#shit sucks :{
epiclamer · 3 months
Good god (tw: some light undertone themes of suicidal thoughts and self destruction/harm) but with lots of comfort to come so dont worryyyy
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The rain poured down the hero’s face, they had their chin tilted up high towards the light grey clouds as if the mist surrounding them was suffocating. Their eyes were closed, but that didn’t stop the pelting droplets from finding their way under the hero’s eyelids.
It felt somewhat like relief, the cool water soaking through every single layer of their clothes. It eased their mind and their wounds, washed the blood from their chin and nose.
It stilled such a busy world.
On the other hand, the hero was freezing. It must’ve been at least six hours since they had had their arms wrenched behind their back and duck taped together to keep them bound to a school yard post. A singular piece covering their lips to keep them from shouting for help.
It was so simple compared to the intricate traps they had been stuck within before. Nonetheless, for some reason it was also the hardest to escape.
Partially, Hero knew it was because they had no will to. They had gone through the darkened alley behind the school knowing they were going to get jumped. They had let themselves be beaten and hogtied, they had accepted a concussion and a busted nose.
Hero knew if they were ever to talk this out with the Agency’s therapist there would be words strung out around the concept of ‘goodness’ and ‘greatness’.
Hero didn’t feel all that good—let alone great.
Hero didn’t feel anything except exhausted. So they had slumped back against the post, legs sprawled out against the asphalt, haphazardly painted with basketball gym lines.
Their arms were burning from the awkward position and consistent strain and the hero ignored it all the same. It was the weekend, so there would be no concerned teachers to save them and definitely no kids out to play in this weather. And sure, if they wanted, they could break free—they were a hero after all—but for now they just sat.
Unwilling and unwanting of any form of further freedom as the hypothermic chill coating their skin slowly reached into their bones.
“To freeze or not to freeze…” Hero’s eyes snapped open at the sudden familiar voice coming from behind them. “That is the question~” Villain’s head poked out from around the post where the hero lay still bound.
They stepped around to face the hero straight on, crouching down to meet at their level. “Sucker for punishment? Or are you just really too weak to get yourself out of some lousy tape?”
The villain grinned, even through the heavy rain the hero could practically feel the other’s heat and see their sultry eyes. They squirmed, suddenly all too uncomfortable in their position as they tried to push themselves up into a standing position.
“What? Cat got your tongue?” The criminal laughed, watching their nemesis wriggle helplessly and increasingly more desperately against their bonds. They reached up, one hand delicately cupping the hero’s face as the other ripped the duct tape off their lips in one swift movement.
Hero gasped mostly in pain, slightly due to their racing heartbeat. “Fuck— Villain—”
Gently the villain’s thumb brushed over the hero’s bottom lip, wiping the blood away with the rain water that tainted everything it could touch. Hero took in another deep breath, collecting themselves from a moment ago before looking into the villain’s eyes again.
“Need some help?”
The crime-stopper wanted to shake their head no, they wanted to spit at the villain and break free on their own, instead they mumbled an incoherent form of yes and let themselves be brought to their feet in a single pull. The villain’s hands did not leave the hero’s sides even after they were steady on their feet and Hero couldn’t help but notice just how cold they truly were without the villain’s warmth.
The villain didn’t question them a second time, once they were sure the hero could stand on their own they reached one hand into their pocket for their smaller knife. Flipping it open while their other hand still rested against the hero’s hip, wrapping their armed hand around the hero’s body to cut away the remaining tape from their arms.
And for the few seconds their bodies stayed pressed together, Hero wondered if this was close enough to be considered a hug. Then, in a sickening moment where all of the blood rushed from the hero’s head to their now free arms, they swayed and collapsed against the villain.
The criminal had barely enough time to catch them before the hero relaxed their weight completely into Villain’s chest. Head pressed into the crook or the villain’s neck, Hero’s icy fingers clawed at the fabric of their nemesis’ suit with what little energy they had left.
Hero was searching for heat, they had forgotten just exactly how badly their body craved it when they had let themselves rot against the post. Now that the villain was here though, they needed to warm up and they only wanted to while trapped in the villain’s embrace.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay, Hero. I’ve got you, you’re safe.” Villain reassured them, voice soft and inviting as they shifted their arms around to help walk their nemesis back to their car. “Do you know how long you’ve been out here?”
Hero took their first few shuffling steps with the villain’s support, making up for a lot of their weight. Their eyes flicked to the villain’s worried expression, “A few hours.” But they couldn’t hold their gaze.
They were ashamed now. They had been caught in their own self-destruction and saved by their mortal enemy. The person they fought tooth and nail almost every single day for the past two years.
Now that person was helping them into their car and out of the rain, where initially the hero had hoped to stay forever. How embarrassing.
The villain didn’t say much else, only answering with a curt nod before returning their focus to bearing the hero’s weight in their steps. It was safe to say the hero hadn’t expected to be as weak as they truly were and that maybe if the villain had never shown up, they wouldn’t have been able to get away.
That was worrisome. Worrisome enough to dry the hero’s mouth up in a second and send shivers down their spine.
Villain reached out, hand grabbing onto the passenger side door handle and they slowly opened it to reveal the inside of their beloved car Hero had heard about so many times in battle. Yet, they had barely even registered the walk from the school yard to the parking lot, let alone the fact that their enemy was actually helping them.
Hero looked to Villain, who gave them an assuring smile. “I’ll take care of you, or bring you straight home—no questions asked. Just don’t make me leave you out here any longer.”
That earned them a small smile.
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nyancrimew · 1 year
Back pain :(
i didn't know my pain receptors could send me asks
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lesbiciousbeginnings · 9 months
Thinking about how how detransitioning has alienated me from cis people and a majority of trans people. I just feel regret at this point.
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poppy-metal · 8 months
me when i have best friends but im never anyones best friend.
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madmutts · 7 months
You okay?????
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vibe2oda · 8 months
any other autistic people find themselves being misunderstood more than understood? i feel like i’m explaining my tone or word choice more than i’m actually making conversation.
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nonsumbene · 11 months
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@coldresolve The Moneymakers logo fits perfectly on this type of lighter.
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miz-chase · 1 month
they're rejiggering my depression meds again and let me tell you, I am having Thoughts about the television series Bones
you know the meds are working when I'm seriously considering writing again
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seokmattchuus · 2 months
Okay. So like. I hate mnet chat. I need bubble reopened. Like. Right now.
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glimersims · 4 months
when the friend group starts falling apart:
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angst420 · 3 months
protect your noggins 😭
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cerealforkart · 7 months
Me wanting to play Portal vs. The game making me so unbearably motion sick
I’m losing gang :(
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ashen-77 · 1 year
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hg-aneh · 1 year
once your tendinitis gets better (and only then, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF) would you consider drawing more catboy ineffables (specifically expanding on the comic backstory thingy you did, but i love all your stuff)? your art is so so so lovely and thr story is reaaaallly interesting!!!
have a good day :)
(I'm tryinG 😭)
I don't think I'll be able to, seeing as I genuinely have VERY low confidence on my writing skills and the mental image I have of the complete story is way more ambitious than anything I could ever possibly accomplish
I'm perfectly fine with talking about it in an impersonal way, however :D
Still though, there may or may not be a possibility of me doing more with the concept in the future, it's just not very likely at the moment :"D
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twoheadedfather · 11 months
"tell me about yourself" why would i know anything about myself
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cauchys-special-boy · 2 months
i understand why they ban smoking on the train, i really do, but cmon at least provide a nook or something. make one of the between bits open air
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