maxphilippa · 11 months
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I made this based off the swap AU thing you did :D
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I made a parent/shipswap AU for my fankid OCs (NOT AN ACTUAL AU, JUST SOMETHING I MADE FOR FUN!!!)
Sprite and crumpet's parents (kris and ralsei from deltarune) are swapped with rue's parents (mono and six from little nightmares) also instead of being adopted like he normally is, crumpet is their biological child here.
Tabitha's parents (cooking cat and the empress from a hat in time) are swapped with yuriko's parents (byakuya and celeste from danganronpa)
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comradelup · 4 years
Shit is weird, to say the least. Died a fuck ton, looped a lot, talked to a cup, all in an hour. On top of it, Magnus learned that there’s a statue of him in a red robe in Refuge? He doesn’t really know what that means and it hurts his head to think too much about it. So it’s with a near empty brain that he gets back to the dorm.
It’s dark in here and his eyes haven’t adjusted, but he reaches the coat rack by the door fine enough. He shucks off his cloak and hangs it up, and for good measure pulls his hair out of its ponytail, feeling the pressure around his scalp lessen and strands of hair fall around his face and neck. It’s a type of pressure he gets used to, as is the pressure of all the gear he’s wearing. Gods he just wants to climb into bed and—
There’s another person in the room. Sat on the couch, arms over the back and legs crossed, like they own the place. Tall, taller than Magnus, and big. Imposing. His eyes finally adjust completely and he makes out her face.
She looks back into his eyes and recognizes his recognition. She stands.
“Magnus, right? We need to talk,” she says, crossing the room until she’s standing in front of him. She brushes a strand of hair behind his ear and Magnus almost shivers at the coolness of her skin. “We had a deal. No more dying, no more visits from me. What happened?”
Magnus nearly blushes. Her voice is so smooth in the dark, so teasing, almost flirtatious. He swallows, and reminds himself that she’s fully capable of and willing to kill him. “I can explain.”
Julia grins. “I hope so.”
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rupi-airu · 4 years
Look what I created shipswap
Swap! buterfly
Swap! Fierin
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here something tonight I did with my friend
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milk-conleche · 6 years
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starckie atlance
-still pulls pranks but a bit chiller -yeah that wand always leaking  -animal crossing
@zembiotic‘s ship swap idea (*・▽・*)
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lidi-ana · 6 years
Ship Swap Challenge
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Amelia TomStar kid💞
I hope you like it...
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The Deal - A Spideychelle Fic
A/N: So I’m sure this is a thing, but I wanna pretend I made something. So help me out and pretend like this is new. Welcome to #ShipSwap, this is where to take 2 of your favorite ships, and swap ‘em! For example, here I took Spideychelle and swapped it with Rumbelle. Make this a thing if it’s not! Get it trending! Spread the word!
Chapter 1 - The Deal Is Struck
King Richard paced the room until he finally came to rest on his large gold throne, red robes collapsing with him. He rest his head in his right hand as he sighed. Hating seeing him so worried, his son, came closer to him, kneeling and resting a hand on his father's knee. "I'm sure she's on her way right now, father." He said in an attempt to raise his spirits. His father simply gave a sad look to the table in the center of the room, then to his son.
"I'm afraid it's too late, my boy. It's just too late." He then gave a small, sad smile as his son's gaze shifted to the floor nervously. Suddenly there came 4 loud bangs that shook the whole room. This caught everyone's attention as the room stood and faced the source of the noise. It was the entrance to the room, two large rounded wooden doors that were barricaded with a single plank of wood. The room grew tense as everyone stepped closer to the door. Two of the three guards in the room cast the king a look once they reached either side of the doors, to which the king nodded. Together the guards lifted the wood, and slowly opened the doors as they creaked. Nothing. No-one was there.
There was a collective sigh of disappointment as the guards began to close the doors again. Then, however, a new voice chirped up. "Well, that was disappointing." Quipped the voice. The room swirled to face the new voice, the guards and the king's most trusted knight drawing their swords in preparation. When the group had turned, they were faced with a what appeared to be a young adult, but nothing about her seemed human. Her skin was a sort of shade of dark green and gold, scaly but nearly impossible to tell, and peppered with something unidentifiable, but whatever it was it shone when face with light. Her hair was long, dark, and somewhere between curly and wavy and her nails were black and pointed, like they could serve as a weapon if need be. She also wore enough leather to replace livestock, as her boots that went up to her knees were leather, as were her pants and vest. Her shirt was some sort of cotton, but was a black as the rest of her clothing. Resting above all that she wore a large jacket covered in scales and spikes, unmistakably from a dragon.
On top of all that she sat in the king's throne like she had been there the whole time, her left leg resting on her right knee, and her elbows resting on the arm rests. The knight walked closer to the stranger with a careful judging expression, and sword pointed at her. The mystery figure smirked as she stood and slapped the blade as if it were a child's toy and the knight looked offended, which made her smile grow. She then began to walk around the room, looking around and judging most everything in sight. "You called for me?" She asked, casting a glance with a raised eyebrow to King Richard, who paused being shocked to nod in response. She smirked again.
"You're The Dark One?" He asked, to which she also nodded. She finished circling the room and sat upon the table in the center of it. "We've sent you a promise of gold." The kind explained hesitantly. The Dark One scoffed and chuckled. The king and knight seemed confused, but The Dark One seemed pleased with them being lost. She shook her head and waved a hand dismissively, "No, no, no. You see, I make gold. Simply unacceptable."
The king became despaired once more, and began a statement, but was cut off by the master of magic currently resting on the strategy table, who was scanning the room once more. "I will, however, take," she pointed at various people in the room, pretending to make a random choice, "Eenie, meenie, mineie, that one." She ended her statement pointing at the king's son, smirking evilly. The knight stood in front of him, resting a hand on the handle of her sheathed sword.
"No. He is engaged to me, I cannot allow it." Spoke the knight.
"Well, if you insist," The Dark One gave an overly dramatic shrug as she stepped off the table, and slowly began to exit the room.
"No!" Shouted the prince, which made the wizard stop in her tracks. She didn't turn around, but she did smile victoriously. The prince stepped in front of the knight, closer to The Dark One. "Can you really do it? Can you save our kingdom?" He asked. She finally turned to face him and nodded, giving her most convincing smile. The prince sighed, "Then I'll go."
"No!" Exclaimed the knight.
"Peter, you can't." Said the king.
Peter turned to face them both, taking a deep breath, "Father, Gwendolyn, I have to. What other choice do we have?" Peter pointed to the window, outside the reddened sky was filled with smoke, sparks, and the sound of screams. "Our people are suffering. I can make my own choices, and I can't let this continue. The orcs cannot be allowed to continue." Though they still didn't seem satisfied, they didn't stop him this time. Peter turned back to The Dark One before asking, "If I go, can you promise that the kingdom and everyone in it will survive?"
She looked him up and down before answering. "Yes."
Peter sighed, "Then I'll go."
The Dark One grinned wickedly and stated simply, "Deal."
Peter wished his father and fiancee the best of luck as the king attempted to protest one last time. Peter gave him a sad smile as he turned and left the room one final time, being led by The Dark One.
The rest of the day for Peter was spent travelling to the home of his new captor, often called The Dark Castle. Throughout the journey The Dark One informed him on his new role and it's duties. "You are to be the caretaker of the estate," she explained, sounding like she wasn't entirely used to speaking so formally. "You will have daily chores like dusting, cleaning, cooking, and preparing tea. You are also forbidden to enter the tower in the west wing."
As she spoke Peter's gaze rarely left the carriage's window. When she mentioned the tower he broke the cycle by giving her a questioning look. "Why not?" He asked, genuinely curious.
She wasn't looking at him, rather she was picking at her nails, "It's forbidden." She stated simply. He started to ask again but she cut him off by repeating, "It is forbidden." With this, Peter shrugged and looked out the window again. They didn't speak much for the rest of the ride.
They finally arrived at the building around sundown. As he stepped out of the carriage Peter understood why it was called The Dark Castle. The building was huge with multiple spires erupting from the top and entirely midnight black. The building was covered in cracks and vines as well, and the garden they stood in was filled with long dead plants of every sort. He gulped nervously at the sight of it all, maybe this hadn't been the best decision. She, however, was completely unbothered as she nonchalantly climbed the steps and opened the enormous doors. She gestured inside with a single arm, so taking a deep breath, Peter entered the castle after her.
She directed him around the castle, showing him the lounge, kitchen, dining area, master bedroom, and waiting area. He wasn't sure who would be waiting here, or for what, but he never got the chance to ask. As they approached a hallway of cobblestone she said, "And finally, your room." Peter almost smiled, she was providing him with a room. He wouldn't have to worry about sleeping in the garden or anything. As they trod down the stairs he began to feel uneasy. He couldn't fully tell why, but something about the now cold and dank space unnerved him. At the end of the new hallway there was a wooden door, The Dark One opened it before him as he stepped inside.
Once he did everything seemed off again, the room was empty aside from a plank of wood on the wall held up by chains and a barred window on the left wall. "I thought we were going to my room." He murmured.
"Well, it sounds nicer than dungeon." said The Dark One. Peter's eyes widened as he suddenly realized what was happening. He swirled around and raced to exit the room, but he wasn't fast enough. The heavy wooden door slammed shut before he could reach it. He then heard the click of the door being locked from the other side. In a sudden state of panic he began to hit the door with his fist.
"Hey! Hey, wait! Don't leave me in here! Please, wait!" He shouted, but to no avail. He could already hear her steps retreating back up the stairs. Now alone and trapped in the cold dark room, Peter stepped backwards until his back hit the wall. He then slid down until he was in a sitting position and hugged his blue jacket closer to himself. Maybe this would be bad after all.
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I did some designs for shipsqap papyton. The winged eyeliner just happened. Now Papyrus has killer winged eyelines Shipswap belongs to @coxinhadoce47
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@eikyuuxparadise Mikado + Hisako
“Huuu~! That was so nerve-wracking, right?” The lighthearted complaint was met with a chorus of agreement and similar sentiments from the small group of young women. One broke off the the rest for a moment, bumping shoulders with one who appeared to be spacing out as they walked along toward the gates. “Right, Hii-chan? You had us worried for a second when you thought you lost everything on your laptop!”
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“Ahaha~ I was scared of that too! Thankfully it just needed a replacement battery that would hold charge better.” Granted it had taken a few days to get a replacement, ending up in there being a time crunch for one of their group assignments, but they’d pulled through! “Oh! Since some of us are going to be heading back home for a while, why don’t we all go to the all you can eat cake cafe one last time? We do kinda deserve it.” And Hisako had a point. Sure, they could all stay in contact by mail and the likes, but why not spend their last afternoon together as a group having fun? Not like any of them had an major plans.
At least not to her knowledge.
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vreenak · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr. & George Huang Characters: Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr., George Huang Additional Tags: Episode Related, Therapy Summary:
Carisi is having trouble on the job, and finds guidance in an unlikely source.
Look what my SVU ShipSwap anon wrote for me! It’s so beautiful and moving!
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svushipswap · 7 years
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SVU ShipSwap Sign-Ups are happening now!
Write a fic or create art for someone else’s SVU ship, and get a story/artwork in return. Works to be revealed on Christmas Day (December 25, 2017).
Sign-up instructions (Deadline: November 4)
Eligible ships for this round of the exchange
Complete ShipSwap FAQ for 2017
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rotund-team-rwby · 3 years
Wait, Future Cyberpunk AU!
Shipswap AU too
I love me some Cyberpunk but also I'm bad at making ideas for that without going full dystopia.
Meanwhile ship swap is just meeeeeeehhhhhh.
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comradelup · 4 years
i came up with a little au im calling shipswap in my head that is basically the canon ships (involving the ipre crew) being swapped. it includes
magnulia as taakitz aka julia is a reaper. you know those scenes in movies where one person is clearly dangerous but the other person is just too in love to do anything but stand there in awe? yeah, that’s them but both think the other is the dangerous one. tons of blushy mutual pining ahoy
taakitz as blupjeans aka kravitz is "the lover"/the science nerd on the ipre mission and taako’s also a scientist and in love with him. this is taakitz we’re talking about so they dont pine for decades, so they’re happily in love for pretty much an entire century. then taako gets his ass stuck in an umbrella and krav is “the red robe” and they become reapers together
blupjeans as magnulia aka lup is a reclaimer and barry is her late husband. lup was a travelling violinist rather than a chef and barry joined her with his piano. barry dies in an accident and lup is framed as a murderer and has to flee. they meet in the afterlife and are able to play duets together for the rest of time
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ao3feed-spidychelle · 7 years
The Deal
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jlUHdM
by Here_Be_Spideychelle
King Richard, in a desperate situation, calls for help from the most wicked and infamous wizard in all the lands. She agrees, but at a price that may be too steep for him to pay. His son.
Words: 1562, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Richard Parker, Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, Gwen Stacy
Relationships: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, spideychelle - Relationship
Additional Tags: shipswap, Rumbelle - Spideychelle, Dark One!MJ, Belle!Peter
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jlUHdM
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Hey @textsfrommunchandfin followers! While I have your attention, allow me to mention that the @svushipswap fic and art exchange is gearing up for a Winter Holiday round.
The ShipSwap is your chance to request and create for some of your favorite SVU ships: rare or popular; het or slash; this year also for friendship/family as well as romantic/sexual ships. Ship nominations will begin this Friday so if you want to stay up to date on the schedule, and read the rules/FAQ for this year, check out the admin blog @svushipswap. Thanks!
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balladweave · 7 years
I’ve had an idea for a TAZ swap AU for a while now.
I call it Shipswap and since I can’t draw, I’ve made a text list that is below the cut.
Note that this includes some of my personal ships. With that said!
Magnus switched with Julia.
Taako switched with Kravitz.
Lup switched with Barry.
Sloane switched with Hurley.
Killian switched with Carey.
Merle switched with John (VIVA LA JOHNCHURCH)
No3313 switched with Ren (as a result, they are now named Noelle with no numbers and R3n respectively, since Ren is a robot now instead)
As a result, the core cast is Julia, Kravitz and John. Kravitz and Barry are twins, and Taako is the Grim Reaper. Lup is the Red Robe. Barry is in Krav’s scythe, (the jeanboy does have a fascination with necromancy so him making a scythe makes sense) and Taako is the first Grim Reaper to wield an umbrella! The Killian-Carey and Sloane-Hurley switches don’t really affect much that I can think of, though that may be personal blindness due to my fascination with the Blupjeans and Taakitz switches.
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