tozettastone · 1 year
i wish you'd write a fic inspired by the lyric "part time soulmate, full time problem." actually listening to or referencing the song unnecessary
For the "I wish you would write a fic where" ask meme
Obviously, this has to be a soulmate AU because (as you know) I love them and it's right there
I think this could go several ways. It's tempting to say it would be a RAD remix of the Ino × Hidan soulmate AU I wrote once where she feels everything he does and he chooses to die all the time. But I feel like this is low hanging fruit. Obvious. On brand. A bit boring.
Okay here's something off the wall: Karin's soul mate is Shisui. Unfortunately, she doesn't know that until he's already dead. But now he's determinedly haunting her and giving her extremely bad life advice. He also gives her pro-konoha propaganda, but it's always couched like, "well except for the plan to murder and violate my entire family, Konoha's much nicer than this." Extremely specific. Undoubtedly accurate. Send her help, please.
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tozettastone · 1 year
tell me what's up with shisui/karin 👀
For the "send me the rarest pair you can think of and I'll tell you if I ship it and how I think it can work" ask meme
Do I personally ship it? Not rrreallly. I am not like vibing with it in my heart. But it's an interesting pairing to pose.
How it could work: I think this ask is asked in the context of the scenario I previously posedwhere he's haunting Karin either because he's her soulmate or because she's the only one who can see him for some reason (Her ability to sense his chakra is so sensitive that it extends to unusually powerful ghosts? Who knows) and using that concept it would be interesting to think about how they might interact with one another while she's a kid growing up in Grass. Shisui is young but he basically has his head screwed on straight, is the vibe I got from canon.
I can't decide how he'd feel about Karin's role in her village, really. On the one hand, I think he wouldn't be very concerned by her being used to heal other people, as long as the relationship with her village was a reciprocal one where they arguably took as good care of her as they did of any other of their ninja. After all, from his pragmatic point of view, a ninja puts her life on the line for her village every day no matter how she does it. On the other hand, he might think about it more like, hey, Karin is an Uzumaki, and they belong in—well, alright, they belong in Whirlpool, but since there's nobody there anymore, they belong in Leaf. I can see Shisui convincing himself that her relationship with Leaf would be less transactional and exploitative because it would be better for his village, which, you know, could also be her village, by blood. Win win. (Also, tbf, Shisui is a ghost who VERY MUCH has unfinished business in Leaf. I don't think he'd want to share much of that with someone he was trying to convince to live there though—at least not until he'd got her there. ;) )
The Shisui-mediated story of Karin's defection, not to Orochimaru, but to gallivant across the continent to the carcass of Whirlpool and then back to Leaf could be fun?
As for how they'd get on, I think Shisui would enjoy poking fun at Karin but he's not as relentless about it as someone like Suigetsu. ...She can't strangle him, either, though. And I think Karin would enjoy looking at Shisui, and perhaps if he was relentless in his company and good advice may come to trust him (about the important things. not about whether or not her undercut is cute). But I think she'd need a brief arc where she lost contact with him in order to discover her feelings aren't as shallow as she takes for granted.
Also, she should be the key to getting him a new body with her massive Uzumaki vitality. And then:
a) she could act wild about him having a body and all the physicality that implies, and
b) he's still a ghost he's just in his body now, so sometimes she goes to talk to him and he's. fucking. dead. She's like: YOU FOOL YOU HAVE 4 MINUTES UNTIL YOUR BRAIN STARTS TO DIE. GET BACK HERE! YOU'RE NOT BITING ME AGAIN!!
but she'll always do it anyway.
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