#shiloh the type who has a picture of her as a little girl with a mermaid tail made out of sand
vancilart · 2 years
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beach day
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eushiloh · 4 years
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⟨ SYDNEY SWEENEY. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, SHILOH MONROE is actually a descendent of H Y P N O S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-THREE year old DANCE MAJOR from COPENHAGEN, DENMARK has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite EMPATHIC & INDECISIVE.
howdy howdy howdy, i’m h and lemme just start by saying how excited i am to be here and bring this sweet little baby to life. i’m gonna keep this little section short and sweet because there’s HELLA info below (if you read it all, bless u sweet angels) so without further ado, let’s get into it, shall we?
FULL NAME shiloh josefine monroe NICKNAME(S) shi, sj OCCUPATION cashier at eonia theater/dance major SEXUALITY: bisexual AGE 23 DATE OF BIRTH march 3rd NATIONALITY danish RELIGION spiritual THREAT LEVEL 3/10
FACE CLAIM sydney sweeney HEIGHT 5′4 EYE COLOR blue HAIR COLOUR + STYLE dirty blonde, typically in messy/loose waves DOMINANT HAND left DISTINGUISHING FEATURES big, sleepy eyes, full lips, wide smile, strong dancer legs ACCENT + INTENSITY danish accent (here is a video for reference of how it sounds) TATTOO(S) she has three tattoos, they are all fairly small and dainty. one is a pair of pink ballet slippers on her ankle, then a cresent moon with clouds on the inside of her right wrist, and lastly (her biggest one) is a dream catcher along her left side of her ribs. SCAR(S) one along her right knee from when she fell off a bike as a child and cut her leg open PIERCING(S) five in each ear, she has a nose hoop but forgets about it all the time, and her belly button.
HOMETOWN copenhagen, denmark CURRENT RESIDENCE athens, greece LANGUAGE(S) Danish/English SOCIAL CLASS middle BASIC EDUCATION high school COLLEGE EDUCATION currently a junior in college DEGREE(S) N/A PARENT #1 sofia monroe PARENT #2 n/a PET(S) white cat named cloud RAP SHEET? squeaky clean PRISON TIME? yeah right
SMOKES? yes DRINKS? yes DRUGS? only weed VIOLENT? no ADDICTION(S)? sleeping? maybe? SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? sometimes HABIT(S) humming to herself, bouncing her leg, rubbing her lips together, not making eye contact when she speaks, cracking her knuckles HOBBIES dancing, sleeping, binge watching shows in her bed, yoga LIKES native american flute music, the color blue, soft lighting, dance clothes, sleeping in, and reality television DISLIKES loud noises, violence, people staring for too long, and heavy metal music. OBSESSION(S) dancing and sleeping, once again COMPULSION(S) leaving events early to be alone?? does that count?
HOUSE hypnos ZODIAC pisces ELEMENT water ANIMAL panda
when it comes to her powers, the strongest that shiloh has come to obtain would be hypnokinesis , though she tries not to take advantage of it too much. trying be the key word there, because there’s something so entrancing about living in somewhat of a dream like world, which is usually what she likes to use the power for. it first started out with delving into a fantasy land, a place for her to escape to and get lost in, and slowly she found herself falling deeper and deeper into her own rabbit hole. even as a young lady, she’d always heard people refer to her as their “dream girl” and once she realized she had the ability to somewhat make some dreams come true, she couldn’t help but sink into her title. once she got the hang of it, she couldn’t help but use it to her advantage here and there, if she had a crush on somebody she would appear in their dreams more and more. a sucker for romance, it was basically how she swayed her suitors, although sometimes it was for nothing whenever she realized it was all fantasy and never reality. still, living in dream worlds was too delicious not to become wrapped up in, that it became something she mastered perfectly. whether it was astral projecting herself into other settings while she was sleeping, or into other dreams, it seemed shiloh was entirely infatuated with living in her own little dream worlds. although, something that came hand in hand with dreams were nightmares, an area that shiloh hated getting stuck in.
something that she is wanting to dip her toes into more, would be her shapeshifting abilities. the blonde has only been able to do such in a limited ability, only recently being able to do so whenever she is fully awake. it’s uncomfortable, sure, but there’s something so mesmerizing about taking on the form of something else….or better yet someone else. often there’s many eyes on her, so being able to blend into a background and garner less attention is a rush of relief for her.
the girl has also always excelled in the levitation ability aspect of her life, shiloh has always been rather light on her feet, it was almost as if she was always floating. almost a picture of grace, it brought her face to face with something she adored at a rather early age: dancing. enrolled in classes from the age of 8, shiloh practically could float across a dance floor with elegance, something she now contributes to her levitation aspect of her powers.
with wide eyes and a soft smile, shiloh had always been rather quiet yet somehow still garnered the attention in a room. she wasn’t the type of girl to command it though, often keeping to herself, there was something magnetic and glowy about her that made her fall into the social hierarchy without really trying to. the blonde had always prided herself on being a good friend to those around her, even if they never gave her the same respect back, and soon realized that she was becoming a doormat to those around her. she kept everyone’s secrets, harboring them inside her like a vessel and remembering the little things others might have even forgotten they’d told her. soon enough, shiloh had realized she had enough dirt and ammo on those around her that if they ever did cross her, she’d use against them if need be. but luckily, thus far, the girl never had to shoot her shot to the heart just yet. a part of her always wondered if she had the guts to do it anyways, to cross those who she’d held nearest and dearest, or if she’d end up chickening out from the fear of hurting them too much. a never ending battle of right and wrong within her, she often finds herself torn and defeated by the end of the day. it makes her almost come off as flaky and aloof, although her intentions are typically anything but pure, her own overthinking tends to be her downfall. never letting anyone close enough to pick her brain, she is a beautiful mystery with expectations that had always been built upon her back. to be perfect, to be a vision of grace and poise, but sometimes she just wants to let loose and say fuck it to everything that had ever been expected of her and prove that she’s anything but a delicate flower. she has thorns that she’s never shown, and she fears if anyone gets to close, she’ll draw blood without warning.
shiloh is on the dance team, obviously, the girl lives for dancing and when she’s not dancing....she’s probably napping. 
also she has a job at the eonia theater as a cashier, so you’ll see her little sleepy self behind the counter and sometimes sneaking into the show to sleep in the back.
her mother was the type to live vicariously through her, always putting pressure on her to be “perfect” and put together. there was even a time in her younger years whenever her mother would put her into pageants, which shiloh absolutely hated, it was too much energy towards something she hated which ultimately left her feeling even more drained than normal. in fact, any pictures remaining of that time in her life are privately stored away and she refuses to revisit that memory which she even went lengths to alter from people’s brains whenever she figured out she had that ability.
the only good thing that she found from pageants was her love of dance, something that shiloh has passionately pursued all her life. she was enrolled in ballet mostly but soon fell in love with contemporary dance, and it was something that satisfied her mother, a win-win.
even though she was accepted as someone that was a part of the “in-crowd” in high school, celeste suffers from social anxiety, instead of hanging out at parties she often finds herself slipping away and disappearing. she’s much more of a homebody than someone who enjoys going out, being peer pressured is something she often falls victim to because she’s afraid of coming off as flaky, although she tends to do so anyways due to her disappearing acts.
the relationship she has with her mother is strained, because while she loves her mom, the constant pressure to “perform” and the way her mother sort of pushed her and talked so highly of her has her nervous to disappoint those around her. she constantly feels as if she has to be some sort of social butterfly, when the idea of getting close to people terrifies her, leaving her in a never-ending cycle of what she SHOULD be and what she WANTS to be.
speaking of relationships, most of celeste’s tend to fizzle out quickly once her partners discover she’s not all that they dreamt her up to be. it could be her fault, inserting herself into people’s dreams to learn more about them, that most of her relationships die out after the honeymoon phase...making her fear commitment all together.
she’s a pisces, because....well, obviously.
shiloh is bisexual, although she is a little nervous about dating women seeing as her mother wouldn’t quite understand, most of her public relationships have been exclusively with men due to her fear of disappointing her mother.
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its-norea-wong · 4 years
Yall don know crap about me so here:
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? More cereal than milk. I don like to have a bowl full of milk after.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a winter-y day? Yes.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Random pieces of old sketch paper I have lying around everywhere.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I drink green tea as is. I’ll have that or cocoa, with milk and sprinkles.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Yes, I don smile often.
6: do you keep plants? Yes, I have a small sunflower in my window.
7: do you name your plants? Yes, her name is Vivi. Don fuking judge me.
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? I use oil paints.
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yeah, I hum to the music I play when I draw, sketch and/or paint.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Sleep? Hah, I don’t, but If I take my sleeping pills like I’m suppose to, usually on my side.
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? Er allein, dem die Jugend gehört, gewinnt die Zukunft.  
12: what’s your favorite planet? Saturn.
13: what’s something that made you smile today? Watching Shiloh trip and fall.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? I’m not going to live in the city once I finish school.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! It would take nine years to walk to the moon.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? Ramen.
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I want to get rid of the blonde patch at my routes.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.  When I learnt German only to give our Jewish history teacher wwII flash backs. Nate was mad. I didn’t care.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? Yes and just small outfit ideas.
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Blue, purple or orange. Why? Idfk.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. My hello kitty little backpack that I brought with me from japan, I now use it as a purse when I go shopping. It confuses people.
22: are you a morning person? hell. no.
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Lay in bed till 4 pm.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? Fuck no.
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? The boy’s dorm room.
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? My black and pastel coloured converse.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? bubblegum.
28: sunrise or sunset? sunrise. I’m not a morning person but it looks nice.
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? no.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes, when? I wont tell, unless asked.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. They’re okay ig, yes?, no, no, and no thanks.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. I can’t really hang out with friends at 3 AM.
33: what’s your fave pastry? dessert mochii.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? It’s name is Kuma. It’s a brown fluffy bear. yes i do.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? not anymore, I used to write to my mom while I was at school.
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? Bo burnham. That’s it.
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? Clean.
38: tell us about your pet peeves! JB. just JB hitting on. every. single. guy. That or Shiloh. Just Shiloh being Shiloh. Also Bae thinking he’s better than everyone else.
39: what color do you wear the most? Black.
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? I own a small necklace with purple beads. It has meaning to me I guess.
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?  The One Safe Place.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! No.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? JB. 
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? When I was 11.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Yeah.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. uhhhhh. To the guy who invented zero, thanks for nothing.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Store bought ramen. It’s so gross.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Thunder and Lightning, and yes.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? The last CD I bought? Beetlejuice the musical.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Knifes. Pencils.
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? uhh. Jeremy with sad song by scotty sire.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? Ugandan knuckles, i know its dead but it’s still my favorite.
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? i love beetlejuice.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? idfk.
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? I climbed up a shelf at the library to prove that I could be tall.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? no.
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? im not answering this one.
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? uhh idk.
59: what’s your favorite myth? Any Japanese urban legend.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? uhh. no.
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? I once gave away some floppy hat that my step dad gave me.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Yes, pineapple.
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? Yes. I make sure they’re organized on genre and then in the genre it’s alphabetized.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? blue.
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? My mom, but in order to do that, i’d have to die. :)
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Pink daises and sunflowers, small ones, plus some bits of lavender.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Happy, it’s nice.
68: what’s winter like where you live? no snow, it’s like 60 degrees.
69: what are your favorite board games? idk.
70: have you ever used a ouija board? ya.
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? green.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? No, i have an okay memory.
73: what are some of your worst habits? I bounce my leg around whenever i’m not moving, that or I flick my pencil around.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. big ass hole.
75: tell us about your pets! I only have one and she’s a blind kitty. She’s white with spots and has a fluffy tail.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? My homework.
77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? uhh i really don’t care
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? I was given a flower by some girl during lunch, i never got her name though.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? white, i didn’t get to choose cus I live in a dorm room.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. northern star.
82: are/were you good in school? ya i am.
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? idk.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? no.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? Ya i guess, and deadpool.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? no. not really.
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? my neighbor totoro, kikis delivery service.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? not really.
89: are you close to your parents? I was close with my mom.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. tokyo. i don’t have to explain.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? no where.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? i don’t put cheese on my pasta.
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? Shaved under my lil floof bangs.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?  Jeremy.
95: what are your plans for this weekend?  Draw.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I update immediately.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INTJ - The Mastermind, libra, and huffle puff.
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? idk and no.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. no.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years into the past, and for reasons.
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saccred · 5 years
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↳ shiloh sinclair :: task 001.
Q: Hello, Mr. Shiloh Sinclair. My name is Detective Booth and I’m handling this case. I don’t need to go into details; you know why you’re here, and we already have you down as a suspect in her death. We’ve got witnesses to corroborate and a budding timeline, but we need more information from you directly. Make my day easier and cooperate with me on this, will ya’? I just need you to answer these questions for me. Do me a favor and don’t lie -- you’re talking to a trained professional right now, I’ll be able to pick up on certain things whether you realize it or not. Lying will only come back to bite your ass later on. Just some food for thought. Let’s begin.
Q: I’m gonna’ start light. I hate interrogators who go straight into the hard stuff, ya’ know? I find it impolite. So, tell me a little about yourself. Give me your full name.
“There’s a file right there with my name on it, you’re telling me you guys don’t have that in the system already? What kind of half-ass job did you all do that you couldn’t already have my name? It’s Shiloh Piers Sinclair.”
Q: Alright. Tell me your date of birth and age.
“Do I get a cut of your salary for doing your job for you? Or is it a stipend-type thing? My birthday is Valentine’s Day. I’m twenty. You should know this.”
Q: Where did you grow up? What was your home life like? Tell me about your family and your upbringing. Give me your story.
“I grew up in Chicago. Home life was fine, mom and dad were always there. We had spaghetti on Tuesdays. I don’t know what else you want me to say. I play hockey.”
Q: Tell me about the most impactful people in your life. I’m not picky -- they can be good or bad impacts.
“I don’t know? I don’t keep a list of all the people who hold the door for me on the way to class. I mean -- I have a best friend. Alexandra Taylor. I don’t know what else I can offer you other than that.”
Q: What are your goals in life? What would be your ideal final ending? What would help you reach these goals?
“What the fuck does this have to do with me being a suspect?”
Q: How would you describe yourself?
Q: What do you do in your free time? What’s your idea of fun? What sports or extracurriculars are you in at Hyland University?
“I play hockey, I’ve said this. I’m an engineering major so I do projects mostly. I go to parties for fun. I tutor science and math on campus to make money.”
Q: Do you drink? Smoke? Take drugs of any kind? Answer carefully on this one, kid.
“I drink sometimes.”
Q: Tell me about the relationships in your life. Friendships, romantic, everything in between. 
“Why? I’m not telling you shit about the people in my life. I don’t need you trying to come after them, too.”
Q: What’s the best thing that has ever happened to you? What’s the worst?
”Best? I don’t know. I’ve won a lot of games and that’s always nice.”
Q: Let me throw in a fun one, lighten up the mood. Would you rather only be able to tell the truth or only be able to lie?
“Fuck you.”
Q: Did you kill Morgan Parrish? 
“... I. I -- I feel like whatever I could say doesn’t matter because you and the rest of this shit department probably have your own ideas about me formed anyways, so.”
Q: Let’s get some background information on this. How do you know Morgan Parrish?
“I was her boyfriend during her last couple of months alive. I was the last one she publicly dated, anyways -- who knows if she was fucking someone on the side while with me.”
Q: Explain the extent of your relationship with her. Was it platonic? Civil? Rocky? Romantic?
Q: In your own words, describe Morgan Parrish to me.
“I -- can I skip this question? Please?”
Q: Would you say your life got better or worse upon meeting Morgan Parrish?
“Can I skip this one too?”
Q: What was your favorite thing about her?
“Her ass.”
Q: What was your least favorite thing about her?
“Can’t think of any right now.”
Q: Where were you the night of her murder?
“...I don’t really remember.”
Q: Where were you the day before?
“I don’t remember.”
Q: Where were you after?
“Fuck, I don’t know, okay? It’s -- it’s been a while. Don’t I get a lawyer here?”
Q: How did you feel about her passing?
“How does anyone feel when someone they know has died? I just remember the school sent an e-mail about it or something.”
Q: What do you think about the way she died? Just as a refresher, Morgan Parrish was drugged, strangled, beaten, and then shot.
“What do you mean, what do I think about the way she died? She died. I didn’t exactly take notes on what I thought could be improved on when I found out.”
Q: Did you make any sort of tribute to her death and put it on social m-
Another interrogator walks into the room. She’s holding a folder with your picture clipped to the front. She opens it in front of Detective Booth and whispers something into his ear. He shoots you a look and then excuses himself from the room. He returns twenty minutes later, features stony. He quickly writes something down on his notepad and then caps the pen.
Q: Change of plans. I’m going to scrap the questions I had prepared and ask you what I see fit. Where were you exactly the night Morgan Parrish died?
“I told you I don’t remember.”
Q: Tell me all the details you can remember from that night.
“It was a year ago, my God, I don’t know, alright? I might’ve had practice that day.”
Q: Were you intoxicated at any point?
“I don’t know.”
Q: Are there any witnesses able to corroborate your story?
“I -- probably the guys on the team? I was fucking Eden around the days of Morgan’s death, so probably her, too? I don’t know.”
Q: I feel like you’re leaving things out. Tell me all the details you can remember from that night.
“I don’t remember.”
Q: ... are you telling me the truth, kid? We got six other students we’re talking to today -- sure would suck for you if one of ‘em was able to prove that something you’re saying is false. 
“Let ‘em talk then. I don’t give a fuck, am I supposed to be intimidated by that? I bet you don’t even have anyone out there.”
Q: What was the last thing you said to Morgan?
“I don’t know. Probably talk to you later.”
Q: Have you ever gotten into a physical altercation with Morgan before?
“What? No. I never hurt her.”
Q: Have you ever fought verbally with Morgan?
“...I guess? We got in arguments sometimes but what couple doesn’t?”
Q: Would you say you felt safe around Morgan?
“She never gave me a reason not to feel safe. I don’t know what scenario you’re thinking of in which I wouldn’t be safe around her. She was just a girl.”
Q: Do you wish you had never met Morgan?
“I don’t think about shit like that. In this reality, in this present day and age, I knew Morgan. It doesn’t matter if I wish I didn’t know her or not.”
Q: Do you own a gun?
Q: Have you handled a gun before?
Q: Do you know someone who owns a gun?
Q: Have you gotten into physical fights before?
“I play hockey. There’s always fights but there’s also padding.”
Q: Is there anyone who can prove where you say you were on the night of her death?
“I -- I don’t know. Reid Garwin, probably? Eden Rose? Alex? You’re acting like any of us are gonna’ be able to stretch back over a year and remember every little fucking thing. Do you remember what you had for breakfast a year ago today?”
Q: Do you think Morgan deserved to die?
“Doesn’t matter what I think. It happened.”
Q: Do you wish she was still alive?
“I mean. It was fine knowing her while she was alive.”
Q: Do you miss her?
Q: Has your life gotten better or worse since her death?
"It hasn't changed much."
Q: If you could bring her back to life, would you?
“I don’t know.”
Q: Are you hiding something from the people of Hyland? From your family? From me?
“If I was hiding anything actually serious, you’d have me arrested by now.”
Q: Have you been telling the truth this entire time?
“Oh, is that -- is that what we were supposed to be doing this whole time? Shit, I thought we were pretending. Fuck. Do I have time to change? This is my fake interrogation outfit.”
Q: Did you kill Morgan Parrish?
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ofshilohs-blog · 7 years
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heyho, hi ! i’m incredibly late jane ( pls just ignore that the accepted post says sylvia .. i was v insecure if u catch my drift ), twenty, she & her and from the glorious gmt+2 tz. along with being an avid dc & marvel fan, memes cause 90% of my laughs which .. is sad now that i think about it but Anyways ! you’re here for shiloh and not me ( mayhaps a little bit. here’s to hoping right. ) read below at ur own risk, you’ve been warned alright .. also if you want to plot just hmu or like this & i’ll im you later !
SHILOH HARTELL — wait, you mean the AMETHYST ? yeah, i’ve heard of HER before. they’re a TWENTY-ONE year old DANIELLE CAMPBELL lookalike and identify as DEMIGIRL. people often describe them as THE ARCANE of this island. i definitely agree, though. i mean, not to be rude or anything but shiloh can be kinda PEREMPTORY and PARADOXICAL, but everyone has their bad days. however, they’re also TRUSTWORTHY and DILIGENT, which makes people admire them so much. i guess what i’m trying to say is that they’re a true gem.
first things first .. you can click on each word to find shiloh’s bio & headcanons but i don’t want u to waste five mins of your life so i’ll try to cut it down to three. SKSKJ
besides that i’m actually kind of proud of this kind of social media page ?? so mayhaps look at it .. if u want.
really getting started now though
born april hartell in toronto in 1996, before her younger brother june was born one year later.
( for the sake of .. lbr everything i’ll just go on calling her shiloh bc otherwise it’ll be too confusing w/ april & shiloh ) in her early yrs shiloh used to envy june and the way their parents always preferred him, but fast forward to now and shiloh’s soo very glad they did. she taught herself numerous things she probably would have never considered if she wasn’t “ignored” a good few months and even after she brought up being left out to her parents it continued.
when shiloh was twelve, her brother was diagnosed with copd or more commonly known as smoker’s lung, an obstructive lung disease which only caused the family dynamic to spiral down.
after the news sunk in the hartell’s did everything for their brother/son and during those times shiloh and june actually grew close. shiloh mostly took care of her brother when their parents went out or simply had to recharge. ( the next few sentences are from her bio bc it’s 2am n i’m tired bear with me plS ) nonetheless graduating was just as important as taking care of june. shiloh has been known as some kind of a contradiction during her school years, always being excessively studious and getting straight a’s while being surrounded by other popular kids due to being the cheerleading co-captain. at the time her schoolmates didn’t know anything about shiloh’s home life as she preferred to keep it that way. hanging out with them gave her a few hours of calmness, despite most of them trashing other people’s property or trying to set her up with the most basic but popular guy, until they realized she apparently had no interest in any form of relationship. but what no one, except for her brother, knew was that shiloh in fact had a friends with benefits agreement with some messed up guy from a local university. shiloh always told june it wasn’t serious in the slightest and she probably wouldn’t even talk to him if he didn’t have his own demons to deal with.
shiloh always blamed her father for june’s disease as it was caused by him smoking every day and having june next to him almost all the time. while shiloh never wanted to become like her father, years later she believes she did despite trying truly everything not to.
at age eighteen shiloh changed her name legally, now using april as a middle name and nickname for her parents to use. ( once again copied from her bio rip ) ever since graduating shiloh started making videos to compensate for the lack of other distractions, as she wasn’t interested in meaningless hookups anymore either. being exposed to even more knowledge and terms than before, the brunette found herself more and more.
while spiralling down due to constant pressure at home and online shiloh had weak moments of consuming too much alcohol which only caused to cloud her judgement. it was june’s eighteenth birthday when shiloh made a fatal mistake, driving while intoxicated caused their car to hit a tree and damage its occupants.
it wasn’t until one month later that shiloh woke up from a coma, as disorientated and concerned as ever. when she caught the sight of her brother without any severe injuries shiloh was finally able to breathe normally again, not realizing her heart rate went up significantly just moments before.
even though june always claimed the crash didn’t worsen his condition, shiloh kept blaming herself just like she blamed their father for what he did to her younger brother. during that time shiloh started seeing similarities between herself and him that didn’t even exist.
once again distancing herself from her family shiloh put out more and more videos. as she gained subscribers rapidly, shiloh decided to talk about her private life for the first time publicly, hoping it’ll help people in similar situations.
getting mostly positive feedback and encouraging comments, shiloh approached her family again. she tried making peace with her own mind about everything that happened in the past, almost promising herself to not act the same way ever again.
as june’s condition got worse year after year, it hit its lowest point in 2016. no temporary treatment helped and the family’s former inherited fortune shrunk every year after trying one high-priced experimental endeavour prior to another. shiloh and her family got closer during that time once again, but her parents also insisted on her being able to have a life on her own. 
while applying to the closest car shop to become a mechanic, shiloh cut all ties to social media in the process after making one last youtube video explaining why. 
as her family heard of the gem theory they believed it’d be for a good cause to set shiloh up for it. being skeptical at first, shiloh put more thought into it. what if it meant the money she’d receive could be used for yet another attempt at finding a cure for her brother, or even the organization itself developing one ? after a few tests shiloh was all too familiar with, the result of being a perfect fit for the project surprised her to a degree. while hoping to partake in the experiment for the sake of her younger brother, shiloh simultaneously didn’t want to leave her hometown for the very same reason. having a long talk with june, however, convinced shiloh to be a part of the gem theory. still being skeptical, she hoped for some kind of silver lining.
as mentioned above shiloh is very eager to learn about basically everything. she always needs something to keep her occupied. as megan abbott once wrote there's something dangerous about the boredom of teenage girls and while the quote is only semi-fitting it definitely can be used to describe shiloh’s high school years, always fooling around and screwing up while maintaining this picture perfect kind of image as co-captain of the cheer squad and a straight a student.
contradiction has always been a big part of shiloh, balancing between two stereotypes if you will: nerd vs. popular kid, first born vs. being the “lesser” child, being incredible romantic vs. meaningless hookups, keeping all feelings in vs. letting them all out at once, not believing in anything that can’t be touched/seen vs. believing in aliens.
absolutely despises cigarettes, blunts and everything else that can be smoked.
believes that wearing glitter as highlighter takes her closer to the stars and aliens.
the only alcoholic beverage she regularly consumes is any type of red wine.
for the first time in her life, shiloh’s been away from her family for more than a month. while appreciating being able to live her own life, homesickness hits her a lot.
shiloh’s a very structured person, disliking chaos and things that don’t seem to make any sense. suffering from ocd especially intensifies the former along with spending up to an hour with things such as rearranging belongings again and again, something others probably wouldn’t even notice. back when shiloh did youtube videos those had to have a certain length as well, sometimes even having to be re-filmed.
being on the island gives shiloh a bad taste in her mouth more often than not with everything that happened. as she’s a person who doesn’t necessarily likes being observed after her online presence, shiloh’s reminding herself of the promise she gave her family of not returning without anything more than ever.
this was all soo v serious omfg. but have this little fun ig tidbit that the only meme shiloh’s familiar with is that snl sketch dear sister bc she used to love the o.c. which inspired it so have that. keysmash
alrigHT this is not to toot my own horn bc Yikes ! MXALDKS but i’m best at brainstorming and rambling when it comes to connections but will try to add some general ones to this part later or tomorrow as in monday bc it’s already past 3am n i’m [ madison beer vc ] dead.
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onisionhurtspeople · 7 years
so i'm curious, how did you first encounter onision? why do you run this blog, how did you get involved in all this?
wew laddie. You’re asking me a bit of a story. Well, not really, I suppose; but I do have to delve into some personal information here in order to answer this question. So, get ready for a tl;dr.
The very first thing I ever saw or heard of Onision was in, I believe, either late 2011 or early 2012. At the time, he and Shiloh were still together; and, in fact, that’s the only reason why I noticed him. I had pulled up the main screen of YouTube one day when I noticed a picture of Shiloh with some guy, and I did a double-take. I was surprised to see her on YouTube - because you see, at the time, she was an up-and-coming relatively famous singer in my country (Canada), and this was essentially at the height of her popularity and fame. So, my interest was piqued.
Then my eyes roved over to the face of the man sitting next to her in the video, and - I shit you not - the hair on my arms literally stood up on end. I just had the most intense and inexplicable wave of intuitively-driven dislike for him the second that I saw his face. I caught a very strong vibe from his expression and mannerisms that he was a narcissist, or a sociopath, or some type of cluster B disordered personality. I just didn’t have a good feeling about him.The man in the video clip was, of course, Onision.
Out of curiosity to understand why this teenage girl who was famous in my country was sitting next to someone like that, I clicked the video. And started watching. And watching. And watching. By the end of my binge, I didn’t just have a feeling that he was a narcissist; I knew that he was a narcissist.
Now, I have to divulge some personal information about myself if I expect you or anybody else to trust in the validity of my opinion.
I’ve been around cluster B types all of my life. (For reference, ‘cluster B’ refers to ‘cluster B personality disorders’, a classification defined by the DSM-5 as the ‘dramatic personality disorders’, as distinct from cluster A and cluster C. They include borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder (also known as psychopathy), and narcissistic personality disorder.) My entire family is riddled with them: my mother has narcissistic personality disorder (diagnosed). My stepmother has borderline personality disorder and c-PTSD (diagnosed). My brother, although he has not been diagnosed, scores very high on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist (28/40 - a score of 30/40 is required in the U.S. and Canada for a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder. In the UK, it’s 25). I grew up learning how to navigate the emotional instability brought on by living in close quarters with narcissists and severely unstable and abusive borderlines*. Needless to say, I possess a bit of a sixth sense for people who are emotionally unstable in that way, and have learned to give them a wide berth when I encounter them.
Now, as to the reason why I decided to start this blog.
I’ve been a long-time lurker in the anti-Onision community - I think about three or four years off and on. I’ve never really been a huge contributor; just kind of read the posts by eoliveson, d0ntstandsoclosetome, and vividoolittle, scoffed, and submitted my opinion here and there. 
What changed it for me was when I saw Joy Sparkle BS beginning to make a huge splash on YouTube because of her criticisms of Onision, accruing over 21,000 followers in four months. Now, I know that Joy is a controversial figure in the anti-O community, not least of which because she makes us look a little psycho due to the fact that she has made over 40 videos about him in the span of four months. But when I saw that Onision was so bothered by Joy and Jaclyn that he was willing to debate them live, it ignited something in me. Jaclyn is clearly highly intelligent, versatile, and logical, a talented debater who Onision found it difficult to corner with his manipulative twists of “logic”. Joy’s strengths lie in her positive attitude, her deep intuitive understanding of the way that other people operate, her personal experience and street smarts, and her extraordinary ability to sway people over to her side by presenting her argument in a way that is palatable and easy to understand. However, what I felt was missing with both of these two women’s arguments - although they’ve both done a phenomenal job, in my opinion - were them refuting his claims with cold, hard, undeniable facts that he cannot twist and wiggle his way out from.
As Onision announced on his Twitter that he was willing to debate his followers, I found myself beginning to make lists and lists of points that I wanted to refute, screenshots of Twitter posts, YouTube videos, and credible citations from various organizations to factually counter his claims. I surprised myself with how eager I was to debate with him - even still, to this day, I will occasionally jot down some note or another that I want to confront him about should I ever have the opportunity to debate him.
Of course, I realize that I’m probably never going to have that chance (especially since his ego is still so bruised from his stunning defeat at the hands of Jaclyn), and so I decided that this blog is the next best thing. 
At the end of the day, I created this blog not only to offer rational, well-sourced, fact-based refutations of Onision’s claims and behaviors, but to give his victims a voice. Not just the Skyes, the Shilohs, the Laineys and Billies and Haileys and Eryns of the world; but the dozes, hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of people who have been negatively affected by his words. This blog is for all the friendships that have been ruined, all the girls who have hated and judged their bodies because of him, all of the trans kids, the cutters, the abuse victims, the meat eaters, and the bisexuals who have ever felt guilty, “less than”, lost, or loathed themselves because a man who they looked up to told them that their bodies made them disgusting, that their sexualities made them undesirable, that their genders made them invisible, and that their scars and trauma made them unlovable. This blog is for them, and all of the people who will come after.
*Please do not think that I mean to suggest that everybody with BPD or NPD is violent. I don’t think that at all; in fact, my boyfriend has BPD. I am merely describing my personal experience with BPD and NPD sufferers who were abusive, as a means of lending credibility to my observations about Onision’s behavior.
Also, please don’t think that I just go around diagnosing everyone and their mother of having a personality disorder, because nothing could be further from the truth. Apart from the above examples I’ve provided, I have encountered maybe two other people in my entire life who I strongly suspect suffered severely from a personality disorder - one female friend with histrionic personality disorder, and one male.. acquaintance.. with narcissistic personality disorder, who had a hand in nudging my best friend over the edge until she committed suicide. But that’s another story, so we’ll save that bit of unpleasantness for another time.
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Survey #81
“maybe i’m a misfit, maybe i’m different, it will never be an average existence.”
how does alcohol affect you?   i flush, i get talkative, and very silly. have you ever inhaled helium?   no. what is your favorite kind of pasta?   spaghetti with lots of sauce and meatballs. ;3; what are you hungry for right now, if anything?   food? do you ever get eczema?   rarely. are you a fidgety sort of person?   yep have you ever mowed a lawn?   no. do you enjoy corn on the cob?   yum! in your opinion, what’s the ideal age to start having children?   mid 20s.  your body is prepared and at a pretty fertile point, and usually, you're at a mature enough mentality by this age. are you a seafood person?   noooo. have you ever dated someone with an accent different than yours?   no. have you ever worked two jobs at once?   hell no.  i'd never manage. who does most of the housework around your house?   my mom, bless her. how many glasses of water do you drink a day?   none. what brand is your desktop or laptop?   sager have you ever lived on a university campus?   nope. have you ever shaved your face?   no. do you get motion sickness?   i do not. are there any mountains nearby where you live?   no. does sitting in waiting rooms drive you insane?   YEP.  YEAH.  YES.  INDEED.  I'M IMPATIENT /AS FUCK/ do you ever put sticky notes around the place to remind yourself of things?   no. do you like jalapenos?   MMMMMMMMMM OBBY your name?   brittany would you like to visit venice?   ABSOLUTELY! did you ever eat leaves when you were a kid?   no? o-o are there any ‘keep off the grass’ signs where you live?   nope. have you ever walked on the grass with such a sign?   no, i have respect. do you like kiwis?   yaaaaas!! have you ever experienced an earthquake?   nope. has anyone ever tried stealing your boyfriend/girlfriend away?   yep.  little bitch failed. (: do you like your phone?   not particularly. would you rather drink orange juice or milk?   milk have you ever slept in the same bed of the opposite sex?   yes. do you like condoms?   never used one ever been to a bar?   no. how old were you when you lost your virginity?   i'm 21 and still haven't what is something you DON’T like about the person you like?   he doesn't support/believe in me. do you look good in red lipstick?   i think so. are you good at editing pictures?   i think so.  kinda have to be when you're a photographer. where did you last go swimming?   colleen's, i think. are you one of those people that post EVERYTHING you are doing on facebook?   no.  i barely post ANYTHING unique to me on facebook.  i usually just share things i find really funny or very important/influential. are you any good at public speaking?   NO NO NO 1,000 TIMES NO who did you last see in concert?   alice cooper how many days a week would you say you take a nap?   idk nowadays since we're in the middle of moving.  things are hectic. what is the first thing you do when you get on the computer?   i open up facebook. what do you mainly watch on youtube?   good mythical morning or let's plays, usually by markiplier. do you sing in the shower?   veeery rarely.  i don't sing much. what do people most pick on you about?   i'm rather dependent on the internet and i don't socialize a lot. if you were a professional sports player, what sport would it be?   dance would you rather go to the mountains or the beach?   mountains! if you could live anywhere, where would it be?   utah, probably. is napoleon dynamite actually a good movie?   i honestly like it.  it's awkwardly funny. how many pair of flip flops do you own?   two, i think. ever been to rehab/jail?   no sir. highest level of school completed?   some college where do you keep your birth certificate?   in a locked safe. could you handle being in the military?   NOOOOOOOOOOOPE have you ever had a bad concert experience?   nope! when was the last time someone told you that you were beautiful/good-looking? do people often tell you this?   tyler yesterday, and no. can you handle blood?   yeah, blood's fine. what is your opinion on canada?   pretty place. what movie can you watch over and over and never get bored?   oh my goooosh, "white chicks" when eating something are you more concerned with taste or nutrition?   taste. do you tend to act paranoid around people you don’t know?   YEP have a good singing voice, or would you rather not sing?   naaah, my voice isn't that steady. do you want to go to pregnancy classes?   you mean, whenever i am pregnant?  no.  one, i don't particularly want to deal with an estrogen ocean, and two, my mother knows like.  everything about this stuff.  might as well just ask her. do you ever cringe at the thought of living in a disgusting house?   YEAH.  I AM HONESTLY HORRIFIED OF EVER GETTING TO THE POINT OF NOT CARING FOR MY HOUSE OH MY GOD. what do you doodle on your papers?   usually meerkats. have you ever cut someone else’s hair?   no do you have a wild imagination?   i honestly think so. do you own a wok?   no. do you like going to weddings?   no.  i get triggered. what type of ice cream is your favorite?   vanilla how many long term relationships have you been in?   one. what job do you think deserves to be paid higher?   TEACHERS what do you think about abortion?   it's fucking modern day child sacrifice.  you're killing children to satisfy the desires of another person.  that.  is.  murder. have you read shiloh?   yesss, i loved those books and the movies!!! do you go to church every sunday?   no. have you ever fell for a player, even though you KNEW he was a player?   nope. do you know any guys with their nipples pierced?   no. favorite beatles song?   not a big fan, but "hey, jude" have you ever seen a tornado?   no, thank god. what’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever cried about?   HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- do you like peanut butter?   yeah!! own a lava lamp?   no, i wish. ever faked an orgasm?   nope. what scars on your body do you have?   two on my chin from passing out onto it, and one long one on my left shin from scratching the shit out of it. ever did something sexual in public?   only a very simple kiss, never even making out. do you like the taste of squid or eel?   never tried it, NEVER will. ever date anybody in middle school?   psh, for like a month, i barely woulda even called it "dating." did you like to get dirty when you were little?   to a degree. own anything that has to do with dragons or unicorns?   dragons, yeah. believe in mermaids/mermen?   no.  watched an interesting documentary about them once, though.  thought it was quite interesting.  supposedly, even if they did exist, they'd have to live in the deep ocean and be morbidly obese to survive. how many times have you snuck out of the house?   never. ever wanted to be a vet?   once upon a time. ever centered your life around a person?   yeah, and it ruined me. are you doing anything else on the computer while you do this?   i'm listening to good mythical morning.  oh my gosh guys, i'm a month behind from the hospital visit, living with colleen, etc... i've missed my boys so much. :') ever written your number in a public bathroom or a school text book? if so, did anyone actually call you?   nope. how many of your friends are from california?   i don't think i have any, even online. do you go tanning?   nope. ever been horseback riding?   no. :c ever done oral? with how many people?   yeah, with one person. did you know you can get stds from doing that?   as an adult i know that, but honestly, never knew that back in the family life/sex ed days.  cooper's sex ed was HORRIBLE.  we barely learned anything other than vast information about hiv/aids. if you’re a girl, do you wear sports bras or padded bras?   neither sports or padded.  they're just... normal? how many brothers does your father have?   none what’s the nicest meal you’ve ever eaten?   oh my god, this steak at miss randi's wedding.  it was HEAVENLY. have you ever slept on the floor with someone you like?   on a palette, yes. which do you prefer: french toast, bagels, or cereal?   french toast do you prefer light or dark haired?   dark do you want to cut your hair?   it needs a trimming is it okay if you kiss people when you’re single?   no.  if you're not even dating, you don't need to be that serious. do you only wish the best for your ex?   ... in certain ways. do you think that once people get married, they eventually fall “out of love”?   no, that's fucking stupid. if you found out you were pregnant who would you tell first?   my mom, probably. what are your chances of getting with your crush?   he's more than a crush, but literally none. name a band you’d like to see live?   oh my GOSH, metallica. who’s your best friend/s?   don't think i really have one anymore. how many times have you been on a plane?   twice.  one occasion i don't remember; i was too young. what’s your opinion of root beer?   yucky. ;~; is there anyone you would take a bullet for?   jason and my mom. which of the seven deadly sins do you commit the most?   sloth who’s your celebrity crush?   link neal oh god right now, what’s your dream career?   professional wildlife photographer did you have a furby when you were younger?   i did what part of your body are you self-conscious about?   my stomach would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents?   carve pumpkins favorite kind of candy?   hm.  sour punch straws, maybe. have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders?   yes: chronic depression, chronic anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and bipolarity ii.  HOWEVER, i think i have more than just bipolarity; i am 100% convinced i have borderline personality disorder. which branch of science do you find the most interesting?   biology, probably.  genetics. if you were given the chance to be immortal, would you take it?   nope. were you a planned baby?   i think so. were your parents married when you were born?   yes. which parent do you get along with best?   mom, i guess. do you have step-parents?   my dad's remarried, but i don't call her "mom" or anything. are you scared of growing up old alone?   it's my #1 fear.  i am horrified of it. do you like walking in the rain?   NO.  i HATE being wet with clothes on. what is your favorite dessert?   donuts or vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup has anyone ever been in love with you?   i... like to think jason was. are you afraid of falling in love?   i'm afraid of doing it again, yes.  the first time just about killed me, so w/e. do you judge other people by the bands they like?   no, that's ridiculous. have you been to an emergency room in the past three months?   yes. would you rather be blind or deaf?   blind do you want an ex back?   yes. when people sneeze do you say ‘bless you’?   yeah. have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?   it was pierced for years, but then the fucking hole closed when i had to take it out due to hospitalization. e_e can you trust most people?   nope. has anyone hurt or betrayed you recently?   yup. do you expect to be married in the next two years?   definitely not. is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance?   if i knew it would go unpunished, honestly, yeah. name the person that has honestly hurt you the most in life?  jason. how many times have you checked up on your ex?   more times than i care to admit.  i can't anymore, though.  he has me blocked on facebook and i don't have his phone number or anything. your bf/gf wants to buy you a present… what should they buy?   if i actually had a boyfriend, something with meerkats. ever known anyone who could “see right through” you?   jason was the only one.  he was so special. would it scare you to know someone could read your mind?   YUP have you ever broken a couple up?   i honestly feel like i was partially responsible.  i've told ya'll about the situation with this kid joel when i was like 12, and he broke up with my best friend of the time because he wanted me. ever kissed someone who was in a relationship?   no. what do you think of friends with benefits?   it's foolish do you like mushrooms?   no no no no are you allergic to cats?   debatable.  idk. do you put clothes on your animals?   no. do you like cheese?   only american what’s your favorite television show?   "fullmetal alchemist" have you ever babysat?   once is it possible to be “just friends” with someone you had feelings for?   if your feelings were/are genuine, hell no. what’s your second favorite color?   pink have you ever been involved in an affair?   no. do you refuse to use public toilets?   99% of the time, yes. where is your favorite place to get fries?   bojangle's!!! what is your favorite gaming console?   ps2 have you ever been to a baby shower?   more than once. are you currently in a relationship? if so, do you think it will last?   as of yesterday actually, yes.  do i think it'll last, i don't know. how many romantic relationships have you been in so far?   only one.  who knows if the one i'm in now will get there. have you ever been camping in the wilderness?   no, just in my front yard lol. do you have gluten intolerance or anyone who does?   my former best friend supposedly does. have you ever cried while watching a movie?   yeah. have you ever had a migraine?   yep. do you have a gym membership?   no. have you ever fainted?   yes. would you consider yourself very flexible?   not very anymore, nah. do you embarrass easily?   VERY VERY VERY OH MY GOD SO MUCH have you ever been banned from anywhere?   i don't think so. are any of your siblings married?   only my older, immediate sister.  my half-sister tiffany that i have nothing to do with, idk if she is. who was the last person to spend the night with you at your house?   chelsea do you have a hard time making decisions?   i am the literal Worst. who was your date to senior prom?   jason. does your dad smoke?   yes. is your mom over 50?   yes. do you want to get married?   yeah. have kids?   i... don't know if i want any anymore. do you have any plans to get a new tattoo or piercing?   i do. does anyone call you babe?   tyler does.  i'm not comfortable enough with him yet to say i don't like it, though. do you have a debit card?   no. why did you stop working at the last place you were employed?   my anxiety was too bad.  to the point i was vomiting every day when there. do you believe in saving sex for marriage?   i guess so.  i'm doing it now in my new relationship.  if jason had to wait and never got it, then so does he. do you think the drinking age in the usa should be lowered to 18?   no. do you believe most people are good people deep down?   most, yes. who do you look more like, your dad or your mom?   i've heard both. what is the nearest big city to you?   raleigh do your parents have facebook accounts?   mom does. does/did either of your parents serve in the military?   no do you like sour candy?   more like love.
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johnchiarello · 7 years
MONDAY 5-15-17
James 4:1 From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?
James 4:2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.
James 4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
11 And she vowed a vow, and said, O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head. Samuel [Past links- verses below]
CCCF- https://youtu.be/MEBISFL6pRg
.Good coffee
.Vatican City
.Switzerland trip
.Prophetic word
.Why did James only write one letter?
.Proclaim the Son
 2 Corinthians 1:20
For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
 Travel ban n more- https://youtu.be/UrW4m_b35UY
.SNL- news?
.Nick Jimenez editorial
.SB- 4
.Kids in N.J.
.Pastor Don’s message
.9th circuit
.Out of control courts?
.Sanctuary cities
 Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
  [Note- I made this post today- one of my ‘roll-outs’ - but I did add some past teachings and verses below]
 NEW- Talked some about the travel ban that is being argued before the 9th circuit court today- and how the courts have become politicized.
A few years ago Austin [Texas] brought Rico charges against a Republican- and found him guilty!
Yes- for money laundering.
 I remember at the time- the same thing was being done on a regular basis by many Democrats- it simply was a way to get campaign funds- by ‘going around the loopholes’.
 Lots of people did it- but because Austin is a liberal city- they managed to get a Republican on charges that were intended to go after the Mafia.
 So today the 9th circuit court is grilling the justice department lawyers on whether Trump has made any comments to them in the past- about Muslims.
The judges are going back to campaign statements Trump made- all of this is ridiculous.
 Whether you are for the ban or not- this should have never been in the courts.
 I also shared some from the sermon Pastor Don preached Sunday.
How Hannah asked God for a son [Samuel] and when she had a son- she ‘lent him to the Lord’.
It was a good message- a Mothers day theme.
 Often times we ‘have not- because we ask not’.
I covered some of the local news as well- the caller times had a good editorial by Nick Jimenez on why SB 4 is not good.
 And Chief Markle also spoke well about how he will handle the new law.
He shed light on the law that hopefully will put our immigrant community at ease.
 If you are breaking the law- of course the cops will do their job- but the chief explained that local law enforcement always had the right to ask someone their immigration status.
 And the passage of SB 4 does not mandate cops to ask.
So our local cops more than likely will continue to do policing the way they have always done it.
 He tried to put the immigrants- who are not out committing crimes- at ease.
I agree with his approach.
 As of now I made 2 videos- that might be it for today- I’ll try and add some pertinent news links- and a few verses below.
 God bless you all.
 NOTE- I forgot to mention this on video- and I wanted to.
My friend Mike [artist] came by Saturday and gave me a beautiful Cross he bought at the flea market. It has Firefighter stuff on it- and he gave it to me as a gift of appreciation for ‘all that you do’. I thanked Mike- and spent about 3 hours just hanging out- this time at my house. If I remember I’ll post a picture of it on Facebook.
 24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Num. 6
 PAST POSTS- [ Past teaching I did that relates to today’s post-verses below]
 (882)1ST SAMUEL; INTRO, CHAPTER 1- Originally the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel were one volume. When the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament was made [the Septuagint] they were added with 1st and 2nd Kings and were called ‘The books of the kingdoms’. In order to keep this volume from becoming too big, they were divided into the present divisions. In chapter one we see the family of Elkanah and Hannah [and wife #2 Pininnah!]. They go up to the Tabernacle of the Lord in Shiloh to worship the true God. Hannah has no children while wife # 2 does. This becomes a point of contention and jealousy between the two wives. Hannah pours her heart out to the Lord and makes a vow. She tells the Lord if he gives her a son that she will dedicate him to the Lord. Eli the priest sees Hannah praying silently [her lips moving but hearing no voice] and he assumes she’s drunk! Why? Was she stumbling and acting drunk? No. It was because he thought she was mumbling [speech] like a drunk. In Acts chapter 2 the same thing is assumed. Those who received the outpouring of the Spirit were thought to be drunk. Why? Were they stumbling and falling? No, once again it was a speech thing. They were speaking all types of unknown languages [known to the various groups there that day] and people thought they were acting like drunks when they can’t talk clearly. I emphasized this because it’s common today for renewal movements to associate the Spirit with people actually stumbling and driving in a drunken type state. While I don’t want to be dogmatic and say this can never be of God, yet many of these believers will use the Acts chapter 2 example to justify their belief. Act’s 2 does not teach ‘being drunk in the Spirit’ in this manner. Now the Lord hears Hannah’s request and she gives birth to Samuel. She keeps him until he is weaned [2 or 3 years old] and then she honors her vow and dedicates him to the Lord. She actually gave him up to become a full servant of God at Shiloh. It was not an easy vow to keep. As we go thru this book we will cover lots of interesting history. Samuel will become a mighty prophetic leader in Israel. He will be the one to introduce king Saul as Israel’s first king. The last verse in Judges says ‘there was no king in the land in those days, every man did what he thought was right in his own eyes’. It’s common to think this means God punished Israel for not having a human king. In actuality God will tell Israel that they were rejecting his kingship over them by wanting a ‘king like the other nations’. We will learn that God did not originally intend for Israel to have a singular human king. The description from judges simply shows us that sinful people, who reject God’s law, will go astray. In these instances a king can bring some sort of stability and government. The kings of Israel will serve in this capacity.
 (884)SAMUEL 2- Hannah gives great praise to God for Samuel. This prophetic utterance is a lot like Mary’s ‘Magnificat’ in Luke chapter one. She says ‘God brings low the rich and helps the poor’. This week we had one of the worst financial disasters in U.S. history [9-2008]. It could have been worse, the government took over some major financial [and insurance] institutions. One of them was A.I.G., a major insurer. A day or so before they were taken over I asked my wife ‘did you take out the girls trust money’. We had a lot of money for our girls in the company [lets say between 50 and 100 thousand dollars]. My wife says ‘no, not yet’. I was a little perturbed to say the least. My wife is the trustee for the girl’s accounts, and I have been telling her for about a year to take the money out. So the day she makes the request all the talk on the financial shows is ‘will A.I.G. declare bankruptcy today’? I was upset. Another day went by and they said ‘overnight they will declare’. And we still didn’t get the money. Well the government stepped and basically took the company over and we got our checks. I was talking to my homeless buddies and they were somewhat aware of the crisis, but they could care less. Their lives were not tied up in these systems. They were still going to live the way they were living for most of their lives. Trusting God daily to meet their needs. It made me think of Hannah’s prayer. Also we see the first use of the word ‘Messiah’ [anointed] in the bible. ‘God will strengthen his king and exalt the horn of his anointed’. I read this yesterday and was quoting it all day. It’s appropriate that Mary uses this prophetic utterance while speaking of Jesus, the Messiah. The sons of Eli the priest are wicked. They are robbing the people and sleeping with the women at the tabernacle gate. Scripture says ‘the people abhorred the offering of the Lord’ because of their abuse. For many years I heard ‘if people are offended because the church emphasizes money so much, well let them be offended’. I never really questioned this reasoning. Then I began to see how the majority offence to unbelieving friends and family was the money issue. While most of the pastors were well meaning, they seemed to not realize that we do have a responsibility to not offend in the area of offerings. The apostle Paul adjusted his ministry in such a way that he would not allow the churches to support him while he was with them. [Not just Corinth either, but Thessalonica and Ephesus! Read Thessalonians and the chapter in Acts that deals with the Ephesian elders- 22?] The point being the church bears much responsibility to how the world views us in the area of offerings to God. Eli's sons abused the system to their own benefit and the people began to despise the whole concept of ‘church and money’. A prophet will pronounce judgment on Eli’s household and Samuel will ‘grow in favor with God and men’. Just like Jesus. Samuel is a type of Christ who knew his prophetic/priestly destiny from a young age. Jesus was in the Temple questioning the leaders at the age of 12, Samuel was serving the Lord at an even younger age.
1 Now there was a certain man of Ramathaimzophim, of mount Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephrathite:
2 And he had two wives; the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.
3 And this man went up out of his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the Lord of hosts in Shiloh. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of the Lord, were there.
4 And when the time was that Elkanah offered, he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all her sons and her daughters, portions:
5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the Lord had shut up her womb.
6 And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the Lord had shut up her womb.
7 And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat.
8 Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons?
9 So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the Lord.
10 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore.
11 And she vowed a vow, and said, O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.
12 And it came to pass, as she continued praying before the Lord, that Eli marked her mouth.
13 Now Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard: therefore Eli thought she had been drunken.
14 And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee.
15 And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the Lord.
16 Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial: for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto.
17 Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him.
18 And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad.
19 And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the Lord, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the Lord remembered her.
20 Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the Lord.
21 And the man Elkanah, and all his house, went up to offer unto the Lord the yearly sacrifice, and his vow.
22 But Hannah went not up; for she said unto her husband, I will not go up until the child be weaned, and then I will bring him, that he may appear before the Lord, and there abide for ever.
23 And Elkanah her husband said unto her, Do what seemeth thee good; tarry until thou have weaned him; only the Lord establish his word. So the woman abode, and gave her son suck until she weaned him.
24 And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and brought him unto the house of the Lord in Shiloh: and the child was young.
25 And they slew a bullock, and brought the child to Eli.
26 And she said, Oh my lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord, I am the woman that stood by thee here, praying unto the Lord.
27 For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him:
28 Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord. And he worshipped the Lord there.
 Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on- Thanks- John.#
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