#shitload of characters here and the alt. ending has yet another one lmFAO
Hello again! There's two things I do wanna ask, the first being if you don't mind me requesting again with T!4loha and G!3mperor? Another is a kinda of a dumb question but what are your AUs? I would love to learn more about them
(This ask is from the Shy Goggles Anon, they forgot to sign this (as they mentioned in another ask)
This goes for everyone, please dont be afraid to request stories from me!! I'll be hella willing to write anything as long as its SFW and Nonsexual, and can actually do the characters justice when writing em :D!!
Answered the second half of this seperately
Characters: G!Emperor, T!Aloha, T!Army, T!Mask, and G!Skull (this… does derivate from the original prompt a bit, but i had this idea and literally HAD to run with it hshchsnf sorry!!)
i actually got. really carried away with this. like, so much so that i wrote a whole ass alternate ending for this fic. lmk if you wanna see it >:D!!
Warnings: Vore (as usual) (implied unsafe but nobody gets hurt i promise!!/soft, as well as unwilling), heavy fearplay, like really it goes hard this time, and a few shitty references >:D
Word Count: 1832! i accidentally wrote this whole thing in one day HDHSFHSNC
Aloha winced as he shook his head, the dizzying feeling fading away pretty quickly, his eyes widening as he felt something wrap around him. He heard an angry shout somewhere nearby, recognizing the voice as Army’s, squirming a bit as he heard another voice from behind him, quickly realizing what was going on as he realized he was in a hand and recognized the voice as Emperor’s. “Hand him over, Emperor. I’m not letting you do anything to hurt him.” Aloha looked up, trying to see what was going on as another hand blocked his view. “And if I don’t?” He tensed at Emperor’s words, slowly realizing where he was being held as he heard a quiet gurgling sound from somewhere below him, kicking against Emperor’s hands as he was held against the larger inkling’s chest. “Let me go you asshole!” Aloha shouted, trying to get out of Emperor’s hands as he heard the muffled argument between him and Army. He grimaced as he felt Emperor get shoved by Army, being roughly tossed against his hands, his eyes widening as he was suddenly thrown into the air, trying to gather his bearings so he wouldn’t die upon hitting the ground. He closed his eyes as he began to fall, hearing Army shout out to him, shocked at the fear in his friend’s voice, followed by being shut into darkness as he landed somewhere warm... and wet. He groaned as he opened his eyes, stiffening as he heard a shocked yell from Army. “You bitch! Spit him out!” And that’s when everything clicked. Aloha jolted up, the instinctual fear of being eaten kicking into gear as he began to struggle with every ounce of strength he had left from the recent battle, doing everything in his power to stay away from Emperor’s throat as the larger inkling began trying to swallow him. Unfortunately for Aloha, when the entire area you’re trapped in is working against you, there's not much you can do but what it wants, and that realization firmly set in as the small pink inkling found his legs caught in Emperor’s throat. He growled under his breath as he tried in vain to pull himself out, his efforts being put to a quick stop as a thick swallow left him being fully dragged down the larger yellow inkling’s esophagus.
Emperor grinned as he felt Aloha’s struggling form slip into his throat, almost laughing at the look of shock and horror on Army’s face as the orange inkling processed what he had just witnessed. He subconsciously rested a hand over his stomach as the tiny squirming inkling entered the organ, waiting on Army’s reaction so he could find his chance to strike. “You... You bastard!” He knew Army wouldn’t find any better words to describe his feelings, his hands balled into fists as he walked towards Emperor, clearly about to punch him, before Emperor took his legs out from under him in a simple motion, moving to hold Army against the ground, using one arm to hold him down, and another to keep himself balanced. “Urgh- Get off!” Emperor rolled his eyes, silently pulling out a small vial, and in a quick motion, popping the cork off and shoving it in Army’s mouth the next time the inkling opened it. Of course, this caught Army off guard, the orange inkling swallowing most of the liquid in a panic, coughing and sputtering as Emperor stood, backing off for a moment.
Army grimaced as he realized what Emperor was doing- most likely trying to take out the S4 so they wouldn’t be in his way- trying to get up before he was hit with a wave of dizziness, barely registering his surroundings appearing to grow in size around him. The second he could get himself to, he rolled out of the way of Emperor’s hand as it tried to grab him, quickly realizing he was in a lot of trouble as he looked up at the now-giant inkling in front of him. Army cursed under his breath as he tried to find a way out of the current situation, rolling out of the way as Emperor tried to get ahold of him again, standing and quickly putting a plan together in his mind. ‘Flee, hide, fall, complete.’ He didn’t have enough time to put something more complicated together, jumping out of the way as Emperor- who was getting pretty frustrated at this point- tried to pick him up once again, before taking off running. ‘Flee.’ That was the first stage of the plan. He didn’t know where he was going, but he could take advantage of his size, jumping up to run along a pipe. It wasn't much higher than he was before, but it got him out of the way of any water that he’d have a high chance of burning himself in at this size. ‘Hide.’ Army turned a corner, scanning the area for a place to hide, before quickly making his way higher up to get to a flowerbox, hiding in the flowers as he watched Emperor pass by from above. ‘Fall, complete.’ He took a quiet, sharp breath as he looked over the edge, making sure Emperor wasn’t coming back yet, before jumping, his eyes widening as Emperor walked out from under an overhang, quickly closing his eyes as he fell straight into the yellow inkling’s jaws, being swallowed down quickly afterward. He struggled the best he could against the relentless muscles around him, desperately trying to get out, before finally giving up as he slipped into Emperor’s stomach, moving to be closer to Aloha. “Army, I-” “Don’t. You don’t need to apologize, it’s okay. We’ll be okay...” He murmured, just gently putting an arm around the pink inkling.
Not much time had passed before another scuffle was heard outside, and eventually, Army and Aloha were joined by Mask. Then Aloha’s phone went off. “Ahaha... I forgot I had that with me.” “You had your phone this whole time?!” Mask huffed as Army and Aloha began to argue, ending up with Aloha’s phone at some point, quickly putting in Skull’s number on the emergency dial, a silence- only disturbed by the sound of the phone ringing and the growls and gurgles of the stomach around the three- slowly falling around them, until Skull picked up.
“Great, now nobody can use the phone... You just had to call the only other member of the S4, didn’t you...” Army growled under his breath, glaring at Mask as Aloha held his now-broken phone.
Emperor leaned against the wall of the alleyway, a hand resting on his stomach as he felt the three inklings squirming around within. Judging by the muffled shouting and occasional harsh movements, he could only assume that the three were arguing about someone having caused this, rolling his eyes as he pressed on his stomach, cutting the argument short. “Cod, you guys need to calm the hell down, I’m not letting you out any time soon...” He huffed, smirking as he heard a few shouts directed towards him, slowly releasing the pressure as he moved to sit against the wall.
Skull looked at his phone as he processed what’d just happened. He’d gotten a call from Mask, through Aloha’s phone, and could only really make out a few things through the static and... other noises, on the other end of the line, those things being something about being eaten and Emperor, not to mention how suddenly the call had cut off, and that was enough to make him worried. The last time he’d seen any of them was when Army went into the alleyway after Aloha hadn’t come back, so he figured that’d be the best place to start, making his way over to said alleyway from where he had been near the Deca Tower. Skull walked into the alleyway, staying on alert just in case, silently noting footprints in the dirt-covered ground of the alley, noticing what appeared to be a set of much, much smaller footprints along the top of a pipe along one of the walls. He kept walking, coming to a stop as he turned a corner and spotted Emperor, who slowly stood as Skull came around the corner. “Well well well... Look who finally showed up.” He growled under his breath as Emperor spoke, stepping forward. “Where are they, Emperor.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Skull.” “I said where are they.” Skull snarled, quickly moving to hold Emperor against the wall. “Careful, you wouldn’t want to hurt your little friends, now would you?” Emperor grinned at the look of doubt and confusion that came across Skull’s face, followed by a look of disgust and horror at the slight movement from the yellow inkling’s stomach. Skull had no words to describe how he was feeling, letting go of Emperor and stepping back. “Pfft... Didn’t expect that, did you?” Skull glared at Emperor, turning and preparing to just up and leave, but... he couldn’t. He knew he couldn’t just leave the others like this, turning to say something and quickly finding himself pinned against the wall by Emperor, about to speak before a vial was shoved in his mouth, doing his best to not swallow any of the liquid as Emperor continued to hold him against the wall by his neck. “Swallow it. Make things easier for yourself, you fool...” This... definitely wasn’t the best situation Skull could’ve been in at the moment, glaring into Emperor’s eyes before kicking him in the chest, spitting the liquid to the side the second he could. He hadn’t swallowed any of it, and he wanted to keep it that way. Emperor coughed at the impact from the sudden attack, his eyes narrowing as Skull spat the potion out. He only had one more shot at this. Skull growled under his breath, managing to get behind Emperor and wrap an arm around his neck. “Spit them out, or I’ll make you do it myself...” He snarled the words, letting go of Emperor, who gasped for air as soon as he was let go. “F-Fine...” Emperor muttered, stiffening as he brought the three smaller inklings up one by one. As soon as all three of them were out, Skull carefully yet quickly took them from the yellow inkling, disgusted by the amount of saliva coating the trio, glaring daggers at Emperor as he spoke, venom in his words. “Now leave. Before I return the favor.” Emperor returned the glare, growling under his breath. “This isn’t over...” He murmured, before walking off. Skull let out a breath of relief he didn’t know he was holding as Emperor left, holding the three closer to his chest. “... You guys can stay at my place until this wears off. It’ll be the safest thing for you guys in case he tries that shit again.” He murmured, relaxing as Army and Mask nodded, Aloha just mumbling a tired ‘Alright.’ “Then let’s get home.”
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