#shinee mafia
the-gayest-sky-kid · 7 months
I'm not the biggest fan of Oda, as many here already know. That comes from the INCREDIBLE disconnect between the fandom version of him as opposed to the canon. I see often on Twitter, Reddit, Youtube, etc etc. this treatment of Oda as some great force of pure good, and furthermore this scene as a grand bit of final wisdom. So right now, let's talk about his death scene.
The anime puts it like this:
"You told me you might find a reason to live if you lived in a world of violence and bloodshed. [...] You won't find it. You must know that already. Whether you're on the side who kills people or the side that saves people, nothing beyond what you would expect will appear. Nothing in this world can fill that lonely hole you have. You will wander the darkness for eternity. [...] Be on the side that saves people. If both sides are the same to you, become a good man. Save the weak, and protect the orphans. Neither good nor evil means much to you, I know... but that'd make you at least a bit better."
And the light novel puts it like this:
"You told me if you put yourself in a world of violence and bloodshed, you might be able to find a reason to live… [...] You won't find it. [...] You should know that. Whether you're on the side that takes lives or the side that saves them, nothing beyond your own expectations will happen. Nothing in this world can fill the hole that is your loneliness. You will wander the darkness for eternity. [...] Be on the side that saves people. [...] If both sides are the same, then choose to become a good person. Save the weak, protect the orphaned. You might not see a great difference between right and wrong, but… saving others is something just a bit more wonderful."
I want to break down what bothers me in these. This portion especially.
You told me you might find a reason to live if you lived in a world of violence and bloodshed. [...] You won't find it. You must know that already. Whether you're on the side who kills people or the side that saves people, nothing beyond what you would expect will appear. Nothing in this world can fill that lonely hole you have. You will wander the darkness for eternity.
You told me if you put yourself in a world of violence and bloodshed, you might be able to find a reason to live… [...] You won't find it. [...] You should know that. Whether you're on the side that takes lives or the side that saves them, nothing beyond your own expectations will happen. Nothing in this world can fill the hole that is your loneliness. You will wander the darkness for eternity.
I think we often forget that Dazai is still a suicidal teen in Dark Era, and that he's one that's held on to the hope he'd find something for all this time. I dont disagree with the fact he must know he won't find anything in the mafia already. But Oda misunderstands a lot of fundamental parts of Dazai, which lead to this scene being devastating.
Whether you're on the side who kills people or the side that saves people, nothing beyond what you would expect will appear.
Whether you're on the side that takes lives or the side that saves them, nothing beyond your own expectations will happen.
The thing is, Dazai DOES find things he doesn't expect. He meets Chuuya and Chuuya surprises him! He meets Oda and Ango and they fascinate him!! He meets Kunikida and Ranpo and everyone else and he finds them interesting!!! He gets proven wrong, he gets surprised, he has NEVER been infallible. And he's incredibly hopeful too, as stated earlier. He held on to the hope he'd find something for the past 3 years despite how horrible of an environment the mafia was for him, and he still tried his hardest to save Oda. To tell him that not only would he never find anything here, but anywhere else he goes? It's kind of.... well, shitty.
And there's another thing about this line I have to point out, something from a couple pages earlier.
"But he's different. He's sharp-witted with a mind like a steel trap. And he's just a child—a sobbing child abandoned in the darkness of a world far emptier than the one we're seeing."
"He was too smart for his own good. That was why he was always alone. The reason why Ango and I were able to be by his side was that we understood the solitude that surrounded him, and we never stepped inside it no matter how close we stood."
Oda believes that it's Dazai's intelligence that isolates him. While this is true, it's only true to an extent. Look at Ranpo, who was also isolated because of his intelligence. He doesn't stay that way, despite not having any peers. Ranpo found his place with Fukuzawa at the agency, and there was nothing stopping Dazai from also finding his own.
Nothing in this world can fill that lonely hole you have. You will wander the darkness for eternity.
Nothing in this world can fill the hole that is your loneliness. You will wander the darkness for eternity.
And I don't know how to explain this to people, but telling an emotionally distressed teenager that he's going to be lonely forever is, erm, kind of bad? Especially when the person he thinks understands him the most is like... dying in his arms.
Oda tried to help Dazai in his final moments, I'm not trying to discredit that. He gave Dazai his advice and Dazai chose to take it, because he knew Oda was speaking from his own experiences. But Oda's words were still harmful to him, regardless of how well meaning they were.
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yumiyue07 · 2 days
Through Fire and Blood
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★ POV: K-idol x reader
H/N = His name Y/N = Your name
M/N1 = Member 1’s name (choose any member of your bias’ group) M/N2 = Member 2’s name (choose any member of your bias’ group) M/N3 = Member 3’s name (choose any member of your bias’ group)
Trigger warning: swearing, violence 。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★
Shortly after his team set off, the first clues arrived. M/N1 and M/N2 came into the office, their expressions grave.
"We found the driver," M/N1 reported, his voice filled with a mix of relief and concern. "He was unconscious somewhere near our garage. It looks like he was sedated and hidden under blankets, so he wouldn't immediately catch the eye. I suspect the kidnapper didn't want to waste so much time and, therefore, left him lying nearby."
H/N's face remained etched with tension and worry. "Or he wanted us to find him easily to get the information we need," he replied, his voice strained.
"That could also be the case," M/N1 responded, nodding. "He's slowly coming to. As soon as he's conscious, we'll question him."
"Good," H/N responded tersely, his voice strained. The tension and worry etched deeply on his face were unmistakable. It was clear that he was growing increasingly desperate.
"We'll find her and bring her back unharmed. Don't worry, boss," M/N2 said, attempting to inject some optimism into the room.
H/N nodded absently, his mind racing with a mix of fear and anger. His normally composed demeanor was fractured by the intense emotions battling within him.
The room fell silent as H/N stared at his desk, his fists clenched. A storm of emotions raged inside him: worry for you, disappointment that he couldn't protect you as he had promised, and unbridled anger at the bastard who had dared to kidnap you.
He had always been the protector, the one who kept you safe from the dangers of his world. The thought of you in the hands of a captor made his blood boil. The fear of losing you gnawed at him, but he couldn't afford to let it paralyze him. You were his everything, and he would move heaven and earth to bring you back safely. He had to act, and fast. The clock was ticking, and failure was not an option.
Suddenly, the door was wrenched open, the force of it snapping H/N back to the present. He immediately jumped up and ran around his desk. Standing in the doorway, breathing heavily, was M/N3.
"Boss, sorry to barge in like this. This letter has just been delivered for you."
H/N's eyes widened as he snatched the letter, tearing it open with a jerk. A bloodstained necklace tumbled out, clattering ominously on the desk. H/N's pulse quickened, his mind going blank for a moment. The others in the room stared at the necklace, exchanging uneasy glances.
"They hurt her," H/N whispered, disbelief and fury mingling in his voice." We have to find her now!" he shouted, his rage erupting. He slammed his fist on the desk, the sound echoing in the tense silence. "I’m going to disintegrate him for hurting Y/N. This fucking bastard!"
As he struggled to compose himself, his phone buzzed with a new message. An unknown number had sent him a photo. He opened it with trembling hands and froze. Your bound, bloodied hands were visible, drops of blood staining the floor beneath them.
The message read: "Let's play a game. Try to find her. If you're late, she'll die. You have until midnight."
H/N felt a wave of nausea wash over him at the sight of your bloodied hands and the message. He would lose you if he couldn't find you in time.
M/N1, noticing the sudden change in his boss's demeanor, rushed to his side.
"Boss, what's going on?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern. As H/N handed him the phone, M/N1's expression darkened. The tension in the room was palpable as they all processed the grim message. Glancing at the clock, they realized they had a mere eight hours to rescue you.
"We need to act fast. She could be anywhere," M/N1 said firmly, taking charge of the situation. He instructed the others to check on the chauffeur and bring him in for questioning. "By the way, who delivered this letter, M/N3?"
"It was a man on a motorcycle. He threw the letter at one of our men outside and disappeared immediately," M/N3 replied, his voice filled with a mix of confusion and anger.
M/N2 and M/N3 dashed to the door, their urgency evident.
Meanwhile, M/N1 stayed by H/N's side, offering reassurance. "We'll find her, boss. I promise you. She means as much to us as she does to you."
H/N nodded, his mind racing with thoughts of what might be happening to you. He sat in his chair, leaning his arms on the desk with his head in his hands. He knew he couldn't afford to lose hope.
He closed his eyes, your beautiful face immediately filling his mind. H/N's heart ached with guilt. He blamed himself for not protecting you better, for not foreseeing this danger. He should have...let you go back then after saving you from these four degenerated.
But he couldn't deny the hold you had over him. You had enchanted him from the very start. The moment he saw you in the subway station, he knew that you had to be his, his alone, forever. He never wanted to let you go again.
For hurting you, he wanted to stick off their heads, but he refrained himself because he didn't want to scare you further. Your pained and scared look hurt him so much. He just wanted to hold you and take all the pain away.
You blacked out right before his eyes. He caught you immediately, his heart pounding in his chest as he cradled your head. Fear gnawed at him as he wrapped his jacket around you and carried you all the way to his car, pressing you against his body to keep you warm. He took you to his hotel room where he lived. Before meeting you, he didn’t have a place to call home.
He laid you carefully on the bed, tugged you in, and watched you sleep. He didn’t want to leave you for one second. Not even his sleepiness could steal him away from you. When you tried to escape the room, he wanted to laugh out loud but refrained himself. As if you, little bunny, could escape a wolf that easily…
Your confused cute look, the way you thanked him, the way you shyly looked at him and blushed made his heart flutter. He couldn't deny the strong connection he felt with you, the way you seemed to complete him. He realized that he had found something truly special in you, something that he had never experienced before. A warmth spread through him, a feeling that was both unfamiliar and intoxicating.
On the next day, he drove you home. Before you got out of the car, he took all his courage and asked for your number, his voice barely a whisper "Just in case you might end up in trouble again and needed help. Nothing more…," he added, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and fear. He may look like a dangerous man, but when it came to love, he was a clumsy novice.
To his surprise, you gave him your number. "Just in case," you said, blushing. He was so happy that he wanted to scream, but instead, he kept it cool. His heart was pounding in his chest as he realized that you might actually be interested in him.
He helped you out of the car and watched you go, his eyes filled with a mix of longing and hope. He knew that this was just the beginning, and he was determined to make things right between you.
He texted you every day, his messages filled with a mix of casual conversation and subtle hints of his feelings. He didn't want to pressure you, but he couldn't help but hope that you felt the same way about him.
On the day you suggested to go and grab a coffee or tea, he was the happiest man on earth. The attraction between the both of you was undeniable, a magnetic force that pulled you closer together with every passing moment. A few days later, you started officially dating, and his world was turned upside down.
The more time he spent with you, the more space you took up in his thoughts, in his heart, in his soul. You became his home, the reason for his existence. He was willing to give everything for you, to protect you, to cherish you, to love you unconditionally.
A tale of two souls finding each other in the most unexpected of circumstances…
With a frustrated growl, he slammed his fist down on the table, sending objects crashing to the floor. "Dammit! I'll tear that bastard apart," he swore, his voice laced with anger. M/N1, understanding the depth of his boss's anguish, offered a comforting hand on his shoulder. Just as M/N1 was about to respond, a message buzzed on his phone.
"Boss, the chauffeur's awake and waiting in the meeting room with M/N2 and M/N3," he read out loud.
Without hesitation, H/N rose to his feet. "Let's move," he said, determination burning in his eyes. As he strode out of the room, he could feel the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. But he was determined to see this through, to bring you back home safely.
To be continued...
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Who will win this game...
Stay tuned for part 8!
Love, YumiYue 🌙
Follow me on: 📸 Instagram: @yumiyue07 🎵 TikTok: @yumiyue07 📝 Wattpad: @LunaVerse_YumiYue
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fan fiction inspired by Stray Kids’ song “Freeze”. All characters and events are fictional and are not intended to represent real people or events.
All rights reserved. Please do not repost or reproduce this story without permission.
© 2024 LunaVerse - YumiYue07. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
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designerpuppet · 10 months
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One of my favourite looks, I’ve made with the new chapter outfit pieces.
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Unpopular take?? I guess?
I don't think many people in this fandom understand how criminal organizations work.
If I had 1¢ everytime I read something along the lines of "Gashu is a horrible parent because he chose God/Asu-Naro over his kids" I'd be a very upset billionaire(hyperbole), because no?? He didn't??
That's not what makes him a horrible parent. That wasn't something he could actually choose. What makes him the founder of the Bad Dads Club is that he chose a kid over the other, which doesn't necessarily mean "I want Sei to die" but it still loosely translates into "I want Kai to survive." and this is not exactly a best dad behavior. THIS is what he could've avoided.
The choice wasn't between God and his kids, since, and I quote, "should you defy God... their blood will surely spill.". Ultimately, he could only choose how they would've died. So he chose the "safest" option, the one that gave one of the kids the chance of surviving, he chose God (being an empath, I can sense that he wasn't all that thrilled).
"b-but!! he could've still ran away!! 🥺" how? AS is everywhere in Japan. They'd be looking for him. He could change his looks, get fake documents, and try to escape abroad, sure, but again, how? Who do you think is making the fake documents? He's trapped.
Everyone in Asu-Naro is.
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shadowbrightshine · 5 months
What are tags with many bots? I'm currently at 312 I've reported today.
I'd like to get more. It's very satisfying for me.
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delphiealmond · 7 months
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Chaos By A Rose Bush
Pairing ᯓ★ Lee Jeno x Park Jisung / Johnny Suh x Na Jaemin / Mark Lee x Na Jaemin / Johnny Suh x Xiaojun / Wong Yukhei x Wu Yifan / Kim Jungwoo x Lee Taemin / Ten Lee x Lee Taeyong
Groups ᯓ★ NCT (127, Dream, WayV), SHINee, Astro, EXO, BlackPink
Synopsis ᯓ★ Ten Lee is a simple guy who moved to Korea to fulfill his dream job as a doctor. Lee Taeyong is trying to keep everyone safe as much as he can. Wong Yukhei is trying to take over the world. Neozone is well known for keeping the streets of Seoul, South Korea safe. though the people think otherwise. Neozone creates deals with other mafia groups that try to fight against them, and Neozone is known to take down other mafia groups that try to cross their path. Except for one. Lumidome is China's most wanted Mafia group. They are the most dangerous, with members who are strong, smart, independent and dangerous. They want Korean territory. Will Neozone be able to protect their home from invaders?
Warnings ᯓ★ 18+, Swearing, suggestive language, character death, revenge, fighting, blood and injury, violence, guns, five stages of grief, love/hate, depression, paranoia, comments on SU
Also posted on Ao3 under the same title!
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strxnged · 1 year
i think i could face anything if vincenzo cassano grabbed my shoulder and looked me in the eyes and awkwardly told me that i can do this. and gave me one of thosse weird arm pats and a nod
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zen-zen-v · 1 year
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I messed up the timeline of this AU +_+ Forget about the dancing render, you saw nothing
To explain why Vittorio looks so petrified here - this IS their first kiss AND ending of strictly boss-bodyguard relations
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eternalstarlights · 9 months
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dat-is-i · 2 years
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my emotional support blorbos
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todouswife · 11 months
im having writers block so bad rn i need someone to send me a prompt to write please. is anyone sees this i write for:
AMP members (i write best for fanum and duke)
most WWE superstars ( u can ask if u think i don't write for someone specific)
2nd + 3rd gen kpop idols
marvel cast
demon slayer
tokyo rev
fairy tale
fire force
genshin impact
i will do fluff, nsfw, angst and comfort.
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yumiyue07 · 13 days
Through Fire and Blood
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Part 1 | Part 2
。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★ POV: K-idol x reader
H/N = His name Y/N = Your name
Trigger warning: swearing, violence 。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★
Fear gripped you, your heart pounding in your chest. Could he really handle all three of them?
But to your astonishment, he fought with remarkable skill, his movements a blur of precision. In the blink of an eye, he incapacitated all three with precise martial arts moves, each blow a calculated strike that sent them tumbling to the floor. They writhed in pain on the floor, completely defeated.
"What the fuck are you, a zoo?" the young man scoffed, pointing at each of them. "You look more like a rat, a walrus, and a lizard."
Their faces contorted in fury, but they dared not move.
"You losers! Is this what you call an attack? Ah fuck, I have to do everything myself." The leader took up an aggressive stance.
The young man glanced over his shoulder at you. "Keep your distance, just to be safe."
You nodded and moved behind a nearby pillar.
"Ha, so you're afraid of me after all, aren't you, pretty boy?" the leader taunted.
"Fear is a foreign word to me. Enough talk. Let’s get this over with, Lion, the leader."
So that’s his name," you thought. (He didn't look like a lion at all, more like a confused guinea pig.)
No sooner had he spoken than the leader pulled a knife from his jacket. "I’ll slash you first, and then that little bitch back there."
Anger flashed in the young man’s eyes. He didn’t hesitate, landing a solid punch to the leader’s face. "That’s no way to talk about a lady. I’ll make you pay for harassing her."
Blinded by pain, the leader waved the knife wildly. He lunged forward, his fist aimed at the young man's throat. The young man, however, was quicker. He dodged the
attack, his body twisting like a snake, and countered with a swift kick to the leader's knee. The leader stumbled, his face contorting in pain.
"You're faster than I thought," the leader growled, his voice laced with surprise.
"Enough games," the young man replied, his voice cold and determined. "This ends now."
The young man took off his jacket and stretched it between his hands like a rope. He knew exactly what he was doing. He's a skilled fighter, you thought. In a swift motion, he wrapped the jacket around the leader’s knife-wielding hand and twisted it back until the bone cracked. The leader cried out in pain. With a kick to the back of the knee, he brought him down, then knocked him unconscious with a precise blow to the head.
He pulled the four gang members together, ordering them to lie still, then took out his phone and made a call. The way he spoke made it clear he wasn’t calling the police. He mentioned four cockroaches and a good bounty.
When he finished the call, he looked at you. You flinched. He had helped you, but that didn’t mean he had good intentions. He smiled gently and approached you slowly, hands raised.
"I’m not going to hurt you. I promise." He slipped off his bloodied gloves. "That’s why I like wearing them," he said with a crooked grin, almost making him seem likable.
"It’s over now. Are you ok?" His voice was filled with genuine concern.
You were still tense, unsure why this stranger cared so much. He tenderly touched your cheek, which still burned with pain, his hand lingering. There was something soothing about his touch. "That motherfucker," his eyes filled with anger.
He looked up from your cheek to your eyes. Your fear began to dissipate as his gaze held yours. His eyes were kind, almost gentle, and it was as if the world around you had faded away. All the tension drained from you, and darkness swallowed you up.
As you stirred awake, you found yourself lying in a soft king-size bed, the comfort enveloping you. Panic surged through you. "Wait, where am I? This isn't my bed. Have I been kidnapped?" The thought flashed through your mind, and you jerked upright, scanning the room. It was a luxurious hotel room that you certainly couldn't afford. How did you get here?
Your gaze landed on a chair not far from the bed. The young man who had helped you was sitting there, his head slumped against the back. He was asleep, his breathing steady and even. Maybe you could slip out quietly and disappear unnoticed. But before you could move, a quiet but firm voice broke the silence.
"Don't even try. You should get some rest. I won't hurt you. I promised you that. You're safe with me."
"You're safe with me." Those words echoed in your mind, their weight settling on your heart. You looked at him, your heart pounding suddenly. You hoped he wouldn't hear it and glanced away, embarrassed. "Thank you for your help. Without you..." Your voice trailed off, unable to find the words to express your gratitude. His kindness and bravery had overwhelmed you.
"You don't need to thank me," he replied, his reassuring smile making your heart race. "As a gentleman, it's my duty to help a lady in need."
Why was your heart suddenly beating even faster and your cheeks blushing? Strangely enough, you felt really safe…with him. After a short pause to recompose yourself, you ventured, "What actually happened after that? You were standing in front of me, and suddenly I blacked out. Did you drug me and bring me here to play some dirty games?" You pulled the blanket tighter around you, wary.
"Of course not! How many times do I have to tell you? I won't hurt you. I won’t do anything to you unless..." He grinned mischievously, trailing off.
"Unless what?" you challenged, your voice a mix of defiance and curiosity.
He sat on the edge of the bed, leaving enough space between you. His smile, a mix of mischief and charm, made your heart flutter.
"Unless you want me to do something," he replied, his eyes sparkling.
"Just stay away from me," you retorted, but there was no real threat in his presence. He seemed more like he wanted to tease you. His sweet smile was disarming.
A few months later, you wished he would never stop touching you…
His touch was like a warm, comforting blanket on a cold day, a soothing balm for your soul. You found yourself craving his presence, his laughter, his gentle teasing. And as time went on, you realized that you had fallen deeply in love with him, the charming, mysterious stranger who had saved your life.
Two years flashback end.
The tide could turn in an instant. Life without him was unimaginable. His "job," if you could even call it that, was perilous. Every time a new operation arose, worry consumed you. Fortunately, he had begun to distance himself from the front lines, delegating most tasks to his trusted men. His closest gang members were like family, brothers who faced every challenge together. He trusted them implicitly; betrayal had no place in their bond. They had become your family, too, looking after you like a sister, and you reciprocated their care with equal affection.
Yes, they were part of a gang, but they operated within a unique moral code. Collaborating with the police, if one could call it that, they targeted criminals, delivering them for justice. Those criminals were gangs trafficking in H/N’s territory, causing terror to the citizens there. One of H/N's members acted as a liaison with the police, providing valuable intelligence. In exchange for their cooperation with justice, H/N’s gang seized assets, sometimes even territory, from the captured gangs. Moreover, they championed the cause of the vulnerable, regularly providing aid in the form of food, clothing, and financial assistance. They resorted to lethal force only in dire circumstances, adhering strictly to their code.
You weren't even sure if H/N had ever taken a life, and truthfully, you didn't want to know. All that mattered was that he always returned to you unharmed, and you fervently wished for it to remain so.
Glancing at your watch, you noted that your appointment was in two hours. Today, you were set to explore bridesmaids' dresses with your best friends, Soo Yeon and Amy, a thrilling step in your wedding plans. Brimming with anticipation, you headed to the bathroom to prepare for the day. After getting ready, you took a final look in the mirror, your gaze settling on the necklace adorned with a delicate diamond heart pendant. H/N had gifted it to you on your one-year anniversary, and you'd worn it daily ever since. Fitted with a discreet tracking device, it provided H/N with the reassurance of your whereabouts—a measure of security you welcomed as the partner of a gang leader, aware of the potential risks.
Leaving your shared house, you remained oblivious to the possibility that it might be the last time you and H/N had been together in your home.
To be continued...
Oh jeez, I think I've fallen in love with the male protagonist, too. (*/_\)
Stay tuned for part 4!
Love, YumiYue 🌙
Follow me on: 📸 Instagram: @yumiyue07 🎵 TikTok: @yumiyue07 📝 Wattpad: @LunaVerse_YumiYue
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fan fiction inspired by Stray Kids’ song “Freeze”. All characters and events are fictional and are not intended to represent real people or events.
All rights reserved. Please do not repost or reproduce this story without permission.
© 2024 LunaVerse - YumiYue07. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
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baby-chirp · 1 year
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So basically I downloaded some adult mods for the Sims 4, mainly Basemental Drugs, Basemental Gangs, Wicked Whims (though I added the censored version), and Extreme Violence (though I have not used that YET) and I decided to make Mercury from Shining Nikki a Mafia boss/gang leader (since he kind of already is that in Shining Nikki in all but name tbh).
For Mercury's gang (I chose La Cosa Simstra since I feel like Mercury would not be Simkuza, Newcrest Thugs, or Fifteenth Street tbh) I added the following members:
Vulture (full name is Vulture Heijiu in my game) - Right-Hand Man
Misha Tomislav (TF2 Heavy) - Bodyguard
Tavish Degroot (TF2 Demoman) - Bodyguard
Walter White (yes THAT Walter White from Breaking Bad, which I decided to download from the gallery btw) - Enforcer
Mundee Mundy (TF2 Sniper) - Enforcer
Ludwig Humboldt (TF2 Medic) - Gang Member
Jeremy Scout (TF2 Scout) - Gang Member
Jane Doe (TF2 Soldier) - Gang Member
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Here is the gang at the headquarters, which is supposed to be a bar as a front.
Gonna add some more screenshots below but because it kinda involves Mercury talking to Walter White about the drug market while they are at a strip club that Mercury owns (there's no nudity involved which is why it's just tagged as "Mature" and "Drug and Alcohol Addiction" for the community tags).
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I know Scout is sitting with Mercury and Walter, but it's mainly Mercury and Walter White talking about the current drug market.
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I think it's kinda funny that Loen showed up at the strip club that Mercury owns, orders a drink, and decides to sit at the table that Mercury and Walter White are sitting at while they are talking about drugs and gang related shit.
I also made a rival gang (chose the Simkuza since the mod says that La Cosa Simstra and the Simkuza are enemy gangs) with Zoey from Shining Nikki as the leader for that gang.
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Chapter 2: At the Seaside
Narrated by Nikki.
July 14
The! Seaside!
The sun was already setting when we made it to the hotel. Mom’s been busy. I watched the sea from afar.
The sunset is pink! Oh, I mean the glow, not the sun itself.
Nobody on the beach, except for a graceful lady wearing a sun hat.
July 15
Went to Mom’s studio as her assistant of the day.
Lots of responsibility!
The studio staff are nice. A lady asked me what I want to do when I grow up.
I want to be like Mom, an awesome designer.
Shame I didn’t see the fabulous designer they all talk about.
July 18
A whole day spent on the beach!
Lovely sunshine. The sea’s cool and clear, with little fish swimming around. Found many pretty shells.
Sea salt cheese ice cream! The taste of summer.
Saw the sun hat lady again, sitting in a beach chair watching the sea. Don’t know what she’s thinking.
July 22
Never knew the studio was so busy until I got some hands-on experience.
Feeling happy and fulfilled though, kind of like one step closer to my dream.
I want to design my own swimsuit, as the “homework” to this internship.
August 2
Completed swimsuit design last night. Should be happy about it, but...
Took the design to the studio for peer input. Lots of visitors showing their own work today.
Each one was splendid. Some are beyond my wildest dreams.
And my design is... so boring. How can I be better at this?
August 9
Mom said I should look for ideas in real life. I’m spending this whole week on the beach.
But the sea is the same every day. So is the beach.
Tried all the ice cream flavors. Had enough of sea salt cheese.
And the sun hat lady, she’s there every day! Watching something? Or waiting for someone?
Sun, sea, beach, lady. Like a painting, static... Can’t find any inspiration!
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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elsabet-writes · 2 years
Today's writing adventures: Our intrepid heroine makes her way to the city seeking refuge...only to discover that her boss's mansion has been blown to smithereens and the government has raided his office downtown.
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horngryeyes · 7 months
mafia 3 ending was so ????????
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