#codename seren
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silvermoon424 · 6 months ago
I really think that the Boss from Codename: Sailor V was Queen Serenity because Luna's memories were sealed and she hadn't even found her guardian yet, and just who else could have been helping Minako?
I totally agree! I really can’t think of who else it would be. Like, we know for a fact that an AI version of Serenity exists; it’s not a stretch for me at all to believe that she would be able to contact and offer advice to Minako and Artemis.
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moghedien · 2 years ago
anway I just finished Codename Sailor V and I'm gonna forever be haunted by the images of Minako fighting alone on a movie set of a crumbling burning palace with people panicking around her as she screams for the "girls" who's faces she keeps seeing to get to safety, but she doesn't know who the "girls" are and they aren't even actually there this time, but she can't stop being afraid for them
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teakoodrawz · 11 months ago
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kroosluvr · 6 months ago
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look at my royal trio dawg im cooked
( joker and crow swap au, normal outfits here! )
crow feels a little "wild west" to me which is funny and i kinda like it... (i was about to add spurs to his boots but didnt bc ok maybe THAT doesnt make sense KFSHKDAJ) maybe its not 100% "crow"-like but its bird of prey vibes i think??!?! i like it heh. also added in the black ribbon so the carry over to sumire makes sense! (also since shujin!goro in this au has his hair up until 3rd sem rolls around) and kept princekechi's white gloves.. adds a kind of classy vibe i think with the other "rustic" ness of the outfit
JOKER (throws tomatoes at him) clown aesthetic joker my beloved. his mask is silly and half of it kinda hugs his cheek and the other flares out, kinda like a masquerade mask? and ofc his outfit is very bright white and flashy... and he keeps that kinda swept hair style. ofc he is a massive show-off and loves drawing attention... always flourishing his fluffy cape and all that. oh yeah keeping the red gloves was important to me O_O i think it adds to his clown-ness too.......
black mask: keeps the "half on" cloak look (though it's a tattered coat instead) and the cloak is attached to his bodysuit with red threads. marionnette kinda... alluding to how he's a puppet.... also callback to orig. black mask's stripes the way they crisscross over his costume (and also his 13290573928 belts). only half of it has the checkered pattern btw, like his joker outfit. the mask itself takes shape from satanael's horns! and the red star-like "choker" is from satanael's halo. same w the sillay little bat wings on the back of his booties. i think akira as black mask is way more showy than goro is, so the bright red on him makes sense i think?
violet <3 MY SPECIALEST GIRL i think codename rose for her is cheeky and cute. in my head since crow names himself / is named after the birdlike patterns of his outfit he volunteers the name rose for her based off the rose on her hip as well as her rose-like leotard/dress. also included some subtle callbacks to crow's outfit!
the true awakening violet design is smth i made up a while ago, and is also my true awakening alt design for like. canon violet. but the gold bits r silver now THATS IT BASICALLY i think the colorscheme is very serene and swanlike.. very elegant classy and suits her i think!!!
also this is all subject to change bc i highkey made half of this up at 6am yesterday night teehee bonk. LOVE ROYALTRIO FOREVER
ADDITIONALLY theres a lot of 4-point star/diamond shape patterns and that is because it is my crutch. SO SORRY. LKDSFJKLS459034902590
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drops-of-moonlights · 17 days ago
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going out of order here but when have we ever done things orderly in this blog. The Dark Kingdom! With a whole-ass extra group of girls! because me! info below
We start of course with "Queen Beryl", which is nothing more than Metallia donning a humanoid form to command her generals, finding it easier to control them herself than risking the real Beryl reincarnation fucking it up by remembering that she had used her. She's the only member of the Dark Kingdom that DIES dies, everyone else reincarnates after all is over (same way the core cast does) and recover their memories between the Makai Tree and Black Moon arcs, a mini arc of their own based on the PC Engine visual novel THAT I NEED TO PLAY I HAVE IT DOWNLOADED I'VE JUST FOCUSED ON OTHER STUFF LOL.
The Shitennou! and the... Shitenjou? I am old school and Four Heavenly Kings is a fucking mouthful, so in the AU they're just the Dark Kingdom Generals. Like the Senshi, they all have to transform into their General form first to access their powers. Mio loses access to her Morganite persona in her second chance, unlocking the full power of Sailor Earth instead. They all also have different colors compared to their canon looks - I used the colors of the real corresponding gems for each.
Morganite/Mio is the youngest of the Generals and the real reincarnation of Beryl. I don't need to go over her y'all know her she's Sailor Earth girl has like 7 posts about her alone already lmao. Her focus is gathering energy, but she goes more for places where people already gather more than more planned stuff.
Jadeite/Hayato is 17, second youngest of the Generals, impulsive and hotheaded. His focus is on gathering energy, favoring groups of people focused on something in particular for his purpose and working with a single Youma on it. He has power over wind.
Azurite/Kanami is 20, flighty but maintaining a sense of elegance, theatric. Her focus is gathering energy in groups, but she uses a team of 3 Youma for her tasks and usually keeps her distance from the plan. She has power over water. She is based on the OG anime Youma Thetis, who was frankly too cool to just be a Youma lol.
Nephrite/Masato is 19, dramatic and theatric to a greater degree than Azurite, with a fondness for astrology. Said fondess is his primary tool on his focus - finding the Silver Crystal, using the trajectory of the stars to select locations where it might be and place a team of Youma to investigate. He has power over light.
Fluorite/Sayaka is 19, focused and no-nonsense, which puts her at massive odds compared to the dramafest that is literally everyone else. Being her is suffering. She's somehow Nephrite's bestie despite this. Her focus is also finding the Silver Crystal, but unlike Nephrite she scouts out locations herself assisted by a single Youma. She has power over electricity. She is partially based on Codename Sailor V's Fluorite, just butch and more involved.
Zoisite/Anji is the gay backstabbing twink we all know and love, the only difference is that he doesn't actually kill any of the other generals he just steals credit and targets lmao. He's 22, and is in charge of strenghtening Youma, but as it doesn't take much of his time he likes to crash on everyone else's duties to be annoying. He has power over flowers.
Kunzite/Shinkou, 25, is still in homosexuals with Zoisite, very much in love, they can be disgusting when together the man loves his man. Away from his bf however he's just as no-nonsense as Fluorite and constantly has to scold the other Generals to focus more on their tasks. His focus is on finding Princess Serenity's reincarnation and deal with her as soon as possible, knowing of the risk she poses to the Dark Kingdom but having a vague memory of something horrific related to her. He has power over ice.
Albite/Yorine, 30, is the oldest of the Generals and the most dedicated to Metallia - knowing the truth behind her identity. She is quiet and stoic, but goes with the flow of everyone else's antics with incredible ease. She's the only full OC in the lineup, and her focus is creating parasite Youmas - Youmas that can take over a living host and form a body from it. She has power over fire.
You also get to see the civilian/untransformed form! For 6 of them at least Albite doesn't change eye or hair color and y'all know Mio's gonna be part of a different lineup.
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Jadeite is Shiokawa Hayato - Shiokawa roughly means "salt river", while Hayato is in hiragana and so can have multiple meanings.
Nephrite is Sanjouin Masato - just fully lifting his OG anime alias, I take what I'm given lmao. I did get to find out what his name means! Sanjouin would roughly be "Temple of 3 Items", Masato is "holy man".
Azurite is Kakihara Kanami - Kakihara would mean "oyster source", Kanami is "melody/performance of the sea"
Zoisite is Ozawa Anji - Ozawa means "small swamp", Anji means "compassionate apricot". Anji is also an unisex name, which I feel goes with Zoisite's femme vibe.
Kunzite is Inokuma Shinkou - Inokuma has the kanji for both boar and bear because subtlety is dead for me, Shinkou means "dawn light". Shinkou goes by the nickname "Shin", matching with his PGSM incarnation before he awakened his memories.
Fluorite is Haibara Sayaka - Haibara means "hazelnut tree source", Sayaka is in hiragana because I simply liked the name for her lol.
lastly, Albite is Iwamoto Yorine - Iwamoto means "real rock", fitting for the rock guys, while Yorine is a more classical/older name, meaning "sound of an era".
After the Dark Kingdom arc, they all return to a normal life and become casual friends with the Senshi (and closer friends to Mamoru and Mio), and keeping their powers, they help out the Senshi when they have to take care of bigger stuff.
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officialdaydreamer00 · 4 months ago
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am i making a new oc? yes i am lmao
(picrew link)
The Silver Bullet of Rhineland
Name: Lilia von Wilheim
Age: 17-18
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Nationalities: German-Vietnamese
DOB: 30th April, 20xx
Lilia is a chill, playful, and catlike person, enjoys teasing the people surrounding her.
She may be wary at first meeting, but her cold resolve will soften once you befriend her.
She adopts an indifferent and cold facade when it comes to work. She doesn't exactly enjoys it, but money is money.
Likes: Coffee and tea, Mythology, Cats, Crows, Reading, Sweets, Baking
Dislikes: Insects, Sour food, Rough clothing textures
Lilia has a rather slender yet fit build, standing at 170cm or roughly 5'6.
Lilia is neurodivergent with sensory issues, specifically with clothing textures.
Lilia has a butterfly tattoo on her left shoulder.
Lilia likes alt fashion, mainly emo and acubi (yes, she's emo)
Technically, Lilia is raised a child soldier, a teenage mercenary if you will, but she was (and still is) good at her job.
Lilia's main role is the sniper, codename Bat.
Lilia has already been discharged, though she still gets called in for work from time to time.
Lilia's birthday is actually Vietnam's Southern Liberation and Reunification day :D
tagging people!! @cloudcountry @identity-theft-101 @axvwriter @aqua-beam @siren-serenity @dove-da-birb @thehollowwriter @taruruchi @the-clockwork-fiend @xen-blank @cookiesandbiscuits @cyanide-latte @siphoklansan
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charlietikoobadiah23 · 2 months ago
CODENAME Kids Next Door OCs: LORE #1: Rain was in a different Sector before Δ
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In an ask, Rain never wanted to meet Sector QT out of trust issues.
Well, it all started back when she was with Sector NR+CT (with Harper Rose [her then-best friend], Emilia Gutiérrez [a huge inspiration for easing the tension with a good comedic timing of jokes], Alex Butha [a friend that would always go to the arcade after a mission] and lastly, Duante Caleb Imani [the leader that had a rocky chemistry]. The old design seen in the fourth slide is how she used to be. Calm, collected and intellectual. She was basically the backbone of the Sector.
The worst day of the Sector, in particular the worst day for 1.8, was that there was a very dangerous mission going against an adult villain that used vegetables as weapons. The operatives were fighting with their all until Numbuh 1.8 almost fell of a cliff and held for her dear life. Numbuh 658,352 wanted to help her but she was always getting cut off by the vegetable-wielding villain and couldn't reach her. Luckily she was able to get on the cliff again until a humongous pea hit her in maximum speed and sent her to the cave inside, getting her stuck. After the villain was defeated, Duante decided to be a jerk and let the OTHER operatives to help 1.8 with her situation. Alex laughing at the current situation she was in and Emilia didn't really care much about her, saying what did she provide for the team anyways. THAT statement from her "hero" was what broke Rain's heart. Harper didn't even defend her in fear that they would also ditch her the same way they ditched 1.8 and then, they just left.
Luckily, a boy with a trapper hat that was a kid operative told a pigtailed scientist to dissolve the pea and check what happened. Those kids were Clovis Willson AKA Numbuh 16.28 and Bluma von Albrecht AKA Numbuh 1.02 together with Joan Washington AKA Numbuh 776. "OH, Man!" Joan exclaimed as she helped 1.8 "You need some help, ASAP". So, she went to their Sector to clean herself up, Sector Δ is what the base is named. She told her what has happened in her mission and why she was locked in a cave with a pea as a boulder, she even felt comfortable enough to express the bitter feeling she had when she realized her teammates were just...not good people. Numbuh 776 (Joan Washington) decided that she would go to Moonbase and try to convince Numbuh 362 to change you into a new sector. Needless to say, those were the most difficult 5 days of convincing of Joan's young life, but she manages to let 362 change 1.8 to Sector Δ (keep note that Joan NEVER told her the cruddy teamwork her new member's Sector was out of PITY).
Well, she's now in a new Sector and at first she still holds the grudge of lat mission but as new missions came in, she became more like her "hero", Numbuh 336,536 [Emilia Gutiérrez], but more likeable and way funnier. One day, Numbuh 658,352 [Harper Rose] came to Sector Δ to check after she heard that her old teammate was in a different sector, she was so guilty that she would call Numbuh 86 for an EARLY decommission, feeling that she didn't even stand up for herself in that moment and when 1.8 opened the door to see who was knocking, her face wasn't full of rage. No. She was...melancholically serene when seeing her. THAT is worse. Harper just decided to move on, seeing as there is no way to convince her that she was scared, afraid to be...thrown out the windows like she was a nobody, but 1.8, without looking at her all the time, stopped her, went in, picked a piece of cloth that was hers, gave it to her and then switched her attitude when she was having fun with her new crew. Harper was now melancholic but is now relieved that Rain forgave her for actions. [You see, when Rain does something out of action instead of words, she REALLY means it! No questions asked].
What about Sector NR+CT? After learning that Rain was in a different sector, Duante FLIPPED! It's not as if he cared about her, he just made him look bad. Alex would just find another person to play arcade with him as he has no shame about the fact he LAUGHED at a very dangerous situation. Same goes for Emilia
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anzu-kaiba · 2 months ago
Thoughts on Sailor V
Re-reading Codename: Sailor V Eternal Edition v. 2, and some things occurred to me:
The manga was finished after the Sailor Moon manga—but started before it. So basically, Sailor V kickstarted Sailor Moon, but Naoko had to wrap up Minako's origin story somehow. She decided to work in some more mythology and give Sailor Venus (of the past) a tragic backstory IN ADDITION to dying in the battle against the Dark Kingdom, Beryl, and Metalia.
But there are some interesting lines (or translations) in this volume...
Sailor Venus: "I'm no princess. I'm a guardian, under the protection of the Golden Planet. I am Sailor Venus. And I was born to protect one very important person. I'm HER Guardian!"
She's just regained her memories of her past life, of the Silver Millennium. She really is a Princess, but compared to who she's supposed to protect, what her ROLE really is, she's basically saying "no, I'm not a princess." It's not that she doesn't remember that she was, in fact, born as the princess of Venus.
And according to earlier in the book, she has an origin similar to the goddess Venus, emerging from sea foam on the planet Venus (said to be Earth's twin in many respects), with the droplets of water falling off her body turning into pearls called Drops of Venus.
At this moment, Venus is shown with her hair down, droplets falling all around her—like Botticelli's Venus, fully-grown. If she was "born to protect one very important person" (who we learn is Princess Serenity), that would imply Venus was born fully grown specifically with the chosen mission to protect Serenity.
But that's not true; we see her as a child Sailor Guardian in the Dream arc of the Sailor Moon manga, essentially growing up alongside Princess Serenity (albeit a few years older, in all likelihood; aging seems to work differently for those under the Silver Crystal's protection, though). Unless she can change her (age) appearance at will...? It's possible, I suppose, but we're never given an impression that her disguise power can do that, or at least to that extreme of a degree.
Later on in that same scene, her love interest-turned-enemy Phantom Ace/Saijo Ace reveals that he is actually Danburite, the last agent of the nefarious Dark Agency and a member of the Dark Kingdom. More than that:
Danburite: "I... am Adonis. ... In my past life, I was a poor, rankless soldier stationed out on the frontier [of Venus]. And you were the chosen one, the strongest of us all. The shining Sailor Guardian looking down on the planet from your lofty palace."
So Venus was a habitable planet, even though Minako herself said the fog (on Earth) reminds her of "my home planet when it was still young. Covered in clouds of sulfuric acid and volcanoes erupting everywhere. It reminds me of Magellan Castle, floating in the sulfur mist."
A person wouldn't normally have nostalgia like this if they're recalling something they learned from a textbook, right? Venus is making it sound like SHE WAS THERE when the planet Venus was young.
And the fact that she was "chosen" makes it sound like it wasn't simply because she had a Sailor Crystal (unless we're to believe that it was the Cauldron that "chose" her to host what would become the Venus Crystal, as if her "soul" somehow existed prior to the planet being habitable. Or maybe her body did, and gaining the Sailor Crystal formed an inexorable bond, similar to the Silver Crystal with Serenity?). Who did the choosing, then? Queen Serenity?
We see the implied parents of the Sailor Guardians in the Dream arc of the Sailor Moon manga too, but we're never led to believe that they are necessarily Guardians themselves that passed down their title/duties; we're not even led to believe that they're necessarily royalty, beyond being present and invited to Serenity's presentation at the Moon Kingdom. Everyone in the solar system is in deference to the Moon Kingdom, and the Moon's role in the solar system is to protect Earth:
Danburite: "...And then, we were drafted into a war on our primary planet [Earth]. I was assigned to work directly under the Prince..."
And here we're shown young Adonis meeting Endymion AND HIS FOUR HEAVENLY KING GUARDIANS. So "the war" that broke out was prior to the people of Earth getting entirely corrupted by Beryl and Metalia and going after the Moon Kingdom and the other planets. Adonis WITNESSED Venus and Kunzite together—looking at each other with perhaps barely disguised longing. So he knows he has no chance with his "magnificent goddess of beauty and war."
(That, by the way, is a reference to how Venus and her various incarnations throughout world history, are also goddesses of war to some degree. Consider Ishtar/Inanna from Babylonian myth, also associated with the planet Venus.)
Adonis claims that "we only have one destiny," and that his (path) always ends before ever reaching Venus. Her response to this is that she "keeps destroying the men I love, killing them with her own hands" — and she says men here, not "man" or "person I love." So it can't just be that she remembers Kunzite getting corrupted by Beryl and her having to kill him. When Adonis says "Four Heavenly Kings of the Dark Kingdom," Venus is shocked and confused, but we're not led to believe that she recognizes those names; she has her memories back, but perhaps hasn't processed them all the way. If she recognizes that there were others in her past life besides Serenity and the other Sailor Guardians, she doesn't know what their title (Four Heavenly Kings) was.
So who else? None of her other "first loves" in the manga end up being bad guys the way Danburite/Adonis was. 🤔
What are your thoughts?
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muiitoloko · 2 years ago
heeey!! could you write something smutty for harry hart? ;) thankss
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Author's Notes: Thanks for the request and I must say I feel lucky that I already have several drafts written of our beloved character, Harry, on my phone. In this particular one-shot, I just made a few adjustments to accommodate my current ALMOST original character, Bedivere. I hope you like it, and I sincerely hope it lives up to your expectations. As always, feel free to let me know if you find any spelling errors. English is not my first language and I rely on Google Translate for help at these times. - Your character, you, is codenamed Bedivere.
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Title: Wishes
Summary: Harry Hart, the current leader of the Kingsman organization, wakes up in the middle of the night, his mind fixed on a vivid dream he wants to make come true. With his beloved Bedivere sleeping peacefully beside him, he gently wakes her, determined to make her dream come true.
Pairing: Harry Hart (Kingsman) × Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut and bad language
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It was a tranquil night, with a gentle breeze caressing the curtains in Bedivere's bedroom. Harry Hart lay beside her, their fingers gently entwined. They had been seeing each other secretly, knowing that their relationship could complicate matters within the Kingsman organization. Yet, their affection for each other couldn't be denied, and they found solace in these stolen moments together.
As moonlight painted the room with a soft glow, Harry woke from a dream. His heart was pounding, his mind consumed by vivid images from his sleep. He turned to look at Bedivere, who was sound asleep, his features peaceful and serene.
Harry couldn't help but fall in love with you, the way your hair cascaded over the pillow and the gentle smile that adorned your lips. He knew he was slightly older than you, but age seemed insignificant when they were together.
Unable to resist the desire to be closer to you, Harry gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face. His fingers lingered, tracing lightly along your jawline. You stirred slightly, your eyelids opening, revealing those enchanting eyes that Harry had come to adore.
"Harry?" Bedivere murmured, his voice husky with sleep.
"Sorry, love. I didn't mean to wake you," Harry whispered.
Bedivere smiled sleepily, "It's alright. What's on your mind?"
Harry hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should share the contents of his dream. "I had a rather... provocative dream," he admitted, feeling a slight blush rise in his cheeks.
"Oh?" Bedivere raised a playful eyebrow. "Do tell."
Harry chuckled softly, "Maybe another time. I'm more interested in the reality now."
He leaned in closer, and Bedivere met him halfway, their lips sealing in a tender kiss. The warmth of their embrace felt like coming home, a sanctuary where they could forget the complexities of their lives for a while.
Harry's fingers danced lightly along Bedivere's arm, tracing delicate patterns as he delighted in the sensation of his skin against his own. He knew how much you enjoyed being teased and couldn't resist the playful glint in your eyes.
Leaning in, Harry peppered a series of light kisses along Bedivere's chin, savoring the soft sighs that escaped your lips. His lips moved lower, trailing a path down your neck, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.
Bedivere's breath hitched, his fingers tangling in Harry's hair, gently pulling at the eyepatch strap, encouraging him to continue. You arched your neck, granting him greater access, and he readily accepted, his lips finding the sensitive spot just below your ear.
Harry's hands roamed slowly, exploring the curves of Bedivere's body with tender reverence. His touch ignited a fire within you, and you felt your desire grow with each teasing caress. The room filled with shared anticipation, the air thick with unspoken promises.
Bedivere, bold and mischievous as ever, decided to take control. With a playful glint in your eyes, you pushed Harry back onto the bed, straddling him. You looked down at him, your gaze filled with a mix of desire and determination.
In a swift motion, Bedivere pulled off your nightgown and tossed it aside, revealing your form to Harry. You were clad only in lacy panties, a sight that made Harry catch his breath.
Time seemed to slow down as they looked at each other, their connection growing stronger with every passing moment. Bedivere's confidence and vulnerability intertwined, creating a potent blend that fueled their passion.
As Bedivere straddled Harry, her body positioned above him, Harry couldn't help but marvel at their beauty. His gaze wandered over their curves, his eyes filled with admiration and desire. He reached out, caressing the smooth skin of their thighs, feeling the warmth radiating from it.
"You're breathtaking," Harry whispered, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "Every time I look at you, I'm reminded of how lucky I am to have you in my life."
Bedivere's cheeks flushed, a mix of shyness and pride coloring their features. You leaned in, capturing Harry's lips in a deep, passionate kiss, their mouths melding together as their desire grew.
With each soft touch, Harry traced the contours of Bedivere's body, his fingertips leaving a trail of fire in her wake. He marveled at the softness of their skin, the gentle curves that fit so perfectly in his hands. His praises continued in hushed whispers against her lips, affirmations of love and adoration that only fueled their connection.
As their kisses deepened, Harry's hands ventured upward, sliding along the smooth curve of Bedivere's back. His fingers danced lightly, sending a shiver of pleasure through you. With each caress, he traced invisible patterns, igniting a flame of desire within you.
Bedivere's body arched into Harry's touch, his breath catching in his throat. You couldn't help but moan softly, a sound of surrender and longing. The feel of his hands on her skin, the way his touch roused every nerve ending, sent waves of pleasure coursing through her veins.
Harry, too, was intoxicated by the sounds of Bedivere's pleasure, its symphony of desire echoing in his ears. He marveled at the power he possessed, the ability to bring you such exquisite pleasure. With a hunger that matched his own, he continued his exploration, his hands moving with purpose and devotion.
In a moment of abandon, Bedivere sat back, his hands gripping Harry's hair, pulling him closer. You reveled in the feel of his mouth on your skin, his lips and tongue tracing a path of hot kisses along your collarbone and up to your breasts.
Harry's touch was gentle yet firm as he lavished attention on each breast, his mouth and hands working in harmony to draw out your pleasure. Bedivere's moans grew louder, her body trembling with the intensity of her desire. You surrendered to the intoxicating sensations, lost in the passion that enveloped the two of you.
With a subtle movement, Harry gently guided Bedivere to roll onto her back, his eyes filled with anticipation and confidence. They changed positions, and now Harry hovered over you, his body aligned with yours.
Your eyes met, conveying unspoken desires and shared longing. Harry's hand caressed Bedivere's cheek, his touch tender and filled with reverence. He leaned in, capturing her lips in a fiery kiss, their breaths mingling as their tongues danced to a sensual rhythm.
Bedivere's skin tingled with a combination of excitement and desire. You arched your back, pressing your body against Harry's, yearning for more of his touch. His hands continued their exploration, moving downward, caressing her breasts and teasing her hardened nipples.
Feeling Bedivere's body responding to his touch, Harry's lips left a trail of light kisses along her jawline, neck, and collarbone. He moved with deliberate slowness, savoring every inch of her exposed skin as if committing it to memory.
The air in the room was heavy with an intoxicating mix of desire and anticipation. Bedivere's breath quickened, her chest rising and falling with each passing moment. Harry's gaze lowered, fixating on her core, the epicenter of her pleasure.
Lowering himself, Harry peppered a series of soft kisses along Bedivere's sensitive stomach. His lips grazed her abdomen, the touch light and teasing, causing her to writhe beneath him. He could feel the heat radiating from her, a clear indication of her arousal.
The anticipation and desire in Bedivere's eyes were undeniable. You arched your hips, silently begging for more, your unspoken words echoing in the air. Harry, captivated by her beauty and desire, could no longer deny her.
With a slow and deliberate movement, he helped Bedivere remove her panties, tossing the fabric aside. Now fully exposed to him, you stood before him, vulnerable and eager.
Harry's gaze focused on your most intimate spot, a place of unspoken intimacy and pleasure. He hovered over you, his warm breath caressing you, a tantalizing reminder of the sensations to come. Bedivere's hips instinctively lifted, seeking contact, but Harry remained just out of reach.
"Please, my King Arthur," Bedivere pleaded in a breathless whisper, her eyes filled with desire. "I need you... Now."
Her words came out in a tone laden with longing, echoing in the air like a promise of intense pleasure. Your body burned with need, yearning for Harry's touch to quench your hunger. Every muscle in your being craved him, begging for a fiery fusion only he could provide.
A playful smile danced on Harry's lips as he relished the power of the moment. But he waited a little longer, his hot breath lingering over your drenched pussy. "Ah, my dear Bedivere, you know just how to drive me wild with desire. But today, I want to savor every moment, prolong this delicious torment before giving you what you crave so eagerly."
His mischievous gaze met Bedivere's as he continued to tease, softly kissing her thighs and slowly ascending. "You are so enchanting like this, begging for me... But let me explore every inch of your body, hear your moans of pleasure echoing in my ears as you beg for more."
He leaned in closer, brushing his lips against her most sensitive part, but not fully yielding. "You are my ruin, my sweet sin, and I am all yours. But today, I will take you to ecstasy little by little, until you are begging for mercy."
Harry loved seeing the sparkle in your eyes and the escalating tension in your body, knowing that you were on the verge of exploding in ecstasy. He continued teasing, kissing, and caressing until the desire became unbearable for both of them.
"Harry..." You moaned, your lips parted as Harry explored you with his skilled fingers. "Please, don't make me wait any longer. I need you inside me."
Bedivere's words echoed in the room, filled with desire and urgency. Harry couldn't resist the plea in your voice and yielded to your supplication. He undressed and positioned himself between your trembling legs. Their gazes met once again, communicating a deep connection and a love that transcended any obstacle.
With a slow and controlled movement, Harry penetrated you, filling you completely. Bedivere let out a moan of pleasure, your fingers intertwining in the sheets as you surrendered to the overwhelming sensation of Harry's body moving inside you.
"Whisper your deepest desires, my lovely sinner," Harry whispered, "I will fulfill them one by one, until you are completely enraptured."
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themattress · 7 months ago
Sailor Moon (Takeuchi): The Top 20 Villains
Ranked using my core tenets for villains, and done countdown style for dramatic effect.
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Honorable Mention: Danburite - He's technically not from Sailor Moon, instead being the main antagonist of the prequel Codename Sailor V. Danburite is the leader of the Dark Agency, a worldwide criminal organization that is secretly a subsidiary of the Dark Kingdom. He's a fairly complex character: hating Sailor Venus for never returning his love yet also still loving her, being upset that she favored Kunzite over him yet still working directly under Kunzite, and manipulating her in a Tuxedo Mask-esque guise just to lower her guard so he can kill her...yet ultimately choosing to die himself and use his last words to encourage her to move past him, something he could never do in regards to her. All in all, a damn solid villain.
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20. Pharaoh 90 - The ruler of the Death Busters, Pharaoh 90 is a demonic extraterrestrial being bent on destruction. He's definitely the least engaging of Chaos' incarnations, but I have to give him points for a pretty great final battle and even some pathos in his last moments where he gracefully accepts his death and returns back to the Tau Nebula, saying that he wants to die in his home. That sticks with me even when little else about him does.
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19. Queen Metalia - While a step above Pharaoh 90, Metalia still isn't all that interesting. She's a big blob of evil that wants to plunge the world into darkness and corrupt all its inhabitants because she's evil. Also, her design in the Crystal anime is underwhelming. Nevertheless, she gets by on how much destruction she wreaks, being the one to destroy the Moon Kingdom of the Silver Millennium and nearly causing Usagi and Mamoru's deaths.
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18. Sailor Lethe and Sailor Mnemosyne - The Sailor Moon manga has straight-up villains, tragic villains, and villains who aren't really villains and are just brainwashed. That's why Lethe and Mnemosyne stand out as true blue Anti-Villains: having joined Shadow Galactica of their own volition and even doing bad things, but having a backstory that justifies it, a deep love for one another, and conflicting feelings about their mission the more destructive it becomes. They would rank way higher if they had more screentime, but alas, they do not.
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17. Safir - At the same placement as his Toei counterpart, Safir is the brooding young man in the background who develops the Black Moon Clan's droids and watches helplessly as his older brother Prince Demande descends into madness thanks to Wiseman and the Malefic Black Crystal. There is no redemption to be found here, however, as Safir blames Sailor Moon and her future self Neo-Queen Serenity for everything wrong in his life rather than take any responsibility for himself and his clan, which ultimately leads to him becoming forcibly mind controlled by Wiseman and then killed by his own brother. The lesson: misogyny kills!
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16. Evil Endymion - Metalia and Beryl long resented that they were unable to corrupt Prince Endymion in the Silver Millennium despite doing so with everyone else on Earth. In the present day, they finally get what they wanted, and the result is a sinister, cold-hearted and unsettling presence. Seeing the heroic, chivalrous young man we've come to know and love become a manipulative, violent sociopath is arguably where the Dark Kingdom arc peaked.
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15. Chaos - In terms of personality, there's nothing here. Chaos is the Ultimate Evil and that's all there is to it. But oh, how it coasts by on sheer concept! Turned evil because it is a lifeform that has perpetually failed to get out of the Galaxy Cauldron and become a star, Chaos seethes and longs for universal conquest. This desire is so great that even trapped in the Galaxy Cauldron as a being of pure dark energy, some of that energy is able to leak out, creating all the other major villains that Sailor Moon faces. It's an ingenious way to connect the story arcs, antagonists and series together, tying it all in a satisfying, truly epic bow.
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14. Witches 5 - We had evil minions correlating to the Inner Senshi that challenged them and helped their character development before with the Shitennou and the Spectre Sisters, but I think Witches 5 is the peak version of this concept as a purely villainous force. They're all perfect dark foils to their respective heroic counterpart in terms of design, personality and powers, and face off against them not once but twice, the second time after having died!
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13. Esmeraude - While the lone female leader of the Black Moon Clan is sadly the least consequential, she makes a stronger impression than Safir by actually fighting the Sailor Senshi on two separate occasions, and both times being a truly formidable adversary who almost kills them all. She also has a strong personality, being a haughty beauty who seeks to win Prince Demande's love and willing to do absolutely anything to achieve that desire.
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12. Kaolinite - The Grand Magus of the Death Busters who commands Witches 5, Kaolinite brings a fun DnD aesthetic to the story while also being a fairly fleshed out character, especially in Crystal. Formerly Professor Tomoe's lab partner, Kaolinite now owes her life to the Daimon energy inside her and is obsessed with pleasing Pharaoh 90. Unfortunately, this puts her at odds with his actual number 2, Mistress 9, and seeing Kaolinite struggle even when the odds are against her makes her sympathetic despite being so unabashedly wicked.
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11. Black Lady - When Wiseman corrupts Chibiusa, she becomes Black Lady, the self-styled Queen of Nemesis. Black Lady is a lot like Evil Endymion, but more nuanced as she doesn't do a complete personality flip due to the brainwashing. She still has the memories and feelings she held as Chibiusa, it's just that they've been twisted and perverted: her deep insecurities about living up to her mother and frustrations with Usagi manifesting as vindictive hatred of both, and her desire to keep hold of her father's affections turned into incestuous advances toward him. She may have breached the Top 10 had her resolution been stronger.
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10. Queen Nehelenia - When part of Chaos leaked from the Galaxy Cauldron and into the dark side of the moon, it created a twisted mirror image of Queen Serenity: Queen Nehelenia. She's a fairy tale baddie based off the Queen from Snow White and the Wicked Fairy from Sleeping Beauty: a vain ruler who loves her beautiful image in the mirror and whose inner self is a hideous old hag, and a practitioner of dark magic who crashes a princess' birthday celebration and invokes a curse. Derivative? Absolutely. Effective at it? Also absolutely!
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9. Crimson Rubeus - One of the most loathsome members of the Black Moon Clan, Rubeus operates by sending the Spectre Sisters out to fight and die for him so that he can swoop in and capture the Sailor Senshi they've rendered vulnerable and get all the credit from Prince Demande. He's a selfish creep and also a dirty coward, always feeling at the first sign of things going south for him. Despite that, he is perceptive enough to recognize that Wiseman may not have the clan's best interests at heart, and at least has the nobility to stand up to him over it even if that ends up getting him killed. If nothing else, Rubeus was loyal to the cause.
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8. Queen Beryl - The main villain for much of the original Dark Kingdom arc, Beryl is interesting because in the Silver Millennium, she was more of a victim than anything. A jealous young woman who was misled and corrupted by Metalia. However, it’s a different story in the present day. The Silver Crystal granted her reincarnation and with it, a chance for redemption. A chance not to make the same mistake. But not only does she willfully re-release Metalia and then have the Shitennou re-brainwashed, but she takes things further by plotting to betray Metalia by keeping the Silver Crystal for herself and using its power to rule the universe with Endymion at her side. A case study in how corrosive envy and hate are.
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7. Kunzite - While Jadeite, Nephrite and Zoisite of the Shitennou were thinly drawn beyond one basic characteristic (loyalty, passion and underhandedness respectively), Kunzite is a richer character. Despite being the leader of the Middle East branch of the Dark Kingdom, Kunzite is powerful enough to control a worldwide subsidiary in the Dark Agency, and reliable enough to be dispatched anywhere if necessary. He is arrogant and cold-hearted, allowing no personal connections in his life and focused solely on his mission. Yet then he becomes unbrainwashed and remembers being quite the opposite: devoted and dutiful, a protector not an offender, someone warm enough for even Sailor Venus to fall in love with. Tragically, when he tries to betray Queen Beryl he gets super-brainwashed and then killed in an epic struggle with the Sailor Senshi, but his cleansed spirit stays with Mamoru and plays a key role in helping to defeat Metalia for good. And through it all, he does it with such impeccable style.
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6. Professor Tomoe - This villain is like unpeeling an onion, layer by layer. He seems like a good, caring father who is caught up in the Death Busters' shady business, with signs pointing him to being misled by Kaolinite. Then we learn he's actually Kaolinite's superior and not misled at all, but still trust he has his daughter's interests at heart since he's gone through such lengths for her. And in the end, we see that he is actually a complete psychopath who cares nothing for his daughter and only went so far for her so that he can make her into the thing he wants her to be: the first of a race of superbeings that he can rule over as a god. After he turns himself into a monster, Sailor Moon has to eliminate him, accepting that he is far beyond redemption. All in all, Professor Tomoe is effectively frightening and loathsome.
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5. The Amazoness Quartet - I admit that I'm not that big a fan of Takeuchi's Dead Moon Circus, but even I can't deny that the Amazoness Quartet are spectacular villains. Remember how Chibiusa turned into Black Lady and then into Sailor Chibi Moon? The Amazoness Quartet is that without the Chibiusa part. What's more, they are preteens / early teens rather than adults, which means they rely far less on any sort of sex appeal and more on their raw cunning and deviousness. VesuVesu, CeleCele, PallaPalla, and JunJun...I love 'em all!
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4. Sailor Galaxia - Usagi's final opponent is her perfect evil foil. Having grown up in a harsh, uncaring environment, Galaxia is as cynical as Usagi is hopeful, and instead of drawing strength from others, she sacrifices others to build up her strength. Chaos is easily able to manipulate her nihilistic psychopathy, but despite all of her attempts to break Usagi, she proves Galaxia wrong by never giving in and even saving her in the end. Before her (temporary) death, Galaxia realizes that someone like Sailor Moon was really what she wanted and needed in her life, and that even now an ideal like her seems so far out of reach.
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3. Mistress 9 - If you want an example of pure evil done right, look no further than Mistress 9, the child and herald of Pharaoh 90. Like Pharaoh 90, Mistress 9 desires the destruction of Earth and its people, but she takes particular joy in causing it, relishing all the pain she inflicts on people...including people on her own side like Kaolinite. The way she uses Hotaru once Professor Tomoe sells her out to her control is especially despicable. When she finally turns into a hideous monster, it truly feels like the inside of her is finally showing on the outside.
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2. Wiseman / Death Phantom - And if you want another example of pure evil done right, we have the best incarnation of Chaos in the series. Nemesis was an entire planet made up of leaked Chaos energy from the Galaxy Cauldron, awaiting only the proper catalyst to give it consciousness. That catalyst was Death Phantom, a psychopathic criminal sorcerer banished there by Neo-Queen Serenity. Melding his soul with the planet and magically puppeting his corpse under the identity of "Wiseman", Death Phantom will psychologically manipulate anyone to pursue his goal of taking over the universe and reshaping it into a void of nothing.
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1. Prince Demande - Death Phantom's primary pawn? This guy. Prince Demande, leader of the Black Moon Clan. He starts out as a young man with a sensible conviction - an unnatural moon being ruling over humanity and forcing them into elongated lives in a utopian society is blasphemous, as she's basically playing God. Unfortunately, his methods go too far into extremism and terrorism, which attracts the attention of Death Phantom who, as Wiseman, lures him and his gang to Nemesis. There, exposure to the Malefic Black Crystal warps Demande....his motive shifts to envy of Neo-Queen Serenity, as now he decides that he deserves to play God and rule over Earth. And once he attacks Earth, the madman's motives shift again...now he wishes to rule with Neo-Queen Serenity at his side, as he has been overtaken with lustful feelings toward her and wants to force her into loving him. Despite being the worst of scum, Demande still has nuance: he cares for his comrades, especially his brother Safir. When forced to kill Safir, learning the truth about Wiseman and how he's been manipulated, and seeing the true power of the Silver Crystal he thought he could defeat, Demande's despair is palpable and pitiable. But then it brings him to trying to destroy the universe, taking everyone down with him just to prove he can be the master of his own fate, unbeholden to anyone or anything. So in the end, Demande epitomizes the tragic villain.
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honeyandbloodpoetry · 8 months ago
I See Myself In You
Mr. X has entered Raccoon City and is heading for the police station when he stops to take a piss. Nemesis comes across him and is curious about his cock. Together they learn what pleasure is and how much it means to find someone like you.
Content: A little bit of piss in the beginning, loss of virginity/first orgasms, monsters fucking each other, tentacle fucking/sucking, cum inflation, blowjob, belly bulges, anal, monster-y tenderness, abandonment.
A massive figure stood tall in the alleyways of Raccoon City, a dark shadow that stomped through the ash-dusted paths. He had no name other than Mr. X, a codename given to him and possibly other Tyrants in the T-103 series. His mission in particular was to find the sample of the G-Virus and eliminate any survivors he found on the way.
But right now, he really had to take a piss.
Mr. X stopped for a moment. His dull gray eyes scanned the area, poring over every inch of it. He was alone.
He leisurely unfastened his trenchcoat, unzipping the pants beneath. His soft cock flopped out, still huge by human standards. He took it in one gargantuan hand and held it steady, bracing himself against the alley wall with the other.
He let out a steady stream of piss, closing his eyes as he did so. The feeling of relief was a welcome one. He was an obedient servant to Umbrella, but as a biological creature he still had needs.
His piss cascaded down the wall, dripping down into a puddle on the ground that pooled beneath his heavy boots. Mr X. didn't seem to mind, completely silent and serene as he finished up, hand still on his dick.
He heard a low rasping growl and snapped his eyes open. He slowly turned, cocking his head. Oh. He thought. Now, this was a surprise.
Another monster stood at the end of the alleyway, similarly clad in thick leather. This beast stood a few feet taller than Mr. X, and looked similar...but yet so different. His flesh was twisted, a lipless mouth baring teeth and mottled skin shadowed by the night.
Mr. X had no idea, but this was Nemesis--indeed a T-103 implanted with a NE-α type parasite that had transformed him into a supersoldier. Something like Mr. X would be no match for him.
The leather-clad tyrant was still holding his cock, looking curiously at Nemesis. What did his comrade want? If there was another monster here, they must have a common goal.
" Stars ..." Nemesis grumbled softly, taking a step forward. He lifted one hand, gesturing to Mr. X's member.
Mr. X looked down, confused. What does he want? He jerked his cock a little, surprised at the sudden pleasurable sensation there. He had never felt anything like that before. 
Curious, Mr. X clenched his cock tighter and slid his hand up and down its length. He marveled at the way it seemed to stretch and grow, becoming thick and hard. It felt so good too, a warmth that sat in his groin and traveled up to his stomach.
Nemesis was close now. His boots thudded on the pavement. “ Stars ?” His voice was deep and gnarled, almost grotesque. It seemed he could only say one word–which was fairly impressive considering Mr. X was completely mute, as far as he knew.
Mr. X tilted his head, his hat shielding his eyes as he looked up at Nemesis. Yes?
Nemesis reached down, fingers outstretched for his cock. Mr. X, surprised, moved his hand away and made room for the bigger tyrant. 
Nemesis took his cock in a single massive hand, shockingly gentle. Mr. X jolted, a spike of pleasure traveling up his spine. He leaned against the alley wall, allowing Nemesis to come even closer. He could feel Nemesis’ breath, hot and heavy, against his face, making him shiver with something close to delight.
He was not supposed to feel this way.
It should be impossible to feel this way.
Nemesis began to copy Mr. X’s jerking motions, though much faster. Mottled flesh and leather stroked the smaller tyrant smoothly, huge balls bouncing. Mr. X groaned, bracing himself as the intensity of the handjob increased.
“ Stars .” Nemesis groaned, lifting up the hem of his coat with one hand. An absolutely gargantuan cock sprung forth, throbbing hard and gleaming with pre that dribbled from the tip and down the shaft.
Mr. X inhaled a deep breath. Something in his brain ticked, mission momentarily forgotten. Something primal roared within the back of his mind, an oceanic wave that threatened to drown him.
Nemesis pressed the head of his cock against Mr. X's. His larger member dominated the smaller tyrant, cock smooshing against him. His eyes seemed to narrow as he took both their dicks in one hand and began to stroke that way, clenching them tightly.
Mr. X felt his eyes roll back into his head–utter bliss. He had never felt such an incredible feeling before, an alien feeling that threatened to make him spill over. Nemesis’ hot breath washed over him, a shadow cast over by the monster's broad shoulders, and he felt something catch in his throat… Something forbidden.
“ M…o…re… ” The word, the language, felt like a distant memory. Nostalgic in a way that the tyrant couldn't understand. It almost hurt to get it out, so he decided then that any more wasn't worth the trouble. But he meant exactly what he said.
“ Stars !” Nemesis perked up, dropping both of their cocks. A disappointed breath escaped Mr. X, drooping against the wall. Nemesis shook his head, pushing his chest against Mr. X's. “ Stars !” He repeated. A deep growl.rumbled in his throat, animalistic and dangerous.
Mr. X stood his ground, straightening his back. His cold eyes found Nemesis’, finding themselves locked together for just a moment.
They both knew this was against protocol. Against programming.
But fuck, it felt good ! 
Nemesis suddenly reared back, lifting his muscular arms. Tentacles snaked from his hands and forearms, ripping through leather and wriggling in the air like hungry snakes.
Mr. X didn't flinch, unperturbed. That familiar warmth tingled in his loins. This was becoming rather interesting. 
Nemesis leaned over him, tentacles eagerly wrapping around his cock. With a free hand, Nemesis began to pull off his coat, then the leather top. Mr. X’s pants dropped to his ankles. His body was laid bare, warped gray flesh seeming to gleam in the moonlight. His muscles flexed, breath heavy as the series of tentacles began to jerk him off.
More tentacles snaked around him, curiously exploring his body. Nemesis leaned in even closer, putting one hand to Mr. X’s hip. He stroked it reverently, meeting his eyes once more. “ Stars… ” He rumbled, and this time it felt as if it meant something. His hand traveled upwards until it was cupping Mr. X’s cheek, firm but gentle. 
A tentacle wriggled out from his palm, breaking through flesh and leather with a small pop. It inched across Mr. X’s strong jawline, stopping at his mouth. Nemesis parted Mr. X’s lips, who obliged obediently, slipping the tentacle into his mouth with ease. 
Mr. X felt his jaw strain, but kept his mouth open wide. Nemesis explored his mouth gingerly, snaking along his teeth and tongue. He still pressed his hand against Mr. X’s cheek, gnarled fingers brushing just under the tyrant’s eye.
Mr. X accepted this gift, barely gagging as the tentacles began to slip down his throat. It made him feel full, the ring of muscle seeming to grip the tentacle and urging him to swallow. Mr. X didn't though, holding his throat open for Nemesis.
More tentacles came from the arm that was lower down, sneaking along Mr. X’s hips and curling up around him. They found his tight ass, rubbing against him appreciatively. One tentacle parted Mr. X’s cheeks, sliding in a soft circle over his hole.
Mr. X moaned around the one in his mouth, a soft sound that was somewhere between monster and human. The tentacle pushed its way in, spreading his asshole and slipping inside. Mr. X stiffened, the sensation both pleasurable and painful all at the same time. It was overestimating, but in the best possible way.
Nemesis continued jerking him, the tentacle in his mouth also beginning to pump slowly. More tentacles began to wrap around Mr. X's legs and arms, securing him tightly. He let the tentacle fill his asshole for a few moments before creeping even deeper, then started to bob back and forth. Cock, mouth and asshole were all being fucked, steady and powerful strokes that made Mr. X's thighs begin to tremble. 
He suddenly felt very small before Nemesis, a feeling he was quite unused to.
Nemesis growled, pressing himself against Mr. X, their body heat combining into an inferno. “ Stars ?” He asked, voice low and almost threatening.
Mr. X nodded. Very good. Nemesis was picking up a faster tempo on both his orifices and cock, the twisting tentacles locked onto and inside him as they thrust deeper and deeper.
Nemesis held Mr. X tightly in place, shoving his hand over his mouth, ramming the tentacle in his throat even deeper and making it bulge proudly. The now submissive tyrant thought that the tentacle may have even breached into his stomach, making his belly bulge ever so slightly with the thrusts. It didn't hurt per say, more tickled him–a very pleasurable tickle indeed. Perks of being a rather difficult to harm creature.
Another tentacle slipped into his asshole, stretching him out even further. Mr. X found himself struggling to breathe, the sensation of fullness making him both nauseous and euphoric. The tentacles probed deeper into him, making his abdomen bulge similarly to the way the ones in his throat did. 
Nemesis growled, all of his tentacles forcing themselves deeper, faster, pumping in and out ferociously. The ones on Mr. X's cock sped up to a rapid tempo, more tentacles emerging to massage his heavy ballsack. 
Drool was pouring from Mr. X's mouth, smearing across both him and Nemesis. Nemesis was pressed so close to him that he could feel the other tyrant’s belly bulging as he was double penetrated. In and out, in and out, vigorous pumping that had Mr. X's entire body shaking with pleasure–but Nemesis held him steady in the fleshy bondage.
Mr. X let out a low moan of ecstasy, bucking his hips in time to Nemesis’ pumping. His throat bulged and his asshole stretched. Nemesis growled, fat cock hanging between his legs and throbbing as he fucked his new toy mercilessly.
Mr. X's whole body shook, straining against his bindings. His jaw and asshole stretched as far as they could, big balls bouncing in time to the frenzied thrusting. He could hardly move, completely at the mercy of Nemesis and his ravenous tentacles. A groan rumbled in his chest, eyes rolled into his head and hat discarded.
He wasn't going to be able to last much longer, not with the way Nemesis was fucking him so utterly and completely. He was awash in Nemesis’ scent, coppery and smelling of fire. Nemesis was pressed so close to him, cock aching and twitching madly.
Mr. X tilted his head back, barely able to breathe. A crescendo was building inside loins, building up his bulging abdomen. Heat spread through his entire body, gradually rising until–
Thick ropes of seed began bursting forth from his cock, splattering Nemesis and Mr. X both. Mr. X felt his entire body shake and snarled through the tentacles in his mouth and throat, his head shaking from side to side in sheer bliss. Once the orgasm--his first ever–was over, he slumped, going completely limp.
Nemesis’ eyes seemed to twinkle, and he slowly began to retract his tentacles. They slid out from his throat and asshole quite smoothly, sucking back into Nemesis’ body as if they had never existed at all. He lowered Mr. X to the ground, where the naked tyrant collapsed to his knees, breathing heavily. 
Nemesis put one hand on his cock, using Mr. X's drool as lube. He gave a series of fast, hard strokes before looking down at Mr. X, something dawning on him. “ Stars .” He said, and it sounded like a command as he pointed at his dick.
Mr. X blinked, still in the afterglow. After such a generous favor, he couldn't deny Nemesis an orgasm of his own. 
Still on his knees, he braced his aching arms on Nemesis’ muscular legs, the long skirt of his coat still pulled back to reveal his cock and the mottled flesh of his bare lower half. He opened his sore mouth, tongue lolling out as he rose to try and take Nemesis’ generous member into his mouth.
Nemesis in turn shoved his cock into Mr. X's awaiting maw, cramming his massive dick inside as fast as he could. Mr. X didn't even jolt at the way the massive cock stretched his mouth to its limits, not even when Nemesis hilted it into his already abused throat.
He was ready.
Nemesis’ cock rammed into him, pulsing with an almost severe arousal. His cloying scent seemed to fill Mr. X until that and the motions of fellatio were his entire world. He gulped at the thick cock, enjoying the way it choked the air right out of him. Breathing through his nose, Mr. X steadied himself and bobbed his head up down, fingers clenching Nemesis’ thighs reverently.
All past inhibitions had been forgotten.
Precum seemed to spurt from the tip, coating his mouth, almost savory in flavor. Mr. X took the generous thrusting in stride, his throat and cheeks bulging and Nemesis rolled his wide hips and fucked his mouth. 
Nemesis let out a series of animalistic groans, reaching down to place a single hand atop Mr. X’s head. The gray tyrant enjoyed the brief affection, but it was quickly interrupted by Nemesis yanking his head forward to drive his cock even deeper into his throat. 
Plap. Plap. Plap.
Nemesis ruthlessly fucked his comrade, substantial balls swinging. Mr. X focused entirely on relaxing his throat and then cinching it tight around the cock, drawing up something like a moan from Nemesis. “ Starsssss… ”
Nemesis suddenly reeled back, gripping Mr. X's head with both hands. His cock positively erupted with cum, shooting straight down the gray tyrant’s throat. Mr. X gulped it down greedily, the neverending river of cum guzzling down his throat and rounding his stomach ever so slightly.
Nemesis kept himself hilted there for a moment, then slowly pulled out. Saliva and cum dripped from Mr. X’s wet mouth, dribbling down his front. He stared up at Nemesis with calm eyes, watching as he too sunk to the ground.
Nemesis tilted his head back and sighed as he collapsed, enraptured by the post orgasmic bliss. He stared at Mr. X for a moment, both of them locking eyes.
Mr. X knew exactly what he was feeling, and so he reached out one hand and cupped Nemesis’ cheek this time. He didn't need to try and speak again.
Nemesis softened, leaning into the touch. Mr. X wondered when either of them had ever felt pleasure or softness in their short lives. He knew that he hadn't. 
Nemesis placed his hand on Mr. X's cheek, both of their arms outstretched. It was a symbol of gratitude, of their new connection.
They stayed like that for a few moments–surprisingly tender for two monsters–before Nemesis abruptly pulled his hand away… Almost as if he were self conscious. He stood up, smoothing his coat and snarling to himself. Mr. X followed suit, grabbing his attire and swiftly putting it all back on, cleaning his face and chest with the hem of his coat.
Nemesis stopped to stare at him for a few moments before turning and beginning to stomp out of the alley without another sound.
Mr. X watched him go, feeling like this was the last time he would ever see him. 
I see myself in you.
Mr. X placed his hat back in its rightful spot, taking a deep breath. He needed to make haste and head to the police station like he was meant to.
And still, he ached. Still, he felt, a creature that was supposed to be incapable of feeling.
He turned his mind back to the task at hand, but couldn't neglect the beating in his chest, to the thread that unspooled and led straight to his lover.
He hoped that he would see Nemesis again someday. 
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silvermoon424 · 8 months ago
Is it just me or Minako acted differently in the first season? Like, more mature and sweet, while in the rest of the anime she was more Usagish? I know I'm insane, but am I wrong?
You're not the only person who noticed, a lot of people have! It also happens in the manga. The general theory is that, during the first arc, Minako was determined to avenge the Silver Millennium and wanted to put on a brave front for the other girls.
Minako may be a goofy goober at heart, but she's also very much dedicated to her role as the leader of the Inner Senshi and Serenity's chief protector. When things are serious, she will be serious. This duality is something I really love about her.
Anyway, during the first arc, Minako is fully in her "Leader of the Senshi" mindset; we see it in the last chapter of Codename Sailor V, but she got her memories of the Silver Millennium back first and feels a heavy burden as the one who needs to protect Usagi and prevent the tragedy of their past lives from happening again.
After the first arc tho, Minako becomes much more relaxed as she bonds with the other girls and learns to depend on them more. She's still the leader and will take things seriously if she needs to, but she feels much more at ease now. She can just relax and have fun with her friends.
So yeah, I don't think Minako's personality changed at all. The duality of "regular, silly Minako" and "serious, dedicated Sailor Venus" is something that's an integral part of her character.
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emilyhopebunny · 2 months ago
As I've mentioned, the choral/orchestral Psalm setting I'm working on (aka codename quasi cinis) is intended to transition from the Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms to the Bernstein Chichester Psalms, and because of this, I decided on an instrumentation that's sort of an midpoint between the two.
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Of course, no matter what I do, a concert featuring these three works will involve playing some musical chairs (lol) between pieces, but I want to try to streamline that as much as possible. Interestingly, the midpoint I arrived at isn't too far from a standard orchestral instrumentation, albeit with no clarinets and only one violin.
The situation with the choirs that I have listed above is, as I have learned, not quite correct. I had been aware that Bernstein had written the Chichester Psalms having children's voices in mind for the sopranos and altos. In fact, the chorus for which the work was commissioned was a choir of men and boys. I did not know until studying the score that Stravinsky had the same intention for Symphony of Psalms. Unfortunately, at this point, I've already structured my own piece around transitioning from the Stravinsky with no youth chorus to the Bernstein with a youth chorus. My inclination is to maintain this structure, even at the expense of dear friend Igor's intention for his own work, and I have a lot of complicated thoughts as to why, which I will try to explain.
The biggest reason for me is timbre. There is a distinct difference between the timbre of an adult chorus, which tends to have a richer and fuller tone with vibrato, and a youth chorus with a purer and brighter tone with little if any vibrato. (I make no distinction among youth between boys' and girls' voices because I firmly believe that where training is equal, no such distinction exists.)
Bernstein has written the Chichester Psalms in such a way that this timbral distinction has symbolic and narrative resonance. In the second movement, the serene, pastoral 23rd Psalm is contrasted with the rough, belligerent opening lines of Psalm 2, and Bernstein describes the setting of Psalm 131 in the third movement as "something like a love duet" between God and the people, exemplified by the adult tenors and basses being echoed by the youth sopranos and altos.
I don't see the same artistic need for a timbral difference between higher and lower voices in the Stravinsky. The four voices are treated pretty equally, often singing homophonic chords, or even-handed counterpoint (as with the fugue in movement 2), so it makes sense to use a chorus that is more timbrally homogenous. Also, the Stravinsky is more difficult than the Bernstein, and I think it benefits from being sung by a chorus in which all singers are more experienced.
To be sure, the Bernstein has plenty of thorny passages of its own, but in the places I've mentioned above, where the timbral difference between adult and youth singers is most meaningful, the soprano and alto parts are relatively simple, and I've heard performances of the Chichester Psalms with both a full adult mixed chorus and a youth chorus. My piece has separate parts for mixed adult and youth choruses, and in my pipe dream of a performance of all three of these works, this would also be my preference for the Bernstein.
All of this might be a long-winded way for me to say I'm taking some artistic license with these works because I want to, but I like to think my reasoning holds up.
(I also have a lot of gender-related thoughts, as from what I can tell, both works seem to have been written with a preconception that religious choral music ought to be sung by male singers (Bernstein is more explicit about this, but it seems to have also been true for Stravinsky, though I'll have to do more research to confirm) and, uh... I disagree! But I need to distill my thoughts on that further before I go into more detail, I think.)
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anthurak · 11 months ago
WIP Ask Game - The Weird Ones
Pretty self-explanatory.
Just reblog with some of the really random, off the wall and generally weird stuff from your WIP folder, or just ideas you think it'd be fun for people to send you asks about. The weird AUs, the random crossovers, the crackships, the pitches for whole-ass episodes of a show, just any oddball thing you think it'd be fun to get asks about :D
Anyway, here's my list:
May the Akko Be With You and Chicks Dig Magic Robots (Little Witch Academia)
21 and Hank do a Die Hard (Venture Brothers)
Operation I.M.P.A.C.T. (Codename Kids Next Door) (Armageddon parody)
Two Gems Play Bloodborne (Steven Universe)
Catradora Starcraft AU (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power/Starcraft)
Serene with the Steel Dragons (Yu-Gi-Oh/Super Robot Wars)
Rangers One and All (Power Rangers/Pacific Rim)
Hide and Seek with NanoSigSubaTea (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS)
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lightarin · 2 years ago
Dangerous Around Here
A/N: I had fun coming up with code names ngl
About this AU: This is a Pirate AU inspired by Cater's Halloween card quote that mentions HLB having pirate costumes the previous year! It will be a series of reader inserts that are very loosely connected. The HLB members are part of a pirate crew lead by the 'Red Tyrant' (Riddle) and the others have codenames based on their card suits! (Very original I know <3)
They fics do not have to be read in order, and reader is NOT the same in every fic. The only thing that stays consistent is the background of being on a ship together and being an infamous pirate crew!
It started with one random brainrot and became a series, but I hope you enjoy!
Pirate AU: Cater Diamond
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You let out a yelp as you bump into someone, a strong arm wrapping around your waist as you stumble.
"Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!"
You gasp out, looking up into a pair of surprised teal eyes, seeing one framed by a black spade. A spade...?
"That's alright. I'd be more careful if I were you. It's a bit dangerous around here."
You tilt your head slightly. He spoke formally, not very common of the area, yet he seemed like he knew it well. Had he moved here recently? Or perhaps heard the rumors?
"Get them!"
Before you could ask any questions, the shouts from behind spurred you into action. Without thinking, you grab his hand yanking him along with you as you run away from your pursuers.
"Eh? What's going on?"
The surprised man follows you, glancing over his shoulder to see a few rowdy men chasing after them.
"Sorry, lad, I happen to be part of the 'dangers' around these parts!"
You let out a laugh, pulling him down an alley in an attempt to dodge the men.
"Now that they saw you with me, you'll be in danger too. Can't have that on my conscience."
"And what exactly did you do to them?"
You smirk, darting into another alleyway as the shouts continue to follow you.
"Might've gotten to the loot they were after first."
"You're a pirate too?"
The question has you screeching to a halt, your eyes wide as you look back at the seemingly polite man.
"There ya are!"
"Look! Corsair's got one of the Cards with them!" Deuce looked at you, shocked to hear the name of the infamous solo pirate.
Your own eyes widen in realization. After all, every pirate knew about the Cards upon the ship of Heartslabyul, steered by the unyielding Red Tyrant.
"The captain'll be happy about that!"
You mutter a curse under your breath, turning to face the pursuers with a pout.
"And here I thought I'd get a clean get away. To end up with a Card too?"
Although he didn't seem to be as fearsome as everyone had made them out to be. Perhaps the stories were just exaggerations. Many of them were-
"We'll be taking both of ya back to ship!"
"What did you say?!"
You stare in shock at the man who was standing beside you, the sudden switch in character throwing you off. The previously serene boy was now scowling in anger, cracking his knuckles as he stepped towards the others.
"If you want a fight, I'll give you one!"
Was he just acting earlier?!
You question your original analysis of him, quietly pulling out your two daggers. It was too late to run, and an enemy of an enemy was a friend, right?
Even if you wanted the loot to yourself, you felt that it would be betrayal to leave him behind.
Despite the fact that you had just met.
He smirked at the pirates surrounding the two of you, your backs touching as you both kept an eye on everyone.
"You have more morals than they say, Corsair."
Suddenly, things clicked into place. The Cards. He was the infamous Spade, known for his switch in personalities when threatened or offended.
"I see that the stories don't exaggerate your habits, Spade."
You retort with an amused smile, your dagger glinting in the sunlight as you deflect a blow from one of the pirates. He merely chuckles in response, easily dodging a punch before landing one of his own, the simple move throwing the surprised pirate back.
Within moments, the fight was over, the two of you standing victoriously over the groaning men with smug expressions. Despite being heavily outnumbered, you had barely broken a sweat.
"It was a pleasure meeting you, Spade."
He smoothed out his clothing, his serene demeanor back as he gave you a smile.
"Don't be like that, Corsair. Think of the fun we can have together."
"Riddle, would probably enjoy having someone like you on deck. And if he doesn't well... At least Trey will vouch for you."
"Riddle... and Trey...?"
Your brow furrows in confusion, and at your mutter his eyes widen before closing with guilt.
"Ah... I forgot to use the code names again..."
You laugh lightly, turning away from the flustered pirate and walking out of the alleyway.
"What are you waiting for? Are we going to Heartslabyul or not?"
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vitaquaarts · 1 year ago
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Boom, new character drop
Meet Savilos! Minor spirit of Fortune and Celebrations
Aspects of his story are still being worked on but here's some trivia:
-He's in the same universe as Seren, another character of mine who is also a spirit -Though Seren and Savilos would never meet in canon, Savilos would be terrified of Seren since she is a Major Arcana spirit, meaning she could wipe the floor with him if she so wanted -He has a brother who is also a far stronger spirit in comparison -The codename for Savilos while I was working on his design was "Twink Aurelion Sol"
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