#shitty photo edits with sheldon
34choco · 1 year
When u have a 5 Kage Summit at 8 and the Met Gala at 10
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dukeofriven · 5 years
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So it’s been... a bit of a week.
Such a volume of notes is flattering as hell and is doing more than you realize to keep me upright and walking after a massive depressive bout metastasized out of nowhere Saturday afternoon - but one thing that really stands out to me that people who’ve never had something blow up on their dash might not realize is this: Tumblr seems to have never expected someone to get more than ten to twenty notes in any given 24 hour period. They can’t have, because otherwise the activity aggregator makes no sense even by Tumblr’s absurdly low standards. There’s no useful reason why its default behaviour is to document every like and as singular line items: you get 300 notes on a post in an hour? The activity monitor lays them all out one after the other in a list that stretches down and down and down the page.
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This is not, in any sense of the word, useful. it tells me only that there was a response of high volume - and that’s that. Contra Facebook, which is not usually a good example of design but it aggregates even the smallest things into nested notifications distinguish by type: Bob McSmith and 13 others have reacted your post. Bob McSmith and 4 others have commented on your post. Bob McSmith mentioned you in a post. Not only does it do this aggregation but - and  this is the real master-stoke - you can click on that notification and it takes you to those comments. Tumblr doesn’t. Tumblr makes finding and replying to comments an extraordinary and inexplicable pain in the ass. Somewhere between 900 and 1800 people reblogged and/or liked a post I wrote three-ish days ago: did they have anything to say about it, did they try to facilitate a discussion? It’s not easy to tell. Tumblr, in year of our lord 2019, still doesn’t have a button you can click that only shows people who said anything - because Tumblr treats likes, reblogs, and reblogs with comments as being of equal value from an information retrieval standpoint. it also counts them the same - I cannot judge interaction by ‘notes’ count alone because the notes count adds likes and reblogs together. If every person liked and reblogged this post I have engaged with 900 Tumblerites: if every person did only one thing its 1800. And there’s no way to judge. That’s Bugnuts Shithive Crazy. In 2019 every post should have its own dashboard where - with a click - I can see its metrics of likes, reblogs, and a list of its comments. They should be a “total user engagement” number. We should depreciate the value of aggregate “notes” save as a general overview of a post’s popularity. (Hell, I’d do-away with the utterly meaningless ‘like’ entirely - if you like it, reblog it you coward.” I cannot imagine those posts with 100K notes. My most popular post by a country mile is this one. It’s a touch embarrassing - it’s a photo of a newspaper review of Young Sheldon, a photo I did not take but originally found on Twitter and reposted here without accreditation: not because I wanted to take credit or had malice in my heart, but because I wanted to save five seconds and its not like anyone was going to see it besides a handful of followers. It has over 30,000 notes. I of course added the accreditation once I realized I had a hit but Tumblr is sometimes shitty about pushing OP edits “down the line” (a relic, i should think, of Tumblr’s original code when anyone could change anything about a post they reblogged. Yes, you could take someone’s post about puppies, re-write it to be a Nazi credo, and have it display on your site under their name with you call-out post attached. Yeah, that’s really how Tumblr used to be. Yes, it was disgusting and incomprehensible.) Regardless, those accumulated over a year and a half of time - and yet there are days where my activity feed is stuffed with notifications telling me ever Tom Dick and Harry who liked it because someone with a lot of followers found it and a flurry of likes and reblogs gave it a new surge of life. And, naturally, this deluge tells me next to nothing. For all I know the most important thing anyone has ever said to me was attached to this 30K monster four months ago - I have no way of knowing. No way to seperate the wheat of comments from the chaff of likes. @staff and @support I tag you hear not because I expect much of anything. It has always been a dubious proposition that anyone at Tumblr reads staff and support tags - at best, a single low-paid employee has to stare at a hundred thousand @s a day, which they dutifully push up the chain to people who don’t read them and would or can do nothing anyway. Not to disparage you personally, but Tumblr’s complete and total refusal to engage with its users or respond to any complaint is legendary. The platform just pushed-out these new ‘video filters’ that no one ever asked for and your response to the non-stop mockery, derision, and the voices of disability advocates pointing out how harmful these filters are was met with the same response as everything else: complete and utter silence. Just glancing at your notes, I know for a fact that at least 13,000 more people cared about a critical Young Sheldon post than they did about your filters. I’m not entirely convinced that human beings actually run the Staff Tumblr. Should all human life end tomorrow I would not be shocked to know that the Staff Tumblr still kept updating. Anyways, I tag you out of optimism - or a cynicism so profound it is virtually indistinguishable. Tumblr, why do are so against making things easier to use and understand? Why are you so opposed to a blogger swiftly being able to see in-full and reply to comments on their own post?
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34choco · 5 years
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this is my take and the only take
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34choco · 4 years
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on todays episode of Shitty Photo Edits With Sheldon, i decided to see what rwby characters would look like if they had bones
(also emerald’s top always bothered me how tf is she fighting without her boobies flyin out are they superglued in there???)
if you’re pissed off about any amity arena art feel free to request a shitty edit
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34choco · 5 years
matt: vibe check! 
matt: *smacks keith’s ass*
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34choco · 4 years
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tbh other than being like, stick figures, and sienna’s spine, these two didn’t seem super bad to me. also i gave may a smile cause i felt like it.
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34choco · 6 years
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welcome back to Shitty Photo Edits With Sheldon it’s been a while but I’m still on my voltron shit
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34choco · 5 years
just saw the official render for blaze in the new M&S Olympics and uh
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34choco · 5 years
i figured out why jaune looks so weird. it’s not the hair itself. it’s the fact that he has no FUCKING eyebrows or definition to his nose. his face just looks like a bunch of empty space. be warned, this is a very shitty mspaint edit i spent a few minutes on but STILL we can save him
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34choco · 7 years
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shitty photo edits with sheldon: christmas 2017 edition
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34choco · 7 years
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You know grandpa had to sue it to em
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34choco · 8 years
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Hahaha, those wacky alien gameshows, am I right???
(I think it’s about time the Voltron fandom got a taste of the classic Sheldon ™ brand of shitposting)
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34choco · 8 years
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@kyleehenke is a gift and we (the earth) need to cherish her
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34choco · 4 years
just want you to know you're doing the Lord's work with your Amity Arena edits. Thank you, bless you.
Thanks!!!! tbh i didn’t expect much of a response, it’s really nice to know people are enjoying them!
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34choco · 8 years
also i was creating a new folder for Shitty Photo Edits With Sheldon since I’ve had to start all over with my files after my harddrive died and why didn’t any of y’all tell me the acronym for this tag is SPEWS lmfao i died like how fucking appropriate is that for my brand of visual shitposting
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