#shiratorizawa my beloveds <3< /div>
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klwl-truck · 2 years ago
Tendou got everybody at Shiratorizawa popsicles!! He’s so nice :)
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chodzacaparodia · 3 months ago
i finally got caught up with a certain volleyball anime some time last week or so!! i love all the boys so much ;-; v__v my queue is now filled with more posts than it has had in weeks (currently at 200+, and 50+ in drafts) and 90% of it is haikyuu. ya girl is down horrendous
it's literally impossible to choose favorites so i feel kind of evil for asking but who is your favorite from each team?? (can pick two if one is physically not possible [i totally understand LMFAO])
I can't believe it 🤯. You know that a few hours before I got your ask, I wanted to send you an ask like "Hey, I just wanted to say that every time I see you reblog a Haikyuu!! post, I smile because I'm really glad you liked it" ?? And then I was like "Nah, I'll send it later" 😭😭 LMAOO you sensed it 😭🫶🏻
First of all: *SCREAMS" It's great that you liked it so much and now they're taking over your queue and draws!! <33 yeah, girl is down bad lmaoo
True, that's pretty evil, so thank you for kindly letting me choose 2 characters from the teams hahah :')
I don't think I can choose my favorite characters from each team, because in my eyes some teams are just groups of NPCs, I'm sorry 😭😭 But here are the most popular ones teams and my favs from them:
Ofc Sugawara is my number one hahah. I love his personality <3 He's funny, trustworthy and expresses love through violence xD
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I really respect him for being able to back down when needed and showing full support to Kageyama.
Hmm who else do I like the most? Asahi is adorable :3 Poor guy, he's always scared, I wanna hug him
Kenma is in my top Haikyuu!! characters, so of course he's my first choice from Nekoma. I love intelligent characters and he is the brains of this team, and he is so relatable :')
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And where is Kenma, Kuroo must be there too! Just…look at him… I love how supportive Kenma is, he's a great friend and his hyena laugh kills me hahah. Funny (and clever!!) guy!
Aoba Johsai High
Oikawa is my favorite villain hahah! (seriously, I love these memes when Oikawa is next to Sukuna in the top villains 😭😭) He has his flaws, he may not be the most pleasant character, but he is brilliantly created and his frustrations are completely understandable! He is extremely human (and childish)
And... Oikawa in glasses...
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For balance, I also choose Iwazumi, because someone has to control Oikawa and no one is suited for that like him xD Another character who expresses his concern through violence :')
Fukurōdani Academy
AKAASHI!!! I spent over a year writing a fanfic about him and Sakusa (as roomates and besties) and it made him one of the characters closest to my heart. His fears and worries are no stranger to me.
And of course HEY HEY HEY BOKUTO!!! He's so funny and his emo mood improves my mood xD
Shiratorizawa Academy
Semi! It's emo Sugawara, of course I love him hahah. And in time skip he's a musician, so I'm totally crazy about him
Ushijima! He's blunt and clueless and I love it. He's funny and he doesn't even try :') And he plays in the time skip in Poland, so he's my guy :3
Inarizaki High
Kita! Come, on, he's perfect! And after he burst into tears when he got the captain's jacket… that did something to my heart.
You would think I would choose Atsumu because of the amount of Sakuatsu content on my blog hahah BUT NO hahah
...no, okay, I like the guy… mostly because of Sakusa, but I like him. He's annoying, he has a nasty personality, but I've invested too much time in him, so he has to be here
Itachiyama Institute
Oh my Omi Omi, my beloved Sakusa Kiyoomi!I love this grumpy guy, he says what's on his mind. And his germaphobic side somehow wins me over. He's another character I've focused on a lot while writing fanfics, so he's very close to my heart and I feel like I understand him on a completely different, closer level
His cousin, Komori, also has to be here! He's his closest (only??) friend and I appreciate him being with him (their dynamic is gold!)! And he's just a really cool guy
Johzenji High
I will exceptionally choose a manager from this team! Hana is great, she's really screwed with these guys, but she manages somehow :')
Date Tech High
Koganegawa is an energetic and friendly boy who looks like an angry bird! I can't believe that someone can dislike him
I guess that's it?
Thank you so much for the ask, it made my day (^▽^) I really like these interactions! Now we can officially bond more over Haikyuu!! hahah <3
Have a nice day! ヽ(・∀・)ノ
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lady-of-ocs · 2 months ago
I'm gonna go down in order of the episodes, I guess. Alright, FROM THE TOP!
...Right after the cut because god knows I have a lot to say
In case you hadn't noticed in my past few posts, I like Daisuga a lot. That being said, Michimiya's whole crush on Daichi is not only adorable, but very relatable. Like, Daichi is such a sweetheart. How could you not have a crush on him? Michimiya giving him the little good luck charm before the game was pretty cute. Anyway, back to the regularly programmed homosexuality-
Actually, scratch that. We love to see Nishinoya and Tanaka chanting "do it for the babes" and screaming in the middle of the hallway. My dudes, you'd get way more girls if you took a chill pill.
ALSO HINATA'S MIDDLE SCHOOL FRIENDS COMING TO WATCH HIM PLAY AND SUPPORT HIM!!!!!!! I'M GONNA CRY, YOU GUYS. Also Kageyama not remembering them lmao- "Do you remember every bug you squish?" is WILD in the context that he's comparing beating Hinata's middle school team to that. SO tactful there, Kags. AND HINATA WITH THE FINGER GUN "this is why no one likes you" COMBO. THAT IS MY SON RIGHT THERE. I LOVE HIM
Obviously it was good to see the school start to support them at the end of season 2, but the vice principal and a bunch of the student body showing up was so great to see! I had to look Shimada and Takinoue up on the Haikyuu wiki because I cannot for the life of me remember their names, though. I'm out here calling them "glasses guy" and "the blond one." But it was good to see them there to support the boys as well! As someone who was in a not very popular sport during high school, any support at all feels great, so I'm very happy for the boys. That being said, THEY WERE NOT CONFIDENT AT THE START OF THIS GAME. HALF THE TEAM LOOKS EITHER DEAD OR LIKE THEY'RE GONNA VOMIT. Hinata, Asahi, and Yamaguchi my anxious, beloved boys- Meanwhile Nishinoya and Tanaka having a girl related breakdown. Oh and the Shiratorizawa crowd was wild. It was just bigger than Karasuno's, for one, but they also had some fucking cheerleaders and at one point they broke into song- It was just a crazy difference. You could tell that a lot of these guys regularly went to games, unlike the Karasuno crowd who didn't know the chants very well.
AND SPEAKING OF THE CROWD: AKITERU!!!! I honestly just love Kei in general, but seeing his relationship with his big brother is one of my favorite things (that and his relationship with Yamaguchi, obviously). I loved every moment of Akiteru being on screen. His surprise that Kei might have more friends than just Tadashi, his pride in his brother's performance, and him rushing down after Kei's hand got injured- Whoa, whoa, getting ahead of myself. All that to say that Akiteru was delightful during this season and he does genuinely seem like a good big brother.
Just as a warning, you're gonna see me gush about Tendō a lot in this post because that's my boy and I love him (as if I don't say that about half the characters who appear on my screen). I screamed when he arrived.
The first set just stressed me out. Somehow I remembered that Ushiwaka was a lefty well enough that I wasn't surprised when Noya said it, but it didn't quite register in my brain when I watched the ball getting hit. We love to see Suga screaming at the team and telling them to get their heads out of their "big dumb asses." Love you so much, Suga. Keep being the team mom we all love to see. I was watching this first set and just going "they're getting absolutely steamrolled holy shit-" but eyyyy Tanaka got the first point! That being said, the set ended and I was like "girl that was an absolute MASSACRE." P.S. thank you to whoever decided to write actual explanations about certain volleyball rules, plays, strategies, etc. into the show (and I'd guess they were also in the manga?). Yachi explained the technical timeout and I was like ohhhhh. I get it now.
Tsukki's hand got BEAT UP this season. He's got one finger sprained or something in the first set and then his hand manages to get cut open or something on a ROUND BALL and his pinkie finger gets fucking DISLOCATED. Ushiwaka, your spikes are lethal, dude. Keep doing what you're doing but good god please don't kill someone
Shiratorizawa is a scary opponent. Obviously you have Ushiwaka and Tendō, but they're all pretty good players. Even though I already knew that Karasuno won at the end (even if I hadn't seen things from the end of the match, obviously they win since there's literally a season 4), I was still on the edge of my seat because oh, hey, this is really intense and you really sit there and wonder "how the hell are they going to win?" sometimes.
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Love that Yamaguchi is no longer nervous about serving and just wants to get in the game so that he can serve.
I'm glad I wrote a little note down about Yachi's mobbing metaphor because I kind of forgot about it, but that same mobbing mindset was ultimately what won Karasuno the game. Their last attack was a synchronized attack, and it overwhelmed Shiratorizawa and ultimately lost them the point and won Karasuno the game. So, yeah! Amazing metaphor, Yachi! And great foreshadowing, show!
I cannot remember the context for all of these but here are some random reactions from this section:
Hinata is such a talented little decoyyyyy. I’M SO PROUD OF HIM!!!!
He’s so fucking good at that quick I’m so proud of him
Tsukki has gotten so much more into the game and it makes me so happy. He’s so fun to watch and listen to the inner monologues of. He’s a genuinely amazing blocker and player and I loooove this
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"I’ll never forgive them for what they do to you baby 😭"
I have seen season 4 Asahi and I just. I'm not as attached to season 4's design but it doesn't seem like many people like season 4's animation style, so I feel like I can say that. Season 1 Asahi, you will always be my one true love. But season 2 and 3 Asahi is also very good (I love his little headband).
Damn, I didn’t even get to see them lose that set, they just fucking lost. Like, almost by 10 (25-18). I don’t even know what to say to that, babe
Shiratorizawa’s coach is so mean but also so funny (“Do I need to call child protective services? Because you look like a lost kid at the mall!” SIR PLEASE YOU AREN’T ALLOWED TO BE THIS FUNNY). And he was consistently funny the entire time. Like, so many comments and threats just had me like "SIR I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO LIKE YOU THIS MUCH." “Keep playing like bums and I’ll have you run home while I wave to you from the bus!” PLEASE MR. COACH MAN YOU ARE SO FUCKING FUNNY HELP- THE FACT THAT TENDŌ SAYS HE’S LEGITIMATELY DONE THAT TOO OH MY GOD
IWA AND OIKAWA ARE HEREEEEEEE!!!! I like them a lot. I like them a lot a lot. I love how we got to see them banter and they gave commentary on the game and specifically Kageyama and Hinata. And the fact that Iwa showed up, too. Like, come on, babe, as if you didn't come here specifically because you knew Oikawa would. Don't play stupid with me. Side note: Oikawa you fucking NERD
Cue me gushing about the third years as little baby first years (my dog sat on my mouse while I was trying to write that sentence):
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I’M GONNA CRY LOOK AT THEM I LOVE THEM I CANNOT DEAL- "I don’t know if I can watch this entire episode if I’m gonna keep getting fucking cuteness aggression every time I see these three babies on screen. I’m gonna squish them. I must" Look at my boyssssss. They worked so hard and for WHAT “I guess that means our crows have fallen” SHUT UP OLD MAN YOU’RE GIVING THESE CHILDREN TRAUMA
I don't remember the context for this picture but I just want to put in another picture of Asahi tbh.
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That's the love of my life right there, people. He's pretty, anxious (he's just like me), and a sweetheart. My ideal man fr fr
Again, do not remember the context for this, but: TENDŌ YOU LITTLE SHIT-
"Aaaand Ushijima’s serving somebody hold my hand-" Tendou being Ushijima’s fucking hype man is everything I needed to see today lmao
Okay but genuine question. So Suga goes in and serves, they get the point. But now Kageyama is serving. Where the fuck did Suga go??? Don’t they usually keep serving??? Unless they lost a point that I missed but ????????
SO DOWN FOR SUGA STARTING THE FINAL SET. GET THEIR ASSES SUGA BABY. Aww Suga’s stressed. Can’t blame him. IT’S THE KIYOKO PART! She’s genuinely so kind, though. Like, she noticed he was trying to warm up his hands and tried to help. Kiyoko, you’ve grown on me! We also love to see Asahi being supportive to Suga. The third years have my entire heart and soul dedicated to them, I fear
SUGA LOOKS SO SMALL NEXT TO THOSE SHIRATORIZAWA GUYS MY GOD Granted, Suga isn’t the tallest guy on the team, but dude, these guys look like giants next to him AIN’T NO WAY TENDŌ CALLED SUGA “easy to read, like a kids book.” YOU TAKE THAT BACK. LEAVE SUGA MAMA ALONE
So. Tendō's tragic backstory. I was already attached to him at this point but the whole thing about him being ostracized for his entire fucking life (and for what? He's just a baby, leave him alone) just hit me right in the heart and buried itself there. I need to squeeze this precious little baby because ain't no way I'm letting him get treated like that. I'm glad that his teammates and coaches don't treat him like that, at least. Ushijima had better have been the best fucking friend to him I swear to god-
That was a hella gay thing to say, Tendō “now isn’t that a beautiful sight” while staring directly at Ushijima. WHO WROTE THIS
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Akiteru being a good big brother and running down to check on Tsukki I- TSUKISHIMA PLAYING OFF HIS PAIN BUT HE’S ABSOLUTELY FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE RIGHT NOW. Good on Akiteru for reminding Tsukki that he has a good team and doesn’t need to tough it out.
CAN WE PLEASE APPRECIATE SAEKO?? The guys were so dejected and tired and Saeko woke up the crowd and started leading the chants and cheering. I love her. Tanaka has a good big sister.
AND AT THE LAST MOMENTS OF ONE HELL OF A SET, TSUKISHIMA KEI RETURNS TO THE FUCKING COURT LET’S GO!!!!! Everyone is so happy/surprised to see Tsukishima back and I’m so happy too! Let’s go, babe! BLESS HINATA HONESTLY “I bought you some time, Tsukki…But honestly, it was mostly Yamaguchi." I AM ON THE FLOOR.
Hinata gets a point, Tendō blocks his next point and we’re back at Duce, WHEN DOES IT END
Ohhhhh the visual of Ushijima shoving Tsukishima and Hinata down and then Daichi, Asahi, and Tanaka coming to push him off and help them is just AHHHHHHH. THEY’RE SO FUCKING AWESOME. I LOVE THESE UPPERCLASSMEN SO FUCKING MUCH. SOMEONE PLEASE SEDATE ME.
AND THEY FUCKING WIN. LET'S GO KARASUNO!!!!!!!!! I had to get up and take two laps to get myself to calm down enough to actually watch this part because I was so excited for them.
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These three are fucking crushing me please hold-
Nah but the way that Daichi instantly just turned to Asahi and they hugged each other and then Suga immediately came to join them and they just hugged and screamed and cried- I was emotional. They deserve the world. I'm so happy for them AND THEY AREN'T EVEN REAL
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Bawling my eyes out.
Takeda fucking sobbing that he’s proud of them is so real of him. And Ukai putting his hands on shoulders and praising the boys (TSUKKI IS 100% THE MVP OF THE GAME TODAY WOOOOOOO)
*cue chanting* USHITEN RIGHTS! USHITEN RIGHTS! Them just laying there stretching together is just. I don't know. I just had emotions about it. Someone has a whole analysis on what Tendō is saying (acting like Ushiwaka is going to just leave and forget about him), so I won't go into that territory, but just. I like them a lot. Shiratorizawa grew on me and I got all sad when they started crying from their loss. I'm really glad that Ushiwaka and Tendō remain friends (I've seen that "we're also best friends" panel from the manga and it fuels my life force, actually).
*continued chanting* TSUKKIYAMA RIGHTS! TSUKKIYAMA RIGHTS! I just love them so much. -> This is about the Tsukki calling himself worthless and Yamaguchi yelling at him about it scene, by the way. I love them.
Girl, the chaos 4 and Takeda are fucking passed out over there. Honestly, they all deserve it but Tanaka especially. He really played his ass off for all five sets. He, Asahi, and Daichi were clearly exhausted by the end but they kept fighting (and so did everyone else, to be fair!)
OOOOH IT’S THE JUMPING THING. THE ONE WHERE THEY’RE ALL JUMPING TO MEASURE HOW HIGH EVERYONE CAN JUMP. I love that Asahi's all salty about Hinata being able to jump as high as him. We don't get salty Asahi enough.
AND THAT’S SEASON 3 BABYGIRL!!! NEXT TIME: SEASON 4 (featuring the animation change that nobody likes)
I'm probably going to do more consistent reactions again now that I have a functioning laptop again. So, look forward to that, I guess!
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goatunderthebridge · 3 months ago
Fanfic Writer Review!
Ahh thank you for the tag @artisticxlly !!! I love to yap so this is perfect, thank you my lovely <3
How many works do you have on Ao3?
I have 4 works on there since September 2024! I'm primarily using ao3 to get back into writing, get used to finishing stories, and improve my storytelling, so there's not much on there yet! I adore writing but I'm not great at finishing anything I write, especially not longer-form ones, so I'm extremely proud of the works I've got on ao3 - they're the proof I can finish things. I've written other things in the past but they've mostly been short stories or published and never finished (I often get flashbacks of the y/n attack on titan fic I wrote when I was 13 on Wattpad...) so I'm glad to be trying new things and collating a small archive of them on ao3 :) I'm working on other WIPs / tidying up past haikyuu works I've written so watch this space!
Your top 5 stories by kudos:
1. Goodnight, Sweet Prince - ushiten
Ah, we love sleeplessness. This was just a fic I started writing in my notebook before bed because I craved ushiten and I thought it would be fun to project some of my inability to sleep onto the boys! The vision of Ushijima waking Tendou up to tell him he couldn't sleep, similar to a kid saying they threw up in the dead of night, possessed me. I really liked writing this, it was fun trying to get better at handling their characterisations and how they would approach something like insomnia and nightmares. I did, in fact, listen to whale sounds as I wrote it and I honestly don't understand how it can make people sleepy, I was so tuned in to the different communication styles I could hear (but that might just be the biologist in me talking!!).
This fic is also a prime example of wanting to finish stories but never getting around to it - I honestly wouldn't have finished this one if people hadn't actively spurred me on so thank you!! I owe it most to my beloved supporter @tinyrainbowshark-deactivated202 - hope they know how grateful I am for them <3
2. pet names - ushiten
You don't understand just how proud I am of this fic. This is the first thing I've ever finished that is longform - 19k is a lot of words for someone who has never completed something that long before! I'm normally used to just yapping in my stories so they can reach upwards of 30k with no ending in sight until I lose my motivation and abandon it. So, super proud! I remember reading an ushiten fic in June/July and feeling so enamoured by the characters that they just didn't leave my mind and I knew I had to write something for them to get them to leave. Thus, I outlined the plot of pet names and promised myself it would be written by the end of August. I started and finished the fic in mid-September in a week (thank you, lack of Wi-Fi!). I loved the experience but I should've known that ushiten has a much stronger hold on me than that because now I only want to write about them haha!! They're just such a brilliant pairing and I want to give them as many happy endings as possible.
Besides all of that, I loved writing about a mischievous cat and how something unexpected would disrupt the duo. I like the idea of the cat as an allegory for crushes which is why a lot of her behaviour syncs up with how Tendou and Ushijima react to each other's accidental/purposeful confessions. I normally indicate dogs as a metaphor for love (if you ever see me write "Somewhere, a dog barks.", there's love in the air) so it was super interesting for a cat to take this precedent. It was fun, 10/10 love writing about the Shiratorizawa dynamics, and you can never take ushiten being each other's safe space away from me, I feel so strongly about this. Quick fun fact: this fic was originally called Nobody Puts Baby in Shiratorizawa (Dirty Dancing reference)!
3. Super Glue - ushiten
I actually forgot to delete this one! This was written in a spur of the moment as a writing exercise because I missed ushiten (can you sense a theme here? lmao) and I wanted to note down what my own 'emotional crashes' looked like so this is very much just self-indulgence. I posted it because I wanted to get used to creating things that were not perfectly crafted but just things I enjoyed writing and wanted to archive. So this fic was just a little something for me but I'm surprised by how many people liked it! Probably goes against my desire for internal validation over external validation, but hey I am absolutely not going to complain - if anyone can find something they resonate with or need to take away from my fics, then I'm happy to provide. Sharing is caring and all that!
4. Pride & Hysterics - fukutora
We LOVE fukutora in this household! This was super fun to write and every joke in it is something I laughed out loud at so I love it. It was interesting to explore non-ushiten character headspaces, particularly when I'm not as funny as Fukunaga or as gutsy as Tora so this was a great lesson! This was also inspired by Epic's The Vengeance Saga because the idea of Tora deciding revenge is an appropriate way to deal with his feelings is such a funny concept to me. This might not be super in character for either of them, but I liked exploring the Nekoma characters and getting them wrong means I can improve so I can get them right in the future! This is mostly how I'm approaching writing in general so bear with my characterisations - I'll improve!!
5. .... tumblr stories?
Right, so I don't have a fifth posted work on ao3 BUT I do have small stories (drabbles..? ficlets...? I need a guide on tumblr and what to call things) that seem to hit on here! I love love love writing and posting these, it's something I've been doing all of my life. I am very inclined to having an idea about something and just writing as small as possible about it, keeping it self-contained, which is why I post a lot of those on here. These are ideas that could theoretically be made into a longer piece, but sometimes small is just as good. The beauty of the microscopic, right? That isn't to say some of the small stories I've written here won't be taken to produce a longer fic (cough, the ushiten monster au, cough cough), but I like exploring characters and getting to know them better in these small stories. The most liked so far seems to be the ushiten hugging one but the ushiten cold v warm one is my secret favourite. I'm so normal about these characters, I promise (lies).
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to every comment I can! I don't really know what to say other than express my love for people so I often feel like if I could just send a gif of a dog wagging its tail very excitedly, that would do a better job of getting my responses across than what I comment back! But I am always excited to see comments (I thrive on praise) and love connecting with people over my silly stories :)) I might take some time to reply because I need a recharging period after socialising but I'll always try to carve out some time to do so!
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
The angstiest ending? Honestly, I don't believe I've written one like that - maybe Super Glue would come across like that since Ushijima is technically still calming down from his overwhelm by the end of it? I try to write happy endings because I'd rather be filled with contentment and insights into life taken from a more hopeful outlook than an angsty one. I'm not opposed to writing an angsty ending, but I don't think this would crop up a lot for me in my stories.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
It depends on what you think is happiest! If characters getting together is your thing for a super happy ending, then pet names and Pride & Hysterics are your guys. For me, the happiest endings are often just characters feeling safe, secure, and comfortable by the end (romantically or not), so Super Glue and Goodnight, Sweet Prince are the happiest for me.
Do you write crossovers?
Not currently, and I probably won't unless it was in a fic with crossover characters that make a scene funnier! I love it when TV shows have crossover episodes that are never mentioned again so my fic crossover would probs be a chapter featuring a random character that shows up and is never mentioned again. Think the B99/New Girl crossover where Jake Peralta takes Jess's car and she tells nobody about this cop who took her car lol (my memory isn't perfect so that might actually be wrong but that is all I remember about the episode from both of the shows' perspectives haha!)
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don't think so! Unless we count my sister finding my aot fic on my phone when I was younger and laughing in surprise at me (which I DO count). She commented praise though from her account so, hey, a win is a win.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Mm sometimes as a writing exercise? I think it's interesting to portray another side of the character, to see how they would react in a sexual context, because sex is just another opportunity to explore deeper into a character and their relationship with others/themselves! I do have a kuroken wip that explores kuroo figuring out his sexuality that has chapters fitting this bill so maybe I'll finish and publish it at some point!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Also don't think so! I'm a very, very small-potatoes writer so I wouldn't expect this but hey, I haven't checked if anything has been stolen either so maybe.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also nope but would be super cool!!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't but I've definitely helped out on editing/proofreading/collaborating on ideas for creative projects! I love sharing ideas and adding onto premises so I wouldn't be against co-writing a fic but we'd have to be super clear on expectations and how we'd go about it, otherwise the writing process wouldn't be super productive (thinking about the idiom: too many cooks in one kitchen...).
What's your all-time favourite ship?
Oof, big question. When I was a young teen, I was obsessed with ereri because I loved how people wrote about them more so than either of the characters themselves or their relationship. Judging from my Pinterest pins, I'd say it's gone from ereri to ruby/sapphire (steven universe) and then the current perfect pairing: ushiten, the beloved boys <33 There's something about them that just won't leave my head or heart or soul so I'd probs class them as my favourite.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Oh I have a lot! I have multiple personal novels I've written upwards of 30k for that I would love to finish but might not. Maybe one day as a little treat for myself - they were stories I was very attached to and needed when I was younger, so maybe it would be nice to finish them. But they're also not urgent and perhaps I might leave them behind haha! In terms of fanfiction, I have a fic about the captain squad boyfriends taking a train together to see the captain squad but the trip gets stalled by a jewel thief on board and they have to work out who it is because the thief has framed one of the boys. A super silly idea but very fun to write! Might never get around to finishing it though haha
What are your writing strengths?
Hmm, I'm not sure! I love coming up with ideas and daydreaming scenarios, but that's not fulfilling the technical, "writing" aspect of writing. So... maybe adding a bit of flair into my prose in terms of metaphors? (I've always been complimented on that in school but that might've been lost with university stress haha). Not super sure... I've been told how I write is easy to read, so maybe that!
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not super strong at every aspect of storytelling just yet, but I'd say being more concise and shortening scenes is a big one for me! I love to yap and let things unravel in a scene, so I defo let them go on for longer than they need to! I'm also not brilliant at phrasing things in the best way, extending from dialogue to introspective narration to just descriptions, so I'm excited to see how that changes a year from now. Oh, and scene descriptions. They bore me when I read them so I have an awful habit of just straight-up skipping them lmao
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If I knew the language and thought it fit the fic, hell yeah I'd include dialogue in another language! I'd prefer to fit it in a way that it makes sense in the realm of an English-written story though since that's what I primarily write in (i.e., the dialogue's translation would be obvious within the story itself to any reader or however else I needed the dialogue's purpose portrayed).
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for but want to?
I'd probs only write for a fandom/ship I'm obsessed with enough to study the characters on a fine scale, so nothing really springs to mind because I am very dedicated to haikyuu right now haha! I did used to write for attack on titan and death note (not on ao3) but I don't see myself writing for those again until the obsession comes back around. I got very into demon slayer this past year and I have been mulling some thoughts about a fic for it since I adore Inosuke and he would be fun to write about! In terms of ships, I haven't written anything for kyohaba and I love Mad Dog so I would defo think about writing something about them!
What's your favourite fic you've written?
I love all of them but Super Glue has to take the cake for now. It's such a personal portrayal of my own emotional crashes and it helped me reach out to people to support myself when I recently got overwhelmed so I'm devoted to it <33
Tags: @anoant-haikyuu-dump @eurydicees @forestmossling (<- some writers I admire!! Just wanted to take this as a way to say I adore how you write so no need to do a review if you don't want to!!)
I also don't know who else to tag that hasn't been already but if you're reading this and would like to, feel free to jump on!
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IT WORKEDDD IT’S A LOT WARMER HERE TODAY :33 thank u for the sun delivery mwah mwah <33
ARMIN MY BELOVEDDDD WAHH HE LOOKS SO COMFY IN THE SUN 🥺🥺🥺 i’m glad both u and him got some sunshine !!!! gotta soak it up while it’s there…. no but i can’t waittt for it to get warmer and brighter i’m so excited. also we are holding hands i literally got my period yesterday and it beat my fucking ass LMAO I’M FINE NOW THO!! i hope urs has gotten better too 😞😞……. hang in there mickey i’m sending chocolates ur way 🍫🍫
AND WAHHHH I’M SOOOOO HAPPY THAT URE ENJOYING THE SHOW ure so real for loving them all…. they’re literally allll so charming aren’t they… BUT HINATA RLLY IS SUCH A SUNNY LITTLE GUY he’s the cutest of them all T—T AND PHDKFBFJF SHORT NATION ASSEMBLE….. he’s one of us……. noya is like 159 cm tho so let’s bully him instead <33 our little mouse boy <333
AAA AND AND TSUKKI!!! MY BELOVED!!!! his character development is my favorite everrrrr there’s this One moment in s3………….. i won’t say anything else. just know it’s coming + it made me scream. tsukki is so good i love him so dearly <33 AND KUROOO OUR SILLY GUY he’s literally stsg’s lovechild to me like he’s the perfect mix between them 😭😭😭 he’s sooo funny and two faced i need to pinch his cheek and pick him up by the scruff of his neck like a kitten…. he has bewitched us all
AND ASAHI PLSSS IT’S SO FUNNY HOW EVERYONE BULLIES HIM 😭😭😭 but he’s just a big ol teddybear….. i think it’s soooo funny how asahi is this gentle giant and noya is a rabid little chihuahua they’re so great together !! AND THE FAST ATTACK GOSHHH IT HITS EVERY SINGLE TIME 😵‍💫😵‍💫….. i also love the lil encouragements they’re all just so sweet 🥺🥺 SUGA IS SO LOVELYYY i have the softest spot for the third year senpais….. daichi is my number one though he’s sugucoded to me <33 the papa of the group fr. and the coach… the managers……. it’s crazy how literally Everyone is just so great wahhh………..
I’M HOLDING U TIGHTLY MICKEYYY there’s still sm love this show hasn’t shown u yet….. hehe s2 was so great but i think s3 might actually be my fave 😳😳 even tho it’s the shortest…. OH WAIT WAIT WAIT another mickey prediction. idk if uve meet ushi yet…. the big scary shiratorizawa guy… but. i think ull love him. he’s very funny and autistic and just sincere?? yeahhh i love him there’s also a weirdo on the same team who i think ull like!! :’3 he’s a silly little cutie. made me cry a bit. ughhh i’m just…. so excited for u LMAO i haven’t finished s4 yet but it’s looking super duper good so far too <33
ANYWAY ANYWAYY THANK U FOR INDULGING ME BELOVED my blanket fort is perfect it’s comfy and warm and armin sits with me all the time :33 we communicate telepathically. I HOPE THE SUN IS STILL SHINING FOR U MY SWEET SUNFLOWER and i hope spring comes to u properly soon!!! yesterday i saw some snowdrops here and there i got SOOO happy mickey i miss flowers sm T—T…. sigh. i am spinning u around lovingly <333 picking some snowdrops for u and tucking them behind ur ear <3333 ily!!!
MICKEYYY i’m sneaking out of my blanket fort… leaving a treat and some flowers on ur bed (ominously)……. 🥞🌻🌷🌹🛌 i hope ur day is going super nicely !! :33 IT’S TECHNICALLY SPRING HOW R WE FEELING it’s still gray n sludgy here :((( but i hope it’s better where u are !!!
anyway anyway i just wanted to check in w u BUT i also wanted to ask….. what hq ep are u on + who r ur faves so far ?? 👀👀 idk if u’ve met noya and asahi yet but i love them sm they’re my pookies. IT’S SUCH A FEEL-GOOD SHOW ISN’T IT it makes me smile sm too !! T—T
ily mickey i’m crawling back into the blanket fort (sneakily) (ominously)….. tell armin i love him <3
ARIIIIII MY LITTLE IRIS<33333333 i love me some ominous flowers mwahahahaha thank you they're so beautiful!!!!! IT'S VERY MUCH SPRING HERE TODAY!!!! idk how long that's gonna last but today is super super good!!! it's sunny and it's not too cold either wahhhhh i'm automatically feeling so fresh n hyped lmao I'M GONNA SEND SOME OF THE SUN TO YOU THOUGH I'LL CUT IT IN HALF AND YOU'LL GET THE BIGGER SIDE I PROMISE!!!!!
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here's the guy!!!! we just went outside we both wanted to feel the sun<333333 i wanted to go to the park but uhhhh my period kinda has me in lockdown though💀💀💀 fuck that bitch but even that little piece of sun made me feel so much better already🌻🌻🌻🌻
HQQQQQQQQQ I LOVE IT SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! i'm currently on season2 ep 12!!!!! I DON'T THINK I CAN PICK A FAVOURITE THOUGHHHHHH LIKE I LOVE THEM ALL THEY'RE ALL A BUNCH OF CUTIES ok maybe hinata is my favourite................ HOW COULD HE NOT BEEEEEEEEE HE'S A LITTLE RAY OF SUNSHINEE I NEED TO PUT HIM IN MY POCKET he gets so excited over everything and ahhhh he just means the world to me.....
i was gonna make fun of his height the other day bc he really is super tiny next to all of the other players but that was until he said that he's 163cm and................................................................................. i can't really make fun of him if we're LITERALLY the same height now can i.....💀
pls i almost cried already too...... the eps with tsukishima and his brother:((((((((((((((( when he saw that he wasn't even on the court:(((( yeah that got me a little bit but i'm so happy that he's more comfortable on the team now and that he's enjoying it!!!!!!!! i love him.
kuroo is so funny too............. hehehhehehe gojo has transformed into a high schooler....................................... pls the scene where tsukki asks him why is he even giving them advice when they're techically rivals and he just goes "well, i've just always been a really nice person" as the lighting is making him seem like some angel ahsghghasghaghah so silly i loved it a lot
WAITT BUT I ALSO LOVE NOYA AND ASAHI AAAAAAAAAAAA i've never loved the whole cast of a show this is kinda crazy. everybody being so afraid of asahi just bc of his size is so funny poor guy lmao ALSO bc you know i'm on my voice actor bs did u know that asahi's va is the guy who also voices kunikida??????????????????? SO COOL
OHHHHH ANDD WHEN HINATA AND KAGEYAMA FINALLY GOT THAT FAST ATTACK RIGHT???????????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THAT WAS SOOOOO CUTE I LOVE HOW EXCITED THEY ALL GET WHEN THEY GET A POINT and i love how much they all praise each other all around????? "nice receive" and "don't worry about it" and "we got the next one"????????????????? wahhhh it really is a feel good show my cheeks hurt from watching it
i think i have an extra soft spot for sugawara too!!!!! he deserves his own little mention he's a sweetheart
too much love i might die ari please hold me..... cue very dramatic sigh.... IS YOUR BLANKET FORT COMFY DO YOU WANT ME TO MAKE IT BIGGER? BETTER? DO YOU WANT MORE SNACKS? TEA? COFFEE? MORE PILLOWS MORE BLANKETS????????? I NEED TO MAKE SURE YOU'RE FEELING GOOD THIS IS A MUST!!!! YOU'RE MY NR.1 PRIORITY!!!!!!! anyway i hope the sun will come out soon for you too i'm making the call rn I LOVE YOUUUU<333333
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ghostbkg · 2 years ago
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Haikyuu Book Club - Week 7: 323-325
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1. pacing
i loved the pacing in chapter 323. everything was happening so fast, it was unclear where a play began or what the teams were planning on doing - we mostly got panels of spikes and blocks and digs. we didn't get any explanation of the characters' thoughts or elaborate panels of run-ups.
on one hand, it makes the pacing seem more like that of an actual game - if you're watching a volleyball match, it actually is that fast.
on the other, it serves to increase tension. everything is happening so quickly, there is just no time to think. the characters are just acting on instinct, points are racking up without anyone noticing because they're just so focused on playing. plus, they said that "karasuno is getting faster and faster" - and i love that the writing (the artwork?) is supporting this.
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It's no wonder hinata didn't realize they had won. to him, all that matters is playing, playing with his team and against kenma and nekoma. it doesn't even occur to him that the game could end. i also love kageyama's little comment.
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2. kenma my beloved having fun <33
hinata was the first character we met who wanted nothing more than to stay on the court and keep playing. it's never been about winning for the sake of winning - hinata wants to win because it's necessary to keep playing. and now, kenma feels the same way about volleyball. i know i have talked about this every week so far, but it's just so beautiful to me.
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not only did kenma enjoy this game, he is actually looking forward to playing again. and look at that bright smile hinata gives him. i love them so so much
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it's also quite funny to see how surprised everyone is at kenma getting into the game and trying. look at their shocked faces
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bonus: kenma and fukunaga being friends
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3. compositon
once again we had some wonderful pages. look at kageyama in this one. wow.
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look how beautiful the transition is. the ball drops from the top panel right onto yaku's arms.
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and of course, the parallels. do i even need to say anything
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4. they are FRIENDS
kuroo and daichi <33 they're rivals, yes, and they kind of hate each other because they're so aggravating to play against, but they are also friends and playing against with the other is fun!! daichi ducking under the net to hug him instead of just shaking his hand like he should is such a sweet gesture. look at them. my heart
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this spread. look at them. they've connected. they've created bonds.
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nekoma third years.
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5. haikyuu doing the unexpected
i can't think of any other manga that would end such an important game like this. there is no grand finale to this incredibly important game. there isn't even an elaborate build-up. the game moves incredibly quickly, and then it just ends because of such an unlucky accident. even in haikyuu, a lot of the important games kept going on and the players had to come up with more and more impressive moves (think karasuno vs seijoh or karasuno vs shiratorizawa). but this game ended because kenma's hands got slippery with sweat.
i think this is one of haikyuu's strengths. it's realistic. there are these little things that aren't grand or exciting, but that just make the characters seem much more human. more tangible.
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i also like the focus on hinata and kuroo, because those two are the most important players on the court to kenma. those two have the most important bonds with him.
6. lev appreciation time
lev did so well in this match! and look how proud everyone is of him!! i already talked about this in my reply to @sugaaz 's post but just, !!!! he has worked hard and it shows!!
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bonus: kuroo
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bontenten · 4 years ago
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The Choosing
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Pairing: Daichi x f!reader (ft. Captain Squad <3 and Sakusa)
WC: 3.2k
Genre/Warnings: Crack/Bad Humor, Smut, Romance, Reverse Harem, Royalty AU!, mention or hints of size kink, exhibitionism, creampie, breeding kink, dick and ball worship, you’re perverted and gross
Summary: You are the Princess of the Kingdom of YoreNaym and you need to choose a husband.
Repost from my main because I say so. Lee... :gru: i miss u
Also, no beta we die like Daichi.
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It’s a tradition carried through many, many generations that the daughters of nobility from the Kingdom of YoreNaym must choose a suitor from the eligible bachelors from the neighboring kingdoms. It’s a show of kinship to the other kingdoms and also a means of securing peace.
At some point, everyone’s sister’s cousin’s second uncle’s sworn brother’s adopted daughter’s nephew twice-removed will be related and connect back to the Kingdom of YoreNaym. In short, the blood of this kingdom’s daughters unite the lands. No incest, there’s enough genetic diversity, if you will. And because you are also a princess of this kingdom, it’s your turn. Yay.
While growing up, you hear the elders say that the youngsters should be grateful that they have the agency to at least pick a suitor. They spin their looms and cackle, reminiscing that, “Back in our days, we didn’t get to have a choice. Our elders appointed a spouse for us from whichever kingdom had a suitor. Unlike you girls who get to choose, ungrateful wenches…”
Does it really matter? It’s just the false pretense of choice, isn’t it? At the end of the day the selection of eligible bachelors are all chosen ahead of time, deemed worthy, and then after the initial picking, you are just allowed to pick. It doesn’t matter who you choose, any one of them will fit the criteria. Maybe you’ll just close your eyes and pick one randomly. Can you actually say, “I’ll choose my own hand and marry myself.”
That’s pretty brave, hell yea that’s a main character move right there. Speaking of which, who are the eligible bachelors you can choose from today? It’s practically your engagement day, yet you really haven’t been paying any attention at all.
“Hey,” you whisper, lifting the curtain of the palanquin. A maid quickly answers to your beckon.
“Yes, my lady?”
“Who are the candidates today again? You have a...list or brochure of sorts?”
“Just a moment, my lady, I’ll retrieve the scroll for you.”
You open the scroll and peruse the contents. Huh, all the neighboring kingdoms are going all out this year. There’s the Kingdoms of Nekoma, Inarizaki, Fukurodani, Aoba Johsai, Shiratorizawa...Wow, even Johzenji and Nohebi have candidates? Funny, all of these are all presenting their crown princes too. As they should, you are the most beloved princess of the Kingdom of YoreNaym, and the suitor you choose will bring you back as a blessing to his kingdom. It’s a total bummer that the Kingdom of Itachiyama isn’t participating this year. Sakusa’s crown prince succession is next year! You have heard so many swoon worthy stories about that princeling, even paid handsome amounts of money for paparazzi paintings of the beautiful man. No one will find out that the princess of YoreNaym actually hoards little pictures of Prince Sakusa in her panties drawers. It’s a shame you aren’t picking your husband next year.
There’s one more Kingdom on the list that surprises you. Kingdom of Karasuno, or more commonly referred to as the Kingdom of “Fallen Crows”. According to legends, they used to be quite a prosperous kingdom, but after a few generations of inept leadership, a drought, and poor trade economy...the Kingdom has mostly faded into obscurity. It’s been years since a suitor candidate has been offered. So who is it?
“Sawamura Daichi,” you whisper to yourself, “Interesting.”
The festival ground outdoors is especially grand. There are a huge number of tables prepared off to the side for guests. Trays of food, fruits and wine are provided for every single guest in attendance. You are led by the attendants to the temporary throne seat as the guest of honor. As you make your way to the throne, all the guests stand up to acknowledge your entrance. It’s so pressuring and a part of you wishes you can just dig a hole and bury yourself on the spot. You don’t even want to think about how many eyes are on you. They are all just jealous because, really. Take my word for it, I’m the narrator.
When you take a seat, the guests reseat themselves. A shaman comes to the center stage and bows to you.
“My lady, the time is auspicious, let us commence the Festival of Unity. At this time, I’ll be introducing the eligible bachelors from neighboring kingdoms near and far. They have passed the arduous tests and come as the best to offer in asking for your hand. Each of the suitors will present to you with a talent or skill, as to show you their excellence. After the demonstrations, you will be allowed to take your pick. Whereupon you will—”
“Okay, I get it! They will participate in a talent show, we clap, and I choose a husband, I got it!” You snap, cutting the shaman’s words off. Your patience is wearing thin.
A number of guests can be heard mumbling in the crowds, probably commenting on your behavior. Your eyes scan the guests, you can care less. Judgmental eyes, scheming eyes, lecherous eyes, disgusting eyes....Your gaze meeting with a pair of eyes that are absolutely blank. Wait, not blank as in emotionless. Non-judgemental? The opposite of unkind? Dare you say, polite? He gives you a smile and returns to taking a sip from his goblet. You scan his clothing up and down to look for his family crest. Black and orange. A crow. Karasuno.
Your thoughts are jumbled as an increasing amount of questions fill your mind. He? Karasuno? That Kingdom of Fallen Crows? You barely hear the shaman announce the first candidate.
“Bokuto Koutarou from Kingdom of Fukurodani.” Bokuto is a very large, very well built man. He is wearing his family crest of an owl across his back proudly. You can tell his chest is incredibly broad, the bulge of his big tiddies stretch the tight shirt he’s in. If you squint hard enough, you can maybe see the outline of his nipples through the training shirt, but maybe that’s just your perverted imagination too. Bokuto comes to the center stage and greets you.
“Hey! I’ll uh, demonstrate my strength to you, my lady.” He easily picks up a huge hunk of metal and lifts it with ease above his head. Damn beefiness, those arms of his. Seeing the bulges flex when he flexes has you dreaming of mouth along that delicious flesh. And when he pins you down under his massive body? Ooh, if this is the first demonstration, you’re excited to see the whole lineup today. Gasps and murmurs can be heard in the crowd. Bokuto grins and drops the load on the ground. You can almost feel the tremors beneath your feet. Truly, a herculean feat.
“Thank you, Bokuto, I have seen your demonstration and all those here are witnesses.”
Bokuto’s demonstration is a showy start of the competition for your hand. The shaman announces the next candidate. “Ushijima Wakatoshi from the Kingdom of Shiratorizawa.”
Ushijima walks up to the stage exuding the regal aura of nobility; a byproduct of his strict upbringing. The twin crests of an eagle decorate his shoulder pads. His expression is quite cold, but there’s a saying, “it’s always the quiet ones.” You lick your lips and study him some more.
“Greeting to the princess,” he says with a deep bow. “I also bring a demonstration of my martial prowess.” Ushijima takes off the bow and quiver of arrows from his back and nods at his attendant who then catapults three apples high up into the air. Everyone’s eyes follow the  trajectory of the objects, squinting to see what’s happening. No way.
Ushijima draws the bow back and calmly shoots one arrow, perfectly spearing the three fruits along the shaft. The crowd bursts into cheers. You also find your tight grip on armrest loosening, the tension from the scene dissipating in a moment. Ushijima’s calmness, accuracy, decision-making...he would make a very suitable partner for sure. Co-workers of sorts, that is.
You know your marriage carries a lot of weight politically and the fate of the whole universe will rest on your decision. Maybe not the whole universe, but close enough. But, marital bliss is important too right? Is Ushijima the right choice? There are still many more candidates, it’ll be best not to make a rash decision. Your gaze wanders over back to the Karasuno prince who is clapping earnestly for Ushijima’s performance. He’s acknowledging a rival’s strength, you think to yourself. Well, that’s certainly a rare but admirable trait. A confident man, he is.
After Ushijima’s demonstration, Oikawa Tooru’s enchanting musical performance offers a much desired change of pace. The rhythm and melody from his zither carries both the energy of fortitude as well as a graceful spirit. Quite stunning, but just not quite the musical vibe you’re feeling at the moment. Bummer, maybe a different day, really. Could be friends?
Kuroo Tetsurou from the Kingdom of Nekoma offers a particularly memorable performance too. Kuroo comes to the center stage with a trough filled with flames. Everyone is at a loss as to what is going on. Kuroo flashes you a grin before taking out a few pouches containing some powders. In a poof, the flames burst alive with colors blending blues and purples. And moments later yellows and greens, even reds. No one has ever seen fire change color like so.
“Witchcraft!” someone gasps.
“No it must be alchemy. Dangerous craft,” another adds.
Kuroo bows to you. “My lady, this is called chemistry, a discipline of science.”
Kuroo’s smiles teeter on the edge of flirtations and you cannot deny that your heart flutters just slightly when you see his crooked grin. He’s intelligent, humorous, and attractive. Definitely also a contender. A union with him might be fun. And especially when you see Kuroo run a hand through his messy, black locks and give you a piercing gaze, you almost wonder if this is the feeling of chemistry. It feels like you are naked under his seductive, golden eyes, completely submitted to his will and absolutely drugged. And you fear that if he sends you another one of his grins, you’ll come untouched. Dangerous, send him off immediately.
“Thank you, Kuroo, I have seen your demonstration and all those here are witnesses.”
After Kuroo, many more candidates also come to the center stage for their demonstrations. Kita Shinsuke from the Kingdom of Inarizaki composes and recites poetry on the spot. His literary talents and mastery of public speech move a very large crowd of the literati officials. Kita is a charismatic leader and commands confidence. But he doesn’t seem to be the best fit. Your brain says ‘yes’, but your coochie just isn’t feeling it. The nerve signals say no.
Terushima Yuuji demonstrates a one-man comedy show, but his storytelling skills, although humorous, fall just a little short after Kita’s. Had Terushima been slotted for a different position, perhaps he would make a stronger impact.
Daishou Suguru. Interesting. But tongue itself will eventually get boring too.
A few more candidates demonstrate their talents to you. Most of them fail to impress you at all. Your blank expression is more than enough to make a few almost shit their pants or cry on the way they exit the stage. It’s really not their fault, you’re just a bit tired after seeing so many performances and demonstrations. You are just trying to find the best fit after all. It’s your duty and responsibility as the muthereffing princess of the Kingdom of YoreNaym.
“Sawamura Daichi from the Kingdom of Karasuno.”
The crowd is silent as Daichi stands up from his seat and makes his way to the center. His shoulder is relaxed and his head is held high. He doesn’t have the large build of Bokuto nor is he decked out in regal fabrics like Ushijima. His hair is simple and clean. His expression is polite and pleasant. Amongst the sea of beautiful and talented men, Daichi is like an ordinary seashell buried in the sand. But like how too many bites of dessert beckon the simplicity of water, Daichi’s humble presence makes him stand out in particular.
Daichi bows deeply. “I send my deepest regards to the princess. I am Sawamura Daichi from the Kingdom of Karasuno.”
“Please rise, Sawamura. What demonstration do you bring to me today?”
“My lady, I have nothing showy in particular. I only bring myself. And please feel free to call me Daichi.” You can feel his piercing gaze on you, confident and assertive. So he has some guts. It beckons you to submit, but you bite back. Grrrrr.
“Just yourself? That’s quite cocky of you Daichi. Others bring talents and demonstrations of qualities that make them fit as my suitor. What do you have to offer for me to choose you? Or is that something you are not looking for at all?”
“Karasuno,” Daichi begins, “Karasuno is a good kingdom. For many years long ago, our people have suffered greatly and we have gained a poor moniker. However, for the last few years, the kingdom has made significant progress and improvements. Alongside my brethren and officers of my court,” Daichi gestures to his entourage sitting off to the side, “We have come a long way. ”
“You tell me much about your home, Daichi, but what about you?”
Daichi pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts. He is well aware of the pressures you are putting on him, testing his convictions to the limit. You are a princess after all, so it’s only natural that you test his qualifications. Diachi swallows his nerves and faces your confrontation head on.
“I come to tell you the truth, my lady. I cannot hide these facts about myself or my kingdom. I am truthful, honest, but I have an unshaken belief that my kingdom will prosper because I have my closest and trusted with me. Each of them have their talents and strengths. Karasuno is a band with a bit of everything, and we’re family.”
You inwardly sigh. It seems like Daichi won’t be completely living up your hopes. At first you thought that his confident yet humble demeanor must hide something. Something incredible, because he can sit back and freely applaud other men for their talents. Something remarkable because he doesn’t feel the need to jump out in front of others. Something big. Very big.
“I don’t doubt your family’s bond or strength, but I am here to choose a suitor, a husband in layman's terms. So, I suppose that—”
“Wait,” Daichi cries out, and gestures towards his Karasuno brethren.
A tangerine head jumps up and brings out a scroll. He skips a few steps towards you and passes the document over to the shaman who brings it to you.
“My resume, if you will, my lady. I have no other talents but what is shown there.”
You glance at Daichi, studying him closely. From his clenched fist, you can tell that even in this moment, he’s a bit shaken and nervous. You undo the ties on the scroll and unravel the contents.
All eyes are fixed on you, trying to decipher every microexpression you make. The slight widened eyes, the twitch of the brow. The slight part of the lips and the deep breathes from you trying to calm the invisible fire that’s building in your core. It’s big. If the resume is accurate, Daichi’s demeanor truly is hiding a beast. A massive, humongous, schlong. Finer than any specimen you have seen in banned pictorial books you read and hide under your massive princess bed.
The sheer size and girth of the XL 2d image is rendered in X-TRA fine detail. You brush a finger onto the parchment, tracing the lines depicting the veins running along the shaft. You gulp, rubbing your finger down what is drawn as a big, swollen tip that’s glistening. Artists these days are so detail-oriented, it looks as if precum is just dripping from the tip and shimmering. So realistic, you just want to take it all into your mouth. To gag or to choke. Neither are a question.
The balls, those massive balls that are the storehouses for an endless supply of fresh cum. Organics from the finest the kingdom has to offer. Precious jewels hanging at the base, ripe for your licking. It looks so juicy and plump and you want nothing more than to rub your cheeks, cooing at how cute they are.
You know it’s good. It better be good if the painting is depicting something this sumptuous. If this is the real deal, then you really have nailed the jackpot and secured a brilliant future for yourself. Marital bliss. Bedroom adventures. Bedroom adventures where he’ll fulfill every nightmarish fantasy you ever have. It’ll be hard at first, your cunt’s so tight and he’s so big! But it’s okay, you’ll take him like the royal princess you are because the Kingdom of YoreNaym raises whores and sluts only!
No scratch that. Coital activities can take place anywhere. Maybe you’ll cockwarm him while the two of you hear what the morning court has to say about the affairs of the kingdom. Maybe you’ll find yourself tumbling around in the garden after a cute game of hide and seek, skirt hiked up, as he fucks a grass stain into your back! Okay. That might not be the best idea. Perhaps just once. For novelty’s sake.
But hear me out, when you are sneaking into the kitchen for some snacks, he’ll pin you on the large baker’s table and just take you right there to fuck his babies into your womb. His cock pumping into you as the table creaks and shakes from his thunderous movements. He’ll fill you to the brim with copious amounts of his hot cum, heaps and heaps of them, just like the baker fills the buns with cream custard in the most obscene fashion ever. Watch your belly rise and bulge up like pastries in the oven. Oooh cummies.
You sigh and squirm in the seats as you continue examining the masterpiece of a dick. You feel your heartbeat racing wildly as if you are caught tinkling in the castle fountain. It’s unknown if you ever did that, by the way. Just saying, your memory is failing you just a tad. But oh gosh, you’re wet already. The slick pooling between your folds is just soaking through your princess panties; the ones in the drawer where you keep all your secret prince Sakusa drawings heehee. But Sakusa’s pretty face aside, you are now face to face with the most magnificent dick pic you’ll ever receive. Not really unsolicited, but damn work of art. Literally.
The crowd is silent when you clear your throat and roll up the scroll, taking extra care to not let anyone else touch your new precious treasure. You lean forward and perceive Daichi. Daichi gives you a cocky grin, showing his teeth. Slightly stained with the wine, but it’s just temporary. It doesn’t matter as long as the real deal is...well, real.
Daichi catches your eyes wandering to the outline of the bulge between his legs. The glorious dickprint that he’s casually showing to everyone present. It puts Herculean Bokuto to shame, Ushijima into a blushing mess. Kuroo nearly snorts his colored powders. Daishou’s tongue hangs out and dries. Oikawa is sent to the medics. Kita no longer waxes poetry about the weather. Terushima leaves the party early.
Daichi is smug and casually asks, “My lady, would you like to examine the goods? I am a pure man and would not carelessly offer tastes to anyone. But you are a princess of the Kingdom of YoreNaym. You can have a sampling before you commit. Satisfaction guaranteed.”
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maddenikaris · 3 months ago
Volume 18 thoughts:
-tendo’s insane but i love him
-sometimes. tsukki can be real cool
volume 19 thoughts:
-alright i admit tsukki finding his love for the sport hits every time like that’s RIGHT it’s cool to care about things!!! it’s okay!!!!!
-shiratorizawa’s coach is so scary for no reason HOWEVER. even his small role in this series wasn’t wasted. i could go on for hours about how well-utilized side characters are in this manga
-i love you noya
-”the only choice hinata has is to keep flying” adding that to my list of movitational quotes
-bokuto’s hair falling every time he gets depressed. 10/10 character design
volume 20 thoughts:
-hilarious to me that tendou calls karasuno “monsters”
-coach washigo’s worry is even more valid today fr
-suga beloved ohhhhh so beloved
-forgot about ushijima’s dad. oof. just when you think you’re past some of the hard hitting emotions, haikyuu hits you right in the chest
-i truly do love how there is no “”plot armor” for karasuno. like you DON’T know if they’re gonna win. players get hurt, lucky shots go to the other team, etc. it’s great
-”if you don’t step up, you’ll never grab victory.” THE QUOTES IN THIS SERIES MAN
-hinata is truly insane i love him
volume 21 thoughts:
-YEAAAAAAAH hinata’s got hops alright!
-oh right THAT’S why coach washigo is the way he is
-THERE’S GLASSES OIKAWA. the way i lost my mind the first time i saw him. jerk
-kuroo <3
-tsukki encouraging hinata 😭
-chills. every time this game ends. chills
-karasuno third years 😭😭
-NEKOMAAAAAAAAAAAAA oh i cannot wait to read those chapters again
-daisho i cannot stand you (i mean this in a good way he’s well written)
Sam Rereads Haikyuu!!
Start date: Nov 22, 2025
Redoing my masterthread since I post on mobile a lot and i can't trim. I will keep things as spoiler free as possible! Thoughts under the cut :)
Vol 1-3 thoughts:
-one page in and i'm tearing up already the impact this series has fr
-Not to liveblog my experience but I forgot how iconic Oikawa’s entrance in. That whole mini arc at the practice game is incredible
-Alright reading on pause I can’t do the first nekoma practice match right now I’m gonna burst into tears at work
Okay I lied so two things:
1) Karasuno second and third years. These early chapters still hit man the emotions and the everything. That is all.
2) [deep, deep inhale] KUROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Volume 4 thoughts:
-suga is the guy of all time
-the instant effect hinata had on kenma. Perfect. No notes
-the jerseys 😭😭😭😭
-Kuroo’s nerdy little pregame speech I love himmmmmm
-the way furudate-sensei drew motion, even in the smaller panels, is so good
-tbf id also be scared if all 6’2” of Kuroo was facing me down on the opposite side of the net
-the seeds beings planted for the nationals game I CRYYYYYY
Volume 5 thoughts:
-the genuine respect all the teams have for each other even while wanting to win. Chefs kiss.
-The little bonus sketches between chapters are so sweet. Sulky little Oikawa and all
-YAMAGUCHI 😭😭😭 sweetheart of ever
-Karasuno!!! Third!!! Years!!! Esp before inter-high tourney
-Oikawa. That’s all.
-I know how all these games end and yet I STILL get nervous reading them Furudate sensei you will always be famous
-the chapter about losing always hits home. Like, if you’re really passionate about something, you really have to go insane crazy with it and never ever doubt you won’t make it
-would love to know how long it took to come up with names for every single character like I have nothing but the utmost respect to the commitment
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Volume 6 thoughts:
-I love love love that he shows how unpredictable games can be. Skill is great but sometimes. You can’t predict where the ball will go or how it lands
-Aone and Hinata 😭😭
-I can’t help but love you Shittykawa
-I forgot JUST how intense this inter-high match is
-“if you’re going to hit something, hit it until it breaks” arrogant little jerk (affectionate)
-Seijoh 4. Iykyk
Volume 7 thoughts:
-Sugawara Koushi I love you I love you I love you
-the little “boing” sound effect whenever hinata jumps
-Ennoshita is SOOOOO under-appreciated
-The oikawa and kageyama parallels do me in EVERY SINGLE TIME I SWEAR
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sneezefiction · 5 years ago
soft seijoh sleepover
Seijoh x Reader - Sleepover Headcanons
a/n: the next team in my soft team sleepover series is Aoba Johsai! :,)) this one gave me so many feels. enjoy many hugs, sweet gestures, and fluffy feels @ a sleepover with our beloved, turquoise-wearing boys
warnings: none!
wc: 940
you’d been managing the Aoba Johsai volleyball team since you were a 1st year, so you’ve had the pleasure (and horror) of getting super close with the Seijoh boys
back in the day, Iwa and Oikawa shared several classes with you & had somehow convinced you that you would be a perfect manager for their hectic team
and you actually believed them :O
but it was SO worth it. you have so many terrifying photos and videos, a nickname for each of the boys, and you’ve received hugs every school day since you started working w/ them
however, now that you’re a 3rd year, you’ve been searching for a way to show your care for the team before you inevitably part with them
which is heartbreaking to say the least… but you’ve figured out a way to leave them on a sweeter note
a ★Goodbye I Love You All So Much★ sleepover at your house
you’ve got stacks of DVD’s out on your coffee table instead of using N*tflix just to make Hanamaki and Kunimi mad
you also managed to set up several bowls of the boys fav snacks which consist of m&m’s, popcorn, chips, sour gummies (bc for some reason i hc that Kunimi likes those), and a sneaky milk bread just for Oikawa
and the boys arrive one by one
each one giving you their signature hugs:
Hanamaki’s is short, but sweet, wrapping his arms around you in a tight squeeze
Yahaba’s hug lingers as he makes some flirty comment about how nice you smell, but you just laugh and push him off of you
you’re engulfed in a wholesome hug from Watari and it was all precious and sweet like: (⊃•́‿•̀。)⊃━✿✿✿✿✿✿
Mattsun’s is a Whole Embrace mixed with some goofy one-liners that makes you chuckle into his warm, fuzzy jacket - he always found a way to make you feel at ease & humor usually worked
HOWEVER the whole vibe is changed as Kyoutani grumpily makes his way inside, side-eyeing everyone in the process
Kyo simply looks at you, nods, and hands you a bag of store-bought cookies. to you this has been a successful interaction
but once Iwaizumi arrives, you literally have to look away to keep tears from welling up in your eyes. 
he just stares at his feet with a somber, blushy expression on his face until he realizes that you’re not gonna be able to initiate the hug bc Emotions™
his hug is l o n g. and warm. and several tears are shed into his well-worn, denim jacket while he cradles your head
tears are wiped away only for Kindaichi to stumble through the door with a card and flowers in his hand bc he wants you to know how much he’ll miss you.
Kindaichi’s hug is short, but it’s intentionally that way because he doesn’t feel like crying into your hair and almost fails
You can breathe a sigh of relief when Kunimi saunters into your home bc you know he isn’t gonna get all soft on you
he literally just side hugs you and honestly you couldn’t be more grateful for the chill interaction
but the relief is short-lived, because THE Oikawa Tooru is the last to dramatically make his way through the door
Tooru has his most precious smile on, just how you remembered it from your first year, and envelopes you in a hug that all but m e l t s you
you don’t usually let him use all of his charms on you, but you make an exception since this is one of the last times you’ll get to hold him this closely
besides Iwaizumi, Oikawa is undeniably one of the best hug-givers because he naturally soothes you, letting you lean into his chest and rest your chin on his shoulders. 
he’s definitely tracing small circles on your back and smiling into your hair which makes you entirely forget that there’s a room full of boys lounging around, watching this hug fiasco go down
“Get a room, you two!” You hear Hanamaki call out
Ah, yes, people are here
“Shhh! We were having a moment!” Oikawa whines, but you pull away from him anyways, rolling your eyes at the rest of the team
and thus the movie watching marathon begins
“Aliens” (by Tooru’s request) is first, then “The Greatest Showman,” followed by “Pacific Rim,” since you didn’t have any of the original Godzilla movies that Iwaizumi had requested
4 people pile onto the couch, squishing each other and getting a bit tangled
basically, you’re sandwiched between Iwa and Kindaichi (much to Oikawa dismay, bc he wanted to sit next to you)
everyone else is spread out on the carpet, in bean bags, across sleeping bags & pillows… whatever they find most comfortable
but the films weren’t exactly the focus
instead, almost everyone is making snide remarks, narrating, and sending memes throughout each movie while Iwaizumi is practically begging (threatening) all of them to just, “Shut up and watch!”
and because Iwa is literally about to punch one of them, you grab him by the shoulders and tilt his body until this head is laying in your lap & you’re softly brushing your fingers through his hair
you learn a lot about their film theories & gamer terms which only reaffirms your belief that they’re all just a bunch of nerdy, volleyball obsessed kids (even though they all want you to think they’re super cool and attractive)
but alas, it’s this goofiness that makes you so fond of them: the teasing and prodding, the illogical banter, and the casual & often untimely flirting from each of the boys periodically…
none of you get any sleep, but it’s okay because you’re cozied up next to your favs and they make sure to tease and love on you as much as possible, because you are just so special to them
you will miss every. single. one. of. them.
but to your credit, they are going to miss you so much more <3
soft team sleepover series
soft shiratorizawa sleepover
soft karasuno sleepover
soft nekoma sleepover
soft fukurodani sleepover (in progress)
tags: @cherryonigiri, @yams046, @miss-rin, @shou-kunn, @senkuwu-chan, @super-noya, @stcrryskies, @holaaaf, @sugacookiies, @vintgicals, @moonlightaangel
(comment, dm, or send an ask to be added to my general tag list)
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kalinawtokilig · 4 years ago
S/O who sleeps (too much) in the oddest of places
Ohh, being tired 24/7. I feel ya,,
((My formats will be a bit a different as I’m experimenting which feels and looks best, so bear with me))
- Y a s . My five favorite characters of haikyuu. yes. I agree. -
Pair(s): Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader, Suna Rintaro x Reader, Tendou Satori x Reader, Yachi Hitoka x Reader & Sugawara Koushi x Reader
You are the type of person to either have pulled so many all nighters that fatigue has finally caught up to you and the backlash is very intense, or you are such a sleepy person you’ll take a nap anywhere, anytime. It had cause inconvenience sometimes, such as having to keep the storage closet in school locked to prevent you from sleeping and being locked in, or skipping some classes to doze off. But thankfully your partner was able to help and spot you in time before anything off happens. 
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Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader 
((Ughhh, I love and pimp,,, I canNOT express that enough))
Iwaizumi knows his S/O can be such a sleepy babe
He wants you to be careful where you decide to rest
One time he wondered where you were, as he hasn’t found you in your class nor has his friends saw you in lunch 
He usually visits you to check up on you, to see if you’re okay, if you got enough sleep, or if you ate
He!! Is!! Concerned!! for !! your wellbeing!! 
With school ending and no practice today, Iwaizumi was eager to see you and walk you home, maybe even order takeout while watching a movie or something. When he said goodbye to his friends, he grabbed his scarf and jacket, heading to your classroom.
“Ah, Iwaizumi-kun.” One of your friends say, seeing him walk through the door and scanning the classroom. “If you’re looking for (Y/N), we haven’t seen them in a while. Last time we did it was the first few classes, then they left.”
Nodding in thanks, Iwaizumi decides to keep texting you, until you answer. But you didn’t. Which meant you kept your phone at do not disturb again OR your phone died. Again. You probably used it to listen to the newest podcast and went straight to school without sleeping a wink.Furrowing his brow, he grunted in frustration. “Where can they be?” 
He thought for a moment. 
‘Not in the storage closet, the janitor now locks it cause they kept finding (Y/N) in it. In the locker room? No, I got a text from one (Y/N)’s friends that they didn’t go to P.E.’
Then it clicked.
“(Y/N) better not be up there, it’s fucking freezing-” 
Speed walking down through the hallways and up the stairs until he reached the rooftop, he slammed open the door and he looked around, circling the entrance, he sighed with relief. 
You were napping against the back of the entrance building, a fluffy blanket and his hoodie that you were wearing to keep yourself extra warm. Not to mention you also layered his hoodie with his VBC jacket. You were lying in fetus position, your bag serving as a pillow as you snored softly, blanket pulled up to your nose. 
You look so precious. 
‘Snap out of it, Hajime! They could’ve gotten sick! They can’t sleep here any longer!’ 
Crouching down, he nudges your temple with the curl of his index finger. He’s not surprised that your skin was cold, the tint of pink on your cheeks and nose tell him how cold your face was. 
“Baby, wake up.” He speaks quietly, still rubbing the crook of his finger against your temple. 
Humming as your eyes flutter open, you sneezed, sniffing as you smiled in a daze to your lovely boyfriend. “Hallo, Hajime. What’re you doing up here?” 
He pouted a bit, now his face is tinted red. “Idiot, I was looking for you. You haven’t been answering your phone, did your phone die again?” 
You snuggled deeper into his jacket, looking so soft and cozy. Your boyfriend is practically dying inside from how cute you are. “Mm. I think so? M’not sure.” 
“C’mon, let’s go home. You slept until school was over, dumbie.” He brought his hand close to you, sneaking out from the blanket, your warm hand grab his cold one, and he pulled you up, picking up your bag and then wrapping the fluffy blanket around your body. 
“When we get to your place can we sleep? You’re so warm, Hajime.” You shift closer to him, snuggling against the crook of his neck.
He chuckled, ruffling your hair despite your annoyed, tired, protests. “Of course we can bubs. But you got to do your homework.” 
You hummed again, softly this time. “I did it already. I can give you the answers if it means you’ll sleep with me.” 
Iwaizumi sputtered, “W-Watch what you’re saying, dumbass! You can’t just say that to anyone!” 
Hugging him, the fluffy blanket still covering you and engulfing him, you smiled slyly, “That’s why I’m saying it to you, babes.” 
“Idiot, l-let’s go.”
“Eager, aren’t ya?” 
“...Shut up.” 
((Yes. Give me all of Iwaizumi Hajime. Yes. I agree.))
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Suna Rintaro x Reader
((Look at him.  LOOK AT HIM. Icant---)) 
Suna probably either does get enough sleep or he doesn’t, there’s no inbetween
Sometimes he does, cause he’s so tired from practice and collecting blackmail from the Miya twins fight
and there are times he doesn’t that you have to pick him up from class cause not even the loudest Miya twin can wake him up
That’s cause Suna trained himself to tune out Atsumu HA
But in reality, I feel like Suna is a light sleeper and if you were to wake him up, he’ll be like, “Wassup, babe?” In the husky ,,, tone,, aARYUFVAOR
He does usually need to find you, cause he does get concerned where you sleep
During gym class, you decided to fall asleep underneath the bleachers. You weren’t dead tired, but you had a big exam for three of your classes. Three tests take up a lot of mind power and studying consumes days and nights of good sleep.  Thankfully, Suna had let you wear his VBC jacket today, cause he knows how cold it can be in the gymnasium. 
By the time gym class ended, lunch rolled around and Suna had texted you that he was coming over to your homeroom so he can pick you up and eat with him and the twins. 
Arriving at your classroom, he looks around and sees that you weren’t there. Asking your seat mates, they reply to him that they haven't seen you since gym class. Blinking at them, he nodded and left. Pulling out his phone, he checked your snapchat and you posted nothing. Swiping up, he sees that you’re still in school, but it doesn’t exactly say where, only that you’re in the Eastside. 
You’re still in the gymnasium. 
He knew that you were busy studying for the three tests that he came to the conclusion that you didn’t get enough sleep, which meant you’re sleeping somewhere in the gym.
Going to your locker cubby, he opened it to see that you haven’t even brought lunch with you. Except two juiceboxes. Taking them out, he headed back to his class and picked up his own bento. 
“Where ya goin’ Suna? Aren’t ya s’ppose to eat with (Y/N)?” Osamu asked. 
“Hm. I will. Gotta pick’em up.” He replied. 
“Good luck findin’ them then.”
“Thanks, ‘Samu.” 
Suna casually walked to the gymnasium, taking long stride to get there at a shorter time. (Curse them... and their tallness))  Entering, he decided to call you. Then he heard the small ringtone you set up for him, the ‘bunny-senpai theme’ something like that. Following the sound of it, he stood in front of the bleachers in confusion. The ringtone was coming from there but you weren’t on the bleachers. Walking to the side, he heard the ringing become louder. Peeking from behind, he shone his phone light and saw a figure sitting against the wall. 
Snorting, he entered into the small cave and sat next to you, seeing as you were about to fall forward, he debated on either recording you fall flat on your face, probably groan and go back to sleep, or, he cannot do that. 
Being the good boyfriend he is, he placed his hand on your forehead, pulling it gently towards him, having you lean against his shoulder. He decided to take a photo, only for him and your eyes, adding it to his album of you two together. The album was called ‘Finding (Y/N)’, which was dedicated to you being found in the oddest parts of school and Suna finding you. You were mainly asleep in most of them, since that’s why he named it after you because of the places you sleep in or on. 
Last time he found you sleeping on one of the library tables, far back where all the bookshelves hide that table and other forgotten books. 
Throwing up a peace sign, a certain angle showing both him and you, he captioned it, ‘Underneath the bleachers :P’ 
Somehow the flash of the screen camera made you stir, waking up, you lazily blinked. 
Suna turned to you, kissing the top of your head. “Hey, Sleeping Beauty. Nice nap?” 
Sighing, you nuzzled against his shoulder. “S’cold, Rin.” You muttered. Opening his bento, he picked up some meat and popped it into his mouth, talking with his mouth full he replied, “S’cause you’re wearing shorts, babe.” He draped his hand over your exposed legs, patting them softly and then pulling it onto his own. “Where’s your sweats?” 
“Mn, I’unno. Must’ve put’em in the laundry. Or something.” You said, going back to sleep until you sniffed your boyfriend’s lunch. Tired eyes shooting up, you rub your head against Suna. “Can I have please?” 
Chewing rice, Suna picked up a piece of spice pork and offered it to you. 
Taking a bite, you mewled at how good it tastes. 
“Nice hiding place, by the way.” 
“Thanks, bubba.” 
((Omg,,,, I fuckin LOVE HIMMMM))
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Tendou Satori x Reader
OHHH what an energetic boi *cue puppy eyes uwu*
When he sees you napping he finds it sooo cute!!!
He can’t help but coo and call you the cutest nicknames for you to wake up too
“Peach” - “Jellal to my Erza” - “Beloved” - “Sweetcheeks” etc etc YUGFOEUYFGOUYEFV I LOVE TENDOU!!!!!
Shiratorizawa is a big school 
He usually wants you to go straight to your dorm or his dorm so you can nap, but he does want you to text him so he can see you and plop down next to you so you can nap together <3
If he can’t nap, he’ll read manga next to you be enveloped by your body warmth
When you forget to text him AND you’re not in either dorm, you know he’s gonna f i n d  y o u
out of love, ofc <3
At the end of practice, Tendou headed to his dorm, ready to shower and change into comfier sweats. Opening the door and dropping his bag to the side, he noticed there wasn’t a familiar lump on his bed. Shrugging, he took a quick shower and changed into warmer clothing. Drying his hair with a towel, he  sat down on his bed and checked his phone. 
“Ara, (Y/N) isn’t in their dorm. Good thing their roomie is there. Time to find my sunshine~!” Standing up, he pocketed his phone and closed his door. He could use the snapchat app, but he always like a challenge. Checking your reoccurring and unusual sleeping spots, he had found that you weren’t there at any of them. 
Humming, he had overheard from your classmates as he passed the hallways that they haven’t seen you after lunch. Like the good partner he is, he remembers your schedule. Since you had some of the same breaks, he made sure to drop by and wake you up so you can eat. He does find it worrisome that you like to sleep a lot that you forget to eat sometimes, but he doesn’t mind if that means he gets to see you more often! And talking about remembering schedules, he would sometimes pull you out of class so both of you can go into one of your hiding spots and catch up on whatever you wanted to talk about. 
Tendou loves hearing about your dreams. You tell him you have the weirdest and coolest anime-esque dreams when you’re at a specific place in school, saying it ‘Awakens your dream eye’. He indulges on it, saying that maybe one of your dreams can become a really cool manga idea, so he decided to help you keep your dreams consistent, doing research as in keeping a dream journal to continue the awesome dream you had, most of the time, you have your boyfriend on edge with how detailed your dreams can be. 
“My angel, lil’puppy, light of my life, where can you be?” He sang out at the hallways, passing by students who stayed a bit late to continue their studies or help around the school by cleaning. 
Stopping for a moment he recalled what your friend said; 
“(Y/N) probably dozed off again. I haven’t seen them since lunch and before that, we had lab.” 
Humming a made-up tune, he made his way to the lab reserved for the third-years, and as he slid open the door, he turned on the light and looked around. From checking to the storage closet and underneath the student’s desks he pouted a bit. 
A light bulb went off in his redhead. 
Going to the teacher’s desk and pulling away the swiveled chair, he bent down and smiled. 
“Found you, (Y/N)-ba~by!” 
You were sleeping soundly, your knees pulled up to your chest and Tendou’s VBC jacket being worn as it made you look so much more endearing. 
“Wake up, you hibernating bear. Gotta get up before someone finds us.” He crawled close to you and he cupped his hand on your soft cheek, turning to pinch it. Eliciting a whine, you scrunched your nose and glared with your eyes closed. 
“Open your eyes and time to rise! Satori is here to bring you back to your kingdom!” He teased, seeing that you started to stir, but your eyes are still closed. You held out your grabby hands and he pulled you into his arms. 
“Must’ve been a nice dream to have you skip all of your afternoon classes and forget to text me. Why sleep here?” He asks as he smoothed out your hair, you caught his hand and nuzzle your face into his large palm, his heart doing everlasting flips as how adorable you are. 
“Mm, kinda...superhero dream. S’a redhead antihero. Kinda lo’like you, Satori. He’s so cool, tryin’ ta change the system.” You replied a bit slurred, your eyelids opening half-way to stare lovingly at him. 
With his lip wobbling and eyes smiling, he lightly rubbed his nose against yours, “Always the smooth talker, aren’t ya, love?” 
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Yachi Hitoka x Reader
The pretty girl worries to death
Yachi knows that you don’t sleep at night cause you’re too busy gaming
Last time she slept over at your place, she tried her best to stay up for you but she passed out, when she woke up, YOU WERE STILL AWAKE
Finds ways for you to sleep early so she won’t have to find you sleeping in the storage closet beside the folded chairs
Conflicted on not wanting to wake you up or waking you up so you won’t get in trouble
You look so peaceful when you’re sleeping! She really dislike waking you up :(
As practice rolled around, Shimizu-senpai asked Yachi to pick up some more chairs from the storage closet. As she walked there and opened the closet, she heard soft snoring. 
She should know that it was you, but she was scared to move anything cause she doesn’t know exactly where you are sleeping on. Shuffling slowly, she peaked over some of the corners, reaching the blue mats, she saw the tuft of your hair at the opposite end. Climbing onto the mat, she crawled and looked down, seeing that you were sleeping in a cramped space. 
‘How can (Y/N) be possibly comfortable?’ 
Your head was leaning against the stacked mats, knees pulled to your chest and arms crossed on your knees. Just as Yachi was about to reach and fix your hair, she squealed when you caught her wrist, pulling it down as her face was closely met with your tired eyes glaring at the person who tried to wake you up. Softening your stare, you smiled kindly, loosening the grip on Yachi’s wrist and kissing it from holding it a bit tight. 
You were satisfied with the new color plastered on her face, a stuttering mess. 
“(Y/N)! W-What’re you doing s-sleeping here?! Don’t you know how cramped it is? And dusty?” She asked, avoiding your gaze. 
Humming, you rubbed the pad of your thumb against her soft wrist, “M’sitting on a spare towel. What’re you doing here?” 
“I had to get chairs for practice.” 
Groaning, with your other hand, you rubbed your temple. “I missed my last two classes. Damn.” 
Yachi pouted cutely, “(Y/N), did you sleep at all?” 
“I took a power nap. For five hours. Heh, don’t act so mad, buttercup. At least I got to wake up to you.” You flirted, snickering at how redder she became. 
“D-Don’t do that! I’m trying to be mad at you! You know I worry about your health. An average teenager should try to at least sleep seven or eight hours!” 
Sighing, you smiled at her with fondness, “I’m nocturnal, Hitoka. I sleep as much as possible when it’s the daytime. And I know for a fact that a student like you doesn’t sleep as much considering all the advanced class work can be a pain in the ass. Wasn’t it two nights ago you face timed me at two in the morning cause you were ready to set your homework on fire?” Smirking as you observed her sputtering for an explanation, you raised your hand and held the back of her head. 
“I’ll fix my sleep schedule if you give me daily kisses, how about that? Would you accept my offer, princess?” Your lips ghosted her, you can practically feel how warm her face is. 
Staring at her, she scrunched her brows and pursed her lips. “I don’t mind that proposal.” Yachi whispered. 
Grinning, you straightened your back as Yachi willingly leaned down to tilt to the right and returned the kiss. Pulling away, you stuck out your tongue between your teeth with a successful smile. 
“Since you’re awake, can you help me bring some chairs to the gym?” 
((I’m dying. I’m dying. IM DYING))
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Sugawara Koushi x Reader
((This man,,, goddamn,,, angels voice DEVILS WORDS))
Sugawara knows you love to sleep too much 
He wonders if you hibernate in the winter
Makes jokes about you being bear,,, or a cat 
Would sometimes invite you to his house or go over to your place so he can make sure you eat and remind you to do your homework 
Babe loves to nap with you after practice!!
Snuggling into all the pillows and blankets you hoard 
“I am in the cave of the hibernating honey bear”
“Koushi, go to sleep”
Sugawara knows how sleepy you are, so he doesn’t mind coming to your place and greeting you with kisses for you to wake up to. Even though practice ended late and Coach Ukai was pushing them a bit harder, Sugawara became a bit energized after showering and walking a bit faster to get to your place. After your first-year together, you decided to copy your house key and give it to him. Arriving to your place, he opened the door and knocked off his shoes, greeting your parent as they told him you were sleeping, as usual. 
“I was lazy to cook, Sugawara-kun. So, I ordered you guys pizza and burgers. Knowing (Y/N), I know they would complain to me if I haven’t bought them fries either. It’s in the living room, so try to wake up that tired kid o’mine to eat. Went straight to sleep when they came home.” Your parent sighed, shaking their head at your behavior. 
Sugawara chuckled. “I’ll bring them down, don’t you worry!”
“I’m positive you will. If it’s you and food, (Y/N) won’t mind at all.” 
The teen went up the stairs and opened your door, switching the lights on as his eyes landed to the barricade of blankets and pillows that shifted a bit. Walking closer, he saw the small exposure of your facial features. Tearing away the blankets, he smiled as he leaned in to pepper your face with soft kisses. The apples of your cheeks, forehead, temples, nose, and lastly, your own lips. 
Stirring, you slowly blinked. 
“Good evening, Sugar. Did you sleep well?” 
You grunted. 
“Come downstairs, there’s food!” 
Two hands shot out from the blankets as you held onto your boyfriend’s shoulders, pulling him down as he yelped. 
“Koushi, you can’t use food against me. I was sleeping.” You said in a tired voice. 
He turned to his side to look at you, lifting his finger and tracing your face, cheeks, nose, arch of your nose, and your lips. You took his hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. With half-lidded eyes, you watched underneath your lashes the pink hue on his face, even the mole near his eye was highlighted. 
“You have to get up, (Y/N).”  “Why.”
“So we can eat and watch anime!”
“Hmm.” You brought the hand you were holding close to your chest, “But I wanna stay here and hold you.” 
Sugawara can be speechless at how flirtatious and bold you can be, even if it was unintentional. But he knows you, and he knows how to play this game. 
Shuffling close, you can feel his body heat, “If you wake up, I can give you some of the answers to the homework. And hand feed you fries.” 
Eyes fully awakened, you smiled cheekily, “You know me so well, Sugarplum.” 
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klwl-truck · 2 years ago
okay but imagine tendou gets his buzzcut on like the last 2 weeks of school and so everyday he has to deal with all his friends either touching or rubbing his bald head
Sometimes they’ll gather around him in a circle like they’re going to sacrifice him or something and they’ll all just vigorously ruffle his head for about 10 minutes
semi especially likes to grip onto tendou’s head like it’s a basketball, while ushijima has developed a new stim where he rubs his cheek on tendou’s head to calm himself down, and yamagata hits tendou on the back of the head any chance he gets
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Like I was completely not ready for the request but I have exactly 3 request (yea yea I cannot hold myself because HOLY YOUR HQ POST IS DAILY SEROTONIN 🤝) for u 💝
Shiratorizawa and female manager going to the beach (👀 tbh I wanna show off my new swimsuit and I wanna see their reaction when their cute manager wearing it 🤭 but there's no fun if I don't see what they do at that beach 🤣)
Aoba johsai female manager secretly dating Watari (I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF EVERY POST ABOUT HIM AND FEMALE READER I BARELY FOUND IT 😭)
Daishou sister as Nohebi manager (a reverse harem cuz I cannot hold myself 😓)
We'll miss you, Ma. So because I have to prepare for my exam (YES THEY MOVING FROM JUNE 6TH TO JUNE 3RD OH FUCK!!!) and I also have to blend with mu new friends at school 🌚✌ From one of your beloved daughter,
Not you playing into the reverse harem fantasies 😫😫😫 please and Watari 🥺🥺🥺 our freaking angel!!
Omg good luck on exams!!! And have fun with your friends!!!
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mahalsuya · 4 years ago
being in a relationship with semi eita headcanons
i literally love him sm i just want a warm ol hug from him :))
SIMPS FOR SEMI ENJOY <3 gn! reader
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he’s a bit of a tsundere but only before dating and in the early stages of your relationship.
tendou would’ve teased him about his crush on you before dating and he’d be SOOO annoyed.
like tendou would give him the “oooo it’s your crushhh” look. and smirk at him a lot.
tendou would also hint at you and semi on your crushes on each other
he wouldn’t be like >:( tsundere but he just doesn’t make his feelings obvious/known to you, and tells you to shut up if you do things that make him blush.
he just doesn’t wanna embarrass himself or mess up pls 🙄🤚🏼💕
he isn’t tsukki level tsundere but he’s like iwaizumi in a way. THINKING ABOUT IT HE’D BE A LOT LIKE HIM LMAO.
he would be kind to you and be genuinely interested in things you do/what you have to say.
but he was a teensy bit shy at first
reon def had to calm him down before his first date with you AHAHAH
“semi, don’t panic tm! everything will turn out great. don’t lose your head”
“i’m not panicking. i’m not even nervous i’m perfectly chill. cool headed.”
*cue the blanked face stare and blink from reon* LMAO
you guys would have matched black painted nails. (YOU GUYS WOULD DO EACH OTHERS NAILS IM SO SOFT)
omg bonus you’d have a matching white/glitter nail on the same finger 🥲🥺
he makes playlists with songs that remind him of you or playlists for you in general.
he sends songs that reminds him of you.
literally has sm love and adoration for you it’s insane
he writes songs for/about you
if you guys are chilling together you can hear him softly humming songs he recently got into.
or when you guys are going to sleep he’ll hum or softly sing until you fall asleep
i headcanon that he pushes himself to work harder and overworks himself since shirabu became the regular setter.
you have to reassure him that he’s enough and HELP HIM NOT TO OVER WORK
his pet names for you include hummingbird (PLS I HEADCANON THAT SM), my love, bub, babe.
HE LOVESSS giving you forehead and temple kisses omg.
in public he’d hold your hand or put his arm around your shoulder.
“ahhh young love. isn’t it cute?”
pls tendou would take sm pics of you two tho and you’d ask him to send them to you
he likes playing the guitar for you.
if you don’t know how to play he’ll try to teach you sometimes and then kiss your hand if you complain that your fingers hurt after 😩😩
if you do know how to play, if you play a song, he’ll pick a riff or fingerpick the song along with you.
sitting on his lap to do his eyeliner for fun.
blasting “i wanna be yours” by arctic monkeys while making out 😮‍💨😮‍💨
suppperrrr attentive. like he always checks up on you and makes sure you’re doing okay mentally and physically.
you’re his personal stylist and he asks you on opinions on his clothing bc tendou said he “looks uncool” in casual clothes 💀💀
all in all, i love semi sm :,). GOD #i need a female semi pt.2 <33
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shiratorizawa masterlist semi eita spotify playlist
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jesswritesthat · 4 years ago
omg hi i know this request sounds a bit hefty but hear me out: you’ve got y/n, and you’ve got her twin. they’re both exchange students but their school somehow messed up the application or there wasn’t enough space in one school whatever, so one of them ends up in nekoma and the other in shiratorizawa. then, they each decide to be the managers of that school’s respective teams. and then when training camp comes up, they finally meet each other again and are happy to be together but the rest of the teams are SHOOK (including their own maybe 👀👀) bc they didn’t tell their teams they had a twin. bonus points, inarizaki is there and the miya twins try to flirt w them (ships are up to you bc tbh anything sounds fun asf, idk i’ve had this idea in my head for so long IM AN ONLY CHILD I DONT EVEN HAVE A TWIN FKDKSKSKS) idk if you wanna just do headcannons go for it babes it’s a lot i know lmaooo
This is genius!! Omg, I’m not a twin either but I’m VIBING with this idea — I did headcanons because there was so muuchhh. I hope you like 💕
(T/n) = twins (first) name
(L/n) Twins going to seperate schools and reuniting during a Shiratorizawa vs Nekoma practice match and Nationals:
• Due to unfortunate circumstances, (L/n) (T/n) had gotten into Shiratorizawa however, her twin sister (L/n) (Y/n) had to attend another school - luckily Nekoma had last minute vacancies.
• You stayed in Tokyo whilst your twin lived in the Shiratorizawa Dorms, it made seeing each other tricky but you always had video chats and since you were identical, it was easy to sneak into the dorms and stay for the weekend.
• You both loved Volleyball and had looked into your respective teams, (T/n) having the more famous one begrudgingly but being siblings... things got competitive.
“I’m going to become the manager of Shiratorizawa and I’m gonna take them to Nationals~” Was your twins cheery statement, whilst you playfully taunted her.
“Hah, more like they’ll take you, if I join Nekoma I’ll actually be useful.”
“No way - I’m a better manager than you (Y/n)!”
“Oh yeah?! Bring it on (T/n)! I’ll see you at Nationals - if you make it!” Thus, the challenge had begun.
• Nekoma and yourself had bonded, you’d heard the same about (T/n) and Shiratorizawa, it was like fate had gifted you your perfect matches in the end. Even if it meant being separated.
• It was around your second year with them that you’d heard about Karasuno, the once- upon-a-time rivals of Nekoma and how they’d organised a practice game with them over in Miyagi.
• You’d be playing other teams in the district to make it more beneficial... which is where your scheming came in.
“Hey, Tetsurō Senpai...”
“What do you want, you’re only ever so cute when you want something from me.”
“That’s not true! (Y/n)-chan is cute all of the time!” Yamamoto playfully punched his Captains shoulder, the latter reluctantly agreeing with a flush before clearing his throat and gesturing for you to continue.
“Think we could play Shiratorizawa whilst we’re over in Miyagi?”
“I’ll talk to Coach Nekomata and see what I can do, no promises though (Y/n).” Kuroo would do his best, you knew he tried for those he cared about, especially his team.
• It was no surprise then, that within 3 days you’d received a call from your twin.
“You’re coming to challenge me and my team (Y/n)?” The excitement in her voice, as well as that in yours was clear.
“You can thank Kuroo for that — you’ll finally get to meet my team!”
“And you mine! Tendō and Ushijima are incredible, I love them.” You’d spoken of respective players, shared stories and felt like you already knew part of each other’s teams despite never meeting them.
“Yes! I can’t wait - Lev isn’t coming with us, but Kenma and Yaku more than make up for it!”
“Lev is that first year you told me about right? I hope you’re ready to lose (Y/n), Goshiki is talented as hell.”
“And Nekoma is a unified machine, you’ll need a tissue to wipe away your loser tears~”
• Fast forward to the training trip, and the second you walk into Shiratorizawa you and your twin immediately rush over to each other, a collision of hugs, screams and excited conversation exchanged amidst the suddenly silent room.
• Tendō is the one to separate you both, guiding you to stand side by side as he leans in to inspect you both with a finger on his chin.
“Well well well, seems our Chibi-chan has a Chibi-chan 2.0~”
Ushijima doesn’t seem all that phased by the phenomenon, meanwhile Shirabu had to restrain the awed interrogation of Goshiki.
• Nekoma weren’t quite as calm, immediately Tendō hopped out of the way as Yamamoto tackled you, gawking between you and (T/n) whilst Inuoka attempted to null his yells.
“Aw he’s cute, my team are never so nice to me.” (T/n) tutted, a subtle glare sent to Shiratorizawa - Satori being the one to stick his tongue out.
“Trust me, Yamamoto is the only one.” Cue your mirroring glare sent to a scheming Kuroo, whilst Nekomas Ace is still gushing over the two of you.
• The teams are moderately amused once the game starts as the main smack-talkers are you and (T/n) hollering over the court as you’d reached the Third Set at a tie. Friendships between both teams were formed due to your family relations.
• It’s not until the game is over and the Captains shake hands whilst you two hug it out with congratulatory words and playful insults that they start messing around again.
“C’mon (Y/n), we’ve gotta go~” Kuroo smugly states, purposefully slinging an arm around (T/n)s’ shoulders and guiding her out.
Before you had the chance to retaliate, Tendō gladly joined in.
“The Cat Captain is right, I’ve missed my little kitten anyway~” The redhead cheerfully gave you a high ten, intertwining your fingers in the process adding intimacy and offered a mischievous wink which you only laugh at.
• Nekoma are freaking out, that’s their manager and they’d know if you had a boyfriend, right? Yaku and Kai are quick to hold back Yamamoto with Kuroo suddenly sweeping you away from Satori since Ushijima had already reclaimed (T/n).
“That’s our kitten- ah manager.”
“And (T/n) is ours, but I look forward to seeing you at Nationals Nekoma.” The Captains bid one another farewell and you can only hope to play your twins’ team again.
• Shiratorizawa didn’t make it to Nationals (since Karasuno beat them) but (T/n) wanted to come and support you (bitterly). Ushijima came with her too since he’s the Captain and wanted to keep you two out of trouble. Plus he loves Volleyball.
• It’s when you’re checking the matchups do you encounter your beloved rivals, whilst Nekoma were distracted you went to scope out the area. ‘Luckily’ for you, you bumped into other competitors, the blonde ‘accidentally’ tripping.
“Woah, are you okay-“ Before you could finish, he’d interrupted all suave.
“Yeah, I just fell for ya that’s all~“
“-send me a postcard next time~”
There was a moment of silence, you impressed by the smoothness and him awed by the sheer sarcasm.
• The boy introduced himself as Miya Atsumu, Inaruzakis Setter and took note of your Nekoma jacket, asking you to watch him play if you got the chance. Especially if you become opponents.
• Bidding farewell, you found (T/n) with a bright smile upon her face, Onigiri in hand.
“The games haven’t even started and you’re eating.” Was your bemused observation, your twin scoffing with an innocent pout.
“I was hungry, and this cute player from Inarizki recommended the teriyaki Onigiri here so I brought some, wanna try?” (T/n) justified, showing the item to you.
“I met an Inarizaki player too, and I’m too nervous to eat but thanks (T/n).”
“Suit yourself, good luck and I’ll look for you later.” She rejoined Ushijima, the pair waving as you met up with Nekoma.
• It isn’t until after the first round beating Kiyokawa High School, before the Karasuno vs Inarizaki game that you’d encounter the Miyas again — or rather Atsumu approached (T/n).
“Yer scoping out the competition huh gorgeous? I don’t blame ya (L/n), ‘Samu and I are the best of the best.” The blonde proudly told (T/n), thinking you’d shed your Nekoma jacket to be inconspicuous.
“I— I don’t even know you? Wait, how do you know my name?!”
• Osamu meets the pair, and actually thinks it through, Atsumu on the other hand jumps to conclusions.
“We just saw eac-“ Hearing (T/n), Atsumu was quick to argue but Osamu kicked his calve.
“Shut it dumbass.”
“Hey, loser twin!” You called over, gaining the attention of her and the Miya Twins.
“Ah... ‘Samu there’s two of them...”
“That’s what I was gonna tell ya.”
• It must’ve been a twin instinct (twinstinct hehe) but yourself and Osamu could tell the individual differences/quirks immediately, hence how he’d figured it out so quickly. A mutual smile was shared as your respective twins continued their petty insults.
• “(T/n)! Ushijima is looking for you and I need to find Kuroo so...”
“Oh, yer boyfriends?”
“Uh - aha -no no, our Captains.” Your twin managed, flustered and embarrassed - you were glad she’d spoken because you were no better with the heat on your skin.
“Perfect, tell your Captains’ that we’re not sorry for keeping you~” Atsumu shouted as you both waved goodbye and headed back to the stands/courts.
• Nekoma won against Sarukawa Tech High, your next opponents currently battling it out on the court which you’d all raced to see - mainly for Karasuno.
But it was during the break after the first set that the twins approached the stands, well, you.
“(Y/n), ya won?” It was brave of Osamu to address you so casually but you didn’t mind.
“Of course, my team, my friends, are truly amazing. Our next opponent is either Karasuno or you.”
“You’ll be facing me- us- Inarizaki! Don’t you worry sweetheart.” It seemed whatever suaveness Atsumu once had was long gone by now.
• They played incredibly, but the entirety of Nekoma were glad of Karasunos’ victory, you’d taken a second to see the twins though.
“You were amazing, I’m grateful I got to see you both play. Looks like you won’t be facing me after all, sweetheart~”
“Yeah well- I— jus’ watch yer back next year beautiful. I’m comin’ for ya.”
“Yamamoto! Apologies for him.” Yaku forced the Mohawk to bow, Kuroo slipping an arm around your waist with a smirk. “But he’s not wrong.”
• You were staying with (T/n) for the weekend, utilising Shiratorizawas practice break to tell the tale of the Miyas and their flirting. The team were oddly protective over the both of you, but you hadn’t the time to question it with Goshikis inquiry.
“Okay, so if you two had children with the Miya twins respectively... would your children be identical?”
“We won’t have to find out.” If anyone else had said it you wouldn’t have believed them, but something about the certainty of Wakatoshi made you both smile.
[ Masterlist ]
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seijorhi · 2 years ago
pick your poison asks
with just over 48 hours to go (and because i didn't wanna spam ur dashes answering them individually) have some asks about the polls <33
i understand how everybody got their favorites..but... shiratorizawa boys!! man... they do be missing out fr 👀👀
not me low key wanting ushijima and tendou and/or semi to pull through *sigh* there will always be next time :))
Tbh I love love HQ but there's less of your amazing output of tokrev, so there 😅
that's fair, i get that. i just assumed that most of you came for the hq and tolerated the tokrev fhjdksdjhvfjdks
vote kita shinsuke for president 🫶🏻 WTF PRESIDENT??! I’M SORRY THAT WAS WEIRD LMFAO but still, vote for shinsuke <3 wait i forgot you can’t control who votes for who i’m sorry rhi i love yeonjun
if i controlled the votes... i wouldn't have a poll lmao, but yes pls give kita some love he deserves it <33
I will send u a physical therapy bill for what this poll is putting my arms through /joking. On the bright side tho, I think my biceps are 2 inches bigger :D
only two inches?? disappointing. call me when it's 5 :))
hey in this house we respect mikey :/
but yes semi and kita deserve votes too.
I checked the poll after like two days and how’d?? getō fall like three places behind?? gojo and getō my beloved :( no but seriously I can’t wait for whatever you’ll write (guess the mangaka was right, gojo gets no bitches)
getou my king :<
i love him so much but you would not know it from the amount of writing i have dedicated to him. smh fake fan fhdjkvhjfdks
gojo too. can't forget about him haha
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sunsumu · 5 years ago
hi!! can i request some manager headcannons for aoba johsai or fukurodani and how they interact with the team?? i’d really love to see some cute and crackhead moments
my two favourite teams i love them sm was it unfair making seijoh’s so much longer because i like them more? yes. do i care? no.
aoba johsai manager hc <3
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okay so oikawa approached you to ask you to be their manager
the glares you got from other girls when they saw you talking to their beloved oikawa-senpai <3
as soon as you entered the gym, yahaba saw you and then dropped the ball in his hands
he then immediately ran over to kindaichi and started whispering to him
then there’s a ball at your feet and yahaba is running over to you
“yahaba shut the fuck up and leave our new manager alone. no one wants to hear your crusty ass flirting”
iwaizumi is immediately next to you and he takes you aside to whisper something to you
“i’m really sorry. if shittykawa forced you into this, don’t feel bad about leaving alright? this team is a mess and oikawa makes rash decisions.”
“mean iwa-chan! she agreed of her own free will!”
“wait actually? oh i’m so sorry then you should leave while you can”
hanamaki and matsukawa like to fuck with literally everyone and they will use you to help them
they got the whole team in to prank oikawa
they pretended that they were actually part of a fucking basketball club
you even borrowed a bunch of basketballs from the actual basketball team
oikawa fucking shrieked and started crying
you always comfort them after losses
the whole team takes their losses really hard so you always try to comfort them and maybe treat them to some food after
they all really respect you even kyoutani
kyoutani literally respects you more than oikawa and it lowkey pisses him off
you like to give motivational speeches before games and literally every time there is at least one tear shed
so we all love them but some of them are not the smartest
cough matsukawa cough
you sometimes tutor them if they need extra help!!
the whole team treats you like you are their lord and saviour and im pretty sure most of them had a crush on you for maybe at least five minutes
whenever you go to a game, you have to stop oikawa from finding ushijima to beat him up
“no because youre going to come crying to me when he ignores you”
“no youre gonna walk up to him, he’s gonna say ‘you shouldve come to shiratorizawa’ and then youre gonna start crying”
you try to get kunimi to participate in more activities but so far nothing has worked
the man just wants to sleep but like hell you’re gonna let him get what he wants
theyre all really chaotic and stupid and they would honestly be lost without you
fukurodani manager hc <3
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lets get this straight even though theyre not they are FUCKING LOUD
bokuto does not shut up. ever.
yukie and kaori invited you to the team since both of them were third years and would have to leave eventually
as soon as you entered the gym, bokuto immediately just started talking to you about everything and anything
konoha had to come up to him and yell at him to shut up
akaashi teaches you the basics of taking care of bokuto’s emo mode and soon enough you have the list of over 34 weaknesses memorized
team has sleepovers sometimes <33 but the only way they can be summed up is “ALL HELL HAS BROKE LOOSE GOD IS DEAD AKAASHI IS WEEPING”
this team is fucking WILD right
there is never a dull moment in practices
between bokuto’s screaming, konoha beating up bokuto, and washio silently judging everyone, you’re not sure what you’re meant to pay attention to first
yukie tells you to just ignore them and she takes you to hang out with her and kaori
yukie and kaori are probably your best friends at this point
whenever you have practice matches with nekoma, kuroo tries flirting with you which leads to the whole team glaring at him
kuroo saw his life flash before his eyes that day
whenever you’re at training camps, you all stay up really late playing games and stuff
akaashi always wins. everyone thinks he’s cheating
they are disasters and they need you to function basically
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