#shit pooooost
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le-pokerus · 1 year ago
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Outsourcing labour by attaching a Pokéwalker to Kirby
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charles-snippy · 1 year ago
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What strain of indica did bro have
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kahootqueen69 · 2 years ago
I've got like 4 new artworks to post, if only patreon would accept my page after about 3 weeks of waiting 🤡
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2n2n · 7 months ago
and now a simpler stinkier pooooost, I feel like. Looking at the REANIMAL kids was like *instantly clamors at screen desperately* HOTAWHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hiiii... the swag of it all!!!!!!!!!!!!! The solid, powerful aesthetic appeal!!!!! Obscured faces... sooo tastefully. Appealing silhouettes from a distance... intrigue.... texture....
it's such a virgin and chad moment goddddddddddd LN3 protags look like dog shit to meeeee I'M SORRY!!!! NOT FOR ME!!!! LOOK REALLY LIKE NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why is the boy in just like a t-shirt, shorts and a crude halloween costume cape.... like a toddler. And then the plague doctor mask thing .... so incredibly lacking in texture, it all looks flat... the tattered edges of his shorts, look cut up with scissors, contributing to this Spirit Halloween Costume look. I don't know why the bird theme couldn't carry more in his silhouette somehow, like with some sort of capelet or something feeling wingish, even just the cape being.... bigger, sitting OVER his shoulders.... or the cinch of it really being thick tied around his neck would help? It feels like tissue paper.... nothing has the thickness of like, Mono's wool coat, for instance, or the texture.... very bereft of detail. I felt this about the environments in the new trailer too, though... lacking the sense for BG composition or even just better shots for showing off a trailer... the LN2 trailers are very cinematic by comparison to the LN3 one just released. Felt very ah flat. Game Footage. The boy's design just kind of reflects that lack of 'composition'..... I don't know! It's exceedingly plain without being so plain as to feel concise, like Six in only her raincoat. He just has a lot of small pieces, none of which come together for much impact. If it was going to be more centrally about his mask, I'd like the rest to accentuate that somehow.
The girl. It couldn't be more of an overwhelming takedown to compare the girlies. Her baldass head in the aviator helmet thing... cartoon caveman pigtails... goggles.... dumpy ass flight suit all boofing out and pinching at the limbs unpleasantly, inflated and weird..... this is not the swag that brought us Six and Mono, truly. It looks like. . a very crude idea of "cool" like a teenager who likes Tim Burton....................... it's so entry level feeling...... it doesn't really feel like, the same design sense that imbues Mono & Six, at all!!! it's egghhh...
they just look. not intriguing. I can't really imagine caring about,, any of it, and the aesthetic themes (of what.... flight ?? Bird & Plane???) are strange, this ... bow & arrow & wrench .... it's just not what I WANT!!!!! NOT TRYING TO WATCH CRITICALLY PANNED MOVIE 9.... !!!
by CONTRAST opening REANIMAL footage,, soo so so so so so instantly shoookttttt so aoauhhh who is THIS.. HELLO!!! god the pouring enthusiasm the intrigue the excitement the LN3 trailers n footage was lacking for me... OVERWHELMED BY THRILL drooling aoauohh???
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bone shattering levels of intrigue and awe at this look
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hello hi . hi hi .. hello hi. hi. and so so strong as a SET, as strong as MONO & SIX ARE!!! such a wandering wayward children vibe.... the proper amount of contrast & harmony.... selling me on this 'animal' theme.... somehow, both grim & pretty, handsome....
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roxyteal · 13 days ago
The rain returns... Loooooooong pooooost
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"Yes, you got it!"
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"Um. Okay."
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"I will!!"
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"You do you, boo. Also, yes, I see the Marie cosplayer back there."
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"'Read'? Not 'watch'? Inchresting."
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"Nice to meet you, ???."
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"Cool room. Very colorful. Much blocky. Quite puzzle."
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"Oh fuck yeah, just what we needed. Another nice business for the boardwalk. We got the coffee place, and now this. I look forward to coming down for a sammy-"
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"Oh fuck, Godammit."
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"lol thats a weird way to say 'denied' but its cool also just so were clear, you dont make sandwiches, right? yeah ok thought so i knew viktor was full of shit"
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"At this point, you, @circifox, are a permanent guest."
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"Wow, already? Uh. Can I check my mail first? (The answer was no.)"
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"So I'm told."
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We regret to inform you that Viktor got poofed immediately after this incident. Please wait one (1) week for him to reform.
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4rackn0 · 1 year ago
Idk if i even should start to THINK abt postin my trad drawings & shit buuuut it might happen..
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Also..tagging is boring & id rather have noone see my shit than addin tags to every single pooooost :|
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20xbetterthanu · 4 years ago
every time i try to post my lyric rabbles ao3 gives me the same shit like dude i just wanna pooooost
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terminally-karkalicious · 3 years ago
pooooosting shit in my drafts beware
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le-pokerus · 1 year ago
I think one of the worst parts of moving from 2D pixel sprites to 3D models is turning
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Into this
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This is outrageous, it's unfair
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charles-snippy · 6 months ago
Why don’t they get a bit ugly with it during the debates. Start calling each other cunts. Who cares anymore really like this could not be any dumber
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ocbmarchive · 7 years ago
Dream pooooost lol sorry
Ok so like i just wanna talk abt this one girl in my dream and not my whole dream lol (bc i don’t remember it) bUT so like im so sad bc me and this girl were friends in the dream bUT SHE’S NOT REAL LMAO AND IM EMO ABT IT. But like we had the funniest inside jokes. Like one of them was a picture of two blurry legs with the caption “jisung park” and i honestly have no idea pero like yeah. And i dont even remember the rest rip but there was also this lady dressed as cat in the hat who was holding a bat with nails in it and I was standing from a distance and my dream friend just straight up tripped her and i was like oh shit trying not laugh and i cri
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hushpiper · 7 years ago
julystorms replied to your post “Increasingly, as I worry my family and friends with my SNK obsession,...”
I do wonder what their original plan was, and if it's actually being followed through as intended right now. Many times we make plans and they kinda...fall through.
Yeeeaaaaah that’s always a wrench in the analysis works, lol. “No plan survives first contact,” right? And there’s definitely been a lot of improv going on since Eren got to Marley (which is the topic of another pooooost). But so far we’re in the realm of things which could easily be anticipated, and Eren, Zeke and LS are all cool as cucumbers. I’d say signs point to “going off without a hitch” so far.
Which isn’t to say it’ll stay that way. Cuz if the plan is what I think it is, they’re about to enter the point where shit goes bananas fast. Will their measures to keep Reiner down (assuming they exist) actually work? Was Warhammer Willy (teehee) actually the Warhammer Titan, and is he actually out of the game, or is Eren gonna have to fight a new titan whose abilities are a complete unknown? On a scale of 1-10, how suspicious is Pieck of Zeke right now--and how long will it take her to get herself and her boyfriend out of that pit? TUNE IN NEXT TIME...
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xehanortsreport · 8 years ago
iamseraplz replied to your post: No matter what you lost, it's always pure gold.
I THOUGHT SO but you can never be too sure. thank you still tho!
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isaacathom · 7 years ago
i was hoping that this au would give me idea for some of the actual characters, and like, its helped with Zeke and Lyndelle a little, but i cant use almost anything from Endlyn for Gwendolen. like, ok, she’s a rule stickler??? so she doesnt like Rhia because even though Rhia is a cop (and a good one) shes also a member of a gang and assumed a false identity to get away from one of Gwendolen’s friends? its really complex. there is no way in hell Gwen was the one who accepted Elliot’s suggestion that Rhia take his place. like Gwen’s just like.... what? she’s a criminal though? and it gets kind of complicated from there but eventually its likely the other elite 4 members (and perhaps even the guy who left) eventually go ‘just fucking let her do it, Gwen. we can find a replacement later’. except of course, they dont, because Rhia earns her position and has her identity legally align (some sort of complex merger of Seren’s files and Rhia’s to make it less funky. theres some adoption papers filed in order to make shit line up. some backdating. its really messy but its essentially a favour for her cooperating with the xerophyte/exordial investigation). and because she was essentially forced to join, thats not a knock against her. so it sorta fades away. Gwen’s not a huge fan still.
but that is all ive gathered. she’s a rules stickler. big law enforcement type, even though she isn’t actually a cop. but the League are a form of like, ~government~ of sorts, so she’s not a vigilante. v important. not a vigilante fan. which also wouldnt help with her opinion of Rhia, because if you get Split end (which would be the default unless you actually like. sorta work to help them sort their shit out), Rhia goes off and goes vigilante up until the end of the postgame story with Lyndelle and Felicity. so Gwen does noooooot like a Split Rhia. so in the hypothetical sequel, where important values carry over, a split Rhia will not have made any progress within the elite 4. a reconcile Rhia, who didn’t become a vigilante, she might have. im not saying a reconcile Rhia would suddenly be the champion or anything, but maybe she just moves up in order. though that does depend on like..... whether the elite 4 has an order or its like all the new games where you can pick it. idk!
i mean theres not a lot of impact Gwendolen can specifically have. she cooperates with the International Police, helps found the new Urica police force after Exordial collapses. she could /possibly/ restrict Rhia’s progression through that new force? but thats all pooooost post game, thats in between shit, it wouldnt have any actual effect on the game. as far as Gwen being weirdly controll-y? could be something. im not sure when Gwen would show up, is the issue. perhaps she shows up in William’s town (Geelong, rmb) or in uh, Henry’s (beeeeeendigo?). admonishes the shit out of William for ignoring his towns plight but doesn’t actually do something about it herself. gives you a smile but warns you not in interfere with this sort of stuff - the police and gym leaders should be handling it. which makes Two individuals telling you not to fight Xerophyte, but for different reasons. Gwen’s not telling you this because she cares about you as a person, she’s telling you because she doesn’t want you to become a criminal, because she dislike criminals. no vigilantism, please. i bet she shows up after the raid where you arrest Samson and she’s like ‘what the fuck did i say?’ and then Dante shows up and go ‘maam, please calm down. they were attempting to rescue a friends pokemon, and were reinforced by the Exordial Police Force. I’ve also been informed that the CEO of Exordial, my wife Felicity, has specifically endorsed this individual. This is no more an act of vigilantism as you yourself coming to police their behaviour. :)’ and Gwens just like -.- fine. Gwen doesn’t like you either. god, if she finds out you ended up locked up trying to track down Xerophyte in the east town, she’d kick your ass. or shed say ‘thats what you get for trying to be the hero’.
which is a similar sort of vibe to Rhia, except that Rhia wants to protect you. Both Gwen and Rhia see you being hurt through ‘vigilantism’ as an inevitablity. But while Rhia explicitly wants to protect you from it, even if that means she has to hurt you to make that point clear (its a little contradictory and in her defence she TOLD them not to hurt you), Gwen isn’t going to stop you and will actively punish you on top of that. so Gwen does not like you. Rhia probably does! She’ admires your pep. She pities you, mostly, for getting tangled in Elliot’s bullshit.
and both of them have to give up, on some level. Rhia has to accept that you can hold your own, and allows you to make the conscious choice to proceed up the tower to fight Felicity and Dante. Gwen has to accept that the police force has been corrupted, and sends you and Elliot to track down Dante, because clearly this shits gotten fucked and she has to actually step in. but she does specifically require that you go with Elliot and do what he says. because at LEAST Elliot is was an E4 member once (8 years ago) so theres /some/ semblance of authority, rather than a god damn vigilante child. wild.
theyre similar on some things but completely contradictory on others. Rhia doesn’t want you to trust Elliot at all. Gwen wants you to completely trust Elliot. wild.
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le-pokerus · 2 years ago
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le-pokerus · 1 year ago
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I think that's a fair trade
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