#ship: wait to see you like a mile long train
writermuses · 1 year
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0 notes
phoward89 · 3 months
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Obsessed!Coriolanus Snow x Innocent!Reader, Obsessed!Crassus Snow x Innocent!Reader, DILF!Crassus Snow
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. Cussing, obsession, smut, oral (f rec) , p in v, older man/younger woman, father & son both want the same girl, reader is just too sweet for this world and has no idea that the men in the Snow family are toxic...
This is the Crassus x Reader ending AKA ending 2.
It's kinda long.
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Ending #2-Crassus
Coriolanus disappeared without a trace. Or at least that's what it felt like. Truth was, a couple of weeks after graduation he boarded a train to 8 as a peacekeeper grunt. Coriolanus received a conscription letter and was shoved off by his father General Crassus Snow.
Against his will.
Without Coriolanus by your side you fell into a depression. Yes, you received letters from him and the occasional phone call, but it wasn't the same. He wasn't physically around, like he's always been, and it hurt.
It hurt so much.
So goddamn much.
You felt so alone…
You thought that you were doing good job of hiding your hurt, your depression and loneliness. But you weren't.
Crassus noticed it right away.
And he tried to swoop in and put a smile on your face by asking about your day or by suggesting you read a certain book in the library, but it never worked. Nothing worked to put a smile on your face.
The only time a faint smile appeared on your face was whenever Crassus handed you a letter from his son while shifting thru the mail after coming home from work. You'd always snatch it from him with a smile on your face. One that never quite reached your eyes.
You cherished Coryo's letters. He always complained about District 8 in them, but he’d also write a few lines about his feelings towards you. Always told you to wait for him; that he'd figure out a way to return to you.
Crassus, as cold and unfeeling of a man as he was, never kept his son's letters from you despite the fact that the middle-aged man wanted you as his next wife. His future First Lady. And why didn't he keep them from you?
Because he wanted to woo you away from his son’s affections. Crassus wanted the knowledge that he pursued you, courted you, and gave you somebody to confide in all the while Coriolanus was sending you letters that were borderline love letters.
Crassus wants you to pick him over his son, not because he made you, but because you want to.
Because you want him.
And having Coriolanus thousands of miles away serving in 8 would definitely help out with you picking the older Snow…
Out of sight, out of mind as they say.
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“Petal, a letter for you from my son.” Crassus announces, holding the letter up for you to see as he stands in front of the fireplace shifting thru mail while you sit on the sofa watching CapitolTV.
Grandma'am was out visiting the neighbor, Pluribus, so it was just you and Crassus inside of the penthouse.
“Oh, thank you.” You thinly smile, rising from the sofa to go get your letter from the tall, stoic man that you've come to appreciate since you began living in the Snow's ancestral home.
Crassus knew that now was his chance to snatch you away from his bratty son. That now's the time to woo you. And how does he know?
By the thin, forced line of a smile on your face and the tight tone of your voice when you thank him for his son's letter.
“Y/N, I see how much you're suffering. Perhaps you'd like to talk about it with someone who's been deployed throughout Panem?” Crassus remarked, his voice low and thoughtful as he hands you over the letter.
“I'm fine, Crassus.” You lie, fingers brushing while taking the letter from him. “I don't need to talk about Coryo's deployment in 8, but thank you for the offer.” You assure the man towering over you while looking at the letter you're holding.
“You're not fine, petal.” Crassus tells you in a low, deep, all knowing tone.
It's unsettling since Coriolanus had told you the exact same thing one night before he was shipped off. He told you that you weren't fine; in a similar tone and manner that his father had just used on you right now.
You never noticed it before, but were Coriolanus and Crassus truly mirror images of each other?
“You haven't filled out your University admissions packet, so I surmise that you won't be attending. I also noticed how you sulk around, wasting your life waiting for a ghost.”
The packet was still untouched on his mahogany desk in his study. It was due weeks ago. Now that it's early September and the fall semester's starting soon, well, Crassus knows that it's too late for you to select a major of interest to study. That you won't be attending the University.
That doesn't bother him. In fact, Crassus prefers for you to be home with Grandma'am all day. You're a very beautiful Capitolite girl and in his mind you're better suited as a socialite. He's sure in time you'll get used to staying home and doing lady things all day such as luncheons, shopping, tea parties, etc.
“I-” You began, but your protest died on the tip of your tongue when Crassus cut you off with a blunt, “You can deny it all you want, but you fill your days moping over my son's absence.”
Of course, he saw right thru your facade. Crassus was a very perceptive man, a cunning one as well. He picked up on things that most people would overlook.
“You need to find a hobby to occupy your time; keep your thoughts off of things.” Crassus tells you knowingly. As if he has first hand experience in the matter.
Well, maybe he did.
“A hobby?”
“Yes.” He nods. “My mother has her rose garden; my late wife had her silly little songs and the piano.” The tall platinum blonde explains. He shifts his weight slightly on his feet while suggesting, “So perhaps you can find something as well.”
“Perhaps.” You parrot.
Maybe Crassus is right? Maybe a hobby will help you during Coryo's absence.
Crassus pecks you on the cheek before patting it and telling you, “Go on and read your letter. I'll be in my study reading my own mail.”
Without another word he walked away from you and into the direction of his office, a pile of mail in his hands.
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You decided to take Crassus' advice and find a hobby to take your mind off of Coryo's deployment. After thinking about it, you realize that Crassus is right. You need to focus your energy on something else and since you're not in the best mindset to go to University (going to University was Coriolanus' dream; he wanted you to attend with him) a hobby is necessary.
At first you try your hand at gardening. You spent some time with Grandma’am in her rooftop rose garden, but you weren't a natural green thumb like she was. In fact, gardening seems to frustrate you.
Coriolanus was the botanist that thrived under Grandma'am Snow’s gardening lessons. Well, he did when he was still living in the Corso penthouse before he was conscripted into the Peacekeepers.
And since you weren't classically trained on the piano like Crassus' late wife, Demeter, you had only two other options for a hobby. Sewing or baking.
You weren't too handy with needlework and didn't want to bother Tigris with sewing lessons, because you knew that she'd start talking about Coryo. You couldn't handle that. The kind hearted young lady always meant well when she brought up Coryo, but it was a sore topic for you.
So, that left baking as your only hobby option.
But you had an old recipe book of your mother's from her native 12, so at least you had something to work with. You didn't have to bake blind without recipes.
Most of the recipes were for cookies. A couple for cakes, but mostly various cookies. Oh and bread. Lots and lots of bread.
Apparently, District 12 really loves their bread.
And on top of reading your cookbook you've been watching a baking show:
The Great Panem Bake Off
It's a baking competition where the best amateur bakers in all of Panem compete for a title and prize money. You began watching it for baking ideas and ended up writing down the recipes of the goodies that the judges liked.
After a few weeks of reading your mother's old recipe book and watching the baking show on CapitolTV, you decided to bake a batch of classic and simple sugar cookies.
So, one late afternoon while Grandma'am was tending to her magnificent rooftop rose garden you're in the kitchen hard at work baking a large batch of lemon zest and vanilla bean sugar cookies. Thankfully, living in Capitol City, Panem, you're able to procure the ingredients easily for your cookies.
You're so engrossed in making your cookie dough and baking off the tasty treats that your mind doesn't even focus on the missing member of the Snow family. Not once does Coriolanus cross your mind. No, the only thing crossing your mind is measuring out the ingredients and adding them to the bowl; mixing until firm and smooth. You're too busy letting the cookie dough chill and timing it to think about sulking over your best friend.
And when it's time to roll out the sugar cookie dough and cut the cookies out with a cutter, well, you can't even imagine thinking about anything but getting the cookies stamped out and onto the cookie sheet pan. A sheet pan lined with parchment to keep the cookies from burning and sticking (a tip you saw on the baking show).
You're so scared that if you leave the kitchen your batch of cookies will burn, despite having a timer set. So, you sit at the kitchen table reading a book that Crassus had recommended a few weeks back; waiting for the cookies to bake. Between the mouth watering aroma of fresh cookies filling the air and the intriguing plot line of the book you're reading, you're mind's too preoccupied to drift off to a melancholy about Coriolanus being gone.
Infact, it seems that Crassus was right about a hobby keeping your mind busy and off of things you can't change.
His son serving as Private Snow over in 8.
When the timer goes off you put on your floral printed oven mitts, which match your frilly apron, and pull the cookie sheet out of the oven. After setting the pan on the counter, you transfer the sweet treats to a cooling rack before rolling and cutting out another batch of cookies to place onto the sheet pan and back into the oven.
You’re sitting at the kitchen table, reading your book while waiting for the cookies to bake whenever you heard the front door open accompanied by the sound of Crassus' shoes echoing against the marble floor.
Crassus was home and all you could think of was getting his opinion on your cookies. Being a first time baker, you're afraid that they wouldn't be good. Even tho you followed the recipe religiously and everything seemed to turn out, you're still scared that your first foray into baking won't be successful.
So, you set your book down on the table, quickly rise to your feet, and grab a cookie from the cooling rack that's on the counter.
When you rush out of the kitchen, freshly baked cookie in hand, you see Crassus is starting to cross the foyer. He stops when he sees you, nose sniffing at the air, as his icy blue eyes take in the excited smile on your face.
From the smell wafting from the kitchen paired with the frilly floral apron you're wearing, the general concludes that you've taken up baking. He thinks it's good that you found something to occupy your days with.
Crassus is a tall man, even taller than his son, so he towers over you as you stand before him. Before he could make a comment on your new hobby, you grab him by the shirt and yank him down to your eye level- only to shove a freshly baked sugar cookie into his mouth.
“How is it? Do I need to tweek anything?” You ask, watching Crassus try not to choke on a large mouthful of cookie.
The middle-aged man’s large hand comes up to his mouth to pull the cookie out while he chews on the piece that's nearly choking him. You look at him with such innocence and patience while awaiting his verdict on your first attempt at baking cookies. Oh, and how your doe eyes has Crassus' knees buckling.
The cold, hard former soldier can't help, but to feel like a schoolboy again as you watch him chew his large mouthful. Oh, how embarrassing to feel like that over a young pretty girl shoving a sugar cookie into his mouth and looking at him like an angel sent from the heavens while awaiting his judgment on the sweet treat.
For some reason, swallowing down the cookie takes more effort than it should. Perhaps Crassus' throat feels tighter, as if it's closing up on him, because of the near intimate position you're in. Your face is mere inches away from his as he's hunched down into your space with your hand still tightly fisted into his shirt; keeping him in place.
Oh gods, how the man's mind is drifting off to dirty places…
“It's good.” Crassus finally answers after what feels like an eternity, but in reality was only a minute.
“You really think so?” You ask, genuinely surprised, as the icy eyed man in front of you just stares at you as if you hung the moon and stars.
A look he hasn't given anyone in a very, very long time.
“Yes,” He nods. “It's very good, petal.”
You're so happy that Crassus likes your cookie; that your first attempt at baking as your new hobby was successful. Honestly, you were scared that they wouldn't turn out. But it seems that you had nothing to worry about.
Without saying a word, you let go of Crassus' shirt and rush back into the kitchen to check on your latest batch of cookies. Crassus just shakes his head, clutching his briefcase his one hand and his half eaten cookie in the other, as a ghost of a smile slowly appears on his lips.
It seems like your innocence and warmth might be melting the cold Snow.
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After the day you shoved a cookie into Crassus' mouth; nearly choking him, he's become your official taste tester for anything that you bake. He doesn't mind, in fact Crassus enjoys your baking. He has quite the sweet tooth even if he denies it.
Grandma'am enjoys when you bake chocolate treats and even Tigris enjoys your baking. She prefers your puddings. The warm hearted girl stops by from time to time to visit Grandma’am and you always give her some baked goods to take home.
All in all, your depression has dissipated and your mind's occupied with baking. You don't feel a heavy dark rain cloud over your head anymore, but instead you feel as if the sun’s shining down on you. You feel so much lighter, as if a weight has been taken off your shoulders.
And over the last few months you've grown closer to Crassus due to your baking. You looked forward to greeting him every evening when he came home with something you baked, asking him to taste it and tell you what he thought. And Crassus would always tell you that your sweet treats were good, great even.
That man loves everything you give him. From cookies to brownies to puddings to cakes to breads, he enjoys them all. Hell, he even has you pack some up for his coworkers at the Ministry of War.
Yes, cold and stern General Crassus Snow brought in baked goods to work to share with his coworkers. Honestly, he did it to brag about your baking skills. To show you off. To claim you as his in a way because women just don't bake for any man, they bake for their man.
And Crassus Snow views himself as your man.
He's been obsessed with making you his for a while; now he's succeeding in doing so.
But you don't mind his obsessive tendencies towards you. In fact, you welcome them because at least you're not lonely with him around.
And talk about being lonely, you found out from Crassus that his son, Coryo, was anything but lonely while off serving in District 8. His contacts told him that Coriolanus had taken up with a local district girl; had been with her for a while too.
Hearing that made you feel incredibly stupid for promising Coriolanus that you'd wait for him. Here you are being true blue to him while Private Snow's out fucking some district whore from 8. You wonder what she has that you don't have. Is she prettier than you? Maybe she's smarter or something? You dunno, but it hurts that he's cheating while you're waiting faithfully for him.
Aside from being hurt, you're pissed as hell. How dare he do this to you! Who the hell does he think he is? You're a proper Capitolite girl, you deserve better than what he's giving you.
Safe to say, you're a bit salty about Coryo's extra curricular activities in District 8 while serving as Private Snow in the Peacekeepers. Fucking bastard…
But at least you have your baking to help you thru it. Baking and Crassus' friendship that is.
But one day while you're baking cookies for the Yule holiday, the phone rings and you answer it only to be met with the one man you really don't want to talk to right now.
He tells you about some Elite Officer's Exam he took and you confronted him about his district whore. He denied it; even told you he loved you and wanted you to join him in 2 as soon as he got settled there- after passing his exams and officially being transferred that is.
And if that wasn't enough to turn your world upside down, a breaking news alert appeared on CapitolTV that would shatter Panem's heart.
It's late at night and Grandma'am’s asleep in her room while you're in the living room watching an old detective noir movie with Crassus. You're on the sofa, body softly nestled into Crassus’ side while his arm’s loosely slung around you, whenever the movie was interrupted by a news break announcing the death of President Ravenstill due to his ill health.
You're shocked to say the least. The very least. A president dying in office without a successor had never happened before in Panem's history. Normally, a president would step down if deathly ill or eldery; an election would be held to name a successor and the incumbent would pass over the baton.
President Ravenstill’s death turned the system upside down and on its head. So much so, that you ask the middle-aged man your sitting on the couch with what's going to happen to Panem now that the president’s dead. The platinum blonde man explained that the Senate would rule Panem with the help of the ministries and the late President Ravenstill’s cabinet.
Crassus also surprised you by announcing that he’s going to enter his name has a presidential candidate under the Old Guard political party. He also made a remark about how when he wins you'll be baking in the grand kitchen of the Presidential Palace. That you'll even be giving the palace bakers some of your recipes.
Everything feels so surreal; your entire day feels like a dream. A winter’s dream that can't be real, but in fact it's real. It's very real.
And to top off your day; mark the night as unbelievable, Crassus placed a hand on your chin only to tip your head to the side and capture your lips with a kiss.
A firm, but passionate kiss that caught you completely off guard.
You weren't expecting him to kiss you, but it only took a few seconds before your brain and body got on the same page and you're responding to his kiss. Your hands wrap around his neck as your lips press together. One of his hands goes to your hip while the other tangles in your hair.
You let out a breathy moan at the feel of his tongue sweeping along your bottom lip; asking silent permission to deepen the kiss. Permission that you granted by slightly parting your mouth just enough for Crassus to slide his tongue inside.
Your kiss with Crassus felt different then all the kisses you shared with Coryo- his son. Coryo's kisses always felt so needy and rushed, but with Crassus they're passionate albeit languid. It's as if the middle-aged man has all the time in the world to explore your mouth with his deeply impassioned kisses; to savor your reaction to his tongue tangling with yours, flicking against your bottom lip teasingly.
The way Crassus' lips firmly sweep over yours over and over again sparks a flaming heat inside of you. A need appears unlike anything you've ever felt before and, unable to stop yourself, you're slightly rolling your hips against him in an attempt to ease the growing ache in your core. And when Crassus breaks the kiss so the two of you can get some much need air into your lungs, you're looking at him wit lust in your doe-eyes.
Crassus can't help, but to flip you onto your back and smirk while slotting himself between your legs that have spread open on their own accord. He runs his knuckles along your cheek, only to hold your hip in his other hand. Crassus’ grip on your hip his strong, but sensual, as his other hand trails down your neck. Your chest heaves up and down as you look up at him, pupils blown wide.
“You feel what you do to me, petal?” Crassus asks, his voice low and thick, as he grinds his large cock, that's straining painfully in his pants, against your aching core.
The action has you soaking your panties. Just the feel of his bulge makes you ache, makes your pussy wetter then it already is. His cock, although trapped in the confines of his slacks, feel so large and heavy against your heated core.
“Crassus, please…” You moan needily.
"Shhh,” Crassus brings a finger up to your lips to shush you. “don’t make a noise, baby.” He dips his head down so his breath is fanning your face and his hand that's on your hip slides under your skirt, his fingertips teasingly sliding up and down your thigh. “We dont want mother to wake up now, would you?" Crassus rhetorically asks, nipping at a sweet spot right below your ear.
“We're really doing this here?” You ask, voice no more than a whisper, against his finger that was still resting against your lips.
Crassus trails his finger down your lower lip, that's bruised from his kisses, over your chin, and down the collum of your neck while telling huskily answering you with a low, “Yes.”
His lips captures yours in another searing kiss, one that shows off his years of experience, as his finger turns into his palm grasping at your breast. You moan into the kiss, your hands burying into his hair and your hips canting up slightly as Crassus toys with the wet patch right in the middle of your panties.
He pulls back from the kiss, only to slyly smirk. “I’m gonna prep you real good for my cock, baby.” Crassus scooted down the length of the couch until his head’s between your spread legs.
Legs that are shaking.
Crassus swiftly bunches your skirt up past your hips before curling his forefingers into the elestatic of your panties. “Lift your hips up for me, petal.” He orders in a low tone that's fire and ice to your ears.
Nodding, you do as you're told- resulting in Crassus pulling your panties off and licking a stripe up your wet cunt. He eases a long finger into your tight pussy while giving your clit a few kitten licks, causing you to wither from his touch.
Crassus' icy eyes hold your gaze as he slowly pumps his finger in and out of your pussy, his tongue flicking your clit expertly. You feel your cheeks grow hot, but you can't make yourself pull your gaze away from his. It's as if his light cerulean eyes have you under a spell. A spell you just can't find it in yourself to break.
Crassus pulls his lips away from your clit with a wet pop. With his eyes still on you, he says, “You're so tight, baby. I'm gonna add another finger, just let me know if it hurts.”, before slipping his middle finger inside of you alongside his pointer finger.
“I'm okay, Crassus. Please, keep going.” You told him, placing a hand in his platinum hair to encourage him to continue eating you out.
“As you wish, petal.” He tells you before going back to teasing your cunt with his skilled tongue while pumping his fingers in and out of your wet, tight hole.
Your breath hitches and you bite back a moan whenever you feel his fingertips curl up against the spongy spot hidden deep inside of you. He grins against your cunt at your reaction to his ministrations.
“Think you can handle a third finger?” Crassus asked, even tho he was planning on squeezing his ring finger into your dripping cunt no matter what your answer is.
He's a very blessed man when it comes to the size of his cock. He's large, both in length and girth, so he wants to stretch you out with his fingers as much as possible. Plus, the feeling of your tight cunt clenching around his fingers is sending all of his blood straight to his hard rock; making it even harder than he thought possible.
“I can handle it, Crassus.” You answer, chest heaving and voice wispy, as you feel a knot tightening in your lower belly.
Crassus wraps his lips around your clit, sucking hard, while stuffing you full with three of his long fingers. His ego was soaring as he heard your tiny, strangled moans mixed with the gushing sound your wet cunt made as he fingered you fast and hard while sucking and nipping at your clit. He groaned into your cunt as he felt your hands tightly holding his hair while shoving his face deeper into your cunt.
“Crassus, I'm close.” You tell him, bucking your hips in an attempt to find relief to the feelings quaking inside of you from the feelings of the middle-aged man's skilled fingers stretching you and his tongue swirling around your puffy clit.
Your thighs are shaking around Crassus' head, but he doesn't care. No, not when you're so close to cumming. Hell, he could die with his head crushed by your thighs and he'd die a happy man with your sweet tangy taste on his tongue.
His fingers curl against your g-spot just right at the same time his teeth graze against your clit, sending you over the edge. You cum with a silent scream, bucking your hips wildly.
It was unlike anything you ever felt in your life. You swear, you're seeing stars as you cum.
Crassus groans and laps up everything that you give him. You're messily dripping and all he can do is eagerly lick you clean. Oh, how your taste drives him wild.
He backs away from your cunt, only to look you in the eye while sucking your taste off of his fingers. “Sweetest thing I've ever tasted, baby.” Crassus smirks, his low tone oozing lust. And it has your cheeks flushing and your pussy growing wet- again.
Crassus quickly unbuckles his belt and pulls his pants down to his thighs. Your eyes widen as you see the large bulge pressing against his boxers, thanks to the glowing light the TV was casting in the room. You quickly realize, before he even pulls down his boxers, that Crassus’ dick is bigger than Coriolanus’. And that fact makes you both nervous and excited.
Crassus knows that once he enters your cunt he's a goner, that he'll most likely lose control. He's so pent up since his career at the Ministry of War along with his side job as an arms dealer; overlooking his assets in 13 doesn't leave him much time in his schedule to go out and fuck somebody. The gods know that he's always busy doing something.
But between his obsession with you and having your pussy in his grasp, well, he's sure that he's not sleeping a wink tonight. And neither are you.
“Sling your leg over the back of the couch, petal.” Crassus orders while pulling down his boxers; setting his very long and thick cock free to slap up against his stomach. A stomach that's still covered by his shirt. “I need your legs spread wide, as wide as possible, for me.”
“Okay.” You nod, adjusting your legs to spread wide in the way that he wanted them.
“Relax, baby, I'll take good care of you.” Uttered Crassus before pushing his cock into your wet cunt.
You bite your lip and claw at his muscular back as you feel his cock splitting you in two. Yes, you're not a virgin and had a big cock fucking you for a week back in late July/early August, but being stretched by Crassus' cock had you feeling like you're losing your virginity all over again. Clearly, your hole had tightened up after months of not being fucked- resulting in the uncomfortable feeling you're experiencing as the handsome man hovering above you pushes his fat dick into you at a steady pace.
Crassus knows your not a virgin since he didn't meet the resistance of your barrier, so he quickly realizes that you're so painfully tight because you haven't been properly fuck in a long time. Hell, he doubts you've been properly fucked at all considering the last man you most likely fucked wasn't a real man at all, but a green schoolboy.
“You can take it, baby. You took my fingers so well, I know you can take all of my cock?” Crassus praises and encourages you while sinking deeper and deeper into your tight cunt.
And when he's finally balls deep inside of your tight cunt, which is literally stretched to the max, his icy eyes roll to the back of his head and he lets out a tiny grunt.
Crassus gives you a couple of minutes to accommodate his size before he's pumping his cock in and out of your pussy at a steady, but deep pace. One of his hands is on your hip while the other’s resting on the thigh of your leg that's strewn over the back of the sofa. Your arms are wrapped around him, hands on his back, as you feel the veins of his cock gliding against your inner walls as he fucks into you- making you mewl.
“Remember, we can't be too loud.” Crassus reminds you, his deep voice a whisper that sending butterflies fluttering deep inside your belly.
“I’m n-not being t-too loud.” You protest, falling over your words and trying not to moan as you feel Crassus' cock hit your g-spot.
Your nails dig into his back and he triumphantly smirks. Oh, yes, you're enjoying this as much, if not more, then he is.
“Keep it that way and I'll reward you by letting you scream on top of your lungs when I fuck you in my room within the next half hour.” Crassus tells you, his husky voice dripping with dominance, as he fucks into you even harder.
You can't believe your ears. Crassus wants to fuck you again- tonight! And in his bed!
Something about that revelation does something to you; has you cumming around his cock while choking back a moan that wants to bubble out.
The feel of your tight cunt clenching around his cock along with the feeling of you creaming it triggers off Crassus' orgasm. He cums, painting your walls white with his seed, while kissing your lips feverishly to keep himself from moaning and grunting too loudly.
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Fucking Crassus Snow wasn't just a one time thing. In fact, it was something that occured regularly between the two of you. So much so that you took to sleeping in his bed instead of in your own room.
You doubt that Grandma'am knew what was going on between you and her son. She never brought it up; never gave you odd looks either. In fact, she seems to smile every time she sees Crassus peck you on the cheek before taking off to do something, greeting you, or sending you on your way.
Plus, as time went on, Grandma'am seemed too occupied with Crassus' campaign for the presidency to pick up on anything happening in the penthouse. Whether that be lingering interactions between you and her son or your own building anxiety.
And of course Crassus was too busy with both his campaign and his work at the Ministry of War to notice you growing more anxious. Or at least that's what you thought.
But Crassus is a very observant man and he truly does notice your anxiety. He just thinks it's due to his campaign; that you're nervous about how he'll do in the primary election that's being held in a handful of months to determine the two presidential candidates that’ll go head to head in the main election for the presidency come November.
He has no idea why you're truly anxious.
Coriolanus isn't Private Snow anymore, but he's now Elite Officer Snow since he passed his exams, or at least Crassus told you that's what he heard from his contact. Crassus also told you that his son's most likely going to bring his district whore with him whenever he transfers to 2.
So, of course you're anxious about what to do when it comes to Coryo. Especially since all calls and letters from the younger Snow have ceased. You can't help, but wonder if he truly does want you to join him or if he really did bring a district whore with him.
A district whore he denied having in the first place.
And then there's the subject of Crassus, your lover and Coriolanus' father. You can't help, but wonder if fucking you’s just something he does to relieve stress since you're around. He's so busy with his career and politics that he rarely spends time with you, unless it's in his bedroom.
Yes, yes, he still taste tests your baking, but know he's having you bake for his campaign workers and volunteers that it feels like he's just testing what you bake to make sure that it's edible for his entourage. It doesn't feel like he's genuinely eating your baked goods anymore.
Unlike Coryo, Crassus has never once told you that he loves you. Hasn't even told you that he cares. At least Coryo claims to love you. If Crassus truly felt something for you, wouldn't he vocalize it?
You go on worrying yourself with so many thoughts of Coryo and Crassus until one day you finally receive a letter in the mail from the younger Snow. Crassus gives it to you, like he always does, before pecking you on the cheek and going to his office to do some paperwork for his campaign.
You read Coryo’s letter, only to discover that he's living at the Nut in 2 and wants you to join him. Enclosed in the letter’s a train ticket to District 2- dated for the following morning.
That letter has you reeling as you shove it along with the ticket back into the envelope. You place the letter on the desk in your room, a room you never use anymore.
You're weighing the words you read in the letter as you lay in bed, waiting for Crassus to join you. But when he finally does come to bed, he makes you forget all about the letter. At least he does for a little while as his body's on top of yours, fucking into your tight cunt with fervent vigor.
But as you're basking in the afterglow of your fucking with Crassus, you can't help, but to wonder what the two of you are. And the nagging question has you asking, “What are we? Do you even love me? Or am I just a stress reliever for you?", as you lay pressed into Crassus' side with your hand on his chest.
Your question starles Crassus. He blinks his pale blue eyes and the hand that's resting on your shoulder starts to rub soothing circles into it. He thought that you already knew what the two of you are, but now he knows he thought wrong. Looking down at you, he gives you the honest answer of, “You're not a stress reliever for me, petal. You're so much more than that. You're my second chance of a woman's love; you're my obsession, baby.”
Right there and then his answer soothes the worry in your soul and you decide to stay with him.
Crassus, not one for being overly affectionate since he is, after all a stern man by nature, decides to move past his love confession by changing the subject with, “Well, petal, I did promise to let you be in control of round 2 if I made a noise first.” With a smirk, he takes a hold of your hips and starts to guide you to straddle his waist while remarking, "We better get you on top, huh?”
And as you ride Crassus all thoughts of that letter and the train ticket disappear forever. It's just a piece of junkmail that you'll throw in the trash come morning.
Crassus, not one for giving up control, gives you the illusion that you're in control as he lets you ride in, but in fact stays in complete control of you by guiding your hips at the speed he wants you to go. He even pulls off his dog tags (he's never once taken them off because once a soldier, always a soldier) and puts them over your head; letting you wear them as you ride him. It's a way of marking you as his, having you wear his dog tags while fucking.
And when he grabs them, only to pull you down for a kiss, he nearly loses his mind whenever you tell him, “You're a good boy, Crassus.”, with your lips ghosting against his as you bounce up and down on his cock with ease.
Your words make him realize that you have a dom side; that you're a switch since you always let him be the dom in bed. It does something to him, makes his cock get impossibly harder, knowing that you can be dominant when you want. That you can say words of praise that sound filthy flowing from your lips in a tone that's a bit more sultry and masterful.
All of those sudden revelations had Crassus losing control. And suddenly, he's telling you, “Oh, I'll show you how good of a boy I can be.”, while bucking up into you at an unyielding and brutal pace causing you both to moan and grunt until you cum together.
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You threw the letter containing the ticket to District 2 in the trash. You never told Crassus about it either. You didn't feel the need to since you picked him.
Coriolanus waited for you at the train station all day, only for you to stand him up. That made him angry. He was insulted that you didn't listen to him; that you most likely told his father about the plans for you to move to 2- that his father must've stopped you. Hell, Coriolanus felt like an idiot waiting for you only for you to stand him up.
As he walked home alone, Elite Officer Snow realized that his father had won. That General Crassus Snow had taken you from him.
He also thinks that you're a dumb bitch for not listening to him whenever he warned you about his father having a thing for you.
And a few months later, in October before the presidential elections are held, First Lieutenant Coriolanus Snow is invited to his father General Crassus Snow's wedding.
To your wedding.
Coriolanus didn't want to go, but went only because it'd look bad for his Air Force career if he snubbed his father's wedding. All of his superiors thought that General Crassus Snow, the war hero of the rebellion, was one of the best military minds on the planet. So, he was stuck going.
Coriolanus brought his wife, a pretty little thing from the districts, with him. He has her on his arm, all dolled up in a cerulean blue dress. Her hair's up in some simple updo so you notice the faint scars on her back, from where they pop out from her dress, right away.
And that's when you knew you made the right choice in picking Crassus. You remember that Coriolanus once told you a story about how he turned a girl in for thievery and helped her leave the town square once her punishment, a whipping, was done. You remember he told you that story when you confronted him about seeing somebody in District 8. But now you know that First Lieutenant Snow was using his charm to lie to you; that he really did cheat on you.
You suppose that he pulled some strings and sent for his district girl once you failed to show up at the train station in 2. You're glad that he's not alone, that he has his district whore- as Crassus refers to the girl as.
You got stuck sharing one dance with Coriolanus, being his new stepmother and all, and he let you know how he felt about you being Mrs. Crassus Snow during your waltz.
“It should've been me marrying you, not my father, Y/N.” Coriolanus told you, his face a mask of indifference as his baby blue eyes blazed with anger. “I can't believe you let him seduce you; steal you away from me.”
Narrowing your eyes at the man that used to be your best friend, you explain your situation with, “Crassus never seduced me or stole me from you, Coriolanus. We became friends while I was dealing with your absence and one thing led to another.”
“He'll never love you the way that I do, my darling rose.”
“Don't talk to me about loving me, Coriolanus. Not when you're married to some district girl.”
“My wife might be district but at least she's loyal to me, is grateful for everything that I've done for her- unlike you who jumped into bed with my own goddamn father.” Coriolanus darkly hissed before storming off, ending your dance and leaving you on the dance floor.
Crassus just raised a brow and asked you what happened once you left the dance floor and returned to his side at the table on the dias- high up on display in the ballroom since you're the newlyweds.
You just told him that you had Coriolanus didn't approve of each other's spouses and that he stormed off after trying to make his wife seem like a better woman than you. Crassus laughed and told you not to pay too much attention to his bratty son. That he's always been full of piss and vinegar when he couldn't get his way.
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Crassus won the presidential election by a landslide. One of the first things he did was intergrade District 13 back into Panem. And since the former sovereign nation was a great source of income for Crassus due to his nuke factories there, District 13 was put on a pedestal. They had rights similar to those in the Capitol while the other 12 districts still had to participate in the games.
Yes, your husband kept the Hunger Games. You think it's because they're so popular, but the truth his your husband finds the way his drunken class project blossomed into a spectacle that the Capitolites adore fascinating. Plus, Crassus was a cold, stern man that was a military genius. The president saw the merits of keeping the districts under control by using the games as a lifelong punishment.
At least your husband did improve some of the living and working conditions in the Districts. He told you that that people needed a little bit of hope to keep from rebelings, but also a firm hand to guide them and keep them in line. Crassus said it was all checks and balances.
And when Dr. Gaul approached President Crassus Snow with an amendment that would have all children born in the districts, including ones born on PK Bases, be legal district citizens and registered for the games, well, your husband approved it.
You wondered how your brother felt about that. If he ever married his girl in 12, where he was serving as an officer in the peacekeepers, or if he had a family. You'd never know those answers since he disowned you after receiving your wedding invite. He was pissed about the situation, said some nasty things, and literally disowned you.
You never thought about Coriolanus and his wife, whether or not they had children. Why would you? Coriolanus never wrote, never had anything to do with you or Crassus being his ego was bruised by your wedding.
Talk about children, Crassus had given you three beautiful children. Two sons and a daughter. Javani, Xanthos, and Mara.
Javani was the oldest and he, to your surprise, favored your late father in looks and temperment. Or at least Crassus told you he did. In fact, your husband always chuckles that the only thing Javani got from him is his platinum hair while everything else is from your family's genes.
Xanthos and Mara are Snows inside and out, from dawn to dusk, tho.
And when Javani is 18 he's selected to be a mentor for the Hunger Games since he's a very intelligent young man and is in the top 24 of his class. But what made his mentorship memorial and unusual was that, by a twist of fate, his assigned tribute was his nephew.
Yes, Javani Snow’s tribute was Cassian Snow, from District 2. Cassian's the first born child of Major Coriolanus Snow and his wife, a district woman you never bothered to learn the name of.
And, it's sad to say, after seeing Coriolanus' son get reaped and assigned to Javani as his tribute to mentor, you know in your heart of hearts that you made the right decision in staying with Crassus; marrying him and becoming First Lady Snow. Because your children are safe from the games.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @lady-harvey @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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mintmatcha · 5 months
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The Inevitable Things: chapter four
aizawa x reader fic
cw: cisfem reader, no quirks, office au, miscommunications, slow burn. full tags available on AO3 (linked in masterlist)
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Five messages. 
Four texts, one video. 
The message preview stares back at you, the LED screen aglimmer in the morning sun, screen bouncing with the tremor of your hand. You're breathing, you're sure of that, but you also think you may have died; no matter how hard you breathe, your chest feels like a popped balloon, deflated and too ripped to hold air. The rush of something whizzing past your ear must be blood, it's too resonant and all encompassing to be anything else--
Five fucking messages. 
You can’t bring yourself to open any of them.
You stand there for longer than you’d like to admit, trying to process exactly what you’re looking at. Maybe it’s a glitch, or a typo, but when you turn your phone off and back on again, the unread messages pop up the same. Five unread messages from Aizawa Shouta. It makes sense logically; Aizawa is right above AVOID AT ALL COST in your contacts, you must have just clicked the incorrect thing in your drunken stupor--
But what doesn’t make sense is the fact that he replied-- and he replied positively. Aizawa Shouta does not respond positively to anything. Not the first cup of coffee in the morning, not his interns, probably not even kittens and rainbows, and yet he messaged you back. I’ve always wanted you. You refuse to reread anything from last night, but that sticks in your head.  
I’ve always wanted you. 
You think about it the entire train ride, nibbling on the edges of your nails to kill the anxious buzz that builds in your jaw. Maybe you should quit. You could change your name and move to some mid-sized city; that’d be easier than the inevitable mess you're headed towards.  Suddenly, you miss yesterday, the yelling, the aggression-- 
It goes back to Touya. You know the question on everyone’s mind when they see you together, when they hear about the fights and the tension and the isolation: why? Why him, why stay, why wait, why, why, why? The answer is as simple as it is stupid: you stay because it's what you know. The turbulence feels like home. 
It's like sea legs. When sailors are on boats for a long time, they stop feeling the rock and roll of each wave. It becomes easy to walk straight, to live life like normal, until they return to shore. There, on level streets, long after the tide has pulled away, is where the waves hit.
You've learned to live in rocky waters- you’ve practically perfected it. Touya is your ship and you know his yaws and keels better than you know stability. 
 This whole situation is the equivalent of stepping ashore and being immediately hit by a semi truck.
The train pulls into your station and you debate staying on for a moment too long. I’ve always wanted you. That sentence makes your stomach turn. What does that mean? Is it solely physical? Is it more?
No, it can’t be. This man hates your guts; there’s no feelings between you other than mild, stupid lust.
Which makes you debate your own feelings. He's certainly… well, he’s not ugly. You’d even say, maybe, perhaps, in the right angles, he’s attractive, especially with this thick thighs and thicker cock-
The train doors almost close before you can scuttle out. Focus, girl, focus. Fighting through your surprisingly aching body and returning headache, you briskly walk the rest of the way to work, trying to think about anything other than the shitshow you’re about to walk into.
Prome is a half mile walk from the station, with only one tiny dash across a busy road. It’s not ideal, but it’s the only option you have right now. The interns have started a carpool, but you’re too old to be riding with them. Besides, Bakugo Katsuki’s car is nice. It’s embarrassing the have worse things than a college student-
  A familiar dented, red car squeaks to a halt inches from your ass, so close that you can feel the wind displaced. The squeal of tires steals your breath away and your body clenches in fear, so hard that your muscles scream. You jump and start blabbering in surprise, shouting out unearned apologies as you skitter back. It takes a second to gather yourself, but, when you do, you see a boy jut his head out of the window, all toothy smiles and bleach blonde hair.
“Hey!” he shouts. “If it isn’t my hero!”
Kaminari Denki waves to you, sunshine personified behind the wheel of a truck without a bumper.
“Hold on, lemme park!”
The red monstrosity barely fits in a space. In its prime, it was probably a pretty car, but being owned by Denki clearly took a toll. The inside is littered with empty energy drink cans, clinking and sloshing as he throws the car into park and launches himself out. There's a reason he's not a part of the group's carpool.
“I could fucking kiss you right now!” He envelopes you in open arms, manhandling you side to side over and over in an overly friendly display. 
“Oh, please don't-- Denki!” 
He smashes his face into your cheek with a chaste, yet somehow wet smooch. When you try to squirm away, he doubles down; his lips actually make contact with yours, just for a moment, awful and impossibly damp. 
“Ew, gross! Get off!” You pry him off and wipe the slime off of your lips with the back of your hand. “Don’t do that!”
“Sorry, my bad, I’m just--” he laughs,  “Izuku told me you saved my ass!”
   You don’t mention the fact you’re the reason he was in trouble in the first place because you're too busy processing this information.
“Aizawa rehired you?”
“He called me yesterday and apologized, which was, holy shit, it was insane,” Denki says, with a wave of his hands, like it isn’t a shocking turn of events. “What did you do?”
“Nothing, I just, uh--” You grimace at the thought. “I talked to Toshinori. And cried a little.”
In retrospect, it does seem like overkill, but it worked.
“Do that more often!” He goes in for another hug and you reluctantly let him. He smells like axe body spray and cheap deodorant. God, he’s so young-- even the accidental kiss feels dirty. You have to remind yourself that he’s early twenties, really only a couple years younger than you-- wait, no. You’re thirty.  “I owe you my life! And my diploma!”
You still can't believe it. Aizawa, hard ass Aizawa, changed his mind? That couldn't be because of you. He's made people cry before, why would you be different-?
Oh. I've always wanted you.
That thought hits you like a punch to the gut.
Maybe it isn't just physical.
You have to shake your head to clear away that thought. You brush your clothes off and adjust yourself. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”  
“I’ll buy you a coffee.” He coos as you walk in. The security guard gives you both a curious look, eyebrows wiggling conspiratorially. You just ignore that and focus on getting to your desk. It's almost nine; you're both late.  “And anything you want-- alcohol, weed-”
“-We drug test here?”
“We do?” Denki gapes. “Fuck, good to know.”
Maybe saving him wasn’t a good career move.  You make it to your desk and drop your stuff on the group. Denki has been following you like a puppy, nipping at your heels the whole way.
“Just… please don’t get fired again." You jerk a head towards his department. "Go do your work."
“Absolutely!” He prances down the hall, wrinkled tie flapping in his wake.  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
You can’t believe he’s here. Truly. All of that worry and stress yesterday feels worth it as you settle into your desk. You clack a couple of keys to wake up your screen-- but there’s no response. After a moment, you try again, then again. A wiggle of the mouse does the trick, but the keyboard still doesn’t wake up when you try to type in your password. 
Crap. You split that coffee yesterday. The circuit or whatever must be fried. Great. Today is going to be pretty unproductive if you don’t solve this issue.
Engineering probably has a couple of extras, but you aren’t sure you’re ready to walk straight into the lion’s den, especially now that you aren’t sure how you feel about it all. The fact he rehired Denki does make you feel a bit better; maybe Hizashi and Nemuri were right and he’s actually a good guy. And, you can’t deny that you’re a tiny bit attracted to him now that you’ve seen… everything. 
Ugh, you need to make up your fucking mind and decide how you feel about all of this--
At that moment, Aizawa Shouta stomps down the hall, expression as flat and hard as ever. He looks the same as he always does, stupid yellow sweatshirt, messy black hair, under eye circles deep enough to worry about, but your chest hiccups at the sight. You don’t have a plan for this, no prepared speech or anything. For a moment, you wonder if he’s coming to kiss you or ravage you, like in one of those romance novels that are popular online-
And then he passes you and heads straight for the coffee machine. Relief washes over you, then confusion.  Not even a hint of attention thrown your way. That’s fairly strange-- you usually get at least a nod or a lukewarm greeting. You push off of your chair and join  him the the station.
“Hey, um-” Your idle hands dig into the sugar packets, jostling them side to side. The pitch of the coffee hitting the inside of his mug changes as he pours, pitch creeping higher and higher.  His jawline is dusted with a five o’clock shadow, flickers of salt and pepper across his skin and down to the curve of his adam’s apple. You said something about shaving last night, you think. You wonder if he listened or if this is how it’s always been-
“Do you need something?”  He interrupts your thoughts, not even looking away from the station.
“I-” What do you need? Confirmation? Reassurance? An explanation? “Uh-”
You suck in a breath and steel yourself, legs shoulder width again from that extra boost of stability. Your voice comes out as a whisper, much shakier than it should be.  I've always wanted you. You don't feel the same, but maybe, just maybe, you could learn to.
“Yesterday-- or, uh, last night- I just want to--”
“Let’s save each other the embarrassment and forget everything that happened yesterday.” The coffee pot clinks back into place, only the legs of droplets left to cling to the glass. “We’re out, by the way.”
And with that, he’s gone.
And a second truck has sideswiped you.
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I am totally obsessed with your fics!!! Your writing 🤌💕
I just wanted to request a fic where the reader is new to the task force but she's experienced and tough. Vibez similar to Ghost to elaborate she's more scary than Ghost cuz of her past maybe she was experimented on or trained brutally....
Reader is working hard to prove herself even if everyone knows she's the most lethal person. So one time she gets injured badly while protecting someone from the 141( probably Ghost 👉👈) and she wakes up has an emotional moment Ghost comes know about her Trauma . More like hurt/comfort....
Happy Writing 💝
CW: Mentions/references of kidnapping, torture, canon typical violenece Part 2, Part 3 Hiii Anon!! First off, thank you! Secondly, I am so, so, so sorry for how long this took😭 I did make this a two parter, the first part is kinda like backstoryish and the second part will be the actual story. I was gonna wait until I finished both to post but you have been waiting for way to long so I'll give you the first part now instead of waiting, again I am so sorry! I hope you like it :)) Summary: F!Reader was a part of a special program(LMK if you can guess what it is) and once she was released she joined the military.
WC: 1467 As always, I didn't proof read so lmk if there are any mistakes :3
Life had not been kind to you. Ripped from your family at a very young age, you had never known the type of love and safety a nurturing home could provide. Instead, you grew up in the confines of a Russian base, with cruel instructors and a dwindling group of girls as your only companions.
From the moment you could walk, you had been told you were a weapon. A lethal force to be honed and trained, nothing more than a tool for others to use to further their games. Brainwashed, tortured, and trained into submission, a perfect puppet. Both your brain and body were sculpted into absolute perfection, a rigorous process most people did not survive. By day, they trained to be a lethal force, an unstoppable, unnoticeable, killing machine. At night, you were handcuffed to your bed, listening to the screams of students who did not make the cut.(to this day you sleep handcuffed)
You watched, at first in horror, then with a sense of detachment, as your friendsrivals bit the dust, unable to keep up with what the program demanded of them. It got better as you got older, less girls died from their tasks. But in some ways it got worse. It was a competition now, a fight to see who would remain victorious, to see who would come out on top. It was not a place for friendship and comradery, and you learned that quickly.
You stopped trying to make friends with the other students when you were forced to shoot your best friend in the head after giving her some of your dinner when she was being punished. You were 8. And you stopped trying to even just be friendly with the other girls at 10 years old, when the instructor broke every bone in your hands after your bunkmate framed you for something you didn't do. To this day your hands are not the same, always hurting and forever scarred.
Your world was kill or be killed, and you'd be dammed if you didn't come out on top.
And come out on top you did. You graduated top of your class, a position you had fought and killed for, won through bloodshed and pain. If you had a conscience, it would have been screaming at you for the things you had done to get to the top(You laid awake every night consumed by guilt and grief)
The program was disbanded(re: destroyed) when you hit 18, just two weeks after your 'graduation'. You were given two options: Join the American military, or face a life sentence in prison. 
You had a lifetime of sins to atone for, and knew there was only one way to even begin to ease your guilt. Two days later your background was sealed up and you were shipped off to boot camp. 
And you excelled. This was nothing to you. What was a six mile run when you used to run until you passed out, then wake up and keep going? What was surviving on four hours of sleep when sleep deprivation had been the norm your whole life? What was any of this compared to what you had been forced to do everyday since you were five? 
You scared your instructors. And the other recruits. And everyone else you came into contact with. And you were fine with that. You didn't like when people got close to you anyhow.
Love got you nowhere in the world. It was a lesson you learned hard and fast. You did not care for others, they did not care for you. And you liked it that way. Until you met the 141.
A woman named General Laswell came to you one day with a job offer. Well, not a job offer exactly, but more of a…transfer of positions. A small, (mostly)four-man team that she oversaw.
You had gotten disciplined for beating the ever-loving shit out of a recruit the week before, and Laswell had watched it all unfold. She went back to her office, read your full file, and decided you would make a good fit for John's team.
You took a look at your bunk, at the trunk that held zero worldly possessions, realized there is nothing for you here, and said yes. 
Price had not wanted a new recruit, and told Laswell as much. She simply said he had a penchant for picking up strays and left your file on his desk. It took him a week to actually get curious enough to read it. A paper copy, the only one in existence that had your full, undisclosed background. He pretended he didn’t see her smug grin when he hit accept on your transfer application. 
You had been trained since youth to fight and to kill, yes, but your true purpose was espionage. You were trained to study those around you, to lie, to mold yourself to the expectations of those around you. You excelled at fitting into your surroundings, at assimilating perfectly with your peers. It was all you were good for, in your opinion. So you asked Laswell for files on your new teammates. And she gave them to you. They were full of gaping holes and redacted information, but there was enough there for you to profile them. 
Soap would be the most receptive to you. He most likely would also be the one to not give up in trying to get you to be open with them. Gaz would be receptive as well, but you know that your sealed background would put him on edge, Ghost, well…Ghost was a lot like you from what you could piece together. Yet another person who learned that the world was cruel and unforgiving, who had learned the lesson that love does nothing but hurt. And because he was like you, you knew he would trust you the least.
You felt a small pang in your chest when looking at this masked photo that you hadn’t felt in years. Not quite sadness, but…pity? No. It was different, it was sympathy. It weirded you out. 
It was hard at first, joining the 141. You had court-mandated therapy you had had to attend, and you had slowly come to realize that some trust was good, necessary even, for life. You knew you wouldn’t be able to open yourself up to them, that you would never be able to feel the sense of brotherhood you had seen amongst other soldiers, but you wanted to try. 
It was harder than you thought it would be. Hard joining men who already had comradery, who had a bond that had been forged with blood, sweat, and tears. men who weren't sure how to fit another person, much less a female, into their group. 
As you suspected, Soap was the most receptive. He was fun, you thought. His Scottish accent and affinity for filling the silence made him a very pleasant conversationalist. You didn’t have to do any of the talking.
Gaz was wary of you, but did a good job of not showing it. As you suspected, he stopped inviting you out after you said ‘no thanks’ for the third time. 
Ghost didn’t like you. You could see it in the slight tensing of his muscles when you walked in the room, the way his eyes pinched when you spoke. 
It was a rough, rocky start, full of distrust and misunderstandings. Everything about you set his senses on high alert. They way you could sneak up on him completely silent, the way you could hold your own when you sparred with him, even the way you moved had his hair standing on end. It wasn’t until a mission that would have ended with Soap's death if you hadn’t risked your life to shove him out of the way that Ghost began to trust you. 
And then he began to notice something else about you. And the more he noticed, the more concerned he grew. He noticed the way you threw yourself into battle, what little regard you held for your own life. He noticed how you never instigated conversation, never gave away the slightest bit of information that could be used against you. Noticed that you always wore gloves. In fact, he's never once seen your hands.
His constant observations of you had an unintended side effect. The longer he watched you, the more he realized you were a lot like him, the more he was drawn to you. And vice-versa. 
You found yourself willfully seeking Ghost out, willingly sharing information with him. Nothing about your past, no, you would never tell anyone the things you had done. But little things, how you liked the food served this week, how your mission went, that your new pants were really itchy. And he told you things too. Told you really bad jokes, told you Soaps stupid Scottish saying of the week. And slowly you branched out, agreeing to go to the bar the next time Soap asked you, telling Gaz that you liked his new sunglasses. 
It was nice, having people who looked at you like you meant something to them. Having people who didn’t know what you’d done, people who didn’t look at you with disgust and distrust. It was nice to have…friends. 
So of course everything had to go downhill from there.
End scene :3 let me know what you think!!6 and be on the look out for pt.2, I hope you're ready for a buttload of angst >:) Also requests are open <3
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gingernut1314 · 11 months
Little Game Pt. 2
Dracule Mihawk x F!Reader
Summary: Mihawk has found you once more after a month of hunting after you--a month of playing your little games. Found you in yet another poor excuse for a bar, except it seems you have forgotten all about your game. Forgotten and were dulling your usually sharp sense away with drink after drink. But Mihawk hasn't forgotten. Your game is still on and he plans on winning.
Tags: angst, fluff
Word Count: 4.9K
I Wanted to Leave
A/N: I'm soooo sorry it's been such a long time! I'm in my last year of college and it's absolute hell on earth and the work is insane. Anyywway, there's no spice again, but I'm slowly getting there! I hope you all enjoy! 🩷
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Mihawk had traveled thousands of miles from his Marine-ravaged home. Had smuggled himself onto cargo ships and luxury vessels to get to island after island. Had begged to join the first pirate crew he could find so he might learn to sail and build his strength. Had begged on his knees, forehead bowed so low it had touched the ground with anger-fueled tears in his eyes to the first swordsman he could find to teach him the delicate art of the blade. 
Had begged on hand and knee to every swords master he came across to teach him. To help him draw closer and closer to that end goal he would do anything to achieve. 
He would become strong. Become the greatest swordsman the world had ever known and then he would lay waste to the Marines. He would spare them no mercy, just as they had spared his home no mercy. Just as they had spared his mother no mercy. 
It was a goal--no, a vow bound by blood and death herself that led him here to this small island. An island covered in ancient, towering trees. An island home to a secluded and unknown people. Home to the greatest swordsman of a long-ago era. A swordsmen who had lived 180 years and had never lost a fight. 
His yellow eyes scanned the dark wood he had been warned was full of monsters--devils waiting to tear any traveler brave enough to enter its thick, fog-filled brush. His last master had warned him many men had gone in looking for the great swordsman to learn from him, just as Mihawk, but they never reached his log cabin at its center. They had hardly stepped foot into the wood before its guardian attacked. 
Mihawk calmly stated he would be the first to make it. Would face this Guardian of the Wood and all its devilish monsters and win. He would find the great swordsman and prove to him he was worth his teachings.
The forest hardly looked dangerous. Especially when he spotted the yellow-gold petals of marigolds that he could see littered the leaf-covered floor. 
No monster in sight. No devil. No Guardian. 
Mihawk placed his hand over the hilt of his sword at his side and started into the dark forest. Had just passed a rather large bunch of marigolds when someone landed on the ground before him, having hopped down from their spot amongst the treetops. 
Mihawk scolded himself for not having spotted the figure, knowing he would have seen them had he not been so preoccupied thinking about devils. The tip of a naginata pressed into his chest.
“Are you a pirate?” The voice that came from the figure was silky and calm, yet held dark danger within its melody. It was a voice unlike any other Mihawk had heard and its wielder was just as rare. You looked like some wood nymph. Like the mystical yet deadly creatures Mihawk had heard sung on the lips of pirates and sailors alike come to life. 
“I am here for Rivers Achilles.” You frowned deeply, that sharp blade never leaving Mihawk's chest. He looked you over carefully. Looked over your well-trained stance, one only gained from practice and patience Mihawk knew all too well. Took in the fact you must be around Mihawk’s own age of fourteen. No. He could tell you were older. A year--maybe two. 
“Do all you pirates have a monthly meeting to discuss such originality?” Mihawk narrowed his eyes the slightest bit. Watched your eyes spark like you enjoyed his small reaction. 
“I do not have time to waste on some dirt-smug girl.” Mihawk saw you were hardly dirt smugged. You were pertinently clean as if you had washed before climbing up into that tree. He said it to snuff out that spark of enjoyment you had gotten from baiting his temper. An anger he was slowly training himself to wrangle away. “Now. Move before I move you.” 
You laughed. A small thing that grew into an all-out bellow. It was a laugh that matched your darkness. Your rareness. It had Mihawk blinking, as if stunned at its sound.
“You step another inch in my wood, pirate, and I will break your nose.” You threatened, that dangerous tone laying in the background of your voice pooling thick like venom to its forefront. It was--intoxicating to hear. A sound Mihawk wanted to drag from you again and again. 
“Are you the Guardian of the Wood?” Your shoulders rose and pride swelled in your eyes.
“If you have heard of me then you have heard of what I have done to many a pirate such as yourself. I make them disappear--vanish them from the face of the earth.” Mihawk watched you slowly. A slowness that sparked anger in your eyes. 
It was an anger that Mihawk knew too well. An anger that matched his own in intensity and fury like some twin flame. Someone had hurt you--had taken someone from you, just as those Marines had taken his mother. Had left you feeling so weak and empty it left that anger to fester and grow out of control in you, just as it had in him. It was an anger he wanted to lash out at. One he wanted to direct his own anger at. 
“I thought you would be--” He paused, letting his eyes roam over your body again in a bored manner. “--more.” That fiery anger flared brightly. Had your knuckles going white wrapped as tightly as they were around the staff of your naginata. “How disappointing to find you are just some feral, dirt-covered girl.” Oh yes--yes there it was. Such anger. Anger to match his own. Anger that would rival him like none other ever could.
Mihawk had hardly seen you move before you were bringing the staff of our naginata to ram into his nose. A sickening crunch sounded in Mihawk's ears as pain flared in his face, nearly blinding him. 
A pain that blinded him from seeing you move to kick him hard in the chest, sending him flying out of the woods and back onto the black sand of the beach he had just landed on near minutes ago. 
His anger flared then, but he could only blame himself. He had been distracted by your own anger. By your dangerous voice and your rare beauty. Stupid, idiotic distractions on his part. 
“A runt such as yourself should know his place.” You hissed as Mihawk shoved himself to his knees, wiping the blood from under his broken nose as he laid his yellow eyes on you once more. Found you had left the darkness of your wood and stopped before him looking like some vengeful goddess fallen straight from the heavens. “My father does not wish to waste his time training the likes of pirates. Weak pirates such as yourself, runt.” 
Your father was Rivers Achilles--yes, it made sense now. Your rarity made sense. Your strength and skill. Your father was no ordinary man, therefor his offspring would be just as inordinary--spectacular. 
“I am no runt and I am not weak. I will pass you. I will bow before Achilles and he will train me.” Mihawk declared, cold sea water spraying at his dark leather boot-covered feet. “Your little game will do nothing to stop me from becoming the greatest swordsman this world has ever seen.” 
That excited spark flashed in your icy eyes again. A spark that flickered and twirled with your anger. A wicked, cat-like grin crossed your face--a grin that was so stunning it nearly stole Mihawk's breath away--did steal it.
“Game on.” 
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Mihawk had been tracking you for a month now. A month longer than he liked, but you never gave up the chase. Never slowed or stopped long enough for Mihawk to grab hold of you. All he ever saw of you was the trail of perfect chaos you left behind. 
He had followed you through the North, South, East, and West Blues. Had followed you into the Grand Line, full of all its dangers, and back, only to follow you right back into its mysterious waters. And just when he thought he had caught up to you, would have you within his grasp, you had disappeared like smoke between his fingers. 
Despite how long his pursuit of you had taken, he found it excited him. Had him looking forward to the coming dawn, something he had long ago started to dread. 
He assumed it was because you excited him--had always kept him on his toes. You were a rare woman. One that had always challenged him in skill and wit--that matched him as perfectly as one could match another. 
Part of him wished you would just give in. Come with him back to Kuraigana Island and let him indulge you in every luxury he had ever wanted to give you. It was a foolish wish, but one he held regardless. One he knew would never come true unless he won this little game of yours. 
A game you seemed to have forgotten for the night, because here you were, in another run-down, dirty, overcrowded bar on some backwater island in the Grand Line, drunk out of your mind. It was unlike you, to be this careless. Not when it came to your games--when Mihawk was playing them just as you had wanted. 
But there you were, downing the last of your beer, hardly grimacing at the taste as he knew you usually would, too drunk to even taste it. There you were, looking so--exhausted. It was an exhaustion Mihawk knew too well--that weight heavy on his shoulders as it seemed to do you. An exhaustion that had Mihawk pausing. Almost had him leaving this too-small bar and all its too-drunk inhabitants. 
A drunk man bumped into Mihawk with a slurred apology, but he hardly heard it. Hardly even felt the pathetic man running into him. Not when he was so close to you. Not when he was so close to winning the game you had started. 
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“Why is it you continue to frequent such nightmarish establishments?” Mihawk's voice should have had you sobering up. Should have had you scrambling to escape back out to sea and leave him and this island far behind. But his voice--so smooth and calm and utterly bored had you tingling in excitement. 
You had missed his all-too-calm dementor. Had missed him, his face, and his stupid hat. 
On a small hiccup, you turned to look up into those piercing yellow-gold eyes you had missed the most. Eyes you wished you could look into forever.
With your thoughts fogged nicely thanks to the copious amounts of alcohol you had consumed, you had no embarrassment or strength for good decision-making when you placed your palm over top of his hard-earned abs. The warmth of his skin seeped into your freezing fingers as you ran them over his skin. 
“Mi-hic-hawk.” You purred up at the unamused man, all but fighting against your hiccups. You flashed him a sly grin. “How’d you find me?” You slurred horribly. 
“You are being sloppy.” You hummed as you brought your other hand to run along his skin, taking in his warmth and power that all but radiated off of him in dangerous waves.
“You always know just how to--hic-- sweet talk a girl.” You said, running your hands around his waist, where they disappeared under his dark jacket. Where they felt the equally as strong muscles lining his lower back. “Say something mean to me again, Mihawk. Pretty--hic--please.” 
Mihawk blinked down at you for a single moment before swiftly removing your hands from his body. You pouted, going to grab for him again, but he brushed you off once more. “Stop.” You whined pathetically, “You’re being mean.” 
“You asked me to mean,” Mihawk said the fact simply in that overly bored manner he hid behind. With a huff, you stopped your attempts at touching him and crossed your arms over your chest. 
“I didn’t say sh-hic-oo me away.” 
“You are drunk, Y/N.” You rolled your eyes dramatically, turning back around on the bar stool you sat on to find the bartender again. 
“And you’re not. It’s --hic-- boring.” You hissed as the bartender came over. “I will have your finest beer and my --hic-- best friend will have your oldest wine.” The woman’s eyes darted to Mihawk making you fix her with an icy glare. Her eyes looked a little too long in Mihawk's direction. Had looked over his face and body for too long. “Don’t look at him. I can only look at him.” She was quick to snap her eyes away, her face going pale in utter fear.
“Y-yes ma’am. We-we only have a red blend from a year ago.” You sighed.
“He will deal with it.” 
“Y/N, we are leaving,” Mihawk said as the woman rushed off. You gave another dramatic sigh, turning back to face him. Those yellow-gold eyes had never once left you and you couldn’t help but enjoy being in their sights. 
“Mihawk, we are--hic--not. I just ordered.” He continued to look unamused. Continued to fix you with his own sharp stare. One that never quite seemed to overpower your own. “Is it because I ordered you bad wine?” 
“Bad wine or not we are leaving.” You narrowed your eyes up at him. Narrowed them so sharp you willed them to cut him open. 
“It’s my--hic--day off. If you are going to be a party pooper then you should --hic-- leave.” It was the exact opposite of what you wanted him to do, but you had landed on this island to get drunk. So drunk you would hopefully wake up with dark spots in your memory.
“I will. With you.” He insisted. You rubbed your eyes roughly, that exhaustion you had come here to escape returning with a vengeance. 
“You are such an --hic--asshole.” 
“Poetic.” Mihawk monotoned. You hissed, yanking your hands away from your face and flinging them up in the air.
“I’m drunk, Mr. Smarty-Pants. Leave me be.” Your beer was placed before you and you were quick to scoop it up. The bad glass of wine went untouched by Mihawk. “Do you want to know --hic-- something?” You asked the bartender who hesitated. Hesitated and stayed after you fix her with your icy glare once more. “This--hic-- guy acts all tough but really --hic-- he wants to leave because all these people are making him--hic--itchy. He’d rather just sit on his pert little ass in the dark.” You said, a giggle leaving your lips. 
The bartender’s eyes darted back to Mihawk and you slammed your fist on the countertop, making the glasses rattle and the bartender nearly jump out of her skin. “I said don’t look at him.” You watched her chest heave up and down in fear as you took a long sip from your beer. “Talking about pert little asses. Mihawk once ran naked--”
“Enough, Y/N.” Mihawk all but commanded you, making you tense. It was a command you bristled at--made your anger begin to heat in your chest rather quickly. Too quick for you to grab hold of and control, especially when you were this drunk. “We’re leaving.” 
“Fuck you! Fuck you and fuck the Marines and --hic--fuck you again.” You hissed, standing from your stool only to nearly fall off it in the process. Mihawk stayed planted in his place, even when you ran into him during your oh-so-graceful fall. “You can’t tell me what to--hic--do.” 
“You are stumbling around like a no-good drunkard. Collect yourself.” You stomped your foot and pushed Mihawk with another hiss like some child. The swordsman hardly seemed to even feel your attack. A fact that had you seething and going to do it again, but he grabbed your wrists in a tight hold. “Enough.” He commanded again. You yanked against his grip but it stayed strong. 
“Let me go.” You hissed at him, yanking again. 
“We are leaving. Whether you do so on your own two feet or I carry you out makes no difference to me.” Your anger surged in your chest. Surged in defiance at his orders. You were not one to be ordered around. Especially by him. 
“You will unhand me this instant or I will--hic--break your nose.” Something flashed in Mihawk's golden eyes. Something--sad. A sad that called to your own sadness which had been welling and pooling within your chest for years now. Pooling to the point of near flooding. A flood you resorted to drinking to dam it up. 
Mihawk’s grip around your wrists fell, but he made no sign of leaving. Made no sign of moving a single muscle from his spot before you. Made no sign of giving up on his declaration of leaving this bar with you in tow.
In your drunken state, you thought this was a perfect opportunity to draw your black blade, which you had left uncovered at your hip. You swung, your muscles moving on near memory, at the frustrating swordsman before you, causing the bartender and a few people around you to scream out in fear. 
Mihawk sidestepped your attack and before you could blink, your sword was skillfully pulled from your grasp and you stumbled forward with a roar. “Give it--” Your words were cut off by a yelp as Mihawk grabbed you up in his strong arms, throwing you over his shoulder. 
Your right shoulder hit Yoru’s hilt painfully and you had to quickly throw your hands out to stop your face from colliding with the black blade strapped to his back. Mihawk wrapped an iron-like arm around your thighs to keep you in place before starting for the exit.
Your vision blurred from the sudden movement, but it didn’t stop you from pounding on Mihawk’s powerful back and kicking your feet as best you could in your weak attempt to escape. His hold on you never lessened, only seeming to tighten in your struggle. 
“Let me go, Mihawk!” You shouted, pulling yourself up enough to try to catch of glimpse of his face, only for his stupid hat to hit you in the face. You gave a frustrated little growl. “This is not fair! I’m drunk!”
“Drunk or not, you started the game. I plan on finishing it.” You huffed in frustration, punching his back once more to no avail. 
The bar fell away and soon you were being carried through the night-filled streets of the backwater village you had found. You continued to fight against his hold until your stomach stirred nauseously and your vision blurred to the point you could hardly see. 
With a pathetic moan, you let your body go limp against his back, your body bouncing with every graceful step he took. It only made your nausea grow, but you were too dizzy to do anything about it. 
“Tire yourself out?” Mihawk asked something like amusement finally filling his smooth voice. 
“I’m going to vomit all over your fancy little sword.” You murmured, making the man sigh deeply through his nose. 
“Are you serious?” You moaned, feeling bile rise in your throat. Your world spun and blurred around you as Mihawk dragged you off his shoulder, a movement that only had that bile rising sharply and your mouth filling with hot spit. You were placed on your feet, but your knees gave out with little warning. Tiny rocks dug into the flesh of your palms and into your kneecaps. 
You cursed, taking deep breaths of the chill night air, hoping to settle your upset stomach. Maybe you had overdone it on the drinks--but unfortunately for you, this is what you had set out to accomplish, and sober you knew she wouldn’t have to deal with all of this nastiness. 
You had just opened your mouth to relieve your aching stomach when strong hands collected your hair away from your face. Hands that held your hair in a manner so soft you hardly felt it. You vomited before you could think much more on whose hands were holding your hair up. 
“Why were you in that bar, Y/N?” Mihawk asked, voice low and so--gentle. As gentle as the man could make it seem. You huffed in and out deeply, catching your breath.
“Why do most people go to --hic -- bars? To get drunk.” You hissed as best you could between breaths. Bile rose in your throat and your stomach rolled once more. Gods--
“Yes,” He sighed, annoyed at your comment. “But you don’t go to bars to get drunk. Not when you are set on a task. Not ever.” You huffed a moan before throwing up once more. 
“I’ve changed.” You huff out, catching your breath once more. Mihawk was quiet behind you. A quiet that ate at you more than you wished to admit. Your vision blurred again. But it was a blur that had nothing to do with the alcohol and everything to do with the tears welling in your eyes. 
You had drunk too much. Way too much if it was bring you to tears. Tears you could do nothing about to control, not in the state you were currently in. Not when the man making you cry was behind you, holding your hair like there was nothing wrong between the two of you. Like you were back on your home island, stealing alcohol from your father and sneaking off to the only bar on the whole island. 
Your home. Your father. Your forest. All gone. Just like that in the blink of an eye. How had it happened? How had you let it happen? You had been your home's Guardian, just as your mother before you, and her mother before her. It had been your job, your responsibility to protect it from such dangers. 
It had been your life's purpose and you had failed. Failed and lived. Lived when you should have died protecting it.
“Y/N--” Mihawk started, but you swatted his hands away as you turned your body away from your puke. You buried your face in your hands to keep the swordsman from seeing your tears. From seeing your weakened and broken state. 
“Leave me be. Please.” You all but begged. Gods you were pathetic. So far from the proud and strong person you had once been in your youth. So old and angry and tired.
“I’ve seen you at your lowest. Some sick and a few drunken tears are hardly going to deter me.” He said on a sigh like you should have already known that. 
You pulled your face from your hands to glare at him where he knelt behind you. To tell him to leave on a venomous hiss--to throw insults his way, but his hand disappearing into his jacket pocket caught your eye. It reappears with a golden hair clip, diamonds sparkling in the lamp lights as he showed it to you. 
“That’s my--” You started in disbelief. 
“You forgot it on my ship when you left.” He said, handing it to you. You took in gently in your hands and before you could even begin to process everything, his hands were in your hair once more. He gently pulled and twisted it, mimicking how you had done your hair a million and one times before without so much as a thought of his ever-watchful gaze. His free hand plucked the golden clip from your hand and nestled it securely in your hair. 
He had kept it. Had not only kept it, but had kept it on his person. Kept it close and ready to use if you ever needed it once more. 
When he was done, you turned to stare bug-eyed up at him, tears still refusing to halt their endless fall. Calm. He was always so calm. A calm that frustrated you and grated on your nerves to no end, but was such a familiar, comforting presence. A presence you had yearned to be around more than you yearned to hunt down every last Marine you came across. 
Hesitantly, he reached for you. So hesitantly he gave you enough to slap him away, but you made no move to do so. Made no move to stop him as he brushed your tears away with his thumb. 
His touch sent your eyes watering all over again. His touch and his actions were so gentle and kind and so utterly unfair. So unfair because you couldn’t give in. Not now. Not for a long, long time. 
Gods how you wanted to give in. 
“I can’t--I can’t go with you.” You said in a low, grave tone. Mihawk brushed his thumb over your cheek once more before pulling away, making you feel that cold aloneness you had been trying to chase away with drink. He gave the slightest of nods. 
“I know.” He said just as lowly, his face seeming to harden further. You watched him grab your black blade, which he had placed on the ground beside him. He resheathed it at your side skillfully and reached for you again, grabbing you under your arms and lifting you to your feet. You swayed like a great gust of wind had blown into you, your drunkenness having yet to wear off. 
Mihawk hardly made a single sound before he was lifting you off the ground once more. Made no sound as he prompted you to wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You did so without much thought, the action having been memorized by your body.
It was something the two of you had done many times over the years, whether it be you clinging to his back or front. Whether it be because you were too drunk or injured to walk, you would cling to him and he would hold you tight. It was something he had grumbled endlessly about the first few times you’d insisted upon it, but had slowly grown used to it to the point he would pick you up as such without your prompting. 
Your eyes catch his own briefly. Eyes so bright they were like the sun. A sun your soul begged to orbit one more, but your pride beat it down. Had you looking away and placing your cheek on his shoulder, taking his rose and expensive cologne scent deep into your nose so that you might hold on to it for that much longer.
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Mihawk felt like a teenager again, holding you like this. It was--refreshing, though if anyone of importance saw him in such a way, there was sure to be trouble. But for now, in this small village in the middle of the Grand Line, he could get away with it. Could hold you close and keep your seemingly ever-cold body warm. 
He had marked where your ship was docked before he had ever docked his own, so finding it again was hardly a chore. 
Your ship was just a tab bit larger than his own, still designed for a single crew member to sail, but large enough for a much more spacious sleeping quarters and kitchen. That had been something you had complained about endlessly when having sailed with him on his own ship. 
He readjusted his hold on you so he might open the door that led to the inner workings of your ship. It was neat and tidy, just as his own was, though the walls covered in numbers and markings were unlike anything on his own ship. 
They were Marine branch numbers, ones you had come across during your journeys. Underneath each number were tally marks which he assumed represented how many ships you had destroyed flying those same numbered flags. The branches you had completely whipped off the face of the earth he found were crossed out. 
It was impressive how many Marines you had wielded your perfect chaos against. Impressive and worrisome because he knew as the number grew, the more you would be noticed. And the more you are noticed, the more likely it was they would send another one of the Warlords to slaughter you. 
Garp had warned him of this the last time they spoke. Had commanded Mihawk to get you under control or you would be spared no mercy. It was Mihawk's first and final warning to stop you before you got yourself killed. 
And as much as Mihawk wanted to take you away to his new home, to keep you out of the prying eye of every last Marine and pirate that sailed the seas, he knew he needed to wait. To play your game and win it, or there would be no victory. No having you back by his side. 
You had fallen asleep sometime during the walk, so you made no fuss as Mihawk placed you in bed. You merely grumbled something in your sleeping state as he pulled your boots off and took your sword from your side, propping it against the wall.
He watched you for a long moment. Watched your softened features as you slept. 
So rare. You were too rare to let go. To give up on and allow to die. You were Mihawk’s twin flame. A flame he would fight and die for if given the chance. You were the only person alive he would truly bend to. 
And bend he did by letting you go. By playing your little game. A game he vowed to win the right way.
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plooto · 1 year
𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ⊳ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞
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synopsis . colonel miles quaritch—respected, feared, a machine . now, only bluer and younger the recom was near perfect. that is, until he catches the scent of a younger, field trained scientist. a distraction..but maybe that’s just what this programed machine needs.
warnings . pretty simple chapter , reader hasn’t met quaritch , pinky is reader nickname ,
words . 1.3k
notes . tag lists now open , js shoot me a pm or an ask and i’ll get you added.
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you were the last recom to wake. it was.. different. you felt as if you haven’t moved, like you were in a coma. you tried to make your movements as fluid as possible, the tail behind you making things wayy more difficult than it needed to be. curling itself when it shouldn’t have, obnoxiously wrapping itself around your arm, after a bit of time, you grew fond of it, like a little you that couldn’t hold a secret.
they dropped you off at a computer to have you watch a video of you. wait what? you didn’t get much time to process before the video was playing in front of you. you pulled your brows together, confused. it really was you—well, human you.
“ hi! so i’m not sure if you’ve caught on yet, but.. you’re me! surprise ! ” you giggle to the camera, you look around for something to talk about, biting down on your bottom lip.
“ let’s see.. i’m a field trained researcher, and i worked with grace, eywa rest her soul, so..i know quite a bit about the na’vi and their ecological systemm. i know i said i’m field trained, but i only got that because zdog double dared me.. we do not back down from double dares and we don’t break pinkie promises. ” you smile, shaking your head and covering your mouth with the back of your hand to stifle your laugh. commotion in the background made your head turned, only for you to be engulfed in a headlock by your close friend, zdinarsik, but everyone calls her zdog. “ zee! get offf! ” you huffed, trying your hardest to get out of her grip. “ this is all-hmph! recorded y’know. ” zee paused her antics to wave to the camera before messing up your hair sone more before the colonel called her.
“ that’s my closest friend, she knows everything about me.. the things i wouldn’t dare say out loud, she already knows. ” you begin to ramble, you could go on and on about the people in your life, your new life here on pandora. it was absolutely breathtaking—aside from the animals who wanted you to never see the light of day once they get their teeth in you.
“ pinky! pinky, c’mon there’s a time limit on these things! ” you rolled your eyes at parker, calling you by the nickname grace so lovingly bestowed upon you. all because of one pinky promise bet you made to jake! it was simple really..you bet jake that he wouldn’t be able to get his own banshee, and he came back saying if he did, you’d have to go by pinkie around base till the end of time, or pandora is safe for humans. whichever came last that is.
“ wish i could tell you more! take good care of yourself, okay? zee too.. she acts like she doesn’t care, but she does. ” you stood up, holding your little finger to the camera, curling it as if the person on the other side looped it with yours. you blinked a few times before smiling and waving bye to the camera.
you looked around you, watching as more human-na’vi hybrids are pulled from what you assume were incubation tanks. you watched for a little, before you were directed out and onto a ship, headed for pandora. your ears perked up, blindly taking the breathing machine as you looked at the people floating in front of you. they didn’t look much smaller, at least not from your perspective. you strapped the mask over your face as you got on the ship. pulling at the straps securely, you made sure the mask was on tight enough one last time before you dazed off, wondering how much it has changed since you were last there, thankfully, it was a long way down to pandora.
the shift of the ship landing woke you. looking around slightly confused. you’re on pandora. you removed the straps, standing up and stepping out. feeling the heat of the sun against my skin, you stretched your limbs, your tail joining in on the fun.
“ this way, ” you follow behind the humans, leading you to wherever they needed you to go. you didn’t pay attention, you were too busy looking around, eyes landing and scanning everything around you.
“ the general, ” they state, snapping you out of your dazed state, you looked down, seeing a lady already engaged in conversation.
“ general ardmore? ” you spoke softly, not trying to stop their conversation, but just let her know you were here. she turned, bidding farewell to her colleague before fully turning to you.
“ y’n l’n, good to see you. ” you sat down on your knees before saluting. looking down so far hurt your neck..
“ we’ve brought you back to continue the avatar program. we want better avatars. with your research and you being the one to work under the late grace, you’ll be overseeing and ensuring our avatars are in the best shape. ” i nod once,
“ great. where can i set up? ” you say, pulling yourself to stand, gripping the straps of your backpack.
“ easy there, you’ve gotta learn your own avatar body first. ” your face turned a little darker, embarrassed that you missed that after working with the previous avatars.
“ right, thank you, general. ” you nod once, excusing yourself to find your room. getting in, you took a moment to look around. it wasn’t much, a bed, table and a bathroom. talking a breath, you settled, dropping your bag at the foot of the bed and plopping on the bed which was surprisingly soft. you groan, your lower back thanking you for giving it a rest. a soft chime rang through your room, confused you sit up. another chime. inwardly whining, you got up, opening the door only to be tackled in a bone crushing grip.
“ oh it’s really you! dude, took ya long enough! ” the much taller avatar pulled away from you, grin on their face, chewing gum. your brows pulled together, your mind putting together the puzzle pieces. your face lit up, jaw dropping and voice raising a pitch,
“ zee? ” she nods, bringing her hand to mess up your unruly hair. grinning, you threw your arms around her middle, tail swishing excitedly behind you. she laughed,
“ heard you had to go do some motor tests, so i opted to help ya, took the colonel forever to a king request though. ” she shrugged. you pulled back, telling her you needed to change, you turned, opting for some shorts and a cropped shirt they had for you in a bag.
“ ready? ” you turned to her, pulling your hair and kuru out of your shirt. she nods, gesturing for you to follow her. walking next to her, you jogged every now and again to keep up with her long strides. passing other avatars you concluded you were definitely irregular height. at 8 feet tall, you definitely we’re definitely an anomaly..
“ pinky! ” you jumped, head snapping up to zee, who just shook her head, pressing a flat hand to your forehead, you closed an eye, ears falling flat against your head, “ get outta ya head, you’re short, no biggie. just means you’ll be able to move faster. ” she smirked at you, looping an arm around your shoulder as the two of you reached a large room with various numbers of equipment and obstacles.
“ hope you’re ready cos ‘m not going to go easy on you, ” you huffed, pulling your hair into a makeshift bun before following her to the first piece of equipment.
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published . september 28 , 2023
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whumpcereal · 1 year
tales from the kennel
hello! a new mini-series is a brewing, starting with this horrific two-parter focusing on justin and tony, whom we met here. part of the kennel universe (master list here), but set before will and tommy are kidnapped.
content warnings for: extreme dehumanization, referenced noncon, future noncon, future dubcon, forced nudity, references to human trafficking, all the gaslighting, branding, restraints, pet whump, captivity whump, filmed whump, creepy whumper, adult language
orpheus, part one
Tony has tried so hard not to think. Thinking, he knows, is no longer required of him. Not here. Probably not ever again. 
He’s been sold. Fuck, the word makes his naked skin crawl. It still doesn’t make sense, no matter how long he’s been here. People are not bought and sold. Of course, Doc doesn’t call it that. Doc calls a kidnapping a “rescue;” trafficking is just “finding someone a good home.”
But when Tony lets himself think, he knows it isn’t true. He wasn’t rescued, and he doesn’t need to find a good home. He has a good home–or at least, he used to. 
It hurts to think of the little yellow house he and Justin bought together. They barely got to live in it before–well, before all of this. But when Tony curls on the floor of the doghouse at night, when he closes his eyes, he can see the wallpaper they chose for the front hallway–birds of paradise on an orange field. He can see the rack of copper pots hanging over the kitchen island; they were too expensive, but Justin insisted that anyone who cooked like Tony deserved the very best. 
It hurts the most when he remembers their bedroom. The overstuffed duvet, the matching bedside tables, the soft light of their twin lamps. Their bodies moving together in the dark. Safety. Comfort. 
Tony has neither here. And no matter what Doc tells him about the “wonderful home” he’ll soon be packed off to, Tony knows there won’t be safety or comfort there either. He won’t have a home. There is no home without Justin. There is no Tony without Justin. 
Tony knows he will disappear entirely once Doc sends him away. He’s already started to. It isn’t Tony who endures Doc’s training for the camera; it’s Fido. It’s Fido whose red collar is cinched a notch too tight. It’s Fido who sucks, who begs, who bends to be breached like a trained whore. It’s Fido who will be restrained in the waiting crate and shipped thousands of miles away. 
It’s Fido who wears the still-healing brand of his new owner between his shoulder blades. 
But it is Tony who feels the pain. Even if he knows better than to think, he can’t help but feel. 
Tony feels the rough heel of Doc’s hand against the puckered skin of his new scar, and he groans before he can stop himself. It’s only been a few days since Doc came into the doghouse with the branding iron, and Tony’s skin still feels like it’s on fire. Tony doesn’t even know what the damn brand looks like, but he bets he could guess the shape by the pattern of the blood throbbing beneath his skin.
Doc only chuckles. “Oh, now, boy. I know it’s a little uncomfortable now, but think of what your new gift means! Someone loves you enough to claim you for his own. You’re so close to going home!”
“No!” Tony cries hoarsely, but his words dissolve into animal keening when Doc hooks his nails into the brand. 
“Yes, you are,” Doc insists. His voice is still gentle, even as he digs further into Tony’s wound. “Don’t undo it by being a bad boy now.” 
“Please!” Tony begs. The burning is almost as keen as when the iron first landed on his skin. Doc slaps Tony between the shoulders, and Tony’s knees come out from under him; his belly lands hard against the cold floor.
“You don’t want to ruin your gift, is that right?” Doc chides, letting his hand slip up the back of Tony’s neck and into his dark hair. He scratches idly at Tony’s scalp. 
The humiliation is a brand all its own. 
“You know, it’s an honor to be adopted by someone so important. You’re going to have so much fun, and I know you’re going to be so good for him. He’s tuning in all this week so that he can get excited for your arrival next weekend. Imagine someone so important giving up so much of his time for a little rescue like you. Aren’t you a special boy, Fido?” 
Tony shakes his head. He doesn’t want to think about what’s coming. Doc’s already showed him the crate he’ll travel in, the special hood he’ll wear to dampen his senses, the fur-lined cuffs built into the box to keep him still. He’s been promised drugs that will keep him calm for the trip. Tony doesn’t know exactly where he’s being sent, but he knows it’s far. Far from here. Far from the little yellow house. 
Far from Justin. 
“I want to go home,” Tony says before he can stop himself. “Please, I–” 
Doc’s hand freezes in Tony’s hair. “But you are going home!”
Tony shakes his head. “No. You don’t–I–please, Doc, Please. I’ll be good. I promise. Just–” 
“Don’t make the people think you’re ungrateful, Fido. Not all of my rescues get the opportunities you have.” 
Tony wants to scream. Yes, he’s had so many ‘opportunities’ since he’s been here. The opportunity to be restrained and groped and filmed and drugged and starved and beaten. To be coupled like a brood mare with any one of a dozen faceless people in red collars. To know exactly how weak he is, to know for certain that it took almost no time to break him entirely. 
But he doesn’t scream. Because he knows better. 
“I’m grateful,” Tony forces himself to say. “I-I–” he swallows around the lump in his throat, “I just don’t want to leave you.” 
He pitches his eyes to the floor, but it doesn’t matter: Doc knows he’s lying. The man bursts into laughter. 
“Oh, my sweet little pup. What a performance!” 
“I’m not–” 
Doc’s hand presses against the brand, and Tony is silenced by the searing pain. 
“I know you have mixed feelings about leaving, and I know it isn’t because of me.”
Tony stares up at Doc through the blur of his tears. The pain in his back is white hot; the knot in his chest is worse. He never mentions Justin to Doc. He learned early on that there was no point; Doc won’t give him any answers. But now that he’s being sent away–
“The little mutt will be just fine without you,” Doc says. “You haven’t seen him in months anyway, have you? You should be used to it by now.”
But Tony will never be used to it. They didn’t get enough time. They’d only been married for a week when Doc found them. When Doc took Tony’s wedding ring, it hadn’t even had the chance to wear a groove in his skin. It was like he’d never worn a ring at all. 
“Please.” Tony shifts his weight back onto his stomach. He lays his arms prostrate on the floor. “I have to see him.” 
Doc shakes his head. “I don’t know, boy. Don’t you think it will be harder? He isn’t coming home with you. He might be jealous. I don’t want you to feel badly about your good luck–and I don’t want it to be more difficult for him. I haven’t found a place for him. Not yet.” 
Tony closes his eyes. He hopes Doc never finds a place for Justin, that there’s still a chance that Justin will make it back to the little yellow house, even if it’s without him. 
“I want to–to-to say goodbye. Even if it’s hard.” 
He doesn’t say that he wants to say goodbye because he’s almost certain it will be the last time he sees his husband. At the very least, it will probably be the last time Justin sees him alive. Tony is under no illusion that he will escape the situation waiting for him overseas. He knows he will be used until he is a dry husk, and then he will be crumpled up and thrown away. He can only hope that someday, Justin might have closure. That Justin will sit at the kitchen island with another man who will make him enchiladas and kiss that spot on the back of his neck and banish the nightmares that will surely haunt Justin for the rest of his life. 
Tony doesn’t have a choice. His nightmare is going to swallow him whole. But with the time he has left–he needs Justin to know that it will be alright, even if Tony won’t be there to see him through. 
Doc chuckles softly and tucks his fingers under Tony’s chin, forcing Tony to meet his eye. “You are an affectionate little thing, aren’t you?” 
“Please. Before–” Tony chokes on the lump on his throat, but he holds Doc’s gaze, “--before I go home.” 
Doc’s eyebrows raise. His mouth curves into a grotesque smile. “Well, look who’s decided to be a good boy.” 
“I won’t fight,” Tony whispers. “I promise.” 
“Do you?” 
“I do.” 
As though to prove it, he manages not to flinch when Doc shifts his grip and presses into the soft meat of his cheeks. Doc dips his thumb into Tony’s mouth and presses his tongue flat. Tony stays still. He wants Doc to believe him. It’s the only way that he will get to Justin. 
Doc sighs, slipping the calloused pad of his thumb back and forth over Tony’s tongue. “You understand that you’ll have to follow my rules? That you have to be obedient if you expect a treat?” 
Tony does his best to nod, even as Doc’s touch teases the opening of his throat. 
“And you’ll be a good boy on your trip home?” 
Another half nod. Doc pulls his thumb backward, but he keeps Tony’s tongue pinned down. 
“Then I’ll let you see him,” Doc says thoughtfully. “But you won’t say goodbye.” 
Tony’s brow wrinkles, and Doc laughs. 
“You won’t say anything, actually. You won’t speak at all.” 
Tony’s mouth twitches in an attempt to protest, and Doc seizes his tongue and yanks. The thin skin that connects his tongue to the base of his mouth flares with pain. Tony whines involuntarily, but Doc doesn’t let go. 
“He doesn’t know what it is you’ve been up to all this time. He doesn’t know that you’re being adopted. I didn’t think it was good for him to know, since the two of you were never going to find a home together. Makes it easier to wean him, doesn’t it?” 
Tony squeezes his eyes shut again. He and Justin found a home together. They just never expected it to be ripped away from them like this. 
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, boy,” Doc snaps. 
Tony complies. What else can he do? He promised he wouldn’t fight, didn’t he? 
“You’re not going to make any of this worse by spilling the beans. You may agree to stop fighting, but if he finds out you’re headed home, he won’t. He’s already a naughty little thing, and I don’t particularly want to deal with any more guff from him.”
For the sparest of seconds, Tony’s heart soars. Justin hasn’t given up. He’s still fighting. He can make it. He will.  
But Doc’s voice brings him back to earth. 
“See, he isn’t as valuable to me as you are, Fido. It’s going to be hard to find him a place. And I can’t have you making it any harder than it needs to be. I’ve got limited resources, you know? So, here’s the deal: I’ll let you see him if you promise not to say a word.” 
Tony nods again, even as his tears finally break free. He doesn’t want Justin to see him bitted or muzzled. He wants to kiss his husband, to tell him that he loves him one last time. He wants to say goodbye. But if this is all Tony’s got, he will take it. He’s learned to take what he can get. 
Doc finally lets Tony’s tongue go, wiping his thumb on Tony’s cheek. “But it’s a little performance test for you, boy. I’m not going to make this easy for you. I want you to show me that you mean what you say.” 
“I–” Tony rasps. He pushes himself up on his hands and clears his throat. “I don’t understand.” 
“You are not leaving the doghouse until it’s time to pack you up. That means I’ll be bringing the mutt to see you. And I expect you to do what you’ve been trained to do.”
Tony’s gut freezes. His eyes drift up to the camera closest to them. 
He can’t. He wants Justin more than anything, but he can’t subject Justin to this. Not when he won’t even be able to explain. There will be too many things he can’t explain. The cameras. The brand on his back. How sorry he is. And how much he loves Justin. 
It’s too much to ask. 
“I will bring him here, and you will show him what you’ve learned. If you want to see him before you go home, those are the expectations. Take it or leave it.” 
“He doesn’t know–” Tony tries, but Doc’s palm comes down hard between his shoulder blades. 
“And he won’t know.” Doc leans close, pressing harder against Tony’s ruined skin. “If you say a word, I’ll kill him.” 
“No!” Tony cries. Justin has to get out. He cannot die here. 
“I told you, he isn’t that valuable to me. The only reason I haven’t put him down yet is because my Annie’s taken a bit of a shine to him. She’s never had a pet of her own, and I like to see her happy.” 
Tony feels bile rising in his throat. Justin is no one’s pet. Maybe that’s all that Tony will ever be now, maybe that’s a foregone conclusion, but he has to believe that Justin still has a chance.  
“You can’t–” 
“I won’t, so long as you show us all what a good boy you are. I’m not even going to muzzle you; you’ll get a chance to really show off your training. I’m sure your new owner will be watching, and you’ll want to make sure he’ll be excited to see you.” 
Tony collapses over his knees. He’s going to be sick. He can’t do this. He can’t make Justin do this. He doesn’t know what Doc’s done with Justin, but Tony knows he isn’t a red collar. Tony would know if he were. Tony’s body knows every red collar, even the ones he hasn’t seen; he’s tasted them and felt them move inside. None of them were Justin. Tony would never mistake Justin’s touch. 
He can’t make Justin a part of this–but he knows that he has to. Doc has him trapped, sure as if he were already packed in the crate. He should never have tried to bargain. He doesn’t have the head for it anymore. After all, he isn’t meant to think. 
“You can’t go back on it now, boy,” Doc murmurs. His hand slips below the brand, scratching a gentle line up and down the knots of Tony’s spine. “And you get to say goodbye. Just like you wanted. Only not in so many words.” 
Tony doesn’t move. He falls into the gentle touch, just the way he’s been trained, and he stays still. There’s nothing he can do anyway. He knows if he fights now, Justin is as good as dead. 
“It’s romantic, in a way,” Doc says wistfully. Tony can hear the smile in his voice. “Do you know the story of Orpheus, Fido? My Annie has a big book of Greek myths that I used to read to her before bed, and that one was always her favorite. Made her cry, but I think she liked the tragedy of it all.”
Tony knows the story, but he can’t remember. Not right now. The only thing he can recall is Justin’s face. He shouldn’t have asked to see him. He should have let himself be packed away and lived with the memories they’ve already made. He curls in on himself. Doc keeps stroking his back. 
“Orpheus had a chance to rescue his love from the underworld. All he had to do was to lead her out without turning around to look at her. He just had to trust that she was there, and they’d both be free. But he turned around just as they were crossing the threshold, and she was pulled back into the underworld forever. Because of his weakness.” Doc leans close to Tony’s ear. “This is your Orpheus moment, boy. Don’t be weak.”  
Tony can’t stand it. “You’re not giving me the chance to save him from anything,” he says, his voice toneless and hollow.  
Doc’s fingers crook against Tony’s cheek. “No, because I’ve already rescued you both.”
Tony should laugh, but he only squeezes his eyes shut again. He’s dreamed about rescue, but he knows now that it will never come. Not for him. There is no escaping the snare he’s just set for himself. 
“But,” Doc says thoughtfully, “I am giving you the chance to protect him.” 
“From you.” 
Doc’s hand withdraws. “From himself. He’s got to learn, and you’re going to teach him. You’re going to show him what a good boy looks like.” 
Tony looks up at Doc, the older man’s image distorted by the pane of his tears. “Why do you hate us so much?” 
“Oh, Fido. I don’t hate you. I could never hate any of my rescues. You’re all such vulnerable creatures. But just like you’re going to protect your mutt, I have to protect you. I know it’s hard, giving up what you thought your life would be. But I saved you from something so much worse.” 
It’s bullshit, but Tony is sure that Doc believes it. The man abducts innocent people and strips away their humanity like bits of old wallpaper, but he believes that he’s serving the greater good. Tony only wishes he could believe too. It would make all of this so much easier if he could believe that this torture was saving him from something worse. 
But he knows better. He knows that someone else would have driven by the service station eventually; he knows that if they had been smarter, if they hadn’t gotten in Doc’s truck, they would be at home in the yellow house right now. They wouldn’t have died. Someone would have come. Doc didn’t save them from anything. Doc stole them. 
“It’s hard for you and the mutt, I know. But I can’t always place everyone together, so the separation was necessary. So you could get used to the idea. But I’m not a monster, Fido. And so I’m going to give you this chance to ease your parting. But if I let you off your leash, I know you’d run amok. And that’s not modeling good behavior, is it? So, there are rules. It’s as simple as that.”
“You’re insane,” Tony says. “You said you’d kill him–” 
Doc swats at Tony’s nose. “Bad dog. That’s enough. The mutt won’t be put down if you do as you’re told. But if you don’t, it’s no skin off my nose. This isn’t a charity, even if it is a rescue operation. Cost-benefit analysis. You’ve earned your keep these last few months; the mutt is a drain on our resources. But this little guest spot might just be his meal ticket until I figure out what to do with him.” 
Tony opens his mouth, to protest or beg, he isn’t sure which, but Doc’s hand stops his voice. 
“I’ve heard enough out of you. I think your new rules apply starting now. You make a peep, I won’t even go to the trouble of bringing him in. No bark. Do you understand?” 
Tony’s chest heaves with a silent sob, but he nods. He knows Doc is as good as his word. 
“Hup hup,” Doc commands, and Tony pushes himself onto all fours, even as his limbs tremble beneath him. Doc pulls a leash from his belt loop and clips it to the ring on Tony’s collar. “Fido, place.” 
Tony’s cheeks color with shame, but he crawls to the center of the glass box, his leash dragging behind. He knows that this is the spot with the most advantageous camera angles, that he’s expected to hit his mark so that his viewing audience gets exactly what they are paying for. 
Tony complies and lets his bare ass fall back over his heels. He sets his hands flat on the floor in front of him. Doc crouches down and tethers his leash to the anchor in the floor. 
As if there were any other option. 
Doc rises and goes to the locked door. He looks back over his shoulder. “You remember your rule, Fido. I’ll be right back with the mutt.” 
...to be continued
taglist: @darkthingshappen, @oddsconvert, @sparrowsage, @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump, @mylifeisonthebookshelf, @highwaywhump, @squishablesunbeam, @hold-him-down, @whumpsday, @sowhumpful, @termsnconditions-apply, @irishwhiskeygrl, @deltaxxk, @d-cs, @whumpinggrounds, @canislycaon24, @considerablecolors, @starlit-darkness, @scp-1296, @flowersarefreetherapy, @morning-star-whump, @whumpwhittler, @susiequaz12, @whump-world, @hiding-in-the-shadows, @tasteywhumpee, @whumplr-reader, @sad-boys-anonymous, @whumpzone
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naavispider · 1 year
What do you think Spider's reaction would be if everyone withheld from him that he was Quaritch's son? All his life he would have thought his father was unknown, and he would only find out the truth when Quaritch first spoke to him (when Recoms tried to kidnap the children as hostages)
The unnatural man's eyes scanned over the rest of the group. "What's your name, kid?" he said, catching sight of Spider.
Spider struggled again against the man holding him from behind. His scalp burned from where the Na'vi was pulling on his hair. Golden yellow eyes met his soft brown ones, and Spider stilled for a moment, unsure why the man was asking.
"Spider," he spat. "Socorro."
He breathed deeply, waiting for the stranger's verdict, but what he wasn't expecting was the look of confusion that fluttered across the man's face, followed closely by... what was that? Disbelief?
The man narrowed his eyes in thought, crouching down to be at Spider's level. He signalled the Na'vi behind him to let go of Spider's hair, leaving Spider tense, unsure of what was happening.
A cold shiver ran down Spider's spine. "How do you know that?"
The man in front of him blanched, as if taken aback by Spider's words. Spider watched as something akin to understanding bloomed behind those yellow eyes, spreading slowly across the man's features, blurring into a picture of thoughtfulness. He didn't answer.
"What are we doing, boss?" one of the other avatars spoke, impatience thinly veiled behind his words.
The one in front of Spider stood slowly, keeping his eyes trained on him for a few more moments, before turning around and pressing a hand to the communicator at his neck. "Iron Sky, this is Blue One actual, we are ready for extract."
Spider threw a look of panic at Lo'ak - this was not good. Lo'ak's eyes reflected the fear growing in Spider, and his ears were pinned back in protest at the avatar holding him. Kiri was also struggling, but Spider couldn't catch her eye before they were all being pushed in the same direction towards the clearing - the clearing where a demon ship could come down at any moment and swoop them up.
There were avatars on all of his siblings, and Spider watched as they were all forced down to the ground. The person holding him however, kept him upright. It was almost like they were afraid to let him go.
Frantically, Spider scanned the edges of the clearing for signs of Jake or Neytiri, but nothing seemed to be happening. His attention caught on the avatar that had asked his name. The man was staring at him with the strangest look in his eye, and Spider wondered how long he'd been watching him.
When the man caught Spider looking, he began to walk over. Spider's heart began pounding in his chest. Shit, why hadn't he just kept his head down?
How did this man know his name?
He avoided looking at the avatar until he was right in front of him. The darkening sky was making it difficult to see as far in the twilight, but Spider thought he could make out the name tag on his vest.
M. Quaritch.
His breathing got faster, afraid to even look any longer at the man now crouched in the grass in front of him.
When had the avatar behind him let go of him again?
"How did you know my name?" Spider hissed.
The avatar paused for a moment, staring directly into Spider's eyes. "Because I was the one that gave it you, kid."
... No.
No. Spider didn't know what to do with this information - that couldn't be right... that would mean....
"Those insurgent bastards never tell you who your daddy was?"
It felt like Spider's whole heart had stopped. There was something deadly wrong with him - he was malfunctioning, was he having a heart attack? Surely he was going die.
Keeping his feet underneath him suddenly felt difficult, and it was all he could do to remain standing, staring at the man - Quaritch - in front of him.
And then it clicked.
Quaritch - he'd heard the name before, it had been whispered during his childhood, never outright discussed, but spoken about enough for Spider to gather that it was he who was ultimately responsible for the fall of the first Hometree. It was he who had destroyed the lives of hundreds of Na'vi. It was he who had the blood of hundreds of Omatikaya families on his hands.
Spider couldn't breathe... It wasn't making sense. That man... that man had been human... he had died, Jake had murdered him.
How was this happening?
"You're not..." was all he managed to choke out.
Quaritch watched him carefully, a grim look on his face, but Spider wasn't aware of any of that. He was trying to concentrate on pulling enough air through his exopack to satiate his suddenly empty lungs. Why wasn't it working? Was his mask broken?
He stumbled a little, and a large hand on his shoulder forced him down to the ground. "Don't sweat it," Quaritch said. "I ain't exactly overjoyed myself."
Fuck. So it really was... This man, Quaritch, had been his father? Nausea swelled in Spider's throat, and suddenly he was ripping his mask off, throwing up in the grass next to him.
It was difficult with his hands bound, but as he wiped his face and pulled his mask back on, he began to crawl away from Quaritch, putting as much space between them as the Na'vi would allow.
He cast around for Kiri - or Lo'ak or Tuk - wanting someone he knew to be close, wanting to be held by familiar hands, and spotted Kiri only a few feet away. He made his way towards her, and Quaritch seemed to let him.
He could tell by the look in Kiri's eyes that she'd heard the whole thing. Her face was anxious, shocked... confused.
"Kiri!" Spider hissed, as he scooted up to her.
"I know," she replied.
"It can't be true. It can't be true," Spider repeated, as if saying it enough times would manifest it.
"It's okay..." Kiri spoke softly, trying to comfort. She wrapped her arms around him as best as she could with her hands tied, and Spider gratefully sank into her touch.
He was too far gone to realise Neytiri's disguised call, coming from the eastern edge of the clearing, but Kiri wasn't. Her ears pricked up and she looked over at Tuk and Lo'ak to make sure they'd heard it too. Tuk was wide-eyed, casting around for their mother, and Lo'ak looked stoic, clearly trying to think the next few critical moments through.
There was the call again. Loud as a drum, subtle as a bird.
The arrow that shot straight into the avatar's heart that was looking over Spider and Kiri pulled Spider immediately from his spiral. He wasn't sure what happened first - Kiri gasping, Tuk shrieking, Quaritch yelling, "Contact made!" or the sounds of gunfire from the surrounding avatars' ARs. The noise was like thunder in his ears, and the heat of their fire blazed across his face.
Kiri was yelling now, pulling on his arm, but then just as suddenly, a larger, stronger hand had grasped his shoulder, forcing him back, before the owner fell limp, impaled by a poisoned arrow through the heart. He stared at the dead avatar for a moment longer before Kiri was pulling him away, towards the trees, and they ducked and dived for cover as bullets soared all around them.
He only hoped that Lo'ak had managed to grab Tuk.
There was no time to pause - no time to stop and check - they were running, sprinting as fast as they could away from the fire. Then suddenly, an explosion rocked them both from behind. The force of it was like nothing Spider had ever experienced, and it sent him flat to the ground, knocking the air out of him and sending a trilling noise through his ears. He lay still, trying to gasp air back into his lungs while simultaneously shaking the ringing from his eardrums. He could hear Kiri shouting, trying to pull him up, but she sounded far away. Hands were on him - but they weren't hers. They weren't even Neytiri's. They felt like Jake's.... could Spider dare believe...?
He opened his eyes. Cold terror swept through his body at the sight of Miles Quaritch bending over him, then lifting him up and swinging him over his shoulder. It was all Spider could do to strain his eyes and watch as if he was a passenger in his own body. He couldn't make a single noise of protest. He was too shocked, too stunned, too confused.
Where had Kiri gone?
"Don't worry, kid. You're coming home now."
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wri0thesley · 9 months
Cat dad anon here: ironically by the the time you posted my response I got sick again lol funny how that works (I’m not mad btw i thought it was just funny because i forgot i sent that originally)
I would like to add to this with genshin WOMEN as cat moms.
Arlecchino is technically a cat dad literally because she has Lynette and Lyney. But also those two have snuck in many a stray into the hearth to keep as their own. Ironically enough many end up becoming hers in the classic: dad who didn’t want cat ends up being cat’s favorite. Well she sees no reason to fight it now, it makes the kids happy to have the cat even if it seems to prefer her. Rest assured that kitty will be well cared for not just because it has a bunch of orphans caring for it but because Arlecchino makes sure it only eats the most delectable of fish.
Jean is probably the one who gets a emotional support cat. A gift from Lisa perhaps? A affectionate little fluff ball that lingers around her helping her feel more at ease. Its been trained to bump her with its head whenever she gets too tense or stressed in order to indicate its time to relax and give the kitty some pets. It helps immensely as if she stays up too late the cat will simply lay ontop of her work forcing her to turn in for the night.
Another is Undoubtedly Chlorine. Awaiting her each day is a cat waiting by the door to greet her by immediately begging for food. A very loud kitty maybe a siamese as its miles more chatty than she herself is.
Ningguang possesses a common breed of cat surprisingly. Not s luxurious breed at all but rather a simple black cat. (Fun fact black cats were originally thought of as good luck) but this cat isn’t not at all poised or graceful. Infact its quite troublesome. It seems to be mischievous on purpose. If it is hungry then you will know from the sudden sounds of pottery falling. Since then most pots are reinforced to not be knockable. But the cat is a plump bastard because the staff struggled to calm it. Still even with its mischievous nature is Ningguang quite content with the creature. She sleeps with them cuddled by her as she used to cuddle cats while she lived on the streets for warmth. In fact the very cat she owns was picked out because it resembled her stray cat friend who passed long ago. Which is also why she will not even entertain the idea of replacing it and glares at anyone who suggests it. Her kitty is her respite from her stress as she can now spoil her little friend.
Beidous cats would be different. As she is a captain it actually would make sense to have cats onboard. Infact its a common. Ship cats are good for mice management but that also means they may not be as affectionate as they’re more wild like. More busy below decks stalking the mice. But beidou’s cats are a bit different. They proudly display to her their bounties so she’ll reward them with much love and affection. Plus there’s her pal kazuha who is canonically a cat magnet. Those cat lives better lives than some people!
And of course Lisa. Lisa definitely seems like she’d end up attracting other cats than actually having one of her own. Like if Kaeya has a kitty then it may find Lisa swaying it to her side with promise of quality naps and treats. Or if Jean is out on business she is the cat babysitter who will be lounging with the kitty enjoying a nice nap. Eventually she’d end up attracting a permanent cat who snuck into the library during a storm. She let the guy stay in of course but even after weeks have passed does it refuse to leave. Its more of the library’s cat but she is the librarian. She playfully gave it the title of her assistant as it likes to sit at her desk with her paperwork displayed like its actually doing buisness. It even has its own Favonious collar labeling it as a official employee of the Knights. The cat seems to Mimic Lisa alot. It follows her to greet and check on jean and play with Jean’s own kitty cat. But it doesn’t like going outside where its more noisy. It would rather nap on the sunlight coming through the window.
CAT MOMS . . . be still my heart. and oh no anon i'm sorry to hear that; i am sending you soup and hoping if you have a kitty of your own it is providing the healing snuggles and purrs that you deserve!
lisa's library cat is making me feel so soft; i adore her and the thought of walking into the library to see her snoozing behind the desk with the cats of the rest of the knights of favonius deciding she's a lovely pillow and a perfect napping spot . . . sigh.
navia definitely has a plump spoilt kitty who is dressed in the finest of clothes; she can't resist giving it a sweet treat now and then, and everyone in poisson knows that the cat with the lovely ornate collar belongs to their demoiselle and as such gives the cat a freshly caught fish or a bit of chicken or too many pets and loves!
miko is very fond of cats because they're just as tricky as she is; they tend to follow her around - but her favourite is a sleek black cat who sits, mostly, off to one side. it follows her but it doesn't want fusses or too many pets; it follows her to the shrine, to the publishing house . . . she's named it 'ei'.
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writermuses · 1 year
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vennilavee · 2 years
ii. a pearl's journey
blood & pearls masterlist
word count: 1k
summary: stories of how you washed ashore.
warnings: blood (sukuna drinks it)
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Ryomen Sukuna is a name that has even made its way down into the depths of the sea. His name is spoken with fear and reverence through the vibrations of the water, and you never understood why.
You are forbidden from entering his domain, or any other,  by your father and your mother. Your father tries to protect you from the uncontrollable perils above ground, on earth. Your mother tries to protect you from the caged loneliness that is the sea by teaching you how to be a princess.
Much to your mother’s chagrin, you are no princess and there is no creature in the sea who should tame you.
You have met many, many men before, and Ryomen Sukuna is nothing but a man, after all.
The fairies are aghast at your nonchalance. How dare you have the audacity to not bow at Ryomen Sukuna’s feet? Don’t you know that he is a god? A demon disguised as a deity, with the markings etched into his body to prove it?
You scoff- demons and gods don’t live amongst mortals.
They reply- but you do.
You were meant to see the sky, to breathe air. Your parents disagree, but you know in your watery soul that this is where you are meant to be. The tendrils of the sea cannot keep you tethered to the bottom any longer.
A memory of you as a child, traveling to a lost group of fishermen and escorting them to the shore. You were only a mere child when fresh sunshine warmed your cheeks for the first time. They were kind to you, telling you stories of the treasures that their town contained. Of their wives and children, of books, of grass and air.
Your father forbade you from leaving the sea after that.
You recall a shipwreck hundreds of knots away from home that you had run away to in a fit of fury. When you were just shy of touching the precipice of womanhood and your father had called you a wild girl, with no place to tame her. 
You saw your first human skeletons on that ship and shed a salty tear for the loss of life. It wouldn’t be your last.
No matter how much of the sea you explore, it is endless. Endless and bottomless in a way that strikes uneasy fear in your heart. Your mother recognized your delicate heart immediately. It’s why she convinced your father to send you to the land with some of the other girls, rather than keep you under the sea.
Your bare feet have walked half as many miles as you’ve swam, but you don’t care. The air is crisp here, and eventually you separated off from the rest of the girls who became women with you. It has been many years, even decades, that you’ve lived in the sea. But time seems to move more slowly here.
Especially in this enchanted lake. Peering into the great unknown of the sea from here doesn’t feel so daunting. Perhaps it is because things feel soft here, as if time is honey sliding through your fingers like silk.
You didn’t expect to stay here this long. For a demon, his domain was far more tranquil than you expected. Would you expect to find fresh peaches and oranges in a demon’s lair? He is nothing but the stuff of nightmares and dreams anyway, but his dark cherry eyes are curiously trained on you.
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“The mermaid is still here, isn’t she?” 
“She is not a mermaid, my king,” Uraume sighs, for what must be the third time already.
“She is of the water, I can smell it on her. Even from here, where she sits in my lake. As if she rules the place,” Sukuna scoffs, gazing out of his window and glaring at where he can only assume you are, “I should have ripped her heart out ten times over by now.”
“Yes, you have mentioned that several times now-”
“How would her equally foolish father feel receiving her head on a stake,” he ponders, “No matter.”
“We will be late for the ritual. The girl of the water can wait,” Uraume says, hurrying him along the corridor as the other temple guides scurry about. Sukuna needs only to look once for those in his field of vision to move swiftly. If he needs to look twice, they’re dead.
They’ve seen it before their very eyes. Tongues ripped mercilessly, throats gutted and blood spilt. The legend says that he was once a human but it is unbelievable. Ryomen Sukuna is shrouded in darkness. Any light within him has been snuffed out by bloodlust and power.
He does not desire much, but he prefers it that way. Sukuna would much rather see his followers, his devotees, on their knees. Praying to him, a god they have self-appointed. They should be so lucky to have him to confess to. To decide whether their wishes become reality. Mediocrity bores him. Sukuna wishes for something more extraordinary than the simplicity of humanity.
It’s almost too easy. The taste of fear infuses with the metallic smell of blood and sits on his tongue. Waiting to be devoured, waiting for his teeth to rip into flesh. Waiting to be controlled.
Suddenly,  he smells the salty sea. Sukuna can sense you watching from afar, perhaps hidden behind the tall trees and the bushes that surround the temple grounds. Your heart quickens as his gaze lingers over you. Are you fascinated? Or are you afraid of how the world opens itself up for his taking? Are you afraid of how easily devoured the earth is- how the earth is made of only blood, bones and flesh?
He meets your eyes as the fire burns brightly and as blood surges into his mouth. Trails of crimson paint his lips before slipping into the crevices of his chest and disappearing under her robe. The forest is painted ruby red and Sukuna’s lightning eyes glow under the light of the moon as he looks directly at you through the trees, speaking to you with a simple glare.
Your fate seems to be sealed as his lips curl in your direction. Your blood must taste like the midnight sky and the sea.
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@kentobean @misslovingpearl @aeanya @mystikalini @helenas-revenge
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quietwings-fics · 9 months
Dastardly Alien Cheesecake
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: N/A Ship: Gen (Ten & Donna) Additional Tags: Trust, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Poison, Hurt/Comfort, Vomiting, The Doctor & Donna Noble Friendship Wordcount: 3761 Summary:
Donna eats something she’s not supposed to.
I'm going to state it outright here so that everyone knows what they're walking into: yes, this is a fic about the doctor sticking his fingers down donna's throat to make her throw up. you have now been warned of the contents and can proceed if you so wish.
The honeymoon period of traveling across time and space is followed by the most intense bout of homesickness that Donna has ever felt, which perhaps isn't saying much when she'd never been that far from home in her life before the Doctor.
To stand on an alien planet and realize just how far away she is from her granddad is a massive step up from missing him when he's only a drive away. Her room in the TARDIS is all hers, and it even fills itself with comforts that Donna forgot to bring, — like a blanket on the heavier side and a little squeezy stress ball that always seems to roll out from under her bed when she's upset — but at the same time, it never forgets what it is, an alien ship flown by an alien man. Something about the corners where the walls meet the floor are never right, never quite what a person, a human, would have built.
She doesn’t tell the Doctor about any of this. She doesn't have to. He must see it in her eyes because he starts pointing out little details on their journeys to her. He can somehow find a little piece of home to show her no matter where they are. They wait at a train station that will take them a few hundred miles below the surface of a planet and laugh at the confusing and colorful layout of the map provided, correcting each other back and forth about which station, exactly, they're even waiting at. Another time, he fiddles with a radio (or, what she assumes is a radio) with the sonic screwdriver until it starts to call out mournfully for Major Tom, singing a signal that got sent out into space thousands of years ago all to be picked up by the two of them. Even among aliens, there are commonalities, there are always reality TV shows that play on screens no one is watching (even if the contestants are a little more green... or blue... or translucent than she's used to) and automatic doors that never work right.
Constants in the universe that she'd be lost without, really. The Doctor knows where to look for them.
(Not for the first time, she wonders if that's because of how many humans he's had to curb the homesickness of, or because while she can look up at the stars and know home is still there for her to return to, even if she has no intention of staying, he can't.
Even Timelords must have had reality TV.)
The one constant that can center her like nothing else is food. Everyone in the universe cooks.
“All your memories," the Doctor had started explaining once, and Donna had learned to measure how long he would ramble about something by his tone alone. This voice was the 'at least twenty minutes before he'll take a breath' one. "Are stored away in your hippocampus, rubbing right against where your brain lights up when something hits your tastebuds, so-" Donna had taken those few moments to weigh her willingness to listen to him babble through their entire meal and decided instead to pick up the sandwich he wasn't eating and shove it in his mouth to shut him up. It had worked pretty well.
That’s why, when the Doctor wanders off into the crowd of the party they’re technically crashing and leaves Donna alone, she doesn’t think twice about approaching the buffet table. She’s not having much luck striking up a conversation, so she might as well find something to pass the time. She doesn’t recognize any of the food — hardly surprising when she’s only the third human in the room, as far as she’s seen.
She walks along the table, taking her time and half-wishing the Doctor would come back to keep her company. Maybe he’d gone off and gotten himself kidnapped. She grinned. Now, that would give her something to do and something to gloat about when the doing’s done. 
At the end of the table, just as she begins to despair (and contemplate one of the less appealing looking snacks,) there’s a plate of cheesecake. She blinks at it. It doesn’t squirm, or bleed, or make any weird noises when she gingerly scoops a little onto her plate. It’s just cheesecake. Looks like it, smells like it… She picks up a fork and pokes it one more time before breaking off a piece and putting it in her mouth. Tastes like it. It’s deliciously sweet. 
She eats the whole piece far too quickly. She only tenses once, a scolding voice creeping up in the back of her head that sounds too much like her mother, but then, she’s a billion miles and thousands of years away. Donna can have as much cheesecake as she damn well pleases. 
With a lighter step, Donna takes another piece to wander with. It’s just as good as the first, but she takes the time to savor this one.
”Donna,” the Doctor seems to appear out of nowhere, the only warning of his approach a familiar touch on her back sliding to grip her shoulder for a moment, “oh, you’re going to love this. They’re-“ He stops. She watches the grin on his face suffocate slowly. “What do you have there?” he asks. She’s been in enough life-or-death situations with him that his excited tone dropping so quickly makes her itch with the need to run.
”Cheesecake,” she answers. The Doctor grimaces.
”Right,” he says. “No. You don’t.” Donna looks down at her plate. “Definitely not cheesecake. Very not edible for humans. How long have you been eating that?” Donna feels her appetite drop out of her and pick up a bindle to hitchhike to someone who needs it more.
”I don’t know?” She looks around, which is useless because no one in the future bothers to keep clocks on the wall. They probably just have their alarms microchipped into their brains. The Doctor takes her plate away. He sets it down, and his attention returns to her immediately. His mouth is pinched as he takes her hand in his and starts checking her fingers for… something. 
“How much did you have? Stick out your tongue,” he says.
”What?” But his gaze is deadly serious. Donna sticks out her tongue and fumbles her words around it. “One piece. One and a half.” The Doctor stares very closely at her tongue. He lets out a sigh of relief, which she takes as permission to stop looking like a fool and put her tongue back where it belongs.
”You’re alright. You’ll be alright.” She’s not sure which of them he’s reassuring, but if it’s her, he’s not doing a very good job of it. He puts a hand on her shoulder and starts guiding her through the party. “Come on. We’ll take care of this.”
”Take care of what?”
”Just a minor… major… ‘possibly fatal if we don’t handle it’ case of food poisoning. Why are you putting things in your mouth that don’t belong there?” 
“You’re always letting me eat alien food!” 
“After I’ve made sure it’s safe!” 
“Maybe you should have warned me that death by cake was an option-” She cuts herself off as she frowns at the hallway he’s leading her down now that they’ve escaped the party. “The TARDIS is the other way.”
”I know.” She turns her gaze suspiciously onto him. He dropped the argument far too quickly for him not to be playing it up for her sake. 
“So… we’re going to whatever nurse they have here to pick up the antidote?” The Doctor makes a face that’s answer enough.
”Not quite.” He herds her along to a door near the end of the hallway. The automatic door clicks twice at them like it’s annoyed at having to do its job, and then it only opens up halfway, leaving them to have to scoot in sideways one after the other. Donna goes first.
Another constant in the universe: everyone has toilets. Even species who don’t need toilets create toilets, though those were less than useful to Donna and she really didn’t feel like marveling at universal similarities when she needed to go. Bathrooms also only came in two types, through which you could tell how much the janitors (another thing that everyone had) were being paid: clean enough to eat off the floor or so disgusting that Donna would seriously consider just waiting until they got back to the TARDIS.
This one was, thankfully, the former. Donna breathed a sigh of relief before remembering why the Doctor had brought her here in the first place. He spoke before she could ask. “There’s no antidote for this. Luckily, it’s also extremely slow to break down.” 
Donna can put two and two together.
”You want me to throw up the cake.” It isn’t a question. The Doctor treats it like one.
”Sooner rather than later, yeah.” He rocks back on his heels. Donna peers around. No stalls here, but there are identifiable toilets, which is more than some places can boast of. “I’ll turn around if you want some privacy.”
”I can’t.”
”Sure you can, just-” He unsubtly mimes sticking his finger down his throat. Donna glowers at him. 
“And I’m telling you,” she repeats, “that doesn’t work.”
”How do you know that?” Donna doesn’t answer him. The Doctor grits his teeth together and looks to the side. “Okay. I’ll…” He trails off. “I’ll help?”
”Help?” Donna repeats back to him, incredulous. The Doctor turns back to the automatic door, which has taken its sweet time closing and clicks angrily at him when he moves in range again. He whips up the sonic screwdriver in a flash and quiets the door. The sensor above goes dead, locking it. 
“Donna, we have to get it out of you,” he says. “Trust me when I say this is the quickest, least unpleasant way we can do this.” She does trust him. That doesn’t mean she has to like it.
”So what?” She glances down to the screwdriver he’s fiddling with, almost nervously. “Are you going to sonic my insides?”
”What? No!” The screwdriver disappears into one of his pockets. “Look, I can just- I can help.”
”How?” she demands. 
“I can make it happen,” he replies. “If you can’t do it yourself.”
Donna fixes him with a look. It clicks.
“You are not sticking your fingers down my throat!” She takes a step back and even sweeps a hand in front of her to protect the distance between them.
”Donna-” he starts, stubbornly, but on equal footing like that, she won’t give any more ground than he will.
”Stick your fingers somewhere more useful!”
”Donna.” He tries again, but there’s no argument in it this time. His voice is quiet and serious. His eyes plead with her to let him help. (He’s doing that on purpose, she knows he is, because no one could unintentionally look so despairing. And it’s still working on her.)
”…It’s really going to kill me if we don’t, isn’t it?” she asks. She doesn’t want to look at it. Can’t. Danger is something they’re supposed to be able to run away from.
”Yes,” he confirms. There’s a reassuring lightness to his voice as he continues, stepping forward and waiting to see if she pulls back again. She doesn’t. “Death by cake. Agonizing. Embarrassing. How do I explain that to your mom and granddad?” Donna snorts. It isn’t anywhere close to a laugh. The Doctor is close enough to touch her now, and he does, hands wrapped around her own and squeezing as she takes a deep breath.
”We’ve done weirder, I guess,” she says.
”I definitely have,” he says. “You’ve got a much nicer mouth than most of the ones I’ve gone poking around in.” He squeezes her hands a second time. She looks down at them, at his fingers firmly wrapped around her, his thumb rubbing the back of her right hand. 
“You’d better wash them first,” she says. This close, she can see the Doctor’s relief in the minute drop of his shoulders and the way the lines around his eyes relax into something happier. Her hands still feel warm when he lets them go. She tucks them close to her chest almost instinctively, like she can keep a little of his presence with her. 
She has to pick out a toilet. The locked door means privacy, but the lack of stalls still sets some part of her on edge. Lavatory instincts. The desire not to be seen when she’s about to be at her lowest. No one invites a friend in to watch them throw up after having too much to drink at a party. The last time she must have had anyone around for that, she’d barely been in double digits. She wasn’t sure exactly who it had been, but she remembered having her hair held back to keep it clean while she was miserably sick. 
She got down on the floor next to the toilet. A moment later, the sink the Doctor was using had switched off, and she could hear him pad over. 
“Ready?” he asks as he gets down beside her. She takes a breath.
”No?” She turns to him. “What should I…?”
”Try not to bite me.” Donna’s mouth twitches up for a brief moment.
”No promises.”
The Doctor puts his other hand over hers again, but his fingers rest on her chin first. His touch is very light, very still, waiting to see how she reacts. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips. They feel chapped. He waits a moment before moving, lifting his fingers to place two of them against her bottom lip this time. 
“Should I stick my tongue out again?” she asks. It’s strange to speak with him touching her lip. The pressure of his fingers doesn’t impede her at all, but it is… there. His fingers bump her upper lip at certain sounds. They stay where they were when she’s finished until he answers. 
“That would make it easier.” Donna goes to lick her lips again without thinking, but  when she bumps a finger, she sucks her tongue right back into her mouth, slightly mortified. And then she snorts another almost-laugh because she has no idea what else she can do with the feeling. The Doctor smiles. He draws his fingers back to let her open her mouth.
She tries to keep her cool. The Doctor’s finger barely brushes her tongue, and… she bites him. And her tongue. Not hard enough to hurt, but they both hiss in surprise. The Doctor retreats, and she can see the pale indent of her own teeth on the top of his index finger.
“It’s fine. Again?” She nods. This time, the Doctor lifts his other hand and places two fingers at the edge of her mouth, firm against her lower canine and lip and holding them open. She breathes, trying to relax. She doesn’t do a very good job of it. This time, when she feels his finger touch her tongue, she doesn’t bite down. Couldn’t now if she tried, but she’s proud of herself for keeping that reflex under control.
Having his finger in her mouth is… odd. He delves in with purpose. She can feel the pad of his finger slide back along her tongue as his knuckles rub against her teeth. She can hear herself breathing around it. 
He still goes slow, and so it doesn’t feel like an intrusion as much as it does an exploration she’s submitted to. Minute movements of her tongue feel amplified when they rub against his finger. A moment later and his nail bumps up against her soft palate. His eyes narrow and his finger slides deeper until Donna feels the urge to swallow around it.
”Hm.” He frowns. She did warn him. “You don’t have a very strong gag reflex.” 
She tries to respond and resorts to making an insulted noise in the back of her throat when she can’t. 
“I can still trigger it. Give me a minute.” She makes a questioning noise as his finger withdraws. He keeps her mouth open with his other hand. His thumb rests along her jaw, grounding her. Gently, he inserts his middle finger next to his index the second time he goes probing in her mouth. She grunts in discomfort.
She wonders if she should close her eyes. She would, except that whenever she tenses or makes a sound, his gaze jumps up to meet hers. It’s comforting to know that they’re stuck in this strangeness together. 
Breathing around two fingers feels more difficult. They squish against her tongue as they push back to her throat. Sensation becomes less sure the further back they are, until she can mostly feel a pressure that makes her want to pull away. She clenches the bottom of her dress up in her fists to keep still. The Doctor’s knuckles bump her teeth as he probes around in her throat.
It starts as a tingling sensation. Donna frowns. The Doctor pushes somewhere uncomfortable, and she makes an involuntary noise, her eyes welling up. He looks up to her again, and his sure expression is the only thing that keeps her calm. 
He withdraws a little. “Breathe,” he says, and Donna does, once, before he orders, “and stop.”
The constant sound of her own breathing freezes at his word. He pushes his fingers back in. 
Donna feels an awful choking sensation, her throat convulsing around some obstruction, and then a wave of nausea has her grabbing at the Doctor’s hand. He yanks his fingers out quickly as she bows forward over the toilet and throws up. Her throat burns. 
Donna sucks in a breath when it’s over. It hurts. Her mouth feels sour and disgusting. She blinks to see what mess she’s made, but aside from a splatter that she cringes from on the toilet’s side, she got the rest of it where it was supposed to go. 
She inhales again. Her eyes are watery. 
The Doctor is holding her hair. She only realizes that as she comes back to herself, but he’s got it all in his hand, the other on her shoulder holding her still. He lets go, smoothing her hair down back into place. Donna shuts her eyes to feel it better.
”Tell me it’s over,” she mutters. The Doctor doesn’t say anything. She forces her eyes open, unformed tears blurring her vision. “Doctor. Please.”
”Just one more time. I promise.” Donna makes a face, squeezing her eyes shut. She spits into the toilet, but that does very little to get rid of the sour taste flooding her mouth. 
“That better not be the hand that was in my mouth,” she mumbles. The Doctor stops touching her hair, and she regrets calling attention to it. She forces herself to sit up straight again and opens her mouth. She feels disgusting.
The Doctor touches her cheek this time before he secures her mouth open with his fingers. He doesn’t even look grossed out about touching her after she’s thrown up. 
He uses two fingers from the start this time. Donna’s jaw aches slightly. The Doctor’s fingers taste marginally better than the inside of her own mouth right now, and that’s some kind of relief. She’s never had cause to think about it before, but he tastes like… Well, he just tastes like some bloke. How fingers are supposed to taste, like skin and the salt of sweat. Not unpleasant, not enjoyable, and not alien at all. 
“Hold your breath,” he says. This time, she can brace herself as each sensation comes. The growing pressure of his fingers touching things he shouldn’t. The catch in her throat. The spasms. He pulls his fingers away. This time, when she lurches forward, she can feel the way the Doctor catches her shoulders on the way, helping her get everything into the toilet. He’s got ahold of her hair a second later, keeping it out of her way as her stomach’s contents are dragged out of her. 
Tears streak down her cheeks this time. She sniffs, and even the inside of her nose feels like it’s burning this time. She swallows, a mistake that makes her gag again, and then spits up bile from the back of her throat. 
“That’s it,” the Doctor is saying. He’s rubbing her back. It’s the only good thing she can feel right now. “It’s over. You’re safe.” She feels his lips press to her temple as she gasps in air, and then his own relieved exhale. “You’re safe.” 
Donna groans miserably.
The Doctor only moves a little to flush the toilet for her. She slumps into him, and he wraps an arm around her, resting his head atop hers.
“Never eating alien food again,” she mutters. “From now on, you’re bringing me back to Earth, and we’re ordering take-out.” 
“What about that little place on Muscolane?” he asks.
”…One exception for Muscolane.” Leaning against him like this, she can feel his chuckle as well as hear it.
He helps her to her feet. She wipes at her eyes and her nose as he brings her over to the sink. She doesn’t even bother to question it when he picks up a towel to wash her face off with. Donna stands perfectly still for him as he brushes it over her mouth and chin. She balks a little more at him picking a small paper cup from a dispenser and filling it before holding it for her to drink from. There’s something so tremendously earnest about him doing it that she allows it anyway. She sips slowly, fills her mouth and swirls it around, and then spits it into the sink as the Doctor refills the cup again. 
She takes it from him this time and drinks it at her own pace. He starts washing his hands, and her gaze darts down to his sleeve and a very conspicuous stain on it. She should feel embarrassed about that, but she’s too worn out for it. Besides, he knew what he was getting into. 
Someone rudely bangs on the door the Doctor locked. Or broke. Those words usually mean the same thing with him. The Doctor sneaks a glance at her, and when the pounding comes again, followed by demands to be let in, they both have to choke down giggles.  
“Back to the TARDIS?” he asks.
To answer, she takes his hand.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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As a person who also likes Robin a lot and likes TT03, I really like a lot of your takes on the characters.
Speaking of which, do you ship/support Robstar?
and as for ur question, yes! i do ship robstar!
i think they’re a really cute and sweet couple, and i’m so happy that they’re 100% canon!!!! a lot of times, if a couple does become official, it doesn’t rlly go beyond the surface of “girl likes boy, boy thinks girl is pretty” BUT THATS NOT THEM‼️
teen titans did a really good job of developing their relationship over the course of the show, which is also impressive because it’s not entirely story-driven. yes, every season has an arc that it builds up to, but not every episode in that season is made for that arc. and yes, there is a greater story being built over the course of the seasons— but it’s not the same kind of story where it’s all leading up to defeating one single big bad. in ATLA, for example, it’s very story-driven, and each episode is connected to each other as they inch closer to their goal of defeating the Fire Lord.
but teen titans doesn’t do that. instead, every episode, even the season-arc related ones, are focused on developing the characters and sometimes their dynamics with each other.
over the course of the seasons, no matter who the big villain was, robin and starfire’s relationship grew. not only that, but they themselves grew, which is another awesome thing that the show did to make these feel like real people with a real relationship.
i know that the other big ship for robin is with raven, but tbh i really don’t like it. a lot of people care about the ship a lot so i don’t mean to sound rude, but imo, that’s just not their dynamic. to me, robin and raven are 100% sibling coded.
it’s true that they grow to be very close with each other, and as the show goes on, they’re shown to care for each other a lot— but it’s not the kind of love that robin and star have. i think my biggest point towards them being siblings is in The End, when robin goes to basically-hell to save raven. when he finds her, she’s physically and mentally younger, and doesn’t even recognize him at first. robin does approach her as her friend, but also treats her as one would with a real child. even when she remembers him, he doesn’t change his behavior with her. i really do think he sees her as his younger sister.
i know that normally they are very close in age, and have similar levels of maturity. but lemme tell u something. i have a younger brother, and we’re very similar to each other. i mean ok his interests r a bit different (he was on a wrestling team during hs while i sat on my computer and studied the tt wiki (which is amazing u should go look at it if u haven’t)). but other than the parts that make us unique (and the fact we aren’t related to each other at all), i often find myself forgetting that he’s younger than me. until we’re sitting in the backseat of our older brother’s car after a long day of walking, and he starts to fall asleep. and he falls to my side. and suddenly my brain starts running a mile a minute, as i realize that because we’re so close he isn’t afraid to sleep beside me. and ok yes this absolutely the brainrot talking but i believe this is how robin was feeling when raven trusted him to save her, to defeat her father— to protect her. of course robin is better trained and therefore didn’t freeze up like i did but whatever!
as a sidenote, i wanna say that while i do ship robstar 100%, i also ship robx :3 (and before u or anyone else that may see this says something like “wait but isn’t the new red x Jason Todd???” i’m just gonna tell u that he isn’t. i don’t wanna talk about it rn but believe me that i do have evidence i am just tired lol)
shipping stuff on the side is really fun, and i personally love robx so so much!!! do i think that they should be canon? no not really. i think it’s a fun little ship that gets to exist in our hearts (and in my phone wallpaper). red x is bisexual btw. i know this because i paid attention
anyway sorry if any of this didn’t make sense or whatever, i was gonna go to sleep (coincidentally after watching several tt episodes) when i saw ur ask and i had to reply immediately. it is 3 am now i am eepy… but also i wanna say that ive seen ur reblogs on my posts and they made me very happy so thank u very much!!!!!!! when i got the first notif i sent my friend very excited keyboard smashes (they also like tt and theyre the person that i usually talk to about it, like the cyrob parallels i noticed)
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spnshortcake · 1 year
Forbidden Skies.
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Topgun Maverick fanfic.
Chapter one
Pairings: Jake “hangman” Seresin x y/n Female!Pilot “Stinger” callsign.
Summary: hangman and y/n really hated each other but , secretly wants to fuck each-other. Two hardass, cocky pilots. What will happen when they go on a mission? Will it make feelings come to the surface or will history continue to repeat itself.
Chapter Two
🚫 18+ MINORS DNI 🚫
“Hi y/n how is your training going?” Your mom asks as she smiles while your dad gets into the frame of the computer screen. “Hi sweetie how is flying going” he asks.
“It’s going good my squad is actually a family. We have a mission coming up in a few months so we are always training. How are you two? Did you get my Mother’s Day gift? I sent it a few days before.” I love getting to see my family. They are all the way back in Texas, where I am from. I’m here in California for duty for Top Gun. I am a Lieutenant in the U.S Navy. Practically one of the best pilots in the buiz. I have one confirmed kill under my wings.
“Yes sweetie the necklace and flowers you sent came actually on the day of Mother’s Day. You made my day special even if you are one thousand miles away.” I hate not being there for most of the holidays but, they support me fully in the navy. They love my career.
“That’s good mom. I am glad I got to send you something.” I smile at them. Being away from them and being the only daughter it sucks but , got to do what you got to do.
“Now tell me about your squad you said they are actually like family.” Dad asks. He finally is starting to get gray haired.
“Well there is rooster, Bob, fanboy, coyote, ohama, halo , Fritz, Yale, Harvard, payback, Phoenix and bagman. Those aren’t their real names it’s their callsigns it’s easier to talk to them using callsigns. They are all part of this new mission we are doing. Our captain , Maverick we are training for this “off the wall” mission.” I explain as I use quotations in the hair with my hands.
“Bagman? What kind of callsign is that all the others sound tough.” I chuckle as my mom asks me confused.
“Well his callsign is actually hangman but we all joke and call him bagman cause he is a serious dickhead.”
“Oh so he ruffles your feathers.” My mom looks at me as she sips her wine. Man when that women gets a taste of red wine she never thinks before saying whatever is on her mind. You roll your eyes.
“Definitely not mother.” I say as her and dad exchanged a look between the two. How could hangman ever “ruffle” your feathers as she puts it. Makes you rather gag as you are thinking about it. You have been single for a while now trying to focus on your career in the Navy. While your parents want you to be popping out grandkids. Something they say is “they won’t be getting any younger if you wait to long they won’t have any grandparents alive.” I mean you would love to settle down and have children with your future husband but after fuck face did what he did when you was going to basic training to go into the navy you swore you would just focus on your training and forget about him.
“Sweetie how long has it been? 4 years.” Your mom finally spoke up making you focus back on her and not on your spiraling brain.
“Congratulations New navy graduates. May you look at this day as a new life. Make everything count. Your adventure has just begun and I belive your future is bright. May God bless the U.S Navy.” Admiral Simpson spoke as we all graduated and became Navy sailors. I made my way to my family and everyone is there except the one I wanted to be there the most. “My fiancé” Jackson. We have been together for such a while now probably three and Half years. He proposed to me the weekend before I shipped out for Basic. He knew how much this meant to me. I looked at my mom and dad disappointed.
“Where is Jackson. He said he would be here.” I asked looking around obviously not seeing him.
“He said he had to work today and he couldn’t get off.” I nod as my mom hands me my phone and I turn it on to a bunch of texts and calls congratulating me on graduating mom tagged me a post. She is always posting. She loves social media more than me. But the one thing that still bothered me as Jackson has yet to text me or even call. I press his contact and it goes straight to voicemail. Maybe his phone is off. I end up going to dinner with my parents and going back to the hotel where they have a room and I look at me in my service dress white uniform. I can’t believe I’m in the military I have worked my ass off for this.
“He still hasn’t called?” My dad looked at me.
“No it’s not like him, in Texas he should be off work by now.”
I look at my caller ID and it’s my best friend Rachel. “Omg look how hot you are!!! Congratulations y/n”. She screams at me. I chuckle. She is always been literally in my back corner and never lets me down.
“Hi girl and right back at you. Thank you” I say.
“Y/n I am flying out right now , I’m in the airport I had a layover. But before I get on the plane I had to call you because..” she seems nervous.
“Because what Rach tell me what is going on? Are you okay.”
“I’m fine girl it’s Jackson..”
“ what. What’s wrong I tried calling it went to voicemail is everything okay?” I sit on the end of the hotel bed.
“Yes everything is okay well no it’s not y/n I don’t know how to say this.” She looks around nervously
“Rach I swear to god if you don’t spit out I’ll beat you when you land.” I say to her. My mind is going to the worst thing possible.
“He was at the airport with another girl. They where headed to Jamaica. Looked like they had a kid with them.”
My heart instantly stopped. What? Jamaica. Another girl?? A kid? Couldn’t be Jackson.
“Rachel, it couldn’t be him are you sure.” I questioned as I look up at my parents my mom has a sad face expression holding her heart.
I look at the picture in disgust and disbelief. It was him and the girl. How could he do this and lie to my parents after everything. I look at my ring and I rip it off throwing it at the wall.
“I am so sorry y/n I’ll be there as soon as I can. Let’s get drunk with your mom and give the rest of the day for you. This couldn’t sit well with me and I just had to tell you before boarding. Girl you know I truly am sorry but he had a big forehead anyways and now you are such a bad ass and can get anything you want.” She smiles at me.
“Rachel I just can’t believe he could do something like this. I was gonna marry him.”
“Maybe you need someone to ruffle your feathers.” Your dad commented getting you back to reality.
“Dad mom I’m on a mission and besides I am so focused on training to figure who would be ruffling my feathers at night. “
Phoenix: 🍺 🍺 🎯 ??
“Well mom and dad I love y’all my friend is asking me to go out with them tonight so I’ll talk to y’all soon. Bye”
You finally make your way to the hard deck and already see everyone inside at the pool table. You don’t see Jake yet so that’s a good sign he might just not be here.
“We’ll look who we have here. Stinger finally came out for once” hangman says behind you. You groan as you turn around to see those green eyes you loathe so much. You can practically smell the arrogance on him.
“Bite me bagman I do come out just not when your here.” You smirk and walk to the door but he stops you from opening it and he holds the door for you.
“After you darlin, and don’t tempt me with a good time I will definitely bite you.” He says
I walk in and make my way to the bar and penny pops open two Budweisers putting them on the bar top.
“I got the first round sting.” Jake says as he pays for them.
“I didn’t ask you to.” I put the beer up to my lips drinking the cold beer.
“STINGER! Your here. There is just too much testosterone in this damn bar tonight.” Natasha says pulling you tit he pool table where Bob and rooster are playing.
You look around and you find the back of a blonde hair man, Jake, walking toward the jukebox finding a song to play. Man the back muscles on that man— I shake my head and turn back to the group of people talking about how rooster just kicked bobs ass in pool.
I can’t be thinking of Jake that way. He is to arrogant and just exactly like me. I couldn’t possibly be thinking of him like that.
“That’s 3 games in a row Bob how are you so bad at pool.” Rooster laughs bringing his bottle of beer to his mouth. Rooster is like a brother I never had. Having no siblings makes you look at your squadron as your real blood brothers and sisters and you would do anything for. Now for Jake he is like a annoying cousin fair down the family tree that you just can’t flick away. Something about him just makes your skin crawl.
“Maybe y/n and I should play.” Hangman says making his way back to his seat.
“Oh so you can get your ass beat on the ground as you do in the sky.” I say to him smirking as I drink my beer earning a laugh from the rest of the group.
“Now sweetheart we all know who gets beat in the sky and it’s not me.” He brings his bottom lip inbetween his teeth biting on it siping his beer.
“Names not sweetheart bagman you should know that by now.”
“Can you both stop arguing like a old married couple.” Rooster finally speaks up.
These next few weeks are gonna be the worst cause of him. He just always knows how to get under my skin.
Hi lovely! This is my first series so please if you have any feedback please let me know! My requests are open and you can find my Masterlist here. I don’t have a posting schedule so please just bare with me. I’ll post and write when I can. If you enjoy this first chapter please reblog and comment it helps with engagement.
Over and out ,
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ambiguouspuzuma · 1 year
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They didn't leave us enough time. It feels ridiculous to admit it, but we really thought the end of the world would come more slowly, or with more warning in advance. A meteor tumbling carelessly through space, its progress tracked a million miles away. The eruption of one of our own supervolcanoes, its bowels having been monitored for centuries. Even nuclear desolation would surely have come with some degree of political posturing first.
It came as spores. A smothering smog of space-dust, each particle too small for our scanners to detect, the total miasma too vast to escape. The mists were upon us before we knew it, drifting across the solar system like the tendrils of some toxic jellyfish, and their arrival caught us entirely unprepared. By then, it was too late to do anything but flee. In truth, it was too late for that as well.
We evacuated what we could, and launched those vessels that we had available. There was no time to build more: with warning, we could have constructed a refugee navy to seek asylum amongst the stars, a colossal ark of humanity, seeking a new Ararat upon some distant rocky sphere. We could have left in time to get clear, to change course, to lose the stormclouds to our stern, to sail onto horizons new.
There was no escape for those who fled the fog with only months left to spare. The spores were faster than our ships: we couldn't outpace them, only raise our shields, institute lockdown between vessels, and do our best to keep them out. We could only watch as they consumed Earth in our wake, and then hang endlessly adrift, their poison clinging to our hulls, awaiting our salvation.
We conserved our limited reserves of fuel, as if expecting they might fill a future need, but if so I couldn't name it. The engines had been primed to allow us to change our course, to enter the orbit of our destination, but that was no longer a possibility: we could not, would not be the vector to further spread this poison, but nor had we been given the choice. We'd passed potential targets for settlement, dwarf planets and giant moons, but all were tainted before we could reach them. The spores were ahead of us now. We were merely one cloud in their galactic storm.
It had been a failure of priorities. We had invested in weaponry, our ships equipped with radioactive rays and laser beams, prepared to ward off an alien host - but not focused enough on speed. In the case of fight or flight, we hadn't expected the latter to be an option - for a whole planet to need to flee, for that to be the better choice. But here was a problem we couldn't blast our way out of. Here was an enemy we could only have tried to escape, and all of those guns only served to weigh us down. If only we could go back in time, and make those choices differently.
"Ready the lasers," I called, struck suddenly with an idea.
"It does nothing to stop them," the second-mate replied, as if we hadn't all seen those initial, pathetic attempts. "Like a bolt of lightning through a cloud."
"Ready them still," I said. "We can't stop them, I know. But think of the number of lifeless planets which would have been consumed in this way, and the number of unsuspecting worlds that lie in this storm's path. We can't stop it happening to us, but we can try to stop this happening again."
We had looked ahead, when there was still a chance of seeking refuge, and found no welcoming planets in sight - but then we had realised that we were actually looking behind, into the distant past. Telescopes from distant civilisations might likewise train themselves on Earth and see no signs of life, receiving images from long before it became habitable. Who knew how the other barren rocks might have developed in that time? Waiting on the sluggish rays of their alien suns, who knew what they might look like now?
"What would you have us do?"
"We have to leave a warning. Deface the Earth, carved like a pumpkin into a pictograms, depicting what has happened to us. The nature of this threat. The spores travel fast, but not faster than light. If there is a future civilisation out there, looking back at us, they should see it before their turn arrives. They might have, or develop, the technology to do something about it. To save the universe, before it's all too late."
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WLC 2023 Spring Fic Exchange Works
Hi! We in the Whumplovers Collaborate server have been having fun writing gifts for each other in this recent exchange
We present to you the Whumperful products of our hard work, with fics in fandoms across the board, and some OC works too (:
Careful What You Cast For by FoofsterRoonie @foofsterroonie
Fandom: Supernatural
Sam finds himself on the search for a cure after casting a spell with unintended side effects, Dean ends up taking care of his little brother.
Fate/Design, two faces of one coin by ProdBionic @prodbionic
Fandom: Supernatural
Dean had been acting off lately and Sam was out of tricks. The recent bout of nightmares that had overrun Dean's sleep –Sam's sleep as well because that was bound to happen when his brother would wake up shouting next to him– must've been triggered by the apocalypse creeping up on them and all it entailed. Memories of Hell, Sam presumed.
A regular hunt was Sam's fix to the situation. It was supposed to take Dean's mind off of it.
Of course, when had anything ever been that straightforward, or easy? In this case, nothing was what it looked like..
Baseline by shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod
Fandom: Captain America, MCU
In which torture and a thirty-mile long trek back to the front lines landed Bucky in the field hospital. Lucky for him, Steve was the second-best mother hen out there, not that Bucky would tell him that, or admit to being one himself when the going got rough. He was a sergeant, after all. Looking after his men, which now included Steve, was part of the job description.
Fallout by contumeliouscorvid @contumeliouscorvid
Fandom: Daredevil
Lying had become something he was at ease with.
Tag to Rabbit in a Snowstorm.
Hollow by shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod 
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Soot-stained and debris-covered chunks of white and blue plastoid stick out from the rubble. The wreck of the Tribunal is a mangled mess of a graveyard and Rex's brothers will forever be its only occupants.
Eventually, he feels Ahsoka put a gentle hand on his uninjured shoulder. “I can’t leave them like this,” Rex says quietly. They have time now, he thinks, to do it right for both the first and last time. They’ll make the time, if they have to, on this unknown moon, to ensure that their men can rest as they deserve.
Soon by MnM_ov_doom @mnmovdoom
Fandom: Star Wars, The Bad Batch
Seeing Rex like this was disturbing. One moment he had been pacing around in the cockpit of the ship, looking exhausted and unwell, summarising the intel he had studied for the past couple of days and maybe this time he could find a way to hack into an Imperial database and look up Cody’s CC number and-
The next moment Rex had stopped, staggered, and collapsed.
For You by User_needs_a_Username
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward goes in to give his report while Alphonse goes to pick Winry up from the train station. But it turns out something is happening in the Colonel’s office, and it involves a stranger and a gun.
an unlikely savior by Rookblonkorules 
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
When Roy is injured and bleeding out, the person he least expects is the one who comes to his aid.
one lone crow doesn’t make a murder by crowsinflight, crowsinflight (goldenzingy46) @goldenzingy46butwriteblr
Fandom: Six of Crows series
Kaz has been building up his persona as a monster, a demon, for a while. The past has a way of catching up.
Or: the fic where a religious zealot believes that Kaz is actually a demon and then tries to do something about that. Gratuitous whump.
If only by Kaufmann @kaufmann-6
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
"They're going to kill me, Ben" Klaus whispered, his voice full of fear, and Ben shook his head.
"It'll be okay, Klaus" Ben felt like he was lying to Klaus and himself, but the least he owed his brother were a few words of comfort.
An AU in which Patch didn't notice Five's van across the street and Cha-Cha got tired of waiting. Angst follows.
Finding Home by Siegrrun
Fandom: Stranger Things
Steve didn't know what to do. He didn't know where to go. He should've seen this coming, prepared for the possibility. But, really, how can you prepare for your parents kicking you out?
Or, Steve's parents kick him out. He finds a new home.
Don’t Worry, Little Wing by SuperSilverSpy
Fandom: Batman
Suiting up, he put his comm in and swung out the window. “Oracle? What happened to Robin?”
“He snuck out of the manor three hours ago. We can’t find him.”
OR Dick heads to Gotham to look for a missing Jason Featuring hurt!Jason
Lights will guide you home by vel (pineapple_vel) @thaliaisalesbian
Fandom: Percy Jackson
You know how sometimes you think a bad day can't get any worse, and then it somehow does? Percy and Annabeth were trying to make a bad day better, only for it all to go wrong.
malice by Corrosion
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears Of The Kingdom  
Link may not have his memories from a hundred years ago, but he's certain that whatever caused his current predicament hadn't existed back then. He wouldn't have survived.
How Pretty He Screams by ProfessorWorm 
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Everyone thinks Sherlock is dead. Sherlock wishes he was. John decides to live out his fantasies on his former friend. Moriarty has a confusing time.
When the Shift Ends by 99percentsure
Fandom: Emergency! (TV 1972), Adam-12  
How was Roy DeSoto to know his heading for a day off was gonna take such a nasty turn The Poles of Persephone-11 by The_Walking_Pie @the-walking-pie
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Following a shuttle crash at the pole of an unknown planet, McCoy and Chekov are the only survivors. Together, they must survive an arctic wilderness in order to reunite with the Enterprise.
A Stitch in Time by The_Walking_Pie  @the-walking-pie
Fandom: American Assassin
Mitch takes a bullet for Hurley. The man has a few words to say about that.
For the True King by The_Walking_Pie @the-walking-pie
Fandom: Original Work
The duty of any prisoner is to escape. Unfortunately, Gideon just happens to get caught in the process.
Detangling by the_diving_fox
Fandom: Original Work
Spinner is a space explorer who's been held hostage and mind-controlled for six months. Now, aboard a different ship and with his best friend, he must begin to deal with what happened to him.
Whiplash by Biarritz
Fandom: Original Work
Even the best have to let their guard down sooner or later. Being a Courier is dangerous; shopping isn't supposed to be.
The Traitor of Murland by NicolePascaline
Fandom: Original Work
Florence thought that King Percy was dead, but he's here to take back the throne and make the traitor pay for his treachery
The Chosen Hero by KnightlyCross 
Fandom: Original Work
The church couldn't stop the scientist since they had no evidence of malign actions. But after a young girl came bearing a prophecy, a hero to take down this scientist was chosen. At least that’s what The Church says.
This Cage Built For Two by Anonymous 
Fandom: Original Work
Ren’s luck has never been that great to begin with, but transmigrating into an otome game where he unexpectedly keeps dying? That’s got to be a new low.
Stay tuned for the next exchange! (Signups will open soon)
Only server members can participate so now’s the time to join us (:
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