#shingo sawatari name suggestions
gluttonyedits · 1 year
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SHINGO SAWATARI // Names + Titles ☆
⭐️ Vincent - means conquering
🎭 Kendrick - means royal ruler or champion
⭐️ Sterling - means little star
🎭 Verity - means truth
⭐️ Candor - means honest and sincere
🎭 Kurtis - means refined or accomplished
⭐️ the one who duels to entertain 🎭 the arrogant princely one ⭐️ [prn] who never misses their mark 🎭 the perfect duelist ⭐️ the bragging pendulum summoner 🎭 the duelist who uses abyss actors ⭐️ [prn] who values rare cards 🎭
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
Let’s do Neo New Sawatari.
Shingo Sawatari’s Japanese name 沢渡 シンゴ.
沢渡, Sawatari is an uncommon (though not rare), but real Japanese surname, much like Hiiragi, and Sakaki. 沢, sawa, means marsh, wetland, or swamp. 渡, watari, means transit, ferry, cross, and couple of other things.
According to Japanese wikipedia, it can also mean meat from a tanuki’s leg.
The watari in Sawatari likely alludes to watari-yagura, the roofed passage present in some traditional Japanese castles.
Shingo is written in Katakana, so we have to gleam the meaning:
Of these, the most notable is one is 臣, shin, which means vassal. The “go” part likely refers to 吾, me/myself, since that is the Kanji used for Shingo from Initial D’s name, who is likely Shingo’s name’s inspiration.
In Yu-Gi-Oh!, shin almost always refers to death, or divinity, but Shin is a common repeating name in Shingo’s Decks. Let’s see:
**Yosenju Shinchu L, and R, use the Kanji, 神. Their names, 神柱, shinchu, means divine pillar. This is apparently a reference to Manchu Shamanism, though their designs are designed from the holy pillars in Shinto shrines.
**March of the Monarchs use 進撃の帝王, which contains 進撃, shingeki, Kanji. 進, means to advance, make progress, or enter. 撃, means to beat, or to attack. So, Advancing Attack of the Emperor Kings (帝王, teioh, emperor king, though actually it would be Emperor Kings of the Advancing Attack).
**Tenacity of the Monarchs use 帝王の深怨., which contains 深怨, shin’en. 深, shin here means deep, or profound. 怨, en, means grudge, resenment, or jealousy. So, Deep Grudge of the Emperor Kings.
**Domain of the True Monarchs use 真帝王領域. Here 真, shin is truth, or reality. 領域, ryouiki, means realm, occupied area, or domain. So True Emperor King Domain.
**The Prime Monarch uses the 真源の帝王. Here shin means the same. 源, gen, here means source, or fountainhead. So, Emperor King of the True Source.
 **Pantheism of the Monarchs uses the 汎神の帝王. Here, shin is the same divine Kanji, but used to mean faith. 汎, han, means pan-, or extensive. 汎神, hanshin is short of 汎神論, hanshinron means pantheism, but lacks the ron, -ism. So, it is something like Emperor Kings of the Universal Deity.
As said before, Vassals use the 臣, Kanji, which can mean vassal, or retainer.
One thing to note:  伍, meaning five, is different than 五, go, also meaning five. The first one in Chinese can mean group, ally, or military, though it is used in legal documents in Japanese:
A large character used instead of five - Refers to a large character used instead of five in documents such as contracts to prevent rewriting.
As you probably know from SMT discussions, “shin” can also mean new, and go can mean model (as in mark [something]. So Neo New Shingo Go, would be New New New Mark-5.
Shingo’s first name strongly suggests that his prime Deck was really intended to be Monarchs, as it is the case in the manga, since first name’s potential reading as “Divine Five” literally alludes to the original 5 Monarchs minus Caius (or with Caius, if we get the colloquial meaning as “group”). His surname more closely relate to Yosenjus, but barely. Shingo Sawatari has nothing related to crossing a wetland, which is ironic, since 渡, watari Kanji is almost always used for ferries, or ferrymen in Yu-Gi-Oh! (Tearlaments Cryme is the only exception).
His original Deck, Darts, reference to Yuya (his name uses arrow Kanji), and Yugo (gambling theme).
He has no allusions to Abyss Actors whatsoever (since their Japanese names refer to the Underworld, Makai, which is only indirectly related to 深, which is sometimes used as Abyss to mean Underworld), which is doubly ironic, since that Deck most closely represents his personality.
Edit: Abyss Actors use Makai, not Meikai. This has been corrected.
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ygobigbang-archive · 7 years
Artists needed!
Hi all! We are still looking for artists for the following fics, please take a look and let us know if you’d like to help out either here or on the dreamwidth post :D 
We have 2 1 Duel Monsters, 1 GX, 4 ARC-V and 1 Zexal/ARC-V crossover
We’d like art to be ready for the 21st August but let us know if you’d need longer! 
DM3 Pairings: Some slight Téa/Atem, but they’ve just met. Characters: Atem, Téa, and fem!Seto Content warnings: None! Summary: In a Weird Science AU, Téa and Seto have just accidentally created Atem. He has just shown up in Seto’s bedroom after their experiment goes hopelessly wrong (or right)? Téa is thrilled at their creation, but Seto just wants to run out of the room. 2 ART
GX1 Pairings: None Characters: Rei, Asuka, Judai, Shou. Mentions of others Warnings: This is a zombie apocalypse AU, so triggers apply. Blood, some gore, death, zombie cannibalism, mental trauma, suicidal thoughts, an OC suicide. Summary: AU.“Because that’s one more life still intact. That’s one more human alive. That’s a miracle. There’s God knows how many corpses to bury… but you’re alive, Rei. And I’m so glad you’re alive.” Of everything lost, family found, and a terrible secret at the end of the world. ART
ARCV1 Pairings: none were intended, but it could be Yuya/Yuzu if you want it to be. Very, VERY minor background Crow/Shinji. Characters: Yuya Sakaki, Yuzu Hiragi, Crow Hogan, Rin, Selena, Ruri Kurosaki, Jean-Michel Roger, Edo Phoenix, Sora Shiunin, Reiji Akaba, Zarc, Ray Akaba; those are the main ones, but pretty much the entire cast and a handful of other series characters makes at least a cameo Content warnings: graphic depictions of violence, blood and some graphic gore, several brief scenes of torture, child abuse (not sexual), major character death Summary: In the time of legends, the demon and the goddess warred with each other over the fate of humanity, until both disappeared. Humanity will not let them go so easily, however, and in the realm of Zarkania, the priests have finally found their reincarnated demon. Yuya has spent five years imprisoned in the temple, manipulated into appearing as the feared Demon Emperor while he struggles with horrible episodes of violence every new moon when his demon half asserts himself. When he learns of a legend that the goddess will choose a champion to defeat the demon once again, he escapes on a journey to find her—so that she can kill him.“ ART 
ARCV3 Pairings: crewshipping (Shingo/Ootamo/Yamabe/Kakimoto), implied redlightshipping (Reiji/Shingo), nascent dartshipping (Yuuya/Shingo), suggestions of towershipping (Shingo/Yuzu)/chaperoneshipping (Gongenzaka/Shingo) Characters: Sawatari Shingo, Ootomo, Yamabe, Kakimoto, Akaba Reiji, Sakaki Yuuya, Hiiragi Yuzu, Gongenzaka Noboru, Supreme King Z-ARC (kind of) Content warnings: depictions of severe self-esteem issues, a couple very brief allusions to transphobia, implied sexual coercion, implied use of sex as self harm Summary: Starts pre-series and goes through canon. Ootomo realizes he loves his best friend Sawatari Shingo, but seeing how Sakaki Yuuya’s managing to change Shingo for the better makes him feel as though he has to decide between confession and self-sacrifice. don’t worry, it’s a happy ending. Notes for artists (if i may include this): Mostly interior scenes (abandoned warehouse, school building, bedroom, etc) with a few outdoor scenes in a park or dueling stadium or city street. Multiple scenes taking place in the afternoon/evening. Some comedic moments but overall an intimate atmosphere ART ARCV4 Pairings: Gen! Characters: Ruri, Dennis, Yuuto, Shun, Sayaka, Gloria and Grace, Yuuri, Reiji, Leo + spoiler characters Content warnings: some brief descriptions of blood/body horror Summary: Fantasy AU. In a world free from the evils of the night, a land where the sun does not set, the scholars of Academia rule in all but name the territories that they have conquered. Spurred by a cryptic prophecy, the Rebels of Heart rise up against enemies that can control the threads of fate themselves by collecting the four “blessings” of the gods scattered in the spaces between the heavens and the earth. But unbeknownst to them, there’s a traitor waiting in their midst, tasked with delivering the final blow- and it doesn’t matter that he might have started to care. 2 ART ARCV5 Pairings: Rin/Yuri, Rin/Yugo Characters: Rin, Yuri, Yugo Content warnings: Mild to moderate depictions of violence, noncon touching, mentions of rape, destructive relationships, co-dependence, grief/mourning Summary: Canon divergence AU where Yuri defeats Yugo in time to interrupt the Leo vs. Reiji & Yuya duel. When faced with the sight of Rin trapped, one feeling consumes his being: To get her away from Leo, no matter the cost. Faced with being kidnapped again, Rin searches for a way to escape from Yuri, find Yugo, and go back to Synchro. However both soon learn that there are forces in play outside either of their control. ART 
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ultramarcypan · 8 years
A Soft and Messy Thing
Characters/Pairings: Shingo Sawatari, Yuya Sakaki, Dartshipping
Summary: Kings rise and fall; what determines the success and length of their reign are the faithful knights who serve them--and Shingo is nothing if not faithful.
Notes:So, Kingdom AU has taken on a life of it's own and this fic can best be summarized as "I needed a way to drive the plot forward and made Yuya cry to do so"This is why I can't have nice things.
Heads up for a brief mention of homophobia.
The quiet of the castle is almost suffocating.
Shingo had been brought up in a country filled to the brim with whispers that were very much treasonous and not at all kind towards the royal family because, as honorable and as noble as the Sakaki royal family is, human nature requires a handful of people to be dissatisfied no matter the situation. “The coffers have almost run dry--the family has no power left,” the whispers said.  “The King makes deals with demons in the dark and the Prince is a bastard child.”  Shingo listened to these whispers, these malicious rumors, with a quiet, wide-eyed wonder.  It was amazing what adults would say with a child in the room, especially one who kept his mouth shut and clung to his father’s leg. “Is what they say true?” He had whispered once to his father.  In return, he’d been given a sharp glare and a hard squeeze on his shoulder. “Hush,” his father had whispered back harshly.  “True or not, what does it matter?”
At the time, he hadn’t understood what his father had meant.  Now, though, he thinks he may just have the smallest inkling.
It is human nature to whisper and to jeer and to mock; no matter how good life is or kind the ruling body is, there will always be those who find issue with the situation.  The court will whisper as long as it exists, but as long as it continues to whisper, the world will carry on and the status quo will be maintained.
It’s when the whispers stop that one should be concerned.
So yes, this unnerving and endless silence that has plagued the castle for well over a week now has set Shingo’s every nerve on edge.  It speaks volumes for what the nobles of the court dare not say out loud. The King has run off with a mistress, are the unspoken words that echo in the silence.   He has abandoned the Crown and Kingdom for a whore from a far off land.  And still the nobles of the court greet the Queen Regent and her son with broad smiles that have no meaning and grand gestures that are merely that--gestures.
The Queen Regent and her son take the rumors in stride, meeting the accusations and distrust with their heads held high.  It’s the first time that Shingo hasn’t seen Yuya smile and it makes his heart ache for the young lord.  In its place are hollow eyes and a look of grim determination that are the only hint of how tired the Prince truly is.  
Shingo can’t begin to fathom what Yuya is going through right now.  Shingo never spent much time with the King, but even a blind man could see how close the Prince was to his father.
Now, not only is his father missing, vanished like a thief in the night, Yuya has to contend with vicious rumors slandering his father’s good name.  
Yuya meets every false word of comfort, every cleverly disguised jab at his father’s integrity with a polite nod and impassive gaze, and Shingo wants to scream every time he sees it happen.  But words and politics are a far more powerful weapon than any that Shingo has been trained to use, and no one ever thinks to teach one how to protect themselves against such barbaric methods.
It all comes to a head late one night, a few hours after the Queen Regent has announced to the kingdom that Yuya will be acting as King from here on out.  Only then had the whisperers resumed, but Shingo hadn’t cared to listen to them at the moment.  He’d been far too preoccupied with watching Yuya’s face, with how his mouth had set into a thin, grim line, how his shoulders had stiffened almost imperceptibly, how his hands had tightened into fists that left his knuckles white.
Shingo wants to offer his lord words of comfort, anything that could make the situation right, but he has none to give and now isn’t the time anyway.  A knight’s role is the silent protector by his master’s side, not the one to comfort him in times of hardship.  It’s a mantra Shingo has to echo to himself daily to keep his composure.  He would give his life and so much more for Yuya, if their positions would allow it.
Still, he finds himself outside the Prince’s--the new King’s--chambers late that night, hovering outside his door.    There are a thousand reasons that he shouldn't be there, but the thought of Yuya suffering alone is enough to force him to raise his fist and rap lightly on the wooden door.  For a long moment, nothing happens and Shingo is just preparing himself to knock again when there’s the sound of scuffling behind the door.
He lowers his arm just as the door swings open, leaving Yuya standing in the empty frame.
“Figured it was you,” his lord says, his voice low and scratchy.  He titles his head and by the light of the moon Shingo can just make out the tears still clinging to his lashes and how he’s shaking from head to toe.
He acts before he can stop himself, before rational thought and years of manners can kick in and prevent him from doing what he truly wants to, which is to crush Yuya against him in a fierce hug.  The other lets himself be embraced without a sound; in fact, he tucks his head neatly under Shingo’s chin, burying his face into the crook of the other’s neck.
“Oh, Yuya,” he breathes out, nuzzling against the top of his lord’s head.  Yuya’s hands clutch at his tunic, balling the fabric up in tight fists.  He wants to reassure the Prince that everything will be fine, but he has no proof of that, and both of them are sick of empty words.  He settles for stepping into the other’s room fully, taking care to shut the door behind him and running his hand through Yuya’s hair.
“You’re such a soft and messy thing,” Shingo says quietly, brushing unruly strands of red hair back.  Yuya shifts in his arms, letting out a small whimper.  “Not at all like a King is supposed to be.”
“Believe me,” Yuya says, voice muffled against Shingo’s chest.  “I’m well aware.”  He lets out a breath that’s more a shuddering sigh than anything else.
“No one quite knows what to do with you.”  And it’s true: the whole court has no idea what to make of their new King, though Shingo knows it won’t be long before the political games start.  He grimaces in the dark, over Yuya’s head; his master will need a guardian now more than ever.
“Liar.”  Yuya’s voice is still shaky.  When he lifts his head there are tear tracks clear on his cheeks, but his eyes have a fire in them.  He pulls away just enough so that he can look Shingo in the eyes.  “One person knows me very well.”
They’re playing a dangerous game now, one made even more perilous given the recent circumstances.  Yuya’s soft gaze is doing nothing to help his already troubled resolve to remain neutral, and Shingo is only a man.  “I...milord--”  Shingo cuts himself off, unsure of where he was planning to go with that sentence.
“Don’t!”  Yuya’s voice is uncharacteristically sharp and harsh.  Shingo blinks in surprise.  “I don’t want to hear any more words tonight, they’re not good for anything!”  The p--King, Yuya is the King, he must not forget this--is still trembling but there’s a set to his body now, one that suggests he’s through with being sad and hopeless.
“Then what do you want?”
He’s not surprised in the least when Yuya leans forward and lets their lips brush against each other.  It’s a chaste thing and lasts only a few precious seconds but it’s enough; they’ve passed a point of no return now.
“This is a fool's errand,” Shingo whispers to him, but he still doesn’t pull back.  From how close they are, every word he speaks makes his lips brush against Yuya’s.
“I don’t care.”  Yuya’s hands release his shirt and move up to wrap around his neck.  “The court has already made their judgments of me, so what does it matter?”
“They’ll kill us if we’re found out.”  It’s not a whole truth, not really.  There is no ready heir to take Yuya’s place, but Shingo is just one of many knights.  It’s scandalous enough for the King to take to bed with another man, but even moreso if that man is supposed to be his loyal retainer.  There will be a price on Shingo’s head should all this come to light and though he doesn’t really want to protest, someone has to be rational right now and it’s unfair to place another burden on Yuya’s shoulders.
His King’s eyes burn with a hard fire, one born of determination and sudden realization of the harshness of the world.  “They can try.” He says grimly.  “But I don’t intend to roll over and die for them--do you?”
“No.”  It’s one word, but it makes for a powerful statement.  “No,” Shingo repeats, pulling Yuya closer to him.  His hands curl around Yuya’s slender waist, and he relishes in the way the other tilts his head to place a soft kiss to the underside of his jaw, how Yuya’s hair tickles his cheek and the softness of his skin.
“Stay with me,” Yuya whispers, sniffling slightly.  The statement is ambiguous; Shingo doesn’t know if he means just for the night or something much more than that.  He supposes it doesn’t matter.  His answer would be the same regardless.
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ygobigbang-archive · 7 years
Artist check point 2 + artist call
Hi all, it’s time for the 2nd artist check point! 
Please drop by and let us know how things are going~ 
The due date is Monday 21st August check out the post for how to submit things! 
We’re also still looking for a few more artists (1 DM, 1 GX, 2 ARC-V)
DM3 Pairings: Some slight Téa/Atem, but they’ve just met. Characters: Atem, Téa, and fem!Seto Content warnings: None! Summary: In a Weird Science AU, Téa and Seto have just accidentally created Atem. He has just shown up in Seto’s bedroom after their experiment goes hopelessly wrong (or right)? Téa is thrilled at their creation, but Seto just wants to run out of the room. 2 ART
GX1 Pairings: None Characters: Rei, Asuka, Judai, Shou. Mentions of others Warnings: This is a zombie apocalypse AU, so triggers apply. Blood, some gore, death, zombie cannibalism, mental trauma, suicidal thoughts, an OC suicide. Summary: AU.“Because that’s one more life still intact. That’s one more human alive. That’s a miracle. There’s God knows how many corpses to bury… but you’re alive, Rei. And I’m so glad you’re alive.” Of everything lost, family found, and a terrible secret at the end of the world. ART
Pairings: crewshipping (Shingo/Ootamo/Yamabe/Kakimoto), implied redlightshipping (Reiji/Shingo), nascent dartshipping (Yuuya/Shingo), suggestions of towershipping (Shingo/Yuzu)/chaperoneshipping (Gongenzaka/Shingo) Characters: Sawatari Shingo, Ootomo, Yamabe, Kakimoto, Akaba Reiji, Sakaki Yuuya, Hiiragi Yuzu, Gongenzaka Noboru, Supreme King Z-ARC (kind of) Content warnings: depictions of severe self-esteem issues, a couple very brief allusions to transphobia, implied sexual coercion, implied use of sex as self harm Summary: Starts pre-series and goes through canon. Ootomo realizes he loves his best friend Sawatari Shingo, but seeing how Sakaki Yuuya’s managing to change Shingo for the better makes him feel as though he has to decide between confession and self-sacrifice. don’t worry, it’s a happy ending. Notes for artists (if i may include this): Mostly interior scenes (abandoned warehouse, school building, bedroom, etc) with a few outdoor scenes in a park or dueling stadium or city street. Multiple scenes taking place in the afternoon/evening. Some comedic moments but overall an intimate atmosphere ART ARCV4 Pairings: Gen! Characters: Ruri, Dennis, Yuuto, Shun, Sayaka, Gloria and Grace, Yuuri, Reiji, Leo + spoiler characters Content warnings: some brief descriptions of blood/body horror Summary: Fantasy AU. In a world free from the evils of the night, a land where the sun does not set, the scholars of Academia rule in all but name the territories that they have conquered. Spurred by a cryptic prophecy, the Rebels of Heart rise up against enemies that can control the threads of fate themselves by collecting the four “blessings” of the gods scattered in the spaces between the heavens and the earth. But unbeknownst to them, there’s a traitor waiting in their midst, tasked with delivering the final blow- and it doesn’t matter that he might have started to care. 2 ART
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