dad's bright yellow hand firmly on the wound, engulfing his entire shoulder. The human gave a groan as he tried to move in the toy's grasp.
“Dad?” Sam croaked out in his exhaustion. “Is that you?”
“I'm right here, Sam.” Dad's voice assured from a short distance. “It's gonna be okay. Just gonna get you and me cleaned up before we--”
“I had... the strangest and worst nightmare ever.” Sam tried to say, rubbing his free right hand against his pained eyes. “I dreamed that the toys in the theater killed everyone, and they were gonna kill me too. Then you were coming to get me too, and everything was covered in blood and--”
He stopped as his vision came into focus, and immediately left him in shock.
Daddy Longlegs was in the corner of the break room by the counter sink, wiping down his face, hat, and torso with a white torn rag. Both it and the body of the elastic toy were stained with blood. He was using his left arm to hold Sam in the air, coiled around the human's chest like they had always done on busy days. Below Sam's dangling feet were more dead bodies of humans, other Playtime Co employees, laying in pools of blood.
Sam's brown eyes locked with Dad's large pink ones, and both pairs of eyes widened in a panic.
“Please don't scream.” Dad pleaded, voice quivering in remorse. Sam's vision blurred out of focus he took in a short, fearful breath before he fainted away again. Dad breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, that's... that's perfect. Thanks for not screaming, Sam. I promise it's gonna be okay...”
Just outside the door came the harsh tapping of metal on wood, in a rhythmic pattern, slowly getting louder as something approached. Dad dropped his rags and quickly shimmied into the open vent just above him, tucking Sam's unconscious form close in protection. He was thankful the tap shoes of the Baby Steps couldn't come off, there was no way for them to take victims by surprise. The taps stopped as the doll looked into the break room, and after a moment there was a tiny giggle to herself seeing the carnage she and her sisters had caused. Then, as she walked away, the tapping noises struck down the halls in a dull echo. While the killer toy was gone, Dad knew he couldn't stay in this area. He did what he could. Now it was time to move for higher ground.
Tucking in his gangling limbs as close as he could to his body, he started moving through the vents best he could with two feet and one hand.
“We'll figure this out, Sam.” Dad assured himself as he tried to move quietly. “Dad's gotcha. Dad'll keep you safe. I promise we'll figure this out. Just gotta keep you safe...”
12:35 PM
Production Line 4
Liam Anderson, a Production manager, was thankful that these conveyor vents could fit the average person as he rested his tired feet on the moving belt below him. He and four others had been moving around the factory in them for the last hour and a half trying to escape. There was a group of ten originally. Donald and Artie were killed by that giant Huggy Wuggy, Willis split from the group to never be seen again, and Jessica vanished into thin air after screaming in the Make-A-Friend room. Something pulled Carlos into one of the upper vents of the conveyor lines when the dispension alarm sounded. Then, Mike had found an emergency exit in the Testing wing, but learned the hard way after opening it that it was booby trapped. Now it was just Liam, someone from Innovation, and three other production line workers: Tucker, Alice and Jake.
The Labcoat from Innovation had taken the lead after Jake got them lost chasing after garbage chutes. All of the garbage chutes would lead outside, but there was no luck in finding them so far. Liam had no ideas other than to try other emergency exits, but this was met with a flurry of protests after what happened to Mike. The thought of meeting his fate made Alice rub her neck protectively with both hands and start sobbing. So, the Labcoat decided to take charge, knowing that some of the smaller and skinnier vents would lead to the loading docks in the back of the factory. There was no way the loading bays for the trucks would be booby-trapped since they were so wide and open. It was the best idea anyone had, and as long as the factory had power, everyone could save energy by just standing on the moving conveyor belts.
All were quiet as the employees were carried to locations unknown, the Labcoat watching the caution signs and painted words on the steel walls as they passed them. The slightly more experienced employee soon waved them down a separate conveyor slope to the right and found this belt wasn't working. So, it was time to walk carefully. Holding the walls to brace themselves or stepping too loudly made a lot of noise, and the last thing any of them wanted was another toy waiting for them on the other side. Liam had to grunt quietly as he stepped on his tired feet. His loafers weren't built for being on his feet for hours on end, and there was no end in sight for a break.
Before Liam could start to complain, he spied the steel door ahead. It was shut and shielded any view or sounds from the outside. The Labcoat looked behind him and made sure all were silent and not moving. Being in front, he silently volunteered to open the door, and be at the mercy of anything just outside it. Liam held his breath, Jake rose to the ball of his foot in case he needed to run away, Alice held a hand in front of her mouth to keep from screaming. The only sound to be heard was the Labcoat softly padding to the emergency door latch to open the door from the inside. He grabbed onto it tightly and hesitated before pushing it up and letting the door swish up and open in front of him.
There was nothing in front of the vent, so the Labcoat tentatively stuck his head out to look around. There was nothing to grab him and kill him immediately nearby, so he looked around some more. The room was wide and spacious, with many open conveyor belts carrying boxes and toy parts with automation running. Various Make-A-Friend inspired fabricators were offline, allowing various parts and boxes through the conveyor belts unchecked and unregistered. The floor was littered with dead bodies, of all ages and work stations, many laying in a pool of their own blood. But nothing hostile was in view or to be heard. Despite the strewn bodies about, the area looked safe enough.
The Labcoat gave the wave of all clear before stepping completely out and taking a look around. Alice stifled any muffling of screams and cries as she looked around. Jake paled in the face and his stomach started to churn. Tucker sucked in a breath for courage as he tried not to recognize any of these bodies. Liam found himself doing the same, though he was mostly hiding his frustration.
“Production Room 4.” he growled. “We went in a circle.”
“But the loading bays have to be close.” the Labcoat offered. Liam looked down to the Labcoat's lanyard to remind himself of this younger worker's name.
Dr. Scott Govan – Level 2
“They're close enough, Dr. Govan.” Liam snorted. “But we need to cross two more production floors. And I don't trust you to make us sit on more conveyor belts until we get there. I thought you Labcoats were smart.”
Dr. Govan scoffed at this.
“Hey, I've never been in the conveyor tunnels before. Aren't you a Production manager? Haven't YOU?”
“Can we not argue right now?” Tucker sighed, taking a look around. “If we can just walk there from here, let's do that.” He pointed towards the stairwell door to a far left corner. “We'll need Grab Packs to open the docking bay doors, so let's gear up before we go. It's the closest thing we have to-”
“Tucker, which one of us is the manager here?!” Liam barked at the much taller and older worker than he. Tucker gave a very reluctant sigh.
“You, sir.” he droned.
“And don't you forget it.” Liam then took over giving orders and directions. How could he call himself a manager if he couldn't? “We're not taking the conveyor belts again, so we'll just cross the next two rooms.” He pointed to the same stairwell door. “There's a Grab Pack storage just over there, so let's all suit up and steel ourselves. It's the closest thing we have to defending ourselves with.” Liam then took point to the door, happy to have the last word. All four employees frowned at his back. Tucker, Alice and Jake silently promised themselves to quit once they escaped.
Passing by another conveyor belt door, Liam froze when he heard a familiar noise inside. The singular blare of a dispensing alarm, along with the sound of something big falling from the dispenser itself. The flashback of a singular stretchy pink arm reaching in and grabbing Carlos played in Liam's eyes for a split second, as he realized what this alarm meant. Something is using the covered conveyor belts to move around, just like they did! And it was about to come out that door any moment!
“Incoming toy!” Liam cried to the others, bolting for one of the conveyor belts. “Quick! Hide!”
Despite their distaste for Liam, everyone did as ordered. Some followed his lead and hid under the moving conveyor belts. It wasn't much of a hiding place, but they wouldn't immediately be seen. Everyone collectively held their breath, watching the conveyor belt door in fear as they heard loud footsteps walking up to it. There was a pause in sound, then the dull click of the emergency switch being flipped, and the door swishing up. All eyes were on the open doorway, ready to either run away, scream, or both depending on what exited. But what came out wasn't a toy.
A young human woman poked her head out to look around, before stepping out of the doorway and sitting on one of the moving conveyor belts in exhaustion. She looked to be in her early thirties, her thin black hair bunched into a light bun on her neck. Her bright yellow collared shirt betrayed her status as a Playtime Co employee, but she was wearing Production Wing standard coveralls and thick work boots. Strapped to her back was a standard issue Grab Pack, and as she sat she let the standard issue blue and red hands hang at her sides. Liam could spot spare hands on the work belt of the coveralls. She didn't have her work lanyard around her neck, but Liam didn't need that to identify her.
Liam crawled out of hiding, seeing this was one of his employees and not a threat.
“Cynthia? Is that you?”
The woman flinched hearing her name, and looked to the much older man. Recognizing him and seeing he was still alive, she felt herself start to cry and hopped down from the conveyor belt to dash to his side.
“Mr. Anderson!” she called out, holding back her sobs. “Oh, Mr. Anderson, what's going on?! This is terrible!” As the others saw their fellow coworker, they too came out of hiding to gather around their new ally. Liam caught Cynthia in his arms as she came right up to him for a comforting hug.
“Are you alright?” Liam asked, looking her over. She didn't look injured, but she was certainly scuffed up and dirty from crawling through vents. Her work shirt had splatters of dried blood, and her coveralls were too dark to make out any stains or small tears. He noted she was in remarkably good shape for the little front desk secretary who grew meek in front of her own shadow.
“I-I think so.” Cynthia stammered as she also looked herself over. The tears spilled out of her eyes as she failed to hold them back. “I'm, I'm alive right? Th-that's what's important, right, sir? I'm alive. I'm--” Left in her shock, she could only stutter two words over and over. “I'm alive. I'm-I'm alive...”
“Yes, yes, you're alive, kid.” Liam assured, giving her shoulders a soft squeeze. “You did great. And you found us, so you're safe now. We'll take it from here.”
“You even got a Grab Pack.” Tucker congratulated Cynthia. “This is really great, Cynthia. We can use these to open the docking bay doors!”
“Yeah?” Cynthia squeaked, looking up at Tucker.
“We just have two more rooms to go through.” Alice nodded, feeling a little more confident now that she wasn't the only one about to break down crying. “And then we're home free!”
“You saved our lives today, Cynthia.” Dr. Gavon commented with a smile. “Thank you.”
The thought that they were so close to escaping started to overwhelm Cynthia, and she wiped her falling tears with the back of her right hand.
“Just...” she sniffed. “...doing my job?”
“That's our Cynthia.” Liam managed a chuckle. “Always looking out for us, one way or another. Alright, let's get moving, people!”
In higher spirits, the group walked through the Production Hall for the first set of large doors. As Tucker, Jake and Dr. Goven took point, Cynthia started to lag behind, staring down at her feet as tears kept flowing and flowing. Alice looked up to the secretary, about to ask where Cynthia got spare coveralls from and put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, I'm scared too.” Alice tried to soothe. “But it's almost over! We'll get out of here thanks to you!”
“But...” Cynthia started to sniffle. “...what if I mess up again? I'm... I'm always messing up. Mr. Anderson always yells at me when I mess up, and I don't want to--”
“It's okay.” Alice assured, stopping to give Cynthia a hug, which was tightly returned. “Mr. Anderson yells at all of us.” Liam felt his face start to turn red, but he reeled in his anger to clear his throat uncomfortably.
“Cynthia, I know I've been really hard on you in the past.” he started. “Probably hardest on you than any of the others, even the department heads. But that's because your job is so incredibly important. You're the backbone of this company. We'd fall apart without your hard work and organizational skills. Every day, you made sure the world of Playtime Co would go round today and tomorrow. So, one little mistake could have been the end of us. And that's more true than ever right now. It's actually life and death, so...” Liam wasn't sure how to end his speech on a good note, so he wrapped it up the only way he knew how. “...just don't fuck this up, okay?”
Alice gave Liam an annoyed side eye as Cynthia could only nod in her astonishment.
“O-Okay, Mr. Anderson.”
With that, the group continued. Even with the encouragement she was given, Cynthia still lagged behind, looking at her shoes. Once she was five paces behind the group, she took her right Grab Pack cannon and started changing out the red right hand for one of the teal hands hanging from her work belt. She had to make sure she was using the right tools for the job. Raising her head slightly, she looked over the group as they approached the first door to the next room. The moment their attention was brought to the red hand panel above the door and about to discuss what Cynthia needed to do, the secretary quickly closed the distance between herself and Liam.
“Mr. Anderson?”
Liam turned around just in time to watch Cynthia press the fingertips of the teal Grab Pack hand to his forehead. He only had enough time to notice that the hand was shaped in a way a person would make a finger gun, with the first two fingers pointing out and the rest curled inward, and the barrel of said finger gun was directly in between his eyes.
Then, she pulled the trigger, and after a loud bang, Liam Anderson dropped to the floor lifeless. The rest of the group watched in shock as Cynthia's face changed from scared and stammering to cold and collected. Her eyes watched the rest of the group as she stood with confidence, and a smirk growing across her face.
“I've wanted to do that for a while.” she confessed, her voice resolute and droning, no trace of a stutter or squeak of fear. Before the others could react, Cynthia again raised her teal hand and shot three bullets into Alice's chest, the fellow coworker dropping dead with a pained cry.
Jake screamed as Cynthia raised her other Grab Pack cannon hand and fired it at Tucker's head. The in tact hand latched onto his skull before he could react, and was pulled harshly from his neck when Cynthia recalled the hand back to her. The secretary raised the teal hand again to shoot at Jake, striking him once in the leg as he ran for a nearby stairwell door, disappearing into it. Cynthia let him go, turning her gun to Dr. Govan, who was trapped in a corner. She fired a couple of bullets into one leg, causing him to cry out in pain. He was about to drop to the floor, but Cynthia quickly ran up to him, freeing her right hand from the Grab Pack cannons to grab him by the collar and prop him up in the corner.
Dr. Govan's vision was starting to swim from the pain. The bullets she shot into him were larger than a pellet gun bullet, able to kill a person with one in the right place. Where did this type of Grab Hand come from? How did Cynthia manage to get one? And why was she using it on her coworkers in the first place?! He was distracted from the growing pain and his panicked thoughts with a few light slaps to the cheek and Cynthia's cold voice calling over the shock.
“Hey! Hey, hey, I can't have you passing out on me now.” Cynthia called. “I need you alive right now, Labcoat.” Dr. Govan looked to the once meek and oppressed secretary who now looked at him with confident indifference.
“Y-you killed them!” he stammered. “You just... killed them!”
“Hey, hey, focus.” Cynthia insisted, using her free hand to pick up Dr. Govan's lanyard and look it over. “Hmm, level two. Maybe you can help.”
“Why are you doing this?!” Dr. Govan demanded, vision starting to blur with forming tears. “Why are you doing this to us?! Why did you kill them?! Why--” Cynthia seemed to ignore his question as she turned his lanyard over to look at his key card.
“Does the phrase 'Bigger Bodies Initiative' mean anything to you?”
Dr. Govan quieted and went pale hearing those words. Cynthia just nodded her head.
“Yep. You know what that means. So, you can help me out.”
“H-how did you--”
Before he could get another word out, Cynthia took hold of the teal grab hand and put the barrel of the gun under Dr. Govan's chin.
“Where's Dr. Sawyer?”
At both the gun, and a question he couldn't answer, the tears spilled from the corners of his eyes finally. When he didn't immediately answer, Cynthia continued.
“What about Dr. Florence, where is she?”
“I-I don't know.” Dr. Govan truthfully stammered.
“What about Dr. Nightingale? Dr. White? Dr. Kovach? Do you even know where any of the project heads are?! Or the company heads?!”
“No! I don't know!” Dr. Govan cried out desperately. “I don't know! I don't know! Please, I don't know!”
“So, you don't know anything?!” Cynthia suddenly demanded, trying to shout over him.
“No! No, I don't! I-I didn't do any of that! I-I didn't DO! ANY of it! Please! Please don't kill me!”
Cynthia was about to say something when she heard a desperate cry behind her. It was Jake, with a long lead pipe, who had enough time to hobble behind her without her noticing! His arm was still high above his head, just seconds from swinging the pipe down upon her when something from above grabbed him! Both Cynthia and Dr. Govan watched as long, stretchy yellow limbs wrapped themselves tightly around Jake's neck and hoisted him up into the dark rafters. They could only hear his desperate choking and gagging for a minute before it fell silent. The pipe Jake was holding dropped from above and clamored harmlessly to the ground.
“Huh.” Cynthia noted. “That was a close one.” Then she paused. “Now, what was I doing? Oh, right.” Not even looking back at Dr. Govan, she fired her finger gun into his chin twice, killing him and letting his body drop to the ground. She took a couple of steps back to casually stretch her arms and look back up into the rafters. “Nice looking out!”
“You betcha!” Lowering himself down from the rafters into view was another living toy.
A bright yellow toy about three feet tall from the tip of his head to his diapered bottom, his limbs stretched out to help him climb down from the wall with his sticky blue hands and shoes. Showing off by kicking his feet from the wall and doing a little flip with a somersault after to be by Cynthia's side, Baby Longlegs looked up to the human with his wide orange eyes and single toothed smile, as though he didn't just strangle another human being out of sight. However, despite his infantile appearance and child-like antics, the personality and voice he was graced with was that of a forty year old man.
“Ta-daa! Saved your life again!”
“Thank you.” Cynthia droned, not impressed, switching the teal hand out of the cannon to the standard red hand. “Guess we can move on. Unless we can't.” She gave Baby a side glance down, signaling him to answer back. He did, with a nod and a thumbs up.
“Next room is all clear, toots.” Baby promised, stretching his arms up to take a hold of her shoulder.
“And?” Cynthia prodded.
“All the exits are booby-trapped, so our bases are covered.” With that, Baby shrunk his arms to pull himself up Cynthia's body to perch on her shoulder. She allowed it, firing the red hand at the door panel and finally opening up the large door. Walking into the next room, leaving the bodies behind, the duo took in the next Production Hall, which looked like the one behind them, bodies strewn on the floor and all.
“Sounds like you get a little reward.” Cynthia proposed, turning to the right side of her work belt. It held a portable radio, which needed a little bit of fiddling to get a proper signal. And once Cynthia found it, old rock and roll blared from the tech, which she started to strut to confidently.
“Aw yeah!” Baby celebrated, tucking in his middle and ring fingers while extending the others in excitement. “Let's rock and roll, baby!”
For the first time in her ten years of work for Playtime Co, for the first time on the work floor, Cynthia sported a wide smile as she nodded her head to the music and sang along, without another care in the world.
“Loving every minute of it! Loving every minute of it!”
Welcome Center Security Office
Once the doors had sealed shut behind them, Vern got to work grabbing a spare table and shoving it up to the doors. It would keep them out of view of the glass, but he and Morgan were trapped inside. Once the door was secure, he took a look around. There was no one else in the office and it was clean and quiet, giving the illusion that nothing was wrong outside. The contrast of rooms made him breathe out a shaky sigh. For now, he and Morgan were safe.
Morgan, however, was extremely distraught, and she weakly knocked her fist against Vern's uninjured shoulder as she sobbed.
“You killed her!” she wailed, barely able to breathe through her sobs. “You killed her! You're a murderer!”
“We don't have time for that.” Vern insisted, taking her by the shoulder himself and guiding her to sit in one of the office chairs. “Sit down, you're safe for now. I need to get to that phone.” He needed a minute to gather himself as well, but two people couldn't be losing their nerve right now. The sooner he could call for help, the sooner this nightmare could end.
The main security desk was along the right hand wall, next to a large display of security monitors that still overlooked the first and second floors of the factory. The monitors were still working, and all of them showed the same sight: dead bodies littered across the floor, random toys wandering around and looking for survivors, no signs of other life. It was looking more and more hopeless. Maybe he shouldn't have waited so long, but what could he have done? Acting too soon would have gotten him killed.
He spied the phone sitting in it's usual corner on the desk and he shuffled closer to the table to reach for it. His foot connected with something under the table, which responded with a loud “Ow! Hey!” Vern flinched and Morgan yelped in her seat, ready to scramble to the farthest corner. Vern took a step back and looked down under the table, and was surprised to see two people hiding under the table already.
One was a Playtime Co employee, as seen by his bright yellow shirt and large lanyard around his neck. He had pale skin and sandy blond hair, his blue eyes were widened with fear. Behind him was another man, around Vern's age, with thin black hair and tanned skin, wearing a sweater vest and jeans, not complying with Playtime Co's dress code. The older man was even more frightened than the employee, even hiding behind him, too scared to make a sound. So Vern focused on his fellow employee.
The employee under the table looked relieved at a familiar face.
“Vern? Boy, am I glad to see y-”
Chester didn't get to finish talking as Vern grabbed the smaller man by the lanyard, pulled him up from under the table and immediately punched him in the face! The other man under the table yelped and covered his face as Morgan screamed in alarm. Chester recovered, staring at Vern through the gathering, bright floaters in his vision.
“-What the hell was that for?!”
“You know exactly what, you lazy asshole!” Vern roared. “It's your fault I'm stuck here!”
“What? I don't-”
Chester was interrupted with another punch in the face. Blood started to trickle down his nose, the sensation triggering him to start squirming in Vern's grasp as the older man pulled his arm back to punch Chester again. The younger employee grabbed onto Vern's arm, fingers starting to dig into the injured left forearm for purchase, which made Vern grunt and release his grip. Chester scrambled back under the table and plugged his bleeding nose with a groan. Vern put his good hand to his bad arm and glared at the top of the security table, as if able to see through it straight to his coworker.
“Get back out here!”
“Stop punching me!” Chester pleaded, not moving from his spot.
“Stop punching him!” Morgan screamed from her place at the same time.
“Well, what the hell do you want me to do?!” Vern spat in Morgan's direction, glaring over his good shoulder.
“Use the phone to call for help!” Morgan yelled back, tears streaming down her face. “That's what you said you'd do!”
“Oh, right.” Vern's hostility cooled as he went back to the phone in the corner. Morgan wiped her tears, looked back at the blocked door just in case, then knelt to look under the security table. Chester's lanyard had been ripped off in the scuffle, so she looked at it before handing it back to him.
Chester Barnes – Daytime Security
“Are you okay, Chester?” Morgan asked softly. Chester scoffed before snatching his lanyard back from the worker.
“Vern punched me in the face!” he spat at her. “Twice! No one is okay after that!”
Morgan froze for a second, now seeing the obvious.
“Right... um, either than that, are you okay?” The moment she finished her question, she closed her eyes and breathed an impatient sigh with herself. Chester confirmed her dumb question was dumb.
“No, I'm not! The toys all came to life and started killing us! They're camping out in the lobby waiting for people to make a run for the doors all the last hour! How is anyone okay after any of this?!”
“Okay, okay! Sorry I asked!” Morgan choked back her barking tone. She certainly wasn't okay after what was happening. But at least she wasn't injured. “...where's the first aid kit? I'll help with your nose.”
“In this corner.” Chester pointed to the far left corner. It was opposite of Vern who was already punching the numbers 911 with a frustrated finger. Morgan spied the wall mounted kit and opened it to get to the cotton swabs and bandages. The older security guard on the phone needed his arm treated after.
As Morgan handed Chester some cotton swabs for his nose, she looked over to the other person under the table.
“And you, sir?” she addressed, customer service mode activating for an unfamiliar face. He also didn't have a lanyard.
“I'm not hurt.” the man squeaked. “Just... don't punch me too?”
“Who are you?” Morgan asked him, then looked to Chester. “Who is he?”
“Dunno.” Chester shrugged, shoving the cotton swabs into his nostrils. “He ran in here the same time I did.” The unfamiliar man tried to straighten himself out from under the table, too tall to fit there but too scared to come out.
“My name is Nolan Sterling. I don't work here, I came for my grandson. I was told he was taken to the Playcare last week, and I wanted to get him back.”
Morgan stared at the man in shock. He shouldn't have even been allowed in the building today, let alone having made it to the security office.
Vern finally speaking into the phone started to draw everyone's attention.
“Yeah, I'm calling from the Playtime Co toy factory, and we need help! We're being massacred here!
Chester turned his head away from Vern's direction, shaking it and prepared for more shouting.
“What's wrong?” Morgan asked when she noticed.
“No one's coming to rescue us.” Chester groaned. “I tried calling 911 as soon as I got in here...”
“Yeah, all the toys! Why?” Vern said into the phone, then paused. “Wait, how did you-- What?! No, this isn't a prank!”
“Oh no.” Morgan gasped. She could only helplessly watch Vern grow more distressed during the call.
“More than fifty people are dead in the last hour and a hal-” He was again stopped as he listened to the operator on the other line. His face grew more pale as he received the news. “Seventeenth?! This is the seventeenth call you got about this and you still think this is a prank?! You need to send everyone! The army, the SWAT team, special forces, national guard, James Bond, everyone! SEND! EVERYONE! I WATCHED HUGGY WUGGY EAT THREE PEOPLE!”
“H-how far away is the Playcare from here?” Nolan asked Morgan meekly. “If I can just get to my grandson, then-”
“I... actually don't know.” Morgan shook her head. “The farthest I've gone in was the production offices. But it's deep in there.”
“It's some fifty stories deep.” Chester admitted. “And there's so many hoops to jump through in a normal day to get there. I'm sorry, bud, but your gra-”
“DON'T HANG UP ON ME YOU-” Vern roared as he heard the other line click closed. His pale face flushed to red in anger as he nearly slammed the phone back down on it's receiver before picking it up again and dialing another number. “Fine! I'll call corporate! THEY'LL do something!” Chester snorted in disbelief under the table, which shot the cotton balls out of his nose and restarted the bleeding. Morgan quickly got him some clean cotton balls as Nolan looked to everyone with concerned confusion.
“But there has to be a way.” he insisted to Chester. “Please, he's just a newborn. I have to get him out of here!”
Chester paused, not sure how to tell this old man very bad news about his grand baby. Morgan tried to be a little more hopeful, looking around as if some answer would magically be in the room. Her focus landed on the many security monitors. They still showed scenes of death and bloodshed in all corners of the factory.
“Chester?” Morgan asked. “Are we able to see the Playcare from these?” She pointed up to the monitors as she asked.
“No.” Chester answered. “Just the outdoor train station and security office. I don't have clearance for anything past the production floors.”
“Maybe someone's in the Playcare security office?” she offered. “Like us? Maybe someone else who can help?”
“Can you make sure Vern won't punch me again so I can try to look?” Chester sighed. “I guess it's better than doing nothing.”
Vern was distracted by the phone, having been put on hold immediately calling the corporate office. So Morgan took the opportunity to try and bandage up his arm while he waited, letting Chester and Nolan crawl out from under the table to look at the security monitors. Chester punched in some buttons, looking for the lower floor's camera feed.
“I do know this.” Chester sighed, watching as most of the monitors flickered to black with the message 'No Access.' “There's so many toys in that Playcare. Who knows how many of them came to life too? What they're capable of?” He nervously drew his eyes to a couple of monitors that had a working camera feed. The outside train platform to the Playcare was also covered in sprawling human bodies, in various forms of death, almost all of them wearing lab coats. The second monitor was of the security office in that same train platform, and a decapitated body was slumped in the office chair. “Oh God, Roger...” Chester groaned. “...it's not looking good, Mr. Sterling.”
“But I have to get in there.” Nolan insisted. “He's my grandson, he's the only family I have left! He must be so scared! There has to be a way for me to get there! There has to be someone who can help!” He looked desperately between the three employees. Morgan turned her eyes down as Chester shook his head. Vern sighed sadly; not even he was going to break it to the heartbroken grandfather.
“I'll say this:” Vern grumbled, keeping the phone to his ear, listening to the cheerful wait music on the other end. “I really don't think there's one person in Playtime Co who could do something about these killer toys. The one man I can think of who could passed away years ago, and even then, you think he could have made a difference? Take it from another old man, might as well look after yourself at this point if there's no other hope.”
Nolan gave a sad sigh, knowing in his heart what everyone didn't want to say. And he didn't want to believe it. But surely there had to be someone alive with the ability to help, right?
Video Tape
“Nightingale Interview”
Dated: 4/21/92
Interview of Dr. Gemma Dawn Nightingale, conducted by Dr. Florence Sorrentino
Dr. Florence: So, Dr. Nightingale, how has working with the larger toys been?
Dr. Nightingale: It's been really fun, but a lot of work. There are times it feels like I'm taking care of the kids, working with the toys. But they've all been really open and friendly.
Dr. Florence: Hmm.
Dr. Nightingale: Why, was there something I should have been expecting?
Dr. Florence: Well, the purpose of the Initiative was to create a workforce that simply worked with no stress or exhaustion. There shouldn't be a need for the toys to have their own counselor or “best friend” if we have succeeded.
Dr. Nightingale: Well, there is a need. Because you failed. (giggles)
Dr. Florence: Excuse me?
Dr. Nightingale: Doctor, how often do you find yourself working with the bigger toys?
Dr. Florence: Every day. Why do you ask?
Dr. Nightingale: Like, do you find yourself really working with them? Like, really? There's so much more to them than any report, or job performance, or even telling the kids we made big toys for them to play with. They do have stress, they do get exhausted, they do get bored of the daily routine. I sit and talk with them. I work with them while they work. I see things that their supervisors seem to miss because you're not looking for them. I take time to do things that they want to do, I make sure they have spare time to decompress from work, I reward them for jobs well done, and it already seems to be making a difference. And that has already been noticed, hasn't it?
Dr. Florence: …
Dr. Nightingale: Well, hasn't it?
Dr. Florence: Dr. Nightingale, what you are saying is to treat the bigger toys like other employees, to give them breaks and rewards, to respect them the same as your human coworkers?
Dr. Nightingale: Exactly! Why haven't we been doing that from the beginning?
Dr. Florence: Because that's not why they were built. They aren't meant to be human. They are meant to be a work force. Dr. Sawyer and I need you to tailor their work habits to better reflect-
Dr. Nightingale: Absolutely not!
Dr. Florence: …
Dr. Nightingale: I'm not just their supervisor! I'm someone they need to trust, to build a relationship with, to be someone they can confide in when no one else will! I'm their counselor and it's my job to look after their well being, even when you insist they don't have one! They're just as human as you and me if you take the time to even talk to them! And just like us humans, work exhausts them, and we make it incredibly thankless for them! And if we don't do something to change that, well... You of all people are aware of the consequences of an angry, stressed out toy.
Dr. Florence: Hmph.
Dr. Nightingale: Give me more time. I can give you want you want: productive Bigger Bodies. But you need to give me what I want, which is more time to work with the toys. There's so much more to them than you or Dr. Sawyer know.
Dr. Florence: There is NOTHING Dr. Sawyer doesn't know about his own work. Don't you dare challenge it.
Dr. Nightingale: …
Dr. Florence: I'll relay your proposal, but don't expect much. They're toys, not people. They don't need as much thought and care as you claim. Their purpose is to work, not be friends.
Dr. Nightingale: Well, someone has to try and be friends, right? So that's what I'll do. Give me more time to show results. Happy toys make productive toys. And I promise to give you happy toys.
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the-fiction-witch · 10 months
Don't Open The Red Door
Tumblr media
Media IRL X Horror Movie
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple None
Rating Spooky
The clock hands clicked over and the chimes began. Ave Maria rang out from the bells slightly echoed across the hall. The Main lobby of the Ophelia Hotel sat fairly vacant, the large glass double doors with stained purple and green glass around the doors in dancing vine shapes. A black and white checkerboard marble floor littered with impressive furniture and antiques most of which had dust covers and protective layers ready for the shutdown. Two large archways on either side one lead through to the restaurant and Bar, the other to the spa facilities and the hotel rooms. In the corner a large office with foggy glass and a large desk empty of a receptionist with the hotel logo on the desk. Signs up to direct people to various places, A large sign up on the desk with the hotel logo and some information about the winter closing.
Sat on one of these uncovered purple chairs sat the body of a young man no older than thirty, in well-pressed clothes and shined shoes a black pair of suit pants and a light blue button down, a folder on his lap often his fingers around the folder. He was a thin-built man with the sort of pale skin that makes any red seem aggressively apparent, a head of loose natural curls that didn't have much pattern or way about them almost like you could tell he'd spent the last two hours with wet hair and a comb attempting to style them and now dry this is what remained. His hair is the colour of a slightly dark milk tea darker at its root almost mimicking the darker Tapioca pearls often found at the bottom of Milk tea drinks.
The door to the office opened and a man with a grey suit and dark under eyes that showed a clear hangover. A Jaw that sat somewhere between a square and a diamond with fairly high cheekbones but not so high it would be something you'd notice about him. With chocolate eyes and a nervous frown.
He came through and set his hands on the desk "You must be Mr Sangster,"
The young man stood and fixed himself slightly "Yes Sir,"
"Perfect, Rodger Ashland nice to finally meet you in person," He said as he came around the desk and shook the man's hand clearly harder than Mr. Sangster expected his face for a moment read of panic before relaxing into a smile.
"Yes lovely to finally meet you, Mr Ashland."
"Rodger is fine, After all this time I think we can dispense with the formality,"
"Thomas wasn't it?"
"Good, Come on we'll sit in the bar." He said before he led Thomas deeper into the hotel, into a small bar with three large glass doors, they came through one and then had the left door that led to the restaurant and the right that led to the ballroom. A few souls working cleaning and tidying the place. Rodger sat down in a rounded green booth where some paperwork already sat and Thomas nervously slipped into the booth across from him and set his folder down. "Sorry I'm a little all over the place, everyone is. We had our big farewell to a summer party last night things got a little rowdy as they always do," he explained
"That's alright, I've heard tales of the farewell to summer parties here." Thomas chuckled
"We are well-fabled" he laughs "Now, Tell me about you."
"yes, I must have read through your paperwork a hundred times since we first spoke But I'd love to know about you give me the story, the tale of Thomas,"
"Ohh, Well. Not really much to tell I suppose." Thomas said nervously "I was born here on the island, both my parents worked off the island, and my grandmother looked after me most of the time. When I was older my parents moved us off the island did my schooling, got my grades, and was trying to do the office intern thing for a good while."
"And you moved back recently?"
"Yes, I'd been sort of running fast getting nowhere in the city for a while felt like a fresh start and just then my grandmother got sick so I came back to look after her."
"That's very sweet of you, she still?"
"No, She passed away this June,"
"I'm very sorry to hear that. What sort of thing do you spend your time doing, you have some hobbies?"
"Just basic work at the moment, but I really enjoy gardening, drawing and even baking sometimes."
"Sounds lovely, like you will find yourself some things to do while you're here."
"I'm sure I will"
"Now I know we've been over most of this but just for the sake of clarification" He explained "The hotel has two hundred and fifty rooms, one hundred of them are suites the majority, then we have seventy-five basic rooms and seventy-five of our grand rooms, We have the reception, ballroom, bar and restaurant and then the spa facilities downstairs. Then we have the kitchen, storage and the laundry." He explained "We also have the gardens. Ohh and the east tower but that's not relevant for you" He explained
"Okay, No problem"
"The official title is caretaker, key responsibilities just looking after the place and making sure the place is kept clean, and safe, we don't get any broken windows or mouldy showers. General upkeep while the place is empty. You're also security but we haven't had any issues in the last twenty years so I don't see why you would know but there is protocol for any issues"
"Yeah I don't imagine you get much trouble"
"We did discuss of course the... big issue"
"as I'm sure I don't need to tell you when that causeway turns to marsh you're on your own"
"Yes, I'm aware. October to late December usually right?"
"It depends of course on the weather if we have a very wet October then it'll be later if we have a drier October sometimes it's all sorted before Christmas. last year it was so wet the damn thing was closed up by September 12th and didn't open back up until days before we reopened in January" He laughs "Absoulate emergencies like you've cut your hand off. They do have a small boat at the ambulance bay that can get out to you but you are going to be on your own" He said
"I think honestly some time alone is just what I need"
"Good, A few years ago getting a caretaker in was a terror cabin fever and the like but you'll still have wifi, phone signal can be a bit buggy, especially with storms but that's true for most of the island as you know, It's why I always like hiring someone from the area you're already used to this sort of thing" He explained "So any questions for me before we get on?"
"Yes actually I did want to ask, why didn't the last caretaker want to come back this year? if you don't mind"
"No idea, He was a very... superstitious man always ranting and raving about things he marched off when I came to open up in January and not seen him since"
"He thought the place was haunted"
"I think the cold nights just got to him, It makes sense it's a big old place, you're here alone all day and night makes sense you might start seeing things"
"Do you think it is?"
"Haunted. I mean"
"I'm not superstitious." He said "But I'll let you into a little secret about this business," He said "Hotels are where a lot of people come to die"
"Some people decide they don't want to be in the world anymore for whatever reason and demons they have. And quite a lot of those people come to places like this, and book themselves a few nights in a nice suite with a good view. They treat themselves to the fine beds, the big baths and all the amenities. They spend every penny knowing they can't take it with them, they'll up one night heavy with drink and end it all. safe in the peace that a maid will come round in the morning and their body will be taken care of rather than left rotting for god knows how long.
I've worked here for twenty years, and I cannot count how many lives ended here. just in the time I've worked here"
"I see."
"But is the place haunted? No, I don't think so. The place doesn't have some horrible history, or some kind of burial ground, anything like that"
"Never been one to believe in ghosts and ghouls"
"Good. I only live in town so any issues you'll be able to grab me."
"So? you're still happy?"
"Absolutely, So long as you feel like you trust me with the place I'm more than happy"
"Perfect, Let's get you up to your room" He explained
Rodger led Thomas down the corridor they had already walked back to the main lobby, he stopped at the front desk opening a drawer full of organized cards.
"We used to have a little bedroom back in this office here used to be the caretaker room that was back when we did proper shut down turn the water off, electricity all that sort of thing found it just wasn't worth it in the end. And we found caretakers sneaking up to stay in the rooms anyway" He chuckled "All the hotel room keys are cards now but a caretaker card will get you into any of the rooms so just leave the cards as they are. I would say take your own room card just then you know where you are" he explained "The caretaker card will get you anywhere you need," He said "I'll take you through the lift I will say when you're here alone you're best to use the staircase, the power often fluctuates and the lift is getting older now we wouldn't want you getting stuck"
"Makes sense, that's alright good to get my steps in"
"Good way to think of it course you know about the ground floor" he chuckled as he led Thomas through to the lift they waited patiently for a good few seconds until the doors opened revealing the small silver lift with purple and green carpet a sign at the back to advertise the closing. They both headed inside and silently headed up to the 1st floor, where the doors opened to a long corridor that looped around and back to the lift with the rooms scattered around a maid cart left by the lift the same carpet at the lift continued, a sign on the wall reading '1648-1720' "Seventy-five rooms on this floor all basic rooms nothing too exciting" He explained going to one of the green doors with a silver door knob and a plaque reading 1646 Rodger used the card to scan the door and opening the door revealing the basic room.
The room was small with no windows light cream walls, a wooden floor, a small desk built into the wall with a mirror over it, a purple love seat with a green textured cushion, two small wooden bedstands, and a wooden bed with green linins and a purple runner, a wooden chest of draws to the side One large light in the centre, a small bathroom at the bottom behind a cream door with a green tiled shower and a grey toilet and sink. "Very basic our cheapest rooms fifty eight of them all on this floor"
"They are very nice" He smiled "I'd be happy in one of these"
"Most usually are, come on Next floor is the double rooms," Rodger says heading up to the lift again Thomas followed until they reached the next floor all the same again with the sign '1721 - 1795', Rodger led Thomas across the hall to a Purple door with a silver handle and the sign reading '1723' he scanned the door and opened it up revealing the larger room, it had a large window looking out to the grounds, light cream walls, a wooden floor, a large wooden bed, with purple sheets and a green runner, wooden bedside tables on each side of the bed, A large green shaded light in the centre of the room, a large painting of grape fields behind the bed, two light sconces each above the tables, a green rug under the bed, a large vanity with a purple chair, two draws, a large oval mirror on a hinge to be adjusted, with a lamp on the side of the vanity, a large purple sofa with green pillows and a small tv, a small wardrobe and chest of draws, a door to a sizable bathroom with purple tiles, A impressive tub and shower combination, a toilet and two sinks. "grand room, higher cost for better stuff. Second floor and half the third floor seventy-five completely" Rodger explained
"This is very impressive."
"A few basic things are missing, the bath products and all that" he explained
"It's really nice" Thomas nodded
"Now up to the suites" He explained heading back to the lift, they went up to the fifth floor a corridor much the same as all the others a sign reading 1861-1897 Rodger led Thomas far further down the long corridor than the first few rooms down in fact to what seemed to be the very last room 1897 double doors painted dark green with a silver plague and doorknob but as Rodger unlocked it Thomas found his eyes wandering down the hall, The corridor looped of course as all the other floors had but there was an additional door no other floors had painted red with no information or signage.
"Everything alright?"
"Where does that door go?"
"Ohh that's to the east tower. We shut the place off far too dangerous but the boss is looking into renovations perhaps over next winter or even the next a lot of work to be done it'll be terribly expensive. You can ignore it"
"Fair enough sorry-"
"Don't worry about it." he says "Now this is your room"
He opened up the doors revealing an impressive room, wooden coat racks by the door, a small side table by the door with a shoe rack, a large four-post bed with purple sheets, a green runner, green and purple cushions, and even green curtains wrapped around the posts, a green and purple spiral rug under the bed, a painting of purple flowers over the bed, two large bedside tables with draws, two wall sconces over the tables, a large purple three seater sofa with green cushions, a green chair with a purple cushion, a stone electric fireplace, a large fluffy green rug, a large tv, a small wooden coffee table, A large metal frame light above the table, a wooden desk with a mirror and space for writing equipment, a wardrobe with many draws built into the wall, a door to a very large bathroom with green tiles, a large walk-in shower, a large sink with a hanging mirror, a toilet, a corner shower tub large enough for two with jets for bubble massage, and some bathroom storage.
"Whoa... this is impressive"
"This is the largest of our suites, you're home for the next few months," He says handing over the key card "Happy?"
"It almost seems a bit too much for me"
"well we like our caretakers to be comfortable, get yourself unpacked and settled we don't lock up till Monday so get what you need in"
"I will do, Thank you"
"No problem" he nods heading out and shutting the doors behind him leaving Thomas alone in the room.
He let out a sigh relaxing for a moment before jumping into the bed with a wide smile.
Thomas sat in his blue car well scratched with a few patches of hastily repaired rust, His focus was intense on the causeway between the Ophelia hotel and the rest of Totspur Island. The Causeway was merely a thin excuse for a road that only one car could pass at one time, the road edge was nothing but mud, moss and murky water. When bad storms come through or through most of the winter water would flood the causeway making it impassable and cutting off the Hotel from the rest of the island. "Ohh Shi-znick" He muttered quickly adjusting the steering wheel to make sure the wheels didn't go too far to either side. At last, he reached the stone bridge only just wide enough for the car, onto the main body of the island.
The main island was no bigger than your typical village, a few local shops, basic businesses and houses all littered the island. He drove through these small twisty roads before pulling up into a small car park beside the ferry ticket booth.
Thomas climbed out of the car and grabbed a leather messenger bag from the backseat. He made his way to the small old-fashioned shop front, with bright red wood being touched up by a man in grey overalls, The post office lettering perfectly painted on the glass. And the islands one post bost build into the stone. Thomas pushed the door open and headed inside the post office.
A small store with a dusty wooden floor, a few shelves of cards, boxes and random items. A red desk where a tall man stood. Jack Montgomery a man who stood at six feet fell with sculpted arms from years of carting bags of parcels back and forth with merky mossy green eyes and a short cut of chocolate hair. He wore a simple postman uniform and was making notes about some deliveries he had yet to make. He smiled as he saw Thomas the two had been friends since the days of childhood, Thomas cared for Jack much like one cares for a younger brother even though Jack was a good year older and fairly larger than Thomas, But Both of them knew when it came to matters of the mind Thomas would outway Jack ten fold mostly due to Thomass wealth of experiences when compared to Jack. As in all the years, they had known one another Jack had lived on Totspur island his whole life only travelling to the mainland to collect the post for Totspur residence and nothing else.
"Hey up! Mister Caretakers In" Jack laughed
"Word Travels fast" Thomas chuckled coming over to the desk
"Everyone knew you'd get the job."
"You did?"
"Course, You're the best man for the job up there"
"I'm sure I'll figure it out"
"What's to figure? just watching the places isn't it?"
"There's a bit more than that Jack."
"Well, I'm sure you'll find your groove with it."
"I hope so."
"You'll still be popping in I hope?"
"I will do, at least before the causeway closes me off"
"Just be careful you don't get cabin fever up there I know it seems like a big place but you'll find yourself walking in circles in no time days the causeway closes"
"I know, Kinda hoping to just lock myself away, get some good sleep"
"Don't spend all the time sleeping, Thomas."
"Why not?"
"You can sleep when you're dead." he says "Doesn't that place have a pool? sauna? gym? you could come back in January fit as a fairy boy"
"I highly doubt that" He laughs "I hope I have enough books"
"Ohh you do. Your last literary parcel nearly sunk the damn ferry"
"Yeah you should be"
"You're always welcome to come up Jack if you get a free moment"
"I thought you weren't allowed visitors?"
"I'll bend the rules, It's only you."
"I'll have to take you up on that. But I want the grand dining room not stuck up in the kitchen"
"Deal" He chuckled "So? Can I have my Parcels?"
"Absolutely, you're taking up all the space in the store room."
Jack headed back into the store room for a few moments returning with two huge parcel bags almost overflowing with parcels "You sure did a lot of online shopping"
"I'm stuck in that hotel from now till January, got to make myself comfy"
"Fair enough, You're carting this to your car through"
"That's fair Jack" Thomas nods
Thomas drove his now very full car with all his postage items as well as a bunch of shopping from the mainland. He drove through the island finally arriving at a small cottage, with reclaimed stone walls, and a small white wooden conservatory. Thomas parked his car, climbed out grabbed a bundle of flowers and headed up to the house He unlocked the blue door and headed inside the sweet little house, everything wood with crotchet laid all over the place, He went through the house silently into the old-fashioned kitchen. He went to the sink and worked on the flowers, cutting the stems, taking off some of the looser leaves and making the flowers look as nice as possible. Once the flowers were nice he took them out into the sweet flowery garden that overlooked a sharp drop to the grey water around the island, he headed over to a stone statue of a ballerina with a gold plaque in its base reading
'Zelda Mayweather'
He smiled as he sat on the wooden bench across from the statue close enough as he sat he could arrange the flowers in front of the statue fixing them in the quiet with only the sounds of the gentle waves to interrupt. Until he settled himself back on the bench his eyes unable to leave the statue and the memories it evoked.
"Hi, Nana" He smiled "I got the job. I know I told you that already, But I start tomorrow. So... I'll be gone for a while. I'll come visit whenever I get a chance but you know what the causeway's like I could be gone for a while. But it's a really good job they pay me really well, and I get to live in the hotel with all the amenities, and they give me a check every month for my food half of which I have just gone and spent for this month. I didn't do all of it but I got a whole pallet of a bunch of stuff to keep me going." he explained "I... I'm really gonna miss you Nana."
He got up from his seat pressed a kiss to his fingertips and tapped the top bun of the ballerina
"I'll be good. I promise" He smiled before he wiped his eyes to prevent his tears, he headed inside locking the house up tightly making sure every door and window was locked up tight, the electricity off and everything ready to be left.
He headed out of the house locked the door going back to his car and drove off down the road again towards the causeway.
The room was utterly silent with the one exception of the small clock ticking away on the bedside table. There hadn't been an inch of movement in the room for many hours now, the hotel room sat just as it had so many days before but now with Thomass suitcase yet to be unpacked, a few items littered about where he had bought or collected them to bring them into the room. He lay in the bed almost unnoticeable having not even untucked the sheet from the bottom of the mattress, his head laid softly against the pillow a gentle wheeze in his nose on each intake of breath.
The sound of cheap bells erupted from the small clock, which quickly caused Thomas to stir sitting up and rubbing his eyes as he turned off the alarm. He got up fixing the bed behind him as he stood in his long blue and white stripe trousers and a long-sleeved white shirt. He wandered across the room and into the bathroom, He used the toilet and turned the shower on letting it heat up as he went to the sink grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste and giving his teeth a firm scrub and clean. Once done He stripped off and climbed into the shower cleaning himself and his hair. Before drying off and getting dressed for the day into some black jeans and a light blue button down took his key in his pocket shutting and locking his room.
He stopped short a moment glancing at the one red door for a moment before finally heading away to the stairs, the large wooden spiral stairwell with stops at each floor dark wood with a green carpet and purple edges, A light hung from the top floor a large spiral of various lengths of wire with glittering orb shades on each end. He headed down and into the restaurant, a large wooden room with half-panelled walls, purple wallpaper, and windows overlooking the garden and the water, many tables littered the room the chairs all tied around the tables. He headed through the doors into a silver industrial kitchen where a few staff were cleaning and sorting ready for the hotel to be shut down, But they ignored Thomas as he went to the corridor with three large doors, each for an industrial fridge, freezer and pantry. He grabbed some bread and a couple of eggs he took them to the kitchen and made himself toast and scrambled eggs, taking them to the dining room and sitting by the window to eat his breakfast. Once finished he took the plate and washed it up in the sink. He headed through the hotel to the back deck where he sat on a small bench looking across the sweet garden full of vines, flowers, and water features.
Thomas smiled as he sat looking through the garden taking in the fresh air.
"Morning Thomas" Rodger smiled as he approached the deck
"Ohh Morning,"
"Sleep alright?"
"Amazing thanks, I see why people pay so much for those beds"
"They are worth their weight in gold after a bad day" he laughs "We are about ready to lock up if you're ready for us to go?"
"Yeah sure, if you guys are all done" he nods getting up and following Rodger back through the hotel now empty of any soul at all, with furniture covered or protected, the whole place set up ready for the winter. The few staff still here had gathered at the front climbing into a small van, with several seats.
"Okay, you've got all the rules, all the tasks, all the junk" He says
"Alright, Here's the keys." he laughs handing the front door keys over to Thomas "Don't burn the place down. Don't have any parties. and don't lose your damn mind"
"No problem" He laughs
"Alright any issues you have my email," Rodger says leaving to sit in the van helping everyone else in and heading off down the causeway.
Thomas gave them a wave before heading inside and using the key to lock the front door up tightly.
Leaving him alone in the Ophelia Hotel.
Thomas had woken in fact before the alarm had even sounded, he sat against his headboard rubbing his eyes. Once the alarm went off he quickly turned it off and exited the bed with vigour and headed to the bathroom to do his usual business and he gave his teeth a complete brush. Once the shower was heated up he stripped off and climbed under the refreshing water using a good puddle of body wash, a good squirt of shampoo and a fair dollop of conditioner. Once done he took a fresh towel and dried off before getting dressed into some loose blue shorts and a half-sleeve grey shirt. He dug around in his stuff for a moment grabbing a few items and holding them in his arms.
He shut his room locked it and headed down the stairs to the main lobby of the hotel, he walked through to the ballroom.
The ballroom was one of the largest rooms in the hotel with a polished wooden floor, half-wood walls and green and silver art deco scallop wallpaper, a beautiful silver chandelier with electronic candles, a stage at the end for a band with speakers littered around the room hidden by paint and style to make them invisible, all the small chairs stacked up on the corner covered for the winter. He went to the center of the room and put down his items, the first he unrolled revealing a blue spongy sticky Matt that immediately tried to return to its roll but Thomas quickly added his phone, a book and his water bottle to the corners trying to stop it from curling. He took the bottle with him to the kitchen, setting it on the countertop. He went to the fridge grabbed some fruit and some power in a large rub from the pantry and returned to the counter with them, he diced his fruit and added it to the blender with a few scoops of the powder letting it all mix as he returned the unused fruit and the power back to their places. By then his brown smoothie was done. He filled his bottle with the smoothie and returned the bottle to the corner of his mat. He then took this phone over to the back of the stage and set it up with the speakers. Soon enough sweet relaxing sounds of rain, waterfalls, gentle wind chime bells and soft supple flute began to play. He headed over to his mat and gave his body a stretch before he opened a small pink Yoga book sitting it in front of his mat.
The first page has instructions and images for the downward-facing dog which Thomas proceeded to move into with slight strain, his arm then came and flicked to the next page revealing instructions and images for a worrier pose which he slowly moved into almost falling over where he momentarily lost his balance, he then clicked to the next page with the instructions and images for mountain pose which he moved into. Thomas let out a slow breath and picked up his bottle having a sip immediately grimacing as he took it but forcing down a decent mouthful. He quickly put the bottle down and continued on with the pages proceeding through Straightforward bend, Low lunge, pyramid, triangle and Garland pose without too much trouble even if he was rickety and unbalanced, and there were a few times his body clicked and cracked. He moved into a tree pose even if he was never actually still unable to balance on his one leg.
“I am a tree. I am a tall, peaceful tree. Ohh shi-” He gasped as he lost balance and his body hit the floor and he hissed in pain, He then moved the pages and went to a plank then a cobra pose, then a bridge pose clearly enjoying himself a lot in that pose before ending with corpse pose and forcing down a little more of the smoothie.
Once he forced himself up rolling his mat and leaving it at the side of the hall with his book grabbing his phone and bottle heading out the hall and across the lobby.
Soon enough Thomas reached the spa side of the hotel with the same green and purple theming but a little more sparse and modern. A long corridor with dark green tiles with strips of purple times dotted through it, the corridor littered with purple wooden doors, And three glass doors, One to a gym, one to a sauna and the last to the pool. Thomas skipped the doors and headed straight into the gym switching the light on as he did revealing the textured black floor and ceiling with mirrored walls, the room littered with bikes, treadmills, and various weight machines.
Thomas headed over to a bike set up his headphones and climbed on. He sat cycling for a good thirty-five minutes or so often mouthing the words to his songs. Before jumping off and taking his phone and bottle with him he had another begrudging sip. He left the gym clicking off the light and headed into the sauna.
The room was covered from floor to ceiling with purple tiles, a raised square in the centre with coals behind glass, with a few wooden planks as seats, Thomas cracked the heat up and sat himself close to the electric fire that started up on the coals as soon as he turned on the temperature. Thomas relaxed there for a good few minutes sweat dripping down his head before he turned the place off and left moving into one of the small doors revealing a little changing room with a shower sink, toilet and lockers for people’s things who were using the spa area. He kicked off his clothes and had another shower just enough to get the sweat from his workout and the sauna. He got dressed back into the same clothes and headed to the kitchen making some toast and jam washing everything up as he ate it making sure to tip away the rest of his smoothie.
Thomas then did some smaller tasks doing some laundry, checking the rooms and doors making sure everything was still locked up doing all his duties for the day by the time he was done it was only half one in the afternoon so he grabbed a book and went out onto the porch for the rest of the afternoon, Only coming in to make a quick dinner and get himself up to his room unpacking a few more things before making his way to bed.
Thomas went through his days in this first week with his routine sticking to it like glue with only minor changes like what fruit went into his morning smoothie, which gym machine he went on and often how long he steamed in the sauna. He did his daily checks on the doors, windows, and rooms and did his daily tasks. Once finished for the day he went to his room and made sure to make the place clean even if he had made very little mess he still proceeded to clean the room as if he was expecting a royal visit, he set up his laptop on his desk and turned on the camera using it’s view in full screen to make sure he moved things out of the camera’s view, adding books to the table, making his bed with cushions, moving some clothes and items out of the view of the camera. He fixed his hair with some neon blue hair gel from a cheap plastic tub grabbed an intense handful and used it in the mirror to flatten his fluffy hair down into a flat, slimy style. The tips of his hair became crispy and the whole of his head looked thick with grease. He changed into a button-down shirt and slipped on a gold chain with a large cross. He let out a sigh and sat on his chair checking the time as he adjusted himself a little before shutting down the camera and making a call.
The Speakers played the dialling sound a good four times before it clicked and revealed the nicely decorated beige room with a woman sitting on a chair.
She sat in an ankle-length yellow dress with long white sleeves and a pronounced white collar. On the top collar of her left side sat a brooch of sparkling silver gems in the shape of an ichthys fish with a crucifix inside and some flowers down the side. A Chain around her neck leads to her dress. She had the same pale skin as Thomas, a light red head of upright pin curls, intense makeup and some bright pink lipstick.
“Hello Pumpkin!” She smiled widely
“Hi Mama” He smiled
“You see me?”
“Yeah, Yeah I see you. You see me okay?”
“Yes, I see you fine Pumpkin” she smiled
“Where are your glasses, Thomas?”
“Ohh there here. I was just cleaning them” he says grabbing a pair of thick black glasses from the side of his desk and slipping them on quickly
“Ahh, So how goes the new job?”
“Uhh yeah it's fine, been getting all my work done it's great”
“That’s lovely, Must be lovely all the time to sit with the bible and read. Just a shame you can’t visit for mass though”
“Yeah I’ll be okay though here on my own”
“I’m sure you will, It’s just a shame we all won’t get to see you” She explained
“So how are things with you?”
“Ohh it’s been so lovely pumpkin we’ve had so much work in the church lately, we had some sweet visitors from the local choir groups this week, and we got some fresh new carpeting” She explained listing various things without much relevance mostly about her work.
Thomas managed to have a break as she sipped her tea and he quickly took the chance to change the subject “So, How’s Martin?”
“He’s been working so hard lately, he did a lovely sermon yesterday, He’s been so busy with his school program work. And we’ve been planning a little getaway for our wedding anniversary”
“Ahh that sounds great where are you going to go?”
“We’re planning on going to Gabon on a three-week mission”
“Sounds like a lot of fun.”
“If you weren’t working you could come with us”
“It's okay I wouldn’t want to impost, I’m sure you two will have lots of fun and I’ve got enough work to do here” He said
“Ohh Hey kiddo” A voice chimed in as Martin Montgomery came into view in his washed-out jeans and black collar shirt “How’s the island?”
“It’s great thanks, getting all my work done”
“Good lad. Lord Loves a busy soul” he said
“Yeah, absolutely” Thomas nodded “I uhh I’ll have to run actually my laundry’s just finished downstairs”
“Of course, don’t forget your daily prayers and have a nice few days Thomas my love”
“I will mama, I’ll talk to you both soon”
“Bye kiddo” Martin waved
“Bye Pumpkin” she cooed
“Bye” He waved and soon enough the call rang off he quickly unplugged the camera, turned off his laptop and threw his glasses on the side letting out a deep sigh as he removed the chain from his neck sitting it back on the desk without much thought.
Thomas found himself walking in the gardens of the hotel, with his mug of tea in hand. The sky was a dusky darkness the sun having set below the horizon but still some light in the sky even if it was quickly disappearing, Thomas walked his shoes forcing sound from the gravel path. But as time went on the more worried Thomas seemed to get as he seemed to find himself going around the garden in circles, finding himself puzzled by the hedges, flowers and paths constantly finding himself back at the fountain in the centre of the garden. No matter what direction he took he seemed to keep finding his way back with no sign of the way back to the hotel's doors. The light getting dimmer by the minute with no lights in the garden at all. He began to get angry from the frustration and panic his walk got faster turning into a run trying to find his way out of the gardens but they seemed to loop around him as if the gardens themselves were changing to keep him there. He left his mug behind and tried desperately to trace his steps, to use the light still in the sky to find his way but always he ended up back at the fountain.
For a moment Thomas stopped to catch his breath on the edge of the fountain. The grey stone circle holding the mossy water, a tall podium in the centre where water would flood down if it had been running. On top of the podium were two stone statues one a man covered only with a sheet across his crotch, in the arms of a woman in a long hooded dress bringing thoughts of the famous pietà, yet in this, the male body was not dead fact the face read to be screaming out as if in agony and the woman who cradled him in her arms had sharp demonic teeth having bit his skin open. Thomas forced himself up and purposely headed off away from the fountain but no matter what way he went he always found himself back at the fountain panic now rushed through Thomas as he raced around the garden desperate to find his way, he saw the light of the hotel that he had left on and he sighed in relief making his way towards the doors.
But as soon as Thomas's foot stepped up on the wooden step a dark green vine wrapped around his ankle tightly forcing him to the floor
Thomas screamed trying to pull it off his ankle but the vine simply tightened and began to drag his body back towards the garden, Thomas screamed and kicked digging his nails into the dirt and gravel and trying desperately to crawl towards the hotel, but the vines were far too strong pulling him faster into the garden through the grass and flowers no matter how hard he tried to prevent it the vines only got tighter and stronger forcing him back to the fountain where more vines arrived breaking through the ground to wrap around his every appendage forcing him into the flowers and dirt trying to pull him underground
"ahhhhh-" Thomas screamed sitting up in bed and putting a hand to his racing chest as he gasped "It's fine. I'm fine. Everythings fine" he muttered to himself laying back down on his pillow trying to get back to sleep
but seconds later the alarm began to sound so He turned over and turned it off rubbing his eyes and trying to get his head on straight before he noticed the tent he had created in the covers
"Oh... not now you" he sighed to himself before forcing himself out of bed.
Thomas had woken to the alarm, it quickly rose him and he sat against his headboard rubbing his eyes. He turned it off and exited the bed with vigour, headed to the bathroom to do his usual business and he gave his teeth a complete brush. Once the shower was heated up he stripped off and climbed under the refreshing water using a good puddle of body wash, and a good squirt of shampoo and going without conditioner today as he did attempt to squeeze the thick conditioner from the bottle but decided against it before any reached his hand, Once done he took a fresh towel and dried off before getting dressed into his loose blue shorts and a half-sleeve white shirt. He grabbed his items all loaded into a bag and left the room in a smooth walk.
He headed down the stairs to the main lobby of the hotel, he walked through to the ballroom.
He unrolled his sticky Matt leaving it in its usual place, He took the bottle with him to the kitchen, setting it on the countertop. He went to the fridge grabbed only strawberries and some power in a large tub from the pantry and returned to the counter with them, he diced his strawberries fairly large still and added it to the blender with a few scoops of the powder letting it all mix as he returned what remained of his strawberries and the powder back to their places. By then his bright pink smoothie was done. He filled his bottle with the smoothie and returned the bottle to the corner of his mat. He then took this phone over to the back of the stage and set it up with the speakers. Soon enough sweet relaxing sounds of fire cracking, wind blowing, and gentle rain on glass began to play. He headed over to his mat and gave his body a stretch before he opened a small pink Yoga book sitting it in front of his mat.
The first page has instructions and images for the downward-facing dog which Thomas proceeded to move into, his arm then came and flicked to the next page revealing instructions and images for a worrier pose which he slowly moved into, he then flicked to the next page with the instructions and images for mountain pose which he moved into. Thomas let out a slow breath and picked up his bottle having a sip smiling as he swallowed a decent mouthful. He quickly put the bottle down and continued on with the pages proceeding through Straightforward bend, Low lunge, pyramid, triangle and Garland pose without too much trouble even if he was shaky and unbalanced, and there were a few times his body clicked and cracked. He moved into a tree pose even if he was never actually still unable to balance on his one leg.
"I am a tree. I am a tall, peaceful tree. " He gasped "I. Am. At. Peace." He then moved the pages and went to a plank then a cobra pose, then a bridge pose clearly enjoying himself a lot in that pose before ending with corpse pose and enjoying more of the smoothie.
Once he forced himself up rolling his mat and leaving it at the side of the hall with his book grabbing his phone and bottle heading out the hall and across the lobby.
Soon enough Thomas reached the spa side of the hotel with the same green and purple theming but a little more sparse and modern. A long corridor with dark green tiles with strips of purple times dotted through it, the corridor littered with purple wooden doors, And three glass doors, One to a gym, one to a sauna and the last to the pool. He sat in the sauna with his smoothie for a good while working up a fair sweat and drinking most of his smoothie but stopping at the bottom as most of what remained at the bottom was simply the strawberry juice, blended seeds and the powder. Thomas got up after a while and headed into one of the small shower rooms leaving his bag in the locker as he showered himself off changing into a pair of swim shorts and heading to the other side through to the pool.
The walls and floors purple tiles with green to line the pool and such like a large window overlooking the garden, The pool is a large rectangle with a half circle hot tub at one end, a railing down one side of the hot tub to petter lay and relax, as well as built-in stone stairs to get in and out of both the pools. Round globe-like lights hung high enough they wouldn't be an issue to any swimmers and some small lights below the water.
Thomas fiddled with some things before he walked into the water and began to swim, at first letting the water soothe him then starting to swim laps around the pool edge doing a good five times round before he climbed out and swapped to the hot tub turning on its roaring bubbles and gentle heat
"Uhhh that is nice" He cooed moving to only his head remained above water the bubbles often lapping at his chin as he allowed the warm water and bubbles to care for his every bone. Even at times he held his breath and sank below the water to fully enjoy the bubbles before popping back up when he needed more air.
He took a good breath and sunk below the bubbles letting his body relax, He pushed himself up just above the bubbles opening his eyes but Thomas jumped as he saw a woman.
She stood by the edge of the pool, barefoot, in a long sage green dress with a ruffled hem, a flat collar with the same ruffles and a large green ribbon a few tones darker than the dress with a bow at the small of her back, she was a larger woman filling the dress well, she had long black hair in waves and curls, with a green fabric tied as a headband and a black ribbon tied in a bow around her neck like a choaker, her skin deathly pale, and her hands clasped behind her back.
Thomas panicked, by the time he jumped from the water she was gone.
Thomas bolted out and down the corridor back to the main lobby he checked the lifts were still empty and shut off, so he bolted to the stairs looking up the spiral well not seeing a soul. He went back and checked each of the doors finding them all locked. He quickly got his clothes back on and grabbed his key card.
Thomas checked each and every room himself, the kitchen, the dining room, the library, the gym, the lobby, ballroom, and every single one of the hotel's bedrooms. And he found nothing.
No sign of anyone but himself, no books moved, no blankets pulled out, no curtains askew. No sign that anyone but himself had been here since the doors were locked.
He calmed down a little cleaning up the water from where he ran out of the pool, and he sat in the lobby's office checking cameras at the time he was in the pool, He watched them until he saw himself, no-one went through the lobby until he did, he saw no-one run out, no one went down the corridor until he ran out looking like a mad man on the camera. He even checked the pool camera watching himself swim, watching him bob in the hot tub and then climb out and run away like a creature possessed no one entered or exited the room, no woman was on the camera.
"I must be loosing my mind" he sighed
Thomas double-checked the cameras a lot, as he found himself unable to settle without checking every inch of the hotel on fast-forward for the last twenty-four hours camera by the camera just in case but he never saw anything of note. He locked his bedroom door and left a chair in front of it he barely got any sleep holding his phone in hand almost all night just in case he needed to call for help. Eventually, he forced himself to bed for the night.
He woke with his alarm and got on with his usual business doing his yoga and having a few minutes on the treadmill before he returned to do some dishes in the kitchen left from yesterday's panic, When His phone began to make its ring.
He took it from his pocket and saw 'Jack Montgomery'
"Hey, Jack."
"Hey man you okay?" he asked
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, How's you?"
"Ohh you know could be shitter" He laughed "I've got a couple of days without a post to deliver how about I come up and have a drink and dinner?"
"My my that does sound enticing, You going to take me dancing too?" He chuckled leaning on the kitchen counter side
"Don't be a dick Thomas"
"Sorry, yeah sure come up I'll make you dinner and we can have a drink in the bar"
"You mind I take a room for the night?"
"No no, no problem I'll make the bed in one of the grand rooms."
"Ohh very nice, right I'll see you in a bit"
"See you in a bit. Be careful on that causeway"
"I will Mum" he chuckled before hanging up
Thomas finished the dishes and sorted the place out making up a bed in the suite next to his own before heading down to unlock the front door as he saw Jack's car pull up.
"My my, living large these days aren't you Thomas?" He laughed "Mansion big enough for you?"
"Ohh you know, It's not full of playful bunnies But I'll do" he chuckled "Come on I'll show you around the place" 
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allyfairyboo · 7 months
At the top of the hill near the river lies an old house. Its windows broken from the inside, as if something inside struggled to escape. Vines cover its brick walls, years of neglect feed them well. The door creaks, and the floor boards joins in its choir. A stainled door mat lay below the entrance of the domain. Nearby shoes of kinds are placed on a shoe rack, one set being tiny little red polkadot rain boots. On the scarred walls, hang dust photos full of life. A man, a woman, and two small children. Then, a woman and two children. A woman and a child. Only a child is left in the final photograph. A child that isn't so young anymore. The man, the woman, and the child never grew old within the photographs.
The kitchen sink has leaves crawling their way onto dirty counter tops. The facet leaks water onto its center. Rusted forks and knives decorate the counters yet untouched by the plants' leaves. A plastic plate with a child's movie character on it has rotted food prepared on it. The mounds of mold growing on it spread to the chair, the only thing identifying it being the legs delaying it from an inevitable collapse. The fridge is empty, yet the smell of rotten food still comes from unidentifiable stains. The freezer is filled only with old strawberry popsicles. There are shelves nailed on the wall. On them are the usual spices and sauces, on one of the shelves there is the same, along with it is a small toy. A little plastic cat toy, shoddy painted with orange paint, just like a cat in the background of one of the photos in the hallway.
The bathroom is much of the same. Old and ruined. The sink was filled with brown hair, untouched by anyone. There's scissors left laying on the sink as well, rusted just like the knives and forks. There's no soap left in the dispenser, but a sweet smell still remains from whatever sent of soap was once there. Unlike the plant in the kitchen sink, the plants in here are without color. The bathtub is stained pink, with grime covering its wall and curtain. It's likely it hadn't been cleaned for a long time, even before the house was abandoned. On the bathtubs edge sits a pink and glittery rubber duck and a much smaller yellow rubber duck. The paint on its little orange nose has worn away in some spots. It seems well loved.
Down the hall, if you open the second door to the left, you'll find the master bedroom. The door has scratches at its bottom, the top layer of wood has been practically torn off. The only thing left in the dusty room is a raggedy bed. The bed is hastily made with pillows strewn about. A lump so perfectly mimicking a body pushes up the decades old quilt. Pulling away the quilt shows sheets hidden away underneath were eaten away by moths. Laying on top is a large doll. Looking at it now, it's surprising it seemed human from under the quilt. The left arm is missing, torn from the cloth body. A small teddy bear is tied to its right. It has little angel wings on its back. And does the doll. The dolls dress is styled to look like a white night gown. With it is a necklace. Or what really is a key strung on twine. The only rooms in the house with locks are the master bedroom and bathroom. Neither are key locks. Still, despite being left to guard the desolate room without its porcelain arm, the doll is well kept. Its curly white hair is without frizz, and unlike its feathered bed's sheets, her silk dress is clean and without holes. Her other arm and legs all have at least one band-aid on each limb. But porcelain skin doesn't bleed. Only air lays underneath. Yet the band-aids still remain. They covered little scratches. The child had loved it to pain, to injury, to aid, to treatment, to be cared for. It had been loved to humanity. Perhaps that it is what it means to be human.
The first door to the left is a child's bedroom.
It's empty.
With only a ladder left within it. The lights don't turn on anymore. One of the two bulbs is gone. The other light has died despite not being gone. There is no box of bulbs to replace it. Or any tools. The floor has no rugs or carpet. No painting, posters, or photos line the walls.
The final door.
Open it.
it even
what it looks like..
what i look like..?
they won't care either way. they don't love me.
even the doll is more human than
the river
see the graves
not human
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tontalunar · 2 years
Summary: Left alone to man the Candy Club, Rick has a dangerous and exhilarating encounter with a large devil-horned man dressed in red.
Pairing: Bob Velseb/Rick Hedony
Series: Spooky Month
Warnings: Blood, Knives (Not Knifeplay), Biting, Technically Public Sex, Unprotected Sex
Word Count: 4638
Note: Finally finished this fic after so long, I'm so sorry it took so long but thank @infinite-yandbeyond for helping me edit and actually finish this damn thing
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Rick stood in front of the tall wall of candy dispensers. Removing the metal lids and replenishing each of the dispenser's designated candies. All the while attempting to ignore his co-worker’s tapping shoe steadily increasing in speed and nervous eyes glancing back at him and the front entrance.
“Hey, Rick? Could I ask you for a huge favor” Kevin asks, finally speaking up and breaking the awkward silence.
“What is it?” He hums, not bothering to turn around.
“I was wondering if…you could cover the rest of my shift for tonight?” Kevin hastily asks. “I know it’s super late notice but I have a date tonight at my boyfriend’s apartment and it completely crossed my mind to ask for the night off!” He rambles as he steps away from the counter and towards his coworker. An anxious sweat falls from his brow. Feeling uneasy as he waits for Rick to answer.
Rick turns slightly to face Kevin and slowly blinks.
Kevin lets out a sigh of relief. “Thank you so much, Rick! You are a lifesaver!” He runs back to the counter to grab a tattered jacket and a ring of keys before quickly returning to Rick. Placing the ring of keys in his free hand he hurriedly zips up his jacket. “Alright, so there’s not much difference in tasks, just gotta lock up the register and the front door when you leave. I cannot thank you enough for this! Next time we go out for drinks I’ll pay!” He shouts as he backtracks out the front door and sprints off. Not waiting for Rick to respond to his continuous stream of thanks.
Looking at the keys in his hand he hooks them to the belt loop on his pants and continues refilling the dispensers.
“I’m so tired,” Rick complained to the empty store. Leaning his elbows against the counter he sluggishly holds his head up. “How does he do this every day?”
It’d been two hours since Kevin had run off and left him alone to man the store. Since then he’d only had to deal with a duo dressed up as a pumpkin and a skeleton. Who he hadn’t seen since quitting his job at the movie theater last year. After giving them some free samples they left and ran out of the store. Giggling about how Rick didn’t get “Spooky Month” when he’d asked why they were in costumes so early in October.
Pushing himself off the counter he nabs a malt ball sample from behind the counter and plops it in his mouth. Chewing the crunchy chocolate treat he grabs a nearby broom and heads for the entrance of the store. Figuring he could sweep for a bit before closing the store early considering it was lifeless. Rick didn’t think anything would come of taking a sample for himself. If it did and he got fired he still wouldn’t care. His careless sweeping is soon interrupted by the lights suddenly flickering before going out. Leaving him engulfed in darkness.
“What the…?” He looks up confused at the dead lights. An underlying nervousness beginning to emerge in the pit of his stomach. His only source of light is now the moonlight peeking through being reflected by the two large windows and glass doors before him. He turns back, heading for the breaker box in the back but freezes when he hears a bell ring and the doors slide open.
A customer.
The keys hung on his pants jingle as he whips back around, and his hold on the broomstick tightens. He’s met with a devil-horned looming shadow of a man, his unnaturally wide yellowish grin and wide eyes seemingly shining in the darkness. Small pupils twitched in twisted excitement as he stepped closer. He wielded a carving knife and a knife sharper in each hand, slashing them together as he stood in front of the automatic door.
Rick’s brow furrow and he sighs, annoyed at the sight of the devil. “Great. It’s just another Halloween obsessed weirdo.” Rolling his eyes as he calmed his grip on the broomstick, leaning it beside him on the counter.
“Hey, we’re about to close but I can ring you up quickly. I guess.”
Ignoring the disgruntled employee, the devil slinks forward. Rick remains calm at the steadily approaching devil. His lidded eyes widen and his frown straightens when he takes a closer look at the knife in their hands.
It’s a real knife.
And it’s dripping blood.
“Did you know that almost everyone has practiced involuntary auto-cannibalism at least once? Which is done by biting and eating fingernails and dead skin.” The creepy figure states in a chilling southern drawl.
In his panic, Rick sloppily grabs the broomstick and attempts to slam it over the horned man's head. The devil quickly puts the handles of his weapons with his teeth and grabs the broom. Snatching it out of Rick's grip and easily snapping it in half with his hands. Carelessly throwing the broom pieces to the side he rushes toward Rick, grabbing the knife from between his teeth and stabbing it against the white counter. He haphazardly puts the knife sharpener underneath his red sweater and slams his free hand beside Rick. Pinning the panicked minimum wage employee between his large form and the store’s countertop.
“But personally, I prefer something a bit more…filling.” The devil utters, and drool pools out of the sides of his grin.
Rick’s breath hitched as the man’s looming presence engulfed his central field of vision. Their red face inching closer and closer to his own. Forcing him to bend his back backward onto the counter in a feeble attempt to create some distance. The devil's drool mixes with his red paint and it runs down his chin and onto Rick’s white uniform. He ground in disgust as the drool seeps through his shirt and onto his skin. The sudden wetness on his dry skin makes him shiver. Though his displeasure is soon interrupted by the devil forcefully pulling the knife out of the countertop, his free hand not moving an inch as he pulls himself away from Rick. Who becomes startled at the knife-wielding maniac suddenly erupting into a fit of laughter.
“You’re not much of a talker, are ya jelly bean?” He wipes a tear from his eye and asks the startled man beneath him. Placing his signature knife underneath Rick’s chin, forcing him to look him in his blood-shot eyes.
“N-not really.” He stutters uncharacteristically in his monotone voice. Sweaty palms fall onto the counter’s edge and he twitches in fear. Causing the key ring to slightly jingle. The devil’s attention whips to his waist and he freezes.
“Nice change of pace I’ll say. Most people would be screaming their heads off. Now Rick...” He pauses before forcefully pulling the key ring from Rick’s pants, tearing the belt loop clean off his pants and leaving two small holes. “I’ll be taking these from ya. Don’t move a muscle now, butterball.”
“How do you know my name?” Rick asked as the devil backed up towards the door. Lifting his sweater and placing the now dry bloody knife in his belt. “Have you been stalking me?”
The devil chuckles as he fiddles with the keys behind his back. “You have a name tag jelly bean.” Rick looks down at his name tag and an embarrassed blush forms on his cheeks at the obvious being stated. “And I wouldn’t say I’ve been stalking ya. More like I’ve just… noticed you around town.” His grin only widens when he hears a click behind him. Indicating he’d successfully locked the front door.
“Now where were we sugarplum?”
Rick lifts himself onto the counter, trying to get away as the devil lurks closer.“Well, I’m pretty sure you were going to kill me. Or trying to fuck me.”
“What..?” He pulls back confused.
“Oh, so you’re just trying to kill me?”
“No, no I mean-!”
“So you are?”
“PIPE DOWN!” He quickly pulls his knife back out. Waving it in Rick’s face. “Where the hell did you get the idea that I wanted to knock boots with ya!?”
Putting his hands up at the frustrated knife-wielding man, Rick calmly explains. Well, as calm as one can be in this situation. “I mean you keep getting in my personal space and you’ve given me three nicknames the entire time you’ve been in here. Plus if you were going to kill me you probably would’ve done it a while ago instead of going out of your way to mess with me.”
The devil opens his mouth to speak before shutting himself up and pulling the knife away. Much to Rick’s unnoticed relief. He relaxes his shoulders as he watches the devil deep in thought. The peace lasts for only a few seconds before it’s disrupted by a disgruntled sigh.
“Bob?” He drops his hands to his side.
“Bob Velseb. If you need something to scream just use that. Surprised you haven’t heard of me before. Most people in town have.”
“I don’t watch the news.”
“What? There are flyers all over town with my face on them you’re tellin’ me you’ve never seen ‘em?” Rick just gives him a shrug and Bob rolls his eyes. “You’re the weirdest guy I’ve tried to eat.”
“Thanks.” In truth he was depressed but he wasn’t about to dump all that on him.
“Wasn’t a compliment sugarplum.” He puts his knife back into his belt and flicks Rick's Candy Club hat off his head before brushing a few out-of-place strands of hair back in place. His red talon-like gloves fall softly upon his cheeks.
Surprised by the softness of the criminals' movement, Rick blushes. “So we’re doing this?” He asks, feeling a little shy at how intimate this felt.
“Isn’t this what you want? You’re the one who brought it up but don’t feel inclined to say yes. I won’t kill ya if ya don’t.” Bob chuckles, his hot breath tickling Rick's lips.
This wasn’t at all how Rick had imagined his shift would go. Despite the emotionless expression he usually wore, it would be a lie if he said he wasn’t weirdly into this. It’d been a long time since someone had caressed him so gently. His hands run up Bob’s thick red sweater and fall onto his shoulders.
“Yeah. I want this.” He softly mumbles, his heart beating faster as rough red-painted lips made contact with his own. His slick tongue nudged Rick’s lips, asking permission to enter. Rather polite for a serial cannibal. Parting his mouth slightly open Bob quickly takes charge. He’s demanding and forceful as their tongues dance together in a fight for dominance. A fight he quickly loses as his tongue is taken between sharp canines and bit down on. Rick emits a pain and pleasure-filled moan. Shuddering at the metallic taste that engulfs his mouth.
The taste of fresh hot blood awakens Bob’s bloodlust as he holds Rick’s head tightly in place with both his hands. Forcing his tongue down their throat. Rick gags as the devil’s tongue slices against every crevice of his blood-ridden mouth, not wanting any of it to go to waste.
Beginning to feel lightheaded, Rick pushes against his shoulders and the towering man pulls away. Gasping in well-needed air as Bob wipes the dripping blood-infused slobber off his mouth.
“Sorry about that.” Bob sloppily wipes the red paint off of Rick's lips, only further spreading the red paint. “I just couldn’t resist, you taste so sweet.”
“It’s fine.” Rick assures him, still panting and out of breath from the soul-sucking kiss.
“Let’s get this shirt off of ya now.” Pulling and throwing his pink clip-on bow tie to the side, his sharp fingers fiddle with the small buttons of his white uniform. Drool seeped from his toothy grin as he pulled the shirt off Rick's shoulders. Admiring the soft neck and shoulders that had become exposed.
“Wait. Let’s go to the back. There are cameras in the store and people might see.”
Bob waved his worry off with a chuckle. “No need to worry about that darlin’. There ain’t no power in the store so those cameras are as good as dead. Besides, who do you think took out the power?” He leaned back in, his chin resting on Rick’s shoulder. Tickling it with the stubble that poked through his face paint. His slick tongue travels up his neck and Rick shudders at Bob’s hot breath.
“As for the people…” Rick’s eyes widen as he hears his pants being unzipped. Quickly throwing his head back and biting his lip as the devil massages his evident bulge. A snicker escapes Bob’s lips as he feels Rick squirm under his touch. “Let them watch.”
Pulling his underwear band down, he releases the growing ache between Rick’s legs. His sharp talons trail up his shaft before gripping it tightly. Instinctively, Rick bucks his hips. A powerless attempt in getting the strong red fist to move. Bob rubs the sensitive tip, eliciting a hitched moan from the man beneath him.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of ya.” Releasing his dick, Bob spits into his red glove before taking hold of it once more. A squelching sound echoes in the empty store as he moves his hand up and down. Rick huffs, in a daze as he watches the scene unfolding before him. Bewildered at the fact that the man who’d come with the intention to kill him was now jerking him off with no hesitation. As if that had been his intention the entire time.
Jagged teeth soon bite down on his plump shoulders, breaking the skin and desperately suckling for a drop of his sweet blood. As usual, Rick goes along for the ride. Shoving his face into the scratchy red sweater to hide his pained whimpers. The gnawing of his shoulder, the quick strokes on his cock, it was all becoming too much. Overstimulated, a fiery heat began to form in the pit of his stomach. He wraps his legs around the devil’s wide frame. Ready to finish entirely too early.
Bob suddenly stops his hands jerking motion. Covering the tip of his dick with his thumb. “Why’d you stop?” Rick asked in a flustered tone, almost sounding out of breath already. A little annoyed that his orgasm has come to a halt. He winces at the loud eruption of laughter next to his ear, causing it to ring.
Bob pulls back and leans close to Rick's flushed face. “Did ya really think I was gonna let ya cum that quickly? You’ve hardly made any noise!”
“Sorry.” He mumbles. “I’m just… not a very vocal guy.” This only seems to further amuse the devil in front of him and he’s quickly pushed onto his back. Grunting as his head harshly lands on the hard counter. Pulling down Rick’s pants and underwear with one swift pull, just enough to reveal his soft rump. His legs are forcefully tightened around the devil’s frame and he’s pulled forward, making contact with a large bump in Bob’s black pants. Instinctively, he links his feet together.
“If that’s the case I'm gonna love making you squeal.” His southern drawl hisses out. Biting his right red glove he yanks it off and spits it on the ground. With no warning he shoves two fingers into Rick’s mouth, instructing him to suck. Rick grimaces at the cheap plastic taste of his finger but does as he’s told. At first, he’s nervous, slowly suckling on his fingers and avoiding eye contact with the devil’s piercing gaze, Though his confidence soon arises from the ashes and he swirls his tongue between the two thick fingers, sucking on them as if his life depended on it. Making direct eye contact with Bob’s crazed eyes. His wide unmoving smile slightly made Rick hesitant as he took hold of his wrist. Pulling the two fingers further into his mouth and gagging.
“Desperate fellow ain’tcha?” He teases as he roughly pulls his fingers out of the desperate mouth. Causing strands of saliva to dribble down Rick’s face. Becoming a deer in headlights he hides his flushed face with his forearm. Embarrassed at the sudden realization of how forward he’d been. It’s quickly pulled away and pinned next to him with Bob’s free hand, “C’mon now! Can’t be all shy after all that work you did!” He does a scissoring motion with his dripping slick fingers. Grabbing Rick's thighs he unwraps them from his waist and pushes them forward as far as they can go, holding them in place with his forearm. Rick yelps as a thick finger is slowly pushed inside his hole with no warning.
“Damn you’re tight. You ever done this before?” Asking as he fondles Rick’s meaty thigh.
“Yeah.” He takes a deep breath, trying to stop his voice from cracking. “It’s just been a while.”
Letting out an amused hum he inserts the second finger. Rick bites his lip and groans as the large fingers spread his tight hole. Shallow moans escape his lips as they begin to pump slowly into him. Arching his back as they curl into his inner walls. Easily finding his prostate's most sensitive area and pushes against it. His eyes roll back and his mouth wide open as his moans increase in volume. His dick twitched and dripped in precum. The devil towering over him drools at his arousal, reveling at his squirming.
“Now now butterball we haven't even gotten to the main course! Now hold onto your legs and sit tight.” Instructing Rick as he fiddles with the zipper of his own pants. Doing as he’s told he pulls back his legs for easier access. Rick gazes back at the devil and his eyes widen at the meat in his hand. Calling it big would be an understatement, at least compared to himself and most of his past partners. Only being able to recall a recent fling who could compete with Bob. It was huge. Girthy and long, somewhere between six to seven inches.
“Is that even going to fit?” He anxiously asked.
Bob puts his dripping tip at the edge of his entrance and leans his body against the man below him. His smudged red face loomed closer toward him. “Don’t worry, if it doesn’t I’ll just make it fit.” Slowly he starts inserting his large dick, moving his hands to grip Rick’s pudgy waist. Despite the time spent getting prepped for him, it wasn’t enough. Rick grinds his teeth at being exponentially stretched out. Tightening the grip on his thighs, not wanting to vocally express the pain he’s feeling. A few aching seconds pass before Bob lets out a satisfied sigh as he finally bottoms out inside Rick.
“You alright jellybean?” Bob asks, a hint of worry seeps in his tone as he takes notice of Rick’s pained expression.
“I’m fine.” He takes deep breaths to calm himself down as the pain subsides. “I don’t think your fingers were enough.”
“Sorry about that, it’s been a while since I’ve done this myself. Must’ve underestimated my
size.” Despite being apologetic he wears a smug smirk. Clearly taking pleasure in the effect his dick is having on Rick. “Alright, I’m gonna start movin’ now.” Rick grunts as Bob begins to slowly thrust in and out before increasing his pace. Quickly, he once again finds the sweet spot of Rick’s poor prostate. Further turning the stoic man into a flushed mess from the consistent stimulation. Aching moans leave his trembling mouth and echo into the empty store. The sweet sounds cause Bob to drool.
“F-fuck Bob!” Rick mewled. His thighs shaking and his hard dick dripping with precum. The euphoric high of the consistent thrusting of his prostate caused tears to well up in the corner of his lust-filled eyes. It was evident that he was reaching orgasm.
But Bob didn’t respond, simply speeding up. Huffing after each thrust. The smell of sex overtook the sweet candy scent of the store.
Bob’s grip on his waist tightens, most likely leaving behind bruises for the next day. “C’mon butterball! Take it!” He huffs out roughly as he begins thrusting faster and harder. Rick throws his head and lets out a loud pathetic whine with tears streaming down his red cheeks. His hands release his thighs, letting them hang by themselves and fly to grip at the sleeves of Bob’s sweater. Again the stimulation has become to overwhelm his senses. He looks up at is met with Bob’s toothy grin and hungry eyes. A stare that quickly becomes too much to handle as a particular thrust to his prostate causes him to slam his eyes shut. The pressure building up in his dick is finally released as he cums on Bob’s sweater with an exhilarated gasp. The bloodshot eyes take in the sight as he chases after his own orgasm, watching as Rick’s thighs shakily snake around his waist and tighten. His moans only heightened in pitch.
With his gloveless hand, he wipes some of the cum off his sweater and snakes his tongue around it. Taking in Rick’s addicting flavor and humming in delight at the taste. “So flavorful…” Bob thrusts harshly, causing Rick to squeak. “What a delicious piece of meat I have in my grasp. I knew you’d be easy to tenderize sweetpea.” With one last thrust, he finished inside Rick’s abused hole and lets out a loud grunt. Panting as the pleasurable build-up dies down.
Rick lets out a huge sigh of relief before cringing at the feeling of Bob's load dripping out of his ass and onto the counter. Bob’s pants calm down to a halt before steadily holding onto Rick's waist and slowly pulling out with a squelch and a pop loud enough for the both to hear. His cum flows out like a broken dam, adding to the already small puddle on the counter.
“Whew! Sorry ‘bout that! Was acting like a dog in heat.” Rick doesn’t respond, exhausted from the rough sex they just had. Bob cleans up the cum on the counter and Rick's ass with the sleeves of his sweater, not caring for the stains it’ll leave.
Achingly, Rick manages to lift himself up and watches Bob in silence. A flushed pink hue still evident on his cheeks. “Sorry about your sweater. I didn’t mean to cum on it.” He says, tuckered out and buttoning his shirt back up.
“No worries, I’ve been meaning to get it cleaned anyhow. It’s drenched in blood.” He nonchalantly laughs off the gruesome fact as he puts his limp dick back in his boxers and zips his pants up. “Now listen, I’m not the type who usually does road gigs. Would you wanna go do something sometime?”
Genuine surprise paints Rick’s flushed face. “Like… a date?”
“I guess you could say that.” He huskily chuckles.
“Um… hold on.” Rick scrambles off the counter pulling his pants up as he speeds behind the counter. Grabbing his phone he scrolls through his contacts to click on the last one. Only to find that he’d still been left on read, it’d been a month since they’d responded. They weren’t dating per se but they’d meet up frequently so it hurt when he’d suddenly been ghosted. Turning his phone off he places it on the counter. “Yeah that sounds good, I think.”
“Sounds peachy! I’ll pick you up when I’m… free. I’ll be seein’ ya!” He cheerily says as he throws Rick the key ring he’d stolen. Walking up to the glass door he pulls up his sweater and grabs his knife. Slamming the blunt end at the door cracks begins to liter it before crumbling down into glass shards. He quickly shimmies out the door and into the cold night.
“Wait!” Rick yells out behind him, deciding not to question why he’d broken the door instead of using the keys. Grabbing his cell phone he follows suit. “You never asked for my address!”
Bob stops in his tracks and turns slightly to look back. “Oh don’t worry about that jellybean, I already know.” Before disappearing back into the night, being way quicker than he appeared.
Rick looked on as the foggy night consumed the red figure. Beginning to slightly regret his agreement of a “date”. Looking back at the mess the devil had made he sighs in annoyance. Dialing his coworkers' number and putting the phone to his ear.
“Hey, someone broke into the store.” He nonchalantly stated before cringing at the worried shouting at the end of the line loud enough to blow out his eardrum. Kevin frantically explains that he’ll be on his way, demanding Rick call the cops before hanging up on him. He leans against the blue wall between the still-intact glass door and glass window and slowly slides down. Hissing as he lands on the cold pavement, his butt still incredibly sore. For the first time since this morning, he’s able to sit down and breathe.
“So what happened after he attacked you?”
Rick looked down at the short mustached cop with curly brown hair. Holding onto the small blanket wrapped over his shoulders that’d been given to him by the police officers. “He just broke the glass door and ran off.” The mustached cop nodded as he scribbled down Rick’s partially true statement. Having left out the sexual encounter he’d had with the devil. Despite having to deal with an actual criminal, he seemed to be the calm one between him and Kevin. Who quickly became nervous when the only cops in town arrived.
“You’re lucky to be alive, son. Velseb’s already mutilated 5 other people. It’d be best for you to stay somewhere safe for the time being.” He suggested as he finished writing in his notepad. Closing it and placing it in his back pocket. “We’ll be off now, stay safe you two.”
“Oh actually!” The mustached cop's lankier partner interrupts. “We’re gonna need that blanket back. Department’s out of stock and our budget is pretty stretched so…” He snatches the blanket off of Rick's shoulders. “You know how it is! Well then, have a nice night!” The duo walks back to their car, with the shorter one reprimanding the other for their lack of tact.
Kevin sighs in relief as the cops pull out and leave. “Sorry about that, I've just had some awkward run-ins with those two.”
“What’d you do?”
“Nothing! Well sort of, it’s complicated.” He groans. “But enough about me, do you need a place to stay? I’m sure Streber wouldn’t mind letting you stay over until this whole thing blows over. You could sleep on the couch.”
Despite the kind offer, Rick didn’t feel comfortable accepting it. He’d only really started working at the Candy Club 2 weeks ago and while he’d gone out for drinks with Kevin and his ex-co-worker Radford, Rick didn’t consider them close enough to stay over at their places for more than a day. Despite the dangerous situation he’d willfully put himself in.
“I think I'll be fine, thanks though. I appreciate it.”
“Alright, but the offer’s still on the table if you ever need it.” He rubs Rick’s back, attempting to comfort a presumably terrified Rick. “I’ll see you when the store opens back up after it’s been fixed. Don’t hesitate to call if you need something.” Kevin soon jogs off back to his apartment, leaving Rick alone in front of the taped and boarded-up candy store. His gaze falls to the tainted counter and his face becomes flush, quickly leaving the scene of the crime and heading to his own apartment on the other side of town.
A tired sigh escapes his lips as he treks home. “What have I gotten myself into.”
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sandewich · 8 months
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✧ enhypen reference!!!!!!!!!!!!!
✦ bxgxg // Nanno & Yuri x Male!Reader.
✧ no gay unfortunately... *emos emoly*
" Two new girls go to a new school and find out they like the same person. "
also no nayuri >=[
smut ;; cock sucking, breath control, rivalry, handjob, grinding, riding, cumshot.
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-- y/n's pov.
I walked to class as always, the students rushing to find their classrooms as well. I eventually found my class a few minutes later, I went in and greeted the teacher before going to my seat. The teacher was about to start the lecture but two girls got inside fairly quickly. I never saw these two people before in this school...
They both apologized to the teacher for being late, the teacher gives them a small smile, telling them that it's okay and the lesson didn't start yet. The teacher asked for the two new students to introduce themselves, the one with the black colored bob haircut spoke up first.
" Hello there, my name is Nanno. Nice to meet you all. " Nanno said in a tone that hopes that she'll be welcomed, I can't help but look at the other girl who's quite literally death glaring Nanno as she speaks. The rest of the students greet Nanno, some ignored Nanno, some were whispering about Nanno. The other girl beside Nanno started to introduce herself.
" Hello, I'm Yuri. I hope we can get along well! "  Yuri smiled and said in a calm and happy tone, almost too happy. I wonder if she's faking that smile? Some students greeted Yuri, only a small portion of them did. The teacher told them both to find a seat — but I had forgotten that the only two seats in the classroom was the nearest to me.
The two girls very obviously sat in their seats right next to me, luckily all of the seats were spaced out. I could heard some whispering behind me, I couldn't hear that much to understand what the context was but all I heard was ' He's so lucky he got to sit next to Nanno. '.
To be fair, Nanno and Yuri were pretty... attracting is what I would say, they have the looks but what about their personality? I should talk to them in the cafeteria or the class breaks. Maybe, just maybe, I could find more things about them if they'd tell me which they probably won't.
-- time skip.
A few lectures goes by and it's finally time to go the cafeteria but I didn't want to eat since I ate a hearty breakfast this morning plus I had some food left in my bag — if that's even allowed. I had to go to the boys bathroom and wash my hands because, you know, hygiene.
I turned on the sink, the sound of the water puring down to the drain fills up the room as I put my hands under it, I rinsed my hands first before covering them with soap from the soap dispenser. After that, I put my hands back under the small waterfall to wash my hands properly. I turned the faucet off before drying my hands by just shaking them since that would be more sanitary.
I heard the door open, I didn't think much of it until I looked up to see in the mirror. It was Nanno looking at me directly with a smug smirk, what was she doing in the boys bathroom? How come she didn't get caught by one of the guards or the school faculty?
" Hello, Y/n. " Nanno spoke in a husky yet cold voice, a few bits of warmness present in her voice. A feeling of confusion and somewhat fear washed over me, why was Nanno casually talking to me in a bathroom she shouldn't be in? Why is she smirking like that? How does she know my name??
" Uh, hi, Nanno? " I just muttered shyly as I only looked at Nanno in the mirror, hoping Nanno could hear. Nanno steps closer to me, her Mary Jane shoes making no noise on the bathroom tlied floor as she got closer and closer. She got up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, I immediately froze up from the sudden warmth around my waist. I felt Nanno's hot breath on my neck as she puts her head on my shoulder.
" Nanno, you should really go out, someone will catch you... " I tried to warn Nanno but she doesn't seem to care if she's going to get caught or not since she only responded with a hum. One of her hands got down to the button of my pants, I tried to push Nanno away but Nanno didn't let me, her arms firmly gripping my hips as I struggle to break free.
" Don't do that, I won't do anything bad to you. " I can't help but feel like Nanno's lying as she said that, the smirk on her face was replaced by a cold expression, I gave up trying to get myself out of Nanno's grasp, I can't believe I'm stuck like this. I felt Nanno's lips lingering on the soft skin of my neck before she gives me butterfly kisses on there, I felt a bit calm somehow like her kisses have an effect on me.
I bit my bottom lip gently as Nanno proceeds to bite my neck and give some hickeys on it. It felt so good, it was like it wasn't her first time doing this. I was too into her love kisses that I didn't notice both of her hands were unbuttoning and unzipping my pants,  it falls onto the floor after Nanno's hands did.
Nanno pinned me me onto the wall next to the sinks, I was now facing Nanno, her loving eyes boring into mine as our faces inches closer. When our noses touched, Nanno collided our soft lips together, it fits perfectly like it's made for each other. It wasn't a rough kiss. It was a small, gentle kiss with passion, and I can't help but get excited about it.
She pulls away, her gaze averting down to see a small bulge in my boxers... Shit, I was getting a boner from this alone. Nanno chuckled a bit darkly. It sounded eerie to me, it seems like she found this funny. One of Nanno's hands went down to rub against the bulge, and a small noise of pleasure came out of my lips as her hand did so.
Nanno kneeled down, her face looking directly at my boxers. Both of her hands went to pull down my underwear to reveal my length, I heard Nanno do a small surprised gasp when she saw as I looked down at her. Nanno stared at my face, her eyes looking into mine again. Her eyes seemed to be filled with lust for me, her smug smirk appearing on her face once again.
It doesn't take long for Nanno to lick my length gently. Her warm tongue swirling around my tip felt like a glimpse of heaven already. Nanno decided to take some of my shaft in her mouth, looking straight at me with her devilish plastered onto her face as she started to me her mouth painfully slow.
" Nanno... " I grunted as her mouth did its job. I wanted to grip her hair and fuck her throat but Nanno stopped my hands from doing so. Her gaze turned more intimidating like a warning for me not to do what I wanted to do to her just yet. Nanno kept bobbing her head up and down gently, knowing what she's doing to me.
Nanno decided not to tease me any further and pushed my shaft deeper into her throat, not gagging at all. I moaned out as her skill mouth takes my manhood fully. A few gulps can be heard as she bobbed her head faster. It was like she was sucking my soul out or something.
Nanno stopped for a second, placing both of my hands onto her soft hair. She looked up at me with innocent eyes as she batted her eyelashes like she's now telling me to use her throat. I didn't hesitate and started to grasp her hair firmly as I trusted deeply into her throat. I don't know how she's not feeling any pain right now...
I closed my eyes as my head throws back, pressed against the wall. I pounded Nanno's throat, feeling my climax approaching already from how warm and welcoming her mouth felt. It was like the world faded, and it was only the two of us in this bathroom. I didn't care if anyone heard us from the outside.
I let myself go, giving into the pleasure. Nanno knew I was getting closer to the edge. Just a little nudge, and I'll be right there. I groaned before pulling out with a wet pop, depositing all of my liquid onto her face. Her innocent eyes were still open, and none of it got into her eyes, fortunately. Her eyes turned sly again, loving the warmth on her face now. She wiped some of it off her face, tasting it. Nanno seemed to enjoy the taste, I know because of the satisfied hum she did.
Nanno pulled my pants up as she stood back up. She buttoned and zipped it back, slipping the belt into the holes where it should be. Nanno gave me a cute peck on the cheek before wiping the remaining drops on her face with a tissue from the dispenser. Nanno looked and spoke to me before leaving.
" We'll meet again. You're all mine now. "
-- time skip.
I was in the library, trying to study by myself. The words in the book doesn't make sense at all for some reason. I heard a sound from the side... It was Nanno that had dropped a book while searching for another book in the bookshelves. She bent down as a small curl is on Nanno's lips, knowing exactly what she's doing. Nanno picked up the book, putting back into the bookshelf before flashing me with a flirty look and leaving once again.
Damn it, Nanno.
It felt uncomfortable in my pants again, she really has an effect on me. What does she want from me now? I looked back at my book, trying to focus. I highlighted the sentences that were important and wrote down chucks of information that I could understand. I was starting to get it now... But then, I heard footsteps behind me. I ignored it, thinking that there's just going to someone or to a bookshelf.
" Hey. " The unknown person behind me spoke, I didn't bother turning around. It's probably someone who's trying to distract me or it's Nanno. I kept focusing on my book, highlighting, writing, talking to myself in my mind... I felt someone rub me from under the table, I jumped in my seat when I did felt it. I looked below...
" Heyyy, don't ignore me! I just want to show you that I'm better than her. " Yuri pouted as her hand continued to rub my pants, the feeling in my boxers was getting stronger. I tried my best not to be loud, feeling scared that the librarian will see us doing this. Yuri smirked at me before taking off my pants... It's their first day here and they're already fucking with me...
Yuri's hand firmly gripped my rod, stroking it as she looked up at me with those eyes that definitely has a malicious intent. Yuri kitten licked  my tip as her hand stroked slower teasing me. Yuri lightly giggled as I slowly became sexually frustrated. Yuri gives little kisses on my tip making me whimper a little. I can feel eyes on me... Hopefully, that's not the librarian or anyone at least.
Yuri finally let go of her hand and started to suck me off. Her head moving quite swiftly, my hand goes onto her ponytail, forcing her to do it faster. Yuri wanted me to finish quick, and it's very obvious by the speed she's going for. I moaned, feeling the walls of her warm throat pleasure my cock. I was getting a little embarrassed since my high was getting closer again.
" Fuck, I'm close. " I managed to utter out as Yuri's mouth was locked onto my rod. Every time she moves, she goes faster. My hips move slightly, thrusting into her mouth. I was almost reaching the clouds at this point. I finally came, pushing her head down, making her swallow every single drop of it. I let go of her hair, letting her breathe. Yuri licked my tip before pulling my jeans back up and getting out of the table.
What the fuck is going on today?
-- time skip.
It's midnight... Well, it's 3:33 AM in the morning but it's still night, I guess. The lights were off, the windows were closed, my phone was charging on the nightstand as I was tucked in bed comfortably. I calmed myself down, my chest rising as I breathed in and out.
" I told you, didn't I? " An cold voice with many hints of anger can be heard in the room. I recognize that voice, its definitely Nanno — Wait, how did she get in? I thought my door was locked, and so are my windows? Nanno went onto my bed and on top of me. I opened my eyes to be greeted with a Nanno that's angrily looking me. What did I do?
" I'll show you you're mine. You're all mine. You got that? " Nanno hissed, and I could only nod at her in fear. Nanno pulled the sheets off of me, lifting and removing my shirt. Nanno started to unbutton her blouse, she's still wearing her school uniform... Nanno throws her shirt behind me her before removing her bra and doing the same thing that she did with her shirt.
Nanno removed her skirt too, only leaving her in her panties. Nanno crawled closer to me, her part rubbing against the growing bulge. I stared at the sight of Nanno, her hips moving back and forth as she teasingly grinded on my sinfulness. Nanno seemed to be impatient as she pulled my bottoms off. She went back to grind, the soft fabric stroking my length.
Nanno slowly removed her panties, grabbing it firmly before stroking my length with her panties. Her eyes were sharp, no mercy at all. The furious Nanno spoke, rambling about how I'm only hers and how bad Yuri is.
" You're mine forever. I won't let anyone take you anyway from me. " And with that, she rode on my cock harshly. Not even giving me time to prepare. Her wet walls clenching around my length felt like they were milking it for pleasure. Nanno's hands grasped the pillow, her hips plopping up the down. She grinds and rides every once in a while.
" Shit, Nanno, not too fast... " I cried out as I whimpered underneath her. Nannno didnt care as she went quicker, her hips moving in a inhumane speed. My dick was throbbing inside of her. Nanno grunted, it sounded a little more deep, almost demonic even.
" You're going to take it. " Nanno demanded, I felt so close even though it just started. Both of her hands went onto my neck, choking me slightly as she kept riding. Nanno's grip loosened so I could breathe. Wet sounds, skin slapping, and the bed creeping can be heard in the room. I gripped Nanno's waist... Nanno grunted before letting me do it. I filled up Nanno to the brim with my love, Nanno was breathing heavily as I did.
I let go of Nanno's waist now, feeling tired as my length goes soft...
" I'm not done yet. "
...How much more can I take?
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author ;; sandewich!
he loves my heart shaped sunglasses!!?!?
- WORDS ;;
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