#shiroya one shot
shall-we-imagine · 5 years
Through thick and thin. (ShiroyaxReader *AU*)
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Requested: 46. "Dance with me." + 48. "Why are you crying?" From this prompt list. Also it's perfectly fine don't worry about sending another it's good you clarified cuz I almost wrote for the wrong prompt list 😅
Genre: Fluff/Angst
(Third person point of view)
Fingers curled in a delicate fist, the princess knocks on the glass window. She secretly sent a wish to the god above that her boyfriend wouldn't ignore her for some sleep or worse- knock her off the ladder while overenthusiastically opening the window.
After a few seconds of no response, she brings her soft knuckles to the cold, glass barrier once more. "Come on, Shiroya." She mutters under her breath.
The sound of shuffling, followed by a loud thud brings a grin to her face. Due to it being dark in his room, she couldn't see what was going on inside, but the scene including her goofy lover falling off the bed wasn't foreign to her at all. She could see it all in her head.
A few moments of silence follow, making the brunette fear he merely decided to finish his beauty sleep on the floor, but just as she considered knocking again, the window flings open.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the only thing her boyfriend flung.
In a rush to avoid the baseball bat, (Y/N) ducks, immediately losing her footing on the ladder. A squeal escapes her lips before she regains composure along with the help of the reason she almost fell in the first place. Shiroya had managed to catch her arm, adding more balance for her to stand straight.
"Thanks a lot for that, ninja-san." She mockingly tilts her head forward; she would've given a full 90 degree bow if she weren't trying not to fall and break her neck.
"Hey, it's not my fault!" Shiroya laughs, helping her inside his dark room through the window.
"Yes, I'm the one that almost knocked myself off the ladder with a baseball bat." She nods. Amusement and disbelief glimmer in his eyes; not wanting to give in to her tactics, he looks away, hiding his grin.
"I meant I wasn't expecting you today; shouldn't you be preparing for the ball or something?" Tension spreads like fire; she'd almost forgotten the reason of her surprise visit.
The princess laughs nervously, "Yeah, about that.."
"Yeah?" Shiroya may be the biggest dork you could meet, but he wasn't stupid. He immediately caught on to the fact that something is wrong.
She blinks away the tears beginning to well in her eyes, "You know, it's actually not that important; I'll tell you later. There are other things we need to do now." She gives him a mischievous smirk.
It's clear the boy remained sceptical, but he didn't find it necessary to press the matter if she doesn't want to talk about it now, so he gives in with a matching smirk. "What things?" He wiggles an eyebrow at her.
"Nothing dirty, you pervert." (Y/N) pokes a finger at his chest. "Come on; change into something presentable and follow me." She begins exiting the window the same way she came in.
"But there's a perfectly good bed here- and you're already out, okay." He stops protesting with a sigh and follows his girlfriend down the ladder after changing out of his pyjamas.
"Where to, m'lady?" Shiroya bows down, a teasing grin plastered across his face.
"You're such an idiot." The princess shakes her head in content disbelief. "To an adventure of a lifetime!" She dramatically throws her fist into the air, earning laughter from her companion.
"Off we go then!" He links his arm with hers.
"You sure this is a good idea?" He takes his eyes off of the convenience store to stare at his girlfriend in uncertainty.
"It'll be fine, Shiroya; don't be a pussy." She smirks and marches past him and into the store.
The main reason she'd picked this specific store was because of how old it is- same goes for its owner. In fact the owner is so old, she doubts he even knows how to use a cellphone. The only step he'd taken towards keeping his store safe was the giant security mirror hanging at one corner of the store.
She struts towards the owner confidently, pretending to browse items along the way. She doesn't react when she hears her boyfriend enter the store and walk to a different, more hidden aisle of the store, but a few seconds after it, she proceeds to walk to the cashier and smile at the grumpy man behind it.
"Could you help me out with something?" She begins directing the man's attention to herself and not the giant mirror, for example. She just hoped her boyfriend wouldn't do something dumb and get them both arrested; it wouldn't do her any good if her face was all over the news for stealing. Her father would never let her hear the end of it.
After multiple hopefully subtle glances behind her, she could finally see Shiroya was done. "Hey, I'm sorry, but where did you say the m&m's were again? Could you show me?"
Frustrated by the amount of unnecessary conversation the girl whose real identity he'd never guess was making, the owner sighs but complies anyway, probably in hopes to get rid of her as soon as he could.
She follows the old man to a different aisle, queuing Shiroya's exit. The sneakiest of all, Shiroya, had stuffed some items into his shirt and took off running outside the store. The princess silently prayed for the street to be as empty as it was before they went inside, because if not, they'd be in huge trouble to say the least.
"Just who takes off running after sneakily stealing something from a store?" The princess laughs before placing a gummy bear into her mouth.
"I panicked, okay?" Her boyfriend blushes.
"It's good no one saw you, and we made it here safely." She sprawls onto the grass, taking in the beautifully dotted sky.
"Yeah." Shiroya follows.
A few moments of silence pursue; it was normal to Shiroya by now, since he and the princess had gained a habit of lying down to gaze at the sky, but he knew something wasn't right the second he heard her take in a sharp breath.
His head jerks to the side, panic taking control of him quicker than he'd like. "What's wrong?! Why are you crying?"
She sits up; giving no answers, she continues to sob into her palms. Shiroya could do nothing but hold her close to him, rubbing his hand up and down her back soothingly in hopes she'd calm down.
"It's okay. We can fix it; whatever it is, we can fix it together, remember?" He assures gently.
The princess's sobs merely get more violent, but her shaky hands find their way to the front of her boyfriend's shirt. She clutches onto the fabric tightly, sincerely scared of letting him go.
She takes a few deep breaths to steady herself, but it all fails her when she tries to speak, "They want-"
Her sobs fill the air. Shiroya's panic could only increase by now; he didn't know what could possibly do this to his girlfriend, who's always glimmering with joy and mischief, but he knew if it would break her like that, it wasn't gonna do any less to him.
The princess began to mumble; most of her speech sounded like gibberish to Shiroya, but a few comprehensible words already gave away the reasond of her misery. Marriage. I don't want to. I love you.
Shiroya visibly trembled at the thought of having to give up the princess for a royal wedding, but he couldn't let her down; he couldn't be discouraged so easily. He fights the urge to break down in tears and curse the universe out for his own misfortune. Instead, he puts his every bit of energy left in him to keep a positive and comforting attitude. His voice audibly shaky, Shiroya hugs the princess tighter and speaks up, trying to keep the quivering of his lips to a minimum. "We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out like we always do. It's okay." To him, it felt like he was assuring himself more than anyone, and perhaps he was, but he couldn't afford to break down- not now, not here.
And for a while, they silently held each other, wishing the world would go away along with their problems, leaving nothing but their happiness and love to prosper.
"We'll figure it out." She finally looks her lover in the eye. "We always do." She nods.
"Yeah." He gives a weak smile.
The princess tears herself away from Shiroya's embrace. She gets up and smiles at him, extending her arm towards him. "Dance with me."
It takes him a few moments to recover and react; he was used to his girlfriend's spontaneous behaviour, but he hadn't expected anything at this very moment.
But, surely, he takes her hand and gets up. "No music?" He teases.
"I am the music, Shiroya." She beams, placing a hand on his shoulder while the other tangles itself with one of his hands.
Shiroya's free hand reaches her waist, gently pulling her closer to him. And soon enough, her soft voice pleasantly captures his heart for the billionth time. Their bodies sway gently to the melody she effortlessly brought upon them, hypnotizing him into only focusing on her in that moment and nothing else. No problems, no pain, just the beautiful woman he'd somehow won over.
He eventually joined her singing, and even though his voice couldn't compare to hers, he could see the happiness she felt in his actions, and that was enough to keep him satisfied. It was the only thing he could hope for, to always see that happiness dancing in her eyes.
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atopearth · 6 years
Shall We Date? Destiny Ninja Part 3 - Hyuga Route
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All the guys are so mean to the heroine initially lmao, guess it’s logical since they don’t know her but Yoshitsune is always so ready to take her in to care for her lol. Hyuga doesn’t seem too bad though, just not gentle hahaha. Seeing him apply ointment to the bump on her head is kinda funny haha. He’s so fake whenever Yoshitsune is there though lmao. He always pretends to be nice to the heroine in front of him when he’s so rough lol.
I like Kazemasa but dang was he rude to barge into her room and threaten her saying she’s an assassin when she’s in the middle of changing! Super inappropriate behaviour! I feel terrible for the heroine. At least Hyuga was gentle with her and promised that he wouldn’t let Kazemasa touch her again. Hyosuke was nice to tell the heroine a bit more about Hyuga but it’s understandable why he’d get so angry that he’s telling her so many things lol, at least Hyosuke is nice and understanding haha. Omggg, he actually apologised to her when she cried haha. Didn’t expect that lol.
It’s true that Yoshitsune had burnt his back because he saved the heroine, but Hanzo telling her to leave “voluntarily” so she won’t be a hindrance is really mean. Technically, she may be one, but knowing that Yoshitsune’s ideals are to protect all the weak people such as women and children and all the poor people that aren’t able to protect themselves and are the taken advantage of the most, Hanzo doing this is exactly what Yoshitsune detests. People discarding others because they’re weak, useless and then selling them etc, Hanzo telling the heroine to just leave like this when she can’t remember much about herself could very well mean that she’d get kidnapped and sold etc. You can’t take someone into your custody and then kick them out like that without even escorting them safely to a city or something. Pretty terrible of him, minus points for Hanzo even though I liked him in his route. It was really sweet of Hyuga to convince her to stay by saying she’s not useless and that he’d like to eat her cooking until her memories come back haha.
It must have been terrible for the heroine to find out from Munemori a bit about her past by him being shocked that she was alive when she should have been killed alongside her parents… It was considerate of Hyuga to hug her and let her cry in his arms. Good thing is that Kazemasa has redeemed himself by sincerely apologising to the heroine for his previous actions towards her. Whereas, Enya is as disgusting as usual, trying to take her to his bed, like dude, get lost, don’t care how supposedly charming you are if you’re such a jerk who doesn’t know consent. Don’t care what era it is, asking for consent is basic. Omg, never knew that Yoshitsune’s father was killed by the Taira clan and his mother was made a concubine, that’s so terrible..
When Hyuga is jealous of the other guys getting close to the heroine, he’s especially mean to her lol. At least the heroine is more honest so she shows her feelings better than him lol. But, too bad or maybe it’s good that he got shot by arrows trying to protect her, I’m sure he’ll be more honest when he regains consciousness, hopefully anyway lmao. Zzz, he can’t just kiss her and then say he doesn’t have the right to be with her! Don’t kiss her and say you thought she was pretty ever since you first met her then!😒 Anyway, how risky but convenient for the three sacred treasures to be on the same boat lol. I really love Yoshitsune, he’s a great leader and a great comrade, he treats everyone equally and cherishes every life. It may have been silly for him to sacrifice himself and put himself in danger to save Hyuga’s life, but seeing the person Yoshitsune is, he’s no doubt the type to try and save everyone around him.
But I see, now we know why Hyuga was so adamant on repressing his feelings and pushing the heroine away from him, he’s actually a ninja sent by Yoshitsune’s brother Yoritomo to kill Yoshitsune… And he definitely can’t betray this evil brother because when Hyuga was young and had lost his parents to the Heishi clan, a guy saved him telling him to serve that brother from now on, so he’s been serving him since he was like 7 years old. So even if he believes that Yoshitsune is a great and kind leader, he can’t betray the former or the latter and has instead chosen to be killed. Tbh, that’s probably his only choice if he doesn’t want to betray either, I’m sure Yoshitsune would probably help him though, maybe by declaring that he’s dead and let him live a peaceful life with the heroine somewhere secluded? Or not lol, apparently it’s okay for him to continue serving him since he wants to talk it out with his brother lol.
You know, seeing Enya cry to the heroine about the idea of Yoshitsune leaving to another area because his brother is insistent on killing him kinda made me think Enya isn’t that bad, if only he showed sides like this in his route lol. As usual, Yoshitsune leaves with Shizuka~ I didn’t think that Hyuga would change his name and live as the retainer of the Kushinada family haha, that’s cool. Nice to see them all reunite again and be the same as usual too.
Overall, I liked Hyuga’s route, the last bit of the story kicked it up for me a bit because it was kinda interesting, but I feel like it also failed to live up to what it could have been. Their relationship was kinda cute, but also kinda dull since it mainly revolved around him being mean, teasing her and pushing her away until the end, but he did show his sweet and honest moments so it was nice. So yeah, Kazemasa still wins for the romance and story but Hyuga was okay, not bad, not good haha. Shiroya in DN2 is definitely much cuter and nicer though🤣
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thecrazyanimegirl · 6 years
Hello! Can you write an Other!Shiroya x S/O one-shot? I don’t have a specific scenario in mind, sorry. Surprise me? ^^
I hope you like my scenario ^^ I like how the red-eyed Shiroya is bit more of a tease ;)
He must be exhausted. Stillon my mind was the dead-tired Shiroya that appeared on the door this afternoon.His clothes were dirty and he looked as if though he hadn’t slept the pastnight. Their last mission must have been hard. At least he didn’t get hurt.That’s the most important thing.
I made him go take a shower while I make him something toeat. It probably won’t as good as it usually is when we cook together, but Iwant to do something for him.
The kitchen is somewhat of our oasis, even on busy days weend up cooking together. Even if we both come home late, with the night thathad already fallen, we still do our little ritual, making midnight snacks.
I finish making a light meal and enter the living room.
“Sleeping, huh”, I whisper softly.
He looks so cute like this. His hair still slightly wet,curled up on the couch. Sometimes he looks so vulnerable and unguarded thatit’s a surprise how dangerous of a ninja he is. Soft and formidable, all atonce. But I love all those things about him.
Letting the tray down on the coffee table gently I remove astray hair from his face. How soft.
A hand grabs my wrist tightly, stopping me from touching hishair.
“I’m sorry I woke you up”, I immediately feel bad aboutstirring him up from such a cute state.
“No need to be”, his voice was a bit harsh even though hiswords weren’t.
Oh. A pair ofblood red eyes stared at me from below.
“I’m glad you’re back”, I smile softly.
“You should say that to the other one”, he huffed and satup, eyeing the food.
I don’t comment. I guess he still can’t get used to that Iloved them both completely. “You must be hungry, eat”, I join him on the couch.
I watched him wolf the food down, taking huge bites. Everyonce in a while he closes his eyes like he’s enjoying it.  
“Rough day?”
“Mhm”, he swallowed and wiped his mouth. “There wasn’tsupposed to be any fighting, but I still had to help him.”
“Thank you”, my words seemed to have surprised him. “Thankyou for making sure both of you come home to me”, I explained.
I was lying down on the couch. He pushed me down and hoveredover me. “You really shouldn’t say things like that so casually.”
“If this is the punishment, I really don’t mind”, I grinned.He is much more impulsive than the shy yellow-eyed Shiroya. And I love both.
“If you really want to be punished, then…” He stole my lips.And instantly, I melted under his touch. The kiss was a bit rough, strong andpassionate.
He held my hands trapped to the couch. Even though we arealmost the same height, he is stronger and held me down with ease. But it’s notlike I struggled. Instead, I returned the kiss, allowing him to kiss me deeper.
When he broke the kiss, I gasped for air. Then one thingcame to my mind. “You still haven’t finished eating.”
“That can wait. Let me enjoy being home”, he returned mywords to me and kissed me again.
“I love you”, I whisper in between the kisses.
“You mean you love the other me?” he stops the kiss, ashadow falling over his face.
I shake my head. “I love you too. You are both very preciousto me”, I free one of my hands and put it on his cheek. “I want you to feelloved too.”
He looks at me a bit shocked. “Really?”   
“Yes”, I smile and kiss him.
“Then show me”, he finally smiles happily. “Show me how muchyou love me”, his smirks send a shiver down my spine.
“Of course”, I return the smile and kiss him againdetermined to make him feel my love even if it takes a whole night.
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Carefree. (Destiny Ninja 2's Shiroya *High School AU*)
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Requested: 7. "I'll keep you warm." From the prompt list.
Genre: Fluff.
A/N: the rare occasion of a one shot that's not WH related 😂
(Second Person Point of View)
"Where are you taking me to?" You wonder, as you try your best not to trip over the rugged ground, covered in untamed grass.
"We're exploring!" Your bestfriend beamed, continuing to drag you with him through the field.
"Our teachers won't be happy about this.." you warn, even though you knew Shiroya couldn't care less. You take a look behind you, checking how far you were from the original spot of the field trip. You couldn't see anyone in the distance, so, basically, you were already too far off from the area you were supposed to stay within.
"So? It's no fun to stay with the crowd." He shrugs. You shake your head at the carefree boy, but you don't object.
After a long walk, you found yourself surrounded by a few, small mounains, that you had previously thought were too far for you both to reach, but here you were after all.
"Do you see that?" Stopping in his spot, Shiroya stares dreamily into the distance.
Confused, you turn your head to the same direction he was looking at, trying to understand what he was looking at. However, no matter how long you squint and stare, there was nothing there.
"What are you-" you begin to ask, but he cuts you off by tapping your shoulder and running away.
"Tag, you're it!" He laughs, already a bunch of feet away from you.
It took you a few moments to realize what was happening, but when it hit you, you sprinted as fast as you could, doing your best to hunt down the mischievous boy with the contagious laugh.
"Tag, you're it!" You yell, once your fingertips came in contact with his back, and immediately take off in the opposite direction.
This went on until you were both out of breath. And eventually, you and he were lying down on the grass, gasping for breath yet unable to hold back the laughter.
"Hey, Shiroya?" You turn your head to look at the boy next to you.
"I think we lost our way; there weren't that much mountains in our previous spot." You let out a chuckle.
His carefree attitude is rubbing off on you, you thought.
He sits up to look around before nodding, "Yup. We're lost."
Copying his action, you push yourself off the ground and face his equally carefree expression. You both couldn't get any more idiotic than that- laughing at the fact that you were lost.
Truth is, wherever you are, as long as you were together, it was okay. It's been that way since you were kids. You became friends because your parents were friends, and ever since you met, you became inseparable. So even if you were lost, you were happy enough you could spend time with Shiroya. You were certain nothing bad can happen as long as you had each other's backs.
During freshman year, you'd started developing a crush on him, but without hesitation, you decided to keep it to yourself, for you didn't want to ruin such a friendship. You decided that unless he confesses first, you'd keep your mouth shut.
"I'm a top student at Geography; I can easily take us back!" He puffs his chest proudly.
"You failed Geography last semester, top student." You poke his cheek teasingly.
"He told us to write about a country of our choice! How could I have known writing about Panem wasn't acceptable?!" He defends.
"It's a geography class, not write-about-your-favourite-book class!" You laugh.
"Our teacher just doesn't appreciate art and creativity, that's all." With a shrug, Shiroya stands up, you following immediately after.
Before either of you could say anything, a droplet falls onto your eyelashes, making you blink. You bring your fingertips to wipe away the water, as more droplets fell on both of you.
"It's raining." Smiling, he holds his hand out, little pools of water slowly forming in his palm.
"It is." Mirroring his smile, you pull your hood up, covering your head.
"No fair." Shiroya huffs, revealing his lack of protection from the rain.
"Fair." You giggle.
He raises an eyebrow before teasingly pulling your hood off, exposing your hair.
"Hey!" You whine, pulling the hood up once more. He merely sticks his tongue out at you, to which you do the same.
"Anyway, we need to find shelter till the rain stops." He starts, his tone a little more serious, "there's a cave over there."
You look at the direction he used his index finger to point at. Sure enough, you could see an opening at the bottom of the mountain. "Let's go, then." You nod, lacing your fingers together.
The walk was longer than you expected, which resulted in both of you getting soaked before reaching the entrance of the cave. It was silent as you made your way to the supposed shelter, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was a relaxing silence. The sound of the rain, the smell of the rain you were deeply in love with, the warmth of Shiroya's hand tightly holding yours: everything was calming.
The only problem was that you began to feel cold, and your wet hoodie was of no help. You were handling it pretty well at first, though, so you decided not to mention it, for you knew Shiroya would feel bad.
"Ah, it's smaller than I expected.." Shiroya places his hand on the back of his neck, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. You weren't very sure why he was embarrassed, but you couldn't help but smile at the sight.
"You can stay here; I'll try to find somewhere else." He offers, and begins walking away, but you tighten your grip around his hand, refusing to let him leave.
"It's not that small, Shiroya." You laugh at his strange behaviour, "we can both fit in."
"I..I'm.." he fiddles with a loose string sticking out of the bottom of his sweatshirt.
"What's up with you?" You stare at him with a mix of confusion and amusement, as you drag him to the entrance of the small cave.
"You just don't understand.." you heard him mumble but chose to ignore it.
You had pulled your hood down, since it was useless now, leaving your messy ponytail for anyone to see. However, it didn't matter for 2 reasons. 1) Nobody was here to see you except Shiroya. 2) Even Shiroya couldn't look at you properly because there was no space for him to move much, it was also fairly dark inside, and you've known him for so long that he'd seen you in much worse looks, so he wouldn't care anyway.
You remained silent, staring at the droplets hitting the ground, shoulders and arms pressed together, each with your knees hugged to your chests. By now, the dry soil had turned into mud, and it worried you, for the way back was quite long, and you preferred not to drown in even more mud. Your vans were already wet and muddy, but it was nowhere as bad as you expect them to be on your way back.
Another worry of yours was that now you couldn't hide how cold you were. You begin shivering, alarming Shiroya in no time.
"Are you cold?" He whispers.
He chuckles, "Let me rephrase that. You're cold."
"Shut up." You lightly nudge him, a slight laugh escaping your lips in the process.
"Come on." He smirks, "I'll keep you warm." He brings his arm around you, pulling you into his chest. "Is this any better?" He rests his chin on the top of your head.
"Yes." You nod. And it was true. You felt warm. Maybe it was mostly because of your burning cheeks instead of his embrace, but either way, you were no longer shivering.
"You smell like Jasmines." He muses.
"Uh, yeah. It's my shampoo." You explain sheepishly.
"I love Jasmines." He states.
"I know. You told me when we were..12 I think? And then I just wanted to buy everything Jasmine-scented." You chuckle, the blush never leaving your cheeks, "but I suppose I got used to using this shampoo and kept buying the same type."
Was that too much? Were you creeping him out? God, maybe you really shouldn't have said anything.
"There's something I love more than Jasmines." He tilts his head lightly so his cheek takes his chin's position on the top of your head.
Was he suggesting another shampoo scent? Really?? You wanted to face palm, but it wasn't what you thought. When you asked what it was, his answer was a lot better than a new shampoo scent.
"You." He giggles, hugging you tighter.
You lift your head to look at him, eyes widening in surprise at the sudden confession.
"At least say it back; don't leave me hanging." He chuckles in embarrassment.
You laugh but comply, "I love you too."
A few kisses later, the rain had stopped and you were both trying to find your way back. It didn't take much time, since teachers were already looking for you.
You got scolded from your teachers and parents, but you couldn't say you were bothered. Both of you were too happy to let anything, even your muddy vans, ruin today for you.
His carefree attitude is rubbing off on you, you thought.
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shall-we-imagine · 7 years
Christmess. (ShiroyaxReader).
No, not a spelling mistake. 😂
Genre: fluff. Yes, again.
Summary: In which you and Shiroya are given a less than convient job when preparing for a Christmas party..
(Second person point of view)
You, Shiroya, and Yayoi were standing in Rindoh’s living room. He had invited you to his “Christmas party” just for you guys to discover his so-called Christmas party..well…hasn’t even started yet. He invited the three of you a bunch of hours earlier because he needed help with the preparations, and that was his idea of how to ask you to do that.
“You simply could’ve just asked us to help instead of tricking us into coming here.” You cross your arms while rolling your eyes. “Yeah, but someone would’ve never showed up if I asked nicely.” Rindoh defends as he looks at Yayoi. “Oh, you got one thing right. In fact, I’ll be on my way now; you can tell me when everyone is here already, then I’ll come back.” Yayoi says as he approaches the door, “Oh, come on. You know I’m an old man that needs help.” That old man excuse he uses when it’s convenient for him; “You’re an old man that I’ll be slashing at with my sword if he doesn’t let me leave.” Yayoi reaches for his sword. Something tells me Yayoi really wouldn’t hesitate to actually slash at Rindoh with his sword.
“Hey! Hey!” Shiroya jumps in the middle of the two men, probably sensing that Yayoi was barely even joking. “We’re already here anyway; maybe we can have a little fun with it. It really can’t be that bad to help Mr.Rin out a little.” Shiroya smiles as he tries to reason with Yayoi.
Yayoi stares for a bit with an irritated expression before he sighs, “Fine, we’ll help the idiot.” He replies reluctantly. “Hey! I’m right here!” Rindoh gives an offended expression in the most exaggerated way possible. “I know.” Yayoi shrugs. “Next time you do this, Mr.Rin, I won’t be holding him back.” Shiroya threatens, “You guys really aren’t that nice, you know?” Rindoh sighs while you laugh at their usual bickering.
“Well, anyway, let’s get to work, shall we?” Rindoh smiles, changing the topic. “Yayoi can help me with the food in the kitchen while you guys can decorate the tree; the ornaments are in a box next to the tree.” Rindoh assigns us our duties. “It’d be more like you helping me in the kitchen not the other way round.” Yayoi states while making his way to the kitchen.
You could still hear them arguing inside the kitchen about who’s helping the other; they really never stop arguing over the silliest things. You and Shiroya had to stop laughing at them and actually start doing what you were told to.
You stood there observing the tree while Shiroya seemed to be more interested in the ornaments inside the box. The tree was really huge, which sort of made sense because Rindoh was quite tall after all, so he wouldn’t have had a problem decorating the tree. Of course that wasn’t the case with you and Shiroya. You were both relatively short.
You approached Shiroya while shifting your gaze between him and the tree. “Well, we should get started.” You state; the closer you got to the tree, the higher it seemed to go. This isn’t gonna be as easy as you thought.
“Shiroya?” The moment you turn to look at him, you were startled to find his face right in front of yours. “Wha..? What are you doing?! You startled me!” You moved your face a few inches away from his. Just thinking of how close your faces were is enough to turn your cheeks a deep shade of red.
“Look what I found.” He grinned as he held up a little mistletoe between the two of you. “You know what that means!” He smirks, “Uh..Shiroya..we really need to..to start decorating! Stop messing around!” You avert your gaze to hide your embarrassment. “That’s cheating!” He furrows his eyebrows and whines. “Come on, (Y/N). We can start decorating right after it! I’m your boyfriend anyway; it shouldn’t be a problem.” He pleaded as he held your hand. You haven’t started dating so long ago, so you still weren’t very used to everything being the way it is.
You looked back at him for a few seconds before shutting your eyes and slowly leaning into him.
“I said decorate the tree not make out.” A voice makes you jump away from Shiroya before your lips could meet. “Mr. Rin!” Shiroya crosses his arms in annoyance, to which Rindoh just laughed. You held your face in your hands; it was already embarrassing enough to begin with, but the fact that Rindoh caught you two made it way worse.
“I was just checking on you, what?!” Rindoh defends, “Just get back into the kitchen! Please!” You reply in desperation. He laughs before walking back into the kitchen. “He just ruined the best part.” Shiroya sighs, “Well, anyway we need to get started!” You reply as you walk towards the box on the ground.
Both of you spent a good time hanging up the baubles, but now you had to put the star on top of the tree. “I can’t really..” you stood on the tip of your toes and stretched your arm as far as possible, “…reach it.” You sigh and put your hands on your hips in frustration. “Watch and learn.” Shiroya confidently takes the star out of your hand and approaches the tree. He does exactly what you did and surprise! Surprise! He couldn’t reach it either. He was only a few centimetres taller than you after all.
“Yeah, you totally did it right; I’m so impressed.” You say sarcastically when he fails. “Shut up.” He tries to hide his embarassment, but it was already clear enough. “Well now what?” You ask, and he looks around, “we could use that chair over there.” He points at a wooden chair in the corner of the room. “Good idea.” You nod as you walk over to the chair and grab it.
Once you put the chair in front of the tree, you realized it seemed a bit wobbly. Is it really a good idea to get on top of that chair? You dismissed it as just some overthinking and got on top of it anyway.
It seemed fine at first; you took the star from Shiroya and put it on top of the tree with ease, but without warning, you felt the chair break underneath you, and you were sent flying to the ground. Well not quite. You ended up grabbing onto Shiroya by accident, and now you’re both laying on the ground, part of you on top of him.
“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” You use your elbow for support, as you try to get a better look at your boyfriend. “Shiroya?” You brought your face closer to his. He had his eyes shut; it wasn’t that bad of a fall, was it? Was he knocked out?
As worry begins to get the best of you, you felt an arm wrap around you; Shiroya brought you closer to him. He opened his eyes, “Were you worried?” He asks with a playful, teasing expression. “Shiroya!” You whine, “I thought something happened to you!” You try to get up, but he won’t budge. He had you held really closely, and it didn’t seem like he was gonna let go any time soon.
“Well, I mean it kinda hurts a little. You should give me a kiss to make it up for me.” He grins, “You’re just using a random excuse to get a kiss.” You raise an eyebrow. “Guilty.” He laughs lightly. “You’re an idiot.” You shook your head, but you couldn’t help but smile at him.
You both closed your eyes and leaned in, “Are you guys okay? I heard a-” a voice interrupts you, “..a thud.” Yayoi crosses his arms as he glares at Shiroya. “Oh, come on!” Shiroya whines while you rush to get off of him in embarassment. “Wait, did you use the chair that I left in the corner?” Rindoh asks as he comes out of the kitchen, “Yeah.” You reply. “That one’s not exactly stable..” he says, “Yeah, we figured that bit..” you turn your head to look at the broken chair on the ground. “Well, I was gonna throw it out anyway.” Rindoh shrugs and walks back into the kitchen.
“Are you guys done yet?” Yayoi raises his eyebrow at you both, “Yes.” You reply while Shiroya gets off the floor. “Well, quit messing around; the rest will be here soon.” The second he finishes his sentence, the doorbell rang.
In a matter of minutes, everyone was in Rindoh’s house; they were all eating, chatting, drinking, etc. Shiroya kept glancing at you every now and then, but finally he spoke up, “I think I’m gonna go get some fresh air.” Shiroya said as he stood up and walked outside. It wasn’t that hard to get the hint. “Me too.” You agreed and followed him. It should be freezing outside, but it’s the autumn village, so it really wasn’t all that cold. Just a little chilly.
You walked out and shut the door behind you; Shiroya was standing a few inches away with his back turned to you. “Shiroya?” You approach him, and he turns around to look at you. “Is something the matte-” he cut you off by pushing his lips against yours. His hand made its way to your waist, pulling you closer to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back; you found yourself running your hands through his hair. You pulled away only after you ran out of breath. You stared into his eyes before you both laughed lightly, “Finally! No one interrupted us this time!” Shiroya grins. “Yeah.” You smiled at him. The happiness he felt just because he got to kiss you seemed to make you feel really giddy, it even made you blush slightly. You were glad to have found someone like him. And let’s just say…it took a long time before you two decided to get back inside..
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shall-we-imagine · 5 years
Thank you so much for the Shiroya one shot! It was really cute!
No problem at all I'm glad you liked it! Feel free to request for more whenever you like ❤
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thecrazyanimegirl · 6 years
I just noticed that there are a few stories links missing from the Otome masterlist. 2 of the "Shall We Date 2" one-shots with Shiroya and his S/O. 4 of the "Cybrid Ikemen Revolution" one-shots. And Kashu Rem's (Bad Medicine) headcanon.
We feel so honored you actually noticed that! We’ve been working on the updated version but never got around to posting it. We’ll post the new one soon!
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thecrazyanimegirl · 6 years
Shiroya is a cutie! I loved reading the Shiroya x S/O one-shot, about their ninja training at night! Thank you!
I’m glad you liked it! :)
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