gnosticreign-a · 2 years
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@shiningviatrix​ asked: * are people born wicked, or do they have wickedness thrust upon them? * (for Zhongli? or Yae?)
from the great archive blog askbox purge
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"my, what sort of novels have you been reading to pique that question? but perhaps you already know the answer, and simply wish to see my view of it?” the kitsune gave a light giggle, lowering the draft that she had been reading in order to gaze at the traveler. “no-one is born wicked, but made as such. the environment in which they are raised, the actions that others take against them, those things are what make a person wicked.”
miko then gestured to the draft in her hand. “for example, you are not simply born a great writer, are you? even those with a knack for it will have to be taught how to write well. this draft is from one of our more consistent authors, and they have been with us for several years. their very first novel’s very first draft had quite the potential, but it took time for us to work with them in order to hone that draft into the best-seller that it is today.”
opening the draft, she turned to one of the earlier pages, where she had circled a paragraph and underlined some words. “see, look here.” pointing at each correction, she continued. “these imperfections don’t simply mean they are a bad writer, do they? no, it just means that we have a bit of work to do in order to make it better. even those who are wicked may simply need a better position, a helping hand to better themselves.”
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risingsol · 2 years
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One Word Prompts / Not Accepting nightmare :   my  muse  coming  to  your  muses  aid  when  they  awake  from  a  nightmare. (you get a soft and then a pain :3)
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It was the only word that could form in his thoughts as warmth seemed to spread over stiff fingers, chill set within into his limbs that seemed to run all the way down to his bones. Breaths felt caught in his chest, a knot that had been pulling tighter and tighter until staying conscious felt like suffocating - felt like a vice squeezing around his chest until his lungs emptied. Yet he was breathing all the same, mind running at a million miles an hour and at a stand still at the same time. 
They would always have time together, she had said in a domain lost to the swirling depths of darkness- and he had remembered running, hand outstretched and calves screaming in protest in a desperate attempt to reach her, all for it to end in naught. 
All for it to end in naught. 
Her eyes that day had looked like barren gold, devoid of the emotion that had stayed by his side through worlds and universes; yet they were emptier now, the last flash of warmth in them barely just a moment ago. The warmth that was currently fading from her frame, onto his hands, onto his arms, along his blade - what had he done? What had he...
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--Amber hues snap open with a start, sound of his heartbeat echoing too loudly in his ears even as he recognizes his name hanging on her tongue - rational thought leaving him as his arms wrap tight around her frame, her still present, warm and alive frame. Although his mind doesn’t remember what just came to pass in his nightmare, something in him screamed to keep her there, to cherish her presence when he still could. 
It takes a long moment before his shaking (when did he start shaking? that was a question he didn’t want to find an answer) stopped making his teeth chatter, next inhale no longer feeling like it was just a tether to reality. His laugh was a little raspy, throat a little dry as he sought to continue like normal.
“...sorry, gave you a bit of a scare there, huh? Uh, I’ll be fine - just, you said you wanted to start getting ready to travel to the next world, right?” 
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solidifaith · 2 years
@shiningviatrix asked. ∗ 12﹕ sender  invites  receiver  to  dance .
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Well, he's not busy at the moment.., comes the conclusion of the consultant after a few blinks. A tacit response to the hand that hung in the air in front of him. Zhongli tries not to keep them waiting too long. Gently engulfing their fingers with his own, sooner rather than later, as lips crack into a small smile. ❝ I suppose I can indulge you. ❞
Zhongli says, guides Lumine to a shorter, much more comfortable patch of grass, then smiles. ❝, one more time. Right, friend? ❞
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
plots please! for Zhongli? Or Kaeya?
Hmm… let’s go with Zhongli on this since I don’t have anything for Kaeya.
Zhongli infodumping all about Guizhong after suffering a nightmare with Lumine nearby. Let’s her in on the trauma and the pain of moving on from his one true love… but asks himself if Guizhong is guiding him to Lumine. 🤔
Zhongli introducing his son to Lumine, really nervous that they won’t get along.
Mother fucker asking her on a date. Said date goes wrong and they’re both stuck fighting an enemy.
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rewovenfate · 2 years
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@shiningviatrix​ asked: ❛ i found this cool rock that made me think of you. ❜ (also for zhongli cause i think it's a little funny and her way of teasing him)
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"is that so? here, allow me to have a look at it.”
zhongli eased closer to them, gently lifting their hand to a point where he could better look at the rock, rather than take it himself. even at such an angle, though, he certainly seemed like he was examining it thoroughly.
when he spoke, he did so with a smile. “this looks like a rock plucked from the river in qingce village, or perhaps it has traveled a long way from its former resting place. see, you can see one side of the stone has been smoothed out with the rush of water, while this one was likely buried in the ground during the centuries.”
there was certainly a lot to say about the rock itself, but upon further thought, he couldn’t help but chuckle.
"did such a stone remind you of me, lumine?”
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cryoexorcist · 2 years
@shiningviatrix / whump
“Lumine, hang on!” They’re in the chasm, exploring. Chongyun desperately wanted to see what mysteries the chasm had to offer, but now, dangling on the edge of a very steep cliff, Chongyun is racing to find rope at the empty camp nearby to save Lumine from plunging down. “Just hang on a little longer, I’ve got you!”
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glaciescustodia · 2 years
Sentence Starters. // Accepting.
@shiningviatrix​ -  ❛come on, give me a hug.❜ (for razor?)
‘‘Hugging..?’‘, by all means, he knows what an hug consist of. It was more how of a request this was, that puzzled Razor some.
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From what he remembers, peoples that liked each others did this, sometimes its even a form of greetings or so, the librarian says. 
‘‘Hug is okay’‘, its bound to be a little awkward but if its Lumine, he doesn’t mind.
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frxst-flxke · 2 years
“ you’ve been so quiet. what’s on your mind? ”  
Question prompts - selectively accepting
" Ah , Lumine ! " Ayaka was dragged out her thoughts when she heard the soft voice of the other , a smile replacing her previously concentrated expression . " Nothing . Or rather , nothing you need to worry about , " Ayaka promised , giving Lumine an affirmative nod and allowing a soft hum to leave her lips . " I ' m okay . "
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risingsol · 2 years
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There's a gentle poke against his head, after which she speaks up, "C'mon Aether, I've gotten breakfast for us! Fresh fruit, eggs, and bacon, so hurry or I might eat some of your share~" (hello again!)
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“...were you always such a morning person?” While Aether likened himself as a morning person for the most, there was just something that really just sapped up all that energy gathered from sleep whenever he had to accept the reality of actually getting out of bed. Lumine, to her credit, wasn’t exactly yanking him out from his warm cocoon of blankets and pillows, but the concept of leaving was enough for him to groan. Blearily he opened an amber eye with the prospect of breakfast coming from her - ambivalent grunt coming from him before he finally committed. 
Besides, he couldn’t let his beloved sister go ahead and steal a bunch of food from him when he was overcoming the very difficult task of pulling away from bed, could he? 
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“Yeah yeah - ah, don’t eat all the strawberries, I’m comin’! Geez, you’re really up and at ‘em today, huh?”  
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
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@shiningviatrix​ asked: ❛ i already said i’m paying. you can buy next time, okay? ❜ (for kokomi ^^)
i’m like 99% sure this is from platonic starters | the askbox purge
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“all right, all right, but...only if you’re sure!”
as she held the cup of boba tea in her hands, kokomi couldn’t help but glance around. gorou had promised her that he would be doing all right in her absence, especially with how cooperative the tri-commission had been with the people of watatsumi, but...well, she worried nonetheless. gorou was her closest general and friend, after all.
“i don’t often go for boba tea, but sometimes i think about boba with sango pearls...but those wouldn’t taste as good, i’m sure...” a giggle escaped her. “maybe...maybe kind of...fishy!”
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
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@shiningviatrix​ asked: ❛ because i like you. because you’re my friend. ❜ (for xiao :3)
&. 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. | not accepting!
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“you shouldn’t. you have many other more...personable friends. sociable ones. i’m sure of that much.”
perhaps it was harsh, not for himself but for lumine. they were always so kind to him, after all, and it seemed they only wanted the best for him. the fact remained that he had his duties, and his duties would eventually consume him, and he would eventually have to be put down.
this was a reality he carried within himself, and yet, it was one he accepted.
“the adepti keep to themselves for many reasons, their duties being one of them. i...am similar.”
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
plots please! for thoma?
This I can do because he is a request + you’re asking for plots.
Probably asking Lumine to restrict Ayato from offering him anything and asking why he answered “the last time he brought me home something… it wasn’t pretty”.
Asking her if he can return to Mond with her for Windblume or the next festival, feeling really homesick.
Cooks for her. A good friend.
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
"plots please"! for Xiao? Maybe for his brother too?
We got Xiao and red Xiao. Alright.
I could see him being dragged along with Lumine through The Chasm similar to what we are gonna get for 2.7. But probably just there as a guide for her but shocked to see the upside down city…
I definitely could see Xiao just being a blushing and shy mess when Lumine is talking about Kazuha or Albedo so when she asks him why he’s so red he just goes “oh, no reason.”
Platonic date.
Red Xiao (unnamed/“Alatus”)
Lumine calling for Xiao but the twin appears with a sinister grin, toying with her. Teasingly says Xiao is busy when in reality he’s critically injured.
Gremlin energy. Will appear when she isn’t in danger and flirt/tease her. This I won’t mind for Xiaolumi but def heavy chem build up and discussing.
Probably asks her on a date but shows up late? Fucking gremlin.
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risingsol · 2 years
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Touch Meme / Not Accepting (Accepting somewhat selectively since it’s old) ➜ Play with mine’s hair (from lumine ^^ maybe she's braiding his hair for him)
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“I’m starting to think that you wanted me to grow this out just so you could mess around with it so often.” There was a decidedly teasing tone in his voice though, his posture more than relaxed as he simply tilted his head back to give his beloved sister full access to those golden tresses. Perhaps this was a more simple time, before the two of them had set foot into Teyvat or even the short period between stepping in and attempting to leave - regardless, bonds hadn’t been torn apart and families hadn’t been separated just yet. 
“Mmg.” He voiced his discontent with the slight pull that the brush made along the sides of his temple, frowning a bit when the fine teeth seemed to snag at some ends. “Guess I pushed it a bit far by not taking it out of the braid for a bit longer than usual, huh?” Admittedly, it was kind of easy to forget all about the needed maintenance when it was in such a secure braid most of the time - out of sight, out of mind was the saying, wasn’t it? Briefly, he entertained the notion of just cutting it off and saving on all the time needed for it, but recalling his sister’s almost vehement rejection of such made him chuckle. 
“Huh? Nothing, nothing; just remembering something, that’s all. No... I promise I’m not making fun of you - agh, hey! Don’t tug on purpose now!” Swatting at her hands playfully, he grinned. 
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“I get to pick your clips today then - I’ve gotta get my choices in somewhere!” 
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risingsol · 2 years
@shiningviatrix / Torn between trying to take a sip of everything he makes to "make sure it's not poisoned" or just lingering around his job and ordering boba teas and chatting with him for the entire time
—(under his breath, yelling in lowercase) Stop trying to sample everything! You’re like every health inspector’s worst nightmare!
at the same time…
…wanna make a bet? You think that guy who wanted a whole orange blended into his drink- rind and all- is gonna come back today?
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radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
∗ 9o﹕ sender  helps  receiver  patch  up  a  wound . (for xiao?)
“Surprised you came, ow—“ Xiao grunted, sitting hunch over on a bed with Lumine working on his back. His shirt was pulled off and coated in blood from the Yaksha, him being rough in a battle. Again. It’s almost as if he wants to challenge death everytime, being reckless. He had bandaged his arms, slowly leaning back into her touch.
“… but in a way, I am relieved you are here.” he breathed. With how close he became to the Traveler, Xiao can feel he can drop his guard quite easily with her. He brushed back black hair, sighing. “But don’t tell anyone I said that. Not even him.” Ah yes, his brother. He won’t hear the end of it for going soft, already feeling like he hears his brother’s cackling and teasing ‘Xiao’s got a girlfriend, Xiao’s got a girlfriend!’ when in reality, his bond with her on his end is pure platonic.
Trying to move a little, he accidentally kicked the polearm down and lunge to catch it, a hissing pain leaving him. “Archons—“
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