#ship.| ritsuko & zack
sentofight · 1 year
❛   tousle .   mess  playfully  with  my  muse’s  hair . - For Zack and Ritsu
The barks of Rider notifying his owner he wanted some attention, too. Zack had been enjoying Ritsu's company a bit too much that Rider started pawing at him to play with him, too. "Haha, aw you got jealous? You can't be jealous of her, buddy." he slide down the couch where he was sitting with Ritsuko to play with Rider. The two played happily together. Rider jumped and rubbed against Zack, happy that he got his friend back to play.
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Meanwhile, Ritsuko felt ignored for the doggo. She moved forward and carefully ran her fingers through Zack's hair then playfully messed with it. "H-hey, heey not you too! haha that's so unfair! double attack on me--gah! haha rider! Ritsukoooo~ I will fall asleep if you continue to do that."
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nonverbal prompts. | accepting | @psychcdelica
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sentofight · 2 years
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“Ritsuko! Look at this picture! Think we can buy something like that for sir Moriarity?” 
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sentofight · 3 years
[ CLOSE ] Ritsuko and Zacku :3
potentially romantic prompts | accepting | @psychcdelica
[ CLOSE ] : sender and receiver find themselves unexpectedly close to one another.
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The day came to an end and Zack had just returned to the company after escorting an idol back to get her things then her manager would drive her home. That’s the bodyguard’s cue to leave but it’s not over yet for him. He went to check on his girlfriend who was still in her post.
“Hey, lovely lady~” he greeted her with a wave of his hand. “Not going home yet?” asking her as he loosened his tie. Phew, he can loosen up now. “Awesome, let’s go! I’ll take you home..hm? Your place? If you have me this night~” he grinned happily to her invite to spend the evening in her place. Once she was ready, he hooked their arms together and went back to her apartment.
It still amazes him how she decorated her front door and the inside. So many things and of course, plants and lizards around. So when they entered, he forgot to lower his head a little bit to not get tangled with one of the vines she had. He almost tripped but thankfully Ritsuko held to his forearm which made him pull back, slamming his hands to the nearest wall to him to not fall. Lucky for Zack, he pinned Ritsuko to the wall. A whistle to the sight in front of him.
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“Well, would have known this is easy I’d have tripped every time.” he lowered his head to press his forehead against hers, “I’d like to thank the vine for getting us this close ... I didn’t see you all day and I missed you a lot. Yeah, I did call you twice or...three times but I miss you for real.” excuse him to gently kiss her.
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sentofight · 3 years
♡ + Ritsu and Zacku?
SEND ME ♡ + A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU… | accepting if anyone wanna send something lol | @psychcdelica
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Who is the most affectionate?
I guess it is Zack cuz he is more handsy and always wanna cuddle with ritsu~ 
Who initiates the handholding?
Who worries more for the other?
Both? But I can see Ritsu worry because in a way, Zack’s job can be dangerous with all the crazy fans who can come up to meet the idols and stuff.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Ritsu mayhap. Ask Zack to fix something cough ask him to give her a back massage yes?
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Umm .. Z.......................zack. wouldn’t say ALWAYS but he tend to misplace them or the ‘where is it--oh it is in my hand’ thing lol
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Aww both~ Zack leaves cute notes for Ritsu in her work file and she leaves cute messages in his suit jacket~
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Hmhm... they are okay i guess...but zack is kind of clingy if they moved together. gotta hug her.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Zack! He will, eventually lol
Who introduced the other to their family first?
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Zack! though Ritsu probably will like to play with his spiky hair lol
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
hmhmhm. i think they are the type to make food together most of the time so yeaaah. ritsu reminds zack to eat or drink if he came from his round with an idol back at the company since he sometimes does not get time to eat or relax because watching 24/7
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
heck ye boooy zaku~ girlfriend got wild animals with her but she got the boyfo too!
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
hmm....i wanna say none? maybe zack does it one time and ritsu just ‘AW CUTE’ and does it every time from now on lol
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
both~ when zack sleeps over she will take care of him. also zack naps in the company, more than you think. ritsu gotta watch over this dumbo when he naps in the waiting room. 
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sentofight · 3 years
❤ + ✮ Ritsu and Zacku :>
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse | accepting | @psychcdelica
❤ = kissing them .
✮ = stargazing .
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Zack had invited Ritsuko over to his apartment and helped up to the rooftop. His building keeps the rooftop door open for smokers to smoke up there since most units are prohibited to smoke in. A good thing, honestly. 
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“Tada~ What do you think? Pretty cool, eh?” he walked ahead then turned at her. “We can see the stars much clearer up here--hey, look!” he pointed to the sky, at a star that is twinkling so bright. “Wow...hey, but not pretty as you~” he winked at Ritsuko, giving her his bright smile. “Come here...” he took her hand and guided her farther in where he sat down some pillows. “Er, I realized I don’t have picnic stuff so these will do good, right?” they both sat down and looked at the sky. 
“Ritsuko ... thanks for coming,” blue eyes darted from the sky to the woman beside him. “--oh, and of course, you too, mister Moriarty haha!” looking at the lizard in her purse peeking. Zack scooted closer to her, hand rested on top of her hand. “Hey... Can I get lost in something beautiful than this sky?” his other hand reached to cup her face, gently before he leaned to kiss her. “Yep...better and tastier..~”
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sentofight · 4 years
:3c For Boss or Ritsuko?
first 5 kisses are open come and get | accepting | @psychcdelica
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Accepting for Falco 1/5
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Gaaawd. Can’t she just...stop yelling for a second? Last time he managed to trick her by saying her husbandos poster is about to fall but this time it won’t work again. Instincts kicked in and he found himself grabbing her by the arm and kissing her. “Wish you could use that mouth of yours for other than berating me every day.” 
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Accepting for Zack 1/5  
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Found best lady ever! Zack hurries to Ritsuko’s side, smooching her lips then carries her off like a bridal style. “Sorry to keep ya waitin’! Let’s be off to our date, yeah? Huh? I know you can walk but there are puddles around; you might step on them. Fine but hold tight to my arm okay?”  
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sentofight · 4 years
@psychcdelica  asks: ❤️ Ritsuko / Zack
pocky game~ if anyone wanna send for our muses to play the pocky game.
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As per usual, the most beautiful lady sits behind the counter. Zack had just walked in after driving one of the idols back into the company, and without wasting a breath, he glued himself right on Ritsuko’s desk.
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“I have finished my job for the day. Are you done, or you still have to type something in?” excuse him to lean forward, poking his head at the screen. “Heh, alright, alright. I’ll wait you there so we can go home together.” he took it on himself to drive her home whenever he can. The area is not safe for a beautiful lady like her to walk alone to her home. Not when that serial killer is around, yeesh.  
It didn’t take Ritsuko that long before she checked out as well. The receptionist had also invited the bodyguard to her home, you know spend some more time since they barely saw each other today. And without hesitation, he accepted. It is quite impressive how she decorated her apartment. Not exactly how you imagine it would be but hey, that’s what he likes about her.
Ritsuko made something warm for them to drink when she placed a pack of pocky in front of them. Zack picked up the box, examining it. “Oh, hey! That’s the stick sweet thing, right? Wow, it has been ages since I ate one. I remember we used to buy this to pretended when we were younger that we were smocking haha.” oh, how endearing and dumb children can be but who didn’t do that? The woman took the box from him, opening it and slowly placing one of the sticks between her lips, eyes locked with his blue ones.
“...? . . . Oh..Ohhhh haha, got it. We are doing this now? Let me warn you, I WILL win.” Zack leaned in and placed his lips on the other end then the two of them counted to three on their fingers before they started nibbling on the pocky stick. Of course, Zack had to finish faster, and by faster, he was aiming for that free kiss. Pressing his lips to hers, a smirk playfully tugged his lips. “A g a i n...” Ritsuko giggled and was no shy for a second one, and a third, until they finished the whole box. 
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sentofight · 2 years
Of course, Ritsuko will give Zack a kiss, even -gasp- in front of Dr Moriarty!
reverse psychology time dont gib kisses now | accepting wink wonk | @psychcdelica
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He just escorted her home and made sure she is in before the receptionist pulled him by the collar inside to reward him for guarding her all the way to her home. A kiss. Maybe not just a kiss knowing her hands seem to travel on their own against his body but yeah, it was a sweet kiss.
“I’ll be greedy, miss Enshu. One kiss might not be an enough reward-- ...is that... Why is Dr. Moriarty looking at me like that? He’s not thinking of, er ... biting me, is he? Come on, man! You can guard her all you want but she is MY girlfriend!” watch him bicker with a snake. Yes, a snake. He is going to bicker with anyone for her--heck if needed he will fight the snake--um, no. Ritsuko will be upset if he hurt her reptile friend here. Dang it...you win this time, Dr. Moriarty. Tsk.
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“Fiiine ... I’ll leave before he hisses at me more. He’s not cute, you know. How can he be like this when I brought him that nice rat the other day? Ungrateful. Say ... Next time, my place. At least, Rider won’t try to bite your head for kissing me~” 
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sentofight · 2 years
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“Hey miss, hey miss~ Yes, you. Why are you so cute?”
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sentofight · 2 years
Ritsuko is doing her best to reach the top shelf in her kitchen, for plates for their meal, she's struggling, how did they get pushed back into the cabinet!
unprompted | accepting | @psychcdelica
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Playing with Rider and Mister Moriarty, Zack took notice of Ritsuko’s struggle to reach for the plates. It was honestly adorable to watch but come on, he cannot see her struggle like that. Plus, Rider started barking at him for seeing his mom in a pinch and dad is not doing anything. “’Kay, buddy. I know. You are a good boy, aren’t you? Keep eye on Mister Moriarty now, yeah?”
Patting the dog’s head, he got up and walked to where Ritsuko was, still doing her best to reach. He literally towered over her from the back. His hands rest gently on her waist, and in a quick motion, he hoisted her up to reach where she wanted. “Got them, Ritsuko?” grinning happily at her when she giggled and told him that she did.
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Zack let her down and she turned to face him, “Haha I forgot you may not reach them last time I placed them up there.” his silly innocent smile made her giggle once more, telling him she is not mad but he got to be there every time she needs to pick up something (he pushed back, purposely or not.) “Is that all? That’s easy! I’ll just have to be by your side aaall the time, haha!” and she earns herself a soft kiss.
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sentofight · 2 years
"Whaaat? Oh hey there Handsome, I can not even right now."
unprompted | feel free to send | @psychcdelica
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“Hey there, beautiful~ Do I spot a celestial being or what? Care to have a coffee break with me, your humble mortal being or you’re still busy with work, milady?”
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sentofight · 2 years
🗣 Max and Zack gotta talk about the girls
Send 🗣 to hear what my muse thinks of yours | feel free to send | @psychcdelica
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“I hope--no, I will confess to her of everything. She deserves to know that I am the crown prince. But what if she hated me for not telling her who I am when we met the first time. I am... I was not lying to her! She just assumed things about me and I did not ...correct her. Had I did would she have let me stay by her side? Juvelian ... Juvelian ...aaaah!!!! She has to believe me!!! I will not harm her, ever! I am not the same person I was er, months ago. I am a new man for her. Juvelian ... how she will look in the party ...? God...she will be the most beautiful thing in the party. It is the only thing I will thank Beatrice for. I have to stick close to her because she will definitely go find Juvelian and then I will tell her everything! My heart is about to burst out of my chest..haa...Juvelian...will you love me when you know who I am? I love you...I love you so much I can’t imagine going on without you. If I don’t see Juvelian every day I can’t function. Juvelian you are everything to me--you ARE my weakness. I miss your smile, your eyes, your laugh, your smell .... the way you pout at me.. the way you reproach me ... the way you hug me ... aaah...I’m going crazy because of you, Juvelian!!! Please ...love me back ...” and continues to mumble in a corner. 
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“Ritchan hm~ her smile is everything, man ... I got whipped like instantly seeing her smile. Life is good whenever she is with me. She’s so pretty and smart and loving and--ahh... man, words can’t do her justice. Maybe I ought to take a vacation and take her wherever she wants. She mentioned Atami one time, maybe over there. Ritsuko in swimsuit ...God would love to see her in one. Actually, I am going right now, get us vacations and leaving this town for my sweet self-care trip.” watch him run into the company and ask Ritsuko to leave with him on a trip to Atami.
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sentofight · 2 years
"Oh my gosh, you're like soooooo handsome." //Ritsu to Zack
compliment my muses aha~ | @psychcdelica
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“Haha. Hearing you say that makes me happy, Ritsu~ Guess the suit choice was right, eh? Should I wear a red shirt next or blue? Oh, maybe purple? What are you going to wear tomorrow? I’ll match with you.”
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sentofight · 3 years
what about Zack and Ritsuko kissu :o
Zack kissy season [1/5] | accepting | @psychcdelica
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Well, he does not mind if he do. No one was around so, he leaned over her desk and stole a kiss from her lips and grinned. “This is a business, Mister Fair.” and yes he was trying to mimic renju’s voice. It earned him a giggle from his lover so that’s worth it. Plus, hey you can’t badmouth the dead. Zack does not know Renju that much but at least the man hired him to do this important job. 
“Once you’re done let’s go eat out somewhere, yeah?”
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sentofight · 3 years
Here Ritsuko is, ready to feed Zack some of his lunch!
unprompted | always accepting | @psychcdelica
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“For me? Really? Aww yeah~ this is my luckiest day. Aaa~” watch him be ready too to be fed by Ritsuko~ 
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sentofight · 4 years
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