#shin hoseok fanfictions
bangchanshehe · 1 year
The Trespasser pt. 26
You were on top of the world with the new title of leader of your family’s clan. You were the strongest clan in all of the orient and you were proud. But your family feels that there are threats still lurking around making you a target. When they introduce you to a potential man for a business and marriage merger will it help your clan or make matters worse?
Wonho x Reader, Shownu x Reader, Jooheon x Reader
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The next morning you woke up feeling groggy and tired. The entire night you kept thinking about Hoseok wondering, did he get home okay? He’s not hurt right? Why was he so drunk? Why did he have to come here of all places? Did he really mean what he said last night? And although your mind kept telling you that it was just a drunken mishap, your heart wanted to fully believe that he had come for you. It made your mind wonder if he was doing as horribly as you had been. If he was feeling like an emotional zombie, focusing only on work, and just getting through the next day like you had been doing.  But once again your brain had reared its ugly head and told you that he hadn’t, that it was just a mistake and that he only said those things because he was so drunk.
You let out a loud yawn and stretched in bed feeling your sheets glide across your skin before you reached over to find your phone on your nightstand. You clicked the lock button once to see what time it was only to find that you had close to a dozen notifications from your mother alone. You quickly unlocked your phone and rummaged through the messages and missed calls.
4 New Messages, 6 Missed calls…
Mom: You had better give me a damn good explanation as to why I heard that you and Hoseok decided to end things
Mom:  Your father is beyond pissed!!!
Mom: If you want to ever come over here again you better pick up the phone!
Mom: Fine!
You let out a loud sigh and pinched the bridge of your nose. In the mix of everything that had been going on you had tried so hard to maintain appearances so that you could explain to your parents what had happened on your own terms, and not when wounds were still so fresh.
You got up and immediately went to the bathroom to freshen up before you subjected yourself to the emotional warfare that was your mother on the phone. and while you sat on the toilet you stared down at the pad that remained completely clean after your night’s rest. You gently ripped the pad away and wadded it up in toilet tissue before you threw it away.
“it’s finally done” you whispered softly to yourself as you stared at it in the trash can. There was a particularly enslaving feeling that overwhelmed you as you looked down into the bin. Many people may not know that you were once pregnant, but you would always know and every time that you had a period you would feel a small tinge of guilt.
You finished things in the bathroom and then took a seat on the side of your bed and stared at your phone for a moment, before picking it up and calling the last person who you wanted to discuss your marriage with.
“You have some nerve calling me this late in the day missy!” Your mom almost immediately answered.
“Hello to you to mom, oh I’m fine by the way, thanks for asking!” you said back.
“What the hell happened to you? Did someone piss in your cheerios today?” she asked back, “Why the hell am I hearing that you and Hoseok decided to end things?” she paused for half a second before she continued, not allowing you to answer the question. “Get your ass over here! You have some explaining to do!” she barked out before she hung up the phone.
You sat there in complete silence like a statue for a few seconds before you unfroze. You heard the chime of a new text message alert, and you looked down at your phone to see what it was.
Mom: Don’t you dare think about disappearing! If you don’t come today, then there will be some restructuring of this family!
Your eyes widened for a moment as you processed what your mother had sent to. You knew that she was going to be disappointed that you had ended the contract with Hoseok, but you didn’t think that it was going to become so serious! You got up from your bed and quickly put on some clothes before you headed off to your parents’ home.
As you parked your car you looked up to your family home and let out a quick deep breath. Today was going to fucking suck! As you got out of your car and started your walk to the front door you looked up to see your mother standing in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest and a look of disapproval on her face. As soon as she was sure that you had seen her, she walked away from the door into the house leaving you by yourself outside. You completed the few steps with a scoff and a final sigh before you shut and locked the door behind you.
When you entered the house, you followed the smell of cigars and coffee to the living room where your father was smoking and reading the news paper and your mother was sitting, sipping on her coffee like a prima donna. Sensing your presence, your father looked up from his paper and quickly took hold of his cigar.
“There’s my little puppy! What are you doing here darling!” he exclaimed, obviously unaware of what was going on.
You cut your glance over to your mother before you smiled softly at him and took a seat in a chair across from her. If things weren’t already terrible now you would have to cut the news to him too, which you’re assuming that your mother was going to allow you to do as a form of punishment. “Mom called me over!” you finally answered.
“Good! It’s been a while since I’d seen you last kiddo!” he said with a chuckle.
You stared at him for a moment, taking in his happy image. You knew that his mood was going to do a whole 180 after he was finally in the loop, and your ass was going to be on the line. You looked down at your feet for a second and took a deep breath before you aired it all out.
“Dad there’s something that i-“…. You started softly but before you had time to say anything else you were interrupted.
“Hey! I didn’t know you were here! Want any coffee?” Hoseok chimed out in a positive tone as he entered the room with a coffee pot to fill your father and mothers’ cups.
You looked up at him in complete confusion and immediately began to feel yourself tighten up and close off. You looked over to your mother who was looking over at him sweetly with her cup stretch outward for a refill, and you immediately were filled with a silent rage. You were already going through enough of a tough time as is and the last person who you expected to exploit your emotions right now was your mother. But if she was going to do this to you and play around with threats then you were going to go straight to the source and make sure that she couldn’t do it again.
“Dad, there’s something that I need to talk to you about and I would prefer it if we could do that in private.” You said to him with a serious tone hoping that he could feel your sense of urgency.
Your father pursed his eyebrows together but then as soon as he had, he released them and gave you a soft smile back in return with a slight nod. As soon as he began folding his paper you stood up from your chair, ready to follow him to his study. But just as quickly as you stood up your mother had already began making her move.
“Darling none of that right now, you just got here!” Your mother trying to complain.
“If she has something that she needs to discuss with me then let her do it. She’s a busy girl!” Your father chimed in, standing from his seat.
The two of you were about to turn to leave the room when you suddenly felt a hand grabbing your wrist, restricting any further movement forward. You looked down at the hand that held onto you and followed it back to Hoseok, who had a particular look of urgency in his eyes.
“Actually, if you don’t mind… can I have a word with you first?” he asked softly.
You gave him a blank stare for a moment before you nodded your head. You looked over to your father who had already sat back down in his chair and waved his hand at you to go on. You looked back at Hoseok and pulled your hand away from his grasp, and he let go reluctantly.
You guided Hoseok to your father’s office where you knew that your conversation would remain private from any lurking eyes and ears. You locked the door behind the two of you as he entered behind you, and you gestured to the chairs that your father had arranged for meetings. You took a seat and the two of you sat in silence for a while and stared at each other’s faces.
Hoseok looked as good as ever and possibly even better, which pissed you off. Some days you could just manage to get out of bed, and yet here he was looking handsome after a night binge drinking while you were sober and feeling like a freight train had hit you.
“Why didn’t you unblock me?” Hoseok asked first thing.
You looked up to him surprised that he had remembered that much of last night. “To be honest I didn’t think that you would even remember showing up last night.”
Hoseok gave you a soft smile, but you could tell that there was nothing but a slight sting of pain behind it. “That’s fair. But if you know me at all you know that I’m a man of my word.” He said with a cheesier grin, “And… I know that you’re a woman of your word, so unblock me” he challenged.
You gave him an emotionless stare for a second before you pulled out your phone and unblocked his contact in your settings. You locked your phone and sat it down in your lap and looked up at him with a look of tiredness. “Are we done now?” you asked.
“Well….” He started to say but before he could get anything else out, he cleared his throat and looked around the room for a moment. You watched him in anticipation, which only seemed to make him more nervous. “I wanted to tell you a few things. And I know that right here, right now, is probably not the place where you want to hear them, but it’s the only way that I could get to you.”
“Well now you’re unblocked, so can we please do this another time?!” you pleaded with him
“No!” he said quickly, causing you to look up at him in shock. “I need to get this off of my chest before you go out there and tell your father that we’re done!” he said without being able to look you in the eyes.
Hoseok stood up from his chair and walked over to your father’s desk, letting his back face you. “I don’t want you to think that I don’t trust you anymore.” He said just louder than a sigh, “and I don’t want you to think that I don’t like you because of the pregnancy.” Hoseok finally turned around to face you from the desk and you could see that there was a single tear ready to spill out of his eye. “And I understand why…” he said with a broken voice.
You clenched your teeth and your fist into a tight ball as you worried about spilling tears of your own. You could see how this had affected Hoseok and it hurt to know that what you had done had caused him pain, but there was also a sense of relief that he had felt that pain. That you weren’t alone in your own thoughts and feelings. You closed your eyes and a shudder racked through your chest as you tried your best to keep yourself together.
Hoseok quickly cleared the office with a few steps and sat down on his feet in front of you holding your fists to his face as he cried. Slowly, you relaxed your hands and held his face, wiping away his stray tears with your thumbs.
“what’s done is done” you said in a soft whisper.
Hoseok gathered his breath, and he looked up at you. “I know, and I’m sorry that I tried to make the decision about my own wants… I only though of my own happiness before I even considered that this was something that could hurt you.”
You ran a hand over his hair and placed it back to his cheek trying your best to comfort him. “I know, and I’m sorry that I hid it from you.” You admitted “I should have been honest with you, but I was scared and nervous.”
Hoseok tilted his head further into your palm and shut his eyes. “Please…. Please don’t let this ruin everything that we had.” He prayed silently in your hand as you looked down on him.
“Hoseok…” you started and let out a small sob of your own. “I don’t know that it can go back to how it was after this.” You admitted “what happened is still so raw for me.”
“I know, I know.” He repeated and nodded his head “I’m sorry!” he sat up on his knees and reached out for your face to place soft kisses on your cheeks, nose, chin, forehead and eventually your lips. “I just want to be there to help pick up the pieces.” He said looking into your eyes.
You considered it… all of it. The happy moments, the moments of concern, the nights spent together and apart. The tears and the anger. And how the two of you had left each other so easily.
“I want that too…” you admitted “but I’m scared that this will always be there to haunt us.”
Hoseok pulled you down from the chair into his lap and he held you close to his chest. “I will never ever use this to harm you, start arguments, or belittle your character.” He said strongly “y/n, what I want the most is to be able to call you a partner again. And I know that right now you just need some time and space to heal, but I want to continue the contract…with you.”
You pulled back from him after your breathing and tears had settled and you looked up at him, holding onto his broad shoulders. “Are you sure?” you asked him.
He scoffed and gently tucked loose strands of your hair away from your face. “I never wanted to end it in the first place.” He said with a sad chuckle, causing you to look at him confused. “You were the one who had said that we should end things.” He smiled.
You looked down at his chest while you recalled what you had said … “Since we have come to such an outstanding disagreement then I think it’s best that we end our contract here. There’s no point of continuing if we can’t agree on such important principles or trust each other from here on out.”
“You had immediately pulled out the contract and signed it as completed, so what could I do?!” he stated. “You had already made up your mind, before I could even try to work things out.”
You nodded your head, taking ownership of how rash you had come to the decision without letting him discuss his own feelings or pain and how the pregnancy would have altered the relationship between the two of you. You had been the sole provider of your pain instead of talking things out.
“I’m sorry.” you said clearing your throat and wiping away any tear stains on your face. “I don’t really want to end things either, and things have been though lately without you there.” You admitted to him. “But I think before we jump headfirst in again, we should maybe take things slow, while we get everything figured out.”
Hoseok smiled at you and pulled you in once again, embracing you in a full body hug. You were shocked for a single moment before you allowed yourself to find comfort in his embrace again. You smiled to yourself and let out a deep breath, letting the dust settle over the animosity between the two of you.
“I’m okay with slow” Hoseok whispered to you, as he held you close.
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shineebebe · 7 years
Bad Girl
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(Wonho fluff/angst/smut depending on alternate ending)
“Come on sweetheart, I think it’s home time.” 
Wonho said, just loud enough so you could hear him over the loud pop music in the club as he extended his hand down to you. You were laid on the floor, laughing hysterically at yourself for trying to dance sexy and falling over, almost snapping your heels. The world was spinning so fast, your feet dangling in the air and everything seemed so funny; you didn’t want to go home, you weren’t even tired. 
“Nooo! The party hasn’t even started!” 
You whined, pouting your lips at your boyfriend who seemed incredibly sober compared to you. Maybe you had drank a little bit too much but Wonho didn’t have to be such a party pooper. The man could be so over protective sometimes. Jooheon was standing next to him, trying to fight his grin; apparently it was just Wonho that didn’t think your tipsiness was hilarious. 
“Baby, you can barely stand up. Let me help you up or I’ll make you. I’m not joking jagi.” 
Wonho tried taking your hand but you shook it off, throwing a drunken tantrum like a child, whining that you didn’t want to go home. Wonho definitely wasn’t lying about making you leave. He had such a serious look on his face; he didn’t care what other people would think. With his huge muscles, Wonho found it easy to lift you from the floor and haul you over his shoulder. Instantly, your stomach churned as the nausea hit you. No matter how much you kicked and screamed, Hoseok refused to put you down until you were put in the taxi with your seat belt buckled tight. Your boyfriend sat next to you, knowing you were in a mood with him for making you leave but he found great relief in knowing you were safe. 
Hoseok carried you up to your shared bedroom and laid you down on the bed. You had to admit that the fluffy pillows felt extra good as your head began to thump, along with your sore feet. 
“Don’t move baby. I’m going to get you some water.” 
Hoseok said softly, his deep chocolate eyes glistening and his smile lighting up your life as always. Your eyes followed his perky behind as he started to leave and the the inevitable stage two of drunkenness kicked in; arousal. 
“Wait! Don’t go!” 
You pined after him. Hoseok rushed back to you, worried something was wrong. 
“What is it baby? You want me to take your shoes off? Want some painkillers?” 
Damn, he was so cute and hot when he fussed over you. You couldn’t stop staring at his angel face, his strong, veiny arms, his thick, luscious thighs. 
“You look so pretty...Hoseok, kiss me.” 
Hoseok couldn’t help but chuckle, tucking your hair behind your ears. 
“Oh no. None of that tonight baby. You’re too drunk and you’ve been a bad girl.” 
But him calling you a bad girl only made the desire between your legs become stronger, making you groan frustratedly. 
“But..but..I want to. I won’t be drunk anymore. I’m sober right now!” 
You lied and it was painfully obvious to your loving boyfriend who was grinning at you. 
“The answer is no baby. I do however need to undress you and get you ready for bed.” 
Hoseok sat you up and began to unzip your tight fitting dress. Just the sound of the zip made your heart skip a beat. How was Hoseok undressing you so erotic? You heard him gulp. You knew he was being a perfect gentleman, even though you didn’t want him to be. The thick bulge in his tight jeans was a tell tale sign that he was feeling the same way and fighting his urges. His fingers fiddled with your bra before it fell from your body and exposed your breasts. With the alcohol still in your system, you didn’t care about your modesty. Instead, you threw yourself at him, wanting him to fuck you so badly. Your boyfriend looked so gorgeous, he smelled amazing. You’d never wanted him so much before. On top of his lap, you claimed his lips, kissing him hard as you pressed your breasts up against his chest. The bulge beneath you was perfect for you to rub your aching clit against. You hoped Hoseok could feel the wetness of your panties. 
He groaned, pulling himself away from you. 
“Baby, no. This isn’t right. You’re drunk. I refuse to take advantage of you, no matter how much I want you.” 
He sighed loudly, lifting you off him. He looked frustrated and guilty; all he wanted was to take care of you. He wished you knew how much you meant to him and why he was doing this; he’d feel like a monster if he had sex with you without your proper consent. The feeling between your legs was almost unbearable but yes, if someone asked you where you were then you probably couldn’t remember. You were too drunk but it didn’t lower your desire for the man that was squeezing makeup remover on to a cotton pad. 
“Now, where’s my jagi?” 
He cooed with that magical glint in his eye, wiping the cold pad all over your face, gently across your eyes and lips. Your boyfriend bit his lip, trying his best to take everything off and finally, you looked like his girlfriend again, just as beautiful without makeup. Hoseok wiping your makeup off made you feel tired. Yes, stage 3 of drunkenness: exhaustion. You could pass out anywhere when you were drunk. Your eyelids felt heavier with every yawn. Hoseok’s heart melted, thinking you looked so damn adorable. 
“Where’s Hoseok?” 
You asked tiredly before grabbing a pillow and cuddling it. Wonho laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching you grow more tired, relieved that you weren’t still trying to have sex with him. 
“I’m right here Princess. Are you sleepy baby?” 
He asked softly as he leaned over to run his fingers through your hair. You took a moment to process the question before nodding, making Wonho smile from ear to ear. He managed to get you to drink some water before undressing himself and climbing in to bed with you. The man was exhausted himself, drunk (Y/N) was incredibly cute but hard work.
                                         -Alternate ending-
Hoseok sat you up and began to unzip your tight fitting dress. Just the sound of the zip made your heart skip a beat. How was Hoseok undressing you so erotic? You heard him gulp. You knew he was being a perfect gentleman, even though you didn’t want him to be. The thick bulge in his tight jeans was a tell tale sign that he was feeling the same way and fighting his urges. His fingers fiddled with your bra before it fell from your body and exposed your breasts. With the alcohol still in your system, you didn’t care about your modesty. Instead, you threw yourself at him, wanting him to fuck you so badly. Your boyfriend looked so gorgeous, he smelled amazing. You’d never wanted him so much before. On top of his lap, you claimed his lips, kissing him hard as you pressed your breasts up against his chest. The bulge beneath you was perfect for you to rub your aching clit against. You hoped Hoseok could feel the wetness of your panties.
He groaned, pulling himself away from you.
“Baby, no. This isn’t right. You’re drunk. I refuse to take advantage of you, no matter how much I want you.”
“Take advantage of me Hoseok. Please. Please I need to be fucked so bad.” 
You begged, your hands running under his shirt, caressing his hard muscles as you grinded on his crotch. Lust, you could see it in his eyes. He wanted to, hearing you beg for it was driving him crazy. 
“Over my knee.” 
He said gently but authoritatively, making you stop instantly. 
You asked with wide eyes, your heart pounding as much as your head. 
“I said get over my knee, now.” 
He repeated. What was he going to do? Was he going to satisfy your cravings? Oh, but Hoseok didn’t sound pleased with you. He thought you’d been a bad girl. With clammy palms and a racing pulse, you climbed over Hoseoks knee, his erection wanting to break through his jeans. 
“I’m going to spank you for your behaviour tonight. You will not get pleasure from this. Tomorrow, when you’re sober and well rested, I’m going to fuck your tight little pussy until it hurts. You will cum for me until you’re sore, understand?” 
You were lost for words. All of a sudden, you’d sobered in seconds, trying to comprehend what he wanted to do. Hoseok took hold of your hair and pulled your head up so your eyes met his dark, powerful stare. 
He questioned again. 
“Yes. I understand.”
You managed to croak out. 
“Good girl.” 
You gasped as Hoseok let your hair go, knowing his hands were free. For once, you were thankful that your panties were still on and were going to lessen the pain of Hoseok’s hand. 
“This one is for disobeying me when I asked you to get up tonight.” 
He said before bringing his large hand down on your left butt cheek and slapping it hard. 
You winced, hissing through your clenched teeth. You soon found out that he wasn’t going to go easy on you; Hoseok was more than angry. 
“You humiliated yourself and me there and then went on by trying to initiate sex when I explicitly told you no.” 
He balanced the redness on your behind by hitting your right cheek. The sound of the slap rang through your ears. You could feel your buttocks burn and blush yet you still had to squeeze your legs together to ease your arousal. His hard on digging in to your stomach really didn’t help; you squirmed under his hand. 
“Hoseok, I’m sorry.” 
You panted, secretly wanting more. 
“And you told me you understood that you weren’t going to get pleasure from this but your juices are fucking dripping through your panties on to my erection that you gave me.”
You could swear he hit your behind harder with every point he made. 
Your heart had never pounded so hard before. Your behind was on fire. Your eyes were teary and all you could think of was the arousal between your legs, screaming for attention. After what seemed like a life time of stillness and silence, Wonho spoke softly. 
“What I’d do to kiss your red ass better but this is all part of your punishment jagi. I love you, so much, never forget that. It’s just sometimes you can be such a bad little girl.” 
Like you were a piece of fragile china, he lifted you from his lap and back on to the soft, plush bed sheets. 
“I’m going to get some cream to put on your cute butt and then you’re going to get plenty of rest for tomorrow. We’re both going to need it.” 
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Call me by your name
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Genre: Smut with Wonho x Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Power play, Dom / Sub dynamic, Use of Pet names (Babe / Oppa), anal sex, pegging, anal fingering.
Summary: It’s not the first time you’ve done this together, but today a simple phrase starts something new.
Reference: MONTERO (Call me by your name) by Lil Nas X
Word count: 263 words
All rights reserved ©Gotmetalkinginmysleep
- - - 
Hoseok’s sweat misted brow stays pressed against the wall as he breathes through, steadying himself with a shaky exhale. Desperately needing to push himself back from the edge, the burning orgasm that’s so close it shudders through him. 
Your fingers now flexing on his hips, positioning yourself between his legs while he stays pinned, leaning against the wall. His broad body feeling firm to your delicate touch. Beads of sweat rolling down his spine, dripping down as he kneels atop the pillows on your bed. You follow them down to see your strap nestled between his ass cheeks like it’s at home. Hoseok already prepped for it with your lubricated, dextrous fingers. You wait for his word. 
Hoseok glances over his shoulder to see you waiting patiently, his breathing now steady. You slide your hands up his sculpted torso, clutching tightly at his chest as you lean against him. Your body now pressed against his back as you whisper in his ear. A smirk pulled on your face leaving him sighing shyly at your words. A blush reddening his cheeks.
You ready yourself behind him, perfecting the angle while your hands lightly grasp at his hips. Your lips leave the faintest kiss on his shoulder before asking, “You ready, Babe?”
He places his hands against the wall like there are places for him to hold on tightly, arching back slightly, readying and presenting himself for you. He sighs, a smile spreading across his face, knowing just how to respond, knowing how he can get you worked up with two simple words,
“Yes, Oppa.”
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
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Commissioned by: @blueblondewonhoishot​
Warning: Smut, Angst 
Word Count: 11.2k 
Everyone wants to fall in love, but sometimes love isn't enough to keep you together, and sometimes someone tries to break you apart. 
As the youngest child in your family, you were always the last one to find out anything, especially if it had anything to do with the family business that your grandfather worked so hard to build. 
Being the youngest of 3 had its perks, but honestly there were more disadvantages than anything, considering you were the only girl as you had two older brothers. It was clear since you could remember your father and grandfather groomed your brothers to become the perfect workers, and perfect people to take over the company when they passed. No one ever considered you, because with you being a girl, you were supposed to just get married and have children while being a stay at home mom. 
You weren't here for that life. It had taken you a while of begging for your father to even consider allowing you to work an entry level position in the company at the age of 20, but you were strong willed and determined to prove you had just as much potential and capability to run the company as good, if not better than your brothers. 
When you turned 25, you were made a financial advisor, and you'd finally earned a slight nod of approval from your father. It was the most acknowledgment at work you had gotten from him that wasn't really work related. Today was the best birthday you had, and now nothing was going to get in your way now. 
"Lee Hoseok, graduated top of your class at SNU, majoring in Finance." Mr. Park murmurs. 
"Yes sir." Hoseok nods, holding his head up high. He needed this job, Christ did he need this job. His bills were piling up, his grandmother's hospital bills. She had told him not to worry and that she was handling it while he was in school but now it was just found out she hadn't been handling it. Hoseok's parents weren't around any longer, having taken off when he was younger, so he had no one. His grandma was all that he had, and he would do whatever he needed to do to take care of her. 
"We'll give you a shot. Come back tomorrow, 8am, 6th floor. Ask for Kim Y/N, She'll take care of you." Mr Park says, abruptly leaving Hoseok sitting there, his nerves finally melting away. 
The next day, you excitedly entered the large building of Jangu. Co. You grew up but for the first time it was your first day now as a financial advisor. No more slumming it on the 3rd floor with the Analyst's for you, no, you were now hitting the big leagues on the 6th floor and you couldn't be more excited. 
"Good morning Y/N." The 6th floor secretary, and one of your best friends, Minsu smiles. 
"Ah, yes it is." You reply with a giant smile of your own. 
"Wait." She calls after you. Minsu grabs your wrist, pulling you around the corner before leaning in closely to you. "You're showing someone around today." She whispers, peaking around to make sure no one hears her. 
"What?" You ask, not quite understanding why anyone would choose you, considering this was your first day as well. 
"I don't know specifics, but just that you have to show him around until the advisors meeting at 10am." She finishes shrugging her shoulders before whispering bye as the phones begin to ring. 
You shake off Minsu's words as you walk towards your new office. 
"Oh Y/N!" You hear Minsu again from down the hall. Christ, you just want to make it to your office. Turning around you place a fake smile over your face until you notice she's not alone. Trailing along closely behind her, an extremely well built, handsome man in a tight fitted suit. 
Uncontrollably, you let out a small breathy moan as you attempt to subtly look him up and down. 
"Jesus christ." You whisper to yourself, adjusting your slightly unbuttoned top. 
"This is Park Y/N." Minsu says, bowing to the man before winking at you and taking off. 
"Hello, I'm Lee Hoseok. I was told to find you this morning. " he says. His arms made your pussy throb, and now his voice makes it throb and drip. 
You clear your throat, trying to not make a fool out of yourself. "Yes, that is right. Please head to my office and I will be there in a few minutes." You say in your most professional voice. 
You sounded like an idiot. 
"Where's your office?" He asks. 
Fuck. You didn't even know where it was. 
"Um." You pause. "I'll show you." You tell him, turning down the hall, praying that this was the right way. You look closely at each door, trying to find your name while this man follows you, likely thinking you're a giant fucking idiot. 
"Ms. Kim?" He questions. 
"Yes?" You ask, turning around. 
"Isn't this your office? Kim Y/N?" He asks, pointing to a door half way down the hall from where you currently stood. 
"Oh uh yes, good eye." You say, walking back to him. "It was, uh, test." You murmur opening the door, sneaking by him to see Mr. Park, while trying not to be too embarrassed. 
What was wrong with you? You've never been affected by a man like that before, and suddenly you become a giant mess? Get it together. 
Hoseok couldn't help but laugh at how flustered you got. Honestly, he thought you were adorable, the way you furrowed your eyebrows, the way your cheeks became red when you were flustered and embarrassed. He enjoyed noticing these types of things about women, more specifically women he found attractive. And did he ever find you attractive. He knew he couldn't never act on anything, he needed this job more than anything and he wasn't about to lose it because of anything. He needed to stay focused and do what he was there to do.
Hoseok wanders into your office, wondering where you snuck off too and when you were coming back. He wanted to get straight to work but wasn't entirely sure where he was supposed to go, so he awkwardly sat in one of your chairs, and waited for your return. 
"Mr. Park." You say, walking to his desk. Mr. Park was your father's very trusted secretary, and puppet. He did the dirty work your father didn't want to do, sometimes he wanted to keep his hands clean but Park had zero issues carrying out your father's orders. Honestly he terrified you a bit, but you refused to show it. 
"Ms. Kim. What can I do for you?" He asks, his expression lifeless and cold, as usual. 
"The new guy? What am I supposed to do with him?" You ask, crossing your arms. "This is not how I expected to spend my first day as a financial advisor." 
"Ah yes, Mr. Lee. There's a staff meeting in 10 minutes, please bring him there and I will direct him from there." Mr. Park tells you, looking down to continue his work. 
As you head back to your office, you think about what it would be like to have an office romance. You wondered if he would want to keep it a secret or declare his feelings for you in front of everyone? 
No, stop it. You can't get involved with anyone, you're working your way up the corporate ladder, you can't date anyone, let alone a coworker. 
"You." You say, standing at the door of your office. "Let's go." You finish turning to walk back down the hall. Hoseok quickly stands up, following behind you, but not too close. 
You enter the board room with Hoseok trailing behind you. Picking a seat, he decides to pick the one directly beside you. Your face heats up again. 
"Let's get this done quickly people, there's work to do." Mr. Park says, placing his papers on the table. "We have a new hire, Lee Hoseok." He says, gesturing towards him. "Everyone take care of him. He is our newest financial advisor, who will be working with Ms. Kim for the next few weeks as she shows him the ropes and how to handle the clients." He announces. 
Your eyes almost pop out of your head. Are you working with him for the next few weeks? Closely? You wouldn't.  You couldn't, you actually physically couldn't because you might do something you'd regret. Your attraction to him was very real, and the fact that you might do something was a very real possibility. Usually when you wanted something, you got it and as much as you tried to deny it, you wanted him. You knew you needed to keep your distance, as much as you could. 
"That concludes the meeting, have a productive day." Mr. Park says before abruptly leaving the room. 
"Well, shall we partner?" Hoseok smiles. You just about melt. 
"Y-Yes." You mumble, standing up quickly to walk out of the room. 
"Let's head to my office, you can show me how to set up my things." He smiles, moving to walk in front of you. 
Unfortunately for you, his office happens to be just a few doors down from yours, and you have a perfect view of his desk, you can see your desk from his. 
"Okay, so this is the client list. You can take this half, I'll keep this half." You say, deleting your half so he's not confused. "Your email is here, your phone number here, clients info is in this folder here." You say, showing him everything on his computer. 
"And this.." you begin before being interrupted by Hoseok's phone loudly ringing. He quickly declines the call, placing it back in his pocket before he pays attention again. He leans over you in the chair, pointing to something on the screen. Though as he leans, his hard chest lands on your shoulder, sending a shock through your body and slight wetness to your panties.  
He was about to say something to you, when his phone began ringing again. Once again, he declined the call but almost immediately it rang again. 
"You should probably get that if it's going to keep ringing." You say, standing up from his desk. 
"I apologize, Ms. Kim." He says, before answering the phone. 
"Hello?" He whispers as you walk out of the room, back to your office. 
"Ms. Kim!" You hear a voice before your very best friend saunters into your office with a mischievous smirk on her face. 
"How may I help you, Chae?" You ask with a small laugh. 
"New hottie. What's his deal?" She asks, sitting on your desk. "He is a goddamn snack!" She yells loud enough for surely the entire floor to hear. "Give me all the info." 
"I don't know anything. I'm a professional." You say, pulling your jacket down. 
"Professional my ass." She snorts. "Speaking of asses, did you see his ass? It's like a double layer cake, that I would love to eat, lord." She groans, mimicking a biting motion.
You can't help but laugh because she was absolutely right. The ass on him made you slightly jealous, but also made you hot. He was definitely one hot piece of ass. Seconds later, there's a knock on your door frame, and there stands Hoseok. You and Chae's laughing comes to a quick stop as you stare at him, trying to figure out if he heard or not. 
"Ladies." He smirks. 
He definitely heard. 
"Would you like to join me for lunch?" He asks, cocking his head to the side. 
"I think we're.." you begin to say before Chae so rudely interrupts you. 
"We would love to. Let's go!" She says, hopping off the desk and shakes his hand while being extra flirty. 
"Okay.." you finish, muttering it to yourself. "Let's go I guess." 
As the three of you sit at a table and wait for your food, Chae begins to ask Hoseok a list of questions. She starts off easy as usual and then she will begin the tougher, more intimate questions. 
"Where were you born?" She asks. 
"Busan." He answers. 
"Mom, dad, and two older sisters." He smiles. 
"Interesting. Y/N has two older brothers." She says, nudging your arm. 
"Girlfriend?" She asks. 
Hoseok looks uncomfortable, but lucky for him, the food arrives, saving him from having to answer her question. 
The table goes quiet as you all enjoy your food. Hoseok adjusts his legs under the table, accidentally brushing his knee against yours. Your head shoots up to look at him, only to already be met by his eyes, locked on your face. He smirks before winking at you and then continuing to eat his food. 
You feel like your heart might actually beat out of your chest. Your face gets flushed again as the memory of what he just did plays over and over in your head, making you blush a little harder each time you think about it. 
"Right, Y/N?" You hear Chae say, bringing you out of your daze. 
"What?" You say, coming back to the real world. 
"It's customary to take new hires out for celebratory drinks on the Friday of their first week." She winks at you. Clearly Hoseok had seen it, because he began to chuckle. 
"Yes, yep, it's tradition." You shrug with a smile. 
"Okay, I'm in." He laughs, taking another bite of his food.
You couldn't wait for Friday.  
That night you went home and did whatever you could to try to erase the thought of Hoseok from your mind. You didn't need this kind of distraction, or temptation if you would. But no matter what you did, your brain wouldn't let him leave. 
As you doze off to sleep, your brain decides what better way to get rid of him than to have a sex dream about him. 
You're standing inside the supply closet, the door propped open behind you. You're looking for paper for your printer, when you feel a body pressed up against you, and something hard in your backside. 
"You've been such a tease today." Wonho grunts, wrapping his arm around you, grabbing tightly to your shirt with both hands before ripping it open, buttons flying everywhere.
Your breath hitches as he cups your breasts, grinding his cock into your ass.
"Naughty girls need to be pushed." He spits, pulling your skirt over your ass before undoing his belt to pull down his pants. 
"You ready baby?" He grunts, coating his cock in some spit, pumping himself before lining himself up with your entrance. 
Your hands reach up, grabbing whatever shelf you could as Hoseok rams his cock into your pussy, not letting you adjust to his size. He continuously pulls himself out before pushing back in, stretching out your walks. 
"Won't tease me again, will you?" He grunts. 
"If this is my punishment, I definitely will." You breathe, as Hoseok's large hand wraps around your neck, squeezing tightly. 
"I want you to cum all over my cock." He growls. 
Unfortunately for you, the second before you came, you were woken up by the sound of your lovely alarm clock. 
You never did finish that dream.
As the week went on, you found yourself staring across the hall at Hoseok, daydreaming about what it would be like to hear him moan. How big his cock was, if he was any good at eating pussy. More than once he caught you staring, and only smiled in response. 
Everytime the two of you were in the same room, you swore you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. If you had it your way, you'd happily have him swipe everything off yours or his desk and fuck you senseless in the office, but unfortunately for you fucking your coworker during working hours was against company policy, you were sure. 
When Friday finally rolled around, and you were all done work, you were sitting at a table with your coworkers surrounding you, while you each had a shot and a drink in front of you, as you all laughed at some lame joke someone made. You loved that you got along so well with everyone, but you were having a hard time concentrating while Hoseok sat beside you, especially since every time he moved, his leg brushed against yours. When he would adjust his pants, his finger would lightly graze along your bare thigh. You made sure to wear a short, yet work appropriate skirt that day. 
Your breath hitches as the last graze lasted a few minutes longer than the others. 
"I'll be back. Bathroom break." You breathed to everyone at the table, needing to get yourself together. 
You stood with your hands on the sink as you took a few deep breaths, giving yourself a small pep talk in the bathroom mirror. "You've got this. He is your coworker, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Get ahold of yourself, Y/N." You growl to yourself. 
Taking one more breath, you pull the door open, only to be met with a pair of strong hands on your shoulders, pushing you into the wall. You look up to see a dark eyes Hoseok, breathing heavily. 
"What are you doing to me?" He pants in your ear,  pressing his body against yours. "I can't control myself around you." He groans. 
"Then don't." You whisper. 
Hoseok leans in closer to you, his luscious lips almost pressed against yours. 
"I can't." He breathes, smacking his hand against the wall beside you, frustrated. "I'm sorry." He finishes before walking away. 
You stand against the wall for a few seconds, trying to figure out what just happened and why he left. You shake your head as you walk back to the table, noticing Hoseok wasn't there. 
"Where'd he go?" You ask Chae. 
"He took off. Something about having to be up early." She shrugs. 
You wondered if maybe you had done something wrong? Maybe telling him to let go around you freaked him out? Maybe he had a girlfriend? All the possibilities ran through your head all weekend as you went over every detail, trying to figure out where it went wrong. 
The weekend came and gone, as quickly as it began. You laid in your bed Sunday night, wondering what Monday was going to look like. Would it be awkward or uncomfortable? Would he ignore you? Maybe act like nothing happened, although would it really be acting considering nothing truly did happen. 
You fell asleep that night worried about what the next day would bring. 
All morning Hoseok's office door had been closed, and he never left, giving you zero chance of speaking with him. You could just go and knock on his door, but you didn't want to disturb him or make the situation worse, so you left it alone.
You didn't see him Tuesday either. 
Wednesday afternoon, you were lucky enough to be awarded a lovely visit from Mr. Park. 
"Ms. Kim, you're going to be heading the Jung case with Mr. Lee. Do a good job on this. You'll be presenting to Mr. Jung and the board on Friday." He says, leaving without giving you a chance to ask any questions, like did you have to work with Hoseok? You didn't do well in awkward situations. 
Taking a deep breath, you stand up from your chair to make your way to Hoseok's office. You try to shake your nerves off while you stand right outside his door. You knock three times, gently, trying to not seem too eager. 
"Oh." He says. "I wasn't expecting to see you." He admits. 
"Yes well here I am." You laugh. "Mr. Park has put us on the Jung case." You tell him.
"I'm on that case? He's one of the biggest clients. The commission is huge?" He says, his eyes wide. 
"I know. We have until Friday and then we have to present to the board." You tell him. 
"That's barely 2 days." He says, worried. 
"I know. So we better get started." You tell him. 
Friday came quickly, and so did the slot for your presentation. Hoseok had assured you that the two of you did an outstanding job and everyone would love it. You just hoped he was right. 
"..and that concludes our proposal for Mr. Jung." You say, finishing off the presentation that you and Hoseok had worked so hard to complete.  
As it turns out, your hard work seemed to have paid off, because Mr. Jung was thoroughly impressed with what you and Hoseok had come up with for him regarding his finances and agreed to go with the plan. 
"Celebrate?" You asked Hoseok. He happily nodded his head and the two of you set out to your favorite spot for dinner and a drink. 
One drink happened to turn into two, and then three, and continued to where the two of you were currently on your fourth drink, having finished your dinner hours ago the two of you were already slightly drunk. 
"I have a confession." He says. "I like you. I've liked you since I first saw you." He says, finishing his drink before putting his hand up for another one. 
You smile as you down the rest of your drink, going to admit the same thing to him. "I like you too." You whisper. 
"Then what are we doing? Two people who like each other should be together!" He slurs. 
"I agree Hoseok." You giggle. 
"Call me Wonho." He smirks. "Can I take you home with me tonight?" He asks. 
"Please take me home." You say. He puts out his hand for you to grab. Happily you take it, after hell places some bills on the table to cover the evening. 
You're both silent in the cab back to his apartment, not touching each other. Wonho slowly guides his hand over the seat, sliding it over your hand. He curls his fingers, holding your hand before pulling you towards him. 
Wonho leans in, going to press his lips to yours, but before he can, the cab driver pulls to the side, telling you that you were now at your destination. 
Nervously, you get out of the cab, standing on the sidewalk as you wait for Wonho to finish paying. Once he does, he grabs your hand, leading you inside and to the elevator. The doors open, and Wonho pulls you in, you two being the only ones riding the elevator up. 
Wonho turns to face you, walking towards you, making you back up until you hit the wall. "I've wanted to do this for so long." He growls leaning his head in close to yours, finally allowing his plump lips to press against yours. Within seconds, he slips his tongue into your mouth, both of you eagerly needing each other. Wonho bends down slightly, placing his large hands behind your thighs, signaling you to jump. You happily comply as you wrap your legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss. 
The elevator doors open, you're on his floor but he doesn't set you down. Instead, he carries you to his apartment, unlocking his door and heading inside with you still wrapped around him. He makes it to the kitchen before he places you on the counter, standing in between your legs. 
Wonho stands back from you, appreciating you before beginning to unbutton your shirt. Wonho never breaks eye contact as he unbuttoned the last one, sliding your shirt over your shoulders and down your arms, leaving you in your bra. He slides his hands around your back, unhooking your bra before discarding it on the kitchen floor. 
He smiles as he leans his head down, cupping your breast, lifting it up to gently place a nipple in his mouth, sucking harshly. 
"God." You moan, throwing your head back. 
You raise your hands, running your fingers through his soft hair. You slowly push him away from you, sliding yourself off the counter, allowing your tits to bounce slightly before you get onto your knees. 
You lick your lips as you unbuckle Wonho's belt, and unbutton his pants, shimmying them down his legs, along with his boxers. 
"Ooh." you squeal as his cock springs free, pre cum dripping from his red tip. You tilt your head up, looking him in the eye as you lick the cum from his cock before placing it in your mouth, sucking a few times before taking in as much as him as you can. 
"Shit baby." he groans, throwing his head back. 
Pulling him almost out of your mouth, Wonho thrusts his hips forward, shoving his cock down your throat, causing you to choke a little. 
"Fuck." he moans, letting you swallow his cock a few more times before pulling himself from your warm mouth, and standing you up. He bends you flat over the counter before spreading your legs wide. He drags your skirt and your pants down, over your ass and down to the floor. 
Wonho gently sticks his fingers inside your pussy, pumping them in and out before reaching up a little more to rub your clit. 
"Oh my god." You cry out, your legs shaking as he hits the perfect spot, each time. 
"I'm going to fuck you." He groans, pulling his hand away from your clit. 
You stand up and turn around, placing your hands on his shoulders to bring him down to the floor. Wonho lays down on the kitchen floor as you step over him before bending down and lining his cock. You line yourself up with him, slowly sinking down on his cock as he spreads your pussy, stretching you out. 
"Fuck." you both cry out. You slowly start rocking your hips back and forth, making sure to rub your clit on his pubic bone as you ride him. 
With a smile on your face, you adjust yourself, placing your feet on the floor, you begin bouncing on his cock, making him moan louder. 
"Holy shit." he cries out. 
You lean yourself back, placing your hands on his legs as you continue to bounce yourself on his cock. He reaches his hand up, rubbing your clit with two fingers. 
It doesn't take long for you to cum all over his cock, your eyes rolling back into your head. 
Wonho groans at the sight of you, removing his hand from your clit and pinching your nipple instead. 
Minutes later, Wonho cums, spilling it all inside of you. As you take yourself off of him, his cum seeps down your leg as he shows you to the bathroom. You both clean yourselves up quick before collapsing in his bed, falling asleep instantly. 
The next morning you woke up, Wonho's muscular arm draped over your body. You bite your lip and smile at the memory of what happened between the two of you last night. Although you were both drunk, you remembered it all and it couldn't have been better. 
"Good morning, beautiful." Wonho mumbles, his eyes still closed as he nuzzles his head into your neck. 
"Good morning." You respond, rolling over and wrapping your arm around him. 
"Breakfast?" He asks, his voice muffled. 
"What would you like?" You ask. 
"Let's make breakfast together." He suggests. 
Your heart flutters. 
"Okay. Let's do it." You smile. 
That morning, you and Wonho spent your time together making a large breakfast, that the two of you could barely eat. Eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, toast, pancakes. It was a meal that could feed an army, but the two of you had so much fun making it together. There were plenty of kisses shared between the two of you, along with your favorite back hugs. You could feel yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with him with every second that you spent with him, and now you'd finally decided to stop fighting it and just let yourself be happy. 
You and Wonho spent the entire day together. You watched movies, talked for hours, learning all about eachother. You even told him about your father and who he was. You had thought he would have been mad or uncomfortable with the thought of dating his boss's daughter, but to your surprise he was okay. You both agreed to leave your relationship out of the office, strictly professional. 
"Relationship?" You giggled. "What, are we dating now?" You laughed. It was Sunday afternoon and the two of you had spent the entire weekend together. 
"We are. That is if you would take me as your boyfriend?" Wonho smiles. 
"Of course." You laugh. 
He laughs as he cups your face, leaning down to gently place a kiss on your lips. 
You couldn't believe he was yours, and this was your life. 
You were in complete bliss, for a while until everything began crumbling before you. 
The first few weeks of your relationship with Wonho was amazing, you kept it professional at work and passionate outside of work. Things were just working out perfectly for you both, until a rumor started going around the office about the two of you. There was only one person you knew who was into office gossip, and she just happened to be your best friend. 
"Chae." You start, standing by her in the break room. 
"Oh hey! Is it true?" She asks with a smile, wiggling her eyebrows. 
"Did you start it?" You ask. 
"Start what?" She says. 
"The rumor." 
In a split second she began looking uncomfortable. As much of a gossip as she was, she was a terrible liar and a dead giveaway.
"I'm sorry! I saw you guys out for dinner, and I told Minsu but told her not to tell anyone!" She exclaims. "But she did and then it just spread." She finishes, looking apologetic but at the moment you didn't care. No one needed to know about your personal life and you thought it was pretty shitty of her to say anything in the first place instead of coming to talk to you. 
"I really am sorry.." she whispers. 
"Yeah, so am I." You mumble, leaving the room and heading to Wonho's office. 
"There's a rumor about us." You pout as you close his door. 
"I know." He smiles. 
"Everyone knows." You say. 
"I know that too." He laughs, looking back at his work. 
"What are we going to do?" You ask, slumping down in the chair. 
"What do you mean? Who cares if everyone knows? I love you. I want the world to know that I'm with the most amazing, sexy, smartest, funniest woman, and she's all mine." He smirks. "I want all the guys to be jealous you're mine, and all the women jealous I'm yours baby." 
Out of all of that, there were only 3 words that you heard. 
"I love you." 
"You love me?" You whisper. Wonho freezes and looks at you a little shocked. He really didn't think you would have caught that. Was it too early? You had only known each other for a few weeks but he had never felt like this about any woman before. He knew you were the one the moment he set his eyes on you, the one he was going to marry, the one he was going to have children with, the one he was going to grow old and grey with. Watching your children get married, have their own children. He could picture it all with you by his side. 
"I do love you." He says confidently. 
"I love you too." You whisper, smiling while you lean in for a kiss, squishing his cheeks together with your hands. 
If this is what love felt like, you never wanted it to end. 
"It seems as though Mr. Lee and Y/N are in a relationship, sir." Mr. Park tells your father, CEO Kim. 
"Mhm. I see." Your father says, sitting behind his desk contemplating his next move. "Keep an eye on him. Report back to me asap." He finishes.
Mr. Park bows at your father before heading off to keep an eye on Hoseok. He knew your father wanted something on him, and whatever he wanted Mr. Park would do. 
"I've got to get back to work. I'll see you later?" You ask, lingering by the door of Wonho's office. 
"Yes. Let's go for dinner?" He asks. 
"Absolutely." You smile, walking from his office back to your own. 
Once Wonho was alone, he picks up his cell phone, dialing a number but first checking to make sure you were out of ear shot.  
"Hi." He speaks into the phone. "Yeah of course I'll see you tonight. I've just got something to do first and then I'll be over there." He says. "Yes I know. I'll bring it don't worry. I love you too." He finishes, hanging up the phone. Wonho begins typing on his computer, not noticing the man who heard everything walking away from his office, and directly to the office of CEO Kim. 
"It seems as though he might have someone else, sir." Mr. Park says. "I overheard him on the phone." 
"Look into his background. Dig up whatever you can." CEO Kim tells him. 
"Yes sir." 
Over the next few days, Wonho becomes a little distant and closed off, not speaking to you much, constantly on his phone and distracted. Everytime you tried to speak with him, he either had to run off on an errand, had a meeting or had to take a call. You had barely seen him, and hadn't slept in his bed with him in a week. 
You were confused. Had you done something to piss him off? Was he in some sort of trouble? 
The next day, you'd finally caught a glimpse of him sitting in his office, typing. No phone call, no meeting, nothing. You walked over there determined for answers. You push the door closed before sitting down in the chair across from his desk. 
"What's going on?" You ask bluntly. "You've been ignoring me and very secretive. Did I do something?" You ask. 
"What?" He asks, confused. "No you haven't done anything. I've just been dealing with some stuff baby, but it's done now." He smiles. 
"It is? Are you sure?" You ask to clarify. 
"Absolutely. I love you, I would tell you if something was bothering me." He laughs. He turns away from you as his work phone rings loudly. 
"Hello? Okay. Okay. Be right there." He says before hanging up. "Okay baby, I have a meeting. Dinner tonight? I'll meet you at Rizo's." He smiles, placing a kiss on your head before taking off. 
You couldn't wait to spend some time with him tonight, hopefully either stay at his apartment or have him come over to yours, since it was the weekend. Either one would work, as long as you were with him. 
5:30pm rolled around, and you left work in a happy mood and headed to the restaurant. 
6:15pm, you sat at the restaurant, waiting for Wonho to arrive. 
6:45pm, you call his phone only for him to not pick up. 
7:30pm, you try calling one more time, only to be sent straight to voicemail.
8:00pm, you finally gave up waiting and went home. 
You checked your phone constantly, but heard nothing from him that night. 
Waking up in the morning, you check your notifications, yet none of them are from him. You can't help but have a terrible feeling in your stomach, like something happened. You try calling him again, and it went to voicemail. 
You call him again, and this time he answers. He sounds tired and annoyed. "What?" He snaps. 
"What are you doing? Are you okay? You didnt show up last night." You whisper. 
"I'm fine. Look, stop calling, just leave me alone." He growls before hanging up the phone. 
Frustrated and annoyed, you get up to get dressed quickly and make your way over to his apartment. What the hell happened to make him change his mind so fast? Why was he being so harsh to you? What have you done? 
40 minutes later, you're standing outside his front door, your hand up ready to pound on the door. 
Within seconds, the door swings open, revealing a long haired beauty. 
"Can I help you?" She asks with a smile. 
Oh god you think. 
"W-Wonho?" you stutter. She was stunning. Was she his girlfriend? Fiancee? Friend? 
"Hey!" She yelled behind her. "There's a girl here for you. She looks sad." She says, giving you a sympathetic smile, that you didn't notice. 
"What are you doing here? He snaps. 
"What is wrong? What happened?" You ask. 
"Nothing happened. Christ, you're so fucking clingy. Leave me alone." He shouts. 
The girl behind him muffled a laugh as he began snapping at you. Your eyes dart over to her, giving her a confused look as she smirks at you. You try to shake it off, remembering you're there to get answers from Wonho. 
"Why didn't you show up yesterday? Something happened! You told me you loved me before making dinner plans with me!" You yell. You didn't understand how he could change his tune so drastically. 
"I lied. I don't love you. Never did. I used you to further my career, but look at what that got me. Nothing, except a clingy bitch. Now leave me the fuck alone." He spits, going back inside and slamming the door in your face. The tears that had been previously threatening to fall, spilled down your cheeks. 
Why.. how could he change his mind so quickly? He had spent the nights with you telling you his plans for the future, including you in all of them. He told you he loved you, you were the one, he didn't want to be without you. 
And now he's telling you it was all a lie, that he used you. 
Your heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces. You could barely see out the windshield as you drove back to your apartment. Your tears refused to let up, just as your heart refused to repair even a little bit. 
Wonho slid down the door after he had slammed it in your face, his head in his hands as he let his own tears fall freely.
"Who was that?" Yoomi asks, crossing her arms.
"None of your concern." Wonho snaps. "Did you pay grandma's hospital bills with the money I gave you?" 
"Yes I did. Where did you get 14 million Won anyways?" She asks. 
"Again, none of your concern." He spits, walking to his bedroom and slamming the door behind him. He didn't have the energy for her today. 
The weekend for you was nothing but a blur. After you had gotten home on Saturday morning, you cried and slept, and cried more and slept. You were pretty sure you didn't eat anything, drink anything, or even leave your bed. You were a disaster, a heartbroken mess of a woman and you had no idea how to get out of it. 
Even though you wanted to lay in bed forever, and forget the world, you got up Monday morning and put on an outfit that said professional, but was the least professional outfit you owned. You gave no fucks today. You left your hair alone, not giving shit as you looked in the mirror. Your eyes were so red and puffy, absolutely noticeable you had been crying. 
You did your best to cover up your eyes, but even makeup couldn't hide what a mess you were, so you said fuck it and decided to scare everyone today. 
Sitting in your office, you glance at your clock and it's only 11am. You want to die. Everytime you heard footsteps going down the hall your stomach dropped in fear that it was Wonho, but you hadn't seen him yet. 
Yet, and you spoke far too soon. You looked down for a brief second and looked out the door when you lifted your head, and there was Wonho, standing outside his door staring into your office. You thought you saw his face twist in pain slightly, but you could have been wrong since it went back to being ice cold in a split second. 
You could feel the tears slipping again, and you refused to let him see you cry again. You quickly log off your computer and grab your phone and purse, not caring about anything else before walking out of your office, past Wonho and to the elevators. You needed to get the fuck out of there and grab a drink. 
Thank god for the bar down the street. 
Glancing at your phone, you're a little shocked to see it's already 7pm and you've been drinking for 7 hours. Unlocking your phone, you decide to message one person back, the one person you knew would be here within 10 minutes if you asked her too. 
"Fucking Chae, telling Minsu about Wonho and I.. it's her fault. She's the reason he left me." You mumble to yourself. 
"Bitch!" You hear from across the bar. "What the fuck happened?" Chae asks as she sits across the table from you. 
"Bitch? You're the bitch." You spit. Chae's taken aback. 
"What?" She asks, confused. "What did I do?" 
"You and your loud fucking mouth had to tell Minsu about Wonho and I. You're the reason he fucking left me. Maybe if you sucked a few more cocks you wouldn't have time to gossip about me." You slur, flipping her off before standing up and staggering out of the bar.
Sober you knew that Chae and her big ass mouth had nothing to do with you and Wonho breaking up, you were sure there were much bigger issues than that but she was there and easy for you to take your aggression out on. 
You knew you shouldn't have done it, even plastered you knew you were wrong but it all came out like word vomit that you would most definitely have to apologize for another day. You cried a little more as you staggered to your apartment, flopping on your bed. 
You weren't going to work tomorrow. 
Instead when you woke up, you ate all the junk food you could find in your house before ordering more, along with more alcohol. 
This was how you spent your week. Binge eating junk food, drinking and crying while watching couples get together in your favorite Korean Dramas. 
"Fuck you Hyungsik for getting your happily ever after." You bawled. "Where's mine!?" You cried, throwing your bag of cheeseballs at the TV. 
To say you were a wreck, was a heavy understatement. 
On Sunday you were feeling a little better and had decided you were going back to work on Monday, but as you were trying to decide what to wear, everything looked like it would be too small. Surely you hadn't gained that much. You stepped on your scale, and almost fainted. In your one week of being home and bringing, you had gained 15lbs. Usually, it's not the end of the world but you were nowhere near mentally strong enough to deal with that much of a weight gain in such a short time. 
You ran to your phone, dialing the number of someone you knew could help you. 
"Chang-wook? I'm hiring you, starting tomorrow morning. Jaggu. Co gym, 6am. See you then." You finish, hanging up the phone. 
Ji Chang-Wook was an old friend of yours, one that you're not afraid to admit you found him wildly attractive but he was more like a brother to you than anything else. He had the body of a god and could easily help you get back into shape. You didn't want to be this girl, torn apart after a break up. You repeated the quote your mother always told you to live by. "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours and if it doesn't, it never was." 
If Wonho was meant to be yours, he would come back to you but you needed to give it time and show that you were doing okay while you waited. 
Monday morning rolled around far too early for your liking. You cursed yourself for binge eating but more so cursed yourself for calling drill sergeant Changwook. 
"You're late." He exclaims as you walk into the already busy gym.  
"Bite me." You snap back. Your eyes scan your surroundings, and just your luck, Wonho is standing in front of the large mirror, pumping what you can only assume are the biggest weights in the building. "Shit." You whisper, turning around. 
"Why are you attempting to hide?" ChangWook asks, looking you up and down.
"My ex is over there." You whisper, jerking your head in Wonho's direction. "The one pumping iron and the reason why I'm in this situation currently." You finish bitterly. 
"Okay, well let's get working." He says, placing a loud and hard slap on your ass, causing you to yelp and Wonho to turn and look to see you laughing with ChangWook. 
"Shithead." You murmur as he drags you over to the treadmill, making you run for 45 minutes straight, without a break. 
When you're done he drags you over to weights, and other machines you wish you could name but honestly you weren't paying attention. Part of you just didn't care, but the other, larger part was too focused on what Wonho was doing, and the fact that the two of you continuously made secret, discreet and flirty eye contact. You were pretty sure, well you hoped it wasn't all in your head. 
After spending all day in the gym, which turned out to only be an hour and a half, you said goodbye to the man who would be responsible for your death and went to collapse in the shower for a few. 
When you finally felt like you'd survive, you got dressed for your day at work, hoping the rest of your day was a little easier than your morning. 
And it was. You only saw Wonho four times throughout the day, and only cried three out of the four times, so you were making progress. 
The next few days were hard, you had to work semi closely with the man you once saw a bright and beautiful future with, while he acts like he doesn't have a clue in the world as to who you were. That hurt the most, the pretending you two had nothing but you still wanted him. Despite all he said to you, or did to you, you still loved him. 
"Ms. Kim, you'll be paired with Mr. Lee for this project. You all need to present tomorrow morning, and Mrs. Seo will choose her advisor after the meeting. Work hard." Mr. Park announces before taking off immediately after he ends the meeting. 
"What the fuck." You whispered under your breath. You were annoyed you had to work with him, things were going very well with you and him by keeping your distance. You didn't want to have to actually speak to him or work with him, but you didn't have a choice now, did you? 
"Should we go to my office or.." Wonho quietly asks, standing behind you. 
"Mine." You snap, standing up quickly and stalking off. 
Wonho silently shuffles behind you, keeping his distance from you but also keeping pace. 
You sit down in your office chair as Wonho pulls one up to your desk, ready to work. 
"So I think if we went with this approach, it would absolutely save her more money in the long run." Wonho suggests. 
"Oh would it? Would it save her more money? Thanks so much for your input." You snap. 
You knew you should be professional, you knew you were being a shithead but you couldn't help it. He was acting like he didn't tear your heart out and stop on it before chopping it into pieces with an axe. 
"I'm sorry.. I was just.." he starts. 
"No it's fine. I'm sorry. It's a great idea. Let's go with that." You say. 
The next thing you know, it's 2am, and you and Wonho are still working, although almost done. 
"End it like this?" He asks. 
"Yeah, that's good." You say with a yawn. Standing up from your chair you stretch your body, bending over to stretch out your back while forgetting your skirt happened to be one of the shorter ones you owned, that just happened to slide up ever so slightly over your ass. 
Wonho's breath hitched as he watched your skirt slide over the curve of your ass. "Shit." He murmured, feeling his cock twitch in his pants. Without thinking, he walks towards you, biting his lip as he gently presses his semi hard cock to your back side. 
You stand straight up, shocked. You try to walk away but Wonho wraps his arm around your waist, keeping you against him. He places his head in the crook of your neck, taking in a deep whiff of your scent. 
"Fuck, I miss you." He sniffles into your hair. 
"Then why.. why did you.." you start before Wonho backs away from you. 
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have.. I can't." He mumbles, grabbing his briefcase and taking off. 
You went home that night and cried yourself to sleep. 
Wonho went home and cried in the shower, his cock still hard at the memory of being so close to, pressed up against your ass. He knew this would be hard, but he really didn't think it would be this hard. 
"Mr. Lee, thank you for joining us." CEO Kim says as he sits across from him and Mr. Park. 
"Of course, how may I help?" Wonho asks. 
"Your grandma is fairly sick, isn't she?" CEO Kim asks. 
Wonho is slightly taken aback, he wasn't aware anyone else besides family knew about his grandma. 
"She is." He answers. 
"Now, what's your relationship with my daughter?" CEO Kim asks, his face now becoming more stern. 
"Oh, um, we are in a relationship." He announces. He wasn't sure if he should have said anything, but truthfully it was his boss and your father, he couldn't lie. 
"I see." CEO Kim says, clearing his throat. "My Y/N is a sweet girl. Smart, kind, passionate and comes from a well off family. She needs to be with someone more like her, which is why I have her husband picked out already." 
"You're marrying her off?" Wonho asks, shocked. "Does she know?" 
"No she doesn't know. And she won't know until everything is ready. Her and Park Seojoon will be happy once they learn to love each other, but we have an obstacle. You." He says, pointing at Wonho. "She can't be with you. So you're going to end things with her." 
"I-I can't do that." Wonho says, standing up. 
"You can and you will. Do you enjoy living in the apartment you're in? Because one call from me, I can have you evicted with nowhere else to rent. I can fire you from this job and stop you from getting any other job in your field, you'll be slinging burgers for $5 and hour. I'll also tell her about your dirty little secrets" He threatens. "You're sweet grandma, you're very behind on her hospital bills. Agree to my terms, and your debt is covered, along with all payments every month to the hospital. Your job is safe and so is your housing. What do you say?" 
"Fine." Wonho agrees, he has no choice. 
"I don't care what you tell her, or how you tell her. End things permanently."
Without another word, Wonho walks out of his office, ignoring your calls to see where he was for dinner. Ignoring the fact that he should be at the restaurant with you, not planning to destroy you. What choice did he have? 
"Hello?" You answer your phone in the morning, feeling like it was far too early to be getting a call. 
"Y/N, come for breakfast this morning." Your mother says. 
"Is it necessary?" You groan. 
"Yes. Now please. And look presentable." She says. "Love you." 
Great, a breakfast can only mean one thing. You're in for quite the surprise. 
"Thank you for showing up in a timely manner." Your mother says, giving you a quick hug.
"What's this about mom?" You ask, your stomach nervous. 
"Just eat, Y/N." You father says, keeping an eye on the door. 
A few seconds later the door opens, revealing a very attractive man in a suit. He looked to be about your age, maybe a few years older. 
"SeoJoon! Thanks for coming." Your father laughs, standing up to hug the man. 
"Y/N, this is Park SeoJoon. He's the heir to Park Foods, and.." your father pauses, looking at your mother. "Your future husband." He finishes. 
You choke, you choked on your melon as soon as your father said the word husband. 
"I'm sorry, WHAT?" You partially yell. "Nice to meet you, but no?" 
"Y/N.." your mother starts. 
"Don't Y/N." your father growls. "Be kind to your future husband." 
"I'm not? I'm.. sorry, but again no. Every Time you've brought this up I've told you I'm not marrying someone for financial gain, or for company mergers. I'm marrying for love." you say.
"You'll end up loving him eventually.." your mother sighs. 
"I'm not in it for eventually. I want the reason that I marry someone to be because we love each other, not because we're forced." you sigh. "In fact, there's already someone I would love to marry." you finish with a whisper. 
Your mother perks up at your announcement, while your father seems angry. "You better not be talking about that new hire!" he yells, slamming his fist on the table. 
"I am actually." you spit back. 
"That's over. I took care of that! it didn't take much for him to leave you! Some threats, and a few million dollars? He's weak! SeoJoon is the one for you!" He yells. 
"You took care of that?" you ask, tears brimming in your eyes. 
"Oh Hyunjo, you didn't.." your mother gasps. 
"That's why he left me? Because you threatened him to the point he was terrified and took some money?" You laugh, but the humor is nowhere to be found. "I always knew you did some shady shit, but this is low, even for you." You cry. "I'm your daughter! And you treat me like my life means nothing. I can't believe you." 
Without a second thought, and ignoring the pleas from your mother, you burst through the front doors of the house and went straight for your car. You have one destination in mind, and you hoped he was home when you got there. 
Arriving at Wonho's apartment, you violently bang on his front door, yelling for him. 
"What?" the woman who was there last time answers. 
"Is he here?" you ask. 
"I don't know. But what I do know is that you should leave now." She says. 
"Wonho!" You yell again. "I know about the threats and the money from my father! Please, talk to me." you yell over her. 
Seconds later Wonho comes into view, moving past the woman that had been there previously. 
"You know?" He whispers. 
"I do..and I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me!?" You cried. "I could have helped you!" 
"I didn't know what to say. How do you tell someone you love their father threatened them and paid off a large amount of debt and hospital bills? That's not something that comes easy to say over dinner or drinks." He tells you. 
"I get it. I just wish I could have prevented it." you cry. "I could have done something." you sigh.
Wonho doesn't say anything, but instead pulls you into him, tightly wrapping his arms around you, holding you close. 
"I'm sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean it." he whispers, nuzzling his face into your head. "I have never, for one second stopped loving you. It broke me to say those things to you, to physically see your heart break. I'll never forgive myself for that." He finishes. 
"It's not your fault. It's my nosy ass father, who by the way, tried to marry me off today." You scoff. 
"Oh, so you met SeoJoon?" He asks. 
You back away from him. "You knew?" 
"Kinda? I guess? He told me there was someone he wanted for your husband, but we didn't dive in any deeper than that." Wonho replies. 
"Same shit. Christ. He's psychotic." You grumble. 
"Come on." Wonho laughs, grabbing your hand to drag you inside. 
Immediately your body stiffened as you remembered the girl that's been here far too often for your liking. 
"Soya!" Wonho shouts. 
"What do you want?" She asks, coming face to face with you. 
"This is my girlfriend, the love of my life, now please get the fuck out." Wonho smiles at the woman who now looks offended. 
"You're seriously kicking me out?" She scoffs. 
"I seriously am." Wonho laughs. 
"Nice to meet you girlfriend, I'm his sister, Soya. And I'll be going now I guess." She snaps, grabbing her jacket and storming out. 
"That's your sister?" You ask, relieved. 
"Yes? Who did you think it was?" He wonders. 
"A wife or fiancee." You laugh, feeling stupid now. 
"You're the only one I want to be my fiance and then my wife." Wonho smiles, placing both his hands on your face and pulling you in for a kiss. 
Fuck you missed him so much. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled your body in close. 
"Come" you whisper, pulling away from him and grabbing his hand to drag him to the bedroom. 
You close the door, before facing Wonho with a loving smile on your face. 
"What?" He laughs. 
"I just missed you, and I want to show you how much I missed you." You whisper, gripping the hem of his shirt before pulling it over his body and throwing it out of your way. Placing your hands on his chest, you lightly push him back to fall onto his bed. Wonho moves himself up the bed, laying on his stomach while he waits for what you're going to do next. You quickly discard your shirt and bra, while also tossing your pants to the side, leaving you only in a pair of black panties. 
"I want you to tell me what you want, and how you want it. Okay?" You whisper, placing kisses along his back. "This is all about you."
"You don't have to do this baby." Wonho groans as you run your hands up and down his back. 
"I do. Now shhh." You whisper, stroking his shoulders and around his neck. You run your fingers up the back of his head and through his hair, tugging lightly. 
You move yourself down his body, straddling his ass, so you can lay yourself flat against his back, peppering small kisses along his shoulders and his neck. Your perky breasts pinned against his back as you whisper some of the things you love about him. 
"I love your smile, your eyes, your laugh." You whisper. "I love your arms, your abs, your voice. So handsome, so strong." 
Sitting up, you rub your hands down his arms that are now spread out. You lay yourself against him again before you slide off, laying closely beside him. Wonho rolls to his side, cupping your face before leaning in for a kiss, one which you dodge, moving down the bed to rub your hands up and down his legs, making sure to relax him even more. Your hand reaches down between his legs and gently rubs his balls for a few seconds before moving back to his legs and ass. 
"Seriously." He groans, rolling over abruptly. 
Now you straddle yourself on top of his front, just above his hard cock. You run your hands up and down his arms, over his chest and down his abs. 
Leaning forward, pressing a kiss to his forehead, before his hand reaches up, grabbing your head to pull you in for a kiss. 
You smile as you break the kiss, looking him in the eyes. "Do you trust me?" You whisper. You stare at him until he nods yes. 
Biting your lip as you wiggle yourself down, gliding your clothed pussy over his erect cock, earning you a groan from him. 
You bite your lip as you move your panties over to the side, placing his cock in between the lips of your pussy, and grinding on him. 
"Oh my god." He groans, his hands coming up to reach for your waist, helping your hips grind against his cock. 
"You tell me what you want baby," you groan, his cock perfectly sliding against your clit. 
"Suck my cock." He groans, using his large muscles to halt your movements. 
"Anything you want, baby." You moan, sliding off him to get on all fours. You hover over him, licking up the pre cum that spilled from his cock, with the tip of your tongue. 
"God. Don't tease me." He groans, bucking his hips slightly. 
Opening your mouth, you take in as much of him as you can, making sure to hit the back of your throat as you go down. 
"Such a good little cock slut." He groans, bucking his hips harder this time.  "Come here." 
You crawl towards him, leaning down to place a kiss on his lips. Wonho lifts his hands, cupping both your breasts, squeezing before pinching your nipples, tugging on them slightly. 
"Do you like that?" He asks. 
"Yes." You breathe. "This is supposed to be about you though." You partially whine. 
"It is about me, I also like to make you feel good." He smirks. "Now put my cock back in your mouth." 
After you deep throat his cock a few times, you come up for a breath and see Wonho's eyes dark, full of lust. 
"Sit on my cock." He growls. 
Without a second thought, you line your entrance up with his cock, slowly sinking yourself down on him. 
"I missed the way your cock filled me up." You moan, your eyes rolling back slightly.
"Move." He spits, placing his hands back on your hips to make you start riding him. 
Your hands move to his chest as you lift your ass up and slowly sink back down on his cock. "Fuck. I love that." Wonho groans, lifting your ass up to do it again. 
You move yourself slowly against him, wanting to keep things loving and slow, but Wonho seemed to have other ideas, beginning to get a little impatient as he waited for you to speed up. 
"Ride my cock baby, before I take over." He growls. 
You smirk as you continue with the same pace, wanting you both to slowly cum together. 
"I warned you." He snapped, sitting up and somehow flipping you so you were on your back, without his cock ever leaving your pussy. 
"This is about me, right baby? Well I want to destroy your pussy." He snaps. "Open your legs wider." 
With no hesitation, you spread your legs as wide as that can go while Wonho fucks you harshly. His hips snap as he pumps himself into you, desperately seeking his release, along with your. 
"Rub your clit." He demands, watching your hand move between your lips and begin rubbing. "That's right baby, rub your clit till you cum." 
"Fuck." You cry out, loving the sound of his voice when he talks dirty to you. 
"You gonna cum baby? Let your pussy cum all over my cock." He groans, his pumps becoming faster but sloppy. 
"Oh my god." You cry out, your orgasm bursting through your body, causing you to shake as you ride through it. 
"Good girl." He smirks, his grunting becoming louder. 
"Cum.. cum in my pussy." You cry out. Wonho grunts as he shoots his cum into you, painting your walls. 
"Fuck." You both huff, laying in his bed together, catching your breath. 
A few days later, you and Wonho were sitting in the cafeteria at work, having lunch together, when you received a message on your phone from your father. 
"My father.. wants to see us bother." You tell Wonho, surprised. 
"Let's go." He says, shrugging his shoulders. 
"What? I was going to ignore it." You laugh. 
"Well you could.. but I don't want you to not have a relationship with him because of me." Wonho admits. 
"Trust me. You wouldn't be the reason." You say, rolling your eyes and heading up to his office with the love of your life in tow. 
"You wanted to see us?" You say as you barg into the office. 
"Hello, Y/N." Your father says. 
"Hi. What?" You snap, unimpressed. 
"Look." He sighs. "I want to apologize for my actions. I have realized I was very out of line, and should have more regard for your life and what you want to do. I just want you to be taken care of." Your father admits. 
"Sir." Wonho interrupts. "I have every intention of taking care of your daughter to the best of my ability. I would and will do whatever I have to, to make sure she has everything she wants and needs. She will never be without." 
"I sure hope so, son." Your father replies. 
Nothing could take the smile off your face as you watch your father accept the man you love, and your Wonho forgive your father's terrible actions. 
8 years later, and you and Wonho are still together and more in love than you were the day before. 
A few days after you had sat down with him and your father, Wonho had gotten down on one knee and proposed.
Of course you said yes. 
1 year later the two of you got married. 
2 years later, your eldest son was born. 
2 years after that, your second oldest son was born. 
2 years after that, your youngest and last child was born, a daughter. 
1 year ago, your father passed away from a heart attack. You were happy he was able to see your happy life with Wonho, and meet his grandchildren, but you missed him dearly. He had offered you the position of CEO, when he passed. He had said you were far better qualified than your brothers. 
You happily declined. 
As you sit on your deck, you watch Wonho run around, playing tag with your boys. You laugh as you watch them try to catch him, but fail to do so. Your heart flutters as you watch your daughter run to him, wanting to play but knowing she wasn't fast enough. He picks her up and cradles her in his arms as he carries her, allowing her to play with them. You never wanted your life to be anything different. 
There was never a moment of doubt in your mind where you had not thought Wonho wasn't the one for you. He might have been a temptation in the beginning, but now he was your forever.
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weneepaw · 3 years
Hello everyone!!
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Hi, I'm Hella and I'm new in tumblr 😅 so nice to meet you guys ❤️
I've been writing fanfics for a long time but I never share them in an international media, but my friends encouraged me and told me to do it and I want to start of here 😅😅
After all, I'm sorry about my English, if it has some problems on grammar or choosing words to use because english is my second language 😅🙏🏻
But I try with my best to share funny and interesting fics for you and also, I will mostly post smuts. I say because may some people doesn't like to read something like that. And I own 90% of edits that I'll post with my fanfic chapters. If you want to use them as your lockscreans without story and chapter names on, you can ask me to post the original photos. 😉
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genre: neighbor au, single parent au, handyman!wonho, kindergarten teacher!y/n, single mom!y/n
warning(s)!!!: y/n being insecure about being a good mom, past toxic relationships, toxic exes, wonho is an oblivious flirt, wonho is referred to as hoseok, yoongi is a mastermind highschooler, rocky past+acceptance to the past
[teaser]: mentoins of juvy, adoption
teaser w.count: 1k
Series | One-Shot | Two-Shot | Drabble | [Rated: T] 
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a/n: I accidentally wrote 3k words more of this and now I have the urge to write it until it’s complete oops. meanwhile, this is probably going to get out of hand (again) bc i originally was gonna have this planned out for like a quick, 10k story and i’m already at 6k and i’m not close to being done yet.  yeehaw (anyways enjoy!) 
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Hoseok wasn’t all that shocked to be getting a phone call late into the afternoon of his day from Liu.  He was currently standing outside beside his jeep as he loaded it back up with his toolbox from a job he had just wrapped up. 
“Hello,” he answered as he pressed the phone to his cheek with his shoulder as he wrestled with the toolbox, forcing it between the gap of the passenger seat’s back and the backseat to get it onto the floorboard. 
“Hoseok, I’m glad I could reach you. I tried to call earlier, but I only got voicemail,” the voice of Landlord Liu crackled through the phone’s speaker.  
“I apologize for that, I was with a client and couldn’t get to my phone for a while.” 
“No need to explain, you’re a busy man.” Hoseok just tutted in a small tone as he finally got his toolbox situation and the back door closed.  He rounded his jeep as he opened the driver’s door and hopped inside, revving it up. “That being said, I have a small favor to ask.”��
“I’m listening,” Hoseok prompted for him to continue.  
“I know you just moved and are still settling in, but could I possibly have you head to a tenant’s apartment and do a small repair job?” Hoseok’s lip twitched as he curled them around his teeth to keep from grinning. “It seems as though her child accidentally caused a shelf to come clean out of the living room wall.” 
“Oh really? That’s tough,” Hoseok played ignorant.  It’d be too long winded to explain the situation to Liu on how he knew this already.  “And who is this tennant?” 
“Her name is Y/n. She happens to live next to you with her two sons. I told her I’d give her a call back once I got a definite answer from a repair-man.” 
Hoseok started backing out of his parking place as he held the phone with his free hand now, the other on the wheel as he started driving.  Pulling out into the afternoon traffic as he began his journey back to the apartment complex. 
“I can get it done this afternoon when she’s free. If you would, just pass my number to her when you talk to her next and tell her to contact me when she’s free.”  Hoseok had a small smile on his face as he drove.  He had a small inkling that this was going to be the outcome of your son’s little sneak-stunt gone wrong. 
“Of course. Thank you very much, Hoseok. I’ll give her a call back and let her know.” 
The call was cut there as Hoseok tossed his phone into the seat beside him now.  “Called it,” he sang to himself as he continued driving, only stopping to the occasional stoplight or sign. 
He had been home for about an hour before his phone that sat next to him on the coffee table began to vibrate.  He had turned the ringtone down as he stared at the lit up screen with an unknown number on it.  Picking it up, he held it to his ear as he turned the audio on his laptop down. 
“Good afternoon,” he recognized  your voice immediately even if you had only officially met him once. “I was told that Liu, my landlord, had called a repair-man and he gave me his number. Can I assume this is he?” You were so formal. Hoseok could just tell you it was him and the whole formality business might settle, but he decided to do his work-title justice and play along. 
“You can. Liu called me earlier on saying that you had a shelf out of your wall?” He heard you sigh on the other line. 
“Yes, my son was a bit too… how do I put this, overconfident in thinking he could outsmart me.” 
“I see,” Hoseok mused. “Well, is there a specific time you’d like for me to come by? I’m sure a small shelf repair wouldn’t take too awful long.” 
“If at all, would you mind heading over as soon as possible? I’m currently on the way home with my youngest son, but my oldest is at the apartment and I can have him let you in while I’m on the way. He’s in high school if that makes you feel any better.” 
Hoseok had closed the tabs on his laptop as he had already begun to shut the lid.  Standing up, he stretched silently as he spoke back to you. HIs voice strained in the beginning due to his stretch. 
“Of course. That wouldn’t be a problem. I’m not too far from your location, so I’ll head on over.” 
“Thank you very much. My son, Yoongi will let you inside. Just tell him I sent you to fix the shelf.”
“Yes, ma’am.” 
The ended with a short goodbye from either side as Hoseok began to change. Pulling back on the flannel he had taken on when he got home, he tucked it back into his pants. Slipping on his tool belt, he fastened it as he slipped on his shoes.  Ruffling his hair with his fingers, he stepped out of his apartment and waltzed over to yours.  
He knocked on the door and waited patiently.  He vaguely heard Yoongi inside talking to himself, or perhaps he was on the phone due to the ‘I know mom’ Hoseok heard through the door.  When the carpenter heard the lock flick and the doorknob twist, Yoongi’s speech halted for a moment as he did indeed have his phone held to his cheek. 
“Hey, I gotta go mom. Yes, I know, let the repair guy in. I don’t think I’ll have to wait that long though,” the teen muttered as he looked at the belt around Hoseok’s waist. “See you when you get home.” He hung up the phone, sliding it back into his pocket as the two men just stared at each other. “So, Liu sent you huh?” Yoongi questioned. 
“I had a feeling he would,” the older man shrugged as Yoongi stepped aside to allow him entrance to the apartment he had been in not 24 hours ago.
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nstarqueen · 3 years
Hello Weneebebes!
I decided to post my book of Wonho here. It’s already on wattpad but i want to try it on tumblr. Idk but i’ll try and i hope you enjoy it!
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craby-bouquet · 5 years
Monsta X-Wonho : 81 + 92
Bonus: 82 bc i read it wrong xoxo
Shin Hoseok x reader
887 words
masterlist | warm winter masterlist | warm winter prompts
requested by @danielleonpointe​ ❤️
81 “Don’t be so gentle. You can hug me tighter y'know- I’m not going to pop or anything.” 92 “A: *hugs B* tighter or looser? ~B: I feel like I’m being constructed by a snake ~ A: *loosens grip* ~ B: I didn’t say let go
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It was snowing outside, painting the streets beautifully white. You looked at the children, running around in their cute little outfits. Throwing snowballs at one another, building snowmen. Everyone was dressed warmly, hats on their head, covering their ears, warm scarfs and thick coats. 
You envied all the couples whom were walking hand in hand, they made you think of him, Wonho. 
That wasn’t a bad thing, of course. Wonho was your best friend, nobody minds thinking about their best friend. You just wished he would walk hand in hand with you. 
Yes, you had a crush on him, you probably had had a crush on him for forever, you just never really realised you did, too busy with other guys. Until a few months ago, he smiled at you in a way that just made you swoon. The butterflies fluttering in your stomach, even thinking about him like that, were going insane. 
You quickly turned your head away from the window to force those thoughts out of your head. You couldn’t be in love with him, he was your friend, you couldn’t risk that relationship to fall apart.
The knock on your door made you jump up. You knew it was his plan to come by today, but snapping you out of your thoughts like that surprised you anyway.
“It’s open, come in.” you said, as you stroke your hair to look nicer. 
Wonho came in, holding two bags from you favorite fast food restaurant above his head “I brought food!”
You laughed and took one of the bags over from him “That’s great!” 
You placed the bags on the kitchen counter and got two plates. A little later the both of you were eating together. 
“How was your day so far?” he asked with his mouth full.
You shrugged “Better, now that you’re here.” 
He raised his eyebrows playfully seductive “I make everything better.” 
You laughed, and bend over to hit him.
“Wasn’t your day good before I came then?” 
You shrugged “It was alright, I guess. I’ve just been dreaming away at the window, looking at everyone having fun.” 
He frowned “Did you have fun, watching other people have fun?”
You shrugged again, slower this time, pricking your fork in your food without eating it.
Wonho shook his head, and placed his hand gently over yours “Don’t do that then.”
“But all those couples just seem so cute… It makes me believe those sappy rom com moments do happen in real life sometimes.”
 “So you’re telling me that you’ve never had a romcom moment?” he asked, disbelieve clear in his voice.
You shook your head.
“Well I’m going to make that my personal mission to make sure you’re going to have at least one tonight"
That took you by surprise. You hadn’t expected anything like that today. You took another bite from your food, hoping he wouldn’t notice your blush. You didn’t need a rom com moment, spending this time with him, was already enough.
After you both finished eating, he threw your coat at you “Come on, let’s go outside and enjoy the fresh air.” 
As soon as you stepped food outside, a snowball hit your face. You heard Wonho laughing sadistically “Gotcha!”
You laughed too, and threw a snowball back, it missed him, but only because he jumped face forward into the cold snow on the ground. 
As you snowball fight continued, the children, that you had been looking at before, joined in and soon enough the whole street joined in this massive snowball fight. You felt happy, happier than you had felt all winter long. You couldn’t believe this, it seemed like this was part of your own movie. And the big smile on Wonho’s face, made everything even more perfect.
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After about an hour of getting hit by snowball after snowball, Wonho and you went back inside. Cold, wet and filled with a warm feeling in your chest, you started to make hot chocolate milk for the both of you as Wonho jumped into the shower real quick to warm himself up. He was lucky he left some clothes of him here a while back, mainly so you could do laundry, because that meant he had new clean clothes. 
As he walked back out and noticed you in the kitchen, he wrapped his big arms tightly around you. Your heart started beating so fast and loud you were sure he could hear it. He laid his head on yours and rubbed your arms with his hands.
“What are you doing?” you managed to ask with a pretty steady voice.
“Keeping you warm.” He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, he stopped rubbing, and just hugged you now.
“Don’t be so gentle. You can hug me tighter y'know- I’m not going to pop or anything.”
He laughed, and tightened his grip “Tighter or looser?”
You chuckled “I feel like I’m being constructed by a snake.”
He loosened his grip, you frowned and hesitated. But you turned around so you could completely be absorbed by his warmth.
“I didn’t say let go.” 
You stood there, in his arms, warm, loved. You heard his heartbeat through his chest, felt his arms tightly around you, and you were warm. He kept you warm on this cold winter's day.
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masterlist | warm winter masterlist | warm winter prompts
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thecozywhaleshark · 5 years
Pretty Little Lies
A/n: A request for lots of sexual tension Wonho smut from @ardwmjangmi25. That high pitched screaming you’ve been hearing in the back of your mind that you can’t just put a finger on? That’s me. Sorry this took a bit longer than expected, but i hope it was worth the wait :) 
Word Count: 1934
Warnings: SMUT. Angst. Public indecency. Unprotected Sex (condoms are boring in smut but please be safe my beans). Swearing. Sexual tension galore, my own personal pain, and just more filth. Take a shower after this. You’re gonna need it. I need it. 
Summary: Last month was only a one night stand... but maybe you were lying to yourself... 
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You told yourself you’d only fuck him once. That it was a one night stand, that it wouldn’t happen again. But there he was. And you couldn’t help what you wanted.
The bass pounded through the club and though there were hundreds of people packed onto the dance floor, you could feel his eyes on you.
You could sense him there, on the other side of the dance floor, shirtless under his blazer – his signature look.
You could feel the way he watched you move, chatting with your friends, pulling random guys to dance with you. Could feel the jealously that splashed over you in a wave of heat as he glared, then fill you up yourself as you watched him take a pretty blonde on his arm and slide his hands over her ass, pulling her closer to grind.
It gave you flashbacks to the night you had met. Out in a club much like this one, how you had flirted with each other for weeks, using your bodies and seductive glances, and finally how one night you had let him take you home, and he had given you the best fuck of your life.
You had both been a little drunk, on sex and alcohol, and had ended up talking more than you thought you would. More than you thought you should. He had been so sweet in the morning, wanting to cuddle, asking if you had wanted breakfast, maybe a date? And that’s when you had panicked. That’s when you had lied. Laughed at him, made him feel like all his feelings were once sided, told him it was a one night stand, nothing more.
You had left him in the bed, your heart racing as you poured him more of your lies, lies to keep you safe, lies to keep you sane. Your cocoon of protection, even at the cost of his heart. 
You shake your head and try to get rid of the memory, watching as he dips the blonde low and presses an open-mouthed kiss to her throat. And you hate hate hate it.
Grabbing a muscular guy from the sidelines, you wink and place his hands low on your hips, running your palms down his chest and try to distract yourself.
The beat pulses around you and you don’t realize you and your dance partner are feet away from Hoseok and his until you look over and see his hard gaze.
Smirking, you turn around and grind on your partner, letting him kiss your neck as you lock eyes with Hoseok and raise an eyebrow. What are you gonna do about it?
His mouth hardens into a firm line and he spins his blonde so she accidentally bumps into your pawn and lays a giggly hand on his arm in apology. Your guy immediately pulls away from you and Hoseok quickly takes his place, sliding his hands around your waist and giving your dance partner and his blonde a laughing smile as you switch partners.
He looks at you and raises an eyebrow back. That.
“Smooth move,” you smirk, sliding your arms around his neck.
“Do you enjoy hurting me?” he hisses, pressing you tighter against him, his breath hot against your neck.
You lift your chin in defiance. “I don’t know what you mean.”
He snorts and grabs your arm, dragging you off the dance floor and near the dark corner of the exit.
“Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean. Rubbing yourself over all the guys in this goddamn club, sending me sultry glances while you do so. Do you think I don’t notice your game?” His voice lowers to a growl and you try to ignore the wave of heat that it sends straight to your core.
You smirk up at him. “You seemed awfully busy with that busty blonde. I see no reason why you should be paying attention to little old me.”
He glares at you and seems about to say something before he clenches his jaw and looks away.
You flip your hair off your shoulder and try to play it cool, smirking up at him. “Aww… does someone have a little crush?”
He whips his head to look at you and you see his jaw tick as he steps forward and slams his hand against the wall beside your head.
“Stop. Playing. Games.” He growls, and your mind races to think of something witty to say to get yourself out of this.
You lift your chin to meet his eyes. “Maybe I like playing games with you.” You whisper, staring back defiantly.
Something flashes in his eyes before he kisses you, and it’s hard and unrelenting, so different from the sweet man who had taken you to bed a month ago and made you ache in all the ways you didn’t know you could. This was not that man. This man was taking from you, sucking something out of you, and whatever it was, you wanted him to have it.  
He’s kissing you so hard you can barely register anything as he pulls you out the door and pushes your back against the wall of the alley, latching his mouth to yours again.
You’re pulling at each other desperately, trying to get more of each other, and you know that there is some part of your brain telling you to stop, that you need to pull back, lie, finish the game, win…but you don’t want to anymore.
His hand slides under your skirt and you gasp against his mouth when his fingers find your slick.
“No panties?” he mumbles against you, pulling away to lick your ear. “So keen for anyone to stick their dick up your cunt tonight?” He tsks and pushes two fingers inside you, making you clench around him. “Dirty girl.”
“You should know,” you mumble back, pressing hot kisses against his throat. “I like being stretched.”
He growls and pushes you harder against the wall, pressing your thighs so you jump and wrap them around you. He fumbles with his jeans and pulls himself out, already fully hard. Your breath catches as you catch sight of him, memories of your first time together racing back, how good he had felt inside you and you tremble, reaching down for him to line him up against you.
He slides against your slick and you whimper, bucking your hips.
“What, you want to be fucked baby? You want to be stretched so good?”
You nod and grab his base making him groan. “Stretch me, fill me all the way. Please. Hoseok, please.” You beg, pressing his tip to your heat and he presses his forehead against yours.
“Look at me,” he demands, and your eyes meet his as he pushes in all at once, making you cry out and swear, your eyes watering.
When he’s finally inside you, you feel like you can finally breathe again. The stretch of him burns slightly but you love it. Love how much he stretches you, how much he fills you. He begins to grind his hips against yours and you whine.
“Fuck me, Hoseok. Fuck me.”
He chuckles low in his throat. “I thought you didn’t want to fuck me ever again? ‘It’s a one night stand Hoseok, it doesn’t mean anything’” he mocks the words you had said to him a month ago and you ache. From your heart to your cunt. You want to make him feel better but also get him to fuck you like a whore at the same time.
He continues his relentless slow grind, building you so slowly, and it’s not enough.
“It meant something,” you whimper, gripping at his jacket and trying to buck your hips into his. “I – I was just scared.”
He stills his hips completely. “You just want to be fucked. That’s the only reason you’re saying that.”
“No no no no,” you whimper, biting at his neck. “I swear to god. You… me… we just… I liked you so much, but feelings are hard for me.” You pick at his blazer, trying to avoid meeting his eyes. “And when you cuddled me the morning after, asked me on a date… it was all so much. I was feeling too much. I got scared. So I did what I do best.” You look up and meet his eyes nervously, feeling his hands clench at your hips.
“So I lied… and I ran.” You whisper, and he just stares at you.
“You…ran… because you liked me back?”
You nod.
“And you lied, because you wanted to hurt me?” He grits his teeth and you feel his grip on you tighten. His hips begin to grind slowly against yours again.
“I- yes.”
“Such pretty little lies you tell…” he groans, and you can hear the pinch of pain in the back of his throat. “Pretty little lies for a pretty little face… and a pretty little cunt.” With that, he slides almost all the way out of you and slams back into you, just once, making you cry out.
He presses his hand over your mouth. “No. No more sounds. No more lies. Just listen.” He’s looking at you so earnestly and you can do nothing but nod.
“It’s okay to have feelings. Okay? It’s not healthy to hold them back. So listen to me. I like you. You like me. Try this, with me. Try not hiding. No more running. No more lies.”
You nod against his palm.
He pulls his hand away from your mouth. “Promise?”
“Promise,” you whisper, looking him in the eyes. “No more lies.”
He nods once and slams into you. This time, when you cry out, he doesn’t silence you, pulling your legs up higher against his waist and hitting you harder.
“That’s it baby,” he grunts, adjusting the angle so he can hit you harder. “Let the world know who is fucking you.”
You’re climbing fast, clutching at his jacket trying to hold on for dear life as he pushes into you over and over again. The only sounds you can hear are the skin slapping skin and labored breathing as he sucks at your neck, surely leaving bruises in his wake.
When you come, you swear you almost hear the rip of his blazer at the collar as you dig your fingers into it hard to pull him closer to you.
You press your head into his neck as his thrusts become sloppier and he comes inside of you with a low grunt.
He holds you for a minute, pressed up against the wall, still inside of you as he catches his breath.
Tilting your face up to him he looks into your eyes earnestly. “Don’t run. You promised. No running, and no more of your pretty little lies.”
You nod, tears beginning to well up in your eyes as you reach for his face and kiss him desperately.
He groans and you feel him twitch inside you before he pulls back and lowers your legs to the ground, slipping out of you.
You straighten yourselves before he reaches for your hand and pulls you into the street, hailing a taxi.
His hand slips down to cup your ass as he pulls you possessively closer to him and murmurs in your ear.
“I’m going to fuck every little lie you’ve told me out of your body.”
You press your legs together and bite your lip, trying to hide your excitement. As the cab pulls up you stand on your tiptoes and brush your lips against his ear. “I’m looking forward to it.”
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raibebe · 5 years
Need you
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Genre: Smut Words: 2.697 Prompt: Where are you right now? For @eversincewonho, thank you for requesting  A/N: I honestly don’t know where all this filth came from… Have your holy water ready… A huge thank you to @kihyunsbabe who corrected and edited this work ❤   Also like 80% of the stuff I reblog is from her, so go look at her blog and leave some love for her Warnings: dirty talk, overstimulation
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It was almost midnight, the full moon and the small lamp on the bedside table the only thing illuminating your bedroom. You were curled up beneath your blanket and engrossed in your book when a loud buzz tore through the silence. You almost dropped the book in surprise, heart beating furiously. Slowly you freed yourself from the blanket burrito you had built and reached for your phone. Who had texted you this late at night? Unlocking the phone, you opened the message. It was a simple question your boyfriend had sent.
[My love ❤:23:47] Where are you right now?             [You: 23:48] At home, in bed [You: 23:48] I was about to go to sleep, darling [My love ❤:23:48] Forget about sleep.
Confused you looked at his words and the three dots that indicated that he was typing. What had gotten him in such a mood? He usually scolded you for staying up late - even though he wasn’t any better - and wished you sweet dreams.
[My love ❤:23:50] You will get dressed now. Wear that white lace set I bought you for last Valentine’s Day. I don’t care what you wear over that. Then you will move your sweet ass into your car and drive over to the dorm. We haven’t changed the code of the door. You’ll go into my room and take off everything but your underwear and lie down on my bed. I want you to be ready for me when I come home, babygirl.
You blinked at the message for a couple of seconds. Then you read it again. And again. But your eyes were not playing a trick on you, no matter how many the message was read over.
[You: 23:51] Are you serious? [My love ❤:23:51] Text me when you arrive, baby.
Taking a deep breath you got up and stumbled out of bed. Those words dripping with dominance always made your knees weak. It didn’t happen often that Hoseok was in such a dominant mood. But when it happened it aroused you like nothing else. Basically ripping your sleeping clothes from your body, you searched for the lace set he had been talking about. You hadn’t worn it in a while but you really liked how soft the material was and how it seemed to be perfectly fitted for your body. While rummaging through your underwear drawer you also came across some really cute white knee-high stockings you had gotten recently. He hadn’t said anything about stockings but they would definitely make you look even more desirable and he loved it when you wore those. Having made up our mind, you pulled the stockings on before you threw one of Hoseok’s hoodies over your head which you had stolen from him last week. It made you look tiny, like you got lost somewhere in the soft grey fabric.
Quickly grabbing your phone, wallet and keys you sprinted down the stairs and jumped in your car. Even though the boy’s dorm wasn’t far, especially not by car, the drive seemed to last forever.
When you had finally parked your car, you had to use all your willpower not to squirm and run like the little excited girl you were and to calmly enter the building in case someone saw you. Hoseok and you had already been spotted in public a couple of times, but officially you were just a childhood friend and the company really wanted to keep it that way. 
Almost punching the numbers into the lock, you didn’t stop yourself from racing to your boyfriend’s room. Closing the door cautiously, you took off his sweater and laid down on the neatly made bed, burying your face in the pillow to enlighten your senses until they were drowned in Hoseok’s smell. Remembering the task he had given you, you took your phone and opened the front camera. Quickly fixing your hair, you adjusted the angle of the photo, so he could see your whole outfit, batting your eyelashes innocently at the camera.
[You: 00:12] I’m waiting for you, baby~ [My love ❤: 00:20] You look so pretty, babygirl. [My love ❤: 00:20] Touch yourself for me. I want you to be ready for me when I come home.
A blush crept up your cheeks from his words. He had never asked you to start without him. He usually liked to tear you apart with his hands and mouth, turning you into a moaning and whimpering mess before he was even inside you. Turning your head into your boyfriend’s pillow, you inhaled deeply before letting your hand roam over your body, imagining it was his. Gently you played with the fabric of your bra, circling your sensitive nipples through the fabric before dipping beneath it and rolling the erect buds between your fingers. A breathy sigh escaped your lips and heat began to build between your legs. Squirming you rubbed them together for some kind of friction when you teased yourself with feather light touches along your abdomen and thighs just like he liked to do it. When you finally reached your core and dragged a finger along your clothed folds, you could feel the dampness already seeping through the fabric. Another drawn out moan left your lips when you raised your hips and ground yourself against the heel of your hand, finally getting that sweet friction on your clit.  
Groaning you dragged your finger along your wet folds, teasing yourself further before dipping below the fabric to rub little circles into your sensitive bundle of nerves. You could feel yourself getting more and more aroused, your sex clenching around nothing. A drawn out curse left your lips when your finger slipped between your folds without any resistance. Slowly moving the digit in and out, you could feel that it just wasn’t enough. Groaning you added a second finger and started to move them faster while your other hand was playing with one of your hard nipples. But it still wasn’t enough. Your fingers weren’t filling you out as nearly as much as Hoseok would but you couldn’t just stop now. Moaning his name in a plea you buried your face in his pillow again and bathed in his scent.
Lost in your own pleasure you almost missed the sound of the keypad and the door to the dorms opening. Only seconds later the door of Hoseok’s room was ripped open and then slammed close again. Opening your eyes, you let out a sigh of relief. “Hoseok, I need you,” you whimpered, bucking your hips against your fingers in frustration.
A grin spread across his face as he pulled his tight shirt over his head and crawled onto the bed. “Have you been a good girl?” he asked in a teasing manner and caressed the exposed flesh of your thighs, which send a shiver down your whole body and made you clench around your fingers. “I have, baby. I did everything you asked me to,” you mewled out. “Then let me see, babygirl,” he chuckled and set back.
Almost whimpering at the loss of proximity, you slowly pulled out your fingers and held up the glistening digits for him. Grinning dangerously he bent over you and took them in his mouth to suck them clean. “Hoseok please,” you whimpered, the sight of his full lips around your fingers and the sensation of his tongue swirling around them just made another wave of arousal go straight to your core. “Please what,” he teased while he palmed his own erection beneath his way too short gym shorts which exposed his toned thighs; his eyes roaming your body hungrily. “Anything, please touch me. Fuck me. Eat my out. Anything, I need you so bad, please,” you begged, rubbing your legs together and throwing your head left and right. “Baby, you are so wrecked,” Hoseok said almost fondly while he rested his hands on your waist, firmly dragging them up and down. Hissing, you threw your head back and exposed your neck for him. The feeling of his cold hands on your overheated body was so good but it was not what you needed.
“Please,” you begged again, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes. “How could I say no to you when you ask so nicely?” With that he finally pulled your by now soaked panties off of you and sucked harshly on your neck. When he cupped your sex and ground the heel of his palm against your clit, you let out a high pitched moan.
“You are so wet for me babygirl. You did such a good job. I’m going to reward you now,” Hoseok promised in between making up your neck. You both moaned in unison when he finally sunk a finger into your core and slowly dragged it in and out. “Fuck, your pussy is so wet for me,” he moaned out while watching his finger disappear into you. “M-more,” you breathed out and clenched down around him. Grinning Hoseok settled himself in between your legs and dragged his tongue over your clit which made you buck up against him, searching for more friction.
“You want to cum, babygirl?” He asked while pushing another finger into you and swirling his skilful tongue around your sensitive bundle of nerves. “Yes, please. Hoseok, please let me cum,” you whined, a hand coming down to thread through his black locks to push him closer to you. Humming against you, he gladly obeyed your wish, pumping his fingers in and out of you while hitting your sweet spot every now and then and sklillfully sucking on your clit.
Lost in your pleasure, you lost every control over your body, bucking against Hoseok and letting out the most lewd sounds, not even caring if any of the other boys had come home with him and were hearing you. It didn’t take long when your first orgasm hit you hard. Your vision went white for a second and a moan of Hoseok’s name got stuck somewhere in your throat while your legs, which you had wrapped around his shoulders at some point, were shaking violently. Greedily Hoseok was licking up any of your juices and coaxed you through it.
Panting heavily you watched him untangle from your legs and wiping his mouth. “You taste so good, babygirl,” he praised you and connected your lips for the first time tonight in a heated open mouthed kiss to let you taste yourself. You broke the kiss when you felt his cock slide against your folds and moaned. You didn’t even realize that he had gotten rid of his shorts. “You want it?” He breathed in your ear and rutted against you, moaning shamelessly. “You want me to fuck you now? To fill you up?” All you could do was whimper and buck your hips against him. “Use your words, darling,” he demanded while he got up on his knees and rubbed the flush tip of his cock around your clit. “Yes please, Hoseok,” you forced out, arching your aching body towards him. “Please what?” He chuckled while aligning himself with your entrance and teasing it with the head of his cock. “Please fuck me, Hoseok. Make me cum on your cock, please.”
With a curse leaving his lips, he buried himself inside you with one controlled trust which made you see stars. Not wasting any time, he set a harsh pace, the sound of your bodies slapping together and your moans and his low grunts filling the room. “You take my cock so well, baby. Just look at you all spread out for me,” he praised while taking hold of your hips and lifting them off the bed so he could pound into you more forcefully. You were sure you’d have bruises tomorrow, but you couldn’t care less because all that was counting now was that he hit your spot dead on now with each trust.
“I’m gonna cum,” you choked out when you felt the familiar knot inside you tighten, hands gripping the bed sheets tightly. “Please, Hoseok. Make me cum, please.” “Then cum for me, baby.” And his husky words was all that it took for you to fall over the edge: You screamed out his name and went limp in his hold, your whole body feeling like it was on fire. Smiling fondly, he gently fucked you through your second orgasm and leaned down to kiss away the tears that had escaped your eyes.
“You can take another one, don’t you, babygirl?” He whispered in your ear while grinding inside you. You shook you head, more tears streaming down your face. You were so sensitive and each touch was too much, but you could also feel your arousal building again. “Come on babygirl, turn around. Let me see your pretty little ass.” You moaned low in your throat when he slipped out of you and gently rubbed your hips to coax you into turning over. Your legs were shaking violently and you weren’t sure you’d be able to hold yourself up on your hands and knees. “That’s it, baby. Ass up,” he commanded you and rubbed himself between your cheeks while pushing you down with a hand between your shoulder blades. “You’re gorgeous, darling,” he praised further while slipping back inside you in one swift move.
Cursing, he ground inside you. “I’m already so close, baby,” he grunted trough gritted teeth and landed a slap on your ass, before pounding into you recklessly, chasing his own release. With every thrust forward, he pulled your hips back against him and drove himself deeper and deeper inside you. Sobbing and moaning into the pillow you felt how he reached around you to forcefully rub at your clit again. “Cum with me baby,” he breathed out, his hips losing their rhythm and stilling completely when he painted you with his release. The moan of your name and his hand on your clit threw you over the edge again, your oversensitive body was shaking and your legs would definitely have given out, if Hoseok wouldn’t would you up in his iron grip.
Hissing he slowly pulled out and gently let your hips sink to the bed, kissing his way up your spine. “You did so good, babygirl,” he praised, peppering your neck and shoulders with kisses, careful to not crush you with his weight. “I love you.” You only grunted in response, still trying to control your breathing and the shaking in your legs. Giggling happily, Hoseok unclasped your bra and carefully slipped your stockings from your legs.  “Let’s take a bath, sweetheart,” he whispered while gently caressing your head. Leaning into his soft touch, a contend sigh left your lips. “But my legs are jelly.” “No need to walk, darling.” Suiting the action to his words, he gently wrapped you up in his blanket and lifted you up. Cuddling up close to his heartbeat, he carefully carried you down the hallway over to the bathroom with the big tub.
“Oh thank god you two are done,” called a voice from the living room. “Oh my god did you kill her?” Another voice shouted when the other boys spotted you wrapped in his sheets. “Please warn us next time. I never want to her someone begging for your dick again,” joined another voice.
Hoseok ignored all of his friends and just shot them a cheeky grin and stepped into the bathroom. “Please kill me now,” you groaned and hid your tomato red head further in his chest. “They are just jealous,” he tried to comfort you.  “It’s all your fault for making me beg.” “I didn’t hear you complain ten minutes ago,” he answered with a raised eyebrow.  If it was possible, your face just got even redder.  “Cute.” Pressing a kiss to your head, Hoseok gently laid you down in front of the tub and turned the water on.
Shortly after you were sitting in the warm water of the tub surrounded by colourful bubbles and resting against Hoseok’s chest. “I love you too,” you sighed into the silence and sank further into the water, relaxing your tender limbs.
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bangchanshehe · 4 years
The Trespasser pt.6
You were on top of the world with the new title of leader of your family’s clan. You were the strongest clan in all of the orient and you were proud. But your family feels that there are threats still lurking around making you a target. When they introduce you to a potential man for a business and marriage merger will it help your clan or make matters worse?
Word count: 2.2k
Wonho x Reader, Shownu x Reader, Jooheon x Reader
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When you finally reached home you quickly threw your car in park and stomped inside your house to your office. You could feel your phone vibrate in your pocket and you pursed your lips, mentally ripping your mother a new one. And with this temper you would be doing your mother a favor to not answer the phone right now.
When you sat down at your desk you pulled out the whiskey that you kept stashed in your desk drawer and poured yourself a generous glass and swallowed it down like it was water. You practically slammed the glass down on your desk, startling whoever was on the other side of your office door making them freeze with the door half-open.
You looked at your door to identify who had the worlds worst timing to see Shownu peek his head around the door frame. When you made eye contact you calmed down a little and you cleared your throat as he made way to stand in front of your desk.
“where have you been?” you asked him with your stern voice
Shownu gave you a small glance and then looked down at the floor to his shoes “At the warehouse, with the trainees ma’am.” He responded politely
You looked him over to see that he was still in his clothes from the night prior. “you were there all night?” you asked after a moments hesitation. You weren’t sure if you wanted the answer to that question or not.
Shownu finally looked back up at you and looked across your face trying to find something there that your words weren’t relaying. “yes ma’am. I had something that I needed to deal with” he responded again as cold as day.
You stared down at your desk and decided that you needed to make some things clear with Shownu before anything became more serious between you two or with the contractual marriage. You quietly got up and walked towards your office door to shut it so the two of you could have some privacy.  On your walk back to your desk you ran what you needed to say through your head in hopes that you could say it in the easiest way possible. But just as you had passed Shownu he grabbed hold of your wrist making you freeze in your place.
You looked down at where he sat on the couch and took the place next to him.
“I’m sorry if I made you worry” he said softly
You gave him a small smile and shook your head to ease his worries. “I would just appreciate at least a text so I know you aren’t lying in a ditch, dead somewhere.”
“sorry” he said again in a hushed voice so softly that you almost didn’t hear it.
“Shownu, we need to talk about a few things” you said making your voice sound a little more firm.
He turned his head to look down at the floor and he gently nodded his head. Shownu could be foolish but he certainly was no fool and he knew that he was about to get the talk that he was anticipating for a while now.
“Things with this contractual marriage are starting to become more legitimate. Hoseok is from a good family that has been partners with our clan for a while. And from the sounds of it…. Hoseok has been my planned spouse for a while now. So it looks like things will be moving forward if I don’t Find aything that dissuades me.” You took a moment to gauge Shownu’s reaction but his face remained still as a statue as he continued to stare down. “Hoseok and I have spoken about our expectations from this marriage and we both only want something that will mutually help our clans. Nothing more and nothing less. And while this marriage will be a legitimate marriage, we will not be pursuing and active marriage lifestyle.” You finished and Shownu finally swallowed and relaxed a little bit by leaning back in his seat.
“Hoseok is aware of the nature of our relationship and he sees no issue with it. However….” You began but you stopped yourself from continuing so you could take a deep breath. “I don’t think that you and I are on the same page with what our relationship means.” You turned to look at him and his calm demeanor transitioned into one of anger “shownu…. I love you very, very much. But what we have is just sexual for me. And if having hoseok around is going to constantly trigger you and make you uncomfortable then we should stop.”
“why does it have to be him?” he asked you with a harsh tone “what happened to the plan of possibly doing the marriage with jooheon or me?”
You stared at him for a moment while you waited for him to calm down a bit “the entire purpose of me even having a contractual marriage is for the merger and protection of another clan joining us in the case of an attack…. If I were to marry one of you then there would be no merger… and it would be pointless to get married in the first place since its something that I don’t actually wish to do.” You explained.
Shownu looked at you like a kicked puppy and you could tell that he hated the idea of this as much as you did. Or at least as much as you did at first. Now that you had a few days to meet hoseok, research and consider what it would do for your clan you didn’t have hardly any complaints, besides your mother trying to force the marriage so hard that it feels like a real one.
“if things go through then Hoseok will be staying here. He will have his own bedroom and office and we will need to treat him as an equal, however my business and his clans business should remain separate unless there is something that requires the skill of both clans.”
Shownu sat in silence for a few moments before he asked with a quivering voice “is that all?”
You gave a slight nod to answer his question, not even bothering to look him in the eyes and shownu scoffed. And without missing a beat shownu was on his feet and leaving you behind in your office.
When you heard your office door click shut you let out a deep sigh and laid back on your couch, closing your eyes and internalizing that you had just ended things with shownu. But before you even realized that you had fallen asleep you woke up to a dark office. You got up and walked to your desk to check your phone to see what time it was. 7:30. Shit. You groaned for having let the day get away from you and you checked your missed calls and text messages.
4 from your mother. Surprise, surprise. You were sure that she was pissed for you ever so gracefully skipping lunch, and 1 text from and unknown number…. Confused you opened it up to read the message.
Unknown: Had I known that this was supposed to be a family lunch I wouldn’t have imposed.
Unknown: oh, your mother gave me your number by the way….
You had rolled your eyes and quickly saved the number as Hoseoks, and quickly called your mother back. Now that you had slept and worked a few things out you were confident that you could talk to her without ripping her tongue out.
“oh so now you would like to grace me with a phone call?!” she answered the phone with a less than thrilled tone.
“hello to you too mother” you replied
“what do you want? I’m about to cook dinner for your father!” she barked back
You took a deep breath before you continued “I’d like to talk to you about what I wanted to discuss at lunch.”
“hmm” your mother huffed. “if you wanted to know then why didn’t you come to lunch?”
Why did she have to be so petty? “because it was something that I wanted to discuss with elders from our clan… it was not a conversation that was meant to be had with outsiders mother.” You explained
“outsiders?” she gawked “Hoseok is not an outsider. He’s practically already my son-in-law”
“mother…” you warned
“fine! What is it that is so important to know?”
You mentally scrolled through all of the questions that you wanted to ask at lunch knowing that with your mothers temperament you would probably only get answers to 2 or 3 before she hung up. “Is it true that Hoseok was always my planned partner?” you asked and the other line went dead silent “Hello?”
“yes. Okay? Are you happy?” she finally responded “Hoseok has always been a very special boy and you took quite a liking to him as a child”
As a child? You didn’t remember ever having a childhood sweetheart or friend named Hoseok. You let out a long sigh before you asked your next question, anticipating that your mother was going to give you an earful “And why does it have to be Hoseok? You guys seem so dead set on it being him?”
“My darling listen to me. If anyone is aware of how much power the Shin’s have it’s your father and I…. And while their clan might not be the most ruthless or imposing clan they are very honorable people.” She began “While Hoseok is not the leader of the clan we are aware of his leadership capabilities. And you father has a particular interest in him because he sees a lot of you in him.” You mother said completely throwing you off guard
“what is that supposed to mean?” you asked her
“well… I’m not to sure what exactly your father sees but I can tell you that the two of you are very good people. You both care for you clan and your family as if they are one in the same. When the two of you work you give it your all and you never hold back until you have your desired results. And lastly the two of you are very business minded people and you don’t do anything that would be a waste of time Or put your family at jeopardy of war without a reliable cause. In other words the two of you aren’t just out for blood and money. You both have legitimate agendas and plans.” She further explained.
You took a moment to really let what she had said sink in. At the very beginning of this entire nightmare you thought that this would be the death of you. That this entire set up with Hoseok was so fishy that it was bound to go south and be a set up. But the more that you looked into Hoseok and the Shin clan the more you realized that this might actually work out to be a very mutually healthy thing for your clans.
There would be more balance, less violence between your clan and others, less hostile interactions between yourself and other leaders and it would make the both of your parents very happy to say the least.
“okay” you said quietly.
“okay?!” your mother squealed on the other end of the phone “like okay let’s do this or okay that’s what I wanted to know?”
“okay let’s do this…” you said softly.
You heard nothing but complete silence from your mothers end until a horrific screech nearly busted your eardrum. You yanked the phone away from your ear so your mother wouldn’t singlehandedly give you the migrane of the century and waited for the phone to quiet down before you even attempted to talk again.
“mom…. Mom!” you had to yell to get her attention
“what?” she yelled back
“please keep this between you and dad until I solidify things with Hoseok please! “you begged
“of course!” she said as if she wasn’t the biggest gossip on the planet. “do get things going soon though! Your father and I would like to see you get married before we die.”
You chuckled to yourself and pinched the bridge of your nose. Leave it to your mother to make things dramatic…. “ill talk to you later mom, okay?”
“bye darling ill share the good news with your father!” she said chipperly before hanging up on you.
As soon as the call disconnected you looked down at your phones messages and hovered over hoseok’s contact. You cleared your throat before you finally called and the moment the call was answered you wasted no time for formalities and began to explain.
“unless you have any further inquiries, I would like to proceed with the marriage. I’ll draw up a contract and we can meet to discuss the terms and conditions that we would like to apply. You can pick the time and place whenever you’re free.”
As soon as you said what you needed to say you hung up the phone. There was no need to listen to what Hoseok had to say since it was obvious that he was on board with the marriage from the get go. Now you just needed to prepare for Hoseok’s bedroom and office. And of course… your wedding.
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shineebebe · 7 years
Bad Girl (Final Part)
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(The final part to this accidentally long fic. Read part 1 and 2 here if you haven’t already http://shineefanfictions.tumblr.com/post/163017802028/bad-girl http://shineefanfictions.tumblr.com/post/163178134518/bad-girl-part-2 This contains choking, forced orgasms and restraints)
It was like an out an out of body experience; the way you were so mentally exhausted but so physically awake, the powerful pulsing feeling between your legs still making you squirm. 
“Hoseok, please, un-tie me.” 
You murmured, your saliva in a puddle over your mouth and on Hoseok’s manhood. With the same agonisingly sexy grin, he shook his head. 
“Patience baby.” 
He replied before placing an affectionate kiss upon your lips, not caring if your mouth was messy from the oral. 
“B..but I want to touch you.” 
You pleaded as you watched him walk back to that set of drawers, his luscious behind moving with a soft jiggle. You began to wonder what was in there and why he’d never brought anything out of them before. This time, you watched closely to see what he was getting. It appeared to be a plastic bottle of something and then your head became too heavy to keep up. Frustrated, your head sunk in to the pillows, your wrists becoming agitated from being held up for too long. There was a shift on the bed, telling you your boyfriend was back. There was a cap opening and then a crunch of a plastic bottle being squeezed. 
“Hoseok, what’re you doing now? Please be gentle with me...I’m so sensitive.” 
You had to ask because you couldn’t look; all of your energy was going down the drain. 
“This is lubricant baby, for your pussy. I’m going to fuck you now but this won’t be gentle. This is punishment, remember?” 
You whined, knowing you wouldn’t be able to handle it. All you wanted was for your hands to be free and hold Hoseok or at least be able to rest. Suddenly, there was an icy cold, thick liquid running down the slit of your pussy. Hoseok’s fingers slowly spread the lube around your womanhood and as soon as his coated fingers went inside you, you shrieked from the tenderness of that area, thrusting your hips rabidly to try and get him away. 
“Hush now Princess, I know you’re sore.” 
He cooed, pulling his fingers out of you as gently as he could. 
You tugged berserkly on your restraints that you could swear were glued to the bed posts. 
“Please, I can’t take you. You’re too big...you’re going to hurt me.” 
Your eyes widened at the sight of Hoseok’s erection at it’s full capacity; you’d barely be able to fit your hand around it, never mind take it inside your over stimulated pussy. 
“Just try to relax Princess. I’ll ease you in to it, okay?” 
Though his tone was reassuring, your body tensed when his large tip met with your entrance. You couldn’t relax, it was too hard to calm your mind. Your chest started to heave, anxious that it’d be too painful. 
“Baby, please relax for me.” 
He whispered, cute Hoseok making a quick return to the scene. You took a deep breath, biting your lip and gazing in to Hoseok’s hungry dark chocolate eyes. Your boyfriend began to ease himself inside you, going slowly, inch by inch. You gasped, your walls instantly clenching around his shaft as he stretched you. You felt full, uncomfortable, but shockingly, it felt good. It felt good for Hoseok to be intimate with you, bonding with you somehow at last.  All you could do was wrap your legs around his waist as he moved forward, his lips claiming yours as he burrowed himself deeper inside you. He tried to take your mind off the sensitivity with his passionate kiss, his warm, soft hands holding your face as his hips moved more roughly. You were beginning to become thankful for the lube as without it, Hoseok’s powerful thrusts would hurt a lot more. You hissed through your clenched teeth as he seemed to forget to be gentle. The man got carried away, lost in his own sexual bubble, grabbing your hips and and moving you up and down the bed to meet his aggressive pounding. You could barely understand your own body. His cock felt amazing inside you but a tinge of pain hit as soon as his neat but fuzzy pubic hair met the moist, soft skin of your clit. You couldn’t fight your cries anymore; it’d be sure to wake the entire street up. Hoseok seemed to like you being loud, his eyes somehow turning darker, animalistic. He told you he wouldn’t be gentle and oh boy, was he being honest there. He lunged forward and held your neck tightly in his grasp, making you roll your eyes back in to your skull. Oh, this was alien, a completely different sensation. The inability to breathe well blocked all pain sensations and left only pleasure. You could only feel the relentless fucking, Hoseok’s thighs hitting your pink behind as he moved and your boyfriend turned in to a dominant. Maybe that was one of the reasons he was called Wonho on stage. Wonho, the dominant; Hoseok, the cute, adoring and loving boyfriend. The grip on your neck got tighter, you gulped, your mewls only encouraging Hoseok to go faster. 
“That’s right Princess, you like it when I choke you don’t you? You like being a bad girl and being punished, don’t you?” 
Hoseok grunted, his athletic body glistening with sweat. It was a heavenly vision. All you could manage was a whimper and a slight movement of your head. When Wonho released his hand from your neck, all you wanted to do was pounce on him and use every last ounce of your energy. You could barely believe it but your third and you prayed, last orgasm was beginning to bubble inside your core and Hoseok could feel you getting even tighter around him. 
“Fuck! Princess, you’re driving me crazy.” 
He growled, pushing his damp hair away from his eyes before finally reaching over and un-tying you from the bed post. You could have cried with relief. You flexed your hands and wrists quickly before being hauled on to Hoseok’s lap. You were encased by this thick, muscular arms, his hands holding your hips and guiding you up and down on his swollen cock. The feeling of your breasts pressed against his chest was other-worldly and though your pussy could barely handle the intrusion, you were glad to feel at home. Home was where he was. 
“Ride my dick baby. Cum for me.” 
You had to bite your lower lip painfully hard as you rode him, your pussy beginning to throb, that familiar dull pain returning as you needed to cum.
“Ah! Hoseok! I can’t!” 
You squirmed on Hoseok’s length, your orgasm feeling like it was going to rupture your core. Hoseok took your neck in his grasp again, fucking you harder, his eyes burning in to yours. Your heart smacked against your chest, your lungs trying hard to pump air out. 
“Yes you will!” 
He ordered, trying to fight his own orgasm until he squeezed one last one out of you. He needed it, whether it hurt you or not. You squeezed his broad shoulders, holding on to them for dear life. The choking didn’t help this time. Sweat dripped down your body as your orgasm reached the surface like a shattering earthquake, even the smallest hairs on your body stood an edge, a frustrated scream escaping your mouth. You physically couldn’t take anymore; you’d reached your absolute limit. Though Hoseok’s hand was back on your waist, you still struggled to breathe. 
“God. I want to cum inside you.” 
He proclaimed, his hands holding you so tight that his finger prints were marking your skin. You were lucky Hoseok held you upright as he reached his own climax; you had no energy left. He let out a loud grunt, followed by a cry, bellowing from his body. It sounded like he was in pain too. It was understandable; the man had slept with an erection and held all of his frustration on until then. Now he knew what it was like to be overly sensitive. 
Time stood still, perfectly silent, only interrupted by your jagged breaths and loud heart beats. Being cradled in Hoseok’s arms was something you’d longed for, for what seemed like an eternity. Sweetly, Hoseok placed a cushion soft kiss upon your cheek, then another one on your jaw, followed by your neck. You giggled, making him smile from ear to ear, his skin glowing with happiness. 
“Hey. Are you okay?” 
Your boyfriend uttered softly before tucking your loose strands of hair behind your ears. You must have looked like a crazy woman with a red face and messy sex hair that resembled a nest but Hoseok thought you looked wonderful post coital. You nodded. You were just about alive. 
“Just sore...and very tired.” 
You answered truthfully. Hoseok chuckled warmly, his eyes sparkling before kissing your lips. Your heart melted, your soul falling for him so deeply. With him still inside you, he shuffled back on the bed and laid you down, your head finding the plush pillows once more. 
“I’m going to pull out of you now, okay baby?” 
Your ball of fluff boyfriend was back for good, constantly worrying about you and babying you. You hummed in response, telling him it was okay before bracing yourself. As carefully as he could, he eased his now softened manhood out of you. You winced; you’d never felt so sore in your life. After everything, you were just glad you wouldn’t be touched down there for a while. Hoseok climbed off the bed, wobbling slightly. You grinned, watching him trying to walk with his now weak legs in to the bathroom. It was hard not to laugh; he was walking like a penguin. He returned with some tissue and ordered you to spread your legs. Instantly, your body tensed up, making Hoseok laugh. 
“Silly Princess. I’m just cleaning up the mess I made down there. I’ll be as gentle as I can.” 
It made a change for that morning, him being gentle. It certainly felt uncomfortable and irritated but more so, it felt very intimate, him wiping his own semen from your body. For some reason, it made you feel a lot closer to him. The whole experience made you feel closer to him. When he’d thrown the tissue away, he dropped down next to you and wrapped the silky blanket over you, making sure you were tucked in well. 
“Can I hold you?” 
Hoseok asked softly, his once lust filled eyes now like a puppies. You giggled, amused at the question. 
“What kind of question is that?! Of course you can.” 
Hoseok smiled but you could still see the vulnerability in his eyes. He wrapped his safe arms around you and held you close to him, desperately needing to be entwined with you. Skin on skin, you could feel his heart beat against yours, soothing your soul.
“I was worried you might resent me or think I want to hurt you...that you might think I don’t love you and that’s not true at all. I love you so much. I want to be with you, always. Please tell me you know that?” 
He stared in to your eyes, anxiety masking his face. Vulnerable, stressed Hoseok tugged at your heart strings. How could he go from such an arrogant dominant to a soft, gentle man? It truly confused you. 
“I know Hoseok. Please, don’t worry. I love you too, more than you’ll ever know.”
 “Baby, it’s 6pm. I made you Ramen, you want some? I’ll feed it to you if you like?” 
The heavy fog of tiredness rested upon your head. At least you weren’t hungover any more. You must have fallen in to a very deep sleep. Yet, you still smiled at your attentive boyfriend who was gazing at you like you were his everything. 
“Yes please baby. Did I fall asleep? What happened?” 
You asked before yawning loudly, stretching your aching arms out to the sky. Hoseok sat at the edge of the bed, the cutest smile on his angel face. 
“I was talking away about how much I loved you and you fell asleep in my arms. I wiggled out and went to the store. I bought you your favourite chocolate...I watched you sleep for a little bit. You look so beautiful when you sleep, you know that?” 
You couldn’t help but blush and try to hide your face but Hoseok was having none of it. With his finger, he tenderly tilted your chin up, making you look at him. After all your time with him, he still made you feel giddy when you looked at him. 
“You’re breathtaking.” 
He uttered. You bit your lip. If you weren’t in such a state, you’d leap on him and make him yours. 
“Hoseok, I’m curious...” 
He raised an eyebrow but then encouraged you to go on. 
“Do you prefer it when I behave or when I disobey you?” 
You asked, only because he seemed to enjoy giving you your punishment so much yet he seemed so angry at you for it at the same time. Hoseok smiled charmingly before pecking you on the nose. 
“I like it when you’re you. No matter what, you beguile me, (Y/N).” 
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taexual · 6 years
Disciplined / Wonho x Reader
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The newest addition to Hoseok’s team proves himself to be reckless when he breaks Hoseok’s rule and starts a conversation with you only to discover that you weren’t going to be his damsel in distress.
pairing: mafia au! – lee hoseok x reader
warnings: some mentions of death, strong language, some sexual themes
words: 5.1k
ANON REQUEST: Monsta x Mafia AU! Where Wonho is at a business meeting and leaves his men at home to take care of his girlfriend, but a new(er) recruit hits on her?
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He always said it wouldn’t take long and that he’d be back within an hour. That was never true – you were lucky if you’d see Hoseok again the same night after he’d left for a meeting – but you still believed him every time he said goodbye to you by the door. In your defense, Hoseok’s charming smile and the affection in his eyes would have made anyone fall for his words in a heartbeat.
“I’d really rather wait for you alone,” you whispered against his chest as he hugged you goodbye, seemingly unphased by the three men he’d brought into the house before leaving.
“They’re here to look after you,” Hoseok said, clutching you very firmly. He always seemed to squeeze you tighter right before he let you go, so you knew he was going to leave in the next few seconds. “They’ll make sure nothing happens to you while I’m out.”
“Nothing ever happens to me,” you insisted, fighting a useless battle. Changing his mind was about as likely as you getting killed while these men were in your house. “And I’m sure they’d rather be somewhere else anyway.”
“I don’t really care about that, to be honest, sweetheart,” he said, pulling away from you – just like you’d expected – and bringing his hand through your hair. “They work for me and I need them to be here tonight. That’s all.”
“You could really just give me a gun and teach me how to defend myself instead,” you mumbled.
Hoseok smiled and shook his head. You knew his reasons for his constant need to have you protected and you knew every explanation that made sense of his paranoia. He’d watched his father’s peers turn on him and kill his wife – Hoseok was already smart enough to know that leaving a person completely defenseless was bound to bring bad luck but he didn’t do anything to remind his father that his job constantly put his wife in danger – and, although he wasn’t particularly close to the woman, her death had still left a deep scar in his mind.
A scar that, evidently, was not deep enough, because Hoseok made the exact same mistake his father had made, only three years later. He had left his best friend’s house for five minutes to check up on what appeared to be the sound of gunshots coming from the outside, and then, upon returning back into the house, discovered nothing but a bloody room and a dead body of someone whom he once considered to be his own family.
So, yes, you knew Hoseok wasn’t purposefully keeping you locked up – he was only trying to keep you safe in any way he knew how – but you still did not agree with his methods. And how could you? You did not share his experiences. You’ve never watched two people die because of something that could have been avoided so easily. You’ve never blamed yourself for not being there to protect them and, if all attempts to save them failed, not taking the bullet, too.
“The day I see you with a gun,” Hoseok said, his hand on your cheek, “is the day I’m laying on my deathbed, yeah? Let me and my men do the dirty work. You focus on yourself.”
Although life with Hoseok had completely flipped your world upside down, there were a few things that he insisted stayed the same – your hobbies, your job, and your education.  You may have seen enough blood to last you a lifetime, but in spite of all of that, Hoseok still tried to keep your life as normal as possible. Not to mention, even though he belonged to the Mafia, Hoseok had a deep hatred for guns – the losses he’d experienced had contributed to that, of course – and refused to allow you to keep one, which, truth be told, made you feel a lot more normal. At least, you wouldn’t have to fire any weapons and your only crime would be falling in love with a notorious criminal.
Hoseok never understood your apprehension about his choice to have his men protect you. He knew you never got to know them simply because Hoseok had forbidden them to talk to you but he wasn’t trying to get you to bond with his Mafia members. He was looking after you – like he should have looked after all those people before – and this was the only way he could show you that he cared. However, as caring as he was, he also had a certain possessiveness in him that attracted you most of the time, but managed to piss you off just as much.
“You’re treating me like a baby,” you told him.
“Yes,” he replied, ignoring the complaining in your voice and pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “You’re my baby.”
You tried to groan – the look in his eyes making your heart flutter more than the pet name – and crossed your arms over your chest. “Just be home soon, okay? I’m done with my thesis, I literally have nothing else to do in this house now.”
“I’ll be back as soon as possible,” he promised. “Gotta keep my girl entertained, right?”
And with a quick wink your way, Hoseok was out of the door.
Sighing at his departure, you turned around with the intention of heading to your bedroom upstairs – you already knew better than to try to have a conversation with Henry and Jay who stood by the door; all of your previous attempts have been fruitless – but then you heard someone chuckle.
Stopping suddenly, you looked around. The sound was by no means unusual, but you were surprised to hear one of Hoseok’s men show an actual emotion while you were around.
“He really keeps you locked up in here, doesn’t he?” someone said and you turned your head towards the corner of the kitchen where one of Hoseok’s men had been standing.
You haven’t seen him before and, even though you weren’t exceptional at remembering everyone’s face, you could tell that he had to be one of the newer additions to Hoseok’s army.
“Not really,” you said, intrigued because not a single one of your guards had dared to talk to you before. “I could leave if I wanted to.”
“And we would, of course, have to go with you,” the guy replied, a smile not leaving his lips.
You squinted your eyes, unsure if you should approach him or just carry on with what you’d planned to do – which was nothing – because you knew the guy had strict orders not to talk to you and yet there he was, ignoring them. If you encouraged him, he could very much lose this job – and his life, too.
“Yes,” you ended up saying. Maybe you thought the risk was worth it; talking to someone was so much better than spending your night staring at the ceiling, after all. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t go wherever I want to go. I just happen to have a bunch of obnoxiously quiet men following me around. No offense.”
You’d addressed the two men by the door but they, of course, remained quiet. The only signs that they were alive and weren’t, in fact, some sort of advanced robots, were the warning looks they’d given the member of their team that had addressed you.
“And do you like that?” the guy pressed. He obviously had a lot of courage and you feared he was going to waste it all on this conversation that he wasn’t supposed to be having. “Do you seriously don’t mind this lack of freedom?”
Crossing your arms over your chest in a defensive manner, you leaned against the door, leading into the kitchen. You didn’t dare to enter the room and approach the guy just yet.
“I do mind it sometimes,” you replied honestly. “But I love Hoseok and that’s the price I have to pay if I want to be with him.”
“Is it worth it?”
You didn’t even hesitate. “Yes.”
“Hmm,” the guy smirked. “Sounds like he’s got you whipped.”
You didn’t like the way he made it sound. The way he spoke about your relationship was as if Hoseok owned you and did whatever he wanted with you. As if you never had any right to say anything. And while you knew your life choices were somewhat limited, Hoseok had never made you feel chained. He’s never stripped you off of your ability to make decisions for yourself unless he knew better.
And, actually, there were many things that Hoseok knew better, one of which being the ability to recognize when he was stepping over the line. He backtracked if he realized he was starting to control you in a way that suffocated you. He apologized if he said something demeaning. And he always made sure you were comfortable with the decisions he’s had to make on behalf of you.
Although you’ve tried to fight him every night, not wanting to have his men babysit you, you’ve also allowed Hoseok to convince you that this was the right decision. You knew how much your agreement meant to him. Had you said no and really pressed on the issue, Hoseok would find a different solution – he’d remove his men from your house, but then take you with him to the meeting instead, or do something else that still allowed him to keep an eye on you – but he would never physically lock you up inside of the house against your will. That just wasn’t him.
“I may be whipped for him,” you started to say, “but it’s certainly not because I listen to what he tells me. Contrary to what you might think, I’m actually capable of recognizing real danger. I know what could happen if I was left here alone.”
“Yeah, but what are the chances of something happening?” the guy continued. “I mean, no offense, you’re really beautiful, but stalking people takes time, you know what I mean? I’m sure there’s no one lurking outside of your windows at night, waiting to kill you. And if there is, then Hoseok would know, wouldn’t he? He has a gift of… ah, extraordinary intuition.”
“That’s a nice way to call him paranoid,” you said, watching the guy chuckle. “You really don’t know much about Hoseok’s life, do you? You’re new, right?”
“I am, yeah,” he replied. “I just joined late last year. I’m a quiet guy under normal circumstances – I guess that’s why Hoseok trusted me enough to bring me into his house – but I couldn’t help but say something to you. See, I’ve never really seen the partners of the guys from the Mafia before. I’ve never seen the way they interact with their loved-ones.”
“Well, get used to seeing that, then,” you said. “Since you’re a member now, too.”
“Right,” he nodded. “I don’t think I’m the kind of member that those other guys are.”
You glanced over your shoulder at Henry and Jay, positioned in the hallway, still standing there as stoic as ever. Their serious, unmoving facial expressions could have given the Terracotta warriors the shivers. Actually, you would have thought they had turned into stone as well but you could still notice glimpses of concern on their faces whenever you replied to something their member had said.
“Yes, I don’t think you are, either,” you said, turning back to face the guy in front of you. “We shouldn’t be having a conversation.”
“And yet we are,” he said, smiling as though the consequences of tonight did not matter to him in the slightest.
You frowned. “What’s your name?”
“They call me Yuto here.”
“Okay. Do you have a death wish, Yuto?”
He laughed. “No, not at the moment. Why? Are you saying the penalty for talking to the girlfriends of the men from the Mafia is death?”
“Actually, I don’t know,” you said. “No one was ever brave enough to address one before.”
You’d entered the kitchen – you couldn’t help it, something about this brave stranger interested you despite his obviously negative attitude towards your relationship – and approached the jug of water on the counter next to where Yuto was standing.
He smiled as he watched you pour yourself a glass but did not say anything, waiting for you to continue the conversation instead. You knew you shouldn’t have – you could just imagine how much danger you were putting him in just by being in the same room as him when he was given instructions to pretend as though you didn’t exist unless you were dying – but you still did.
“Do you think it’s possible,” you started to say in between sips, “that Hoseok put you here as a challenge?”
“A challenge?” Yuto asked. “No. Why do you say that?”
You put the empty glass back down on the counter and sat down on the bar stool by the kitchen island, opposite to where he was standing.
“Well, you’re a new recruit,” you said. “These men in the hallway? They’ve been with me since Hoseok and I started to date three years ago. There were a few other guys but I never found out what happened to them – both of them were Hoseok’s long-time friends, too. And now there you are, a brand new addition to his team. The reason why Hoseok brought you into his house can’t be because you’re quiet.”
“No?” Yuto was smiling even wider now. He hadn’t expected you to be so witty and smart but, needless to say, he did not regret starting a conversation with you at all. “So, you’re saying Hoseok is testing me by bringing me around you?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Why not?”
“Well, what’s the test? Is he going to fake an attack on you to see what I’d do?”
“No, I think it’s simpler than that,” you said. “Maybe he just wanted to see if you’d follow his orders. Obviously, you don’t.”
His glittering eyes let you know that instead of being scared – like any sane human would have been – Yuto was actually excited. For a moment, you weren’t sure if it was Hoseok challenging him, or if it was the other way around.
“That’s right,” Yuto said. “I have a hard time sticking to the rules. Maybe that’s why I joined the Mafia.”
“There’s got to be some sort of order even among criminals,” you pointed out.
“Has there, really?” he questioned and then leaned back when you raised your eyebrows at his question, “you could say I’m a bit of an anarchist.”
“Huh,” you shuffled on the stool, throwing one of your legs over the other one in search of a more comfortable position – and not failing to notice the way his eyes followed your every move. “So, you’re here to show Hoseok he can’t control you, then?”
“I’m not showing Hoseok anything,” Yuto replied, his confidence captivating your attention. “All that I do is a favor to him. He doesn’t own me. I don’t work for him.”
This surprised you. “No?”
“No,” Yuto confirmed. “I work with him.”
You weren’t exactly sure how to respond to that because you had a feeling Hoseok wouldn’t approve of this attitude. There was a strict hierarchy in his team and Hoseok was on top. No one’s ever challenged his authority before – not openly, at least – and if they had, well, then there had to be a reason why you’ve never heard of them.
“Perhaps you should keep quiet about it,” you suggested, starting to feel uncomfortable. Although you could agree with Yuto’s point of view, you didn’t think now was the right time to challenge the system that had existed in the Mafia for decades. “Or better yet, find a different occupation. You’re young. You don’t have to be in the Mafia.”
If you had to choose one reason to explain how the Mafia managed to achieve so much – Hoseok had ties everywhere, it was impossible for anyone in an important government position to do anything without him finding out – then you’d say it was because of the authority of a leading figure. There would never be a successful underground criminal syndicate if someone didn’t lead it.
Chaos was easy to kill – the police would catch one member and he’d spill the truth about the rest in an instant – while order was not.
“You’re young, too,” Yuto countered. “You don’t have to spend the rest of your life hiding in Hoseok’s shadow because he’s afraid to show you to the world. You don’t have to live in a cage like you’re his own personal little bird.”
“That’s not at all what life with Hoseok is like,” you replied, feeling the way your muscles tensed up after his words. “I already told you, I could leave if I wanted to.”
“Could you, really?” he scrunched his nose in doubt. “How many ex-girlfriends of the Mafia members do you know? Frankly, I don’t think that category exists. Not in this world, at least.”
You squinted your eyes at him.
“So, let me see,” you said. “You’re saying I don’t have to live with Hoseok because he’s keeping me locked up. But you’re also saying I’ll die if I leave this so-called cage. Sounds to me like you’re painting my life in very pathetic colors.”
“Not at all.”
“Really? Then the only to outcomes of my life, according to you, aren’t to either submit to Hoseok completely, or to die?”
“No,” he said.
“What else is there?” you questioned.
“You could run away.”
“Run a—wow,” you laughed at the absurdity. “I thought you were brave but now I just think you’re not smart enough to realize what you’ve gotten yourself into here. Even if I didn’t love Hoseok with all of my heart, do you really consider me stupid enough to try to run away from him?”
“Maybe you couldn’t do it on your own,” Yuto said, shrugging his shoulders, “but if you had the right people helping you—”
“Whoa, alright, let’s stop this conversation right here,” you said, standing up from the stool. “I don’t want to hear you say that you’re the Knight in Shining Armor that’s come to get me out of a castle guarded by a dragon, yeah? Because, like I’ve already told you, at least, three times, I’m in love with Hoseok. I don’t want to leave and if I did want to, I certainly wouldn’t need an action movie worthy plan to escape.”
Yuto looked like he heard you – a smile was his response to your words – but he was not convinced. Although he could see where you were coming from – even if he’s never been in love – he was still certain that your relationship with Hoseok wasn’t something that you deserved. And even if it wasn’t Yuto’s original plan to play an almighty hero in the story of your life – he wasn’t lying when he said he’s never met a girlfriend of a Mafia member before – he still thought you needed help.
“Okay,” he said, not pushing his opinion because he knew your defenses were too high up now. “Sorry if I crossed the line.”
You nodded, turning away. “Okay. Let’s just—let’s pretend like we never talked, alright? That’ll save us both some energy. I’ll head to my—”
“You don’t want Hoseok to know you talked to me?” Yuto asked, cutting you off.
“No,” you replied. “I don’t want him to know you talked to me. I’m allowed to do whatever I want – it’s you who’s not allowed to reply to me. If anyone’s the little bird, trapped in a cage, in this situation, it’s you, Yuto.”
He was still smiling but you could see the way he’d clenched his jaw. Perhaps you’ve gotten to him now. You’d have said something else but you decided not to waste your time. Yuto had thought it was Hoseok who was treating you like his property but, really, Hoseok was the one who saw you as a human being, while Yuto only looked at you as a girl who needed saving.
“I’m going to go,” you said after he didn’t reply to you, but right as you headed out of the kitchen and towards the staircase, Yuto grabbed your hand.
“Wait,” he’d stopped you, pushing a piece of paper into your palm as he held onto your wrist. “Keep this in case you change your mind and realize that you can always start a new life.”
Almost angered at his bold move – and his audacity to still talk to you about the same thing even though you’ve told him you’d never even consider leaving Hoseok – you stopped and were about to toss the note he’d given you into the trash, but then the door of the house opened, distracting you.
“They fucking canceled on me,” Hoseok was saying as he threw the door open. He had his phone by his ear and did not notice your surprised eyes, watching him from the kitchen. “I got into my car, drove to their quarters, even fucking texted them three times to check, and they—”
He stopped once his eyes finally landed on you. Although, it wasn’t really you he was looking at – his gaze was too focused on Yuto’s hand still firmly on your wrist.
Barely a second passed after Hoseok clocked the close proximity of you and his newest recruit, and he’d already hung up his phone and took one quick step towards the kitchen until he was standing right in front of you.
“Was there an accident?” he demanded in a cold, serious voice. “Did something happen?”
“Hold on for a moment, sweetheart,” he cut you off, his eyes on Yuto. “I’m trying to find out what reason could explain his hands on you. I’m only assuming he was trying to stop you from leaving which, of course, means that he’d been talking to you and then refused to allow you to end the conversation by leaving the room.”
“I wasn’t—” Yuto started to say but chose to let go of you before he continued, “I wasn’t refusing anything. I had some things I wanted to say to her.”
“Were those things a warning, perhaps?” Hoseok questioned. You had a feeling that the flames in his eyes weren’t caused by Yuto’s hand on yours but rather by your obviously uncomfortable and even angry expression that he’d seen as soon as he entered the house. “Were you trying to tell her not to leave the room because there was a bomb in the house? Were you warning her about a sniper that’s been aiming at her from outside?”
If Yuto was scared or worried, he didn’t show it. “No.”
“Well then why, for the sake of all hell, did you think it was a good idea to manhandle my girlfriend after you’ve been specifically told not to say a single word to her?”
“I don’t think you’re treating her fairly by locking her up here and not allowing her to talk to anyone,” was Yuto’s overly confident response.
It made Hoseok sneer. “Oh, she can talk to anyone she wants. She has more friends than I could count, but this isn’t about her. Your job here was to stay put and make sure nothing happened to her. That’s it.”
“Hoseok, it’s fine,” you said, feeling the need to interrupt – and potentially save Yuto’s life – despite not agreeing with the young boy’s point of view. “I was the one who started the conversation.”
Your boyfriend turned to look at you with the same warm smile he’d used on you before he left, a huge contrast to the way he’d looked at Yuto before.
“None of us deserve you and your heart, my love,” Hoseok said. “But I know you’re lying. I’ve had you protected since the day we met and not once did you dare to start a conversation with my men. Especially not after you found out they weren’t allowed to talk to you.”
You lowered your head, looking away. Hoseok didn’t blame you for trying to take the heat off of Yuto – perhaps, a part of him knew that you didn’t object against Yuto talking to you because it was nice to finally talk to someone that was staying in your house – but he thought your attempt was quite useless. He’s already decided what he was going to do. In fact, he’s had this decision ready even before he left the house.
“Let’s go,” Hoseok said, turning his head to give the other two men in the hallway a nod. “You’ll take him back, yeah? I’ll join in a few hours.”
“Of course,” one of the men said, entering the kitchen and, surprisingly, giving Yuto a chance to cooperate. “Come on, we’re heading out.”
“What are you going to do?” you dared to ask as you watched Hoseok’s newest recruit walk himself out without even a glance your way – thank God for that. “Will you kill him?”
Hoseok may have hated guns but he was no stranger to violence. He had chosen to keep the majority of what he did under wraps but he wasn’t deliberately hiding his work from you. He protected you from the worst of it, but you still caught glimpses over the years.
“Not yet,” was his response to your question as his men escorted Yuto out of your house – although, really, it looked like the three of them left together amicably and if it weren’t for the sudden yelp of pain you heard as soon as the door of your house closed, you would have thought this was going to blow over peacefully. “I’m a firm believer in second-chances. He did do his job, at the end of the day. He just didn’t listen to the orders that were given to him. We’ll teach him how to listen.”
You bit your lip, almost afraid to imagine his methods of teaching, and Hoseok – after noticing your awkward expression –  wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“Please tell me this won’t traumatize you and scare you off from my men,” he said. “We still have to attend that dinner next week.”
“Dinners are fine, I get to talk to the other girls during dinners,” you replied, sighing. “But it’s not me you’re scaring off from your men. It’s the other way around. They’re afraid to even look at me.”
“Good,” Hoseok said, smiling teasingly as he did not see what the problem was. “Do you really need other men looking at you? Am I not enough?”
His playful tone made you raise your eyebrows in surprise. You’d heard him swear when he returned home and you’ve seen the lightning in his eyes when he talked to Yuto, so, obviously, you weren’t expecting him to tease you about this in such a relaxed way.
“No, you’re enough,” you replied. “But you’re away a lot and—”
“Oh, so you need someone for when I’m away?”
“No. I only need you,” you said. “I always need only you.”
“Yeah?” Hoseok’s hand slid from your shoulders to your waist as he brought your body closer to his, a smirk still decorating his features. “Can you prove that to me, baby?”
“Hmm,” you replied to the teasing grin on his face with one on your own as his playful mood brushed off on you. “How do you want me to prove it? Would my words work?”
“They would,” he said, his eyes burning into yours with the utmost love and adoration. “But I’m sure you’ve already shown your love for me with your words when that useless son of a bitch bothered you, haven’t you?”
“I…” you pulled away from him a little. “Were you—?”
“—listening?” he guessed and then shook his head. “No. I’m not paranoid enough to listen to what’s going on here when I’m away. But I had a feeling Yuto would say something to you. He was far too quiet in every meeting that I’ve seen him in. The quiet ones are always the ones plotting something.”
“Why’d you bring him here, then?” you asked, suddenly confused, “if you knew he was going to—oh,” it hit you in the middle of a sentence. Your speculations about Hoseok’s true intentions were somewhat correct, after all. “You were trying to get him to disobey, weren’t you? You knew he was going to stand up to you and you were waiting for exactly that.”
“Maybe,” Hoseok replied, his eyes falling to your lips. “I also wanted him to meet my girlfriend and realize that she could kick his ass just as well as I could if he tried anything with her.”
“So, was it all for laughs?”
“Most of it,” he admitted. “I knew Henry and Jay were more than enough to protect you and I needed a way to teach Yuto a lesson. I couldn’t exactly teach him some discipline just because I was suspicious he was going to rebel, could I? I had to wait until he actually did something that went against my orders.”
“So… was there even a meeting tonight?” you asked, unsure if you were impressed or angry at him for playing you while he tricked Yuto. “Or did you just—”
“Oh, who cares now?” he cut you off, his impatience finally resurfacing as he got tired of you asking him questions you already knew all the answers to, when he could have been watching you undress for him. “I’m back now. I’m all yours for the next few hours before I have to go back and actually deal with this. We’ll talk about this then, yeah?”
“You mean we’re postponing the conversation?”
“Mmhmm,” he hummed, leaning in closer until his lips were hovering over your neck. “Unless you’d rather hear me explain how I schemed to get this poor disobedient young man beaten up, instead of letting me kiss you everywhere you want.”
“I would—you’re beating him up?!” you asked, almost dizzy from his close proximity and the feeling of his breath washing off on your neck. You still tried desperately to keep your mind working.
“No, I’m not going to touch him personally,” Hoseok replied, finally pressing his lips to the sensitive skin right below your ear. “I’ll just ask him some questions, talk to him a bit… nothing big.”
“Oh,” you exhaled, barely acknowledging what he’d said, too focused on the feeling of his lips moving down your neck. “You’re very distracting, do you know that?”
“I hope I am,” he pulled away from you – the coldness of the room immediately hitting the wet trail his kisses had left on your neck – and leaned his forehead against yours instead as he watched you try to catch your breath. “Because, if I’m not mistaken, I believe you were going to prove something to me, hmm?”
“I can’t seem to remember.”
He chuckled, the feeling of his chest vibrating against yours sending sparks of electricity all throughout your body.
“I believe you’ve told me you only needed me,” he said, his voice suddenly much lower. “So, let me refresh your memory, baby, so you’d forget all about the other men. And then you can prove to me how much you love me.”
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kpop---scenarios · 5 years
The Comeback
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Idol! Wonho x Reader 
Warning: Smut 
Commissioned by: @blueblondewonhoishot​
Word Count: 3.4k 
A/N: hope you enjoy!! 
*Monsta X vocalist Shin Wonho leaves group pending rumors* You stare at the headline that had just popped up on your phone. You knew you needed to call Wonho immediately, but you couldn't stop staring in disbelief at the headline. You had known Wonho for years, before he even joined Monsta X and you knew how bad he wanted to become an idol and how much he loved it. This made no sense to you. You were in complete shock. You and Wonho had met in elementary school. He had stuck up for you when some bullies had been harassing you. The two of you had become inseparable, Wonho always looking out for you. He very quickly became your best friend, the one you would go too with any problem, exciting news, anything. Even boy troubles. When the two of you began dating other people in high school, both your partners always became insecure about your friendship, even when you explained multiple times you two were just friends. Wonho's girlfriends would glare at you and do anything in their power to somehow get rid of you. They would whine to him about you, make up lies, the works. It never worked, he always chose you. Your boyfriends on the other hand always felt threatened by him, and accused you of cheating with him. That was never the case, everything was completely platonic between you too, all through high school, you were only friends. Once the two of you graduated you began to see him differently. You remember the day perfectly. You two had gone out to get ice cream the summer after graduation. You sat across from him on a park bench, laughing at him that his ice cream was melting all over the place. You smiled as you watched him try to lick it all up as it spilled all over his hands, That made your heart flutter, even when you didn't want it too. You weren't sure how to handle your new found lust and love for him. In high school he had always told you it would be weird if you two ever did anything, especially when other people asked about your relationship.  He always was adamant that you were nothing more than friends. Just friends. Always just friends. It broke your heart that he would never see you like that. However, little did you know, he had been harboring feelings for you since your senior year of highschool but was terrified you wouldn't feel the same, or that he ruined his chances by always saying you two were only friends. It wasn't until one summer night, the two of you drinking to celebrate his news of passing all his auditions at Starship Ent. You were so proud of him.  For years he had wanted to become an idol and you were honestly so happy that his dreams were finally coming true. But that would mean he would be leaving you in Daegu. Although the commute wasn't far, you both knew he would be far too busy for regular visits. It was the night of your celebration that you had decided to tell Wonho how you felt. You couldn't have him leave without knowing the truth, regardless of the outcome. "I have to confess something." You say, turning to face him. "I'm all ears." He smiles. "I love you." You blurt out. "I'm in love with you." Wonho stares at you with wide eyes. He quickly chugs the rest of his drink, still not saying a word. "I'm sorry. I should have just kept it inside." You whisper, putting your face in your hands. "No no." He begins, lifting your chin."I love you too, I have been in love with you since our senior year." He whispers. Hesitantly he leans in, pausing to make sure it was okay. You smile, grabbing his face to press your lips to his. Within seconds it went from gentle to passionate and needy. Wonho pulls you forward, closer to him. You lift your leg over him, placing yourself in his lap to straddle him. Wonho slips his hands under your shirt, gliding them across your back. Soon after he begins to tug at the hem of your shirt, wanting to take it off. You happily oblige, breaking the kiss with a smile and lifting your arms so he could lift it over your head, throwing it somewhere in the room. He reaches behind you again, this time to unclasp your bra, slowly sliding it down your arms, also throwing it somewhere in the living room. "God you're beautiful." He groans, cupping your breasts before leaning forward to latch his lips around your nipple, gently sucks. You throw your head back, letting out a loud moan as he moves his mouth over to your other nipple. As he continued to suck, you began moving your hips, grinding yourself on his already hard cock. Fuck you were so glad you were wearing shorts. "Baby that feels so good." He moans. You smirk at him as you slide yourself off his lap, getting onto your knees. You unbuckle his belt and then undo the button of his pants. He lifts his ass off the couch, helping you to be able to slide his pants and boxers down. You lick your lips as you look at his large, veiny cock standing straight up. You grip his cock with your hand before leaning forward and opening your mouth. First you tease him, onl gently sucking his tip. "Please baby." He begs. You happily take more of him into your mouth, he automatically bucks his hips, shoving his cock down your throat. Uou gag as he begins fycking your mouth, thrusting his cock harshly. A few minutes later, he stops all movement. "I'm going to end up cumming." He groans, sitting up on the couch. "Come ride my cock." He smirks. "Now." You stand up quickly, sliding off your shorts before straddling him again. You grab his cock to line him up with your entrance before you sink down onto him, slowly. You sit for a minute, adjusting to his size as he stretches you out. You begin rocking your hips, getting used to it. Once you do, you begin to bounce yourself on his cock. "Fuck baby, you ride my cock so well." He groans. Wonho leans forward, taking your nipple into his mouth again, sucking harder while pinching your other nipple. The way his cock hit your G-spot, the way your clit was rubbing against him and the way he played with your nippled had your orgasm coming fast. Your eyes rolled back into your head, your hands gripped his shoulders, your nails dragging down his chest, leaving scratches. Your body shook as your orgasm took over your body, pulsating through you. It had lasted longer than any other orgasm you had. "Fuck." You cry out, your body shuddering and exhausted. Wonho sat up, never taking himself out of you and laid you on your back on the couch before quickly thrusting himself in and out of you. "Shit I'm close." he groans, his thrusts becoming sloppier. "Where do I cum?" He asks, a little panicked. "Cum in my pussy." You moan. "I'm on the pill." You tell him to clarify. "Jesus, fucking shit." He cries out, his warm cum spills inside you. He lays there for a second, still inside you as he catches his breath. He pulls out of you, cum begins to drip out of you, making him moan and become semi hard again. "Fuck that's hot." He groans before getting up to grab a cloth to clean you up with. You both lay in his bed, not saying a word, but you're the one to break the ice a few minutes later. Turning to him, you ask "what does this mean? What are we now?" "I mean I want to be with you, of course. But would you be willing to do long distance, especially during tours and what not?" He asks. "I'm in." You smile. "Im all in."   And you were. You stayed with Wonho through the stressful time on No Mercy, through losses and wins at award shows, interviews  - everything. You consoled him when he called you in the middle of the night, crying because he just wanted to come home and see you. You surprised him when you could and he was around. You never complained about your lack of communication or how long he was away for, you supported him in his dream 100%. The long distance between the two of you became annoying and hard after a year. Phone calls, Skype and the occasional visit just wasn't enough anymore. Eventually you asked to transfer to Seoul, not telling Wonho in case you didn't get it. But you did. The second you were off the phone with your boss, you called him. "Guess what!" You yell the moment he answers. "You love me?" He guesses. "True, but not what I was going to say. "Tell me what then." He chuckles. "I got transferred to Seoul!" You yell. He says nothing. "Babe?" Again nothing but some sniffling. "I'm so excited baby, I miss you so much." He says. "I love you." "Forever and always." You smile. "I'll be there at the end of the month." ** The next few weeks the two of you text back and forth all the dirty things you wanted to do to each other when you were finally together again. You both made a pact that neither of you were going to get off and cum until you were together again, no matter how much you both wanted to. One week before you were set to move, Wonho called you on Skype. Upon were wearing a low cut tanks top with short shorts to bed and you knew it was going to destroy him not to have you. "Hi babe." You say, seeing him on the screen. "Oh baby, why?" He groans, his head in his hands. "What?" You ask innocently, knowing full well what he was talking about. "I'm already so hard baby, this is torture." He whines. You had to admit, you were dying for his cock and a release. "Let me see your pussy baby." He asks. You couldn't say no to that, you needed this as much as he did. You angle the camera down a little, letting him watch you slide down your shorts. "Tell me what you want me to do." You whisper. "Spread your legs." He demands. You do as you're told. "Now spread your lips baby, lemme see." He moans. You do as he asks, giving him an excellent view of your soaking pussy. "Fuck how I wish I could ram my cock into you." He breathes. You see him on your screen, watching him slide down his sweatpants, his cock springing free. "Now what?" You ask. "Stick your fingers inside yourself." He tells you. You slowly slide three fingers in your pussy, pulling them out and pushing them back in. "Good girl." He groans, stroking his cock. "How does it feel?" He asks. "So good, but not as good as your fingers baby." You moan. "That's right baby." He huffs. "Now rub your clit." He tells you. You move your other hand in between your lips, gently rubbing yourself while your fingers continue to move in and out of you. "I don't think I'm going to last long." You cry out, your pace quickening. "Fuck yourself faster." He demands. You move your fingers on your clit and inside you quicker, your orgasm coming fast. "I'm going to cum." You scream, your orgasm hitting you hard. "Fuck." Wonho cries, slowly pumping his cock as his cum squirts onto his hand and stomach. You sit up, watching him clean himself up and you pout. "I wish I could lick it up." You groan. "Soon baby, one more week." He smiles. "I love you." "Forever and always." You say. "See you soon." "Yes you will, sleep tight baby." He smiles before disconnecting. The last week was the longest week ever, but it finally came to an end after what felt like an eternity. It was finally moving day, you happily packed your things into your car, ready to make the trip to your love and best friend. It had been a hard year with only seeing him on occasion, and you knew this would be so much better. ** It was years later and Monsta X was thriving in the US, and everything seemed perfect. You and Wonho were still as in love with each other as the day you both confessed. You had taken the day off work, just needing a day to yourself, sitting in bed and scrolling through your phone, and Wonho was at dance practice, despite having only gotten home a few days ago from promotions. And that's when it popped up. The headline announcing Wonho's decision to leave the group. You didn't understand, you were shocked. You opened the article, and it had said someone had revealed that years ago he had smoked pot. Are you fucking kidding? That's the lamest fucking reason for this shit. You couldn't believe this bitch had the audacity to try and ruin his career and for what? That morning Wonho had spent hours with his manager, the CEO of Starship, his publicist and everyone else who could try to help him. "I think I should leave. Take a break." Wonho sighs. "That might be for the best." Everyone agrees. "We need this to blow over and then get you back with your group. Just be patient and wait it out." His publicist tells him. Leaving was the last thing he wanted to do, but he figured that it was the best for his group. He didn't want them to attract any negative attention. He left the building around lunch time, wandering around unsure of what to do with himself. He didn't want to go home, he didn't want to answer or deal with your questions. He turned off his phone, just needing time to think. Eventually, hours later he went home. You were just about to call him when you heard the front door unlock and then slam. You crawled out of bed and headed for the living room where you saw Wonho sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. "Babe.." you begin. "What happened?" ** You spent the next few hours trying to discuss what had happened and you could tell that he was becoming more and more irate about the entire situation, refusing to tell you anything. You just didn't understand. "I don't get it. Why won't you tell me?" You sigh. "You don't have to fucking get it Y/N. Just fucking drop it." He snaps. "I'm not going to drop it. You need to tell me what happened." You protest. "Back the fuck off. I'm not talking about this anymore!" He yells, grabbing his coat before slamming the door, leaving you wondering what just happened. For the next few weeks Wonho avoided you like you were some kind of virus. If you walked into the apartment, he left. If you went to bed, he went to the couch. You tried texting him, calling him and even facetime. He ignored you. Finally one night you lost it on him. You managed to corner him in the kitchen and this time he didn't try to walk away. He could see the hurt and the pain on your face, the sadness in your eye's and he felt like the worst person in the world for treating you like this. He knew he had to tell you the secret he had been harboring, but he was worried even though he shouldn't be. You were understanding, but with the way he had treated you lately, you may not be. "You need to talk to me! You can't keep ignoring me and keeping me in the dark!" You cry. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to handle it myself, and I knew if I talked to you you'd try to get me to talk about it and get involved, but this was something i needed to do by myself and handle her by myself." He tells you. "Who was she?" You ask nervously. You never thought he would be one to cheat, but then again do you ever truly know someone? "She was just someone who ended up backstage alot. She flirted with me, and tried to get me to go back to her hotel room. The last time was a few days before the story leaked. After practice she managed to slip in the room while I was alone, working on choreography." He tells you. He looks nervous for the next part, he sighs while avoiding eye contact. "She showed up in a trench coat, and when she took it off she was in lingerie." He whispers. Tears slip down your cheeks as you assume the worst, it starts to get harder to breathe. "Did you cheat?" You whisper. "No baby, no no I didn't I promise." He assures you. "So why did you hide it?" You ask. "Because I thought I handled it. I was mean the last time, I assumed it worked and she would just leave me alone now. But instead she dug into my past, exposing shit." He says. "Is it true?" You question. "It doesn't matter. What matters is moving forward and figuring out what I'm going to do next." He sighs, his hand rubbing his forehead. You could tell this was destroying him. Being in Monsta X was a dream come true. He loved the other members. He loved all their fans. That was his life and he needed it back. Wonho and his team worked everyday in an attempt to bring him back into the group. Back to performances, promotions, interviews, but they all knew it would take time. Day after day, week after week, month after month, Wonho hoped that today would be the day. Today he would be able to rejoin the group. But it was never that day. He appreciated you trying to distract him, keeping his spirits up and just being there for him but he was still heartbroken. Wonho regularly went live to talk to his fans, and he couldn't believe the outpour of support he had. He spent time reading comments, checking twitter to see all the love. The billboards, the signs, the banners. Everything he saw fueled him more and more to get back to what he loved to do. He made a promise to never leave his fans, and he wasn't one to break promises. He fought tooth and nail, and finally he succeeded. ** 7 months after Wonho had announced his departure from the group, a new headline appeared. *Wonho rejoins Monsta X and fans couldn't be happier.* You look at him with a surprised face. You had known nothing about it, but you couldn't be happier for him. You jump on him, causing him to fall back on the bed as you tackled him, now straddling his lap. Leaning down, you place a small kiss on his lips. "Why didn't you tell me!?" You ask, lightly smacking his chest. "I wanted it to be a surprise." He laughs. "I'm so happy for you." You whisper, giving him another small kiss. Wonho wraps his arm around you, pulling your body against his more, deepening the kiss. He quickly rolls hou both over, making you now lay on your back, with him between your legs. "How happy are you?" You smirk, as he presses his already hard cock against your pussy. "I'm very happy." He says in a low growly whisper. "Mhm, I can tell." You laugh, bucking your hips to grind yourself on him. "Don't tease me baby, you don't know what I'll do to you." He warns you. "You can do whatever you want to me." You breathe. "Don't mind if I do." He smirks, wiggling his body down yours, pulling your pants down with him, his face between your thighs. You finally had your boyfriend back, and he was finally getting his comeback.
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miss-noo-na · 5 years
Reminder (Wonho Smut/Mafia AU)
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Title: Reminder
Featuring: Wonho (Monsta X) x Reader
POV: 2nd
Rating: Mature. Dom!Wonho Sub!Reader, spanking, dirty talk, good girl/kitten, brief mention of death. 
Summary: Wonho’s job can be dangerous, and despite knowing you’re taken care of, you can’t help but worry. When you break a cardinal rule, Wonho has to remind you who is in charge. 
Note: This piece was a commission! Please see the request link in my bio if you would like to commission a scenario from me. 
Being Wonho’s fiancée wasn’t always easy. From the outside, everything seemed almost perfect. His business, the company you both kept, the vacations, getting everything you could have ever wanted, and the attention he paid you would make the best of them envious of your love. However, few knew what went on behind closed doors.
He was a high-ranking associate to a well-known family, one that you might call an established family. Words like mafia didn’t get thrown around like they once did, but if you had to attribute a definition to what he was apart of, that would be the more accurate one. He wasn’t a brute, although he looked like one, and he wasn’t a petty thief or a drug-lord either, he was simply well-connected and business minded, and willing to look the other way when more unsavory people and situations presented themselves.
This sometimes left you on edge, unsure of what the next day would bring. He could handle his own and he had people to protect him, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t a target. He knew things, and there were a lot of people who wouldn't be afraid to crack his skull for that information. No serious threats had occurred just yet, but you knew they were watching, and you knew they lurked just outside your comfortable life. You had been followed, a few times at that, and you had witnessed him being accosted and verbally threatened. These rare instances frightened you senseless, but Wonho took them in stride.
“It’s okay, kitten.” He smiled bright, pushing your hair out of your face and caressing your cheek. “Nothing will ever happen to you.”
“It’s you I’m worried about.” You’d say, hanging your head.
“Nothing is going to happen to me, either. I promise.”
Though you would nod and smile, you couldn’t help but feel a gnawing sense of dread.
This week had been particularly difficult. Someone who worked under him had gotten into some serious trouble with an opposing family, and they were looking for him. They had already roughed up some lower level clients for possible information, and when they didn’t get it, it only made them more angry and eager to find him.
“Do you know where he is?” You asked the evening after it got serious, pulling your legs up under you on the couch.
“No.” Wonho answered sternly, busying himself around the living room and not meeting your eyes. You wondered if he was telling the truth. You thought maybe he might lie to make you feel better about it.
“They’re going to think you know.”
He didn’t say anything, and it made your stomach churn.
“I have some people coming over tomorrow,” He said instead, changing the subject. “We have some serious things to discuss.”
You knew what that meant. Anytime someone visited his home office he wasn’t to be bothered under any circumstances. You had been staring at the ground, chewing your finger in thought, vaguely taking in his words. Then you felt a hand under your chin, firm in its hold but not too tight, just enough to pull your attention up to his face.
“Do you understand?” He asked, and you nodded slowly, nuzzling his hand in the process. “Of course, sir.”  You said in a quiet way, and you felt the tension in his arm relax. He could be strict, but it didn’t take much for you to soften him.
The next day you didn’t have much to do, so you went about some housework, making coffee, laundry. Wonho was distracted for the most part, in his office getting ready for his meeting later that afternoon. You only came in once or twice, to bring him coffee or tidy up, and he smiled and thanked you each time, giving you a grope here and there for good measure.
It was a perfectly normal day, and some of your anxiety had started to slip away, until you opened your phone and saw the news alert about a body being found in a local ravine. They hadn’t released a victim name yet, but you could tell by the details that it sounded like a planned hit. You swallowed hard and padded lightly to Wonho’s office.
“Did you see this?” You asked, offering him the phone. He read it over and his face went from curious to concern, but then he plastered on a fake look of nonchalance.
“Could be nothing,” He shrugged. “They find bodies in that ravine all the time.”
“Hogtied with a bullet in their mouth?” You asked, and sighed as he pushed himself away from the desk and stood. He was so imposing that it still overwhelmed you sometimes, until his arms found their way around you, pulling you close.
“You can’t keep this up, you know.” He said, squeezing you “You’re going to drive yourself crazy if you think every little bad thing is going to happen to us.”
“It’s hard not to,” You lowered your head, somewhat ashamed.
“Until I hear something more concrete, don’t worry about. And when I do, I’ll take every precaution I possibly can. We’ll be fine.”
With that, he kissed the top of your head and sent you on your way.
His associates started to show up one by one, and you invited them each in and led them to the office. Wonho told you exactly who would be there, and when the last person entered and the office door shut behind them, you sighed. It was evening now, the sun slipping beyond the horizon, and you didn’t know quite what to do with yourself.
You felt uneasy in the living room by yourself, even though there were people just down the hall. Thinking about the body in the ravine and trying not to picture it as anyone you cared about wasn’t helping, so you turned on the TV for distraction instead.
It was working for about a half an hour, and you had forgotten all about your worries. Yet, to your surprise, there was a knock at the door. You knew exactly who would be showing up tonight, “no more, no less” Wonho had said, so you felt immediate tension at the sound.
You got up and crept to the door, peering through the peep-hole. A man who you didn’t recognize stood there, and he seemed agitated.  You wanted to ignore it, and you did at first, but he knocked again, this time louder and with his fist, and it sent a jolt of fear through you.
“Wh-who is it?” You asked meekly.
“It’s Stevie, open up.” He said adamantly, as if you should know him. You hesitated, and he spoke again.
“Quit playing games and let me in.”
You swallowed hard, this could just be a set-up and the moment you opened that door could put you in a world of trouble. You started to back away from it and the man knocked hard once, making you jump and almost shriek.
“I don’t have time for this.” He yelled, and you turned and near-ran down the hall toward the office. You knew the rules, under no circumstances, but you felt this fell under the “in case of an emergency” clause.
You swung the door open into the office and everyone’s heads turned in unison at your brash entrance. Wonho’s eyes narrowed in your direction, but then he saw your face and the way your chest was heaving, the wild fear in your eyes.
“What is it?” He asked, standing. You gestured down the hall.
“There’s a man, he’s-” You could barely get out the words, feeling like you were on the verge of a panic attack. Wonho didn’t have to hear anymore, he left his place at the desk and passed you into the hall, a few of his associates following. The man was still knocking and talking loudly through the door. You stayed in the hall, trying to control your breathing so you wouldn’t hyperventilate.
After a brief exchange you heard the front door swing open, and then more words, but the voices didn’t sound hostile. You started to inch down the hall and peeked your head around the corner. Wonho and the man were having a conversation that seemed casual, and the man laughed, apologizing before he walked away.
You stepped out into the living room and Wonho shut the door and turned toward you. His associates mumbled in idle chit-chat as they passed you back into the office.
“Wrong apartment.” He said, and you blinked at him.
“What do you-”
“He was on the wrong floor. He had a few too many and was looking for his girlfriend’s place.” He explained, and you could tell by his tone that he was upset with you for overreacting, especially when you had interrupted him when you knew not to.
“I’m sorry, I really thought-”
He stopped you again. “We’ll talk about it later.” He said, returning to his office. You sunk down onto the couch, burying your face in your hands, the embarrassment washing over you in hot waves. You had made a total fool of yourself for no reason, and had also interrupted Wonho’s extremely important business for nothing.
An hour or so later, the men exited the office and bid you farewell, thankfully not mentioning the incident. You saw them out with a forced smile, but didn’t meet their eyes, closing the door behind them.
When you turned, you realized Wonho wasn’t around, and took a breath before heading toward his office, having an idea of what you were in for.
You came to the door way and opened your mouth to speak, but he did first.
“Close the door behind you.” He said, his voice in its hard, business tone. You did as you were told and watched him shuffle his paperwork and put it away. He then stood, moving to the leather couch on the other side of the room under the window, sitting down. He stared at you as he undid the cuffs on his dress shirt and started to roll them up his forearms.
“Come here.”
You felt an anxious shiver go down your spine at his words, walking to stand in front of him, arms behind your back, letting your hands fidget.
He sat back against the couch and let his legs fall apart. “Down.”
You knew what he wanted, laying yourself across his lap and resting your arms and head on the cushion. He slipped his fingers inside your leggings and tugged them down, along with your underwear, exposing your bare backside.
“You know what this is, right?” He asked, and you nodded.
“I can’t hear you.”
“Yes.” You spoke, trying not to let him hear the tremble in your voice.
“What is it?” He asked, smoothing his hands over your skin.
“A punishment.”
“And what for?”
You swallowed. “For interrupting your meeting.”
“Mhm,” He agreed, and as one arm braced you against his lap, the other that was caressing now rose up before coming back down hard on your ass with loud smack. You twitched, your breath hitching in your throat.
“Because I told you, didn’t I, kitten? I told you everything would be okay, but apparently my word isn’t good enough.”
He did it again on the other side and you hissed.
“How can I ever leave you alone like this? You know I love taking care of you, babygirl, but you have to take care of yourself when I’m not around, right?” He explained, and you nodded again before thinking better of it.
“Yes, sir.”
“So what do I have to do? Do I need to stop spoiling you so much?”
Smack. Smack.
It was starting to sting a little now, the initial endorphins wearing off and replaced by a biting pain every time he came down on a spot he had spanked before.
“I want you to be safe, but I want you to be strong, too.”
Smack. Smacksmacksmack.
Tears started to tickle behind your eyes and you buried your face in your arms, both from the pain and the emotions. “I know, sir.”
He could hear the crack in your voice, and paused to pet the back of your head.
“Are you okay, kitten? You know what to say if you want me to stop, right?”
“Yes,” You pulled in a breath, because you needed this. “Keep going.”
He made a satisfied humming sound.
“That’s what makes punishing you so difficult, you take it too well.” He said, losing some of the seriousness in his tone. “You’re such a good girl.”
You felt your entire body melt at his words, his praise a soothing balm to every physical and emotional scar.
You could feel the heat radiating off your skin, all your nerve endings sparking every time he made contact and burning when he stopped.
“Are you going to listen to me?” He asked, his voice returning to its deliberate and sincere tone.
“Yes, always, sir.”
Smack. Smack.
“We’ll work on ways you can protect yourself. Until then, you have to trust me.”
Now the tears brimmed at the edges of your eyes and you sucked in a heavy breath.
“I trust you, I’ll listen, I promise.”
“I know you will.”
The last time his hand came down was almost too much, and your safe-word tickled the tip of your tongue, but it didn’t need to be spoken, because now his hand went back to smoothing over your poor, tortured skin. His hands were soft and cool and you sighed in relief.
You weren’t given much time to recover, though, because now his fingertips were sliding down the dip of your cheeks and toward your slit, where they pressed and wriggled through your folds.
“Why are you wet, kitten?” He asked in an amused way. Now your face burned as hot as your backside.
One finger found its way inside you and you arched, moaning into your arm.
“That was too easy,” Wonho laughed, adding another for good measure as his thumb found your clit. He worked the digits into you slowly but firmly, massaging your inner walls in a hooked motion, finding your G-spot and pressing into it. Your body shuddered of its own accord, and when you bowed forward you could feel him hard in his pants, rubbing against your hip.
“Right there?” He asked teasingly, and you moaned again while nodding,  your hands gripping the leather cushion.
“You took your punishment so well,” He purred, “But do you deserve a reward?”
“Please,” Was all you could say, his thumb circling your clit in just the right way as he commanded you from inside with his other fingers. The pleasure made you forget all about how much your ass ached.
He worked you for awhile longer, making sure you were good and frantic, clawing your way toward your orgasm. When he felt your breath speed up and your hips starting to press back into his hand, he stopped, pulling himself out and away from you.
You cried out, the sound leaving you in a desperate way that made him even harder. He pulled you up to face him.
“I can’t let it end like that,” He smirked, sitting back again as you now straddled his lap. He reached up and took hold of your face, stroking your jaw. “I need to be inside you when you come.”
You whimpered, biting your bottom lip and giving him that doe-eyed gaze that drove him wild. The reaction was immediate, his eyes creasing as he let out a gruff sound, pushing his hips up. “You know what to do.”
You reached down and made work of his belt, then undid the pants themselves. You tugged them down along with his boxers impatiently, and he gave you a knowing grin.
“I love when you’re eager, kitten.” He smiled, letting out a sigh as you pulled his cock free.
You pushed yourself up on your knees, taking him between your fingers and angling him under you.
“Ah, ah.” He said, tapping your ass with his hand. It wasn’t hard, but on your already raw skin it stung. “No hands.”
This was his favorite thing to see, and in your fervor you had almost forgotten. You pulled your hand back and instead let yourself sink down onto him, pressing your hips in so he filled you completely, and you both groaned at the first deep stroke.
Your hands fell to his shoulders and you shuddered when he reached the pinnacle of your inner walls, then brought yourself back up. You repeat this motion until  you found a steady rhythm bouncing in his lap, and he watched with eyes creased into small, lustful slits, mouth hanging open. The way his plump lower lip glistened made your mouth water.
He looked up at you then, sensing your eyes on him, and he was so attuned to your every look and motion that he grinned knowingly, placing his hands on your hips and tugging you forward, consuming your mouth in a wet, needy kiss. You moaned into his mouth and slid your hands down the front of him, pulling his shirt open and exposing his chest, only to run your hands along him, making sure you felt every ripple and curve from his shoulders to his pelvis.
Even though he enjoyed it for a moment, he regained control by grabbing you by the wrists and forcing them behind your back, sitting up as he did so. You gasped, but you didn’t falter.
“You want to come?” He said in a lower, raspier voice, his breathing getting shallow.
“Yes, please, sir.” You moved your hips faster. You were so sore from the spanking and emotionally spent from the entire day, but you couldn’t stop, even now as your legs started to ache and sweat beaded on both of your brows.
“Have you earned it, kitten?” He near-growled. “Do you deserve to come on this cock?”
You whimpered, pressing yourself down on him and grinding him inside you. He let out a sound that surprised him, his mouth dropping open and his eyes shutting for a moment.
“Yes, sir.” You cried out, to further prove your case.
He opened his eyes and looked down at where you rocked yourself on him,  his hands tightening on your wrists. “Fuck, that feels so good.”
“I’m close,” You warned, pulling his attention back to your face. He let go of your wrists and held you by your lower back instead, bringing his face close to yours.
“Be a good girl and come for me.”
That was all it took for the floodgates to open, your pleasure rocking through you with every thrust, the friction of his pelvis sending you there almost without warning. As you pushed and pulled against him, he held you down on his cock as he groaned out his own release, filling you with everything he had.
Wonho fell back against the couch and you followed, chests panting unevenly against one another, and heartbeats erratic. He stroked your hair away from your face as you laid against his chest and listened to the blood pump through his veins, slowing until it hit an even rhythm again.
“Come on.” He said then, nudging you up. You brought yourself to your feet and your legs wobbled unsteadily for a moment, and he laughed as he followed you to the bathroom.
He turned on the faucet and made sure the water was as hot as you liked it, then helped you out of your remaining, disheveled clothing. As you sank into the hot water, he removed his own and followed you, situating himself behind you. He pushed some hair away from your shoulder and kissed it.
You hissed as the hot water made contact with your backside, and one of Wonho’s hands slipped into the water and under you, cupping your ass. “How does it feel?” He asked.
“Tender.” You said, nuzzling yourself back into his chest.
“Not too sore, I hope?” He asked, and when you peered over your shoulder at him, his soft eyes made you gooey inside.
“Its fine,” You said, turning yourself around and pecking him on the lips. “I like being sore.”
“You do?” He laughed as you laid your head back on his chest.
“Tomorrow, when I’m going about my day, and I feel that pain, I’ll remember how it got there.” You said with a sly smile, and he stroked a hand down your back.
“I hope it reminds you of what I said.” He placed his chin on top of your head. “That you’re strong, and that you’re always going to be okay as long as I’m around, and even when I’m not.”
You nodded, starting to feel sleepy in his embrace and the warm water lapping up your back. “Yes, sir.”
“Good, kitten.”
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shittybangs · 5 years
Blanket Fort - Wonho
• Wonho x Reader • Fluff •
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"Hoseok, what are you doing" you ask, seeing him running through the house, blankets in his arms and a pillow between his teeth. At the sound of your voice, he stops in his track and turns to you before dropping everything to the floor. "It's top secret" he says. "Maybe if you prove your identity, I will tell you." Confused, you slightly tilt your head. "Do I have to say something only the two of us know ? Remember that time at summer camp when you fa-
— NO NO SHUT UP DON'T REMIND ME" he yells, running over to you and putting his hands on your mouth to silence you. "I didn't mean « tell me an embarrassing story about me » when I asked to prove your identity !! The password, y/n, the password, that's what I'm asking for !
— What ? But what password ?" He rolls his eyes, faking annoyance. "Don't come back unless you know the password." On these words, he leaves you to where you're standing only to go back to playing with his blankets and pillows. You stare at him for another minute before finally shrugging.
You walk up to him and back-hug him. "What is that for" he frowns, not stopping whatever he is doing. "Is the password a hug from me ?" Hoseok chuckles and shakes his head. "Or is it perhaps" you gently kiss his shoulder "a kiss from me ?" Hoseok turns in your arms and bends down to your level. "You're cute, but no." He gives you a quick peck on the nose before returning to his occupations. "Ugh. I give up" you sigh. Deciding to stop wasting your energy on finding a password you have no clue about, you sit on the couch, examining your boyfriend's childish behavior.
After getting tired of watching him leave and re-enter the room every five minutes, you offer him your help. "Can I give you a hand ?
— I need two more chairs please." You nod at that and run to the kitchen to bring him the chairs he asked for. When you come back, you see Hoseok with arms full of plushies. "Wait." You say, posing down the chairs you were holding. "Since when do we have that many plushies ?" Hoseok turns to you, a wide smile across his face. "I bought them before coming home, I wanted to surprise you. Have you found the password yet ?
— Hoseok is handsome ?
— Well tried, but no. I actually thought of that one but I've found better." He laughs. You pout. "You know what ? I give up" you let out, crossing your arms over your chest and looking down at your feet, sitting down on one of the chairs you brought. "Hey there." Hoseok's gentle voice calls out to you. He cups your face and tilts up your face, forcing you to stare into his eyes. "Don't be sad" he murmurs. "The password is « Hoseok loves y/n the most », see ? Now if you tell me the password, I'll let you enter the fort." You giggle and Hoseok kisses your cheek. "Hoseok loves y/n the most" you repeat. Your boyfriend fakes being shocked, dramatically putting a hand to his chest and gasping. "How did you know ??"
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Sooooo this was supposed to be longer than it is but I thought this was a good ending so whatever haha. I hope you liked it, if you wanna see more of my work : masterlist if you wanna visit my blog : @shittybangs I don't mean to force you but it would actually be nice if you left a note, knowing that your work is appreciated feels good :))
Have a great day/evening/night you rock !
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