anotherworldash · 11 months
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for my fanfic https://archiveofourown.org/works/48823012/chapters/123162340
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shigerussato · 2 years
What are your OTP's?
i have a lot haha, besides shigesato i’m also an enjoyer of satogoh, satohika, sanasere, reguri, shigesere, shuuhaku, citrosato, shinsato, tokigoh, negaishipping, hikakoha, and serekoha !! 😊🤍
though to be fully honest, as much as other ships can be cute, i only care about shigesato overall it’s the only one that brings more comfort to me. 🤍
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anotherworldash · 11 months
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for my fanfic https://archiveofourown.org/works/48823012/chapters/123162340
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anotherworldash · 11 months
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for my fanfic : https://archiveofourown.org/works/50628955/chapters/127896691
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anotherworldash · 11 months
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unrelated but a bonus illustration for my fanfic https://archiveofourown.org/works/48823012/chapters/123162340
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anotherworldash · 7 months
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why, please, WHY are 4mourshippers are so annoying???????
4mourshipping is VALID ship. but it is also a beta-male fantasy that i don't wanna get involved in.
Don't get me wrong. Everyone who likes it for various reasons and Ash self-insert power-fantasizer are free to ship them. It is a valid ship. I have a lot of dA mutuals that ship it. As a fanartist and fanfic writers that support freedom of expression through fiction, I support it, really, if it suits their taste, I don't see why not.
BUT PLEASE just freaking fantasize it in your own head. draw a fanart. write a fanfic. whatever! no need to force opinions on non-shippers in OUR space!!!! [yeah, no shit. clearly, we ship other Ash ships]
and please don't bring canon debate into this, because whatever the fantasy is. Canonically, Ash doesn't even care about the kiss. it has been almost ten years and it was not mentioned even once until Ash's journey wrapped up. In fact, Ash doesn't seem to feel her presence is impactful when recalling back his journey in Kalos with the gang.
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the only chance 4mourshipping will be mentioned in the future is if the company is desperate enough to compete with P4lworld for clout by sucking small percentage of 4mourshipper's dick. but then of course i'll also buy p4lworld and never step my foot into a Pokemon Center again (I'm serious I'm never stepping into Jewel Changi Pokemon Center ever again if the company is THAT desperate, and i LOVE that place, so hopefully, they will never do that)
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anotherworldash · 9 months
I have written a dead dove fic for RivalCrushshipping/ ShigeSere, ShigeKoha (republish later), and ShigeTsuru( just dub con tho) last year
Cavaliershipping (Shigehika) next???
Don't ask me why I write so many shigeru ships. Writing him is so easy to me because his funny personality is literally my inner monologue all the time x"D. I just imagine "what I'm gonna do if ...."
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