#shie hassaikai fanfic
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isabeauwolf · 7 months ago
Okay, took me a minute to find them, but here's my fav Overhaul x reader fanfics! This one is for the female reader's x Overhaul.
I'll make another list for male readers as well! ;) and another for love triangles!
Here's to my fellow members of the Chisaki Nation!!!! I seriously binge read all of these and couldn't stop!
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My fav Overhaul x reader fanfics Part 1
(Fair warning, some of these can get dark af, feel free to skip if it isn't your thing). Tell me which ones were your favs? ;)
🐦‍⬛ Forbidden by HungarianShinobi (Doctor Overhaul x reader) : https://archiveofourown.org/works/35521177
🐦‍⬛ Arms At Rest by Yoshinori : https://archiveofourown.org/works/16100765/chapters/37607249
🐦‍⬛ Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) by krazenground : https://archiveofourown.org/works/24366637/chapters/58765354
🐦‍⬛A Blistering Affection (Overhaul x reader) by Crimsoncat : https://archiveofourown.org/works/28194690/chapters/69088494
🐦‍⬛The Whispering Darkness by InorganicOne2230 : (Sleep Hollow AU Overhaul x reader) https://archiveofourown.org/works/34057876/chapters/84719488
🐦‍⬛Purity by InorganicOne2230 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/21403249/chapters/50990824
🐦‍⬛The Club (Purity Spin-Off) by InorganicOne2230 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/39041481/chapters/97659105
🐦‍⬛All That Led Us Here by InorganicOne2230 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/22309051/chapters/53285557
🐦‍⬛A God Named Destruction by xillustratoryx : https://archiveofourown.org/works/48788473/chapters/123073762
🐦‍⬛Love Without Boundaries: (Overhaul x Hero Reader) by ArondightDusk: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33562012/chapters/83394898
🐦‍⬛Control (Overhaul X Reader) by CranberryCandy : https://archiveofourown.org/works/26102626/chapters/63493396
🐦‍⬛Home Sweet Home | Chisaki Kai x Reader by Kikyo851 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/32472970/chapters/80530477
🐦‍⬛Corrupt | Chisaki Kai x Reader by Kikyo851 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/18387173/chapters/43543130
🐦‍⬛Migraine by Boerning : https://archiveofourown.org/works/37282840/chapters/93025036
🐦‍⬛Supreme by les_inquiets: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28878405/chapters/70842282#workskin
@dummy-mars @lilydaspitfyre @togeandmegumilover @fanofflames @yey56 @phantomhoeass @ xllizs @ghostreaderwazaa @staitc-rj @slayfics @x-kiwi-03 @xxchisakislittleangelxx @angelblueflame @cherry-queens-blog @overhaulings @overhaulisms @overhauling @villainsandvictimsalliance @number1villainstan @fairymama624
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angie-starz · 9 months ago
L.O.V+E by MalaMari on Ao3
The fic is great and they are feeding my little SH loving heart, so have some sketches of the last few chapters
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ms-kio · 8 months ago
Absolute Filth
Kai Chisaki/Overhaul X Clone Wars! 1261 Words
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(Image is just the outfit, no Eri T-T)
Chisaki Kai wasn’t… stupid. He'd traveled dimensions- Seriously! Could this woman get any more annoying?- He’d spent two years in the shithole that was known as the Coruscant Canopy, making a living off of making people disappear. Apparently, he had gotten popular due to turning murder cases into ‘missing persons’ cases, which never got looked at in the depths, and hardly ever in the canopy. Down in this filth-infested area, he'd mellowed out a bit, no longer having the inclination to so blatantly disobey the Yakuzas moral code.
Chisakis current Yakuza family was named after his old one, the Shie-Hassaikai. However, its members were wildly different. The majority of his Kobun were Twi-Lek women, fierce ladies who were willing to do what needed to be done in order to provide for their families.
Back to the annoying woman. She wouldn’t just shut up! From Chisakis limited knowledge on the types of ‘aliens’ around, the word ‘Zeltron’ was pulled up from his memory banks. There were a few in his new Yakuza family, but not many. They were the ones who projected emotions, right? Well, that sure wasn’t working. Never had, and probably never will. Maybe it was the quirk factor. 
Now, Kai was currently weighing the pros and cons of dividing the Zeltron by the numbers of molecules she had, but Chisaki Kai was currently very well dressed and an invited guest of Ziro the Hutt. He was inclined to mind his manners.
“C’mon, Chisaki. I promise, you’ll enjoy being with me.” Maybe not. Yes, Kai was that much closer to pulling off his gloves.
Kai shifted his eyes to look at her, knowing the striking gold was already sending a very violent message. “Talk to me like that again, and I will find your face on yet another missing persons report.” He threatened, fed up with her antics. Of course, she knew ‘missing persons’ when it came to him meant dead. So, wisely, she stopped talking.
Kai stood, making way to Ziro and taking a seat in a large, plush chair next to the Hutt, up on the raised platform. “I take it that Zeltron was being a little too… friendly for your taste. Hm, Chisaki-san?” The large slimeball questioned as he took a puff of… Whatever the hell that was.
“Indeed.” He drawled, tracing the gold band around the edge of his glove. He’d invested in more… protective outfits, due to the absolute filth that was in the depths, which he frequently visited. Not to mention, his base of operations was down there as well.
A Kobun then entered the establishment, signaling to him. Someone was coming. It was then that an assassin droid found Senator Amidala trying to sneak out. What was she doing here in the first place? Ziro wanted her dead, which would be bad for all parties involved if he killed her. “A moment, Ziro.” He said through his mask, holding up a gloved hand and beckoning his Kobun. All three currently in the room lined up next to him, two to his left and one to his right. Two Twi-lek ladies and one Nautolan man.
All attention was turned to Kai and his masked companions. “If you have the senator killed, you’ll have the whole of the republic senate focused on you and the Hutts, plus Naboo and her allies breathing down your neck. Do you want that?”
Ziro hesitated, providing enough time for a gold protocol droid to lean in the door. “Is anybody home?” Followed by shouting and explosions. Kai’s Kobun were safely beside him as clone troopers quickly and efficiently took over the bar, holding Ziro and the Yakuza members at gunpoint. The Kobun had their hands on their vibro-blades, tense and alert, while the Oyabun himself hadn’t flinched, his legs crossed as he leaned on a gloved hand, propped onto an armrest.
“Chisaki! Do something!” Ziro demanded as he was cornered, turning the attention- yet again- to Kai.
“No.” He said simply. “I have no quarrel with the republic, and I’m here as a guest. Not a bodyguard. The Shie-Hassakai have no obligation towards you.” He turned his head to address his subordinates, facing the Kyodai of the trio. “Stand down. Go report to the Wakagashira, I’ll deal with this.” The trio bowed, the gold bands around their Lekku (For the Two-leks) and arms (for the Nautolan), and lining their masks glinting in the dim light.
“Let them go.” The Senator ordered when the clones moved to intercept. “They weren’t here when I arrived, and delayed Ziro long enough for you to rescue me.” Chisaki nodded towards Amidala, who returned the gesture before turning to Ziro.
Kai tuned out their conversation, considering his options. One, he could use this to make allies with one of the more powerful senators. Two, make allies with Ziro and potentially the entire Hutt clan- “It was Count Dooku! He forced me to kidnap Jabba's son. Please believe me! I swear, I love that huttlet!” Oh? Guess his decision was made for him. Kai didn’t want the Shie-Hissaikai involved in that mess. Zero would be on his own this time. Plus, Kai would never want to deal with a liar. He’d seen the holocall between the Count and Ziro, the hutt wasn’t being coerced. Not at all.
“He’s lying.” Chisaki said once Ziro was out of earshot. “I observed his holocall with the Count, Ziro was being paid.” That certainly got their attention. “Commander Fox, is it? Make sure he’s locked up tight. I have a feeling our dear senator may have made an enemy.” The clone nodded, obviously not used to being addressed directly by civilians before barking a few orders to his junior clones.
“If I may ask, Mr. Chisaki. Where do you stand in all this?” Amidala spoke up. A fair question, in all honesty. A smart one to ask, too.
“Just an acquaintance. Ziro has hired me for jobs multiple times before, and invited me as a guest.” Kai answered truthfully, uncrossing his legs and resting his forearms on his knees. From the grim understanding on the senator's face, she knew exactly what kinds of ‘jobs’ he did.
“I see.” She said, not noticing that the clone commander behind her was that much closer to grabbing his blaster. Seems he understood too, and understood how high-profile a target the senator was.
“Commander.” He sighed letting his eyes fall closed for a moment. “If I wanted senator Amidala dead, she would be.” The mentioned woman clearly didn’t know whether to take that as a threat or reassurance, while her guard didn’t hide the fact that he heard it as a threat.
The senator's posture straightened, eyes sharpening on his figure. “If you intend to threaten me, Chisaki, You’ll find it’ll take more than mere words.”
Chisaki sighed, standing. “Unless someone convinces me to take one of the numerous jobs that include your death, Senator Amidala, the Shie-Hassaikai will not bother you.” He stated firmly. “I have no intention of letting my family get tied up in the business of war and senators.” There was a moment where the room’s breath was held, Fox’s hand resting tensely on his blaster. “I can assure you of that. However, if the republic decides to go after my family, I am not afraid of getting my hands dirty.” Chisaki said, standing up and taking a couple paces towards Amidala. “You have my word.”
With that, Chisaki brushed past the rest of the clones, exiting the establishment and boarding the hovercar that had been waiting for him.
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lioma-art · 2 months ago
Chapter 3 is out, which concludes Episode 6 / Series Part 8!
It's another humorous and action-packed chapter;
Izuku sneaks about the Shie Hassaikai underground complex, Inko wonders what the likelihood is of meeting All Might again (and he acts a little like Toshinori, huh!), we meet Overhaul, Chrono and Mon, aaaaand Rappa gets to fight All Might (too bad it's still tennis they have to play, though).
I'm wishing all of you a happy New Year in advance!
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mkendlic · 4 months ago
Chapters: 14/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Original Character(s), Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) & Original Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Original Female Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Reader, Midoriya Izuku/Reader, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Reader, Todoroki Shouto/Reader, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto Characters: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Satou Rikidou, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu, Jirou Kyouka, Shouji Mezou, Ojiro Mashirao, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kota Koji, Toru Hagakure, Yuga Aoyama, Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Takami Keigo | Hawks, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugo Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku - Character Additional Tags: Graphic Description, Eventual Romance, Original Character(s), Implied/Referenced Character Death, Trauma, Badass, powerful quirk, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, a lot of sarcasm, aizawa is a dad!!, midnight is a great mom, principle nezu is a ray of sunshine, Slow Burn, Fluff and Smut, Sexual Tension, long fic, Past Child Abuse, past trauma, Blood and Injury, Violence Summary:
As a young teen trying to figure what its like to be a normal teenager…well as normal as one can be in a world with QUIRKS! Nozomi Akumu tries to figure out, what its like to even be a student in high school. While being a pro hero at the age of 15. She’s determine to not let her past control her any longer. Will she find revenge in killing the man that destroyed her life? Or will she finally understand the meaning her parents taught her long ago? Come along on the journey that is Nozomi Akumu’s life. And find out why is her quirk so fearful.
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number1villainstan · 11 months ago
Read on Dreamwidth
March 2024 Monthly Short Piece! Technically published April 1, half an hour after midnight, but :') It's another RGU piece, this time from Saionji's POV, set post-canon as he moves in with Wakaba for financial reasons and they try to settle in to routines that won't end up with Saionji getting a sword pulled from his chest.
The thing is, Kyouichi has finally and permanently uprooted himself from Ohtori’s poisonous ground, but even as he feels himself growing into something new he’s desperate for familiar soil. The thing is, Wakaba needs a roommate to help pay rent and ease the loneliness, someone who will believe her when she lets something slip about the insanity of her previous school. The thing is, on paper, this new arrangement is perfect for them both. The thing is, in practice it might not be so perfect.
Relationship Tags: Saionji Kyouichi/Shinohara Wakaba, Saionji Kyouichi & Shinohara Wakaba
Character Tags: Saionji Kyouichi, Shinohara Wakaba, Mentioned Kurono Hari, Mentioned Setsuno Touya
Additional Tags: Moving In, Financial Issues, Post-Canon, Developing Relationship, Pre-Relationship, that one metaphor from Fahrenheit 451 about how flowers can't grown on other flowers, that flowers and fireworks both need good soil and a solid foundation to grow, although i guess i didn't develop that metaphor as well as i'd have liked
Word Count: 2,709, how the fuck, i wrote most of this *today*-- (well technically yesterday, but still--)
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thatvixenchick · 2 years ago
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Chapters: 25/35 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Rody Soul, Midoriya Izuku & Noumu Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Noumu (My Hero Academia), Shie Hassaikai | Eight Precepts of Death, Tookage Rapt, Shinsou Hitoshi, Rody Soul, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Family (My Hero Academia), Eri (My Hero Academia), Tsubasa (My Hero Academia), Hedoro Viran Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Villain Midoriya Izuku, accidental villain midoriya izuku, adopting nōmu like stray cats, Future Fic, Past Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Mentions of sex work, Toogata Mirio Has One for All Quirk, Yakuza, grey morality, Overhaul is still a dangerous sociopath, Bakugō is Intelligent, Bakugou Katsuki Has a Heart, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Gay Character, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Anime Spoilers Summary:
Izuku has always wanted to be a hero, and if someone asked, he’d still say that’s his dream. People don’t ask, though. They just call him a villain.
Or, the fic where Deku accidentally adopts a bunch of nōmu he can’t control, is forced to become a leader in the Shie Hassaikai, and ultimately makes it his goal to challenge the validity of the “hero” and “villain” labels.
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armenianwriterman · 2 months ago
So I spent the last few weeks going on a My Hero Academia fanfiction reading binge and here's some of my recommendations!
All It Takes is One Good Friend: An anthology fanfic where in each chapter, a different character meets Izuku Midoriya (usually but not always due to an exploding firework truck), becomes friends with him, and helps him deal with Bakugo's bullying in the process, often with hilarious results. Some examples include Iida becoming a delinquent in order to control delinquency at Aldera, Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai taking over as the school's teachers, Pony challenging Bakugo to a spice off, and Kota punches Bakugo in the nuts so hard it ends up killing Muscular via the butterfly effect. For anyone looking for fun crack, sweet friendships and occasional seriousness, this is the fic for you! (Warning: not for fans of Bakugo).
The Future Briefing Island: Izuku, his friends and his teachers wake up on a mysterious place with a mysterious woman, who has something they're very interested in seeing. A "characters watch their own show MST" style fic differentiated by having an actual plot outside of its premise. Highlights include Izuku getting therapy, Nezu using the mystical realm they're stuck in to troll his students, and the most awkward sex ed lesson ever, starring Midnight.
Cain: After the Sludge Villain incident, Bakugo finds Izuku a bit later then he did in canon, and gets to overhear All Might offering Izuku One for All. He takes it poorly, very poorly, and decides to do everything in his power to prevent "shitty stalker Deku" from becoming All Might's successor. This fic takes pre-character development Bakugo and plays it for horror. It gets legitimately scary at times, especially since we're restricted to Katsuki's POV throughout the fic. A well written story with terrifyingly unhinged unreliable narrator, this is my recommendation for anyone looking for something more intense. (Warning: very not for fans of Bakugo).
Ignited Spark: In a world where Izuku manifested a Quirk, he gives up his dreams of being a hero after a horrible accident until a chance encounter with All Might leads him to become a part of the great Hero team Japan has ever seen. This is an elseworlds/alternate universe fic where everything is different: Ochako is Izuku's childhood friend, Kendo is the next wielder of One for All, Nejire is a part of Class 1-A, Tenko Shimura was rescued from the streets and became a hero, and that just scratches the surface of this story has in store. There are a few AU changes I'm not a big fan of but that could be just me. It's a very long fic and I'm still only about halfway through, but I'm recommending it anyway because of the well written prose and action sequences, intriguing re-imaginings of My Hero's cast, and an excellent dynamic between the three leads. (Warning: gets a bit nsfw later on)
rock'n'roll buckaroo: Kaminari and Shoto create the My Hero Academia version of Buzzfeed Unsolved where they talk about superhero conspiracies. This ends up butterfly effecting into the League of Villains becoming famous YouTubers. Another fic with a good mix of crack and feels.
to convince what joy can bring: A huge cold snap spreads across Japan and poor Tsuyu can barely deal with the temperatures. Fortunately, her friends are there for her. A cute fluffy, Tsuyu centric story.
Rules for 1-A: Aizawa gets sick of dealing with his class of chaos children, so he makes a list of rules for them. What seems like a by the numbers fic is enhanced by the genuinely funny jokes within. Lines like "Todoroki: You're not allowed to set a garbage can on fire and bring it to parent-teacher conferences in place of your father", "I have no desire to explain what a thot is to All Might", and "When someone asks you to pass the salt, please pass the salt, do not produce a hand-written list of every complaint Bakugo has made about Midoriya and begin reading them aloud in a whiny voice," make this fic a laugh riot from start to finish.
Things That Haunt Our Hallways: While on a class trip, the 19 kids of 1-A (Mineta doesn't exist here lol) get hit with Fear Toxin, and it's up to Aizawa to save them. A very angsty fic exploring the fears of the kiddos and lots of Dadzawa and Dad Might as they comfort their students. Recommended for those who love hurt/comfort.
old game (new rules): Jiro is starting a new life in UA and she's determined not to let anyone get close her, not after last time. Another angst fic about dealing with internalized homophobia and trauma from being bullied in middle school. A must read for any fans of Kyoka.
fs in the chat and other forms of emotional support: Ochako learns her friend is a lesbian and decides to set her up with one of her buddies. What follows is pure horny crack as Ochako, Jiro, Mina and Camie fight over Momo and talk about lesbian sex on Discord. Slightly OOC but funny nonetheless.
He's Mine: Ochako activates yandere.exe, Izuku's a little too into it and everyone else is terrified. I actually joked about Ochako being a yandere in my liveblog, so I was amused by this fic. Hope you like it as much as I did.
soulmates die ten years apart: A tragic story about a hero losing her life in the line of duty, and Izuku's grief. I read this when I was having a bad mental health day and it kinda fucked me up. Have some hurt/no comfort.
Colors of You: When Bakugo and Kirishima's relationship gets outed, the kids of Class 1-A come together to let them know they aren't alone. A story about realizing things about yourself and queer solidarity.
It's Called Polyamory: One day, various people from Class 1-A end up seeing Izuku, Kaminari, Momo and Jiro out together in public, and end up in a huge debate about who's in a relationship with who. Little do they know, everyone's right.
Her truest reflection: During the USJ attack, Izuku is hit by a Quirk that makes transforms your body to match your inner self...and gets turned into a girl. As she adjusts to this change, all the girls in 1-A collectively go "OH NO SHE'S HOT!" A sweet emotional story about Izuku learning to love herself, and her six future girlfriends loving her.
his hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet: Kaminari comes into possession of a dress while dealing with some issues, and ends up learning a few things about herself in the process. A good fic about self discovery, friendship, and dunking on Mineta.
Hulk-akure: Toru is shredded as fuck. That's it that's the fic.
it was a grave yet bore no stone: Class 1-A finds out Izuku accidentally leaves his notebook at school while he's visiting his mom, and discover a huge secret about their classmate. Featuring Class 1-A actually getting to react to One for All's existence and be supportive without being interrupted by the plot (cough canon cough)
how to destroy a man and get two dads, a guide by Izuku Midoriya: After learning about Todoroki's backstory, Izuku decides to torment Endeavor by flooding the internet with Omegaverse fanfic of him and All Might. Hilarity ensues.
Fear No Evil: This fic takes the relatively common fanfic concept of All for One being Izuku's father, and takes it in an interesting direction by having Izuku be abducted by Humarise, forcing All for One to team up with All Might and Aizawa to rescue him. The novel and unique premise alone is worth reading, and it contains a lot of fun back and forth between the reluctant allies and well written tension as Izuku tries to survive a cult of genocidal fanatics.
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cherry-queens-blog · 9 months ago
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Overhaul x Reader
Summary- You were brought in by Chrono who had witnessed your quirk and knew you would be useful to the shie hassaikai gang. After bringing you in, you are questioned by the big man himself Kai chisaki. After months he takes quite the liking to you and wants you to fully be his and is ready to claim you. Content- Overhaul x reader, shower sex, nsfw, telekinesis quirk, blood spill, violence, consensual sex, killing.
Note- It took me a bit to come up with a start of this and I think reader having a strong quirk that would be of use to overhaul was a good idea in order for reader to join the gang members. I hope you all enjoy the story!. I have a few other stories coming soon involving Dabi or shigaraki, and All Might. This took me a good 7 hours to type out. it was a one shot fic.
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It was starting to get a bit late in the day around 8:34, the sun no longer visible in the sky as Chrono and mimic stepped outside having a chat about the things that had happened today only to have their chat cut short by some noise coming from the alleyway that was next to the shie hassaikai building they had came out of. Chrono and Mimic looked towards each other before looking towards the dark alley wondering if someone was was looking for a way in or something else. They begin to walk over to check it out, Chrono keeping his hand on his gun just in case until his and Mimics eyes land on the scene before them. Through the dimly lit alley they spot a young woman who had her arm extended with a man pressed against a wall by some invisible force holding him firmly against the hard brick wall when she closes her hand into a fist and the man began to yell. "AHHH wait WAIT!" Chrono and Mimic watches as the man yells out, and when she turns her hand and opens it the mans head bursts into pieces, blood splattering all over the wall and getting on the girl. Chrono and Mimics eyes widen a bit at what they just witnessed and honestly thought that, that was rather impressive and would be useful for yakuza. Mimic looks at Chrono who looks back at him. Mimic: are you thinking what I'm thinking? Chrono: she would be a good ally for the yakuza...
Overhaul was sitting in his office going through some papers when he hears a knock on his door, looking up to see Chrono and Mimic walking in with some girl who had some blood painting her which made him feel agitated a bit, A look of disgust forming on his face as he sees the filth on your body.
Chrono: Hey boss I brought someone who might be of interest to you
Chrono says allowing you to step forward. Overhaul glared a bit but he was curious to know why you were here. What was it that Chrono had brought you here for? What was so interesting about you?. Mimic goes over and sits on the arm rest by Kai ready to see how things will play out and if you would agree to join and work under their boss.
“And what about her should be of interest to me?”
Kai asked, raising a curious eyebrow.
"her quirk... it's like a telekinesis quirk.." Chrono responded as Kai's interest was now peaked. He set his pen down on the table. He was definitely interested in people that held useful quirks, and this one wasn’t half bad. He stood up, staring over you with an intense gaze.
"A telekinesis quirk hm?"
He questioned a bit now wanting to see it for himself. "Show me then, I would like to see this" He stated and without much hesitation you raised your hand up quickly and Chrono had flew back hitting the wall pretty hard knocking the breath out of him. Kai’s eyes widened at the demonstration and He definitely found that interesting. Useful, even. He nodded, agreeing with Chrono that you would be of use to their plans.
“Indeed. I could see her being extremely helpful.”
He said while returning his gaze back to you with a slight smirk appearing on his face. "What's your name girl?"
"it's Y/N" You respond. answering his question as he took a few steps up to you but not getting to close and keeping a rather appropriate distance since you are filthy and if anything he hates anything dirty. He eventually stopped looking you over.
“I am Kai Chisaki, you can call me Overhaul. I run this business here. And I must say, your quirk is indeed interesting.”
He said, the grin staying on his expression under his mask. Chrono stands up and dusts himself off and looks at overhaul.
"What do you plan to do with her boss?"
He asks Kai who glanced at him with an amused expression.
“I want to take her in. She’s going to be an useful addition for the Shie Hassakai. An asset, if you will.”
He responds casually to Chrono as Mimic watches from the couch quietly. Kai looked at you once more.
“What do you say, girl? You want to work with me?”
He asked you but you did have slight doubts about it, thinking it over and having questions of your own to ask this man in front of you.
"What will I be doing exactly?" You ask him wondering what kind of work he will be having you do. It was a good question to ask him since it would be good to know so you could make up your mind on rather you want to or not.
“You’ll be working for me directly. I’ll have you by my side for various operations and duties. You’ll be trained by me, personally.”
He said with a slight shrug. You think about it more and decide to trust this man and with a nod you agree to work under him. He nods back before looking at Chrono.
"Show her to the bathroom so she can get cleaned up and make sure she doesn’t snoop around and keep an eye on her. Wouldn’t want anything going wrong, now would we?”
Kai demanded Chrono who nods as Kai goes back to his work looking over the documents he had. Chrono takes you out of the office and towards a small room where he grabbed a gown for you to wear for now which looked like something a hospital would make a patient wear before leading you to the bathroom, showing you where the towels were before taking his exit shutting the door and standing by the bathroom door waiting for you to be done. The shower was nice, as the hot water ran down your skin washing away the dried up blood from the guy you killed awhile ago before Chrono and Mimic brought you in to overhaul their boss. When you stepped out Chrono nodded and guided you back to Kai for sleeping arrangements to be made. You sat on the couch across from Kai who looked at you and chrono. Kai was finishing up his work for the night as he glanced over at the both of you. "where will she be sleeping boss?" “She’ll be staying in the room across from mine. She needs to be under close watch - make sure she’s settled in.” "Yes boss, understood"
Chrono agreed give a slight nod as he spoke. Kai turned back to the little bit of work he had left. He then gestured for Chrono to take you to your room that will be across from his own. It was clear Kai didn't fully trust you quite yet but he might eventually if you behave and follow his orders.
Chrono helps you out with getting settled into the room you were put in before taking his leave and letting you sleep for the night. When morning rolled around you sat up in your bed and realized it was around 7:56 in the morning. Tossing the blanket off you stand up and head towards the door opening it and stepping out of the room to see a few men walking by talking to each other. One seemed drunk as all hell holding a bottle in his hand while the other guy was a pretty large guy and pretty buff as well. Kai approaches you while you watch the men walk down the hall. "Did you sleep well?" The sound of his voice had slightly startled you a little bit as you didn't expect him to suddenly appear behind you. Turning around you look at him as he chuckles slightly knowing he had slightly startled you a little. "Oh uh... yeah" You said rubbing the back of your neck while looking down at the ground. Kai narrows his eyes a little feeling displeased that you didn't look him in the face as you spoke to him. "Look at me when you speak to me, That's an order not a request" You lift your head up to look at him seeing the slight annoyance in his eyes as he said that. "Sorry.." You muttered to him making his expression soften a bit as you apologize to him. You didn't know the rules yet so he would have to go over them with you if you're gonna be staying with the yakuza.
"Since you're new and don't know the rules around here, I’ll give you a pass this time, but whenever you speak to me or even address me, you need to look at me straight on. Don’t look at the ground, or at anything else. Only look at me. Understand Y/N?"
He was pretty strict already but you nod your head in understanding of how he would like to be addressed by you.
"Good… Now, I’ll be having someone bring you some clothes today. I cannot have you wearing that all the time, you need something more practical." He stated to you putting his hands in his pockets as he looked down at you with his golden eyes. "Now I'll be showing you what you'll be doing while your hear. Come with me" He ordered you. You start walking by his side as he continued to walk, keeping a slow pace so you could keep up. He was heading towards a certain area in the building, not saying anything as he walked towards that location. He took a glance at you as he decided to speak up again.
“You might be able to tell, but I very much care about hygiene and making sure the environment around me is clean. If I see anything that doesn’t meet my expectations, I’ll make sure it’s gone. So don't be filthy here.. You make a mess you clean it up"
"Yes sir... I understand" "Good, and while you are here you will listen to my orders, and act exactly how I want you too, I am the boss so you follow what I say when I say it. Got it?" "I understand sir"
"Good. Now for right now I'd like to really test your quirk out. See how long you can use it until you reach your limit." You decide to agree to the testing he wants to do as you both step into a room together. It was pretty spacious and empty as if it was made for training or something. When you look over at Kai you watched him pull his glove off of his hand and you started to wonder if training was gonna be an actual fight against him. You weren't worried really since your quirk was strong and you could just keep him away from you at all times which will just be a piece of cake. Kai stuffed his glove into his pocket as he stepped forward towards you calmly bringing his hand up and grazed your shoulder with his finger.
Everything had went black after that until you started to feel an unpleasant amount of pain as if your body was being reconstructed back together. It hurt so bad for a good minute or so as Kai was building your body back up after blowing you to pieces with that simple touch of his finger. Your eyes began to open and you looked at him.
"What the hell was that?" You muttered as he finished up the process of reconstructing you. He smirked a bit as you asked him that. You thought he was just gonna explain what was gonna happen not kill you on the spot then bring you back?. You were confused big time as you laid there on the floor.
"I just gave you a feel of my quirk" He stated as he stood up with hives now on his face.
"Now get up, and don't hold anything back either. Wouldn't want to disappoint me" He walked over to the middle of the room as you stood up from the floor looking at him. Kai definitely wanted to fight you and see what you could do for himself, and get an idea on how long you could hold off against him. Without warning Kai drops down and touches the ground a large amount of spiked rock came at you which surprised you but in a good way. You put your hand up and every single one shatters into pieces and with a swift motion of your hand the rocks fling towards the wall. Kai smirked under his mask knowing this will be interesting and not boring like all his other opponents. This will be harder and more entertaining for him. "Not bad Y/N, But I'm just getting started" He growled out before pulling off his other glove tossing it to the side ready to come at you with everything he's got. Kai placed both hands on the ground now sending out more your way which You react the same shattering the spiked rock, slamming them on the ground before finding the right opening to use your quirk to throw him against the wall only to release him due to your body growing tired and weak already. Kai looks at you and could see an opportunity to strike you down since you were becoming exhausted which showed him you couldn't use your quirk for to long. You lift your head up to look at him just as his hand touched the ground and sent the spiked rock towards you, impaling you in three different spots.
Your eyes watered up due to the pain you felt, the tears running down your face. Blood dripped onto the ground from your wounds he in flicked on you, leaving the sharp rock pierced through your shoulder, leg, and side. You couldn't help but cry from the pain until he reconstructed the ground the spiked rock fading back to the floor. You drop to the ground, blood coloring the floor as Kai walked over placing his hand on your body and reconstructing the wounds which sucked for you. After that Kai stands up and dusts himself off, the hives still on his skin.
"I need a shower.." He muttered before turning his gaze back to you sitting on the floor drying your tears off your face.
"Were gonna work on that quirk of yours.. I can't have you getting tired after 5 minutes" He stated in a rather harsh tone feeling a bit annoyed at the filth.
"Get up and go shower as well.. You're filthy" He said gesturing for you to following him. You stand up and follow him out of the room. You both go to separate bathrooms to clean up. Once you both finished Kai offered for you to join him for breakfast which you did, enjoying the rest of the morning with him as he showed you around the place, going over everything with you.
Months soon passed and you were able to last for a good hour now using your quirk thanks to Kai himself training you every morning and night every single day and pushing you past your limits none stop. You stood up from the ground as Kai was walking off before he stopped and looked back at you.
"Oh and if you could do so and be a good girl for me, I'd like you to join me in the shower tonight.. And don't make me wait on you, yeah?. It would be a real shame to have to wait on you." He stated making you pick your head up to look at him, a faint blush spreading across your face as he walked away. You were frozen in place for a good minute trying to figure out if you actually heard him correctly. He wanted to shower with you? really? you wondered to yourself though you will listen to him and do as you're told. You head to your room first grabbing some clean clothes and made your way to the bathroom Kai was in and walked in shutting the door, seeing him pulling off his jacket and setting it aside. His hands move up undoing the straps to his mask pulling it off as you sit there just staring at him as if your in a trance just admiring him.
"You know it's quite rude to stare, now get undressed" You snap out of it as he pulls off the rest of his clothing as you start pulling your clothes off. He steps into the shower letting the water run down his body. You step in after him, his eyes roaming over your body with a slight smirk forming on his lips before he grabs a sponge and tosses it to you. "Now scrub yourself thoroughly. I won't tolerate any impurities."
His voice was stern leaving no room for disobedience. You put soap on the sponge and started washing your body with it as he watches you, never breaking eye contact. Once you finished scrubbing yourself down with the sponge Kai grabbed you and pulled you close to him under the running water, bodies touching each other, as he lowered his head to your neck while his fingers tangle in your hair, gripping it firmly as his mouth brushes against your neck. You close your eyes and your mouth falls slightly open as butterflies are felt in your stomach being this close to him like this as the water cascades over the both of you. He kisses up your neck getting up to your ear, taking your earlobe between his teeth and pulling on it till it slips away.
"You're mine now and I'm going to claim you"
He says before pulling away and having you turn around so your back is against him and he places his arm around your neck as he positions his hard member at your entrance before pushing it in. A faint moan escapes your lips as he enters your heat.
"do you like that?. Good" He mutters in your ear as he began to thrust at a nice slow even pace letting you adjust to him.
"mmm.. Kai" You groan out in a gentle breaths. Your hand hold onto his arm as your head falls back resting on his shoulder, lowering his arm a bit until his hand is resting on your breast, gently kneading it as he thrusts into your warm wet heat.
"You feel amazing Y/N" he purrs sliding his other hand around, fingers brushing against your sensitive nub making your body twitch a bit from the contact, placing kisses on your neck.
"I love you Kai" You muttered through slight short gasps as his fingers play with your nub as he thrusts.
"I love you too Y/N"
He began to pick up his pace a little bit making your moans grow a bit louder, your grip on his arm tightening slightly as he pounded his member deep inside your pussy.
"mmm Kai" You moaned, pushing your self against him to to make him go deeper while the water pours down your bodies.
"You feel so fucking good"
He groaned in your ear before placing a kiss on your neck, hand gripping on your breast firmly, finger playing with your nub making you twitch and squirm a bit as gasped moans fill the room with the sound of running water. You started to feel close as your body started to tense up a bit.
"hmm you don't get to cum yet unless I say so" Kai mutters pulling his hand away from your sensitive nub being a tease. He slows his thrusting down a bit as he keeps his eyes on you.
"Kai please.. let me cum to you" You begged him making a smirk appear on his lips.
"Well since you asked so nicely."
He bends you over placing one hand on your waist and the other hand on the shower wall and begins to pick up his pace again being more forceful with his thrusts. You began to gasp with moans escaping your throat, as he pounded into your tight heat.
"ngh fuck Kai.. I'm close" You whimpered out as your body tensed up.
"I am to.. fuck" With one last thrust he spills his hot seed deep inside you as you gasp out your last moan as you hit your orgasm same time he does. Kai keeps ahold of you as he pulls out letting the shower wash away the fluids that dripped out of your pussy. He holds you as he sits up against the shower wall with you in his arms in the shower pushing your hair behind your ear and kissing your forehead.
"That's a good girl"
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isabeauwolf · 6 months ago
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What's everyone thinking of my Villainess OC Mary/Silver from My Hero Academia? (Art done by @kurumi-igarashi) Thank you again! 🥰 Thank you, Slay for the giveaway! @slayfics I'm still so happy that my girl has come to life! T-T
My Villain Academia/My Hero - Villainess: Mary/Silver!
Kai Chisaki's/ Overhaul's fiance, future wife and Mistress of the Shie Hassaikai 🐦‍⬛🐺🌸 They were arranged to be married by the previous heads of their clans, Pops and her mother Lady Sara.
This beautiful and cheerful, plus sized she-wolf isn't a pushover. As the heiress to her own yakuza clan from overseas, she's a skilled assassin; specializes with guns, knives and hand to hand combat.
She is patient and sassy, with a smart mouth. Often gets her into arguments with Shigaraki as his trainer in leadership, and doesn't baby him 🤭 Handyman's got a crush on her.
She will butt heads with Kai every now and then, but she's a devoted spouse for him.
Dabi's obsession with Mary starts out as curiosity, trying to steal her away from her birdman, then the casanova falls for her hard and fast.
Mary's over protective and nurturer nature immediately makes her claim Eri as her own child.
She thinks of Toga as a younger sister and Twice as an older brother; members of her pack.
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Villainess name: Silver
Hobbies: reading, baking and cooking
Favorite things: cherry blossoms 🌸 books, cheesecake and pancakes
Dislikes: liars, and thunderstorms
Height: 5'6
Fun fact: Kai gave Mary her cherry blossom necklace as an engagement gift. She never takes it off.
Yes, she is wearing Overhaul's jacket~ ;)
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angie-starz · 1 year ago
Fuck I need to finish writing this UA:Heroes!AU before the end of the month otherwise A03 will delete it
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deusvervewrites · 10 months ago
Usually in a lot of different media, a power nullifier ability is overpowered and sometime they might or might not have drawbacks. Eraser is overpowered in the sense that it prevents emitter and transformation Quirks via Line of Sight and has a reasonable weakness in not affecting mutant Quicks and is dependent on the eyes working. (And also that Aizawa's dry eye might be related to his usage of his Quirk overtime).
I wonder that since Aizawa is an underground hero, he's more likely to work in the dark, which makes it harder for the unskilled villains to counteract against him and actually spreading meaningful information about how to counteract him. It's just that when Aizawa is in board daylight, the "knock them down in one hit" trick will eventually hit a wall if his opponent didn't get knocked down immediately, if the mob overpowers him or someone else(i.e. Shigaraki) figures him out and does a counterattack that Aizawa isn't prepared for. I wonder if he is even prepared for such a scenario that (assuming his Quirk is effective on his opponent's Quirk) he was not able to knock them down in one hit.
I'm then reminded of the fact that during the Shie Hassaikai Arc when they're rescuing Eri, he was canceling Toga's Quirk as she was mimicking Rock Lock and was capturing her with his scarf, Toga took control of the situation by grabbing his scrap in return and stabbing him, thus preventing him from joining Izuku when he had to fight Overhaul. Which means that Aizawa isn't prepared at all when he loses control over his scarf.
Aizawa the Quirkless Hero and supporter of a Quirkless Hero? Ha, I say that he's just a scrub who's dependent upon his Quirk and would actively discourage such people(and if he has too) or make them learn the complicated scarf style. All of those All Might bashing fics for Quirkless Hero Izuku don't even read the manga or watch the anime at least once. They only get bad information just from reading fanfics and the telephone game reversed the two's position.
Sometimes I feel like I need to take words away from people and "overpowered" is one of them. From writing advice articles and videos calling it "unrealistic" to this. There is nothing realistic about Quirks; that's the point. Is an alien from Krypton gaining powers from a yellow sun suddenly more plausible if he isn't bulletproof? I digress. That's not the point you're making, but it annoys me enough that I brought it up anyway.
More relevant to this point you're making, overpowered, outside of its context in gaming as a metagame defining game piece, refers to a character that can trivialize the narrative they are in. Superman as a Hero in Gotham would be overpowered. That's why he's in Metropolis, facing geniuses with legal protection. Goku can bench press planets but so can the people he fights. Akabara Strauss is the strongest character in Record of a Fallen Vampire, but he's trapped in a Tragedy instead of a battle series. Mob from Mob Psycho starts as the strongest psychic in the series, but he's a pacifist trying to understand his place in the world. Context matters.
Aizawa is not overpowered in My Hero Academia. Disabling the activation of those Quirks does not trivialize the narrative.
Regarding the rest of your analysis, it's interesting to note that the Villains at the USJ recognized him, meaning that he hasn't really done a great job at hiding how his Quirk works. Actually come to think of it, nobody in MHA bothers to hide their Quirk's function. They may not advertise it but in Hunter x Hunter this lackadaisical attitude would be a death sentence.
Aizawa was actually present for the Overhaul fight; it was Chronostasis who took him out, not his stab wound. And yeah, he would've made the fight easy, but the main conflict was not Overhaul it was saving Eri.
This last point is right on the money though. Aizawa disapproves of Midoriya's inability to use his Quirk, showing no interest in training him or in any potential that is not his Quirk, like him recognizing Underground Hero Eraserhead. Nothing we have seen from Aizawa suggests he would support a Quirkless Hero.
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mkendlic · 4 months ago
Chapters: 15/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Original Character(s), Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) & Original Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Original Female Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Reader, Midoriya Izuku/Reader, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Reader, Todoroki Shouto/Reader, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto Characters: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Satou Rikidou, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu, Jirou Kyouka, Shouji Mezou, Ojiro Mashirao, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kota Koji, Toru Hagakure, Yuga Aoyama, Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Takami Keigo | Hawks, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugo Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku - Character Additional Tags: Graphic Description, Eventual Romance, Original Character(s), Implied/Referenced Character Death, Trauma, Badass, powerful quirk, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, a lot of sarcasm, aizawa is a dad!!, midnight is a great mom, principle nezu is a ray of sunshine, Slow Burn, Fluff and Smut, Sexual Tension, long fic, Past Child Abuse, past trauma, Blood and Injury, Violence Summary:
As a young teen trying to figure what its like to be a normal teenager…well as normal as one can be in a world with QUIRKS! Nozomi Akumu tries to figure out, what its like to even be a student in high school. While being a pro hero at the age of 15. She’s determine to not let her past control her any longer. Will she find revenge in killing the man that destroyed her life? Or will she finally understand the meaning her parents taught her long ago? Come along on the journey that is Nozomi Akumu’s life. And find out why is her quirk so fearful.
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number1villainstan · 2 years ago
fic rec: It Takes The Truth To Fool Me by AntiqueOwl on Ao3
Main characters (also POV) characters are Tsukauchi Naomasa and Nemoto Shin, in an AU where Nemoto joined up with the League rather than the Hassaikai. Tagged with Tsukauchi Naomasa/Nemoto Shin. Bakugo Katsuki apparently gets his Quirk stolen and decides to swap from hero to police. It's not finished yet, 3/? chapters, but it promises to be a fascinating story
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susagnon · 6 months ago
Kouji is 1-A's makeshift mental health care coordinator
As it apparently didn't occur to anyone (neither "Dadzawa", nor "Dadmight", nor any other adult), that these kids miiight just need benefit from getting some dedicated mental health care...
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1-A's mental health care provider are the animals that Kouda asks for help for this specific purpose.
He actually puts a lot of thought into, which of his animal friends he pairs up with which of his classmates.
It all started, after the first work-studies students returned from the Shie Hassaikai-raid.
Kouda, like the rest of 1-A, didn't learn any more details about what exactly had went down, as Asui and the others remained under their gag orders. But it was clear enough to them, that the mission had been hard on everyone involved.
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In the weeks that follow, Kouda often sends Yuwai up to Uraraka's room. Some evenings, the pet bunny also thumps against Asui's door, until she opens for him.
When Kaminari quietly bemoans, that he can't get a good night's rest because Kirishima had started to drop weights in the middle of the night, Kouda asks a porcupine to visit the latter the very same evening, and hopes that his classmate will understand.
The next morning, Kirishima shoots him a discreet thumbs-up from the other side of the gym. Much more importany, Kouda also receives a toothy and bright-eyed smile. This lets him know that he did the right thing.
Therefore, while Kouda does fidget a little bit, when he asks Midoriya to accompany him to the small sheep pen on their school grounds - after he caught the latter practicing kicks for more than three hours straight - he manages to voice his request clearly and loud enough.
All in all, Kouda's peers appreciate him for his efforts in providing comfort very much.
Prior to all of this, however, there was one incident in which one 1-A member might have ended up requiring one or two extra therapy sessions, because of one of their mental health support animals:
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In one of the light novels, Bakugou chases after Yuwei when the latter escaped from his cage in Kouda's room... and accidently follows the bunny into Mineta’s den of hell.
I headcanon that when Bakugou's screams echoed down to their common rooms, Deku sprang to his feet so quickly that he accidently threw over the stool that he had been using. He thought that his rival was gearing up for a fight. Seriously, Deku could have sworn, that Kacchan sounded even more enraged than he did during their recent nighttime smackdown!
When Bakugou thundered downstairs, the whole class had to work together in order to prevent their explosive classmate from throwing away his dream of becoming the number one hero... just to follow his new dream of becoming Mineta Minoru's killer instead.
Sero almost ran out of tape, because he also had to keep Bakugou from looking for brain bleach on the Darknet afterwards.
As a result, Bakugou - and by extension the rest of the class - received an impromptu lecture from their Class Reps, about how illegal and unsafe such an act would be.
Kouda was just about to go and get Yuwai to help with calming down their still fuming classmate... before he remembered that it was kinda the bunny's fault that Bakugou ended up like this, in the first place.
He still feels very apologetic about that whole incident. None of 1-A - except for unfortunate Bakugou - has ever stepped a toe into Mineta's room... but all of them knew their resident degenerate too well by now.
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There is a wonderful fanfic, “Lesson Plan: Expertise Swap and New Skills Acquisition” by Cyberneticstar on Ao3, in which 1-A has to team up with classmates whom they usually have little interactions with... and poor, gentle Kouda gets paired up with Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.
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that-guy-sleepy-miles · 1 year ago
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Shinsō Chiyo, also known as Medusa, from I Recall Staring at the Sea for the First Time by GooseGooseRevolution!
I love this fanfic and I LOVE THIS WOMANNNN!!! I'm GONNA MARRY HER!!! You don't understand I would read an entire fanfic of just Chiyo's life—and I don't even like OC fanfics!
We just met her in the most recent chapter but I am KISSING HER and MARRYING HER and hoping she gives Shigaraki so much love and AFFECTION!!
I started drawing her the minute she was described, she immediately captivated me and I FELL IN LOVE WITH HER!!! I would happily illustrate for her (and for the whole fic).
Go read I Recall Staring at the Sea for the First Time, its really good.
Tomura Shigaraki is kidnapped by the Shie Hassaikai for his useful, deadly quirk. All For One doesn't bother retrieving him, saying he is too weak to be his successor if he was taken by an organization as pathetic as the Yakuza. There he meets Eri, he can't help but see himself in the girl. Together they make plans to escape. Alternative title: Kai Chisaki is bitchass motherfucker Or: Shigaraki is taken prisoner by Overhaul, there he meets Eri and they escape together. Shigaraki then goes on a journey of becoming the worst big brother in the world.
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