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yukii0nna · 1 year ago
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Eric Scarlet
Age: 19
Twisted for: Naofumi Iwatani(Rising of the shield hero)
Birthday: 6/18
Voiced by:Jason Liebrecht
Occupation: Fairy Tail wizard, Freelance reporter assistant
Magic: Requip(The hunter)
Family:Alici (Twin sister), Winter Scarlet (mother/deceased), Byron Scarlet(father/deceased)
Style: Off the clock, I just wear what ever
Flaws: Many people call me a hard ass. Can't say I blame them. Plus my sister and Carly say I have a problem with my pessimism.....
Pet Peeves: Three rules about what I hate: 1. Don't ruin a good cake 2. don't mess with my weapons. And the most important rule is NEVER hurt my loved ones
Favorite food: A big choco berry cake with a fruit smoothie. It's a reward for a partly bad day!
Least favorite food:Not a fan of sushi. It reminds me of a mistake.....
Hobbies: I dabble in some gardening. What?
Eric is what people call "hard to handle ". He always has a frown on his face and on the outside,is quite rude and cynical . However,on the inside, he's a sweet man with a lot of love in his heart, not that his face helps. He is also the most loyal man you will ever meet . He is also very clever, being able to take on harder opponents and win.
Before meeting the guild,Eric and Alici didn't have much since their parents died. They both took odd jobs to get by. At one point,they were taken in to be weapons. The conditions were vile and the twins nearly lost their lives. Then,one day a woman came to save all the captives. Alici and Eric followed her to the guild and the rest was history.
Requip: The hunter :allows Eric to store and summon hunting knives and guns at his disposal.
Stealth: is a sneaky guy when he needs to be
Speed: While not as strong as his sister,he can move pretty fast.
Marksmanship: He has a good eye for sharpshooting
Zach Bailey
Sovoa Metv
Carly Nagisa(crush)
Horav Monroe
Demi sexaul ,panromantic
Is Filipino, Black and Thai descent
Is known as half of the Scarlet Duo
Has a scary grin
Is a bigger sweet fiend than his sister
Hates child abusers
Loves taking pictures when he's bored
Doesn't like being touched without permission. Don't ask
Has been compared to a Great Dane by many of his friends
@insomniac-jay @punkeropercyjackson @zexal-club @queen-of-twisted @achy-boo @shieldherostuffs @abyssthing198 @ygoc-week @writing-heiress @mangacupcake @fair-night-starry-tears @lovelyllamasblog
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sr-8eep5 · 2 years ago
Top people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by @shieldherostuffs
Favorite Color: Purple. Specifically a type bluish purple.
Currently Reading: A fanfic called “last sunrise”. It’s a demon slayer fic. Here’s the link. https://archiveofourown.org/works/40785525/chapters/102196140
Last song: Red Flags. I recognize the art style from the music video. I think the artist is on tumblr, but I’m not sure tho.
Last Series: The last series I read that’s not fanfiction is Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland.
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: Sweet but I’m fine with spicy or savory stuff.
Currently Working On: Nothing much just drawings
Tagged mutuals
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cryptid-called-ash · 7 months ago
My gender is so much better than that one ☝️
Lmao genderfluid brag XD
Type "my gender is" on your phone and let your phone finish the sentence, then tag your moots to keep the chain going, I'll go first.
My gender is a little bit more intense than I thought I could have done
@mirukosbitchywife @get-junpeid
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rosesinbloom7love · 2 years ago
Top 9 People You Want To Get To Know Better.
Tagged by @shieldherostuffs
Favorite Color: Purple and Yellow, I couldn't choose between them. Specifically, I love Midnight Purple and Marigold Yellow.
Currently Reading: I have a very long list of both fanfics and manhwa. But, my favorite would have to be, Cheating Men Must Die.
Last Song: Currently listening to, Evil Ladies Of Anime Cypher by HalaCG ft. OR3O, Ironmouse, Chi-Chi & many others.
Last Series: Recently, got done watching, Sasaki To Miyano. So wholesome and sweet!
Sweet, Savory, Spicy: Sweet all the way! With the occasional Savory. I can't deal with spice though...
Currently Working On: Finishing the 16 prompts still sitting in my drafts that I need to finish. As well as updating my fanfics on AO3 and Wattpad....
People I wanna get to know better in no particular order.
1.) @shieldherostuffs
2.) @yanderemommabean
3.) @skittlescribbles
4.) @purble-turble
5.) @3-dsimp
6.) @wolfcamellias
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yukii0nna · 1 year ago
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Alici Scarlet's mood broad
@achy-boo @anxious-twisted-vampire @abyssthing198 @marrondrawsalot @danika-redgrave124 @insomniac-jay @jasontoddssuper @shiningharmony @shieldherostuffs @ygoc-week @kousaka-ayumu
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maloteddy · 3 years ago
MY FAT FINGERS are Shakinggggg. My non existent skills are throwingg up. Maybe i will color it. Maybe in next life.
Right now its 4am. And i keep forgetting how naofumi's eyes looked. Every anime image is slipping. Woahhhh im just sick n dizzy but i feel like i took lots of drugs (i didnt dun worry. I just cant breath)
@shieldherostuffs i know i said i wanna make this. But- T T yeah maybe sumday when i dont keep throwing up djjdjdjdjjdjd i will complete it.
I have the power anime and long hair naofumi on my side-
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Normal noafumi feeling himself in the dress with a non-shield weapon.
Andddd a long hair nao version cuz @localwitchash said long hair nao would look like a king. Godd. Etheral beauty- im sorrryyyyyy. The more i try to correct the eyes. The weirder it getss-
Soooooo- any suggestions???
(Except telling me to jump off a building- my parents already gave that suggestion.it doesn't help-)
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small-spark-of-light · 3 years ago
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a painting of @shieldherostuffs Fairy!Naofumi au i made for discord!!!!
im proud of the wings
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shieldherostuffs · 2 years ago
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I posted 1,408 times in 2022
That's 797 more posts than 2021!
553 posts created (39%)
855 posts reblogged (61%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 713 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#the rising of the shield hero - 608 posts
#rising of the shield hero - 588 posts
#naofumi iwatani - 534 posts
#incorrect rising of the shield hero - 294 posts
#incorrect quotes - 251 posts
#chat post - 248 posts
#therufumi - 230 posts
#l'arc berg - 228 posts
#therese alexandrite - 187 posts
#shield dad - 167 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i spent half an hour making this post because tumblr was being bitch not letting my edit without the site going white and deleting my prgrs
My Top Posts in 2022:
Naofumi, in a pinch during a fight: Dammit, this is bad. Looks like I'll have to use that.
Everyone else, thinking he's about to use the Cursed Shield: No don't-
Naofumi: *Pulls out a fucking gun* Get down, Bitch.
172 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Naofumi and Motoyasu doing the divroce
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201 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
Tell me this isn't Naofumi becoming the Shield Hero:
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220 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Itsuki: Why is Motoyasu crying?
Ren: Motoyasu said onions are the only plants that can make him cry.
Itsuki: And???
Ren: So Naofumi threw a coconut at his head.
235 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Well well well, if it is TheRuFumi.
1,493 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rosesinbloom7love · 2 years ago
Random Thought
Ok so a while back, I remember @shieldherostuffs came up with the idea of Naofumi having a murder of crows as a sort of companions and I honestly love that idea!.....But I raise you....
Snake Charmer/Summoner Naofumi!
Naofumi can control snakes, mainly black cobra (cuz they look cool, ok?).
Also in a kinda similar fashion to the Gorgon Naofumi idea, the cobras reflect Naofumi inner thoughts and feelings. So they’re very hostile to myna & the king, annoyed/indifferent to the other heroes, and very affectionate to Naofumi’s party as well as L’arc and Therese. They also like Glass and Kizuna.
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sr-8eep5 · 1 year ago
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Huh, bit more goth than expected.
@mytchthemyth @colorfuldreamperson @askthechronoverse @henryc10stars @azure-shades-of-blue @anotherwatchedninja @shieldherostuffs
everyone please do this quiz
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tagging @stars-and-birds @oh-lacy @mqstermindswift @tortured-poets-depxrtment @drewlooks @oh-mother-i-cannot-weave @a-bowl-of-soop @trafficlightsaysidk @allsfairinloveandpoetry13 @thatdelusionalnerd @skies-of-gray @bloodied-dagger @el-fandom-birb @hecateisalesbian @ literally anyone else who wants to
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bluelovestoship · 3 years ago
@shieldherostuffs I saw your mute Naofumi and raise you a deaf Naofumi
Naofumi was born almost deaf and was given hearing aids that help him once he turned a year old. Yes he did have to take speech therapy to help him talk like a normal person but he can sign and lip read.
After getting teleported to Melromarc, his hearing aids broke because the high mana disrupted the electrical wiring in them so he couldn't hear. He had a feeling everyone but the three others that were summoned was hostile due to their body language so he wouldn't disclose his disability to them in case it was used against him so he pretended to be normal just a little "slow".
After getting melty to join his party he would get stuff that would be useful while trying to find a place that would enchant his hearing aids to work in this world. He does find a place but they only open at night so he decided to go to an inn to rest up a bit before night. Once night rolls around, he tells the bar tender that he should be back before sunrise then leaves to the place spending the night there because its dark. (It doesn't work as intended but he can now hear animals)
He has to turn down them because he doesn't need to hear the cats gossiping and find knights looking around for him holding his stuff so he goes and tells the old man, the bartender and the person he was just with about what happened then goes to get "captured"
Trial is the best part where Naofumi kept asking them to repeat his accusations acting like he doesn't understand then calls metly out for her lies because they had separate rooms one and two he wasn't even in the inn at the time of the "rape". Ren helps Naofumi's case seeing as he saw the male in the distance but he seemed pretty far from the inn.
Naofumi thanks Ren (first child acquired) after the trial then leaves to go get his other children and teach them sign so he can talk with them and plan out strategies. Raphtaila is obviously better because she has more experience but Filo is getting better.
Meeting Therese and L'Arc was a trip for him. Seeing a very beautiful women and a handsome man made his heart stop in awe. There looks bad him in a trance but he was caught by Filo as she teases him about his newfound crush making Raphtaila caught on and join in.
The trio gets close after L'Arc introduces himself trying to flirt with him but it fails because Naofumi was very red and stutters trying to talk to him. He longs to hear their voices making his heart ache. He was still trying to find someone who could fix his hearing aids so he can hear again.
After the trial with bitch and trash, Naofumi reveals to Raphtaila, Filo and Ren his secret making Ren want to help. Once they find a person to help Naofumi, he puts on the buds again making him almost cry hearing their voices.
Hearing L'Arc and Therese's voice did make Naofumi cry. L'arc's voice sounded like chocolate but it was sexy as well and Therese's voice sounded like an angel.
I'll add more later
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milkkun-jpg · 3 years ago
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spreading papafumi agenda with love~♡ gotta make my own food, and ya'll eating this with me.
based on @shieldherostuffs and co's hc about mxtx!naofumi
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small-spark-of-light · 2 years ago
@soiamconfusionbutwhocares @definitely-notabot​ @lotex-votex​ @eli-elien​ @shieldherostuffs​ @cosmic-meteorites​ @floatin-croc​ @uwuqueervillainuwu​
There's something called a KOSA Bill in the US. It's a project planning to cut off internet access to ALL CHILDREN WORLDWIDE. This means they are banning Chai/C.AI, Wattpad, AO3, Discord, Tumblr, Tiktok, etc.
To make matters worse, parents will have access to their children's internet activity, meaning chats, websites visited, apps opened, etc. Giving them NO privacy whatsoever. Esp. children who are LGBTQIA+, because in the US, it is deemed "inappropriate".
There is a solution to this, however only to people who have Tiktok, there is a user named omarsbigsister, if you check their profile, you can see in their bio it says "STOP KOSA!! ⬇️⬇️"
Below the text, there's a link. Now before you click on the link, there's a video you need to see, giving you instructions on what to do.
This is the video.
Plz do WHATEVER you can to boost this, tag friends, reblog, share, anything will do.
Tags: @randomweebhub @blankdemslate @raymett @donkeybro @corvid-steven @pookie-pie-12 @ipostmyhyperfixationsnshit @ask-the-anonymous-army @fandomsandwriting1 @myclutteredmess-but-reblogs PLS BOOST!!
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wisdomismyloweststattm · 3 years ago
Yo I had a cool crossover for rising of the shield hero and a monster hunter as I very much obsession of these two fandoms
What weapons would they use:
Motoyasu is easy as fuk he will have the insect glave
Itsuki is also easy he will have the bow but can which to heavy and light bowgun
Ren is really easy aswell, long sword or switch axe or after some character development charge blade
Naofumi is a hard one as he just uses a shield so me and a other friend an expert in monster hunter recommended the lance and guidance because they are the best defences weapons or a support weapon like sword and shield
And for those who like to draw naofumi with elf ears your in luck cause you can draw naofumi as a wyerian.
@shieldherostuffs @crypid-called-ash
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pretty-dianxia · 3 years ago
It’s tag game timeeee!!  (〃 ω 〃) Thank you @argentii for the tag ♡♡♡
Ohhh, please, everything but music... you see... I'm not particularly proud of my music taste. BUT YOU ASKED FOR IT SO HERE I GOOOOOO
k.d Lang - Constant craving
Patrick Doyle - The Stag
Tamino - Cigar
Lucas Santtana - A Pele Morena
Céu - Passiflora
Sammy Rae - The feeling
Belle and Sebastian - Best Friend
Los Rumberos - Serenatas Frente al Mar
Conan Gray - Comfort Crowd
Abel Korzeniowski - The Cheek of Night
And now tagging the last 10 people who let a note in this blog *laughs in evil* please do not feel obligated ♡ @rukastar  *:・゚✧ @estel-means-hope  *:・゚✧ @shieldherostuffs  *:・゚✧ @stars-in-mine-eyes  *:・゚✧ @lackofmatona  *:・゚✧ @dillpickle52  *:・゚✧ @35-million-year-old-whale  *:・゚✧ @maedre13 *:・゚✧ @galaxiry  *:・゚✧ @squish--squash and anyone who would like to join ✨
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yukii0nna · 1 year ago
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Eric Scarlet,S class wizard
@shieldherostuffs @shiningharmony @anxious-twisted-vampire @insomniac-jay @jasontoddssuper @achy-boo @marrondrawsalot @danika-redgrave124 @abyssthing198 @lovelyllamasblog @liviavanrouge @writing-heiress
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