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cyndraws · 1 year ago
Transmigrator Kaito au ship?
Check out more in the #transmigrator kaito au tag!
I've been deciding between ShinKai: Kaito is the ultimate Shin fanboy. Shinichi keeps getting Very Confused throughout the story. Thinks he's trying to win Ran's heart. But Ran and Shin have more of a sibling relationship here.
and ShinRan: They're adopting Kai into their relationship cause he's being too cute for both of them HAHAHAHAH. Cause Kai keeps trying to rizz up Ran to help Shinichi during his Conan predicament. And Shinichi is annoyed and keeps complaining to Ran, but she's laughing so hard.
And honestly, Kai's like no.1 ShinRan fan. That's why he has these two in his playlist~
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I'm ngl to everyone, these results may or may not sway my decision. But I'm curious on what people would love to see / are more excited by.
It's not really a serious poll that will change this entire au or anything hahahaha
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uro-9000 · 1 year ago
America's only god should be Shinrankai!
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Ran: I know you and Shinichi snuck out last night, Kaito.
Shinichi, mouthing from behind Ran: Play dumb!
Kaito: ....Who's Kaito?
Shinichi: Not that dumb!
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newsintheshell · 6 years ago
Annunciato un film d’animazione ispirato a “Tannishou wo Hiraku”
La pellicola prosegue nell’esplorare la filosofia buddista secondo la visione di Kentetsu Takamori.
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Aperto un sito web, svelando la produzione di un film d’animazione ispirato al testo buddista “Tannishou wo Hiraku” di Kentetsu Takamori. La pellicola approderà nelle sale giapponesi il 24 maggio di quest’anno e proseguirà nell’esplorare la filosofia buddista secondo la visione dell’autore, portata per la prima volta al cinema con il precedente lungometraggio “Naze Ikiru: Rennyo Shounin to Yoshizaki Enjou”, prodotto da Studio Deen e uscito in Giappone nel maggio del 2016.
Il libro di riferimento, pubblicato nel 2008, si basa sul Tannishou, un testo redatto fra il 1185 e il 1333, e segue i viaggi del monaco Shinran e del giovane discepolo Yuien, illustrandone le esperienze e gli insegnamenti. Shinran sarà interpretato da Kouji Ishizaki, mentre Yuien avrà la voce di Toshiki Masuda.
Takamori è il presidente della Jodoshinshu Shinran-kai, un’associazione religiosa atta a diffondere gli insegnamenti del monaco Shinran, considerato il fondatore della scuola buddista Jōdo Shin, una delle più diffuse e praticate in Giappone.
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borioli · 7 years ago
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Grupo de estudo sobre o Budismo. Turma de Aracaju-SE... (em Seita Jodo Shinshu Shinrankai do Brasil)
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Shinichi: It’s dark in here.
Ran: Don’t worry, I got this.
Ran: [stomps on her light-up Sketchers]
Kaito: Okay, I love her.
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Ran, to Kaito: Those pants look great!
Kaito: Why, Thank you.
Sonoko: I bet they'd look even better on Ran's and Shinichi's bedroom floor.
Ran: [flushes]
Shinichi: A-are you hitting on Kaito for us?
Sonoko: [sips drink innocently]
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Kaito: We made couple bracelets!
Shinichi: Ah, you know, I’m not really a jewelry person.
Ran: Well... you don’t have to wear it.
Shinichi: No, I’m gonna wear it forever, back off!
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