learndring · 3 months
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Devils in Amber: The Baltics by Phillip Bonosky (1992).
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learndring · 1 year
love those old soviet posters that are just advertising like, an activity. not some “go to mike’s hardware for the BEST deals around!” just “hey, you can learn stuff at libraries” or “consider going for a hike in the countryside” big kin
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learndring · 1 year
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learndring · 1 year
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"Teacher Well-Well and His Colorful School" by Yakov Akim, illustrated by Nikolai Ustinov (1978).
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learndring · 1 year
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Ice cream. Poster by Sergey Sakharov (1950s).
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learndring · 1 year
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что я больше не буду и не хочу
I have decided
that I will no longer be, nor do i want to be
решить (prfct) to decide, to resolve to be, to be determined to
бояться (imp) 1) to be afraid, to fear, to dread. 2) to suffer from, to be vulnerable to.
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learndring · 1 year
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отсоси и сдохни suck it and die
отсосать (prfct) to suck away, to draw off, suction
стохнуть (prfct) to die (of an animal), to croak, to drop dead
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learndring · 1 year
Гвоздика Carnation
Маки Poppies
Флоксы Phlox
Ромашка Camomile / Daisy
Роза Rose
Георгин Dahlia
Гладиолус Gladiola
Астры Asters
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Matchbox labels from Pinsk Match Factory in Belarus (1960)
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learndring · 2 years
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learndring · 2 years
You can say a surprising amount with ~300 words
This is part of my guide on how to start learning a language more quickly. You can find the guide homepage here.
You can express yourself surprisingly flexibly when you know 300 well-chosen words (and grammar) in a language. (By “words”, I really mean lemmas, i.e. I’m counting “run” and “runs” as one word.) When trying to talk about a topic, there will probably be some key words that you don’t know, but you can ask for or look up those words and then use them for the rest of the time that you’re talking about the topic. You can see an example of how using the 300 words works.
Here’s the list of 300. I hope it’s a useful guideline and starting point for you. I may revise it, so please refer to the original post for the most up-to-date version. In addition to these general words, there will probably be some others that will be among the most useful for you (e.g. “class” if you’re a student). When you find yourself using them again and again, learn them too.
* Note: You should really think of this as a list of concepts. Your goal isn’t to translate each word to a word in your target language, but to figure out how to express that concept in your target language. In some cases, a concept may translate to multiple words (for example, I listed “you” as a concept, but in some languages there are different words for “formal you” and “informal you”). Some concepts may translate to no word at all, but rather a certain grammatical structure (for example, Russian doesn’t use the verb “have”; to say “I have a cat” in Russian, you say “at me there is a cat”).
Use a dictionary to find out how to express these concepts in your target language (for some subtleties, you’ll need to google or ask in a forum). After that, I suggest memorizing the words by making yourself a Memrise course with the words and going through the course. Learn to be able to go from the concept to the word in your target language, not the other way around; you want to be able to produce the word, not just recognize it. You should also learn how to pronounce your target language. To hear native speakers pronounce words in your target language, check out Forvo.
This list has been translated into: Cantonese, Finnish, French, Spanish.
Version 1 of this list, which had 200 words, was translated into: Afrikaans, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Mandarin Chinese, Norwegian, Swedish, Thai.
If you’d like to translate this list into another language, please feel free! :) Just include a link back to this post, and let me know when you’re done so that I can link to your list here.
First Verbs
there is
Keep reading
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learndring · 2 years
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Already a lot of people have done posts on this topic, but I like it, and therefore I will also do it :)
Well, now I want to start with a rainbow:) Rainbow is always something beautifull and positive. This is one of the symbols of happiness, I think. And colors are an important part of it! 
Радуга - rainbow
We have one useful phrase to learn the colors of the rainbow: “Каждый охотник желает знать, где сидит фазан.” - Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.
Каждый - Красный - Red
охотник - оранжевый - orange
желает - жёлтый - yellow
знать - зелёный - green
где - голубой - blue
сидит - синий - dark blue
фазан - фиолетовый - violet
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In fact the rainbow consists of a huge number of colors, but the human eye can distinguish these basic 7 colors.
I’ll write the basic colors and some of their shades:
Красный - red
Алый - scarlet 
Бордовый, винный - burgundy 
Багряный, багровый - crimson 
Красно-коричневый, темно-бордовый - maroon  
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Зелёный - green
Хаки - khaki  
Оливковый - olive 
Бирюзовый - turquoise
Изумрудный - emerald  
Тёмно-бирюзовый -  tealсине
Салатовый - light-green 
Изумрудно-зеленый - viridian
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Оранжевый - orange
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Жёлтый - yellow
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Голубой - blue
Лазурный - azure
Небесно-голубой - sky blue
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Синий - dark blue
Тёмно-синий -  navy blue
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Фиолетовый - violet
Пурпурный - purple
Лавандовый - lavender
Сиреневый - lilac
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Other, but also very important colors:
Чёрный - black
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Белый - white
Белоснежный - snowy, snow-white
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Серый - grey, gray
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Коричневый - brown
Янтарный - amber
Шоколадный - chocolate
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Розовый - pink
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Коралловый - сoral
Бежевый - beige
Кремовый - cream
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Золотой, золотистый - gold, golden 
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Серебряный, серебристый - silver, silvery
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Спасибо, и хорошего дня! Thank you and have a nice day!
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