#shipping rules for magento 2
cynoinfotech · 2 years
It is important to decide the shipment rates based on the timeframes. As a result, you should install Magento 2 Shipping Rules extension to set specific rate and time for customer orders. You just have to ask your admin to assign the particular day and time for every shipment rule from the backend. This rule will automatically get activated during that particular time frame. Use this extension to run campaigns for the hottest deal or best discount rates, festival Dhamaka and more. Boost sales on your shopping store now!
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Easy Ways to Manage Payment Options in Magento 2
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Integrating multiple payment methods in Magento can help your store increase both conversion rate and customer experience. By giving customers access to various payment methods when checking out, the checkout process becomes faster and simpler for everyone involved. Payment Restrictions for Magento 2.
Magento 2 supports several payment methods, including PayPal, Amazon Pay and Klarna. Each option offers unique benefits to your store - before selecting one be sure to carefully consider its pros and cons before settling on one option.
The Shipping and Payment Method Per Customer Group Extension for Magento 2 provides an easy way to assign specific shipping and payment methods to various customer groups, providing them with a personalized checkout experience and improving overall shopping experiences. Furthermore, installation and setup is quick and effortless!
Enabling/Disabling Payment Methods
Payment methods that maximize conversion rates and sales growth are key for increasing conversion rates and sales on an e-commerce website. Therefore, providing multiple options when customers check out is paramount to its success.
Magento gives you the power to enable/disable payment methods in multiple ways. This process can be accomplished from both the Admin panel and front-end, but can sometimes be somewhat complex.
If your business operates in an area where Mollie payment method is unsupported, simply navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration and expand the Sales tab before selecting Bank Transfer payment as the Payment Type option from the Sales drop-down menu and selecting Yes from Enabled drop-down list.
Configuring other payment method parameters includes selecting which title appears on the checkout page and New Order Status is displayed for new orders, and restricting use to specific countries for security.
Configuring Payment Method Settings
When selecting payment methods for your e-commerce store, it's crucial to consider customers' preferred choices so as to provide an enjoyable and safe shopping experience online.
Magento's admin panel makes it simple and quick to configure payment methods. Just expand the Sales menu in the left panel and click Payment Methods for this purpose.
First, enable bank transfer payments by setting it to "Yes". Next, give this payment method a title to help customers identify it during checkout and set its order status to Pending until authorization of payment is given; as well as setting minimum and maximum value ranges for it.
Check/money order payments are another popular payment option, which you can configure by expanding the Mollie section in the left panel and choosing Yes from the Enabled drop-down list. Furthermore, you can change its title, set its new order status to Pending until payment authorization occurs, and decide which countries can utilize this payment method.
Setting Payment Restrictions
Administrators can restrict payment methods based on product attributes, shipping parameters, cart or product groups, states/countries and store views using this extension, to improve store productivity.
Store admins can easily manage restrictions by visiting Sales > Payment Restrictions. The grid provides details on each rule such as name, status, payment methods restricted, customer group membership and store view information - as well as an option to edit or disable rules with just one click.
Store owners can limit cash on delivery as an acceptable payment option for wholesaler customer groups who often order large quantities. They may also restrict certain payment methods from Australia in order to ensure customers enjoy a secure and hassle-free shopping experience. Lastly, they could offer their guest customers a VIP payment option as an incentive to upgrade membership status.
Payment Integration with Payment Gateways
Payment gateways serve as intermediaries between customer credit cards and merchant accounts, safeguarding customer data while reducing merchant costs while safeguarding transaction details.
Integrate Magento with some of the leading payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Dwolla, 2Checkout and Braintree for secure checkout with fast load times and mobile-friendly UI; fraud protection systems as well as additional features which enhance customer checkout experiences are also offered by these payment processors.
Before selecting a payment gateway, take into account its compatibility with Magento, its setup costs and monthly fees, security measures and support of desired payment methods.
When selling on multiple channels, it is crucial that customers can easily locate their preferred payment methods - otherwise they may leave and go elsewhere. Mconnect Media has designed the Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group extension for Magento 2, which enables shop admins to specify which shipping and payment options should be displayed to specific customer groups (like wholesalers or store customers).
Store admins can use a simple grid in the backend to select which payment and shipping methods will be assigned to each group, whether or not the method is enabled, whether or not it's necessary for new orders, and whether or not it should appear sorted in alphabetical order.
Store admins can also set a minimum or maximum spending threshold before someone can use a certain payment method and select which countries it applies in. This helps restrict cash on delivery or check/money order methods that might be susceptible to fraud or may incur unnecessary charges for customers.
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donynallecheru · 6 months
How do I do an e-commerce business in India and outside?
Starting an e-commerce business in India and expanding it outside involves several key steps. Here's a general guide to help you get started:
1. Market Research:
Understand the e-commerce landscape in India and your target market.
Identify potential competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses.
Explore market trends, consumer behavior, and demand for your products.
2. Legal Requirements:
Register your business and obtain any necessary licenses.
Comply with Indian e-commerce regulations, tax laws, and data protection rules.
If you plan to expand internationally, research and comply with the legal requirements of the target countries.
3. Choose a Niche:
Select a niche or product category that has demand in both Indian and international markets.
Differentiate your products/services to stand out from competitors.
4. Build an Online Store:
Choose a reliable e-commerce platform (e.g., Shopify, Woo Commerce, Magento) for your website.
Optimize the user experience and ensure mobile responsiveness.
Implement secure payment gateways that cater to Indian and international customers.
5. Payment Gateway Integration:
Integrate payment gateways that support both Indian and international transactions.
Consider popular payment methods in your target countries.
6. Logistics and Shipping:
Partner with reliable logistics providers for domestic and international shipping.
Clearly communicate shipping policies, delivery times, and any associated costs to customers.
7. Marketing and Promotion:
Develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy using social media, SEO, and email marketing.
Tailor marketing campaigns to appeal to both Indian and international audiences.
Leverage local influencers and partnerships to build trust.
8. Customer Support:
Provide multilingual customer support to cater to both Indian and international customers.
Use chat support, email, and phone support for effective communication.
9. Currency and Pricing:
Set prices in the local currency for the target market.
Be transparent about exchange rates and any additional fees for international customers.
10. Adapt to Cultural Differences:
Understand and respect cultural nuances in both Indian and international markets.
Customize marketing messages and promotions to resonate with diverse audiences.
11. Compliance with International Standards:
Comply with international e-commerce standards and regulations.
Familiarize yourself with customs regulations and import/export requirements for cross-border transactions.
12. Scaling and Continuous Improvement:
Monitor analytics and customer feedback to make data-driven decisions.
Continuously optimize your e-commerce platform and processes for better performance.
Remember that successful e-commerce businesses require ongoing effort, adaptability, and a customer-centric approach. Stay informed about industry trends and be prepared to evolve your business strategy over time.
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webmeridian · 11 months
How to Successfully Migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2
In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, staying up-to-date with the latest technology is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge. Magento, one of the most popular e-commerce platforms, released Magento 2 as an upgrade to its predecessor, Magento 1. If you’re currently running your store on Magento 1, migrating to Magento 2 can offer enhanced performance, security, and features. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2, ensuring a smooth transition for your online business.
Understanding the Need for Migration
Outlining the Necessity
Magento 1 reached its end-of-life in June 2020, which means it no longer receives official support and security updates. This can leave your online store vulnerable to security breaches and compatibility issues with newer technologies. Migrating to Magento 2 ensures that your store remains secure and optimized.
Improved Performance and User Experience
Magento 2 comes with significant performance enhancements, resulting in faster page load times and smoother user experiences. Its full-page caching and optimized database management contribute to improved overall site speed.
New and Advanced Features
Magento 2 introduces a range of new features such as improved checkout processes, responsive design themes, and enhanced admin interfaces. These features empower you to provide a modern and seamless shopping experience to your customers.
Preparing for Migration
Conducting a Store Audit
Before you initiate the migration process, perform a comprehensive audit of your Magento 1 store. Identify all the extensions, customizations, and themes you are currently using. This will help you plan the migration strategy more effectively.
Backing Up Your Data
Data is the backbone of any e-commerce store. Prior to migration, back up your entire Magento 1 store, including products, customer data, orders, and configurations. This ensures that your critical information remains intact throughout the migration.
Choosing the Right Extensions
Magento 2 offers a wide range of extensions to enhance your store’s functionality. Research and choose extensions compatible with Magento 2 that match the features you were using in Magento 1.
Executing the Migration Process
Setting Up Magento 2
Start by installing a fresh instance of Magento 2 on your server. Configure essential settings such as payment gateways, shipping methods, and tax rules to match your previous setup.
Data Migration
Migrating data from Magento 1 to Magento 2 can be complex. Utilize the official Magento Data Migration Tool or seek assistance from experts to ensure a seamless transfer of products, categories, customers, and orders.
Theme and Customization Migration
If you had a custom theme or specific design elements on your Magento 1 store, you’ll need to recreate or adapt them for Magento 2. This is also an opportunity to implement responsive design for optimal mobile experiences.
Post-Migration Steps
Testing and Quality Assurance
Thoroughly test the migrated store for functionality, performance, and compatibility across different devices and browsers. Address any issues that arise during testing.
SEO Considerations
Migration can impact your SEO rankings. Implement 301 redirects to ensure a smooth transition for search engines and users. Update meta tags, URLs, and structured data as necessary.
Informing Customers
Notify your customers about the migration and any temporary disruptions in service. Provide them with information on how to access their accounts and track orders during the migration period.
Migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2 might seem like a daunting task, but with proper planning and execution, it can be a seamless process that elevates your online store’s performance, security, and user experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate the transition successfully.
Q1: Is it possible to migrate directly from Magento 1 to Magento 2?
A1: Yes, migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2 is possible, but it requires careful planning and execution.
Q2: Can I migrate custom themes and designs to Magento 2?
A2: Yes, you can migrate custom themes and designs, but adjustments and adaptations might be needed.
Q3: Will my SEO rankings be affected during migration?
A3: There might be temporary fluctuations in SEO rankings, but proper implementation of redirects and SEO updates can minimize the impact.
Q4: How long does the migration process usually take?
A4: The duration of migration depends on the complexity of your store. It can range from a few weeks to a couple of months.
Q5: What are the benefits of migrating to Magento 2?
A5: Migrating to Magento 2 offers improved performance, security, user experience, and access to advanced features that enhance your e-commerce store’s capabilities.
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An Informative Guide On Hide Price Magento 2 Extension
Are you running an eCommerce store on Magento 2? Are you offering products or services that require a personalized price quotation or pricing negotiation? If so, you may want to consider implementing a Hide Price Magento 2 extension. 
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This powerful Magento 2 hide price module can help you keep your pricing information secure and hidden from your competitors while allowing you to offer your customers personalized pricing options.
What Is Hide Price Magento 2 Extension?
The Magento 2 Hide Price extension is a module that enables you to hide the price of certain products or services from your online store. It replaces the "Add to Cart" button with a customizable message or button, such as "Call for Price" or "Request a Quote." 
This way, only registered and logged-in customers can access the pricing information. The Hide Price Magento 2 extension is especially useful for B2B businesses that offer customized pricing based on factors such as shipping destination and other customer-specific information. 
This extension provides a secure and professional way for businesses to negotiate and agree on pricing without sharing sensitive information with competitors. It has several benefits, which are mentioned below - 
Benefits Of Magento 2 Hide Price Extension
Customizable Hide Price Option
The Magento 2 Hide Price extension provides various options to hide the price of your products and replace it with a call-to-action message or button. You can customize the message, button, and form fields your customers need to fill in for a personalized price quote.
Increased Security And Confidentiality
By hiding the price of your products or services, you can keep your pricing information secure and confidential. Only registered and logged-in customers can access the pricing information, reducing the risk of competitors gaining access to your pricing strategies.
Personalized Pricing Options
The Hide Price Magento 2 module allows you to offer your customers personalized pricing options. You can set up various pricing rules based on customer groups, order quantity, shipping destination, or other customer-specific information. This feature is especially useful for B2B businesses that offer customized pricing options to their customers.
Improved Customer Experience
The Hide Price Magento 2 extension gives your customers a better user experience. Instead of seeing a product with an unknown price, they can see a call-to-action message or button encouraging them to contact you for personalized pricing options. This feature enhances the customer experience and helps to build trust and credibility with your customers.
Better Sales Management
The Magento 2 Hide Price extension can help you better manage your sales by allowing you to negotiate pricing options with your customers before they make a purchase. You can easily track and manage pricing negotiations and provide your customers a personalized quote that meets their needs and requirements.
The Hide Price Magento 2 extension is an excellent tool for eCommerce businesses that offer personalized pricing options to their customers. By hiding the price of your products or services, you can keep your pricing information secure and confidential and offer customized pricing options that meet your customers' needs and requirements.
The Magento 2 Hide Price extension is easy to install and configure and provides various options to customize the message, button, and form fields your customers need to fill in to get a personalized price quote. If you want a secure and professional way to negotiate and agree on pricing with your customers, consider implementing this extension by Webiators Technologies. 
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forixcommerce · 2 years
5 ways through which Magento tech support solves website issues
The reality of running any kind of website is to expect issues to be slow loading, less traffic or low site ranking. These problems can be expected from Magento-integrated sites as well.
However, other sites not affiliated with Magento face serious problems fixing these problems. All that Magento-affiliated websites have to do is call Magento Tech Support.
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Magento Tech Support will ensure that all of your Magento-related issues are resolved efficiently and quickly. Apart from that, tech support will comb through your system to ensure that there aren't any other issues.
Top 5 advantages of hiring Magento tech support:
Fixing website rankings: - Website rankings play an important part in bringing in an organic crowd. The organic crowd on the other hand is something that e-commerce businesses rely on for the growth of their business. Thus, the tech support specialists will work on fixing your website content quality, codes and layout which will help your website rank higher.
Fix security issues: - Competing with another website in itself is a difficult task, coupled with other topics related to the safety and security of your data and things become even more difficult. The tech support team will handle all your safety and security issues. Moreover, they will keep your website updated as well as patch it to prevent potential risks
Optimization of Website: - Slow loading pages and slow checkouts can do a lot of damage to your organic traffic and conversion rates. With the help of Magento tech support specialists, you will be able to optimize your website to peak efficiency. This also helps you to rank higher on the search engine results pages as conversion rates as well as organic traffic rates will increase significantly.
Solving problems on a deeper level: - Magento tech support goes to the bottom of the issue by getting into the backend code of your website. They will resolve the issues and prevent them from happening again. Moreover, they will run tests to assess whether everything is working at peak efficiency.
24x7 website maintenance service: - Website maintenance services are available 24x7 and this prevents your system from errors, unforeseen outages and any issue that may be hindering the functioning of your website.
Therefore, a good Magento Technical Support team will help you fix any issue that your website may be facing.
1. Will the Forix Magento tech support help me resolve promo and shipping rule issues?
Yes, our tech support will help you resolve Promo and shipping rule issues
2. Does Forix offer accessibility scans?
Yes, we offer a variety of services like accessibility scans.
3. Will tech support help me resolve checkout issues?
Yes, our tech support team will help you resolve checkout issues.
4. Does Forix Magento Support perform An Page Technical SEO Audit?
Yes, we perform an On-Page Technical SEO Audit.
5. How do I contact Forix?
You can call us at our registered phone number or submit your enquiries and personal details at our official website.
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magecomp · 4 years
By default, Magento 2 allows configuration of shipping policy and verification of shipping policy with your customer is compulsory for all online merchants. In this article, I will explain How to Configure Shipping Policy in Magento 2.
Checkout Steps: https://magecomp.com/blog/configure-shipping-policy-magento-2/
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cynoinfotech · 2 years
It is important to decide the shipment rates based on the timeframes. As a result, you should install shipping rules for magento 2 extension to set specific rate and time for customer orders. You just have to ask your admin to assign the particular day and time for every shipment rule from the backend. This rule will automatically get activated during that particular time frame. Use this extension to run campaigns for the hottest deal or best discount rates, festival Dhamaka and more. Boost sales on your shopping store now!
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latesttrendworld · 3 years
Features of Magento 2 Explained
Magento 2 Commerce erases the boundaries of what is possible, giving you the power to create bold and unique shopping experiences that will transform your business. Built for rapid and cost-effective innovation, the platform combines rich, out-of-the-box functionality, enterprise performance and scale, and powerful business tools to keep you ahead of increasingly complex commerce operations and growing customer demands.
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Feature Highlights Describes powerful features that will help you rapidly grow your business.
Customer Segmentation and Personalization
Create personalized shopping experiences that boost conversion rates by dynamically displaying content, promotions, and pricing to specific customers based on properties such as their location, gender, order history, lifetime purchase value, wish list items, and more. You can also target unknown site visitors based on the products they have viewed or items in their cart.
 Dynamic Rule-Based Product Relations
Set automated rules to determine which products to present as up-sells, cross-sells, and related products to each customer segment. Rules are easily administered through a condition-based tool allowing you to effortlessly target product suggestions to increase sales and average order values.
Instant Purchase
Boost conversion rates for returning shoppers with a new Instant Purchase checkout option. Customers can use previously-stored payment credentials and shipping information to skip checkout steps, making the process faster and easier, especially for mobile shoppers.
Content Staging and Preview
Increase sales and productivity by enabling your business teams to easily create, preview, and schedule a wide range of content updates without involving IT. Preview all changes by date or store view to guarantee a flawless shopper experience and optimize the timing and impact of site updates by managing all changes through a timeline dashboard. Automatically deploy updates at scheduled times for greater efficiency.
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How to configure ups carrier in magento 2
Visit the ups store® today and ask our certified packing experts about our pack & ship guarantee. So while usps priority mail cites a 2-3 day typical delivery time, it could be slower or faster depending on various unknown factors. This has happened to me several times already and a shipping refund doesn't make up for having an angry customer. And to make matters more complicated, shipping by fedex or ups to a commercial address costs less than to a residential address.
Disclaimer: the information featured in this article is based on our best estimates of pricing, package details, contract stipulations, and service available at the time of writing. If you don't care about reliability, usps is by far the cheapest shipping option for light items. In some cases, fedex and ups will cost you will over 2x the cost of usps.
The only exception to usps shipping rates above rule is that usps offers 3 flat rate box shipping options, small, medium and large. However more realistically, you will need a medium flat rate box to ship something weighing 2lbs or more. Fedex: probably best for medium sized packages. Ups offers time-definite delivery services within the u.S. On delivery of letters, documents and packages.
For shipments to a residential address, usps may be better because if the recipient is not home, they need only go to their local po to pick it up. For fedex and ups, they may have to go well out of their way to a location in some industrial district, with hours not any better than those at the po. And if they prefer packages go to a po box, the usps is the only way.
There's more to shipping than just costs. I asked our contact about this & he said it was quite normal given the quantity of packages, but, if you really want a package to get there, always ship next day, as it goes through a completely different facility with little to no losses. If you need a package to be delivered on time, use fedex or ups.
I've also discovered that usps express mail is less reliable than fedex or ups next day service. While usps is the cheapest shipping carrier in most cases, their reliability is easily the worst among the 3 carriers. Additionally, I also disagree with the stated opinion that the usps delivery times and service are sub-par. Even still, it's not really an apples to apples comparison since priority mail ships within 3 days most of the time whereas ground service takes 4-5 days.
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Magento 2.3.2 is Right Here! Check Out What’s New in The Latest Version Upgrade
In the year 2008, a great innovation took place in the world of ecommerce, this innovation is launched by Adobe and named as Magento, soon after its launch Magento has become the king of Ecommerce. This technology has empowered many big business houses some of which includes Ford, Fox Connect, Christian Louboutin, Nike, etc.
Magento is proved to be best suitable for both the brand and developers as it gives ease of development as well as the best customer experience. After the launch, the company has released many versions for developers and well as for end-users, the latest version of the Magento ecommerce platform has been recently released on 25th June 2019. The company has released 75+ security improvements, functional fixes, performance enhancements, 130+ quality improvements, 2 new sales channels and solved rest issues which were unsolved in the previous versions.
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So when the update has already created a boom, let’s check out what’s new it is offering to us. Here are some of the prominent features in Magento 2.3.2 edition.
75+ Security Enhancements:
The improvements helped to close the cross-site scripting (XSS), remote code execution (RCE), and sensitive data disclosure vulnerabilities.
The release has the new paypalRecaptcha module which adds Google ReCAPTCHA and CAPTCHA to the payflow pro checkout form.
Amazon Pay PSD compliance
Performance Improvements:
Storefront page response time has been improved
Concurrent access to block cache storage has improved
Product page gallery load is optimized
Page rendering through deferred loading and parsing of storefront JavaScript has improved
Client-side performance has been optimized by moving non-critical JavaScript code to the bottom of the page along with the corresponding deferred parsing and evaluation of this code. This means that users can see rendered pages faster. To enable this performance enhancement, you must navigate to Stores > Configuration > Developer > JavaScript Settings and enable the Move JS code to the bottom of the page option.
Infrastructure Improvements:
The release has 130 core quality enhancement due to which the core quality of framework and modules including Catalog sales, checkout / one-page checkout, URL rewrite, customer/customer and UI has been improved
Payment for checkout with multiple addresses is now possible with the help of Braintree
Updated of HTTP to HTTPS for CGI URL and shipping method configuration
The Magento 2.3.2 is now equipped with Image Charts which helps in rendering static charts
Merchant Tool Improvements:
You can generate discount coupons
Mass editing of products is easy now
Connections timeouts while uploading large data sets has been solved
Cart & Checkout:
The new update gives you the power to update the mini cart if a selected product is disabled during the shopping session.
Magento now persists the shipping quote in the shopping cart for guest customers when Persistent Shopping Cart is enabled.
Magento now displays the Cart Price Rule code on an order details Admin page if free shipping applies.
Magento now doesn’t empty the cart after the password reset
GraphQL coverage for cart and checkout has been expanded
Cache for GraphQL queries
Other notable improvements
Google Analytics Anonymize Ip no longer always set to on.
The Google chart API has been updated to the Image-Charts.
Event stream cron job issue is fixed
Fixed issue with retrieving shipping labels from some AWS environments.
New Relic queries performance has been improved,
You can now change pages at an expected speed from the Admin newsletter subscribers page (Marketing > Communications > Newsletter Subscribers).
Conclusion: After so many improvements, we hope that this Magento version will prove to be very useful for businesses who are running their ecommerce store on this platform. So after reading the whole blog if you are thinking to upgrade your store to Magento 2.3.3, you will probably need a team of professionals. Our Magento 2 certified developers are helping business houses in achieving business goals by providing them the best Magento 2 solutions. Get in touch with our experienced team and get assistance with Magento 1 to 2 Migration, Magento2 version upgrade, Magento2 theme design, and integration, Shopify to Magento2 Migration, Magento2 Payment gateway creation, Multivendor marketplace creation and rest Magento2 solutions.
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webmeridian · 2 years
Success Story of Italy-based Sports Store That Doubled Store Performance Simply With Magento 2
The article was initially published in WebMeridian blog.
Francesco Zanin Digital Marketing Consultant — NFK Digital P.S. NFK Digital Agency is our partner. The synergy of our agencies enabled Miche’s site with such impressive performance and traffic growth.
“It is good working with WebMeridian. Two migrations went nice and smooth.”
Clients’ Overview
Miche is a branded online shop for a famous Italian bicycle brand. Online shop for distributing high-quality components for bicycles, produced in Italy in compliance with the rigorous standards of the Miche owns a quality system. High-quality components, produced in Italy in compliance with the strict standards that Miche’s quality system prescribes. Miche means a passion for cycling, quality and Italian ingenuity. Miche, Made in Italy since 1919.
Project URL.
Migration to Magento 2
Magento 2 Development
Support and Maintenance
Clients’ Overview
Client’s Challenges = Our TasksChallenge #1. Magento 2 Migration
Initially, our team had one primary task — eCommerce website migration to Magento 2 from another content management system. Miche wanted to reach more customers, create a loyal base, and grow your sales by leaps and bounds. Building the best online sports store is challenging, especially if you opt to do it alone. However, with our business and tech consulting skills, our experts can help solve all of your tech challenges for both new online and offline businesses. Moreover, Nike and Helly Hansen currently use Magento for their online sports store.
What You Can Learn From This Story | Basis of Another Worldwide Sports Brand’s Success — Helly Hansen
Helly Hensen is now a spectacular success story, with over 50 distinct sites available in six languages. They also provide a variety of payment and delivery options to satisfy the diverse demands of their clients.
With Magento 2, they have established a vibrant and bright brand personality through carefully prepared content and the best storytelling, encompassing their various stores such as B2B and footwear.
Even though the sites might differ in the items they sell, each one is remarkably unified in the overall look and feel, which weaves their brand together seamlessly. The aim is always to produce a one-of-a-kind, entertaining, and out-of-the-box experience. They even embrace third-party integrations.
The Helly Hansen brand has embraced personalized business-to-business clothes and crafted a dynamic brand history. Theodor Tollefsen, Helly Hansen’s eCommerce manager, is considered a trailblazer and maverick by many with his cutting edge approach.
Tollefsen stated in a recent Adobe Business article, “We created a solution that allowed us to break into new markets easily. We now have 55 different sites with seven different language options, payment methods, and shipping rules.”
Helly Hansen has created a genuine one-of-a-kind online shopping experience for their clients by utilizing Magento 2.
What are the outcomes of the Hansen method? They are nothing short of astonishing.
24 % increase in traffic
48 % increase in mobile traffic
45 % revenue increase.
Since using Magento 2, Hansen has experienced substantial growth.
Challenge #2. GDPR
Further, we had to install the Magento 2 GDPR extension that helps eCommerce stores get ready for the General Data Protection Regulation.
Our Point of View
The GDPR’s mission is essentially philanthropic, with two key aims in mind:
Ensure that individual users’ personal data is always treated with respect.
Remove barriers to data exchange across areas by harmonizing legislation across nations.
Overall, the GDPR is nearly solely concerned with personal data, which refers to a variety of unique user information. Specifically, everything that may be used to identify a person.
GDPR Compliance Tools for Magento 2
Lubenda’s GDPR toolkit
Siftery’s GDPR Checker
Algolia’s GDPR search tool
GDPR Email Copy
SOS GDPR Kit for Digital Marketers
Ultimate GDPR Quiz
GDPR Compliant Badges
Challenge #3. Customisation
To cap it all, our experts had to handle deep customisations in the online shop’s layout and adjust the front-end part, as well as carry out customisations for a product selection and display. Besides, we should set up a price change on configurable products.
We have compiled a helpful list of the 9 top features that you need to grow your sales goals successfully.
Recipe for Conversion Growth
We have compiled a helpful list of the 5 top features that you need to grow your sales goals successfully.
#1. Navigation
Shoppers dislike confusing and difficult-to-navigate websites. Do not hesitate to use a mega-menu to display things on the navigation website to your shoppers proudly. Also, don’t be afraid to use short links to bring your customers to the information you want them to see.
#2. Filters & Layered Navigation
When designing a sports store website, you’ll want to include filters first, followed by photos to show how they work. In addition, you can list other attributes and sports-related things that will partner well. Consider using images to showcase the filters. The filters may also be found in the sidebar, which is in an easily accessible place of the screen where your customers will be able to view and use the feature.
#3. Needs & Sports Goods Matching
You may even provide advice to assist the customer in making an intelligent decision. Having a match help section is a significant benefit that most customers appreciate and value.
#4. High-Converting Product Page
Humans are very visual creatures by nature. Most buyers prefer to look at photos and other appealing items rather than read a lot. People want to see what they’re getting before they buy it; therefore, they’ll want to look at it from every aspect. You simply can’t overdo it with images. Utilise colours and distinguishing typography to make your brand clearly recognisable. You can absolutely attract attention with appealing content, graphics, and colourful font.
#5. Upselling and Cross-Selling
Upselling techniques, along with renewals, are exceedingly popular. You can add similar goods to the product pages of each sports shop. When potential buyers see anything that interests them, they will click on it. You’ll keep the buyer on your website for a more extended period, which may help them plan and finalise the purchase.
The Solution — The Core Part of Our Companies’ Synergy
Website Migration to Magento 2 was tackled successfully and flawlessly. After that, we had some additional tasks for the online shop boosting. Our team inbuilt the configurable price to change according to its virtual product, as well as customised search and filters.
Other works:
Front-end adjustment to add a personalised touch;
Backend fixes;
Online shop’s layout customisation to add engraving services or other features that help make things custom and memorable;
Installation of the Magento 2 GDPR extension;
Customisations for product selection to enable shoppers to quickly and effortlessly find what they seek;
Product display customisation. Your product page is crucial because it’s where you display everything you have for sale;
Custom checkout;
Price change on configurable products.
What the Client Says
Describe the project and the services WebMeridian provided in detail.
Migration of store to the Magento 2 and update of the Magento version plus some frontend part for the site.
How was project management arranged, and how effective was it?
Their project manager was a great guy. He helped us a lot during projects.
What did you find most impressive about WebMeridian?
WebMeridian team is always delivering projects in time, their development, and management team are true professionals. They handle any issue with ease, and the communication is always smooth and pleasant.
Can you share any measurable outcomes of the project or general feedback about the deliverables?
Both projects were key parts in order to deliver the client’s digital strategy and have been pivotal in the success of the projects.
The Results: Miche.IT Have Doubled Store Performance Simply With Magento 2 Migration
To sum up, our customer successfully processes orders from 9000 buyers monthly on a new version of their website smoothly running on Magento 2. Full customisation of search functionality and whole layout, as well as backend fixes, allow Miche.IT to provide their website visitors with an outstanding online shopping experience.
Our team will focus on easy-to-use navigation, product labels, upselling, customisation, navigation, and an omnichannel strategy that will help you achieve the success you seek online.
The success of Miche is impressive. They set out with a goal to increase their eCommerce platform, boost sales, and take the business to new heights. By coupling their endeavours with their ambition and using Adobe and Magento 2 they achieved groundbreaking strides.
Website smoothly processes 9.1K+ of monthly website visits.
The bounce rate dropped to 32%. It’s a peak.
Magento Version: 2.2.6, to be precise.
Francesco Zanin Digital Marketing Consultant — NFK Digital
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25 Web Professional Web Design Tips
When the web emerged over twenty five years agone, the primary websites were corresponding to a charming land of unicorns and casinos, resplendent with scrolling marquee text, flashing lights and bright sparkles. It felt sort of a visit to the Red light-weight district anytime a user connected to the brave new web World via electronic equipment at the blistering speed of 14k. corporations didn’t understand what a good business plus an efficient net style might be. Instead they structured their sites to function big “About Us” pages as the simplest way to ask recognition for his or her ancient brands.
In the last twenty five years the web has modified considerably, and client behavior has modified even additional. Websites currently dominates the approach we tend to communicate, the approach we tend to look, and therefore the the} approach we tend to create selections each on-line and also within the face-to-face world. The canonised regarding United States websites area unit gone, replaced by mobile and secure business sites that function powerful lead generation tools for anyone with a business-to-business or business-to-consumer product or service or data resource to sell.
To commemorate twenty five years of the net, I’ve invited Gabe Shaoolian, founder and chief operating officer of net style and on-line selling firm Blue Fountain Media, to supply twenty five tips for current best follow in creating your web site the most effective it will be as a vehicle for capturing additional leads and conducting a higher business, as follows:
1.     The five Second Rule
Remember that you simply} have just 5 seconds to elucidate your worth proposition to users once they enter to your web site. the rear button is that the most generally used command on the net. If you don’t answer a user’s wants promptly, he or she's going to click “back” and exit your web site. confirm your web site options compelling copy that attracts readers in and provides them reasons to remain.
2. correct electronic communication
The most vital side of a web site is its electronic communication. the foremost effective sites feature clear, concise, bit text electronic communication in no over a couple of words. don't place long paragraphs on your homepage. Your homepage could be a entry into your web site. Use short electronic communication that gets to the purpose.
Deadly Cyclones area unit On the increase And global climate change Is guilty 3. decision to Action
Look at any made ecommerce or service supplier web site and you'll notice they embrace a CTA, or a “Call To Action.” the foremost common calls to action area unit “Request a Quote,” “Buy Now,” and “Work With United States.” the most effective CTAs clarify what you're providing as against forcing individuals to work it out on their own. Calls to action ought to be within the prime masthead space and body of a web site (above the “fold” that needs the viewer to scroll). If your page is long enough, having another CTA on the lowest of your page is useful still.
4. Building Trust
Building trust is important if you're merchandising product or services on-line. Zappos became made by providing free shipping and a good come policy. By investing the positive experiences of their audience through client testimonials, Zappos was ready to build whole loyalty and grow their business. Similarly, different sites highlight their guarantees and have certifications or a signal potential customers will use to contact a true person if any problems occur. These options will create the distinction between somebody striking the dire back button and creating a sale.
5. Keep it contemporary
Content remains king. You don’t need guests to your web site to examine out-of-date content and assume your business isn’t active on-line, that might have an effect on your bottom line. Your web site is your company’s face to the planet. confirm your web site shows that your company is up up to now on business trends and is actively engaged by often making new content.
6. Incorporating Social Media
Social media is one in every of the most effective ways that to make loyalty and establish a whole voice. create it straightforward for your audience to share your content by desegregation social media into your net style. this easy step provides a good chance to make whole advocates UN agency can attract new customers and facilitate your web site to drive additional sales for your business.
7. Don’t Make Me Think
User expertise is that the key to any smart net style. individuals ought to be ready to navigate throughout your {site|website|web web site} while not endeavour dead ends that cause them to navigate faraway from your site. Your website’s layout ought to simple so users will simply move from page to page.
8. Web 2.0 – It’s regarding the User's wants, Not regarding You
In the time period of the web, heaps of business websites targeting themselves. They visited nice lengths to point out what they did and why they were a good company. whereas this hasn’t precisely modified, currently the internet’s best sites area unit way more centered on what a business will do for a user. Concentrating on what you'll do for the user rather than what you would like the user to understand regarding you'll facilitate your web site to become a simpler sales tool.
9. Video
Today’s web is accessible to users at blistering speeds on the far side the wildest dreams of the net of twenty five years agone. one in every of the most effective ways that to require advantage of this new speed is to place multimedia system and videos to figure for your business. Video permits customers to examine what your business is regarding in a very extremely relatable approach that builds stronger bonds than copy alone.
10. Don’t Reinvent The Wheel
While it will be tempting to make your web site from scratch together with your own CMS, it's higher to use existing open supply platforms. WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and Magento (for ecommerce) area unit nice alternatives that area unit comparatively painless to line up and might enable all the practicality you would like. These CMS choices go along with the adscititious bonuses of plug-ins that may modify your on-line selling efforts and support any problems you would possibly encounter.
11. Don’t Fall Behind – Your Competitors can Beat You
While planning to the #1 position for a good organic keyword or increase a vast and engaged social media following will cause you to desire your business is on prime of the planet, it’s vital to not get anxious. one in every of the most effective ways that to fall behind to your competitors is holding your illustrious rankings or followers attend your head as a signal your work is complete. invariably stay prime of your on-line presence and unendingly work to make sure your web site is as optimized for business as attainable whereas keeping track of what your competitors do still.
12. Security
This may appear obvious to some, however {website|web web site} security is one in every of the foremost vital elements of a well-designed site. ne'er store knowledge on your web site which will compromise your business or the privacy of your customers like social insurance numbers, mastercard numbers, and private addresses.
13. begin with SEO in Mind
When you area unit at first coming up with a web site, create your web site as optimized as attainable for programme improvement (SEO) issues. observe of the terms you would like to rank for and use them within the applicable title tags, URL chains, H1 tags, and H2 tags to assist your web site rank additional extremely on search result pages and to assist your web site generate non-branded organic traffic that results in new sales.
14. Avoid Long Page Forms
When making page forms like request a quote forms or checkout pages, it's vital to avoid long page forms. many of us don’t take the time to scroll below the “fold” to examine extra content. If your checkout or CTA button is gift solely at the lowest of a prolonged type, you’re shooting yourself within the foot. several guests can navigate faraway from the page in frustration or before they’ve had the prospect to totally think about your provide and act.
One of Shaoolian’s biggest peeves could be a web site that needs you to squint to examine the copy. there's no reason to publish web site copy in a very little font. If a web site isn’t straightforward to browse, there’s no reason for your audience to stay around for the extra effort.
16. Be A business Leader
Being AN business leader isn't any longer almost about holding a good position at a well-respected business. These days, the term implies that you're actively sharing your sensible expertise with others. whether or not it’s on your web site or via a social media platform like LinkedIn, sharing your sensible recommendation and data with others shows that you simply and your business grasp what you’re talking regarding. This thought leadership could be a good way to make whole recognition and sales.
17. It’s now not always about the Desktop
When the web was in its infancy, there was just one alternative for users UN agency were attempting to attach. it had been desktop or bust if you wished to expertise the web. That’s now not the case, with users accessing the web on desktops, tablets and mobile devices and seventeen.4% of worldwide web site traffic originating from mobile devices as of the tip of last year. Keep mobile development in mind as you develop your web site, Shaoolian says, so all of your customers are able to do best interaction together with your web site from no matter device they use.
18. do not Target everybody
When building a web site, it's vital to recollect UN agency your audience is. whereas building for everybody in a shot to urge huge traffic will be tempting, bear in mind that shaping a audience and coming up with therewith target in mind can cause additional conversions and a higher conversion rate for your company.
19. Monitor web site Performance
Keeping tabs on however your web site is doing is extraordinarily vital, notably once you’re attempting to search out ways that to upgrade your web site. Knowing precisely wherever your web site is falling short is that the solely thanks to create the proper changes that may create your audience happier and inspire them to convert to customers at the best attainable rate. Monitor keyword rankings, conversion rate, and bounce rate as you intend your website’s future style.
20. It’s web content, Not Websites That Rank
When you area unit building out your web site, it will be straightforward to forget this easy SEO reality. At the tip of the day, your domain isn't reaching to rank on a groundwork engine result page — it’s your individual pages that may. To avoid cannibalizing your business’ programme results, take the time to make out every page of your web site to form it each informative and visually gorgeous. for instance, if you've got a landing page for a service that you simply provide and need it to rank for that specific service keyword, confirm that landing page is substantial enough to draw in incoming links and ranking to scale back the chance of attracting links to solely your homepage instead.
21. Your web site could be a element of selling
Your web site is that the primary purpose of contact for our digital selling efforts. Ultimately, everything you are doing on-line that isn’t supposed for whole recognition alone are driving traffic to your web site in a shot to urge individuals to complete a predefined goal. confirm you provide your web site the time and care it wants from a style perspective to be as effective as attainable. this may guarantee your digital selling efforts pay the most important attainable dividends for your business.
22. smart Websites Grow Businesses
It’s straightforward to forget the aim of your web site once you’re building it out. the most effective websites don’t essentially have to be compelled to be the foremost visually appealing. the most effective sites area unit effective in generating conversions and in serving to your business to come up with additional leads on-line.
23. Flash Websites area unit Dead
There was a time not farewell agone that the foremost visually gorgeous websites were created with Flash. however that’s now not the case. Flash websites keep a business from attracting the growing base of shoppers on iOS mobile devices that don’t support Flash, and that they manufacture a slow and unresponsive user style that frustrates customers and prices your business sales.
24. Respect Text distinction
One issue that hasn’t modified a lot of within the last twenty five years is that the importance of text distinction. whereas it's true that the first web was overladen with flashing banners, what several businesses did get right within the time period was effective distinction. Black text on a white background was and still is that the only thanks to gift text. the proper distinction will create the distinction between users clicking wherever you would like them to travel or navigating faraway from your web site altogether.
25. the long run needs Full Integration With wearable school
Looking to the long run, optimizing your net style for wearable devices pays dividends for your business. Gadgets like Google Glass and stone area unit early indications that the long run of the web lies in wearable school. If you would like to urge sooner than the curve, take the time to make certain your {website|web web site} is totally integrated currently to provide early adopters as full AN expertise as attainable once they visit your site.
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How Can You Get Maximum Benefits of Auto Invoice and Shipment Extension?
The Magento platform requires that invoice and shipment documentation be manually generated by the business owners. When they get a lot of orders, the store owners may find this to be quite time-consuming and exhausting. There is obviously a significant chance of making mistakes when there are so many orders. Order processing may be delayed if invoices and shipments are manually created, which can take a long time.
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Order status management is made simpler with the help of the Magento Auto Invoice extension, which benefits both customers and admins by reducing manual duties. Customers always want their orders to be processed quickly and all at once. When orders are completed using Auto Invoice, all statuses are automatically converted to "Complete," and bills are generated as a result. 
You can automatically create invoices and shipment papers after each transaction by utilising the Magento 2 generate invoice automatically extension. This extension might be quite useful for store owners who receive a large number of orders each day. Because it lowers the possibility of error and allows for quick order processing, customers will have a better shopping experience. 
Use of Auto Invoice and Shipment Extension Benefits 
It may be beneficial to use an extension like the Magento 2 auto invoicing extension. This extension can assist with the automatic generation of invoices and shipments quickly and easily. By enhancing the customer experience and offering excellent customer service, the use of this extension can be helpful. 
Select Specific Payment Methods 
By allowing them to select their preferred payment method, the Magento 2 Auto Invoice and shipping extension offers simplicity to the business owners as well. Store owners can choose to automatically generate invoices and shipments for all or just the chosen payment methods. 
Automatic Generation Of Invoices 
This extension allows automatic invoice and shipment generation after the customer receives the order by enabling this option with only a single click when all backend requirements are met. 
Emails To Customers To Keep Them Updated 
You can easily enable automatic default email sharing with consumers and store owners by using this extension. Customers and the store admin receive an email automatically after the order and payments are successfully completed. 
Auto Shipment & Invoice Saving time on manual payment transaction processing is possible with the help of the Magento 2 Auto Invoice extension. Following the completion of the order, Magento will automatically prepare and send an invoice and shipment to your customers. Magento 2 Auto Invoice Emails for invoices and shipments can be sent automatically thanks to the Magento Extension. According to various Magento rules, the extension can be set up to automatically generate invoices, ship orders, and collect payments. There is no need for the website admin to manually process each order or write code to generate Magento invoices. The length of the buying process will be significantly reduced, increasing consumer satisfaction and boosting sales.
Original Source: https://bityl.co/GECH
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forixcommerce · 2 years
5 ways through which a Magento B2B Developer can help you expand your online business?
Magento B2B Development can help you accomplish a lot of things for your online business. These days users tend to choose online stores that are interactive, attractive and easy to shop in. Thus, by creating an online store that is engaging in nature you will be able to stay ahead of the competition. This is where a Magento B2B developer can help you.
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Hiring experts like Magento developers will allow you to systematically create an engaging online website. Here’s how the developers can help you: -
5 Benefits of hiring a Magento B2B Developer:
1. Management of Bulk Orders: - Developers will help you manage orders faster and more efficiently. By automating the entire process of faster checkouts, and quick orders, and providing discounted rated and CSV upload-based ordering you will be priming your website for optimum efficiency and productivity. This will also allow your customers to ship orders to multiple destinations with ease.
2. Creation of Catalogs: -with the help of the data in your system a developer will help you create as well as maintain custom-made catalogs. This will help you create a pricing service for each customer. Each of your customers will be shown personalized catalogs based on the different versions of the catalogs that you create.
3. Creation of Price Listings: - Developers will help you create price rules for each of your customers. This is accomplished by sorting through the categories, the nature of the product and the minimum order quantity. This system can then be used to target your other customers. With the flexibility offered by this feature, you can set different order quantities for different products.
4. Automating Tax Exemptions: - Through this process, the developers will help you automate the process of tax exemption calculations. This will enable qualified customers to check out of the store automatically without paying taxes.
5. Negotiating Prices with customers: - With this innovative feature the developers will prime your site in such a way that you will be able to negotiate prices with your customers before they place an order. Moreover, you can offer special discounts, provisions or decreased shipping charges for large orders.
Therefore, choosing the right Magento B2B Developers will help you grow your business. In case you face any problems with the development you can easily contact Magento support services to resolve your issue.
1. Will a Magento B2B developer help my web store get adapted to various devices?
Yes, we will help you get your web store adapted to various devices.
2. Will I be able to enhance my website security with the help of Magento Developers?
Yes, you will be able to enhance your website security with our help.
3. Will I be able to update my website with the latest technology stack?
Yes, Magento development will help you stay updated.
4. How do I request Forix for a website audit?
You can submit your website URL as well as your email and our team will contact you shortly.
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landofcoder-blog1 · 5 years
Best Magento2 RMA Extension 100% sale-off by Landofcoder
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This flexible Magento 2 RMA extension helps you manage product exchanges and returns in the most effective way.
Make RMA seamless to the shopper and build strong relationships with customers and win their trust and loyalty. With Magento 2 RMA extension, you can choose any return items based on customers’ preference so that they can pick one or more items out of their order to request RMA.
This product provides you with a variety of choices:
Flexibly Selecting Return Items
Customer Can Create Several RMA At Once
Quick messaging
Smart RMA Report Chart with Filter
Smart RMA Management In Singe Place
Instant RMA Activity Notification
Unlimited and Customizable Reason, Condition, Resolution Setting
Handy Packing Slip, Shipping Label, and Confirm Shipping Buttons
Fast Access To All Submitted RMA Request From Single Place
Effortlessly Managing Quick Responses
Speeding up RMA Process with Workflow Rules
Dynamic and User-friendly Custom Fields
Easy to configure
Multistore Support
Highly Controllable Return Merchandise Authorization System
Easy to insert return address
Check return status with ease
The most important thing is that this product is free now!!! Take this chance!!!
Visit  website of Landofcoder for more details and have a look at our best products. Don't miss it!!!
Link product:
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