#shirtless lily evans august
Untitled Unsolved AU
Untitled Shirtless LE !!!
Nena, just for you, I'll tell you about both 😉
During Sydney's second lockdown I got really into buzzfeed Unsolved and I really like writing banter between Marauders and co so the concept just worked. I haven't gotten very far with it because it's my brain off fic but it's got a special place in my heart. Snippet below <3
Morning! Macdonald, is it?” she grins. She’s got a gravelly voice and a distinctly northern Scottish accent. Mary nods as the blond comes round the car and sticks her hand out which Mary shakes. “Marlene McKinnon.” “The head doctor for the head cases?” Lily asks; she’s holding two iced lattes in her hands and kicks the driver's side door of her car closed. Marlene McKinnon snorts. “Not quite yet, this study is a part of my dissertation. Hopefully you guys and these Marauder dolts can help me get qualified.”
As for untitled shirtless LE, it came about when Shirtless JP May(was it may?) was happening and people were discussing doing a shirtless LE August(?) and I just took that as a prompt and ran, I haven't worked on it in a while since I've gotten to a point where I'm unsure where to take it but it do think it's some of my best writing.
They both ignore him, holding each other’s gaze. He’s still standing beside her seat, shifting his weight on either foot as an awkward tension falls over the table. Oh. He’s waiting for a greeting. Fuck, fucking fuck. Does she hug him? Is a handshake too formal? Fucking christ, Evans, get up. After what feels like an eternity she rises from her seat and now they’re both shifting awkwardly. It’s just a hug, a friendly hug, just like she gave everyone else. Just like she’ll give Sirius and Peter when they arrive. They can be friendly, this doesn’t have to be awkward. Even if the last year of their relationship boiled down to petty rows and cheap shots. Oh fuck it. They move in the same moment. He thrusts his hand out like a complete prat at the same time she reaches up to wrap her arms around his shoulders. His hand is on her tit, sandwiched between their bodies, and her face is too close to his neck and his other hand is on the small of her back and hers are too close to his hair and god, does he still use the same shampoo?
Thank you as always for engaging with my writing, you really do make my day <3
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tumbledfreckles · 3 years
Look, things escalated once I saw a post about in the name of fairness and equality, having a shirtless Lily Evans July, to go along with shirtless James Potter May (wasn’t that a cracker). I went off and wrote something, only to find my colleagues had smartly decided to move it August, give we’ve already got the @jilychallenge going on this month. But I’m all about instant gratification, so seeing I was late to shirtless JP, let me be early to shirtless LE. I doubt it’ll be my only entry, regardless. 
"Does it hurt?"
Lily shook her head, biting down on her bottom lip to keep from wincing or crying out, as pain tore through her back with each of the shuddering breath. 
"Can I see?" 
James’ hand hovered in the region of her shoulder, she could see out of the corner of her eye. He hesitated, waiting for permission. 
"I'm fine." The words ground out of her with another excruciating shake of her head. 
"Evans." His fingers brushed her top, withdrawing the second she flinched, a sharp hiss escaping before she could stop it. "You're not fine." 
"I'm okay." Lily turned as she spoke, not wanting her back to him, not wanting to let him keep seeing what had to be the grossest, nastiest thing he'd ever seen. Her eyes met his, surprised to see frustration where she'd expected pity, or worse, disgust.
"Let me help you." 
She stared at him, long moments, until the burning pain in the wound was worse than the burn of desire she felt around him, and she gave up on the idea of appearing brave and fierce and worthy. 
James’ touch was hesitant, even after she nodded. He didn't seem to know where to start. A gentle caress along the torn and exposed muscle of her shoulder blade drew a groan, a firmer tug at the frayed fabric of her shirt a more strangled, stricken yelp. 
"Shit, sorry," he was instantly apologetic. Lily snuck a look over her one intact shoulder, to see James had stepped back, face pale, hand running through his messy locks. He looked nervous, uncertain. Like he knew the answer, but didn't care for the result. 
"What is it?" Her voice was husky with pain and fatigue. She wasn't sure how she hadn't passed out yet. 
James sighed, looked away, looked back. He grimaced, finally spoke. "It's your shirt. It's stuck, from the," he paused, swallowed, "from the blood."
"Okay," Lily nodded slowly. 
He could see she didn't understand. "It has to come off." 
"My shirt?" 
"Yeah," James sighed, his shoulders dropping. "Your shirt. It has to come off." 
"Oh." Eventually, effortfully, her fingers moved to comply. A whimper escaped soon after. "I can't." 
He blinked at her. "What?" 
"My shirt. I can't get it off." She was horrified to find her eyes pricking. 
"Oh." A tick flicked across his jaw as James processed. "Do you want me to -" 
"If you don’t-”
“I don’t” 
“Ta." Her gaze went to the floor as he stepped closer, reaching for the top button. He clearly tried not to touch her. An absolute failed mission. Warm fingers brushed her throat, her chest, knuckles soft against her breast, her stomach. It wasn't until she felt his hand tremble as he pulled one side of the shirt away, exposing her to his view, that her eyes flew back to his face. 
James wasn't looking at her. Not directly at least. Maybe somewhere over her shoulder, possibly near her ear. Lily was fascinated to see a tinge in his cheeks, a flush in his neck. Lips pressed in concentration, he didn't even seem to be breathing. Long lashes hid a storm of hazel behind his wire framed glasses as he work the material towards her shoulders, and paused. 
"I'll have to rip it." 
She jumped, immediately regretting it as a fresh wave of nausea swept through with the blinding pain. "What?" 
"Your shirt," he gestured uselessly. 
"My shirt?" 
"I can't get it down your arm. Unless you can roll that shoulder," he raised an eyebrow, "I'm going to have to rip your shirt off." 
"All your wildest dreams come true, huh, Potter?" Lily couldn't help the quip, despite the pain, and in the moment the grin split across James face, it was worth it.
"Not quite the way I pictured this, believe me," James shook his head as Lily snorted, his face growing somber before she was ready for that one moment of lightness to be over. His hands hovered over a seam. "Ready?" 
Lily curls her hands into fists, feeling her nails cut into her palms. "Do it." 
Despite her best efforts, a low moan escaped for her throat, a harsh breath as James pulled the material away. Audible, so loud it would have been embarrassing if she'd had the capacity to care, panting came next as he painstakingly peeled it from where it stuck to her skin. So all consumed by her agony, she barely had time to process that she was now shirtless before him.
"I'm sorry." He leant so close, she felt his breath on her now bare, now exposed neck. 
"It's okay. Keep going."
"Here." She felt James’ hand reached around her, take hold of hers. He prised her fingers apart, entwining them with his own. "Hold tight." 
Lily squeezed gratefully. Probably too tightly, but James gave no indication he minded if she broke any of his bones, as he knitted her back together. The burn of torn flesh was replaced slowly but surely with just the heat of his touch as he healed. 
Finally, but all too soon, he was done. But the feel of his rough, calloused fingertips remained. Her skin tingled with awareness. James' hand slid across her now smooth shoulder, catching on her bra strap. She thanked the high heavens it was one of her better ones, having been out for dinner with the girls when she was summoned to the battlefield. 
"Alright, Evans?" His voice was soft as he trailed along the lace edge to her collar bone, stopping at the nape of her neck. 
Lily leant back, until his shirt brushed against her bare skin. "Much better, thanks." She kept going, leaning her weight onto him, sinking into his warmth. "I was stupid." 
"Taunting Lestrange may not have been your best move," James agreed, cheek to hers. His arm stole around her waist, causing her to gasp at the novel feel of his forearm against her stomach. Not wanting him to read her sound of surprise for anything less than pleasure, her own arm covered his, spanning the corded muscles. 
Bold from adrenaline, left over from the battle, high of the thrill of surviving another night, she turned her head, until her lips caught his cheek. "Thank you for hauling me out of there."
He nuzzled against her. "You're welcome." 
"And thank you for healing me." Her lips landed on the corner of his mouth this time. 
"Of course."
"But mostly," she twisted in his arms, hand curling up into his hair, slipping on the unruly strands. "Thanks for hitting that bastard for me when I couldn't." 
Lily's lips covered his, a perfect fit, like she'd long suspected they would. She heard his hum of pleasure as their mouths moved together for the first time, and all the last bits of tension from the horrible night slipped away. It might have been his kiss, it might have been her relief at their escape, but all of a sudden it didn't matter why her shirt had ended up in tatters on the ground. She was just really glad it had. 
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theresthesnitch · 3 years
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Chill Out
A/N: when @efkgirldetective gives you a prompt like "ice cream + I don't want anybody else touching you like I do" a few days before the start of shirtless Lily August, you run with it.
James finds a fun way for Lily and him to cool off on the hottest day of the year.
Rating: E
Read it here on AO3.
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joyseuphoria · 3 years
For the August @jilychallenge
Partner: THE AMAZING @booksarelife-stuff
I LOVED every single moment of plotting Godric’s Hollow’s 286th Annual Lawn Competition with you!!!! I’m so flattered that you liked my crazy ideas and implemented them in your fic! If you guys haven’t read it yet, go read it!!! It’s a crazy masterpiece!!!
So, here’s a little moodboard type artwork I made for the fic as a part of my jilychallenge!!!
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…I tried, lol
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maraudersftw · 3 years
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Lost In Symphony
@jilychallenge August'21 || @cesays vs @maraudersftw
Prompt: “i got lost on this campground at night and i am so sorry i thought this was my tent and now i’m waking up next to you and um hi this is just a little awkward”
Summary: They’ve been at this for at least fifteen minutes—though time is hard to keep track of when she’s got more vodka in her body than water—and she distantly wonders at what point everyone else decided to leave them alone to their little game. [Jilychallenge for August'21. Theme: Summer Feelings. Camping AU]
This is also my submission for Shirtless Lily August 😌🧡
Credits for the stunning banner to the one and only @the-dream-team, who's incidentally the best at everything 💖
Oh boy, she’s burning to death.
And it’s fucking murder.
Fire runs thickly under her skin, tongue long since numbed to the abhorrent taste of the mixed drink that momentarily swirls and sloshes in her mouth before sliding down her throat. The solo cup in her hand is the fifth of the evening, and the warmth settled in her spine from the alcohol is further boosted by the campfire that roars just a few feet away. But even under the sweltering blanket of the summer night and the crowd of bodies swaying nearby, the thing that most effectively heats the blood in her veins is the silent gaze fixed on her from across the firepit.
They’ve been at this for at least fifteen minutes—though time is hard to keep track of when she’s got more vodka in her body than water—and she distantly wonders at what point everyone else decided to leave them alone to their little game.
Read more on AO3 || FFN
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theroomofreq · 3 years
James/Lily, minor Harry/Ginny // T 400 words // Parents who embarrass their children are cool, right? - Asking for some friends.
James/Lily // T 900 words // For clarewithnoi's november prompt challenge "I think you're severely underestimating how long I've waited for this." & chasing pavements by adele
James/Lily // T 10k // Muggle AU, In which Lily is always late and James looks tougher than he is. Baker!Lily & Musician!James
James/Lily // T 700 words // Bitter-sweet drabble collection. Lily and James letters to one another throughout the war.
James/Lily // T 4k // Coffee Shop AU, written for august jilychallenge, “I’ve spent the summer climbing through your bedroom window so no one sees, please won’t you give me a chance?”
Harry/Ginny // T 4k // “Your sister is a professional football player?”
Ron stops and turns around to face Harry. “Yeah? I thought I told you?”
“No. Ginny? Ginny plays professional football?”
James/Lily // T 2k* // Lily Evans wanted the person next to her to know she was hell-bent on living up to a challenge.What challenge, you ask?A challenge presented to her by two incredibly frustrating Gryffindors, two Gryffindors who didn’t realize the precarious situation of going against Lily Evans and her intensely stubborn personality. *unpublished to ao3*
Harry/Ginny // G 500 words // Missing OTP moment, written for clarensjoy's hinny ficfest
James/Lily // T 5k // Shirtless JP may, but FEM. But what do you say to a dorm mate turned friend who you might be a little bit gay for? Fem!Jily
James/Lily // T 2k // James and Lily are both aware of their changing relationship but oblivious to each other's feelings. AKA, they are pining fools, your honor.
Harry/Ginny // G 400 words // Harry and Ginny let the noise fade out post-war.
James/Lily // G 900 words // Tumblr prompt: I'm sorry to bother you but my son thinks you're famous and he wants your autograph.
James/Lily // G 3k // Jamie has one more year of attending these fancy balls and then she will be free. While she isn't exactly royalty, she can't really escape suffering through these events year after year. Her only hope is someday she might meet someone else who doesn't care much for nicely dressed men either. Fem!Jily
Lily & Remus // G 1k // “We are both in love with a friend-” Lily’s voice came out quieter than she had intended. Despite the softness in her words, Remus flinched. Fem!Jily
Ron/Hermione // G 400 words // The crack of overburdened branches in a near-silent forest, a missing Deathly Hallows moment.
Harry/Ginny // 300 words // Winter prompt: Being unable to go anywhere because you were snowed in.
Harry/Ginny // T 700 words // Harry and Ginny get happily drunk from spiked eggnog.
Harry/Ginny // G 800 words // We accidentally got married in Vegas, Oops. Male!Ginny Female!Harry
2 AM
James/Lily // T 2k // Becoming close friends with Jamie Potter had never exactly been on Lily’s to-do list, but seeing the way Jamie laughed reminded Lily that it was one of her favorite accomplishments. Fem!Jily
Harry/Ginny // G 6k // Harry is abandoned at the Three Broomsticks and gets some unwanted attention, shenanigans ensue as Harry tries to escape.
Harry/Ginny // G 600 words // A missing HBP moment ficlet. Harry is rather obvious about his feelings toward Ginny, but it’s Luna who helps her realize how he feels.
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booksarelife-stuff · 3 years
Booksarelife-stuff’s Masterlist
catj101 on AO3
Jily (James Potter/ Lily Evans)
Multi-chapter with @queen-isabelle-writes
I’m only seventeen, i don’t know anything (Uncompleted)-  It's seventh year for the Marauders and Lily Evans. Lily and James are dealing with their feelings for each other while the war with Voldemort brews in the wings. Canon Divergence. 
Multi-chapters by me :)
The Story of Us (Uncompleted)- When Lily Evans meets the man across the hall due to a fire alarm, she has no idea that a new chapter of her life has begun.
Dancing With Our Hands Tied (Explicit) (WIP)-  Following her attempted kidnapping, Princess Lily's new bodyguard is turning everything she's known on its head.
Dancin’ is a Dangerous Thing (Completed)- The times in which Lily and James danced. Fluff. No Voldemort. 
Gold Rush (Completed)- 7th year starts with Lily noticing James. Featuring a pining and jealous Lily.
falling (Completed)- James taught Lily how to fall
Baby (Explicit) (Completed)- A smutty exploration series.
Handprints on my Soul (Completed)- When Lily sees that mark that shows her soulmate has touched her; Lily, her best friend, and an unlikely ally go on the hunt to find her soulmate. Written for the Idiots to Lovers Jily July Challenge. 
Godric’s Hollow’s 286th Annual Lawn Competition (Completed)-  Between adjusting to her new town and the hot rude neighbor, Lily is determined to prove herself in Godric’s Hollow by winning their annual lawn competition. Featuring both shirtless Lily and James. Written for the summer themed August Jily Challenge.
our secret moments in a crowded room (Completed)-  In a fake PR relationship with Severus Snape, Lily can’t help be distracted by the real person who has her heart. September Jily Challenge- Celebrity AU
i don’t want to look anything else now that I saw you (Completed)- set in the same celebrity au as our secret moments in a crowded room. The night Lily and James met. 
i feel something when i see you now (Completed)- Written for Jilytober 2021 Masquerade Challenge. Prompt: James is struggling with potions, Lily with Transfiguration. They strike a mutual tutoring deal.
Heart On Her Sleeve (Completed)- Written for the December Jily Challenge. She was going to tell him she loved him with the ugliest jumper he had ever seen. 
4 times Lily and James fought over a bus seat and the 1 time they didn’t (Completed)- Written for the April 2022 Jily Challenge
Call It What You Want To (Completed)- James trying to use a telephone to call Lily over the holidays. Pre-relationship and James pining but trying not to. 
Apart of Your World (Completed)- For training prompt Tuesday; James shows his muggle girlfriend Lily around Diagon Alley for the first time. 
Can We Always Be This Close? (Forever and Ever) (Completed)-  If someone had told James that he would be out past curfew, Lily Evans beside him, with their feet dangling off of the Astronomy Tower, James would have replied that that happened every night in his dreams.
if i tell the world, i’ll never say enough (Completed)- For clare-with-no-i’s November prompt challenge 2021.  Prompt: “I think you’re severely underestimating how long I’ve waited for this.” with Chasing Pavements by Adele. When Benjy Fenwick asks Lily out, James wishes he could give up.
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
That Potter Boy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3t1tT67
by mppmaraudergirl
"Just one hour every Tuesday and then the rest of the afternoon is yours." Just one hour seems quite a lot to Lily Evans who just wants to spend the summer before her last year of uni avoiding any semblance of responsibility, even one as menial as hanging around the house to supervise the work of their new pool boy. That is, until she sees how unfairly fit he is.
[Jily Challenge August 2021]
Words: 1321, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: Jily August Challenge 2021, Alternate Universe - Muggle, Modern Era, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Summer, Pool Boy!James, Summer Romance, Pool, Shirtless James Potter reprised
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3t1tT67
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tumbledfreckles · 3 years
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For: @jilychallenge August & Shirtless Lily Evans August Prompt: This water fight was such a good idea but oops now your shirt is see-through and Damn you look good Partner: @arianatwycross​ (thank you for being such a fabulous partner, I’ve enjoyed our chats!) 
Warning: contains mostly smut. 
“Alright, Evans?” His voice floated down to where Lily had paused, crouched to reach under a bench to some lettuce sprouts. 
“Yeah, fine,” she straightened up, grimacing at the ache in her spine, using the back of her hand to push loose strands behind her ear. “Yourself?” 
“Almost done over this side,” James gestured back behind him. “Okay if I start down here?” 
“Sure,” Lily nodded, stretching her arms overhead, looking at the last few aisles she needed to finish. “Just don’t get me wet.” 
“No promises.”
Read it on AO3 here
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theresthesnitch · 3 years
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A Guide to Proper Hair Maintenance
A/N: I finally finished my August Jilychallenge fic! (it's still August, I swear.) Rated M as a precaution due to Shirtless Lily August and some language, but it's far more mild than my writing has been lately.
JILY CHALLENGE ~ @theresthesnitch vs. @oyprongs
Theme: Summer
Prompt: we’re in the crowd at a music festival and this is my favourite band but you’re sO pretty/fit of course I’ll put you on my shoulders I don’t even care if I miss their entire set
The trick to perfectly mussed hair is the twist.
I know what you're thinking.
James, surely product is the most important!
Well, my friend, you aren't wrong, but you're not right either. Let me take you on a journey of proper hair care. You see, it all starts with a proper foundation: washing. In order to build this foundation -
"Prongs, are you almost ready to go? We need to leave soon."
"Yeah, Moony. Just perfecting the coif."
Remus rolls his eyes as he walks away. “It looks just as messy as it always does.”
“You wound me.”
Sorry about him. Remus is great, but he can be a bit of a stickler for things like "time management" and "showing up when we said we would". He has very little appreciation for a proper hair routine. We met him when we went to college and the universe brought us together in a room too small to reasonably hold four people.
Read more on AO3.
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theresthesnitch · 3 years
Fic list
Here's a list of all my published fics. All of my writing is tagged with #snitchwrites!
Also, check out my WIP list!
Separated by categories as follows: 
Other HP writings
Jily - James Potter + Lily Evans
Briefly Falling - Tumblr and AO3. 
A series of 100-word drabbles that are connected but independent for Jilytober, watching Jily fall in love. Will be 31 chapters when completed. 
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The Last Diary of Lily Potter - Tumblr and AO3
Rated M. Written for Jilytober 2021. An entry a day in Lily's diary describing their last month. Posted to Tumblr daily and AO3 weekly.
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Ignite - AO3
Rated: E. Canon 7th year fic with a twist.
5 chapter, 62,878 words (WIP) 
It's a well known fact that James Potter and Lily Evans hate each other with a burning passion. When they are named Head Boy and Head Girl, everyone wonders whether it is a mistake. However, a burning passion can ignite something far more powerful than hatred. The only question left is whether they can survive the blaze.
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Rated: M. Modern muggle AU.
Save the Groom - AO3
6 chapters, 9,964 words. (WIP)
At 19, James and Lily promise to get married if they were both still single at 30. At 29, James tells Lily that he is getting married. Lily doesn't care. She shouldn't care. Except that she does very much care. Can Lily help James down the aisle, or will she have to find a way to Save the Groom?
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Three Strikes 'til you're out - AO3
Rated: E. Modern, muggle celebrity fake dating AU. July Jilychallenge fic
11 chapters, 69,094 words
Lily Evans knows nothing about baseball. Or baseball players. She knows even less about James Potter. However, when some bad press risks James's endorsement deals, Lily finds herself thrown into a fake relationship with him. Can they convince the world they are together and save James from the tabloids? Can Lily keep her heart as she learns about James? Or will they both strike out?
She's a Wildflower - AO3
Rated: G. Efkgirldetective's Summer of Jily Prompt 10: flowers + you're the only one I'll wait for. Jilytober 🎃
James opens a flower shop, and one of his first deliveries is to the cute redhead down the street. The only problem is that she isn't thrilled to get the flowers. Can he find a way to brighten her day?
A Guide to Proper Hair Maintenance - AO3 or Tumblr
Rated: M (cautiously). Modern muggle Jily meetup fluff. August 2021 Jilychallengr fic. Shirtless Lily. 
James and his friends are meeting up with Remus's high school friend at a music festival. However, James is not prepared for Lily. James loses his head a little bit, but finds out just how important a perfect hair routine really is.
To Go On Without Him - AO3
Rated: T. Lily Lives AU. Angst, obviously. 
Lily shows up with Harry in tow at Sirius and Remus's door late on October 31, 1981. James is not with them. How will the four of them manage to go on without him?
Chill Out - AO3
Rated: E. Canon fluff. Written for efkgirldetective’s Summer of Jily Prompt 7: Ice cream + I don't want anybody else touching you like I do
James comes up with a fun way for he and Lily to cool off on a hot day.
Just a little kiss - A03
Rated: G. Canon fluff. Written for efkgirldetective’s Summer of Jily Prompt 5: stargazing +  I've got plenty of affection / I'd be glad to show you some time. 
James and Lily are on a camping trip, but they find themselves sharing a little affection. 
Musings from the middle of the night - AO3
Rated: G. Canon angst feat. new mom Lily. 
Lily is a new mom, which is sometimes a hard place to be. Over the course of a sleepless night, Lily works through a lot of struggles of being a new mom.
Pretty enough for the both of us - AO3
Rated: T. Canon angst(ish). TW: injury. Shirtless James. 
Lily heals James after he returns injured on an order mission.
Love like a fairytale - AO3
Rated: G. Canon pre-Jily pining fluff. 
James shares his favorite childhood stories with Lily.
Courage is a little like love - AO3
Rated: G. Canon fluffy Jily first kiss. 
A fluffy Jily first kiss one-shot, with some bonus Remus/Lily friendship to go with it.
Shirts vs. Skins - AO3
Rating: M. Canon fluffy Lily pining over James. Shirtless James. 
A pick up quidditch match, a contest, and a very thirsty Lily Evans.
Let’s have a baby - AO3
Rating: T. Canon, fluffy, domestic. 
Everyone assumes James and Lily accidentally got pregnant with Harry. What if they did plan it? What if they really wanted to have a baby precisely when they did?
Unrivaled - Tumblr
Rated G. Fluffy, canon, first kiss. 516 words.
Remind Me Why I Put Up With You Again? - Tumblr
Rated: G. Fluffy, canon, domestic. 754 words.
Portkey Prank - Tumblr
Rated: E. 596 words. What happens when Sirius plays a prank on James using a portkey. Fluffy.
Tango - Tumblr
Rated G. BlackEvans brOTP. Fluffy, Canon. 791 words
We Need To Talk About Harry - Tumblr
Rated G. Angst. AU. 417 words. 
Head’s Office - Tumblr
Rated: M. Fluff, canon. 355 words. 
Wofstar - Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
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Twist of Fate - AO3 
Rated: M. Modern Muggle AU. 
2 chapter, 6,846 words (WIP)
Remus Lupin has never really been one to rely on it. Sirius Black perhaps relies on it a bit too much. However, a chance encounter in a dark nightclub leaves both of them hoping that Fate will come through one more time. Will these two find each other again, or will they be stuck in a cruel twist of fate?
Bathed in the moonlight - AO3
Rated: E. PWP, canon. 
In the light of the moon, they came together and became something new.
Remus reading HC - Tumblr
Rated G. Mini fic, canon, angst.
Blackbird - Tumblr
Rated G. Canon, mutual pining. 466 words
Liquid Gold - Tumblr
Rated E. Canon, fluff.
Hinny - Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
Happily Ever After is a Journey not a Destination - AO3
Three one-shots in the same story. 3 chapters, 6,643 words. 
Harry and Ginny find that getting to Happily Ever After is a little harder than they expected.
One Shots: 
It’s all for him - AO3
Rated: G. Canon, fluffy, HBP missing moment. 
Hermione spots trouble on the horizon, and tries to intervene before it is too late.
I’m not afraid to drown - AO3
Rated: T. TW: depression. Prompt: Ocean by Lady A. Angst, canon. 
Ginny is suffering from depression, and has to find within herself a way back. Harry is by her side, always.
If this is it, let it be enough - AO3 
Rated: T. Angst, canon. HBP missing moment. 
Harry struggles to say goodbye.
Make them remember your name - AO3
Rated: T. Prompt: Harry comforts Ginny. Angst to fluff, canon. 
When Ginny’s confidence is rocked, Harry is always there to make it better.
All the little pieces - AO3
Rated: G. Written for clarenjoy’s Hinny ficfest. Prompt 60: "I heard that." "You were supposed to." Fluff and angst, canon. 
A series of vignettes over the course of Harry and Ginny's lives.
It’s more of a show than a tell - AO3
Rated: T. Written for clarenjoy’s Hinny ficfest.  Prompt 28: "Just... talk to me. Please?" Angst, canon. 
Harry gets a little comfort from Ginny
The Midnight Flight - AO3
Rated: G. Written for clarenjoy’s Hinny ficfest.  Prompt 77: I wish I could kiss away your scars. Angst, canon, comfort. 
“I didn’t even know I needed it until we were in the air. How did you know?”
Ginny turned to face him at last. “I could tell just by the way you were standing and talking that it was all getting to you.” Her brown eyes found his green one, and Harry felt something like a small flutter in the pit of his stomach. “I see you, Harry.”
Baby, it's cold outside. - Tumblr
Classic Christmas song with a Hinny twist.
Silence - AO3
Rated: T. TW: Injury. Part of Harry and Ginuary Bingo event. Prompt:  N 42: “I want to go to the beach.” “It’s the middle of winter.” “I don’t care.” Angst, canon. 
The one where Ron begs for a memory Charm - AO3
Rated: M. Part of the Harry and Ginuary Bingo event. Prompt:  O 75. “I don’t know what made me fall for you.” “My charms, perhaps?” Fluffy, humor, Canon. 
The fire is warm - AO3
Rated: G. Part of Harry and Ginuary Bingo event. Prompt:  N37. We’re taking shelter during a big storm and you’re really close to me and I’m just going to casually move closer and cuddle with you…. Canon, pining. 
Crooked - AO3
Rated: G. Part of Harry and Ginuary Bingo event. Prompt:  O 73. You've dared me to do this as a joke but there's no way I'm backing out now. Fluff, humor, canon. 
Campfire memories - AO3
Rated: G. Part of Harry and Ginuary Bingo event. Prompt:  N 32. "Is that flammable?" "We're about to find out." Fluff, domestic, canon, with kids!
Green-eyed Boy - AO3
Rated: G. Part of Harry and Ginuary Bingo event. Prompt:  B 1. "It's just that he has a great reading voice. Who wouldn't want to sit in on storytime?" Fluff, canon, domestic. 
A Letter from Home - AO3
Rated: M. Part of Harry and Ginuary Bingo event. Prompt:  O 63: “I’m having the worst day and you've just handed me an envelope with…” Angst, canon, love letter. 
The Boy who wouldn’t Break - AO3
Rated: T. Part of Harry and Ginuary Bingo event. Prompt:  G 51. “You really don’t want to open that door.” Angst, comfort, canon. 
Muffin Chaos - AO3
Rated: G. Part of Harry and Ginuary Bingo event. Prompt:  I 23: "Why is there zucchini all over our kitchen?" "Do you not like zucchini?" Fluff, canon, domestic. 
Loving Ginny - Tumblr - Rated G
Loving Harry - Tumblr - Rated G
Other HP Writings
This section are still HP related writings, just not necessarily very ship-y. 
I walk a lonely Road
A series of fics about Remus’s life. 
The night the world collapsed - October 31, 1981: Remus finds out about James, Lily and Peter’s Deaths, and Sirius’s betrayal. Rated G - AO3. 
All aboard all over again - September 1, 1993: Remus boards the Hogwarts Express to return to Hogwarts again. Rated G - AO3
I’ll be seeing you (in all the old familiar places) 
A series of fics about James and Lily watching the people they’ve left behind. 
I’ll be here for you (if you need me to) -  From the Forbidden Forest to the final spell, James, Lily, Sirius and Remus watch Harry in what could be his final moments. Rated G - on AO3. 
When you can’t go to him -  Only moments after Lily's death, Lily and James prepare to welcome their infant to the afterlife. However, things don't go quite as expected. Rated G - AO3. 
Greeting Death like an Old Friend
A series of fics where, after death, one of their loved ones comes to help you to the afterlife. 
Over the Moony for you - Remus - AO3 
Howl I go on without you - Sirius - AO3
Ratted Out - Peter - AO3
You’re so deer to me - James - AO3
I’ll wilt for you - Lily - AO3
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
Chill Out
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lgqgrn
by TherestheSnitch
James comes up with a fun way for he and Lily to cool off on a hot day.
Words: 2525, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff and Smut, Ice Cream, efkgirldetective's Summer of Jily 2021, prompt 7, shirtless Lily August, more like naked Lily August
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lgqgrn
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
A Guide to Proper Hair Maintenance
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Vbcn2Y
by TherestheSnitch
James and his friends are meeting up with Remus's high school friend at a music festival. However, James is not prepared for Lily. James loses his head a little bit, but finds out just how important a perfect hair routine really is.
Words: 7508, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Mary Macdonald, Peter Pettigrew
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: August Jilychallenge, shirtless!Lily August, jilychallenge, Festival, Body Paint, Music Festival, James drooling over Lily, POV First Person
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Vbcn2Y
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fOMHA2
by writtenbyfreckles
JilyChallenge August 2021 + Shirtless Lily Evans August Prompt: This water fight was such a good idea but oops now your shirt is see-through and Damn you look good Partner: arianatwycross
Words: 5136, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans Potter
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, James Potter & Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: jily, Smut, Fluff, Workplace Relationship, Workplace Sex, Plant Nursery, Water Fight, Aged Up Jily, Smut Jily, Sexual Tension, not a slow burn, shirtless lily evans august
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fOMHA2
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
am i dreaming?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3BvtPhY
by jilyism
In which James gets lost and Lily finds him, sort of.
[Entry for the Jilychallenge for August 2021 with the theme Summer Feelings]
Words: 2230, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans Potter
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, James/Lily
Additional Tags: POV Lily Evans Potter, Fluff, Short One Shot, summer of jily, jily, Sirius Black & James Potter Friendship, Alternate Universe - Summer Camp, i have completely strayed from the prompt, but its fine right, Tumblr: jilychallenge, jilychallenge's August Round 2021, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, oh and, Shirtless Lily Evans
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3BvtPhY
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
The Squid is Lonely
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3BmTMjJ
by Chaserspirit
On the last day of term, the sixth year Gryffindors decide to let loose. A game of truth or dare leads them down to the lake.
Words: 2413, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Mary Macdonald, Marlene McKinnon, Peter Pettigrew, marauder friendship - Character, Marauders - Character, Marauders (Harry Potter)
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: Jily Challenge August 21, Fluff, Canon Compliant, Pre-Relationship, sixth year jily, lots of pining, Jily Challenge, Summer Feelings, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Fluff like a lot of fluff lol, and some teenagers drinking, shirtless James Potter
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3BmTMjJ
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