#shie hassaikai fanfic
isabeauwolf · 4 months
I'm curious to all my fellow MHA writers. What do you or your oc's call your lovers or nickname? What do they call your OC's?
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Mary's(my villain oc) nickname for Kai: My mate, my dearest, my devil, my birdy
Kai's nickname for Mary: His angel, his goddess and light, his vixen and naughty huntress, his little wife
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Mary's nicknames for Dabi: Pyro, Dark Knight, Casanova
Dabi's nicknames for Mary: Yakuza Princess, his beauty, firebrand
Let me know what you think of my name choices? I know Dabi's has a lot of work. lol
Plus, I know I've talked about my villain fanfic and figured I would share a bit of a sneak peak here and there. Kai would probably use, "angel" the most and as for Dabi it would probably be "princess."
The way I looked at it while thinking of these nicknames was both Overhaul and Dabi think of themselves as no longer human since they gave up their names to become villains.
Overhaul becomes "A demon with no heart," as Pops calls him.
Dabi falls farther into the darkness and becoming a beast or monster.
Mary being a wolf shifter has her own inner beast. If she loses control in a fit of bloodlust or anger, she could hurt someone.
With Kai, it starts with an arranged marriage between both yakuza clans into love as the pair feels the pull of a "mated pair," between a human and a wolf.
Kai's known since he's reunited with her that she's his, he can't explain it, theirs this undeniable pull he feels towards her, the only woman for him.
With Dabi, he accepts her dark side, gives his support no matter if she kills her targets, random who offended her clan's honor, or under the haze of blood lust; he accepts it all without judgement.
He see's the fire burning within her and beast wanting to be free from it's golden cage. Even covered in the blood of her enemies, he can still see the innocence and kindness in her mismatched eyes. Dabi's a greedy bastard and he wants his princess for himself, he doesn't care if she's married or not.
It's the push and pull, darkness and light, carnal and feral desires, beauty and the beasts, human and inhuman, sanity and insanity; in laws of the underworld, villain don't get happy endings, or do they?
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ms-kio · 3 months
Absolute Filth
Kai Chisaki/Overhaul X Clone Wars! 1261 Words
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(Image is just the outfit, no Eri T-T)
Chisaki Kai wasn’t… stupid. He'd traveled dimensions- Seriously! Could this woman get any more annoying?- He’d spent two years in the shithole that was known as the Coruscant Canopy, making a living off of making people disappear. Apparently, he had gotten popular due to turning murder cases into ‘missing persons’ cases, which never got looked at in the depths, and hardly ever in the canopy. Down in this filth-infested area, he'd mellowed out a bit, no longer having the inclination to so blatantly disobey the Yakuzas moral code.
Chisakis current Yakuza family was named after his old one, the Shie-Hassaikai. However, its members were wildly different. The majority of his Kobun were Twi-Lek women, fierce ladies who were willing to do what needed to be done in order to provide for their families.
Back to the annoying woman. She wouldn’t just shut up! From Chisakis limited knowledge on the types of ‘aliens’ around, the word ‘Zeltron’ was pulled up from his memory banks. There were a few in his new Yakuza family, but not many. They were the ones who projected emotions, right? Well, that sure wasn’t working. Never had, and probably never will. Maybe it was the quirk factor. 
Now, Kai was currently weighing the pros and cons of dividing the Zeltron by the numbers of molecules she had, but Chisaki Kai was currently very well dressed and an invited guest of Ziro the Hutt. He was inclined to mind his manners.
“C’mon, Chisaki. I promise, you’ll enjoy being with me.” Maybe not. Yes, Kai was that much closer to pulling off his gloves.
Kai shifted his eyes to look at her, knowing the striking gold was already sending a very violent message. “Talk to me like that again, and I will find your face on yet another missing persons report.” He threatened, fed up with her antics. Of course, she knew ‘missing persons’ when it came to him meant dead. So, wisely, she stopped talking.
Kai stood, making way to Ziro and taking a seat in a large, plush chair next to the Hutt, up on the raised platform. “I take it that Zeltron was being a little too… friendly for your taste. Hm, Chisaki-san?” The large slimeball questioned as he took a puff of… Whatever the hell that was.
“Indeed.” He drawled, tracing the gold band around the edge of his glove. He’d invested in more… protective outfits, due to the absolute filth that was in the depths, which he frequently visited. Not to mention, his base of operations was down there as well.
A Kobun then entered the establishment, signaling to him. Someone was coming. It was then that an assassin droid found Senator Amidala trying to sneak out. What was she doing here in the first place? Ziro wanted her dead, which would be bad for all parties involved if he killed her. “A moment, Ziro.” He said through his mask, holding up a gloved hand and beckoning his Kobun. All three currently in the room lined up next to him, two to his left and one to his right. Two Twi-lek ladies and one Nautolan man.
All attention was turned to Kai and his masked companions. “If you have the senator killed, you’ll have the whole of the republic senate focused on you and the Hutts, plus Naboo and her allies breathing down your neck. Do you want that?”
Ziro hesitated, providing enough time for a gold protocol droid to lean in the door. “Is anybody home?” Followed by shouting and explosions. Kai’s Kobun were safely beside him as clone troopers quickly and efficiently took over the bar, holding Ziro and the Yakuza members at gunpoint. The Kobun had their hands on their vibro-blades, tense and alert, while the Oyabun himself hadn’t flinched, his legs crossed as he leaned on a gloved hand, propped onto an armrest.
“Chisaki! Do something!” Ziro demanded as he was cornered, turning the attention- yet again- to Kai.
“No.” He said simply. “I have no quarrel with the republic, and I’m here as a guest. Not a bodyguard. The Shie-Hassakai have no obligation towards you.” He turned his head to address his subordinates, facing the Kyodai of the trio. “Stand down. Go report to the Wakagashira, I’ll deal with this.” The trio bowed, the gold bands around their Lekku (For the Two-leks) and arms (for the Nautolan), and lining their masks glinting in the dim light.
“Let them go.” The Senator ordered when the clones moved to intercept. “They weren’t here when I arrived, and delayed Ziro long enough for you to rescue me.” Chisaki nodded towards Amidala, who returned the gesture before turning to Ziro.
Kai tuned out their conversation, considering his options. One, he could use this to make allies with one of the more powerful senators. Two, make allies with Ziro and potentially the entire Hutt clan- “It was Count Dooku! He forced me to kidnap Jabba's son. Please believe me! I swear, I love that huttlet!” Oh? Guess his decision was made for him. Kai didn’t want the Shie-Hissaikai involved in that mess. Zero would be on his own this time. Plus, Kai would never want to deal with a liar. He’d seen the holocall between the Count and Ziro, the hutt wasn’t being coerced. Not at all.
“He’s lying.” Chisaki said once Ziro was out of earshot. “I observed his holocall with the Count, Ziro was being paid.” That certainly got their attention. “Commander Fox, is it? Make sure he’s locked up tight. I have a feeling our dear senator may have made an enemy.” The clone nodded, obviously not used to being addressed directly by civilians before barking a few orders to his junior clones.
“If I may ask, Mr. Chisaki. Where do you stand in all this?” Amidala spoke up. A fair question, in all honesty. A smart one to ask, too.
“Just an acquaintance. Ziro has hired me for jobs multiple times before, and invited me as a guest.” Kai answered truthfully, uncrossing his legs and resting his forearms on his knees. From the grim understanding on the senator's face, she knew exactly what kinds of ‘jobs’ he did.
“I see.” She said, not noticing that the clone commander behind her was that much closer to grabbing his blaster. Seems he understood too, and understood how high-profile a target the senator was.
“Commander.” He sighed letting his eyes fall closed for a moment. “If I wanted senator Amidala dead, she would be.” The mentioned woman clearly didn’t know whether to take that as a threat or reassurance, while her guard didn’t hide the fact that he heard it as a threat.
The senator's posture straightened, eyes sharpening on his figure. “If you intend to threaten me, Chisaki, You’ll find it’ll take more than mere words.”
Chisaki sighed, standing. “Unless someone convinces me to take one of the numerous jobs that include your death, Senator Amidala, the Shie-Hassaikai will not bother you.” He stated firmly. “I have no intention of letting my family get tied up in the business of war and senators.” There was a moment where the room’s breath was held, Fox’s hand resting tensely on his blaster. “I can assure you of that. However, if the republic decides to go after my family, I am not afraid of getting my hands dirty.” Chisaki said, standing up and taking a couple paces towards Amidala. “You have my word.”
With that, Chisaki brushed past the rest of the clones, exiting the establishment and boarding the hovercar that had been waiting for him.
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angie-starz · 4 months
L.O.V+E by MalaMari on Ao3
The fic is great and they are feeding my little SH loving heart, so have some sketches of the last few chapters
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Chrono, reading fanfiction: “oh how was your day?” “Oh super good, how was yours?”
Chrono: I have no time for pleasantries! Show me your weineerrrr!!
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number1villainstan · 6 months
Read on Dreamwidth
March 2024 Monthly Short Piece! Technically published April 1, half an hour after midnight, but :') It's another RGU piece, this time from Saionji's POV, set post-canon as he moves in with Wakaba for financial reasons and they try to settle in to routines that won't end up with Saionji getting a sword pulled from his chest.
The thing is, Kyouichi has finally and permanently uprooted himself from Ohtori’s poisonous ground, but even as he feels himself growing into something new he’s desperate for familiar soil. The thing is, Wakaba needs a roommate to help pay rent and ease the loneliness, someone who will believe her when she lets something slip about the insanity of her previous school. The thing is, on paper, this new arrangement is perfect for them both. The thing is, in practice it might not be so perfect.
Relationship Tags: Saionji Kyouichi/Shinohara Wakaba, Saionji Kyouichi & Shinohara Wakaba
Character Tags: Saionji Kyouichi, Shinohara Wakaba, Mentioned Kurono Hari, Mentioned Setsuno Touya
Additional Tags: Moving In, Financial Issues, Post-Canon, Developing Relationship, Pre-Relationship, that one metaphor from Fahrenheit 451 about how flowers can't grown on other flowers, that flowers and fireworks both need good soil and a solid foundation to grow, although i guess i didn't develop that metaphor as well as i'd have liked
Word Count: 2,709, how the fuck, i wrote most of this *today*-- (well technically yesterday, but still--)
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concussed-to-pieces · 2 years
The Chance And The Change; Part Nine
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Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Pairing: Reformed Villain!Mirio/AFAB Reformed Shie Hassaikai!Reader/Tamaki Amajiki
Rating: Holy shit M.
A/N: Welcome all, welcome to our last installment. I gotta' say, I am never writing in these little nub style chunks AGAIN. Enjoy!
Tag List:   @hijackser @nonstop-haikyuu @zombiexbody @buttons-beads-lace @moonchhu @swift-omg-no @ectoplasmictoast @tartimaar-bloggeth @plaguedoctorsnake
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains depictions of emotional duress. Stay safe!]
It had been over a month since the incident with Toga, after which Sir Nighteye advised that you, Mirio and Tamaki should stay in a secure location while the League's intentions were under investigation. 
"They knew Tamaki was unfamiliar with you, which means that they've been hunting for a way into that apartment for quite a while." The Pro Hero had said, giving Mirio a stern look. Mirio had quailed beneath his mentor's stare and that was the end of the conversation; the three of you all packed up and escorted to a safe house within three hours of the prior discussion.
Oh certainly, the safe house wasn't bad. A little more lavish than you were used to, what with the in-home gym setup and the food delivery schedule. What was going to do you in was the boredom; despite your employer's reluctant allowance permitting you to work from home, you were quick to run out of daily tasks. 
At least you weren't the only one suffering from cabin fever. Both Mirio and Tamaki's injuries had healed up seamlessly over the weeks and the two of them were becoming more and more restless with every passing day. 
"I hate just sitting around like this." Mirio finally complained one bright morning. "It's almost Christmas, we should be out there shopping and keeping people safe!"
"Nothing in between?" You asked wryly, sorting through the muted shades of cardstock that you had discovered in a closet. "Which two colors do you want?"
"Oo, red and blue!" Mirio exclaimed, deflating slightly when the only option was a faint cranberry and a blue so light it was nearly white. Tamaki, still slowly working through his morning coffee, silently accepted the faded gold and lavender sheets that Mirio scooted over to him.
Brandishing a pair of scissors, you announced, "we are making decorations today. We only have two pairs of scissors, though. And one roll of tape. So behave yourselves."
Tamaki perked up almost immediately, snagging the second pair of scissors before Mirio could make a move for them. "Paper chain." He mumbled.
"Good call. I'll fold us some stars!" Mirio then grinned at you across the table, holding out his hand. "Can I borrow those scissors, Sunshine?"
"Mirio wants to keep people safe," Tamaki said softly later that afternoon, his fingers absently stroking through the sleeping Mirio's hair. You could hardly complain though, as his other hand was busy giving your own scalp a massage. 
"I've noticed." You murmured in reply. Poor Mirio would often crash late in the afternoon, his body too used to a schedule that started before sunrise, which allowed you and Tamaki to become accustomed to the quieter evenings. A holiday film played on your work laptop, providing some gentle background noise to punctuate Tamaki's extended pauses. You had come to mind them less and less, knowing that he was always thinking. 
"Even in middle school…always. Was a shock to everyone when he didn't graduate, but I guess that's got something to do with what…happened. Back then." Tamaki had a far-away look in his eyes when you gave him a curious glance.
"'Back then'?" 
"Something happened towards the end of senior year. Not sure what. He stopped coming to school one day and that was it." Tamaki sighed heavily. "He won't talk about it."
You chewed on your lip, thinking back. You had always been so hellbent on keeping people at arm's length during your time in the Hassaikai, you had never taken an opportunity to really get to know Mirio. And now, it almost felt like it was…too late, in a weird way.
Just then Mirio groaned, the sleeping man stretching and shifting his weight. Tamaki grimaced, trying to adjust. "He's like a pitbull," he complained in an undertone. "His head is so heavy."
You weren't buying it though, teasing, "a burden you're more than happy to bear, I'm sure." Tamaki flushed, glaring at the wall instead of looking at you.
After what had occurred with the League Of Villains, you had easily picked up on more and more instances of Mirio and Tamaki dancing around one another. A look here, a soft smile there…it would have been cute if it wasn't so damn sad. And sure, you were a teeny tiny bit jealous of Tamaki, but not nearly enough to attempt to insert yourself or disrupt their…non-relationship? Situationship. The teasing you did do was lighthearted enough to be easily dismissed; you didn't want them thinking you were some stiff who didn't approve!
Tamaki's hand was abruptly resting on your own, the young man giving it a gentle squeeze. When you glanced up again, he was actually looking at you, in a way that seemed…thoughtful? Like he was mulling over a problem mentally, trying to suss out a solution. 
"What's up?" You whispered. 
Tamaki just shook his head, returning his attention to that incredibly interesting section of wall.
It was greedy. 
What he wanted could only be labeled as such in the chiefest sense. Two partners, two individuals, when anyone should be more than content with one! There was no logical way that--he couldn't even ask Tamaki when he had been younger and now you too?! What was wrong with him? Everything in his body was confused, jumbled, screaming about what he didn't deserve and shouldn't have but could have and wanted wanted wanted, wanted so much that it ached. 
Togata Mirio was a man of great internal conflict, constantly warring with himself over (what he would label) ridiculous thoughts. The audacity of even being able to rationalize two potential partners had him in absolute torment. Wasn't that cheating? Wasn't it doomed from the start? If he was attracted to two people he must actually not want either, right? But…
But what if he could love both of you?
What if, what if, he could somehow manage to ask both of you to stay with him. Let me protect you, let me help you. 
It was in his nature to want to protect. He had shoved the desire down during his time with the Hassaikai, knowing it would do him no good in those less than stellar ranks. Nighteye had seen fit to foster the protective traits in him though, encouraging Mirio to always consider the fallout from his actions.
What if someone is injured from your carelessness, Mirio? One wrong move, and innocent people die.
Protective actions had consequences, just the same as those morally-gray endeavors he had carried out while with Chisaki. The fallout from this particular foray, while maybe not physically devastating, would absolutely destroy him mentally. 
But the thinking was driving him insane! What if, taunting him as he watched you laugh at whatever Tamaki was showing you on his phone, as Tamaki then turned to show him the same funny clip. Instead of looking at the screen though, Mirio was captivated by the small grin on Tamaki's face. 
Always with this, always zoning out while Tamaki was trying to talk to him or while you were working on your daily assignments and frowning cutely at your computer. It was extremely exasperating and Mirio found himself holing up in the gym more and more. Once Tamaki got his late morning routines out of the way the space was free and clear, so it was here that the blond man ended up spending the majority of his waking hours.
This, however, led to him being absolutely exhausted by the time four thirty rolled around, which was how he had ended up in this predicament: Tamaki's fingers carding carefully through his ungelled hair, your hands wrapped around his scarred forearm while you and Tamaki carried on a whispered conversation over his head.
It was terrifyingly gentle, comforting even. But all Mirio could think of was that it would all come crashing down soon enough.
"Okay so I need your help." All in a rush, because you needed to get the words out before you lost your nerve. 
Tamaki blinked at you over his mug.
"You don't have to say anything, just listen." You bargained, which garnered you a ponderous nod. "And you can totally ignore this, so don't feel bad." 
"Concerning." Tamaki pointed out.
"I know, man, believe me." You sucked in another breath, your nerve about ready to abandon you. "I like you and Mirio. I like being around you and Mirio. I'm happy with this arrangement. B-But I…I feel like I might be getting in the way of your uh. Whatever it is that you guys have."
"We don't-"
"Tamaki please, I'm dumb, not blind. You guys…look, the both of you have great chemistry and it would be a shame for you to not at least try, right?"
A heavy silence settled into the space between the two of you. When Tamaki finally spoke up, his voice was somehow less confident than usual.
"I-I don't know if Mirio…I don't know if he likes guys." He admitted softly, his eyes on the table.
"He may not like guys, but he sure as hell likes you."
"No." Tamaki shook his head, a wistful little smile softening his pensive face. "He likes you. I've seen him look at you, the way he laughs, the way he-"
You interrupted, "The way he lights up when you're around? The way he falls asleep on your lap, the way he makes your coffee and the way he…" Tamaki was blatantly staring at you, and as you stared back at him, things slid together in your mind. "Oh. Shit." 
"Oh, shit." Tamaki breathed.
The two of you had been avoiding him for three days now. It was Christmas Eve and Mirio was sitting on the weight bench in the gym, fidgeting anxiously. Nothing that he could do seemed to be able to help him shake the feeling of foreboding that hung over him like a dark cloud. All the energy he had spent just left him with lactic acid buildup and more questions than answers. 
Treadmill, he decided, getting to his feet. 
The treadmill was nice and repetitive. If that didn't shut off his brain, nothing would. Just the treadmill, the miles slowly ticking away, not thinking about you or Tamaki or you and Tamaki or–
With a frustrated growl Mirio flipped the switch and stepped back off the machine. Nothing is working, he realized, the frisson of fear that ran down his spine thoroughly unwelcome. Nothing. 
Maybe he could just casually broach the subject? Granted, the idea made his stomach clench with anxiety but if that was his only alternative to this silent torment, he might take his chances.
What if you and Tamaki had decided you wanted to become…more? He had seen the way Tamaki looked at you, the way his piercing eyes softened when he thought no one was watching. Mirio wasn't jealous, not exactly anyhow. If he had to actually label it, he would say what he was feeling was sadness. Regret, even. But if you and Tamaki were happy with each other, that's what was important.
Mirio shook his head at himself, heading to his room to shower. 
"Okay so, where do you want your bow?" You asked Tamaki, gesturing high and then low. "Do you want to be sweet and put it on your head, or do you want him to know you'd like to be railed so you put it on your-"
"Why would you say that?!" Tamaki sputtered, hiding his red face in his hands. You certainly were confident! He on the other hand was a massive ball of nerves. He wasn't sure if this plan of yours would work and the waiting was driving him insane. 
"Listen you can be shy but you still get to voice your needs and wants here." You reasoned pragmatically, sticking a large bow to the top of his head. "We don't know how he'll react, of course, and this may not be the best course of action, but we might as well rip this bandaid off."
"W-We've been thinking for days now and this is all we could come up with. If we think longer, it'll just never happen." And what an awful thought that was, never knowing for sure. That would almost certainly feel far worse than the momentary embarrassment Tamaki was enduring while you fussed over him.
"I also want you to know," you murmured as you straightened his collar, "that even if it is just you that he wants, I'll still like you."
"Of course! You're kind and sweet, and you take good care of Mirio. He couldn't ask for a better partner, trust me."
His face was going to catch fire. All Tamaki could do was mumble a thank you and try to maintain some semblance of composure. "When should we…?"
"He's in the shower now, so we'll surprise him once he gets out." You smiled up at Tamaki as he carefully placed your bow on the top of your head. "Everything is going to be okay."
Mirio stared at himself in the steam-fogged mirror, his visage warped and unfamiliar. It's fine, he told himself sternly. Totally fine.
Maybe you and Tamaki were…
Mirio crushed that thought before it could fully form, shoving away the mental image of Tamaki arching over you, you gifting him with a soft moan, fingernails raking down his back--stop, idiot, stop it. You're just going to hurt your own feelings.
He needed to shake this off. It was probably just a combination of cabin fever and trauma bonding. That's it.
Mirio wrenched open the bathroom door, his mood thoroughly ruined by his runaway imagination. However, everything came to a grinding halt once he entered his bedroom.
Why were you and Tamaki on his bed? Why were you and Tamaki on his bed?! Mirio blinked at the sight in front of him, baffled and wary. 
After a few seconds of awkward staring, you gave Tamaki a gentle nudge with your elbow. "Go ahead, Tama."
Tamaki jumped a little, stammering nonsense before he seemed to get a hold of himself. "I-I-I…h-hi Mirio. Um, happy h-holidays." He managed to squeak out, staring at the floor. His fingers worried the hem of his loose sweater, over and under the fabric again and again. 
"Happy…holidays." Mirio replied slowly, shooting you a quizzical glance. You, it seemed, were focused on a fascinating bit of carpet. "What's going on, guys? You're both acting kind of strange." He asked bluntly, noting the way Tamaki winced at the question.
"Do you like me?" The black-haired man suddenly blurted out, slapping a hand over his mouth immediately after. Mirio was stunned silent, just staring at his violently-flushing roommate. "W-Well?" Tamaki mumbled around his hand.
"I…well yeah, of course!" Mirio did his best to try for his usual cheery affect, but judging from your reaction clearly neither you nor Tamaki were having any of it. "Of course, Tama." Mirio repeated, a bit softer this time. 
"Do you like me?" You asked it this time, and Togata couldn't miss the way your fingers entwined with Tamaki's. 
"Sunshine, we went through hell together." Not that you needed reminding! "Yes, I like you."
"He likes both of us, Tamaki." You sounded…relieved? Happy? Excited? Tamaki for his part looked more elated than Mirio had ever seen, almost tripping over himself as he got up. 
"S-So you-!" The black-haired man began, grabbing Mirio's hands. 
"I…?" Mirio prompted while Tamaki just stood there, shuffling back and forth in place. "I what?"
"Like me. L-Like…us." Tamaki explained haltingly. "We like you too."
"Guys, I don't know if I get whatever is going on here." Mirio murmured, his heart starting to pound in his chest. There's no way. 
"We're your presents!" You chirped from his side, and that was when he noticed the bows clinging to your and Tamaki's heads. "If you want us, that is."
If you want us. 
Holy shit it's happening.
"I…I do." Mirio whispered. "I…really? Both of you…and me?"
Tamaki was the one who said it this time, "if you'll have us," his hands trembling in Mirio's grip. 
Mirio wrapped his friend, roommate, something more in a hug, feeling the heavy sigh Tamaki released against his chest. After a moment, Tamaki ushered you into the embrace. The three of you just held each other silently, then Mirio bumped his forehead into your own. 
"If you'll both have me, I think I'd like that." He paused, feeling the mischievous smirk blooming on his face. "I know it's not Christmas yet, but do you guys mind if I…" He plucked the bow off of Tamaki's head. "...unwrap my presents a little early?"
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heroes-in-the-dark · 2 years
Well here's hoping for a chapter where Tokoyami manages to find Toga somehow in the city as well, cause it'd be interesting to see how They'll react upon seeing each other again.
This will certainly feel like an open world, Heck even Arkham City Vibes for the next couple chapters, and if you're reintroducing the Yakuza again that'll be awesome cause I kind of canonically miss the Shie Hassaikai group and would be cool to know what's become of them after Overhaul...well you know. especially someone like Chrono could attempt to rebuild the Yakuza in his former Boss aka Chisaki's place even though tey don't have the quirk bullets anymore.
See, this is what I really like about this new arc of HitD: it's not only the most freedom Tokoyami has had in a long time, but also in a way the most freedom I as the writer has gotten in some time. Anything can happen at this point, and we've introduced so many characters by now, any one of which can show up.
Tokoyami's going to be finding a lot of familiar faces during his city excursions (and even some new ones!). I have every intention of reuniting him with the League. But when that will happen, and how it'll go down, will remain to be seen. It probably won't be the kind of heartfelt reunion that some people might hope for.
In any case, more villains are on their way—you won't have to wait long for that! I always did enjoy writing for the Shie Hassaikai, so I'm looking forward to more of that as well! I won't be able to revisit everyone we've seen in the past, but while planning for this arc I realized that it's... actually rather long! Especially with how long my chapters get these days. The contents of this arc will definitely cover a lot more before going into the final war arc.
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aspenforest732 · 8 months
Bello Licentiae Chapter 16: Magnum's Grand Opus
tw: cops, guns, gang involvement, child abuse mentions And so the Shie Hassaiki raid begins. Check out the spider's lil adventure in Memoirs Mori Chapter 3 :) Originally this was combined with the next chapter, but then I saw it was over 7K words. Next chapter is still about 4K but would be hard to break up more. 'text' JSL Text thoughts
Patrol was quiet that evening, mostly keeping up appearances of nothing changing while checking in with contacts. Tuesday night after patrol, Akira and Kirishima trudged back into the dorms after parting ways with Amajiki. Akira cocked their head in surprise to see Koji on the couch instead of an insomniac and motioned for Kirishima to go on.
' How are you holding up? ' Akira asked gently as they settled on the couch next to him.
Koji glanced up, only seeming to notice them as they started signing. He shrugged as confusion tugged down at his lips. Koji looked around and waited for Kirishima to go up in the elevator before signing, ' Did you know the League was getting involved? '
Akira started to reply but felt their phone vibrate and snorted at the picture of a little spider nestled against Dabi's arm in his sleeve. Returning their attention to Koji, who was now openly confused, they nodded. ' They became aware of Eri's situation and decided teaming up with a couple heroes would be worth getting her out. It's only a temporary alliance, but they can sympathize with her pain almost as much as I can. '
' Why did they kidnap you and Murder God then? ' Koji asked gently but firmly.
'They thought they were saving us from people who didn't understand,' Akira clarified, 'giving us an opportunity to be free from the constraints and oppression of current hero society. Most villains aren't monsters, they're people who were beat down by society and decided to revolt instead of try reform again. We're not the first generation to think we can change society from the inside, and we won't be the last. Most burn out or die too quickly to make a difference, so villainy and vigilantism are statistically better for making a difference.'
Koji peered at them with a questioning gaze for a moment before his expression softened. ' You were at that point, weren't you? '
Akira chuckled dryly, ' I still haven't technically walked away from that line. Wildfire will reach out to someone when your buddy is ready for pickup. If you need to leave at some point to translate, I'll cover for you with Mad Banquet. '
Sure enough, the next morning Koji wasn't in class, and a message in the Mad Banquet group chat simply said work study came up. Akira reassured the others that he'd be fine and confirmed Aizawa was aware. Not even an hour into first period, everyone on the mission checked their phone to find the raid briefing scheduled for the next morning at five.
Akira made a new group chat with their teammates for the espionage exercise and added double-end encryption and identity verification as recommended in the pamphlet.
Mortis : everyone should turn on blackout screen
it keeps people from reading over your shoulder
Can't Stop Twinkling : done, mon ami
Tailman : done
Siren : already had it, but good idea
Mortis : has everyone reviewed the exercises?
Tailman : how are we supposed to tail him when he has an
intel quirk?
Siren : Mortis and I can move almost silently, although they're
better at it. Twinkling can be damn sneaky when he wants to be
You're probably the most exposed
Mortis : I agree. Also, the classification is Thinker/Changer
We can use other teams to disguise our movements
but Tailman is going to be the most difficult to hide
Tailman : There's a stationary position, right? I could try that
Can't Stop Twinkling : that would be best, I think
' How are your teams going? ' Akira asked as they set their phone on the grass next to them. ' I do feel a little bad for teams and solos where one or more are on work study at a time. '
"We're not sure what to do right now," Shoto admitted reluctantly. "It will be hard to do any of the maneuvers with Jiro as our target."
Hitoshi and Akira winced sympathetically. "Might not want to say the name of your target when they have a Thinker quirk," Hitoshi warned in a low voice.
Fumikage looked up from his lunch with a curious glint in his eye. "Perhaps the dark ones will work together. They might be more inclined if they hear us doing so."
Akira hid a chuckle in their next mouthful as Dark Shadow mimed the words behind Fumikage. He scowled and looked back at the shadow bird, who just warble laughed.
' Dark Shadow, what's got your spirits up today? ' Akira let a smile slip onto their face.
"I'm sharing the sky!" Dark Shadow buzzed, vibrating in excitement. "One day, little Fumi and I will take you flying! And then you can see what I've been showing him!"
Fumikage's feathers fluffed at his companion's eagerness, but he nodded more reservedly. "We would be honored to take you flying once we have the stamina for it."
As the rest of Mad Banquet continued chatting, Akira started tracking a shrike that didn't quite seem to have a normal flight pattern. Squinting against the harsh sunlight, they could just make out something attached to its ankle and... Clever , they smirked and waited till it was facing away before turning to the group again, Fumikage watching them curiously. ' Does anyone know who has Animal Whisper as a target? '
The others shook their heads, but Fumikage's gaze immediately darted upwards. He smirked slightly as he saw the shrike and shook his head as well. "Clever move, using animals in his absence."
Akira nodded and quickly signed ' warp ' before starting to follow the bird under the cover of invisibility. There weren't any rules against helping the other teams, although with how competitive their classmates were, Akira wouldn't be surprised if most of the others didn't think about it.
They followed the shrike for a few minutes before it dove to catch a worm, and the note around its ankle was gone. Curiosity piqued, Akira crept closer to the small garden set into one of the half walls and caught a glimpse of a paper and harshly severed twine under a bush. They quickly snapped a picture with their flash off and made their way back to Mad Banquet.
Better for them to think the hiding spot isn't compromised than to intercept an early piece of information, Akira reasoned. Taking a 50/50 shot, they texted Katsuki asking if he wanted intel and what he'd be willing to trade for it. Akira made it back just as the first bell rang and had their clone stand up so they could easily walk into its place. They still warped again and had their new clone mostly fluidly walk with the group while they watched the trees. After a few minutes, no one emerged, so they padded back, glad their muscle memory was mostly accurate as they saw their clone sitting at their desk.
Easily replacing the clone, Akira noticed Shoji's backward-facing eye twitch at the slight visual disturbance. They just continued as if they were there the whole time, not even acknowledging the watchful eye as the class settled in for Ethics with Aizawa. Akira did catch a few more spiders than usual in the room, most of them sitting in webs but a couple clung to the underside of desks. They weren't as concerned with being identified as someone for the solos to monitor since they should be monitored regardless because of their quirk.
Akira fought to restrain an amused smirk at the pieces of paper floating close to the ground that almost seemed magnetized to Aizawa. At least we're not going up against 1-B directly . Aizawa followed their gaze briefly but continued his lesson, slipping the papers underfoot with practiced ease. As they headed to their cases for Heroics, Akira warped, tucking back into their chair and checking the desks for taped objects and loose papers. Under Ida's, they did feel a slip of paper so ducked underneath to check, opening it just enough to catch a time and place. Quickly taking a picture, they sent it to their group chat and slipped out the back door. They sprinted as fast as they dared while moving quietly to catch up before the locker rooms, just barely slipping into place before their time was up.
There's gotta be a way to time it warping . Their time limit plateaued at ten minutes once they could maintain their weight. The only extension they could maybe see was through clones warping, but even that was limited.
They went over basic tailing strategies and the rule of three with Aizawa taking point and All Might supporting for obvious reasons. Most of the period was quirkless training to build up their skills, but they were allowed for the last fifteen minutes. As they cooled down, Katsuki stormed up and practically slapped a note in their free hand. Akira raised an eyebrow slightly but continued, tucking it into their wrist knife sheath until they were confident there wouldn't be eyes around.
Akira slipped into the bathroom before weapons training to check the note, smirking slightly at the offer of sharing information freely between the two teams. They flushed the note and brushed against Katsuki's right arm as they passed to get to Mad Banquet in acceptance. Akira tried to keep a closer eye on Snipe to see if he was one of the teacher contacts, but they had to devote most of their focus to firing their gun. Even the small caliber one they were trying out had an odd feel to it, and the recoil was not helpful for their arthritis. Still, it was important to have options and know how to safely handle a variety of weapons in case of emergencies.
Once the class got back to the dorms, Akira sent Katsuki the picture of Koji's message and created a group chat for the two teams.
reaper named group chat Jisquad
reaper : [message.jpeg]
Watched a shrike deliberately drop this off
broccoli : Isn't this cheating?
mudergod : it's not against the rules, nerd
reaper : agencies often work together
should be fine
pinkqueen : so Thinker quirks. Crazy how they all ended up on the
villains side.
blank : yeah, the odds were not in our favor this round
sero : duuude was that a Hunger Games reference?
blank : ...what?
reaper : Katniss Everdeen? Revolution against a government
that forces children to fight to the death until one is left?
blank : I thought Katniss was a superhero archer?
pinkqueen : it's a nickname that's a reference to the series
just... *sigh*
anyways... are we gonna talk about how ████ is controlling
birds from a distance now??
Wait why did that get censored?
reaper : sparkles set it so all target names are auto-redacted in our chats
that way if they get access, there's nothing directly tying us to a specific one
The next morning, everyone on the Hassaiki case was up early, nursing coffee and smoothies while they anxiously waited for Aizawa. The underground hero would be driving them to the Nighteye agency in a van to avoid the scrutiny of early morning commuters and potential yakuza contacts. The mood was somber with a small spark of hope hanging in the air as they made the two-hour drive. Akira pulled out their phone as it vibrated and smiled slightly at the news the League had a potential lead on the Doctor's whereabouts. Dabi and Twice would still be at the compound, but Kurogiri would no longer be their primary exit.
The briefing was about what they were expecting, a frontal assault with whoever could push through doing so with a priority on getting to Eri before Overhaul could get her out. They had a good idea of the tunnels leading out of the base from small critters Anima was able to sneak in, so police by the outlets would also be ready to engage if necessary.
Thanks to a yakuza member buying a toy for Eri, they were also aware of the sequence needed to open the passage to the underground tunnels. To Mortis' surprise, Deku nervously stood up to present his analysis of the Overhaul and the Eight Bullets with an encouraging nod from Eraser. The breakdown of possible trigger enhancements and weaknesses startled a number of the pros, to which Mortis had to keep themself from looking smug.
' If I may, ' Mortis interjected as Deku started to sit. Sir Nighteye motioned for them to continue. ' Based on scar and quirk use analysis, he is either on the cusp of or currently capable of merging two entities. From his mysophobia, we have low confidence he will do so to himself unless he is truly desperate. If he gets to that point, keep him away from physical contact with people when at all possible. '
"Why haven't we heard of someone like that before?" Rock Lock recoiled.
' This type of quirk is exceptionally rare in the first place and getting to that level of mastery takes many years. He's already demonstrated extraordinary talent, but his age is why I hesitate to say he is currently capable of it, ' Mortis explained.
After sorting out a couple more logistics, the heroes and police made their way to the exit. Trophaeum sidled up to Mortis, who raised a brow at the proximity. "It's been a while, Mortis. How are you?" she asked with forced cheer.
Mortis slightly shook their head at Eraser and Fat Gum as they started to make their way back over. ' I'm fine. Ready to free this kid, ' they signed carefully. ' And you? '
"I'll be glad when this is over," Trophaeum plastered a fake smile on her face.
Mortis side eyed her for a moment, taking in the lingering confusion and hint of a bruise peeking out of her costume underneath her hair. ' See you on the other side, ' they settled on before making their way back to Fat Gum. It burned that the best thing they could do for her right now was stay away.
As a couple detectives handed out lists of Shie Hassaiki members and quirks for easy reference, Red Riot turned to Suneater. "Things are moving fast now, huh?" he grinned.
"You're energetic for how early this is..." Suneater grimaced while making final checks on his costume.
"All the pros are so calm... Is it 'cause they're all used to this?" Red Riot widely gestured, but Mortis picked up on the fidgeting and beads of sweat.
Mortis briefly placed a grounding hand on his arm as Deku wondered where Gran Torino was. Sir Nighteye and one of the detectives filled him in on the League moving, and Mortis subtly looked to Eraser. After a moment, he met their gaze and glanced over to Sir Nighteye. He inclined his head slightly, knowing what they were talking about.
"Maybe we can catch the Shie Hassaiki and League of Villains all at once!" Red Riot perked up with Deku.
Everyone finally gathered at the compound gates, Fat Gum handed a swordfish treat to Suneater and double-checked Mortis had enough in their pouches and pockets. Mortis ducked their head as a small smile slipped onto their face at his worrying.
Just as one of the detectives pressed the buzzer, Katsukame burst through the front gates. Three capture weapons shot out, pulling police out of the way as Mortis warped out of the hulking figure's path. Katsukame flexed to throw a punch, but Ryukyu shifted into her dragon form in time for only air pressure to blow past. "Ryukyu Agency will take care of him," she called out with a death grip on the man's back. "The rest of you go now, while you have the chance!"
Mortis jumped down inside the compound as three members closed in on the entrance. "Hey, what's a kid doing here?"
Ruin Blaster using environment . Mortis darted forward, warping next to the Blaster as he sent out the leaves and throwing him to the ground with their capture weapon before dancing back. The front runners surged to meet them, Mr. Brave and Kesagiriman stopping to restrain the three while the rest continued. As they reached the threshold of the steps, a mass of people burst into the courtyard from the smaller buildings, filling the area and keeping many of the heroes back. Mortis warped to just inside the main door, clone quickly dispelled by a stray elbow and fell back in line with Fat Gum and Sir Nighteye pushing through. Rock Lock, Eraser, and a few police made it through as well.
"They haven't done anything suspicious yet!" Fat Gum glared over his shoulder as they ran.
"I'm getting kind of worried, man," Rock Lock admitted, "We have no choice but to keep going now that we've started, though."
"They're probably underground getting ready to hide or flee right now," Eraser grunted.
Sir Nighteye stopped on a dime by a fluid flower arrangement, moving the vase and pressing a few boards as he muttered about his foresight. The hidden door open, Bubble Girl and Centipeder quickly engaged the goons, buying the rest time.
Quickly hitting a dead end, the rest of the heroes stopped a couple meters short as Mortis charged up to it with Le Million. Mortis went to knock on the concrete out of habit but felt a slight pull from the other side.
"It's just been blocked off by a wall," Le Million called out as Mortis looked curiously at it. "But it's a pretty thick wall."
Mortis snapped back to the situation and clarified, ' About two meters. This could be Overhaul or Mimic's potential response to trigger like Deku mentioned. ' The seams would be in the surrounding metal, so there were no obvious signs of Overhaul.
"It's like he's telling us he'll be in trouble if we go this way," Deku muttered before snapping his head up. "If this is Mimic, he might still be controlling the area. Everyone be careful!"
Red Riot and Deku easily broke through the wall as Mortis and Le Million swiftly moved to the side. As the group charged down the hallway, the surrounding metal groaned and warped. Shit, that's definitely Mimic . Eraser clarified his ineffectiveness without seeing a body, and Mortis glanced to Suneater worriedly as he started to mutter self-deprecatingly.
"Tamaki!" Mirio placed a firm hand on his shoulder as Mortis started to stumble towards the teen. "That's not going to happen. You're the Suneater! Besides, this is just the stopgap. No matter how much they try to warp the path, so long as we know the direction of our goal, I can get there!"
Steeling their resolve, Mortis surged forward with Le Million and said through their earpiece, "I can keep up. Better with two." The rolling hallway wasn't dissimilar to the nausea they felt when they warped while in motion, so the small adjustments to stay upright weren't entirely new to them. Mortis swallowed their uncertainty and forced themself to follow their gut as they listened to the pull on the other side of the next wall, warping the full three meters just in case as Le Million looked to them in surprise.
With a thumbs up, the pair pushed on despite the worried calls. "Mortis, be care-" Fat Gum's voice cut out as they passed through another wall, but Mortis felt their confidence surge at the warning.
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thatvixenchick · 1 year
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Chapters: 25/35 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Rody Soul, Midoriya Izuku & Noumu Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Noumu (My Hero Academia), Shie Hassaikai | Eight Precepts of Death, Tookage Rapt, Shinsou Hitoshi, Rody Soul, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Family (My Hero Academia), Eri (My Hero Academia), Tsubasa (My Hero Academia), Hedoro Viran Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Villain Midoriya Izuku, accidental villain midoriya izuku, adopting nōmu like stray cats, Future Fic, Past Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Mentions of sex work, Toogata Mirio Has One for All Quirk, Yakuza, grey morality, Overhaul is still a dangerous sociopath, Bakugō is Intelligent, Bakugou Katsuki Has a Heart, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Gay Character, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Anime Spoilers Summary:
Izuku has always wanted to be a hero, and if someone asked, he’d still say that’s his dream. People don’t ask, though. They just call him a villain.
Or, the fic where Deku accidentally adopts a bunch of nōmu he can’t control, is forced to become a leader in the Shie Hassaikai, and ultimately makes it his goal to challenge the validity of the “hero” and “villain” labels.
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cherry-queens-blog · 4 months
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Overhaul x Reader
Summary- You were brought in by Chrono who had witnessed your quirk and knew you would be useful to the shie hassaikai gang. After bringing you in, you are questioned by the big man himself Kai chisaki. After months he takes quite the liking to you and wants you to fully be his and is ready to claim you. Content- Overhaul x reader, shower sex, nsfw, telekinesis quirk, blood spill, violence, consensual sex, killing.
Note- It took me a bit to come up with a start of this and I think reader having a strong quirk that would be of use to overhaul was a good idea in order for reader to join the gang members. I hope you all enjoy the story!. I have a few other stories coming soon involving Dabi or shigaraki, and All Might. This took me a good 7 hours to type out. it was a one shot fic.
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It was starting to get a bit late in the day around 8:34, the sun no longer visible in the sky as Chrono and mimic stepped outside having a chat about the things that had happened today only to have their chat cut short by some noise coming from the alleyway that was next to the shie hassaikai building they had came out of. Chrono and Mimic looked towards each other before looking towards the dark alley wondering if someone was was looking for a way in or something else. They begin to walk over to check it out, Chrono keeping his hand on his gun just in case until his and Mimics eyes land on the scene before them. Through the dimly lit alley they spot a young woman who had her arm extended with a man pressed against a wall by some invisible force holding him firmly against the hard brick wall when she closes her hand into a fist and the man began to yell. "AHHH wait WAIT!" Chrono and Mimic watches as the man yells out, and when she turns her hand and opens it the mans head bursts into pieces, blood splattering all over the wall and getting on the girl. Chrono and Mimics eyes widen a bit at what they just witnessed and honestly thought that, that was rather impressive and would be useful for yakuza. Mimic looks at Chrono who looks back at him. Mimic: are you thinking what I'm thinking? Chrono: she would be a good ally for the yakuza...
Overhaul was sitting in his office going through some papers when he hears a knock on his door, looking up to see Chrono and Mimic walking in with some girl who had some blood painting her which made him feel agitated a bit, A look of disgust forming on his face as he sees the filth on your body.
Chrono: Hey boss I brought someone who might be of interest to you
Chrono says allowing you to step forward. Overhaul glared a bit but he was curious to know why you were here. What was it that Chrono had brought you here for? What was so interesting about you?. Mimic goes over and sits on the arm rest by Kai ready to see how things will play out and if you would agree to join and work under their boss.
“And what about her should be of interest to me?”
Kai asked, raising a curious eyebrow.
"her quirk... it's like a telekinesis quirk.." Chrono responded as Kai's interest was now peaked. He set his pen down on the table. He was definitely interested in people that held useful quirks, and this one wasn’t half bad. He stood up, staring over you with an intense gaze.
"A telekinesis quirk hm?"
He questioned a bit now wanting to see it for himself. "Show me then, I would like to see this" He stated and without much hesitation you raised your hand up quickly and Chrono had flew back hitting the wall pretty hard knocking the breath out of him. Kai’s eyes widened at the demonstration and He definitely found that interesting. Useful, even. He nodded, agreeing with Chrono that you would be of use to their plans.
“Indeed. I could see her being extremely helpful.”
He said while returning his gaze back to you with a slight smirk appearing on his face. "What's your name girl?"
"it's Y/N" You respond. answering his question as he took a few steps up to you but not getting to close and keeping a rather appropriate distance since you are filthy and if anything he hates anything dirty. He eventually stopped looking you over.
“I am Kai Chisaki, you can call me Overhaul. I run this business here. And I must say, your quirk is indeed interesting.”
He said, the grin staying on his expression under his mask. Chrono stands up and dusts himself off and looks at overhaul.
"What do you plan to do with her boss?"
He asks Kai who glanced at him with an amused expression.
“I want to take her in. She’s going to be an useful addition for the Shie Hassakai. An asset, if you will.”
He responds casually to Chrono as Mimic watches from the couch quietly. Kai looked at you once more.
“What do you say, girl? You want to work with me?”
He asked you but you did have slight doubts about it, thinking it over and having questions of your own to ask this man in front of you.
"What will I be doing exactly?" You ask him wondering what kind of work he will be having you do. It was a good question to ask him since it would be good to know so you could make up your mind on rather you want to or not.
“You’ll be working for me directly. I’ll have you by my side for various operations and duties. You’ll be trained by me, personally.”
He said with a slight shrug. You think about it more and decide to trust this man and with a nod you agree to work under him. He nods back before looking at Chrono.
"Show her to the bathroom so she can get cleaned up and make sure she doesn’t snoop around and keep an eye on her. Wouldn’t want anything going wrong, now would we?”
Kai demanded Chrono who nods as Kai goes back to his work looking over the documents he had. Chrono takes you out of the office and towards a small room where he grabbed a gown for you to wear for now which looked like something a hospital would make a patient wear before leading you to the bathroom, showing you where the towels were before taking his exit shutting the door and standing by the bathroom door waiting for you to be done. The shower was nice, as the hot water ran down your skin washing away the dried up blood from the guy you killed awhile ago before Chrono and Mimic brought you in to overhaul their boss. When you stepped out Chrono nodded and guided you back to Kai for sleeping arrangements to be made. You sat on the couch across from Kai who looked at you and chrono. Kai was finishing up his work for the night as he glanced over at the both of you. "where will she be sleeping boss?" “She’ll be staying in the room across from mine. She needs to be under close watch - make sure she’s settled in.” "Yes boss, understood"
Chrono agreed give a slight nod as he spoke. Kai turned back to the little bit of work he had left. He then gestured for Chrono to take you to your room that will be across from his own. It was clear Kai didn't fully trust you quite yet but he might eventually if you behave and follow his orders.
Chrono helps you out with getting settled into the room you were put in before taking his leave and letting you sleep for the night. When morning rolled around you sat up in your bed and realized it was around 7:56 in the morning. Tossing the blanket off you stand up and head towards the door opening it and stepping out of the room to see a few men walking by talking to each other. One seemed drunk as all hell holding a bottle in his hand while the other guy was a pretty large guy and pretty buff as well. Kai approaches you while you watch the men walk down the hall. "Did you sleep well?" The sound of his voice had slightly startled you a little bit as you didn't expect him to suddenly appear behind you. Turning around you look at him as he chuckles slightly knowing he had slightly startled you a little. "Oh uh... yeah" You said rubbing the back of your neck while looking down at the ground. Kai narrows his eyes a little feeling displeased that you didn't look him in the face as you spoke to him. "Look at me when you speak to me, That's an order not a request" You lift your head up to look at him seeing the slight annoyance in his eyes as he said that. "Sorry.." You muttered to him making his expression soften a bit as you apologize to him. You didn't know the rules yet so he would have to go over them with you if you're gonna be staying with the yakuza.
"Since you're new and don't know the rules around here, I’ll give you a pass this time, but whenever you speak to me or even address me, you need to look at me straight on. Don’t look at the ground, or at anything else. Only look at me. Understand Y/N?"
He was pretty strict already but you nod your head in understanding of how he would like to be addressed by you.
"Good… Now, I’ll be having someone bring you some clothes today. I cannot have you wearing that all the time, you need something more practical." He stated to you putting his hands in his pockets as he looked down at you with his golden eyes. "Now I'll be showing you what you'll be doing while your hear. Come with me" He ordered you. You start walking by his side as he continued to walk, keeping a slow pace so you could keep up. He was heading towards a certain area in the building, not saying anything as he walked towards that location. He took a glance at you as he decided to speak up again.
“You might be able to tell, but I very much care about hygiene and making sure the environment around me is clean. If I see anything that doesn’t meet my expectations, I’ll make sure it’s gone. So don't be filthy here.. You make a mess you clean it up"
"Yes sir... I understand" "Good, and while you are here you will listen to my orders, and act exactly how I want you too, I am the boss so you follow what I say when I say it. Got it?" "I understand sir"
"Good. Now for right now I'd like to really test your quirk out. See how long you can use it until you reach your limit." You decide to agree to the testing he wants to do as you both step into a room together. It was pretty spacious and empty as if it was made for training or something. When you look over at Kai you watched him pull his glove off of his hand and you started to wonder if training was gonna be an actual fight against him. You weren't worried really since your quirk was strong and you could just keep him away from you at all times which will just be a piece of cake. Kai stuffed his glove into his pocket as he stepped forward towards you calmly bringing his hand up and grazed your shoulder with his finger.
Everything had went black after that until you started to feel an unpleasant amount of pain as if your body was being reconstructed back together. It hurt so bad for a good minute or so as Kai was building your body back up after blowing you to pieces with that simple touch of his finger. Your eyes began to open and you looked at him.
"What the hell was that?" You muttered as he finished up the process of reconstructing you. He smirked a bit as you asked him that. You thought he was just gonna explain what was gonna happen not kill you on the spot then bring you back?. You were confused big time as you laid there on the floor.
"I just gave you a feel of my quirk" He stated as he stood up with hives now on his face.
"Now get up, and don't hold anything back either. Wouldn't want to disappoint me" He walked over to the middle of the room as you stood up from the floor looking at him. Kai definitely wanted to fight you and see what you could do for himself, and get an idea on how long you could hold off against him. Without warning Kai drops down and touches the ground a large amount of spiked rock came at you which surprised you but in a good way. You put your hand up and every single one shatters into pieces and with a swift motion of your hand the rocks fling towards the wall. Kai smirked under his mask knowing this will be interesting and not boring like all his other opponents. This will be harder and more entertaining for him. "Not bad Y/N, But I'm just getting started" He growled out before pulling off his other glove tossing it to the side ready to come at you with everything he's got. Kai placed both hands on the ground now sending out more your way which You react the same shattering the spiked rock, slamming them on the ground before finding the right opening to use your quirk to throw him against the wall only to release him due to your body growing tired and weak already. Kai looks at you and could see an opportunity to strike you down since you were becoming exhausted which showed him you couldn't use your quirk for to long. You lift your head up to look at him just as his hand touched the ground and sent the spiked rock towards you, impaling you in three different spots.
Your eyes watered up due to the pain you felt, the tears running down your face. Blood dripped onto the ground from your wounds he in flicked on you, leaving the sharp rock pierced through your shoulder, leg, and side. You couldn't help but cry from the pain until he reconstructed the ground the spiked rock fading back to the floor. You drop to the ground, blood coloring the floor as Kai walked over placing his hand on your body and reconstructing the wounds which sucked for you. After that Kai stands up and dusts himself off, the hives still on his skin.
"I need a shower.." He muttered before turning his gaze back to you sitting on the floor drying your tears off your face.
"Were gonna work on that quirk of yours.. I can't have you getting tired after 5 minutes" He stated in a rather harsh tone feeling a bit annoyed at the filth.
"Get up and go shower as well.. You're filthy" He said gesturing for you to following him. You stand up and follow him out of the room. You both go to separate bathrooms to clean up. Once you both finished Kai offered for you to join him for breakfast which you did, enjoying the rest of the morning with him as he showed you around the place, going over everything with you.
Months soon passed and you were able to last for a good hour now using your quirk thanks to Kai himself training you every morning and night every single day and pushing you past your limits none stop. You stood up from the ground as Kai was walking off before he stopped and looked back at you.
"Oh and if you could do so and be a good girl for me, I'd like you to join me in the shower tonight.. And don't make me wait on you, yeah?. It would be a real shame to have to wait on you." He stated making you pick your head up to look at him, a faint blush spreading across your face as he walked away. You were frozen in place for a good minute trying to figure out if you actually heard him correctly. He wanted to shower with you? really? you wondered to yourself though you will listen to him and do as you're told. You head to your room first grabbing some clean clothes and made your way to the bathroom Kai was in and walked in shutting the door, seeing him pulling off his jacket and setting it aside. His hands move up undoing the straps to his mask pulling it off as you sit there just staring at him as if your in a trance just admiring him.
"You know it's quite rude to stare, now get undressed" You snap out of it as he pulls off the rest of his clothing as you start pulling your clothes off. He steps into the shower letting the water run down his body. You step in after him, his eyes roaming over your body with a slight smirk forming on his lips before he grabs a sponge and tosses it to you. "Now scrub yourself thoroughly. I won't tolerate any impurities."
His voice was stern leaving no room for disobedience. You put soap on the sponge and started washing your body with it as he watches you, never breaking eye contact. Once you finished scrubbing yourself down with the sponge Kai grabbed you and pulled you close to him under the running water, bodies touching each other, as he lowered his head to your neck while his fingers tangle in your hair, gripping it firmly as his mouth brushes against your neck. You close your eyes and your mouth falls slightly open as butterflies are felt in your stomach being this close to him like this as the water cascades over the both of you. He kisses up your neck getting up to your ear, taking your earlobe between his teeth and pulling on it till it slips away.
"You're mine now and I'm going to claim you"
He says before pulling away and having you turn around so your back is against him and he places his arm around your neck as he positions his hard member at your entrance before pushing it in. A faint moan escapes your lips as he enters your heat.
"do you like that?. Good" He mutters in your ear as he began to thrust at a nice slow even pace letting you adjust to him.
"mmm.. Kai" You groan out in a gentle breaths. Your hand hold onto his arm as your head falls back resting on his shoulder, lowering his arm a bit until his hand is resting on your breast, gently kneading it as he thrusts into your warm wet heat.
"You feel amazing Y/N" he purrs sliding his other hand around, fingers brushing against your sensitive nub making your body twitch a bit from the contact, placing kisses on your neck.
"I love you Kai" You muttered through slight short gasps as his fingers play with your nub as he thrusts.
"I love you too Y/N"
He began to pick up his pace a little bit making your moans grow a bit louder, your grip on his arm tightening slightly as he pounded his member deep inside your pussy.
"mmm Kai" You moaned, pushing your self against him to to make him go deeper while the water pours down your bodies.
"You feel so fucking good"
He groaned in your ear before placing a kiss on your neck, hand gripping on your breast firmly, finger playing with your nub making you twitch and squirm a bit as gasped moans fill the room with the sound of running water. You started to feel close as your body started to tense up a bit.
"hmm you don't get to cum yet unless I say so" Kai mutters pulling his hand away from your sensitive nub being a tease. He slows his thrusting down a bit as he keeps his eyes on you.
"Kai please.. let me cum to you" You begged him making a smirk appear on his lips.
"Well since you asked so nicely."
He bends you over placing one hand on your waist and the other hand on the shower wall and begins to pick up his pace again being more forceful with his thrusts. You began to gasp with moans escaping your throat, as he pounded into your tight heat.
"ngh fuck Kai.. I'm close" You whimpered out as your body tensed up.
"I am to.. fuck" With one last thrust he spills his hot seed deep inside you as you gasp out your last moan as you hit your orgasm same time he does. Kai keeps ahold of you as he pulls out letting the shower wash away the fluids that dripped out of your pussy. He holds you as he sits up against the shower wall with you in his arms in the shower pushing your hair behind your ear and kissing your forehead.
"That's a good girl"
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isabeauwolf · 2 months
Okay, took me a minute to find them, but here's my fav Overhaul x reader fanfics! This one is for the female x Overhaul reader.
I'll make another list for male readers as well! ;) and another for love triangles!
Here's to my fellow members of the Chisaki Nation!!!!
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My fav Overhaul x reader fanfics Part 1
(Fair warning, some of these can get dark af, feel free to skip if it isn't your thing). Tell me which ones were your favs? ;)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35521177 Forbidden by HungarianShinobi (Doctor Overhaul x reader)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16100765/chapters/37607249 Arms At Rest by Yoshinori
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44923765/chapters/113034685 Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) by krazenground
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28194690/chapters/69088494 A Blistering Affection (Overhaul x reader) by Crimsoncat
https://archiveofourown.org/works/34057876/chapters/84719488 The Whispering Darkness by InorganicOne2230
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21403249/chapters/50990824 Purity by InorganicOne2230
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39041481/chapters/97659105 by The Club (Purity Spin-Off) by InorganicOne2230
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22309051/chapters/53285557 All That Led Us Here by InorganicOne2230
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48788473/chapters/123073762 A God Named Destruction by xillustratoryx
https://archiveofourown.org/works/33562012/chapters/83394898 Love Without Boundaries: Overhaul x Hero Reader by ArondightDusk
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26102626/chapters/63493396 Control (Overhaul X Reader) by CranberryCandy
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32472970/chapters/80530477 Home Sweet Home | Chisaki Kai x Reader by Kikyo851
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18387173/chapters/43543130 Corrupt | Chisaki Kai x Reader by Kikyo851
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37282840/chapters/93025036 Migraine by Boerning
@dummy-mars @lilydaspitfyre @togeandmegumilover @fanofflames @yey56 @phantomhoeass @ xllizs @ghostreaderwazaa @staitc-rj @slayfics @x-kiwi-03 @xxchisakislittleangelxx
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deusvervewrites · 4 months
Usually in a lot of different media, a power nullifier ability is overpowered and sometime they might or might not have drawbacks. Eraser is overpowered in the sense that it prevents emitter and transformation Quirks via Line of Sight and has a reasonable weakness in not affecting mutant Quicks and is dependent on the eyes working. (And also that Aizawa's dry eye might be related to his usage of his Quirk overtime).
I wonder that since Aizawa is an underground hero, he's more likely to work in the dark, which makes it harder for the unskilled villains to counteract against him and actually spreading meaningful information about how to counteract him. It's just that when Aizawa is in board daylight, the "knock them down in one hit" trick will eventually hit a wall if his opponent didn't get knocked down immediately, if the mob overpowers him or someone else(i.e. Shigaraki) figures him out and does a counterattack that Aizawa isn't prepared for. I wonder if he is even prepared for such a scenario that (assuming his Quirk is effective on his opponent's Quirk) he was not able to knock them down in one hit.
I'm then reminded of the fact that during the Shie Hassaikai Arc when they're rescuing Eri, he was canceling Toga's Quirk as she was mimicking Rock Lock and was capturing her with his scarf, Toga took control of the situation by grabbing his scrap in return and stabbing him, thus preventing him from joining Izuku when he had to fight Overhaul. Which means that Aizawa isn't prepared at all when he loses control over his scarf.
Aizawa the Quirkless Hero and supporter of a Quirkless Hero? Ha, I say that he's just a scrub who's dependent upon his Quirk and would actively discourage such people(and if he has too) or make them learn the complicated scarf style. All of those All Might bashing fics for Quirkless Hero Izuku don't even read the manga or watch the anime at least once. They only get bad information just from reading fanfics and the telephone game reversed the two's position.
Sometimes I feel like I need to take words away from people and "overpowered" is one of them. From writing advice articles and videos calling it "unrealistic" to this. There is nothing realistic about Quirks; that's the point. Is an alien from Krypton gaining powers from a yellow sun suddenly more plausible if he isn't bulletproof? I digress. That's not the point you're making, but it annoys me enough that I brought it up anyway.
More relevant to this point you're making, overpowered, outside of its context in gaming as a metagame defining game piece, refers to a character that can trivialize the narrative they are in. Superman as a Hero in Gotham would be overpowered. That's why he's in Metropolis, facing geniuses with legal protection. Goku can bench press planets but so can the people he fights. Akabara Strauss is the strongest character in Record of a Fallen Vampire, but he's trapped in a Tragedy instead of a battle series. Mob from Mob Psycho starts as the strongest psychic in the series, but he's a pacifist trying to understand his place in the world. Context matters.
Aizawa is not overpowered in My Hero Academia. Disabling the activation of those Quirks does not trivialize the narrative.
Regarding the rest of your analysis, it's interesting to note that the Villains at the USJ recognized him, meaning that he hasn't really done a great job at hiding how his Quirk works. Actually come to think of it, nobody in MHA bothers to hide their Quirk's function. They may not advertise it but in Hunter x Hunter this lackadaisical attitude would be a death sentence.
Aizawa was actually present for the Overhaul fight; it was Chronostasis who took him out, not his stab wound. And yeah, he would've made the fight easy, but the main conflict was not Overhaul it was saving Eri.
This last point is right on the money though. Aizawa disapproves of Midoriya's inability to use his Quirk, showing no interest in training him or in any potential that is not his Quirk, like him recognizing Underground Hero Eraserhead. Nothing we have seen from Aizawa suggests he would support a Quirkless Hero.
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angie-starz · 11 months
Fuck I need to finish writing this UA:Heroes!AU before the end of the month otherwise A03 will delete it
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Just finished reading Pez Dispenser Debris (I don’t even go there but I am fueled by Wiki articles and a love for your storytelling) and first of all—amazing!!! 10/10, I think I need to watch this series now. 
Second, I  noticed that (while very much distinct) Yuuta & Izuku have a lot of similarities in the voice you gave them—maybe it’s the constant panic attacks or perhaps both of  them placing blame for everything squarely on their own shoulders, but ough it makes for the perfect blend of gut-punching angst. I’d love to hear any ramblings you currently have about either of them. I am currently obsessed with both of them now and am placing the blame on you <3
I’m gonna pretty heavily discuss some spoilers for my hero academia in this. I figured that was okay since you’d already read my fanfic and the wiki so the cat is out of the metaphorical bag. That being said, maybe wait to read this answer if you want to not be spoiled for more details in my hero.
Yuuta and Izuku absolutely have the most similar voices out of all of my narrators and it is 90% because they are both completely insane and in violent need of a Xanax and a nice soothing cup of chamomile tea. God I love them both so much. They should each be heavily medicated.
My hero academia is a pretty great watch through the Shie Hassaikai arc. The concept is entertaining, the characters are GREAT, and the world building is really cool.
Then the story sort of. Went to shit.
I tried for a while after that, but eventually had to stop watching. My friends and I have a group chat named “horikoshi just call us” because we got so despondent at the writing decisions after that arc.
Horikoshi. If you’re out there. If you’re reading this. Just call us. We just want to help.
That being said, my love for the characters maintains its death grip on me. I simply adore them. They’re delights.
Yuuta and Izuku, on their face, have a lot of similarities as protagonists. The aforementioned insanity and need of Xanax, of course, but the skeleton of the stories has a lot of common touchstones and themes, like:
Both characters have some kind of history with suicidal ideation or tendencies. In the second scene of JJK0, it’s established that Yuuta canonically tried to kill himself. In the first episode of BNHA, Izuku is told to kill himself by his bullies, in an act which appears to be common to izuku’s life, and the only reason Izuku comes up with to not do it is “then you’d get in trouble for telling me to do it.”
Both characters have severe self worth issues. Yuuta’s looking for a reason to be alive at the start of JJK0. He’s looking for a right to be alive. In a way, Izuku is too at the start of BNHA. At the open of action, he is told by everyone in his life that he is useless. His nickname is “Deku,” which uses some of the same kanji as “Dekunobo,” meaning blockhead. The most direct translation were given is that this is a way of calling him useless. He’s the powerless member of a society choked with superpower, and he’s been told his entire life that he can do nothing, that his dreams are pointless, and that he’s a burden who would be better off dead.
They’re both saddled with power they can’t fully control. Yuuta with Rika, and Izuku with One for All, a transferable power that’s too strong to be contained in his body.
They both have a close relationship with an impossibly strong mentor that they are implied to be the successor of. Yuuta with Gojo, as he’s second only to Gojo in the modern age, and Izuku with All Might (aka Toshinori Yaga), who he is more literally taking on the mantle of One for All from.
They both are chugging that Loving Their Friends Juice and have tried to kill grown men with their bare hands as a result
That all being said, they could not be more different characters and honestly aren’t all that similar.
I have this sort of lasting grievance with literary analysis when people take a list of common plot points or events and use them to make the argument that characters are similar or parallel one another. Like, that’s all facial. The real question is how do they substantively handle those events. How do their story arcs treat those things? How does their character react to them?
Yuuta and Izuku’s actual substantive characters don’t really react to those events in the same way at all. The analysis could go on all day in this respect, really, but the biggest difference is how their respective story arcs treat the cornerstone of their original conflicts.
Yuuta opens action with Rika as the cornerstone of his conflict. She’s who he wants to free, she’s who he’s chained to, and it’s her protection of him that makes him think he deserves to die. Izuku’s cornerstone, meanwhile, is his own Quirklessness. He desperately wants to be a hero, and everyone in his life tells him he can’t be because he is Quirkless. He’s useless because he’s Quirkless. He should kill himself because he’s Quirkless. He’s a burden and always will be because he’s Quirkless.
And while Yuuta’s arc reconciles him with his cornerstone, Izuku’s forgoes it entirely.
The story just. Forgets. That he’s Quirkless. They stop talking about it. It never comes up again. It doesn’t make any real big impact on his character or decisions. It’s one of my biggest axes to grind with how the story developed, and it’s actually one of the biggest reasons why I wrote pez dispenser debris.
Pez dispenser debris was actually inspired by this one piece of my hero academia art where Izuku is hugging his younger self. I don’t know if it was official art or fan art, and I have no idea where it is or where to find it because by god have I tried so I can find it and link it for credit/to boost it. I saw it literally years ago, thought “oh that’s cool,” wrote the original first scene of the fic (where Midoriya stops the bus and is hit by the Quirk), wasn’t feeling it, got distracted by other projects, went to law school, graduated law school, signed up to take the bar exam, and was suddenly electrified in the last fucking month of studying with this fugue state of feverish artistic inspiration. I have never written so easily or so compulsively in my life. I’d write for eight unbroken hours and it would be fucking magic every time. It was like an addiction. I was writhing with a need to create and had so much fucking anxiety about the test I was not studying for instead. The words could not be restrained.
Anyway I taught myself three subjects on the plane ride to the state I was taking it in and passed anyway so it’s fine we’re fine
The moral of the story is that this story has been cooking long enough for me to get two more diplomas than I had when I started it and I have no idea where to find that fucking piece of art that inspired it, but if I find it, I’ll reblog it so y’all can see it too.
The thing is, the narrative sort of forcibly excluding Izuku’s past as Quirkless would make total sense to me if it was used as something Izuku himself was doing.
Izuku necessarily had to hide the truth of his former Quirkless status at the start of action—he needed to keep the secret of One for All. Like, he could not let people find out that a Quirk was transferrable, but you know, just the most powerful one, and also he had it, please come torture it out of him.
But as the narrative goes on, that rationale becomes less important. He has people he can trust with it. And yeah, eventually One for All becomes more known, but the discussion is all about him being all might’s successor. Him being Quirkless and how that affected him and still affects him isn’t really discussed or treated as important. And Izuku doesn’t act like it’s important to him either. He never really thinks about it.
And I just hated that. Like. He spent almost his entire life as a member of society who was spit on. He’s had a Quirk for less than a year. How are his experiences with Quirklessness not important to how he interacts with the world?
The other point of contention I had was Mirio.
Mirio is this superstar of a senpai who takes Izuku under his wing. He has an extremely powerful quirk that’s only as effective as it is because he put in the work and learned how to handle it. He’s a perfect, eternally smiling paragon of heroism. He’s flagged early as the one out of everyone, including heroes with established careers, who is most likely to replace All Might.
He’s also the one who was supposed to get One for All.
His mentor had found him and trained him to be All Might’s successor. Before All Might could meet him, however, he found this feral raccoon child in a sewer and said “oh my god I can’t not offer him incomprehensible power within the first three hours of meeting him” and tripped face first into fatherhood.
During a rescue mission, Mirio loses his Quirk in a way that’s borderline irreversible. There’s no known cure, and the only possible one is dependent on a little girl learning how to control an extremely volatile and dangerous quirk and using it in a way she never has before.
So surely, they’re going to commit to that writing decision, right? He’s Quirkless. We’re bringing back having Quirkless characters. It’s going to be this sick as hell juxtaposition between Izuku and Mirio. We are at least going to force Izuku to reflect on his own times as Quirkless or have some kind of discussion about how Mirio is treated differently now that he is Quirkless.
But no. He gets his Quirk back by the next season. We don’t talk about it much. It’s more of a minor inconvenience than anything.
It’s almost as if the show accepted as an actual rule that you couldn’t be a hero without a Quirk. And then just. Forgot. Everything it had to do with its literal protagonist.
Anyway, I hated it.
In contrast, I fucking loved how yuuta’s storyline with Rika ends. That scene where Yuuta’s turning back to Rika, thanking her for loving him, telling him they can die together? I’m obsessed with it. I recently moved across the country and listened to that theme song on loop during the drive.
Yuuta and Rika’s love was unhealthy. They hurt each other. But it wasn’t malicious.
They just didn’t know how to love each other in a way that didn’t hurt.
They were in shit circumstances. But the love was there.
Yuuta felt guilty for Rika’s love for him and his for her almost the entire narrative. He thought he cursed her with his love. He wanted to kill himself because of how she hurt people out of love for him. It’s why I have moments in sea glass gardens where Yuuta talks about begging Rika to stop loving him—he didn’t know why love had to hurt so goddamn bad, and he’s sorry for that, he really is. He wishes he was better at it than he was.
At the end of JJK0, Yuuta truly is the last person who remembers Rika as she was and still loves her for who she is. He’s faced with Geto, who wants to use her as a weapon. Everyone treats her as a threat or a tool, except for Yuuta.
Like. Just that moment. Of loving someone so genuinely, and being the last one who does, and knowing that everyone else will just use them. I’m obsessed with it.
Yuuta reconciles with his love for Rika and her love for him, and they’re both finally freed. It’s this perfect moment of acceptance that I adore. He comes to terms with his past. It doesn’t hurt him so much anymore.
I wrote pez dispenser debris to sort of force Izuku to have that kind of reconciliation. As it is, he hasn’t reconciled with his own Quirklessness and how that affected him. I wanted to give him something he couldn’t physically escape and had to face.
#tw canon typical discussion of suicide#tw suicide#tw suicide baiting#pez dispenser debris#sea glass gardens#from a narrative voice perspective you are so so right#I tend to change my writing style a bit depending on who I’m writing#and Yuuta and Izuku I use VERY SIMILAR STYLES WITH#to the point where I reuse a lot of sentences between the two stories#I do shift my writing a bit#with Yuuta I tend to use shorter simpler sentences and have a lot of ‘distance’ in the sentences#I use a lot of ‘Yuuta thinks’ and ‘Yuuta feels’ when normally I would just cut to what he actually thinks and feels#like those are a lot of fucking words that aren’t the point. they’re dead weight in the sentence. most of the time they’re unnecessary#but I /want/ there to be that distance between the start of the sentence and the point because it gives more of a detached feel to the#writing and I think of Yuuta as a very detached narrator. he spent most of his life isolated and traumatised. the distance protects him.#he’s got space between him and the rest of the world.#I go off on way more asides with Izuku but that’s less because of a mindset I’m trying to build and more because it’s my silly fun story. I#wanted to write it ‘badly’ and break rules. I wanted the silly asides that have no affect on the story but existed in my head. I don’t let#myself do the same in sea glass gardens.#pez dispenser debris isn’t abandoned by the way I’m just burning myself out on sea glass gardens before I go back to it. I have to take#periodic breaks with stories and I’m trying to get through this one arc before I take one with sgg. that arcs the entire reason why I wrote#sgg to begin with actually. I have a LOT of stories that I /love/ that I never post because I know I only have so much time and there won’t#enough to finish them all. a story has to have something I really want to do for me to actually post it. sgg wouldn’t have made the cut if#it weren’t for this one arc that I found so damn funny that I decided to write the entire thing for the sake of one scene in it. it’s not#that I don’t like sgg to be clear. I love it. it’s just one of my much softer stories?#it doesn’t have a big climactic or intricate narrative. it’s softer and about healing.#its less narratively dynamic and more introspective and probably wouldnt have made the cut were it not for one scene ngl#ill probably finish toy rosaries next once i do that arc like im so close
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number1villainstan · 1 year
fic rec: It Takes The Truth To Fool Me by AntiqueOwl on Ao3
Main characters (also POV) characters are Tsukauchi Naomasa and Nemoto Shin, in an AU where Nemoto joined up with the League rather than the Hassaikai. Tagged with Tsukauchi Naomasa/Nemoto Shin. Bakugo Katsuki apparently gets his Quirk stolen and decides to swap from hero to police. It's not finished yet, 3/? chapters, but it promises to be a fascinating story
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concussed-to-pieces · 2 years
The Chance And The Change; Part Four
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Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Pairing: (Eventual) Villain!Mirio/AFAB Shie Hassaikai!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
A/N: Gang we go full-tilt in this one. In this installment I wax theoretical on the full capacity of Mirio’s Quirk, and I will be taking certain creative liberties. That being said, please read the trigger warnings. Enjoy!
Tag List: @hijackser @nonstop-haikyuu @zombiexbody @buttons-beads-lace @moonchhu @swift-omg-no @ectoplasmictoast
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains verbal abuse, implied child abuse, allusions to previous abuse, canon-typical violence, very descriptive physical violence, gun usage and discussion and use of medication/drugs (pills). Stay safe!]
It had gone to hell, because of course it had gone to hell. 
It should have been an epic clash of moral ambiguity and you shouldn't even be involved! 
This wasn't how it was supposed to be. You were supposed to live out your days in comfortable anonymity after working for a few decades in a shady syndicate. You were supposed to keep your head down and your mouth shut, and you absolutely were not supposed to get involved in any coworkers squabbles.
'Squabble' may be an oversimplification, you admitted to yourself. 
Mirio's hand came down to cover yours, the tall man glancing at you. "Can you keep up with me? It's okay if you can't." 
Your ego had already suffered mightily during your stint with the Hassaikai, but you weren't about to let the do-gooder wannabe outpace you. "'Course." You scoffed, your brow furrowed in annoyance. "I just hope you can keep up with me, Schoolboy."
It was clearly posturing, but Mirio appreciated your determination all the same. 
He needed you to keep your hold on his arm long enough for him to at least deal with Deidoro. Your Quirk could dampen Deidoro's and that would make his job infinitely easier. 
Togata was uncertain if the two of you would be able to function effectively together, though. He usually relied on calculating out his ricochets but with you holding his arm, using his Quirk like that wouldn't be possible. He would have to do things the old-fashioned way. As he was thinking that, you slid your hand down his arm to take his hand instead, lacing your fingers through his own and giving him a light squeeze.
Deidoro chuckled darkly while circling around Mirio and you. "Silly schoolboy, hangin' around with the wrong crowd." He jeered, hiccupping afterwards. "Thought you'd get special treatment from the boss? He hates people like you, hates hates hates."
"I'm starting to realize that I don't care much about what he thinks of me." Mirio replied airily, "and if my loyalty is called into question, that's all the better." He wished he could give you more warning when he was about to strike, but he knew he was already essentially telegraphing his moves to Deidoro. 
The Hassaikai member dodged his first punch while laughing wildly, and as such was caught off guard when both you and Mirio swung your combined fists down into his chest like a hammer. Deidoro staggered back, wheezing out swears. "Why the hell ain't you two weavin' yet?! You should already be more off-balance, what the fuck-"
Mirio lashed out next with his legs, landing one kick after another in rapid succession. You followed along after him, your fist crashing into Deidoro's jaw to knock him back another step. Mirio caught the grim look on your face and it heartened him somewhat to see that your determination hadn't been entirely bluster. You clearly believed you had some skin in this game, and you had decided that it was worth fighting for.
"Why you always gotta' make things so difficult?" Deidoro slurred, spitting a wad of bloody saliva at Mirio's boots. "Always fuckin' around, always upsettin' the bossman. You make me sick, know that? You ain't ever had a hard time in your life, and you!" His attention shifted to you and Mirio felt your hand involuntary twitch. "You, you're the reason my Quirk ain't workin' on him! You little bitch, I'll fuckin'-"
Mirio, used to reading movements, realized what you were about to do and figured he could tack on a little extra. You dropped down suddenly to sweep the ranting Deidoro's leg and Mirio fed your momentum into his own spinning back kick, his heel connecting with the side of Deidoro's skull and sending the thin man tumbling across the floor. The member of the Eight Bullets hit the wall and there he slumped, lifeless.
The sudden silence was all-too-quickly broken when Nemoto's gun fired, the projectile whizzing past your head and making you accidentally jerk your hand free of Mirio's grasp. Luckily with Deidoro unconscious his Quirk was rendered inert, leaving Mirio free to speedily deal with Nemoto.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's dangerous to play with guns?" Togata scolded, the next shot passing harmlessly through his body as he charged forward.
"Why are you doing this?!" Nemoto shouted at the younger man, his Quirk compelling Mirio to answer.
"Because it's the right thing to do!" Mirio yelled, ricocheting out of the floor and tackling the slight man. As he struggled to wrest the gun from the flailing Nemoto, you sprinted past him after Chisaki.
Eri pleaded for you to leave while simultaneously clinging to you, her tiny hands tangled in your jumpsuit. Behind you came the sounds of a frantic pursuit; running footsteps, Overhaul barking orders and you knew Kurono was probably already hot on your heels. You prayed that Mirio had finished dealing with Nemoto, otherwise things were about to get even hairier for you.
The floor in front of you abruptly reformed into a carpet of vicious spikes, making you skid and lunge to one side, then the other as the cement underfoot rippled like water. Shit, shit shit I am not fast enough for this, you realized grimly, planting Eri on your shoulders in a desperate bid to keep her out of harm's way. 
A spike drove into your side and you hissed out a swear, twisting away from the site of injury. 
"I've got her!" Mirio was suddenly beside you, snatching the child from your grasp while the next foiled onslaught of sharpened protrusions crashed to the floor around him. "Get out of here!"
"Oh sure, I'll get right on that!" You yelled, aiming a kick to punt another sidelong spike into the stratosphere. "Look, now's definitely the time to let me know you can make other people untouchable!"
Togata shot you a regretful look that was all the answer you needed, and in that moment of inattention the floor beneath him erupted upwards in a sea of jutting spikes. 
You swore again, this time much louder. Of course Mirio had avoided most of them, the taller man hoisting Eri overhead and bounding out of range. The cement protrusions phased through his lower body, failing to reach Eri before they were crumbling to be reformed anew. Again and again Overhaul struck, only barely falling short to Mirio's clever maneuvering. Lemillion was nothing but a red and white streak, somehow managing to maintain his usual velocity even with Eri in his hold. 
Yet still, you had the feeling that the two of you were only prolonging this torment. You didn't have any real aspiration for victory, and the knowledge that everything was essentially over sat in your stomach like a lead weight. Everything had gone so wrong. There was that tiny hope that you and Mirio would waste enough time and cause enough of a ruckus that the pros could still manage to locate Eri, but it was growing smaller by the second.
Shards of yellow polycarbonate went flying past your head and it only took you a moment to figure out that Mirio's visor had been destroyed by a blow to his temple. The young man reeled, nearly impaling himself when he staggered backwards. 
You bolted towards him, arms outstretched in a desperate bid to grab Eri instead of letting her get dropped. A slab of flooring tipped upwards beneath your feet, making you stumble and nearly fall before you managed to catch the child. "Lemillion!" You then shouted an order, thoroughly fed up with the current state of things, "get him!"
It was like flipping a switch. Mirio lurched downward into that familiar stance, shoulders tight and knees bent. There was murder in his eyes and then…
He was gone.
Get him.
Those two words seared through his rattled mind, latching on to his very being. Fighting the fog of concussion and impact, the haze of red from the blood slowly dripping into his eye, Mirio could barely make out the shadowy form of Chisaki across the room. Chronostasis seemed to be flanking him as well, not that it mattered.
Get him.
You would take care of Eri. You were strong, so strong, stronger than you thought. You could keep her safe. You had faith in him. You thought he could do this. You believed he could defeat Chisaki.
Get him.
A breath out, a breath in, predict his movements, remember his position.
Mirio sank down into the floor, angling himself before he rocketed upwards again. He was too fast for Overhaul's spikes, but he could hear them impacting against one another directly behind him. Chisaki was still desperately trying to keep him at a distance. 
It would do him no good. 
Mirio's eyes narrowed, his whole field of view reduced to the man who had caused such misery and pain. "Chisaki!" He roared, his fist crashing into the yakuza leader's midsection. The next moment he phased his arm through nearly to his shoulder, fingers seizing the back of the other man's jacket. "This is for what you've done to her!" Mirio seethed, then solidified his arm. 
The limb was whipped backwards of its own accord, dragging the thick jacket fabric along with it through Overhaul's stomach and trapping his arms at his sides in the now-taut sleeves. Togata leaned into the motion of the recoil, the heel of his other hand hooking beneath Chisaki's chin and ushering him to the ground. 
The back of Chisaki's head slammed into the floor with a devastating amount of force and he screamed out in agony, writhing underneath Mirio's bulky form. The young man leaned in close, close enough to see the panic in the eyes of the normally unflappable leader of the Hassaikai. "Congratulations." Mirio informed him through gritted teeth. "You've pissed me off."
Kurono attempted to use his Quirk on Mirio and received a face-shattering backhand for his trouble, the white-robed man folding like a house of cards under the single blow.
"I want you to suffer, like you made Eri suffer. Like you made that little girl hurt." Togata continued, shaking his hand to alleviate some of the sting as Kurono collapsed. "Everything you've ever done to her, I'll return tenfold!"
Chisaki scrabbled at the ground, the flooring abruptly dissolving when he activated his Quirk. "I'll kill you for this, Schoolboy." He hissed, managing to escape out of Mirio's hold by shifting the cement to knock the younger man aside.
"I'm not done with you yet!" Mirio spat, his boot landing squarely on the center of Overhaul's right thigh, only to phase through it and then blow out the side in a bloody mess when he resolidified his foot. This particular technique always made Mirio's bones ache but he barely noticed it now, so intent was he on his attack. 
Get him.
Both palms slammed down on Overhaul's forearms, phasing through and then gloved fingers digging into greedy handfuls of muscle. Overhaul shrieked wordlessly as Mirio tore free, tissue and bloodspray splattering on the floor in a gory display. 
Togata's forehead cracked into the older man's, his teeth bared in a furious snarl. "I could kill you, boss." He reminded Chisaki in a gutteral whisper, one bloodied finger hovering at about eye height. "Could crush your brain from the inside, excise you like the cancer you are. I can take you apart faster than you can fix yourself, I promise you that much."
The younger man paused, the words he had just uttered sounding foreign and wrong to his ears. Maybe this was too much, maybe he was playing into Chisaki's hands by teetering on the edge of this…unfamiliar, red tide of fury. 
Overhaul's response erased his doubt, however.
"Where the hell was this attitude when you were whining to me about hero restrictions?" Chisaki choked, feebly attempting to buck Mirio off again. "Schoolboy, you've missed your calling. If I had known you were so eager to kill-"
"Shut the hell up!" Togata raged, Overhaul's mask creaking under the stress of his continued pressure. "It's over, Chisaki! Once the pros get here-!"
"Is it? Oh, is it, Schoolboy?" The older man wheezed and Mirio both felt and heard a rumbling crash behind him. Togata dared to glance back, his eyes widening as he realized that the hallway had collapsed. "Looks to me like things are just getting started!"
Mirio traded blows with Chisaki while you desperately searched for a way around the rubble that had nearly crushed you. You knew you didn't have much time to waste, Mirio hadn't been in great shape to begin with. 
The roof kept dropping debris and Eri ducked her face into your chest, mumbling something frantically. "We've got you, kiddo." You soothed, giving her a smile you didn't feel. "Once the pros get here, you'll be safe. Just hang on a little longer." 
"Everyone's going to die because of me." She sobbed, giving you pause. "People always get hurt, and it's all my fault."
Before you could reply the ground under your feet shattered, shit he's back on us! You flung yourself back, landing against the wall with a grunt. "No way." You panted. "That's just something that adults say to make themselves feel better about doing bad things. It's a lie, kiddo, so don't you buy it for a second." Eri stared up at you wide-eyed. "People want to help you. There's a bunch of people on their way right now to help you! We just have to hold out a little longer. Can you be brave with me for a little longer?" 
The floor next to you split apart, spikes shooting upwards from the chasm. Columns snaked towards you in a mad dash, forcing you back until you were trapped against the tangle of rubble again. A large chunk of flooring that had flipped upwards looked like it would maybe shield you from the next bombardment and so you flung yourself behind it, curling into a ball.
"Just a little longer." You repeated, cupping Eri's head and tucking her face into your chest to dampen the attack that was coming. 
Instead, a warm body pressed to your back. Arms wrapped around your torso and both you and Eri were thrown bodily into the air, just high enough to miss the deadly onslaught. 
Your eyes widened, realizing as you stared down at his bloodied, smiling face that…
Mirio was a hero. 
Not someone like the pros, not someone authorized by the government to protect the population, not someone motivated by the perks and power. 
Mirio Togata was a true hero, a real hero, someone who made mistakes and had a moral compass that was faulty but always tried to do good and right. He was incredible. Everything you could never be. Strong, certain, and willing to throw himself to the wolves if it meant the faintest chance of rescuing someone in need.
Well shit. 
You crashed to the floor, the wind knocked out of you by the rough landing (and the rock that had made itself at home in your lower back). Eri struggled free from your arms and you couldn't exactly move yet, so it wasn't a particularly difficult task.
"Lemillion!" Eri cried. You woozily raised your head, blinking in an attempt to clear your vision. 
Mirio was still standing but only just, his left leg giving out even as you watched. He toppled to the ground, catching himself with his right arm. The left hung awkwardly from his shoulder; whether dislocated or broken you couldn't say. He mustered up a smile for the little girl despite his obvious injuries and something, something inside you flickered to life.
Sure, you were tired. Sure, everything on your body felt like one giant bruise. Sure, sure, sure. But if Mirio could still fight on, you would too, dammit!
The lone sheet of capsules rested forlornly in your palm, its plastic bubbles mangled. You'd get maybe six intact pills out of it if you were careful. Gingerly peeling the foil sheet off the back of the plastic, you tried to ignore Mirio's panting. Even from your current position, you could hear how hard he was working just to pull breath. You closed your eyes, trying hard to steel your nerves before you acted on this really, really stupid idea. 
The pills nearly stuck in your dry throat when you swallowed, but you forced them all down. 
You slowly rose to a crouching position, focused on Mirio's form hunched over Eri. There was a gaping wound in his thigh which seemed to be the chiefest issue, several more deep lacerations on his torso. Work on the chest wound first, get him back up to speed, go to leg from there, shoulder next.
A massive column struck the wall and shattered where your head had been as you made a break for Mirio and Eri. You felt the air displaced by the speeding object whip by your cheek and your legs very nearly failed you, but you gritted your teeth and forced yourself forwards.
You skidded to a stop practically on top of Togata, placing both your palms on his back. Mirio coughed raggedly, his eyes shooting open no doubt in response to the sensation of your enhanced Quirk. Your own skin felt like it was on fire and you squinted, setting your jaw. "Don't move," you warned. "It's a lot harder to fix if you jostle me."
"Nemoto, shoot him!" Overhaul's shouted order cracked like a whip through the air. Chisaki would absolutely force the situation, which meant that you had seconds to get done what usually took hours. Mirio had apparently not dealt with Nemoto as well as you had hoped. To be fair, Mirio had done the bulk of the heavy lifting thus far. You couldn't exactly blame him for not wholly incapacitating the marksman, regardless of how much it was going to potentially cost you.
Your eyes narrowed and you glared down at your hands, willing your Quirk to work faster dammit! It was okay if you got shot, you decided spontaneously. It was okay if something bad happened to you. At least you knew how to deal with bad stuff and…and if something bad happened to you, that meant it wasn't happening to Mirio or Eri, which was good. 
Better me than you, Schoolboy.
"Nemoto-!" Mirio tried to rise, his good arm flailing back at you like he was going to push you away.
"Don't. Move." You hissed, your fingers digging into his uniform. You had no idea what angle Nemoto would have, but you tried to widen your stance all the same. "Don't let this be for nothing, okay? You've got things to accomplish, Mirio. You've got shit to do!" You jerked your chin towards Eri's terrified face. "You can keep the kid safe. You can be the hero she needs right now!" Your upper arms ached from how tightly you were clenching your muscles, but the rigid posture helped speed the process. Come on, come on!
"I'm not letting y–wait, wait," Togata attempted to prop himself up, the large man barely managing to get on all fours. 
"The hell did I just say?!" You shouted, bolting onto your knees to lock your arms and slam your full weight down on top of Mirio. He collapsed again, fingers clawing desperately at the rubble, at your leg–
As he met the ground once more, a shot rang out. 
The bullet meant for Mirio punctured the back of your shoulder, tearing through your uniform and burying itself in the skin beneath with ease. You arched your back, the pain flashing lightning-bright in front of your eyes and nausea abruptly souring your mouth. It felt almost like the time an overzealous security guard had tasered you; every muscle in your body drawn taut and screaming for mercy while white-hot agony radiated outwards from the point of impact. 
Battling through the urge to just go limp, you sobbed out a breath and clawed forward to grasp Mirio's injured shoulder. By some incredible stroke of luck it seemed that you had been able to reset the dislocated limb with your amplified Quirk, which you hadn't anticipated at all! "Thank fuck." You muttered through clenched teeth, feeling almost sick with relief. He could still fight. He could still do this.
Mirio began to fight your hold anew, clearly healed enough to function again. He all but threw you off his back, his eyes flying to your wounded shoulder.
"It'll be okay!" You tried to smile but failed miserably, settling for a pained grimace as you clumsily tried to apply pressure. "I was serious, anyhow. Don't let this shit be for nothing. It's definitely better me than you."
"You shouldn't have had to make that kind of choice." Togata's voice had an odd rasp, the man clearly enraged. "Not for me."
The floor suddenly lurched beneath your knees. An explosion rang in your ears and larger chunks of concrete debris began raining down on the three of you. All you saw was a green blur rocketing towards Chisaki through a freshly-made hole in the wall and Mirio rising to stand tall over you, his arm moving a split-second too late to shield you from the next shower of cement detritus.
Part Five
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