writermuses · 2 years
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marimelwrites · 3 years
Closed Starter: @hernameiswritinwater​ Plot: Tiberius sees a familiar face from his past, someone he thought he might not ever see again.
As was normal routine for him, Tiberius stopped for his usual coffee from his favorite cafe, thinking that it was going to be another normal free day. Ty had a book in hand as he ordered and paid for his coffee, thanking the crew before turning around to sip on it as he headed out of the door. Another patron was entering, and he held the door open long enough for them to go through safely, and then he spun around to walk in the direction of a park when he very nearly ran into a woman. By some stroke of luck, he managed to dodge back, and keep his coffee from spilling all over her as well. “I’m so sorr-”
Ty’s gaze landed on the woman he had almost collided with, and his words died on his lips. The memory of her had never left him, he could still recall the last time he saw her, but at this moment he froze seeing her. “Adele?” He asked with shock in his tone. It had been years since he’d last seen her, so many years, and when he saw her last he had been a completely different person. There was a whole mix of emotions hitting him at once between shock, wonder, happiness, nervousness, and all these old feelings that also rushed in as if they hadn’t had all those years apart.
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writermuses · 6 months
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The truth was that Lachlan should’ve been miserable this Christmas or if he’d been luckier he’d have been ecstatic and spending his Christmas on a beach in Australia with his family… a different family. He wasn’t miserable and he was spending the holiday with his family. There was something perfect in laying on the cool floor of Adele’s small apartment making kissy sounds at Evie until she gave him her perfect drool covered kisses. The only way he could describe how he felt for Adele or Evie (or Tiny and Teeny, respectively) was an immediate irrevocable adoration. If Christmas was about being with the ones you love he’d certainly felt like he’d made the right choice in spending it with them- even if he couldn’t use the “L” word yet.
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writermuses · 1 year
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writermuses · 1 year
💭, 🏠, ☁️ - TK
From this meme
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writermuses · 1 year
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writermuses · 1 year
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writermuses · 1 year
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writermuses · 1 year
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writermuses · 1 year
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writermuses · 2 years
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writermuses · 2 years
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writermuses · 2 years
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writermuses · 2 years
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writermuses · 3 months
Do you have favourite blogs?
Do you have favourite ships?
Have you ever cried because of a thread?
From this ask meme
Whenever people tell me they want more people to write with I'm always like *gestures to everyone I write with* but I do have a favorite, my sister @marimelwrites and she's been hella busy IRL but she always comes back. I wouldn't be writing at all if she hadn't told me about this hellsite.
I do, but mostly that's because the muns have invested in creating obscene amounts of history with the ship. A better question would be to ask what my favorite ship is with each writing partner. At the moment, the ones that my muses are always stupid eager to skip the reply line on are (which doesn't even mean anything about my absolute love of all the other ships... I'm a ship whore):
Mark x Tink @velvetrogue
Duke x Finley @erstwhles
War x Carina @marimelwrites
Yes, but it's been a long time since anything on this blog has done that to me, I think? It's always @hernameiswritinwater fault and I'm forever trying to convince her to come back. Anyways, fun story, back in the "olden days" when I ran a very large RP group and had annual AU weeks, I did an apocalypse week in the vein of TWD and killed off Aurélie's muse in a horrific way. It was so fun but I cried because I made other people cry 😂 I'm not a very visibly emotional person, but I don't know how to take a compliment and I was really proud of that thread... I was also very sleep deprived because AU weeks were like a marathon of writing, graphic making, death brackets... a whole thing.
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writermuses · 1 year
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